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Though I May Die A Thousand Times And Then A Thousand More, The Eternal Quest For Monkey Dick I Never Shall Deplore Edition

>What is Flutterrape?
Flutterrape is a collection of stories about ponies trying and failing to have sex with Anon, the only human in Equestria. While the title implies that it is Fluttershy trying to rape Anon, others may follow in her stead and attempt their own versions of rape. There are different versions of Flutterrape, but most are light-hearted comedies about the ponies failing in their attempts to get into Anon’s pants. Just because your story has Anon in it, doesn't mean it fits in this thread. Check other threads (AiE, RGRE etc) about story content before posting.

>It's been 12 years, how is this thread still alive?
A perverse mixture of necromancy and spite.

>How do I start writing?
Use your imagination, you nitwit. Additionally, brush up on your grammar and abandon your standards.

Writing Guides:
Clever Dick's Tips For Short Stories -- https://ponepaste.org/1274
Driverbang's Writing Guide -- https://ponepaste.org/1275
Navarone's Writing Rules -- https://ponepaste.org/1276

For additional information, lurk. You could also check out the T:EM/P/O or /bale/ threads for further writing advice, unless they're dead.
So many threads have died, but only Flutterrape has remained. We shall always remain. We are bound to the fate of the board as a lich is bound to its phylactery.


Masterlist: https://ponepaste.org/user/FlutterrapeGeneral
Author List: https://ponepaste.org/1270
FIMfiction Group: http://www.fimfiction.net/group/211640/flutterrape
Request Bin: https://ponepaste.org/1268

Thread Archive: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/search/text/Flutterrape/

Old thread: >>41308835
Is rape your fetish?
That’ll be a pretty sharp no
Anybody else getting captcha errors?
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Yeeeah, work that grill baby
Yes actually I've been getting them ever since the nuke happened. I call it error fallout. Like radiation fallout but they're errors that fuck up the damn site, and I blame the nuke.
Well. I'm now exceedingly glad I still have the entirety of the Aphrodite green written up in my computer. I definitely have a moral imperative to get that up on ponepaste when it's done methinks, as if I didn't already. Big Sadge.

More posts later today if I have time. Anon's in deep shit, and he needs to swim.
Yeah I was curious if it was just me getting them
That’s good to hear
Great news
zombie shy would make a great green! heck imagine if anon is into ponies but doesn't like her because of the decaying flesh and stuff!
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>"See Anon? This is what happens when you don't go to my concerts..."
>"I had every single thread on that website you use deleted."
>"If you don't want it to happen again, I better see your pretty little face in the crowd next weekend."
Bitch you killed my Eris thread, I’m lucky to get one or two a year and you fucked it
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>"You should forget about Eris and show me your 'noodle' instead."
I'm calling you out you female diamond dog, try it again. Do it. I bet you don't have the haunches.
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>"Did I give you permission to talk to other mares, veggieboy?"
Fuck you...
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>"Is that a threat or an offer?"
You shouldn't be touching another woman's rub. Didn't your mother teach you any manners?
How could you know that without ever giving it a try?
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You're too orange! Cut it out!
Vegetanon is such a bitch now. At least Gokunymous would fight back
He's been worn down the the appul, poor guy
>An apply pony wears him down before Freezanon and Gokunymous.
He must be from a timeline of fuckboys. He’s not my Vegetanon. He’s nothing but a pants shitting Simpanzee!
shit, you're right
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based on

>"I don’t trust you humie. Always walking around on two legs thinking you’re better than everypony else. Wearing clothes, no Cutie Mark, no magic. You’re a bad crime waiting to happen. Hey! Don’t you walk away from me!"
Nah, I can’t humor you today, Copper. It’s been a long day of apple bucking, I’m tired, and my favorite show is about to come on. So if you don’t mind…
>You walk past her. She spins around behind you.
>”I told you to stop!”
Why? You'll just follow me anyway.
>”That's cause I know you're gonna do something."
Based on what?
>"I just look at you and know it," she says.
>She canters after you in the street until she's at your heel.
>"I can feel it squirming in my gut right now. And when you do slip up, I'm gonna catch you and lock you up in the jailhouse.”
>The corners of her mouth curl and point up towards the badge on her cap.
>”Right where I can always see you.”
>Copper Top has been keeping tabs on you ever since you moved here.
>Half the time you see her she's peering over the top of her shades to squint up at you, and making her neck sore.
>She's the only cop in town, the only cop you've ever seen in all of Equestria actually.
>But there's no crime here--it's just you.
I haven't done anything.
>"Yet!" she says in a sharp voice, like she's blowing her whistle. "But you will.”
>It’s pointless arguing with her but you don’t like being treated suspiciously, even if it’s being done by a cute pony.
>Said cute pony is at your side right now, and jabbing your thigh with her hoof.
>“I've been watching you, pal, and you're a bad crime waiting to happen."
Stop flirting with me.
>"I'm not."
Your face is red.
>"You aren't even looking…" She stops jabbing you and her arm folds against her chest.
I know it’s red. You’re flushed.
>"Well maybe it's cause I've been following you for blocks!"
>She trots ahead of you and blocks the way, huffing and puffing and spearing your groin with the tip of her muzzle whenever you try stepping around her.
>"Look, I'm being nice to you," she says, rubbing her sore neck, "but if you don't stop and talk to me right now, then I'm going to go get my partner--and we both know that she’s the real hard case."
>She doesn't have a partner.
>Her "partner" is just her with a loosened tie, her mane undone, her police hat worn backwards and a cherry lollipop stuck in her mouth.
>She calls her--
>"Topper Cop, do you copy?" Copper says into her walkie talkie as she jams a lollipop into her mouth.
>She keeps them under her hat.
>"Oh, you're really gonna get it when she responds," Copper Top says with a smile, and no idea that you know she’s a terrible actress.
>She trots away into an alley, all while talking to her partner on the radio.
>A deep, fake voice that she uses to sound tough distinguishes Copper Top from her rougher other half: Topper Cop.
>”What did you say, Copper? That humie is acting suspicious again?” you hear Copper say to herself from behind the dumpster where she is hiding and watching you.
>“Oh, man, when we take him into custody, we are so going to make him squirm!”
>When you arrive home you see that she hasn’t moved her police wagon off of your lawn yet.
>About an hour later, you watch from the window as she pushes it back up the hill that your property sits on.
>With a pink box of donuts from Sugar Cube Corner balanced on her back, and a partially-eaten chocolate one held in her teeth, she bumps the wagon door open with her rump and shuffles backwards until she’s inside.
>She continues her twenty-four-hour stake out of your house, watching your every move with a pair of binoculars from behind her wagon window.
>Occasionally, if you’re sleeping, or just acting less suspiciously than usual, or if she’s feeling lonely–she will use the walkie to chat with Topper Cop.
>The radio by your bed picks up their signal, so you can hear everything they’re saying.
>”I think Pinkie thinks I’m fat,” Copper says.
>”Well, you do go there about three times a day,” Topper responds.
>”That’s only three meals a day, that’s normal!”
>”Is it really though?” Topper responds. “I have a theory about this, actually. I think the food pyramid is a scam made up by Celestia to get us all to fill up on bread.”
>”But why?”
>”So she can have all the cake for herself.”
>Copper gasps. ”It is a conspiracy! I knew it!”
>”Have you told Anon you like him yet?”
>”Oh my Celestia, shut up! He could have heard you say that.”
>”Falling for the bad guy…” Topper scoffs. “And they say I’m supposed to be the bad cop.”
>”Whatever. It won’t matter once he’s locked up.”
>”Yeah, sure,” Topper responds.
>”Now if only he would do something bad…”
>Her stomach grumbles with indigestion. “All of this anticipation is starting to give me stomach problems.”
>She eats another donut.
>Throughout the evening, frosting stains and crumbs will stick all around her lips, and she won’t think to wipe them off until it’s too late.
>Not until after she’s already started stepping out of the wagon, to follow you again.
>”Anon might like a bigger mare, you know,” Topper says.
>”Who brought that up?”
>“I’m just saying that you shouldn’t be worried about it so much.”
>”So you do think I’m fat!” Copper responds, spewing crumbs all over the walkie talkie speaker.
>They start to argue and you slowly fall into a deep sleep, while listening to your favorite show.
don't know why that thread died right as I was posting muh green
qt copper
Finish it anon, it is a good green
Mods fucked us and multiple boards got wiped last night
[x] Cutie
[x] Patootie
[x] In the line of dooty
Made me smile, nice work, Nonners.
dressing as superman and hiding in the closet isnt anons fetish, but it is somebodys...
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I almost feel bad for the lonely little mare.
Incredible work NAWA and checked
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You contributions to any thread are always greatly appreciated. <3
I'd fuck Mrs. Shy
Nice green anon
i love you celly anon
Nice work
Did the story where anon got lost in the Everfree get binned?
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I've binned it, but I'm tinkering, so I'm not going to post it yet. Hopefully at some point this week.
Good to hear, I finally got caught up on it since my internet’s dead and I gotta say it’s been real good
Quick bump while I can
Take this poner home and be under her "permanent house arrest"
This mare cop is going to sit on your face and not let you breath.
>”Is royalty your fetish?”
> https://derpibooru.org/images/3430475
If it were I’d go for an actual royal

thanks for the support anons!
What a gif
Anon wasn’t sure how he got his car back, but she was dumb enough to try sex in a car fetish. Can’t look a gift horse in the mouth, whatever that means.
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>"Huff... I'm glad I met you in... Ah~ Ponyville, human boy~!"
>"What about her-AH~!"
>"Oh don't worry 'bout here baby~!"
>"You're coming... oh sweet Celestia!"
>"You're coming on tour with me from now on!"
Beware the fancy famous mares, Anons. Stay vigilant.
>AI fluttershy.
>Still using the shittiest line art imaginable
ffs. I hate the future.
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what a huge butt.
No more cake for her.
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Sure, but first she's gotta ask you a question.
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I wouldn't even be mad, but I know Flutterstink would be.
I like her tail
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>"Do you like my tail?"
Your tail extensions?
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what a madhouse, I love it
do not let her out!
I just know one of you is gonna anyway
She’s so peeved
I still can't believe that is her cutie mark. The mad lads.
Quick bump before the shift gets hectic
Not particularly
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i just woke up, don't start with your bs
If Anon and this mare started making their own porn would Fluttershy clop to it?
Survey says: Probably.
Excuse me miss but I can see your teats.
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Guys my resolve is beginning to waver. Cleopatra Jazz is just too hot.
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Oh wow.
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FOOLS! Don't give in! You don't know the fate that awaits you!
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Bejita-sama, forgive me... she's too powerful...
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I want to put it inside her.
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>"W-what does she have that I don't?"
I mean... shes rich at least.
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what ep is banana babe in
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Dungeons & Discords.
She also shows up in Sparkles Seven.
You've sealed your fate, fools.
It's not you, it's me. It's everything you did to me, actually.
>"Name one thing I've done to you that's bad."
Jesus, Fluttershy, no. I'm not delving into our rape history right now. There are kids playing nearby.
>"It's not all bad. I do nice things for you sometimes too."
You ambushed me in the park just now.
>"We're having a nice conversation."
You won't leave, it's the only reason we're still talking. Like, damn, I just want to be able to leave the house without knowing that you're watching me.
>"Oh, well, why didn't you say so? You should come over sometime. We can work out a schedule. Twilight can help, and after she leaves I can make dinner for just the two of us, and--"
First off, Cleopatra Jazz has never tried to steal my underwear.
>"I said I was sorry."
You're still wearing them.
>"I can take them off..."
Stop it.
>"Don't you want them back?"
Keep them on.
>"Really? You're okay with it?"
>"Oh. Well, you can still take them off, if you want."
Nah. You already got 'em on.
>"I wouldn't mind. You can still take them off."
They look kinda hard to get on.
>"You can still take them off."
>"Well, they are yours."
Nah. Don't wanna. They look hard to put on.
>"Oh, it is. It's very difficult."
Your tail is poking through the slit.
>"That's my tailhole. It used to take me all morning to put them on, but Angel has been helping me lately."
Poor bastard.
>"They're hard to pull up past my cutie marks. They're, um, kind of small on me."
Your butt does stretch the fabric out. Stop wiggling your hips, I've seen it before.
>"I'll still give them back, if you want."
That's okay. I'm sure they weren't yellow when I had them.
>"They're only kind of yellow."
Your tailhole is wet.
>"I might've, um, liked the thought of your hands ripping your underwear off of me."
And your tail is doing that bobbing thing it does when you're horny.
>"Down past my flanks..."
You never stopped wiggling your hips either.
>"And your nose stuck in my tailhole, and smelling it!"
Ponies are looking. I'm going to go.
>"You'd have to pull so hard to get them off. Oh, maybe you could rip my crotch open and... Anon?"
>On the dirt path outside of town, Fluttershy is alone.
>A filly trots by her, thinking nothing of this, until she sniffs the air that's clouded around your yellow underwear.
>Tears now in her eyes, and about to vomit, she runs away from Fluttershy.
>"Ew! Mommy, that lady wet herself!"
>Fluttershy hears the mare gasp. It makes her nervous. She flies away.
>When she gets nervous, she thinks about you, and how you aren't her boyfriend.
>Cleopatra Jazz. She's your special somepony.
>She's the lucky mare, the one who gets her crotch ripped open by your strong hands every night.
>For hours, every single night, with you...
>Fluttershy's tail is bobbing.
>Her thighs squeeze together, the wet fabric of your underwear chafes her, and her hoof reaches down between her sticky legs.
>What was the quickest way home again?
>"I've got to get these off right now."
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Sorry, Bejita. These fruit mares are too powerful.
How can Flutterstink even compete?
Nice short anon
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late night boop
Fluttershy has a nicer mane at least
Is this like a fruit vs vegetable thing here?
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I am not food!
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>"...but you sure are tasty lookin'."
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Bump from break
All those stallions she is performing for, why bother the human?
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Mares work in mysterious ways.
cumming hard inside flutterpuss
>.."cumming hard inside flutterpuss"
>.."Hmm? Oh, nothing."
"No, you said something. You keep doing that, what the hell is going on?"
>Fluttershy tilted her head and smiled
>"I don't know what you mean!"
>You stared at her, hard. Nearly a minute passed, before you turned away and--
>"hot sex with fluttersh--"
"I get it now!"
>"Oh! Can I get it? From you?"
"No, Fluttershy, subliminal messages are not my fetish."
>Her smile faded
>"... okay" she said, and left
>At least she quit easy, and now you can get back to your breakfast
>But as you eat, the vile images come to your mind, unbidden..
>No matter how you try to drive them out
>Your day is ruined with thoughts of...
"Fucking Fluttershy."
I gotta be honest guys, I've been having these kinda thoughts about Flutterstutter for years now
Happens to the best of us
Just never tell her and you'll be good.
smells like a goddamn orgy in here
>You walk into Fluttershy's home to find her lying on her back in the front room.
>Her coat is matted and crusty from the sheer amount of cum on it.
>All around her, stallions of varying shapes and sizes are either asleep or smoking. They're all wearing tricorns.
>Some do upward nods at you as you enter. You upward nod in return.
"Wedge," you grunt at one.
>"Anon," he grunts back.
>You step over a stallion sleeping on his back and stop in the centre of the room.
"Have a good night?" you say, standing over Fluttershy with your hands on your hips.
>She stares blankly up at the ceiling, but her eyes flit to you after a second or two.
"Going to assume this letter was bullshit," you flick the page in your hand, received by courier that morning, asking for help with Fluttershy's plumbing.
>"Is... this your...?" she trails off when you start shaking your head.
>She sighs. There's a lot of weight in that sigh.
>"I don't even know what I'm doing anymore."
"You're getting laid at least, that's something you've got going for you."
>"I'm in debt."
"You paid them to do this?"
"Thought they'd have been paying you."
>"I didn't think of that. Is prostitution your fetish?"
"How many stallions did you fuck?"
>"Like... uh..."
>"Fifteen," Wedge grunts from his spot on the sofa. He takes a drag of his cigarette and blows out the smoke. "Had to call in boys from another branch to cover."
"What are you, an escort, now?"
>"Stallion's gotta eat, Anon."
"Another branch?"
>"There's demand for stallions these days. Lot of money in fucking lonely mares. I'm part of a franchise."
"What's it called?"
>"Plot Plunderers. It's pirate-themed. You want in?"
"Nah, I'm a plumber these days."
>"Oh, you with the Freaky Repaircolts?"
"No, I mean I'm an actual plumber."
>"Huh. Well I'll be damned."
>Wedge hoists himself off the sofa.
>"I'm gonna bounce. Invoice'll be in the mail, Fluttershy, you've got thirty-day payment terms or we'll come knocking."
>"Guh," she non-committally utters.
>The stallions rouse each other and file out the door, leaving the cum-stained interior and host with you.
"I'm stating the obvious, but it fucking stinks in here."
>"Please can you just tell me your fetish? I'm so, so bored of this, Anon."
"Let's say it's single human women my age with no kids, a good work ethic, and a head for finances."
>She squints at you.
>"Are you willing to compromise?"
>"I owe those guys nine-hundred bits."
"That's rough, buddy."
>You head for the door.
"Good luck with it all. By the way, the gutter's falling off the side of your cottage."
>She doesn't bother moving from where she is.
>"Please could you fix it?"
"It'll cost you."
>"Can I pay with sex or food?"
"Food sounds good."
>She tries to sit up, but can't, and slumps onto her back again.
>"Think you'll need to carry me into the kitchen."
"Too sore?"
>"Muscles hurt. I ate a lot of cum last night."
"God, you're absolutely disgusting."
>"I know..."

Oh that pudgy butterball.
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What a vile creature.
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>"No more games, Anon."
>"I'm gonna continue the Apple Family bloodline by any means necessary."
Flutterrape is slowly turning into applerape
I don't know if would've been able to walk into that without throwing up.
You know, if I was one of Fluttershy's friends, I would be scared to come over without asking first. Of course if you're Anon, it's safer to show up unannounced, as is evidenced by Fluttershy's bogus plumbing problems.

Poor Butterball. She tries so hard, and gets so far, but in the end, does it even matter? I'm just glad her cottage doesn't have any carpeted floors, and that tricorns aren't my fetish.
Probably because strong farm pony has better chance of physically dominating (You) than wimpy scaredy-cat pony.
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Every mare gets a turn, but it all returns to Fluttershy eventually.
And to think 12 years of Anon having to be sexually harassed by every mare, griffon or other creature nearby because Twilight accidentally cast the want it need it spell on him while trying to help him out
I can only imagine how that must eat her up inside
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Right... "accidentally"...
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Finish your story or you'll be finishing your life in a jail cell.
I would like to see her try when i have my colt 45 against her face
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Twilight created the ultimate Truman show. Millions tune in every day to watch the antics of Fluttershy and Anon. They do fall in love sometimes, but it never seems to stick for some reason, and eventually they're back to their old routine. Twilight makes sure of it.
I think reading Slasher's bin might've affected me a bit.
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I have a right to a mare attorney and a jury of my peers (including Fluttershy).
It's always up in the air if Anon has rights.
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>"We've gone over this, Anon."
>"You're not a pony, so the Equine Justice System doesn't apply the same way to you."
>"You're a hyooman thing."
>"Don't be surprised if you get a harsh sentence."
>"What will it be?"
>"Well, probably fifty to a hundred hours of community service in the form of giving head pets and belly rubs to the mares of Ponyville."
>"Orrr~, if you prefer, I can pull a few strings and have you appointed my personal servant as a means to remove you from society and reform you personally..."
.... I think I'd like to just pay my bail and move on.
I will give belly rubs to fillies and colts, and I want you to make Fluttershy watch with the parents. If I have to suffer I want her too. She will have to be sfw and it will be torture.
>Be the town cuddleslut or be her personal one
Tough choice, especially if she gets particularly if she makes sure your living situation isnt good if you refuse her here
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>Be the town's cuddleslut (which includes Fluttershy)
>Be the fat horse's cuddleslut (You have to deal with Luna's autism sometimes)
I'll take my chances with Celestia
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>*Royal giggling*
>"Oh, Anonymous, that doesn't exist."
>"You either serve your sentence or die."
>"Why do you think there is such harmony in my Empire?"
>Princess Celestia enters the palace library and frowns.
>It's darker in here, the only light coming from magically lit lamps hanging from long chains that vanish into the dark near the ceiling.
"We're wasting time," she calls.
>She receives no answer, so with a huff strolls further in.
>The walls of books loom over her like the sides of the garden hedge maze. Her eyes drift over the spines, absently noting the familiar titles she's each read a dozen times.
>A much-loved volume regarding divination piques her interest. She almost plucks it right off the shelf, wanting to sink into her nest of cushions upstairs.
>But she has a job to do, so she continues on, using her horn to light the darker corners of the library.
>Her mind wanders. She thinks of hands, hair, and skin. She thinks of hot breath and moisture. Pressed bodies and tantilisation. Gasps and overdue climax. She hums to herself, lost in her fantasies.
>And lets out a yelp when she trips over her sister.
>"Am I so beneath your notice?" Princess Luna says dryly.
"Don't... don't be silly," Celestia mutters after recovering. "Have you found him?"
>"Neither sight nor sound. Are we sure he's in the palace?"
"The guards know to turn him back if he tries to leave again, so I doubt it. No, I think he's in here. It's the only place we've not scoured."
>"What will we do when we find him?"
>Celestia smiles, and with a slightly raised voice:
"I think we'll start with throne practice again."
>Her voice echoes around the empty library.
>Luna at first raises an eyebrow, then smirks and ups her own volume.
>"A splendid idea. Will we be giving him a bath again, too?"
"Of course. I do so enjoy our bonding time, it's a good excuse to train our new slave-- Ah," Celestia laughs, "my mistake, I mean -student-."
>"Any good student ought to know how to best service his teachers, no matter their requests."
"It is ever so lonely being the only two alicorns in the land, and pony handmaidens do become boring after a time."
>"I would like to know if prolonged throne practice helps improve lung capacity. If so, I have another place he can put his tongue to work--"
>Something squeaks.
>Some -one- squeaks.
>The two alicorns share a smile.
>Then look straight up.
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>Or die
I guess you can say I bailed out of life!
>Anonymous is clinging to one of the lamp chains, his hands slick on the metal.
>How he got up there is a mystery, but Celestia will be happy to coax the answer out of him.
>He attempts to shimmy further up the chain, but his palms are too wet and he slides down instead.
"Fooound yooou," Celestia purrs.
>"How did you get up there, Anonymous?" Luna asks with faux innocence. "Would you like us to help you down?"
>The man shakes his head violently.
>"Are you sure? We've become terribly sweaty running all over the palace trying to find you, and I think a shared bath would do the three of us wonders."
>He makes another desperate attempt to climb the chain.
>Only to flail madly when Luna peels him off with magic and floats him down between them.
>She presses her hoof to his little nose, which they both find so delightful.
"You smell very sweaty, Anonymous," Celestia says, her seriousness only for show.
>She leans in, lets her long, pink tongue flop out, and drags it up his cheek, slowly, slowly, slowly.
>Luna titters, then does the same, and the two princesses mutually lick the human's face clean of sweat, at times their tongues pass over each other, sending an electric jolt through them that has their tail docks threatening to raise.
>The human squeaks, animal fear gripping him, his eyes wide as his face is smeared with spit.
"Bathtime I think," Celestia pants.
>"Quickly now," Luna says, her voice husky. "I grow impatient."
>Anonymous lets out a terrified moan.
>He'll be doing a lot more moaning before the night is through, Celestia thinks.

Poor man.
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>My Sunhorse posting spawned a funny short.
Glad to be doing my part.
Quickly Anon, the natural state of the alicorn is to job. Hit them with a pillow.
>Only pillow is under Celly's fat ass
>attempt to grab it
>grab a crotch tit by mistake
>"oh anon! how forward of you!"
Game over yeeeeeeeeeeah
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I want to drink Celestia's milk to give me strength to fuck her good, and drink her Sunhorse pussy juice like a good cuddle-slave.
I heard rumors it tastes like Sunny-D.
Man, this feels like she would finally reach the point where she gives up.
You've plainly told her, there is no fetish, and unless she becomes a human... woman. . .
There's a certain mirror in Twiggles' castle that may be of use. She has the no kids and similar age(?) part down already.
Wait. My god. We could make a JoJo's referance where Fluttershy rejects her Equinity to become "human" but ends up becoming something else entirely. She did something to Meadowbrook's mask.
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You mean, she might become something like this?
Sure would.
Surely Anon could get past yellow skin.
>Turns out Anon had an Asian Fetish, and this *was* close enough for him.
>Flutters becomes crayolayy thinking she’s human now
>To Anon, she’s like one of the alternatives from the Mandela Catalog and becomes unhinged from the uncanny look
Good stuff
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No Anon. Something like THIS.
>eating a particularly juicy peach
>images of fluttershy sitting on my face while I eat her out flash in my head
I think that's enough peaches for me.
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>eating a [fruit other than apples]
I don't know why anyone has problems with Apple when all it takes to turn her off is to eat anything not apple related.
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>throne practice
oh my goodness
>You smell very sweaty, Anonymous"
Oh Fuck
Tragic, really, what can happen to a guy in Equestria
She looks more naked than she should
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Don't act like you don't know why.
He probably shouldn’t be touching her horn like that
Princess Celestia is always naked like all equines she will never figure out Anon's true fetish is ponies putting on clothes
You can’t just spell it out for then like that
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Too late, Anon. You are now the Royal Sister's Cuddler.
Oh my god
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We both know Celestia isn’t gonna share
Fluttershy doesn't like to share, either.
That accounts for her dismal success rate, in part.
Let's hope she never teams up with a more powerful pony for one of her plots, or share the spoils with them.
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>Come on Nonnyboy tell me that fetish of yours! It’ll be fun. We don’t even have to tell Fluttershy about it!
>The ponies have mentioned my fetish at least 1,000 times before but I pretended not to tell them and then fapped for at least 4 hours straight each time.
>Hey anon, why does your room smell like cum and gym socks?
Uh... Aurora borealis?
Sure thing Pinkie, but first eat these delicious cupcakes I made only for you that have no poison joak in them what so ever.
You know she’ll walk that off no problem
Man, I am fuckin’ awful at working on continuing the story. Let’s fix that.
>Be Anon
>Your ass is sore from a hard impact. But, for all the reasons to have a sore ass, this is decent on the scale of things. That bitch Discord just air dropped you on the stone road, and as you get yourself sat up you see Cadence, who looks rather apologetic before things have even started, and the Crimson bitch that nearly turned you into a pony.
>You give a cheeky smile to the two of them, as your mind races to come up with some clever reason as to why you’re here. “Figured I’d uh… drop in? Heh?”
>You mentally smack yourself in the head for the poor excuse, as Cadence shakes her head. Aphrodite’s gaze goes up for a moment, and then back down to you. It’s a very subtle thing, but there’s a small smirk to her lips.
>”Think nothing of it mortal. What can I say? Your antic is amusing. Not sure how you managed to pull that off, but I’m sure you’ve stumbled into magic by now living here so long.”
>The Goddess’s horn alights, and you are lifted bodily back to your feet by her magic and your stomach grumbles as she does.
>”Aww, hungry, I take it?” She doesn’t bother waiting for your reply, as she looks to Cadence.
>”Princess, why don’t we grab a small treat before we go to Twilight’s castle. I’m sure little Anon would appreciate, don’t you? I am peckish myself, admittedly.”
>Princess Cadence starts to smile a little more genuinely, and nods. “I know this wonderful little place with hayburgers. . .”
>Both you and the Goddess frown, and you start to open your mouth, only to be interrupted before your first syllable.
>”You think a mere ‘hayburger’ is worthy of a goddess? Absolutely ridiculous. Anon here might be lowly enough for dried grass, but humans can’t even eat that. Have you a better idea?”
>Cadence goes white in the face as her ears pin back, not pleased to have the Goddess’ ire, but you quickly come to her rescue.
“There’s the Sugarcube Corner? I was gonna go that way for lunch anyway. They serve pastries? Cakes and the like.” With any luck, you might be able to get Cadence out of the fire before she gets too burnt. You’re not overly fond of her, but brownie points with royalty have to be worth something.
>The giant scary red mare seems to regard your words for a second, then shrugs. “Alas, I’m not in the mood for meat right now, courtesy of this equine vessel. It’s the best I think we will get. Lead the way, Human.”
>And so you do, taking royalty and divinity to a budget bakery in podunk ponyville for precious… No. Stop. That’s too many P’s again. You clamp down on the thought and shove the words away. You’ll need it for dealing with Pinkie Pie.
>You love Ponk, but she can be a bit much.
you wake up the next day and your pelvis is hurting meanwhile fluttershy has been walking funny
Well this is gonna get pretty interesting
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That's... bad?
>Still be Anon
>You’ve been thrown to something a lot scarier than a wolf, and you nervously keep lockstep next to Cadence, who is thankfully acting as a buffer between you and the literal goddess Aphrodite.
>Despite the fact you were supposed to lead the way to the bakery, it’s clear the goddess knows the way. Or perhaps, can just intuit it somehow? You sincerely hope she can’t read your mind.
>You know not how the gods work, and you don’t particularly care to learn either. You just want the day to be over. Even if it means back to daily fetish guesses, it’s less nerve wracking.
>The three of you arrive in the Sugar Cube corner to a plethora of staring customers. You breath a small sigh of relief as you see it is Mr. Cake at the register, his mouth agape and a small blush on his cheeks before he redoubles his nerves and smiles at all three of you.
>”Hey, I see we’re serving royalty today. Greetings, Princess Cadence.” He gives a short bow to her behind his register. “And… I’m terribly sorry but I don’t know who you are? Who do I have the pleasure of serving today?” He gives a nervous grin to the Crimson Alicorn.
>Aphrodite points her nose up higher as she introduces herself. “I am Aphrodite, Goddess of Love.”
>She then looks back down at the poor stallion. “We will be having a cake. I’m fond of Chocolate myself. Have you one for sale?”
>Mr. Cake just nods a couple times, and pulls one of the available ones from his display cabinet. “Normally that’d be thirty five bits, but I’m more than happy to give a Goddess and Royalty the family discount, just twenty bits?” He says, glancing at you with an emotion you can’t pin down as either jealousy or pity. Perhaps both.
>Despite the fact you’re pretty certain you make a fraction of what Princess does, you pull out your bit bag and pop down 20 for the cake.
“Thanks Mr. Cake. Pinkie working the back today?” only for him to shake his head.
>”No, she’s visiting her family. I can tell her you were asking?” he says an octave raised and his ears swiveled forward.
“Not necessary, just curious. Thanks, by the way.” You take the cake and he gives a polite nod to you as you take the cake to a table with the two mares.
>You decide you’re rather let down by this news. Sure, Pinkie can be overbearing at times, but she could’ve served a fantastic way out of this mess. Surely. Probably?
>As you pull stools for the two mares, like the gentleman you can pretend to be, the gears turn quickly in your head. They spin so fast, so freely, the alternator jammed in there finally has enough speed for the light bulb above your head to finally kick on.
>You might finally have a ride home. Just gotta kiss ass just right. Hopefully not literally, but desperate is as desperate does…
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Really makes you think huh?
she discovered roofies
I can’t believe she broke her own ass, great stuff Nawa
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Yeah that one checks out
She can read your mind. There's no escape, and Pinkie Pie is watching all of this from inside the delicious walls of Sugar Cube Corner. Visiting family, my ass. She's gigglesnorting as she's watching all of this, and snacking on whatever she can chew off of the walls. Hard candy nails, chunks of gingerbread drywall, wispy wads of cotton candy insulation.
at least Mr Cake is a bro
>Anon can't understand why staring at Flutters' plot aggravates his sore spots
It is hard to miss, tbf
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Bejita-sama isn't looking too good...
What did appul do to him?
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I like to imagine that roofies didn't exist in Equestria until Anon gave the idea to Twilight. Probably during one of his rants about Fucking Fluttershy

>"...Which I usually listen to on and off, I have to admit, because you tell some wild stories about her."
All true, by the way.
>"But I'm glad I paid attention last time, otherwise I wouldn't have invented these."
Why would you make roofies?!
>"Oh, I'm not calling them that. I suggested the name Sleepy Tablets, but Spike said that wasn't catchy enough. I think he'll come around though. And look, they come in all sorts of fun pony shapes!"
I told you what these are for--why would you make these?!
>Twilight blinks slowly
>"Well, yes, it's true that they were used differently back on your world, but I still think that they can be a good way to help ponies sleep here in Equestria."
You can't use a fucking sleep spell?!
>"Not all the time. Have you ever tried casting a sleep spell when you're tired? This is way easier, especially for kids."
You're going to roofie children?
>"Sure. Celestia knows I took pills sometimes to help me fall asleep whenever I had to take a test the next day--and I always ended up choking on them. So, it's great that these can dissolve when you put them in a drink."
But Fluttershy's going to try and rape me with them!
>Twilight giggles
>"Oh, Anon, cut it out already. Fluttershy would never do something like that; she's too sweet and innocent."
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Why does she keep enabling Fluttershy's antics?
A mixture of naive trusting of her friend, said friend genuinely acting out of character by these actions, and/or bias for helping her friend over the alien.
Mix as appropriate per story.
she's just awful
see >>41382138
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Equestria stinks, I'm leaving.
your loss bruh, everything comes in fun pony shapes here
>As you finally take your seat opposite the pair of might mares, Aphrodite smiles at you. It’s not something that you’re pleased with, having her attention again.
> ”Well Anon. Cut the cake. My piece first. Then Cadence’s. Then yours.” Out of nowhere, a knife appears to the side of the cake on the table. It’s a finely decorated thing, with gold filigree along the hilt and perfectly ergonomic for human hands. A nice change of pace from what you’re used to finding in Equestria, where a firm bite would ruin these details.
>You go to cut the cake into thirds, then… something whispers in the back of your mind. This is a test. You are dealing with a Greek goddess, and from the stories you read back in high school, a fickle and finicky creature.
>You hesitate for a second, and Cadence seems about ready to take the knife as Aprhodite’s eyebrow raises, only for you to make a line straight down the middle. You distribute half the cake to her. You then give Cadence two thirds of the remainder, and take just the last sixth for yourself.
>Honestly, you did it just based on how big each of you were. Big mare gotta eat right?
>Aphrodite beams. “Ah, mortal. You have at least some understanding of where you stand in the pecking order. Very good.”
>Cadence seems annoyed that you were tested like that, but says nothing.
>For your part though, you have gained some momentum, and you decide to capitalize on it.
“Aphrodite. I… I wanted to say sorry. Uhm. For calling you myth earlier. I never… saw any proof of the gods or goddesses in my time. I apologize.” You may have said sorry earlier, but kissing ass has to be worth something. You just hope the sweat from your brow is taken as the room is warm, rather than sheer nerves.
>Her smile at you grows. “… Apology accepted, Anonymous. I’m well aware of how… secular your world has become now that the pantheons have taken a step back.” She puts a hoof on your hand, as if to reassure you.
>Internally, you’re just happy that you’re getting those browny points afterall. You notice Aphrodite’s gaze glance at a window for a fraction of a second, and that smile become just a smidge more smirky at the edges.
Can't turn back now, I already hopped on the boat to Zebrica.
Surely nothing bad will ha
Yes. Big ponies get the biggest cakes.
I shall heed this truth from here on out.
She's documenting Anon's reactions for science.
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Th-their powers are evolving!
Because shes preposterously purple!!
I urge caution, Vegetanon. She'll turn that pony hating frown into one of orgasmic bliss as you fuck applejack.
W I L L I N G L Y.
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The orange is nothing to me. No would-be Goddess of whatever will change that.
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She'll suck him dry, and he'll love every second of it.
Your boy is also purple.
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>Big ponies get the biggest cakes.
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That one doesn't need any more cakes.
See this is why she needs anon for throne duty
She needs a diet.
Should Discord be the boss? Dude is very big.
He was at one time. Celestia and Luna fucked that up for him.
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You fucked up now.
I will not pay child support
WE NEVER FUCKED! How did this happen!? Actually, y'know what? I don't care. Why is she claiming its mine?!
You’ve played right into her hands anon
>chaotic noodle waifu and offspring
You just know Fluttershy is gonna spend the rest of her days trying to convince Celestia she wasn’t able to reform Eris and she needs to be statued immediately
How!? Its not mine! Theres no way!
Just a snap of her finger. She just took the sperm right out of your testes, and right to the ovum. Don't need to fuck to get her pregnant Anon~! Now take responsibility. Or else.

Unironically could make for a good flutter-rape green. Especially of Anon was actually quite enthusiastic about fucking the fuzzy pool noodle.

Could make a whole thing where Fluttershy has to get proof that Eris has slid back to chaos, but she can't because Eris is too busy getting bred.
>Now take responsibility. Or else.
NEVAR!! Not mine! Not my responsibility!
Yeah she’s definitely spend a lot of time trying to force a relapse.
I’d read it, Slep or any of our newer writers could probably do it justice.
Hope to see the story about anon lost in the Everfree come back soon
same here
Well can’t argue with those trips, guess I have a noodle wife now.
I really want to see where it goes next
W-what does she want?
She heard that (You) wanted to cum inside her daughter and wanted to take you for a test drive first.
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Alrighty then
Oh dear
Y-you helpless fool! You don't know what you do! You must ignore and reject the velvety tight-ness of horse pussy!
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We can’t always fight nature, Vegeta. We can’t fight horse pussy. We can’t fight gravity. We can’t fight nothing. My whole life, all I ever did was fight.
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>Fluttershy watching all these other mares getting the HMD.
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Fluttershy deserves nothing
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Close the door Fluttershy, you're letting all the stank out.
I'm pretty sure Vegeta has no problem fighting gravity. Most of the pony population as well. You just need to stop whining and igno-
Wait a moment how do you know how horse pussy feels?
>Be Celestia
>A return letter from Twilight has confirmed that shit is in fact, going down. Good news is? It’s not an apocalypse level threat by any means. Yet.
>While you have complete faith in your niece in dealing with a goddess, as Twilight has told you Cadence is keeping an eye on the goddess, you know full well she isn’t experienced enough to do what needs to be done to keep them entertained, the needy bitches.
>You’ve told Twilight to prepare for Luna’s and your arrival, and now with a heavy heart you do the unthinkable. That is to say, the unthinkable to anypony who doesn’t actually understand the dynamic between you and your sister more intimately than the general public.
>With a bit lower lip, you sneak into Luna’s abode with a cheap trumpet held deftly in your magic, quietly make your way to her bedside, and blow out a faust damned awful tune, loudly, above her.
>With a terrible start, she jumps out of her bed, eyes wide and more then a little panicky. Her horn ignites its deep azure color, only to snuff out when she sees you by her bedside giggling. It lights up once more, and crumples your horn.
>”Sister. You cannot be serious right now. What in the Tartarus is WRONG with you?!”
You shrug, keeping your smile. “Shit’s hitting the fan, and I need you awake. I can’t have you saying no and falling back asleep. And I figured having fun with it was well… fun!” You stick your tongue out at your sister, who is far from amused at your shenanigans.
>With a face full of disgust and annoyance, she rolls her eyes and stares you down, despite the height difference in your favor. “And what, pray tell, could be so vital I need to be woken up right this second, yet so frivolous as to do it in such a foalish way, Sister?”
“Aphrodite is visiting from on high and we need to deal with it before things get out of hoof.”
>Luna, for her part… her face softens a bit, and she looks longingly at her bed. “Fine. But I will see revenge for this, Celestia.”
>You know you’re going to regret this at some point, but for now you just smile at your sister and send word to get a chariot set lined up for ponyville. For your part, it’s time play dress up.
>You start to leave for her door, when Luna asks “think I should send a missive to her husband Hephaestus? Might get her to leave faster.”
You shake your head. “no, no. Having one deity on the ground is bad enough; having Hephaestus here could cause things to blow up in our faces faster. We got this.”
>With that, you make your way to your wardrobe to impress a goddess. You start with the nice red dress you wore for the Gala, with all those images of your cutie mark imbued in the fabric.
>Throw in a bit of extra gold accents and a fashionable heart pendant Cadence got for your birthday some years ago, and you’re set to go.
Aw shit, here we go.
This’ll be good
Now don’t go jobbing again now you hear, Celestia.
>You make your way to your illustrious chariot, decked out in your resplendent attire, and patiently wait for your darling, unreasonably tired sister.
>Who knows why or how she could be so tired. You certainly wouldn’t be the pony that knows why. Even if your name is Celestia.
>You don’t have to wait terribly long, as she shows up just a scant ten minutes later. She’s wearing a sheer purple dress. Appropriately risqué for the goddess you’ll be dealing with today, but there’s one small detail that might escape most pony’s notice.
>Her normal crescent moon medallion has been replaced with one of a solar eclipse. Oh. She mad. She mad at you.
>Still, you don’t let her fashion choice get to you as she joins your side on the Chariot.
“Ready to placate a fussy goddess?” you ask, smiling through a side eye.
>”Can’t be much harder than placating my fussy sister.” She smirks back at you.
>A tense few seconds pass, before you both let out marely giggles, and set off the signal to the two pulling guards to get on it to Twilight’s castle.

>Back to being Anon.
>Despite having a fraction to eat as the goddess, she’s already finished her entire half of cake, and has started to steal chunks off of your plate when she thinks you aren’t looking.
>Growing impatient, you decide bravery is the better part of self preservation, and you just… straight up ask her.
“So. Uhm. Aphrodite. Is… there any way you could take me back to my home? Back on earth, I mean?” Your better self is smacking you in the back of the head, drawing more attention to yourself in front of this terrifying, if pretty, horse.
>The Crimson mare leans back on her stool, despite the lack of backrest as she considers what you’re asking. Then she smiles and leans right back towards you, the stool under her groaning under her divine (m)ass.
>”Wellll. I probably could. But, and I want you to be honest with me Anon, why? This is a wonderful village? Your neighbors are nicer than any human I’ve seen, and I’ve had the chance to meet Ghandi.” She says, putting her hoof back against your hand on the table.
You nod a couple times. “Sure, but I belong with my own people don’t I? I appreciate these lil’ ponies plenty, but I miss… everything about being home. No one gets my references her, and I don’t get theirs. The outlook on the world is so different. It’s hard to even put in words, honestly.”
>You look down, and feel Aphrodite’s hoof squeeze your hand, as if it was a human hand. As your gaze looks back to hers, you feel… off. Dirty, almost. It’s not that what you said was a lie, but not the full truth. The real truth.
>You don’t feel the smirk on her face as malicious as you gaze into her eyes. “There’s more you mean to tell me, isn’t there, Anonymous?” She gives a quick sideways glance out the window before looking back to you, the smirk getting stronger.
“Y… Yes Aphrodite. I- I want to go home because the mare I love doesn’t love me back. There’s no way she could?” You say, a tear appearing in your eye.
>Hey, wait-a-minute. Since when did you love a mare? What are you saying?
>Aprhodite leans further forward, and takes you into a hug, your face pressed against her mighty tuft. Cadence looks upon this display with a slight blush. Definitely because of how forward a display this is, and not because she’s jealous of Aphrodite’s thick fur. Definitely.
>”Spare no words, Anon. Tell me everything.” She looks down at you, like a mother comforting a child.
“I can’t stand to be here, seeing her nearly every week but lacking the courage to even ask her out.” Your mouth says, without your consent. You’re practically screaming at yourself, asking what in the hell you’re saying. Your brain metaphorically shrugs, and ignores your pleas.
>”Oh. My poor sweat human. I have seen unrequited love do so many things. Tell me, who do you love so dearly that it pains you this much?” Aphrodite says, stroking the back of your head.
“T… Twilight Sparkle. She’s the missing page to my book, Aphrodite. And it pains me, because she is a princess but I am nothing but a commoner.” Your body closes its eyes and you snuggle into her tuft.
>Internally, you are SCREAMING at your voice for saying things you have never thought, for your body getting closer to a bitch that scares you. You’re like a puppet on tight strings, powerless to stop this.
>You hear three very different things. Two of them at the same time, which is Cadence letting out an adorable sounding “awwwww”, whilst you hear a loud “WHAT?!” that you’re pretty sure sounded like fluttershy, followed by a thud against the outside wall.

>Be ‘Eris.’
>Oh this is just RICH! You knew that Anon would pay dividends for your entertainment, but this is the kind of returns on investment that would make Filthy Rich seethe green with jealousy.
>You’re howling with laughter, though silent to all who are not on the couch, which until a few seconds ago included your dear friend fluttershy.
>Once she heard Anon confess his love for Twilight Spergle, she lost her shit and fell off the couch. She missed the ground by merit of hitting the wall first.
>Once you’ve regained your composure, you’ll be sure to patch her up. Oh, this day just keeps getting better. . .

Not quite. But boy oh boy, do you see the fan turning? Because I have a whole cart of shit to pour on it.
>Be Aphrodite, and truth be told, you’re turning this shitty day into a fun one.
>Once you saw Anon fall out of the sky in front of you, with that stupid chimera and the yellow pegasus ‘hiding’ from your view above, you hatched your plan.
>You just had to influence him subtly, so as to fool those around you until your coup de grace.
>Well. This is it. You’re putting forward that coup so expertly now. With this, you will get revenge on Fluttershy for wasting your time, Twilight for stepping out of line, Anon for calling you just a myth, and… Well honestly Cadence has been nothing but a good girl. You’ll reward her by making her and her husband extra fertile and virile next week. You’re sure they’ll be happy with another child. Most couples are.
>For your part now though, you just keep petting Anon’s head like a puppy. A sad, sniffling puppy who apparently loves a princess. Who put that thought in his head? Your smile grows a bit.
“Anonymous? I think I can fix your problem. Twilight has spent so much time helping Fluttershy try to win your love, and do you know why?”
>Anon looks up at you, even if you are the one making him do it.
“Because she’s trying to live vicariously through her friend Fluttershy. No mare, no matter how close a friend, would go through the trouble of summoning me, a literal goddess, just for her friend. Being such close friends, it’s only natural she would join Fluttershy in a herd. But I know your human sensibilities would never allow that.”
>Cadence pipes up. “Of course! Twilight spoke so highly of you in her letter to me before she came up with Fluttershy to see me. How did I not see it!?” She beams.
>”So… you mean there’s a chance?” Anon asks you, quiet almost as if a small child asking his mother.
>You just nod at him, and none notice just how sadistic your smile is.

>You are Twilight Sparkle, and you feel your nose itching.
>You scratch it, but the itch doesn’t go away. You push that to the side though, because Celestia AND Luna are arriving now on your Balcony, and it just doesn’t look good to great the princesses informally.
>As the diarchs step from the chariot, you run up and hug Celestia. Okay, so maybe you’re not that much of a stickler for formality. You follow up with a hug for Luna, and start to bring them inside, only for Celestia to speak up.
>”Let’s not dilly dally right now, Twilight. It’s best if we see to Aphrodite sooner, rather than later.”
>She starts walking towards the edge of your balcony, scanning over the village as her horn washes her magic over the city.
>You nod nervously, and take to her left as Luna flanks Celestia’s right. At once, she hops down from balcony, and glides over-top the roofs of Ponyville, straight lined towards Sugar Cube Corner.
This is gonna be good
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Twilight Sparkle: An itchy pony who will soon be in peril.
Story of her life, really.
Guess being polite afterwards meant little. Poor Anon is a toy.
Not so much her life. But her freedom of self determination. (As if poor Speegle ever had that. Celestia has been pulling strings a long time.)

As are all mortals against the gods. Is he doomed? Mmm. I'm not one for writing happy endings.
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>Tell the mares your fetish or I’ll make you do so many pushups, situps and squats that you start bleeding from your eyes.
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"Oh please, what the fuck can a tiny little pony like you even do?"
>"...You take me for a joke-"
"Yes! Ahahaha! You must weigh like, ten fucking pounds! HAH!"
>Without warning, and with great force, Spitfire leaps from her seat and takes you to the ground, having your arm in a vice.
>"What was that!!"
"That fucking hurts!"
>"Yeah, you're being hurt by a little pony!"
"Please stop!"
>She twists your arm, hard.
>Sending surges of pain through your shoulder and back.
>"You're going to tell all the mares your fetish. And you're going to offer yourself to them in the locker room after training today."
"Like hell I am- GYUAHHH!"
>"You like this huh!?"
>Spitfire raises her hind leg and stomps down on your side.
>The impact of which makes you gag and cough.
>"You love being dominated by a pony, SAY IT!"
>"SAY. IT!!"
>She twists until your arm leaves it's socket.
>Making an audible crack and pop.
>"Still doesn't sound like you're telling the truth, Anon."
>You tremble in pain on the floor.
>"Shall I do your other arm, too?"
"...I-I like-"
"I like it."
>"What was thaat~?"
"I like being dominated by little ponies!"
>"Good boy. Now, off to the locker room you go and when they're done, come back here~."
>Weeping, sobbing, you do as you're told.
>Fuck the Wonderbolts.
>But at least its not...
>Fucking Fluttershy.
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>Fucking Fluttershy
you know what? no. after that, Fluttershy is okay
she's just our lovable little horny spaghetti pone at the end of the day
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Does this Anon just lack a backbone of any kind? Don't let the bird horse bully you.
Admittedly, it seems like this anon may have a backbone, but Spitfire would just break it anyway.
Spitfire’s a bitch
the fuck is this anatomy? is that pink thing supposed to be anon's arm? it looks all fucked-up and busted and ANON'S ARMS ARE GREEN!!
Calm down, Chris-Chan. It's just a drawing.
No, wait. Now that he's pointed it out, I can't look away either.
holy shit, what is this keter, and what has it done to Anon?
. . .
As usual, blame Discord.
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Congrats, you got what I was going for.
But seriously, anon is a green human of indeterminate race and nationality, because he's anonymous. It irritates me a bit when people fuck that up.
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late night boop
>anon does this for a few years everyday
>turns into One Punch Anon
9 is no place to be, veggie boy and orange horse will just banter with their will they won't they bs.
What does this pony want? A carrot?
This is honestly one of my favorite threads I've ever seen. Been poring through the older texts dating all the way back to 2012. Gentlemen I must say that you all have excellent culture and that your efforts in keeping this thread alive through necromancy and spite is are not wasted. Yours is a noble effort. To be honest, this is the kind of stuff that makes the internet great, this honest expression of genuine and novel passion. Like this shit simply could not exist in the past. But there is a fundamental attraction to cute innocent ponies trying to rape human men against their will. There is just so much appeal and fascination here. It's incredible. I haven't felt this much approval for humanity since I found the Pokemon NTR thread.
Ntr pokemon??
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Uh, glad you're enjoying the thread, I guess?
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You cant just say that and not explain yourself
he's a writefag that is addicted to cuck shit.
If he’s a writer I hope he tackles that Eris prompt up above.
This mare is too drunk to rape (You).
More likely a whiskey.
Her breath causes second-hand whiskeydick?
>Eris prompt up above.
The one where shes pregnant?
Yeah. It's a community like this except dedicated to the concept of NTRing a trainer's Pokemon from them. Like a beta cuck (tm) has a hot as fuck Gardevoir or Vaporeon in his team but the gigachad fucks them until they abandon their once beloved trainer and choose to be the chad's pokemon instead. It's a really novel and enduring concept much like pony rape. Since the modern generation all has almost universal experience capturing Pokemon and building up relationships with them, Pokemon NTR is very hard-hitting and novel, yet something which could not have existed in the past - one hardly had 'wolf sheepdog ntr' in hunter gather communities after all.
If the concept of NTR pokemon was unclear then the above should settle it. Sadly it only shows up on /trash/ sometimes and is down right now.
What makes one assume I am a writefag?
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>Yeah. It's a community like this except dedicated to the concept of NTRing a trainer's Pokemon from them.
Does it have a catchy name like Flutterrape? I've always wondered if there were little Flutterrape-esque communities in other fandoms, and what they're like.
Anyway, yeah, glad you like the thread. We're fans of the cute, the funny, and the horny ponies here.
damn this ntr pokemon shit sounds retarded
Nope. Names like Flutterrape are kind of rare.

Also, although there's like 10000 warnings that Flutterrape doesn't have to be Fluttershy, I think the name subsumes that. The simplicity and intuitive understanding is way more important than the technical definition disconnected from the term itself. So I think it's flawed in that way.
I think they tried pony rape at some point but it didn’t stick.
>pony rape
Yeah. Well, that was just a big shitstorm in general.
Funny to look back on all the arguing it caused though:
I was not expecting to see Driverbang threatening to quit writing there.
God I miss him
God those old shorts are great
Isn’t that what style capturing is? Taking someone else’s Pokémon’s?
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>Be Princess Celestia.
>Laying by the fireplace in your bedchamber.
>Writing, scribbling, and scratching away at a piece of parchment with your feather tip dipped in ink.
>You probably could just as easily use a pen...
>But, that's for business ponies.
>And you're above such things.
>You hear Luna's voice from the doorway.
>"Dearest sister, what are you doing? The sun was supposed to come up several minutes ago."
>You pause, and dip your feather into the ink bottle, lightly dabbing it on it's side as you continue writing.
"Oh, was it? I've just been so caught up in writing these new laws."
>"New laws?"
>Luna, letting her curiosity get ahold of her, picks up the assortment of pages stacked at your side and begins mumbling to herself as she skims over the pages.
>She goes through several pages, her expression changing from curiosity to one of embarrassment.
>"Eh, dearest Celestia," She says, finally, "all these laws seem to be only applicable to one resident in our kingdom."
>You both look towards the corner of the room.
>Where a large cage dangles from a chain attached to the ceiling.
>Wherein Anonymous the human stares down while holding the bars.
>The look on his face was one of defeat, with a hint of malice and resentment.
"I'm sorry, my dear Luna, who exactly did you say these laws were for~?"
>Luna, picking up what you're putting down...
>"Why, our human boy, of course."
>Anon grits his teeth.
"Oh! That reminds me, it will be a new law that Anonymous can longer say that he hates us, but in fact, he will be required to say how much he loves us at east three times a day."
>"Hm. /only/ three?"
"You're right! Five times."
>"Well, sister, since it's morning and the sun needs to be raised, I think I'll be taking Anonymous back to my chambers for my time with him."
>Using her magic, Luna unhooks the chain on the human's cage from the hook in the ceiling and begins to make her way out.
>"Oh my god, ITS BEEN THREE DAYYYHAYYHAYYYSSS...." He pleads, "Please just let me get some sleep! It never stops with you two!"
>Anonymous cries and begs like an adorable little colt all down the hall until his voice is too distant to be heard.
>You sigh.
"I suppose I should raise the sun now."
>You arise and stretch.
>Feeling a bit cramped up in the hind area.
>No doubt from the night's activities while Anonymous was with you.
"Hm-hm~. Been awhile since I've had so much fun~!"
>You open the balcony doors and walk out to it, raise your head, and bring the sun up over the horizon.
>Another beautiful day in the great Equestrian kingdom!
I think that was something else, I don’t remember which Gc game you could do that in
as long as that's a masterball I'm pretty sure that was quite a few.
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Why are they like this?
No like there’s a guy in one of the GameCube games, I think it was coliseum, that had a special tool that let his pokeballs work on other trainers pokemon
That’s a serious looking mare
Because they can be.
Moon butt got no game. Once anon gets facesitting from Celestia he will get addicted. Her ass is so small that she may as well be a blank flank
Counter argument: Celestia's ass is too fat for Anon to appropriately get his tongue in there!
And it's probably the bad kind of sweaty! None like swamp ass.
Compare that to the sweet derriere of the night, where everything is fully accessible.
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>"Anata wa sudeni reipu sa rete iru."
>The three of you land in front of the Sugar Cube Corner, and you can’t help but get a bad feeling about this as you make your way inside with the two diarchs.
>To your surprise, you see Anon there, being held like a foal by Aphrodite. She’s about the only mare in the country big enough to do so, but it’s still an odd sight to see. He seems to be in something of a daze, almost passed out in her very marely front legs.
>Cadence seems absolutely ecstatic to see you, Twilight Sparkle, in the doorway, and tries to motion you to come quickly.
>Not sure what else to do, you decide to do so, as Celestia and Luna now take to /your/ sides, letting you lead. You sit next to Cadence, and ask the obvious.
“So… What I miss? I see Aphrodite seems to have taken a uh… shine to Anon?” You say, looking your old babysitter in eyes. My, how they’re sparkling.
>“Well, he apologized to her properly.” Out of the corner of your eyes, you see Celestia and Luna confront Aphrodite in a friendly manner.
“And that necessitates him almost falling asleep in her arms why?” you ask, more than a little incredulous.
>Cadence gives a sheepish grin to you and shrugs. “Poor lil’ guy poured his heart out, and it took a lot out of him it seems. He’s kinda cute like that though, don’t you think?” Cadence looks back over to the nigh passed out Anon, her grin turning more… mischievous as her ears stay swiveled towards you. Odd.
For your part, you shrug. “I guess so?” You suppose internally
>Taking a few steps forward, you look up at Aphrodite as she talks to Celestia and Luna.
>You’re about to join the conversation just when the doors swing open, a little violently, as Fluttershy bowls in. “Twilight! . . Err. Twilight, can I um, talk to you for a moment?” The poor mare looks like she’s seen a ghost, and given that no one else seems to object, you trot back over to the front door to talk to her.
“What’s wrong Fluttershy? Is there something going on outside?” You ask, trying to see past her, as if some terrible fate has befallen the street behind her.
>For her part, Fluttershy just shakes her head, though her ears are pinned back. “I think Aphrodite did something to Anon, and Cadence is too blind to see it?”
You just chuckle. “What? That’s ridiculous shy, why would you say that?”
>Fluttershy almost hides behind her mane as she tells you that Anon said he wanted to go home, and then… that he loved you.
>Your little internal hamster wheel slows down as the hamster gets caught between the bars and spins around in your head.
“… He said that about me? Really? He’s never expressed interest in me before?” You scratch your head, and then shake it. “Not like I was ever really interested in him either, he’s an okay guy but he’s not a pony?”
>For your part, you just scratch your chin. Maybe there are shenanigans ahoof.
>Celestia abo-... er aside, you are itchy today.
Can’t wait to see what’s next
Quick bump
Everytime this thread gets to page 8 and 9, Fluttershy discovers your fetish in an alternate universe.
Stop haunting me, I'm not gonna fuck your daughter.
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late night boop
Does she share this info with other Shys? Or is she wrong like usual.
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>those digits
>that image
Is it your fetish?
Fucking nurse red heart? Sure is Fluttershy.
Specifically nurse red heart.
My wife.
Just wait til you find out she’s been Fluttershy in disguise the whole time
Fluttershy wants to sit on your face and stuff her clit up your nose.
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Oh my
>You are living in the world of G5 after Starlight helped teleport you and your property to the future so you can get away from the rapist named Fluttershy.
>So far, you were enjoying your life in the future despite everyone looking weird. You just chalked up their appearances as a result of a nuclear war between the ponies and griffons.
>At least they were kind enough to let you be connected to the electrical grid and you even made friends with some of the residents; you gotta be buddy buddy with them in order to receive free shit.
>You were playing the best game ever made by your species: ToeJam & Earl
>You were having a gay ole time with the game until you heard your doorbell ring.
“Ugh, who can it be at this hour?”
>You sauntered up from your couch and lazily trundled through the house as the knocking became frantic and louder.
“I’m coming! Hold your damn horses! Heh, horses…”
>You reach the door handle and flung the door inwards, causing the door to hit the door stopper with an audible thud.
>You look down in front of to see a pony. She looked almost identical to your arch nemesis, except she had six flowers arranged in a circle as a cutie mark, a ribbon in her mane and tail, and completely wingless.
>You heard stories about this mare, named Posey Bloom, from the future-now-present bearers of the Elements of Harmony.
>They told you about how she was extremely racist against any creature that isn’t an earth pony. So the bearers, especially Sunny and Hitch, told you to just stay out of her way so she wouldn’t file a report to the sheriff’s office… or have the entire town attack you with tomatoes.
>You were snapped out of your daze as you heard Posey loudly clearing her throat.
“Oh, sorry about that, Posey, I wa-”
>”Shut up, you damn monkey, and buck my holes!”
>You were taken aback by her sudden demands to have her ravioli invaded by your tortiglioni noodle.
“Ex-fucking-cuse me?”
>You were already tired of Fluttershy’s ploys for copulation and now you have to deal with Fluttershy 2.0’s demands.
>So as a stroke of genius your big chimp brain concocted, you slam the door right into Posey’s face.>You walk back to your couch as a thought of Fluttershy’s simp, Discord, crosses your mind
“Dammit, Fluttershy, did Discord fucked you so you can spread your rape genes to your future kids?”
>Silence rings out for a moment until you hear the sound of wood splitting in two. As you turn around, your door bursts open into a thousand splints. You fell as the shockwave of the buck hit you like a train.
>You look up and see Posey rushing straight towards you with a lustful rage in her eyes.
>She screeches before she lowers her head towards your pants. Noticing this, you scoot back just in the nick of time as she misses your zipper and tears a piece of your pant leg off.
>You kick her in the head with the sole of your shoe, causing her to get dizzy for a bit as you take the opportunity to get up.
>She shakes her head to get the dizziness out of her before she returns to her lustful rage.
>She notices that you disappeared out of the foyer.
>Her hooves stomped hard against the wooden floor as she trots from the foyer to the living room.
>She screeches as she begins to use her hind legs to buck your sofa over on its back before going through the room breaking your items.
>As she does this, you look through one crack of the slightly ajar door that is connected to a closet.
>Thinking to yourself, you were glad that she wasn’t destroying your copy of ToeJam & Earl.
>But as you were about to thank the good Lord, you noticed that Posey was looking over to your TV set and your copy of the best game ever made.
>At a moment, time slowed to a crawl as you see Posey reeling up her hind legs.
>You HAVE to save that game; your life depended on it.
>You threw open the door and let out a mighty exclamation.
>With flames in her eyes, she turns around and charges for you.
>You begin to run as the crazy yellow horse chases you around the house.
>You try to slow her down by throwing and knocking shit down all the while you’re screaming like a bitch.
>Finally, the two of you enter the garage with Posey at the doorway beside the garage door and you at the far end.
>She screams out in a tirade about what she is going to do to your man bits while slowly trotting over to you.
>Her ever closing trots causing you to sweat as you look frantically at the storage in the hope of finding something to defend yourself with.
>You saw your old motorbike, a canoe, boxes full of stolen valuables, one of Pinkie’s hidden party cannons, a chest freezer full of dead zebras…
>She was very close to your crotch, catching a whiff of your scent as she moaned in pleasure.
>Taking advantage of her distraction as a sign, you hopped over the cannon and slammed the red button on said cannon with your fist.
>Posey never got the chance to react as the party cannon shot out a shockwave-like blast full of confetti. This causes her to get blasted straight through your garage door, causing a Posey shaped hole to appear in the process, and straight into Maretime Bay.
>You look at the Posey shaped hole in the garage door and are reminded of the broken front door and trashed living room.
“Fucking Posey Bloom.”
Ghost-mares cant rape you, right?
She's alive in this universe.
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>"Execute Order Sixty-Nine!"
So about those Zebras...
What the fuck is her problem?
She’s a racist that found out she’s into race mixing
>racist into race mixing
More common than you'd expect, oddly enough. . .
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late night boop
She has Fluttershy in her bloodline.
quick bump before work
after all those years. if you where to choose the pony that will rape you, wich one and why?
My marelawyer has advised me to not answer that question
She said she would rape me if I did
Defeats the purpose of a rape if you get to choose.
That’s a tough one
>Tyrone, Labron, and Marqueef circle around you and say "Ayo anon, you got ta' choose which one of us are gon' take ya tiny wyte bootay to funky town tonite if ya don't choose we all just gon' all rape ya."
You still get raped, you just have a minor choice in which faggot rapes you first.
>Getting to choose the order of rapists
Joyous wonder. Certainly this will make it suck slightly less.
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>Luna, picking up what you're putting down...
In my mind, when I read this, I saw her eyes narrowing slightly, like she'd just said something really cool. A line in a movie. If she wasn't so humble, Celestia would probably think that she's a pretty cool pony. Really smooth.

Makes you wonder how Twilight and Luna both grew into such big spergs. Maybe they couldn't help it, maybe every pony else just feels like a marelet when compared to Celestia.
In this episode of Flutterrape Z
>Anon gets bullied
>Flutters gets cucked out of love
>Aphrodite gets whatever she wants
>Twilight gets itchy
>Cadance gets horny
>Celestia and Luna... get the check, probably
All of this and more to come, next time on Flutterrape Z
i'm pretty interested in where this thing with Twilight is going, honestly
Quick bump
Honestly, you forgot the parts where
>Discord laughs his ass off while wearing a wig.
>Big Mac hides from a goddess under his wife's ass (not pictured).

>Fluttershy for her part seems almost a little indignant that you would reject Anon just because he isn’t a pony, but says nothing as her gaze quickly shifts behind you. It seems royalty and divinity stands behind you, as Aphrodite smiles… surprisingly lovingly down upon you.
“Twilight? Would you be a dear and carry Anon here with you? Low mare on the totempole and all that.”
Without waiting for your reply, she unceremoniously dumps Anon’s passed out body on your back, and rubs your face with her hoof. “Thank you dear. You are such a good little pony.” Her smile turns a bit sharper as she looks you in the eye.
>You bite your tongue at the indignity, but say nothing as the Goddess makes her way around you and out the door, following behind Celestia and Luna both towards your castle.
>You notice that Anon seems rather warm and relaxed on your back, almost like he belongs there. If you were a bigger mare, at least. As it is, his arms and legs are going to drag on the ground as you walk.
>Fluttershy for her part, looks upset that Anon is being treated like a slab of meat, however she does say “I can just carry him home if you want?
>That would be the most logical thing to do, wouldn’t it? It’s not like he’s poorly socialized, he could handle being in an environment with the princesses and a literal Goddess, but why complicate things? Can’t make a mistake if he’s not there.
>Plus, he could probably do with a good rest after such a weird day. Would also probably help him feel better, not being next to a mare that doesn’t love him back.
“No, that’s okay Fluttershy. He can join us for the Aprhodite’s celebration.” You say, confidently and with a smile. Hrm. Yeah that makes sense to you as you happily trot your way towards your castle.
>”Oh. Uhm. You want me to carry him instead?”
“Nah, I got this.” You speed up just a little bit as Fluttershy tries to keep up with you. She seems just a bit more nervous as she does, and you can’t help but think you hear a distant laughing from above.

>Be Fluttershy, quietest mare this side of existence. And you have the certificate to prove it, though you’re not sure how official anything from Discord is.
>And right now, you are not a happy mare. Not happy at all.
>Aphrodite is doing something to your human. You don’t know what it is, but you do not like it. Not one bit.
>As you follow along the posse of divinity and royalty, you can’t help but wonder how reformed Discord actually is. Why isn’t he helping you dammit?!
>As your mind (and some of your mane, honestly you should get the brush out) continues to fray, the castle looms over you, and you walk inside.
Aphrodite better watch out, Fluttershy is on to her.
Good stuff
Anon needs to deck this goddess in the snoze.
>Pulls a Gilgamesh and just go on a long soliloquy on how much of a thot she is
I'm home
>Is being biblically accurate your fetish anon?
>"Be not afraid."
"The fact there is a god that decided this was a good idea doesn't scare me, mortified is more appropriate."
Fluttershy's presence is felt here. She haunts Maretime Bay. On gentle, breezy days, when her spirit is with the wind, and she's brushing your hair out of your eyes for you, her lewd whisperings still fill the ears of all the g5 mares. She knows that they will carry on in her rapey ways. Whether they know it or not, their frustrated longing for hot monkey dick has descended from her.
i've still never played Toejam and Earl
But what is a mare, to a god?
. . . Don't answer that. Aphrodite won't like the answer.

>Be Anon the Groggy.
>Why are you so groggy? You feel like you’ve had sixteen pounds of feathers smothered in your face. Soft, yet inconvenient since you need to breath.
>The next thing you notice, is that you’re moving, slumped over something… irregular. Soft in most spots, oddly firm in others. You attempt to take stock of your situation, feeling around with your hands only to slide off like a drunk slinky, your knees smacking into the solid crystal floor of Twilight’s castle.
>You let out a pained groan as the pain steadily marches into your brain and a grimace forms on your face. You weren’t in the best mood to begin with, but now it’s much more soured. You open your eyes finally, and suddenly the shit mood goes away.
>In front of you is Twilight. Beautiful, wonderful, smart Twilight Sparkle. Best mare in the universe. God, how long have you felt that way about her? Twenty minutes? Maybe forty? Who could really tell.
>You ignore some distant screaming in the back of your head as you smile at her. “Twilight? What’s going on?” You barely even feel the pain in your knees (ah, that’s where the screaming was coming from!) as you get back on your feet.
>Looking around the room, you can see Fluttershy standing next to your darling Twiggles. She looks so worried? You idly wonder why.
>Twilight just smiles. “Hey, welcome back awake sleepy head. You fell asleep in Aphrodite’s embrace, so we figured we’d bring you back to the castle.” Fluttershy for her part mutters “ ‘what we’?” and shakes her head.
>For your part, you don’t see the correlation. Wouldn’t it have made more sense to take you back home?
“Yeah, that makes sense!” you chime in. “So, where is Aphrodite? She go home already or. . .?”
>Twilight shakes her head and rolls her eyes. “Nah, Celestia, Luna and Cadence are keeping her entertained while I’m keeping an eye on you. But, now that you’re awake, we should probably go join them, yeah?”
You look to the side and pout a little. “Bah, I’m sure they can keep a goddess entertained? Wanna hang out instead?” you grin at the little pony, even though that screaming in the back of your head is getting louder. Was that not your knees?

>Be Twilight Sparkle.
>You just found out Anon’s been secretly in love with you in forever, and now he’s asking you to eschew your duties as princess, just to hang out with him?!
>This is utterly ridiculous, you do not trust Aphrodite in the slightest right now, and you should, no, NEED to keep an eye on her.
So obviously, the first thing out of your mouth is “Oooh, Anon. That sounds like a great idea? Those three mares got this. Wanna check out my private study in my library?”
>What. What. WHAT?! You didn’t mean to say that!
Twilight’s a smart mare, she’ll figure this out
Can’t wait to see where it goes next
How does she put that on?
Or more likely, with help. Seems like you'd need hands or be a unicorn to reach those straps without bleeding everywhere.
Perhaps she is Anon's Champion mare, a filly fooler that /really/ hates Fluttershy?
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Do you prefer flutterape to be full Anon POV, pony POV, or third-person external narrator POV?
Depends on the story really, but third person narrator is the rarest
Quick boost off 8
What i prefer?
I want a world where the rape is sucessful
i want a world where anon becomes addicted to horse pussy
i want a world where anon cock is inside a mare 24/7
I want a world where anon is happy with the mare that raped him!
i want this world and I want it now
That was NOT my question anon
Ho hum. I suppose Twilight can give that to Anon. It's only fair, right Fluttershy?

>Be Fluttershy once more.
>You’ve gone from nervous to mild panic, as Twilight has basically just asked Anon to come play with her in the backroom. It’s less subtle than some of your fetish guesses.
>No. No no no this will not do. So, you verbalize as much.
“Twilight, what are you doing? You know you shouldn’t keep Celestia waiting. This is your castle, afterall.” You glance quickly between her and Anon. You’re not liking the way he keeps looking at her. Oh how you wish he’d look at you like that.
>Twilight gives a placid smile and shrugs. “It’ll be fine, Fluttershy. She’ll certainly understand that I’m just spending some time with my friend Anonymous?”
“Twilight, can I talk to you for a moment? Alone?”
>Twiggles, for her part raises an eyebrow but nods. She trots off to the hallway with you, abandoning Anon where he just stands there with his hands in his pockets in the foyer.
Giving Twilight a stern look, you ask “What are you doing, Twilight? You know I’m interested in Anon, and now you’re trying to steal him like Rainbow Dash when she got drunk on Cider that one weekend?”
>Twilight rolls her eyes and looks to the side with a smile. “Whaaat? Fluttershy. Anon and I are just hanging out. Besides, hasn’t Anon made it abundantly clear he isn’t interested in you by now?”
She gives such a friendly smile, but those words sting. “Twilight. You know Anon and I are meant to be together. Why are you acting like this?”
>Twilight quickly snaps back at Fluttershy. “Because, Fluttershy. It’s clear to me now, you have no chance of being happy with Anon. I don’t know how it wasn’t more obvious before. We had to give up and get a goddess to try and make this work, and even she couldn’t make Anon love you.”
>She shakes her head, and smiles at you again. “So, now it’s my turn, Fluttershy. I would say something like ‘I will make him love me’, but you already told me I don’t have to lift a hoof to make it happen. It’s time for me to be happy, and I will take what is offered to me freely. Unlike a certain mare I know who’s been making guesses at his fetish for… how long?”
>Despite grinding your heart in the dirt like a monster, Twilight hugs you. “We’re still friends, Fluttershy.”
>As she leans back out of the hug, you see her eye twitching. There’s… almost a pattern to it, honestly. If you weren’t so mad, you might say something to her about it. For your part though, you just hide behind your mane. “o-okay.”
>Twilight gives one last serene smile before going back into the foyer to Anon, leaving you alone in the hallway. For a moment, you consider going home, but no.
>You’re a stubborn mare, and you’re not gonna just sit on this. You march your angry yellow ass towards the table room, where you’re certain you’ll find the royalty and Aphrodite.
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late night boop
would hug
Good stuff
Poor Fluttershy
Where did Floorb get a dragon cube?
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You know where...
Moondancer has a cube too.
Somehow I have never seen this Eris picture, the ponytail looks nice
This is good
Wait, I just realized the irony in Diaries of a Madman that Fluttershy is like the only pony NOT to rape Navarone. Damn that's actually pretty clever. I didn't realize at the time.
I don’t think I’ve read that one
Nice numbers
It was my introduction to pony rape. It goes very serious on the long-term psychological effects of being raped. It was written by Navarone who happens to have his writing rule sin the OP.
Much appreciated I’ll have to check it out
>”(You) know you wanna…”
> https://derpibooru.org/images/3438839
fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap bump off page 9 fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap
mare rapes (You) wat do
What if Fluttershy rapes everyone, but you.
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Swallow sadness.
Oh fuck guys she's winking at us. She's in heat! Board the doors and lock the windows!
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Gentlemen in appreciation for your existence I offer you a chapter of flutterrape


It seems like 8 out of 11 people disliked it while I was away so it must not be good, though! Drat!
I enjoyed it, those dislikes were probably people who expected an actual sex scene
Good point. I read about 20 flutterrape of the most popular works to prepare and basically none had clop so I thought people preferred not to have it. I guess I can edit that shit in. No artistic integrity here, just trying to contribute.
I don't think you should have to do that, I’ve just noticed that most high like stories seem to be outright porn, there’s also some disdain on Fimfic for Anon in general.
It's no big deal. Already finished in fact, check it out starting from "Her aqua eyes bore into yours" if you care.

I don't really mind. If I continue there will probably be actual clop anyway. Fluttershy is tied for my favorite pony of the Mane 6 alongside Twilight Sparkle though a continuation would be something like Heat Season by Sahelanthropus which I think is my favorite of these I've read - that is, all of the Mane 6 collaborating to rape. The magic really happens when all of them are together.

The more I read the more I think fimfiction kind of luckily has something I REALLY like but rarely see, which is like this heat season concept, which translates into extremely horny girls desperately trying to rape the male MC. I love that shit but it's really rare in normal stuff. I think horses having estrus really encouraged fimfiction to have this kind of stuff which is like a happy coincidence for me.

As for Anon, yeah that makes sense. I like anon stories myself since I really don't like named protagonists. Or, like, all those stories where the protagonist is clearly named after the author OR what the author wishes they were named. That shit sends a chill down my spine. So stories with obviously fake names or Anon as a name are much to my preference.
I definitely prefer anon stories, I’m looking forward to when you’re able to continue their story.
Please make more anon stuff. happy to see a new writer here
*this story
I like this one better
Yeah it’s always nice to see new writers
Oh my
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Damn dude, she went off on bananahush. What's Twilight's problem? She's got an itch that needs scratching or something
Of course in Flutterrape, it's wise to always suspect shenanigans. And I do... suspect that some Sparkle shenanigans are at play here. Something's up, she's up to something
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Purplesmart is being manipulated just as hard as Anon is.
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>Heat Season
Nice. That's probably my favorite fic I've read all year, honestly.
I can't speak for FimFic, but I liked it. Also, I was not expecting the clop to happen, but I enjoyed that too, especially when she was hitting her butt on the floor, and when she put the rag in his mouth.
And I like heart eyes...

The thing with AJ kind of threw me for a loop. For a first contact story, between horse and human, Fluttershy comes off as pretty yandere in this one, keeping Anon in her house and lying to everyone else about his existence. I didn't really think it was going to go this way at first, since you wrote her so in character at the very start. I wouldn't say she's OOC in this story, but she flips the switch from Fluttershy to Flutterrape almost immediately once she sees Anon. Later on you write that she's in heat. I think if you had mentioned this sometime before she went to the Everfree, then that flip in her character, once she's around Anon, might have been more believable.

Nitpicking aside, I like that Anon gets hurt, since it gives him a reason to languish in Fluttershy's bed; and I like that Fluttershy sees him protecting some bunnies. There's lots of cool classic FR tropes here, like the pony seeing the morning wood, asking about fetishes, etc. I liked seeing your take on them.

I want to point out some stuff:
>"Why does everything have to happening now..." she sighs.
Feels like words are missing here. Also, 'she sighs' should be capitalized.

>"Grr!" Fluttershy growls, swishing her head to pull the pink hair she had rested onto my face off.
Switches to first person here.

>self arm.
Self harm.

>"A-Are you afraid? It's okay, I would never hurt anypony..." she reached out a hoof and pats your head.
Switched tenses here, from past to present. Also, 'she' needs to be capitalized here again.
Good points. In truth I went pretty hard on the yandere progression in a way I normally wouldn't since I wanted everything to fit everything in one chapter. Well, not to make excuses - just yeah I was thinking the same thing while writing. I really don't like time skips of any nature but I also don't yet have it in me for a 50k sequence of her warming up. Perhaps I will touch it up if/when I come back to it - thinking it over, him spending a week in bed and her slowly going into heat would be flatly superior. A lot of Flutterrape incorporates time skips or alternatively starts 1-2 years after anon has reincarnated into Equestria, but I don't like that very much myself. Feels harder to get immersed even if it does add a lot of implied believability. Anyway, thanks for the insights.
Behold, someone that can see the subtext. She went from hardly no interest in Anon, all to suddenly being very interested? In less than a day? Aphrodite is having a field day.
Actually, I have a moment, so for now I edited things a bit to have a week time skip. Feels very dirty (in a sense - I like for art to be faithful depictions of an alternate reality and timeskips are being like 'just trust me bro this reality is definitely true and happened u just didn't see it) but the chapter is in a much more satisfactory state now while it sits. Thnx.
I really do hope you stick with this story anon, I enjoyed it a lot
That is a cool idea, yeah.
>A lot of Flutterrape incorporates time skips or alternatively starts 1-2 years after Anon has reincarnated into Equestria
So true. I've thought about this before. I prefer it sometimes when it comes to comedy, but the immersion thing you mentioned can definitely be a downside too.

Anyway, if you like Yandere stuff, feel free to check out a super old green called Lyra's Misery:
But Twilight still hasn't done the dance of her people (pony?) yet
Can’t wait to see what’s next
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>"I love the tase of your tears almost as much as I love the feel of your dick inside me, Veggie-boy."
crop of https://derpibooru.org/images/3242671
Stop it Apple! That man is a loving fath--fath--he has a child he abandoned.
He was there for his second kid
She did not deserve that for once
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The devil shivers when a shy mare loses her temper
If he had bad gas sure.
after all those years of raping, what feelings you have towards flutters and the other mares?
God I wish they were real
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She’s so overdramatic
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To be a pony is to be overdramatic and look cute when doing it.
You’re not wrong
Slow day today
Quick boost off 8
The 3k character limit is the bane of my existence sometimes. On the positive, the next segment features Luna.

>Be Fluttershy once more.
>You’ve gone from nervous to mild panic, as Twilight has basically just asked Anon to come play with her in the backroom. It’s less subtle than some of your fetish guesses.
>No No no this will not do. So, you verbalize as much.
“Twilight, what are you doing? You know you shouldn’t keep Celestia waiting. This is your castle, afterall.” You glance quickly between her and Anon. You’re not liking the way he keeps looking at her. Oh how you wish he’d look at you like that.
>Twilight gives a placid smile and shrugs. “It’ll be fine, Fluttershy. She’ll certainly understand that I’m just spending some time with my friend Anonymous?”
“Twilight, can I talk to you for a moment? Alone?”
>Twiggles, for her part raises an eyebrow but nods. She trots off to the hallway with you, abandoning Anon where he just stands there with his hands in his pockets in the foyer.
Giving Twilight a stern look, you ask “What are you doing, Twilight? You know I’m interested in Anon, and now you’re trying to steal him like Rainbow Dash when she got drunk on Cider that one weekend?”
>Twilight rolls her eyes and looks to the side with a smile. “Whaaat? Fluttershy. Anon and I are just hanging out. Besides, hasn’t Anon made it abundantly clear he isn’t interested in you by now?”
She gives such a friendly smile, but those words sting. “Twilight. You know Anon and I are meant to be together. Why are you acting like this?”
>Twilight quickly snaps back at Fluttershy. “Because, Fluttershy. It’s clear to me now, you have no chance of being happy with Anon. I don’t know how it wasn’t more obvious before. We had to give up and get a goddess to try and make this work, and even she couldn’t make Anon love you.”
>She shakes her head, and smiles at you again. “So, now it’s my turn, Fluttershy. I would say something like ‘I will make him love me’, but you already told me I don’t have to lift a hoof to make it happen. It’s time for me to be happy, and I will take what is offered to me freely. Unlike a certain mare I know who’s been making guesses at his fetish for… how long?”
>Despite grinding your heart in the dirt like a monster, Twilight hugs you. “We’re still friends, Fluttershy.”
>As she leans back out of the hug, you see her eye twitching. There’s… almost a pattern to it, honestly. If you weren’t so mad, you might say something to her about it. For your part though, you just hide behind your mane. “o-okay.”
>Twilight gives one last serene smile before going back into the foyer to Anon, leaving you alone in the hallway. For a moment, you consider going home, but no.
>You’re a stubborn mare, and you’re not gonna just sit on this. You march your angry yellow ass towards the table room, where you’re certain you’ll find the royalty and Aphrodite.
Woops. Double posted the previous one.
Don't work tired kids.
>The stars are sleeping. The moon rests quiet beneath the realm. The dream realm murmers only with flashes and echoes, as only ponies napping and the rare third shift guardsmare slumber now.
>Knowing all this, of course, means you are the guardian of the night and all within it, Princess Luna.
>And by Faust, you’re miserable and tired right now.
>Aphrodite is blathering on about some gossip or whatever from Mount Olympus, and even Celestia is struggling to maintain her interest and her smile. For your part, you just do your best to be interested in the crystalline structure of Twilight’s castle.
> . . . It actually is genuinely interesting to you, but that’s besides the point. Sitting upon the Apple’s throne, you idly consider a new and exotic way to get out of this. It was overkill for Celestia to bring you this early.
>Getting you awake for whatever festival the Goddess would inevitably demand however, would make more sense.
>Finally, Aphrodite says your name, perking your mind back to the room as your ears swivel towards her with your eyes.
>“. . . So, Luna. Celestia. When are you two finally going to get a stallion… or mare of your own? You’ve been alive for a long, long time. And still nothing?” asks Aprhodite. She idly stirs her hoof along the tip of her cider glass, which looks kind of silly for a pony. Goddess or no.
>Celestia, for her part blushes and clams up. “Ah, well I’m just uh… Looking for the right pony is all?”
>”For over a thousand years, Celestia? I understand, being an immortal does change your perspective. But even the gods aren’t THAT patient.” With a roll of her eyes and a shake of her head, Aphrodite leaves the blushing Celestia alone and looks to you. “And what of you, Luna?”
You shrug. “I’ve been stuck on the moon for a thousand years. It leaves little time to find a husband. Throw in the fact I’m still adjusting to the times, and I haven’t tried to court any stallion.” You deadpan, as you look at the goddess.
>”Ah. Well that’s… fair.” She looks to the side, now tapping her hooves on the table. “… Either of you need any help?” She asks, finally getting to the point.
“Verily, I am not so desperate. If I am, I will seek your council.” You say, leaning back in your seat with a sigh. You notice that Celestia, for her part seems to be thinking it over. Pfft, who’s the bigger sister now, Celestia! You puft your tuft, just to strut your stuff subtly. Not that there’s anypony to impress. Hrm.
> Just the bearer of Kindness just dropped in. Your gaze moves to Fluttershy, begging to faust to give you some kind of mercy.
>”Uhm, Princess Luna? Can you help me for a bit? One of my animals has fallen asleep, and refuses to wake up? I think he’s stuck in some terrible nightmare?” Fluttershy says, looking anywhere but your eyes. You know she’s lying, and you don’t care.
>Getting up from the chair a bit too violently, the stone throne skidding a few inches back, you nod vigorously. “Of course, Fluttershy. Leave it to me. I will fix thine pet’s terrible dreams. Let us depart, post haste.”
>Stepping away from the table, and the room itself without bothering to ask for permission to leave, you walk with the tiny yellow saint to the hallway. Once a fair distance away, you look down to her.
“So. Fluttershy. What is thine real reason for my summons? Normally I would be rather remiss that you would lie so boldly to my face, but today?” You let the question hang there with a shrug, the answer should be implicit and obvious.
>“Oh. Well uhm…” Fluttershy starts off, hiding behind her mane. Maybe you shouldn’t have called her out quite so thoroughly. She’s even trying to dig a hoof into the crystal floor.
>You idly day-dream about spraying her with a water bottle like she’s a bad feline. Unfortunately for you and your tired state, you let a cheesy grin across your face as Fluttershy starts. Oops.
>”I think something is wrong with Anon and Twilight. They’re looking at eachother all lovey dovey, and it only started after Aphrodite showed up?”
Your cheesy grin withers away into a frown as you regard what she says. “Forsooth? Twilight has never shown an inkling of interest in Anon in her dreams. She did have that one dream about. . . Er, never mind that.” You cough with a slight blush and look to the side.
>Fluttershy stares at your face for an awkward moment. “So… You’ll help me save Anon from Twilight’s lecherous advances?”
Looking back down to Fluttershy, you shake your head. “Neigh, Fluttershy. Anon and Twilight’s affair is none of my concern. However, I will make sure Aphrodite isn’t messing with Twilight’s mind. She is still princess after all. As for the monkey, I suppose I can help him too. Lead me to them.” You gesture down the hall with your left wing.
>Fluttershy almost seems mad at your candid response. But that’s her problem, you figure, as the two of you trot your way down the hallway.

>The library in Twilight’s castle truly is a small wonder in its own right. Bookshelves tightly packed with tomes, ranging from banal children’s stories to tomes of magic, mildly aware of self and surrounding.
>Unfortunately for those tomes, the presences in the library are grossly aroused and adding moisture to the air.
>Those tomes have to sit there and take it though, as at the end of the day they are not you, Princess Twilight, and you are having the time of your life.
>It took hardly any time at all before the two of you made it to your private study for Anon to get all over you, and you over him.
>I will seek your council
To counsel is to give advice, a council is a group of people gathered to confer on something.
>messing with Twilight’s mind
Luna wouldn't phrase it like that. "Interfering" mayhap, or perchance "meddling," but "messing?" A common vernacular that lies far beneath her lofty station!
Forsooth, you are correct. I will fix this posthaste for the green.

On a more practical note, proofreading is easy when I make spelling mistakes that are not words. They get a lot harder and easier to miss when they're perfectly good words all their own, and libre office knows only spellcheck.
>Your mind keeps yelling at you to stop. Slow down. What the hell are you even doing, mare? But your body politely takes every plead and demand, and quietly files it under ‘Not listening’. It’s too busy with kissing Anon, from lips, to neck, to chest, to belly. Your teeth gently pull down the last garment between you and what will surely be an entertaining time, only for the door to swing open wildly.
>You are a horny mare. An itchy mare, if only today. But, dammit you still have some shred of dignity, and with a grumble slide Anon’s underwear back up with your magic.
>The blush on your face and Anon’s face not-withstanding, you’re decent enough to deal with whomever is ruining your fun.

> Oh Thank God. Thank Christ. Thank… Eh, fuck it. Thank that homeless guy behind the Costco who insisted he was the second coming of Christ. With this litany of devotion, you must be Anon. Who else in the realm could know and appreciate the wonders of the Costco Hot dogs?
>Man, you miss home, even the shitty food of home. Anyway, whoever just opened the door has just prevented you and Twilight from very enthusiastically “testing the fertility rate of equines via human insemination.” Her words, not yours of course.
>Twilight put your boxers back on, but neglected everything else. Your shirt and pants lay strewn about behind you, and in a rare moment of some direct control you are able to get those accouterments back on. You will not be seen as anything less than the classy bastard you are.
>You get the shirt on just in time to see Princess Luna and Fluttershy round the corner. Wow! That’s your fourth favorite princess! What a day! Actually now that you think about it, Cadence and Twilight kind of suck for bringing this mess upon your head. Luna may yet steal Celestia’s coveted first place.
>You decide to pay attention to what your body is doing without your input, more viewer than participant but you will push your influence where you can. You try not to mull over how depressing that is.
>”Twilight, what are you and Anon doing here in the library? You should be with Celestia and I, keeping the goddess entertained. If I must suffer her so should you, if for no other reason to better learn how to deal with a deity. They’re a rare sight, but important enough you should know how to step around them.” Luna dictates to Twilight, standing a few paces ahead of you. You can see she’s trying to keep her tail from flagging, but she still swishes it from side to side to tease you.
>Despite wanting to frown, you bite your lip instead as twilight responds to her. You force your body to look to Luna, instead of dat plot. “Anon and I were just doing some light reading, Luna. I realized I haven’t spent nearly enough time with my friend here. My uh, very special friend.”
> Luna grimaces in mild disgust. “Lies do not suit you, Sparkle. Especially when I can smell wet mare and sweaty primate. Now sit still, I suspect that Aphrodite has befuddled your mind and his.”
What an update, great work
Anon was so close to dicking a horse. Way too close. Terrifying story.
Great save on Luna’s part
Wasn’t expecting such a big update
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>”Twilight, what are you and Anon doing here in the library? You should be with Celestia and I, keeping the goddess entertained. If I must suffer her so should you
kek, an eye for an eye. This pony is after my heart. I usually prefer Celestia over Luna, whenever they're both in a green, so this is a nice surprise for me.
Yeah Luna’s pretty good so far
Luna is so tired of this shit.
Part of it too, is she's also just /tired/. Remember, Celestia was so kind to wake her up with a trumpet.
More to come today I think. I'm still in the writing mood.
I'm surprised she can tie knots.
She’s got very dexterous wings
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That’s too real
Off 8
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Poor bear.
Never had a chance
its over rape bros? it is time to put the rape down?
I know this is the flutterrape thread but sad ponies don't deserve to be sad. Pls get some sleep Luna
No they’re just trying to lull someone into a false sense of security
Nonsense! Why, the mind rape continues.
No promises are made.
Behold my own incompetence. Luna is not the only one too damn tired.

>”Pffff. What? No. Nonsense, Luna. I’ve always been interested in Anon. I just never realized it until today.” Twiggles spouts, rasing her snout up and away from Luna.
>”Then you will have no issue with me taking a look.” Luna retorts, her horn igniting with her pale blue aura.
>”I didn’t say that!” Barks Twilight, her own horn glittering to life. “You’re just jealous because you want what we have!” And with that, your world turns upside down, inside out, and your vision turns plaid.
>In less then a fraction of a second, Twilight and you tumble out of the teleport she pulled, and you get up from the hard floor. You’re not fond of how this is becoming a pattern.
>Looking around, this place looks utterly foreign to you. Crumbling rock walls, worn down marble floor, tattered cloth banners. A ruin, no doubt devoid of life.
“Where are we, Twilight?” You ask your purple would be lover. Hopefully Luna can save you a second time in a row, but how would she know where to look?
>”The castle of the two sisters, Anon. Luna certainly wouldn’t think to look here first for us.” She beams at you, and you can feel yourself able to nudge just a bit more control over your own mind, for at least this short time.
“First, why are we running from her? Second, she wouldn’t think to go to the place she used to live at?”
>You may not have known the exact details of this place, but Twilight had mentioned it in passing a couple times.
>For her part, Twilight’s ears pin back when you ask the question. “You’re not questioning my logic, are you Anon? She’s just jealous of what we have, will have.”
>She shakes her head for a second, then looks back towards town. “Why… are we here, anyway? Hardly a romantic getaway.” You can see the gears turning in her little purple head even from here.
You want to yell out profanities about Aphrodite, but your body goes back to acting without your input. “Archaeology not romantic enough for you, Twilight?”
>And just like that, her ears perk back up and she looks back to you, all smiles. “You’re right, Anon! What could be more romantic than looking through history together!” …
>You’re reasonably certain there was a little bit of the real Sparkle in that outburst. This is unfortunate, as you barely have any interest in old equestrian history. Weren’t even a history buff back on earth. This is gonna be absolutely miserable.
>With a reluctant internal sigh, and a great beaming smile outwardly, your body forces you out of the current grand hallway of the castle, off to places you do not yet know. On the positive side, neither you or sparkle are actively trying to fuck now. Perhaps, she is resisting in some small ways the same as you are?
Well maybe they can old info of past Greek nonsense at the abandoned castle.
Weren’t you deleted for being a nazi?
Poor Luna
>Be Luna. Very tired. Very annoyed. So. Very. Annoyed. And there is undoubtedly something wrong with Sparkle’s mind, more so than usual. Twilight and her friends have always been of a slightly queer mind, but she has never shirked duty or tried to usurp the diarchs’ authority before.
>A deep grimace forms across your visage, as Twilight has just teleported herself and Anon away in a flash of magic.
>Little Fluttershy walks up to your side, quiet as the grave. “Uhm. Princess Luna? Where did Twilight go?”
You look down at the little yellow Pegasus. “She ran away when I told her I needed to take a look at her. I suspect that Aphrodite has taken her under her control in some form at least.”
>You glance away from the Pegasus. She starts to blather on about how “this isn’t a good thing” or something or other. You’re not paying attention. You focus your mind on solutions. Smack sense into Aphrodite? Even your sister and you together could not do so. Ask another God or Goddess for assistance? At worst, they will not care and let Aphrodite play, and at best they will demand some reward.
>Take a nap and let Twilight’s friends figure it out? Your ears perk up at that. While napping wouldn’t really be a solution no matter how much you like it, leveraging the rest of the elements to keep Sparkle from doing something she would regret. There is a solution in leveraging her friends, yes.
Looking back at Fluttershy, you realize she went silent about a third of the way through your pondering. Poor awkward mare. “We will need to track Twilight down, and I’m sure you realize how difficult that can be with how mobile she is with her magic. We will need the element of surprise. How fast can you get Pinkie here?”
>Fluttershy looks down and tries to scuff the floor. “She’s um. Out of town.”
You rub your temple with a hoof. “So much for an easy day. Fine. Dash and Applejack would be the best to help find Twilight, yes?” As the little mare nods rapidly, you let out a slow, measured breath. “Then you go find rainbow dash. I’m sure Applejack will be on her farm.”
>And with that, you take to the skies and SMACK!
>Like a bird hitting the window, you slam right into the roof, and land on the ground below you. You start rubbing the spot on your head that has now put a new hole in the ceiling, and into the floor of the next level. You really are too sleep deprived for this, thank you, Tia.
>Fluttershy goes to ask if you’re okay, but you just put a hoof up to silence her. You trot out to the nearest exit, THEN take to the skies.

>Be Discord
>No point in pretending to be eris at this point, as no one is left watching you. As such, you’ve ditched the wig. You’re laughing your ass off at all of this.
>You decided to split yourself in two to make sure you missed nothing. This is going greater than you ever thought possible!
>Now, how to ruin Anon and Twilight’s little date? You grin as you snap your fingers. IDEA!
So how's Celestia's date with Aphrodite going?
Can’t wait to see what Discord’s got planned
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He’s in danger
Oh dear

>Be Twilight Sparkle.
>Your mind clashes with itself on every front, desperately trying to wrest control from itself, and there is no clear side which is winning. Logic and Lust buck and bite at each other as your body desperately tries to only listen to Lust, but of course your very soul pushes hard for Logic to lead.
>To say you’re not having a fun day would be accurate. Luna interrupting your near mating with Anon has given your mind some reprieve in this battle, but you’re still losing ground overall.
>At the very least, you’ve managed to do something that a loving couple might do that isn’t sex, which is going on an impromptu archaeological expedition together.
>This is how you plan to resist, as long as possible. You may not be able to stop your body from “loving” Anon, but you can at least push the influence on your mind towards the lovey dovey stuff, and not getting bred.
>You idly wonder if the two of you would make a centaur like Tirek, or maybe a satyr. You shudder at both thoughts.
>Drifting back to what’s in front of you though, the two of you are exploring the throne room. Doing your best to wrest control from your hind-brain for a moment, you start talking to Anon about what this place used to look like when Luna and Celestia were still here, courtesy of that drink Zecora gave you so long ago.
>He genuinely seems interested, smiles, and engages with the conversation, which gives the inner you more time to plan.

>Be Anon. You are absolutely thrilled, and annoyed at the same time. Sparkle is boring the hell out of you, talking about how this place used to have vaulted ceilings. You could tell that much just by looking at the fragments of the ceiling that remain.
>But at the very least, you aren’t trying to properly plow pony pussy. . . That’s too many P’s again. Why do you keep doing this? Maybe… something to do with Pinkie.
>She has been on your mind for the past day, hasn’t she? Surely, she could fix this if she was just here! You don’t know how, but surely!
>Regardless, she must be resisting as much as you are. Walking up, you decide to sit on the taller of the two thrones. Having belonged to Celestia, it’s honestly tall enough for you.
“So, how big was this castle, compared to yours? Ya know, at its peak?” You ask Twilight, genuinely a little curious.
>”Oh, about half again as big as mine? I think. I was a little distracted afterall.” She says, smiling a little sheepishly.
“Distracted, you say?” Your body grins without your consent. Oh no. “Feel like being distracted now?”
>Twilight bites her lip. “Maaaybe. What do you have in mind?”
Desperately, you push to wrest control again, influence where this goes. “We go.. Mmm. Deeper?” Internally, you scream at your innuendo. It’s not your fault dammit!
>She starts to climb up on your lap of the throne, but just then a two hundred pound chunk of the ceiling crashes down near the two of you.
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You seem to have a Page 10 issue, but don't worry they can take care of it. Forever.
Well, castles crashes down and crushes them. Story over. GG no rematch.
Surely twilight can keep resisting
If you read this, you have been raped by Opaline Arcana.
But you can’t tell anyone.
Now what?
At least it's not Fluttershy
What's the discourse on the overrepresentation of Fluttershy in Fluterrape? This is a topic pretty interesting to me. I imagine essays have been written on this subject.
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I personally think Fluttershy is underrepresented.
She's very pretty, and we should start writing greens about her marrying Anon and having his foals.
Bitch is built like a mailbox
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D'awwww, you're so cute, Fluttershy. I sure am glad to have you around as my PLATONIC FRIEND.
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Can't rape the willing, and even if she is an edgy Deviant Art OC looking goon, royalty is royalty. Plus she apparently likes it in the ass. Perhaps the negative consent is she isn't willing to se me as anything more than a sex toy?

It's ultimately the archetypical mare for the system. It started off with that is baseline wildly out of character for her, but you can still kind of see it. So there is natural comedy within it being Fluttershy, but any "good" pony kind of works.

Sorry Fluttershy. It just drives the impetus to relocate. Next post is mostly done but i keeled over and passed out before I finished it.

And now I can finally say this: correct.
What a grump
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>Be Anon.
>Marry Flutterhorse.
>Have 12 dozen foals.
>Flutterhorse dies due to complications during birth of last foal.
>Anon abandons all foals.
>They all die of malnutrition.
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>Then Anon woke up from his horrible nightmare,only to be comforted by his beautiful wife Fluttershy(who aged gracefully by the way)
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Using the startling of collapsing rock, you wrest just that bit more control. “Perhaps a safer room?”
>Twilight nods hurriedly, letting out a sigh. “Yeah. I think the north tower is a bit more intact. Probably?” She gives a sheepish smile, and hops off your lap. You’re think you can hear distant chuckling, but it’s probably nothing.
>Getting up from the ancient throne, you follow purple smart further into the ancient structure. The halls are certainly wide enough to accommodate the two of you. Old, dilapidated stone. More of what you’ve already seen.
>It’s when the two of you start your way up the tower steps that the both of you hear musical chimes. A beautiful little melody. The two of you climb all the higher then you might’ve otherwise, daring some truly questionable steps along the way. But the staircase holds, despite some steps falling away after the ascent.
>The two of you open the doorway, and the room you find within is certainly lavishly furnished. Unlike the rest of the castle, the mild odor of mildew and rotting timbers is entirely absent, as if by magic. . . Or entirely by magic, you think.
>A beautiful, deep royal blue bed sits along the wall, opposite the window to the majestic view outside. The walls are adorned with blue and silver dyed tapestries, and the dresser a gilded mahogany.
“Luna had quite good taste at the time, didn’t she?” You ask, admiring her bedroom.
>Twilight for her part just nods. “Still does. I’ve seen her room in Canterlot. It’s similar to be sure.” Twilight, having spent a bit less time admiring the beautiful decor, picks up the slowly spinning magic box. “Not sure how this is powered. Or why?” She puts it gently down though, and looks to you. “Well, Anon, I do believe this room is significantly safer. Care to be just a little… naughty?” She asks, biting her lip.
Your mouth turns up into a grin, as you start to unbutton your suit once more. “Oh, most definitely. Think she’ll be mad?”
>”Nah. She doesn’t even live here anymore, what could she possibly be upset about?”
“Besides brushing her off earlier?” You ask, a cheeky grin on your face.
>Twilight blushes. “Yeah. Besides that. Come’ere big boy. We need to restart that test. Didn’t even get to collect any data last time.” She starts to crawl into the bed, tail flagged.
>Internally, you scream as you dive face first into flank. You can almost swear you heard a couple of clicks as you kneel down on the bed. But your attention is understandably elsewhere.

>Be a miserable, tired mare, Princess Luna. And you are talking to Applejack. She’s a breath of fresh air, despite her countryisms. You’ve just finished enchanting her rope for your upcoming plan, only to have Discord to pop out from the sky in front of you. He does a big stretch, and smiles. “Special delivery for Princess Luna!” He beams, holding an envelope.
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>wildly out of character for her,
You're kidding, right? All the elements contain the seed of their opposites.
Oh this’ll be good
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god I want meanshy to fucking rape me.
Huh. What do you know, assertive mares were Anon's fetish this whole time. Who would've thunk it?
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where the FUCK is Fucking Pinkie Pie
goddammit ponk
>holding an envelope.
>pic related
No wonder why Luna dislikes Discord.
She's visiting her loving family while home is imploding with chaos.
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That’s just like her to do that
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It’s gonna be even worse when SZ finally releases, then I won’t be able to bump at all
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"Guys help! she captured me!!"
Have you considered not letting her kidnap you and just leave?
That's literally just RGRE Flutterbutt
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Thank you for spending 12 years keeping the thread alive just so I can discover it right before it dies for good.
Flutterrape will continue on, thriving even, so do not fret
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Good Morning
>Laughing at your useless attempts to resist her
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Her security will also make sure you don't resist.
Oh look, the hit wonder from last year. Go back to being trivia questions in lame card games. Your time has passed.
Off 8
No coming back from that
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>Tfw Anon agrees to go to your concert instead of Coloratura's
The only reason I said yes was because she had like three of her bouncer ponies about to break my legs if I said no.
What does “yellow hooves typed this post” mean?
> https://derpibooru.org/images/3447370
Another Anon has fallen...
Don't worry, just an illusion image. Very fake stuff that Fluttershy no doubt petitioned for like an idiot.
Oh my
not a lot of rape itt tbqh

>You frown at Discord, pausing your conversation with Applejack. You take the envelope in your magic, and look it over before opening it, wary of some god awful trick.
>For better or worse, nothing explodes into glitter or slime, and a couple of pictures slide out. Your face becomes a deeper shade of blue as the blood leaves your face. Twilight and Anon are in your old room at your old castle.
>And this picture shows Anon in a rather compromising position. On YOUR bed. You can hear Discord giggling over there next to a confused Applejack. For your part, you just slide the photos back into the envelope.
>Without a hint of warning, the envelope and the pictures within are encased in a much brighter aura, as they very quickly vaporize, not even ashes remaining.
“Applejack?” You say calmly, cooly, collected.
>”Er uh, yes Princess Luna?” She asks, still confused but shrinking back a little.
“Do not move from this spot. I will be back shortly. Ready the rope.” You do not bother waiting for her response, as your horn shines bright enough that Applejack must shield her eyes, and with a loud and terrible WOP you teleport off. You did not bother doing the jump efficiently.
>It is with an equally terrible FOOP that you reappear in your old room, the air violently mixed about with the rather immediate displacement you’ve created in the room. You do not wait for a reaction, as you grab Twilight by the scruff of her neck in your mouth, completely indifferent to Anon’s face buried between her cheeks.
>You are perhaps biting a bit too harshly, as a little bit of blood is being drawn, but it’s the best you can manage in your cold rage. Your horn burns bright enough to blind poor Anon, and it’s rather fortunate for him that he covers his face.
>It is with another terrible WOP that you leave Anon behind, your teleport dangerously close to him. The heat off the spell is enough to singe his hair and give him a minor burn across his hand. Not that you stayed to see it.

>Discord gives a gentle golf clap as you return with a now furiously blushing, wing spread Twilight.
>Applejack coughs with the strength of the stench, but quickly wraps Twilight up in the rope.
>”Applejack?! Luna! Let me go! What are you doing? Why are you doing this, for that matter!?” Twilight yells out, defiantly wiggling in the dirt in front of you.
You glare at her as you bring your face to hers. “You know full well why, Princess Twilight Sparkle. That was my bed you were fooling in.” As Applejack finishes tying up her poor friend, you bring your head back up to its normal height. “Be glad that I understand you are not yourself right now. Or I would discipline you as if you were my own daughter.”
>You let that hold for a few seconds, and Twilight just looks down before trying to teleport away, only for her horn to fizzle out immediately after brightening. With less of a frown, you pick her up in your magic and begin trotting to Twilight’s castle.
Look at the bright side. With one of the last messages before we hit the bump limit, a little non-con 3rd base for Anon's face.
This thing hasn't died in 12 years. I imagine this will be one of the thread types to survive to the end of the board. Between this and RGRE (which seem to get a bit of overlap in users), it's one of the heaviest hitters.
Tbf, only fluttershy really likes the guy.
Hopefully, I lived up to some expectation there. Unfortunately for Luna, she left a thread bare and discord is still bored. :)
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>Human boobs on pony
Not my fetish! NOT MY FETISH! I'll let you do another guess today, if you just get rid of those freakish things, now!

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