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/mlp/ - Pony

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Previous thread: >>41280069
Archive Link:
- https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41280069/

>What is this thread about?
This thread revolves around stories about ponies getting bathed and pet.

>Can you elaborate more?
Sure! SPG (Slave Pony General) is mostly about characters dealing with the actual implications of the horrifying thing that is chattel slavery. It's more looking at how people with modern sensibilities deal with the ownership of another sentient being, and how most people aren't total cunts.

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If it fits, she sits
What's the oil is for?
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It like coffee but for niriks
Thanks for the diplomatic awesomeness, writefag.
Cute. But too small to be useful
Pony keeps master's desk nice and tidy.
Pony cleans inside your walls
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Pony is on break
Interstellar Celly when?
>inside your walls
That's going to be hard when I have 60cm thick solid brick/concrete walls.
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JFC DUDE it's only been like 3 years give the guy a break.
>3 years
more like 6
>last updated 19th of January 2018
She's a good girl. She'll figure it out.
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Choker or collar?
>fur everywhere
Invest in a good washing machine. Even with regular brushing you'll need it when they start shedding their winter coat.
I rather use a sticky roll or a vacuum to remove all the fur. The washing machine just spreads it all over the other clothes.
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Pony fears the noise monster.
Please use sticky rolls.
Magical hoofcuffs created by unicorn collaborators a la Diamonds in the Rough.

They have dynamic strength in response to slave actions or collar settings.

They are marketed as more humane because when a slave is well behaved, they'll barely know they're there. Free movement just don't do anything too fast.

Move fast and suddenly it's like an elastic rope or a chain. If a slave gets too excited and tosses a hoof up, the cuffs quickly remind them of their place.

It could be used for prior escapees, or all slaves because it's thought of as humane. Through the collar the strength and sensitivity can be adjusted in real time in response to brattiness or crimes.

Optional head and tail cuffs and torso anchor for more restraint possibilities. When your mare is bad you can make her tail cuff go from slack to tighten and keep her tail raised. Whether for applying corrective action to her rump or just humiliating her.
>or just humiliating her.
>Pony is bad (she kicked at you)
>Make her clean the stallion barn at the local pony distribution center with her tail raised for three weeks
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Pony has tamed the beast
Please do not insult the ponies. They get /hair/ everywhere.
>Slave Pony Thread #293
You treat ponies like slaves and then expect them to love you. They won't. They are not pets or slaves, they are sentient characters with rich personalities. If you don't respect them, they won't respect and love you.
Tell me you've never read a single spg story without telling me you've never read a single spg story.
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>You treat ponies like slaves and then expect them to love you
Hello and welcome to the general. Ready a few greens, then complain why this thread is called slave pony general instead of white knight general.
Drat, no update. A bunch of meetings with our California office, which kept me at work until 7:30 PM and such every day. Didn't have the wherewithal to write this week at all...
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Silly hoers
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The office pony is very strict with deadlines.
Harsh manager.
maid always manage to fuck her master instead of answering why the house is a mess
Does she have authority over humans? Or only other slaves?
Is there a "maid" for rent service which delivers mares to your doorstep?
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A cute!
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Can you still get a OWI if you're riding your slave mare instead of driving?
As long as the pony is sober you're fine.
Unless you're in one of the states where ponies can only be registered as employees, then you're screwed.
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The pony uprising has begun
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Select your pony
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she fits = she sits
Can twilight game night write something with twilight and Anon that’s romance I am afraid to finish it, since, it’s so good.


Just read this and that makes me happy
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This is acceptable as long as she does her chores
>pony cant be a pet in this state, only a company asset
>so you're technically operating heavy machinery while intoxicated
snugg the poner
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Pony is for generating internet points
aww dashie pat pat pat
>if you smile and look like you're enjoying yourself, I'll take you out for ice cream later
>smile and look like you're enjoying yourself or it's double chores and no TV for a week
>you'd better smile and look like you're enjoying yourself or I'll make you fucking regret it

Which do you choose?
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threats don't work, he knows i'm too soft
the worst that'll happen is i'll confiscate his candy for a couple days
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pon is for pets
poniis for snuggling and cuddling
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> PART FOUR: Chieftain

> It felt good to run. At least that much hadn't changed from Thistle's previous life in Equestria, and the pattern was quite familiar to her. She would let herself become busy, until she forgot to move, until she ached from all the sitting, or standing still. Then she would go out for a run and discover, yet again, how pleasurable it was.
> Pony bodies were made for running. Not just that, their minds worked better when they ran regularly.
> Each time Thistle that had re-learned this simple, important fact, she would promise herself that she'd take time. Every morning, or maybe every evening.
> Until that one time which always came, usually within a few weeks, rarely longer than a couple of months. She would be too tired, or too busy, or ill, and she skipped a day. Despite her best intentions, she would always slip back into her work and the cycle began anew.
> Would this time be any different? With the wind in her face, and the grass blurring under her hooves Thistle promised herself she would make time for running, that she would find a way to indulge in that most pony-like of activities. The only problem was that she'd made a similar vow before, and it had never worked for long. Would this be the time she kept it up through the winter's snow? Through aches and pains of exhaustion and injury?
> Her life in the nomad lands was far harder, and more stressful, than even her worst day as the Mayor. Celestia knew she *needed* some kind of a release, and the Princess also knew the time and energy were hard to come by.
> Even this run wasn't just a run. Thistle's ears folded back and she glanced around herself. The gelding cantered easily a few steps behind her, still there even if she had managed to forget it for a few seconds.
> She wrestled with a desire to leap ahead and escape, but the duty won out. Hisein was doing well, but they still didn't have a saddle, and if Hisein fell off he could easily injure himself. Lying alone on the ground, who knows what might happen!
> Even worse, at least by the nomad's own reckoning, the horse would probably run away. The gelding wasn't *as* important for the nascent herd they were building, but it would still be a loss. Thistle had plans for all their horses, even if there were only five.
> She slowed down until the animal and its rider were beside her, then kept pace with them.
"[How is it?]"
> Hisein had the reins in one hand which also clenched the gelding's mane, and he was holding the other out for balance. He gave her a glance and a nod, but quickly straightened. She'd told him to look in the direction they were moving, based on some age-old advice her father had given her about skiing, of all things. Look where you want to go.
> She wasn't sure it would work for riding a horse, but it sounded like useful advice and so far Hisein hadn't complained.
> "[It's okay,]" he answered. "[I will get used to this.]"

"[Does your leg hurt again?]"
> There was no response for a while, and Thistle was about to repeat the question when the nomad spoke again: "[A little. It's fine.]"
"[Do you want to stop? We don't have to gallop back, we can go slower, or I can carry you.]"
> "[Shut up and let's keep going. It's coming up!]"
> This had been Hisein's idea, one she didn't fully agree with. He was trying to go too quickly, and she'd told him much the same, but the man had been implacable. Finally, she'd huffed with annoyance and went to set up the targets.
> At least the solitary run over there, and back to the camp had been pleasant.
> Now Hisein released the horse's mane and unhooked a short bow from his shoulder.
"[Slow him down! You need to-]"
> Her words died on her lips as the gelding eased into a gentle trot. She had to blink her eyes to try and unblur her vision, but she was *sure* Hisein's hands were nowhere near the reins!
"[How did you do that?!]"
> The man flashed her a smile, which was equal parts pride and insolence, and Thistle almost rolled her eyes in exasperation. "[I can guide it with my legs,]" he said. "[I squeeze and it will stop. I kick my heels - heel - and it will go.]"
"[How did you figure that out?]"
> "[I taught it. I did these things when I used my voice and the reins, and now it doesn't need voice and reins anymore.]"
> Thistle almost snorted in disbelief, except that Hisein hadn't yet lied to her. He'd been practicing riding for only a few days, so this was an impressive result. "[It doesn't work every time. I will tell the others to do the same. If we are to use a bow on a horse, we can't use our hands to control it.]"
> It made sense when he put it that way, and it was a good idea. There was no reason it couldn't be done. If a horse could be taught to obey words and the reins, why not the movement of a man's legs?
"[We're coming up. I put the targets close to here,]" she said.
> At least that was the hope. She'd tossed the crude bags of old leather around the grass pretty much randomly, then tried to remember the direction and the distance when she returned to the camp. Unless her reckoning was completely off, they should come across them soon.
> Perhaps Hisein would be proud of her skill in navigation? It was partially his teaching, after all.
> They both looked around carefully, and he had an arrow nocked, ready to draw. When she saw this, Thistle let him ride forward, so she wouldn't be in the way of any stray shot. Shooting from a moving horse was something they were still practicing, even if Hisein could now hit things reliably when his mount was standing still.
> "[There!]" he said suddenly and drew. Before she could even see where he was looking, the bowstring twanged and the arrow whisked away. In a smooth, fluid motion, Hisein drew another from his makeshift quiver and nocked it.

> They hadn't yet fully settled on a design. Thistle had done her best to describe what the ponies used, and the basic shape worked. The mouth of it had to be a ring, carved from a piece of wood, and the rest was stiff leather, but the nomads were still experimenting with the best position it should be worn.
> Some preferred to have it high on their backs, so they could reach the arrows behind their head, but others opted to carry the quiver at their sides.
> Then there was the problem with riding. If the opening was too loose, the arrows could spill out when the horse jostled the rider. If it was too tight, the arrowhead was likely to snag on the lip, making it difficult to extract. Darkhan spent most of his time these days making changes to quivers, not least the various designs Hisein himself had asked for.
> This one looked very functional, but Thistle had no doubts her friend would have some notes after they were done. After all, it was the first time he tried shooting while they were still moving.
> As she thought about the problem and tried to remember any additional insights she might have from Equestrian archery, the man twisted in the saddle and loosed another arrow. This time the string slapped against his wrist and Hisein's breath hissed in pain. "[Fuck!]" he swore as the bow dropped from his hand, then almost immediately: "[Whoa! Whoa!]"
> The horse came to a halt, but Thistle was faster. She'd already returned to pick up the bow. She held it carefully in her teeth and lifted the other end up to the nomad, who took it. "[Thanks. The string hit my arm. I wasn't careful.]"
"Fetlock guards," she said in Equestrian.
> "[What?]"
> She tried to come up with a smooth and simple translation, then shrugged to herself and sat on her haunches. That allowed her to lift a foreleg and point with her other.
"[A piece of hard leather, here. Tied on with string, or leather straps. It will guard your wrist from the string.]"
> "[Good thought,]" Hisein said. "[I cannot be as careful when the horse is moving. I have to swing the bow from one side to the other, and loose quickly. Maybe the bow could be a little smaller, too.]"
"[We'll talk to Darkhan when we're back. Do you want to try and shoot other targets?]"
> He rubbed his injured wrist, then nodded. "[Yes. I will go ahead, faster this time. I want to try how it works when the horse is running. You follow and pick up the arrows.]"
> Thistle inclined her head and headed in the approximate direction of the first target. She'd seen where Hisein had been facing for his second shot, so she had a rough idea of where to look. The arrow had probably gone askew, but it shouldn't be too far.
> Behind her, she heard the man grunt as he drew the bow and the thunk as the arrow pierced something hollow. It sounded like old leather, so that was probably a hit. The horse wasn't moving very quickly yet, but it was still a good result.

> If Hisein proved this could be done, no doubt other nomads would try to duplicate his skill. Even just five of them would be useful, she thought. Perhaps enough for the plan which was forming in her mind. She saw the first arrow, pinning the leather bundle to the ground. Hisein had barely hit it, but he had! She couldn't help smiling.
> They were both learning.
"[Hey, Hisein?!]" she shouted.
> "[Yeah?!]" the voice was faint and the rider and horse were already quite a distance from her. Thistle lifted herself up on her hind hooves for a moment to mark the direction, then she picked up the arrow in her mouth and ran after him. She decided not to look for the second shot. It would take too long to search the thick grass.
"[I fink I 'ave a flan fow A'ilet!]"
> "[What?!]"
> Of course the arrow in her mouth didn't help. Thistle chuckled to herself and increased her speed. It did feel good to simply run.
> He wasn't waiting for her, even though she thought he kept glancing back. His bow was still ready, and the man shot two arrows in rapid succession. Only then did he put the bow back around his shoulder and pulled the horse back.
> She caught up to him. "[What did you say?]" he asked again.
"[I think I have a plan for Adilet,]" she repeated after spitting the arrow out.
> "[You'll tell me on the way back. How was my shot?]"
"[The first one you only hit the edge. I didn't look for the second one, it probably went wide. I'll go pick up the last three now.]"
> "[I saw them. Two hits - the first and the third. Second one missed.]"
"[Is that why you shot the last one so quickly?]"
> Hisein gave her a nod. "[Yes. I think the quiver should be flatter. It is hard to reach arrows when they are all the way in the back. I will tell Darkhan and we will try again tomorrow.]"
"[Good shooting. You think you could do it when the horse is going faster?]"
> She looked around for the two targets Hisein had shot at, and he held out his arm to show her the way, even as he answered: "[I don't know. It is hard, but I think it can be learned. The horse goes up and down, but it is predictable. If you loose when it is at the top of the step, it is possible to hit the target.]"
"[We'll keep practicing,]" she called back to him.
> She found the last target, and saw that one of the arrows was indeed stuck in the ground near it, while the other had pierced the leather cleanly. She pulled them both out with her mouth and went back to the horse and the nomad, where she dropped them on top of the first arrow.
> Hisein kindly pointed the direction to the other bag of leather, and she hurried to it. The distance was closer than she'd hoped, but the arrow was nearly in the center of the bundle.
> She left the bundles where they were, so they could try again without her having to go and place them anew, but she thought about setting up some of those tall targets which resembled a man's body, like the other archers used to practice.

> After all, the enemy wouldn't lie in the grass, at least not all of the time.
> "[What did you say about Adilet?]" Hisein asked when she was back.
> She concentrated on picking up the arrows, one by one, and holding them up for him so he could return them to his quiver. Such tasks needed her mouth, after all.
> Once she was done, and they had turned and started to head back home, she began to explain:
"[You said the Ulan-Zuk would respect strength and fighting, right?]"
> "[Yes?]"
"[I thought- we will have to fight the Ruslans sooner or later. What if we go and hit them soon? It is getting colder, maybe they will not expect an attack before winter. We haven't seen any of them, and Janus has been making weapons.]"
> Hisein looked doubtful, with his eyebrows down and his forehead furrowed. "[I'm not sure. Janus says this metal is not the good kind. He says it is soft. We need to find the other metal to make it harder.]"
"[I know, we only have the green rocks, but it is enough. We can make arrow heads and spear tips, and small blades. It is more than the Ruslans have. Besides, I have a plan.]"
> "[Tell me.]"
"[This is something the flying catbirds did in my land, and I have to change it so it will work for creatures who can't fly. I think the Ruslans did something similar to us, though.]"
> She paused for a moment to think and organize her thoughts. The memories of that surprise attack still weighed heavily on her, and the mare glanced at her side, where she knew there was a faint scar under her fur.
"[We send a small force against them, on horses, and only Borchi-Quin. We ride near to them and shoot them with arrows, and then we ride away before they can catch us.]"
> "[The Ruslans also have horses,]" Hisein pointed out.
"[Yes, but they don't have the bow, and even if they do, they won't be able to shoot from them. We can pick them off as they chase us, and then we will have more horses.]"
> Hisein looked thoughtful, with his eyebrows pulled down and his brow furrowed. "[That won't do much to them.]"
"[No, but if we do it a few times, they will get angry. I think with archers on horses we can annoy them enough so they go after us.]"
> "[Hmm, make them angry? If it can be done, it's a useful thing. You want your enemy angry and not thinking.]"
"[Exactly. If they get angry enough to attack, we will be waiting. We will split our people and the Ulan-Zuk into two groups, and hide them some distance left and right. When the Ruslans are chasing our horse riders, they can split up. The Ruslans won't know which way to go.]"
> Hisein stared at the mare with something almost like admiration. "[The riders will tell us when, and we close on them like two hands going for the throat. We can attack them from two sides.]"
"[Yes. We need to find a good place, where we can hide people nearby so they are not seen. They will have to be some distance away, so the Ruslans don't come upon them by accident.]"

> "[Okay, but what did you say about Adilet?]"
"[Oh. Right! This will show him we know how to fight, and how to plan. We'll tell our people that Salki, or Darga, came up with the plan. If it works well, they will stop listening to Adilet. It will be a Borchi-Quin fight, not his.]"
> At this, Hisein's smile slipped a little. "[I'm not sure that will do a lot. Adilet doesn't think that way.]"
"[It's not only about him. We will have to fight beside the Ulan-Zuk. We should make sure the groups are mixed, so they become closer when they fight together. They should see that we are strong, and smart, and that we have good weapons.]"
> Thistle grinned to herself.
"[After the fight we will have a feast, and the people will sing and dance together. It will make us friends.]"
> It still didn't seem to impress the big man, and he shrugged to himself. "[That's your plan for Adilet?]"
"[One more thing. I want him to see how good bows are on horses. He will ask us to teach him, and to find him horses. Before the attack I will get him to agree that *we* get to keep any Ruslan horses we capture before the attack, and he will regret this decision when he sees how useful they are. Then we have something he wants.]"
> Hisein didn't answer, and Thistle couldn't read his expression. Her ears splayed, but she steeled herself and pushed forward.
"[If he wants them badly enough, we will organize an expedition to the West again to get more horses. A few people from our camp, and a few from Adilet's. No doubt he will want to come, too.]"
> "[Maybe.]"
"[Well - if he is still trying to take us over then...]"
> Thistle had begun talking, but quickly realized she didn't quite have the stomach for it just yet. Planning battles in abstract was one thing, but an outright murder of an individual? The mere thought sent a shiver down her spine, and she settled for a vague hint, sure that Hisein would understand:
"[Well, the way is long and dangerous,]" she hinted.
> "[It is, indeed.]"
"[What do you think?]"
> The man took a deep breath. "[I will think about it. There are some good ideas. Perhaps we can make something of it.]"
"[One more thing...]"
> "[Hmm?]"
> For several steps the mare didn't know how to ask her next thing. She shook her head and took a slow breath.
"[Salki or Darga?]"
> "[What do you mean?]"
"[They are fighting too much, and it is causing trouble in the camp. We are splitting. There may be a fight between the people for who should lead. We have to make a decision now and make sure everyone follows it.]"
> Perhaps for the first time since she knew him, Thistle saw Hisein at a loss. His lips pressed together, and he looked down at the reins in his hands. "[I don't know. Darga had led us well, but she is a woman. Salki is a good hunter, but he is young and stupid.]"

"[I will help whoever we pick. I can guide Salki to be less stupid, and he'll learn in time. The question, I think, is if we want to change now? Putting Salki in charge will make some people unhappy. It will be a change. Staying with Darga may be safer, for now, but Salki will continue to make trouble if we do that. We - *I* - have to choose and make it happen.]"
> "[Then pick,]" Hisein said, simply.

I am filled with pride and other powerful emotions as our brave little Meyermer is growing up! It's going to be a glorious future.

Paste: https://ponepaste.org/9738
Meyermer really making moves. Here come the mare'ngols!
Mayer Mare Amre Mier
Where can I find the story where Cadance is put in as manager of a walled farm on earth run by Anon, and has the idea to smuggle ponies out inside books as illustrations?
That almost sounds like CYOS and I don't remember it well enough if the "smuggle ponies out inside books as illustrations" thing happened.
CYOS is Choose Your Own Slaveventure by Lurkeranon, found on the second page of his ponepaste https://ponepaste.org/user/Lurkernon
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horse is provoking me, what do?
i see no horses there
thats a pone!
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Poner enjoys human food
>It felt good to run
I hope not away from something dangerous.
>Every morning, or maybe every evening.
Since she got snatched up from Equestria, she moves a lot.
>and it had never worked for long
Since she lives in the camp there wasn't any day where she just sit the whole day. Except when she was sick or hurt. She just finished a multiple month long journey!
>gelding cantered easily a few steps behind her
Hopefully following a leash and not Mayor's scent.
>gelding wasn't *as* important
Until Mayor forms a bond with it. Do the horses have names?
>clenched the gelding's mane
They really need proper gear.
>or I can carry you
How forward.
>If a horse could be taught
In reality they are pretty smart. They remember routes for example. Just tell it to go home from the other side of the town and they will if they have walked the path before a few times. By telling it I mean start directing it back to home and after a few turns give it no more instructions.
>Fetlock guards
More innovation whoohoo!
>Maybe the bow could be a little smaller, too
Crossbow? Now that they can possibly make metal springs. But a crossbow would be hard to reload on a horse.
>We'll keep practicing
You mean Mayor plays dog and fetches the thrown sticks.
>We haven't seen any of them
So they are also weak. Or just scared of the combined strength of the two clans.
>He says it is soft.
I doubt Mayor knows what hardening is.
>green rocks
Ah its copper/bronze. That wont work.
>That won't do much to them.
Killing them one by one, making them having to live in constant fear, making their hunters be on guard duty instead of bringing food, etc would weaken them a lot.
>hide people nearby so they are not seen
Dig trenches in tallish grass. Maybe this would not work, as the piles of dirt are hard to get rid of. And also stamping the grass down makes visible clues. Maybe they wont spot it in rage follow the enemy mode.
>After the fight we will have a..
Already counting on this being successful isn't a good plan.
>Salki or Darga?
Hisein will tell Willow/Intor about Mayor's plans. It might backfire.
>I can guide Salki to be less stupid
That needs total control.. Which Mayor does not have currently.
>Then pick

Thanks for the update!
Who would be the worst maid out of all the named characters in g4?
Spoiled Rich.
...yeah fair.
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Okay, who would be the BEST maid?


She is perfectly organized she is kind, and super hot smart and sees the best in everyone.
She's also extremely willful and does not like being ordered around, and she would likely be one of the ponies most strongly upset about the whole "enslavement" thing.

Not to mention pretty neurotic, so even if you did manage to break her in and make her perfectly obedient, she would have a complete panic attack over the slightest hint of failure and be instantly convinced she's going back to magic kindergarten the auction house.

I fully expected someone to respond with this seemingly obvious choice, but you have to take into consideration ALL aspects of her personality, not just the positive ones that would work in her favor.
ugh, I need to remember to expand my quick reply box. Those lines looked a lot more cluttered when they wrapped every ten words lmao, that's why I spread them out.
I find the neurotic part about her super cute, and I disagree that she does not like being ordered around, I think she would like it eventually, since she is terrified of making her own decisions and tents to get very neurotic, so I can cuddle her.

But I will admit that she would be very upset about being a slave, and might be hard to convince to take up the role.

Thought if we are being honest, I would probably be against pony kind being slaves as well, so maybe I could use her intellect, to start a company in my name, make a fuck ton of money, and use that to help ponies.

Maybe do something with the free cities movement.

Or if twilight can figure out time travel/ other time shut use that to become super rich betting on the stock market.
Small thing that come to my mind after I posted:
Why can't Mayor and Janus go to where Janus is from and get help from them? Janus would be treated a lot better if he "brings back a pony". Maybe they are too far away plus both are wanted by whomever they stole the horses from.
It has been a long time since Mayor thought about Rainy Day.
So to go as far as previous expedition, plus half of it more to track down Janus' tribe, then talk to those few smiths who even know what an equestrian pony is, and then most they get is some ore they lug all the way back.

It really is, she's bound to make a wave if she's alive.
cute wuna
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Rarity. No doubt.
Can you believe they're letting ponies seek medical care in HOSPITALS now? Back in my day you'd take them to the livestock vet, strap them to a table, and come back the next morning. What's next? Ponies allowed to own property? Ponies allowed to VOTE?
Fake news, medical school doesn't make you a horse doctor. The vet is still the best place for your pony.
Red Ribbon, Sparkleworks, Tote Bag, or another canon maid. That's the boring answer, though. Coco would probably be a safe bet. She ended up doing a whole lot of things for Suri that weren't in her job description. She'd adapt pretty well to a maid's duties.
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The element of generosity a bad maid? I doubt that.
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POV: you are the new young pony maid bought by master to lighten the load of that maid so they can screw more without the clothes going unwashed or the grass growing a bit tall
>inb4 the new young maid becomes the new bedmare too
The fate of all maids is becoming a budget version of another specialty.
thats inevitable
but until the master does not hog both of them every minute, one can do chores
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a cute
>not a fireproof collar and leash
She is a well behaved one it seems!
I want slave pony so bad
What do you guys think about work slaves? I know most greens/discussion is focused on sex slaves, but I want to hear about the Cakes being forced to bake goods. The Apples constantly being worked in the fields, etc...
There are stories which has 0 sex.
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As long as the firepony is kept in a good mood there's no danger, so frequent pets and a steady supply of cookies are key.
This is really good bait.
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No. That's not your brush and you know it.
I mean yeah? I want to have sex with them as well, but the main point should be the slavery
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Scrub the poner
She keeps hitting on customers
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Should have hired the hard worker
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Today is the day that red dot meets its end
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Snoozy poner
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Griffon maid made some cookies.

> Thistle watched the riders from a safe distance. Except for Hisein, the others were still very new to horse archery and their arrows could fly in unpredictable directions.
> It was all a part of their accelerated training, though, and their need to learn quickly outweighed the danger. If they were to be ready for an attack on the Ruslans before winter, the five chosen hunters had to practice, despite the risks to themselves or their animals.
> Under her and Hisein's direction, the nomads had set up wooden targets and Darkhan had supplied them with shorter bows. They didn't have as much power or range as the ones the young men preferred, but they could easily be shot from a moving horse.
> They didn't need to be too precise, but they had to be at least dangerous, otherwise there was little chance for a small group of five riders to sufficiently annoy the Ruslans into attacking.
> It was her plan, at least in its essence. Thistle still didn't know how exactly she felt about that. She was angry and dismayed at the relentless cruelty those others had visited upon her friends while she had been away, and she realized they'd try and exterminate them all if not for the Ulan-Zuk help. Their world and their very way of life were harsh and unforgiving.
> Unlike the ponies, the people of these lands couldn't control the weather and the wild beasts, so they had had to become hard. They were at least partially carnivores, so they had to hunt. That surely affected their combative nature.
> She wished there was a way around it, that she could get the Ruslans and the Borchi-Quin to talk, but apparently there was too much of a history between the two to ever become friends. They'd been warring on and off for multiple generations now, and hatred for the *others* was part of their very identity.
> Faced with that, and with the atrocities committed while her own people had been weakened, left them no choice. The fact that it was partially Thistle's own plan just went to show just how far the Ruslans had stepped over the line.
> The first step was to train their horse archers. While they were working on that, Janus was busy turning out as many spears and small, hand-held shields as he could. They were only copper, but it was still better than nothing. She'd decided they would look for the other type of ore after they'd dealt with the Ruslan threat.
> Several of their most skilled hunters, Willow among them, had left several days ago to find the main Ruslan camp. It was a dangerous mission, but they needed to know where the enemy was, and what kind of a force they were dealing with.
> Thistle was sorry she couldn't outfit them with binoculars, but she only had vague ideas about how to work glass and wasn't sure they had time to experiment, even with Janus' skill with smelting. The two disciplines surely had at least *some* overlap, but it would have to wait.

> Until then, the scouts would simply have to rely on their stealth and their eyesight.
> That just left the most important question: What to do about Salki and Darga?
> Both had merits and drawbacks. Darga was established and had proven capable. The people mostly trusted her leadership. Then again, going into battle with Salki at their head as the Chieftain appealed to the men who would fight. If he didn't say or do anything stupid, it could be an important morale boost.
> There was also the fact that Darga was too set in her ways, and only with Salki leading them could Thistle begin to make the changes she wanted. She was still convinced that there was a place for pony values in this world, at least some of them!
> Darga wouldn't be influenced by Adilet, but if Salki was in charge, it might not be an issue. Adilet may decide to take them over through marriage, which would give Thistle ample time and opportunity to make sure the clans mixed in the way she intended, and not how he wanted.
> It was also very possible that Adilet would find newfound respect for whomever led the clan into a decisive victory over the Ruslans. If she proved her horse archery idea, Adilet might be willing to negotiate for horses, and they would organize another expedition to the west.
> With all their resources, plus what they plundered from the Ruslans, they could trade for good horses, rather than steal them. She would do either, and she knew what would be Adilet's preference, but perhaps by then she would have sufficient influence to start out more peacefully.
> With Janus to translate, and their newfound understanding of horses, the westerners wouldn't be able to trick them as easily.
> It all hinged on her decision, and she couldn't make up her mind one way or the other.
> So deep was the mare lost in her thoughts that she only noticed the riders coming back when one of their horses whinnied at her from only a few paces away.
> Thistle jumped in fright with a small squeak, and then blushed vividly when she realized what had happened. The men were looking at her strangely, except for Buygra and Salki, who were grinning. She stuck her tongue out at them, then couldn't help smiling back.
"[How did it go?]" she asked.
> "[As well as could be expected,]" Hisein responded before the others could. He looked grim, and when he glanced at the other riders his face screwed up in distaste. "[I think they managed to hit the ground a few times.]"
> Thistle took it for a joke and chuckled, but the way the others shifted and refused to look at either her or Hisein made her fall silent.
"[That's not fair, Hisein. You have been practicing for two weeks now.]"
> He humphed and spat from his perch on his horse. "[Bah. They've been practicing for three days and still can't hit anything!]"

> At that, Salki scowled at the older hunter and raised his fist. "[I can hit just fine when we're standing still! It's impossible to shoot the bow when the horse is jostling me up and down!]"
> "[I told you before,]" Hisein responded curtly. "[Feel the movement. When it is at the top of the jump, loose. Come, let's drink and piss and then we'll try again.]"
> For a moment it looked like Salki would toss his bow down in disgust, but he changed his mind at the last moment. His fingers were white from how hard he was gripping the reins, but he unclenched his hand and slid off the animal. He resolutely put his bow around his shoulder.
> "[Alright,]" he muttered.
"[You'll learn, don't worry. It just takes practice.]"
> "[Or maybe you let someone else have your horse. Someone who can shoot,]" Hisein added.
> Salki twisted around, face already darkening with anger, but Thistle bumped into his legs to get him moving away. She turned her own glare at Hisein, but the hunter just spread his arms in a gesture, as if to say it wasn't his fault Salki was bad at this.
> She made sure they were a short distance away, then finally spoke up:
"[You know, this is something a good leader has to do sometimes.]"
> "[You mean horse archery?]" He sounded incredulous.
"[No. You have to understand when you're not good at something and when to let someone else do it. Good leaders know when it's best to delegate.]"
> He twirled around, fists bunched, and loomed over here even more than usual. "[I *am* good at it! I'm the best shooter in the camp!]"
"[Not from a horse. Salki, it's okay. They are different skills. There's no shame in it. You have to be the bigger man and pick someone who will be the best for the job, even if it's not you.]"
> The man deflated a little bit, but he still stared at her with unshakable determination. "[I'll get better at it! You'll see.]"
> Thistle rolled her eyes and sat on her haunches in front of him so she could lay a hoof on his leg.
"[It's fine. Salki, listen to me! Do you want to be a good Chieftain or not?!]"
> That broke through his bravado and the young man lowered his eyes. "[Yes,]" he muttered.
"[Then start learning how to lead! You don't have to be the best at everything, but you do have to be the best at leading, understand?]"
> He was silent, but the tightening of his mouth told her he did, even if he didn't quite like the implications.
"[If you do it right, we will win against the Ruslans. People will remember. They'll say: 'Salki led us to victory!' That's more important than being best at shooting a bow from a horse!]"
> It still wasn't quite enough, so she nudged his thigh with her hoof and gave him a bright smile.
"[Besides, you are already the best at shooting from the ground, and no one will deny that. Don't you think your skill would be better used in one of the ambushes?]"

> That had been the closest word for the groups which would attack from the two sides. She'd tried explaining pincers to the nomads, but they didn't have a word for it. Perhaps she would introduce the Equestrian term, or ask Janus for the western name of the tool.
> At last, Salki heaved a sigh and patted the side of her muzzle. "[Okay, you made your point. I'll think about it.]"
"[Good. Give it some more time today, but if Hisein still says you're not good at it, tell him we'll look for someone else. You'll see, he'll be impressed at how mature you are.]"
> "[You think so?]" Salki asked hopefully, betraying that he did care what Hisein thought of him after all, even if he pretended otherwise. "[You think I can be Chieftain, soon? Will you help me tell Mother she needs to step down?]"
> It was her turn to look away, and Thistle got to her hooves so she could turn aside and wouldn't have to look at his face.
"[I don't know yet. Please understand, Salki, you've grown a lot, but you still have much to learn. Maybe- Maybe after we've dealt with the Ruslans and-]"
> She fell silent, unwilling to badmouth Adilet, whom Salki still admired a lot. Unfortunately he wouldn't let it go: "[And what?]"
"[When we have settled on an agreement with the Ulan-Zuk.]"
> Salki's voice was flat and sad: "[You still don't trust Adilet?]"
"[It's not that,]" Thistle lied, "[it's just- Salki, their clan is a lot bigger than ours. Whenever you mix two peoples, and one of them are a lot stronger, it's the smaller ones who suffer. We really need to have a good and fair agreement, okay?]"
> "[Is that more of your special pony knowledge?]"
"[Yes! I learned about this kind of thing, Salki. I went to a place for four years and all I did was learn how to lead ponies! How to make deals, and how to plan, and how to get things done!]"
> He appeared thoughtful and Thistle watched the young man with some hope that he'd finally see her years of training and experience. That he'd finally take them seriously. "[Is that how you came up with your plan to fight the Ruslans?]"
"[A little. We learned about old battles in that place, and I think I remember a lot of that. Besides, Hisein helped me with some of the detail. He knows how nomads fight better than I do.]"
> An idea struck her and she grinned up at him.
"[See? I know when someone is better than me, and I take advice. You should, too!]"
> They continued in silence for a while, then Salki stopped in front of his and Saule's tent. The two looked at one another, and at last the man gave a nod.
"[Okay, if you think I'm not ready to take over as Chieftain, I'll listen, despite what Adilet says. If you promise me it'll be soon.]"
> Her muzzle fell open at this rare display of maturity, but Thistle quickly replaced with it a proud little smile.
"[Of course. If you act like this, maybe sooner than you think! You have to promise you'll always take my advice!]"

> At that, Salki crouched and grabbed her head with both hands. His thumbs brushed her cheeks, and his other fingers dug behind her ears. Thistle couldn't help but close her eyes in luxury, and her tongue lolled out despite her best effort to maintain a serious expression.
> "[Okay, I promise I'll always listen to you,]" Salki finally said.
> For a moment she saw that youth who was fascinated with her and taught her his language. All the hours they'd spent talking, and that arduous, but rewarding journey to the west when they'd really gotten closer.
> A part of her was sad it was over. She could have been content to stay his lover, even if they had to keep it secret.
> "[I saw you and Saule made up,]" Salki commented, still scratching behind her ears. "[Come, let's eat together. Then I will go back and practice with the horse some more.]"
> Thistle glanced at the tent nervously from the corner of her eye. She didn't want to pull her head free from that blissful grasp.
> Maybe he would be ready, soon, especially if she could guide him. If Saule was on her side, too, it could work. They could, between them, shut Adilet out in Salki's thoughts. Perhaps it would be even easier than with Darga in charge?
> She just couldn't make a decision! A small whine escaped her and Thistle squeezed her eyes shut.
"[Okay,]" she agreed.
> If he acted this mature through the day, and if he was able to graciously give up his spot on the horse later that evening, she would seriously consider picking him.
> It wouldn't be easy to dislodge Darga, but the woman would see reason.
> On the other hoof, if Salki behaved like this, he would accept his mother holding the position for a while longer, at least until the upheaval was over.
> She couldn't help but groan. She was no closer to an answer than she had been for the past couple of weeks!

Paste: https://ponepaste.org/9738

So, let me lay down something heavy. I've been waiting for this moment for a while, but it's finally here! much excite.

This is the first ever (and the only one for this story) CYOA moment. I have story lines going forward from here for both options, and I want *you* to pick which one, but without knowing the outcome.

Does Thistle pick Darga, or Salki to throw her political weight behind as the Chieftain?

I will read the replies (or reply, if only one), and pick the larger number. If none, I'll just toss a coin.

Exciting times!
Fresh blood and a victory will definitely boost morale with the tribe. But if Salki makes a mistake in the attack goes wrong... It could break everything apart. Still Meyermer should go with Salki. Tribe needs a man
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where are his legs?
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pony needs the booster seat
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>tornado cutie mark
what is he good at dusting?
good ending. need moar like this
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businessbat files the tps report
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Would it be wrong to own a pony that used to be a human? I mean, she can't be out on her own anymore...
>pre-trained in human tech, communication, culture
>stubborn and foul mouthed
Overall, I think it'd be positive.
Might require a shock collar.
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>Early days of slavery
>Buy Celestia for cheap back before they fixed that little oversight in the age-related discounts
>Use her as a sleeping buddy
>She's extra warm and her big ol' wings work well as blankets
>Take her out for a ride through the woods every now and again
>Don't fuck her
>In fact, no matter how horny she gets, she chases away any stud you rent to handle her needs
>Pony or actual horse
>All sorts of rich snobs or their lackeys show up at your door with generous purchase offers
>Sometimes the rich snob's ponies, too
>Refuse every time
>Give the ponies a cookie and a nuzzle from sun horse on their way out
A simple life.
>Would it be wrong to own a pony
I think you can stop there.
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Silence, mare. You have chores to do
On a scale of 50 to 150, how intelligent should pony pets be? Humans are 100.
10. Just little dumb animals that need your affection and care.
10? I get a cat then.
horse is much better than cat
Not if it sleeps only 4 hours a day (compared to 16-22) and is just as dumb.
>i prefer the bigger snoozer
weird priorities but alright
Do you know how much damage can a cat cause if its awake 18 hours a day?
sounds like a cat problem
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She will dress up for master
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Forgot pic
Sorry for the late reply!

Salki is the way to go, Even if Darga is more experienced, new blood is needed as the leader. And as alot of clan members think, a male may be preferred.
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>that story never continued
Life is suffering
which one?
90% of greens are unfinished
The one where Mac sold himself into slavery to get his neighbor enough money to buy Cheerilee from some random trader before they crossed over to Earth
>" HAHA Anon look what I found on the clearance shelf"
I remember now!
>"Haha Anon, you aren't seriously going to buy that are you? Anon?"
Bump for cute twilight
>partially carnivores
In other words omnivores.
>hand-held shields
That's a lot of metal! I don't think they need anything more than wood shields. The Ruslans don't have any high velocity weapons which could penetrate a hardwood plank. Or even soft wood.
>vague ideas about how to work glass
Good luck trying to make it transparent.
>If he didn't say or do anything stupid
That's a big if.
>newfound respect for whomever led the clan into a decisive victory over the Ruslans
Mayor has to fight the she is not an animal issue again before Adilet tries to view Mayor as someone worth "keeping". So far she has not delivered any promised inventions for example.
>with a small squeak
Mayor's inner horse revealed itself again.
>Salki was bad at this
But he practiced horse riding a lot! Well pony riding, but same difference.
>Do you want to be a good Chieftain or not?!
He just wants to be a chieftain.
>I can be Chieftain, soon?
And that just confirms my "he just wants to be a chieftain" comment.
>I take advice. You should, too!
Salki parroted most of Mayor's words when he was fucking her every night. The guy only wants short term satisfaction. Like the earlier "Hisein will be impressed at how mature you are". Mayor needs to take advantage of this if she wants to control him.
>Okay, I promise I'll always listen to you
This will last a week or two.
>I saw you and Saule made up
Better keep the real reason a secret.
>She was no closer to an answer
Salki will be chieftain some way or another, its just the matter of time. I think Mayor should convince Draga to actually teach Salki to be a chieftain and not just expect that he learns somehow. The nomads (not just in this camp) are pretty much against Draga because she is a woman. If Mayor and Draga can make Salki more or less a puppet, or at least teach him to not make bad decisions (or any) it could work. At the moment Salki needs years to learn how to lead. He is just coming out of the hormone high teenager phase. A gradual handover would also work if the two manages not to contradict each other.

Thanks for the update!
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on the couch
Lazy horse. And she sheds everywhere
Filly trying to cook for her master.
it's the thought that counts

The ayes have it!

"[That's the best way,]" Thistle concluded.
> The two nomads in the tent with her looked stunned, as if they didn't quite believe what she'd said. Now that it was out, and decided in his favor, Salki looked a little pale, as if he wasn't really sure he wanted to go through with it anymore.
> Darga, on the other hand, looked furious. "[So that's it?!]" she growled. "[You two cooked this up together to get rid of me! Admit it!]"
> An exasperated grunt escaped the mare and she put herself between the woman and her son before either of them could do something stupid. Unfortunately, she wouldn't have put it past Salki to gloat, and that would ruin everything.
"[Darga, we agreed! You agreed I would think about it and decide what's best!]"
> "[I agreed because I didn't think you were stupid enough to decide this!]"
> It was Thistle's turn to growl, and her hoof itched to slap the annoying woman, but she made herself remain motionless, other than a scrunch to her muzzle.
"[It's not stupid! I told you: we need to keep Adilet thinking things are going his way! If he believes he can take us and Salki is in his hand, he won't try anything more drastic. I buys us time.]"
> She had gone through all her reasons in great detail, but it looked like Darga just wanted to be difficult and had decided to forget, or ignore, them all.
"[Besides, Salki agreed we would advise him! We all know he's not ready to do it on his own!]"
> There was a strangled sound of protest behind her, but Thistle lashed out with her hoof blindly and felt the satisfying thump against the young man's stomach. She made sure to pull the kick, so she barely touched him, but it got her message across and he shut up, aside from a startled yelp.
"[He's not ready *yet*,]" she repeated with an emphasis. "[Someday he's going to make a good Chieftain, but first he has to learn from us. From both of us!]"
> "[Everyone is going to say that a whore of a pony and my own son have thrown me out,]" Darga muttered. "[I'll be a laughing stock!]"
"[No, not if you make the announcement! We'll show it as your idea. After all, he is your son and you've only held to Chieftainhood until he could take over. Once we beat the Ruslans, Salki will have proven himself and the people will accept it.]"
> Darga kept her ugly scowl, but she didn't say anything. Her eyes darted around the tent as she searched for a way out and Thistle couldn't help but let out an exasperated sigh. She leaned closer and lowered her voice so that Salki wouldn't overhear them.
"[He's just the face for the camp people, and for Adilet, Darga! It'll still be you giving the real orders! You and me. Salki agreed. It's the best way for him to learn!]"

> For a moment, after Thistle had included herself in the decision making process, Darga's gaze turned sharp and her mouth opened in surprise, but then her eyes narrowed in suspicion. Thistle's ears folded down flat and she hurriedly spoke before the woman could make an accusation:
"[You know I'm the best negotiator! I know how to organize! I can help you and Salki- help the clan become better!]"
> "[You are a sneak, and a spineless coward,]" the former Chieftain grumbled.
> The accusation made Thistle gasp in shock and she drew back, hurt.
> For a few moments Darga looked uncertain, then her eyes went to the mare's flank. The scar was no longer visible, of course, but the stare reminded her and Thistle took a self-conscious step to the side to move her side out of sight.
> "[Okay, maybe not a coward,]" Darga said, holding up a conciliatory palm. "[But you're a sneak and a manipulator, and you know how to twist words to your advantage. Should I remind you that a year ago you were nothing more than our newest animal? Less than a slave!]"
> The sudden knowledge made Thistle's legs weak and she sat with a heavy thump. Had it only been a year? Less than that, even! She hardly ever thought about her first few weeks, and about her introduction to the clan. The way Willow had tried to train her like a beast of burden.
> Rainy Day.
> Her heart fluttered and tears threatened to spill as all that suppressed emotion welled up. Thistle drew a shuddering breath, pushed the recollections back down, and brought her mind to the task at hoof. She needed to be strong, and she needed this influence if she were to have any hope of getting home.
> Any hope of finding Rainy Day again in this world.
> Still, despite her best effort, her voice was choked with emotion.
"[I am good at what I do, and you have experience leading. Together we'll sort out Adilet. I promise you - before this is done, *we* will be running his clan, not the other way around.]"
> For the first time since Thistle had announced her decision, Darga allowed herself a flash of a smile. "[You are ruthless. That is good. Maybe...]"
> Without even waiting for her answer, the woman reached out a hand and simply nudged Thistle to the side so she could look directly at Salki. "[How about you, son? Can you become strong and hard enough to take us to glory?]"
> "[Yes!]"
> His voice sounded bewildered, and he'd hesitated before answering. Even Thistle winced, glad that her face was turned away from him. Darga wasn't so kind and her grin turned into a fresh scowl as she spat on the ground.
> "[You'll need to get harder than that. If Adilet doesn't believe you're in charge he'll go right back to scheming against me.]"
> Thistle nodded to herself in agreement, then turned around to face the young man.

"[Salki, look at me. Think on how you feel and act when you're hunting. When you are stalking a dangerous prey. There can be no mistake, and no weakness. It is life or death.]"
> His eyes widened, but then his chin thrust out and the young man bared his teeth. "[You're right,]" he said.
"[That is how you will deal with Adilet. We'll be polite - we always have to be polite, but he is trying to take over and he would kill your mother and you both, if it helped him. Always remember that!]"
> "[How do you know all this?]"
> Thistle shared a glance with Darga, who was the one to answer: "[He is ruthless. How do you think the Ulan-Zuk have gotten so big? Have you spoken with any of them?]"
> "[No, but neither have you! You don't go out of your tent while his men are here.]"
> "[True, but some among us do, and they tell me. You have to speak with people, understand what is being said in the camp, if you want to lead. Don't let the people make you guess what they intend. You must be one step ahead of everyone.]"
"[Good advice,]" Thistle confirmed, "[and I will help you do that.]"
> His certainty and self-assuredness was down, and for a moment Salki looked even younger than he was. He stared down at his hands and played with a pebble he'd picked from the ground.
> It wasn't right. She had to help him lead, and she needed Darga's long experience, but without any confidence all they'd have was a biddable puppet. Even if the woman was okay with that, it wasn't what Thistle wanted.
> She turned back and touched her nose to his chin, which made him look up at her gentle smile.
"[Don't worry. You've shown me you can be a good, strong leader. We'll build on that. You need to take mine and Darga's advice, but that's all it will be. Advice. Pay attention, ask questions when we're alone, and soon you'll know what decisions to make yourself, you'll see.]"
> He gave her a relieved, impish smile, which reminded her just how much she missed his kisses, and the feel of his fingers running through her fur.
> This was no time for that, and Thistle forced her tail to stay modestly down, lest she expose her glistening self to the Chieftain. If the woman drew the wrong type of connections it could end quite badly for both her and Salki.
> "[So, what do we do now?]" he asked.
> Thistle used this question to move away so she could face them both, and sat on her haunches.
"[Hmm, we need to wait until Adilet's people are gone. This is a matter for our clan, and I don't want him to believe his men had anything to do with the decision. Then Darga will call for the people to gather, and she'll make the announcement.]"
> "[Any ideas how that should go?]" Darga asked.

"[Something like- we are going to war with the Ruslans, and our best hunters should lead the fighting, and Salki is one of our best shots with the bow. Remind everyone that you were only holding the position after Salki's father died. We need to make sure everyone sees his authority passed on.]"
> The old Chieftain looked thoughtful at that and she tapped her lips with a finger. "[Yes, I can see that. Perhaps.]"
"[So you will believe this isn't a coup? That we aren't trying to supplant you?]"
> Darga stared directly at her for an uncomfortably long time in silence, then she shrugged. "[I am remembering what you told me of your people, and I'm thinking that maybe you are sincere. Maybe you really do mean to have Salki lead, like I always intended.]"
"[Yes. I want to help!]"
> "[Why? We took you from your home.]"
"[I have a place in the camp now. Others might not accept me. Adilet would chain me up and use me for my ideas. Ruslans would probably outright kill me. I want to keep the Borchi-Quin strong, because that keeps me safe. That and-]"
> "[And what?]"
> For a moment Thistle wasn't sure if she wanted to reveal the next part, but eventually her ears splayed, she heaved a sigh, and went on:
"[Only the Borchi-Quin know where the place is where our worlds touch. The old shaman told me the hole only opens once in a nomad's lifetime, but maybe he was wrong. Only if the Borchi-Quin are strong and hold their ancestral hunting grounds can we reach that place.]"
> This was a surprise to both nomads, but while Darga controlled herself well, her son spun around, wide-eyed. "[You want to leave us?]"
> Her face fell and Thistle leaned to him until he reflexively caught her muzzle in his hand.
"[It's my home, Salki. Please understand. I have family, friends. I had a good life. I want to see it again, someday.]"
> He was silent, brushing his fingers through the soft fuzz around her nose, and she closed her eyes in comfort.
"[I've grown to like you, and all the people in the camp.]"
> She paused at that, and mentally excluded a few from that picture, but it was no time to go into details.
"[I want to show you Equestria. I want you to see what life can be like!]"
> "[What exactly are you saying?]" Darga asked slowly.
"[If I find a way back - I want you all to come with me. There is no constant war in Equestria. There is no need to fight every day, to kill your neighbors and drive all strangers away. You could build better lives there, and your children could grow up safe!]"
> The three of them stared at one another in silence, until Thistle firmly pulled her face away from Salki's hand. Her ears remained flattened as she shifted her gaze from mother to son and back.
> At long last Darga swallowed and broke the silence: "[This isn't the time for that. First we must survive the Ruslans, and then we have to survive Adilet and the Ulan-Zuk. After that...]"

> There was a dangerous gleam in Darga's eye and Thistle's heart nearly stopped.
"[No! No, Darga! I will not let you raid Equestria! If I take you there, I will find you a home. There are lands without any people where you can settle. There is hunting in the forests, and you can learn how to work the land from earth ponies. You can trade. It wouldn't be a bad life! You don't have to steal.]"
> "[But you are okay with stealing and fighting while you're in our world?]"
"[That's different!]"
> "[How?]"
> Thistle scrambled for an answer, but then saw the woman was smirking. Smirking, as if she'd won some kind of a debate! Her muzzle scrunched up in annoyance and she clamped her mouth shut.
> Salki broke the silence: "[We'll figure that out later, it's not important. So I'll be Chieftain now?]"
"[Yes!]" she blurted out, grateful for the change in topic. "[Remember - you need advice. Don't make any big decisions until we've had a chance to talk. You have a lot to learn.]"
> "[I will teach you what you need to lead our people. Thistle,]" she indicated the mare with a flick of her hand, "[will help you negotiate with the Ulan-Zuk.]"
> It was a snub and the mare gave her the stink eye, but Darga simply ignored it. She went on talking: "[I will teach you what I know and we'll make the Borchi-Quin the strongest clan in the steppe. Even the Eastern people will fear our name, as will those to the West!]"
"[Or, we could learn to trade and become rich and respected! You don't have to be feared to be respected!]"
> "[Maybe, but being both is best,]" Darga said simply. "[Leave us, Thistle. We need to speak. About leadership.]"
> Already the woman was trying to exclude her and monopolize Salki! Unfortunately there wasn't much she could do without sounding petulant and entitled.
> Her mind churned through plans as Thistle got slowly to her hooves, and she settled on Saule.
> She would have the influence over her husband the mare needed! Ever since their talk at the river, the animosity between the two had dwindled and there was something like grudging respect. If they worked together, Salki could remain faithful to the mare and her teachings, rather than be swayed by his mother's violent tendencies.
> Careful not to let any of this show on her face, Thistle took a step back and pushed her rump at the tent flap. She paused for her parting words:
"[Salki, remember that you need to learn from both of us. A good leader isn't just one thing, he has to know different ways. It means you can choose talking, or fighting, whichever is best for the situation.]"
> He stared at her earnestly and gave her a nod which made her think all was not lost. Yes, he was impressionable, but there had been a lot of animosity between him and his mother, and she could exploit that.
> They couldn't cut the woman out completely, not yet, but with Saule's help, and with everything she and Salki had shared, they could limit her influence.

> He would make a great leader by the time Thistle was done with him! Her face was set in a determined scrunch as she backed out of the tent and, blinking in the strong light, went to look for Saule.

Eh, might need to update my script to avoid breaking text like that - one sentence in the last post...

Anyway, the deed is done, now we get to see how it turns out!

Paste: https://ponepaste.org/9738
>felt the satisfying thump against the young man's stomach
Who's the chieftain now!
>whore of a pony
She only fucked 3 different things so far and neither paid!
>Salki agreed.
Hopefully he keeps his words.
>you know how to twist words to your advantage
And how exactly is that a disadvantage?
>nothing more than our newest animal
A day before that she was running a town.
>and you have experience leading
And Mayor don't?
>it wasn't what Thistle wanted
But for the time being its exactly what they need.
>This was no time for that
Especially not in front of his mother.
>That and-
Win Salki back.
>You could build better lives there
Meat is going to be a problem.
Because if they stop the other clans will eliminate them.
>So I'll be Chieftain now?
"now" And his hunger for power is back.
>We need to speak. About leadership.
Sure, about leadership.
>cut the woman out completely
That would be a really bad idea for multiple reasons.

Thanks for the update!
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What a rebel!
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The time of hoomans is coming to an end.
This is now ponyworld.
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Soapy a cute and I wish we had more of her
same, going through a mental restructuring so maybe I'll draw her more when it's settled
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Full time comfort pony.
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what a silly cat
A big and expensive cat. Talkative too...
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I don't want a cat.
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that's so cute im gonna die
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Pony wears the dress!
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she doodle on command
Good poner deserves pets
That picture is going on the fridge
I don't believe in slavery
slavery does not believe in you either
I remember someone wrote a story with Twilight where she is barely intelligent (she is basically a smart pet), gets older then gets put down.
Can't find it, does somebody know which one was it?
>>41445124 (you)
Found it, I thought it was a paste, but its not. >>41445171
>work's at master's spa
>runs the sauna all on her own
>gets free pets from the customers, and snuggles with master after work
And some ponies still want to be free.
>runs the sauna all on her own
Including the heating.
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Poner on the couch
Fuzz everywhere
Bathe her regularly!
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Pony gets full-coat brushed daily during shedding season

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