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Best nurse pone to the front page stat.
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I love her so much bros it's unreal
Same here my friend
When you can't even say my name
Has the memory gone? Are you feeling numb?
Go and call my name
I can't play this game, so I ask again
Will you say my name?
Has the memory gone? Are you feeling numb?
Or have I become invisible?
Wasn't expecting Duran Duran in my Nursey thread
She would literally never say that
To appeal to the colts and fillies she would, a bit like a how do you do fellow kids
She has a more ambiguous accent in S1, but when she reappears in S7 her accent is more heavily Canadian than before. The difference is noticeable. Though it's fun to imagine her with different accents since she has such few speaking roles
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Cheerilee is dead, so I'll help bump Nurse instead.
So she's a groomer
No she literally works with kids in the show you projector
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Unfa unfa nurse rumpa
Sculpted horsie hocks hhhhhh
On duty latex
Off duty sox
can someone explain me why you're so fixated on a nurse
what's so attractive in this nurse?
she's just a white-coated pony, and this makes you turned on? If she had a different colour, would you still find her attractive?
Imagine how good your life would be with a mare nursing assistant by your side...
Now replace S with N.
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You prefer the alternative?
Her compassion, work ethic, kindness, and is a very pretty mare.
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The nurning annintant!!
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Couldn't have said it better myself! She also inspires me in my nursing career everyday! I want to make her proud!!
Hi friend! Hope to see you at Mare Fair in a few weeks, please actually leave some Redheart merch for me this time.
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>Hi friend! Hope to see you at Mare Fair in a few weeks
You as well fren! I hope you have a fun time at KSC while you're in the area!
>please actually leave some Redheart merch for me this time.
No worries! I don't think I'll go quite as hard in the vendor hall this time around. I got a few new Redheart plushies this year along with a huge LS!! So I definitely got my nursie fix this year already!
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Very late bedtime bump
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I think I broke my pinkie toe today, nurse bros.
I rammed it into my bed frame really hard last night, now it's bruising and hurts like hell if I move it.
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Euthanize me, Nurse. I'm ready.
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Always remember Anon, dying is gay.
Pinkie toes are too small for doctors to fix in any useful way. You can fix it just as well as they can: Get some gauze and wrap it around your pinkie toe and the adjacent toe. You're trying to strap your broken toe to your healthy one so that the healthy one stabilizes the other. Change the gauze regularly. Your toe will feel better after six weeks, but it's not done healing yet and can be reinjured very easily. After three months, it'll be done, and you'll be fine.
Alternatively, you could let yourself get MRSA and get it amputated.
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I already mummified my toe when I noticed the bruising. Didn't even notice it was broken until halfway through my shift at work.
Maybe I could get a cool robot toe for my troubles.
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Sometimes I wish more nurse ponies wore scrubs/uniforms. It would be top cute!
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There was this episode.
I know we got to see glimpses of more nurse ponies in S7E3, but it kinda makes me wish we got more. Like a whole episode about a day in the life of a ponyville nurse and all the shenanigans it must entail
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Also reminds me I once doodled a pic of Reddy based on this screencap!
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Almost getting fired by the chief nurse (or whatever Nurse Neightingale is, I don't know how nurse hierarchy works) due to birds, and also finding out the janitor is trying to practice medicine, apparently.
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Oh yeah I almost forgot about that comic. Poor Reddy...
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Post gym bump
Wait what comic is this?
My Little Pony: Ponyville Mysteries Issue #1
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nini nursefrens
For plapping
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Perfect for the cardio gains unfa
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Finally some good fucking food. Thanks nursie!
mmmmm nursie milk which also implies she's either pregnant or has already birthed our foal
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Why not both? Redheart is for having many foals! She's prime mother material!
She's not a groomer. Just a loser.
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Well she can't go on maternity leave too often. Do you really think Snowheart can handle the nursery all by herself?
Look it's only because she's so hot that I combust
It's because she's so hot that I bust
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she bust
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Nurse sexo
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Goodnight bump
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Nursie blowing a kiss and winking in your direction will do more to cure you than the most well-equipped hospital and any amount of money ever will. Nursie loves you, the government doesn’t.
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>Winking in your direction
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>Winking in your direction
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>Nursie loves you, the government doesn’t.
It's true!!
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Can't wait to take Redheart out to a tendie dinner again at Mare Fair!!
Ooooh artist name that did this cute art please?
Unfortunately I don't know the artist. Last year I was the first person to arrive at the tendie dinner because I was so early. I took a pic of my nurse purse and uploaded it to the mare Fair thread at the time. Some Anon then replied with this absolute QT nursie draw
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More than okay. She's just so pretty and hopefully the artist is there again this year
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She's so beautiful!!
Anon I...
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Cute filly nurse
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the little SHE!!
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bump before bed
Absolute qt... unfa tiny nurse rumpa
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Tactical Nurse snowpity drop
How do you bg mare fags handle her barely being around and no official merch at all?
If this thread is still alive next week I'll see if I can't squeeze in some time to draw cute nursepons
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>How do you bg mare fags handle her barely being around
By being happy that Hasbro didn't get around to ruining her character
>and no official merch at all?
Hasn't stopped me from amassing a small hospital's worth of nursies fren
That's beautiful that you're dedicated to her
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She makes me so happy! I wouldn't have it any other way!!
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Now I must go commit crimes against being awake. Good night thread!
The rare long hair nurse!
Slap the Nursie tummy
Do it
Slap it
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Pet the nurse tummy gently
Rub the nurse tummy vigorously
very 80s
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While I love her mane bun I am also partial to her flowy pink locks! I like to imagine this is how she wears her mane at home after a long shift at the horsepital
Quick double slapping action required
With both hands
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>Page 10
Nursing this thread
You know what you redheartfags should do? Go to the Red Cross and get certified and reclaim her old cutiemark
In my headcanon pony hospital beds are sized big enough for two ponies because the nurses pop in to take a short rest with the patients (who don't have communicable illnesses, obviously) on their breaks.
But they might try and confiscate all my Geneva convention-violating plushies
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Pic kinda related
That would require a lot of firepower
Which would be doable since I'm sure nursefags are armed to the teeth
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>I'm sure nursefags are armed to the teeth
Aw yis
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Big beds for beeg nurse pony cuddles!! Their healing touch can cure even the most debilitating pains
Turns out Redheart is a staunch believer of bayonet charges
imagine reaching down to play with her teatas
Judging from her expression, I'm pretty sure she expects it.
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That's what the med students are for
She looks very smug.
Imagine how I feel being with my wife spooning her like that.
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Working out for the SHE this morning! Gotta get strong enough to carry her up the stairs and into bed after a long shift!
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Posting a few nursies before bed!!
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night night nurse thread
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NURSA art in real life!!
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Still a wip, but i dunno what my schedule is looking like later this week
Lovely work fren! I can't wait to see where it goes!!
That is okay love it nonetheless and thank you
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Her kind healing spirits gives me life!
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The nurse has awoken
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Benefits of working in pony hospitals: pony admin cares about you.
Back rubsies for Reddy!!
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Headpats for Reddy
Goodnight nurse frens
Who makes the best Redheart plushies? I NEED one.
>"I'm so sorry, Anon."
"Yeah, I get that. You've said so a hundred times."
>"I just thought it would be really fun, that's all."
"Well, it wasn't."
>"Come on, how was I supposed to know that humans can't fly?"
"Dash, I don't even have wings, for crying in a bucket!"
>You are lying in a bed at the Ponyville General Hospital, swaddled in blankets and bandages.
>Since you regained consciousness, a distraught Rainbow Dash has appeared daily at your bedside to express her regrets.
>Today she has brought Fluttershy with her for moral support, which doesn't really help that much as she is still too scared of you to talk to you.
>A nurse enters the room.
>"All right you two, visiting hours are over, so scoot."
>Saved by the bell.
>"It's time for Mr. Anonymous's therapy."
>Therapy? What therapy?
>"Okay, see you tomorrow Anon," Rainbow Dash says as she slouches out of the room.
>A barely audible voice squeaks, "Get well soon, Anon."
>That raises the count of words Fluttershy has said to you to a grand total of nine.
>The nurse quickly and efficiently takes your vital signs, writing them on a chart hanging on one wall.
>"Could you scoot over, please?"
>Maybe she wants you closer to the edge of the bed to make this therapy a little easier.
>"A little more? That's fine, right there."
"So what kind of therapy is this?"
>In answer, the nurse climbs into bed with you, lies down, and gently nestles herself into your side before draping one fore hoof across your chest.
"Wait, what? Time out! I thought this was a therapy session!"
>"It is, Mr. Anonymous. Cuddle Therapy."
"Cuddle therapy? That's a thing here?"
>"Try to relax."
"How is cuddling even a therapy?"
>The nurse's body heat radiates into you as she draws herself into almost embarrassingly close contact.
>"Studies by the Royal Canterlot College of Medicine have conclusively demonstrated that daily cuddles speed recovery, and increase the probability of positive medical outcomes."
>The nurse snuggles further into you, her muzzle pressing gently into your neck.
"Um, I don't mean to be rude, but this feels just a little awkward for me."
>"Oh? Why is that?"
>Her soft voice comes from right beneath your ear.
>You fidget before answering, attempting to guard more sensitive portions of your anatomy.
"Well, I'm a guy, and you're a girl, and I don't even know your name..."
>"I could call for a male attendant if that would be more-"
>You hastily interrupt.
>That would be even more awkward.
>"It's Bonesaw."
>Nurse Bonesaw gives you a squeeze before continuing.
>"I only didn't tell you because some ponies find the name off-putting."
>You hope that you haven't offended her.
"Oh, well, I'm not bothered by it, really."
>This apparently earns you another squeeze.
>"Please try to relax. It helps the therapy work if you can calm down."

(1 of 2)

"Cuddle therapy works for broken bones?"
>"Cuddle therapy works for everything short of clinical death."
>You remind yourself, not for the first time, that this is not the world you grew up on, and that they do things differently here.
>You take a deep breath and blow it out.
"Yeah, okay. Cuddle therapy. I'll try anything once."
>"Good. Now shush."
>Doctor's orders, you guess.
>Tentatively, you slide your good arm around her, and she doesn't react.
>"There you go. Now you're getting the idea."
>It's so peaceful that you nearly drift off to sleep.
>It's so comfy that you're actually disappointed when she gently disengages herself from you an hour later, telling you that she has to see other patients.
>After she leaves, you drift off into restful slumber.

(2 of 2)
Redheart prescribed me 600ccs of mare hugs every hour but she won't tell me what a cc is
did kojimanon ever come back to finish that green? I thought it was really good
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Thank you for the dose
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You're welcome Anon!
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Work bumpa
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A nurse pone in uniform is always top cute!!
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Redheart took the day off
This will be your nurse for this day
It is important for Nursey to rest, thank you for covering for her Nursetavia
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>Imagine how good your life would be with a mare nurning annintant by your nide...
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Nursie in sockies!!
Is the "s" key broken on your keyboard?
why the fuck do nurse outfits make any mare extra plappable. Violently plappable. Vigorously plappable. Gently plappable. Sometimes.
Read the post he replied to.
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Restful sleeps be upon you nursie
poor nurse didn't even get her iced coffee
10 :(
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Thanks frens!
Bumpa the nurse rumpa
That's sweet, thank you for writing, anon!
Algoatall is the artist. He was doing several draws over con pics in the Mare Fair threads
Nice! Only way it would be better is if distraught Dash cuddled me too. Can we get a prescription for this therapy at home? For best recovery you understand
dashie unf plap plap
You know you're alright dashfag, just tell your brothers to stop plapping up threads >>41399485
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Some Reddy before beddy
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>even has a stress toy
Squeaky Space Marine stress toy
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>Page 10
Nursing this thread
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the nurse needs a vacation...
How does she regain the healing nursie energy before going back to work?
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I would but those aren't dashfags
>u aight
Thanks, I am a nurse after all
lots of hugs from anon in the morning (EARLY morning, 2-3am) and a cup of coffee and a ibuprofen
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And don't forget plenty of sleep!!
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>plenty of sleep
I like to imagine that Redheart prioritizes her rest and that the hospital even lets the nurse ponies sleep there if need be
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Nursa loaf
Equestrian medical facilities don't understaff and overwork.
(a hospital worker engaging in extracurricular activities, ex. loafing)
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Stress toys are very important. As are post-doctor visit stickers.
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Nurse hoofa!!
Bedtime bump
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>mr.anon, i understand that you're heavily dosed right now, but you cannot just go around petting the ponies in the clinic!
>i understand that you think they're fluffy but they need rest and so do you
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Surely we can do better than that.
All nursey pones give good head. As best nursey she gives best head.
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So true
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why specifically Rarity and Luna signed it?
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Sweet dreams, yesterday!
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Ah thank you I passed out today before bumping the thread
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Luna is chair of the Department of Sexology, and Rarity supervised Redheart's dissertation, "A Comparative Study of Sexual Treatment Options for Socially Withdrawn Stallions."
>only 5 minutes later
Fat bitch.
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She's trying her best!!
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More nurse rumpa!!
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Nurse Sweetheart > Nurse Redheart
Nurse Sweetheart has a habit of pinching food from the break room fridge
You know she is a very good hardworking pony and deserves love too. I respect your choice anon
She fat
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Work bump
nursie nursie
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On Reddy's days off she enjoys the little things in life
She has a big dick tho.
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>"It's time for your daily suppository! Be a good boy, and turn around and bend over please."
Here lies nursie. She's not dead, we just have to lock her up or she won't rest.
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She's an adorable workaholic, but I love to see her get the rest she deserves
Redheart song from the PPP thread, shared a few days ago >>41405850

I love to imagine she often sings to her patients whenever she has free time, just to cheer them up and keep them in good spirit while they recover.
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But her bedside manner is superior
She's not fat
She's just always getting knocked up by her patients
I kind of want to read a green of ponies/anon having to hogtie her up and force her to go to bed
Oh my gosh! I love this so much!! I love love love her!!!
Shameful unf?
Everytime this thread goes to page 10 she euthanizes another poor anon.
God I hope I'm next
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Everytime this thread reaches page 10 she gives another filly the tism'
>went to hospital after car accident, kidnapped against my will by ambulance niggers
>left me in the wrong waiting room for 2 hours
>wait another hour in the ER waiting room
>give me painkillers then run a bunch of scans while I'm fucked up
>wait another couple hours
>doctor finally takes a look at my xrays and determines nothing is broken, notes that I have gyno
>gives me $1.3k neckbrace and opioid prescription
>collarbone still hurts and aches most days
Fuck hospitals
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Emergency rooms are assembly lines.
They have to be.
More patient traffic comes through those doors demanding to be seen immediately than any other hospital department.
Goodnight thread
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She nap but then she wake
Hopefully there is redheart merch at mare fair for you lads
Fucking Z.
I never expected that Nurse Redheart could be a Z Rushist
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thread says no
We need 20 CCs of Bump, stat
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I love how soft she looks in this image. I just wanna give her a big hug!
I wanna give her a big kiss after telling her how pretty she is
>live in ponyville after becoming pone
>come into hospital for scheduled prostate exam
>lucky me my physician for today is my waifu
>bend over (seductively) for her on the examining table
>mfw i realize pony doctors don't have fingers
>mfw she jams the entire hoof in
i feel bad for ponies, they get a prostate fisting every time they get a physical, their rectal cavities must be really damaged. or more likely, ponies (and nurse redheart in particular) are just freaks and rim their patients every prostate exam to check prostate health
I wanna play minecraft
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Big. Nurse. Hoofa.
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Early morning nurse
Wake up, Nurse.
Eepy time, Nurse.
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The eepy becomes me. The nursie is recharging
Work bump
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The slithery nursie!!
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Another crazy day
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The nurse is going up!!
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night night nursie
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Unfa unfa nurse rumpa!!
I wish to massage Nursie’s plump rumpa
Is the nurse a constrictor or venomous?
A venomous Redheart would will be able to produce anti venom from her own venom to help ponies out
Would likely only work for her own venom though. So a little redundant unless she happens to bite a lot.
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The fair nurse mare sat there on her derriere
Goodnight thread
Eepless bump...
What healing properties does her milk have
Brief but strong regeneration whenever you are close to her snowpity
every time someone says rumpa it gets bigger
rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa rumpa
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rumpa bumpa
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Bumpa the nurse rumpa!!
+15% HP regen per turn, +5 HP hardening
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comfy nurse
This is one of my favorite Redheart commissions I've received in recent memory!!
Where did you get this photo of my wife and I's home?
erm that's my wife ackshually
This looks so comfy. I hope she got to enjoy every minute of it.

>Captcha: MNG0
why is she so cute?
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Just look at her!!
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You must be confused. My wife has the red cross CM, I know they're twin sisters but come on anon
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Vigorous, full-contact cuddling imminent
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More AI Nurse Redheart singing - Shared in PPP thread also
There’s a spot on my left lung that hurts every so often. On and off for maybe 2.5 months now. There have also appeared multiple small red dots. Not like a rash or anything. I’m a smoker, is it lung cancer?
I'm sorry Anon but you have a terminal case of Ligma
I'm looking and I am captivated by Nurse Redheart.
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>go to hospital at 5am with drunk roommate screaming from elbow pain
>get told to "get sober lol"
>get back home, roommate indeed got less drunk and painful and fell asleep
I had a chance to imagine Redheart IRL and I completely forgot about her while trying to figure out how adults into hospitals. I'll just claim that the nursie big healing magic has gotten into roommate as we came back and helped him get some sleep finally.
It's kinda like being a customer at tech support, except much less obvious where to start when you've got someone with a technical difficulty.

Help I need healing from this
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The links don't work
It's so weird to know she's just a blatant ripoff of Sweetheart from MLPT
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my ancestor...
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Your iPhone (or other iOS Apple device) doesn't seem to like mp3 audio codecs, either at 41.8khz or 48khz; Probably because they love forcing you to use their iTunes service or similar for music. Only found this out earlier today, so am re-encoding my future covers to AAC at 41.8khz from now on, so the beautiful sound of mare can still be enjoyed by those that have have a worse brand of device, whether by choice or fate.

Supposedly .wavs can still be played though? Maybe give it a try - more lossless for other platforms anyway:
>16-bit wav - https://files.catbox.moe/8b1g39.wav
>32-bit wav - https://files.catbox.moe/9poas6.wav
>aac codec conversion - https://files.catbox.moe/443n80.mp4
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I think it might be catbox itself that's the problem for me. I'm on my desktop and all of these links still give me the same error screen. I tried running diagnostics and temporarily disabling my firewall and still nothing seems to work. I appreciate you trying though fren
Your ISP is likely blocking it, try using vpn. Tor won't work, catbox itself blocks it.
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Ah, I don't have a VPN
Does https://pomf.lain.la work for you?
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Give me a moment, my internets are slow.
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In the meantime, the eepy sleeby becomes me
NTA above, but just uploaded it there too. My internet is fast.

Made a couple extra quick and simple covers too before I must also eepy.
>Robert Palmer "Bad case of loving you" - https://pomf2.lain.la/f/vm8tcuxb.wav
>Weird Al "Like a surgeon" - https://pomf2.lain.la/f/69587gp.wav
she is... the nurning annintant
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Thank you!! Thank you!!
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Tactical nurse purse ready for Mare Fair deployment!!
Night night nursefrens
nurse pony is overrated.
How? This is pretty much the only thread she’s ever in. There are so many background ponies that show up way more frequently here, and have just as much representation in the show as her. She’s very underrated, actually.
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unfa unfa nursa rumpa!!
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Bump before bed. The marebulance is heading out to Orlando later today!
The marebulance has left the horsepital!!
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Random-ass ziggers and other mare do not represent the original Valiant Characters at all, have you even played the game?
Only the nurse does represent Anna
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nurse purse so based
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No u fren
I wanna lick this bitchs hoofs!

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