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What happened? Also stallion thread for stallions and other mlp males
ITT we talk about stallions (and other non-pony males) and R63 versions of mares.

Last thread: >>41276991
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Nuke happened.
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I don't know, but there is never enough Big Mac.
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if you clicked ur gay lol
I like anthro but I don't like men. What does this make me?
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So cute and sexy
Suck horse cock
Stage 1.
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good, I hope he gets his ass rawed
Brae is bae
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I want him
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and he wants you to donate to his ponelyfans
And gae
This thread is not helping in my journey without clopping for a week.
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Its not gay if its a pony stallion with a fat booty
>pornstache + circle beard

Why the fuck would you do this to my boy?
Why would you do that?
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>tfw no gay ass French fuckboi stallion
For the sake of my health.
Stallion rump
because he looks attractive as fuck and I would kiss him very much as long as cadance isn't around
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He looks like a zebra Zephyr with this hair.
She would want you to anyways.
He's way cuter tho
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imagine the buckets of cum
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Zeeb milk (male)
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It's a crime that they hooked Sandbar up with that yak instead of ourboy
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Their colour scheme works well together
I need an adult
I can fix him
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Sorry prettybois, looks like he’s checking out moon booty
Can't stallions enjoy mare butts?
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Male mailponies
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>stallions can't be bi
>stallions can't appreciate a nice ass when he sees one, male or female
i shiggy diggy
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Me in the bottom
Opinion discarted.
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I need Sunburst in my life. I need him to hold me and cuddle me and kiss me and comfort me and nuzzle me and have a foursome with Shining and Cadence and fill every hole in my body with cum oh Gooddd....
Opinion accepted
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I fucking hate his vids, but the still images of ponies he makes are actually pretty nice (some of the time).
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what do you think of scootaloo's dad australian big mac?
Top dilf
fuck that daughter-abandoning shitstain
That's kinda gay, anon.
I want to make Hitch my bitch
this image does so many things to me
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What tomfoolery are they up to now?
>Bat stallion maid
Holy unf.
Gay sex
A night out with the bros
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this could be us at the stallion panel but THERE AINT ONE THIS YEAR
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I want to snuggle a stallion
A stallion wants to snuggle (you)
How come no one ever tries pairing the teenage birb with a big dicked, older stallion ?
because he's gallus
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I need to snuggle a stallion
Don't we all
Snuggles pls
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male pony
Do y'all prefer your stallion flanks soft and squishy, or firm and toned?
definitely soft and squishy, I wanna make that butt bounce while I plap it
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What about horse dads?
Don’t get me started.
Night Light and Jack Pot are both prime dilf materials
too bad he's a piece of shit
citation needed
>abandons his daughter
>she becomes a miserable outcast due to lack of social skills which itself is due to lack of a parental figure
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I never saw that episode, so he's just an older, hotter version of trixie
He didn't even do anything wrong in the episode
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pharynx orgy?
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I like where this is going.
Kisses kisses kisses i love to kiss kisses kisses stallion kisses
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Stallion bump.
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Wait... is that a ponified Jack Harkness?
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Gallus what are you doing?!
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Mailponies are so cute
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This Vinyl looks mad.
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>Male ponies are so cute
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A fitting position
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Cute guy, I'd fuck his ass.
feminine stallions are my weakness
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He looks like such a fag
I wanna fuck him
I'm not gay but Artemis, Rule 63 Luna, whatever you want to call him, he's the best looking stallion with the best personality.
Imagine all the freaky, reality-defying dream sex that's only possible when lucid dreaming.
I agree. There are a few different versions out there, but over all I think is is just a really handsome horse, he looks like a very fine animal, and his personailty that exist exclusively in my head seems pretty chill.
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need femboy zeeb
Zebradom >>>>>> anything else
>dommed by a cute feminine little zebra
t. nigger
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Unf plap plap
How about domming a zeeb until he'ssubmissive?
>Strip striking
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Who's this pony?
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>Sure is a shame I don't see any!
the problem is trying the wrong way - the tailhole has nothing to do with pregnancy, but the dickhole does
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top unf
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Look at that cute smile
https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2023/8/18/3184910.jpg thoughts?
It's weird because it seems like the genital placement is supposed to be more or less proper, but he still has a ballsack that starts at his asshole. Nice cock tho.
Too splotchy
very gay thread
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I dunno, TamersSoarin being a 50 y/o closet case coltcuddler who lets random stallions he meets while traveling from city to city fuck his tight asshole in between wonderbolt performances is pretty hot. Bonus points for him being insecure about his micropenis and struggling with the idea that he'll never be able to satisfy a hungry cock slut like Braeburn with it.
Some of the animated stuff is nice too
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Bump your thread, you fags.
Bump for more faggotry
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New Tamerskino today. Lots of cute gay horsies and bdsm.
That thumbnail scares me.
I want to bump, but everytime I see tamershit here I lost all interest in this thread.
>See cute image of gay ponies.
>Get mad.
Calm down. I don't really like Tamer's cartoons either, but most of the images and gifs look fine.
It's the shilling that bothers me.
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Yesss, very good stuff
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Best part of that shitty movie unironically.
Never watched Tamers before. Is it similar to MAS in that the production value is ass but the writing is at least engaging?
You know the hide button?

I love this r63
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Stallion cuddles
Don't like the direction it took after 28 minutes in.
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The production value can go from complete ass to anime quality out of no where. I would say it makes more creative use of limited animation than MAS. The appeal or Tamers is that he comes off as a degenerate NEET with dubious art ability who ostensibly inserts his weird fetishes into his videos but also knows how to write good stories. To me it sorta feels like an alien with extensive knowledge of 80s sitcoms and gay pornos with little understanding of what human life actually is on Earth made a high throughput youtube channel, slapped my ass and called me his bitch. His videos invoke a very particular feeling you don't get from other media, but it's not for everyone.

Also it's really gay but not in a faggot sort of way but sometimes in a faggot sort of way.
Squish that bat!
You could post not tamers

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