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Previous Thread(s): >>41187625
Previous Thread(s): >>41280304 (see >>>/a/270308316 for what happened)

Welcome to Fingerbang: The Equestria Girls & Humanized Thread! Anything with >no hooves is welcome and encouraged here. If you like to write, draw, read, or critique the humanized versions of the ponies, then this is the thread for you.

Story List:

--Recent Writefags-- (pastebin.com can be swapped with poneb.in if necessary)

https://ponepaste.org/2937 (Luna)
https://ponepaste.org/9978 (Celestia)
https://ponepaste.org/9088 (Cadance)
https://ponepaste.org/3518 (Various)
https://ponepaste.org/7826 (Fluttershy)
https://ponepaste.org/9092 (All Four Pie Sisters)
https://ponepaste.org/10141 (Rarity, Cookie Crumbles)

Cosmic Butthole:
https://ponepaste.org/4863 (Celestia)
https://ponepaste.org/4864 (Mane 6)
https://ponepaste.org/4865 (Fluttershy)
https://ponepaste.org/9741 (Fluttershy)
https://ponepaste.org/10028 (Various)
https://ponepaste.org/10231 (Fluttershy)

https://ponepaste.org/9098 (SciTwi)
https://ponepaste.org/3985 (SciTwi)
https://ponepaste.org/7060 (SciTwi)

Magna Anon:
https://ponepaste.org/9460 (Fluttershy)
https://ponepaste.org/3235 (Rarity)
https://ponepaste.org/3940 (Pinkie)
https://ponepaste.org/4395 (RD)
https://ponepaste.org/4987 (Twilight)
https://ponepaste.org/6019 (Applejack)

https://ponepaste.org/9699 (Pinkie Pie)

https://ponepaste.org/8602 (Coco)

Less Recent Writefags:

Archival Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/u/FingerbangingMLP (pastebin.com can be swapped with poneb.in if necessary)
Thread Resources: http://derpy.me/b783H
FimFiction Group: http://www.fimfiction.net/group/204505/human-eqg-fingerbang
Applications: http://derpy.me/tQSuG
Discord: https://discord.gg/jXfKyJP
Google Drive: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zOXWA9Sk2Jx3mRzic0F-SMfBReeRLRXz/edit?usp=drive_link
>How did this Humanized thread get started? What happened to Fingerbang?

The Humanized thread was created when the various humanized threads (including Fingerbang) on /mlp/ decided to merge. The rest is history. Quite literally as of now.
>Today is a real scorcher.
>At least it must be, because you wake up in a hot sweat.
>Whatever you’ve dreamt must have escaped you, but there was something about it you really enjoyed.
>You try to roll out of bed, but your raging morning wood stops you like a bicycle’s kickstand.
>This is surprising.
>It’s not like this is a casual morning wood erection.
>This thing is HARD.
>Absolutely standing straight up with little ability to even be leaned or tilted over.
>Your balls feel as though they’re slightly swollen with their contents too.
>And every little bit of contact has an effect on your throbbing shaft.
>It feels like you haven’t cum for several weeks, but it’s only been like 2 days.
>Definitely less than 3 days.
>So this doesn’t make any sense.
>Your violently erect member dominates the front of your boxers.
>Giving your heavy balls plenty of room to swing around as you walk over to the shower.
>Your mind races with thoughts about Candy and Chryssy.
>And your beautiful encounters with them you still vividly remember.
>The heaven of Candy’s soft petite body still pinning you down as though she was physically stronger than you.
>The way her soft breasts pressed onto you even when she was simply hugging you.
>Even in those wholesome moments, her physical assets were a constant reminder of the truth just beneath the surface.
>Everything was going to lead back to more sex and nowhere else.
>Your erection does anything but subside as you shower.
>Vivid sexual memories obscure your judgement.
>So naturally, you choose to rub one out to get these rocks off.
>The way it feels when you’re stroking further mirrors what it’d feel like jerking off for the first time in weeks.
>You literally have to remind yourself it’s only been 2 days in order to actually remember how long it’s been since you last came.
>You miss feeling Candy’s tummy breathing against you.
>You miss her thighs holding you as tightly as her loving arms.
>You miss releasing buckets deep inside of her.
>You miss feeling your helplessly entrapped cock wildly convulsing around against the snug inside of Candy’s sweet… h-her sweet…
>Your own nipples got erect despite the hot water being turned all the way up.
>You miss Chryssy’s soft tits pushing against your back as she held you in place from behind.
>While Candy enjoyed you as much as you enjoyed her.
>Tasting her deep shared tongue kisses along with her hot breath beating against your face kept you extra locked into the trance for her.
>And kicking your legs would have done absolutely nothing to free you from the predatory embrace sustained by both of these horny and determined women.
>Their combined sexual ambush forced you to stay in place between them in the position they had you in.
>And they worked together to force you to empty your sack into Candy… your tightly surrounded cock wildly jolting and twitching up against Candy from all directions
>Firmly standing up to her soft tight walls gripping back around your wild tight wet thrusts.
>Her glistening skin pressed against yours as you filled her up.
>You could feel how thrilled she was in her trembling.
>How primally happy it made her to feel you cumming inside of her.
>She just couldn’t resist feeling this exact feeling again and again in her life.
>Becoming more like Chryssy every day.
>The amount of cum you release rivals the time you once squirted shampoo out the bottle onto the shower floor just to see how the shower drain would be able to take it.
>The running water thankfully breaks it all up quickly.
>But that amount of cum had to equate to more than simply two days.
>There’s just no way it would build up that quickly.
>You’ve never seen anything like it.
>But you return to post-nut clarity and start to make sense of the whole thing.
>Mind swimming as sobriety finally returns to your train of thought… at least for the moment.
>As your shower-thoughts moment proceeds, you conclude that maybe you don’t remember the dream that made you so extra hard because the encounters with Candy and Chryssy WAS the dream.
>That’d also explain the fact you clearly haven't ejaculated at any point in the past week or two.
>And now you had a wet dream because of it, except you awoke from it early and then finished in the shower.
>Fully convinced of this, you soon wrap the towel around yourself to shield yourself from the cooler air outside the shower.
>Questioning whether the thing with Candy and Chryssy even really happened at all.
>Your brain is still tripping out a little.
>Trying to retrace all the steps of everything that might have happened in the last couple of days.
>Losing track of time and events while chilling in a tropical town such as this one does take its toll when you spend all day every day doing absolutely fucking nothing, after all.
>Walking into the mini hallway of your place confirms that today is indeed not a scorcher.
>In the late afternoon on Sunday, you start walking along the sidewalks again.
>You're not sure where this sudden boldness came from, but you're itching to go to the waterpark today.
>It feels hotter out here than it apparently actually is.
>You know this is probably a bad idea, but you really sort of just want to.
>For the time being, you distract yourself by hanging out in a shaded area at a nearby park.
>The more intricate thoughts about the universe that should have been with you in the shower finally come back.
>You could have sworn you were onto something yesterday, but then you got too horny to think about anything else today.
>Suddenly confused and stripping down to only a sleeveless undershirt in the shade due to it feeing so hot out here.
>Feels like your IQ dropped a few points overnight, though it wasn't much higher the day before yesterday anyway.
>You gotta get onto that plane, that's all you really care about.
>But it doesn't even take off until tomorrow.
>Not surprising that this was the earliest ticket you could have gotten, though.
>No matter, you'll make do.
>You attention is redirected to wondering how many interesting things there must be going on in the world right now.
>Things you're missing out on because you're caught up trying to make your way through this place.
>It's great here, but it feels like all of this is meant to hold you back from wider, more vast horizons.
>Your strive to go out there and discover them is now facing off against this heat that's trying to overtake you as you sit in the shade.
>So impatient and so yearning.
>Yet so.. curious when a couple of girls walk by.
>It's like a switch went off and half of your brain shut off while another part took over.
>And you've never felt the potential happiness that could be harvested from life until recently.
>A couple of girls in short shorts just brought something out of you.
>And you shove it back in and leave to another shaded area.
>Why did that affect you so much?
>Usually, you would just sit around and mope the whole day.
>But now you just want to give in to everything and have nothing but fun.
>You're starting to feel hot inside your clothes too, but don't know what to do about it.
>You don't want to go back to your place, returning only to sit there on the couch sweating away and trying to find something decent on TV.
>You're supposed to be having fun with your vacation, and maybe you just had to be outside more in order to do it.
>As you continue onto another street, you begin to become conscious of the people in the crowds around you.
>Looking over your shoulder every 4 minutes or so.
>It's becoming a frequent act.
>You're getting a little wary of who might be around you as you pass people by.
>But as you do that, you can't help but notice how many great looking girls there are around here.
>The really warm weather has made them wear tops that don't cover their midriffs all the way, and shorts that show off how smooth their thighs are.
>Your mind is automatically drawn to this as their tanlines cause your imagination to wander to places you thought you were going to stay away from.
>You know these girls are just dressing, but it's in a way that you can't look away from.
>There's a reason why the human female form has been so popular in art throughout history.
>And you're looking right at it in the way some of these girls swing their hips slightly when they walk.
>God you hate yourself so much for being a sicko deep inside about it.
>You know if they could read your mind, they'd be hesitant to be within 10 feet of you.
>And they'd be hesitant to decorate themselves with style like this around you.
>Why did nature have to do this to you?
>Make you... feel this way?
>Breeding isn't *that* urgently important, is it?
>Not anymore at least, but humans haven't had enough time to evolve out of it.
>So now you're living in a civilized society with outdated urges to do very uncivilized things with a woman as a partner.
>Unable to process their personality through the way their physical appearance blinds you to it.
>It's not even your fucking fault, this shit was hard-wired into your brain and not all men are strong enough to re-wire it.
>But that just opens up a whole 'nother argument about the weaker men no longer being desirable because they can't act normal due to their libidos.
>So now it's a backwards cousin of evolution helping the less-horny forward while the pervs get left behind.
>Which is... admittedly a great thing under certain contexts, but not this one.
>Because you yourself are trying hard as fuck to be normal like everyone else, but holy fuck the girls here are so hot...
>Jewelry and visible bra straps decorate their tanned skin, some things often slipping out of place to show the tanlines also decorating them.
>It's style to them, but it's kryptonite to you.
>Showing their mere shoulders is doing things to you; you don't know why this is happening.
>Did you just take a horny pill or something and forget about it?
>What the fuck? You're not usually like this.
>Feel like you're running away from yourself as you head closer to the waterpark in hurried steps that don't feel like they're yours.
>"He's probably nearby." Chryssy listens to her senses directing her where to go.
>Are you sure this will be over with *smoothly*?" Candy wants to make sure this won't result in him putting up much of a fight and encouraging the wrong idea to be had about this.
>"Trust me, one drop of this stuff and any hot blooded man will start thinking about sex all weekend long."
>Chryssy holds the tiny little container between her fingers as Candy contemplates ways to change Anon's approach to this to be a more friendly one to save the way he views love in this world.
>The way he views love should NOT have anything to do with what's in that bottle.
>"About one sip of it usually starts working within minutes." Explains Chryssy. "The higher the dose, the faster it takes over and takes affect."
>"How much did you give him?" Candy prays that not too much was put into Anon's body at once.
>"Three drops exactly." Chryssy expertly recalls. "Just enough for it to only start working in the middle of the night. Six to thirteen drops would make it start working within the hour, about the same amount of a tiny pour. A moderate pour, about the same size as a shot glass, would be the usual amount I use. Which is the amount I described as working within minutes. It's not like I gave him a glass of half a pint of it. It'd work in seconds if I did that. He'd have thrown himself at me in front of everyone else, probably. This has to be a 'lowkey' operation, after all."
>Candy lets out a sigh of relief.
>"He'll be okay." Chryssy assures her. "This was just a little something to... help him get a little... push. The smaller the amount, the less potent it is too. Erhm... obviously."
>"Oh, I figured."
>"The quart I keep in the hotel fridge is meant to stay away from the public." Chryssy refers to the three-fourths-full container Candy finally pieced together what the contents in it were. "I'm careful about only using a little bit at a time. And putting it in places you'd expect to see containers of liquid so no one gets suspicious if they see it. I kept a whole wine bottle of it camouflaged at a bar once. Vodka's not even dangerous in comparison when in a bottle right next to it. Which is why I always use so little."
>"That doesn't make me feel any better about it..." Candy's eyes begin to fill with worry once more.
>"It's just a testament to how smoothly this is going to go with him." Chryssy reassures her. "He's going to want to. There WILL be full agreement and consent. I promise."
>"Is it *real* consent?" Candy looks at the container of aphrodisiac. "Using the power of love like this never sits right with me."
>"It's his own nature talking to him. This just makes it... stronger. And more honest about how he really feels."
>Candy gives Chryssy a look as the two take a quick detour back to the hotel room to re-hide the rest of the aphrodisiac on the tiny bottle back into the plastic quart where the rest of the rest of it is.
>Might as well since it's not needed any further right now.
>"I know this is questionable, but everything will turn out alright." chryssy can't believe what she's saying in response to Candy's look tugging at her heartstrings.
>There's definitely something to Candy as well, and Chryssy can sense it as the two enter the front lobby together.
>The lady at the front desk recognizes them and grab their attention, waving them over.
>"...What's up?" Candy immediately talks like she's a college student, a charade she and Chryssy have played up around here to help mitigate suspicion.
>"You uh... seem to have forgotten to add a new payment for your next seven nights here yesterday." The lady at the desk reveals.
>Candy and Chryssy stare at her in realization.
>Candy facepalms while Chryssy's pupils contract as she nearly drops her side bag.
>"N-no one else took the room, right?"
>"I'm afraid someone has. But all of your luggage is safely stored, don't worry. We have a protocol for when this happens already."
>The talk with the front desk lady is cut short when chryssy is able to get her to confirm that the luggage protection thingy does not include the content of the hotel room fridge.
>Within the next couple of minutes, Chryssy is in front of the door with Candy closely behind, unbeknownst to the employee who thinks they went to the storage room.
>One knock on the hotel room door later, and a young, short and slender guy guy in probably his early 20s opens it.
>In his hand is a familiar plastic quart container, now less than half-full.
>He clearly made himself at home immediately after switching rooms for reasons the front desk lady did not disclose when she mentioned that.
>Chryssy's eyes spell out "oh fuck" and he has no idea why yet.
>When Candy realizes the situation, her voice turns cautiously disarming as possible as to keep him from panicking. "...Hey there..."
>"Can we come in?" Chryssy sees a tiny bit of it on his lips. "It's okay, we don't mean you any harm."
>The door shuts quickly, with the two women knowing full well they need to keep this young man away from the public until the behavior they're predicting won't draw any attention.
>You're starting to feel all... tingly inside.
>Anything deep and introspective has been drowned out by thinking about which girls walking past you you'd like to get into bed with.
>Why are you getting so horny?!
>Wasn't this supposed to go away by the time you were done beating off in the shower?
>Why did it come back?
>It feels like it came back even stronger!
>As you walk through the waterpark for literally no good reason anyway, you make no attempt to leave.
>Part of you just decided "oh well, guess I'm hanging out here" with women on your mind the whole time.
>You're being directed to your own ulterior motives you're purposely not addressing, acting like it's all unintentional and left up to "chance".
>But this isn't one of those actual times; you're masking it as that, not even caring if anyone assumes so, because it's actually true this time.
>It's already already starting to get a little late, but there's still a few people hanging around the swimming pools and water slides.
>All of which are open extra late on Sunday night for some reason.
>While you pass by a row or two of umbrellas, you listen to everyone else having fun.
>Prancing around with their bare feet hitting the concrete below, laughing and calling out to one another, listening to the distant live band playing.
>You have to sit down, getting pushed upon by a sense of dizziness.
>It's nothing serious, just the sense of you being a little lightheaded while the pink and orange clouds overhead slowly drift by.
>Might have bumped into someone when you were walking around on those crowded streets, if you had felt this way while still being out there.
>So many open shops welcoming you into their doors you had passed by.
>Restaurants, shops, even simple empty corridors leading to nowhere else but the next block over through the underside of an apartment complex or hotel... and you chose to go to the waterpark.
>Now surrounded by girls in their bikinis.
>Feeling like you've almost entered the girl's locker room and they're walking around in close proximity to you in nothing but their frilly bras and panties.
>Even with their summer clothes on, you'd still see their tummies a lot of the time, and watch them swing their hips while walking with their lovely thighs almost brushing together.
>But these girls have even less on.
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>There's one girl that has especially clasped your attention, much more tightly than the clasp of the back of her bikini top holding itself over her massive soft breasts to an appropriate degree for the public.
>Her blue hair with alluring cow-licks at the end and silky pudding-tinted skin got your head turned towards her almost as much as her delightfully bouncing cleavage that is very... responsive to her steps as she walks.
>Her hourglass body mesmerizes you, her shapely midriff looking so caress-able as she struts straight towards you.
>God damn, you can't decide if her freckles make her look more cute than hot or more hot than cute.
>There's three milkshakes in this picture.
>One in her hand with a straw spanning from the plastic lid to her closed lips.
>Two more are on virtually on either side of the first one, with erect nipple bulges poking through the bluish-turquoise fabric of her bikini top as her greenish-turquoise eyes meet yours.
>Not wanting to even think about the full erection in your pants, you get up and leave immediately.
Disclaimer here: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41280304/#41354025
Luckily, I was fucking around on /co/, and then the whole fuckin' board both there and apparently here got deleted. So I knew as soon as it happened and immediately came back.
So here's the update again.
Nice green.
I wonder what the mods did that deleted a bunch of boards accidentally?
>same OP image
And we’re back
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Same. What tool do they have at their disposal that accidentally deletes over a dozen entire boards? This doesn’t quite add up to me. But I’m no expert and surely than an explanation.
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Seeing Luna in that makes me wanna take her behind the nearest rock so some old school Tom Foolery. I don’t know what is it about super conservative swimwear. Maybe it’s because it leaver A LOT to the imagination
Imagine tentacles going all up in there through the leg parts and you don’t see anything but Luna makes all kinds of faces and then it’s clear something happened that made her cum.
Cute bug hug
Safety bump
Hope Anon titfucks and titsucks this mystery girl before escaping!
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>“Uhhhhhh Detention Anonymous”
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Cadance and Celestia are both so hot
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Last AI spam (Unless someone has a request)
Do you like eqg or human AI art more?
All is good
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And recently I got a passable scorpDK setup going so I am partial to those humanizations
It’s the same thing
No it's not.
EqG characters are canonically humans. It’s the same thing.
He means the skin tones.
I know. It was always silly.
EQG humans (pony color skin tones), please.
Humanized means FiM. FiM isn't the same as EqG.
Humanized means FiM. Human means all human forms including EqG. Also barely related but EqG with Humanized skin tones would still be EqG too, technically.
That's what I'm talking about.
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Sweetie is considering just switching to monochrome
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Sounds good.
These are so damn good
>Noir Sweetie
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Thank you anon
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there's a mystery afoot here
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Especially the celly one you did there
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Anyone from Canterslut here?
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Good night anons
(Go check slop if you want to see her butthole)
I would go to this church.
>go to slut church
>all the nuns are really big on worshipping the cock
Or perhaps more like a cougar church.
>The place pretends to be a place for young men to get guidance
>With buns in revealing outfits
>Once the young men enter the hungry cougar nuns have him right where they want him
>That’s all Rainbow needs to hear.
>Slowly, agonizingly slowly, she lowers herself down onto your manhood.
>Rainbow takes her sweet time getting herself situated on your thighs and your cock.
>Your chest tightens a bit and you hiss a bit as the feeling of her tight pussy ensnaring your dick like a Chinese finger trap.
>Her thighs clamp down on your own
>The sensation is painfully pleasurable.
>Like sticking your dick into boiling oil, but it scalds in the best way possible.
>Burning with the fire of love and passion.
>She feels it, too.
>She’s gritting her teeth and hissing pleasurably through the feeling of taking your full length.
>Her grip on your calves tightens, though thankfully there isn’t a ton of flab for her to get a grip on.
>To risk sounding vain, you’ve got some nice calves.
>But those calves of yours don’t distract you from how you’re stuck in a very precarious position.
>This is the most vulnerable you felt all night.
>On your back with your knees pulled up as Rainbow rests on top of you.
>Very similar to the position you forced Rarity in not too long ago.
>You don’t know what to do with your hands, they’re just kind of splayed out on the floor, clenched into fists to try to contain everything you’re feeling.
>”Hah… hah… still think y’can handle me?” Rainbow asks you, trying to suppress how much of a struggle it is for her to ride you.
>You try to control the pace of your inhales and exhales.
>It’s like the purple stuff flowing throughout your body was injected into your lungs like nitrous.
“I… know so…” You exhale.
>Rainbow bites her lip and smirks.
>”Atta boy~”
>She’s never been this sexy before.
>Her struggle to contain all of your manhood leaks out from her amazing athletic body in the form of her gentle sweat.
>Every muscle on her beautiful, naked form is proudly highlighted in the relaxing lighting of the bedroom.
>Hues of purple dance across her skin as her body heaves with every lewd, shaky breath.
>Her brilliant red irises seem to shine in the faint shadows the light cast upon her head from behind, giving her an even more predatory flair.
>Then it clicks.
>Within her confessed desire to take things slow to really savor your time together is another, more insidious desire.
>Rainbow wants, more than anything, to win.
>She has this incredible ability to turn anything she does with someone else into a competition.
>No matter how small or trivial it may be, she’d want to prove she’s the best at it.
>And right now, she wants to defeat you.
>She knows you’re good at playing rough with Sunset, Pinkie, Rarity and Twilight, but she knows it took you more time to get used to being underneath Fluttershy in the tub, and you couldn’t wiggle out of Applejack’s grip when she pinned you down.
>You’re at a disadvantage when underneath a girl.
>Rainbow wants to fuck you, but she refuses to stay underneath you.
>You’ll play her game.
>You’ve got liquid passion shooting through your veins.
>She might be on top of you, but you’re the one in control.
>It’s just gonna take more effort.
>Using the powerful legs that Rainbow’s personal training and Applejack’s farm work has blessed you with, you slowly thrust your hips up to get this party started.
>Rainbow wasn’t as prepared for you as she thought she was, her entire body shudders when you act and her fingers dig into your calves.
>It’s a little painful, but it feels so, so good.
“Don’t tell me you wanna tap out already~” You tease her.
>She surfaces from near-drowning in the burning ecstasy she’s almost drowning in enough to glare at you.
>”You remember what I said I was gonna do when I got my turn?”
>You barely remember what you had for breakfast this morning.
>Rainbow leans closer to you, bringing your knees closer to your chest somewhat painfully.
>”I’m gonna rock your world, pretty boy.” She lewdly hisses at you.
“Aww, you really think I’m pretty?” You teasingly riposte, earning some giggles from the girls surrounding you.
>You’re positive the room’s hotter than it was when you first arrived.
>An ember briefly appears in Rainbow’s eyes before she leans closer towards you and clenches her pussy around your cock.
>She sharply exhales through her nose like a bull, and you’ve been waving the red cape all night.
>She scrunches her face up as her cheeks flush, trying to think of some witty comment she can use to retort.
>”F-fuck you.” Rainbow finally sputters out before slowly sliding up and down on your dick.
>It makes for one hell of a comeback.
>Your resolve cracks enough for you to gently moan at the sensation.
>Rainbow snickers victoriously as she continues to ride you slowly but deliberately.
>She really knows how to use her body.
>Her hips roll with every thrust.
>Her pussy’s clenching you the tightest of all seven of the girls.
>It’s easy to lose yourself in the experience.
>Your hands find her thighs and hold her in place as you ease up on trying to exert yourself with her and just enjoying how everything feels.
>Why are you so determined to be the one in control, anyway?
>It’s not a competition, and either way you’re still having sex with Rainbow.
>And you already got to dominate Twilight and Rarity plenty, there’s no need to be greedy.
>So you surrender to her.
>You lie flat on the carpeted floor and look up at the ceiling, just focusing on how everything feels.
>It all feels incredible.
>Her pussy is so tight you’re almost afraid sparks will start flying if you two keep thrusting.
>Your hands remain on her toned hips, but you hold on with a loose grip to focus on just feeling her hot, sweaty skin.
>You delight in the sound of her cute, high pitched squeaks each time you thrust upwards into her.
>Your eyes flutter shut and your mouth falls open a bit to allow gentle moans of your own to be vocalized.
>You can really tell Rainbow is struggling to maintain the pace she’s set for herself, judging by how she’s trembling at the hips.
>She’s gripping your calves really tight, too.
>And her abdominal muscles are so tense.
>Slow and steady really isn’t her style.
>But Rainbow’s always so cute when she’s straining herself like this.
>Your eyes open just a bit to admire the state of her body to find her caught between frustration and lust.
>Her hair’s draped over her face, almost hiding the fury in her eyes behind the strands of hair gently dampened by her own sweat.
>She almost resembles a feral dog barely held back by the chain attached to her collar.
“Hah… having fun?” You gently ask her with a small smirk.
>Rainbow grunts in response.
>Her pussy chokes your dick, making you sharply inhale.
>As you gaze upon Rainbow’s glistening body, the words you said to her to provoke her into action earlier echo within your mind.
>Nothing gets her wound up more than compliments.
>That’s what lit this fire, and that’s what kept the fire going all this time, intentionally or not.
>Your eyes travel from her modest chest to her toned stomach and down to her cleanly shaven pussy slowly bouncing up and down.
>She doesn’t exude the same raw femininity that Rarity, Sunset, or Fluttershy do, but there’s something so hypnotic about Rainbow when she’s fully embracing her feminine side.
>Like the flowing, relentless waters of passion have sanded down the roughness of a chunk of granite into a near flawless stone, perfect for skipping across the beach.
>Words fail you, but words aren’t needed.
>Your hands are better at wordsmithing than your lips and tongue could ever be.
>This is proven by how gently they slide up from her hips to just under her arms.
>Rainbow’s back arches upwards with your touch like you’re straightening her out.
>She struggles even more to maintain her languid, loving pace.
>She’s firmly biting down on her lip to keep her composure, but it’s not doing a lot to help.
>Most of her strength is being directed to her pelvic region to put you in your place.
>Your hands slither from her sides to just beneath her boobs.
>Your fingers trace the edge of the small domes to tease her that much more.
>Rainbow buckles for just a moment.
>Her entire body shivers at merely the anticipation of you playing with her breasts.
>The fire within you is focused to a dangerous degree.
>Like the white hot flame roaring from the exhaust of a rocket.
>The succulent warmth seeping from Rainbow’s womanhood and coating your dick is like kerosene.
>No, you didn’t surrender control.
>You’re in control.
>You have complete control.
>Her body flows and sways with your mere touch.
>The fact that she’s on top of you is almost irrelevant.
>She’s right where you want her.
>Your touch is delicate, but precise.
>Rainbow grits her teeth and subtly bounces on your dick faster.
>She’s sweating even more.
>You thrust upwards to match her increased pace, making Rainbow squeal again.
“Having fun?” You whisper to her.
>”Sh-shut up, dweeb.” She groans.
>You snicker a bit.
>But before she can exert more of her frustration on you, you swiftly move to squeeze her breasts.
>Another critical hit dealt to her resolve.
>Rainbow throws her head back and lewdly moans when you finally grope her sensitive nipples.
>Her body freezes up.
>You smile even wider at her display of flagrant arousal.
>Your fingers curl around her nipples like a spider closing in on its prey.
>Rainbow melts at your touch.
>Pinching and squeezing her sensitive little nipples elicits so many fun new noises from her.
>Her shaking hands fly from your calves to hold your hands in place on her chest.
>You gently alternate between toying with her nipples and massaging her breasts with the palm of your hands.
>Rainbow’s hips are bucking noticeably faster now.
>She’s just one more push away from fully breaking away from this self imposed restriction.
“Still wanna take it slow?” You tease her.
>Rainbow’s eyes shoot open as she shoots you the horniest death glare you’ve ever been dealt.
>”You know what you’re doing, you little nerd.” She hisses at you.
>”Rainbow, be nice to him!” Fluttershy scolds her in a stern tone.
>She then kneels down beside you and gently caresses your chest to comfort you.
>You can tell she’s shooting Rainbow a dirty look.
>Sunset kneels beside you opposite to gently hold your shoulders, but she’s comforting you in a slightly more smug way.
>This probably isn’t the time to be indulging in how the girls touch you, but you can’t help but feel like royalty with how Fluttershy and Sunset comfortingly rub your chest.
“It’s fine, we’re all fine. I can handle a little back-and-forth.” You wave off their concerns, keeping your eyes on Rainbow’s arousingly irritated visage.
>”Are you sure? I think Rainbow might need a spanking for that~” Sunset whispers in your ear like a scheming vizier, just loud enough for Rainbow to hear.
>You can sense Rarity getting flustered by this remark.
>Rainbow’s grip on your hands tightens as her eyes narrow at you.
>”If you try to spank me, it’ll be the last thing you ever do.”
>Fluttershy and Sunset protectively hold you closer.
>Rainbow stuff rocking her hips gently isn’t lost on you.
“Oh, but I’d never do that to you!” You insist, softly rubbing her boobs again.
>She wavers again.
“I just wanna make you feel pretty, Rainbow~”
>Magic word deployed.
>Rainbow’s face scrunches up again in embarrassment.
>Her grip on your hands loosens enough for you to freely rub her body up and down.
>Unlike the chocolate bars at the convenience store, Rainbow DOES melt in your hands.
>She openly pants and whimpers at your gently massaging.
>Her hands explore more of your legs, from your ankles to your thighs.
“But I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable or anything, you sure this is what you really want for our time together?”
>Rainbow meekly nods, her hair somewhat covering her face and hiding her embarrassment.
>Man, this is fun.
>Too much fun.
>Your right hand travels up to her cheek, which she leans into appreciatively.
“You sure you want to take this nice and slow?”
>Rainbow takes a deep breath.
>”I’m totally sure. All this is new and weird, but… it feels really good.” She sighs.
>Sunset and Fluttershy pull their hands away from you once they’re content Rainbow isn’t being mean anymore.
>A shame, too.
>You were getting used to having all these lovely girls comfort you.
>Oh well, you’ll have to settle for just one of your seven girlfriends at a time.
>Torture, truly.
>But you’ve been so distracted by the athlete’s body that it’s only now that you notice the pressure building in your loins.
>Your hands fall to Rainbow’s hips and hold them in place with a slightly firmer grip.
“I think I’m close, Rainbow.” You admit to her.
>She laughs gently.
>”’Bout time, dude. I came, like, three times already!”
>Looks like you were really distracted by her body.
“Well, then, here comes the grand finale!”
>Rainbow snickers a bit at your declaration, but she’s cut off by your firm, upward thrust.
>The pace you set is a bit faster, but she’s not about to let you outmaneuver her.
>She leans forward and grips your shoulders with the strength you expect from a star soccer player like her.
>Your entire body heaves as the two of you move in perfect synchronization
>Rainbow rolls her hips in a circle as you thrust more vigorously, forcing some very lewd gasps out of you.
>In return, you knead her breasts more vigorously and pinch her nipples greedily.
>Both of you hungrily rub and touch each other’s sweaty, heaving bodies while rocking back and forth on the carpet.
>Like you both sang earlier tonight, you share a duet with her in the form of moans and gasps.
>The pressure rises.
>You’re moments away from your seventh climax of the night.
>Your body feels hotter.
>Everything is so warm.
>You could melt ice with just your touch.
>Your vision goes blurry as your manhood reaches critical mass.
>It’s all so hazy.
>You inhale.
>You hold your breath.
>Both of you halt your pace for one, precious moment.
“Rainbow Dash~”
>That’s all you can say.
>You unleash a powerful torrent of your cum into Rainbow’s welcoming pussy.
>The purple stuff you were forced to guzzle down works its magic one last time as your entire body trembles, slumping down onto the carpet.
>You cry out with a mighty moan throughout the entire process of draining your balls.
>Ecstasy unlike anything you’ve felt before tonight washes over you, sapping every last ounce of strength from the body you’ve occupied all your life.
>Now you’re just a pile of flesh, muscle, and bone in the middle of Rarity’s bedroom.
>You did it.
>You accomplished the impossible.
>Sunset Shimmer, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, and Rainbow Dash.
>Months ago, they seemed so far away from you.
>Like they occupied another world.
>But now, you’ve claimed all of them.
>One after another.
>You’ve shared a lover’s embrace with each of these seven incredible girls, each in their own unique, beautiful way.
>The lights above you are blocked out by the shadowy shapes of the girls looking over you.
>The sounds of their beautiful voices can only be heard as vague, muffled sounds.
>But they can’t be mistaken for anything else.
>They’re angels.
>They’re your angels.
>They’re carrying you off to heaven.
>In all honesty, you wouldn’t so much mind if you died right now.
>It would ruin the sleepover for the rest of the girls, but you couldn’t imagine how you could top what happened tonight.
>Your eyesight fades.
>Your eyelids begin to slide shut.
>Now, at long last, it’s time to go to sleep.
>...But then, right before your eyes fully shut, one particular voice speaks to you through the haze you’re surrounded by.
>Sunset Shimmer’s voice.
>”Don’t fall asleep just yet, we’ve got one last surprise for you~”
I'm gone for one fishing trip and the site shits itself. I'll respond to earlier replies here.
>To be fair we've had some hints at how well known this love octagon is at school with Derpy's odd comment and the fall formal recollections. But our source is an Anon that was committed to being clueless so everything will come as a surprise.
It was sort of touched upon earlier that Anon tried to suppress his romantic feelings towards the girls because he doesn't want to do anything that would risk hurting the best friendships he's ever had, which would result in him missing some fairly obvious signals.
>We know Rarity has himbo fashion plans for him
Does she ever!
>I'm quite enjoying the mix of amazon and girl next door blended into a "gentle femdom" with Rainbow Dash
Thank you! I knew I couldn't do a straight wrestling match because he already did that with Applejack, so I had to get a little more creative.
Twiggles has an entire journal filled with notes after tonight, I'll tell you that.
>>Finishing off the update with a notorious /mlp/ meme.
I couldn't resist lel
It was only a matter of time until I stuck that into one of my greens.
Oh damn, he's really in for it now!
Seems like Anon's never gonna be able to escape those two, but I'm rooting for him anyway!
>what is catalog
>what is ctrl+f “slop”
Literally 2 simple steps
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That's hot
The thread died, so here are some of my recent lewd pony gens https://catbox.moe/c/vz99lv
>”Don’t fall asleep just yet, we’ve got one last surprise for you~”
Do not go gentle into that good night Anon!
Ok I can admit I was apparently wrong about them about them surrounding him while asleep without leaving him a path to get up to pee. I was thrown off by how many times in the story the girls DID close in around him. But that was them reacting or going on instinct. I did NOT see a plan coming! Quite looking forward to it actually.
Oh I just thought of a request, if only because I have no idea if there's an established convention for this already. When you get around to part 2 of King of the Castle, could you put a link to that in the part 1 on ponepaste please?
Also nice finish with Rainbow Dash!
And somehow I was late to notice it was Twiggles that talked Anon into agreeing to 69! I've a feeling she's only started pushing boundaries. I also forgot to say that her openly admiring Anon looking like a high mileage whore was what led me to think she wanted to go last.
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HEY everyone. Do you share headcanons with the sole purpose of discussing them with like-minded anons? Pic related but Sci-Light does me good, even better when Sunset's the only one who knows and after MUCH shenaniganery realizes (you) aren't to blame.
>touch ST's hand
>nerd gets kinky with (you)
>it's bad
>really really bad
>her life flashes before her inner eyes
>ST is distraught, invasion of privacy and all
>doesn't want to see her for a while
>bacon gets angry at (you) because woman
>try to prove the other (you) are evil
>touches your hand without wanting to
>realizes it's her bestie who ran from one end of the city to the other to get pumped
This little story of mine in prose is almost finished but there's one """guy""" who constantly fucks with me. "No, this has to be a participle, no a plu perfect, no" FUCK yourself.
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How many stories do work on any given time?
Don't know why the link aint working, but the thread is on /trash/
Here you go, newfag. Do you want a book about speeding apples up to light speed, too?
That would be cool
Soon. I plan on holding a TED talk in a different thread in a while before the tsunami hits. The books by Atkinson are cancerous without an introduction.
How many of you guys are actually in there >>41359964
Saved a bunch of pics just now
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This got me thinking:
How long from now would it have to be before /mlp/ reaches that post number? At least twenty more years? Thirty more years? Will the board even last that long?
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I don't know why married milfs turn me on so much. Not the ones that are unsatisfied with their lives, but the ones that are happily married with great children.

Ones that are initially oblivious to how sexy they are with bodies that are clearly ready to bear more children.

Ones that don't realize just how attractive they are until they see an erection in their vicinity.

Ones that should have no reason whatsoever to jeopardize their happy lives by fucking a horny young man that's around half their age and around their children's ages, but do anyway because their sudden carnal urges tell them to.

Ones that only give a superficial resistance to cheating before proceeding to do so at every opportunity out of an unknowingly repressed libido.
It feels like you're braking them into something they had yet to discover after a long time, while they have amazing bodies that were already proven fertile and are now very built for that, but usually get under-appreciated.
Yeah I would
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Hot for teacher
Hard to pay attention to my notes with that juicy cleavage right there... Miss Cheerilee should know better than to hinder my learning!
She got rid of that pesky cleavage so you can concentrate on your studies
Damn, based.
What do you mean?
quads demands to know what he means
>The pearly gates shut and the angels drop you from your arms, leaving you back on Earth.
>Lying flat on your back in the middle of Rarity’s bedroom, completely naked, and more exhausted than you’ve ever been in your life.
>Soreness courses through your entire body.
>Especially your thighs.
>Without that wonder juice or ambrosia or whatever, you really get to appreciate what Rainbow did to your legs when you were fucking her.
>Your legs are crying out in pain.
>”I never want to work again”, they say to you.
>”Neither do I” agrees your lower abdomen.
>”Go on without me, I’m beyond saving” Your dick gasps out, its words hauntingly resembling a death rattle.
>But it looks like you might have to ignore their cries for help.
>How could there be more to this sleepover thing?
>Was this some kind of cosmic punishment of some sort?
>Did you mope about being a virgin too much and God decided you needed to be fucked to death?
>Your mind swirls, but it’s like a weak vortex surrounding the drain in a kitchen sink.
>You can only manage to wonder one question: what else could there possibly be to surprise you with?
>At the very least, an answer shouldn’t be far away.
>Sunset’s right there, surely she’d be happy to provide some clarification.
>And it has to be a good surprise.
>Sunset HAS to have something prepared for you that you’ll like.
>Fluttershy, Applejack, Twilight, and the rest of the girls wouldn’t let her do anything hurtful to you.
>...But WOULD Sunset do something hurtful to you?
>The thought alone seems ridiculous.
>She set up this elaborate scheme to get you to have sex with the seven most kind and fun and beautiful young women at school.
>Nobody who would do that for you would want to hurt you.
>And what would she have to gain out of hurting you even if that was the case?
>It’s not like she’ll tell the girls that you’re sleeping around with them, they’re all fully in the know and fully consenting.
>Your head begins to hurt.
>Wondering this isn’t going to help.
>You need to work your mouth enough to ask the pertinent questions.
>So you get to work.
>You maneuver your arms into a position to lift your upper body.
>You then slowly sit up, ignoring the aching pain crying out for a good night’s sleep.
>You’re stronger than your body, you can do this.
>You’re the sum of your parts, your body is just one part.
>Before you know it, you’re sitting upright.
>Still naked, but sitting like you normally would.
>The light hurts your eyes.
>Even the gentle, comforting hues of violet and blue emitted by the mood lightning Rarity set up stings your corneas.
>It’s fine.
>You’re fine.
>You’ll live.
>Your lips part and your tongue reminds you how dry it is.
>That purple juice doesn’t do a great job of keeping things moist.
>Again, you’ll live.
“...What surprise?”
>The question comes out in a dry, raspy tone.
>As your vision clears, you see Fluttershy crouching beside you, holding a glass of water out for you.
>Your arm finds the strength to graciously take it from her and gulp down the ice cold water.
>It’s just the lubrication your throat desperately needed.
>The water also does a great job waking you up a bit.
“Thank you.” You whisper to her once you’re done drinking.
>Fluttershy nods empathetically and gently rubs your back.
>You carefully place the glass on the floor beside you and look up to find Sunset kneeling in front of you with a seductive smile on her pretty face.
“What, is Trixie or Lightning Dust waiting to burst in and announce she’s in on all this, too?” You ask her.
>Sunset giggles at your question.
>”No, it’s not that.” She assures you.
>”Good thing, too.” Rainbow mutters, embittered at the mention of Lightning Dust’s name.
>Behind Sunset, you spot Twilight with the aforementioned bottle of mouthwash in her hand, vigorously swishing around a mouthful of the stuff while Rarity touches up her makeup with a pocket mirror.
>It’s only now that you notice Applejack and Pinkie are supporting you from behind.
>Their touch is so gentle.
>It feels so nice.
“Well, then, what is the surprise?” You ask Sunset.
>Sunset’s expression falls a bit.
>She reaches out to stroke your cheek gently.
>”...Can we talk privately?” She asks you in a surprisingly soft tone.
>This catches you completely by surprise.
>You’ve never heard Sunset talk like this before.
>She’s always been somewhere between kind and supportive to weirdly flirty.
>Throughout the months you’ve known her, Sunset’s voice never really carried a tone of vulnerability.
>Certainly not tonight.
>But tonight’s been all about vulnerability, in a way.
>Physically and emotionally.
>Everyone’s still naked, after all.
>This adds even more intrigue to the question.
>You glance around at the rest of the girls to gauge their expressions.
>They’re all looking somewhere between confused and concerned.
>It doesn’t look like they’re in the loop on this.
>Now you’re much more intrigued.
>You turn back to Sunset, who’s still giving you that sympathetic look.
“...Yeah, of course.” You finally answer her.
>Sunset gives you a soft smile and holds out her hand for you.
>You slowly reach out and take her hand.
>She stands up and grabs onto your forearm with her other hand and hoists you back onto your feet.
>That sting you felt in your lower stomach returns in force, but Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Applejack kindly support your back as you stand up and find your footing.
>Once again, the hardest part is standing up.
>Only this time, your thighs are weaker than before.
>They’re complaining at you, but you’re deaf to their complaints.
>The girls carefully let go of you to let you stand on your own.
>Your legs threaten to fold beneath you, but through sheer force of will, you remain standing.
>But this isn’t something you can keep up.
>Sunset, still gingerly holding your hand, leads you out of Rarity’s bedroom and back into the hallway.
>She guides you down the hall and into the master bedroom.
>It’s too dark for you to take in the scenery, but you can’t imagine it’s more interestingly decorated than the bedroom you spent most of tonight in.
>Sunset shuts the door behind you and brings you over to the door leading to the balcony.
>You glance outside to assess the state of the fine town of Canterlot.
>It’s a winter wonderland.
>Snow continues to descend from the inky black void that makes up the sky.
>Each snowflake represents a unique, beautiful soul that travels across a world of falling temperatures and sinking suns to grace the material plane with its beauty.
>All the snowflakes gather to display their majesty in full as they coat the streets and buildings with their grand unity.
>There’s gotta be at least six inches of snow covering the town.
>If only this weather came to town yesterday.
>You could’ve gotten out of finals.
>...God, finals.
>That feels like an eon ago.
>But less than 24 hours ago, you were sitting in your History class like you always do.
>And slightly more recently, you were sitting with your friends at lunch like you always do.
>Little did you know, all seven of your friends had the hots for you.
>You were surrounded by lust and desire and you didn’t even know it.
>You were going about your school day like you always do, completely unaware of how much each of the girls wanted you.
>It’s a strange feeling to process.
>What isn’t strange is this silence.
>Normally you’d feel creeped out by being in a dark, silent, unfamiliar room.
>But tonight, the silence is a nice change of pace.
>You’ve been on such an emotional rollercoaster, making love with seven girls in a row, that taking a moment to just enjoy the silence makes for a real antidote.
>It’s so peaceful.
>”Lost in thought?” You hear Sunset ask you.
>You blink twice and turn back to face her with a sheepish chuckle.
“A little, yeah.” You admit, rubbing your eyes with a weak nod.
>Sunset gently laughs.
>”I don’t blame you. Today’s been one Hell of an adventure.”
>You take a moment to admire Sunset’s beauty.
>The soft lighting that the moon reflects onto Earth gently illuminates Sunset’s body, giving her an almost otherworldly flair of beauty.
>Her eyes seem to shine even more in the dark.
>But you’ve had plenty of time to admire her.
“So… what’s the matter?”
>Sunset’s smile fades a bit.
>”I wanted to talk about this privately so the rest of the girls don’t feel bad…”
>Oh, God, where is this going?
>She takes a deep breath.
>”...We haven’t been good friends to you.”
>An involuntary laugh forces its way out of your mouth.
>That’s what this is about?
>There was absolutely no way you could’ve seen that coming.
“Seriously?” You ask her, smiling like you’re expecting a punchline.
>Sunset, undeterred, solemnly nods.
>You scoff at such a ridiculous claim.
“Come on, Sunset, you girls are the best friends I could ask for!” You insist.
>”But what have we done for you?”
>Another curveball thrown your way.
>Your incredulous smile fades.
>Where’s all this coming from?
>This is one Hell of a mood swing for Sunset.
“What are you talking about?”
>Sunset shrugs.
>”You made friends with us all by doing things for us, and we haven’t done a lot for you in return. That’s not friendship, that’s servitude.”
>You open your mouth to protest, but Sunset continues.
>”I mean, you got close with Applejack by helping her study physics, you got close with Fluttershy by helping her at the animal shelter, you got close with Rarity by helping her with her skirt.”
“But Twilight helped me with geometry! And Rainbow helped get me into better shape in P.E.!” You counter her claims.
>Sunset sighs.
>”I know, I guess something about how you said helping us was your hobby in the hot tub rubbed me the wrong way.”
>You said that as mostly a joke, but there’s more truth in that than you care to admit.
>You just wanted to make the most of your wonderful friends that you’d leap to help them with whatever they needed.
>You think back on the semester.
>You hung out after school with the girls, you helped them with whatever they needed help with, and you indulged in their hobbies with them.
>You got more into fashion because of Rarity, you got into reading Daring Do because of Rainbow, and you started watching more Studio Ghibli because of Fluttershy.
>You’d leap to help Pinkie with whatever kind of party she’s organizing, you’d help Twilight sort through all her books and notes, you’d do all sorts of things with them without asking anything in return.
>...Were you being helpful, or just a doormat?
>”Hell, just look at tonight! This was supposed to be your special night where we showed you how much we like you, and all you’ve done is what we wanted to do!” Sunset continues.
>”You picked movies you thought WE would like and only ended up watching one, you were volunteered into karaoke, Rarity dressed you up in that skimpy outfit because that’s what she wanted, and I fed you that idea to skinny dip in the hot tub!”
>”And, God, even when we were having sex with you, all you did was what WE wanted to do! You called Fluttershy mommy because that’s what SHE wanted! You wrestled with Applejack because that’s what SHE wanted! You pretended to hide in the closet with Twilight because that’s what SHE wanted!”
>You sigh, casting your eyes downward.
>Why is she doing this?
>What if she’s right?
>Maybe it’s your time at Bullworth ingrained within you.
>Even with your friends, you’ll do whatever you’re told to do.
>...Is that why the girls like you?
>Are you just a pretty face and nice body wrapped around a complete pushover?
>No, that can’t be the case.
>It can’t be.
>The girls may have their shortcomings, but they’d never take advantage of someone to make themselves feel good.
“...Why are you telling me this?” You ask Sunset.
>Sunset gently holds both of your hands and gazes lovingly into your eyes.
>”Because we really do like you, Anon. We care about you a lot, and we want you to be happy and loved. As your friends, and especially as your girlfriends.” Sunset says to you.
>Sunset takes a step closer, intertwining her fingers with yours.
>”It kinda broke my heart when you said it doesn’t matter what you want. What you want DOES matter! It matters to all of us!”
>She lets go of your hands and turns around to produce a small, gift-wrapped box from somewhere in the darkness you couldn’t see.
>Before you could wonder what’s inside, Sunset opens it up to reveal the most beautiful flower you’ve ever seen.
>With fifteen petals colored in a brilliant crimson hue and tipped with a lovely violet color and a bright yellow center, you’ve never seen anything like it before.
>Or smelled anything like it.
>You don’t need to bring your nose up to it to know that its aroma is angelic and serene like nothing else on Earth.
>It’s almost glowing in the night.
>There’s something supernatural about it that you can’t put your finger on.
>Like it’s not from this world.
>”...The girls are down for a second round. Rainbow’s got energy for days, and the way you make love really gets the others all hot and bothered.” Sunset chuckles.
>Your dick stings at the thought of going again.
“What’s the flower got to do with this?” You cautiously ask her.
>Sunset softly laughs.
>”Eating this will give you the energy you need for one more round of sweet, sweet loving.”
>A chill runs down your spine.
“Sunset, will this show up on a drug test?”
>She laughs in that lovely way of hers again, then shakes her head.
>”It’s not any kind of drug.”
>She leans in with a grin.
>”...It’s a magic flower.” She whispers.
>You can’t help but laugh.
“Oh, is it, now?”
>”Mm-hm! If you eat this, it’ll make everything feel ten times as pleasurable. It’ll feel like you’re drowning in ecstasy~”
>It’s drugs.
>It’s absolutely drugs.
>You don’t know what kind, but it’s drugs.
>Sunset’s face turns more sincere.
>”We’ve still got time tonight for one last round. We’d totally understand if you want to go to bed, but we want you to go to bed feeling truly happy and loved. So, I wanna ask you again…”
>She brings the flower up to you.
>”...What do YOU want, Anonymous?”
>You open your mouth to answer her.
>You know what you want.
>You want to go to bed and finally get some rest.
>Getting to have sex with seven amazing girls in a row is enough of a dream come true, you don’t want to get greedy.
>But something stops you.
>Something within you.
>Something fiery.
>In that moment, the world freezes around you.
>The swirling snowstorm on the other side of the glass pauses like the eye of a hurricane passed over you.
>You have clarity.
>That feeling from before you skinny dipped with the girl returns.
>The feeling that everything from this semester-
>No, your whole life has been leading to this.
>This is your destiny.
>No, you weren’t a doormat.
>The girls weren’t in control when you made love to them.
>You were.
>The aching you felt earlier almost vanishes from your mind.
>Divine power returns to your being.
>You’ve been bestowed upon an opportunity no mere mortal man would receive.
>No athlete, no musician, no bad boy at school was given what you were.
>You’re no mere high school student.
>You’re Elvis.
>You’re Superman.
>You’re Anonymous.
>Sunset sees this realization within you and grins widely.
“You know what I want, Sunset?” You ask her.
>”What is it you want, Anonymous?” She asks you, very eager to hear your answer.
>She knows what you’re going to say.
>But she wants to hear you say it.
>And you’re going to oblige her.
“I want all seven of you at once.”
>Do not go gentle into that good night Anon!
Don't worry, he won't!
>When you get around to part 2 of King of the Castle, could you put a link to that in the part 1 on ponepaste please?
Absolutely, I could just add "Continued in (link)" as the last line
>nice finish with Rainbow Dash!
Thank you! I was worried it was starting to get samey, so I'm very glad it landed well!
>somehow I was late to notice it was Twiggles that talked Anon into agreeing to 69! I've a feeling she's only started pushing boundaries
You know it. The dam's been broken with her, now she's way more comfortable with living out her fantasies with Anon
>“I want all seven of you at once.”
Well this should be interesting
Hopefully we can be free
Splendid AI booba
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Thank you anon
>Do you share headcanons with the sole purpose of discussing them with like-minded anons?
who doesn't.
Write one story. Get an idea for a new story and write it before returning to the first one. You know what I'm saying? Having pics help, but they also give new ideas for more. Currently I have seven open and need three more pics.
Amazing stuff.
Could we get one where her top is wide open? And another where she’s all the way topless? Thanks.
Let’s see those sexy nipples!
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And the lewdest one yet
Ok that was a surprise. I had thought Sunset was as aware of the psychology of this situation as Anonymous is. On the other hand, double checking that participation is voluntary isn't a bad thing and has been a consistent feature in this story.
Now that I've mentioned the psychology of the story, I'd like to say it has been remarkably consistent! Kudos to CB on that!
Anonymous HAS hobbies of course. And we have seen that he has shared them with the girls. But they are the hobbies of an introvert and do not require more from the girls than listening or perhaps watching. That's because those hobbies kept him SAFE at Bullworth. The movies he chose were in his collection because HE liked them. (The movies were a good, if impromptu, boyfriend test. Or rather, a good way to show how much he cares about what the girls like and how he will treat them after they confess.)
>"But why did Anon just go along with the girls sex scenarios?" You might wonder?
That is... embarrassingly easy for me to answer. Anon believed (consciously) that having sex was a far off thing for him. Farther than high school. So he saw little point in thinking of specifics.
Still, the girls are GOING to be curious. My guess is they will hunt his porn stashes. Twiggles will succeed there.
whatever model/prompt you're using, it's producing some top tier slutty eye makeup
These are incredible! Thank you kindly prompter anon.
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The lora combo is good at eyes, and I always slap on an asston of eye/eye makeup tags. Eye makeup is a top tier lewdness enhancer
My pleasure
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You really got me craving some cheerilee now
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It's good that you are not the only one with cravings
Cute and made for hotdogging
I want to make a full mane 6 collage of these
Unf, this is so good. She’s so damn beautiful. Need me a fully naked Cheerilee from this pic if that’s not too much trouble. You’ve successfully gotten me in the mood to nut to this sexy teacher and this would be the final piece needed.
Have fun anon: https://files.catbox.moe/qhwqjk.png

Also finished the presenting bra set:
Based, thank you!
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Booba? Booba!
I knew I was gonna love this thread
i wanna plap her and watch that eye makeup getting smeared and running down
i'm gonna beat my meat and cum violently to these pics
>all seven
Oh, man, now it's happening.
Great update. I loved seeing Dashie's girly side last time too.
Trixie and Lightning Dust are gonna wish they were in on this once school is back in
This going to be updated next or the cookie one?
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Adagios clothes are a bitch to prompt
I can't wait to see Anon subconsciously do this with the Apple milfs against his higher reasoning. He's too horned up, and pent up from what Cadance and Chrysalis did to him not to.
Unf, amazing
Anon's balls are gonna be like raisins in the morning. At least RD finally got her turn before the 7v1.
Was actually working on BWB too but also this.
>You should have been out of here by now!
>But your body is quaking from crippling arousal.
>The cute sexy freckled girl with huge breasts locks eyes with you again.
>Those things are clearly natural.
>Her bikini top strains over them but does very little to mitigate the hormone-arousing jiggling that responds to her steps.
>Her fully displayed cleavage is deep enough to get lost in; spurts of cum might never return.
>Your cock is so erect that it might as well have sucked all the blood out of your brain and legs.
>”It’s okay!” Her voice stops you in your tracks as you realize another poolside chair was blocking you anyway. “You can sit there.”
>She thinks you accidentally took her chair.
>”I can sit here.” She falls back onto the chair next to you.
>As she does this, her huge soft breasts responsively jiggle so fucking much as she lands onto the rubber seat with a barely audible thud.
>They bounce and sway right after the impact, challenging this cute busty girl’s bikini top to stay on and in place the best it can.
>Which it managed to do.
>But this girl couldn’t cover up her beautiful exposed cleavage in that bikini top to save her life.
>The cold milkshake she was holding up against her own milkshakes must have been the cause of her decency-threatening nipple bulges to boast their erect stiffness through that fabric.
>You wish the urge to stare wasn’t so powerful…
>Having retreated back to the chair, you discover why your pants are so thin and doing basically nothing to hide your raging erection.
>You had no idea you were only in your swimming trunks from the waist down until now.
>While having been convinced in your mind you were wearing full on pants.
>You try to find a way to cover up your super boner that doesn’t make it obvious you’re hiding an erection.
>The nearest private place is too far away to get to without being seen like this by dozens of people.
>You swear you had your jacket with you earlier today.
>Did you leave it somewhere?
>Your erection has already reached critical mass and refuses to stop trying to tear out through your swimming trunks through sheer force alone.
>The cute busty girl giggles watching you slip out of your top and bunch it over your tent, already knowing why.
>And profusely apologizing after noticing how flustered and embarrassed you look.
>Neither of you have anything on but your swimsuits.
>There is nothing else but your shirt you took off to cover the evidence of your arousal.
>And both of your bodies being nearly naked right there next to one another with these hormones flying back and forth carries all sorts of tempting implications.
>”I’m so sorry. Is my… chest doing that?” She sounds very genuine about her tone, but is also genuinely unable to do anything about her assets having nothing else to cover them but that… bikini…
“It’s fine. I should go.” You get up with your shirt bunched over yourself as she laughs to lighten the mood.
>She clearly understands and isn’t mad at you, but also didn’t really know what to do about this.
>Likely didn’t even mind, seeing she didn’t appear to be actually bothered by you getting hard to her.
>But you… there’s a part of you that knew exactly what you wanted to do.
>And you actually leave for real this time.
>Back to your place you go.
>You almost feel drugged.
>Something fucked up must of happened that flew under your radar.
>Why the fuck can’t you just fly out of here and get back to the world you wanna get to?
>Your legs can barely carry your weight across the streets, still lacking enough blood around your tibias and femurs to help them act as support beams for the rest of you.
>Might as well be hovering around like a ghost not being able to feel your legs like this.
>Lacking power over yourself as the sky gets darker and your head gets lighter.
>But at least you made it away.
>And kept your swimming trunks too.
>Bar the certainty that you lost.
>And the weakness you gained.
>Barging through your front door with a clumsy fumble that knocks the umbrella stand over.
>Your loose plane ticket flutters to the carpet like an autumn leaf.
>Hit the floor and listen to the lock click.
>It takes a little bit to get yourself back onto your feet.
>In apparent victory since your feet are on YOUR floor with your hands clenching YOUR plane ticket.
>A paranoid glare in your eyes locks onto the window where the metal hooks lock onto the latches at the command of your hands on the levers.
>This’ll keep you safe, right?
>The lights being turned on can’t be seen so well from the outside so long as the curtains are closed, but you’re more concerned about what the lights are illuminating below them.
>This concern turns the lights back off as the curtains stay closed.
>No one outside can see what’s happening in here.
>No eyes to feast upon your shame.
>You’ll just tell everyone it was only your own feet that made imprints onto your living room carpet.
>Which is true anyway.
>Hours go by.
>And anyone who might have spotted you out there would have certainly went on to secretly follow you back to here.
>Then strike when you were weak and naked in the bed.
>Which didn’t happen; even the girl you saw walking up to you hasn’t followed you back despite the fact she saw exactly where you were going.
>You feel dirty enough to be convinced she followed you back anyway.
>She clearly wasn’t even associated with Chryssy or Candy, so it looks like you’re in the clear.
>You turn off the TV screen, then finish cleaning up your DNA evidence up and get to sleep with the horny hopefully out of your system for good.
>Wondering why Candy and Chryssy didn’t even continue pursuing you.
>Candy and Chryssy exchange glances that bear the question “why isn’t anything happening?”.
>The guy they just barged their way into the hotel room of sets the container down, having clearly drank at least five full gulps of the aphrodisiac.
>It’s been FAR more than a few seconds, but there’s no change in his behavior.
>No bulge popping out from his pants, no hearts in his eyes, nothing.
>Chryssy is overwhelmed with confusion.
>”Is something wrong?” The guy shrugs, relieved that his insanely stupid decision to let them in hasn’t resulted in him waking up in a bathtub full of ice. “I mean, I guess if you were gonna rob me, you’d have done it by now, right? Is it because I don’t even have luggage?”
>”Well uhm… again… we just came back to get our uh… drink back.” Candy repeats, trying not to look worried.
>Both of them watch him closely, half-expecting a delayed reaction.
>But more and more minutes of talking normally result in no difference.
>”I’m so sorry, I didn’t know it was yours.” He clamps his hands before him apologetically with fingers locked. “I’m Wood Elf, by the way. I just switched rooms. To here.”
>”I’m Candy.” Candy reaches over and shakes his hand in the quick impromptu confrontation. “And this is Chryssy.”
>”I can introduce myself, thank you.” Chryssy smirks menacingly, mildly annoyed.
>”It’s probably a good thing we told you why we’re here before saying our names. Otherwise you’d probably assume we were called to the wrong room or something.” Candy jokes about how her and Chryssy’s names sound like escort names.
>How far from true would that even be, though?
>”Oh, it’s fine. I don’t get mixed up with anything like that. I’m poor as fuck anyway.” Wood Elf rolls along with it. “Nice to meet ya, though.”
>”So uh… you’re not feeing anything happening?” Chryssy questions.
>Wood Elf suddenly adopts a concerned expression on his face, eyeing the container he just drank from.
>”It’s not dangerous or anything.” Chryssy lies in affirmation, wondering why the aphrodisiac isn’t doing anything to Wood Elf. “Don’t worry. It’s just a really good drink I made myself.”
>Wood Elf’s eyes go from worried to intrigued.
>”Damn, you made this yourself?” Wood Elf asks. “You could start a business selling this stuff.”
>”…Not exactly.” Chryssy responds, still visibly flabbergasted.
>”Why not? This stuff is insanely delicious and you own the recipe, right?”
>”Yes but… it’s not doing what it’s SUPPOSED to do!” Chryssy balls her fists by her sides. “At least not to you.”
>”Well what is it supposed to do?”
>”Chryssy!” Candy half-shushes her captor.
>Chryssy comes back down from her state of angry disbelief and realizes what she should refrain from saying.
>”It’s uh… it’s supposed to make your voice higher. For singing.” Chryssy immediately concocts a lie to go with the aphrodisiac she’s more or less sure simply lost its effect in that container this time.
>Wood Elf peers down at the container in confusion. “Wouldn’t I have to like… I dunno, make it into a mist and then breathe it in? In order for it to go into my windpipe and not my esophagus?”
>”It’s complicated, okay?” Chryssy snarls with her sharp teeth failing to hide themselves. “Thanks for guessing, though.”
>”I’m just wondering.” Wood Elf responds. “I’m no scientist anyway. Just kinda curious, because this stuff is tasty as hell either way. Sorry I didn’t get a chance to ask if it was yours”
>Chryssy has to ease her breathing. “Alright, look. I’m not mad you drank it up. I can always brew some more.”
>”Does it cost anything? I might have a couple of spare bucks to buy some for the road. Eh… well later, since I’m in this room for another week.”
>”I won’t be doing that any time soon. Just, please give the rest back.”
>”Of course.” Wood Elf hands it over without hesitation. “You mean you’re not gonna pour the rest out or anything? I drank right out of it.”
>”We don’t mind.” Candy jumps in. “She and I share drinks all the time.”
>”Well, I know I don’t have anything you can catch, but still feel like it’s fair to mention from my end.” Wood Elf is surprised these two weren’t even concerned about that.
>”Don’t worry, we figured you don’t have cooties.” Chryssy lowers her eyelids sarcastically, having expected this guy to be the one to get cooties from the aphrodisiac.
>”I… didn’t mean that. I meant like… STDs or something.” Wood Elf clarifies.
>”We know.” Chryssy’s sarcastic tone grows colder.
>”Sorry, I just wanna make sure I’m clear and serious so I don’t make you think you got anything from me, and then I get sued or some shit.”
>”You won’t.”
>”Alright then.”
>Chryssy and Candy leave the hotel room with the remainder of the aphrodisiac.
>They stride down the hallway, examining the vibrant contents of the container and wondering what apparently made it stop working.
>”Well he was a bit quick to drink this much of it for a guy who’s that paranoid about getting sued.” Candy states after making it to a secluded stairway corner with no one around to eavesdrop. “Something’s off about him. I think he’s pretty suspicious.”
>”Well there’s nothing else we could have left behind that would put the heat on us. Just this.” Chryssy holds the container up and lets the contents splash around in there to the shaking of her hand holding it.
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>”Do you think he’s one of… you know?” Asks Candy.
>”He’d have known what this was if he was one of them.” Chryssy reminds Candy. “Anyway, this stuff clearly became a dud or something. Which means it must not have worked on Anon either. Which means we’ll just have to sneak onto Anon’s flight somehow and figure something else out.”
>”When did you most recently use it?”
>”Before yesterday? About a week ago. This stuff never goes bad as a drink itself, I just put it in the fridge so people think it’s fruit punch or something, which unfortunately almost backfired just now.”
>”Maybe a ‘do not drink, this is mine’ label would do the trick for that.”
>”Whatever, let’s get a new room already.”
>On Monday night, your place is empty and a plane leaves the runway.
It's on now.
I'll make that happen separately.
I'm gonna make the Cheerilee part of update related stay entirely in its own paste page now specifically because of this. Because I'm adding to it. The link will still be there in VQC, though. I'll just do the same thing I did with the scenes with the M6's mothers in VM.
>Character doesn’t get horny off of horny drink
>Chrysalis gets mad at him really fast
>It's on now.
And I can't wait! Apple Dumpling's ample dumplings need Anon's attention!
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Any chance of some Gloriosa in this style? It makes my peeepee twitch.
I am stuck on mobile for a few days, but I'll make some outrageously lewd gloriosas when I'm able
NTA but based you are
List of Apple women (that I can find);
Apple Brown Betty
Apple Cobbler
Apple Dumpling (Older)
Apple Fritter
Apple Honey
Apple Leaves (Older)
Apple Top
Aunt Orange (Older)
Candy Apples
Florina Tart
Gala Appleby
Marmalade Jalapeno Popette
Perfect Pie
Red Gala
Red June
Those older Apple women (starting with Apple Dumpling) are gonna drain Anon dry, even with him being doped up on aphrodisiac.
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Any suggestions?
More mane 6 milfs, please. In tight, revealing slingkinis.
you sure do love your milfs, huh? Will work on it
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cute and sexy heart outfit
this is my favorite one so far, cool drawing
>Sunset is thrilled by your answer.
>She throws her arms around you and plants a big kiss on your cheek.
>The weakness of your body is brought back to center stage as you almost fall backwards onto the floor of the master bedroom, but you’re strong enough to stand your ground and gratefully return the hug.
>As she snuggles into the crook of your neck and happily giggles, you realize what a nice contrast a simple hug makes compared to the past… however long of nothing but sex and debauchery.
>There’s a certain kind of trust that comes with a hug.
>Sex is everywhere these days.
>People get drunk and party and sleep with whoever looks nice through the filter of alcohol coating their eyes.
>People go out and sleep with the first person to give them the time of day in the wake of a bad breakup.
>People sneak out behind their partner’s back and sleep with someone fun but low commitment to spice up their dull life.
>But a hug…
>A hug is more trusting.
>More sincere.
>Sex can be performed without getting any messy emotions involved, but it’s much harder to hug someone noncommittally.
>To completely surrender your body to the grasp of someone else with only the hope of them surrendering themselves to you in return.
>No pleasure beyond the warmth of their body wrapped around yours.
>It’s so innocent.
>Tender, sincere love.
>It’s something you only appreciate now, after having gone all the way in seven different ways.
>...What the Hell are you talking about?
>You’re about to have an orgy and you’re thinking about hugging?
>Sunset brings you back to what you just got yourself into by patting you on the back and pulling away from you, looking incredibly excited.
>She’s still carefully holding that “magic” flower in her hands.
>It could be drugs, it could be real magic, it doesn’t matter.
>Being a teenager is all about being reckless and having fun like you’re invincible.
>The consequences of mixing drugs and alcohol is something only middle-aged people working white collar jobs have to worry about.
>Not you.
>Not Anonymous.
“So I just… eat it?” You ask Sunset.
>”It’s as simple as that!” Sunset cheerfully confirms.
>You reach out to grasp the magnificent flower.
>Just from the way your fingers graze across its vibrant petals, you can tell there’s something… magical about it.
>The energies embedded within its rectangular cells subtly seep into your skin, infecting you with an almost eerie warmth.
>Almost like a warning that you shouldn’t do this.
>Fuck that.
>Sunset wouldn’t feed you anything that could hurt you.
>Not after she organized all of tonight in your honor.
>You take the flower into your hands and bring it to your mouth.
>The weirdly sweet smell you sensed before is much more prominent now.
>It’s an indescribably seductive scent.
>Even though the flower’s in your hands, Sunset gingerly holds your hands in place.
>Her soft, slender fingers trace along your hands, subtly helping you bring the flower to your lips.
>Your mouth opens just enough for one one of the petals to pass through your lips and flirt with your eager tongue.
>It’s even more sweet than you thought it would be.
>Your nose did very little to prepare you for how overwhelming the taste would be.
>The slightest bit of contact made fills your mouth with the flavor of this strange flower.
>You can’t help but recoil a little bit.
>”Remember, only if YOU want to, Mr. Star of the Show.” Sunset reminds you.
>Her tone…
>Still strangely sincere.
>She’s never acted like this before tonight.
>What’s her game?
>...You don’t care.
>It’s like she said.
>What matters right now is what you want.
>And what you want is all seven of your girlfriends at the same time.
“I want to.” You reaffirm.
>So you take the dive.
>You stuff the flower into your mouth and chew on it before the taste really sinks in.
>The reaction is almost instant.
>Its taste is incomparable to anything you’ve ever tasted before.
>Your mouth almost goes numb through the sheer force of the taste.
>It’s an explosion of new sensations.
>Your third eye was just opened, and it’s in your mouth.
>And it only gets stronger with each passing second.
>A lesser man would’ve spit it back out and made a beeline to the nearest bottle of mouthwash, but you’re bolder than the average man.
>You clamp your mouth shut and force your mouth to really mix the possibly unholy plant with your saliva.
>Then, with all your might, you use your tongue to bring the moist clump of flower to the back of your mouth and swallow it with one strong gulp.
>You gasp for air the moment your mouth is emptied, save for a few small leaves.
>Then it really hits you.
>Time slows around you.
>Your body succumbs to a strange semi-numbness that makes moving your arms feel like you’re underwater.
>Your breathing slows down significantly, like you’re going through the motions of taking deep breaths while not actually working your lungs much more.
>The street lights of downtown Canterlot have a certain extra shine to them.
>The colors of the wintery landscape outside seem to melt together into a kaleidoscopic array of hues and shades you’re confident you’ve never seen before.
>And your skin…
>You feel… everything.
>You feel every strand of the wool rug against your feet.
>You feel every molecule of air bounce off your bare skin.
>Even Sunset’s breathing, you feel the gentle exhales displace the air surrounding you two.
>Every little sound that could possibly be heard, from the sound of the house settling to your own slow breathing is amplified a multitude of times, but not to the point of hurting your ears.
>Your brain feels like it should be dizzy, like you’re about to lose your balance and fall over at any moment, but your stance is as firm as it was before you ate the weird flower.
>In fact, you feel great.
>The imaginary water you’re submerged in is a hot tub.
>The soreness and aching you’ve been suffering through has, as literally as possible, melted away completely.
>You feel a dozen years younger.
>Your body’s been unburdened by the mess of chemicals and hormones that come with being a teenager.
>You take a single step backward to get acclimated to this incredible miasma only to be bombarded by your every sense screaming at you.
>No, not screaming.
>”Thank you”, your senses of feel and sight and taste sing.
>”Thank you for bringing us this wonderful feast of sensations.”
>You don’t care if you just took drugs.
>Nothing that feels this good could possibly be bad for you.
>”Looks like it kicked in~” Sunset slyly notes, glancing downwards at your lower half.
>Her words wrap such a lovely silk ribbon around you.
>But you follow her eyes downward to find your dick fully erect.
>Ready for action as if it didn’t already have seven tours of duty tonight.
>You were so trapped in feeling everything else that you never even noticed.
>Where’s this flower been all your life?
“Uh… yeah…” You breathily whisper with your eyes barely open.
>Sunset giggles in that irresistibly sexy way of hers and struts closer to you.
>Her orange skin and red and yellow hair sway so hypnotically before you.
>”You ain’t felt nothing yet~” She whispers to you.
>She gently brushes her fingers down your cheek.
>The simple gesture sends waves of pleasure throughout you.
>You can’t help but moan a little.
>You’re frozen in place, but you wouldn’t rather be anywhere else.
>Then Sunset leans in and reunites your lips with hers.
>You feel so warm.
>So exciting, yet so comfortable.
>Sunset’s lips infect you with her warm, fiery love.
>Now you’re breathing faster.
>You’re dripping with desire.
>Your arms wade through the thick air to hold Sunset’s waist, heating you up even more.
>Your mouth opens just enough for her to slip her tongue inside, but she never does.
>Instead, Sunset pulls away from you.
>You want more.
>Your feelings guide you to lean forward for another kiss, but Sunset’s too far away.
>”Don’t get too carried away now, you’ve got six other girls who can’t wait to make you feel loved!” Sunset cheekily reminds you, sashaying towards the door.
>Seven girls at once.
>Seven beautiful young women at the same time.
>That’s what you said you wanted.
>...What did you get yourself into?
“You… you sure the girls will want to do this?” You softly ask Sunset.
>You take a couple steps forward and try to ignore your senses crying out at the stimulation of simply walking.
>”Absolutely! They really like you, you know! And they all knew they were gonna have to be comfortable with being SO close with each other when it came to sharing you!” Sunset chipperly answers.
>You stumble to a stop.
“Really, that much?”
>Sunset nods with a smile.
>”Really, really! You’re their weakness, after all!”
>Wait, what?
>The way she said that brings you back to the surface and out of your lustful haze.
>You stumble forward and step slightly in front of Sunset.
“Wait, wait, what do you mean by that?”
>Sunset turns around with that eerily sinister look on her face.
>”These girls are crazy about you, Anon. You’ve brought out sides of them that not even they knew they had. And they’ve been waiting ever so long to show you how much they like you. Believe me, there’s nothing they want more than to get their hands, lips, and other parts of themselves all over you~”
>Sunset has such a way with words.
>Each little syllable dances around you like you’re a blazing inferno at the center of a Pagan ceremony.
>The little musical notes in her voice only entrances you further.
>You want to question her further, why she specifically used the word “weakness”, but you sink back down to how amazing everything feels too quickly to do so.
>Sunset simply brushes a strand of your hair behind your ear to put you back under this intoxicating spell.
“Okay… okay…” You gently sigh.
>”But don’t take my word for it, stallion! Let them show you just how much they like you~” Sunset teases you right before opening the door back into the hallway.
>The motion-activated night lights plugged in near the floor immediately invade your vision as if they’re magnificent spotlights in a gaudy stage show in Las Vegas.
>They don’t burn so bright as to hurt your eyes, you just feel so drawn to them.
>You shamble forward and follow Sunset out into the hall, where you find Twilight and Fluttershy waiting for you two, looking faintly anxious.
>Do they know about the flower?
>They didn’t know what Sunset talked with you about, from how they reacted earlier.
>You try to appear as collected and casual as you can, despite your nudity and amazing buzz.
>...Twilight and Fluttershy…
>They’re so beautiful, and still nude.
>A pairs of lovely souls and flawless bodies, fully open for you.
>Only you are allowed to bask in their pristine beauty.
>Their mere presence is enough to coat your body in more of that delectable warmth of love and passion.
>You shudder a little, thinking about what’s to come.
>”Is everything okay?” Twilight nervously asks Sunset, glancing at you briefly but averting her gaze with pre-emptive guilt.
>You should step in to assuage these concerns.
“Yeah, everything’s fine, we were just talking about… what’s gonna happen next.” You answer, realizing partway through your sentence that you’re gonna have to come clean about what you told Sunset.
>This only arouses more concern from the two girls.
>”What’s gonna happen next?” Twilight asks you and Sunset.
>”Are you okay, Anon? You seem kind of… off.” Fluttershy notices.
>Looks like you weren’t doing a good job hiding it.
>You try to take a deep breath and calm yourself down enough to answer properly.
>Sunset fields that question by grinning and leaning in conspiratorially.
>”He ate the flower~” She whispers to them.
>Both girls softly gasp, their eyes widening in shock.
>Looks like Sunset told them about the “magic” flower.
>”He did?” Fluttershy softly asks Sunset, her eyes now firmly locked on your body for any sign of discomfort.
>You nod slowly to answer her, and Sunset nods more eagerly.
>”Watch this!” Sunset says to them right before planting a big kiss on your cheek.
>You can’t help it, you audibly moan and your entire body shudders in response to the romantic gesture.
>That warm, safe feeling of ecstasy returns to soak your entire body in its embrace.
>Even after Sunset pulls away from the brief cheek kiss, your body gently trembles.
>Your soft breaths are intertwined with gentle, lewd whimpers.
>Please, Sunset.
>Please don’t keep teasing me.
>”Oh geez, he really did eat it…” Twilight mutters with an awkward chuckle.
>Fluttershy’s hands are clasped in front of her mouth, but her eyes are still locked on your nude body.
>Such brazen behavior from her, you never thought you’d see anything like that from her.
>You want her.
>You want Twilight.
>You want Sunset.
>You want them all.
>”How does it feel?” Twilight carefully asks you.
>You take a deep, shaky breath.
>That’s not an easy question to answer.
>Words really can’t do this justice, but you’re going to try.
“...It’s like the universe is hugging me.” You sigh dreamily.
>That’s the best you can do.
>”I can only imagine…” Twilight whispers.
>Her hand reach out to touch you, but Sunset guides her hand out of the way.
>”Would you girls please help me get him back into Rarity’s room? He might die of touch starvation if we don’t do something!” Sunset asks them, taking your hand in hers.
>You can’t speak anymore, all you can think about is how much you want to be touched and held and kissed.
>You’ve put in your work tonight, you’ve earned this.
>The two other girls nod quickly and hurry to help you make your way down the hall.
>Fluttershy takes your other hand and Twilight carefully supports your back as you walk the short distance from the master bedroom to Rarity’s bedroom.
>Their hands…
>Their soft, delicate hands…
>So warm, so loving.
>They really do care about you.
>You barely recognize the doorway you pass through, everything’s fading into a beautiful collage of colors and lights.
>Fluttershy and Twilight slowly let go of your body once you’re in the middle of Rarity’s bedroom, then Sunset guides you carefully to sit down on the carpet.
>The addictive warmth of their touch remains within you.
>Through your haze, you look around the room to recognize the familiar, beautiful shapes before you.
>Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Sunset Shimmer.
>All of them as naked as you are.
>You can’t help but stare.
>Your mouth hangs open slightly as you breathe heavily, thick with lust.
>As if your fully erect manhood wasn’t proof enough of your deep, fiery arousal.
>The mood in the room shifts around you, you can almost taste the change.
>The way your body heaves with every breath, the lust in your eyes, the longing in each breath you take, it’s as clear as day to all the girls that you ate the magic flower.
>”We’re so lucky to have you in our lives, Anon. Aren’t we, girls?” She compliments you in a sing-songy voice, turning the focus to the other girls.
>”Are we ever!” Pinkie is quick to agree, leaning forward to present her supple chest while blatantly eyeing you up and down.
>”Mm-hm…” Fluttershy bashfully adds while twiddling her thumbs, although the way she admires your body is less bashful.
>”We just LOVE how a kind, caring soul like yours is wrapped in such a delicious body~” Sunset continues, strutting behind Rainbow and Rarity.
>”Delicious, indeed~” Rarity purrs, batting her eyes at you.
>”Y-Yeah, you’re pretty hot…” Rainbow admits in an embarrassed tone.
>Her arousal shines through in the subtle wavering of her legs.
>Music to your ears.
>You hear the subtle and not-so-subtle desire in their voices.
>Sunset’s clearly having a lot of fun with this.
>She traces a finger across Rainbow’s and Rarity’s shoulders as she struts over to Applejack and Twilight.
>”It’s just so intoxicating how you can bring out the best in us… and the worst in us~” Sunset compliments you in a sultry tone, holding Twilight’s shoulder with one hand and Applejack’s shoulder in another to get them to loosen up.
>”You could say that again…” Twilight sheepishly agrees, too flustered to make direct eye contact with you.
>”You’re the best kind of trouble to get into, Anon~” Applejack flirts with you, using her southern accent to add some extra spice to her words.
>”And we wanna get into all sorts of trouble with you~” Pinkie giggles, falling to her knees and crawling towards you.
>”To be frank, it was rather rude of you to hold out on us poor girls for so long, Anonymous. We’ve been absolutely stewing in our juices waiting for you~” Rarity playfully scolds you while swaying her hips for you.
>You can read their bodies like an open picture book.
>You’re almost choking on all the sexual tension.
>”Now, now, be nice to him! He was only trying to be polite and respectful by not making any bold moves!” Sunset lightly scolds Rarity as she crouches beside you.
>”And even tonight, he’s been so respectful as to spend all his efforts making US feel beautiful, that I don’t think we truly appreciated him!” She continues, then lightly stroking your hair.
>You shiver at her light touch.
>Her fingers graze across your hair like her hands belong to a master seamstress.
>”The bath earlier was a great idea, he’s absolutely glowing now!” Sunset continues, her fingers still flirting with your hair.
>”Just look at how pretty his hair is…”
>”And his skin, too…”
>Sunset slowly drags her fingers down your cheek, forcing a small pleasurable whimper out of you.
>”And his beautiful singing voice, along with those luscious lips…”
>Sunset’s hand travels down to your chest and stomach, heaving with every lewd breath you take.
>”And his amazing body…”
>You try to bite your lip to stifle the sounds of your shaky breathing, but it’s no use.
>Her hand slides over your arm and to your hand, gracefully taking it in hers.
>”Not to mention his hands! He has such a gentle touch, and a firm grip~”
>Sunset’s hand finally reaches where your legs meet your waist.
>”Oh, but let’s not forget his magnificent manhood! Aren’t we lucky, this organ of his might have been perfectly designed for our pleasure~”
>She drags her index finger down the length of your mass.
>It feels amazing.
>You’re forced by flower power to openly pant and gasp in pleasure.
>You look away from Sunset teasing your body to see how the girls are reacting to all this.
>They’re enthralled.
>Rainbow’s still feeling what you two shared, so her legs tremble a little more noticeably as she bites her lip and blushes intensely.
>Applejack tries to hide what she’s feeling by looking away, but her shaky breathing and the way her hand lightly rubs at her lower stomach completely give her away.
>Twilight, in comparison, isn’t even trying to hide how much she wants to get her hands on you as her eyes intently follow Sunset’s hands as they tour your nude body.
>Fluttershy’s arms obscure her body to hide as much of the fire within her as possible, but her little musical, breathy whimpers ring out like sirens to your sensitive ears.
>Rarity isn’t bothering with hiding her arousal; she’s swaying her hips from side to side and licking her lips in anticipation with half-lidded eyes.
>Pinkie is putting her previous displays of arousal to shame; she’s openly panting like a dog and absolutely vibrating with barely-contained lust.
>So many eyes on you, burning you with their gaze.
>The gentle glisten of the arousal between their legs shines in the light like liquid diamonds.
>You’re trapped at the bottom of this ocean of lust and pleasure, your body being crushed by the extreme atmospheric pressure.
>”We want you, Anon.” Sunset grins.
>”We really do.” Twilight trembles.
>”We really, REALLY do.” Pinkie pants.
>Fluttershy and Rarity wordlessly close in on you.
>Their nude bodies are absolutely radiating heat and lust.
>Rainbow and Applejack are losing their composure, but so are you.
>You’re salivating more than you ever have before.
>The air molecules around you move with greater speed, jostled around by raw sexual tension.
>You almost don’t want to imagine what’ll happen if you get touched like this.
>But you do want this.
>More than you’ve ever wanted anything before.
>This is it.
>This is what everything has been leading to.
>The six girls surrounding you are now mere inches away from making contact.
>Each and every one of them is on a hair trigger from losing themselves to the moment.
>So many hands, eager to hold.
>So many lips, eager to kiss.
>So many bodies, eager to join with yours.
>Pinkie and Fluttershy crouch the closest to your face.
>Rarity and Applejack eye your chest and stomach longingly.
>Rainbow and Twilight have their lustful gaze on your fingers.
>Standing behind them all like a true ringleader, Sunset’s lips curl into a wicked grin.
>”Let’s get him, girls.”
Man, this update ended up being way longer than I thought it would be, but it needed the setup. We're at the grand finale!
Candy and Chryssy make for a great comedy duo, I could read a whole greentext about their love/lust related misadventures without Anon being involved at all.
Ideally without being Anon involved, actually. Poor guy's really going through it right now.
>Anon's balls are gonna be like raisins in the morning.
That's a problem for Tomorrow Anon. Tonight Anon is focused on having a good time.
Great update!
Oh, it will be!
Thank you! I mentioned before that I wanted Anon getting with all seven girls at once to feel earned, so I placed a lot of emphasis in the early part of the story on why the girls would like Anon that much, focusing on his personality and psychology. There's a little bit of leeway I gave myself with Sunset's shenanigans helping him get to that goal, but I didn't want to be wholly reliant on that.
>Anon believed (consciously) that having sex was a far off thing for him. Farther than high school.
Definitely. Anon's thought to himself earlier in the story that he'd be lucky to date any of them, and he wouldn't have pegged any of the girls as the type to put out on the first date. In his mind, best case scenario would realistically be getting to first base with one of the girls.
>My guess is they will hunt his porn stashes. Twiggles will succeed there.
I don't know, Pinkie can be a real sleuth
and Fluttershy could just ask Anon what his fetish is
Thank you! Dashie's girly side is always fun to explore, especially after everything she and Anon have been through. It may be a fairly obvious thing to go to with writing her, but it always gets to me.
>Trixie and Lightning Dust are gonna wish they were in on this once school is back in
Them, and maybe more than a few other girls...
Bros With Benefits.
I linked it last thread too. https://www.fimfiction.net/story/554727/bros-with-benefits
Great update, man. I'll post mine tomorrow as to not get in the way of yours.
I've put the first part of the update on Ponepaste for now as a teaser.
It starts at line 2986 with:
>It's time to get off of the plane.

All for now.
Dear God, if this is how Anon will be with a busty girl, he'll probably end up creaming himself in the spot when he's at Sweet Apple Acres with a MILF like >>41368125.
Oh shit, guess I should link the paste too, my bad.
I probably shouldn't post when nearly passing out.
I should have said this in the last post, but them all closing in on Anon eyeing different parts of him is a great touch. Like they're about to (metaphorically) gobble him right up.
I'll reply to more posts once I'm less drowsy.
Are you the same anon who generated those Celestia and Wallflower pics here a few months ago?
>Your third eye was just opened, and it’s in your mouth.
That is going into the ever-growing collection of great lines from this story! I'm going to have to compile a list soon, I can tell.
And yeah I completely forgot about Pinkie's wildcard factor. A comedian I once saw said that men do a FANTASTIC job of hiding the porn stash.. and then they fall asleep with the tape in the vcr. I'm to old to know if teens would keep porn on their phone, but that's the first thing that will be inspected. Some of the girls would get on his computer and be like "I can't find a porn folder. Closest thing is called pron and that can't be it.." And I understood and appreciated the spoilered reference!
But Anon's porn is on the list of things that boyfriends and girlfriends should discuss. In my mind Anon should straight up offer to delete it. I mean.. 7 girlfriends? When would he even have the time or energy for porn from a practical standpoint? And being honest, it's very easy to get porn if things don't work out.
Switching topics. I had mentioned before that I had an idea for a non-erotic side story where the Crusaders grill Anon with the intention of approving or not approving of the new boyfriend in the manner that friends and family often do. My question is, would such a story go here in Fingerbang because of the link with King of the Hill, or is it better presented in another thread?
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This made me realize something.
Wood Elf also appears in Venus’s Mercy as a competitor to Anon. If this fic established magic and aphrodisiacs clearly don’t work on him, that means the Anon in the other fic never could have had the upper hand against him anyway, but that also means neither does Cadance or Harshwhinny.
I think Wood Elf will play a huge role in stopping Chrysalis because of the unique position he’s in. I think Chrysalis got mad because she’s probably afraid of this. Would be great foreshadowing if true.
Glori "nervous wreck got this" Daisy
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Thanks! I am planning to do all of the main girls like that, just because its simple and easy

I actually was drawing her for the previous thread just never finished it
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Speaking of
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thats it for now
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these give me strong vibe of this thus making you a man of (ancient) culture
Lovely work
Dashie knows what matters
Most anons want the many hot girls attending these schools which is fine.
But me? I want the sexy principals!
High test post
I also need to post when I am less tired.
If my story is better presented in another thread, then which one is suggested?
And because I can't go for to long without trying to tell a joke, I want to suggest that Anon's penis has a proper name.
I mean I think every time in the story he thinks "This is destiny!", he happens to be naked so..
>It's time to get off of the plane.
>Extremely late on a Friday night, the wheels land onto the runway.
>What a long flight this has been, and the entire inside of the plane has been dark for the entire final leg of the flight over to here.
>Chryssy's eyes give off a slight green glow into the darkness, while Candy's eyes are shielded by a sleep mask.
>The inside of the cabin has been cramped and dark, but comfy regardless.
>And quite quiet due to most of the travelers being asleep.
>The small lights lining the aisle guide the way for the stewardesses.
>An echo's survival is impossible inside of here with how little non-soft surfaces there are lining the boundaries of this long, cramped, crowded and comfy space.
>Candy should have known she wouldn't have enough time to finish the entirety of her beauty sleep here, but she can continue it in the hotel room after Chryssy helps her get back to it.
>Chryssy is unfazed by the lights slowly turning on with the soothing voice sounding over the intercom informing of the reached destination.
>She sits with one leg crossed over the other, gazing out the window at the theater of airport lights that feature the runway and countless other orange and white and blue glows that speckle the blackness of night.
>She wishes the lights turning on didn't help her reflection against the glass ruin this view.
>Candy groans and shifts around in her seat, not wanting to leave the cushiony confinement for another five minutes (or hours).
>"I know you're tired, sweetie." Chryssy strokes the side of Candy's smooth face. "We can go straight to bed once we get to the hotel room".
>Candy lifts her sleep mask slightly to catch a glimpse of Chryssy smiling over at her, one sharp tooth poking out from her upward-curving lips.
>"We're almost there, baby. We gotta get up now." Chryssy says to her.
>After several obstacles for Candy's return to her beauty sleep, the two wait at a murky bus station lit by dim lime green-yellow over the bench surrounded by tatters of newspapers.
>Chryssy holds a soda she managed to steal from a vending machine unnoticed.
>Listening to the hum of a nearby street lamp that should be drowned out by an approaching taxi soon enough.
>The asphalt of the road shows through the reflections of light that it just finished raining.
>A post-rain mist dances its way down the length of this long rugged reflection.
>Candy curls herself up into a ball on the bus station bench, barely able to keep her eyes open.
>Chryssy places a hand on Candy's knee.
>"We're almost there."
>It's dark inside of the taxi sparing a couple of dim ceiling lights that aren't bright enough to keep Candy awake.
>She rests her head against the window, already fixing to begin snoozing again as Chryssy longingly gazes out the window at the street lights passing by the vehicle.
>How many nights in her life has she been faced with this same scenery?
>Street lights illuminating the darkness of the world she has no proper home in.
>Their glow would always show the way that was paved for her, lighting it up beneath her feet from different angles as Chryssy's many shadows paint a picture of all the directions she could choose to go in.
>Some of the shadows overlap.
>Some of them are all alone.
>This changed the further she would walk down the streets of the bed neighborhood she grew up in.
>In spire of all of these situations Chryssy would find herself in, she's now comfortably resting her legs inside the back of a taxi cab she paid for with stolen money.
>Only in her mind, she smokes an imaginary cigarette, still catering to her own playful side as the droplets on the window she peers through reflect mini images of the cool street outside.
>All those dark and dangerous streets out there being so nonchalantly passed right now... and none of them would have been dangerous to Chryssy.
>Nor Candy so long as she sticks by Chryssy's side.
>As the muffled hum of the taxi's engine persists, Chryssy lets out a sigh to accompany it.
>Followed by the name of the hotel so the driver knows which turn to take next.
>Candy continues to snag more bis and pieces of her beauty sleep for herself.
>The hotel room door swings open.
>Footsteps sound.
>The bed springs briefly creak from a burst of weight being exerted onto them.
>Chryssy can still feel the taxi moving in a way, so can Candy, who finally lets out a thankful sigh of relief into the soft comfortable bed she lies face-down upon.
>Now their feet were trudging across the thin carpet of the hotel room floor.
>Physically surprised at how sturdy the ground beneath their feet felt, yet how un-sturdy their feet themselves were.
>The door shuts.
>Candy happily sinks into the bedsheets and into a deep sleep right after passing through the bottom of that.
>The silence of the room is so comforting, declaring the journey back is over.
>Traveling long distances really makes you appreciate having a soft surface to just throw yourself down onto and forget the rest of the world for a number of hours as you replenish your energy.
>Dizziness overcomes Candy for the minute or two she is still awake.
>She listens to Chryssy rummage through the mini fridge, clanking bottles and plastic containers together with her probing hands enjoying the cool air refreshing her skin.
>The light of the fridge lights the room up with a bluish white glow, painting it all over the cozy walls it didn't have to reach far to light up.
>Chryssy quietly mutters something to herself, placing the plastic container of her aphrodisiac onto the lit up shelf.
>The curtains are dragged to the side and haul the afternoon light into the room.
>Candy's sleep mask still blocks it.
>But the sound of the curtains being pulled back isn't stopped from waking her up.
>"H-huh? Wha..." Candy groans once more.
>"We made it back a little bit after midnight." Chryssy's voice assures her instincts not to sit up in panic.
>The sunlight outside immediately tries the warm the heavily air-conditioned room.
>Candy stays bundled up inside her little cocoon of blankets and comforters, not ready to hatch into the day just yet.
>Needing another couple of hours of sleep just in case she might risk losing a little bit of her beauty after missing it.
>The buttons of the air conditioning are heard clicking.
>With a lethargic grunt, Candy pulls the face mask away.
>She needs to cautiously squint for several seconds.
>"They're still serving breakfast, I think." Chryssy's ropes of hair dangle beside her face as she fiddles with the air conditioning unit in the hotel room. "Want me to check?"
>"Mhm..." Candy appreciatively nods.
>Chryssy lets the cool blast form the air conditioning unit work its way under her large drooping T-shirt, helping the fabric ride up her hot glistening body with her fingers curled around the lower rim.
>Candy feats her eyes upon Chryssy's utter bottomlessness, first watching Chryssy's soft round buttcheeks jiggle slightly as she takes baby steps to turn herself around to face the other way, then bites her lips at the pleasant sight of Chryssy's smooth bare vulva gently pinched between her equally smooth and bare upper thighs.
>Chryssy clearly didn't care about what got exposed when assisting the blast of cool air in dragging her T-shirt up past her bellybutton.
>Candy lets the covers fall away from her shoulders and chest.
>The cooled air seeps through the fabric of her own T-shirt and goads her perky nipples into stiffening up against the cold.
>Chryssy leers at the beautiful sight of Candy's sweet, perky, erect nipples greeting her through her thin white top.
>Candy immediately notices, and willingly arches her back to stick her chest out even more, boasting her beautiful breasts through her clothing with a cutely shy grin for Chryssy's thirsty gaze.
>"You're so much fun." Both of them say the exact same thing in the same instance.
>Chryssy strides over to plant a semi-long-lasting kiss onto Candy's lips before leaving the room, intentionally neglecting to slip into a pair of panties first.
>Outside of her less-classy re-interpretation of her Marilyn Monroe impression, this shirt falls down juuust far enough to keep her from getting in trouble for """""indecent""""" exposure as she casually struts down the hallway to where breakfast is hopefully being served.
>"Come on, Candy. Let's just have fun now." Chryssy now struts beside her girlfriend in a dark green-black bikini top and short shorts. "No one's gonna find out a damn thing."
>It was indeed a mission well-accomplished.
>Candy is right beside Chryssy in her own pair of short shorts with a bright pink bikini top.
>Each woman has a pair of bikini bottoms on to match her bikini top, and a pair of flip-flops to keep the pebbles away.
>"What flavor ice cream do you want?" Chryssy asks.
>Candy thinks about it for a second.
>"You want ice cream?"
>"Oh of course I would. Absolutely!" Candy's eyes slightly light up. "I just can't choose between cherry and strawberry."
>"I usually never can either." Chryssy steps closer to Candy as a family of four walks past in the opposite direction towards a nearby ferris wheel. "Both of those flavors are just so... yummy and sexy!"
>"Which one do you think is hotter out of the two? As a color, generally." Asks Candy with intrigue.
>"Oh, I meant that too."
>"Does that apply to underwear colors too?"
>"Yes!" Chryssy smiles mischievously.
>It's not entirely clear what exact colors "cherry" or "strawberry" are, but that still matters more than the mission Candy and Chryssy had to embark on almost a week ago.
>Because that mission to get someone seduced played out so well that the two have decided to just have fun together in celebration.
>Before getting ice cream, Chryssy suggests going for a ride in the bumper cars first, then maybe the water slides or roller coasters.
>But deep down, Chryssy wants the ice cream first, because her sweet tooth is screaming for it, as the saying goes.
>A couple of carnival games line the path they walk down together, followed by a couple of bars and hot dog stands releasing grill smoke that Candy swears could be getting moved by the sound waves of the loud but somewhat distant music playing from a stage in front of people somewhere.
>This is the main concern of these two at the moment as the great magnitude of their success is looked back upon fondly.
>Candy and Chryssy continue to roam around together side by side before settling on going on the amusement park rides first, then the bumper cars, then they'll get the ice cream but only after doing anything pool or water slide related.
>Meanwhile, the events of someone's fate inland has been sealed...


First part of that is coming in just a second for complicated reasons.
I'll wait a little bit before confirming or denying this.
The way you set up the vibe with these two is phenomenal!
Would vacation with even without the sex
Forgot to reply before but fuckin' great job.
There's more of it to come.
>Looking at it from Anon's perspective, he has no idea what hit him:
>You can't believe you actually made it away.
>Off of the plane you went on a Tuesday morning.
>Drowsy and ready to just collapse by the time you locked yourself into the motel room.
>Jerking off in the shower happened.
>Passing out in bed happened.
>You never even considered if someone might have been following you around at the airport.
>As you get into contact with a few people you know in this town, learning about a nearby family reunion of an old childhood friend of yours, you become to feel more complacent about having escape Chryssy and Candy.
>You still don't wanna get caught alone somewhere, but you're not all that worried.
>A couple of days later, you arrived at that reunion you heard about in the area.
>Figured you might as well attend.
>You're practically in the clear anyway.
>This is a good way to stay in a public place safely with a lot of people until you get your more long-term residence issue sorted out.
>Forget standing at the door, you had the door welcomingly open for you before you even made it to the door.
>Greeted by various members of the Apple Family, all of whom are celebrating their annual family reunion.
>One of the ladies kinda sticks out to you, and you vaguely remember her from before.
>Hairstyle going halfway down the back of her neck, Apple Dumpling is wearing a deep salmon colored dress that is basically a dress shirt at the top and a proper dress at the bottom that stops just above her knees.
>On top of that, she wears a red apron; it’s still on her from her frequent role in all of the cooking and serving food at the family event.
>The front of her dress is buttoned all the way up to her collarbone.
>She is a very modest woman.
>Modestly dressed for a traditional family event, for which she loves cooking and preparing the food for every time.
>But like practically any adult woman, there is nothing she can do to make secret the fact that she has a big and soft pair of breasts.
>Even in her modest tall concealing button down dress plus an extra layer of her red apron, the curve from the mere presence of her bountiful chest is impossible to truly hide.
>”Anon! How ya been?!” Apple Dumpling reaches out towards you for a hug. “You’re just in time to try out the new pie we have!”
>To her, the hug is nothing to mull over, just a friendly and platonic show of affection and having missed someone.
>But to you… it’s a way to stealthily feel her big soft boobs pressing against your chest during the embrace.
>Feeling these things right up against you in what is beyond simply close proximity has officially reawakened something in you.
>Apple Dumpling’s busty softness inside of her clothes triggered your member inside your underwear into getting stiff for her and trying to stand up.
>Your bulge is not obvious… yet.
>But the one thing your budding erection isn’t doing, is going away.
>The thought about Apple Dumpling’s large succulent dumplings has stained your mind now.
>”Would you like to come try it?” She asks you, very proud of the family dish she helped create.
“I’d love to cum and try your pie.” You breathe with a nod.
>She leads you into the kitchen and does her thing with a warm and enthusiastic smile on her face.
>Cuts out a slice of her latest masterpiece just for you as you sit down to hide your…
>”Here ya go, hon.” Apple Dumpling hands you the small plate.
>It’s only a matter of seconds before you discover the brilliance of whatever family recipe Apple Dumpling has partaken in.
>This apple pie tastes absolutely amazing.
>Apple Dumpling is incredibly pleased to watch you melt into the flavor as much as the flavor melts into your mouth.
>Incredibly proud of herself and her culinary savvy-ness.
>”Let me know if ya want more!” She welcomingly chimes.
“I will! I should have tons more room soon enough.” You promise, soon going back to the rest of the party to stay seated and cool off your flaring libido.
>You didn’t see whatever it was that was done to force this to happen.
>But the horny is creeping its way back into you like an un-kickable habit.
>Still, at the Apple Family Reunion you hang out, feeling nice and safe around a bunch of trustworthy people.
>They chat it up with one another, start to strike up conversation with you at times, and so on.
>You’re sure to be respectful and polite.
>And also not say a whole lot about yourself as the slow hours of the casual party go on.
>It’s a good thing your state of weakness has very slowly *started* to wither down over the past couple of days, despite your recent… hiccup.
>Every time you’ve found yourself near attractive women and girls, you started to feel yourself get stiff for them in the front of your underwear.
>Even seeing them in casual and appropriate clothing got you going a little bit down there.
>Simply seeing the overall shape of their bodies was enough, because your extremely perverted imagination filled in the blanks for the rest of the way.
>An erection was very easy to come by when being in the presence of attractive women and girls.
>But that died down after today, and you can be around them normally again.
>That’s what it seemed like, that is.
>There’s a couple of Apple Family girls your own age at the reunion party with you whom you wouldn’t mind dodging future shotgun shells to into bed with.
>But you’re normal enough again to stay soft in the front of your underwear and not make a scene.
>You figure you finally beat off enough times that it got the need out of your system now for the most part.
>Can’t have any of them anyway, this family might not take that kind of sudden suggestiveness with their daughters too kindly, putting it lightly.
>But you make yourself not even look at it that way.
>Now you converse with several members of the Apple Family at the reunion they last-minute invited you to since you already sorta know a couple of family members and were suddenly in town and had nothing else to do.
>With that, you sip the tasty punch in the corner and listen to the guys give you some life advice like how to drive stick on a tractor or whatever.
>You really don’t really care where these discussions go, you’re just here to stay safely shielded by a semi-public event with lots of people.
>A lot of the girls your age here leave pretty early anyway.
>Going off to do whatever more interesting things that eclipse whatever the boring family relatives and friends of whom are casually talking about.
>You’re already getting tired, but you would rather not leave yet.
>Nothing much is happening, which is perfect.
>Yawn while resting on the rather firm sofa.
>Listening to the chattering background noises of family stuff or whatever, you don’t care.
>Almost everyone left is one of the older adults.
>Not too old, just in their late 30s or early 40s.
>All the kids went to bed.
>All the really old family members left too.
>The party has soon reached the point where some people are beginning to clean things up and put things away.
>Say your goodbyes to the family members who leave to start a long drive.
>You barely even know any of these people, but your sure your location is safe and unknown to Chryssy and Candy.
>Not like they’re gonna use satellite imagery to scan everywhere in this town until they stumble across this random family reunion taking place and recognize your face from the skies.
>All you have to do is keep it cool and mingle with the crowd here.
>There’s no reason for someone on the outside to suspect you’re here of all places.
>You feel so in disguise, so undercover.
>Finished with your drink, you relax in the safety of being surrounded by a populated event Candy and Chryssy wouldn’t expect you to have attended.
>Apple Dumpling continues to help the others start to put excess silverware away and clean the kitchen countertops.
>As she goes from one room to the next, she senses that something might be off but can’t put her finger on it.
>After chilling on the couch for some time, you watch where Apple Dumpling is organizing a few remaining dishes on the countertop.
>As soon as you see the color of her apron and dress, you immediately begin to feel a slight tingle inside.
>You notice on her shoulder the outline of Apple Dumpling’s bra strap showing through her modest outfit
>Something reactivated just got agitated again.
>As she enters the walk-in pantry, Apple Dumpling’s feeling that something is off comes back even stronger than before.
>Inside of her modest clothes, Apple Dumpling’s bra is beginning to feel tighter.
>Apple Dumpling’s neatly done medium length hair gracefully sways as she walks into the living room to talk to another Apple Family member, then she re-enters the kitchen.
>The next button down is starting to strain with either side of the fabric being pulled apart.
>She doesn’t realize she already lost the first button.
>No one does.
>”Got some cinnamon right here.” Another apple family member enters to stand next to Apple Dumpling.
>Even her apron is getting visibly pushed forward more by her protruding chest.
>Apple Dumpling doesn’t understand why her big boobies almost feel like they’re jiggling more than usual when she walks.
>She doesn’t really think about it.
>The longer you watch her, the more you realize a tiny bit of Apple Dumpling’s cleavage is peeking out.
>As she leans forward to grab something, you get enough of a good view into the top of her shirt that your member begins to insist on getting harder.
>It’s stiffly standing up a little more, pushing against the inner fabric of your underwear harder and harder.
>Your underwear and pants can only hide so much of your depraved arousal.
>Apple Dumpling can feel her bra getting tighter and tighter and she doesn’t know why.
>She ignores it, not addressing it as the second button down flies open without her knowing.
>Now there’s less to hold that parting fabric over Apple Dumpling’s cleavage.
>Apple Dumpling’s outer layer of clothes isn’t as elastic as her bra is…
>Her tits are just… she’s losing buttons fast…
>You’ve felt metaphorical lightning bolts hit you while watching this unfold.
>Whatever defenses you had up to not think sexual things to the shape of Apple Dumpling’s chest while remembering how her chest felt against you, it’s all torn down by the sight of her bare cleavage.
>She leans forward to do something you didn’t register, unknowingly pushing her big soft boobies together in a casual accentuation of her increasingly bare cleavage.
>Your sexual consideration for Apple Dumpling is re-ignited when your eyes catch sneak glimpses of her exposed cleavage unknowingly answering your sexual thoughts about her body.
>The other apple family members next to Apple Dumpling don’t seem to notice that her cleavage is *really* showing now.
>The third button down is getting strained as Apple Dumpling’s soft bouncy breasts enchantingly… respond to every one of her movements.
>Maybe it-
>The third button is lost, un-noticed as it flies to the floor.
>Now there is no way Apple Dumpling is appropriately decent for the modest family event she initially dressed for.
>No one notices, but Apple Dumpling’s heaving fully exposed cleavage sways in the bare sexual beauty of the smooth bare skin of her big soft breasts.
>No one but you sitting in the couch is noticing this.
>Your erection begs to escape the confines of your underwear as you watch Apple Dumpling travel back and forth.
>Apple Dumpling’s pliable cleavage keeps jiggling to her hurried steps, keeping hold on your attention.
>This unexpected but welcome turn of events of this family reunion sure has a stellar view.
>”Oh hey there, Anon!” Apple Dumpling notices you looking her way. “Let me know if you want more pie. I can maybe make a new one tonight.”
>You smile and nod, deeply lost in the world of Apple Dumpling’s ample dumplings…
>Her sexy breasts sway and threaten to spill out of that failing top when she leans forward again.
>Why isn’t anyone saying anything?
>What if there were still children around to see this?
>There aren’t any, but still.
>Why would a modest woman suddenly be so okay with so openly displaying her full cleavage like this?
>She clearly knows how busty she is, and a bunch of buttons are undone with nothing else inside that rapidly parting top to cover those big soft boobies bursting their way out of there except her lacy black bra cups~
>Running your hands along that smooth skin while squeezing her soft bountiful flesh would be heaven.
>”I’ll be in here if you want more, Anon.” She sways her hips when walking away from you.
>Her hair somehow got a tiny bit messier…
>You didn’t notice yourself following her until you’re standing right behind her.
>”Back for another slice of the pie?” She asks, looking over her shoulder with her back turned towards you.
“I’d love some. Thank you.”
>Even through that salmon colored shirt-dress, the shape of Apple Dumpling’s widened hourglass form swings those hips.
>It clings to her just enough to give you a good idea of what her buttcheeks would look like when exposed.
>Apple Dumpling starts putting together the remaining ingredients she can muster together.
>”Ya want me to make a mini pie just for you? Might take about half an hour.”
“You’d do that just for me? I’d love that.”
>Her proposal was kind-hearted and her voice was full of proud spirit.
>”I’ll need to fetch somethin’ from the pantry, excuse me.” She turns around, walking past you as you step out of her way.
>You couldn’t control yourself, glancing down at those sexy jiggling boobies right in front of her face.
>Why didn’t she react?
>She saw you right there doing it!
>Your wild cock inside of your strained underwear is starting to do all the thinking for you…
>”If ya w- oh my!” Apple Dumpling immediately notices the back of her bra finally succumbing to the force of her huge sexy breasts that have vastly outgrown it~
>She follows your gaze but doesn’t cover up her fully exposed cleavage, knowing her top is falling all the way open as another button is lost with a snap.
>Apple Dumpling’s overwhelmed black bra cups lose their sturdiness as the part of her bra that was hugging her torso recoils around to under her arms inside her clothes.
>Re-clasping the back of Apple Dumpling’s now woefully undersized bra with her bra cups still covering her nipples is impossible…
>”C-could you excuse me for…” Apple Dumpling somehow doesn’t think you noticed.
>She fruitlessly fumbles with her bra through her top right in front of you, trying to fix it before realizing she can’t pull the open front of her clothes back together and her nipples are about to slip out~
>”Uhm…” She keeps failing to cover her huge sexy tits back up, hands pushing into their bare softness and lewdly pushing them around~
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Took me too long to find a pic to use and it's not even related to the green.
That's all for now, but I might try to finish this scene off as fast as I can.
Cutie Pies
It’s time to cream up inside this apple pie
God, avoiding two succubi trying to turn you into a horny mess, just to vent your pent-up base urges into a random older MILF is SO hot! I hope Apple Leaves and Aunt Orange are next after Anon finally gives into his sex urges with Apple Dumpling. I can see him relapsing into another hopelessly horny state shortly after fucking the latter, thinking he got his horniness out of his system after the first time.
Anon isn't going to last much longer, and neither is she.

>Even through that salmon colored shirt-dress, the shape of Apple Dumpling’s widened hourglass form swings those hips.
>It clings to her just enough to give you a good idea of what her buttcheeks would look like when exposed.
Anon is gonna mount her like a dog in heat, isn't he?
Maybe he knows hornyproof magic he can teach to the anons in each story. That would be something I haven’t seen any green do before.
The amount of good content we’ve been getting recently is crazy. I remember believing this general would be long gone by now.
Hope that pinkie animation comes soon.
Dedication goes a long way after all
We're getting a resurgence, bros.
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This single picture perfectly sums it up.

thank you!
and thank you!

Oh yeah, been seeing a lot of great content here recently. The greens have been amazing and even stuff like the ai posts have been pretty good.
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and that's it. Will be working on milf stuff next
buttshots when?
maybe something I can get to later if there is interest
These are incredible
This is actually a good power move in general because now the anti crowd can’t tell you shit
Where is the anon who wrote a green about anon being part of a group of introverts where the majority were women with big tits who made him their boyfriend. Would you continue your story?
I’m interested in that too
Is it hotter if she's doing the "enhancement" spell of herself or if someone else is doing the "enhancement" spell on her?
Someone else, and she doesn't realize that someone is giving her a "boost".
my nigga
I'll have three days off after today, and I've been meaning to get back to writing but just... Haven't yet. I have a basic idea of what comes next too, but I've said myself before and I really believe this but the hardest part of writing is often just getting started.
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Gloriosa is so happy that you came to her camp and she will do ANYTHING to make you come back
Damn nice.
The glorifag that comes back here sometimes is gonna love these.
Gotta love an EqG in heels
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Some of the boys asked her to help with their play. Naturally, she agreed
Damn, grey! Bros with benefits was already my favorite tomboy Rainbow Dash fic, but I think you’re mogging your own greentext with the rewrite so far!
This makes my brain go unga bunga and my dick go UP
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The boys wanted her to join them in the sauna
This one also came out good
Very nice. Could you do a pov bj?
Progress is progress...even if it's slow going.

Still, I feel like I'm close to completing the next update. Probably won't be tonight, but certainly within the next few days.

They got me going in early at work for the remainder of the week, meaning stuff I try to do first thing need to be put on hold for later, which cuts into the writing time.

Hopefully I can have something up soon, so hang in there a little longer.
Don't rush, take your time m8. Looking forward to it either way.
Good stuff
the must be good at balancing
Take your time man, honestly I really want you to continue the green, but feel no pressure, again just take your time.
Anchor for the anon coloring the bottomless humanized Fluttershy.

(NSFW, obviously)

Requesting that this sketch of bottomless humanized Fluttershy is colored. Be sure to expose her genitals.

Reference for color and painting style (also NSFW):

And this is how the original artist would draw female genitals in the similar pose and from the similar angle. (WARNING: NSFW, anthro and hyper)

Or, if you want to finish it yourself, here is the incomplete painting (it too is NSFW):
Not my fav but I dig the X tapes.
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How could I forget best girl
I have a story written. No anon, no nothing, only her walking faux-invisible through the city watching others go on with their lives. Would anybody want to read that considering >no anon and >prose? Not that it's anywhere near completion as of today.
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Stories are always appreciated.
Not everything has to have anon or the usual prose
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NGL was hoping to get an image ahead of time. Show accurate AI generated, as of late, because I have been pushing my luck.
>the usual prose
The usual is greentext. Prose is the normal stuff you in normal books written by un-normal people. I write prose.
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My man, are you still with us? If you're pissed just say so. The requests I bothered you with were for stories in the writing, ordered from ~90% complete to half about that, and the Celestia X tapes would be the second one without. By the way your biggest fan is lowkey terrified of you now.
Don't tell him that, asshole.
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You wouldn't ever forget her, would you anon?
I sure never forget to fap to her
She's glad that somebody is noticing her
>Pinkie and Fluttershy
>Rarity and Applejack
>Rainbow and Twilight
All good pairings on their own, but when combined with Sunset at the helm? They form the castle of big sexy where Anon is king.
Good thing he ate that flower. Maybe they could sell the flower to couples at school for scratch; dating seven girls is expensive
Twilight stayed my favorite but candy braces Ponka, Amazon Shy, and fucking midget Rainbow with the huge bush are also great. Sunset is very unf too.
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I have not forgotten about that green either. Awesome green.
Man, if you return too, it'll be a regular Shy fest in here. Especially with Cosmic around and all.
You there, Grey? We're ready for more Apple Dumpling!
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I'll have it out tomorrow, so hang tight.
Trying to think of a different way to end it as he leaves the house. Might not do that, though.
Too many posts to quote here without it feeling weird but these are all great. Odd but welcome to see this place get lots of art again, both ai generated art and normally drawn art.
Good to hear you guys are still at it.
I'll only update tomorrow and Saturday/Sunday so you guys know which days would be better for you to do your things.
Prose without Anon isn't as popular on this board, as I'm sure is already obvious. Either way, I'd know. There's always someone who will read it but I can't guarantee you'll get a whole lot of feedback for that here.
I actually preferred that story of mine to be more concise and as a green, but thank you. There's always more room for tomboy love. Hoping I can keep the vibe going after the relationship with RD kicks into full gear.

Also speaking of rewrites, I'm plotting a story where Wallflower, Juniper and Vignette are all college roommates living together and Anon joins them the next semester. Not sure where Gloriosa would fit into it, but I wrote that Friday the 13th green of her last year without any of the other 3 flower girls, so it evens out regardless.
>I'll have it out tomorrow, so hang tight.
Thanks, man! You're the best!
> dating seven girls is expensive.
My fellow based anon! I too have posted about that several threads ago. CB responded that money wasn't really a concern for Anonymous here in this story. And to be fair, finances are NOT a common focus in erotica.
But you got me thinking a bit. I'm reasonably sure that the purple drink is a diluted form of the power in that flower. And the girls used the purple drink 7 times before bringing the flower in the foreground. Using the diluted form could mean several things..
1. Easiest answer is the flower is rare and/or hard to get. (Yes, beyond going to Equestria for the MAGIC flower.)
2. But perhaps a more interesting answer is they had to check if Anon could handle the diluted form first before considering the primal source? Perhaps one of the intents behind Anon's physical transformation over the semester was the old anime trope of building up his body to be a suitable vessel to contain the power of the flower?
The 2nd answer brings into focus one of the biggest unanswered questions in the story. "Just what DID Sunset see in Anonymous during that first glance?" Because she has gone to ENORMOUS lengths and efforts to get a boyfriend for herself and the other girls based on that info. However I suspect we won't get that answer until part 2. (Oh, and if King of the Castle goes in an EOH direction, would that need a part 3?)
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yes, yes, i'm still around
i'm trying to take care of that MEGA gallery while also trying to finish other things and procrastinating in between everything
i've actually forgot about that Celly with nipple pasties, got reminded of it yesterday and genned some but i might do some further gens as the pictures aren't satisfying imo
>Trying to think of a different way to end it as he leaves the house.
I don't think he's leaving the Apple house at this rate, there's still Apple Leaves and Aunt Orange lingering to clean up.
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That 20-minute turnaround time is impressive.
Update is done for the most part. A bit too late to post it right now, as I'll need to hit the hay soon. I'll be sure to have it up here tomorrow evening, so stay tuned.
>When classes mercifully end you head back to the clubroom
>Where everyone including the new club member Twist is chatting while waiting for you
>Everyone perking up when you enter the room and being the center of attention is something you've always felt like you should hate
>Yet, somehow here it isn't
>The first topic brought up is the idea of you going to someone else's house tonight
>Twist gets excited about the idea
>"Could you possibly come to my house?", Twist asks you
>You just know the other girls would have a problem with this
"I kind of doubt the others would be okay with you 'cutting in line' so to speak the first day you join the club, but let's just see what they say for themselves."
>It was clear you were spot on with that as they respond agreeing immediately
>Moondancer gives a more definitive response, "I wouldn't be against him going to your place at all, but I think you should have to be last. Like on Friday. He's been spent the evening with myself and Wallflower so far. I think it could go Marble tonight, Fluttershy tomorrow, and then you."
>That really fills up your schedule, but it's not like you'd actually say no or have a reason to fight it
Though Mrs.Harshwinney tries to advocate for you just in case you weren't okay with it and just not speaking up about it
>"Let's make sure that's okay with Anon before just agreeing on it."
"I mean... Yeah, it does kind of tie up my schedule, but I'm not against it. I do enjoy spending time with all of you."
>"That sounds fine...", Twist says sounding a little disappointed but clearly agreeing it's fair
>Marble is blushing and fidgeting looking like she wants to say something
>Once she notices you looking to her she speaks up, "W-would you really want to come over to my place?... It's really nothing special..."
>She says while glancing down in a way that makes it seem like she really doesn't think much of where she lives
"I'm sure your place is fine, and I'd be happy to come over if you'd let me."
>You say wanting to cheer her up and not wanting to encourage negative thoughts about where she lives
>Your response does bring an adorable smile to her face even if still hiding behind her hair
"I'll just make sure to ask my parents first."
>You say before giving you mom a call
>She picks up before long asking what you called about
>Then you explain you'd like to go over to another friend's house and mention Marble Pie and try to describe her family from what you know
>"Oh, that's fine. I already know Cloudy because I'm in a book club with her. She's the most morally upright and principled woman I know. So I'm positive nothing could go wrong if you go over to her house. Stay the night even. I know their place is far out so it wouldn't be very feasible to get you back at a reasonable time tonight."
"Thanks, mom."
>"I'm definitely glad you're making friends now, Anon. You've been coming out of your shell lately, and I'm all for it."
>You feel embarrassed to be praised like that, especially since they aren't exactly normal 'friends'
>"I'm going to get going then, and thanks again!", saying before quickly ending the phone conversation as you mom says her farewells and to have fun as well
>After that Marble clearly wants to know exactly what your mom said, even if it was already clear she basically gave you permission
"My mom said I could stay the night over there because she knows and trusts your mom, and knows you live too far away for me to go there and come back the same night at a reasonable time."
>Marble is clearly excited but hides behind her hair even more
>"My dad will be here to pick me up after we're done here for today, and I'll make sure you can come over with him when he arrives. I can't really call because neither of my parents have phones..."
>Twist asks some questions about Marbles family and home which Marble avoids answering clearly
>It's clear Twist is just curious because she hasn't been around here enough to get to know the other members well
>Marble doesn't seem entirely against answering Twist's questions either, but is just evasive basically out of habit
>After a while of this the club meeting is called to a close and you head out with Marble
>She takes you to a beat up and slightly rusted old truck as you feel bad for not being surprised by how it looks
>A tough and grizzled older man in typical farmer attire the driver seat looks you over before asking Marble, "Who's he?"
>Marble stammers before trying to answer, and you'd try to help her but you're sure he doesn't want you speaking for her
>"He's a friend, Anon... I'd like him to come over and his mom already okay'd it and says she knows mom."
>He raises an eyebrow and describes your mom, and you confirm it's her
>With this he motions for both of you to get in
>Marble sits up front with her dad and you get in the back
>He takes off and it really does take a while to get to the destination
>Way far off into the sticks you arrive at a tiny farm house surrounded by rock formations and mine entrances
>After getting out of the truck Marble sticks close to you as you all head into the house
>A very strict looking woman in an old timey modest dress who's no doubt Cloudy is there glaring at you at first which intimidates you
>Marble's dad explains who's son you are and that you and Marble are friends, and her expression softens
>Still strict, but not so much like she's trying to put the fear of god in you
>"Okay, but make sure to behave yourself.", she tells you as it now sounds more like saying what she needs to say rather than seriously trying to scare you
>A couple of Marble's sisters are here too
>One of them wearing a very basic frock looks at you with a more or less expressionless face while there other with shorts and a tank top looks angry and motions like she's going to be watching you threateningly
>Marble quickly takes you with her to her room not wanting to stand out in the open being stared at by everyone with you
>Her room is pretty standard you think
>She motions for you to sit down on the floor with her and takes out an unlabeled notebook
>Then she explains that it's a notebook she's been writing poetry in and wants to read some of it to you
>You aren't super into poetry but feel it'd be rude to say 'no' so you encourage her to continue
>The first one is a short poem about a large standing rock in the ocean by itself being buffeted by the ocean
>Listening you can't help wondering if there's symbolism at work and the rock is supposed to represent herself
>When the second one is also about a lone rock standing in a field you feel like you were spot on
>It becomes a theme with the poem she reads you where it sounds like they're about her feeling isolated and alone
>There was at least one where the rock isn't alone and has others supporting it, and it feels like she's acknowledging her family's support and efforts to help her
>Even if that's not enough to entirely erase feelings of isolation
>After reading the last one she wants to read to you she asks for your thoughts
>You genuinely aren't sure what to say
>Really not wanting to just dive into the psychoanalysis you did because that feels like it'd be mean and make her uncomfortable
>Maybe you should just ask if symbolism was intended
"I noticed that there was a big theme of a rock usually being by itself. Is that supposed to represent anything?"
>Marble seems unprepared for that question and thinks about it
>"I just kind of expressed myself without really thinking about it, and rocks is basically what my family is all about..."
>Now you're really glad you didn't just outright say what you thought it all meant
>You reassure you that you thought they were very good and thought provoking
>Almost like perfect timing her sister with the frock pokes her head in and calmly lets both of you know dinner is ready
>"Thanks, Maud.", Marble tells her politely and you follow along
>As you leave the room into the hallway you see the other sister who jumps when you spot her like she got caught doing something before acting natural
>Seeing you wonder about the other sister's behavior she explains bluntly
>"We were both at the doorway the whole time keeping an eye on you two, unlike Limestone I won't hide I was doing that. You did well playing nice with Marble."
>Now you know both their names and Limestone pouts about Maud's bluntness about it before storming off to the dining room
>You follow with some distance with Maud and Marble into the dining room
>A very large array of food is set across the table as the family members are dishing themselves up huge meals you couldn't imagine being able to eat in one sitting
>Even Marble dishes herself up a huge meal as you wonder how she could possibly pack it all away
>So you dish yourself up a more modest serving you can actually eat
>Cloudy lightly comments that you wouldn't be able to put any meat on your bones eating so little when she sees your plate, but doesn't press you on it
>Strangely enough while you were eating your meal they really did manage to eat their huge plates of food
>You guess you shouldn't be so surprised because they wouldn't dish themselves up like that unless they could really eat it, but it's still out of the ordinary for you
>Immediately after dinner it seems everyone is going to bed in order to wake up at the right the next morning
>You don't try to argue about staying up later even if it feels too early to go to bed
>You're directed to Pinkie's room which is being treated as a guest room while she's staying with the Cakes in town
>Pinkie's room is a very pink and girly room like you would expect having even seen Pinkie before
>After getting ready for bed you get in the bed while making sure not to touch anything you don't absolutely have to
>It feels strange to be staying in her room when she's not here, and also going to bed so early
>Your eyes wander looking at everything in the room while you feel like you shouldn't be there and don't feel sleepy
>It's like torture trying to get to sleep under these circumstances
>Worst of all it's not like you could even be mad about it because this is really all you being awkward and not used to their way of life rather than them actually doing anything wrong
>Eventually you apparently get to sleep because it like it time skips to morning
>You feel like shit and Limestone is waving her hand in front of your face after nudging you awake
>It takes a bit for you to catch up with the fact it's morning and you're supposed to get out of bed now
>Wishing you knew what time it was because it's got to ungodly early
>"Hey! Earth to Anon, are you going to get out of bed or not?!", Limestone presses you
>You weakly reply before moving your body which feels like a sack of bricks out of the bed
>"You didn't touch any of Pinkie's stuff did you?!"
>She starts interrogating you as if it wouldn't be clear everything is where it should be
>"Of course not... I wouldn't do that.", you reply just now remembering this was Pinkie's room coming more out of your mind fog
>You feel crabby and irritated, but even then you couldn't bring yourself to be rude
>Limestone pouts slight but seems to believe you
>Almost like she's upset to NOT be able to criticize you for anything or catch you doing anything wrong
>"Anyway... We're going to school soon, so make sure you get ready. I'll be back soon, and then we'll go with Maud."
>So wait...
"Is Marble the only one to be homeschooled?", you ask unable to help yourself
>"Yeah, she just isn't really comfortable to go to the school with all the people there. Why ask?", she retorts
"I don't think I've seen you or Maud at school before. So I thought Pinkie was the only one of you who went to the school.", you say honestly
>"I don't think I've seen you either, what do you hide or something."
>You can only respond off the cuff here
"Well... Uhmmm... Basically yes. I met Marble in a club for shy people..."
>"That certainly explains things.", she says before pausing a bit
>"I'm sorry if I'd scared you or anything up to this point. I'm just very protective of my baby sister and don't want anyone to hurt her."
"I may not have siblings myself, but I think that's definitely understandable.", you say as she seems caught off guard by that
>Maud pokes her head in before saying, "Are we going yet, or not?"
>Limestone seems embarrassed as she presses you to quickly get ready to go
>You hurry up and do just that before going with Limestone and Maud
>Their dad now shuttles you to school
>The sun isn't even out yet, but it really does take that long to get there that you arrive without a lot of time before school would start
>Their dad gets you attention before telling you, "I'll go back and get Marble after her homeschooling session with Cloudy is done, and bring her back up to join you in your club."
>The poor guy must be going back and forth a lot here
"Thanks, it must be hard on you and your truck to do all this shuttling around.", you say as he grins a little
>"Don't worry about ol' me. Just be a good friend to Marble, alright?"
>You nod with a smile on your face before heading off to class despite still feeling extremely tired because you didn't get enough sleep
>In classes you try to pay more attention than usual to make up for how tired you are
>Then when it was time for lunch you got your lunch and went to the clubroom
>Marble was there like usual and must have arrived between your first classes and now
>She notices how tired you look and looks concerned, in fact they all do
"It wasn't like anyone did anything wrong... It just felt wrong to stay in Pinkie's room and I wasn't used to how early they go to bed over there or how early they wake up..."
>Fluttershy cuts in before anyone gets the wrong idea about you staying in Pinkie's room
>"Pinkie wasn't there so it's not like he shared a room with her. Pinkie is staying with the Cake family while working part time at their bakery.", Fluttershy explains as the others who didn't know the situation calm down pre-emptively before getting worked up about it
>Harshwinney then asks Fluttershy, "If you go along with the group's plan, what would you do with Anon after school?"
>Fluttershy doesn't take long to respond
>"Do you think you could help me with my volunteer work at the animal shelter?", she asks you nervously
>You don't see anything wrong with that
"Yeah, that sounds fine. Could even be fun."
Actually managed to write. We'll see if I can keep this momentum going and if I do Fluttershy gets her turn after school getting Anon to care for animals with her.
>I already know Cloudy because I'm in a book club with her. She's the most morally upright and principled woman I know. So I'm positive nothing could go wrong if you go over to her house. Stay the night even.
This sounds like a porn scenario on its own.
Not quite yet... Gonna actually have some more normal and tame build up before anything outright lewd happens, but It'll be coming.
Is there also a Ponybin of this? I can't seem to find it.
Not right now, I'd have to make it. Also the site seems to be having technical issues.
Ok, thanks.
Ponybin may be down, but ponepaste is up so I managed to make a ponepaste for it.
Do mean ponebin or is that something else?
I googled ponybin when I was asked about ponybin and got this https://ponybin.github.io/. Which I'm told is down for technical reasons. I guess it's also a work in progress. Though it's not a big deal if ponepaste works.
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Pie is served
Thirsty for milk
Can you do the mane six milfs (+Cup Cake) in EQG skin color and naked aprons too?
Milk you say? https://files.catbox.moe/1fxzmo.png
I'll drop some mane milfs if they come out good. They'll be solo pics, because I don't trust my setup to do seven characters at the same time
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The skin colors are being a real bitch
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Not the best cloudy quartz
Looking forward to more!
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Thicc Cookie! I hope Cup Cake is next!
>more than one dick per woman
less than two dicks please.

Mmmmm, magnificent mature moms make my manmeat mingefilling
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Still not a 100% on the skin color, but whatever
I know you don’t even mean that genuinely. I know you just want attention. So here you go anon.
>inb4 ai Anon generates him a single dick per girl for the fuck of it anyway probably out of boredom
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Considered it, but nah. It's always either too many dicks or not enough dicks
Well you’re not wrong so I’m not going to argue with that
Just noticed that I didn't upscale these properly
I am retarded
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repost with a better resolution
Really good stuff
You ready, Grey?
Nice. Niccce.
Understandable. In my defense, I have ADHD, not autism.
More like pleasurable.
From what you've been making & posting in the Canterslut thread, just gotta say this: love your work.
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>Prose without Anon isn't as popular on this board, as I'm sure is already obvious.
Believe me I know that, Also I'm only good in everything except greentext stories. Typical of my group, too.
>Also speaking of rewrites,
Here's where I get stuck. Is a story finished when all the chapters are on the digital paper? Is it really done only after editing? Here's the deal, using the memory stone adds to a "cooldown timer" during which she remains faux-invisible without carying the stone. Going to store paying without the cashier noticing. Undressing. Getting progressively more unhappy. Only livefeed can pick her up.
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Thanks, it's nice to hear to hear that someone is enjoying my AI spam
Could you please strip Wallflower of her bra in >>41381492
Let’s see her big sexy nipples!
So you're able to put characters into different types out outfits, yes? I may have a request or two.

On an unrelated note, the update is ready. Wanted to make sure the floor was clear before I drop it.
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ehhh...not super happy with this one but it's not terrible i guess
sorry for delay
>I have ADHD, not autism.
so you're half me
Too lazy to inpaint the original one, so hopefully this is ok
Sure, most clothes/outfits should be doable. What do you have in mind
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I'll let Magna go first since the time he described in the post I'll quote below as "a bit late to update", is still early (7:49 PM my time) for me. Then I'll do mine a couple of hours after his. About 11 PM my time, maybe earlier depending when Magna posts his.
Looking forward to it. You're cool with what I stated right above, right?
I guess I can use this time to work something in.
>Is a story finished when all the chapters are on the digital paper?
If they're in order and all completed then I'd say yes, though my advice might not be the best. Because I pretty much never bother editing or proofreading. Most of the times I do, it's either on the spot the moment I'm typing, or retroactively after I post it. Loving that premise you got there, though.
>You hurry up and do just that before going with Limestone and Maud
>Their dad now shuttles you to school
This is cute, even aside where this story is going to go eventually.
Not the requester, but thank you for this.
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Principal SEXLESTIA.
Given I finished that Pokemon/Alice crossover story a while back, I'm still in that sort of mood. If you're able to do some of the characters in the traditional Alice outfit, that'd be appreciated. Flutters is my top pick for the look, but Twilight and Rarity would also look nice. If you want, you can have their dresses be whatever you feel suits them, although I am partial to blue for Fluttershy.

For background, maybe we can have them exploring their new surroundings, with maybe some giant mushrooms or other plants behind them to act as a size reference.

I'll start posting now. The only reason I said it was 'late' the other night was because I've been having to turn in earlier than normal because of work. It should be back to normal next week, though.
The story so far: https://ponepaste.org/9460


“It's going to be fine...it's going to be fine...it's going to be fine...”
>You've been thinking this to yourself for the past few days, but you're not sure if you can believe it.
>You want so badly to pour through what videos and information you can about this 'Vet Simulator' game as a means of preparation.
>But that would be going against Fluttershy's wishes, and you'd rather not have another incident like the other night.
>It's been difficult, but you restrained yourself.
>What you did do in preparation, however, was get the necessary gaming system ready.
>It's been a while since you've used it for a stream, after all, and because it makes use of motion controls, you want to ensure everything is as it should be.
>You fiddle around with it, playing another random game to make sure everything is working, and thankfully it is.
>After dinner, you breeze through your homework as quickly as you can.
>No sooner do you finish do you hear the doorbell ringing.
“Got it!” You tell, zipping downstairs to answer it.
>Sure enough, Fluttershy is there, with a bag in hand.
“Hey, Shy. Glad you could make it.”
>“I...said I would...” Fluttershy replies.
>“Ooh, is this the cutie from the other night?” You mother asks from the other room.
>You sigh.
“Yeah, it is...”
>Your mother comes out to greet Fluttershy, and she's looking a little embarrassed.
>“I'm so sorry about before,” she says. “I don't know half the stuff my son gets into sometimes, and I let my imagination get the better of me.”
>Fluttershy blushes. “I-it's alright. No need to apologize. I've gotten so many of those already from Anon since it happened.”
>Your mother breathes a sigh of relief. “Well, that's good to know. Hope you two have more fun this time than last.”
“We'll try,” you say, turning to Fluttershy. “Ready to head up?”
>“Well, before that...” Fluttershy begins. “I...brought a favorite snack of mine along. I...just need to prepare it.”
>“Oh, be my guest,” your mother says, pointing behind her. “Kitchen is that way.”
>“T-thank you,” Fluttershy replies, walking past her.
>You're about to follow, when your mother pulls you aside.
>“I'm starting to like her more and more,” she whispers to you. “How long have you said you've known her?”
“Kindergarten, remember? It's just that we haven't really done much together until now.”
>She sighs. “Sorry, don't mind me. It's rare for you to have any kind of company over, let alone someone like her.”
“We'll see how long that lasts,” you reply with a sigh, heading after Fluttershy.

>You reach the kitchen, and Fluttershy has set her bag on one of the counters.
“Anything you need help with?” You ask.
>“If...you can grab a sauce pan...and cutting board...that would be great,” she replies.
>You reach into one of the ground-level cabinets to grab both items.
>As you stand back up, you see that Fluttershy is pulling items out of the bag.
>There's a container of strawberries, a large chocolate bar, and box of toothpicks
“So that's what you have in mind,” you comment, going back into the cabinet.
>You pull out a colander and serving bowl, placing them on the counter with the rest.
>“T-thank you,” Fluttershy says. “I...needed one of those, too...”
>You open a drawer and grab a couple knives, passing one to her.
>Together you cut the stems off the strawberries, and you try your best to leave as much of fruit intact as you can.
>Fluttershy deposits it all into the colander before handing it to you.
>“Can you wash these while I handle this?” She asks.
>You nod, bringing it to the sink.
>As you clean the fruit, you see Fluttershy cutting the chocolate bar into little pieces before depositing them into the saucepan.
“How did things go at the shelter today?” You ask as you continue your work.
>“It was...fine,” she replies, putting the saucepan on one of the stove burners.
“You don't sound very enthusiastic,” you comment.
>“Well...some days are better than others. It depends on the number of animals that needs taking care of, and what kind of special needs they may have.”
>She stirs the chocolate around with a wooden spoon as the burner temperature rises.
“And today was one of those not so good days?”
>“It's...hard to say. Most of the time I can handle it no problem, but a new arrival made things...tough.”
“How so?”
>“He's a mixed-breed dog of some kind. He was abused by his owner before someone convinced her to surrender him to us.”
>“He's been really aggressive...even with me. I can't imagine what he's been through...”
“Neither can I. Sorry to hear...”
>“I'd love more than anything to find a good home for him...but I'm scared that if he doesn't come to trust us...he'll be like this with everyone...”
“You shelter is a no-kill one, right?”
>“Yeah...but that means it could be a really long time before we find someone to adopt him...”
>She sighs, hanging her head low.

>There's silence for a while, broken up by burner going.
“I...get what you're going through,” you finally say.
>Fluttershy looks to you, confused. “You can?”
“Well...it's more from my dad's experience. He told me about one of the pets he had as a kid.”
“A neighbor down the street from him treated his dog like crap...beating him...nearly starving him...it was awful.”
“My dad would always go after school with scraps left over from lunch, and he'd feed the dog through the fence, since he always wanted one.”
>Fluttershy giggles. “Sounds like the complete opposite of you,” she commented.
“Hey, it's not that I don't like animals. I just can't stand being near them without my sinuses kicking into overdrive.”
>She sighs again. “Sorry...I keep forgetting.”
“It's fine. Anyway, the dog was aggressive with him at first, but the more my dad visited and fed him, the more he trusted him.”
“One day he got caught by the owner, and they were so pissed that they grabbed him through the fence and beat him up real bad. Then they beat the dog even worse.”
>Fluttershy gasps. “That's terrible!”
“Yeah. My Grandpa was NOT happy when he heard about it, and he was friends with the Chief of Police at the time.”
“Not only were charges pressed, but the dog was taken away. As soon as it was nursed back to health and put up for adoption, Grandpa picked him up and brought him home.”
“Dad took full responsibility in raising that dog. There were still some trust boundaries that needed to be broken down, but he was able to manage. I'm told he lived close to a dozen years, and they were real happy ones.”
>Fluttershy gives a little chuckle. “I'm...glad this story has a happy ending...”
“The best ones always do. But listen, if he was able to connect to an animal like that without outside help, I bet you can do the same with all the support at the shelter.”
“Animals are kinda your thing, right? I know you'll be able to reach out to this little guy and open up that heart of his to better things.”
>Fluttershy starts to tear up a little.
“...sorry, I didn't mean to-”
> “It's alright,” she replies, wiping her eyes. “I get talks like this all the time...but never from people like you.”
>“People not around animals as much as I am. I...appreciate your thoughts and hopes...”
>By now the chocolate had fully melted.
>“Can you bring those over?” She asks. “It's time to put this all together.”
>You bring the colander with the cleaned fruit, and one by one she skewers them with the toothpicks and dips them into the chocolate, coating them as much as possible.
>You watch as she places one strawberry at a time into the serving bowl until it they're all inside.
“Can't wait to try these,” you comment. “Just like trying this Vet game. Let's say we get to it.”
>Fluttershy smiles and nods. “Let's.”
>Grabbing the bowl, you escort her upstairs.

“Hey everybody, it's Magnamon,” you announce. “Welcome back to another live stream!”
>The comments pour in as they always do at the start.
“And guess who's back for another round?” You say playfully, gesturing to Fluttershy.
>“H-hello again,” she says to the camera. “Miss Monarch here.”
“And she's joining us for something interesting. It's a game that neither of us have played, but one she has shown interest in.”
>You hold up the packaging for your viewers to see, although they can also see the game's title screen.
“Vet Simulator, from the same people that put out ER Simulator, something else I've never heard of.”
“You're gonna have to bear with us, as we're gonna be learning this on the fly. If anyone in the chat actually played it, try to keep the hints to yourself for now. Miss Monarch requested that we all go into this blind.”
>There are plenty of thumbs-up and OK symbols from the chat, so you should be good.
>You start up the game and go through the lengthy starting animatic, which introduces the major characters you'd be playing as.
>You and Shy enjoy the strawberries in the meantime while you take turns reading the dialogue out loud, as if you're acting out the scene of a play.
>You finally get to the tutorial, where you're tasked with setting a puppy's broken hind leg before putting it in a cast.
“Alright peoples, it's time to go to work...wait...what the hell is this?”
>The screen bombards you with different buttons and motions to make.
>It's tough to wrap your head around, especially with the remote and nunchuck going here, there and everywhere.
>You can only imagine this is similar to what a real-life vet would be dealing with when handling a distressed and injured animal.
>True to that example, the puppy on screen is whining, carrying on, and struggling against whatever you try and do.
>The chat is loving this, apparently, with a lot of 'bomb' emojis popping up.
>“What are those for?” Fluttershy asks.
“When a game is being difficult,” you reply, “I sometimes call it a total bomb. Usually it's when I get really stuck on a level or a tough boss battle...but this is just the freaking tutorial!”
>The bombs in chat are quickly followed up by 'KABOOM' emojis.
>“Here, let me try,” Fluttershy says.
>You shrug, handing the controls to her.
>“Come here, little guy,” she says out loud. “It's okay, we're here to help you...”
>Suddenly, the puppy stops its crying and looks out to the two of you.
“Wait, what...how did you do that?” You ask.
>“I saw that this game has a mic feature,” Fluttershy replies. “I guess the avatars respond to our voices as well as the motions we make.”
“Well I'll be damned,” you state. “Alright, why don't you take it from here?”
>“I'll do my best,” she says.

>You watch as Fluttershy follows the tutorial to a T, while saying all sorts of lovey-dovey things to keep the puppy avatar calm.
>All the while, you keep your talking to a minimum so as not to break the immersion.
>You instead focus on the donations that are popping in every few seconds.
>They're mostly small, but it's slowly but surely adding up.
>Before long, the puppy's leg is in a cast, and a big 'CLEAR' notification appears on screen.
“Nice work,” you compliment.
>“I-it was easy,” Fluttershy replies, “once you...figure out how it's supposed to work...”
“Better than me. What do you think, guys?”
>The chat gives its own seals of approval, and you see Fluttershy is both beaming and blushing.
>“Guys, you're embarrassing me,” she says nervously, hunching her shoulders.
“It's okay,” you say. “You're doing great here. Let's show her some support as we continue on with this, hm?”
>Messages of 'YOU CAN DO EEEEEEEEET!', 'YOU GO GIRL', and 'AWESOME!' pop up.
“See? They're loving it.”
“Alrighty, let's give the real first level a try and see what happens...”
>The level has three separate stages to complete, each with a different 'patient' with its own unique problem to solve.
>They're simple ones, but you imagine they'll become more complex as the game progresses.
>It feels like it's simulating a typical day at a vet clinic...which isn't exactly a surprise.
>It takes longer than you expect, as Fluttershy takes the time to go through everything as thoroughly as she can.
>You are not about to ruin the moment or break her focus, instead giving your own words of advice and encouragement.
>She clears the last puzzle, and the notification of 'DAY 1 COMPLETE' appears.
>Fluttershy gasps in her surprise, and looks really happy with this accomplishment.
>More donations pour in, following the usual formula of the chat after finishing something major.
“Awesome,” you state. “You handled that like it was nothing.”
>“W-well, it wasn't exactly nothing...”
“Maybe, but knowing my luck, I'd have still been stuck in the tutorial.”
>You check the time, and you feel it's time to close down for the day.
“That's all we got for you tonight,” you announce to the chat. We'll be back in a couple days with more content. Will it be more of this, or something new? You'll have to wait and see.”
> “Th-thank you again for your donations tonight,” Fluttershy says. “S-see you next time...”
>With that, you exit out of the program and shut off the game, but not before saving Shy's progress.

>“How...did we do this time?” Fluttershy asks.
>You bring up the tally, and...
“Wow, it's more than twice what we made the other night.”
“And based on the stats, we had more than double the average number of people watching at its highest point in time. You're a hit!”
>“I...don't know about that...”
“Come on, Shy, they're loving this content...just as much as they love you.”
>“You...really think so?”
“I know so. I honestly can't remember the last time I've had this much traffic, especially for a type of game I don't usually feature.”
>Fluttershy blushes again. “Well...I guess I'm glad to help with that...”
“Hey, remember, this is more about helping you and the shelter out than it is about helping me.”
“That being said, do you wanna keep playing this game next time, or try something else?”
>Fluttershy thinks about it for a moment.
>“I...think I wanna keep at this one. I...had a lot of fun with it...”
“It's settled, then. I'll keep everything set up for Friday, as we'll go from there.”
>You notice there is one strawberry left in the bowl, and you reach down to grab it.
>Fluttershy seemed to do the same thing, and her hand meets yours mid-grab.
>You both instinctively look up and lock eyes.
>This lasts for a few seconds as the tension rises...and Shy's face reddens.
>You laugh nervously as you try and break said tension, pulling your hand back.
“Go ahead,” you finally say. “You earned it tonight.”
>Fluttershy shares in your awkwardness, taking up the fruit and takes a small bite from it.
>“S-sorry,” she stammers.
“Hey, don't be. It's fine...just fine...”
>After finishing the snack, she comes in for a hug, much like the one from the previous night.
>“Have I...told you how much I appreciate what you're doing?”
“Plenty of times,” you reply, returning the embrace.
>“Well...I'm...gonna keep telling you, then...”
“And I'll keep listening...”

>You break it off for the night, escorting Fluttershy to her car as you did before, except this time there was no extra drama.
>You head back inside, and you're about to head upstairs when you hear a voice.
>“Anon...a word?”
>You hit the living room to see your parents on the couch, your father just shutting off the TV.
>“Your father and I overheard the chat you had with your friend in the kitchen,” your mother says.
>“We're just...surprised with the way you're opening up to her,” your father replies. “I can't think of the last time I told anyone about ol' Sparky.”
“I remember that story well. I thought it'd be a nice way to cheer her up, and it worked.”
>“You think that dog she talked about will find a home?” Your mother asks.
“Can't say for sure. Based on what she said, it's gonna be a real challenge no matter what. Wish there was something else I could do...”
>“Have you thought about volunteering at the shelter?” Your father asks.
“Dad, you know I wouldn't last a minute in there without my throat closing.”
>“Not if you took the necessary precautions,” your mother suggests. “You could get one of those special masks to cover your nose and mouth, and take a dose of allergy meds on top of that.”
“Wouldn't that freak any of the pets out? I'd be like that sci-fi character with the heavy breathing.”
>“I bet a lot of the vets who go there wear similar masks when they're working on the animals,” your father says, “so it shouldn't be new to any of them.”
>“And I'm sure your friend would appreciate whatever help you can provide,” your mother adds, “even if it's just a little bit.”
>You chuckle.
“Sounds like you're trying to set me up.”
>Your parents chuckle, as well.
>“Well, it'd be nice to see you interacting more with girls your age,” your father replies. “Besides, you already know each other, and it sounds like you're both having a good time with your gaming sessions.”
>“We're just looking out for you,” your mother says. “We want what's best for you and what will make you happy, however and wherever you find it.”
>You smile as you sigh.
“I'll...sleep on it. We'll see if something like this is actually in the cards...”
>“That's all we ask for,” your father says.
>You say your 'good nights' and turn in a short time later.
>You toss and turn at first as the events and words from tonight flood your mind.
>You know Fluttershy could use help...but how much?
>And would she even want any of it from you?
>You finally drift off...your thoughts still filled with uncertainty...


That's all for now. Again, apologies for taking so long with this one. A lot of factors hampered progress on this, but with any luck I should be able to work on this more frequently. And hopefully the next update won't take nearly as long.

Until then, comments are appreciated, as always.
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NICE. NICCCE. This is the stuff. This, and buttplugs for the worst possible reason. Finish your orders first. Once you do you can do another naughty request and I'll tell you a little secret about your #1 simp.
>half me
Brother from another father.
Does impaint work on faces? Need-to-know classified.
Mentioned above, my group has an anon who likes to fuck with us by changing the prescriptive grammar. More than once I caught the faguette telling us to use the wrong form of your and you're.
>I guess I can use this time to work something in.
Thanks. Nothing less than three milfs should be enough to get all that literal horny juice Anon drank out of his system.
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First draft. The size difference with the giant plants is not working with me, but I'll try to fiddle more tomorrow.
You can, but at least for my local setup it's real fiddly and you need a ton of tries to get a good result
Well, it's to be expected for a first draft.

When I've done prompts like this, I tend to go with phrases like 'minigirl,' 'oversized object' and 'giant x', x being mushroom for example, to help emphasize it. If it still doesn't work on your end, you can just use generic forest-related prompts for the background and disregard the size-related ones.

When you go to fiddle next, I'd recommend including these other prompts to help with the outfit:

long skirt, puffy dress, puffy short sleeves, white apron, frilled apron.
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Alice gens are tricky
Thank you! I will now fap to this.
>Fluttershy as Alice
Nice. I'm reminded of the Goth Alice in games by he formerly of the parish of id Software, American McGee
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My God Sunburst is lucky AF!
>Where the story is going to go eventually
Yeah, and even if the general consensus is that there are enough love interests already it'd take a lot of restraint not to have any lewd things happen with Pie sisters like Limestone, Maud, and Pinkie happen as one off incidents.
From stuff like Limestone being jealous of Marble getting a boyfriend before her and thinking Anon is cute, Maud not having a lot of restraint and not understanding social norms well, or Pinkie being Pinkie.
Bless you for this amazing stuff. I don’t know how I’d recover from this wallflower fever if I cum to her fully naked in this style.
>lewd things happen with Pie sisters like Limestone, Maud, and Pinkie happen as one off incidents
I hope their mother Cloudy also gets involved in the sexy shenanigans with Anon.
Always love me some more Fluttershy green
>>41385312 >>41385419
Full frontal nude version with visible nipples and vulva, anyone?
do you want to keep the latex and whip?
Ready, Grey?
The Celestia one wouldn't make sense without that whip, I guess. But both versions with *and* without latex are fine for me.
I would wholeheartedly donate to Fluttershy.
giving her the encouragement is something I would have loved to see happen. Great update.
I guess since you and the other guy writing have now updated, I guess I can see what I'll do for tomorrow night or Friday, unless now Cosmic wants a turn.
This AI stuff is really turning out nicely. Damn that's a lot of posts but you know I still mean all of them.
>You erection is growing strikingly powerful.
>Apple Dumpling’s hands find more and more difficulty in holding the front of her once-modest top together as her massive breasts insistently outgrow it.
>It gets to the point where… this outfit wasn’t made to contain a pair of breasts this big.
>Apple Dumpling does everything she can but knows that no matter how hard she tries, she can’t put her sexy jiggling boobies back inside her top~
>This top can’t help her anymore…
>Another inevitable *snap* this time two buttons down sends a button darting to the floor.
>Now her soft underboob spills out.
>The two side parts of the bra that were once hugging around Apple Dumpling’s torso like they’re supposed to, can no longer even reach under her arms…
>Apple Dumpling fumbles with her lacy black bra cups until her reaching hands discover just how impossible it is to connect her bra behind her back.
>After resorting to just trying to keep her top together, her not-elastic-enough bra fails completely from abandonment.
>Apple Dumpling’s bra cups slip up unable to even reach her huge obvious nipples anymore.
>Apple Dumpling only has one holdout button left she holds together for dear life.
>Straining it past its limit are her two soft massive breasts that have an expanding beauty that demands to be naked out of this clothing.
>Feeling her mind start to succumb to intrusive lewd thoughts, Apple Dumpling settles for the final button being the last thing keeping a tiny stretched section of her shirt barely covering her nipples.
>She now pieces together your awareness of her overly busty display from your obvious erection giving a similar fate as her shirt and bra to your pants and underwear…
>”A-Anon… your…” Apple Dumpling’s entranced eyes lock onto your erect boxer tent proudly sticking out of the undone front of your pants.
>When did this happen?
>The front of your underwear is so overwhelmed by your big hard and forceful erection that the waistband can’t cover your shaft all the way, leaving the base of your cock exposed to Apple Dumpling’s denial-ignoring gaze.
>You start to try to fix your pants and underwear, but your massive pole just can't be put all the way back in there anymore.
>Your panic turns to aroused comfort knowing Apple Dumpling is in the same boat as you.
>It’s okay… she can’t put her anatomy away either…
>Her colossal tits softly and charmingly react to every movement that bumps her arms into them.
>”C-could… you help me with my top? While I finish with your apple pie?” Apple Dumpling requests your hands to assist her.
>It’s partially to keep your hands occupied and away from your own situation now ripping through the front of your boxers.
>Apple Dumpling is having a lot of trouble keeping her top together.
>But you’ll help her.
>Mashing her huge tits together between her arms gets your cock even more determined to break out of your underwear through the fabric.
>You’ve already started down this spiral with her… and now she’s preparing your pie with her own hands while your hands help hold her top together.
>You both know she can’t trust you to actually make her top stay on.
>The soft flesh of Apple Dumpling’s heaving tits has a lot of soft give against your fingers.
>”Thank you for understanding, dear…” Apple Dumpling pats down the crust of the pie and spreads on the filling she just finished making.
>She's instinctively simply preparing the food, carrying on as though her tits weren't 99% of the way out barring the single brave button that endures impossible tension that rivals your urges themselves.
>Apple Dumpling persists...
>But her motions of her hands are getting clumsier.
>You watch her full barely restrained cleavage jiggle while she works n the food some more.
>Her uncertainty requires her to move herself back and forth more by her arms against her growing tits that gently shake so captivatingly in response.
>She's trying to help you stop her areolae from showing, but it's already too late to go back.
>This top can't cover anything anymo-
>This top REALLY can't cover anything anymore.
>"O-oh..." Apple Dumpling watches her gargantuan breasts fling free followed by a mesmerizing series of swaying and wobbling you could bury your face against all night.
>Her bare nipples are staring you right in the face as your erection overcomes the rest of your underwear and follows suit.
>There are no hands to do anything about your cock, her hands are on her dish for you and your hands are enjoying the fertility of her chest.
>She sighs quietly.
>You weren't sure when it was you started getting explorative and lightly grabbing her.
>But the way she started responding just now encouraged you to double down.
>Her appreciation was hesitant, but that hesitancy is only motivation to help her ease further into it with you.
>With her trying to pretend you're not groping her, you begin to act solely on your base urges upon Apple Dumpling's body.
>Feeling something gooey against your fingers, you look down and realize Apple Dumpling's naked breasts are getting filling all over them from looming directly onto where she's working on her prized recipe.
>Her eyes are already asking you to help her wipe the sweet filling off of her skin, and you both know where it's going to go after that.
>She knows what that is poking her thigh as you push yourself up against her.
>Feeling your cock twitch like that was the last straw needed before every last bit of restraint just... falls down.
>With a swift mutual motion, you submit yourself to her and plant your face against her bare breasts, no longer able to resist or lie to yourself.
>The act simply snaps from its own tension and instantly unfolds.
>You knew the charade was over when you were staring at Apple Dumpling's huge nipples waiting for your lips to tend to them.
>The way they were begging for you was just so...
>The taste of Apple Dumpling's recipe graces your mouth as you mosey around her nipples first with a few shyly lingering kisses.
>The filling her heaving chest collected ended up being spread onto the real apple pie you wanted all along.
>Both of you cooperate together in finding a comfortable position as your hips find their way between her legs and begin to push the dress part of her outfit up from your advancement.
>You already forgot where you are, and Apple Dumpling may have forgotten as well.
>Minds are only set on one thing now.
>And neither understands why as the heat and humidity in the room increases and increases.
>No one right outside the kitchen is listening closely enough to the wet smooching noises of you savoring the tasty ingredients of Apple Dumpling's sweet recipe.
>Do your best to lap it all up with your tongue.
>The taste of her skin mixes with the taste of her filling recipe.
>Apple Dumpling quickens her breathing and encourages you to lean further into her.
>Guiding your mouth closer to her areolae so you can move on to your drink after lapping up the first part of your dessert.
>The top of Apple Dumpling's shirt is too open to stay on her shoulders.
>Her modesty is a shell leaving her as her bare arms and torso are unveiled to be embraced by your arms wrapping around her.
>The traditional side of her mind commands her to shut her legs as your waist slides its way up between her thighs.
>But her primal side commands her to open her legs wider to ease your sexual advance.
>Apple Leaves continues to fluff up a couple of the pillows on the couch.
>"I'd be more than glad to make these reunions a bi-annual occasion rather than only once a year." Aunt Orange puts down her wine glass.
>"It's a shame we don't all have the time for that." Comments Apple Leaves.
>Everyone else is either gone or hanging out upstairs where they can't hear anything... nor feeling the humidity begin to accumulate downstairs.
>"I hear ya. I really wish we could." Aunt Orange sighs longingly. "The more bonding we share together the better."
>"Ah suppose Big Mac's schedule would be the best indicator. If he's free, most of us should likely be free too."
>"Well that's one way to look at it, but what about travel distance?" Aunt Orange adds.
>"True. What with how them train tickets fluctuate an' all that. In the prices."
>Apple Leaves places her hands on her hips and looks around, inspecting the room and making sure that everything is nice and tidy.
>"Does it feel... hot in here to you?" Asks Aunt Orange.
>"Ah couldn't tell ya." Apple Leaves rests on the couch. "Ah have been dartin' around cleanin' up left and right that it may as well count as a workout."
>Picking up her wine glass once more, Aunt Orange fans herself with her hand before taking a quick sip.
>Apple Leaves has been wearing her own apron herself.
>It's been making her heat up so much that she slips out of it, figuring that she and Apple Dumpling will no longer have to be preparing any further cuisines for the night anyway.
>She has on a button down dress shirt and jeans under it.
>Flipping her bright hair to the side, she starts to fan herself with her hand too.
>Talking to Aunt Orange goes on for a little bit longer only to prove that the living room feels like it's slowly getting more humid as the minutes go by.
>Neither woman has any idea what's going on in the kitchen.
>Not really listening to anything in particular despite their minds being on a collision course with the metaphorical gutter as a direct result of this "humidity".
>They didn't know what sound to recognize when Apple Dumpling reacted to something lustfully poking her soft crotch through her panties.
>"Well I suppose I won't be driving tonight." Aunt Orange states the obvious after setting down her wine glass.
>"Yer only gonna drink that much?" Apple Leaves grins. "Next time we go to somethin' and I'm not the one drivin', I'm fixin' to show ya how to really take advantage of your drinkin' card."
>"Nothin' wrong with doin' things in moderation anyway." Aunt Orange shrugs with pride. "Maybe ah already got all of my fun out in my day."
>"Wish ah could say the same." Apple Leaves eyes the now empty wine glass, contemplating how much more she'll enjoy herself than Aunt Orange once the role of designated driver is switched.
>"Every reunion it's the same thing." Aunt Orange pokes fun at her in a friendly way. "You say you'll have the time of yer life then just fall asleep in a chair somewhere glad ya didn't have to clean up as much."
>"Oh it's not like that every time." Apple Leaves fans herself off some more, feeling the wood on the edge of the couch start to feel sticky.
>Both women internally begin to question if the furnace downstairs may be running a little bit more than it should be.
>Their minds are on that rather than the sounds they hear in the kitchen.
>They can't recognize the sound Apple Dumpling makes in response to her panties being "accidentally" tugged to the side so the same... thing... that poked her crotch can thrust its way inside.
>The sound gets higher the deeper you go.
>Aunt Orange and Apple Leaves don't realize they're already effectively a couple of powder kegs that have been secretly built up by this humidity in the living room spilling over from the kitchen.
>All of the wires and lines of dynamite are intertwined with their own nature they haven't been paying attention to in a long time.
>And there is a lit match just in the other room that's been specifically designed to have its affect felt as immediately as possible.
>The two women in the living room can't put their finger on why they're starting to feel dizzy in addition to hot in their clothes.
>It starts to suddenly escalate, though it feels more close quarters on them.
>But that doesn't stop them from asking anyway.
>"Hey, Apple Dumpling? Hon? You forget something in the oven over there?" Apple Leaves unwittingly unbuttons her dress shirt a little bit until a tiny bit of cleavage is showing.
>Aunt Orange is in a formal dress that displays her shoulders and how much she's managed to retain her curves over the years.
>But both women are feeling skyrocketing urges to strip out of their outfits and maybe jump into an ice bath to cool down.
>Their breathing gets heavier as they approach the entrance to the kitchen, onto to find quite the surprise suddenly coming right back out at them.
>You aren't sure what it was that triggered your survival instinct.
>All of your sexual instincts were drowning everything else out as your erect cock slid its way into Apple Dumpling.
>She shimmied her hips as you positioned your hips at a tighter angle.
>You had begun plowing in and out of her for about a minute, latching your lips onto her nipples as an instinctive gesture of submission to her you randomly fished out of your brain from wherever that came from.
>Apple Dumpling's breast milk came in tiny drops at first, but your lips began to work their magic and encourage her body to release more of her warm sustenance past your lips and onto your lapping tongue.
>She giggled slightly at your licking... tickling her.
>Piercing its way into the moment, one faint green glow just outside the kitchen window brought everything back.
>Apple Dumpling only blankly smiled back up at you with her legs still longingly wide open for you as you found the strength to stand up.
>Your cock holding one end of a long strand of sexual fluids spanning between your sex and hers, begging to be put back in.
>The instinct to run resurfaced, and the entrance to the living room was the closest exit you could jump to off of the top of your head.
>Bursting through the doorway, you realize your underwear is still torn open at the front, unable to fit your diamond hard cock back inside even had the fabric not been ripped open in this way.
>Two more of the Apple family members gaze back at you, red in the face with lidded eyes locked onto your proudly erect manhood vastly escaping the reach of the tatters of fabric you desperately try to pull back over your leaking precum before anyone sees.
>Quite useless when they both already saw, and the longer they look, the hotter they feel in their clothes, minds slipping into a state of something else as the sight of your physical arousal triggers theirs.
>Your only hope in your mind is to close the front of your underwear to stop this dangerous display, backing up only to feel the cushion of Apple Dumpling's tits gently halt you and trap you in this position trapped in the doorway.
>There's nowhere to run, and your underwear is not fit to re-conceal your stiff manmeat luring the humidity enduring women into ruining your mindless, hopeless escape that never would have worked anyway.
>Your body is made to automatically send them the message they didn't know they needed to hear.
>Apple Dumpling has a couple of partners to help her tend to you now as they autonomically figure out what they need to do at the lewd sight of you.
>You watch them tug at their clothes and lick their lips at you.
>"Hey there."

I'll work out how this'll go onto Ponepaste. Will probably make a new page just for this part with the Apple Family for organization purposes.
I see.
They really got him now. More on the way soon.
That's how I've gone bout writing them too, so I one hundred percent understand ya.
Neat idea
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I hate AI. And giant mushrooms. At least the dress is better
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I made cute mushroomshy to placate my frustration
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Ascension does wonders for one's figure
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EqG Twilight or Turboslut as she's known as in the Canterslut thread has very fuckable tits
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It's not easy being Trixie
Love these.
Go for it. Me myself and I am here for X pasties.
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Gonna do a set of the main girls in Halloween costumes. Suggestions welcome.
Red skintight suits. Yellow goggles and yellow boots.
Man, it's nice to see this place active again. I'll upload the next update to King of the Castle tomorrow. I'm gonna be on a roll writing the ending tonight because I know I won't want to do anything but play Astro Bot tomorrow.
Nice to see this green continued! Visiting the Pies is a real nice change of pace from what we've seen with Wallflower so far. Gives more foundation for the relationship with Marble to be built on. Really liking the faint uneasiness from the rest of the family, I'm looking forward to seeing where that goes.
Eyy, you're back! I'll have to catch up on this one, but I'm liking what I read so far. Having Anon open up to Fluttershy with his history with an abused dog. I also totally get Anon's thoughts on preparing to play the Vet game with her. My gf and I play video games pretty differently, so I related to him there. Definitely anticipating how their relationship will develop!
And if you end this green with another title drop my eyes are gonna roll right out of my head lol
Candy and Chryssy have a real fun "sugar and spice" thing going on, love to see them go at it. Poor Anon just can't catch a break. This is the worst I've felt for someone constantly having sex. The rest of the family being there just adds more fuel to the fire. I can't help but think of the way old Speed Racer episodes ended with each update of yours.
>How will Anon get out of this one? Tune in next time to find out!
And I'll be sure to tune in next time.
The only thing better than one Fluttershy green is two Fluttershy greens. I'm diving back into Mating Season once I'm done with my current project, so I'll be able to get in on the fun too.
Thank you! I think they're gonna do that a little more literally...
>That is going into the ever-growing collection of great lines from this story! I'm going to have to compile a list soon, I can tell.
Aw, I'm flattered!
Personally, I keep all my porn on a MEGA account and an external hard drive. I'm kind of paranoid when it comes to my digital files.
As for your other ideas for Anon, he'll have more to deal with in the morning
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>Suggestions welcome

Trixie as Mona in Genshin Impact and I would make her Moan-a

Rarity as Elvira: Mistress of the Dark I would have hot Goth sex with her
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Nice. Niccce.
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Hmmm. Feels a bit off, but I am not very familiar with the character

Nothing off about this Moan-a... I mean Trixie. She gets me off!

As you can see here, she carries with her a portable Stargate
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This one was fun
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What a fearsome kunoichi
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Tinka Tonka Ponka
Like I said, if the mushroom prompt is giving you a headache, just leave it out. More than happy to have them just being out there in the outfit.

You gonna try Rarity/Twilight at some point, while we're on the subject?

Pretty much wanted the Anon to keep relatively quiet. Next time around he'll do a lot more encouraging. I'll probably have it where Flutters gets stuck at a point, and he does what he can to cheer her up and try to find the 'answer' to the level she's on. It'll get better as it progresses.

Thanks, Cosmic. Glad you're enjoying this so far. What do you mean by 'title drop', though? You mean what I plan on working on after this, or something else?

The first thing taught by Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi: Grandmaster of Togakure Ryu Ninpo & Ninjutsu is 'Be constantly aware of your environment'. I'd be constantly aware of her tits.
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can i get a prompt for any of your pictures?
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Lost faith for a moment due to the mushroom apocalypse
<lora:JdotKdot_PDXL-v1:0.5> ,
<lora:WhomperFruit XL:0.4>,
score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, source_anime, 2d,
amazing quality, best quality, very aesthetic,

beautiful, eyelashes, eyeshadow, black eyeshadow, (eyeliner:1.1),mascara, long eyelashes, (thick eyelashes:1.1),
fluttershy, yellow skin, pink hair, long hair, colored skin,
huge breasts, wide hips,thighs,
print dress, mushroom dress, (mushroom hat:1.2), mushroom girl, red mushroom, red dress, short dress, white thighhighs, garter belt, white garter belt, skindentation, cleavage, mushroom on head,
outdoors, giant mushroom, fantasy, giant flower,glowing mushroom, forest, dirt path, evening, dark, night,
standing, upper body, cowboy shot,
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A title drop is when the title of the story is spoken within the story. For example, in your story Measuring Up, the last line is "...for this is how Fate decided you two would...measure up for each other..." and how Pinkie Promises ends with "That's a promise......a pinkie promise."
It's not a legitimate complaint, it's just me being cheeky. You do you!
and then they lived happily everafter
they had 4 kids and a fulfilling marriage

hmmm...must be one of the LoRAs or a fancy model at work that makes those fingers so decently and with the correct amount
didn't think of this one. gonna give it a try
anyway thanks
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Last of my spam, good night folks
The iztah artist style lora does a lot of work for making sensible anatomy, and sometimes I just manually edit extra fingers away
skindentation + thighhighs makes my ape brain go brrrr
Well, they wouldn't exactly be 'single players' by the end, now would they? They'd either be players one and two, or co-op gamers on many 'levels.'

I do have three distinct scenes planned out in my mind - the confession, the first time they try to be intimate, and the final sequence after the 'let's back up a bit' monologue. The rest of it is up in the air at the moment. Any suggestions on what other antics they can get into, game-related or not, are welcome.

Thanks for giving these a try. They all look nice in their own ways.

Twi being sexual >>41387600 >>41388450 activates my neutron:

It's the EqG looking fuckable in stockings and/or heels which does it for me
Really appreciate these.
I don't mind the "spam" at all.
Also really appreciate the prompt instructions.
holy fuck
>Fluttershy's angelic smile is enough to make you sure it was a good idea to agree to that
>Mrs.Harshwinney comments professionally, "Volunteer work is always good for your resume when you're applying to colleges or jobs after graduating. So I of course encourage you to do that. In fact if it wasn't meant to be more you and Fluttershy time I'd recommend everyone help at the animal shelter."
>Fluttershy seems flattered and embarrassed before responding herself
>"I mean... I'd definitely like it if my other friends here volunteered too. Even if it's mostly outside of my one on one time with Anon..."
>Though you can tell Fluttershy doesn't entirely expect them to, and neither do you
>Not out of not caring, but with being shy kind of comes being set in their ways
>Working that into their routine is a big deal
>Twist gets Mrs.Harshwinney's attention
>Asking her, "I sometimes help with my parents' work at our family owned candy shop. Should that count for my resume?"
>Mrs.Harshwinney thinks about it before giving her professional opinion
>"It likely only matters if you intend to go somewhere else instead of staying in the family business."
>Twist ponders it before going, "Yeah, I guess so."
>You ate your lunch while engaging in some small talk with the group before heading back to class
>You're still tired so you put more effort in than you usually would just to make sure you don't screw up too bad
>After classes you kind of wish you could just go home and go to bed, but instead you go to the clubroom knowing animal shelter work with Fluttershy was next
>At the clubroom everyone is there like usual, though Fluttershy looks antsy to go with you
>Twist is saying something when you arrive, "So if I do something with him after school tomorrow on Friday, is there anything planned for the weekend?"
>You hadn't thought about the weekend, but now you wonder what might be suggested
>Moondancer as the one who's done lead most of this planning speaks up fist, but more wondering something
>"Is there anyone we're leaving out here?"
>She scans her eyes across the room at all the girls before resting her sights on Mrs.Harshwinney
>"How about we let Harshwinney have that time. She could set up a group thing for all of us to come with on, or have some alone time with Anon. Whatever she wants."
>Mrs.Harshwinney blushes and feels put on the spot, but doesn't seem to be against that
>"I mean... Maybe we could all go somewhere like a restaurant to demonstrate what a date is like, but... Do you really think it's okay for me to have one on one time with him?..."
>Her voice has a mixed sound of excitement and uneasiness to it with conflicting emotions
>Marble answers is in a friendly manner, "Of course, you're practically one of us, so it'd feel wrong otherwise."
>The others obviously agree with the sentiment
>Mrs.Harshwinney seems touched by this before turning to you
>"Would you really be okay spending one on one time with me? I mean... I am a teacher after all. It's not really all that appropriate for me to do that."
>You get where she's coming from, but also you do like her
>Before coming to the club room you probably wouldn't say you like her that way to want to effectively go on a date with her
>Yet you also would say you do want to now
"Regardless of it being okay with the rules or not... I am okay with it and would like to do that. If it's okay with you of course..."
>Mrs.Harshwinney looks away with a deep blush on her face that makes you unable to help being flustered as well
>Twist comments on it in a way that seems more like thinking out loud rather than an intentional comment, "I had no idea Mrs.Harshwinney could be like this. It's cute!"
>You can practically see steam rising from Mrs.Harshwinney from how flustered she is before she abruptly calls the meeting to a close and leaves in a hurry
>Fluttershy looks a little miffed with Twist
>"I know you probably didn't intend it, but that was rather insensitive. I'd like you to apologize to her tomorrow."
>Sternly telling Twist as she looks embarrassed and does seem to feel bad about it
>"I really didn't mean anything by it... I really did think it was cute and didn't think she could react so strongly to anything that way."
>You understand both sides here
"I would also like it if you gave her an apology next chance you get, but I also understand seeing how differently she acts here compared to how she normally acts can be unexpected unless you've spent some time here in the club."
>The others who hadn't commented yet seem to mellow as they think about what you're saying
>They're actually used to the more flustered and emotionally vulnerable Mrs.Harshwinney as opposed to the cold and strict Mrs.Harshwinney
>You'd just about completely forgotten what was supposed to be next whe Fluttershy takes you by the hand to go to the animal shelter
>Twist tells you in parting, "Tomorrow after school you should come over to my place and try some of my family's home made taffy!"
>Then you were off to the animal shelter which was within walking distance
>When you got there the place really was filled with animals
>All of which were very happy and excited to see Fluttershy
>They didn't so much react to you, but when she coaxed you to interact with them they seemed friendly enough
>Even things like large dogs you'd otherwise hesitate to approach were very calm and friendly under Fluttershy's influence
>After Fluttershy helped you get acquainted with the animals you helped feed and care for them with her
>Mostly just following her instructions, but it was still very high energy and spirit lifting
>You almost forgot for a bit how tired you were
>It felt more like playing than any kind of work
>Fluttershy being so in her element here was definitely a sight to behold
>She was so happy here that the feeling was contagious
>Sometimes it seemed like she was so thoughtful and caring of all the animals that it was like she were a mom and they were her children
>Of course you're sure she wouldn't literally see it that way, but you just got that kind of vibe from it
>Eventually it was over and you realized how late it was
>It was like all the lack of sleep and fatigue hit you all at once, and you wondered if you could even get home on your own
>Fluttershy didn't even need to be asked to offer to help get you home
>As you walked with her she let you lean into her while walking
>Her side was so soft and she had one arm around your shoulders holding you to her side
>While walking you felt your eyes briefly close and tried to stay awake despite even her half embrace all but inviting you to sleep
>Then one time when your eyes shut you suddenly found yourself in your bed unsure how you got there
>Fluttershy and Wallflower were both there by your bedside
>"Oh, good, I was worried if you were okay.", Fluttershy said when she noticed you were awake
>You feel bad about making her worry
"I'm okay, just nodded off I guess because the lack of sleep and fatigue got to me more than I thought.", you say already feeling a bit better from what you think was likely a very short nap
>Fluttershy pats your head affectionately
>"I hope you get good rest, and I'll see you tomorrow.", she says affectionately before pulling you up by your chest enough to bring you into a hug
>Her chest presses into you as you blush a little
>She giggles a little seeing your blush before letting you go and heading out
>"I'll take things from here.", Wallflower says as Fluttershy walks out of your room
>Once Wallflower is sure Fluttershy is out of sight and earshot she slides into bed with you
>Clinging to your side and pressing her chest into your shoulder before kissing you on the cheek
>"Good night, Anon~.", she says before settling herself to go to sleep
"Good night, big sis.", you say to tease her before moving to drift off to sleep yourself
>Just kind of accepting the fact that Wallflower would be here and sleep with you
>You could vaguely hear Wallflower pout a bit from being called 'big sis' when you didn't need to call her that, but it amused you
>Though you were way too tired to stay awake either way and drifted off to sleep
>In the morning at a much more reasonable hour you awake to find Wallflower still asleep clinging to your side the same as when you went to sleep
You lightly nudge her awake while saying, "Time to wake up, big sis~."
>She mumbles about not really being your big sis as she wakes up
>You push her to give you some privacy to get changed, and she sleepily obliges
>After getting changed you find her in the bathroom brushing her teeth and tell her she's free to get changed herself now
>Then when you goes to get changed you brush your own teeth, only after doing it realizing she used your toothbrush
>Maybe she should bring or get her own
>Though you'll deal with that another time
>You go downstairs for breakfast and Wallflower soon joins
>Your parents again treat Wallflower being here like it's totally normal
>In fact it shouldn't surprised you at this point if she'd been here every night since first arriving
>Even when you weren't here
>Then a thought occurred to you about what she might do in your room when you aren't here
>Nothing seemed wrong or missing in your room earlier, so maybe it'd just be paranoia to worry much about it
>After breakfast you head off to school with Wallflower hanging off your arm
>"I missed you when you didn't come home for the night~.", Wallflower comments in a needy voice
>You open your mouth to comment before she cuts you off
>"I know why you weren't, and I intend to not keep you from spending time with the others, but I can't help feeling that way."
>It's obvious she's messing with you a little and getting amused by you getting flustered
>"You bed is so cold and lonely without you~."
>Your ears burn from that one as your face turns a deep crimson
>Deciding to change the subject a little because she's teasing you a little too much you ask something
"Is it really fine for you to just stay at my place so much like you live there."
>The teasing smugness lives her entirely before she responds quickly, "Yeah it's fine."
>Saying it a way that intimidates you from asking any follow up questions
>After arriving at school she lets go of you to go her separate way to her classes
>You go to your own as well of course
>Classes go normally this time with nothing to boost and dampen your ability to focus and perform in class
>Maybe a few lingering thoughts, but nothing too serious
>When lunch arrives Twist doesn't wait for you to come to the clubroom before greeting you
>You're on your way to the clubroom when you see her in front running towards you
>Hardly giving you a second before practically tackling you in greeting
>She's hugging you from the front with her chest pressing into your crotch as she says, "Are you excited for later today, Anon! I know I am!"
>A few people around whisper and comment as you blush and try to come up with a response
"I-I sure am Twist... I'm sure you family's homemade taffy will be great.", you say hoping mentioning the candy as the main attraction might make it sound normal
>Though Twist jumps up and down slightly while excitedly talking about your visit to her place which rubs her chest against you crotch which makes you wish you had complete control over your lower rejoin knowing other people are around
"Let's head to the club room and we could talk about it more there.", you say nervously feeling yourself get hard and hoping to get to a more secluded area soon
>"But I can't hug you in the clubroom!... Stay with me here a little more!", she pouts a little before insisting
>Your mind blanks wondering what to do next if you can't deny her
All for right now, more hopefully soon. I did have a though where it could be that each of the five girls have a day Monday through Friday, and Harshwinney on the weekend. Though it would probably be better if it was changed up rather than being the same.
Also it should be mentioned that some members of the shy girl club or more wholesome and innocent than others and will take longer before doing anything lewd than some of them.
Great! Liking this already. Anything on latex-free version so far?

Full frontal nude edit please?
Loving this so far, can’t wait until we get to the spicy stuff!
Nice straps
Didn't know if you wanted bandages or not, so here:
Both are equally good. Thank you so much!
It’s time!
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These are awesome, man. Could I get Gloriosa as a sexy park ranger?
I love Wallflower's weird and wholesome relationship with Anon, and how he calls her big sis.
Also, Twist is a cutie. And so is Harshwhinny! Twist was just telling the truth.
Glad Flutters is pretty good at some games. Wasn't expecting her to use the mic. Her voice is one of her best features though, so of course she won with it.
>Any suggestions on what other antics they can get into, game-related or not, are welcome.
I'm not Cosmic, but you actually used some of the ideas I suggested for Farm Hands, so thanks again for that.

Maybe you'll like some of these:
>Anon lets Fluttershy borrow one of his favorite games, and she accidentally saves over his file; she tries to 100% the game on her own in hopes that he won't notice
>Rainbow and AJ team up and challenge Anon and Fluttershy to a gaming gauntlet; they play a bunch of different games, and whoever wins the most wins the competition
>Sunset goes to Fluttershy for advice on how to control her gamer rage
>Arcade trip with Pinkie Pie; she ends up taking them to a Chuck-E-Cheese knock off; Fluttershy falls in love with a big stuffed bear there that costs a ton of tickets; Anon wants to win her that bear, but he needs help from Pinkie to do it cause she is a master at any and all kiddie games, like Skeeball, etc.
>Trixie is also a streamer but she's rude and is always banning users; she sees how quickly Fluttershy has gained popularity and, despite her clear jealousy, keeps trying to guest star on Anon's channel, or get Fluttershy to come on hers
>Anon accidentally burns his tongue or something; Fluttershy has to do all of the talking on their streams for a while
>Because of her naivety, Fluttershy almost falls for a scam that's in the chat; Twilight decides to step in and help teach her about the dangers of the internet
>Anon learns that the Shy family used to have board game night on Saturdays, but they stopped because Zephyr started showing up late all the time; he tries to think of a way to bring them back
>Fluttershy reacts to something in a big way on stream and it gets clipped by their viewers and becomes a meme
>Anon and Fluttershy play the newlywed game on stream
>Fluttershy introduces Rarity to the romance vn genre and gets her hooked on them; an intervention is eventually staged
>Anon and Fluttershy find out that Derpy was a legendary speedrunner before her eyes got derped up
>Anon gets Fluttershy a Tamagotchi but makes the mistake of telling her that the pet can die; Fluttershy obsesses over this so much that she gets caught with it in class; Luna confiscates it; they have to get it back from her office before the pet dies at the end of the school day
my apologies but i couldn't be fucked fixing the whip physics as that would require lots of adjustments
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To the aigods here. Adagio realizing deeply embarrassed and with a really really red face: you watched her masturbate on videochat? However you have seen her face as if she's misadjusted her webcam. Secondly a layer to give an impression of recording, you know, with a red dot and REC next to it.
I didn't mean to spoiler the image.
>Maybe you'll like some of these:
Got anything with milfs?
>You like to travel south for the winter.
>And for the summer?
>Not just south, WAY south.
>So south that you skip the heat and catch the cold again like breathing in a sneeze.
>This time, it's January in July, February in August and March in September.
>To you, at least.
>You don't embark on the flight alone; it would be unwise not to bring friends.
>"You got this, Big Mac!" Nolan cheers on the side he's rooting for as the opposing side whom Norman is rooting for calmly waits for the rural guy to lose steam.
>Big Mac was the only one on the flight to challenge Bulk Biceps to an arm wrestling match.
>Timber had suggested that he might do it, but chickened out as soon as Bulk accepted the challenge.
>Now he sits beside Flash, wide eyes like a couple of aliens watching World War Two as Bulk Biceps overwhelms Big Mac with his weightlifting-built level of strength.
>Big Mac entered this knowing he would certainly lose against this man who is visibly bigger and stronger than he is.
>The match seems neck-and-neck so far, but everyone knows this is only due to Bulk going easy on Mac.
>The tables are doomed to turn.
>And so, the gruff droning of the older engine continues.
>Clouds pass by below as Bulk's victory against Big Mac in the arm wrestling match comes into fruition.
>Even he difference in the sizes of their bones beneath the muscles would have been a good indicator of who the winner was gonna be.
>"Well that was a good game." Big Mac is eventually rubbing the side of his arm with an exhausted expression plastered onto his face.
>"I appreciate your good sportsmanship." Bulk reaches out his other hand.
>The two share a handshake with their other hands that symbolize the other side of this coin: their right hands contested to see who was stronger, and their left hands share a friendly shake of good sportsmanship after the winner was determined.
>"Timber and Mac should battle for second place." Norman adds his input with his back leaned against the seat he hasn't left for the duration of the flight.
>"Well I'll have to wait until I can warm myself back up against after that." Big Mac turns to Timber Spruce. "You up for it?"
>A sly smile crosses Timber's face, showing all his teeth in an awkward vibe. "Guess I can't chicken out twice."
>You, Norman and Nolan all finally scoot forward in your seats at the promise of a more level match coming up next.
>"Anyway, I should probably give you another quick briefing about the trip since we're getting close now." Bulk announces.
>Flash Sentry pulls out a candy bar and begins to chew away at it while listening to Bulk's instructions.
>"We're going to have about 7 or 8 hours of daylight each day." Bulk Biceps lets the rest of the group know. "But we shouldn't have to worry about the temperatures going too far below freezing at any given point."
>Sitting across from you, Norman and Nolan carry an absence of the nervousness on their faces that yours has.
>They've never even been south of the equator at all before, though, neither have you.
>You'd have felt better without knowing the steepness of the challenge you're getting yourself into.
>The strap of your camping backpack wouldn't be taking nearly as tight as a grip from your sweaty hand right now.
>Take in the vehicle's vibrations into your back against the seat, easing your spine you're praying will be enough to survive on this endeavor.
>Bulk Biceps continues his slew of instructions for the rest of the guys, including Shining Armor, who has been quietly sitting in his own seat minding his own business on the sidelines of the chatter and ruckus.
>Norman and Timber agreed to share winter hats to see which one is better at keeping their heads warm during the cold nights, making bets on it before takeoff.
>Norman's friend Nolan will just depend on his shoulder towel acting as a makeshift turban of some kind.
>Big Mac himself is no stranger to chilling conditions, hoping the rest of you can keep up with what he swears he will be used to.
>Shining Armor sits in his seat, twiddling his thumbs and gazes out the window down at the snow-covered Patagonian mountains far below, as they slowly pass by underneath.
>You have your phone with you, though this probably doesn't matter a whole lot due to the lack of cellular service where you'll be landing.
>Several more minutes pass by, along with more of the rugged mountain range far beneath the private plane.
>"You sure you don't wanna try your hand at Shining first?" Nolan elbows the other preppy guy in the seat next to him.
>Shining politely shakes his head to both Nolan and Timber. "I'm very tired right now. Might want to start resting up for what we'll have to do later."
>"Very understandable."
>The wings of the plane continue to slice through the chilly air.
>Closer and closer the landing pad draws.
>Feels like inaudible music in the vibe of the flight over to here was suddenly shut off to give way to the spinning of the engines turbines.
>Now as cold-sounding as the air around the slowly downward-gliding vehicle.
>The song is over, and now everyone has to leave and plant their feet onto the ground.
>The droning of the engine is now only sobering instead of its previously empowering feel to it.
>Feels like something bad is coming...
>Barring all of the dull nonsense you all had to go through in order to get to this next point, the whole lot of you are now effectively marching across a vast grassy field with your large camping backpacks and copies of the map on paper in case technology decides to fail you.
>The wind is blowing against you, posing as a challenge to those who aren't strong-bodied like Bulk leading the group.
>"How about you, man?" Flash Sentry finally turns to you, voice barely above the wind in your ears. "You're not very talkative, you got a knife or something with you in case something comes attacking us?"
"I have a swiss army knife." You honestly inform him. "It's not much but it's all I got.
>"Well at least ya got a corkscrew at the ready in case we get to celebratin' something." Comments Big Mac, referring to a bottle of scotch he brought with him. "Ya might wanna stand behind me if somethin' comes chargin' at us."
>Big Mac brought a gun, a hunting rifle to be exact.
>There is not a doubt in your mind regarding his ability to properly use it against any would-be predators.
>Timber was in charge of packing along all of the materials needed to construct a tent.
>It all weighs his backpack down with the potential ability to create an entire hut with all those materials added to the essentials he'll need to survive.
>You're not sure how well Shining Armor had prepared his things, but you imagine he'd be smart enough to bring a few cans of food of his own like the others did.
>Of course, that'd only go so far if push comes to shove.
>The weapons would have to move their use from defense to offense as soon as hunting enters the question of survival.
>The nearby entrance to the mountain range gradually draws even closer as the group unanimously decides it might not be such a good idea to stay out in the open the way you are so far.
>Nolan and Norman drag their feet more than you do as Bulk in front keeps things moving along with the group.
>There are a few trees mixed with hills and small ledges and cliffs you pass by before starting a debate about whether it's better to go all the way into the nearby mountains to set up camp or stay at the entrance between a couple of hills to help shield you all from the cold gusts of winds.
>It's all about the angle.
>You're either protected by a steep slope breaking or diverting a powerful gust coming in, or you're being put into what might as well be a wind tunnel that would destroy your camp within hours.
>Within hours if you even manage to set it up under those turbulent blasts of cold air.
>Winter coat firmly wrapped around your body, you take in the beauty of the landscape you now find yourself in.
>You're glad you've decided to go on this trip for this chunk of your summer, needing a change of scenery for once.
>Timber Spruce was the one who talked you into joining along for the experience, and you can see why as the dirt and small rocks silently give way under your feet.
>This place looks like a painting as the sky already begins to get dark.
>There might not even be time at all to make your way into the mountains at this rate.
>The temperature's gonna have no qualms about testing your endurance any minute now.
>And it will only grow more and more intense as the end of the day goes on.
>The first guy to give in the his nervousness about how much daylight is left is also probably the smartest.
>Jack Frost doesn't care what continent you're on, he's gonna take your nose all the way off of your face between his fingers if he can.
>"My feet hurt." Nolan finally becomes the first one to complain.
>"h hope we're not gonna hear much of that for long." Big Mac turns to him. "We haven't even been walkin' that long."
>"Maybe not for you, but I'm not so experienced."
>"Well you came with us by your own volition, didn't you?" Shining Armor jumps in. "My feet hurt too, but I'm not complaining."
>"Eyup." Agrees Big Mac. "Come on, now. This ain't gonna be as good of an experience if yer just standin' there bellyachin' the whole time."
>"Our feet are gonna hurt a lot. Like, a LOT." Bulk Biceps says to Nolan.
>Nolan glances over at Norman, for whom he had taken the fall by complaining partially on his behalf as well.
>Minutes later, Timber Spruce helps Flash Sentry drive the stakes into the dirt below in the adequate way to set up a tent.
>Rugged ledges of solid rock fighting a forever-war against erosion are lit up by the setting sun now finally giving up its light from behind a few parting clouds in the distance.
>The howl of the wind refuses to die down.
>But its force is stopped from blowing the tents over as they're being set up.
>The yellow-green of the grass still sways to the gusts enough to make hypnotic waves travels across the wide valley your group just finished tromping across in a line.
>Shining Armor takes a while longer to set up his tent on account of trying his best to make it neatly constructed with 90 degree angles that wouldn't really matter in the long run.
>"Dude, you don't have to follow any construction codes or anything." Timber Spruce lightheartedly jokes at him. "As long as it serves its purpose and functions as shelter, you're good."
>Nolan takes a mental note on this, having planned to adopt that same approach had he figured out the first step even leading up to making sure the sides of his tent were all set up.
>Meanwhile, you've followed all of the steps accordingly and have your cozy little camping tent set up within 20 minutes or so, wight as it's getting a little too dark for comfort.
>The wavy tall grass of the distant valley has now adopted a color closer to the deep blue of the darkening evening sky.
>And the wind starts to pick up, being the strongest complainer against Nolan's sluggishness in setting up his camping tent.
>"Come the fuck on already, dude!" Norman gripes at him. "Even I did it!"
>"I'll handle this." Timber struts over, offering to speed things up here.
>He can barely see until he flips his flashlight on.
>It feels so good to plop your backpack onto the floor of your tent that's really just the ground with a barrier between it.
>After your lantern is switched on and begins its hopefully lengthy feat upon the battery inside of it, the inside of your tent is lit up like a tiny little bedroom.
>Roll out your sleeping bag beside your pillow and rest on your back.
>Wishing you'd have better cellular service out here at least in these moments when you're "indoors" anyway.
>The great indoors within the great outdoors.
>And a phone that only has three rounds of portable external battery to live off of as you have a few cans of ravioli and soup to fill your stomach when needed.
>Inside of his tent, Bulk Biceps automatically resorts to doing as many sit-ups as he can as part of his daily workout routine.
>Planning to chow down on some protein-filled snacks he brought with him as soon as he's done.
>Norman and Nolan opt to just share the same tent since Nolan ended up messing up the construction of his tent despite Timber Spruce's attempted assistance and multiple relays of the construction instructions.
>"I swear that guy couldn't even put together a bionicle set if he tried." Flash Sentry chuckles after watching the circus display take place in a setting that slowly faded to black as the night set in.
>Nolan had run out of time.
>Now he's sharing a tent with Norman and Flash is sharing a tent with Shining Armor.
>Timber and Big Mac decided to double up since a lot of the supplies they brought are comparably similar.
>The fourth and fifth camping tents are yours and Bulk's, respectively.
>As the night completely sets in, you bundle up in the visual warmth of your dim interior light of your electric lantern while the other guys chill out in their own camping tents.
>So this is it.
>The ultimate camping experience to share with your bros.
>The name of this land is Patagonia, domain of the southernmost reaches of South America that has seen little to no human settlement in many many spots.
>Left largely untouched by the BOTTOM TEXT SOCIETY bullshit of the rest of the world that starts its own domain not too far north of here.
>And that domain may start not too far north of here, but it ends... seemingly never.
>So many countries, so many leaders, economies... problems... a lot of things.
>It's rally nice to just get away from all of that and have a good time enjoying nature.
>You hear a couple of the other guys laughing together in their tents over the howling of the wind that surrounds everyone.
>Your own tent doesn't shake so much from the wind, which only proves that you indeed set it up properly and won't have to encounter a very annoying problem in the middle of the night.
>One that would involve putting your source of shelter from the elements back together.
>Pulling out a book you packed with you, you crack the pages open to where you left off with a bookmark and continue your epic adventure through lines and lines of text.
>Listening to the droning winds whip around the camping tent surrounding you.
>Nobody asked for the wind to pick up.
>Aside the likes of sailors, no one ever does.
>But the position of camping tents chosen for the journey into the wilderness proves useful.
>You manage to get a healthy amount of shuteye in between the times when gusts of wind whip across the landscape.
>It doesn't take very long for you to become desensitized to the sound of the wind mirroring the noise of a tidal wave about to hit the camp.
>It is only now do you deeply think about how long the hike over to here was.
>It must have been at least two hours from the landed plane to this spot that was chosen.
>And you only saw other groups of hikers within the first 30-45 minutes.
>That and the whipping of the wind against the jagged rocks outside shrouded by blackness really shows you that you've found a really special spot to experience the outdoors.
>Very gradually, the tightly woven wind-breaking waterproof material of the tent you're inside of starts to let a tiny bit of light shine through.
>Indicating what time it must be.
>Not long after sunrise, Bulk Biceps and Big Mac are out of their tents, stomping around in their winter gear checking everyone else's camping tents from the outside.
>The one you're least surprised about being an early riser is Big Mac.
>If Bulk got up before him, now THAT would be actually surprising.
>"Long day ahead!" Timber Spruce's voice catches your attention. "Let's go, gotta get into the habit of maximizing daylight for the next week."
>You sit up and ready yourself to go directly against those gusts of wind now.
>There was no chance that the entrance to the mountain pass wouldn't have played a part in this mini expedition.
>Bulk himself claims to have been here before, just not in this exact spot.
>But he swears there's a good chance he'll lead the group to somewhere he's more familiar with as he maps this next place out regarding "trails" to walk on.
>Though, there are no actual trails out here.
>Hasn't been long enough yet, you suppose.
>As soon as everyone is ready to go, you begin your line of hikers once again.
>Except for Flash Sentry, who volunteered to stay behind and watch over the quickly constructed camp.
>Being the showoff he sometimes is, Flash insisted on braving the task alone.
>After Norman and Nolan’s requests to do so were denied by the others, who told them to toughen up a little.
>And also once again, the line is led by Bulk Biceps, the tallest and strongest of the group by a very noticeable degree.
>The only two behind you are Norman and Nolan, respectively.
>If it starts snowing and they begin to lag behind, you all suppose they can just follow the already existent footprints in order to eventually catch up after the group stops.
>Onward everyone marches, bringing up the details of the gorgeous outdoors scenery around them into the conversation to pass the time.
>"Have ya ever hiked up mountains this steep before" Big Mac asks Timber Spruce.
>"I suppose rock climbing doesn't count, eh?"
>"Maybe not if you had all them gears and pulleys."
>Timber smirks. "Well I guess that means it might count. Cause I've had my fair share of scaling a couple of cliffs without anything to keep me from falling. I wouldn't recommend it, though."
>"Ah hear ya." Big Mac nods. "Even fallin' off the side of a barn can be fatal. Almost lost mah life one time when I was jus' tryna fix up the roof a little bit."
>"I could never do anything like that." Shining Armor joins in.
>"Why not?" Asks Timber. "I mean, maybe a tall cliff, then yeah. I can understand."
>"I mean even a barn."
>"Why's that?" Timber turns his head to face Shining. "You're not afraid of heights, are you?"
>"Well uh, yeah. I actually kinda am." Admits Shining without any shame in it. "Which should at least make a little sense since we as a species kind of evolved with that."
>"Aw hell, I ain't gonna be one to judge." Big Mac lets Shining Armor know. "Bein' afraid of a real danger that's there is just smart. Ah completely understand."
>"So is this why you kept looking out the window on the plane the way you did?" Asks Timber.
>"Yeah, I get a little nervous about heights in a way where I can't stop looking down, making sure we weren't about to dir or something."
>The conversation eventually shifts back to whether or not Timber Spruce has climbed the sides of mountains that looked quite like this before.
>Which eventually finally gets its answer: Timber Spruce hasn't climbed anything quite like this before.
>The cliffs he climbed near camp everfree weren't this high up and towering over the rest of the land.
>Little more than little cousins to these towering blades of solid rock slicing their way up to the wispy clouds above.
>The snow at their peaks a frozen residue of the blood from those clouds, cold enough to be thicker than water.
>What would this place look like from one of those peaks?
>You imagine what it would be like, to be standing up there all light headed with the snow crunching beneath your hiking boots as the rest of your group tries to holler up at you without a sound making it to your ears.
>Weaving around a few more turns and corners proves to be a little more draining than expected.
>But you're sure you'll easily find your way back in time to eat "supper" from a food can.
>The definition of hiking is debated on whether it varies for these cliffsides or not.
>Since the steep angles at which some of the mountains are aren't exactly like wall-tier vertical, but are far too steep to just hike up with your legs and feet alone.
>Maybe a mountain goat or something can answer this question for you through demonstration.
>Timber Spruce's request for the group to sing together is shot down by Shining Armor.
>Until Bulk Biceps immediately begins chanting a trail song without bothering to ask first.
>You are the next one to join in, not wanting to be left in the dust in this food chain with Norman and Nolan, having been reluctant to talk much more than they do
>Maybe you should have spoken up with the others walking in front of you instead of the two walking behind you.
>But you guess singing folk songs with the leader of the group works too.
>Norman and Nolan join in shortly after you showed the steep sides of the cliffs what your singing abilities can do (and badly).
>They joined in as though you were the leader to them and not Bulk Biceps.
>Timber Spruce and Big Mac are having a jolly old time singing folk songs with Bulk Biceps as well, stomping their hiking feet to the measure divisions inside of each line while Shining Armor just continues on looking annoyed but smiling along.
>A shallow incline in the "path" you all have taken proves to be a catalyst in making you all sing louder in determination.
>By the time you reach the top of the shallow incline, still between huge mountain ranges on either side, Shining Armor decided to walk behind you since Norman and Nolan have become too exhausted to continue singing for much longer.
>The tiredness can be heard in their wheezing voices as they try to keep up in both the song and the hike.
>And both of them have shut themselves up completely and joined Shining Armor is silent hiking by the time everyone makes it to a nearby lake.
>The tranquil surface of the water feels like it's approaching you more than you're approaching it.
>And it approaches you as a gargantuan hole in the ground opening down into an infinite downward sky with beautiful clouds in their own sunlight reflected right back up at you all.
>Speaking of sunlight, there might not be so much of it left when you begin hiking back to camp where Flash is still waiting around while guarding everyone's things.
>You were too busy being proud of yourself for moving up the social ranks that you also hadn't considered how much daylight was left.
>And the others were either too busy having too much fun, or being too tired or annoyed.
>Nevertheless, Bulk remembers, and facepalms when he realizes he could have had Nolan or Norman constantly face backwards in order to get a better idea of what the right path back to camp would look like when retracing steps.
>"If the time on my watch is correct..." Bulk eyes the device on his wrist mismatching the rest of his arm. "We will have just enough time to make it back before dark if we start in 42 minutes. So we'll get going in 20."
>He begins making marks on the paper map be brought with him, labeling the paper with anything he can to hopefully ease the hike back without much confusion.
>You rest your feet atop some nearly dead grass with your back pockets empty so nothing will get crushed against the rock you sit on.
>A hawk or eagle or something soars by overhead, probably looking for something to scoop up and bring back to the nest for dinner before dark.
>"Them talons ain't gettin' none of us." Big Mac peers up at the same bird in the sky you are.
"I dunno. It might have some luck with Nolan." You joke.
>Big Mac chortles in response, as does Timber Spruce who overheard your sly little remark you just made.
>You're really working your way up the food chain now.
>For a guy who probably spends more time on the computer than he should, you're doing surprisingly well on your first day of hardcore camping.
>Norman is the last one to finish resting his feet, earning an eye roll from Nolan as if he's one to talk.
>And with that, you begin to head back.
>Bulk Biceps is the leader, with Big Mac and Timber Spruce trading hunting stories right behind him.
>Then it's you.
>Then there's Shining Armor, and then Norman and Nolan, each of the latter are like ticking time-bombs but for whiny complaints.
>Any hour now, if not any minute...
>Had Shining Armor kept his position in the group the entire way TO the lake, you still would have taken his position on the hike starting back FROM the lake anyway, you just know it.
>The mountains and cliffs look even more majestic in the light of the setting sun.
>Especially with those brewing clouds behind them that appear to be approaching.
>The appearance goes from awe-striking to terrifying after darkness begins to fill more and more of the sky with the departure of the sun past the edge of the world from where you are.
>The approach closer and closer, increasing in their ominous demeanor when they creep in enough to make you miss the bright cyan of the cloud speckled skies above (and appearing to be inside of) the lake you briefly visited at the end of your exhausting hike over.
>After about an hour and a half of the way back, every single one of you are really beginning to feel the burn on your feet now.
>The flames of exhaustion from this hike have seared their way through the thick barriers of your hiking boots.
>Not only this, but the slight feeling of tiny snowflakes landing on your heads and shoulders has never felt so heavy in this growing darkness.
>You know your flashlights are only going to help you so much, and the ones built into your phones will drain the batteries should you use them too much.
>But the numbers regarding how much time you have left and how much time it will take are looking uglier and uglier.
>And you pray you didn't make a wrong turn as Bulk examines his marked-up paper map with his metal handheld flashlight.
>It's almost getting too dark to see at all, with now blackened silhouettes of the towering jagged mountains silently giving you a threatening warning about your survival.

To Be Continued...
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does that make pp tingle?
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>Twi in stockings & fuck-me heels

Oh yes. Very yes.
>Twi being sexual activates my neutron:
>Twi being sexual while Sunset thinks her pure and innocent, conspiring to "expose" her bf
Not that anon. Mighty yes.
I'm more partial to her mother, Velvet.
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Because Twi is a science nerd who looks slutty, that's why she activates my neutron
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how about both?
Velvet in Twilight's clothes?
>Well, they wouldn't exactly be 'single players' by the end, now would they?
You've got me there!
I actually do have an idea: Anon and Flutters find another streamer that's a vtuber with a ton of fans who turns out to be Vice Principal Luna
I'm really into Wallflower just making herself a part of Anon's life, and I'm looking forward to what Twist gets up to when she gets her alone time with Anon. She's looking to be my favorite of the bunch
Ooh, this one has my attention. Not sure where this one's going yet, but I really like the setup so far. Can't wait for more!
Warning: NSFW

Could someone remove the remaining parts of clothing off this humanized Rarity, and apply some gravity to her breasts? The zero-gravity boobs are weird as fuck, you know.

But if redrawing the breasts is out of your capacity, or if you are busy right now, you can just remove that part first. Boobs with correct physics can wait, I guess.
I like a lot of these ideas, especially the 'save file' and scam ones. The latter can come...later...when Shy starts to do some of these on her own. The former...not quite sure when, but it'll pop up at some point.

I'll keep them on file and bring some of them up as needed.

I do like the v-tuber idea. Whether it's Luna or someone else they're familiar with, it'd be a nice little bonus for partway through.
I actually kind of thought people would comment on what Anon would do in his situation it leaves off with. Also if he should be able to avoid being made to cum in his pants this time.
Post that game where they play poker
this one?
Oh yeah, that thing is so fucking based. Learning poker has never been so much fun.
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>canterslut thread
hello there brother!
Anchor for the full nude edit of two different Cogbrony pics.

Here are what I've been requesting, by the way.

1. Remove the top from Wallflower blush.

2. And merge the following images to remove all clothings and cowprint from both Sci-Twi and Fluttershy.

As always, if you need references for the way the artist draws nipples, switch your booru filter to either "Maximum Spoilers", "18+ R34", "Everything" or similar, and search for:
artist:thebrokencog, -edit, sideboob, nipples
Yeah, that's the one. Thanks Anon.

Here's hoping to see Applejack soon.
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cantersluts are fingerstuds' property
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The Cantersluts would be only too glad to be enjoyed by more men:
they look very friendly and inviting
and horny as hell
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I'll admit that for me, the story isn't even about anon, it's about Candy and Chryssy and how I want them to just vibe together. While the story also gives more to Chryssy's/Chrysalis's backstory of being a twisted pervert who just doesn't want to take L's anymore.
Good to hear, looking forward to it.
Little sis Wallflower is too adorbs as a concept, I love it.
Are you updating tonight? I should ask now.
*big sis
Fucking hell I need sleep.
>It all happens so fast.
>Time freezes.
>Your vision is filled with an indescribably beautiful swirling array of lights and colors.
>Your breath is stolen from you, whisked away from your lungs by an invisible force.
>You can’t move.
>Your arms and legs are suspended in place as if encased in amber.
>Your neck is locked in place, forcing you to stare up at the ceiling.
>The only part of your body that you have any amount of control over is your eyes.
>You can only summon the strength to blink.
>Everything else is trapped beneath a substance as hot and as thick as tar.
>The little, indistinct sounds your ears pick up on are muddied by angelic echoes.
>Your head is the only part of you free from this trap.
>Every inch of your bare skin below your neck is coated in the warmest, most comforting sensation your mortal body has ever experienced.
>Then, the second hand on the cosmic clock ticks forward once.
>The lights above you fade just a bit.
>Enough for you to focus your eyes and bring yourself an inch or two closer to Earth.
>The shapes and colors around you slowly take form.
>Feminine forms.
>Beautiful forms.
>Forms that flow so gracefully like the grass in the garden of Eden.
>Yellow flows into orange, orange flows into pink, pink flows into blue, blue flows into white, white flows into tan, tan flows into purple, and purple flows into yellow.
>Your eyes can’t focus on a single shape.
>Your pupils are hypnotically drawn from one shape to the next.
>It’s too much to bear.
>Any attempts to keep your head above the tar are futile.
>Lovely motions, small and big, fill your mind.
>Another second passes.
>The feminine shapes surrounding you take a more solid form.
>Your eyes slowly track around you to really see what’s happening to you.
>Most of your vision is taken up by Fluttershy as she passionately kisses you with her arms draped around your shoulders.
>Her gentle moans, barely audible through the kiss, add such an angelic flair to the sensual excitement of your lips meeting hers.
>She’s not using her tongue in the kiss, she’s being far more sweet and romantic.
>Through the cloud of lust choking you, you produce the thought that you should wrap your arms around her naked body and pull her closer to you, but you can’t.
>You try exerting some force to regain control of your arms, but you can’t get those two appendages to budge an inch.
>But then you realize why you can’t move your arms: they’re held captive by Applejack and Rainbow.
>Applejack’s powerful thighs keep your wrist in place while her hands grip your bicep tightly, completely immobilizing your arm as she plants rough kisses across your upper arm.
>Rainbow’s using your hand to rub her pussy, still slick with arousal from your last encounter with her, as she clumsily nibbles on your elbow.
>Both girls ensure your fingers are right where they need to be as they grind away on you.
>It’s like your arms are asleep, but in the best way possible.
>Plus, the sounds of these tough girls moaning and whining so girlishly is truly delectable.
>Right next to Fluttershy, taking up most of what’s left of your field of view, is Pinkie.
>Fluttershy’s got your lips all to herself, so Pinkie’s making good use of your lower neck.
>Her arms are wrapped around you under your arms and she’s very eagerly kissing and nibbling at your neck.
>In the brief moments when her mouth separates from your body, shaky, lewd giggling can be heard from her.
>She’s much more active than Fluttershy.
>Pinkie’s rubbing her supple chest against your body and adds a few playful bites in with her kisses to spice things up.
>With this flower working its magic on you, your body reacts to her nibbles like you’re being mauled in the most loving way possible.
>Even lower on your stomach is another set of arms wrapped around you.
>Your sense of hearing is even more acute with the magic swimming through your body, so you immediately recognize from the sound of her breathing alone that Sunset is the one holding you from behind.
>The way she kisses your neck is slower and much more sensual.
>So focused and intentional.
>She knows exactly what the flower is doing to you, and she knows how to really make you feel everything she’s doing to you.
>But that’s not where you’re most sensitive.
>Down below, your manhood is screaming in pleasure.
>You don’t even need your eyes to tell who’s tending to you.
>Twilight and Rarity.
>From their tongues and moans alone, you can tell who’s who.
>Twilight’s so clumsy but so eager, she’s really gotten a taste for your cock as she messily licks at it like she’s working on an actively melting popsicle.
>Rarity, on the other hand, lets some of her inexperience shine through.
>She’s a little more hesitant when it comes to licking your dick, but she’s still very eager to learn.
>All of this, all at once.
>Seven pairs of lips covering your body.
>Seven arms keeping you in place.
>It’s a strange feeling.
>And yet, it feels good.
>Really good.
>You’re so overwhelmed by all these nude girls kissing and rubbing you, yet your senses are so refined as to pick up on the smallest, more subtle sensations you could possibly perceive.
>It’s almost like paranoia.
>But this can’t be paranoia.
>This feels so good.
>One of Fluttershy’s hands gently grasps your hair as the passion of the moment gets to her while Pinkie’s kissing and nibbling ventures further up your neck.
>Sunset takes advantage of the space unwittingly granted to her by Fluttershy that she torturously drags her tongue up your neck to the edge of your lips.
>Applejack has to nudge Pinkie out of the way a bit in the midst of her rough humping and kissing, which has really picked up pace since you recognized she was in action.
>Twilight obligingly lets Rarity lick and suck on the tip of your manhood as she indulges herself in the musky scent of your crotch.
>Rarity tests the waters a bit by gingerly kissing your tip, sending another jolt of pleasure down your body.
>The “water” proves to be plenty warm for her, no doubt warmed up by Twilight and Rainbow, as she dives in for another kiss, this one deeper and more passionate.
>Her lips weren’t blessed with the precision granted to her seamstress fingers, but her oral technique is still that of an artist.
>Rainbow’s still very sensitive from having just gotten off the Anon Express, so she’s trembling and whining quite noticeably.
>She wouldn’t dare give in now, when her performance can be directly compared to Pinkie’s or Sunset’s, so she stuffs her vulnerability deep down within her and clamps her teeth down on your firm shoulder.
>It’s like the flower gave you some kind of telepathy.
>Through their body language alone, you can read these girls like they’re open books scattered across the floor of a poorly maintained library.
>All their bodies flow together like a beautiful ballet.
>At the center of this open display of love and passion is you.
>Fluttershy finally parts from the kiss, leaving just an inch between your mouths, quickly filled by hot air.
>”All this isn’t too much for you?” She softly asks you to a chorus of gently moaning young women.
>Oh, God, you have to talk.
>Your lips feel faintly numb after the kissing, only worsened by that flower.
>But if you don’t say anything, Fluttershy will get worried about you.
>You don’t want to ruin the mood.
>...And you don’t want this amazing experience to end.
“Ah… hah…” You pant out.
>Fluttershy gently presses her forehead against yours.
>Such a sweet gesture, hampered a bit by how lewd Pinkie and Sunset are being right next to your ears.
>And how Rainbow and Applejack are pleasuring themselves with your hands.
>And how Rarity and Twilight are sucking your dick.
>The magic of the flower bestows enough strength upon you to nod up and down twice.
“This… feels… amazing…” You whisper to her.
>”My turn!” Pinkie declares, wasting no time in diving in for a sloppy, passionate kiss of her own.
>Her oral assault ignites another scorching bonfire at the end of every nerve in your body.
>She leaps onto you with such force that you would’ve fallen backward if Sunset wasn’t supporting you from behind.
>Sunset’s fingernails dig into your flesh more while Fluttershy shifts to gently peppering kisses across your chest.
>Pinkie’s tongue forces its way past your lips on a desperate hunt for your tongue while her hands clamp down on your head to keep you from escaping.
>It only takes her a moment to find your tongue, and even less time for her tongue to get tangled in yours.
>”F-fuck…” Rainbow groans as her hands begin to shake, signaling that her next orgasm isn’t far away.
>”Sho… sho tashty…” Pinkie pants as she pulls away from your lips with a wet pop, but she’s latched back onto you in no time at all.
>Piercing the relatively quiet orchestra surrounding you is Applejack arching her back and crying out in pleasure.
>Her pussy clenches down on your fingers and releases a torrent of her juices onto your hand, making her involuntarily grip your arm even tighter as ecstasy overtakes her.
>”Heh… wasn’t first…” Rainbow groans, managing a weak grin as her hips grind away on your other hand.
>”This isn’t a competition, Dashie.” Sunset reminds her in between kissing your neck and cheek.
>Rarity pulls away from your cock to get some air, where Twilight goes all-in and takes your entire length into her mouth.
>The sensation of Twilight taking you down to the hilt with her mouth makes your entire body tense up and raise your internal temperature another ten degrees.
>You’ve gotta be pouring sweat, but it’s hard to tell with how much of your skin is covered by the girls.
>As Twilight swirls her tongue around your dick and Applejack slumps over a bit to recover from her orgasm, Sunset and Fluttershy take turns kissing along your neck in spite of how greedy Pinkie is being.
>Watching you get intimate with her friends all night has really got her wound up for more.
>You also notice Rainbow slumping onto the ground while still keeping your hand between her legs as you messily make out with Pinkie.
>Fluttershy’s delicate, loving kisses work their way up to your ear.
>Even the feeling of her stray strands of hair brushing against your ear sends a shiver down your spine.
>”You’re so handsome~” She breathily whispers to you, nestling herself in the crook of your neck to kiss you some more.
>”Those other girls at school don’t know what they’re missing~” Sunset flirtily agrees before nibbling on your earlobe enough to make you gasp again.
>Now you know what the angel and devil on your shoulder look like.
>”Mm-hm! Mm-hm!” Pinkie agrees, muffled by her determination to keep kissing you.
>She bucks her hips impatiently and clenches handfuls of your hair.
>She wants to go back to fucking you, but she’s a good enough friend to let Twilight and Rarity have their fun.
>Down below, Twilight gives Rarity enough room at the base of your cock for Rarity to wrap her tongue around the base.
>The dirty side of Rarity that you were exposed to after sharing the wine surfaces once again in her enthusiasm to lick you clean.
>Applejack’s recovered from her climax to kiss your stomach like she’s bobbing for apples at a family reunion.
>”I’ll get it~” Sunset says to you, taking the arm Applejack kept in her embrace and sensually licking your fingers clean.
>Her tongue slowly twirls around each digit, capturing each drop of Applejack’s pussy juice.
>”Really, Sunset?” Applejack asks Sunset, faintly unimpressed but mostly surprised.
>”Don’t worry about me, there’s room for one more up here~” Sunset invites her as she slinks over to your side, motioning to the space on your neck that just opened up.
>Without wasting another second, Applejack clambers over and wraps her strong arms around your body and dives into roughly kissing your cheek and neck, groaning in a very horny manner.
>Sunset gets to work maneuvering your hand all across her naked body, making sure you get to savor every last inch of her feminine beauty from her lips to her thighs and everything in between.
>When you turn your attention back to Rainbow, you find her lying on her back with both her wrists clinging to your hand, rubbing vigorously at her pussy.
>You can sense the way her body writhes in contorts as her orgasm approaches through Fluttershy and Applejack kissing you and Rarity and Twilight sucking you off.
>”I’m gonna-” Rainbow tries to warn you, but she reaches her climax sooner than she anticipated.
>She screams out in ecstasy and lets her body go limp on the floor as she squirts out onto your other hand and savors her afterglow.
>Rainbow really is cute when she’s embracing the fact that she’s a girl.
>Pinkie finally reaches her limit for how long she can kiss you without coming up for air as she pulls away from you and takes in a huge gasp of air, giving Applejack the opportunity to throw herself at you and make out in her own, rough-and-tumble way.
>That’s when you realize you’re not far from your own orgasm.
>So many hands grazing over you, so many lips kissing you, it’s really catching up to you.
>The combined tongues of Twilight and Rarity giving your second-in-command all their attention builds pressure like you’ve never felt before.
>Your breathing halts and your body tenses up again in preparation to release your eight load of the night.
>But you don’t want to cum yet.
>You’re having too much fun being the center of attention.
>You try your hardest to hang on and keep the fun going, but it’s a battle you’re rapidly losing ground in.
>Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie coat your face, neck, and shoulders in kisses soft and rough.
>Sunset and Rainbow focus their attention on your chest and stomach, kissing and licking as much as they can.
>Twilight and Rarity finally find a pace that works for both of them as they lick and suck your manhood with dangerous precision.
>You’re close.
>You’re so close.
>Time freezes.
>And then you climax.
>With a loud, lewd groan of your own, you unleash spurt after spurt of your cum into the waiting and eager mouths of Rarity and Twilight.
>You experience ecstasy unlike anything else you’ve ever felt before.
>It feels like you’ve been waiting your entire life to orgasm right here, right now.
>But an orgasm this powerful comes at a cost, and that cost is all the strength in your body fleeing your body the moment you expel your cum.
>Your body collapses into the embrace of Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Applejack, who carefully lower you onto your back.
>With the last spurt, you’re finally ready to call it a night.
>You’ve done the impossible, you’ve ridden the lightning (and let the lightning ride you), you’ve gone around the block eight times, and now you’ve earned your rest.
>You breathe in and out, ready for your exhaustion to claim you and guide you into slumberland.
>...But that never happens.
>You’re still just as sensitive to the girls’ touch as you were when you first ate the flower.
>You’re just as awake as you were before.
>You look down at your body and find you’re just as erect as you were before.
>But you did just cum.
>The semi-sticky residue along your shaft and the drops Rarity and Twilight are cleaning off of their lips is proof of that.
>What the fuck?
>The brief afterglow of your orgasm provides you enough mental clarity in the midst of this storm of lust and pleasure to realize how unnatural this is.
>You turn to face Sunset to ask her what the fuck that flower you ate was.
>With each passing microsecond you feel your soul sink back down into the thick mush of hazy lust, forcing you to react to every little kiss and lick like you’ve lost your skin.
>But before you can try to speak again, Sunset preemptively silences you with another one of her breathtaking kisses.
>As her tongue gently dances with yours, the sensations of Pinkie, Twilight, Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy getting back into tending to your body burn into your flesh and scarring your soul with their lust.
>Just like that, your ability to speak or think clearly is stolen from you again.
>Sunset pulls away from the kiss but keeps her lips barely away from yours.
>”Remember what I told you after school.” She whispers to you.
>You should barely be able to hear her over the breathy moans of Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rarity, but your hearing is like that of a bat right now.
>But as for responding to Sunset, all you can muster is a shaky sigh of pleasure.
>Sunset blesses your lips with a quick, teasing kiss.
>”Just go with the flow and you’ll have the time of your life~”
>Sunset concludes her reminder with another loving, precise kiss.
>Your head sinks below the surface, leaving you completely submerged and suffocating on all the passion.
>Just go with the flow.
>Just go with the flow…
>The last ounce of resistance leaves your body.
>You’re left as only the consciousness of Anonymous, inhabiting his limp, lifeless body.
>Powerless to do anything to fight back and free yourself from the seven girls pinning you down and having their way with you.
>So good.
>Everything feels so good.
>Cloud Nine can’t compare to this.
>Through your kiss with Sunset, you sigh contentedly and let your eyes slide shut.
>You submit to the pure bliss that envelopes you like an angel’s hug.
>So many kisses, so many hands stroking you.
>And their moans…
>Such raw femininity, singing such a beautiful choir in your honor.
>Rainbow moves in to embrace her girly side and bashfully kisses along your cheek and neck as Rarity graces your other cheek with her much more ladylike kisses.
>The scent of mouthwash emanates from Rarity’s mouth.
>So courteous of her.
>Damp warmth captures your manhood once again, sinking you even deeper into this wonderful experience.
>From the way her body excitedly shifts about and how her hands roam all over whatever bare skin she can reach, you can tell it’s Pinkie.
>She bounces up and down on your dick before frantically leaning forward and going back to licking and sucking on your chest.
>Pinkie’s really been aching for more of you.
>Applejack, Twilight, and Fluttershy work their way around Pinkie’s desperate kissing, licking, and bouncing to pleasure themselves with your arms and chest.
>Fluttershy’s by far the most gentle of the girls.
>Her kisses are so gentle, yet packed to the brim with love and attraction.
>She’s the only one who’s concerned about overwhelming you.
>Applejack and Fluttershy are so different from each other in their hobbies and personalities, but they find common ground in how they worship your body.
>...Yes, worship.
>That’s how to describe this experience.
>These seven girls are worshiping you.
>The way they’re kissing you and licking you and fucking you goes far beyond the ordinary high schooler’s romantic feelings towards a classmate.
>This goes far deeper.
>Far more intense.
>Such warmth, such love, completely inescapable.
>Pure bliss.
>You open your eyes again.
>You almost feel your eyes are unworthy of the sight you behold.
>Sunset’s slowly savoring the feeling of your dick inside her, Rainbow’s got your lips all to herself, Rarity and Twilight have worked their way up to your neck, and Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie have your stomach and hips fully covered.
>Their beautiful, curvaceous bodies heave and flow in a beautiful rhythm.
>The way their chests, stomachs, and pussies rub against your body coats your body in even more of their adoration.
>So many sounds and sights to take in all at once, your eyes fade out of focus again.
>You slowly close your eyes, then open them again.
>The girls have all shifted around you.
>Now, it’s Fluttershy riding your cock while Rarity makes out with you.
>You can still taste the mouthwash on her tongue, and you can hear Fluttershy’s shaky, incredibly lewd moaning.
>Pinkie and Sunset have situated themselves beside your legs to give your thighs plenty of kisses and loving bites.
>Twilight, Rainbow, and Applejack tend to your torso with all their loving might.
>The longer all of this goes on, the weaker your body becomes.
>This, in turn, makes everything feel even more excruciatingly pleasurable.
>You cry out in ecstasy as you release another load of your cum into Fluttershy’s eager pussy.
>...Did you?
>It’s hard to tell.
>Every sensation melts into each other, you can’t tell where one feeling ends and another begins.
>Time begins to distort around you.
>You’re sensing so many amazing feelings, you lose track of how many orgasms you’ve had.
>The bodies of the girls on your body fade back into entrancing, beautiful shapes and colors.
>You slowly blink again.
>This time, you’re lying on your back, staring up at the ceiling as Applejack rides your face with furious passion.
>Your tongue swims around on its own, licking at her clit as her thighs threaten to crush your head like a grape.
>Pinkie, Rainbow, and Fluttershy share the responsibility of licking your diamond-hard cock.
>Rarity holds Rainbow’s head with one hand and Fluttershy’s head with the other as she carefully guides them through the process of sucking your cock.
>Three tongues exploring your cock at once.
>Just as you’re wondering where Twilight is, your entire body lurches upward as you feel her lick your foot.
>It takes some real effort to look around the room while Applejack is rocking your head back and forth with naught but her hips, but through all the lewd information your nerves are being fed, you soon find Sunset.
>She’s standing off to the side, gripping her breast with one hand and furiously rubbing her pussy with the other hand.
>Her entire body rocks with her vicious masturbation, and there’s a frighteningly manic look on her face all the while.
>The sight is so surprising that you’re granted a very brief moment of sobriety.
>What’s with her?
>That’s all you’re allowed to think before Applejack climaxes right onto your mouth to the sound of her crying out in ecstasy.
>You try to swallow as much of the sweet stuff as you can, but you’re quickly overwhelmed once again as her thighs squeeze your head as tight as possible.
>Once that’s taken care of, Applejack’s thighs release your head from their vice grip.
>You may have orgasmed yourself, judging by how eagerly Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Pinkie lick your manhood, but at this point, it’s impossible to tell.
>Lights melt together.
>Sounds blend together.
>The girls’ bodies move about you with such unity, like they’re a singular being.
>A singular being that exists with the sole purpose of making you feel adored and worshiped.
>You, Anonymous.
>It’s all so much.
>This is the most you’ve ever felt.
>Your eyes slowly shut as the lights and sounds around you fade away.
>Then, at long last, after the longest, most eventful night of your life, you fall asleep.
About time we get to the sleep in this sleepover story lel
I'll let you have tomorrow, I've got a good amount of story pre-written for sharing here that I've done in the meantime waiting for my turn. I'll work on that while you get the stage
And yeah, I totally get that vibe from what you're writing. I wouldn't mind at all if Anon left the story and it focused solely on those two.
If I were Anon here, I would remind her that cutting into club time to spend more time hugging wouldn't be fair to the other girls, and she'll have more time to hug on Friday when I visit her family's candy shop
The game is updated constantly so I would not be surprised if they did that soon
Looks like they all won the anonbowl at the end of the day.

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