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Breeding your sister to save the future Edition
Previously: >>41310228
>List of greens so far
https://ponepaste.org/8941 (Sweaty Sunset Sister.)
https://ponepaste.org/8950 (Sister Sunset Stormy Silver Screen)
https://ponepaste.org/9062 (Sister Sunset’s Secret Scandalous Salacity)
https://ponepaste.org/9166 (Kindred Kissing Carnal Cousins)
https://ponepaste.org/9189 (Milky Motherly Morning)
https://ponepaste.org/9416 (Vinyl and Sunset Sisters, unfinished/abandoned)
https://ponepaste.org/9463 (Family Friendly Fun, ongoing)
https://ponepaste.org/9764 (Dawn of Incest)
https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40464433/#40470159 (Various greens that never made it to ponepaste)
https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39941314/#q39969050 (The beginning of Scribblekek’s downfall)
Incestual love so strong it killed multiple boards
This shit is just Pooh's Adventures wiki tier autism but with dougshit incest
Home sweet home.
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Sex with big sis Vinyl
Sunsis tried to come back in time and warn us, but it was too late
Is there a lore reason for why you’re mad?
Can she save us from the raping that cousin Aria was just about to give us?
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Was it rape? Anon was totally into it.
I just like saying rape
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Just you wait, us Hagfags will win in the end
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>“I wish Anon and I were as close as Ashley and her brother”
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>"Anon, what's wrong? You told me you thought cheerleaders were cute. Now I can come to all your games and cheer for you!"
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>Vinyl gets nagged about having her bare tits out all the time at home
>She uses her rave tape as a loophole
>She still gets nagged
Is there an un-taped version of this picture?
But I dont practice any sport
I’m about to join every team just to see more cheerleader lilsis.
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we need anon to have someone to talk to about guy stuff.
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>"Damn Anon, I've never seen a student improve so fast! I remember your mile time would put Moondancer to shame, but look at you keeping pace with Rainbow Dash!"
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>“You gotta bang your sister dude.You don't want some random douchebag to take advantage of her right? if anything you’re doing her a favor. She’s getting what she wants and you get laid without the worry of STD’s. I mean just look how happy Ashley is?”
>“know you can’t see her mouth but trust me. She’s grinning ear to ear”
>anon gigachad genes from his dad are kicking in.
Anon the Werechad
>breaking all of Rainbow’s records just so you can crush your sister’s puss in the locker room afterwards while she cheers you on
Sorry, Dash. Sucks to be an only child with no siblings to give you that extra push I guess.
Spitfire is only a stepsister but she can get her pussy pounded in the locker room too.
>Spitfire is getting a pretty tired of all of Rainbow’s bragging
>little rookie is letting everything go to her head
>and trying to be the “all-star” is affecting her teamwork, as well as the rest of the team’s moral
>so the team captain needs help humbling the cocky showoff
>noticing Anon’s sudden athletic rise she goes to ask for his help
>when she finds him banging his sis up against the gym lockers she realizes what’s going on
>comes to Sunset for advice on motivating him even further
>Sunset convinces her that he might just leave Rainbow in the dust if she were willing to put on a cheerleader outfit and “cheer” for him too
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>"Damn it, Anon's not gonna be able to pass Dash; they're neck and neck!"
>"Then it's time we stepped in to help, isn't it?"
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>"Being no stranger to the endless cheers from her leagues of adoring fans, Trixie supposes no one makes a better leader of cheers than TRRRIXIE!"
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How many ice packs does Anon need by the end of every day?
What’s got her looking so smug? I don’t trust it…
I feel this could work in a VERY fanservice anime.
at first, his dick and balls were constantly on fire thus he must have always been
with a damn ice pack, but now...I'd say he can send his family to sleep satisfied and fulfilled.
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>"Anon, quit being such a bore and jump in the lake with Trixie."
>"There is NO serial killer monster thingy in the water!"
Isn’t that the really irradiated lake that your old secret city hometown dumped reactor waste in?
so...is there a defined age for anon?
to me he was always the younger relative/sibling when compared to sunset, vinyl, trixie, moondancer, the dazzlings, etc... but older than cozy, diamond tiara, twist, babs, etc...
I see him in the middle. I think Sunset is really the only one my preference fluctuates with, although I do group her and Vinyl together so I guess they both do.
Sunset/Vinyl - fluctuates depending on story, but if you make me choose than Anon would be older than them, as much as I like Onee-sans
Trixie - older than
Moondancer - same age probably
Adagio - younger than
Aria - same age
Sonata - older than
Although I could see them being triplets and are all around the same age, then those roles would just be how they feel relationship wise.
And then definitely older than all the lolis.
So uh, I guess my answer is no.
I Always thought of as being the same age or being within 1 year of everyone outside of obvious characters, IE moms, aunts, ect.
I don’t see why he needs to have a set age. I think he can be whatever age whoever’s writing about him feels like making him
Yeah, I think it should be open to interpretation. For example I prefer a smug older sister Sunset who likes to toy with her little bro.
Why is she busty?
she let anon play with her breast too much and now she is addicted to it.
point taken.
yeah I also like that but with the twist of anon blossoming into a proper man or very much be a jailbait.
>What if Sunset Shimmer were your sister?
A sister that suddenly became a huge bitch for several years and then clingy and self-deprecating, and only to find out she’s actually from an alternate reality version and that your actual sister is most likely long dead

Pretty grim now that I think about it
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That makes two of us.
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Damn brats…
Damn bongo drums…
>It's just the portal scene from Infinity War but with the aunts and cousins coming out in Cheerleader outfits.
>Skinny dipping with Trixie
>Sex in lake with Trixie
>Mutant super powers with Trixie…
>Her power is actual magic
>Yours is a dick that doesn’t have a recharge timer
It couldn’t have worked out better.
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If one were to make one of these for the thread, what would the text read?
'tittymonster little sister gf' for one
flatfags get the rope
I like the way you think.
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>Anatomy of an older sister
>Listening to breakbeat/hardcore/wubs/whatever
>Backpack filled with lsd/ecstasy
>Blatant incest shirt
>CD player/walkman/phone fits in her skirt pocket
>little brother bf
>She thinks you talking to your buddy about your game nights is for actual sport games at Canterlot
>She joined Cheer just for you
>Google: "How do I get good at Sports FAST"
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>If she wore that for you
I feel like we are limiting anon too much in terms of talents.
how about making him an inventor of sorts, specifically he invents the hoverboard or something like that.
also pony sunset and sister sunset should totally compete for anon.
>Inventing a hoverboard when surrounded by his family when he could invent the ultimate boner pill instead
What could top having the superpower of infinite libido?
>If the family all had different super powers
>Then it comes time when Anon's power reveals itself
>Infinite libido
>Suddenly all the women in his family reveal how they really feel about him
I SWEAR I played an old MnF flash game with this kind of set up.
Also kind of an idea with it.
>If it wasn't all at once
>Anon would have masturbation sessions where he could fap non-stop without his balls ever feeling empty or even getting tired from it, and didn't even know this wasn't normal
can you imagine anon getting caught by either of his sisters or mother and then slowly realize that anon isn't tired at all?.
they are hidden and decide to wait until he finishes to have the talk with him...until the hours begin to pass and kept going, and going and going...lasting longer than anyone they ever known, with gigachad dad being the sole exception.
That's definitely funny to imagine. Maybe especially if it was momma Celestia.
>She's going to tell Anon dinner is ready and opens his door a little without knocking
>See's he's masturbating
>Plans to scold him for it after he's done not having the nerve to barge in during the middle of it
>Hours later he still hasn't stopped or even showed any signs of slowing down
>She's gone from irritated, to shocked, to impressed, and finally becoming horny
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what a slutty sis
probably the sluttiest in the family
gotta have at least one
but only for anon, she is still a virgin and wants to remain pure for him.
she's an incest slut, her choices are pretty slim if she wants dick
so far, anon is ironically the best candidate and they'll produce gigachads and turbostacies with him.
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>"We have to continue the lineage, my son~."
>"From now on you will come to my office instead of class each morning, after lunch, and before the end of the day."
>"If any of the girls keep yo up, I want proof they did."
"Well how-"
>"Bring their panties as proof."
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Bitch is already a turbostacy, I can't imagine what level of dick destroyer she'd pop out.
she's only a virgin when it comes to male relatives. she already tried a little something with Sunsis just for fun
"Alright then...Here's Sunset's, Vinyl's, Adagio's, Sonata's, Aria's, Aunt Harshwhinny's, and Pinkie's."
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>"...Thats it?"
>"Hm. Thought the other girls would be more active then that. Oh well."
"Aunt Harshwhinny basically held me in her office till first break. I think she's going through something, saw a bunch of weird "Fertile" bottles everywhere."
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>"Oh she's just worried that her daughters being not as pushy as some of the other girls are with you, they won't get to continue the line and thinks she should take on responsibility herself."
>"Anyway, Lets get started..."
anon is the only one who can withstand her dick destroying techniques.
>Anon is whiteknuckling six pairs of loli panties
She’d only end up killing a lesser man
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>Anon is whiteknuckling six pairs of loli panties
All part of the plan
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Slave Leia was nice, but for the next con I want Sailor Sunsis.
Ever year Anon gets the shirt trimmed lower and lower without telling her.
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How many actual hours of sleep does Anon get in a night? Probably not much
He has mastered the sacred family art of sleep fucking, thanks to some late night lessons with Aunty Luna.
And by that I mean she assaulted him so many times in his sleep he now sleeps with a permanent erection that his sisters know aaaaall about.
Need to kiss sister while laying together
>Anon joins the football team to get time to himself
>He smokes everyone on the field because he’s in such great shape from the constant sex.
>All the girls become cheerleaders to stay close to him.
>Sometimes they fight on the field when they argue over who gets him first before he showers.
There is no escape. Best to accept one’s fate.
as if his family would let some hussies get anon's dick...yeah right.
his mother and his aunts will constantly keep him out of their graps.
When I say “all the girls” I of course mean family members.
They muscle out the other girls. Our sisters and cousins are basically like a gang around the school.
Random girl;
>”Wow, that Anon guy is in really good shape, huh?”
Other random girl;
>”I know! He’s kinda hot…”
>”BACK OFF, BOWSER! He’s taken!”
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Now post the version of her in a bikini walking
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I need to /r/ this as Sunset and Wallflower in the draw thread.
She has a mischievous sisterly aura
>”Oh? You’re not gonna fuck me right here are you?”
>”I won’t stop you, here I’ll even get started and take off my top. But I bet you don’t have the balls~”
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>Most families’ home movies consist of their most wholesome moments together
>Meanwhile the Shimmer family’s home movies mainly consist of their most erotic moments together
That sounds like a fun green. Might work on something like that in my down time.
Is >>41367218 one of them?
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>Sunset teaching Anon to swim
>Sunset and Anon make a cake together
>Sunset teaches Anon how to kiss girls
>Sunset and Anon’s sleepover
>Sunset wrestles with Anon
>Anon takes Sunset to his first homecoming(he was so embarrassed)
>The homecoming aftermath
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Don't worry, Anon gets his revenge in the morning round 2.
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She’s getting a baby put in her for keeping me up all night
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if we think about it...sunset technically qualifies as a magical girl.
and in this universe, anon gets to bang his magical girl sister.
I feel I read this doujin before. With Sailor Moon characters no less.
They were really popular back in the 2000s.
No magic can defeat the power of the brother dick
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>"Pst, Hey!"
>"Sneak away with me and Aria, we're gonna have sooo much fun away from everyone else~!"
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Playing hooky with my delinquent cousins. What could they have planned?
They’re going to take Anon to a movie, and not watch any of it.
Lap dance from Sonata, titty smothering from Aria
Amusing, but we don’t use those in this family
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>"Oh, don't be so grumpy, Dagi! That's why we had Anon fill up these condoms too, just for you! Aren't we the best sisters ever?! Lucky he had enough for all three of us, huh? Here! This one's from meee, and this one is from Aria. But I'm sure you'll be able to tell by the taste, am I right~ Just don't let cousin Sunny catch you with those~"
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>TFW your sisters foil your plan to steal Anon away from Sunset by stealing him away from both of you.
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>”I wouldn’t even risk untying them if I were you, sis. Any family member worth her spunk is gonna smell it on you right away if you do, especially Sunset. Just stick to tonguing the bag or whatever. Might still be warm if you hurry~.”
Aria with her bar shoulders exposed is way too sexy.
That’s the face she makes when she notices you getting hard for her naked shoulders.
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>ywn have a big sis who’s willing to murder any hussies that try to speak to you
what if she kidnaps them and then rapes them in front of you, and then makes them watch you two having incest love?
What about the face she makes when I say I wanna hump the space between her collarbone?
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>raping hussies to show that they belong to her
>forcing hussies to watch your incestuous activities to show that you belong to her too
Why is she so powerful?
Gotta be tough to head this family. No time for these hussies, gotta protect the family jewels.
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Breaking hussies with power of the most pure love (incest)
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>"...what the hell is wrong with you?"
Why are you blushing? You like the idea? Are you thinking about it?
>Anon can’t take it anymore and finally snaps
>Tackles Aria to the ground while huffing like a wild animal
>Aria can do nothing but take it as her own cousin brutally rapes her shoulders
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And they look PERFECT for my dick to be nestled between.
Don’t blame me, blame your stupid sexy shoulders!
She’s thinking about your cock bumping up against the bottom of her chin while you pant and rut against her chest like a dog.
>blasting a load directly into the underside of her chin and making a mess all over her neck and shoulders
We’ll get there, cuz. First I wanna fuck against your bellybutton, maybe between your biceps and your forearms, maybe the back of your head after that.
I just wanna rub my dick all over my cute, grumpy cousin.
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So... is Aria the official thread favorite of the Dazzlings?
She’ll only let you cum on her if you call her your favorite.
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she is mine
despite being the most standoffish and rude, Aria needs more and responds better to affirmation and love than the others
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>"He...he likes Aria more?"
Sonata won’t have time to think those silly little cuck thoughts as she’s bouncing on Anon’s cock with her fat ass while Aria smothers him with her fat tits.
I always saw Sonata as more on the easy going side, but maybe she needs a little more attention too. Well I’m happy to give it to her. Her and those nice big jigglies of hers.
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Gonna knead them tenderly until she's blushing then I'll slap em around till she's moaning, bet she likes it a little rough.
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"Damn it woman, I'm trying to play CS:go. Wait, why are you trying to hit on your own brother, anyway?"
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>"Hiiiii~ Nonny~."
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i like titties
…more sunscreen, ma’am?
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>Hm? You hear something, bro? Me neither
>"don't you dare treat me like that or i will fold your taco"
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>Threaten me with a good time, will you?
>You’re playing a dangerous game, fish head. You wouldn’t want to end up like your sister, now would you?
I knew the day would come when they’d start fighting over who gets the bro D… I just didn’t expect it to be her and her.
Fight! Fight! Fight! Now kiss. Preferable with my now throbbing erection between you.
Sonata thought that she came up with a creative, threatening idiom. little did she know that it already had a meaning and that Sunset will gladly participate
She meant to say "fold you like a taco", but this is Sonata so...
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>how it started
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>how it's going
>how it ended
Good end
Nothing beats waking up in the morning to nice meal cooked by your loving sister wives
haha, what if they accidentally spilled syrup on their chests? I’d have no choice but to help them clean it with my tongue.
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What kind of music would Sunset want blasting while you blast her pussy?
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What about Viny >>41376599
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You wouldn’t rape your sister in her sleep, would you?
of curse not
this is the only time when my dick can get some rest
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Impossible to do so. She's my sister so it's consensual.
That's what Vinyl is for.
>Vinylsis plays dick goalie at night, knowing you need your rest
>She takes care of any horny sisters, cousins, mothers, and aunts trying to jump your bones while you sleep
>She keeps you safe in her pussy while she finger blasts and eats out the family, even members that are just sleeping as well
What a nice sister
Vinyl is too busy at the club during the night most of the time. Plus she is pretty guilty of constantly trying to rape Anon herself.
>She keeps you safe in her pussy while she finger blasts and eats out the family, even members that are just sleeping as well
So is she just raping Anon AND Sunset while they sleep?
>she is pretty guilty of constantly trying to rape Anon herself
To be fair that does sound more like that’s what she’s doing here. Maybe she just tells herself that she’s keeping you safe while she drains you herself.
I just want to sleep together with my sisters…(after fucking, but still)
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>Coming home sweaty, drunk, high, and horny after a long night of partying.
>Everyone is asleep, well, almost everyone, your mom is up doing work, the pair of you being night owls.
>She of course bitches at you as usual, saying you stink of booze yadda yadda.
>Grab her tightly and kiss her passionately to shut her up, coping a feel of her ass.
>Your mom wasn’t as endowed as you but she was cute, and fun to mess with like this.
>Licking her lips as you part, you leave her stunned in the hallway, stripping off what little clothing you had as you go to the bedrooms.
>Your huge tits bounce and wobble once they’re freed, your nipples getting hard as you hear the familiar sound of skin on skin.
>Following the noise, you enter one of the bedrooms and see a cuddle pile on the giant bed, someone moving under the sheets.
>Climbing in, you find Starlight sitting in Anon’s lap feverishly, your poor bro looking completely spent as he slept.
>Grabbing her hips, you pull your socialist cousin off of him with a wet shlorp, much to her irritation.
>Taking her spot, you take him into and continue where she left off, pressing your face into her pussy and eating her out.
>Finishing the two off, you feel Anon shoot a load deep inside you as Starlight’s pussy gushes against your skilled tongue.
>Dropping Starlight onto her girlfriend, Trixie holds onto Starlight tightly in her sleep, the girl too tired to resist.
>Laying down on top of Anon, your breasts squish on his chest as you give him a kiss, your pussy still milking him as you see your sister snoring peacefully next to him, her body pressed tightly into his side, space on the bed being a premium.
>Your fingers drift into her panties and you see her expression change in her sleep as you enter her, fingering her as your eyes start to drift closed.
>You take good care of your younger siblings, they needed their beauty rest after all.
>As you fall unconscious, your hips and fingers keep going on autopilot, working out several more orgasms through the night from all of you as the three of you slept.
The only negative consequence of turning our family into one big harem, is that it’s only made Starlight’s commie beliefs stronger
How much does being a DJ pay? She should have her own home at this point.
And move away from her family, the free food, free board, all the other money savings, and as much brother dick she could ever want?
Yeah a real wonder why she hasn’t moved out.
Does cuddling up next to her under the blankets and holding her tight like a body pillow count?
Sister bump
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>ywn wake your sister up by deepthroating her
That’s a little mean for Sunny, she’s not really a morning person.
Better to do that to someone with more throat experience who won’t wake up sputtering but sucking on reflex.
That’s why she needs it to help wake her up.
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She’s also a part time nurse
Sis help! My penis needs its blood flow restored!
Quick I need mouth to tip resuscitation with tongue compressions and throat constrictions!
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job is paying well!
do you mean part time wet-nurse? how else is she or luna so fucking stacked?
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Vinyl mogs her own mother in every measurable metric.
If it weren't for her hair color and the fact she gave birth to her, Luna might suspect Celestia popped her out instead.
Luna can have big tits too.
if Luna has no milk jugs then Vinyl shouldn't have them
Well, Luna and Celestia are sisters after all.
Luna still has big titty genes, they just passed her by for her sister and daughter.
She must have gotten the recessive traits of her parents.
Similar thing with Adagio and her sisters.
Plus it’s cute for little Luna to have squeezed out such a bombshell like Vinyl.
That's not how genes work, Anon.
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>Wah! What are we gonna do on the grass, onii-chan?
Fertilize it. And I don’t mean the grass.
see >>41344047 and >>41344121
tia is obviously still the reigning family tiddymonster
that's approximately how genes work
I want to take Shimmy on camping trips where we just live out of a tent for the weekend and go crazy, breeding like animals out in the woods.
how would you call your precious sister? what kind of cute, intimate nickname would you give her?
give ideas for both older and younger sis
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>Luna had to deal with her bigger sisters all her life, particularly Celestia
>She wasn't tiny, but resentment built up in her smaller body over the years
>She jumped chaddad's bones before Celestia could and had Vinyl before Sunset
>Luna's body put all those unused genes and resentment into Vinyl to create the thiccest daughter it could
And thus was born gigastacy Vinyl

Chrysalis had a similar reaction, though the big tits and ass are split between three daughters instead of one, with one in particular drawing the short straw.
Cock Sock
>What if Sunset Shimmer were your sister?
But she's not my sister.
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But she's not my sister.
Older sister: Mom
Younger sister: Princess
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She wants to be ready to do all the crazy positions from all those weird comics her brother reads for him.
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>"stop having sexual thoughts about your sis, "onii-chan""
The only way I can do that is to make those thoughts reality
They really went out of their way on this special to show that she's got a decent ass and bust, eh?

Look at it. Every line perfectly curved upwards. Someone had to manually set all that on Flash to make sure her proper breasts were on full display.

They know.
it's criminal that we didn't get official Limestone and Marble designs in EQG
tho AI is doing a damn good job
Nothing is stopping us from just commissioning the actual EG artists to do it. All of them are out of NDAs and are taking commissions.

But at this point, what's the point?
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How did Aria react the first time Anon came inside her?
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Very much not like her normal, aggressive self. It was a moment of realization for her. When she felt her cousin's warm spunk dumping into her she moaned like a whore and let her body shudder and in that moment, she let herself be venerable. For your dick.
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>"he bro. you also came here for a night snack?"
Need Sunsis to get her fix slurping lines of whipped cream off my erection.
>end up completely naked on the kitchen counter in the middle of the night
>taking turns spraying whipped cream on each other and licking it off
What if she just started furiously making out with him? In the moment she totally loses her cool and latches on to him, pulling him tight against her with her arms and legs and sucking face with her cousin. Moaning like bitch even as her expression makes her seem pissed with you and herself.
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>when your sisters sneak Anon out of the school and you have to secretly tag along to keep an eye on them
>…just so they don’t embarrass the family name in public, of course
>or worse, get caught playing hooky by your mother…
God damn she curvy
So you were headed to Vinyl’s room, too?
Correction needed.
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Eventually the sound of a whipped cream spray is going to become like Pavlovian response for me or whatever.
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Where could Anon go to legally marry his sisters?
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>mfw I remember sunset has a pony alternative self
>mfw both of will fight over anon bro
Uh, ALL of Anon’s relatives have an alternate version.
Ironically Sunset is the only one we don’t have concrete evidence for.
She might’ve killed her to take her spot in EQG.
sunset IS the pony alternative self
real no hooves sunny is a mystery
I've been of the mind that this is all an alt universe thing. You know, considering everyone is related.
You’re playing with fire thinking you have the capability of correcting any of the brats after they ran a train on you
Vegas road trip! I don't know if it's legal, but the Father Presley isn't paid to asked questions.
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Can I marry more than one sister at the same time there?
Marry them all, it's the only way.
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What if you and your sisters got stuck on a deserted island? How long before you all go full monke brain?
We could die at any moment. Why waste time?!
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Plap goes brrr
We Blue Lagoon now, boys
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And a part time officer of the law
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>sucks your dick
>calls you a faggot
>refuses to elaborate
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The real question, Anon, is; what are you gonna do about it?
any ideas for some AI gens relevant to this topic?
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Moar stuff like these>>41355512
i will need to find a LoRA for this
Casually talking on the phone while jerking Anon off.

Or just generally doing something unsavory while talking on the phone, the implication of what's left unseen is hot, too.
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Sunsis with whip cream on her tits or something.
There's a lot of potential from that scene alone.
>"You realize that we are not being sneaky. Mom already knows what we do, in fact~"
>"Oh my god, fucking be quiet! I got work in the morning!." - Mom.
>trying to clean the spunk out of her hair
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What does the Shimmer family do to prepare for winter?
They gather all of the pillows and blankets in the house and toss them together in the living room, making one big nest. There they will warm each other through the cold winter. Only emerging again when the snow melts, with new healthy baby bumps.
Probably take away all the cozy and warm bedsheets from Anon so he doesn't oppose to having someone sneaking into his bed for warmth
>Sunsis spreads her legs and pulls Dagi face first into her freshly creamed pie
they do that movie where folks lock themselves in a mansion for X days and go full orgy
I know which film are you refering to.
Sunset, no matter what anime told you, eating your lover's poop is NOT healthy. In fact, if you eat it means you are sick. Just like those bastards inside the castle who do unspekable things for 120 days AND nights.
oh, i remember now, it was Salo
We need the couch meme with Anon surrounded by various family members
Make a mock-up for it and maybe it can be requested
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>"Let's get you back inside me before your dick freezes off."
dunno why but AI just doesn't get the idea of holding a phone next to an ear
just imagine that Sunset is having a video conference with mum and she's just one click away from swapping the front camera to back camera
>^moshi moshi? hello, Sunset, how's it going?"
>"pretty good, i'm just goofing around with Anon"
>^glad to hear that...why are you smiling like that, dear?^
>"oh, it's just Anon making funny faces again. you know him"
conversation is what i had in mind. brainfart
Man, this really is well-done. How are you genning this?

Anyway, it's not exactly what I asked for, but the green really sold it for me. And actually, the idea that at any point she could accidentally click the camera swap button is really hot. Thanks, Nonny.
>How are you genning this?
i'm using Forge WebUI with AutismMixPony model
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>tfw Sunset could never find a girlfriend free boy, so she had to settle for her own brother
I love that hairstyle on her.
Can we get her taking s selfie with our dick? Maybe with and without facial?
>Yes Our dick.
The collective dick.
this was much harder to gen than it should be. i'll tidy it up and post tomorrow, i should be sleeping already
I'll Yee that Haw.
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>Hey big bro! I’m all sweaty from P.E. today, and I’ll be in the showers allll by myself later…
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Having her brother walking around shirtless really helped Sunset’s YouTube career
>"Guys, thank you for the follow, but that's my brother! I would never! I could even prove it while gaming with his crotch right on my face and I still wouldn't lose focus. Right, bro?"
Anon having PTSD flashbacks to the last time he followed a loli relatives into an room.
she will proceed to prove that she's not into incest by getting pounded by her bro and not cumming once
And she’ll have to do her best to hide it when she cums multiple times
>Then mom interrupts the stream and the chat thinks it's all over, but mom takes over fucking Anon instead of stopping everything
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"Look, it could be any guy's cock. It just happens to be my brother's because his is easily accessible. And it's not relevant that he's my brother, because he'd feel good regardless of whether or not we're related. And it's not that I think my brother's cock feels good, it's just that his size is genetically predisposed to be a perfect fit for my tight pussy. And yeah, we cuddle afterwards and he gets to keep on poking me with it, but that's because being the little spoon is calming for me. And it doesn't matter if I get wet, because it's just a reflex. And it's not weird that I get off to the feeling of his dick poking against me in a way no dildo can do, because I've just gotten used to it and associated being horny with him, so it's basic Pavlovian conditioning. And I really don't appreciate the insinuation that I want to have babymaking sex with my brother, because that's such a wild leap of logic that I can't possibly understand how you could come to it."
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>Momma Chrysalis yelling at him, "Oh my god, I told you to stay away from those dirty pamphlets! It is bad enough that I am having a hard time trying to raise you and your sisters. Lord knows I try to keep you from visiting each others bedrooms." Sit at the kitchen table with a wineglass in hand. "Just go see your sister, it's her birthday. I want her to be happy on this day at least."
This is her idea of a donothon. Every donation to the stream adds to the timer, top donators get to request stuff like positions.
i wonder if that's true
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100%, bro- I mean fellow Anon…
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That’s a pretty sus post…
Nothing beats the feeling of falling asleep in the warm embrace of your loving sister after a night of passionate love making
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Got room for one more?
You guys think Sunset can measure up to these two? For starters, she hasn't implicated Anon in a serious felony, so that's a plus.
Must have been autocorrected?
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Sunsis has killed many hussies in order to protect her little brother
Damn that is such a nice gen. I hate it when people add hair to Anon though, especially generic anime hair. Just let the man be bald.
Imagine the post nut cuddles from these two, must tight.
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Who is the official queen of incest?
luna because she had chaddad's firstborne
vinyl is the oldest "daughter" of the family, right?
I think that would be Cadence.
The AI cannot understand that men are bald. That's just not a thing in anime. If you're bald, then you're just cannon fodder.
What was it supposed to be?
I don't know, maybe it was a metaphor for something my smooth brain can't understand.
I mean, you are only 3 things in anime when you are bald:

>A creepy/dangerous bad guy
>A dead grunt
>A hentai rapist
Hey, bald guys have more sex than anyone else in anime.
You basically just described Anon.
I wouldn't call anon a dangerous rapist. He may be fueled by rape, but I would call him more like a retarded rapist: victim or perpetrator, he gets his dick wet by happenstance.
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uhhh...i forgor
but here it is!
Fuck yes. Worth the wait.
Sure thing Aria, there's enough room for everyone
>Sucked his face right off
The lipstick on Aria makes it look more like her and Sunset made out a lot too, rather than she was wearing any herself. Nice.
God I fucking love you guys
Fucking UNF
>set up prompt queue for the night so it can bake while i speep comfily
>forget to hit "generate"
We could've had it all...
Anon’s dick is a magnet that just so happens to keep getting stuck inside his female family members
it just makes sense
a magnet attracts the closest more strongly
would be weird to try sticking a magnet to your fridge and it instead flies into the neighbor's fridge
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What did she find on your computer, little bro?
regular porn, not even stepstuff, just plain vanilla
which is completely unacceptable
All the upskirt shots of her I have, organized by date and panties.
evidence that could lead to the arrest of hillary clinton
now sunsis has to keep her brother from being suicided by glowniggers
she found not a single incest video
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>Ewww look at this pervert getting hard over his little sisters! Disgusting!
pp too big but oh well. father was a Chad after all
non-facial coming when AI spits out something decent
>From the beginning and to the end of time
Good shit. Thanks.
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What incest kino is she watching?
rip, getting a secure connection failed error
and of course the minute i make a post, shit starts working again. very sad
Yosuga No Sora
good night Sunsis bros
Checked. Blessed.
I don't know about you guys, but I prefer anon to be one of the younger siblings in the family.
Sounds like someone wants to be bullied by cozy glow.
More like /SS/ but I find that acceptable. If non-family members tried to bully you too, would she turn crazy?
I love you
over 50 gens and this is the best AI could do. i need to give it some spanking
>Sunsis casually approaches you and without any warning or reason, she pulls your pants off and starts stroking you
>she whips up a phone and starts taking selfies before you can even process what and why
>eventually she makes you cum and then just leaves you all messy without elaborating further
>soon your phone gets flooded with messages from your various relatives giggling and teasing you
>even Scribble sends you an angry message
Living the life.
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She found out the test results.
We're not actually blood related.
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Are they the ultimate incest duo?
>Red and Blue
Now we need Green and Yellow, and you'll have the best fivesomes ever.
i like that pairing
Fire and ice.
Your pair of big titty older sisters really do complement each other well, just like their mothers.
So, Aria and Adagio?
That would be purple and orange. Think he means Walflower and Spitfire.
Is Wallflower even incestuous?
She is now.
She’s Anon from another timeline. Selfcest is the ultimate incest.
She’s Anon and Sunset’s daughter from the future you mean.
That's not hot, that's just weird
Anon is afraid of the family circle. Huh what a wuss
You can’t stop the circle of life, Anon
I like both ideas with Wallflower.
>She's an alternate Anon who escaped her alternate timeline where she was the only female surrounded by male family members who all wanted to fuck her
>She's a daughter from the future who's jealous of her mom and went back in time to be able to interact with her dad while he was a teenager like her
What if she’s both?
How would that work? The alternate timeline where the family is all practically all men and Wallflower being a daughter from a timeline where they're women seems pretty incompatible.
just fuck your time traveling daughtertu
Sunsis find's your hidden stash of cider you had tucked away in your closet, how screwed are you Anon?
She's only mad you didn't share, but maybe you can salvage it by saying you were saving it for a special occasion and were going to share when the time came.
Personally, I like to think Wallflower doesn't have a strong male presence in her life, and anon JUST happened to be nice to her, so now she is stuck to him every chance she has.
Also, since she sees his sisters "playing" with him a lot, she goes "oh, maybe he is into that", so she calls him daddy or oniichan.
This, obviously, pisses Sunset off because, 1) she is NOTHING to anon, is only Sunset terrytory here; and 2) Hussies should be like Adagio: seeing, not getting involved.
So everytime they clash, Anon has to save poor Wally, which makes him more infatuated with him, which makes Sunset angrier, and all this makes a Tom & Jerry episode.
Sunsis found the piss bottles! Run bros!
Now THIS I can get behind
>she looks you in the eyes and starts drinking it
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>she knows it was lemonade all along and your attempt to gross her out has failed, so she tries to gross you out instead
She knew it was your stash and you tried to lie but she called your bluff.
>whipped cream sis kisses
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>Momlestia and Lunaunt are out of the house for the week on vacation
>spend the week sleeping and fucking in mom's king+ sized bed and raiding her wine stash
That sounds like Chrysalis would have. Also, Luna and Celestia being aunts sounds hotter.
>If you lived with Celestia and Luna thinking Celestia I'd your mom, but it turns out Chrysalis is your real mom
Would definitely be one hell of a twist.
>Maybe because when you were born Chrysalis was completely incapable of trying to raise you
Actually gives me another idea with Wallflower.
>With Chrysalis being Anon's mom but having given him up to Celestia due to being unable to raise him at the time
>If Wallflower was a daughter she had and put up for adoption before having the Sirens which she kept after getting her life together
>Making Wallflower a lost sibling
I can sort of imagine a green like this:

>Pony Sunset never knew her family being an orphan, until she goes to the human world and has a chance encounter with her native self.
>Things go surprisingly well and the pair become friends.
>Pony Sunset even meets her human family, and though they're weirded out a bit at first, they come to accept the story that she's an alternate version of their daughter.
>The mom and dad especially feel a tug at their heartstrings learning she was an orphan and decide to treat her like a second daughter.
>Pony Sunset couldn't have been happier, except for one small detail.
>Her brother Anon is unreasonably hot!
>Like, a total stud, and whenever she looks at him, she thinks about how powerful unicorn families in Equestria often wed brother and sister to create even more powerful foals, and wonders if, had whatever happened to her Equestrian family never occurred, if she and her version of Anon would have participated in that tradition.
>The thought ends up being clop fuel for the mare-turned-human.
>And even after post-squirt clarity, she ends up wondering if she got knocked up by Anon, if her baby would be a magically gifted unicorn on the other side of the mirror.
>She lets slip to Human Sunset about how she thinks Anon is hot, and the other girl goes red in the face and reprimands her other self for being grouse.
>Secretly, she's surprised she's not the only one who thinks so, and is now jealous.
>one thing leads to another, and now Anon has qausi-twin sisters after his dick.
I'm just going by the chart >>41356369
And personally I think Chyrsalis is hotter as an aunt.
You think that now but it has reconnecting turned sexy times potential with Chrysalis as the mother.
Chrysalis is definitely hot as an aunt. Though I think her as a former delinquent who has to give him up when she had him, but now wants him back now that she's ready and sees he has grown into good husband material could be a fresh take on it.
is this a cheese popcorn link?
offers pizza for buttcoins so you can have neither
This fucks with my age headcanons for all the girls too much.
Wallflower being a lost sibling, possibly even a twin sister is an idea I’ve liked in the past though.
Eh. I prefer my cold, harsh, jealous aunt who still needs to see if I’m good husband material for my cousins instead. And is also maybe a little pent up herself.
Plus I already headcanon Luna as the teenage delinquent/rebel. Not that there can’t be multiple, but Chrysi feels like she should be “evil” now, so I don’t see her as the type to try and reconnect with a discarded son either really.
Like this?
>After years of stressful work, she finds herself sitting in a bar, thinking about the future of her three daughters—how inseparable they are, and yet how much they drive her crazy. Complete twats, all of them, but still her world.
>It had all started innocently enough. She met a man who made her heart jolt, sparking that old yearning for connection. He felt it too. It was the first time she had let herself feel anything like this since having her youngest daughter, and she latched onto his affection, maybe too quickly, eager for the warmth. They moved fast, too fast to really question the similarities between them. Now, he’s talking about wanting her to meet his mother.
>My stomach sinks into a pit of despair as I stare, wide-eyed, at the increasingly angry expressions of my sisters, whom I haven’t spoken to since... My face aches.
>And is also maybe a little pent up herself
She likes to mess around with you just to fuck with Celestia. And yeah because she needs some dick from time to time.
Definitely agree to disagree then. Also I like Dorkalis.
>A Chrysalis who was the black sheep of the family before retreating to introverted geekdom after changing her ways
>Has daughters now who were like how she was as a teenager
>Plus a daughter she gave up for adoption who has much more in common with how she is now
>Siren daughters mess with teenage Anon and end up re-introducing him to her
>Dorkalis thinks Anon is perfect for her and badly wants him back now to be her lover
>Might also try to get Wallflower back to bond over hobbies
That’s a good angle. Probably does the same with Sunset and maybe even Vinyl. Although actually I don’t really see them going along with it.
Maybe it only works because it’s Anon.
That’s fine. I just prefer my wine mom so my sis can raid her stash and we can fuck in the big bed as per >>41420150
Also with Dorkalis I think it'd be funny if Anon is told about Chrysalis being somd really dangerous and crazy criminal, but then meeting her and finding she's nothing like that. Having drastically changed from when she last spoke with her sisters.
>Also if Dorkalis was dangerous, but from being a desperate and horny hentai coomer who'd become possessive rather than being violently dangerous as delinquent/gangster
Also an angle with Chrysalis mom.
>Chrysalis fucking Anon and declaring a son is meant to be his mom's lover
>Celestia objects, but not for reason you'd think
>Instead of being like 'That's disgusting and you're a perverted weirdo', she's like 'You didn't raise him! If any deserves to be his mommy wife it's me!'
>Chrysalis fucking anon and finding out that he is her son.
>Celestia and Luna become filled with anger and jealousy as they feel like anon is being stolen from them.
>It changes into wanting to be their anons lovers.
>Chrysalis eventually accepts the situation... eventually and has awkward moments of trying to be his mother by day and lover by night.
>After the dust settles with celestia and luna scheming to get into his bed and Chrysalis trying to be mother/lover. Sunset shimmer gets a crush.
Now I can't help but imagine Chrysalis and Celestia competing with each other over who gets to be Anon's mommy wife. Meanwhile Anon loves them both equally well wonder why they're acting weirder than usual
>"Look what I found on mom's closet, Anon~"
Fuck… F-fits well, sis…
>Then you get married to sis
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Then you get married to ALL your sisters
And cousins
And mothers
And aunts.
At the same time.
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A message we can all get behind
Needs more maternity dress Sunset
There is a zero percent chance she’s wearing panties under that skirt
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Imagine her getting stuck in the dryer…
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The first time I've actually been aroused by this trope.
I like how this works because we both know she's not actually stuck in the dryer, but you can get away with it and she "doesn't know who did it"

It's pretty fun
>Anon, lounged in the living room of their small suburban home, his eyes glued to the TV screen.
>The sun outside had just dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow through the curtains.
>The faint sound of his sister's laughter echoed from the kitchen.
>Sunset Shimmer, or just Shimmy to him, was an energetic eighteen-year-old with a penchant for rocking out on her electric guitar.
>Her wavy red-yellow hair often bobbed as she strummed, and her turquoise eyes sparkled with passion for music and life.
>For the longest time he thought of her as one of a kind, but recently, he found out that's not exactly true.
>Other Sunset, or Sunny for short, had entered their lives, turning it surreal.
With her golden skin, wide hips, and a smile that could light up the darkest of rooms, she was almost a mirror image of Shimmy.
But there was something different about her, something that had his mother fussing over her like she was a long-lost daughter.
The first time she revealed that she was an orphan where she came from, her parents tried to make sure she felt welcomed and loved in their home, allowing her to come over whenever she wished and stay as long as she wanted.
>Since then, she'd become a regular fixture in their home, sharing stories from Equestria as well as her adventures with her friends here on Earth.
>As Anon sat there, munching away, he heard the front door open and the patter of shoes on the hardwood floor.
>Sunny had a graceful way of moving that was almost mesmerizing, despite the fact that she was apparently a horse-turned human who should have been more used to walking on four legs.
>She joined him on the couch without fanfare, her green eyes scanning his face with curiosity.
>"Whatcha watching?" she asked.
"Just some reality show," he replied, tossing a chip into the air to catch in his mouth. "You know, the usual nonsense."
>Sunset leaned closer, her large breasts pressing against his arm, and he couldn't help but feel a warmth spread through him.
>It was a feeling he'd been trying to ignore since she first arrived, but it was getting harder and harder.
>She had this aura about her that was magnetic, and he found himself drawn to her without really knowing why.
>"You know," she said with a sly smile, "sometimes a little nonsense is good for the soul."
>Just as he was about to respond, the door to the kitchen swung open and Shimmy burst in.
>She saw the way Sunset was leaning into Anon and her eyes widened.
>"Hey, no hogging the couch!" she exclaimed, her voice light and teasing, but with a hint of urgency.
>She hurried over squeezed between them, throwing an arm around her brother's shoulders.
>"You're gonna get us all tangled up if you keep that up," she said, trying to hug him without knocking the bowl of chips out of his hand.
>Anon felt the tension in the room thicken as Shimmy's action effectively put a barrier between him and Sunset.
>He gave his sister a squeeze back, hoping she couldn't feel his racing heart.
Need a series about Sunset and Anon finding ways to have guilt free sibling sex around the house.
Also along those lines.
>Using wacky and out there justifications for incest
>Just stuff that nobody would actually buy if they seriously tried to justify with other people that way, but that's what they're going with
Like with the 'stuck in the dryer' bit.
>"Oh no, Anon! I'm stuck in the dryer! I'm so stuck even if someone like my brother fucked me right now they'd get away with it because I'm defenseless!"
"Don't worry sis! I'll get you out! Nevermind me having my dick out! I'm sure I could pull you out without accidentally landing on top of you and cumming inside you!"
>He then fucks her hard and cums inside multiple times
>Then Sunsis is like, "Oh well, these things happen."
That doesn't sound like a justification. That sounds like them pretending it's an accident and thus an unspoken acknowledgement that non-accidental incest sex would have been bad.
A justification would be like.
>"We're both virgins getting ready for college. College is a place where a lot of sex happens, but most of the people there already know what they're doing. We'll embarrass ourselves if we go and are terrible at sex."
>"Yeah, I'd hate to cum early with the first girl I sleep with."
>"We should practice with each other, then. We'll have lots of practice sex until we're both really good at it. That way we do well with future partners at college."
"And because it's just practice, it doesn't count."

Or something like.
>Sunset or Anon is a really horny teen.
>Like, s/he's been diagnosed and everything with an overactive libido.
>The sibling is worried that their brother/sister is going to either go out and sleep with a bunch of people, risking disease, or get taken advantage of.
>Because they're such a good sibling who cares for the other's well being, they decide to satiate their sex drive at home.
>It's better to do it with someone you know is clean and who can trust to have your best interest at heart then a complete stranger.
>It's not wrong- it's their brotherly/sisterly duty.

Or it's an apocalypse situation and they think they're the last two people on Earth, so it's their duty to repopulate, even if they're siblings.
When it turns out there are other people, they still stick together for the sake of their soon-to-be-born children.
I guess I just mean stuff like pretending it's an accident. Just having fun with thinking up scenario where they'd use really bad horny logic to have sex and pretend it wasn't on purpose, or doesn't count.
>If different family members had different levels of wanting to pretend it's not real incest of just being shameless about it
>On a scale of Harshwhinny to Vinyl, how shameless are you?
Based, but the real question now is what do you do on your honeymoon?
>Aunt Harshwinny needing you to pretend you aren't related and that you aren't a student before she'd even kiss you, and will seriously get mad if you call her aunty during sex
>Vs Vinyl who will just fuck you without uttering a word, no matter where you two are, or who else is around
I'm actually surprised the AI can get so many details right
>"I get your hint, Sunset, but I really need to do the laundry."

Always do your laundry, guys. Clean clothes, comfy clothes.
It's a little tight for you, sis...
What do you think would happen if Sunset was attracted to her brother ,but had yet to act on it, and then one of her friends started dating him?
Total hussy death
No exceptions
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God I love my sister, the reigning champion of incest chicken
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>oooh, are you gonna marry us too, big bro?
>>Vs Vinyl who will just fuck you without uttering a word, no matter where you two are, or who else is around
Would be an interesting court case as you try to explain to the judge why your sis was riding you like a pogostick in front of that playground.
It was only filled with my little sisters your honor
No exceptions >>41366657
I wouldn't mind hosing them down in those suits.
She would rape her brother, or her friend?

I could maybe see a non-murder yandere plot of Sunset tying and gagging her friend, drugging Anon with a aphrodisiac, and making the other girl watch as Anon goes into a rut and fucks her.
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>Average Aria plap session
Where are the drawfrens when we need them
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the big tit bitch is a real glutton for punishment
But his hands aren’t wrapped snuggly around her throat.
It's not chicken if she's just horny and doesn't care about the rules or what anyone else thinks.
I could easily see Sunset playing third wheel and worming her way into her brother's relationship before stealing him away. Being the fact that she loves her brother and respects her friends, she wouldn't outright do anything too malicious to break them up. Do to Anon's his lack of dating experience Sunset could convince her little bro into being his "wingman", justifying her being there when he's out on dates and know what it is he sees in her friend and perhaps emulating it. This also ensures they don't grow too closely attached to each other, and well under the guise being his wingman Sunset could offer advice and teach him the in's and out's of dating. The advice Sunset gives Anon would range from avoiding talking about certain topics, to more intimate hands on matters like when it's ok put your arm around a girl to giving her a kiss and even handholding. After all is said and done Sunset would make her move and steal her brother for herself.
That's actually pretty hot...
Good night Sunsis thread see you guys in the morning
Imagine the snuggling
I’d kill to wake up between my older sisters’ big tits even for one morning
Can a brother get a little help from his sisters ‘waking up’ in the morning?
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Now this is quite a pickle. We’ve got to find a place not only willing to marry Anon to his multiple sisters, aunts, cousins, and mothers, but also his underage relatives too. Quite the pickle.
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I can definitely see this with Celestia coming home from work.
But how do we explain away how she wakes up with a butt full of semen every morning?
*I* prefer Chrysalis. Celestia seems like the kind that would turn around and hug you. While Chrysalis just lets you go buck wild.
>Luna is a night owl.
Aunt Luna. Don’t ask why.
>Celestia seems like the kind that would turn around and hug you
She would, if she wasn’t out like a light.
Nuhuh, she would rouse and turn around to hug you. Then promptly pass out but not before giving you a tired smile while you are balls deep in her crotch dungeon.
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>Pinkie teaches Sunset how to please her brother using her feet
Why does feet fetish fit so nicely with incest?
A pregnancy fetish is better.
With her being the one to do the raping.
Up you go.
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For those who want to see the rest


Don’t say I never did anything for you
You never did anything for us. But you a champ,
See, she wakes up.
Thanks, Anon. You sure know how to deliver.
Maybe because you don’t wear shoes around the house typically, and you’re in the same house as your siblings?
Imagine the smell
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This, nothing better then fantasying about extending the family.
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What if your sister had spooder powers?
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Wow, that's actually pretty hot
>But muh genetic diversity
You wouldn't be able to run away for one. Or resist her advances since she also has super strength.
Can eat my ass, besides you ain't going to get defects from inbreeding unless you do it for generations.
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I knew she liked being choked, but I didn't know Aria was such a fucking degenerate
Well duh, glad to have another one like me in this body we call anon.
Only until the fourth generation, you are good until then.
I wanna put that to the test with my Sunsis, but Aria and Vinyl keep on distracting me...
How far are we going bro.
More of a Luna thing. Celly would be the one crawling into your bed.
Well your daughters are going to need sisters of their own as well
And your daughters are gonna wanna have daughters too…
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Not my problem. The cycle of inbreeding cannot be stopped.
We have to keep those genes going strong.
How are these so cute? Can we have more?
>It isn't a family tree
>Not even a family circle
>It is a family golden ratio, where all generations can trace themselves to the progenitor.
Sure, here you go Anon
Fuck meant to reply to>>41440039
Create the family ratio anon.
>In the midst of having little girls, you had a little boy
>You know his fate. But rather than being angry that he'll take your pussy away, you feel a sensation of relief and fulfillment
>The future belongs to the new generations, and you completed your purpose
>Your kid will need someone to guide him. Or at least, someone to take him away when the girls get roudy
"Welcome to the family, champ."
No even better, do the way of the chicken. Your son needs to best you in combat by taking your life if he wants your bounty. If not, you are down a son.
Like this?
Close but I was talking about the golden ratio where everything originates from a point while circling it.
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It begins
Thanks Anon, you a real good one
oh sorry, didn't notice that
bump limit it is then
More this please? Maybe even an adagio version?
Sure, and since this thread is on it's was out I'll post a few extra pics I generated here as to not spam the other thread
And heres the adagio version
You do the lords work.

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