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human on pony ≥ solo mare>>>>>>>>> literal shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>any other mlp nsfw.
where do tentacles fall into this equation?
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It's not fair
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I'm sure this will be a lovely thread with no arguing whatsoever.
My tastes > Universe sized power gap > Your Tastes

OP BTFO don't @ me
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you can't just fuck ponies
Fact flood.
u dum
true, i wish I could draw...
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At this point your spam is on par with every other kind.
boardwide belief thoughbeit
I don't like tentacles personally but you do you
Based, anyone who likes stallion on mare is a voyeur and/or a cuck.
or a furfag who wants to be a pony
Are you that cuck who was seething at and bumping (like a retard) a human on pony thread 24 hours straight 2 days ago?
Most human on pony fags are on par with blackedfags. They both exalt one thing, or themselves, as the ultimate sexual tool.
>muh human stamina, muh black genetics
>muh huge human dick pleases mares better, muh big black cock is better
You are the same. Exactly the same. Always remember this.
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nice bait
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Solo mare >>>>> everything else
It's quite simple.
lol don't care, the porn is great.
That's Stripped. Human supremacy is more akin to Mary sue harem anime where every girl is hopelessly attracted to the MC.
>twifag has shit opinions
why is this so common
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Anons when a Superior Black Male steals their mare
He spoke the truth and everyone lashed out
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1. Mare on mare
2. Solo mare
3. Literal human feces powergap
4. Human on mare
5. Stallion on mare
6. Stallion on stallion
>twifaggot shares his fetishes and thinks everyone must be like him
It seems that way sometimes.
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>mare x mare at the top
I agree
>twichad speaks the TRVTH
Unless you astral project into the image, it's still voyeurism. Sorry, champ.
Sadly this. And human on pony makes it easier to make a blacked edit.
I just wish the ptfg and aie bait threads stopped. Is it hard to not be a faggot about it?
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