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nothing happened edition

Previous thread: >>41222250 (Dead)

/ourlobby/: Leaf (rip)

Console release is here! (Nintendo Switch, Sony Playstation 4 and Playstation 5, Microsoft Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psdeHoARfYM

========= Events =========

An update is supposedly coming... eventually.


>Steam page:http://store.steampowered.com/app/574980/Thems_Fightin_Herds/
>Patch Notes:http://store.steampowered.com/news/?appids=574980
>Notation and Input Primer:https://forums.themsfightinherds.com/index.php?threads/785/
>Fighting Game Beginner's Guide:
>Mizuumi Wiki:

>1.0 trailer:
>Shanty trailer:
>3.0 trailer:
>Texas trailer:
>Stronghoof trailer:
>Nidra reveal trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vi725FRDS88
>Baihe reveal trailer
there isn't one lel lmao
so do we use this one or the one the guy fucked up on
By your quads, let's use this one.
the real trick is going to be keeping it above-water.
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Two floofs!
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I come on behalf of the Pom Cartel to remind you all that unicorns are GAY
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>nothing happened edition
Sure anon, whatever you say
So why didn't the devs add more equines again? I mean it's for bronies isn't it? Hasbro doesn't actually own the concept of a pegasus it's public domain!
because in this case diversity was a good thing.
Which is why it was disappointing they did Cow 2, Reindeer 2, and Dragon 2 for DLC characters instead of something else.
I think Paprika STINKS
Yeah but she stinks good.
I wanted the zebra, just to see how it could work.
Plus, a character feeling responsible for what it has saw is interesting. She didn't wanted to scare everyone, but she did, and now she must bring safety back to the people.
the best position on the oleander/pom wars is to let them all kill each other
Idk about that but Pom mains are unusually hostile towards most other ungulates for some reason.
They just spam Jc, and everyone knows it.
what are you, a scrub?
high level pom is spamming jB
Pom jC'ing into my bed
What would happen if a human ends up in Foenum?
He would be graped.
In the mouth?
by the Grapest.
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Overwhelming ungulate lust obviously
There might be another update coming. Don't know what's in it.
in the concept of human on ungulate breeding. which one is the most compatible?
Horses, deer, and goats in that order. The rest idk.
more bug fixes
Kyle posted in the d*scord recently that he still wanted people to keep posting bugs so apparently they're being worked on
We need to know, this is valuable data. arizona is breedable as fuck.
Baihe's existence is a bug, please fix her.
Wasn't there a small anthology where an Anonymous guy ended up in Foenum instead of Equestria?
unironically when are you supposed to press a button during baihe's offense?
You can press alt+f4 at any time
How hard would it have been for Mane6 to make these and sell them for $20 each?
Making a plastic statue was an eldritch nightmare for these devs, the factory making plushes would likely catch aflame
and half the statues couldn't even stay attached to their bases.
I know mine didn't.
They really needed some kind of ice effect in the background that would also help hold Velvet in place. Would have looked cool.
They could have gone to that some company that anons have been using for pony plushies, but their quality isn't the best
Shanty sucks big white human cock
That she does
Good shit. I can see why Shanty has such dedicated fans.
>ai schlock
Is this game so dead, or your tastes so shit, that you can't even get a real artist to draw porn?
If I'm going to commission an artist it won't be for porn
give the money to ebvert
Is he even open for work
its been closed since 2022 with 30 people on the list.
damn imagine being on that waiting list
work on your shit Ebvert or just refund people
dont even know if he lurks here still, we are a dead game pretty much
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who thought this was okay
who sits there and lets someone do that?

who else do you think told anon to give the money to ebvert?
I didn't even know that, was thinking of commissioning him at one point, rip
me, because its always great to commision drawfriends first if possible
it's just a demonstration - although if you're fighting a particularly good velvet it's not unrealistic to block at least half a dozen projectiles before you even get close to her anyway
at least it's not blazblue i guess
DAMN I missed it
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>tfw I still can't do proper icicle loops
nothing shameful about struggling with arguably one of the hardest combo routes in the game tbdesu
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Mane6 completely gave up and said "fine, we'll buff Velvet" and then gave her the most unimaginative, brute force kind of buff possible. "There, Velvet isn't the worst character in the game anymore. Now fuck off, also we're not nerfing the dads fuck you"
cringe art
Really? I can see it.
okay terry
Sniffing Cashmere
what's she sniffing about
Marine salt. Smells fresh, like the sea!
Is that what the Goatani trade with?
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It's a bit funny how Velvet unanimously became a top 3 character after these damage buffs (besides this is like the third damage buff she gets jesus christ), right now from what I've seen, not a single top level player enjoys fighting her at this point because it's too damn annoying that there's simply no real difference between blocking or getting hit by 4-5 unavoidable projectiles/eruptions since she is in a state where she no longer requires to win neutral or even risk a mixup to win her fights because the guaranteed damage she can apply in her pressure is too damn high no matter what, also she got blessed by the devs when they reworked her normals and reverse beats because you simply won't be able to punish her shit even with IBs.

Just following a decent zoning flowchart is good enough to beat most players since her most reliable win condition is to just play her own defensive zoning game, DP sometimes, (fuck this move btw), use wind to push the opponent back at the corner instantly if they jump (why did this move needed 2 consecutive buffs again?) and wait for the opponent to kill themselves while gathering 2-3 bars during the very first round to guarantee even more win conditions because being in a big comfort zone from the start wasn't enough.
Honestly I still don't think Velvet is that great, the added chip doesn't do THAT much in the matchups where the opponent can bypass most of that zoning, since Velvet still dies when cornered. It's the worst kind of buff, one that mostly hurts characters that already struggled against Velvet. It makes matchups more polarizing, a trend with all of TFH from 3.0 onward
>unanimously top 3
idk about unanimously
doesn't seem like a totally unreasonable placement though

sometimes i do wonder if she's actually THAT good or it just feels like that because the competitive side of the community is extremely oversaturated with Velvet mains for some reason
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>extremely oversaturated with Velvet mains for some reason
they banned the other mains and the rest migrated to the DLC characters
If TFH gets a soft reboot, what would you change to give the ip more popularity or not repeat the same mistakes the original game did?
>not repeat the same mistakes the original game did?
the only change I'd make would be to give it to a team that can actually keep deadlines and do the work without being held at gunpoint.
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>banned the other mains
Nah, why would you say that?
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>the one tian main
As it should be
Make it like SSBU.
>Make it like a party game
How about no
>Forgets that SSBU is a fighting game that is taking more seriously than TFH

Okay retard, you're confusing it with something like Mario Party or Fall Fags. Go back to your previous generic ass overly competitive Street Fighter clone.
he's really not beating the autistic retard allegations.
Yeah, Anon's munted brain simply can't compete with my genetically superior brain.
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Now we just need this with one of Pom's dogs
>Anon's brain so munted he forgot the 2nd >
You could post a TFH image you know
But I don't have any. At least not on my phone.
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Get some
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It’s not that hard to get some.
Chopper projectile vomiting from the air, the buff we needed but didn't deserve
Understand the formula for Fighting is Magic's popularity: Favorite characters being badass. TFH has badasses, but no characterization. No one knows simple things like how Arizona and Tianhuo interact, or Velvet and Stronghoof treat each other.

Story Mode should be first priority when introducing new characters and a new setting. If the company only had the funds for 5 hours of Story Mode, cut Chapter 1 to 30 minutes and fit all the other chapters into 4.5 hours. If enough funds for 7 full chapters, release each one with DLC cosmetics using art from the chapter.

Stick with 1.0 game balance and don't waste time changing it. Complainers always just want their own main buffed and every other character nerfed.

Stop trying to appeal to hardcore FGC. That audience considers MLP to be gay. Make a game by bronies for bronies. Make it casual and easy.

Pick better, more appealing DLC fighters. The High Priestess and The Empress as DLC would have saved TFH. Each DLC MUST be 10/10 in appearance, voice, music, backstory and gameplay.

Don't bet everything on EVO. EVO 2013 caused FiM to C&D'd. EVO 2021 was barely noticed.

Fuck the console ports.

Don't sell out ever.

Set up Patreon or accept donations. Be honest about finances and communicate with the community.

Don't fucking hire Cam. Spend the money on a professional and fire them if they can't do the job.

Get Faust to run a separate crowdfund for a TFH comic or cartoon pilot.
I'm amazed no one ever thought to split Arizona's chapter into pieces that are played by their corresponding characters. 1st area in the prairie you play as Ari, then play as Velvet in Reine City doing your own investigation and fight Arizona. You choose which of the two to play as and whoever wins goes on to the Highlands and fights Paprika. Same deal, you choose who to play and the winner goes to the next area where they fight Oleander. Add a little padding and sidequests and you'd be a the halfway point to having a "complete" story for the effort of making Chapter 1.
Splitting the chapters is a retarded move. The chapter already has some sort of split system. You can already save at certain points and come back later.
Cancelling the chapters is a giga retarded move. Ideally every character would get their full length chapter, but Mane 6 was running dangerously low on competence so corners would need to be cut.
because it's retarded
I hate agreeing the autist but having a complete "arc" for each character allows you to fully flesh them out and learn how to use them over the course of the story section.
The corners I would have cut would have been all but one community manager. And the actual manager because he was worthless.
I didn't say to cancel the chapters, read again or learn more English.

> the actual manager because he was worthless
There were 3 and all of them sucked and blowed A S. Aaron, Cam who would foam at the mouth of MLP and bitch about 4Chan and finally, Oreo the tranny.

All these losers ever did was half ass manage their team and occasionally posted on their dead as fuck Twitter accounts and Discord server where they actually got some attention and respect.
The fact of the matter is that the chapters were cancelled. Maybe you forgot because of your brain damage. I simply proposed an alternative that would have resulted in a finished story using the same amount of resources that was already expended and without resorting to unrealistic goals like firing everyone and hiring a new crew.
You're the one with brain damage. Your proposal is quite literally what they did. The big issue as to why TFH didn't do well wasn't because of story mode but because the developers chose TFH to be Street Fighter clone numbuh 62. They should have gone for a platform fighter which is what story mode sort of played like at times.
Are you illiterate or actually retarded? I never considered this before because I always just assumed you were a little slow but this post makes me wonder.
Could've just had it be like Melty Blood or Street Fighter 4 where story segments are part of the Arcade mode. Cheaper and more efficient.

Not getting real arcade endings is fucking lame. If Mortal Kombat trilogy can do it with just a picture and text, I can't see why a bunch of ponyfuckers couldn't do the same.
Not my fault you proposed an idea the TFH devs and their infinite negative intelligence already did.
When can you play as Velvet going through the Paprika's homeland in the story mode? I must have missed that part. Just admit you're a fucking retard.
>you play as Velvet going through the Paprika's homeland
Whose to say that was part of Velvet's story at all? You're making up shit you and I haven't mentioned yet. You're reaching for the sky as you beg to beat me in an argument. It's like in >>41371945 when you chose to tackle me but not my point/argument... because you know you can't win so you threw a tantrum like a whiney toddler.
You lack basic reading comprehension and sling insults all day but instantly crumple and resort to gaslighting and shitting your diaper the moment anyone throws shade back. My whole point was how if Mane6 was too lazy to realize the full story mode, the least they could have done was rework the pieces they had completed into a shorter but completed story. The art assets were finished, the maps completed, the scripting and encounters placed. The only thing they would need to add is flavor text for Velvet, Paprika, and Oleander's reactions to things if they were the one's being played as opposed to Arizona, which anyone in this thread could have knocked out in an afternoon. This should not be a difficult concept to grasp but this is the third time I'm having to explain it to you like a literal child. Now do you understand, or will you continue to die on your hill refusing to acknowledge that resource management exists and that you'd rather have no story than a shortened one?
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Bloody 'ell, mate, ya look fukken munted, ugh...

>sling insults all day but instantly crumple and resort to gaslighting and shitting your diaper the moment anyone throws shade back
Mate, you threw insults first. A bit of projection there, ay mate?

>My whole point was how if Mane6 was too lazy to realize the full story mode, the least they could have done was rework the pieces they had completed into a shorter but completed story
Mate, they only finished chapter 1. Why do you think chapter 2 still displays "coming soon" as if it's not complete?

>The art assets were finished, the maps completed, the scripting and encounters placed. The only thing they would need to add is flavor text for Velvet, Paprika, and Oleander's reactions to things if they were the one's being played as opposed to Arizona
Source? Or is this a "trust me bro" situation? I took a mighty long hibernation from this general. But from what I recall, not shit was said to be complete, shown or announced.

>anyone in this thread could have knocked out in an afternoon
I get the TFH devs are shitty devs and coders but... if we have munted gremlins like you in this general then there ain't no way an Anon from here could do the work of the TFH devs.

>will you continue to die on your hill refusing to acknowledge that resource management exists and that you'd rather have no story than a shortened one?
As for the same reason I hate dubs changing things from their subs, I would rather have the full story.
You still seem to fundamentally misunderstand anything I typed which is an incredible feat. Go back and reread my posts. I'm talking about reworking CHAPTER 1 (ONE) into a multi character arc instead of being an Arizona exclusive chapter. This is last time I will try to explain this to somebody who has not once ever posted anything but the most vapid and retarded takes I've ever seen in this general. Story mode has a finite amount of resources poured into it. Mane6 were either unwilling or unable to put any more into it, hence its cancellation. They set the bar too high with Chapter 1 by making 4 subchapters, when they could have let you play as a different character in each subchapter. Yes, it would be less cool than the originally planned 7 full chapters but at least this way you would get to see more characters' perspective on things and a bit of replayability (ie you could play the whole story as Arizona, or you could switch to Vel in subchapter 2, or Paprika in subchapter 3) all for extremely minimal effort on the dev's part. That's why I said they could do this and be halfway done with the story instead of 1/7th. They would actually be 4/7ths of the way done. Whatever grand plans they had for the rest of the story could be consolidated into whatever work they had put into chapter 2 and have the whole story mode finished ahead of schedule without an additional dollar spent. Why they didn't think of this and just gave up highlight's their ineptitude and lack of resource management.
Back to tumblr.
sauce. she looks cute and plump
You're still wrong.
I accept your concession.
anon... the filename...
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can't believe steelsoul already has been forgotten..
I can't believe Steelsoul got hit by a semi truck and died...
On the good side, now he will be sexually drained by all ungulates in Foenum, especially the milfs and cougars.
Boy passed away and jump all the way to heaven.
Futa Velvet.
Zat was patched out.
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You're awful and you should feel awful
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>The Empress as DLC
How do you turn this into a playable character?
Should have gone with Ribbon as DLC
Ouroboros but without the vore
What's an ouroos
I want to handfeed Velvet oats.
She seems like she would bite

Maybe but I'd still try anyways
Ribbon would be too plain desu
Maybe as a bonus side boss. If anybody played Naruto: Rising Storm 3, you had moments where the giant boss occupied a side of the screen, and beat the snoot out of you.
Something like that could work. You avoid the smacks and projectiles to get some hits on her.
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You could make it work.
>zebras are from Africa
Capoeria-inspired moves. Elena from Street Fighter has good pokes and anti-airs, translate that to TFH's more mobile gameplay by making the character evasive. Give her an advancing kick that's hard to punish, a fast retreat option that lets her whiff punish large pokes after
>zebras' patterns act as a kind of camoflauge that confuses predators
TFH is a magical setting, amp that up to illusion magic. Ribbon gets a rekka, maybe even that safe kick mentioned, with followups, and when Ribbon has magic she disappears into a puff of black and white when she performs said followups, forcing the opponent to try and guess or OS. Slow leap followup that can hit crossup and is plus on block, running command grab that does low damage but combos or gives oki after, fast unsafe low to catch people holding upback, that sort of thing. Enhance that with her level 2 super, let her feint with fake Ribbons to make the opponent react and then punish them with the real Ribbon or something crazy like that
I've thought about a full moveset for the character a lot, I think it's a massive shame we got the dads instead of something like this
Ok that does sound pretty cool, well thought out
they couldn't zebra because they'd never escape the zecora allegations (they shouldn't have cared)
>all the characters are different species than the ones they're based on
>except Oleander lol she's still a unicorn like Twilight
I wonder what the logic behind this was.
magic-obsessed unicorn was too good a concept to pass up I guess.
Considering four years after her reveal some people are still trying to insist that Shanty is a character named Scootaloo and "trying to figure out who Stronghoof is" it really does not matter
I mean, yeah and no. Blazblue and P4A do a little bit better on that. You have the arcade mode endings with tiny bits of story for each character thrown in AND a canon story mode to dive deep into the actual story. Indeed, arcade mode MUST give you something to make it worth playing. GGXX sinned with the flimsy no-text at all ending arts for each character. It was just a concept art after you beat I-no. Lame. Worst in Isuka. But GG is god anyway so we can let it slip. But TFH is barely a fighting game and the endingless arcade mode doesn't make one feel appealed to even try it. I don't know if there's even some kind of unlockable, like DBF where beating the arcade mode can help you unlock both Goku and Vegeta in SSJB. TFH was a big mess
GGXX had a full story for each character with multiple paths, didn't it? Having SOMETHING for every character is what matters, and if Mane6 wasn't fucking lazy it would have been fine. Poor Pom, Tianhuo and Shanty.
Classical unicorns are cool and Oleander has an interesting background, works for me
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Would you still like Arizona if she had a stomach valve?
>But GG is god anyway so we can let it slip. But TFH is barely a fighting game
lol fuck off retard
Sorry furfag, but GG still delivered a full story mode with several routes for EACH VERSION of the XX recycles at least from #reload to accent core, unlike your lovely Them's scammin' herds which couldn't even deliver a full game before running away with your munny. Seethe
Mane6's development process didn't make sense. They finished the background character designs like Elite 7 before story important main characters like Blitzen, The High Priestess and The Empress. They also kept wasting resources constantly remaking Vixen, Stronghoof and the character select portraits, when the original designs were much better.

They kept the story absolutely secret, even before the acquisition. Absolutely no hints to promote engagement or discussion. Dumbest move by far. In hindsight, it's probably not a very good story if Mane6 wasn't motivated to finish it.

They never added something as simple as HP handicap, so pros can fight noobs with fair odds. Would have helped increase matches in the small playerbase.
Vixen probably would have been important in Chapter 2, could even see her as a section boss if the devs were willing
Course we never got the "mostly finished" in early 2022 chapter
>Furfag calling someone else a furfag
lol, lmao
>could even see her as a section boss if the devs were willing
100% would have been a recolor of Velvet with the same moves. That's probably why they never gave us a Vixen palette swap, they wanted to wait until after chapter 2.
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10 reine city does in my bed
Velvet with an air dash, because the Elite 7 could fly
dead game
dead general
dead art
dead board
Nah, I wish.
you wish it wasn't dead lmao
What? He said "dead board". I said "Nah, I wish" implying that I disagree but wish it were true.
Fun fact: Did you know that Reine has a red light district?
What where
Of course, Velvet lives there.
Really? No Cloud District? Well, I'm not surprised. Is not like Velvet would know of it.
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Guess what Vixen's job was. Her name is literally female predator bitch.
Vixen working overtime with the slander
Velvet working overtime whoring herself.
Velvet's rich so she can do it for free out of altruism. Vixen's a professional tho. Lot more clever and manipulative in squeezing you for your salt.
>In hindsight, it's probably not a very good story if Mane6 wasn't motivated to finish it
I honestly don't believe that. The story wasn't the problem Mane6 was.
dead game
ur mom's a dead game
If the game was dead anyway why didn’t Modus give devs permission to leak the story? It’s not like they’re going to finish it or still care about it.
I don't think Modus has anything to do with it. Mane6 just don't want to. I doubt it was any good anyway.
>t. Modus
I only wish I was small enough to climb into it
Don't be gross anon
Because Modus is a business, so they'll hoard the IP just in case it becomes economically viable to make a reboot in 10 years or something.
Or be like Sony and say "we have no original IPs :(" and do absolutely nothing with them.
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I feel there's a "all blacks are the same" joke here.
don't tempt me...
They refuse to release the story content for "free" because it has value.

The value of TFH's story is equal to the financial penalty for breaking the NDA. Therefore these are also the damages that TFH owners have suffered from being deprived of the story portion of the product and the legal basis for suing maximum entertainment and their parent company zordix ab.

Done correctly, this could force a settlement, force a liquidation or better yet force them to release the fucking story like they should have.

See https://topclassactions.com/lawsuit-settlements/consumer-products/video-games/fortnite-maker-epic-games-reaches-26-5m-class-action-settlement-over-in-game-purchases/

They have spoken many obvious lies about TFH's development like all chapters out by 2022 that Cam said took 3 weeks to get approved, and they are just hoping no one calls them out on it.
You should already know that this thread is just going to suck Mane6's dick clean and white knight them while claiming they did everything they can.
What patch version did this game peak?
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I'm not dead you ingrates. I'm drawing shit
Go on...
variable wakeup timing was a mistake
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excuse to draw herocolt
I shouldn't... but...
>local deer: I am about to pleasure myself with this child
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this but paprika
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>those soulless black eyes
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Kind of reminds me of Reese.
2.0 was the closest to balanced and, while I may be misremembering, had the most character variety, but 1.0 probably had the strongest competition
which one?
The one about to get a huge face full of deer ass
Do ANY girls play this game?
Reading through old patch notes is depressing. They just kept removing stuff and saying they'll reintroduce it after chapter 2 releases.
Oreo recently stated this specific removal was done at their request. Weren't they such a positive contribution to TFH?
Good luck finding one
omg steelsoul hiiiii!!
Girls or "girls"
because I think the only actual girl was at combo breaker or something.
Please tell me you are who I think you are or else I think some kind of meme co op is going on
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We are all Pom here
the arguably best current velvet main and CB 2nd place is a woman
actually pretty unusual for a fighting game
An actual woman or a tranny (not a woman)?
the real deal, anon. pussy, vulva, vagina and all. yup, i've seen it! i love it! i can't get enough of that female vagina!
Both (FtM)
no that's the pom player
Mop gaming? She's not trans, she just likes Mop.
>Oscar is trans
Twist of the century
i have zero evidence for this but oscar is femboy coded
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none whatsoever
Surprise hug for Oleander from behind.
I guess she wanred more donuts. Is alright, we can fetch some more.
Craving Oleander's donut
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>haven't visited since gen10 ended
>good old /mlp/ still going
>think about playing TFH again
>there's below 10 players
owari da
meant gen 4, why the fuck did I write 10.
there being only ten players stuck too strongly in your mind.
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Game was cancelled and most of the dev team was fired. We also were left with broken DLC characters. Very grim state of things, but at least we got Velvet booty.
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Epic find
Tell no one, but dashie leaks told me there's a christmas patch on the way.
We're getting coal for Christmas, aren't we?
At least Them's Fightin' Herds had more fans, and lasted longer, than Concord.
True, and cute Ollie
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>Game was cancelled and most of the dev team was fired. We also were left with broken DLC characters
wait what? that fucking sucks cock... did they announce something else or just are gone?
Just gone. Don't feel too bad, the devs only had to sell to a publisher in the first place because of horrendous work ethic and mismanagement
at least we got designs to lewd out of that I guess
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It sure does
maybe I will draw something out of sadness, who knows
Draw a sad Pomfy
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You'd get beat up by saying that to her face
Name one ungulate who won’t beat you up for saying that.
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Pom may not, but then you'd have to deal with her dogs
finger their cookies and they will yield
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plap plap plap plap, sounds of me and momma dog
Some pre-fight character interactions.

>Velvet: You alvays hurt ze ones you love...
>Stronghoof: Well dear, as your mother told me, it's not pain if you enjoy it.

>Velvet: Vhy must ve train so hard? Can't ve just get others to do it for us?
>Stronghoof: Now, now dear. A true Hoofstrong must always be prepared for BATTLE!

>Stronghoof: I remember the first time your mother and I fought... before I knew it, she was on top and I started liking wearing dresses!
>Velvet: DADDY, NO! Snap out of it!

>Stronghoof: One more time, dear. I promise I'll get you a new tiara after this.
>Velvet: It better have diamonds!

>Velvet: I vanna try a new technique I learned!
>Stronghoof: Alright dear, just not so hard this time...

>Velvet: Is zat enough for today?

>Velvet: My hooves are so tired now! Can ve stop for today?

>Oleander: Ugh! I'm the Champion of Foenum, not a kindergarten teacher/babysitter!
>Fred: Nothing personal, kid.
>Arizona: Hey, I ain't a kid! I'm a calf!

>Arizona: My Pa told me all about ya! Yer a... uh...
>Tianhuo: Your teacher. I will teach you the lessons he did not have the heart to.

>Arizona: You look like one of 'em Predators tryin' to escape the Hold!
>Tianhuo: Looks can be deceiving. Allow me to show you the hard way.

>Tianhuo: You are far too young to be a warrior.
>Arizona: Young? I'm already more than a year old!

>Tianhuo: You lack discipline, young one.
>Arizona: And you lack a hoof to the jaw!

>Tianhuo: Recklessly charging into battle against your opponent will bring no good outcome.
>Arizona: I'm jus' gettin' started!
Having more interactions between characters would have been nice
If only they had actually developed the characters, then fans could have been making fanfics to sustain the community. But no, crappy gameplay that only 10 people a day play comes first.
>Man, I wish the guys who made the game had made made the game
Awesome general you guys have here
stronghoof's lines are just >the author's poorly disguised fetish
Thanks we try and keep it lively round here by only having the most riveting of conversations
They couldn't afford to bring the VAs, some of whom are almost indie level, back to do more lines. Couldn't even hire Jessica Gee to do announcer lines, the budget was so tight
>hires Patrick Seltz for Texas
>hires fucking Chris Sabat for Stronghoof
Somebody help me budget my family is starving
We don't even know what Velvet's relationship with her father is DESPITE BOTH BEING PLAYABLE CHARACTERS AND BOTH SHOWING UP IN THE STORY MODE. Does she like him, hate him, does he pamper her, ignore her, is he tough on her? The world will never know.
They really went all in hoping that having Dio and Vegeta voicing the gay characters that that would bring in the big bucks (pun intended).
Stronghoof and Texas aren't gay tho
They're bucking.
Not eachother
Lindsay drew this
This was the first thing we saw of Stronghoof after his character reveal trailer and it is presently the ONLY characterization we got for him that wasn't present in Chapter 1 of story mode
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>a shitpost is a credible source
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Meanwhile we don't have any proof that Stronghoof ever fucked his wife
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we both know you wouldn't accept any proof other than a timestamped video recording of the act of Velvet's conception.
All we know is that Velvet's mother was a whore and those slutty genes were passed down to her.
Nice try Vixen
Stop spreading missinformation, Vixen. Is not Velvet's fault she turned out to be superior.
>Is not Velvet's fault she turned out to be superior.
Superior at riding 5 cocks a day for a hoofful of salt maybe.
Maybe YOU need payment, but vhen you live in such abundance you can do it for the love of the craft
My goat shanty steals all of it and brings it directly to me (We have sex afterwards, she likes it in the ass)
Shanty doesn't seem like the anal type desu
She'd do it for salt.
Hard disagree, as stated many times previously, She's a buttslut for BHC
which character would want to fuck a human the most? I mean obsessively.
Oleander, undoubtedly.
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You mean besides the obvious?
Man Paprika sure got it the worst with "shitty proportions" lewd art
Velvet (with me only)
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mmmm a nice paprika, good art as always
What's got her looking so yellow today?
who's the sexiest tfh player
So who saved the google drive art?
I think I did a while ago but I'll have to check my hard drives.
I'm not very organized so I might be missing some but I do have a folder that contains the art kit that has all the promo art of characters (minus Nidra and Baihe, I don't think those were officially released in high resolution), stage renders, wallpapers, and logos. I also scraped Lindsay Towns portfolios that contains some exclusive concept art. Saved the book of lore from the website before it gets shut down too. Grabbed the files from the cutting room floor, and saved the indiegogo page content. This collection is missing some stuff like the art of dads kissing because I didn't scrape the tumblr or twitter or wherever they posted stuff like that. I can upload it to mega or somewhere if anyone is interested.
I'd be interested yeah
If anyone has any official content not in this folder, lemme know. I know I'm missing all the merch stuff. I went ahead and downloaded the mane6 twitter with gallery-dl but didn't feel like going through it and picking the worthwhile content. And this folder is more meant for harder to find stuff or stuff that is no longer officially available.
Thank you for sharing
boop snek
I honestly forget this character exists 90% of the time.
Once all the South Americans dropped the game it became pretty easy to forget about her
Too many kicks to the head from longmas hooves
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pass smash SMASH
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I still need to learn how to play her.
Gonna rustle that chest tuft
It's... it's peak...
I need to coom in all of them
Not a fan of your usual lewdposting, but I cannot deny your art has improved quite a lot
You wouldn't make it with half of them
is that a challenge?
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GOAT goat
That's mi goat, Love her with all my heart
Needless to say I'm grabbing her horns and pounding her ass
what horns lmao
knew i forgot something...twice it seems
they're under the bandanna, silly. It's a magical horn-hiding one, to catch people by surprise.
>Paprika... I'm already a demon.
>tfw not a single villain playable character
Oleander kinda counts because she's a spooky cunt but I would have liked someone the rest of the characters would have to unite against.
texas counts as a villain because everyone hates you when you pick him
i'm going to say it.

bitey should only have 1 use per summon
>making him a worse chopper dog because you can't deal with being nibbled twice
chopper is bad because he has bad combo convertability and less mixup potential

you still get your free 4-way unreactable mixup, you just have to actually fuck off if i manage to block it
I think they wanted to have a Predator down the line.

I might design a few concept characters I had in mind since they're not going to do anything.
Bitey would still be significantly better than chopper with this nerf
Make bitey only cost one bar and we have a deal
i'm frankly not qualified enough to understand the potential implications of 2 biteys on the field
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>2 biteys
I mean all the predators are pretty much few shades of purple, how much of a unique predator fighter can you do that wont end up looking like some weird OC that doesn't fit the thematic of predators
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The predators we fight in the mines are "scouts"
We will never find out if this is true, thank you Aaron, but I assumed they were magic projections and not the true physical predators that used to exist and which would exist again if they escaped containment. That's why they're shadowy, translucent and dissolve into smoke. Pom's dogs don't do that, and the Book of Lore has a drawing of a bear with natural colors.

A predator fighter, I would assume, would be flesh and blood.
I-if I do what
>someone drew fanart of the capricorn from Shanty's stage
>it's TF shit
This character has six total pieces of fanart and one of them is that
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This Pom concerns me
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I'm trying to hype myself up to draw something
is it porn or is it something you could show in public
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I mostly do porn. I did a Twilight doodle some time ago though
maybe a cute potentially lewd Pom doodle could be a good start, you have some experience with ewes already
Have you considered cheesecake
Draw your favorite ungulate motivating you/anon while you are drawing
I love it
The community needs more Twilight and Oleander lezzing out.
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>Y-yeah Oleander should totally munch some carpets.
I will decide tomorrow, it's too late here now
night time is best creative time
the muse loves insomnia
I'm not usually into tentacles but Oleander getting tentacle'd by Fred just hints different
Care to share some?
I'm just thinking of the older art you can find on places like derpi nothing new
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If snooty unicorn girl not my friend why she friend shaped?
She's probably really pleasant to be around and drink tea with whenever she's not sperging about dark magic and """saving""" the world with the help of a literal demon.
The sex is amazing too.
page 10 bumo!
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Bumo? Bumobumo? BUMOBUMOBUMO
Younger Ollie looks cute, also friend shaped?
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What show was this whole thing based on?
Filly funtasia?
this is a very good point
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I'm drawing right now bros but it's not going good, I completely am out of water with this. Been months since any horselike thing
luckily you're drawing some other kind of ungulate, right
I kid but you should be fine. Just need to knock the rust off.
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I'm sorry guys, today is not a good art day.
Hopefully this is still acceptable. I will try to grind up a bit and do something better for next time.
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interesting choice of genitals
are they bad
well I'm no expert but I think they belong to a horse if I'm not mistaken
I guess, it's over
nah just means you need to do ~research~, that magical word that excuses any kind of search history (99% of the time, there's stuff you shouldn't look up)
the genitals themselves look good if that's what you're asking
>calls this bad
bro is cooked
it is bad compared to my usual work sadly
least self-loathing artist
It's a nice Velvet butt
indeed it is. And I know butts
Yeah just google deer pussy or better yet go out in the field and look for yourself.
Or he could just ask /k/, they've got hands-on experience.
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what a shame. i thought this series had a lot of potential.
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So what's Baihe like? I haven't played as her yet.
Broken but also hot
ricochet shot is ridiculous
Strong pressure, some of the best buttons in the entire game, zoning that some characters just can't contest at all. If you're unaware she's outright banned from competitive play, mostly because of bugs but she's also just too damn strong
>i thought this series had a lot of potential
Join the club. Maybe someday we'll get more insight as to what happened with development in detail, and still have a sliver of hope more is done with the IP as misguided as that notion is.
Someone remove the damn text.
you don't really need to do that, just look at other artists on how they do it. Loimu and/or EC Major are good examples who draw nice deer
Loimu draws deer bits like horses... not the best. Besides ECM, Laserkitten is another good artist to reference.
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Hug the deer butt
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your response anons?
"there's an entire cake factory there"
>yeah, dave here is dying of thirst
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Christmas is coming
nigga it's fucking september cool your jets
What are you going to get your favorite ungulate for Christmas, /tfhg/?
I'll give Arizona some bread.
I will get her bred too.
She's going to get fat from all that bred
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What class and race would she play?
Meant to reply to >>41424291
>Arizona = Warrior
>Velvet = Sorcerer
>Tianhuo = "Unarmed" Knight
>Paprika = Bard
>Pom = Healer
>Oleander = Mage
>Shanty = Acrobat
>Texas = Barbarian
>Stronghoof = Battlemage
>Nidra = Monk
>Baihe = "Unarmed" Warrior
doesn't matter, all roads lead to Stealth Archer.
Stealth archer kinda sucks in Oblivion
>he kept leveling up
once you hit the sweet spot of things being appropriately punchy but not damage sponges you just never sleep again.
Nidra should be Nightblade desu
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The based choice. Why fight 20 enemies upfront when you can pick them from afar 1 by 1?
>when you can pick them from afar 1 by 1
Sounds like cowardly Oleander behavior
Hey, not every game has a meltagun, so an arrow to the head will have to do.
Or an arrow to the knee
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top tier cute at least
I like these gifs
Those are fun
500 ungulates
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cardboard dog is best I can do
In my basement
What if ungulates
What if indeed...
is a cute cardboard dog
Cool logo
we are so dead...
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It would seem so
A bit early to celebrat Halloween, tho.
It might as well be Halloween here 24/7
Which ungulate would make for the best housewife?
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what character would be top tier if you were only allowed to fight opponents with 300 or more ping
depends which player it rubberbands to I guess.
Pom porbably
Aaron cringe
haha yeah...
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Anon in Foenum
Someone wrote that. What happened to it?
died off faster than the playerbase did
That's one chunky Velvet.
Is just her winter floof
There was an Anon x Cashmere story that turned into an Anon x Velvet story, but then it stopped updating and there was another story with Anon x Oleander with a time skip. Can't think of any others.
Velvet should have her winter floof all the time
I really wanted them to react to human technology.
Just use ai to finish it.
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>just use AI
Claude and GPT4-o are better than most amateur human writers now.
you don't read fanfiction because it's "good" anon
you're missing the whole fucking point
>you're missing the whole fucking point
NTA, but what is the point then?
link please? I want to read thise
the point of fanfiction is that a setting or character has so enraptured a person they decided to put effort into making something about it.
Whether it's good or not is secondary. Whether anyone else reads it or not is tertiary. It's you, the human, engaging with the work because you liked it enough to feel compelled to.
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drew the hot one
good lizzer.
Nice longma plot
I don't have the Ollie story, but here's the Cashmere/Velvet one
They really, really, really aren't
Even if it makes decent prose, which it won't always, it's not going to be able to handle long-term consistent storytelling. It's going to forget plot details, it won't foreshadow because it's making shit up with no plan, it won't even be consistent in its writing style.
Dig your longma, I wanna do a pelvic thrust infinite on her featureless mound.
Same desu
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I never said it can write a whole book. That’s why you still need a human to take the wheel and steer it how you want.
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If you're gonna wrangle it that hard just write it yourself, maybe use it for inspiration but don't copy anything from it, few words at most if you like a specific phrase. The AI doesn't know what you want but you do.
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like father like daughter
Why is daddy deer looking dissapointed?
his little girl lost to a baby cow
shamefur dispray
Velvet would have redeemed herself
"No more sloppy toppy until you obliterate that cow, snoovish."
shoutout to the player who's just playing E40 Choices through the speaker on loop the entire time they're online
I like the goth unicorn
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John Maximum told me the 6.1 patch is adding Cyber Arizona as a clone character, please get hype
Me too
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Oleander if she he.
would not
What is the purpose of this
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>and then arizona fucking died
Can you tell him to add story mode content instead? Just do what Melty Blood/SNK vs Capcom does and have dialogue before some battles in arcade mode along with proper story endings.

Also, add more PLOT.
uhm achtually arizona wins this matchup
She does but I thought the panel was funny out of context
in the butt
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>i can play any character optimally
Do you think Fred ever punishes Oleander by taking away her magic when she needs to do some simple task? She's probably really used to telekinesis after 13 years
>gonna talk back, try opening this jar with your silly hooves then
That would be funny

>"Oleander, you are eating way too many donuts. I'll put you on a diet so you can recover your strenght."
>"What? No way! I am a powerful unicorn! I can use magic to do my bidding."
>"Oh yeah?"
>Suddenly a light comes out of Oleander. Next moment, her coat returned to white
>Meanwhile, Fred absorbed the energy and went into his book, closing himself
>"Haha, very funny. Now come out."
>No answer
>"This is no longer funny. Leave the book."
>No answer
>"Fred, get out!"
>"... when you are thinner."
>Oleander jumps at the book, but she can't open it. She even used tools to break it
>Or she would, if she was strong to carry them
>"Lose some weight, and I will open."
>"And what if I abandon you? Would you like that?"
>"Perhaps. With the magic you accumulated, maybe I can find a better suitor. Hey, maybe even a Predator. I wonder how long will you survive without magic."
>"Grrr... fine! Have it your way!"
>Fred pulls out a tentacle, take Oleander's bag, and takes all the donuts
>"I deserve this. Get to workout, fatty."
>"You are the worst!"
Mlp trained me to be interested in horse cock as much as mare pussy, so I would still sexually pleasure.
Lol, Oleander would summon her deepest inner magic if donuts were being withheld
>Mlp trained me to be interested in horse cock
Nah you were a faggot before FiM was a thing
hoof holding
Snuggle time with Oleander.
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She's waiting
almost there
500 Paprikas
I will satisfy all of them

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