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This thread is for Princess Zipp and Pipp, their mother Queen Haven, the guards, and anything involving Zephyr Heights discussion. Feel free to post greens, ideas, pictures, fanart and any other fan content involving them.


>Archived Threads


>Tell Your Tale shorts



https://ponepaste.org/5815 (RealDash’s epic with lewd)

https://ponepaste.org/5991 (short Boomer Zipp)

https://ponepaste.org/7394 (TYT: Mic Check)

https://ponepaste.org/7633 (RealDash’s Pipp green)



>>38719408 (Praise the Storm)

>>38720034 (Zipp Blep)

>>38739896 (Zipp in stockings)

>>38771747 (Good morning Zipp)

>>38776958 (Qt Zipp)

>>38782541 (Precious boi, precious nerd, precious piggy)

>>38813399 (Cute 3D Zipp (>>38814055 postcard edit)

>>38830241 (Robo Zipp edit)

>>38837452 (Pipp loses her nuggies)

>>38847817 (Singing sisters)


>>38710498 (Pipp towel selfie)

>>38718581 (Anon and Pipp doggy selfie)

>>38749247 (Zipp and Pipp livestreaming)

>>38775183 (Zipp full-body glory hole)

>>38803302 (Pipp selfie)

>>38810572 (Pipp sends the wrong picture (>>38831670 crotchboob edit)


From death, comes life
Now all we need is for /bff/ to come back.
Rude, she's a pigg
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I wish Zipp was prettied up next to her
And porcine
We can post other pegasi too, right?
I love watching her eat.
It's compelling
Yeah, anything relating to Zephyr Heights
Is this what food looks like in G%?
The fuck is she eating?
>Niggas pretending they have never seen a sugar/cake cookie
Maybe he's haitian
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She's up now, if not a bit frazzled.
Best mares, best sisters
She's just in time for her Pippcast
We royals now
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We Habsburgs now
best friends?
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>twitter seething because Maren followed this artist again
maren is based, he just acts like he is a fag to appease twitter troons
Why do they put so many of these kind of shots in the series?
I think they know damn well what they're doing
How likely is it that next special will be about the Royal Family?
And Misty? Very high
Based on the released songs, we still need to get Allura song, and that would be better idea for a special. They will need more screentime to introduce her brother
My eyes are burning like Pipp and Zipp in the OP
I could stare at Pipp eating for a whole day
thats her normal eating hours
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What a good pony. They probably regret not making her the main lead.
God I miss MYM. Actually gave side characters like Haven plenty of screen time and sub-plots.
I miss the style and longer form episodes too. Waiting two weeks for only 5 mins is a nightmare.
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Reeee its Petuna not Philomena
It's pipp and I blame idw
Pipp is her nickname as Zipp is Zephyrina's nickname
Pipp is her name
Why does everyone keep saying Zipp is autistic
Because she's moderately autistic about the things she likes and how she behaves sometimes. But she's chill and confident too.
How else are we supposed to know that they deeply care for each other?
Maybe Pipp could bake a cake
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Lyra's been watching Pipp's lifestyle vlog, I see.
Only in the comics. In MYM she has always been introduced as Princess Pipp Petals
God I love her
To share with Zipp?
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>Hitch is so gay he made the sisters gag
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Does the Aggie work for anyone? I dont seem to have permission. And no this based picture isn’t my art.
Such a reassuring big sis
their mother would never accept this!
Maybe she would if one of them produced an heir
It doesn't work anymore because Aggie became Magma. I don't know how to set it up.
What fools the mym writers are to put a pony as adorable as Pipp next to that draconic baby yoda abomination
ReZippstance is futile
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Even her mane is fat
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Little hoof touch to let her know you're there for her, but making sure she knows it's not gay this time
Just this time
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I distinctly remember an image of Pipp in front of that infamous japanese guro Laser/torture machine
The future belongs to Zipp
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Sisters wearing each other’s colors
Nothing wrong or unusual with that!
Why does she have to be all over her?
That is how royal sisters display affection
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It's OK, she's at a salad bar. Which means that even if you add dressing it's still good for you
I like Flare
She looks even smaller than usual here
Meditation is compressing her body
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the sisters are HEROES
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Love when we get to see Zipp acting protective of Pipp
She's a great big sis
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Pipp gaming
I notice that Pipp and Zipp get paired a lot for being fictional siblings who are not twins.
Pipp has no pairings, and Zipp spends more time with her than Hitch or Sunny.
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I know, I meant that they are paired in media the same way twins often are. Like they are a package deal. I just don't think I've seen it before.
They should've been twins
That would be fitting but I like that Zipp is the older sister
She could be older by five minutes
The queen!
3D Pipp I miss you and wish you were back
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I just see Pipp as fat
True but the small age gap means Zipp will be able to get into protective older sister mode and that’s too cute to pass up
>Pipp according to fandom
She is canonically short and chubby
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The sissies are sleepy
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Which one of the two has the nastiest farts? Asking for a friend
Someone get her stilts
Zipp is best pillow
She's like a marshmallow
this is the kind of fanservice I want
Do you think that was on purpose?
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>Royal sisters thread back
>Royal sisters split up for g6
Dunno about this series being g6, but Zipp is already similar to Twilight and Dash, so I get why she wouldn't be a main character. She could still exist as a supporting/background character.
They can get away with way more exactly because they're sisters so probably
I could see Zipp as ground control from the future
And probably because most people aren't perverts that like to overblow sisterly affection
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Take a wild guess
Fine I will untie you. Pipp we were only doing this so you could lose a few pounds.
Now she's going to do some comfort eating
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I want to fuck those wild mane horses.
Cute and comfy
dang they cute
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I love how close her natural speaking voice is to zipp.
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God I love Zipp so much. She's perfect in body and mind.
Yeah, that was really good.
>Zipp streaming
what timeline is this
Zipp the influencer is a great streamer
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She went from detective to Spiral killer
Protect Pipp from haitians
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Rip hitch
Nothing more sisterly than staring deeply into each other’s eyes
While holding each other's hooves
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Pipp>Gay-ass fotm Brazilian Hatsune Miku
I will. No Haitians in the Maretime Bay
Has anyone seen CloudPuff?
He was delicious...
wow g5 has fans
you monster
Yeah but we're clocking out mentally since S2 sucks and we know Hasbro is canning g5 asap
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I had him with these
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I miss that artstyle
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Is there proof that it’s getting canned? I still want more of Pipp and Zipp
Because Hasbro is asking people to take down the leaks
Of that new summer camp series? How does that prove that g5 is done? It looks like a spin off
Because Hasbro isn't going to make g5 and g6 at the same time, they're hemorrhaging money
Hey one of my posts is here
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Pipp playing Elden Ring
Are they so creatively bankrupt that they will use factory reset g4 and g5 characters for their new gen? They’re not even new designs
>g5 characters
You get one (Misty)
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Pipp with her VLOGing friend
Adorable pairing. Think they'd get along,?
without a doubt
I assume Pipp and Sunny will get introduced later. I'm trying to be optimistic.
They had better
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Sick painting! Incredible.
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Especially after Price did a maliciously bad job on the art of the upcoming Zephyr Heights comic special.
Zipp is like a cat and Pipp is her favorite pillow
>Zephyr Heights comic special.
I didn't even know that was him
Adventures of fat retard and gay retard.
Pipp got her revenge
I really doubt it's g6. This will be some sort of spin-off based on g4-g5, and the "ponyverse" thing probably just means that Hasbro wants to market all gens indefinitely from now on. Focusing on a single generation of little kids is no longer profitable.
But enough about Rarity and Rainbow Dash
Zipp is way smarter than Dash
To be fair, Zipp is probably smarter than any g4 and g5 mane six member except Twilight
And she doesn't have the neurotic unicorn brainrot (Trixie, Twilight, Glimmer, Shimmer)
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I miss MYM.
The last bastion of no Misty...the last hurrah of mym...
Imagine the calories
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All of those had non-Misty plots and moments. The advantage of a 20 minute format
How would they have handled them in g4? I have a feeling they would have made Pipp boy-crazy like Rarity.
Maybe tyt would feel less terrible if it didn't have 5 minute episodes so I don't have to see Misty constantly in the Misty episodes. Like in that cutiemark bash episode, Zipp and Hitch have their own little thing going on
I feel like Zipp would have some more flaws for character development and conflict. Acting more like her self during that chapter 5 montage where she was stalking and bugging Misty for an interrogation
MYM was bangin
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A more impatient and forceful Zipp who'd rather do things on her own than ask for help sounds like the kind of thing they wanted to explore in MYM but couldn't
Couldn't? Why do you think that?
Is a warm belly
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Because MYM was not renewed for a second season. I imagine there simply was not enough time, and they had to wrap up what little plot threads they could
Pipp... you'll feel better with an extra-large, 4-topping pizza inside you
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Marshmallow tomboy
I’m really gonna miss them. They were the best part of g5 for me. All I hope is for the remaining good artists to keep on drawing them.
I have a feeling the pair will continue to be popular. Especially petalstorm art
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To zephyr heights!

What is Zipp showing Allura?
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I think it might have something to do with their their respective siblings
Misty's not taking center stage and redeeming her?
Is it tasty?
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My princess
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Zipp looking very autistic here
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this is what you want
this is what you get
this is what you want
this is what you get
I want her
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Would Pipp get cancelled for this?
No. She would have been seem as stunning. She would've even made it to g6
Cause of the incest or the gay kiss?
Now hasbro confirmed tyt is ending in october. So the shitty allura episodes will be our last ones
Hoping for some good Pipp and Zipp scenes at the very least
>Pipp expects to get cancelled
>gains followers instead
The final scene will be Pipp and Zipp making out, deep tongue penetration.
And then Maitreyi Ramakrishnan can stream about how much she loved recording the scene
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Pipp luring in the Pippsqueaks. 2024
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Its Miss Precocious Piggly Princess of Porkaline Perfection!
I would gladly offer my 200x200sqft apartment that costs $6,000/mo for Pipp and Zipp to live in now that they're out of a job.
Where do you live?
Yeah it's Pipp
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Would it have been kino to give Pipp an adult fan? Everything post-movie basically ignores everyone loving her.
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