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I liked this thread
nuked thread:
ITT we discuss Equestria
>Which fic or green has the best worldbuilding?
>Which fic or green has the strangest worldbuilding?
>What time period and area of Equestria do you prefer to write/read/fantasize about?
>Which fanart evokes the feeling of Equestria the most to you?
>What are some unpopular or uncommon headcanons that you hold?
>If you could make 1 adventure episode at any point in the show, what would the episode be about?
in the previous thread:
door autism:
holding stuff autism:
war autism:
setting autism:
alicorn autism:
weather autism:
continental autism:
magic autism:
bro it's just a cartoon it's not that deep
You say that, but you could write an entire doctoral thesis on pony biology without even scratching the surface of hoof ergonomics or magic theory. Even the doors are something worth studying
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Thank you based thread saver
maybe an unpopular opinion but I like a lot of the worldbuilding in fallout equestria
It's just a Fallout and MLP fusion, nothing original.
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I think we should introduce a concept similar to chimera ants to explain the changelings.
also a vision of the common ancestor of all ponies would do real good for world building...and the last unicorn fits that role perfectly.
Gross, I dislike this more than the autist who insisted that pony skeletons were 90% cartilage.
it's mostly the ressource dynamics and different technologies that I like from it, it's stuff you wouldn't get in the usual mlp setting like cloudships and memory orbs, it's all things that would make sense to be created if equestria ever went trough an industrial age
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>the autist who insisted that pony skeletons were 90% cartilage.
I think I know that faggot, he was frothing when other anons suggested that the world of mlp had the same gravity of venus and that the ponies were incredibly muscular but it was hidden by their fur.
I think magic is the best solution for hoof grip. Hooves and horns are both made of keratin and work similarly the difference being hooves cannot project spells. Earth ponies cast their earth magic through their hooves. Telekinesis is an unaspected spell, all three races can cast it. When casting telekenesis through the hooves, the range is only an inch or two.
It definitely helps not having to overthink why ponies can grab things with their hooves, but it doesn't explain why they also grab certain things, like pencils, with their mouths when the alternative is better-suited.
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I have some thoughts about Equestria being flat – otherwise, you just can't explain how ponies are able to control the heavens.
The whole universe is endless dark wasteland, and only one place has light in it. The place is surrounded by ocean that flows from the West to the East and back again. Same with the Sun and the Moon, so you have two daycycles: sun goes from west to east and from east to west. Moon follows that pattern too. I have some thought about climate changes and astronomy, I'll try to make up my mind. Pony astronomy pretty strange because Twilight mentions planets and moons, ponies have spherical models for cosmic objects, and what the hell are moons they keep saying? It's not months, because ponies use months as well.
Teeth have keratin too, so the magic still works. Maybe sometimes it's just more comfortable for them to use their mouths.
A few reasons. Ergonomics, the front legs are not as flexible as arms, also sometimes they are in use being legs. Also, fine telekinesis likely requires a somewhat high level of skill. Most ponies would have learnt to write with their mouths before developing their TK sufficiently, if they even bothered to practice in the first place. Many ponies live simple lives that do not require a high level of TK dexterity.
I was talking about practicality. Cheerilee, for instance, uses her mouth to grab chalk and write on the blackboard, when using her hoof is much more preferable.
I have the feeling that they are on a bubble, or at the very least the world of equestria is on a dyson sphere.
Your drawing reminds me of this schizo gem
Don't judge her, she likes the taste.
Cute buge
Equstrestria is surrounded by a magical shield, the veil. The sun, moon and stars are just illusions projected on the veil. That is why they can be so easy moved, because they are not physical objects. The veil used to manage itself, but at some point in the past it was damaged.

As for specific lore, one of my favorites is equestria exists in the warhammer 40k universe. A former abandoned earth colony, the ponies are genetic experiments. The veil is hiding Equestria from the rest of the universe. Also discord is a minor tzeentch demon.
Bros, I require more world build related to magic autism.
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I don't understand this graph, help
it is a poorly made graph where it shows wind pattern and the direction of both sun & moon.
>Maybe the biggest 'twist' (and by far most unpopular) of my headcanon is idea about strong 'cyclical history' in Equestria, where the "gods" (alicorn diarchy) of ponies periodically (hundreds to thousand of years) abandon them when their society grows too complex and lavish, and when the principles of harmony are forgotten.
Yeah, I hate this. The idea that Celestia would abandon her ponies, for being too successful no less, is something I find impossible to square away with who she is.
I like the idea of keratin as a magic conductor. It just makes sense
ohh this makes way more sense now
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I’ve always thought of magic as some form of radiation that’s affected by magnetism. I’d like to see some in-depth theories as to how it could work
That's not a wind pattern, that's an electromagnetic field. There's even a solenoid in the bottom left.
>go to equestria
>accidentally no clip through veil
i was going to continue this but idk shit about warhammer
You had me until 40k. I like my grimderp but Equestria being part of that lessens the magic of it. I'm totally stealing your veil theory for my own flatequestria though.
>society grows too large and degenerate and forgets their founding principles
Absolute sovereign solar tyrant Celestia who periodically culls complex society down into more simple form would also be interesting concept.
then it is poorly represented.
I wish I had saved everything from the thanos snapped thread. I kept saying later but then later became too late :T
Go to a different thread then. This one is for people who are old enough to feel ways about stuff.
Have you checked desu? I'm pretty sure everything was saved.
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wip map of Equestria, it's a bit difficult to apply a cartoony map to a more realistic one where the distance of things are more spaced out, but I'm gonna try.
Not my theory, the veil comes from a 40k crossover fic I read years ago. The veil is a good generic solution to the obvious impossibility of moving heavily bodies though.

As for other back stories related to the veil. One Idea I had was Equestria exists hundreds of billions of years after the big bang, all the main sequence stars are gone, Equestria is orbiting a red dwarf star, the veil collects and buffers the suns energy and protects the atmosphere from erosion.
That horseshoe shaped bay is absolutely ginormous, almost like meteorite/explosion crater.
Something a bit less grim is actually an idea I've played with.
That the reason the tech level in Equestria seems so schizo is cause Celestia knows how much damage rampant "progress" can cause to a society, so it's carefully monitored.
So for example, any better medical tech is okay, as are more communal things like movie theaters. But things like super addicting, NEET creating videogames or social media would never fly.
And in Celestias absence, pony society is rife with smartphones and social media. I fucking hate and love it at the same time.
The Chicxulub crater was 150km across.
both hair and feathers are also made of keratins, so this theory fits the weird season 7 fact that manes can't be regrown with magic - because hair is a strong magical conductor, it can't be the focus of a spell because it would just disippate the magical energy.
It also explains why pegasus feathers can be used as potion components

obviously this would have important lore implications. Do unicorns need to shave down their horns to stop them from growing too long, like hooves? Do pegasi every sell their feathers to make a quick buck? Did pony mages wear hair armor into battle? Is this why Starswirl the Bearded stopped shaving?
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>Do unicorns need to shave down their horns to stop them from growing too long, like hooves?
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>Do unicorns need to shave down their horns to stop them from growing too long, like hooves?
>you just can't explain how ponies are able to control the heavens
The three standard headcanons are:
1) tiny sun. The sun and moon are actually small bodies--either natural or artificial--that orbit close to the planet, creating an illusion of a regular sun and moon
2) the planet is tidally locked and is the thing being moved, while the sun remains stationary. The moon is directly manipulated. This also partially explains why the ecology is fucked and needs to be artificially propped up.
3) Equestria exists in a universe with physics different from ours, so our rules of astronomy and gravity do not apply. This is the de facto headcanon.

Pic related makes it very hard to go flat earth or illusion or Dyson sphere or geocentirc. The Equestrian system is clearly well studied and seemingly follows a standardized model for how a planetary system should look.

>It's not months
They mean the same thing. The story editors were never autistic etymologyfags and never tightly monitored the scripts for specific word usage. That's why stuff like "man" slips into the show. If you absolutely need an in-universe headcanon reason, we're catching Equestria shortly after month enters the lexicon, so both words are still being used, much as happened with you/thou during that transition.
This could explain a lot about kirins as well. Are there any drawbacks to this theory?
Breezies live inside the moon.
Breezies = fairies = magical kingdom on the moon
elaborate please
Breezies live in an "otherworld", they have to have a magical portal to get here or go home. Add in that Seebreeze sounds like a leprechaun on helium and it suggests they're the pony world's version of the Fair Folk.
It's only stated to be a sort of "somewhere else", but fairies are often associated with the moon, so it seems reasonable that they would live there. We don't see signs of breezie civilization on the surface, so it's inside the moon (like hollow earth, but moon).
I would get mad too if I had to live 1000 years with breezies.
Newfag here, I just watched Season 5 episode 9 "Slice of Life" and I left me with a melancholy feeling. Instead of the episode being a homage to the fans, it instead felt that the show was trying to "catch up" with the fanbase in terms of worldbuilding and fan creations. Throughout the show so far, and from what I know about casual spoilers from browsing /mlp/, the worldbuliding wasn't a gradual development but a dramatic change. Here's some examples: Griffons were introduced in Season 1 via Gilda, but nothing more was said about them until season 5. Changelings were introduced in the Season 2 final, but weren't talked about again until season 5. Celestia has yet to have an actual episode starring her for the first 5 seasons and she had VERY few appearances in the first season while Luna had none, and now they're finally being shown off more. All these background ponies suddenly getting special treatment and speaking roles for the first time, instead of gradually introducing them to the viewer. It's kind of jarring to see these developments. I feel like I missed a season or some vital episode. Like, what took so long? Why introduce something to only bring it up again 3-4 seasons later out of nowhere?
I liked the headcanon in End of the Universe, where the laws of physics were literally just fucked up and the ponies had to use magic to artificially keep the world functioning. Earth magic was needed to ensure crops would actually grow, Pegasus magic was needed to make sure there were proper seasons and weather patterns, and Unicorn/Alicorn magic was needed to move the sun and moon.
I don't really like Warhammer but the I've always liked the grimdark idea where Equestria is actually set in an incredibly fucked up universe but they're sealed off and protected. Like, Either Celestia and Luna took it upon themselves to hide the planet away or even they don't know the true nature of the world.
FUCK typing this gave me a good idea for a story. Starswirl was one of the few who actually discovers what lies beyond their world and goes full schizo and Celestia and Luna took it upon themselves to spread disinformation about astrology to prevent others from learning the truth.
following those ideas, equestria could also be a generational ship trying to find any suitable place left in the universe, imagine miners discovering long lost corridors under equestria and discovering the gigantic spaceship they are in
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I've been working on my own map of Equestria that uses the cutie map and the comics as primary sources.
A lot of the scaling issues stem from the growing scope over the show's lifespan, early drafts say the Everfree was intended to be a impassable barrier to the south with Zebra tribes living on the other side.
You'd probably be hard pressed to find another map which tries to mash all the locations together in a coherent way while keeping true to what we know.
Canon shows that the horn is like a tooth. Does not grow back, hence no trimming needed.

But if it's like a tooth then maybe foal unicorns get baby horns that fall off and then grow permanent horn? We never see this, but it would be useful for pregnancy to have a soft horn at the start. It would also explain why magic appears later (to protect the young one from one's own magic until more mature). But in canon we have baby magic right away, so it's not really compatible.
one of the things that would work with this map is the gravity, it is often pointed out that despite being bigger than earth, equestria has the gravity of venus.
thus it would allow for greater mountains than even mount everest.
>despite being bigger than earth, equestria has the gravity of venus
>foal unicorns get baby horns that fall off
I don't know why but this is very unsettling to me
>Canon shows that the horn is like a tooth. Does not grow back, hence no trimming needed.
maybe the horns are something similar to a real bone mixed with nails, can grow longer over time just like a nail, but cant regenerate itself fully just like a bone. It makes me wonder If tempest horn could have been reattached
>something similar to a real bone mixed with nails
That's what a horn is.

The horn bed, the part that the horn grows out of, can get fucked up, limiting or stopping growth.
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The sun and moon having proper rotations is incredibly important for Equestria, though not for the reason one might think.
Living things in Equestria are very much capable of surviving without sunlight, as there are many magical means of generating it.No, the reason why they are so important is that their proper rotation is directly tied to Equestria's "progress."
Think of it like a game where events only happen once a specific number of days in-game have passed. Once you complete all of the events in a day, you need to move on to the next to continue the story; otherwise, your character will be stuck in a limbo-like reality where nothing *really* happens.
Basically, if the sun and moon aren't rotating properly, technologies don't advance, populations don't grow, new cultures aren't created, lands are never conquered, discoveries are never made...
The state of the world in which the sun and moon are being moved and change is happening normally is called the Proper Flow.

For most of their stay, the sun and moon were capable of moving on their own with a specific magic that they had from creation. This all changed with Grogar, however.
The goat came about and conquered all of Equestria, crushing the world under an iron hoof. Grogar was not stupid, however; as a great sorcerer, he couldn't afford to be.
Grogar knew two things: 1: All empires fall eventually, and 2: about the Proper Flow.
This led to him using his bell to take away the natural magic that allowed for the celestial bodies to move on their own, plunging Equestria into an eternal eclipse that'd also symbolize the eternity of his rule, as with the Proper Flow broken, no empire would ever fall.
His plan was pretty much perfect... except for one thing. Now, remember, Grogar's rule was the first time in history that the Proper Flow was broken, so you simply cannot blame him for not knowing what would happen next.
You see, the idea that the sun and moon rotating "cause" change is... mistaken. The Proper Flow only "allows" change to happen, but the change itself exists separate from it.

Think of it like this: change is an ever-flowing river, which, at one point, has to go through a dam. The Proper Flow exists to ensure that said dam is always open so that change can pass through it unabated.
So what happens if you take away the Proper Flow? The dam closes up. But just because the river isn't getting past the dam doesn't mean that the water is gone. It's still there, accumulating and building up more and more volume. And once the dam opens up again? It all comes flooding in at once.
This was the crucial piece of information Grogar didn't know, and which ultimately spellled his doom.
Gusty the Great really didn't have much of a chance against him. She was a powerful unicorn and had some allies, but even then they'd require many miracles to achieve victory.
As it would be, a small group of her allies were left behind before the battle, with the task of moving the sun and moon yet again.
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This was only meant to be a symbolic move, by taking away the eclipse that marked Grogar's reign.
This one action, however, proved to be their greatest trump card, as the centuries (if not millenia) worth of change that Grogar had blocked by breaking the Proper Flow came flooding in all at once, causing all the miracles necessary for Gusty to steal a certain bell and cause the biggest change possible in the smallest amount of time: the end of Grogar's rule.

This also had a couple unfortunate side effects.
The first of which was the birth of Discord (so in a way, Grogar is his dad, even if by complete accident).
The second was a period of history right after Grogar's rule where nothing was certain. Change happened all the time, and a pony's entire life could be uprooted in a day. This caused ponies to become extremely paranoid about things they couldn't control, which led to pegasi taking over the weather, earth ponies taking over plant growth, and unicorns taking over the movement of the sun and moon.
Fast forward many years, and Celestia and Luna take over the celestial bodies. The issue is that alicorns are kind of freaky, as they literally become avatars of specific concepts (friendship, love, etc...).
So instead of just being two ponies that moved the celestia bodies, the two sisters became deeply involved aspects of the Proper Flow (ponies didn't even know it existed before them).
This was pretty useful for a while, as there were now two beings that could keep watch of the sun and moon to prevent anything from ever happening to them again, like Grogar.

But alas, we know how history played out. Luna was eventually driven mad by her bitterness and turned into a wicked mare of darkness.
As you might've guessed by now, when Nightmare Moon says that "the night will last forever," she doesn't just mean the physical nighttime but also her rule, which will be eternal due to her forsaking the Proper Flow.
Celestia, knowing of the dangers this would bring, decided to banish her sister to the moon and take over her duties. This sorta works, but not really.
Remember, Celestia and Luna aren't just third parties moving the celestial bodies; they are just as intrinsically tied to the Proper Flow as the sun and moon are. This means that if one of the sisters isn't performing her right work due to, say, being stuck on the moon, the Proper Flow will be affected.
Luna's thousand-year absence wasn't enough to stagnate reality like Grogar's eclipse or NM's eternal night, but it still caused way less change to happen than there should have.
And of course, once her banishment was finished and Luna came back to doing her job, the flood gates flied open, and the change that didn't come in that time rapidly rushed in (nowhere near as violently as in Grogar's case).

So yeah, ever wonder why Equestria was peaceful for 1000 years before a dozen different massive conflicts started happening immediately after Luna's return? This is why.
Pic related, if we go by real-life horn anatomy, there's bone inside like >>41370140 said. The keratin over the bone grows and can be shaped, but if the bone inside snaps then congratulations. You're a hornlet now. I'd say you could reattach broken horn in similar way you can heal broken bones, if you can find it quickly enough after such traumatic event.
Inspired from this, my new headcanon is that horns tend to break from keratinous part much more commonly and actual bone breaking is very rare occurrence.
real horses are born with skin capsules called the eponychium (cute!) over their hooves, which protects the mother from their kicks in the womb.
maybe unicorns are also develop with a eponychium over their horns, protecting the mother and supressing magic until they're born?

I like this idea - this could be why horns are shown to be fairly soft (they can be shaved down, horns flex when they're hit) but Tempest's stump is jagged, because it's broken down to the hard bone, and can't regrow

Most magical artifacts in the show are based on crystals/gems, implying that good crystal structure is important for performing magic. Even if you did get a severed horn reattached, if the horn bed is badly damaged you might never be able to regrow a horn with the near-perfect structure required to do magic again
I'm imagining unlucky ponies growing misshapen horns like those lumps deer get on their antlers when their velvet gets damaged
I love how the map looks! What software is that?
I think he's making a mod for CK3.
Yeah it's the Crusader Kings 3 map editor. Most of the locations I already have planned out so it's a case of filling it in.
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I don't think I've ever seen this featured in any maps of Equestria. It's really weird since it's been there from the very first episode.
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Does it even fit in the existing map?
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You mean this? I don't see why it wouldn't. This doesn't cover the whole world.
The writers stopped caring about the continuity around the 4th or 5th season, so I personally don't acknowledge anything after that. Like wtf is the school of friendship??
More like does the map fit that, since that came first.
I've always liked the idea that equestria exists in some brutal, grimdark universe, but is just so idyllic and bafflingly innocent in comparison to everything else that when the larger powers of the universe discovered it they just went:
>"...Ok, you know what? NOBODY touch that. That's too goddamn precious for this world, don't tell anyone this is here."
The last time an alien army tried to invade Equestria, they were blasted with the Elements of Harmony, converting the entire race.
Today, that alien race is known as "diamond dogs".
How the hell have I never noticed that? Now I gotta redo the entire continent...
Only way I can stomach silly-place-in-dark-universe theory is that Equestria is under protection of greater god of chaos and everything that enters it gets automatically kinderfied.
OP is misinform, hooves are magnets.
Is there some story like this in fimfiction?
Big if true
This is also my belief
That would be fun. Imagine, Discord gets bored of all the grim edgy universes he has visited, goes to Equestria and does this lol
>discord is actually major, khorne-tier chaos god and Equus is just his personal dollhouse/happy place that's absolutely pure and will remain so whatever enters it.
It's not Discord, it's Harmony. She's a top-tier chaos god that threatens to spread happy-sunshine-rainbow goodness, wiping out the grimdark 40k universe, if she ever escapes containment.
NTA but I’m interested too
This is amazing.
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Seems accurate
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and discord is trying to contain her?
The other Chaos gods are trying to contain her. Discord is already under her influence.
Just to remain accurate to the source material. All I had to go off of was maps like this >>41377898 so I was just filling in the gaps myself.
>It’s just Earth
I kneel

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