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Howdy, partner!

What you see here began as a series of comedy-centric stories with the concept of an alicorn-ascended Princess Applejack trying to change a mismanaged Equestria for the better by humorously interacting with the other, quite lazy, princesses. Plus late night pink antics.

Not to mention a whole bunch of Changelings with nothing better to do but cause mischief.

The whole thing was set in motion by this gem:


>So, wait, why am Ah' a princess again?

>Because you seem to be the only goddamn one of those ponies who gets that a Princess need to do actual work regarding maintenance of the kingdom. You know how much city planning or trade negotiations Twilight or Luna have done? Fucking nothing. Everyone is obsessed with the world ending threats they think I should fight, but the minute I point out the free health care I have to work to maintain everyone goes quiet. And don't even get me started on Cadence, who can't even manage a basic meeting with the Equestrian Games representative. Fucking annoying. Go do actual princess stuff, because apparently everyone else got the pamphlets mixed up or something and thinks "Princess" means "Beat cop."


Are you feeling creative? Try your hand at writing a story! No contribution is too small and we love having new folks around.

If you're more artistically inclined give a drawing or sketch a shot. Don't fret too much; it doesn't have to be fancy and we appreciate artwork a lot.

If that isn't your style either, writers always need feedback. So tell us what you liked - and what you didn't - to help us improve.

If you are unsure about anything, do not be afraid to ask. We will gladly bring you up-to-date or explain anything you feel is unclear.

THREAD 374! AGAIN! Gods fighting accidentally nuked everything.
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Why did all of the board just go away what happened

Who punched what
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Reposting pre-nuked Pinkie Previews!

>Pinkie's taking all bets, taking all bets!
>Twilight wagers we've got twenty minutes until everything is destroyed.
>Derpy's positive there's a chance, but only a chance, if you spin!
>Ah shucks, Filthy's outta luck.
>Lightning Dust gets anxious when she has something at stake, but one more can't hurt!
>Sombra, you're not supposed to put money on that!
>Lyra's doing some risky business!
>And the Crusaders are going to get some Hustle on!
>And lots of Gambling fanservice!

>Tia? Gotta question.

"I think I have my own."

>Did the whole world just, you know, blink out instantly?

"I always knew it would happen, but I sort of expected I would see it coming. Because I would cause it."

>What did you do.

"Why do you think it's me!? We've got actual literal reality warpers dancing around us in this moment, and for some reason you assume I'm to blame for going scorched earth?"


"Poor choice of words, I agree, but that's beside the point!"

>Ah'm just sayin' iffin' it was ever gonna end in a sudden blink, you were first on the list.

"Well for once, it's not my fault!"

>Ah' believe you.


>How long we been doin' this? Yer' mah' friend, Ah' believe you.

"Oh. Well, great!"

>Yep. It just means ya' didn't stop it from happening.

"You cannot blame me for that."

>Nah, Ah'm pullin' yer chain and crossin' mah hooves it doesn't happen again.


>Because ya'll clearly can't-

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For all of those confused, pic related was the cause.

She's not sorry.
It didn’t explode, it got sucked into the ether
Deeply Hilarious everything got reset in a god battle
Almost musical
So, I was thinking of reposting the dropped thread's stories, since that's what's usually down when a thread prematurely dies. But since we were so far in the other thread already and it was forced to drop by accident, I was thinking on whether we might as well treat this thread as "Thread 374, Part 2" and just continue as if the blipping was an actual thing, rather than reposting the stories as a sort of replacement for the old thread.
Treating this as part 2 when it’s not anyone’s fault(the whole ass board got nuked not just us) is what we usually do anyway

>...You all saw that too, right?

She looked around, and though the Princess of Magic itself saw very little different from how it had been a second ago, she felt as if something very massive had happened in a blink, so quick one could miss it yet so long it felt an eternity.

"WOO! Sorry, folks, I missed that one, it was a biggie! On my, really rearranged the furniture on this one, didn't it? Where did that one even go!?"

Naturally, none new what she was talking about, everything seemed as it had been a mere second ago, right down to the hordes of Queens still waiting to get back into the fight. But, at the same time, they felt a truth to her words, something had clearly slipped by the defense of Harmony, something deep and powerful. Something that, ironically, left no trace of it happening behind.

>Was it Chitania?

'Oh, please!'

The shout from a safe, no-fighting distance away did not go unnoticed.

'Clearly it was Celestia, fucking up everything again! This is what she does! This is all she does!'

>Chitania is literally messing up with universe punching, time and space is a nightmare out there.

'But not this time, probably!'

>Well, it wasn't Celestia!

'...Blame it on other Shining?'

She didn't say yes. But, at the same time, there was a quiet understanding between them, and all other in earshot.



The other being of power beyond comprehension just looked at Applejack as she hastily fixed the numerous cracks in her wake.

~Don't you look at me like that, Ah'm new to this! Ah'm new, Ah' don't know what to do!~

He knew he was getting blamed for it somehow.
Pone dirt

>Just so we're clear my actual BBBFF had absolutely nothing to do with this.

"Oh yeah, for sure."


"Did you expect me to argue? I don't even mildly dislike the guy, I hate Chrysalis more than him. I think we've met like, twice."

>It was a LOT more than that. A lot lot.

"He's not very memorable."


Twilight turns to the others.

>So when this is over, I get first punch.

We have the perfect excuse for why things glitched, we literally could not have asked for a better time.
I feel like AJ/Celly got more reason...

>How did you even manage to do that?

"How the heck am Ah' supposed to know?! Ah' just got shunted inta' the power of a CONCEPT and told go beat the shit outta some fellas! Ya'll lived through centuries ta' figure this stuff out!"

>Didn't you see all that?



"Ta' be fair that just means Ah'll be set ta' fix it without paradox, iffin' there's one thing you never learned it's the Truth of the matter."

>I can make the truth anything I want.

"And that's why you can never be Honest."

>Wow, and I thought I was a fuckup!

"You are. You absolutely are. You are pure, unadulterated fuckup in changeling form. You are what happens when I realize I should've figured out how to go scorched earth in a very specific spot. You. SUCK."

>...nuh uh.
She ain’t got much
so she better work it strong.
Okay Mr pimp
Ironically she does order around a hooker
But she doesn't rent that hooker out, that's a personal hooker. Exclusive hooker, I think!

There's a term for that...
>Sweet Note

>...Shit am I married?
"Sweet Note"

>That is not how that works.

"Ya' sure?"

>There's a whole ceremony you have to do! It's the rules!

"According to who?"


"...this feels personal."

>If they find out eloping is cheap I'm doomed.
Does she get kickbacks or
Better, she knows who's kissing who oooooo

>If I didn't get to charge for marriage licenses I would literally go bankrupt

>Whacky shenanigans aren't as cheap as they make it look

>Tia? Why are all the marriage licenses approvals going through Cadence?

"Because she's the Princess of Love. It is literally her job description. Basic reasoning, here! I mean come on, Applejack, really! Why oh why is the Princess of Love handling matters of Love? Do you hear yourself? Do you even hear yourself, it's so obvious. Come on."

>Oh, okay... but she's a foreign citizen.


>Don't that mean all the marriages she approved are only valid in her Empire? She don't preside over our legal system.


>You... you just wanted to get out of doin' work, didn't you?

"...There's so many forms-"


I mean solve this with a simple "We here at Equestria recognize legally any and all legal Empire marriages. With full benefits"

Regular countries do this right now.
But that’s even more paperwork
Plus sending mail
>The postage alone, Applejack! THE POSTAGE
Not to mention the filing taking up twice the space
It’s funnier because, like, they have a system in place. They have to this far in.

Laziness wins!

>Dont you ruin this for me, I will cut you! Momma needs her candy!


>When you stop being a god, I will cut you!

“… really?”

>Its either this or I sell hoof pics!
… I mean if the market is there
>Do you want to tell Two she's not getting a Hearth's Warming gift because SOME PONY messed with the one thing I'm good at!

"What's the divorce rate?"


"Because of you or because we're ponies?"


>Do ya'll even see who she approves or not?

"I said keep my name off it, keep Luna's name off it, and we're golden."

>That's it?

"That's it."

>Ain't that irresponsible?

"Look, she has the ability to magically divine love, I'm pretty sure she can handle not just marrying someone off without any love in it. She is literally built for it."

>Oh, so she met them in person, then? That's a relief.


>She... met them... right?

"...I mean, I'm sure she did. Why... why wouldn't...."


"Oh no."
Long range divination!
Order youre today!
Get the crystals. Crystal always works somehow.
>Sombra noticed that

>...so are you gonna be the prince if Shining dies in all this?

"DUDE! What the actual fuck!?"

>I'm not saying I want it. I'm not rbrn implying I like the idea, I don't. I'm just getting my ducks in a row considering protection detail.

"Can we at least get past the godfight before you wonder if I need bulletproof glass?"

>Fine, fine...


>...What vest size do you wear?

"Five P."

>Neat, I'll be sure to get a four.

"...I said-"

>You will never be HIM.


>Do I come off as Crystal Obessed?


'He doth not, cease thine lies.'

>First off, thanks for the backing, you're a good ling. Second, what makes you say that?


>I did that once! One time! When I was mostly braindead! I can talk eloquently!

"And with a bit of fop."

>A bit of fop!?

'Thou doth have a bit of a twinge.'

>That stings coming from you because I know it's not a lie.

'Tis nothing wrong with a twinge! Many hath crossed mine path and declared me foppish, and yet, look upon me! The very picture of class!'


>This is why it hurts, he believes it.

"Just saying it sounds like you take it under the tail and go "Teeheee" when you do."

>I do not go teehee!

'He doth not!'

"Not saying it's a negative! I mean considering I'm a-wait a minute."




Oh my
Jim will never live that voice down

>...so does he-


>And his issue is-

"Most definitely."

>So, you think he's secretly-

"Not at all."

>Aw, come on, I'm handsome.



"Never gonna be HIM."


>Don't worry, Tiempo! Even if you'll never be HIM, you'll always be you! And being you is enough for anyone, I'm sure of it! If they don't appreciate what you bring that he doesn't, then they'll never understand why you're still special!

"Awww, thanks princess!"

>Anytime! Now... who exactly are we talking about? Who's HIM?




>...I'm not gonna take it back or undercut you, you're still just fine! Even if you're not my Shining, you can still be Tiempo! And that's just great!

"...sniff... please nobody tell her what they mean..."


"Please don't ruin thiiiissss."
Let him have it!
Yeah he can have a smile.
he earned it.
I mean she did miss all that
>Cadence legit doesn’t know like half that shit about him and the Imago incident


>So why did you turn back to being normal, by the way? Harmony powerup?



"I mean, I was granted a reprieve of my weakened state by the emergence of my mother's soul-"

>I got it the first time.

"I'm sorry I'm just real happy about that."

>Totally understand.

>Soooo happpyyy for youuuuuuuuu

>So do you think we missed anything romantic?



"Oh yeah, fifty fifty Spitfire hit 42 like a hurricane."

>...fifty fifty? Have you met her?

"I know she tends to crack under pressure."

>But is she weeping uncontrollably for "Cheating" on me?

"... my number is a little off."

>Only by ninety nine point nine repeating.
Forty Two would legit have a breakdown, she's DEDICATED
As well she should
Should have known better.
She never got to meet her ghostmom…
Sure she did, during Hellfire
Oh yeah, we never SAID it was her, but it was obviously her.

>Not coming out till I’m sure Chitty won’t squish me…
I’d be amazed if she still exists

Like Chrysalis being there might be an actual paradox on the level of 32’s continued existence
Considering her canonical soft spot for Chrysalis, I like to imagine that Chitty wouldn’t actually blink out her mom just because she does somewhat like her niece.

>I was a little worried you'd get blinked out of existence.

"Nahhh, we're in the happy Harmony thing."

>I guess that's true.

"And I think, deep down, Chitty likes me-"


"I think she-"


"Sunset that's sounding personal-'


>That doesn't sound like something she'd say.


>...now that part I'd believe.

"That does sound like her."

I feel she's not the most reliable narrator
She seems trustworthy worth. really.
Great now she’s got AI.
We can’t be blaming everything on AI! Some of us are just drunk or stupid!
>Remember, the robots are probably smarter than that
Depends on where the model was trained, if it was made here it just found itself in the land of insanity

>it’s funny they think it was deliberate instead of crazy failure I constantly do…

>This shit is way harder than they made it sound.

"REWRITING REALITY in a way that takes into account the REWRITES TO REALITY you just did is somehow more difficult than it sounded!?"

>...well when you put it like that...

"You're lucky you got a titanic ass that I love to clap or I'd ask Glimmer if I could just have both universes."


"Ohhhh that sounded so much more pathetic than I meant it to..."

>You know, you've mentioned your mother quite a few times... Did she and Chrysalis's mother happen to know each other? I've been curious about your history for some time now.

"Technically yes. Since they're the same person."

>Oh? Oh! Did she... adopt one or both of you?





"The hamster wheel is turning and..."

>...You're sisters?!

"There it is."

>Explain! Explain explain explain! Before I die!

"Whenever a new hive is made, all females except for the next Queen are supposed to be removed. Chrysalis was the next queen, I just happened to be of the same brood, yet did not ascend to Queenhood as she did."


He looks down.


He glance up, then looks down harder.


He struggles, clearly wishing to ask more, but doesn't.


He weighs his options.


Finally, he snaps, despite how hard he tried to hold it in.

>Do you have a-

"I was the exception because my mother wished me to replace Chitania's weak and sickly child, leading to a situation where I obtain the secret to the Titan form, and act as the enforcer in Chrysalis's new empire. I obviously had to be a female for that to happen."



>... I don't want to imply that was a deal breaker, but-

"It's fine."

>Good, good.


>How does one-

"Eat her heart."

>...the fuck is wrong with your species?

"How long do you have."
It's not even the half of it.
Barely a start.
Doesn’t really get brought up that much

>How do you never bring this up!?

“It’s honestly not that big of a deal.”


“Yeah? Dadling is related to her too, you don’t see him shouting about that.”


“We don’t really use that term for queens,
I think in part due to them wanting to be seen above the worthless drones they’ve kill on mass.”


“That’s another part of what’s wrong with us by the way.”
Wait till he hears about 88
>Any other weird relations I should be aware of?

42 sideyes 32
“Have you heard the name Hoofler?”

>That guy's like if Hitler had a kid!


>Trust me it's bad!

"How bad?"




"And that is..."

>Man I wish more ponies got my references.
"Not enough people know about hitler!"
----Sunset Shimmer
>...so wait how did Eighteen-

"I have absolutely NO idea."
didn’t have time to explain that one
Yeah now that she does, she don’t wanna I guess.
>I know what I know boy
>But I’m not telling it

>So uh... how did you turn into a Queen? Because I heard-




>Just... magic?


>I feel like there's more to-

"Maawwww geeyuk."

>That's not an answer.


>That means so many things in our world! We use it to fly! We use it to grow plants! Magic is so unspecific-

"Magic magic magic ~hoooo~"





>I'm not getting a straight answer, am I?

"Or a gay one."




>...I can see you! You just moved like four feet-

Trixie should be offended for some reason.
What’s funniest about this is she can just say her ghost mom came back, she doesn’t need to be all quippy

Its the game
Let her have her fun



>Are you just going to hide behind me the whole time? You can't avoid him forever.

"Can so!"

>You're being silly.

"Ha haaaa! I'm just manic due to FEAR OF DEATH."



>Do you think Trixie should sue?

"Absolutely not."

>Because it's frivolous, stupid, and Trixie would look like a jerk for trying to claim copyright on parlor tricks?

"That and she'd win, hard. Even if you were 100 percent in the right, she'd win. She would paperwork your ass to death."


"I fear two things, Spike in a bad mood and learning I've become part of the litigation nightmare that would be challenging a mare who does mortgage refinancing paperwork FOR FUN."

>...Trixie will let this one slide.
She devours forms for breakfast
She drinks the tears of realtors.
>Has she considered beating Chitania with litigation?

“You ever see a repo show? Paperwork does nothing to punch’s.
I cannot imagine a cosmic level version of those people who get their car repoed
>Yall ain’t got nothin better to do!? Im trying to make a living!

“You’re centuries behind on your cosmos payment.”

She’s not that kind of dark

>I have submitted sixteen forms to have your powers revoked due to misuse! When those things process in two to three business weeks, you are DONE!


>I apologize for the raised voice and will be submitting a formal apology, the powerpoint should be done by end of week. I'll file it next to your ten forty when it arrives.


>I did your taxes for you too, good on you for no tax evasion! You did maybe make money, but technically you're allowed to do that? Should've submitted a form, but Celestia did away with that particular form because "Fuck it I need to pay someone off now or they're going to break my kneecaps."


>Done, mister!

"...You cannot think this will work."

>No, I know it'll work! PAPERWORK GO!


"AH! Papercut! It burns!"

>Fear my filing system!

>Why does everyone imagining me talking like an angry goblin? I'm eloquent, I think. Maybe not Sunset level, but I'm fine.

"Reckon folks just wanna judge cause they're mean."

>Like you, you sound fine, nowhere near as stupid as everyone thinks. Calling you a hick is dumb, you're fine.

"...little mean."

>What? I said you were fine, they're wrong I said.

"Ah' can't tell if this is you gettin' in mah' head."

>Look for yourself!



"A-Ah'm good..."
She knows the truth.
And she’s ready to use it.
Never read a friend mind. Never ends well
Unless of course, you wanna know if they like you.
Cut that will they won’t they bullshit right out?



>Ah' read her mind and Forty Two likes you!


>Ah' don't gotta read no mind for that sarcasm and Ah' don't appreciate the sass.
>And get this! I think Chrysalis might have feelings too!

"This is getting insulting."



"Good news! Someone likes you! Someone with a distinctly yellowish coloorrrr!"


"That's right, Sunburst!"



>...I can work with it.

Any port in a storm
>And get this! LYRA likes you too!

"I GET I-wait who?"

~I told you that in confidence!~
I mean she's the princess of love, she's gotta catch some eyes.
Lyra should be more offended she doesn’t know who she is

They met like twice.
But they were important.
to her.
>If I was attracted to you, would it be important?

"It would be very lovely."

>You're a lovely girl.

"For you."

>...think it's safe to punch again or are we going to accidentally wipe everything again?

"Silver Hand"

>I wonder when you'll get your turn up there...

"Excuse me?"

>You know, fighting Chitania? When are you going to get your shot?

"I understand we're tentative allies and so I would likely fight her if it came to it, but you make it sound like I have a personal grudge against the fat bottomed changeling."

>It's not like that, it's just...


>The King Kong ref-



"I keep telling you: I'm NOT a gorilla!"

>You're the closest thing we've got! And Pinkie's already got the balloons ready!

"I'm not playing along with this!"

>But Chitania's single!

"What does that have to do with anything?!"

>It means she's waiting for you... to make a New Empire™ with her-

Doesn’t that mean she’d beat him like twice and then they team up?
Yeah she’s more Zilla than shimo
Salt as skarking works pretty good thanks to the harem
Not really.
~Silver Hand~




>I may have miscalculated how this would play out.

~Who could have seen that coming?~

"Enough talk, monkey boy, we need to prepare to face our true enemy."

~As you say, my Queen.~

>What the- how come you don't throw a tantrum when SHE calls you a monkey?

~Mmm. With a body like that, she can call me whatever she wants...~

>Ah, because she beat you and you admire her strength?

~...Yes, that is exactly what I meant that to imply.~

"There! I've our true enemy!"


"Who else could it be but that rotten bastard... THE STORM KING!"

+ME?! WHY?!+

"You're the only other monkey-creature that fits!"
Yeah not a lot of connection there.

>Limber and mobile verses either defensive normally or brute force when he's depowered
>Janky and cruel versus a noble but skewed guy
Variolus is closer.
Actually yeah that one fits perfect, complete with relying on his obviously more powerful minion to actually get shit done and then being frozen/turned to stone and shattered.

I mean it's right there.
~Don't worry, controlled super powerful minion, we will free you from his control by smashing his pointy thing!~

Tempest doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about

But she's not arguing.

"Don't forget to adopt the small one."

~Oh, fine.~

Gruber is not going to argue, he needs the love.
On the positive side, he gets an axe.
> smashing his pointy thing
You mean his magic weapon thing that, when smashed, ends the fight?

Wow there are a lot more comparisons than thought…
The monkey secrets are right there! Conspiracy!
Just up to monkey business.
Bananaw way
And is the second center of the plot yes

I’m not even sad I forgot him
>Silver Hand

>Mistress damn it.


>I just realized we can do the zero gravity fight.


But with who? Storm soldiers?
Queens are perfect fodder
>Storm King

>I wonder if anyone's doing anything cool.


>I wonder if things would change if I had friends...


>Everyone who wasn't friends with that exact group is fucked
I mean like half of Ponyville and 30 percent of Canterlot is there, you got a wide net you wierdo.

MOONDANCER is there!
Spoiled made the cut
She cheated.
Ironically I think that’s the one thing she didn’t do.

>I am not stupid he has has OPTIONS
Silver Spoon says nothing
But waits
>Spoiled Rich

>Look, I'm going to be blunt here, if I ever pulled that stuff then he would absolutely just kick me to the curb. Why not? What am I bringing to this otherwise? Maternal nuturing!? DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY WOULD TAKE MY PLACE HE'S RICH AND NOT A BAD GUY!

I don’t think he’s into that.
>Silver Spoon
"Filthy Rich"

>Heh, that Delight guy, we keep hearing all those jokes about how he's into fillies! Funny, isn't it?

"I guess?"

>Too bad he took that joke otherwise we could make it about someone else, right?

"I... suppose?"

>But we would never make that joke!




>...f-funny joke.
Shoot your shot!

Make DT call you mom!
That can go very wrong…
Or very right depending on what she’s into.
>Silver Spoon

>I require advice.

"To what end?"

>Acquiring vast amounts of wealth, personal satisfaction of lording over my friend, and the dismissal of a jerk to replace them with someone more deserving.

"By what means?"



>So, will you-

"I can't read your mind, but..."

He rolls up a newspaper.

>...I understand.

I can almost hear Ave Maria as the slow motion kicks in
She knows her regrets
That is not one of them
Nothing wrong with knowing what you want.
Hoo hooo hooo;
The one that she want
Did he make that out of cloth?
>He can create a magic newspaper that always tells him what’s happening
>And can smack fillies

Weirdly useful

He unfolds the newspaper he had just used.

>Huh, looks like someone's getting charges pressed for assaulting a child.


>Fake news.

>You think I could shoot them from here?

"Do it! Do it!"

>You're supposed to be reasonable and tell me not to be stupid.

"Do it! Do it!"

>...PJ! You think I could hit them from here?

'Do it! Do it! Do it do it do it!'

>Er.. Daw! You know how bullets work, should I-

~Aim for the fuckin' eyes! Do it do it!~

>...Forty Two?

(Doooo itttttt.)

>You're the reasonable one!


>...Seventy Seven?

{Don't do it, you idiot.}

>See, that makes sense.

{You're clearly too pussy to shoot, you don't need to show how bad you are at this by missing. Give it here and I'll show you how it's done!}




(Ahem... fire.)

>...I am not made to be the straight man-HEY!


>Give that back-

Seventy Seven does just that.


{He did it!}

Would be funnier if it hit.

>… the fuck was that
>When I get done I'm punching that dragon.


>Just to be clear, you're NOT actually in love with Chrysalis and trying to get into the harem?

"What kind of question is that?!"

>A yes or no one.

"Buddy, I barely just got to 'good acquaintance' with her-



>Good, good. We've reached our quota on male pegasi and I don't need someone else trying to make a move on Spitfire.

"If I was going for an ex-Wonderbolt, I'd go for Rainbow Dash."

>What? Why?! Spitfire's way better than her! By 10 times, at least!

"Because I actually know Rainbow Dash. I think I've only run into Spitfire twice when she was still Captain."

>Oh... That's fair.

"Plus, she has a cuter voice-"

>You take that back!

>...did he just call my voice cute?


>Our voices are not cute! They are awesome! Powerful! Commanding! LEADERLY!

"It's just so right it must be a word!"

>Our voices have no cuteness!

"Only cuntness!"


"...I went for it, I'm not going to apologize."

>What was the end goal, though? Did you want the word to spread? Was the plan to get everyone saying how much cuntness you have?

"I said I went for it, I never said I thought ahead about it."

>Sure, sure...


>...I wonder why they didn't call us hot?

"I was just thinking that. Do you think they worried it would default to me? Spitfire?"

>That doesn't sound fair.

"Just saying, I'd never deny you're a more colorful character than me."

>...that does sound like me. Okay, you're hot.



"Enjoy the good moment we're having! You wanted this, stop ruining it!"

>I'm sorry!
So close
Yet she can’t help herself
I mean any would succumb
>"It's just so right it must be a word!"
That's how most words are made.

>...You have a cute voice too.


She just doesn’t want to be compared to glim

>I AM NOT LIGHT PURPLE! Light purple is the worst color for a coat, objectively!

"She didn't say light..."

>Now, a dark purple, that's regal, that's downright fancy even! But light purple!? For a COAT!? Bleh! Ick! Bgllglglg!

"Didn't have to specify coat."

>Now, maybe as a streak in the hair, sure, light purple is a wonderful highlight, cute even! But for a COAT!? The only worse combination is light purple coat and dark purple mane. Could you imagine how disgusting that would be? Just completely deletes how good they may be in other combinations!

"...this feels specific."

>And what if that poor disgusting light purple coated mare had a name that starts with G!? Like Gosh that's awful, am I right?

"...fuck you, lady."
I love her making sure Twi catches no strays
And turning it to make it an even stronger dunk
She’s her best sister in law

>It's weird she didn't even stay mad at me.

"Right!? What's up with that!"

>Shut the fuck up, Glimmer.

"...you know my name?"

>Ask me what to call a piece of shit and i'll know that name too.

"Fuck you too!."
Doesn’t even know her but she hates her
as she should.
She does deserve it.
I mean, she knows that enough about her thanks to the exposition dump.
That’s what you get for corrupting her man!

>Soooo I never got the full story on her, what's her deal?

"She snookered my SHINING!"


"A lot!"

>And you have a problem with this one?

"Why wouldn't I?"

>I mean...

"You mean, what!?"

>I'm just saying she's not the first.

"Well, yeah, Chrysalis did it, but that's something that took me a long time to get over and she apologized!"

>But she wants to do it again.

"She hasn't wanted to do that since Blueblood's invasion!"



He squints and tilts his head.

>...OHHHH! Oh, Snookered meant controlled him!

"Yeah? What did you think I meant?"

>Ahhhh, you know...

He knocks his hooves together.

"...I mean she did that too but I'm way more upset about the other thing."

>You know that makes sense, and I apologize.
>She's into it
Look she's just happy when they're not actively evil

>Can you believe them? Insulting me like that!


>Well? Isn't it rude?

"...Lady, you're one half of the reason why we've had to fight off a horde of rapists and deal with the very real prospect of cosmic deletion for the last some odd hours. Plus, I'm pretty sure you brainwashed alternate-me, or otherwise manipulated him with questionable methods, to get him involved in... Whatever the hel you want to call what you've done. Forgive me for not being particularly sympathetic."

>...Technically, if you hadn't interfered, none of you would have had to fight back.

"Not helping your case."
She doesn’t have a lot of self awareness
It’s a case of when is it about her?

>Alright I need some backup here.

"You know me infinitely more than I know you, for all I know they're completely accurate."

>YOU ARE LITERALLY THE ONE WHO UNLEASHED THE RAPISTS! And! And! Just to clarify! YOUR GIRL is the one with the deletion thing! Mine was hanging out getting laid a universe away before this! You're ninety percent of his critique!

"What about the manipulating him thing?"

>That's not even him it's completely different, AND I erased that version so nyeh.


>Now back me up."


>Why nooottt?
Kinda sad Sunny doesn’t know 90 percent of their interaction
She could always mind zotz
Worked for Salt
it literally would’ve driven him mad.
Eh, depends on how he did it.

Worked without her there that time.


>...She wants me to back her up.

"You mean 'take all of the blame' right?

>90 percent, at least.

"And you're ok with that?"

>Eh. I'm used to being the bad girl everyone loves to hate.

"Careful, Ms. Shimmer, I might actually start to feel sorry for you."

>Bite me.

"Is that an invitation or...?"

>Just blame me for everything so she'll stop complaining.

"I blame you for everything."



>Can you say it like you mean it?

"Did she know what you were planning to do with the whole Queen Invasion thing?"


"Did she, out of the goodness of her heart and concern for the whole of equinity, try to convince you not to unleash the murderous rapist horde against the entire world?"

>Goodness of her-PFFFFT! HAHAHAAaaa...


>Uh... No?



"50/50 is the best she's getting."

In extra fairness, Sunset didn’t plan on unleashing a bunch of rape queens, she was trying to get to Chitania’s soul and power her up instantly, if Chitty had actually been dead then the whole matter gets resolved as soon as the portal opens.

>I see where it all went wrong...




>Huge misplay on my part.
Ironically Sunset did the same.

"CURSES! Foiled by my continuing to not die! I should've known things would go awry!"
Really any time she COULD have died would've skewed things so hard one way or another.

Sunset would be a bitter half zombie but she'd be a good guy.
(Sweet Note)

>Pretty sure I can accept a nice hefty ten percent of the blame, bump you down to like, forty at best. Keep Glimmer at fifty though.

"How do you figure?"

>Well, if Chitania doesn't come out to help save my bacon at EVO, then she just stops the thing from falling on us, bimbamboom everything goes way less pear shaped.

"That's a massive stretch."

'No no, he's onto something. Imagine if I hadn't stopped Twilight when Blue attacked! And her being locked up when Alt Shining showed up? They could've solved the whole thing way sooner and maybe even fixed everything faster, I'm for sure a solid ten percent right there for that alone. Maybe more, but you know, minutia.'

"That's ridiculous!"

~I'm probably higher than Ten considering my leaving made mom pull all that shit, and that's not even getting into other me. Probably closer to fifteen.~

"Half that isn't even you!"

(And I'm the whole reason she didn't freakin' die! I'm not sayin' I'm big as our gal right here, but I can easily count for five percent, easy!)

>That math looks perfect to me!

'Yep! You're down to Ten percent at fault, Sunset.'

"...you guys are silly as hell, you know that?"


'News to me.'

~I would like a peer review.~

(Suga bean you're just talkin', girl.)

Friendship, again?

>You know... in another life, they could have been heroes. They could have been our friends, too...

"Like the protagonists of [ I Was the Villain Of The Story But Doing Taxes Made Me Join The Heroes ]. It really looks like they do care for each other."

>Yeah, just like the Everpoison Blades in [ Devil Fighter Battler Mane ]. They may want to destroy the world, but their real world... is each other.

"They think they can remake it better, just like the tragic antagonist of [ My Mother Has Destroyed The World 10 Trillion Times By Sneezing ]."

>But they've only gone down a foolish and dark path, like the deuteragonist of [ A Dark and Foolish Path ].

"That was a terrible story, by the way."

>One of the worst, but it had heart.

"Mmm. Just like they do. Just like they do..."

>Well jokes on you, someone's gonna take my blame too!


>Any minute now!


>Annnny minute now...
>SHINING! Get your ass down here and defend me!


>I don't care if you're literally locked in mortal kombat with a GOD! DEFEND ME!


>You are sleeping on the couch, mister!




>No, I don't know which couch that is!





She looks at the crowd.

>...He says it's not my fault and you're all stupid, and he's like, a super being so... litttle bit more authority on the matter, eh? Not my fault, he said. Did nothing wrong, he said-DON'T CORRECT ME!


>None of you heard his side, did you?

The few who cared shook their head.

>...Well fuck all ya'll I'm glimmer.

>Hey! Why don't you think I'm hot?

"Interesting way to start a conversation."

>Answer the question!

"Dash, I... I'm not sure we want to have this conversation. About attraction. It has the potential to ruin things between us, ruin our friendship... or create something terrifyingly beautiful-

>Oh, shut up! I'm talking about how hot my voice is, not how hot I am! Which is 'scorching', by the way.

"Yes, you're as hot as you are humble."

>Can the jokes, and answer my question!

"What's the problem, again?"

>You said my voice was cute!

"Isn't it?"

>NO! Do you even know what cute is? Pinkie Pie's cute! Fluttershy's cute! How do you put me in "cute" with those kinds of examples?

"We're still talking voices, right?"

>What, you don't think they're cute?

"I didn't say that. As wrong as her opinions can be, Fluttershy is a definitely 9 out of 10 on the cuteness-looks scale. Just making sure we're only talking voices going forward."

>Duh! So tell me how you can call my voice cute knowing it's way different from theirs!

"Yeah, no. You've got a point. I guess I just didn't know what word to use."

>Awesome? Radical? Cool?

"Those, uh, don't fit the vibe I was going for..."

>Hot, then. You could have just used hot.

"Yeah, but that'd be an easy lay-up for him to put Spitfire on top."

>You're not wrong, but if she wasn't a factor?

"I'd say your voice is hot."

>The hottest!


>Oh, c'mon!

"There's just a bit of competition for that title, is all."

>Like who?!

"Well, there's Princess Celestia-"

>Nope. Unfair. That's like putting me in a flying competition with babies. Instant disqualification. Bump it down to someone like Rarity.

"She's more sultry than hot, really-"

>They're the same thing!
Trips are truth, Rarity be slutty.

Or whatever you said.

>I'm more WHAT DID YOU SAY!?

"Sultry! Sultry! With the L after the U!"



'...Why did you think-'

>I know my reputation! UNEARNED!
She knows what she is
She should be proud of it.
Embrace it you might say.
Intentional misspelling?

Clearly Twi has a nerdy voice
She’s got that “she’s all that” power
>Does that mean I have a loving voice?

“Your voice is the hottest thing out there, you could sizzle an ice cube on that tongue.”


“… briefly I considered mind wiping everyone in the world to take it back, but I know it will live in my soul.”


>… heee.
She will never recover from it, and it is adorable.
Even now, she’s probably under a bed.


>My companions, I regret to inform you that, regardless of outcome of this battle, I shall be vanishing once the end is reached.

"Aw, shucks."


>Yes, it's troubling, but I cannot avoid it. It is best for-

'Whoa whoa whoa, punchy! What's up with you? This isn't like you! What could possibly-'

~What did you say?~

>I dare not repeat it, for my shame is already too great.

"Called Caddy sexy again, didn't you?"


"I'm betting that's it."

~Oh how I wish I heard it.~

'Are you both... okay with this? She seemed serious.'

"Nah she's just really shy, deep down."

'...she is. Punchy the punchbug, is shy.'

~She gets so flustered in love stuff, it's adorable.~

"More than punching her own brain."

~She did that a lot.~

'...I feel as if I've met her for the first time...'

"What do you think she said?"

~Something about her butt?... Her flanks?... Her face?... Her tongue-~


~That's the one.~

"You dirty dog!"


'...who are you strange punching mare..."
She’ll get over it
or die trying.
… dramatic
That about sums her up..
She’s not dramatic, she’s just got…
Mostly resolved!

>Is she gonna come back?

"Oh sure, it's not hard to make her ignore her deathly terrible embarrassment."


18 cocks back her hoof, and smacks him in the back of the head.



~Eighteen, you can't hit him, you are big and he is weak.~





>...do you have to hit me every time or-

"Well not you specifically, but just mostly."
>How did you know she'd defend me specifically?

"She'd defend anyone."

>...so you didn't have to hit me, specifically.

"No, but if I hit Spitfire she'd come back and actually scold me."



>I'm learning a lot today.
Spitty's her standup buddy, she has to stand up for her.

>Seriously? Stoic, sarcastic, stalwart Punchy has a shy side?


>This isn't a dig, by the way. It's shock. Pure, unfiltered shock.


>I'm just saying. You're usually so unshakable that seeing you break character is a bit refreshing. Dare I say cute, even.


>...Would a hug make you feel a bit better?




>...You have good taste, by the way...

>>...Would a hug make you feel a bit better?
You'd think physical contact would be the thing she'd avoid...


"There there, I'm glad you're willing to hug it ou... are you currently trying to erase this whole event from my mind?"


"Didn't think Harmony would block it, did you?


"Oh. Can we keep hugging and I just pretend you made me forget?"

>I'm in deep enough I might just self destruct.

"I'm gonna take that as a yes. Hugs!"


"Hugs and only hugs!"

~Please stop trying to wipe his brain.~

It's her only hope
At least Harmony has his back
Back of his head included
Poor girl
She has everyone’s back, she’s a buddy
She has to do a brain punch, obviously.


She cocks back her hoof.


It grows tense.

“Don’t dooooo itttttt.”

It readies itself.

“Punchy no-“



Slowly, she lowers her hoof.

“Thank you!”

Two unrolls her newspaper.

~S’wat an Applejack does.”~
Making her proud!
For the APPLES

>Is it really that bad?

"To anyone else? No. To me, it's like hitting your teacher in the face with a boner."

>...and that's... bad?


>I don't get out much...
Read the mind and know horrors



>Thaaaat's what it's called! I feel better.
Did she want one?
I mean... she's got crystals...
Or shame
Angle it juuuust right
Absolutely not.
Intimidate your foes in the worst way.

>...Why does it feel like you're sifting through my thoughts like someone going through a filing cabinet?

"Because I am!"

>Can you stop?

"Of course!"



>...Are you going to-

"Ah! So that's what apple-bottom jeans look like! Applejack wears them well."


"Now, what's a dommy mommy-"

When she finds out his teenage years she will reconsider saving them all
On the positive side, she can’t see Shinings uh….

>What is OnO and why are you screaming
Spike has no shame

>Huh! Chrysalis, I didn't know you were a dommy mommy!


'Eh, in the bedroom I'm actually pretty suuuuuubb....'



'Can he... hear... me?'


'Oh good, I would have to kill you otherwise.'

"Well I can't."

'Good, good...'

>...but doesn't-

Wait till she lets it slip Shining's aim sucked
She was into it!
That makes it better?

Before you answer remember who we are talking about
Doesn't this mean Delight is attracted to Chrysalis?
I don’t think that was up for debate.
Or he just filed her away in DommyMommy because she looks like she’s into femdom and she biiiigggg
Little did he know she gets real tired of that ruling shit in the bedroom, like Sombra

>Sooo... What categorization of attractiveness would my voice fall under?



"Wait, are you actually talking to me?"

>That's how dialogue works, yes.

"I'm just surprised you care about my opinion."

>I wouldn't put it quite as strongly as that. It's more like a... scientific desire to know an average stallion's opinion on an interesting topic of conversation. For science.

~Translation: Egghead wants to know how bangable her voice is.~

>I do not! That's so... so crass and unscientific and-

~So, where does she rank?~

"Uhhh... Nerdy?"




~C'mon, Lil D! Nerdy? That's not the kinda thing she's talking about!~

>Yes, I was hoping for a, well, um-

~Sexy nerdy! Cute nerdy! Hot nerdy! Something like that!~

>It doesn't need to be nerdy adjacent, but...

"Uhhh, well, I..."

~Stop stalling and answer the question!~

"I will! It's just... I need you to say something, first."


"Now, just to be clear, this isn't for me. This is NOT for me. It's for you. I just need to hear you say it because I haven't really thought about your voice in THAT way like, I dunno, Dash or Applejack, for reasons I won't get into right now. So, this is 100% not a me thing and I just want that to-"

~Just tell her what to say!~

"OK! Can you please say... You have nice muscles."

Twilight's eyes go wide and an incredulous scoff escapes her.


"I told you, it's for science! Not me! Science!"

The mare of science looks away for a moment, her cheeks reddening.

>For science...

And she takes a deep breath.

>Y-you... You have n-nice musc-



"What? Is that bad? Too out there?"

~It's pretty unsurprising, actually. Typical, even.~

>That's just it! I was hoping for something a bit more mature.

"I can bump it to 'Pretty-Cute' if you want? Not quite as soft as 'Cute', but not as formal as 'Pretty'."


~Might wanna take it before he has you say some weirder stuff.~

"It was for-"

~Yeah, yeah, yeah.~

>Fine... But since you mentioned her, I was wondering Applejack ranks-

"Hot. Tied with Rainbow Dash."


"You just sound so similar some times!"
~I do not!~

>Say that again a little lower and with a country accent.

~Ah’ do not-oh dear god.~


"I don't know what you're talking about."

~Yes she does, and she always thought it was weird!~


"Harmony why."

~Honesty is right there on the branch come on.~
Keep that up and Friendship is either gonna die or get way more freaky
Oh myyyy
>I thought Applejack kicked that off

~And I thought shut up.~
Either way it’ll be fun.
That is not a joke I’ve heard in sometime.

an old one, but a wise one to be sure.
Telling her to go fuck herself just got literal

>Go fuck yourself!

"Fuck me yourself you coward!"




>I don't see why that's a big deal, I sound exactly like you without the accent and have since the start.

"...no...fucking... way..."
...I mean we can't say that's not true
For all we know Faust sounds like Pinkie Pie

>Hey, why weren't you shocked I sound like Lyra? I figured that would shock you.

"...who the actual fuck."
>Should I have done Octavia?

"Well I actually know her.."

They had a cello-off
I believe that’s called a wrap battle.
Get out
Pinkie Approved Pun

>We had a Cello-off, really stretched it out.

"Ha haaa, Cellophane. Wrap. I get it."

>...I didn't say wrap?

"Hm? Sorry, I can see beyond that, scrub."


Fair enough she sucks at this

>I’m new damn it all I know is punches!

“Have you considered getting gud? No? I’m not surprised.”

>… well you don’t have to be rude.

“You don’t have to suck at this. We all made choices.”
“I’m just trying to live up to expectations and to put on a motherly air.”

>How is that motherly!?

“Your mother.”

>… oh
she’s not wrong.
"...what is her name anyway-"

>Nobody cares!

Just as 13's is Smashtania
No Tania end for the name?

Z teir do better
It’s right there
Some people just don’t get it.
Her mom is clearly Smashtania because Pennydrop
She is prophetic
We never did find out if the rest of her family fit the other crushers
Hard to find out when grandparents aren’t a thing…

>I just realized, you could’ve talked to your grandmother, why miss that chance?

“She’s an asshole.”

>How are you sure?


Fair guess
>Do you maybe think you shouldn't do this in that case?

"Good luck convincing me to not ram into things, it's my best move!"
More like only move

>Look, if I was worried about it, I'd just brainwash them into not being assholes.

"But that's incredibly..."


Who’s ever heard of a changeling brainwashing anyone?
Racism is what it is

>Hello, mr lawyer I have? I would like to sue god for racism.

"YOU MUST GET IN LINE! This place is mine!"

She turns around, and Zecora is right behind her.

>...No yeah put it on hold, someone got screwed over more.
Relegated to IDW

There is no god
Could be worse.

Could be the diamond dogs…

>So you think when this is done, AJ's gonna be incapable of connecting with us anymore, having seen the cosmos on such a scale she no longer recognizes us mere mortals?

"...One thing at a time, Dash."

>I just wanna know if I can have her desk or if she'll still kick me if I try.

"...there's a friendship in here somewhere..."
Friendship LESSON

>And that's why you should know that no matter how things change, friendship is forever!

"...Nah, not convinced."

>That's not how this works!



We ain't got time for doubts
Or god forbid the griffons
>I do not have time for your shit today!

>Harmony? Just brainwash her.

"...I don't... do that?"

>No, of course not, it JUST SO HAPPENS that when we hit Luna with the beam she went from being super evil to nice as could be. No connection there at all. Who could have imagined?

"That wasn't me."

>I know I'm not great at sarcasm but come on.

"I mean it."

>Okay then, why the switch?

"She's depowered in front of six pissed off mares."


"Did you... never consider that?"

>...Why am I the princess of friendship when I suck at understanding some things
She'll get better
Part of being a friend is putting up with that bullshit.
It’s also telling them to stop being an asshole

>See, I'm not a jerk, I'm a good friend.

"Good friends usually don't hit each other-"



She is the authority on this.

>You might be letting the stress get to you.





Harmony looks alllllllll the way down.


"...I'm sorry."
For a moment it was worth it.
She was the one in charge for a time.
It’s just good to vent..
And now we get to learn about forgiveness.

>So how you doing? Doing good? I hope so. Friendship is really all about that you know.

“Hedging your bets in case they get angry and you need side friends?”

>What? Noooooo…


>But just so you know that friendship gives Superpowers, so…
Well duh

>Hey! Why didn’t I get superpowers for being friends with you then!?


He looks at the rainbow colors on her scales.

>Besides that I meant.


>I demand more power for friends!
What is the ratio I wonder, does quality of friends count?

Do you get weaker if your friends are losers?
But are they good friend losers

It’s the thought that counts

>I really should've been studying the quantitative effects on good friends, "Good" friends, and friends who mean well as they relate to magic laser beams.

"A failure of science to be sure."
So unlike her
She’s under a lot of stress
I wonder if there’s a privacy area.
Where she can’t reach? Probably outside the bubble.
Worth it.

>Can I turn this on privacy mode? I’m not liking you in my brain.

“Sure! Just step out of range.”

She looks out into the world in turmoil


“Stop considering it I was joking.”

>Its either this or they see my browser history
Just let the world die
>What could you possibly look up?

“That you’re asking that and not calling the cops is proof I’m making the right choice”
>… what’s a hag?

Could be worse. Could'a been a lolipop

>Hey... how you doin'.

"The fuck does that mean"
I mean, she is kind of old.
Oh the misery
But she isn’t really any more an enemy.
Wait till she goes for velvet

>Ya' know, while we're lookin' through space and time, ya'll ever wondered what happened to Starswirl?


>Starswirl the bearded.

"I don't know who that is."

>...yer' wife is obsessed with-


>Ex wife, then!

"Don't know who you mean!"

>...maybe she shacked up with him-

Possible, that world is all kinda fucked
Now that’s just petty

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