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I wonder who could benefit from draining all rival threads out of the board...
this but unironically
This has made me realize that I have accumulated more friendship windmill related pony pics then regular cozy pics.
Time to start fixing this without getting depressed or horny.
kill yourself
Can't kill myself she didn't even give me a hoofjob yet
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What do you think it's like to fuck her curls?
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>sirens didn't get reformed
>tirek did not get reformed
>sombra did not get reformed
>Chrysalis did not want to get reformed, and was deemed a lost cause
>countless other minor villains didn't get reformed and were allowed to remain as they were
>Cozy was not even remotely distressed by her imprisonment, immediately going back to scheming and trying to rape Tirek with an edgy smirk on her snout
If you think a pathological liar wouldn't treat an offer of mercy as a "get out of jail free" card as well as an opportunity to start shit again, I have a very nice bridge to sell you.
>Sirens actually got reformed.
>Tirek and Sombra got the same issue as Cozy.
>Chrysalis was given a second chance.
>Remained as they were is the key word. They weren't given fates worse then death.
>Cozy could very well have been pretending to impress Tirek.. She seemed quite distressed with petrification.

Starlight was as much of a liar as Cozy, yet she was given a second chance. Discord was given multiple, yet no one even tried to reform the literal child. Cozy Glow could very well have been rehabilitated if they just bothered to help her. She had more potential for it then any of the reformed villains.

On a side note, comparing the chance Chrysalis got to what was given to Discord, I honestly think they could have tried harder with her. Tirek too.
poor Cozy Glow
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>Sirens actually got reformed.
i checked again and yes. i didn't watch eqg, so i assumed their story ended with them being banished into a portal
>>Cozy could very well have been pretending to impress Tirek
so? if you're capable of not breaking down from receiving a sentence of life in prison, it probably means that it doesn't affect you much.
Petrification is comparable to physiological death. So you'd be scared on instinct.
>Starlight was as much of a liar as Cozy, yet she was given a second chance
Shit writing. Starlight is a ticking timebomb, one tantrum away from repeating her every offense.
>Discord was given multiple
Even shittier writing. First sign of the show deteoriating. Only done to give more screen time to a character well liked by the audience. Makes zero sense in the story and borderline ruins Discord's character.
>Cozy Glow could very well have been rehabilitated if they just bothered to help her
How'd you be able to tell if she was rehabilitated without reading her thoughts? The point of her character is that she never does what she thinks. She dug under Twilight for a season straight, all while keeping correspondence with Tirek and preparing the magic drain. Without being suspected once.
>She had more potential for it then any of the reformed villains
She has shown more calculated viciousness than any other villain, including Nightmare Moon. And she doesn't have the excuse of doing what she did due to past trauma. Elementary school age kids don't run off starting revolutions when they're mistreated. She calculated everything she did, and only snapped when she was put in a position where she was unable to lie her way out. Your solution is to put her in a position where she could lie her way out again.
Before Discord's stupid reformation, there was ane entire episode expressing the point that some people just don't even need to be bothered with, because the worst of their traits are part of their being. Episode 5 in season one, when they introduced Gilda. The new writers thought the message was chuddy and heckin' unwholesome, so they did a full 180 in season 5, first reforming GIlda, then doing Starlight's character arc.
Then they fell into a trap and subverted their own, retarded message, by discovering that the dark triad exists. Golly is like the show's textbook description of a psychopath. Who are born and not made, by the way. But to be fair, every psychopath is ought to have an "I can fix them" crowd, so all of this is to be expected haha
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Cozy needs brat correction
The sirens weren't reformed. They were just defeated and pacified.
>By the way, if there's Equestrian magic afoot around here, we call dibs.
this but in her alicorn form with the nazi uniform on
>If you think a pathological liar wouldn't treat an offer of mercy as a "get out of jail free" card as well as an opportunity to start shit again, I have a very nice bridge to sell you.
Hey it worked for Dicksword.
Why is she German?
She's a socialist
>if you're capable of not breaking down from receiving a sentence of life in prison, it probably means that it doesn't affect you much.
Or your just very good at keeping a cool head.
>Starlight and Discord.
>They still got their chances, therefore Cozy deserves one as well.
>How'd you be able to tell if she was rehabilitated without reading her thoughts?
Same way the characters could tell that the reformed characters were reformed
>She has shown more calculated viciousness than any other villain
Not really. I'd say Starlight was worse, given that she was actually in charge of an entire settlement.
>past trauma
No reformed villain except Tempest has past trauma, unless you count a friend moving away as a kid.
>Elementary school age kids
Kids are also more maleable then adults, so it would be easier to change her mind.
>She calculated everything she did
So did everyone else.
>Your solution is to put her in a position where she could lie her way out again.
No, my solution is to simply reform her. Not to just let her go immedietly.
Gilda was also reformed. And the alternative for her wasn't some horrible fate, just being asked to leave.
We don't know enough about her to say for sure and even then, she could be taught to behave.

There is no proof that Cozy can't change. If anything, Frenemies showed that she very much could. She deserved better. that poor filly.
>Same way the characters could tell that the reformed characters were reformed
So just do nothing and pray that it worked? Great plan. I'm sure those unicorns and earth ponies visiting Cloudsdale that fell to their deaths and turned into smudges of blood on the ground when Cozy started the magic drain, deactivating the cloudwalking spells, would appreciate it.
>Or your just very good at keeping a cool head.
shallow emotional responses are another dark triad trait btw
i'm also amazed by how you manage to interpet every single thing Cozy ever did in the opposite way to how it was shown in the show just to build up the illusion that there was something in her worth reforming
>Not really. I'd say Starlight was worse, given that she was actually in charge of an entire settlement.
Did Starlight attempt murder? Cozy did. Multiple times. Her plans didn't involve neutralizing mane 6/young 6 or trapping them. They involved killing them.
Besides, Starlight's reformation was retarded anyway.
>Kids are also more maleable then adults, so it would be easier to change her mind.
Is Cozy Glow a normal kid, with normal kid interests, background, and parental guidance? You're tying her up with generalizations that don't really apply.
Besides, she was already in Twilight's inner circle, attended friendship lessons with the mane 6, and had a very stable, nice, pleasant life. Surrounded by ponies willing to be her friends. There was no reason for her to do what she did outside of malice. If an entire season worth of coddling and guidance didn't change her, what "methods" do you expect to work, except for hard resetting her brain?
>>No, my solution is to simply reform her. Not to just let her go immedietly.
>Cozy pretends to be reformed
>Cozy repeats everything she did immediately after she's no longer supervised
And what's next? Reforming her again? Sending her to Tartarus? Petrification?
>Gilda was also reformed
Yes, which as I stated, was retarded.
>she could be taught to behave
She risked her life and freedom for an opportunity to fuck shit up. Knowing full well what awaited her (as she was Tirek's apprentice). So again, good luck trying.
>>There is no proof that Cozy can't change
No one needs to prove that she can't change. The fact she can't change is established in the lore. You need to prove she CAN change. And it's been a pretty tough job so far.
>Frenemies showed that she very much could
Frenemies should that the villains would have an excellent chance at beating their enemies if they formed genuine bonds with one another and stopped trying to rock their own boat.
It also didn't introduce any new concepts. Cozy offered her friendship to both Tirek and Chrysalis before, and took measures to bring them together.
>She deserved better
I agree. Her plans were brilliant. Plus she's extremely fun to observe. She deserved to take over Equestria and enact total creature/alicorn death within its borders
>Frenemies showed that she very much could
So your proof is an episode showing that she would sooner make friends with Parasitic Bug Hitler and Magical 'Roid Rage Monkey, than with any of the ponies she was interacting with for the duration of a season?
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>So just do nothing and pray that it worked?
No, just rehabilitate her so it works.
>fell to their deaths
Literally no one died as a result of her plan. She has a 0 body count as far as we know.
She's also prone to tantrums, once had a genuine feeling moment, and can be playful at times. She's not that shallow.
>Cozy ever did in the opposite way to how it was shown
What are you talking about?
>Did Starlight attempt murder?
>Cozy did. Multiple times
Who did she kill?
>Is Cozy Glow a normal kid, with normal kid interests, background, and parental guidance?
No, but she could have proper guidance into becoming one. Parental guidance especially. She is still a child, with almost everything that comes with that.
>she was already in Twilight's inner circle
And? Its not like Twilight was attempting to reform her.
>friendship lessons
Hardly rehabilitation.
>There was no reason for her to do what she did outside of malice
Her goals were to get more friends then Twilight. Her methods were because she misunderstood those lessons, which no one bothered to correct her on.
>what "methods" do you expect to work
What Starlight and Discord got.
>And what's next? Reforming her again? Sending her to Tartarus? Petrification?
I don't know. What happened with Starlight after she mind controlled the Main 6? Or with Discord after he sided with Tirek? What if it does work? What if she reforms? What then?
>was retarded
Not really. It felt great to see her and Dash make up. It goes to show that friends can make up after a falling out.
>She risked her life and freedom for an opportunity to fuck shit up
Same with any other villain.
>Knowing full well what awaited her
I doubt she predicted getting sent to Tartarus.
>So again, good luck trying
If she were given the same effort and chances as Discord and Starlight, then she would have reformed, so luck isn't really needed.
> The fact she can't change is established in the lore
No it isn't because no one tried to reform her.
>You need to prove she CAN change
She showed more potential to change then any of the reformed villains before she could be reformed. In her debut episode, she showed genuine concern for the CMC and confessed to lying about the test despite having literally no reason to do so. In Frenemies, she was shown to be capable of working with others, and enjoying it, and having her worldview about friendship potentially changed near the end. Yes, Chrysalis snapped her out of it, but the fact that she could even have a moment like that means that her mind isn't set to one direction. She also showed surprising mercy with a lot of her enemies, including those guards she beat and Rusty Bucket. She is also again, a child, which means she could chance more easily then an adult. All of these show more reformability then what Glmmer, Discord or even Tempest had.
>She deserved to take over Equestria
I was thinking of her getting a wholesome happy ending.
>shallow emotional responses are another dark triad trait btw
that's bullshit
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>Literally no one died as a result of her plan
Would they show it on screen for a children's show? do you seriously think that draining magic out of a nation entirety built around magic would not lead to any casualties? Do you think she was sent to Tartarus just because?
>She's also prone to tantrums
Low impulse control. Another dark triad trait lol.
>She's not that shallow
Half the anons here would shit themselves, cry, and completely break down doing 1/3 of the things she did. She's VERY stress resistant for a filly. In the same way a psychopath would be.
>In her debut episode, she showed genuine concern for the CMC
And you could tell the concern was genuine, and not play pretend, like in all of her other appearances, because...?
>confessed to lying about the test despite having literally no reason to do so
Except that targets of her manipulation already knew what was up, so confessing could score sympathy points for her lie, and even land her on the position of Twilight's personal helper? Do you think she didn't plan the magic drain by that time?
And if she showed genuine concern for the CMC, why not befriend them? She left them alone after getting what she wanted.
>In Frenemies, she was shown to be capable of working with others
You can work with others for malicious purposes, retard. It's how 90% of succesful schemes work. Chrysalis worked with her own changelings to infiltrate Canterlot. Nightmare Moon had shadowbolts. Storm King had his own retainers. The sirens were inseparable.
>having her worldview about friendship changed
Her view of friendship was that "friendship is power". You cooperate with others and establish connections to profit from them. The episode is about Cozy using her "friendship" with Tirek and Chrysalis to forward her own malicious goal of taking down her enemies. How did her views differ exactly?
>She also showed surprising mercy with a lot of her enemies
Like when she proposed they kill the mane 6 right there and then, when even Tirek and Chrysalis objected her?
It was not necessary to kill either Rusty bucket or some random guards. Cozy is not bloodthirsty. She's machiavellian. Golly's violence serves a purpose.
Aside from that, she's also very capable of casual cruelty. Like when she randomly decided to remind Fluttershy of her worst foalhood memory, before blasting her out of the sky. Or the fact she carries a genuine skull with her at all times.

>I was thinking of her getting a wholesome happy ending.
So your happy ending for Cozy Glow is:
>rewriting her entire personality
>rewriting her every ambition, completely changing her goals
>changing her personal preferences so she could better fit in with the ponies, rather than with creatures she actually enjoyed being with
>leaving nothing of the original Cozy Glow until only the speech quirks and design remain
Just admit it. You want to cum inside that filly ass, but that ass is petrified. Otherwise you'd be shilling for the entire trio. And Sombra.
>Would they show it on screen for a children's show? do you seriously think that draining magic out of a nation entirety built around magic would not lead to any casualties? Do you think she was sent to Tartarus just because?
Literally no one died,
Heil Cozy Glow!
>Would they show it on screen for a children's show?
Why not? They were willing to show Sombra dying. If there was a bodycount, Rainbow wouldn't have said that everything was alright and there would have been mass mourning. Instead, everyone just went back to happily living after caging poor Cozy.
>Another dark triad trait
Or, just a child throwing a tamper tantrum, which kids often do.
>She's VERY stress resistant for a filly
And? She still buckles at times. Being cool-headed is hardly a psychopath thing. If anything, that's a pretty good trait to have.
>And you could tell the concern was genuine, and not play pretend, like in all of her other appearances, because...?
During the scene where the CMC are kicked out of the school, Cozy makes a concerned/guilty looking expression when literally no one could see her. Again, she had 0 reason to confess.
>Except that targets of her manipulation already knew what was up
No they didn't. Not until she told them at least.
>Do you think she didn't plan the magic drain by that time?
She probably did, but that still doesn't mean she had a reason to confess.
>why not befriend them
She did.
>She left them alone after getting what she wanted.
She was busy with school stuff. Also, who's to say they never met offscreen?
>You can work with others for malicious purposes
Yea, but as equels? In a show like MLP, being able to work together without it being a master/minion relationship is generally considered a positive thing.
>Nightmare Moon had shadowbolts
The Shadowbolts were never real. Just an illusion created by NMM's mane.
>How did her views differ exactly?
Seeing enjoyment in helping others, not just working for herself and finding the value in proper teamwork.
>proposed they kill the mane 6 right there and then
The Main 6 were a proper threat, unlike the guards, plus we never saw her actually try to carry it through. Also, Tirek never protested. Only Chrysalis because she wanted to torture them instead.
>Cozy is not bloodthirsty
And that's precisely why she isn't some sort of murderous maniac.
>casual cruelty
Literally any villain, reformed or otherwise, was capable of that.
>genuine skull
How do you know its not fake?
>ending for Cozy Glow
You wouldn't need to rewrite your personality. Starlight didn't get a 180 personality shift after reforming and neither did Discord. You can still keep her edge, maybe just have her give up trying to take over Equestria. She could still aim for a high position or be ambitious, but she could still remain Cozy Glow without being evil. I could completely see that happening and I think it would be very realistic for her.
Seriously? Wanting a happy wholesome ending for a character and reforming them equates to wanting to fuck her? I bet you think everyone in favor of reforming Discord also want to fuck him. No, I won't admit it because it is untrue.
>shilling for the entire trio. And Sombra
Oh, I do, its just that this is a thread for Cozy. Not them.
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Best Golly fic?
The first chapter of "The Next Chapter". The rest is okay I guess, but I was wanting more SoL from Golly's perspective.
Dawn Adopted.

It's author makes a great and believable adult Cozy, then has her raise a filly and its glorious. The characterization is stellar and it has a lot of great moments. I adore it so much. How is Golly mommy so good?
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>“My name’s Anonymous, but you can call me Anon” he continued, reaching an open hand towards her.
suicide is always a option
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>"ride or die you fucking zigger!"
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poor Golly
I like how her curls squooshing around her face makes her look like the world's most adorable, grumpy flower
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>Hey it worked for Dicksword.
He wasn't a pathological liar, just a deranged egotistical asshole with a god complex.
even so, the rest of that sentence rings true for the shit he pulled with chrysalis, tirek, and cozy. should've been stoned like the rest or better yet never reformed so we could have a kino returning villian and maybe some samurai jack shit.
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Lots of AI generated art.
Anyone got AI stories to share?
The Minus just released some new Cozy stuff, but it's paywalled.
Just wait a while before it's on kemono
She needed a bigger ax.
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this thread will not slide
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Anon, that one is dead, the admin only care about western oriented one, that why he don't give a shit about fanbox
His EQG stuff is very hit or miss
Sometimes his lolis look more like dwarfs
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I like pairing these two, but I wish it wasn't romance all the way.
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Yeah, but for some reason the ones that draw both always ship them.
It's so strange to me. Why ship 2 kids when you could get a wholesome friendship out of it?
I could see it going both ways over time. Most successful relationships start out as friends, after all.
The two are friends for years into adulthoold, then some sort of inciting inccident awakens deeper feelings.
Like they're at a sleepover or party with some other friends, alcholol is involved, and they end up kissing because of Spin the Bottle or Truth or Dare, and it goes from being a peck to a heavy makeout session.
After they're both awkward the next day as they both try to rationalize what happened.
this lesbian ship is retarded, don"t defend this shit,,
Sir, Cozy Glow was in her early teens when Flurry was born. There is a huge age gap between the two.
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you and me both man
Unless we assume petrification.
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This is factually correct. She is indeed Cozy Glow.
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I mean, come on, that's basic Cozy/Flurry shipping 101. Cozy is petrified for ten or so years in stasis and is released when Flurry is of a similar age.
this ship is so retarded man.
the faggot that created this shit deserves hell
It makes sense though. Flurry's a canon character who can be however you want since she was a baby while having potentially the magic power, given she's an alicorn, to free Cozy and with her status and family, the leverage to keep her free. Not to mention that its a convenient excuse to give her a role she couldn't have in the show since she was too young. The two are perfect for each other.

I agree. I dislike lesbian and kid shipping. I do like pairing them as friends or sister figures though. Those lead to cute stories.
Isn't he brazilian
sadly people nowadays cant have friendship without some dyke shit on it
Sirens never got reformed. They just lost their power, immortality and voice enhancement. They just replaced magical voice enhancement with an electronic one and do not plan on revenge, BUT they're still on lookout for portals or equestrian magic. Meaning they'll go back to being villains the moment they get their power back.
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Friendly reminder that if you love Cozy, you should also love her final form
Would stand atop her head and cheer on the filly as she devours Twilight Sparkle
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cozy plap
Now how did she get injured to require that?
Filly should't smoke
Cozy Glow deserved better :(
cozy glows deserve cock until she chokes and die
she wasn't injured, the context that lead to the picture being drawn was someone warning me that she bites, to which my response was "I'd like to see her try", paired with this drawing of her in a cone.
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She's so adorable when she's angry.
Is Flurry older here?
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What must it feel like for her to lay flat on top of you?
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What did she do?
I still haven’t watched past season 3
There's a Nazi pony working at the government. Unlike most Nazis in the leftist media, this one gets reformed and keeps his government job.
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New fic.
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>still no Golly x Ary art
why must we suffer
It's Aryover.
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Is she conspiring with Golly to overthrow the Equestrian monarchy? Or what's she doing here?
Golly just looks so right on a throne
It's 2024 and I still don't know anything about this character because I'm not a soulless bitch who watched anything after they started hiring writers who didn't watch the first two seasons.
You're really becoming tiresome.
Youyr hubris...
>Begging to be spoonfed
Nope, watch it yourself if you want to know her extensive and detailed backstory
>detailed backstory
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As long as the throne is my face
You don't have permission to spoon feed me, you pseudo horse fucker

And by pseudo horse fucker, I don't mean you're basically a horse fucker but don't go all the way through with it and it's weird that you're a horse fucker. I mean that you're a watered down horse fucker and that it would be better if you just quit being a little bitch and went through with it
COZY GLOW DID NOTHING WRONG!!!!!!!! Soon these evil writers’ shitty-ass evil, psychotic, child-murdering revenge fantasies (that come from a place of resentment that all the kids they tried to fuck kept running away) will be UNDONE by the upcoming (almost 100% confirmed) G4 reboot coming soon.

No one wants to see that PATHETIC and HORRIBLY WRITTEN PIECE-OF-SHIT ending to EVER be canon EVER again!!!!!!!!!!!!! What will either happen is Cozy Glow gets freed and redeemed, or else they might just come out and say “Seasons 8 and 9 are now noncanon. This show replaces them.”

Also, the reboot also might even make as far back as Season 3 noncanon, plus it might just even be a fresh start to the series with Lauren Faust as the head of development. Maybe the alternate universe seen in the noncanon Seasons 8 and 9 will be destroyed by Cozy Glow, and she’ll come for the new universe next.

What do you all think?
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This would be Spike’s best day ever.
Much as I understand, I mean a real throne. Canterlot's.
I just thought of something. Since we all like Golly so much here, do you think that Hasbro made it as a representation of us? They gave us exactly the type of character we all wanted (a hot, badass loli girl), just to violently torture her in Hell and then brutally murder?

It’s a way of telling all us faggots, “Get the fuck out of here, we don’t want you as fans anymore!”

What do you think? Do you think they made her just for us so they could torture us through her?
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>sealing her in captivity for nonnies to shoot their hots loads on at any point they want
anon you might want to reconsider exactly who is being punished in this transaction.
But I wanted her to rape me.
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You guys like stories about cute tranny fillies, right?
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Thats not Golly.
If Cozy Glow WAS a tranny, would you all still love her?
Fuck no. Instant death.
tranny? no.
futa? absolutely.
What if Cozy was a cute little colt?
Love? No. Tolerate? She'd be the only one.
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I want to fuck Cozy Glow’s tight little pussy so bad.

New Golly fic.
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Cute. Who drew this?
anybody got the pic of Golly presenting her bellie?
Got a new chapter.
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What about Cozy Glow makes you think she's in her early teens?
>“You’ll study love and friendship under Princess Flurry Heart in the Crystal Empire.”
That's potentially a very interesting use of Flurry. Stories with the two tend to involve them either being romanced, just friends or sister figures on rarer occasions, but I don't think I've heard of a teacher-student relationship more. Maybe something where an adult Flurry takes her in like how Celestia as a personal student kind of like Celesta/Twilight or Twilight/Starlight. It would also make a lot of sense. Given her position, Flurry was probably taught a lot about friendship and all that stuff, so she'd be more then qualified for that role.
I want to tickle it.
Great art.
>anybody got the pic of Golly presenting her bellie?
wow, I think that's actually it! Thank You. I couldn't remember exactly what the picture looked like, I just knew it was both simple and also sweet.
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I *LOVE* pictures of them just hanging out. It's such a great trio even if everything they did with them was and ended in bullshit.
Pretty much this.
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I have no idea of what they're saying, but this makes me imagine a funny scenario.

>The trio escape stone and immediately go about new plans for world domination.
>On one of their many adventures in search of powers capable of rivaling the BS that is the Magic of Friendship, they find a ritual that apparently will grant a pony immense magical power.
>They perform it on Cozy Glow and plan on using her as their ace in the battles to come.
>Nothing happens, however, and they have to do more research.
>Apparently the magic doesn't take affect right away.
>Instead, it slowly changes the pony who it is cast upon into a godly form, powers and all, but this takes years.
>Tirek and Chrysalis are immortal, though, so they don't really care.
>Tirek sat in a cage for thousands of years, after all, so this is nothing.
>Instead, the trio set about their new plan.
>Make sure Cozy Glow gets plenty of healthy food, exercise, and lots of rest so that she can grow up into the best Friendship destroying mega weapon possible.
>Seen in the image is them all preening over their brilliant plan as they tuck Cozy into bed so she can get a good night's rest and get a lots of growing in.
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Accidentally parents.
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Power of family will always be stronger than the power of friendship
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It took her a while to get to 10k, but soon.
I need Cozy Glow’s pussy on my cock.
How does a final boss villain and "ontological threat to Equestria" so evil that she deserved to be petrified for eternity have the same amount as a baby with no plot relevance at all?
Only because the seasons Cozy Glow was in were so shit that barely anyone even watched them. If she were earlier in the show, she’d have more images than Twilight.
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Flurry had more time to get pics and people liked to draw her with her parents I guess. This was how the count looked around April 2019.
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That makes me happy. Smol demon deserves more.
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Working as a teacher in Equestria is extremely hard.
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What ai did you use?
>using derpi to archive search
use a better booru, fags.
Like what? Twibooru with its max 5 likes per posts
I’ll cut myself if Cozy Glow doesn’t return in G6.
Have you tried having your own taste?
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BREAKING NEWS: Kamala Harris and Donald Trump both drop out, endorse Cozy Glow for President.
Cozy Glow for Empress!
Golly is best filly. Prove me wrong.
Can Cozy Glow please change the constitution and rid us of elections?
It's so strange to me that AI can get so much right about a pony, but it can almost never do cutie marks.
I'd reckon it's a matter of tagging skill issues combined with a lack of data to make up for it. Cozy Glow's cutie mark is not easily understood as being an independent feature so the model just tries its best to match something good enough to place in it, as it understands something red and rook-like should go there but can't make up its exact form.
new thread since it seems that the filly thread posted on server wipe day has died
But we already have this...
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Love this art.
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So, Stellar Flare’s bitch ass was only became Twilight’s apprentice this whole time just so that her mommy, Cozy Glow, could unleash her ultimate evil plan? Makes sense to me.
>Sirens actually got reformed.
Not really. They are just harmless without their pendants, so girls left them alone. Adagio still despises humanity in general, Aria is still grumpy all the time and Sonata is... well.
>Stellar Flare’s
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fillay bootay
God, I need her to sit on my face so fucking badly. There better be a fucking afterlife, because I’m tired of not being able to experience these things, goddammit. Fuck.
After reading the 2 Cozy being Luster's mom stories, I think it makes for the best possible parentage for Luster.
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Real, I must worship this tiny empress.
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Why Fluttershy?
Because she knows Cozy needs this spanking, just like she knew that the Breezies needed kicked out. In this case, she wanted to handle it because she feared another pony might be more rough than necessary. Or maybe she’s just a filly fiddler and this is a way to get her hooves all over that plush, squishy rump and tote it as justified. Maybe even reward Cozy for her bravery afterward with some gentle kisses to soothe her burning rear.
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Honestly, Cozy deserves that.
You mean “Cozy Glow deserves to do that to all her enemies.”
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Sucks to be a shit baby princess. Better to be an evil demon loli.
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both are my daughterwifes
>and Sonata is... well.
vibing all the way
Any Golly redemption fics where Twilight and/or her friends actually acknowledge that her punishment was a bad idea?
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We need to save golly girl at any cost bros
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When I get to Equestria, I either see to it she wins, or get petrified right along with her.
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2019?! Fuck! I was planning to get tickets!
Just time travel.
Good idea! I’ll also save Cozy Glow from being stoned while I’m at it.
golly central needs your support
Where is it?
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Odd that Chrysalis would know what a human hand looks like.
No, it isn’t, because she fucked me. I only did it to get closer to my perfect goddess, Cozy Glow, though. Don’t worry, my sweet, sweet, Golly, my seed will not be spilled in vain.
Have you seen the way she acts? She was clearly raised by an Anon.
"God complex?" He's literally a god, it's not a complex.
Sorry, retard, you’re thinking of Cozy Glow.
I guess Chrysalis might do that eventually.
Can anyone help me find a certain Golly pic? It has a shrunken down Twilight dangling over Cozy's mouth as she's licking her. I think Twilight also has a horn ring and her wings are bound. I tried finding it everywhere, but I can't. I don't care if I have to ask here anymore.
Fuck, I'm retarded. Thanks Anon! I love you!
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Puts you dangerously into castrating range of them chompers.
images taken before plaping
Interesting idea for her.
How does she shoot it?
I really like the idea too. Cozy Glow being a villain able to challenge the M6 marks her as a cut above the rest. Her blood being part of what makes the next main characters main characters, is a fun way to explain their exceptionalism. And hey, it suggests at least a somewhat redemption for Cozy, and that her ancestors do better.
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>only other version is futa chastity
sauce to futa version?
Bro there's not even 200 pics tagged "cozy glow, futa" you can easily find it yourself.
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This recently got a big update, though I feel that the story itself became way too edgy after a while.
Golly and pals.
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Which story has the worst depiction of Cozy Glow and what makes it so bad?
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This is my “My Little Pony” persona that I’d use to go to Equestria and save Cozy Glow:

Golly-Loli: Cozy Glow’s biggest fan. Is obsessed with Cozy Glow and petitions to have her released. Insists that it’s not just because he wants to fuck her.
His mane and hair colors and inverts of Cozy’s color scheme. He has her bow as his Cutie Mark. He’s a unicorn.
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Is it really bad that I want to fuck her so badly? Because I really to fucking fuck her so hard.
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Cozy could have been a male, an everycreature or both even
Please, God, tell me the fans aren’t going to start calling her a tranny. That’d be a worse fate than stone!
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Besides the tranny thing, this seems like a slow day for GollyFags. Despite the fact that she may be coming back in an hour, at least at the end, via the G4/G5 crossover.If she doesn’t, I’ll commit seppuku.
There's another crossover? I thought the camp and multiverse stuff got cancelled.
The Camp looks to be alive, but this was announced months ago, not just leaked. It’s a comic called “The Storm of Zephyr Heights” and its first issue is coming out in 13 minutes.

I hope they realize that Cozy’s ending was the show’s worst mistake and fix that.
No Clozy Glow in the comic?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Good advice.
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Golly is everything.
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I just love that devious flash, and then she so quickly turns on the full waterworks, no problem. Fucking Charisma builds, man.
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No, it means you have good taste.
I'm still malding over the fact that Discord could be redeemed but not her. (Even though deep down I know she's a bad egg, but whatever.)
We can only hope..
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There really should be more Cozy and Sunset stuff considering how similar they are:
>Foils to Twilight
>Absurdly ambitious
>Primarily use charisma and deception to get things to go their way
>Featured in a school setting
>Become empowered by a magical artifact
>Get demonic transformations because of said artifacts
It makes me wish EQG had continued just to see how much of a little shit human Golly would be.
Yea, only problem is that its EQG. I wish there was one with pony Sunset and Golly exclusively.
Honestly, I genuinely believe that she was completely redeemable, moreso then Discord, actually.
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Silverstream, a moment from being devoured.
All she needed was a little love. I know she got some love for her fake nice persona, but what she really needed was somepony to tell her that they still love her when she’s mean. None of these “friendship” spouting motherfuckers actually care about ponies that don’t meet their insane standards of perfection. They’re so hateful, it’s honestly sad. Seriously, her ending is not just horrible because of how much I love her, but it also sends an awful message. Will they ever learn that this needs to be canonically undone? I don’t care if it’s a shitty comic or whatever, if she’s redeemed, it IS canon to me.
Capitulate as my mind slowly unravels and my morals become her plaything. I willingly become moldable clay in her hooves to save my reputation and only hope that appeasing her will turn out well.
Why you want to fuck golly? She would black mail you into a abusive relationship, heck she may even rape you if you try to stop her

Enough, I'm already convinced, you don't need to sell it to me.
In her alicorn form you would become her fuck toy. She would have you worship her body
Im no stranger to abusive relationships. Golly would just be the one to make me question whether or not I actually enjoy the abuse. She would walk that tantalizing line between sweet and sardonic that I crave.
But anon! You don't understand! You would live a hell life, every second you would spent thinking about her and what she would do to you if you piss her off
Different anon, but sounds glorious!!!
she's transracial
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Cozy Glow NEEDS to return someday!!!!!
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Worship Golli ass crack to spare Equestria, the noblest of heroics. Hooves too, just to be sure.
Cozy glows in the dark CIA NIGGERS
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Share your impressions.
Imma smack it with a stick.
Trixie is indeed very plapable.
you dont plap her she plaps you
Don't do it Anon, she's an alicorn. A slighted Golly, rubbing her sore butt with angry tears in her eyes, think of how she might punish you.
A single spank from Celestia would make Golly explode into red mist.
There's something so comforting about this image, military cemeteries are so beautiful to look at.
Is this just fanfiction or did they actually retcon that Flurry Heart wasn't born a natural alicorn? Is this some Darth Plagueis manipulating midichlorians or some shit?
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Its fanfic obviously, there hasn't even been that sort of G4 content for them to even throw out the Cozy Flurry dynamic in anything; much less do that.
The only thing they printed was G4/G1 crossover stuff past the movie pretty sure.
God her sociopathic tendencies get me going something fierce.
Happy Birthday, mein Filhrer.
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in soviet equestria, filly headpat you!
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I know there's a guy that kinda rails on this ship but I like it. Not because I have any great attachment to Flurry Heart, but their ages can theoretically mesh if Golly's unpetrified at the right time, plus,
and this is a big one
the notion that Cozy has a true, good friend to help her leave the worst of herself behind. And, maybe teach her friend to be a little more selfish and a little less of a pussy at the same time.
I can't believe a slice of /mlp/ let alone the internet would pass up on Nazi filly, she's the cutest, cleverest, and bestest! I want her to manipulate Equestria into being her foot-messagers. I want them all to bow down to her, eagerly awaiting when she should give them a iota of attention when she asks for another tongue bathe.
Wasn't the guy crying about it specifically going on about the romantic angle?
Which is mostly just him getting mad about a trend but in the case of Cozy/Flurry the actual fics show the reason for it.
Yes in terms of a clean normal redemption having attempted random extra emotional weight does nothing unless you want romance for the sake of romance;
but that sort of redemption isn't generally what people go for. It actually does have a function which isn't really the case for most fandom ships.

I don't actually mind those either but its actually very easy to parse why it landed where it did, if you want a explosive between a naive and evil character a romance angle works better.
And since those things are essentially foundational it is what takes priority. Generally either version of the more detailed darker plots works better with it, whether you don't intend to actually redeem or do intend to.
Honestly, its one of the best things you can do with an older Flurry.
>little more selfish and a little less of a pussy
>"Excuse me! This *princess* asked for no cheese on her hayburger!"
>Flurry in the back, waving shyly
They complement each other.
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And then, for example, Flurry Heart pulls Cozy away, just before she can work herself up to one of her hellspawn meltdowns.
That could be funny as well.
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This, but unironically.
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Imagine not being a nazi in 2024
You can really do a lot with them as a duo. A dynamic I unfortunately don't see too often is Cozy as the pint-sized genius with anger issues and Flurry as the over-sized, overpowered dimwit who counters Cozy's rampant megalomania with unending kindness.

You can even throw in Luster Dawn to act as the too serious straight-mare and make it a trio.
What is she saying?
ahh yes, the Tippmann M4-22, a fine filly-sized range toy for plinking. I wouldn't pay too much for it, though.
It was okay. Lot of spelling errors, though, and the Occelus ship was pretty out of left field.
Also, how did the two have kids to eventually get to Pipp and Zipp being born?
Sperm donor or did OCcelus shapeshift into a stallion?
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Regarding the Flurry/Cozy pairing, wouldn't it be better if Flurry was an adult or teenager? I mean, most of the time its a case of Flurry reforming Cozy, but should a child really be working to rehabilitate a villain? Plus it could lead to some cool big sister/mother/teacher bonding stuff.
niggas this shit is retarded. they are enemies not a couple
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I guess an age gap would make the whole naive Flurry angle more striking?
I don't think the average flurry even if older would exactly pull the "big sis" role well for someone like Cozy.

>they are enemies
No they aren't, they're nothing until you make something of them.
This has been my headcanon for a while, good to see.

My own headcanon is that Cozy and Flurry are enemies trying to kill each other, only to realize how much they have in common and end up respecting each other, eventually becoming true friends. The similarities the two of them turn out to have break the brains of the other princesses.
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THAT'S the one I was looking for in the other thread ...
Cadence would be proud.
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i feel like a tard for asking (because i am) but what was the deal with her cutiemark being that
Just a guess, and I'm no chess whiz, but rooks are typically developed later game and are especially good for setting up checkmate to win the game.
Looks like the Golly contest is bringing some nice stuff. Its also got a short extension.
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Good stuff.
Good stories.
If anyone’s ever curious if Cozy Glow was supposed to ever be redeemed or not, watch this: https://youtube.com/watch?v=PRliouRL2Mk (at 37:50).

So, the answer is “Yes, she should’ve been freed after about 1000 years in the G5 timeline.”

Unfortunately for these idiots, what they say about it NOT being intended to mock the villains or to spit in our faces is TOTALLY contradicted by the episode itself.

Seriously, how many episodes did these idiots write where they ended up explaining on Twitter, or at a con, that the events that we all watched weren’t what they meant?! How retarded to they have to be to CONSTANTLY do this?!!?!?!!?! (Just look at “A Matter of Principals” which obviously DOES have the moral of “Accept abuse,” despite the incoherent defense that the writer tried to make on Twitter.)

But, at least if you’re the type of person dumb enough to defend that godawful ending, just know that you’re canonically wrong. And since G5 is apparently ending without her return, I guess it’s reasonable to assume that she was the one that ended that godawful universe herself.
Final episode of TYT revealed.
if only
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>sometimes good ponies make very bad choices
>but it doesn't mean they're bad
tbf I wouldn't call Golly a good pony. She's the best pony, but not good. Golly's bad to the bone, and I love her for it. Look at this evil filly.
Best Pony is allowed to be evil. Doesn’t mean she’s any less good. ;)

This one is great. If you want a Golly wins scenario, read this.
I wish Dawn Adopted would update already.
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This is very good. Probably my favorite in the contest so far.
I wish Cozy Glow was my wife
I wish Cozy Glow was my daughter AND my wife.
I wish Cozy Glow was my daughter, wife, mother, sister AND cousin.
I would take what they say seriously, but minutes later Nicole says Cozy is an adult stuck in the form of a child. Like yeah whatever makes you feel better about giving a foal such a harsh punishment. Would also make Cozy less interesting to me instead of having her just be a prodigy manipulator and tactician.

As for their mention of saying their intention wasn't to keep them petrified forever they really did a shitty job at getting that message across by having Discord say that retarded "together forever" line followed by hundreds of characters cheering for their demise off in the background. It should have been handled something more akin to this image
It’s a pretty bad sign of their own writing when it made more sense when I first saw it leaked, in a language where I didn’t understand a fucking word of it. I legit thought maybe in the throne room scene, Discord would try to justify his retarded plan by pointing out all the heroes that Twilight’s redeemed in the past or something. Then, at the retarded “Together forever” line, I assumed he might’ve been saying something more like “Maybe someday.” When I saw it in English was when I finally knew for sure it was a godawful ending, because the actual dialogue defies what these idiots tried to say. Literally only makes sense if you can’t understand the spoken language.

As for Cozy being an adult, I agree that she’s better as a kid in terms of being an interesting character. Who knows? Maybe it’s just that she’s only been alive for a long, indeterminate time and that would technically make her an adult, but it might be that she’s only been out of a frozen-like punishment state for less than 10 years. If neither Tartarus nor stoning was her first magical punishment, it might make her a more interesting character. It could even potentially put her back in really ancient history. (She was probably just pretending when she acted like she’d never even heard of Grogar, right?)

It’d be kind of interesting to me if it was something like that. I do like the idea of her being a loli forever, personally. However, I do agree that she should be a kid in at least some sense. If she’s an adult, it makes me wonder if you were to see her in-person, if she’d have, like, crow’s feet and liver spots or some shit. It also makes her come off like a weirdo for the ways she interacted with the CMCs in a way I don’t entirely like. So yeah, I think the best solution is that she’s not JUST a kid, but still IS a kid. In the same way that that’s what she would’ve been if she were in G5. She’s obviously been in a frozen state for 100 or 1000 years, but she’d still have the same mental development she did before.

However, I think it’s possibly true that she was intended to be an adult, since that’s similar to Baby Doll from Batman. Not as hot, though. A 7000 year old vampire demon loli stuck perpetually in a non-aging/non-maturing state is kinda hot, though. I definitely think there was some actual horniness for her among the people making the show, and that fact alone might be why they wanted to be vague about her age. But my current headcanon is that, for an unknown magical reason, her age can’t really be categorized like a normal pony’s, but that she’s still very much a child in many ways. (As obviously cruel as that makes her punishment.)
I meant to say “all the villains” that she’d redeemed, not “heroes.”
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Contest ending soon. What did you think of it?
It inspired me to write my own fanfic about Starlight and Golly being summoned by the Map to go see Starlight’s mom, who brutally rapes and tortures her while Cozy laughs. The story will also deal with Starlight being a foalphile and culminates in Starlight “raping” Cozy Glow, but getting completely dominated by her, thus causing her mom to disown her forever. It won’t be done in time for the contest, but I’ll still write it.
Be sure to post it on fimfic.
I had a weird dream where Golly got unstoned and I met her in some wilderness cave, living like an actual caveman, hunting animals and all that, and she began living with me in my cave/hut since I was expanding it, we were both sleeping together in a bed of thatch and fur, cuddling for warmth. We were both working to make a simple boat so that we could use a river to swim back to Equestria.
And also she gave me a blowjob in the dream
>Humans are a tale to scare the foals with.
>Parents tell their foals how humans will come and use their freaky hands to kidnap and eat them.
>Unicorn parents use shapes of hands for spanking for added effect.
At least that would be kinda funny.
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I would 100% eat that pegafilly, iykwim
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>Starlight “raping” Cozy Glow, but getting completely dominated by her
unf, good filly
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>fag admits hes esl in his profile at the top of the page
>expects me to read his broken english shit
and also lmao
What's an esl?
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ligma balls
I wanted to have something to post in the anni stream next time cozy comes up so I spent way too much time trying to get the laughing frames from this vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEpoq3e55_Q . Honestly I don't know what I'm doing or if I'm doing it right.
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Looks fine to me, a nice Golly.

Cozy strikes me as the type to not trust 5-0, and deal with an issue herself.
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Why she grumpy?
Twilight continues to draw breath.
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Still cute.
Cozy Glow is ALWAYS cute.
Cozy Glow is a slut
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So now that the Fimfiction contest is over, which story deserves to win?

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Cozy Glow is pure, cur.
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Your welcome, best pony! ;)
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Cute story. I wish there were more like this.
Really desperate to get to 500, are we?
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Yeah, pure raw sexual energy
So what was the point of that bump spam?
I guess they really wanted it to reach 500 fast.
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Guess his autistic efforts were in vain
This needs the thing with the trade offer at the top.

>"I receive: Headpats and snuggles."
>"You retrieve: A filly wife.
Did they really draw her in that pose and NOT expect us to lewd her?
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Cute Golly. Almost thought it was a screenshot from the show I was about to go immediately grab for myself.
We are not that lucky.
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What does she smell like
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That's a child
Unf, dominate Empress
out of ten
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*headpats the cute little filly*

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