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This is the general thread for the alternative fan sites of the My Little Pony fandom. Discussion, development suggestions, and criticisms are all welcome here.

Post-nuke edition.

>Why alternate boorus?
Changes to Derpibooru have made the site a less than ideal location for pony fan art. So, several new boorus arose to provide alternatives. Many of the altbooru owners post in thread and listen to questions and comments from anons. Note that this is NOT the Derpibooru drama general. Please keep posts about Derpibooru in the thread on mlpg.co.

>Why alternate text sites?
>Why alternate text, fanfiction, and fanfiction archival sites?
Pastebin.com has deleted, and continues to delete, greentexts on the site. FimFiction does not allow stories in the greentext format. FimFetch has been purging foalcon and other material deemed to be "unacceptable" as late as Jan 22 of 2024,. As such, a new home is needed.

Overview: altboorus.org
>General purpose boorus
twibooru.org by Twifag [!twifag.HOY] and Not Twifag/Floorb [!!H3PJaMJmY66]
ponybooru.org by ZizzyDizzyMC [!DizzyMC4pc]
ponerpics.org by Lotus [!!WYvH32WjaoR]
rainbooru.org by Raindev [!RaInbOWink] (dev MIA)

>Specialized boorus:
booru.foalcon.com by Pathos [!!arjIjTdCTdq] - Underage
lyrabooru.org - Hot glue

>Greentext, fanfiction and fanfiction archival sites
ponepaste.org managed by Not Twifag/Floorb
IAS (derpy.me/1yd6A) (Text search)
foalfetch.net managed by Floorb

>Video sites

>File sharing
smutty.horse (frozen until further notice)

>Latest Developments:
- Ponybooru has been up and down a lot due to server issues.
- FoalFetch is being worked on, but slowly. Downloads for stories were added.
- Floorb is working on a project to archive pony from Twitter, DeviantArt and maybe other sites, and looking for volunteers to help.
- Ongoing comment and image spam on the various altboorus.
- A security/privacy issue on Ponepaste, which allowed for anyone to view one's private paste titles, their authors, and tags (but not its actual content) was patched.
- The fanfiction archival site FimFetch escalates its ongoing purge of content deemed by them as "unacceptable" (mainly foalcon) by hosting a list of accounts from all around the fandom (FimFiction, Discord, AO3, Derpibooru, ect.) they "found" to be associated with said material. In response, Floorb has created foalfetch.net. For keeping up with the ongoing drama, see https://ponepaste.org/9926
- TPA/Ponybooru server restoration completed after going to shit. Hobune instance also updated.
- Ponerpics image back-forward buttons broken (again)
- Foalbooru brief hostile takeover/server issues? Resolved?
- Floorb finally bulk-imported missing images onto Twibooru, image processing queue bloated due to such.
- Total Spammer Death solution in place on Twibooru.

Last thread >>41319267 (nuked)
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Permanence of pony worries me again. Do we have other archives of /mlp/ than desuarchive?
Not that i know of, but it appears Cuckflare caching has saved the previous thread after all (just after a long ass delay)
rip my nigga Moe
I don't know of any other.
desuarchive started as a /mlp/ only archive then it slowly added a fuckton of other boards.
We should create another mlp only archive.
If you want to do something useful you can contact desu devs and make them finally upload new db dump. Last one was made 5 years ago I think.
Twibooru is having some issues again today, once again seems to be the hosting company running our Web frontend is having a ton of packet loss and routing issues.
Tags were broken on Twibooru earlier today.
Yep, blame me - I was working on something to mitigate some of the spam, and it had an unintended side effect. Should be fixed now.
> >10
How the fuck did that happen?
>use twibooru
>autistic fucking retard shit like slapping a png of apple bloom next to a png of a dog from some 90s clipart thing over top some 90s mac "game" gets positive votes and favs
>anything else that isn't the most vanilla bullshit possible gets downvoted by all two active voters on the site
Precautionary bump.
We don't police votes on the site at all so people can up/downvote whatever they want however they want. Also, when I'm on a computer that can access Twibooru, I should run some stats to see how many active voters there really are.
a bump
How can I edit one of my old ponepastes that was imported from pastebin? I reread one of my old works and saw several spelling and continuity mistakes I want to correct.
>wah wah how dare people downvote my desaturated prideflagged barbie scat porn!!!
If I made a Youtube channel in combination with a hybridized forum+imageboard and partnered with Derpibooru+Equestria Daily then would that be enough to popularize my website? It's primarily meant to be a quality review website and possibly a base of operations for the fandom like how Equestria Daily could have been, but Seth refused to take that responbility.
No chance in hell even if I let people discuss any kind of cartoon and video game, not just horses?
Ping the admin. That's the only possibility I can think of.
>partnered with Derpibooru+Equestria Daily
Jesus, I can't think of a worse way to sell your soul.
>smutty.horse (frozen until further notice)
god fucking dammit I need to upload a file but catbox is down and now this shit is down too
Thread on slow burn again.
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>recommend someone use manebooru as a joke
>he actually does
Oh God.What a poor lad.
Page 10 again.
i don't know
can you repeat the question
you're not the boss of me now
and you're not so big
back up with you
I'd complain, but this thread being dead usually means that none of the fan sites have anything seriously wrong with them.
Yeah. A bump in this thread is actually good news if you look at it like that.
Good news, everyone.
It also means no progress, tho
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To Hell with your "progress".
It's worth it if it avoids regress.
I only upload to Derpibooru because that's the only way to guarantee every other booru also gets it. Has any progress in this respect been made? Also, please source tags from the other boorus after some waiting period. I already tag in three of them, but I'm not going to tag in two more.
Ponerpics imports from Ponybooru and Twi imports from Ponerpics. Ponybooru does no imports automatically so even derpi uploads don't guarantee anything, you clout-hungry number-chasing goblin.
I just upload to twitter and leave the task of porting and tagging to you boorubitches.
...Are you retarded? Use dedicated gallery sites like deviantArt, Pixiv, etc.
>I only support derpibooru and their decisions because I'm a lazy asshole
There's nothing wrong with an artists who want to share their art with as many people as possible.
Is there a userscript that allows simultaneous uploading on multiple boorus?
Using derpibooru is implicitly supporting them
If you don't agree with the things they've done it's hypocritical
Using four chins is implicitly supporting g00km00t. If you don't agree with the things he's done it's hypocritical. :^)
Poniponiing is implicitly supporting Hasbruh. If you don't agree with the things they've done it's hypocritical. ^:)
Buying stuff is explicitly supporting your state. If you don't agree with the things government has done it's hypocritical. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
>Poniponiing is implicitly supporting Hasbruh.
Lol. Roflmao, even. Been on this ride for more than eleven years now and Hasbro hasn't seen a cent from me.
Page 9 bump.
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Why does poner import all SVGs as PNGs?
From previous thread, >>41353717
>What was spammed there? [context: Floorb informs that he's working with dealing with spam on Twibooru]
Essentially, there's this song that has become infamous on Reddit, called "Cbat". Someone began posting images tagged "cbat" (or similar) on all the boorus, though it probably began with Twibooru or maybe even Derpi.
These images range in content, from reactions to the original post which made the song famous, to random unrelated pony images, to even, for example, a picture of dirty IRL underwear. Vandalism of tags and spam in the comments was/is also prevalent.
Though most boorus have already cracked down on it, the same cannot be said for Rainbooru (how does it even exist?). Simply look at its homepage:
Pretty much *every* post is part of the cbat-spam.
Oh, and a ghost reply was left under the last thread by Cbat, simply reading, you guessed it: "Cbat".
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Ponybooru, too. Come on, guys, even Mane gets this shit right.
Good Lord, did you have to pick this image of all things?
Plus one.
Transbooru? Even Derpibooru doesn't do this shit.
Derpibooru wouldn't do it during April 1st. They would do it on June 1st.
I'm surprised they haven't done so already.
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>make a reasonable request of a b&thro """artist""" posting his YCHslop without even tagging it as no hooves
>get told to kill myself by derpi mods
I almost don't want to evade this ban, it's just too perfect.
If you're still using niggerbooru for whatever reason in anno domini 2000 +24, you might as well just do the evade to piss them off further.
I only ever go on there to load big images/videos (so I don't burden altboorus) and to complain about them not tagging things right.
And that seems to be enough to get yeetus deletus'd. The purity spiral is real.
The whole badly tagged thing is endemic in boorus. At least pony ones don't have a tagme tag.
That's the problem when uploaders are lazy. Many don't care and leave a half hearted mess behind.
>Maybe AI tagging will be a solution at some point in the semi-near future.
It could help, but it's still somewhat inaccurate. I've heard nice things about a Chinese 7b model, might be worth a shot if it's true. At the very least these things could help to give you some initial tags or help describe the image better now. Relying solely on them sounds dangerous though.
Autism-fueled taggers are still better overall, despite some of them having some quirks that bother me sometimes.
Altboorus need the (number of non-OC pony-only content) / (total number of content) function inbuilt.
Tagging would be a lot better if troonbooru forced all uploads to have an artist tag, and for the cretins who currently upload without one, added it automatically if they have an artist link.
However that requires troons to stop jerking each other off and actually write some code (plus an announcement to the point of "Derpibooru is a booru, not a personal gallery. Anyone can create new tags, and adding your artist tag is mandatory"), and that is an impossible task.
I don't know of any booru that does that. Seems annoying if anything, given that not every image necessary has to have an artist. If anything they should increase the minimum amount of tags that an image needs to have, since three is rather low.
>any booru
Ponerpics: no staff
Twibooru: no uploaders
Ponybooru: no staff and no uploaders
Manebooru: ???
>given that not every image necessary has to have an artist
You're treating it too literally. "screencap" and "X needed" are valid "artist" tags.
>increasing minimum amount of tags
No, that will only make tagging worse, because the uploaders will still not tag, but fewer tagtards will notice the image if its tags are not visibly lacking.
How come no one here ever talks about using non-pony exclusive archives to store all the mlp stuff ?
Isnt there a benefit in using an archive that could have multiple fandoms interested in keeping it alive ?
>non-pony exclusive archives
because the large majority of those archives either despise pony due to shit from over a decade ago, want to invade and skinwalker pony, or both
Generic archives have a bad habit of dying:
You realize those are supposed to be QUOTES from yourself, right? They just told you to do exactly what you told THEM to do. Not sure what you expected. I guess you can dish it but not take it, like every fucking one else here.
hi derpifaggot
pls go back to your shithole thnx
Yet again:
Reminder that this is not the derpi drama thread. This is a thread about the development of alt-boorus. For derpi drama, post there: https://mlpg.co/ot/res/1142.html , not here.
>giving it a (You)
Nonny, pls...
Yes, I'm sure it'd have been much better to just have another dozen bumps.
Damn, this thread is still up?
speaking of mlpg, does anyone have an up-to-date list of active pony imageboards? they don't need to be dedicated pony sites, /pone/ would qualify.
Define "active"
This one's outdated by over a year at this point, but it may do. https://ponepaste.org/8236
You gotta be careful though. The Derpi defense brigade loves to stir up shit whenever the site is mentioned to derail the thread. This shit has an obvious pattern.
Next time, eat a salad
Up from 10.
What's the tag for Equestria Girls with IRL skin tone (not multicolor) and normal anatomy?
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You mean humanized?
Yes, but for human characters (Wallflower Blush, etc)
Can you please just go watch fucking anime? Why are you even here? What does this even remotely have to do with ponies you offboarder?
Why so triggered? So many images on alt-boorus are missing even basic tags like "anthro", "eqg", "humanized", "3d", etc. Not even for a first few hours, it misses the tags for months. When fixing that mess, one should fix it correctly. I won't leave them untagged just because you're triggered.
when I come across untagged b&thro, I downvote and add the tag.
tag it "not pony related"
Why "humanized" implies "human"? I thought "human" tag was only for those who were originally human (like Anon).
species tags apply for the current character form, not original
Same thing. You don't have to tag EqG-specific characters by their series, otherwise every single Sunset Shimmer pic would have that tag, even if ponified
Just put humanized.
Up again.
You can't type the "><" tag in fancy editor while uploading or editing tags on twibooru, pressing '<' key while holding shift completes the tag like comma or enter does leaving only ">".
I don't understand, why do these imported images have artist signatures, but the originals don't?


Night bump.
And good morning.
What drives popularity towards a certain website?
I know imageboorus will always be popular because people are looking for art to download or porn to jack off to, but what about forums or social media websites? was facehoof actually popular?
MyLittleBrony meme site was popular among normies
Last slot bump.
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What can be done about derpi's rampant tag pollution?
Not much, I'm afraid. They're clinically retarded.
He's talking about fixing tags on the alts you mongoloid.

And the answer is still nothing since the only people using alts for anything more than quick goon seshs are pedos, and theyre not caring about tags on non loli pics.
I fix tags while gooning, get on my level.
You have to be at least 18 in order to post in this site.
Has probably every board
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If rules can be determined for when to adjust the tags, PonerPics importer can automatically adjust tags.
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Experiencing difficulties with loading PonePaste.
>site loads insanely slow
>most of the time it gets a connection time out
>only thing barely loadable is the homepage

Anyone else experiencing this? It was just fine a couple hours ago for me.
pretty snappy for me. been getting some issues with Twibooru loading at 3kbps though.
>Twibooru loading at 3kbps
Been having the same issue.
Twibooru has been moving at a glacial pace for a while now.
It gets DDoSed fairly regularly.
Been meaning to rectify this but I have no time nor energy. Soon.
Seems like someone is trying hard to sink the site at the moment.
nah, but I won't explain why
I have applied a temporary measure to hopefully improve Twibooru's speed. Hopefully it's a bit more responsive and fast now.
Thanks for the heads up.
Page 9 bump.
Plus one.
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>floorb still hasn't responded to my message
On what platform?
Twibooru. Should I have hit up your dicksword?
If you're the one reporting site bugs, I've been reading them, just figured I wouldn't respond until I actually did something about it
A simple acknowledgement would be nice. How much time could fixing a few typos take, anyway?
To be fair, I did respond a year ago; also I figured you'd be more worried about the image processing bugs. Something strange is going on in that regard and I've been looking into it when I have time.
>a year ago
Afraid you've mixed me up with someone else, I only registered on Twi last month.
>mixed me up with someone else
Yep, likely with me.
>I figured you'd be more worried about the image processing bugs
I'm just reporting broken stuff as I find it. Like here >>41397809 >>41398064
>I've been looking into it when I have time.
As long as you remember about it that's fine, there's nothing urgent about it.
>anthro scolipedes with a paint job are still up on twibooru
Bets on cockless ignoring reports again?
Nobody's asking you to, autist. It's an observation.
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https://twibooru.org/3331874 (source: https://derpibooru.org/images/3439790 )
>not mlp related, deleted
>pokemon scolipede with applejack's hat: reports closed, images still up
What kind of site are corp and floorb running here? We've got admittedly shitty reaction images with ponies being deleted for "not being pony" while pokemon solo images are kept up. Straight up derpibooru behavior. Can you get people who actually know what booru rules are and don't just power trip like they just graduated the high school they got bullied at to moderate the place?
>obligatory pony spliced from other images, deleted
>pokemon-ified applejack, kept
You should probably lodge the complaint directly with the one who mandates that any original image with a recognizable canon pony, regardless of actual shape, is kept, instead of complaining about the rules being enforced.
>bbw pokemon with a paint job is "recognizably canon pony"
No better than derpi allowing anthro cow pictures because somewhere out there exists a pony version of that character.
Did you come here just to complain instead of actually trying to enact change?
Oh sure let me just hack into twibooru to delete some posts that the current moderation of the booru decided was actually acceptable, pony content. Fucking retard. How about you go power trip some more on content ponerpics and ponybooru accept, cockless?
Have you tried less retarded means, like DMing the one who made said rule?
Have you considered doing your job instead of damage controlling, cockless? You'll happily delete hundreds of images that don't violate any rules and you'll happily throw any excuse and accusation against the complainant, but applying the actual rules instead of your own personal feelings is just too much to ask of you apparently.
You're under the grace of the site owners not actually caring what happens there.
Cool, i'll DM him for you since you don't have an account.
All you had to say was that you refuse to make an account, Anon.
Oh hey, this drama again.
>wah wah how dare people delete my obligatory pony mspaint memes!!!
Unfortunately for you, that ISN'T scolipede colors and it IS Applejack colors and hat, making it related enough.
Also unfortunately for you, you're not the arbiter of what the rules are, and in your frothing tardrage you actively refuse to try and persuade the two people who ARE.
Boxless' problem is [deleting pics that shouldn't be deleted]. [Keeping pics that should be deleted] was never a problem with him/her.
It is better to host a thousand diaper inflation cubuse pics than to allow a single pony to be deleted from what alleges to be a pony archive.
You're living proof that it is pointless to try and placate furfags - it is not and never was about having their own space. You have manebooru, you have furbooru, you have furchive and romesilvanus.io, you have ponerpics, yet you keep trying and trying and trying to invade and destroy everything else.
Letting retards wander in and smear shit on the walls will not help you run your museum.
Since when are boorus curated collections? If you want to purge anything that doesn't fit in your puritan parameters, you've no business telling people how to run their sites.
>If you want to purge anything that doesn't fit in your puritan parameters, you've no business telling people how to run their sites.
The irony is lost on you.
>not letting book burners run a library is just as bad as book burning
You're a special kind of stupid.
some fuckery is going around with 4chan
it redirects between 4channel and 4chan randomly
Hm, you're right. Happening to me now too. Strange that.
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Sweet, good to know. I'm going to recolor random shit to pony colors and flood twibooru with them. Humanized OCs are a no-no, but clearly obese pokemon are a-ok. Yeah, let me just put applejack's hat on pic related. That means it's pony and belongs on the pony archive! Rainbow Dash reacting to something? Nah, doesn't belong.
Let's look at another thing cockless chose to delete instead of the pokemon:
>humanized official character
>nope not pony related
What's the conclusion here? Cockless just really hates any human depiction that isn't EQG but really really likes BBW pokemon? What a strange hill to die on.
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Yo guys, check out my sweet new twibooru-approved pony art!
>if Flim and Flam won
So... Are you saying that there should be more deletions, or less? Your post is so unhinged that both interpretations are possible.
Yes, but oftentimes they don't have the images preserved.
More: Deleting things that are not pony at all. No, painting scolipede with applejack's colors doesn't make it pony any more than posting an anthro cow makes that cow a pony because there's another version of the character that is a pony, which is what derpibooru allows.
Less: Deleting humanized versions of show and oc characters just because cockless has a personal vendetta against them. Humanized is accepted even on the current year rendition of this board.
If you don't like what Twibooru's doing, don't use it. Make your own site and you can keep and delete whatever you want. There's like 7 other sites with backups of the same images, 3 of which are popular pony boorus you can use instead.
>disingenious retard continues waah waahing
>disingenious retard continues missing the irony
Despite your claims, all alt-boorus delete non-pony-related content.
But anon, having a site that follows those rules isn't the goal. It doesn't tickle the pickle.
Throwing tardrages and trying to force others to obey his whim does, so that's what he's doing instead, and what he'll keep doing.

Just look at his example in >41411999 - you won't recognize the characters listed, but that's not what matters. He chose that example very specifically because he feels kinship with its artist.
Anon, please.
This furfag nonsense of false kinship because it kinda sorta used to be intended to be a pony character is one thing I agree should be deleted, even though the Mr. Tardrage fails to see the irony in it.
...Are you hallucinating?
Sloppy redirect code to handle the 4channel deprecation thing. Dev probably added something and missed some edge cases.
>cockless damage controlling yet again
Literally nobody likes you or your shit moderation style. Crying "pedo" or "tranny" at everyone that criticizes you is all you can do. The fact that twifag doesn't so much as look at his own fucking website and floorb can't be bothered to so much as pay the bills on time is the only reason you're even "employed".

Twibooru clearly doesn't.
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>everybody i don't like is mod that i don't like
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>booru moderation gets criticized
>pathetic damage control leads up to the site going down
>posting an anthro cow
That's an edge case. The show includes minotaurs.
Temporary infrastructure setup has failed me, looking into it...
>The show includes minotaurs.
The show includes actual talking cows before the cow-men. S1E4 Applebuck Season.
In fact the only hooved animal that isn't shown to be at least pony-equal intelligence (if not speaking pony language outright) are pigs, which is fucking hilarious in retrospect.
The threshold for OCs to be fucking purged is just somewhat lower than canon characters.
...as shown by all the furries drawing their own special snowflakes in the usual furnigger pattern, instead of anthro-ifying one of the existing cows from the show, barring one example of Daisy Jo (brown spots, white base) from six months ago, seen here https://twibooru.org/3191066.
Donkeys are sapient
Mules are sapient
Buffalo are sapient
Yaks are sapient
Reindeer are gods
Deer are dumb animals
Elk are cryptids
Giraffes look like ponies, but are animals
Sheep are treated like animals, but are fully sapient
Crystal sheep are animals
Goats are maybe-animals? They were Iron Will's subordinates, which implies sapience, but they chewed on everything and couldn't talk, so I dunno.
oh right i forgot about the giraffes and sheep
Goats probably just don't speak pony and are assholes, they had the headsets and all.
There's also Grogar's species (sheep? some species under the goat genus?).
>Giraffes look like ponies, but are animals
>Sheep are treated like animals, but are fully sapient
So they don't want to build civilization, but instead of being rabid, entitled parasites they're grateful for the ponies' support of their way of life?

Don't forget that Fluttershy can talk to animals and they're capable of enough cognition to submit to a violent chiropractic session from prey species, so the line for "sapience" is extremely blurred.
It's the exact same kind of "edge case" as
Both claim to be anthro diamond dogs, but only one has the actual diamond dog features - the other is the special snowflake in the usual furnigger pattern.
There's a problem: IDW Season 10 flavor of Diamond Dogs are basically anthro dogs.
IDW should be banned on its own merits.
>considered the basis for anything and not an edge case exception at best
lol, lmao even
See >>41414153.
They might have the label of official content, but in practice they're not, for the exact same reasons as the "diamond dog" furnigger above. So if you make an "IDW diamond dog" OC you have made the special snowflake in the usual furnigger pattern and should be treated as such.
Why the fuck is this on Twi?
>b-but it's showing part of an anthro pony's body!
Fuck off, this is just furshit.
>why is [x] on Twi?
Because it hasn't been reported.
>>why is [x] on Twi?
>Because it hasn't been reported.
Because even foot fetishists hide that "artist". The target audience for filthy, smelly, wrinkly human feet is vanishingly small.
Is it still on twibooru?
Looks like it got yeeted to me
>posted 12 minutes ago
>twilight sparkle flag
>Twifag deleted it 12 minutes ago on the site
Why are you gay?
Any news on foalfetch ?
Gay for Twilight Sparkle
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Is the fetch feature broken on Twi? I've tried uploading three different pics using it--one from Ponybooru, two from Twitter--and they're still stuck processing:
There's an ongoing issue with image processing that I need to look into but I'm so tired all the time. Something is also broken with my local development environment, not to mention that my Linux laptop is shitting itself.
The issue is very strange; for some reason when generating WebP thumbnails for images, the code runs the processing tool for the original format (eg: optipng, jpegtran) on that thumbnail, and then the whole processing pipeline fails because that step failed.
>using WebPee
Found your problem.
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Is there any way I can tag lot's of images as "deleted from derpibooru" at once on Twibooru?
IIRC there's a userscript for mass tag editing, check twibooru forums.
uhm, are there more things when I register or is this everything that's supposed to be there?
Also, should the forum post search work? I only ever used Twibooru for deleted content
You lazy ass.
And yes, twibooru forums are locked, and that's intended.
I'm not lazy, just incredibly blind
Late night bump.
And for good reason.
I missed this, sorry... I have a lot of plans, but the most recent update is still making downloads work. Next plan will be more real-time scraping. I will need to think a bit about the implementation though, since there's so many stories and I need to not only check for new stories, but updates to old stories.
Page 10 bump.
My fav album from FF. Digimortal was also great.
Last slot.
>Season 10
That never existed at all. It's a faux label used by a group of out of touch comic writers.
Well, duh. "IDW" prefix already implies that
>Next plan will be more real-time scraping.
Yup, this is critical
>The moment you realize IDW stands for Intellectually Deficient Writers
last on board bump
petition to rename thread to Bump General
How about the Fan Site Alternative Bump Camp?
Almost there again bump
Again on 10.
Damn it.
to p1
Forum search have been broken for ages. He should remove the link at this point.
Did rainbooru really shut down?
It's a one-line fix I just don't have a computer to do it on right now.
Wouldn't surprise me, considering the admin has gone awol a long time ago.
It's down, but it's likely temporary. Accoring to WebArchive, it's been up recently.
The site has fewer users than the owner has interest in maintaining it, so that's not surprising. He also became a gay furry. t. knower
Kindly fuck off.
The site is run well but the mods there are bungholios. They ban you for the slightest thing permanently.
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It's literally what happened, you fucking crybaby.
About time. It was the lowest quality alt booru. It served it's purpose before we got better boorus like Twi and Poner. But really good riddance. The owner was an insufferable ass.
>I can't get to my computer.
>I mean, I can't get to the right kind of computer.
We live in an interesting world.
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I can sort of get where he's coming from. I couldn't get any creative writing done while my mechanical keyboard was being fixed, maybe it's the same with webdev.
I've never tried to write any programs from my phone. I expect it's a hassle.
I sense a pattern.
You do?
Sounds like a conspiracy theory, but dubs mean it must be true.
When are we making dashiebooru? I want a site about best pony plap plap plap dashie unf unf~
Rainbooru already exists. (Well, it's down right now)
Again already?
Dashiebooru > Rainbooru
Up again.
So any update on Rainbooru?
Not yet.
my face slowly drooped as i realized 11 years ago... wasnt even the start of g4. we're all old now.
I know. It's scary, isn't it?
Does Anypony have a copy of The Void
Summary: The story involves Princess Luna recounting her eerie experiences during her banishment on the moon to her sister, Celestia. Luna describes how she discovered mysterious hoofprints that seemed to circle the entire moon, giving her the unsettling feeling that she wasn’t alone. The story delves into Luna’s feelings of isolation, fear, and the haunting presence she sensed while on the moon
does it even matter
no one used it
Probably because the guy who runs it has disappeared without a notice.
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Kind of a wasted effort to make a booru for something this specific.
bumpbooru.org when
>what is lyrabooru
I'm still trying to figure that out.
Last slot bump.
Is there a point?
To find out what users want?
How do you think a pony would design a website?
with two buttons!
I used to upload my art on deviantart but I left that site a while ago. Any good non-booru alternative?
What made you leave?
I don't remember the exact reason but I want to see if there are other sites similar to it before I decide to possibly make a new da account
Sadly there are no brony gallery sites. Your choice is either use otaku site (pixiv: requires censorship of private parts), or a furfag site (furaffinity: no foalcon allowed and is dying and SJW, inkbunny: no humans allowed, weasyl: furaffinity replacement with similar rules, furrynetwork: furaffinity replacement with similar rules).
You can still use brony twitter (pone.social) to repost art from your gallery as a preview/feed.
I'll check out pone.social. Seems like an alright alternative
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Sent my application. Hopefully I get accepted
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From 10.
Looks like ponepaste is down. Please help us, Floorb.
Seconding. Site down.
It's back up for me. Try refreshing?

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