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>You are Ardent Mind, an experienced caravan guard and a senior team leader of Steady Stride Caravan Guard Company
>Your job is to escort ponies across the Badlands and beyond to the new colonies in the Mysterious South, fighting Changelings, Diamond Dogs, giant lizards and other dangerous wildlife found in The Badlands and the lands beyond
>Most recently you were hired by the Equestrian Rehoming Project, an organization responsible for managing and encouraging immigration to Equestria’s new colonies for a not so simple escort job
>The job had been rougher than normal from the start but the excitement reached a crescendo just over a week ago when Diamond Dogs trapped your group within a canyon, leading you to take shelter in a newly excavated ancient Dog temple
>After days of looking for an escape and many battles that cost not only the lives of your fellow guards but the health of the mare close to you, you arranged a meeting with the leader of the Diamond Dogs, Abuwityuw
>After much effort you managed to arrange an agreement with the Diamond Dogs
>The Dogs let you leave in peace in exchange for you giving up several important ponies, most prominent of which was the leader of the Equestrian Rehoming Project, Fleur de Lis
>After finally escaping the underground you managed to be rescued by a nearby airship and returned to Equestria proper
>Now you sit in the local Steady Stride office with a close mare friend

(Characters: https://pastebin.com/PqtD6vYH)

Previous Threads:
>You grip Lemonade’s hoof
“I hope you don’t think any less of me for this.”
>”For what?” the mare asks. “You saved as many ponies as you could. Nopony could blame you for submitting to the Diamond Dogs. Not in the situation you were in.”
“No, that’s not what I…”
>You sigh
“When we were down there it felt like we were facing the end. We were separated, wounded, and had just lost so many ponies that it was hard to keep faith in seeing home ever again. We could only afford to send two or three ponies to find a way out of the city, so Hollow and I went alone.”
>You pause for a moment to find the right words
>”That’s when she got hurt,” Lemonade says, interrupting your thoughts, “isn’t it?”
“Yeah, it was. We were in these catacombs and we’d already spent hours avoiding or fighting guard Dogs when we found these old mines. We thought that maybe we could escape through them and send for help, but we’d have to face the guards at the entrance first. We agreed that we’d try to fight them so that Hollow could fly back here. But that didn’t go as planned.”
>You drop Lemonade’s hoof
“When I saw Hollow’s broken body it was like the floor dropped from under me. If I’d lost her then I don’t know I’d have carried on, not after what’d happen to Silver, or Flash Fire, or any of the others.”
>You take a deep breath, preparing yourself for what you’re about to say
“When that happened there was only one pony I could think about and she wasn’t you.”
>It was as if the whole world was suddenly silent
>But Lemonade’s hoof remained on your’s
“I like you, Lemonade. I want nothing bad to ever come to you, but this thing between us isn’t right. You’re an excellent mare and deserve to be with someone that can give you the love you give them. But that pony isn’t me.”
>It’s a silent few seconds before Lemonade answers in a whisper
>”’It’s not you, it’s me.’ Is that what you’re saying? Or are you saying that you found somepony else?”
>You face the brown mare but fail to meet her eyes
“Lemonade, what I mean is I rushed into this thing with you without really thinking or realizing I’d already developed feelings for somepony else. Even before what happened in the underground I knew I had feelings for her but-“
>You are cut off when Lemonade suddenly steps away from you
>”Does she know about how you feel?”
“Yes, she does. But I want to do right by you before I do anything with her.”
>Lemonade makes a sound that’s somewhere between a laugh and a whimper
>”I don’t get it. I thought we had a good time together. It’s not like we were official but I thought…”
>She makes another one of the strange laughs
>”I just got you back and you’re already gone again.”
>You move to comfort the mare but she steps away
>”Don’t comfort me. You’re not that cruel. Just tell me what makes her better than me, please?”
[Input Needed]
‘’Alright I'll be honest with you Lemonade. Whenever, I talk to Hollow me and her just clicked immediately on having long ongoing conversations, we’re in perfect sync when fighting overwhelming opponents together, next she's a bat pony a rare unique race with special characteristics having echolocation as a sixth sense, dilated sharp narrow pupils that can see in the dark, oddly shaped wings that can help conceal their presences in the dark shadows, and we both have similar pasts where we aren’t that close to our own families. Furthermore, when she was about to die my mind was entirely focus on saving her life everything else I just ignored for her sake. I was scared about losing her and once I took her to safety she became grateful and started to open up to me and told me a little more about herself. She became a Caravan Guard Mercenary to get away from her father’s strict way of living and to become her own mare instead of being a spitting image of her high nobility father and before she met me she once had a coltfriend who she thought loved her but he lied when she caught him red-hoofed cheating behind her back with another mare the first time they were dating. Those two bad life experience broke hollow up which made her become socially distant from others and a harsh loner; until when she met me her sheltered cold heart started to melt a little she was beginning to trust me and started to believe she may have actually found somepony who wouldn’t stab her in the back like that making her want to know me even more. Right then and there I can tell from inside hollow’s eyes that she was suffering a lot from the inside and I have the potential to help heal her hurting and mend it properly so she can be like her old self again just like how she can do it to me the same way. She needs me lemon and I need her too. I’m so sorry you had to find out about this but, Please tell me you understand why I have to end things between us?! I never wanted to hurt you in anyway although after witnessing that tragic incident with hollow's near death-experience that made me reflect on the whole idea I’ve been thinking that our relationship is clearly more platonic than an actual loving one where for example: You and I have known each other for 8 years now almost a complete decade, yet we mostly kept on just being polite and teasing each other instead of trying to actually make a move on one another. Therefore, us dating may not actually become genuine but only a physical attraction. Maybe with enough time and a whole lot of effort it could be real or had either one of us claim to take the first initiative years ago then I believed we would've been happy together with a family of our own but Spiked both of us just stood back and did nothing too take a chance on embracing our feelings for each other. If it makes you feel any better when we were down there I was considered taking up on your offer before all this went down’’.
This is way too much.
"Please, Lemonade, you just told me not to be cruel. You know these things aren't about being 'better'. Feelings like this aren't something that we can control.
I just wish I hadn't been such a fool and realized it sooner, before I hurt somepony as wonderful as you. But I was, so telling you the truth now is the only correct course."
“Please, Lemonade, you just told me not to be cruel. You know these things aren't about being 'better'. Feelings like this aren't something that we can control. I just wish I hadn't been such a fool and realized it sooner, before I hurt somepony as wonderful as you. But I was, so telling you the truth now is the only correct course.”
>”I know we don’t have control over these feelings, trust me, I do. But I need to know where it went wrong. I need to know why you changed your mind.”
“It’s nothing you did,” you assure her. “But these near death experiences have made me reflect on our relationship and I can’t help but think it’s more platonic than an actual romance. You and I have known each other for eight years now, almost a complete decade, yet we mostly just kept on being polite and teasing each other instead of trying to actually make a move on one another. I’ve begun to suspect we aren’t romantically attracted, but only physically. Maybe with enough time and a whole lot of effort it could be real or had either one of us taken the initiative years ago then I believe we would've been happy together. But Spiked, both of us just stood back and did nothing.“
>”So that’s it then? We’ve just waited too long? Then what about that night? Were we just acting on our physical attraction? Is that all it was to you?”
[Input Needed]
"I don't want to say that's all it was, because I do really care about you. But it was... too hasty on my part. I was slightly drunk and had just been through some tough missions, I just didn't consider things through like I should have. I'm sorry."
''Actually, that night we had together it was real Lemonade and I completely enjoy it especially, since I did it for the first time with somepony that I know and trusted. If it makes you feel any better when we were down there underground I was considered taking up on your offer after the job from Miss Fleur to station here in Gate city so we can attempt to be official coltfriend and marefriend before all this hell went down. But that particular tragic incident gave me a major reality check and shifted my priorities''.
“I don't want to say that's all it was, because I do really care about you and I felt more than just physical attraction. But it was... too hasty on my part. I was slightly drunk and had just been through some tough missions, I just didn't consider things through like I should have. But that time in the underground and everything leading up to it gave me a major reality check and shifted my priorities. I'm sorry. If it makes you feel any better I sincerely did consider whether to stay with you or not.”
>Spiked Lemonade wipes an eye with a hoof
>”I know you did. You always consider everything.”
>Lemonade walks to the office door, unlocks it, and opens it for you
>”If you don’t mind, I’d like a moment by myself.”
>You nod and grab the paperwork you’ll need to fill out in the coming days and begin to head out the door
>Just as you cross the threshold Lemonade whispers, “I’m still happy to have you back, Ardie,” before closing the door behind you
>You now stand in the hallway of the Gate City offices
>You have your own paperwork with you right now, but it doesn’t need to be finished for another couple days
>Down the hall you can hear the local guards pestering Barrel Cactus with questions about the last couple weeks
[Input Needed]
[What do you want to do now that you have some free time?]
Well glad we settled things with lemonade as honest and the right way we can hope she finds somepony that can make her happy just as much we did for her. On the bright side we can be together with hollow and we finished our promise to the bat pony now we can new promises to her. Until then I think we should get ahead start on the paperwork so we have less to do later or see if we can get it done by today so we have more time for ourselves and our friends.
>You quietly make your way past the recreation room, trying your best not to be spotted as you head for the office dining room
>If this was Appleloosa you would have been able to fill out the paperwork in the privacy of your own room but with Lemonade in the office the dining room will have to do
>Sitting as far from any source of noise as possible you begin your report

>Over the next several hours you write a detailed account of what happened to your caravan starting from when you departed Appleloosa all the way until the moment you began writing your report, including everything from how many rations you used to a sterilized account of each pony’s death
>Occasionally ponies step into kitchen for a glass of water or a treat and have a small conversation with you
>As the sun begins to lower in the sky Barrel interrupts you to tell you that he’s going to get a hotel for you, Soul Mane, and himself
>He tells you the location of the hotel and says he’ll tell the front desk to hold your key for you
>A short time later Lemonade walks into the kitchen and begins cooking dinner for the rest of the local branch
>As she prepares the pots and pans the two of you work in silence, as if not noticing each other
>You’re a willful pony, so you push through the awkwardness and don’t let it distract you from the task at hand
>It isn’t until Lemonade begins setting plates that she finally speaks to you
>”If you want, you can use the office now. Nopony should need it for the rest of the day. I’ll come and fetch you once dinner is ready. If you’re joining us, of course.”
>You’re not sure if it’s your imagination or not but you sense an uneasiness in her voice
>You take a moment to look over your work and estimate that you’re close to three-fourths of the way through and should only require another two hours or so of work
[Input Needed] [Do you want to eat with the local branch or just finish your work and then get food on your own time?]
Ardent should eat with the local branch once he finish his work so he can have small talk with lemonade and the others and at the end of it once lemon and ardent are alone again this is a great opportunity to ensure that we are still on friendly good terms with lemonade that way things will become less awkward around the two.
Yeah, this. Thank her for the offer and accept.
“Thanks, I’d like that, if you don’t mind.”
>You pick up your stack of papers and make your way to the office where you can continue working in peace
>Not much later you hear commotion in the halls followed by a gentle knock at the door
>”Dinner’s ready.”
“Be right out,” you call back
>You carefully set your paperwork in your saddlebag and join the rest of your long distance coworkers in the dining room
>As you enter the room you find everybody waiting patiently for you to join
>”Glad to have you back,” a pony whose name you don’t remember says
“Thanks,” you say as you sit down
>As you prepare your plate everyone watches you
>Thankfully, after you take your first bite everyone else relaxes and a lively conversation starts up
>Topics shift as quickly as they’re brought up and jokes abound
>Some of the jokes you get while others you can only assume are in jokes amongst the local guards, but you more or less laugh all the same
>Time flies by and even after you finish your meal you remain at the table to chat
>For the first time in forever you’re able to forget about the underground city, or work, or interpersonal drama and just live in the moment
>But all good things come to an end and ponies slowly begin to trickle to either their own rooms or back to the rec room
>Everyone stacks their plates next to the sink and once everyone but yourself has left Lemonade excuses herself and begins to clean the dishes
>You take a minute to enjoy your moment of peace before following her into the kitchen
>You set you plate atop the pile with a loud click but she doesn’t look up from the pot she’s cleaning
“Lemonade, do you mind if we talk privately again?”
>She simply nods and turns on the faucet
>”Of course. Don’t worry about the others, they won’t hear us talking.”
“I want to make sure we’re still on friendly terms, you and I. I know situations like this can be rough, but I want to remain friends.”
>Lemonade snorts as she continues to scrub the pot
>”Yes, Ardie, we’re still friends, and I hope we always will be. I’m upset that things didn’t work out but I’ll never give up our friendship.”
>Lemonade stops her scrubbing and turns to look you in the eyes
>”And I want you to know that I don’t hold anything against your mare either.”
>She gives you a weak smile and resumes her work
[Input Needed]
"Thanks, Lemonade. I do feel like such an ass for making you go through this, but glad I didn't manage to lose you completely. Need help with the dishes?"
''Thank you Lemonade! I glad you can understand the situation and don't worry you and I will always be friends. Again I'm really am sorry we can't be together. It just that Hollow is suffering from a personal matter and she needs me to help her recover. Plus if you want we can have one last kiss together so you can have something special to remember me by. Hollow told me that she'll give dating me a chance only after I end things with you, so technically we'll not an item yet until I tell her about our talk so we can have one final private moment together think of it as gift from somepony that you once loved''.
Almost everything you just said here is horrible, but this in particular
>we can have one last kiss together
we already decided we're not doing.
''I hope you manage to find somepony that can make you happy someday; which reminds me Hey lemonade what made you had feelings for me in the first place above all the other stallions you ever met and worked here and what stopped you from trying to date me during these 8 years were you trying to wait on me to make the first move towards you''?!
“Thanks, Lemonade. I’m glad that you and I will remain friends and I hope you manage to find somepony that can make you happy someday. I do feel like such an ass for making you go through this, but glad I didn't manage to lose you completely. Do you need help with the dishes?”
>Lemonade shakes her head and resumes scrubbing the dishes
>”No, but thanks anyways.”
>You begin to walk away but stop and turn back towards her
“I know things are sore, but may I ask you something?”
>Lemonade hums approval but doesn’t look up from her work
“What made you have feelings for me in the first place?”
>Lemonade takes a long time to answer
>”We’d been friends for so long, I guess it was just bound to happen. You’re smart, and brave, and fun and those are traits that are hard to find in a single pony. You always do what needs to be done, even if it sucks. It’s hard not to admire that.”
“What stopped you from trying to date me all these years? Were you waiting for me to make the first move?”
>”I guess. For a long time I thought that the distance would be too much of an issue too.”
>Lemonade quietly continues her work
>All things considered, she’s been very polite to answer your questions, more so than any previous marefriend or fling has been
>You wish her a good night and promise to drop off your papers soon and exit the kitchen
>Standing in the dining room you look out a window and notice the sky is starting to transition towards dusk, meaning it’s close to the time Hollow normally wakes up and stores begin closing
>You still have some work to do with your report, but again, you have plenty of time to finish
>The sound of some of the local guards playing pool and the clinking of glasses reminds you of drinking with friends, an activity you’ve gone without for too long and you briefly wonder what Soul Mane is up to
>As you think about what to do next you yawn
>As much as you want to take care of the important things, a hot shower and some good sleep is pretty tempting as well
[Input Needed]
Well at least that's wrap up everything we needed to know and take care of with lemonade hope all goes well for her the next time we meet her. Head straight to the hotel and go to our room for a hot shower and a few hours nap so we can be able to check up on Hollow at the hospital later on and then afterwards once we come back to the hotel if Ardent still has enough energy to stay awake for the night he can finish the report by tonight or at least make sure it's taken care of in the early morning at his convenience.
This but keep it a short nap.
>You exit the office and head for the address Barrel gave you
>As you make your way to your hotel downtown you look for any signs of the Royal Guards Lemonade had mentioned but fail to spot any
>When you finally reach your hotel you find it is a much more modest establishment than the one the Equestrian Rehoming Project paid for
>After you grab your room key from the front desk you immediately enter your room
>You drop your saddlebags next to your bed and find your armor and weapons already sitting there
>You shrug, assuming that Barrel must have dropped them off earlier, and walk into the bathroom and start the water
>As you wash the dust and grime out of your coat you can feel the tension in your muscles quickly fade
>After drying off, you set the alarm on the small wind up clock by the bed for only a few hours before sliding beneath the sheets

>You awake with a start as shut off your alarm with you magic as you slide out of bed and head towards the hospital
>As you walk through the dark city the police on patrol give you inquisitive glances but otherwise ignore you, as do the handful of other ponies you pass on the streets
>It takes longer than expected to reach the hospital but once there you quickly reach Hollow’s room
>You give her door a gentle knock and wait for her to shout, “come in.”
>As you step into her room you find Hollow snacking on a bowl of diced fruit
>”Ardie!” she exclaims when she recognizes who you are, “you sure took your time to visit me.”
“Sorry, it’s been a long day. How are you doing?”
>Hollow shrugs and resumes her snacking
>”I’m doing alright, no long term injuries. The doctors say I should be good to leave by lunchtime. I’ll just need to take it easy for the next couple weeks or so.”
>The good news brings a smile to your face
“I’m glad to hear it.”
>Hollow smiles back at you and continues to snack
[Input Needed]
''Did you hear from Silver about her condition its not good I'm afraid but we're going to do all we can to help her with her damaged wing problem. At least you weren't in the same state or in worse condition as her hollow I was worry about your life I did came here earlier but you were asleep when I came by so I left you to your privacy and decided to come by here at night time seeing you up and about''.

''Oh and hollow I went to lemonade today to report on what had happened on the escorting job and after that I did what you've asked of me and ended things with her. It was very hard for the both of us to let go of our attachments to each other considering we've known each other for a really long time but she understood when I told her about my feelings for you and she says she won't bear any resentment towards you. If you doubt my words I don't blame you if you do honor just go ask lemonade yourself tomorrow when you see her''.

''Lastly, to be honest...when I broke up with her I did all for you Hollow. Looking back at things they are now our lives are so different. In the world that I'm from there's little hardship. But in your eyes what you've been carrying inside your heart I didn't realize it's so dark and heavy. We're standing in completely different places and sides, it will be stupid to say I know you. However, that can changed if we just get close to each other! To fully understand what you're feeling all the suffering and the cause of your pain that you've endured, I need more time I want to know the real you Hollow please tell me what you have bottled up inside bit by bit we're figure out what to do just tell me how much it hurts! I don't know your painful memories that simply the truth and I hate it that there may be nothing I can do about that but I want to try even if I have to give my life for your sakes Hollow you'll always be special to me and I want to be your special somepony''!
“Just so you know, I did swing by to visit you earlier but you were still asleep.”
>”Oh? Why didn’t you wake me up?”
“I figured it best to leave you to your privacy and just come back here at night time to see you while you’re normally up and about.”
>”Thanks for doing that. I do like to sleep in. So, did you talk to Silver?”
>You grab a seat and sit next to Hollow’s bed
“Yes, I did. Did she tell you about her condition?”
>Hollow nods
>”Yup. I feel bad for her.”
“I’m glad you’re not in that same condition. I’d hate to see you both suffer.”
>”Honestly, I have no idea what I’d do if I were in her shoes and lost my wings. I want to do something for her but I don’t know what I can do. I’m not good at that stuff.”
“I’m sure that we’ll think of something.”
>You wait patiently as Hollow finishes her fruit and pushes it to the side before changing the subject
“I went to Lemonade today to report on what had happened on the escorting job.”
>”And how did that go?”
“Fine, or as fine as it could go. Everypony is going to have to fill out a bunch of paperwork, yourself included.”
>Hollow rolls her eyes, “oh, joy. My favorite.”
>You hum in agreement and let the silence of the room linger as you prepare for the next part
>There was no logical reason for it but the topic made you nervous all the same
“I did what you've asked of me and ended things with her. It was very hard for the both of us to let go of our attachments to each other considering we've known each other for a really long time.”
>”Is that going to be a problem?” Hollow asks sharply
>You get the sense that she’s guarded, maybe even nervous rather than trying to be controlling
“No, and she understood when I told her about my feelings for you and she says she won't bear any resentment towards you. If you doubt my words I don't blame you and you can go ask Lemonade yourself tomorrow when you see her.”
>”Oh, right. I forgot I needed to check back in with the office once I got out of here. That’s going to be awkward.”
“Don’t worry, it won’t be too bad. I can go with you if you want.”
>”You don’t have to if you don’t want to, but if you want to I won’t be mad.”
>You nod and take a moment to try to collect your thoughts
“Hollow, to be honest...when I broke up with her I did all of that for you. But looking back at things as they are now our lives are so different. In the world that I'm from there's little hardship but what you've been carrying inside your heart is so dark and heavy. We're standing in completely different places and it would be stupid to say I know you completely.”
>Hollow raises an eyebrow at you in confusion but you ignore it and grab her hoof
“However, that can changed if we just get close to each other. I want to know the real you, the good and the bad and the suffering inside. I want to know the cause of the pain that you've endured and help you work through it. You'll always be special to me and I want to be your special somepony.”
>Hollow’s eyebrow remains raised and she takes a moment to respond
>”Wow. You sure know how to make a girl feel good about herself.”
>Immediately you feel yourself blush in embarrassment
>Maybe you did go a little to far with the whole ‘damaged on the inside’ angle
“Sorry, I just meant that-“
>Hollow silences you with a boop to the snout
>”You’re such a dork.”
>This time you don’t get a chance to respond as she bring her lips to yours
>It’s brief, only a peck, but it shuts you up
>”There, now you can say you have a marefriend. Just don’t go making anymore speeches like that, please?”
>You nod silently, which earns you a small smile in return
[Input Needed]
[Is there anything else you want to do here or do you want to return to the hotel and finish your report?]
Listen to the mare, WalloftextAnon
"I'll try my best. Anyway, I just wanted to check in on you, I should probably go finish up that paperwork. Do you need me to bring you anything? Or I can just hang around if you want."
I say we stay here and spend more time with the bat pony knowing her a little longer before heading back to the hotel to finishing up the report we got time to chill with our mare.

"I may be a dork but I'm your dork so you'll get used to my nerd alerts eventually hahah! I can't believe it's finally over from being trapped underground, earning our freedom, and now here is the moment you and I wanted Hollow it's finally official we're coltfriend and marefriend. I'm so happy that you chose to accept me and I promise to not let you down or cheat on you with any mare. I really want this to workout between us hollow. Also if we ever get into another situation your about to die again I'll choose to save you again in a heartbeat and I understand what you told me back in the tunnels ''I know who I am." You were telling me that unlike me you wouldn't dare want to risk compromise the safety and lives of so many ponies just for the life of one pony its okay if you truly feel that way hollow just do what you think is right and so will I. That won't try to stop me from being with you either way I Love You so much Hollow Honor! So...since we're dating now how do you want us to proceed next partner and should we tell the others about us or do you want us to keep that a secret until we try this out first"?
Calm down loverboy, let's leave the L word for later.
This reads like an suddent onset of verbal dirrehea with the goal to fill up a required word count that someone gave you, especially with so many meaningless sentences.
Not this essentially.
Dude can't help himself. QM has been pretty good about chopping it up into something sensible though.
Ardent should give hollow a comforting embrace as he strokes her mane and wings gently as to not hurt her and gives her a longer kiss this time enjoying their private moment together.
Jesus Christ.
Unless you guys start writing dialogue, QM will most likely be forced to pick his as most anons seem to be not interested in the dialogue part of the quest(Me included)
I do always try to write some too.
>You stroke Hollow’s mane gently, which earns you an amused hum in response
“I'll try my best. Anyway, I just wanted to check in on you, I should probably go finish up that paperwork. Do you need me to bring you anything? Or I can just hang around if you want.”
>”Can you hang around for a little bit longer? There’s not much to do here at night.”
“No problem. Is there anything you want to talk about?”
>”For starters, you could tell me what we’re doing next. The team, I mean. Are we staying here or going home?”
>You shrug
“I honestly don’t know. I have to go back to Appleloosa but it’s up to you whether you stay or go.”
>”I’ll come back with you. I can’t really think of anything worth staying here for anyways. Oh, are we going to have to fill out paperwork because we’re dating now?”
“Knowing Golden Spurs, probably. Since I’m technically in charge of you it’ll probably just be something about how I’m not allowed to give you preferential treatment.”
>”That sucks. I guess there’s no point in keeping our relationship secret then.”
“No, not really.”
>The two of you continue to chat for another hour before eventually you say goodbye and promise her that you’ll see her in the morning

>You suppress a yawn as you push the door open to your room and sit down to finish your report
>Thankfully, you’ve become used to writing such things and you do so almost on autopilot
>Until you reach the last section
>’What We Can Do Better’
>You pause and just stare at the words
>It was foalish, but you can’t help but feel offended at the question, like you were being judged for what happened
>You’d done everything you could, more than could be demanded of a pony, even
>Every judgment you made was based on sound reasoning
>You gave it your all
>Your friends gave it their all
>And yet the question remains
[Input Needed]
Ardent sighs and thought on the words Miss Fleur had told him about the story and nature of her cutie mark which gave him an idea to fill in the question''Be more Selfless towards others by acting without hesitation to do the right thing and don't always rely on Brute force by being brave and staying calm to make the right decision in order to judge correctly the necessary action needed to take place it will make you less reckless on the battlefield''!
"Nothing. We were outnumbered, outgunned, in an environment where everything is trying to kill you and blissfully unaware of the secret dealings Big Celestia had with the changelings and the D-Dogs"
>’Nothing,’ you begin to write. ‘We were outnumbered, outgunned, in an environment where everything is trying to kill you and blissfully unaware of the secret dealings the government had with the changelings and the D-Dogs.’
>You set your quill down, sit back in your chair, and stare at the page
>It was the truth, plain and simple
>But for some reason you weren’t satisfied
>As you stare at the page Fleur’s words play again in your mind

>”I was meant to be selfless, willing to give myself for the greater good… I should have put my hoof down back when this all started and turned myself over to the Dogs in exchange for safe passage for the rest of you.”

>You sigh and pick up the quill again
>You do not strike out what you had already written- no, the record needed to show that truth- but instead you add another short paragraph
>’In the future caravan guards need to be more selfless with our clients and companions. Guards need to act without hesitation and not always rely on brute force. Guards need to act brave and remain calm to avoid reckless mistakes in the battlefield.’
>The answer was simple, obvious, and to the point
>Still, it needed to be said
>And if Golden Spurs isn’t happy with your first answer then at least he’ll be happier with the second
>You stack the papers of your report neatly on the nightstand and slide back into bed
>You turn off the laptop with your magic and fall to sleep

>In the morning you wake up refreshed for the first time in ages
>As you stretch in bed the last few fleeting memories of last night’s dream flicker through your mind
>You don’t remember the specifics, but you know they were of Hollow and yourself back in Appleloosa
>After another quick shower you head to the hotel’s ground floor and grab yourself a bowl of cold cereal and a cup of coffee
>As you look for a seat you spot Soul Mane sitting at a table alone, his left hoof rubbing his temple as he grits his teeth
>You take the seat across from the unicorn
“Did you have a good time last night?”
>Soul stares at you for several seconds before finally recognizing who you are
>”Yeah, but I’m paying for it now.”
>You chuckle at your friends discomfort
“Well, if you’re going out drinking right away then you should swing by the office today. You’ve got paperwork to do.”
>Soul groans, “cool. Look, I’ll swing by once I’m feeling better. Maybe after a shower and another nap.”
“That’s fine. Just get it done within the week. I also need to know if you’re coming back to Appleloosa with Hollow and I or staying here.”
>Soul takes a bite of cereal before answering
>”Probably a good idea to go home and see my mare. Which reminds me, why are you here and not at Lemonade’s?”
“We’re not together anymore.”
>”Her choice or yours?”
>Soul chuckles before wincing in pain
>”Oh, nothing.”
>You stare at the stallion but he refuses to expand on his answer and you decide to drop the subject

>After your second cup of coffee you return to your room and pick up your saddlebags while Soul goes back to bed
>You take a glance at the clock before leaving
>9:55 AM
[Input Needed] [What do you want to do today?]
Well ardent did say that he would go and see hollow in the morning at the hospital so let's head there but only after we find barrel first and tell him about the paperwork he needs to fill out and determine if he is coming with us back to Appleloosa.
We should probably also go to a nearby magic shop to find some spells.
This and also replenish our potion supplies.
Before I post the next update I need a Perception (d20+2) roll.

1-14: Fail
15-20: Pass
Rolled 4 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

im gonna go with "fuck"
>You step out of your hotel room and knock on the door across the hall from you
>The door opens not long after, revealing Barrel Cactus on the other side
“Good morning. Looks like you’ve been up for a while.”
>The stallion nods
“Anyways, I wanted to let you know that there’s some paperwork back at the office you need to fill out within the week.”
>”I’m already on it,” he states matter of factly. “I’m in the middle of it right now, actually.”
>You’re mildly surprised at the revelation but move on
“Then I guess I just need to know if you’re joining Hollow, Soul, and I in returning to Appleloosa.”
>”What about Silver?”
“I’m not sure what she’s doing or if she’ll even be in good enough condition to go.”
>Barrel scratches his chin, “I’ll wait to see if she’s joining us. Otherwise I’ll stay here so that she has somepony familiar in town.”
“And if she says it’s up to you?”
>”Then I say ‘go home’.”
>You make sure to note his answer in your head and leave for the hospital
>As you walk through the city in the bright daylight you notice far less police officers on the street and even less that pay you any attention
>When you reach the hospital you go straight to the floor the girls are staying on
>You immediately notice Hollow filling out paperwork while speaking with a nurse and decide to check on Silver first instead
>She smiles at you when she notices you enter
>”Hey, Ardie. Thanks for visiting again.”
>You stand next to her bed, figuring that you won’t need enough time to justifying pulling over a chair to sit
“Good morning. Hey, you wouldn’t happen to know when you’ll be able to leave here, do you?”
>Silver nods her head and points at a green file next to her bed
>”Like I said yesterday, I can get out of here today if I want. I’ll just have to do therapy once I get to Appleloosa.”
“So you want to come with the rest of us? If not, Barrel will stay in town with you.”
>Silver shakes her head, “no, I need to be back home right now. That’s awful sweet of Barrel, though. Anyways, I can walk a little ways, enough to cross the city at least, so I should be too much of a drag if we bring a wagon.”
>You know that you’ll have to bring a cart for your group’s supplies as a minimum and decide it won’t be a hassle for her to ride along as well
“That’s perfectly fine. Do you need to speak with a nurse or anyone?”
>”Yeah, it won’t be long. I’ll talk to the one in Hollow’s room when she’s free and then walk out with the both of you.”
>Happy with the news, the two of you settle into casual small talk until eventually the nurse comes in to check on the pegasus
>As they go over paperwork together, you make your way over to Hollow’s room and find her brushing her mane in the bathroom
>You don’t interrupt and instead watch her as she works out a series of knots and tangles
>Once she’s finished she slides the brush into her saddlebag and turns around, jumping when she notices you
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to spook you. Are you ready to get out of here?”
>Hollow nods and slides on her saddlebags as she makes for the lobby
>”Sure am. Let’s blow this joint.”
>You stop the mare in her tracks with a hoof and tell her that Silver will be joining you for the trip back
>Hollow’s not upset about the fact, quite the opposite in fact, but seems less excited than before
>”I thought maybe we’d get some alone time in the city on the way back. Oh well. So, are we just heading straight back to the hotel?”
“Pretty much. There’s a magic shop on the way I want to stop in first, though.”
>”Oh, okay. That’s fine, I don’t think I’ve been in one in since high school so it’ll be cool to see. Just try not to sperg out, okay?”
“No promises.”

>As you make your way towards the magic shop with the two mares in tow you notice that despite their quick, professionally assisted healing they are still quite stiff and slow moving
>You also notice that the two chat a lot as well, having seemingly bonded over the course of their hospital stay despite the separate rooms
>You chime in on occasion but mostly stay out of their way
>Once you find the magic shop, the same one that Fleur referred you to, their conversation ends and the three of you enter
>A familiar old mare sits behind the counter and greets you
>”Good morning, fillies and gentlecolt. Welcome to Arcane Artifacts and Affinity. Just shout if you need anything.”
>You give her a polite nod of acknowledgment and make your way towards the spell scrolls, passing by the single use spells stored in gems (50 bits each)
>As you do that, Silver inspects a bottled thunderstorm with curiosity while Hollow inspects the paltry assortment of alchemy ingredients
>Your skills have improved slightly so the number of spells to consider expands
>Almanac’s Summon Rain Cloud (1,000): Somewhere within 100 feet of yourself, you create a super compact rain cloud that takes up the rough shape of a 30 foot diameter sphere. The cloud carries up to 10 gallons of water and can be manipulated as normal. Cast Time: 6 Seconds
>Animal Friend (1,000): Pick any animal within 100 feet that isn’t actively hostile to you. You cast a charm spell on that animal. If that spell succeeds, that animal becomes friendly towards you and you are able to understand each other via telepathic link and the animal becomes willing to obey any orders that will not obviously harm the animal. Requires concentration. Cast Time: 1 Minute. Lasts for up to an hour.
>Babel (1,000): For up to an hour, you confuse a target’s language, causing it to be unable to speak or write in any known language. Requires concentration. Cast Time: Instantaneous
>Barkskin (1,500): You touch a creature with your horn. For up to an hour, the target's fur is transformed into a thick tree bark. The bark is perfectly flexible and as durable as heavy armor. Cast Time: 1 Minute
>Blinding Light (1,250):
You emanate a focused beam of light from your horn at up to three separate targets over the course of 6 seconds. The beam is visible and, if aimed at the eyes of a target, causes blindness up to 12 seconds. Cast Time: Instantaneous
>Bolas (1,000):
You create a magical length of cord a few feet in length that you launch at a target. On a successful hit, the legs (or one set of limbs if the target is a biped) are bound together. The cord lasts for one hour and may be destroyed by being severed with a blade. Cast Time: Instantaneous
>Bright Light’s Hologram (1,200):
You create a copy of yourself made out of magical energy. You can order the clone to stand still, walk, or gallop as well as stand up or lay down. The clone is not intelligent and cannot speak and passes through solid objects. Cast time: 12 seconds
>Clear Mind (1,250):
You put the tip of your horn against a target’s forehead and instantly clear their mind of any charm equal to or weaker than your magic level. (Spells that are stronger than your own magical level will require a roll.) Cast time: Instantaneous
>Clear Sight (1,250):
As long as you maintain concentration, you are able to see any invisible creature as if it were normally visible. Cast Time: 1 minute
>Compass (750):
You create the illusion of a compass needle. The needle always points to true north. Last as long as you maintain concentration. Cast Time: Instantaneous
>Dizziness (1,200):
Choose a creature that you can see. For the next five minutes, that creature becomes suddenly nauseous, can only move in a slow stumble, and has disadvantage when trying to perform any complex task, including combat. Cast Time: Instantaneous
>(Basic) Earth Sight (1,000):
Maintaining concentration, you close your eyes and stand still. While the spell is active, you become sensitive to vibrations in the ground and can locate anything that is in contact with the ground and currently moving, including creatures and machines as small as a field mouse. You can sense anything within 500 ft. of you. Cast Time: Instantaneous. Lasts for as long as you maintain concentration, contact with the ground, and stay still.
>Feather Fall (1,250):
Choose up to five creatures within 60 ft. For the next five minutes, those creatures fall at a slower than natural rate which protects them from fall damage. Cast Time: Instantaneous
>Grease (1,000):
You conjure enough grease to cover a 10’x10’ square centered somewhere within 60’ of yourself. The grease has all the normal properties of grease and is highly flammable. Cast Time: 6 seconds
>Green Sting’s Detect Poison (1,000):
Maintaining concentration, you can sense the presence and location of any poisons or poisonous creatures within 30 feet of you. Thanks to your spell talent, you also identify the kind of poison or creature in each case. Cast Time: Instantaneous
>Mark Target (1,250):
Pick a target with 300 ft. That creature becomes magically marked and takes on an easily noticeable red magical glow. So long as you maintain concentration, any attempts made by any creature to attack the target gain advantage to hit. Cast Time: 6 seconds
>Minor Food Transmutation (1,800):
You can harmlessly change the taste, color, and/or texture of any food or liquid. This spell is banned for commercial use by the Ministry of Food and Culinary Arts, although private use is perfectly legal. Cast Time: Instantaneous
>Night Vision (1,000):
You either touch a target with your horn or cast the spell on yourself. For up to 12 hours the target has night vision. Cast Time: 1 Minute
>Tribal Illusion (1,200):
Pick either yourself or a pony within sight of yourself. For the next 24 hours, that pony appears to be a member of a tribe of your choice: Earth, Unicorn, Pegasus, Bat, or Crystal
>Tumble Turner’s Lockpick (1,250):
You envelop a lock in arcane light. Over the course of six seconds, you attempt to open the lock with a telekinetic pick and wrench. The success of the spell is based on your Intelligence stat. Cast Time: 6 seconds
>Want It; Need It (2,000):
You charm a small object. The object becomes irresistible to all who see it. The scroll comes with a warning to not cast the spell in a large crowd. Cast Time: Instantaneous

Your current Bits: 34,805

[Input Needed]
We should get the Almanac’s Summon Rain Cloud, Blinding light, Clear sight, Night vision, Green sting's detect poison, Bright light's hologram, Dizziness, and Tribal illusion.
>You make your selection of spells and head for the counter
>As the old mare begins to ring you up for a pricey 9,100 bits your friends rejoin you
>To your complete lack of surprise neither mare buys anything and soon you exit the store and return to the hotel
>As the girls check out their own rooms from the front desk you stash your expansive purchase in your own room
>As the mares settle into their rooms you contemplate what else you needed to do today, besides turn in your paperwork
[Input Needed]
[What do you want to do in Gate City before traveling to Appleloosa? If there’s nothing, I’ll fast forward you to that point.]
Damn, I would have suggested the lockpick spell for sure. Oh well, my fault for being late.
We should go grab some potions too, we used up almost all of them.
Oh yeah could we get an update on our spell situation, which ones are we currently learning? I think we were studying Bolas iirc
Ardent should go shop for more healing and mana potions not to mention another first aid kit and smokescreen lotion just in case ooh we can't also forget that he needs get a wagon for hollow and honor to carry them on the way back to appleloosa. Hollow did say that she wanted to spend some alone time with ardent in the city so once he take care of his other tasks he should check the time if he can still do that for her.

Spells you currently know:
Strong Telekinetic Bolt
Triple Bolt
Detect Magic
Medical Diagnosis
Material Analysis
Light Beam’s Arcane Shield
(Advanced) Earth Sight

Spells that you have but need to learn::
Auto Translate
Teleportation (currently studying)
Almanac’s Summon Rain Cloud
Blinding light
Clear sight
Night vision
Green sting's detect poison
Bright light's hologram
Tribal illusion
>You exit your room and cross the hall to where the mares’ rooms
“I’m going to run up to the potion shop if either of you want to join.”
>”I’m good,” Silver says, “I’ll just chill here before starting my paperwork.”
>”I’ll go,” Hollow says, “I wanted to get an alchemy set anyways.”
>You say goodbye to Silver and leave the hotel with Hollow
>The bat mare yawns as you retrace your steps back to the magic store
>”I thought we were going to the alchemist store” Hollow states
“We are. I just forgot to pick something up is all.”
>You quickly purchase Tumble Turner’s Lockpick and return to the streets
>It’s not too much longer before you reach your primary destination
>As you push open the front door you are met with the pleasant smell of peppermint
>An awkward teenage filly sits behind a counter scribbling math equations in a notebook
>”Welcome,” she mumbles without looking up from her work
>Hollow immediately heads to the back of the store and examines the several different alchemy sets for sale while you head straight for the potions
>Just as the last time you were here, there are five of each flavor available for immediate purchase
Agility (75): A potion that grants the consumer a boon to both their general dexterity and to their speed. Lasts for 1 hour.
Antidote (100): A generic antidote for various poisons and venoms.
Barkskin (75): A creature that drinks this brew has their fur transformed into a thick tree bark. The bark is perfectly flexible and as durable as heavy armor. Lasts for 1 hour
Fire Bomb (100): A small flask of pyrophoric liquid. Breaking the glass spreads fire in a 5 foot diameter circle. Any flammable objects with the circle and instantly ignited. A creature caught in this circle when the glass first breaks takes a great deal of damage while any creature that enters the area or catches fire takes a minor amount of damage until they are extinguished. Also generates a small amount of smoke, enough to cover a single pony standing immediately behind the flames.
Fire Proofing (75): By drinking this brew a creature becomes immune to the scorching and heating effects of fire. Lasts for 4 hours.
Grease (20): A jug of gray, oily grease. The jug holds enough grease to cover a 10 foot by 10 foot circle on the ground and is highly flammable.
Health Potion (100): The potion equivalent of an Advanced Healing spell.
Invisibility Potion (175): By drinking this brew a creature becomes completely invisible for up to 1 hour.
Mana Potion (75): A magical creature that drinks this brew regains all of its spent magical energy and is relieved of any magical burnout.
Poison (50): A creature that consumes the entire bottle becomes fatally poisoned. If the creature does not receive medical treatment within 1 hour they will likely die. Smaller doses, while not likely to kill, cause intense pain. Applying the brew to a weapon makes the weapon deal slightly more damage for up to an hour.
Potion of Bear Strength (50): The physical strength of a creature that drinks this potion is temporarily increased by a decent amount for 1 hour.
Sleep Potion (100): A creature that drinks this potion may immediately fall asleep, depending on their constitution. A full potion makes a creature sleep for a full 8 hours.
Smoke Bomb (50): A simple combination of natural chemical ingredients. By lighting a small fuze at the mouth of the bottle the user creates a large cloud of smoke. Lasts for 10 minutes.
Water Breathing (75): A creature that drinks this brew grows a small set of gills on their neck and gains the ability to breath underwater. Lasts for up to 8 hours.

[Input Needed]
Let's grab
1 Antidote
1 Fire Proofing
3 Healing
3 Mana
1 Invisibility
2 Smoke
and 1 Water Breathing
I think we should get 5 invisibility potions, 5 water breathing, 5 smoke bombs, 5 potions of bear strength, 5 fire bombs, 5 fire proofing, 15 health potions, 15 mana potions, 5 agility, and 5 Antidote so everypony on our team can each have at least one of each buffing and aliment item and is carrying 3 healing and 3 magic potions with them that way we can all be safety prepare for the long journey ahead of us.
Way too expensive
This one.
We have enough bits to purchase them man and who knows maybe our boss back in appleloosa might give us a pay leave after what we've been through.
That giant pile is like six grand, we only have a bit over 20k left. At most I'd say get everyone some healing and MAYBE antidotes. Why the heck would we need 15 mana potions when our squad only has two unicorns?
>You grab one Antidote, a Fire Proofing, five Healing, three Mana, one Invisibility, two Smoke bombs, and one Water Breathing potion then head to the counter
>You’d like to have more on hoof but figure you’ll be able to purchase more in Appleloosa should you need to
>When you reach the counter you have to loudly clear your throat before the filly notices your presence
>As the colt had done before, the filly places your potions in an old cardboard box and hoofs the packages back to you
“No candies?” you ask in confusion. “I thought every purchase came with one?”
>The filly rolls her eyes and scoops out a hoofful of small white peppermints from a box below the counter and shoves them towards you
>While you patiently wait for Hollow to finish her own shopping you pop a candy into your mouth and slide the rest into your saddlebag
>After several minutes of waiting at the counter you decide to check on Hollow and find her picking through raw ingredients, a small shopping basket in hoof
“Everything okay?”
>Hollow nods
>”Yeah. I’m going to get back into potion making, I think. I haven’t bought ingredients since I joined Steady Stride so I might as well stock up now.”
>As Hollow selects her ingredients she explains to you what each one is for
>As she does so, you do your best to show your interest in her hobby, asking questions and making small comments on the more peculiar ingredients she picks out
>After a few more minutes of shopping Hollow makes her final selection and checks out
>In total, she purchased a portable potion brewing set and enough ingredients to make up to five healing and three mana potions, as well as some spare ingredients for more trivial potions
>This time the filly doesn’t forget the candies and soon the two of you are back on the streets of Gate City
>”Anywhere else?” Hollow asks as she uncomfortably shifts the weight of her saddlebags
“Well, we should probably buy a wagon for our supplies as well as Silver and yourself but we can wait until we’re ready to head to Appleloosa. Thankfully Golden Spurs shouldn’t mind covering that since it’s a work expense.”
>”So we’re good to go back to the hotel then? Do you mind if we hit the music store first?”
“Sure, why not.”
>You let Hollow take the lead and follow her to the music store
>Thankfully it’s a short stop and Hollow purchases the records she wants quickly and soon you are back at the hotel
>”I’m going to get some sleep,” she says as the two of you walk together towards your rooms, “but I’ll be awake after nine if you want to listen to some music with me again.”
“Thanks, I’d like that. I’ll swing by on the dot. In the meantime, I’ll be in my room if you need anything.”
>Hollow gives you a brief goodbye as she unlocks her door and disappears, leaving you free to return to your own room
>You immediately check on your earlier purchase and are relieved to find everything is where it belongs
>Setting your saddlebags down you resume your studying of the teleportation spell

>You spend the next couple of days mostly following the same routine of studying in your room, eating meals and visiting the bar with your team, and spending part of your night relaxing and listening to music in Hollow’s room
>Nothing exciting happens in that time, which is a relief, and on the fourth night in town you receive a telegram from Golden Spurs that contained information for what caravan you will be joining for your journey back to Appleloosa
>To your mild surprise, you and your team will not be acting as guards for this journey, which means you won’t be paid for this trip
>As much as the lack of pay is a disappointment, the lack of any official responsibilities is more of a mixed bag
>It hurt your pride a little to have to be escorted rather than the other way around but it also gave you more time to relax, not to mention nobody in your group will have to eat into the sleep schedule to keep watch
>You make sure to purchase a wagon large enough for Hollow and Silver to ride in alongside your group’s rations and park it outside the company office
>You also order everyone not to drink too much that night either, as the last thing you want is to deal with a hungover pony on the first day of the trip
>You double and triple check everyone’s equipment and check to make sure your rations are still good for the trip as well
>As you finish making sure everything is ready for the early morning departure you check the time and find that it is late afternoon, leaving you about twelve hours of free time before departure
[Input Needed]
[Is there any last minute things you want to do before leaving Gate City?]
We should check to see if we're done with our paperwork or not have them taken care of with our team, give our papers to lemonade, and see if hollow wants to spend time with ardent alone in gate city before leaving they have 12 hours after all basically half a day to do that.
Maybe say goodbye to Lemonade. Might be a bit awkward but leaving without doing it feels rude.
Were the settlers we escorted staying or leaving? If they're around, could check on some of them to see how they're doing.
>You’d like to spend more time with Hollow but she won’t be awake for another couple hours
>Instead, your mind wonders to the your team’s paperwork
>Everyone told you that they had completed and delivered their work to the office, and you believed them, but there was always the chance that some problem may have arisen afterwards
>Besides, as awkward as it’ll be, you should probably say goodbye to Spiked Lemonade and the rest of the Gate City branch
>With a destination in mind, you slide on your saddlebags and make your way to the local office

>You ring the bell on the front desk and wait patiently for somebody to answer
>As expected, Lemonade shouts, “coming!” before stepping out from the office proper, the cries of laughter becoming distinct as she swings open the door
>The last traces of a smile disappears the moment she recognizes who you are
>”Didn’t expect to see you so soon,” she says, her voice thick with forced positivity. “What brings you back here?”
“Just checking back in. I wanted to say goodbye and make sure that there were no problems with the paperwork.”
>”Well, your group’s paperwork is all set, though you should tell Silver Sleet to work on her mouth writing… anyways, I’m sure the rest of the crew would like to say goodbye.”
>Lemonade begins to turn the knob of the door to the office when you stop her
“Lemonade, wait. I’ll say goodbye to everypony in a minute, but I want to speak with you first.”
>Lemonade stops and waits for you to continue
“Lemonade, I’m glad you’re my friend.”
>It’s awkward, but it just comes out of your mouth without your consent
>Lemonade laughs and turns to face you
>”Same here, Ardie. I hope to see you again soon. You and the rest of the gang, too.”
>Lemonade steps closer to you, this time with a smile on her face
>”You know, I spoke with Hollow Honor yesterday. Did she tell you that?”
>You shake your head
>”We had a good conversation. I see what you see in her. She’s smart, and thoughtful, once you get past her distant exterior. And she’s pretty, of course.”
>Lemonade warps her hooves around your neck and pulls you into a hug
>”Treat her well, Ardent. Just like you treated me.”
>Lemonade lets you go and steps back
>”Anyways, I’m sure the rest of the gang would like to say goodbye.”

>As you walk step out of the Steady Stride office you let out a low whistle
>As much as your own ponies liked to drink, you were beginning to wonder if the locals had you beat, especially after the three farewell shots of mezcal they convinced you to take
>Pushing the smokey aftertaste to the back of your mind, you begin to head towards the Equestrian Rehoming Project headquarters
>You want to check to see if the settlers you were escorting were staying or leaving and the best place to find out was the local ERP offices
>As you walk through downtown during the early dusk you are surrounded by the sounds of busy bars and clubs scattered throughout the city
>As you pass laughing couples and candle lit restaurants you begin to think of your first real date with Hollow
>Maybe it’d be best to wait until you get home for a proper date
>But then again, you both do have your nice clothes with you, and Gate City was as lovely of a place as any for a first date
>Your thoughts are cut short when you find yourself standing in front of your destination
>You push your way through the rotating doors and approach the front desk
>After a brief explanation of who you are and what you’re doing here, the pony behind the desk is able to arrange a meeting between you and somebody that can answer your questions
>You are then brought to a small private office where an azure bespectacled unicorn mare waits for you
>”Good afternoon, Ardent. We’ve been expecting you. Now, how may I help you?”
>You take a seat across from the mare, who sits behind a large oak desk
“I just wanted to know ow how the settlers were faring and whether or not they were staying here or returning home.”
>”I see. To keep things brief; most of the settlers have decided to remain committed to the program. As such, they will remain in Gate City until the escort and general travel situations can be sorted out. The few that have decided to leave the program will be finding their own ways home.”
>The mare lowers her glasses as she continues, “you know, many of the settlers accredit you with convincing them to stay on with the colonization program, even those that will no longer be moving to the colonies immediately.”
>You are slightly taken aback by the news but remain stoic
“I’m glad to hear it. The colonies always need more ponies after all.”
>”Yes, they do,” she says. She clears her through before continuing, “Mister Ardent Mind, you are aware of the predicament we’re both in, don’t you? You see, while most of the settlers want your team, or at least guards from Steady Stride, to escort them to the colonies, that doesn’t make up for your failure to complete the contract the first time around.”
>The mare sits back in her chair, “to be blunt, Mister Mind, the Project is unsure whether or not we wish to continue working with your company, and especially yourself. You not only failed to reach the colonies, but lost almost everypony you were specifically hired to protect.”
“Surely you understand the circumstances of the situation,” you counter. “My team and I can hardly be held accountable for what happened. The fact that anyoony managed to return at all should be a testament to our skill and commitment.”
>The mare shakes her head, “sorry, but we may not see it that way. We will wait until the parliament investigation concludes before making a final decision. Now, unless there’s something else you wish to discuss, we’re done here.”
[Input Needed]
''Well there is two things I need to mention. Miss Fleur and her entourage may be trapped in enemy territory but I ensure you that she and her group is working on negotiating peace with the diamond dog's leader so we won't have further conflicts with the diamond dogs in the future. And a mare from the equestrian royal knight wanted me to make sure that the government should know that if we were to find out that Abuwtiyuw was to turn back on his word or go too far with his methods to accomplish his ambitions then he must be taken down dead or alive for good before he becomes too much of a threat for ponykind to stop''!
“Well, there are two things I need to mention. First, Miss Fleur and her entourage may be trapped in enemy territory but I ensure you that she and her group are working on negotiating a lasting peace with the Diamond Dog's leader.”
>”We’re well aware of that, Mister Mind. We’ve already spoken about the subject with the remaining members of the team Roughshod sent.”
“Okay, but did you know that a knight of the Royal Guard wanted me to recommend to the government to eliminate Abuwtiyuw if he ever got out of line.”
>”That’s all fine and well, but that’s has no impact on our decision. As much as ponies confuse the two, the government and government funded organizations such as the ERP are not one and the same. To be frank, Mister Mind, we are waiting on the results of the government’s investigation before coming to a conclusion about whether we continue working with your company or not. Until then, consider the contract suspended. Now, if you don’t mind, I need to go home and put my children to bed.”
>You take the hint and leave the building
>You check the time on the nearest clock tower and realize that Hollow will be waking up soon
>With a little bit more of a pep in your step, you make your way back to the hotel

>You knock on Hollow’s door and wait patiently for her to answer
>You can faintly hear the sound of one of her records playing through the door, though you weren’t able to quite remember the name of the specific song
>You hear a faint click as the door is unlocked and then opened
>”Good morning, Ardie,” Hollow yawns
>Hollow steps away from the door and into her room, clearly expecting you to follow, which you do
>”So, what are you up to?” she asks
“Nothing much. I just finished some last minute things and now that I’m free, I wanted to know if you wanted to spend some alone time before we leave town.”
>Hollow smiles at you over her shoulder as she fiddles with the record player she rented from the hotel
>”That’s not a bad idea. It’ll probably be the last time for a while we’ll have the chance. So, by spend some time together, what did you have in mind?”
[Input Needed]
''Well for our first real date Hollow I was thinking that we could go downtown wearing our decent formal clothings and check out a fun dance club we can go show off our moves, next have a candle lit dinner either inside or outside at a restaurant, and finally we could do a little stargazing in a park somewhere in the city''.
Isn't it morning? A bit early for a dance club. Maybe start with a picnic brunch at a park or something?
Picnic brunch is better.
>Isn't it morning?
It’s currently nighttime, a little after nine. Hollow said good morning because she just woke up. You could still do a picnic if you wanted.
Oh, my bad. In that case we can go with
I concur.
“Well, for our first real date I was thinking that we could go downtown. Maybe dress up, check out a fun dance club, and show off our moves.”
>”I think I like that,” Hollow hums. “What else do you have planned?”
>As you speak, Hollow draws close to you
“Next I thought we’d have a candle lit dinner and finish with a little stargazing in a park somewhere in the city.”
>”That sounds nice,” Hollow says, her face turned up towards your own. “Some dancing, some wine,” her voice lowers to a sultry whisper, “some time alone in the dark.”
>She gives you a small smile, just enough for you to catch a glimpse of her fangs, and subtly moves closer
>You take the initiative and move in for the kiss
>But your lips fail to make contact with anything
>You open your eyes in confusion only for your nose to be tickled by Hollow’s tail
>”Sorry,” Hollow chuckles as she walks into her bathroom, “but maybe if you play your cards right you’ll get that kiss. Now go and wash up. I’ll be ready in half an hour.”
>Smiling to yourself, you return to your room to prepare

>As you wait in the hallway for Hollow you idly comb over your suit for irregularities
>On your right sleeve cuff you notice a small, loose thread but decide to ignore it, seeing no sense in worrying about such small details
>Thankfully, the suit you bought for this trip was the perfect fit for clubbing
>As you inspect your other sleeve you hear a low whistle behind you
>”Damn, are you going out tonight? Mind if I come?”
>You turn your attention towards the voice behind you
“No, Soul, you may not.”
>Soul looks at you in disbelief for but a second before smiling
>”Oh, I get it.”
>The older stallion slides a hoof around your neck
>”Good for you, Ardie. Just try not to have too much fun, okay. We’ve got work in the morning.”
>Soul looks up and down the hall in an exaggerated way before whispering, “and be careful around those teeth. Bat pony mares have a habit for nipping, believe me.”
>You roll your eyes and shrug the stallions hoof off
“I’ll make sure to keep that in mind.”
>You hear the lock to Hollow’s door click and both of you turn your attentions towards it
>Hollow stands in the doorway, dressed in the scandalous dark dress she wore during the press conference back in Appleloosa
>Although you’d seen her wear it before, you’re still left speechless at the sight
>Hollow barely glances at Soul Mane before shoving him aside and taking her spot next to you
>”Ready?” she asks
“Yes, ma’am.”
>As you walk with Hollow towards the stairs, you glance back over your shoulder towards Soul, who mouths silent words at you
>’Good luck’

>When you finally get inside the club Hollow picked out, sheleans close to you and shouts to be heard above the music
>”I’m going to use the bathroom. Do you mind get us some drinks? Something strong and fruity, preferably.”
>You nod and point to a small table for her to met you at before going your separate ways
>It’s a long wait before you’re able to flag down a bartender, but that’s the price you pay to enjoy a nice club
>That, and the cover charge
>Once you have your drinks, a simple rum and cola for yourself and a local variation of a sex on the beach for Hollow, you find your date already waiting for you at the table
>As you take your time to enjoy your drinks while waiting for the dance floor to clear enough for you to squeeze in, you chat idly together
>Most of the conversation is focused on the music, which is a bit too pop-y for either of your tastes but excellent for dancing
>After a few minutes you find your chance and move onto the dance floor
[Dex (d20) and Charisma (d20+1) rolls needed]
[The total score of these rolls will determine how well the first half of your date goes.]
Rolled 8 (1d20)

I think this should be either dex or charisma I hope I put it correctly.
Here's the second one you needed unless if I did it wrong please tell me how to roll the two dices properly trail leader so I don't make the score very confusing for you okay.
Rolled 19 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Rolling charisma
eyy, Ardie's a smooth operator tonight
How did you manage to roll the second dice for charisma like that anon I couldn't do that but only got the first dice roll for dex?
I just added +1 to the end to get it like that. If you mean how to roll two at once, just do 2d20
thank you!
>As you reach the dance floor the DJ starts a new song
>Unlike the more generic pop music from before, this new track has a distinctive twang that’s become more popular in recent years
>”Wow,” Hollow says with a roll of her eyes, “country? Really?”
>Despite her disparaging words, Hollow begins moving to the grove, leaving you to trying catching up
“It’s Gate City, what did you expect?”
>Twice you false start before eventually finding your rhythm
>Unfortunately, it’s not enough to match Hollow’s fast, off the cuff style and while the two of you dance with each other, you fail to dance together
>But the important thing is you manage not to embarrass yourself and what mistakes you make you either ignore or manage to laugh off
>Thankfully, Hollow doesn’t seem to mind and you both manage to enjoy your time dancing on the crowded dance floor, especially once the DJ returns to the electronic heavy music from before
>After a few more drinks and dancing yourself tired, you have to throw in the towel and as much as she wants to continue drinking and dancing, Hollow agrees to move on with your date
>As you leave the hot club and step out into the nighttime air, a gust of wind sends chills down your spine
>You also feel a sudden warmth press against your side and look down to find Hollow hugging close to you, an uncomfortable grimace on her face
“Want my jacket?”
>”I’m good,” Hollow mumbles
>Instead of arguing with her, you simply take off your jacket and slip it over her with your magic
>”I said I’m good,” Hollow protests
“I know.”
>Hollow glares at you for a short second before again pressing her body against yours

>Due to the late hour, your options for dinner, especially something befitting a major date, are sparse
>Thankfully, you manage to find a nice Neighapolitan restaurant that suits your needs perfectly
File: Hollow at date 3.png (1.14 MB, 1024x1024)
1.14 MB
1.14 MB PNG
>You order a bottle of red wine for the both of you the moment you are brought to your table near the back
>The restaurant is largely empty, again due to the late hour, leaving the two of you with as much privacy as possible
>As you look over the menus you chat idly about the food but once the waiter takes your order you find that the conversation with Hollow has died
>You race to find something to talk with her about to fail to come up with anything
>So instead, you simply watch her
>”What?” she asks, perplexed by your staring
>Raising an eyebrow, Hollow asks again, “what? Is my makeup running?”
>Hollow reaches for a napkin but you stop her with a gentle hoof
“No. You’re just pretty is all.”
>You feel like a schoolcolt as you say it, but you mean it all the same
>Hollow blushes and, suddenly finding the color of her wine interesting, lifts her glass with a leathery wing and swirls it around
>”You’re a nerd.”
>There’s a subtle embarrassment in her voice that tells you she enjoyed the compliment
>Satisfied with yourself, you ask another question
“So, are you excited to be going home?”
>You immediately mentally face hoof, her answer being obvious before she even says anything
>Anypony that’s been through what you have would be happy to go home
>”I… yeah, I guess.”
>The answer takes longer than you anticipate to come out and it isn’t nearly as sure as you thought it’d be
>”I mean, I’d rather be in Appleloosa than here, you know? But…”
>Hollow sets her glass down, no longer interested in the crimson liquid inside
“But… what?”
>Hollow rocks her head uncertainly
>”I’m just not excited for what comes next once we get there. I mean, a government investigation sounds pretty serious and I need a vacation, not more work. You know?”
>You nod sympathetically
“Yeah, I do. The good news is that you probably won’t have much to worry about with the investigation, or even work to do. Even money says that Golden Spurs will let you take a week or two off if you want.”
>Again, you feel the conversation start to die but act preemptively
“So, vacation. Any idea where you’d go?”
>”Back home to Canterlot, probably. I should probably let my parents know I’m safe and that the hospital healed the worse of my injuries. And it’d be nice to see home again. It’s been most of a year since I was there.”
>You think back to your own childhood home
“I can’t remember the last time I went home. Probably when my parents passed, I think.”
>As silence begins to settle the waiter comes to the rescue, dropping off both of your meals
>The two of you begin to eat your food in a comfortable silence

>You lay on your back, the starry sky high above you and Hollow once again pressed against your side
“That’s Bootes, the herdspony. Nopony really knows how they got their name, or what their story is.”
>You feel Hollow’s head shift as she tries to follow your hoof
>”Why do you know this stuff?”
“Airships,” you answer nonchalantly. “They use the stars when navigating at night, just like boats.”
>”I guess that makes sense. Bat ponies used to do the same thing, which I guess is why I was taught a few.”
>As you continue watching the sky, you spot a single shooting star
>”What do you know about Nightmare Moon?”
>The question wasn’t one you expected
“Same as everypony else. Princess Luna was so full of jealousy and grief that she transformed into the Nightmare and tried to take the throne for herself. Celestia won and Nightmare Moon spent a millennia in the moon before returning and ultimately being defeated by the Elements of Harmony. Why?”
>”Just curious. The story was always popular with us bat ponies, even though the rest of you forgot about it. Not that we thought it was real, of course.”
>You supposed that made sense considering the fourth tribe’s connection with the night
>You yawn and snuggle close to your marefriend, exhausted from the busy night
>”Did you want to head back? You seem tired.”
>It’s true, you were tired, but you wanted to savor this night
“In a little bit. I’m enjoying this.”
>You give her a kiss, causing her to purr in pleasure
[Input Needed]
[Is there anything you wanted to talk to her about before this date ends?]
Oh no she's hot. Nice to see what she's supposed to look like!
"Tell you the truth, I'm slightly worried this might affect my judgement a bit, ivenever dated a team member before. I have to make sure my feelings won't affect any future missions. Don't get me wrong, this is more than worth it, but just... kick me if I'm about to be stupid concerning you."
Ask her how her conversation with lemonade go yesterday.
You do realize that lemonade told us about it right? So we should hear the details about it from hollow nothing wrong with that.
I think that anon means that that might kill the mood a bit.
Maybe or perhaps not we won't find out for sure if we're afraid to take chances also hollow understands that we're with her now not lemonade anymore so talking about someone ex-girlfriend is not going to be the end of the world.
Nta, but why do we need to ask that question in the middle of the date and after a kiss? Very odd to ask a question about a possibly tense and awkward encounter.
Wow absolutely amazing darling! That picture of Hollow Honor is stunning and gorgeous you really outdid yourself Trail Leader. Hmm this give me an IDEA!

Ardent cupped his marefriend's cheeks in his hooves as he look at her straight in the eye''Hollow do you like being here with me? Because I do that dress of yours really brings out the red color in your eyes making you majestic and beautiful with those dilated pupils and bat-like wings! Yet, they also tell a story about you you're a very delicate red rose flower that blossoms only in the night skies that must be handle with the upmost of care. For if not then that pony will feel the full sharp painful thorns that rose has hidden deep within itself. I don't want to hurt you in anyway! I really do like you a lot Hollow and I really want this to workout between us you have a special place in my Heart and I want to make sure I've have a special place in yours''.
It probably will, there's a reason Hollow didn't tell us that she had a conversation with lemonade.
Or maybe hollow is just waiting for the right time to tell ardent. Shessh you people worry too much about the what ifs instead of worrying about that negatively constantly focus on the positivity of the situation and just go for it and accept whatever outcome it will be. It's call get out of your comfort zone sometimes and take a chance on experiencing life in the outside world you'll feel better that way.
Nta anon again, but why do we need to take a chance of asking this question now during the date and after the kiss? You're right that anon may be overthinking the impact of the question, but I do agree with their feeling that asking it now is off. We're not going to lose our chance to ask the question if we delay asking it for later.
Not this. Hard to consider this a serious vote to go against, but just in case.
>Hollow takes 5d10 Cringe damage and dies
Sorry for the late updates as of late. Hopefully I’ll be able to actually update a few times a day between today and tomorrow.

“Tell you the truth, I'm slightly worried this might affect my judgement a bit, I’ve never dated a team member before. I have to make sure my feelings won't affect any future missions. Don't get me wrong, this is more than worth it, but just... kick me if I'm about to be stupid concerning you.">”Don’t worry, I will. And just to be completely clear, I don’t expect you to give me preferential treatment, although I do expect we’ll be working together more often.”
>You hum in agreement and let your tired eyes close

>You awake with a yawn as Hollow shakes you with a hoof
>”Come on, let’s get you to bed.”
>The thought of traveling across town at the moment isn’t one that excites you, but you suppose she has a point and rise to your hooves
>You shake off what sand has gotten inside your shirt and regret not bringing a blanket
>Hollow on the other hand doesn’t have that issue, having laid down with your suit jack on over her dress
>Wordlessly, Hollow joins your side and the two of you make the trek back to the hotel

>With a click Hollow unlocks her door but before she opens it she turns to face you
>”That was a pretty great first date. Maybe I’ll let you take me out again sometime.”
“How about tomorrow?”
>Hollow giggles, “sorry, but I’ve got work.”
>Hollow gives you a final kiss for the night and steps through her door
>”Good night, Ardie.”
>The moment her door is closed you hear her lock close with a click
>Despite your exhaustion, you can’t help but smile to yourself like an idiot as you return to your own room
>As you go to sleep your last thoughts are of her

>The next few days are much more routine as you travel back to Appleloosa
>The caravan you travel with isn’t very large and consists exclusively of business ponies traveling for work
>You actively have to fight your instincts to act as the caravan leader, a role reserved for your escort, contractors from some local company you were only vaguely aware of
>Thankfully, the guards seemed to have good heads on their shoulders and you felt safe enough to let them handle the important work
>Meanwhile, your own team made the best of their situation and tried to treat the trip as an extended vacation
>Especially Soul, who made sure to bring enough alcohol to share around the campfire every night
>At first you were hesitant to let the old singer drink, but decide that there was no harm in a little fun

>One night, not far from where you met the Bellacopa tribe not too long ago, everypony calls it a night early, leaving just you and Hollow awake
>You take the opportunity to show your affection physically, something neither of you have done around the others, by sitting close together with your hoof around her
>As you watch the last embers of the camp fire crackle and fade a question comes to mind
“Hollow, can I ask you something?”
>”Of course, Ardie. You don’t need to ask,” she says as she nuzzles her head against your neck
“I’ve been meaning to ask you, how did your conversation with Lemonade go the other day?”
>You feel Hollow stiffen ever so subtly
>”It was fine. We talked about the situation and she wished the both of us luck.”
>Hollow sits up and looks you in the eye
>”Why, did she say something to you?”
“Pretty much just that. I was just curious is all.”
>Hollow scans your face for moment before returning to her original position
>As the last of the coals dance with light Hollow speaks, her voice low enough so that only you can hear
>”Ardent, I want to hold off on sex.”
>The statement was disappointing to say the least, but you weren’t going to push her
“I understand. We’ll move forward on your time.”
>”I’m not a prude or anything, I promise. And I want you, too. But I want to make sure everything works out first, okay? Give it a month or so.”
>You give her a kiss on the head
“That’s fine, Hollow. What we’re doing is enough for now.”
>When the last ember fades you wish each other goodnight and return to your tents
[Input Needed]
[Is there anything you need or wanted to do/check on between Gate City and Appleloosa?]
It's nighttime so I think we have enough time to go over one scroll. Continue studying the teleportation spell every step closer to understanding it leads us close to rescuing Drift go in the central hall, find drift in the dumpsite of the catacombs, grab him and get out simple as that.
Don't think we have anything to do on the way, let's head straight home to see the boss.
If possible we can sell off the scrolls that we already learned from and fence the items we stole from thread 2.
That's essentially this anon's goal. Recognize them from a previous quest because they're acting the exact same way here. That being overly verbose and inappropriately romantic. Wouldn't be surprised if that attempted kiss with Lemonade was them trying to keep earning the affection of both Hollow and Lemonade behind their backs in order to create an imaginary herd.
If you're wondering if it they're that autistic, or if it's intentional, the answer would be both. They'll never respond to any questions on what they're doing or sperg out defending themselves. They just stay silent and continue posting to reach a word and mare bedding count. Best thing to do is just vote against them and maybe snicker.
Oh boy, so he's Brandon: CYOA Edition
Pretty much. Besides autism, no idea why they are eager to pretend to be this way and continue sticking around a cyoa. Again, just be wary anytime a mare is alone with the mc. They'll find a way to insert a paragraph or more of cringe.
Noted. You will sell the scrolls you’ve already studied at half price, along with all of the things you looted, on your first free day in Appleloosa.

>As you travel through the Badlands you spend whatever free time you have either chatting with your friends or studying your teleportation scroll
>Thanks to not needing to worry about keeping watch or getting up earlier than the rest of the caravan, you manage to make an impressive amount of progress and estimate that by the time you reach Appleloosa you will only need a few more days of studying before you can master the spell
>Or at least master it enough to cast the spell with the help of other trained unicorns
>As for the journey itself, it is surprisingly easy
>Only twice are there moments of concern, once when a party of ponies traveling off road were spotted and once when a pair of Diamond Dogs were spotted in the far distance digging
>Thankfully neither incident resulted in anything more than minor distraction
>A part of you is hopeful that something close to peace has returned to the Badlands, but you can’t help but feel this is only a brief reprieve
>Either way, your caravan manages to make decent time

>In the early afternoon your team stumbles into the lobby of the Steady Stride home offices
>As always, the last mile of the journey home was the most exhausting and all five of you were eager to sleep in your own beds again
>You don’t bother ringing the bell for Sausage Gravy to let you in and instead simply push your way through the door that leads from the lobby to the office proper
>After all, this was your home and you didn’t need to knock
>As you all make your way to the back you pass by your mailboxes
>As expected, each of yours are stuffed full of letters and flyers
>Not wanting to sort out the trash, you slide the whole bundle into your saddlebag and continue heading towards your room
>When you come to the intersection that separates the senior team leaders from the rest of the office you break off from the rest of the group
>As you toss your saddlebags, weapons, and armor onto your bed the sound of excited conversation emanates from the direction of the living room
>The sound of Gridiron’s hearty laugh is particularly noticeable
>As tempting as laying down on your bed for an afternoon snooze was, seeing the rest of your coworkers was more enticing and you make your way to the living room to greet them
>As you enter, you find everybody sans Golden Spurs and Flight O’Fancy gathered together in the middle of the room
>Everyone exchanges excited greetings with one another, as well as hugs and pats on the back
>Even the usual antisocial Pine Sabot joins in, offering Soul Mane a cigar which the purple unicorn takes
>As you watch everyone catch up with one another, Leather Neck catches you out of the corner of his eye and steps towards you
>”Welcome back, brother,” he says as he shakes your hoof and pulls you into a brief embrace. “Glad to see you all made it back in one piece.”
>You reflexively glance towards Silver Sleet, who speaks off to the side with Gridiron
“It’s good to be back,” you say. “For a moment there I wasn’t sure we would.”
>”I’s understand ya. We needs to gets a drink when you’s free. It sounds like y’all’ve been through a-lots.”
>That was putting it lightly but you know the old war horse knew what he was talking about
“For sure.”
>As you turn your attention to Pine Sabot who also offers you a cigar you here somebody call your name from behind
>”Sweet Celestia! You’re back!”
>You spin just in time to brace for impact as a pegasus mare nearly tackles you in a bear hug
“Hello, Flight,” you choke out
>”Welcome back you beautiful bastards,” Flight O’Fancy says as she releases you and pulls Barrel Cactus into a hug. “I thought you feckers were goners. You better not do that again, or I swear I’ll kill you myself.”
>”I’ll try not to,” Barrel mumbles
>As you catch up with the rest of the office you learn that the Badlands as a whole have become largely calm over the last two weeks
>You also learn that Gridiron, Pine Sabot, and Leather Neck have fully healed from their previous injuries that the changelings inflicted
>And that Bitsburgh is on a winning streak in the pro hoofball league
>The fact Gridiron felt that was news worth mentioning immediately is oddly relieving and you feel like you’ve simultaneously have been gone for a life time and no time at all
>As everyone begins to calm down and break off into small groups you notice Golden Spurs stick his head out of his office
>”Welcome home, everypony!” he calls. “I’m glad you’re all back.”
>Your boss makes sure to shake each of your hooves and personally welcome you back, taking extra time to speak with Hollow and especially Silver
>Once he finishes welcoming you yourself back he turns to the office as a whole
>”Alright, everypony. Today’s special, so take the rest of the day off. I’ll have Sausage Gravy cooking something special tonight. Gridiron, run to the liquor store and get some drinks for everypony. I’ll pay for it.”
>Excited, the unicorn stallion gives a sharp salute and turns to his pegasus friend
>”What to help me pick something out?”
>Silver nods excitedly, “yeah, you bet.”
>As the two head for the exit Golden motions for you to follow him into his office
>You comply and shut the door behind you as the older stallion settles into his chair behind his desk
>”First of all, I want you to understand that I really am glad you all made it back, not just as a businesspony but also as a person.”
>That intro left you feeling uneasy about what came next
“Thanks. I assume that isn’t why you brought me in here though.”
>Golden Spurs sighs
>”No, it’s not. To be honest, I need to catch you up on some things. This whole mess has put us in a precarious position. The ERP thinks that you threw their leader to the wolves to save your own skin.”
>You almost lash out at the accusation but bite your tongue
>”Now, I don’t believe that at all. You’re a good pony and an excellent guard and so is Barrel Cactus. Your record speaks for itself. However, that doesn’t change the fact that public opinion may not see it that way.”
“Everypony is waiting on the results of the investigation, I’m guessing. Is that it?”
>Golden nods
>”Jackpot. Thankfully, that journalist you were escorting just had her story published. Ponies are saying that it may be in the contention for the story of the year. Better yet, it depicts your team and you in an excellent light.”
“Good to know. Is that it then?”
>”Unfortunately not. The other day some ponies from the government stopped by and dropped this off.”
>Golden pulls a torn envelope from out of his desk drawer and passes it to you
>”We’ve been summoned to Parliament. Congrats, you’re going to Canterlot.”
>You quickly glance through the papers inside the envelope and confirm what Golden says is true
>”Thankfully it’s just a meeting with the investigation committee, not a full blown parliamentary interrogation. I’m sure Spiked Lemonade told you, but this isn’t a criminal investigation. Or at least not for you, that is. You can’t get in any legal trouble.”
“So they just want me to answer some questions? That shouldn’t be too hard.”
>”It’s not that simple, or at least our lawyer says. Some of these ponies on the committee aren’t fans of contractors like us and they’re going to use the opportunity to push for their own agendas. In fact, everypony on the committee is probably going to use this to make a case for their own positions, regardless of how relevant they are to the situation.”
>You search the papers for the date you are required to appear in person and find that it is only five days away
“So I got home just in time to leave again?” you ask rhetorically
>Golden shrugs
>”It is what it is. The train there should only take a couple days, maybe two and a half. That leaves you a full day and a half to relax here before traveling, with an extra day to spare in case something goes wrong.”
>That didn’t leave you much time at all
>What you needed more than anything right now was a vacation, but instead you’re going from one stressful situation to another
>”I’m not going to tell you how to live your life, Ardent, but I think you should try to relax for the rest of your time between the train ride and now. If you want to let loose tonight and get wasted or stay with a marefriend, feel free. Whatever work we need to go over can wait until we’re on the train.”
>You can’t help but feel sour about the ordeal
“I’ll keep that in mind. How long are we going to be there? In Canterlot, I mean.”
>”Depends, but probably a week or maybe a little less. Most of that time will be outside of parliament, actually, so if you want to go sight seeing you’ll have the time. Just don’t get drunk while the investigation is still going on, okay? That could hurt Steady Stride’s image. Now, is there anything you want to discuss?”
[Input Needed]
[Additionally, what do you want to do while in Appleloosa besides sell the previously discussed items and study your magic?]
''With the way the situation is now tense it almost sounds like I'm going to be fired Sir. Should I advise our lawyer to start preparing our legal defense just in case, but even if that's not going to happen convincing them to let me continue to escort the settlers to the Southern colonies is going to be hard passed to allow get any tips or advice on how we should approach and handle this delicate matter, Boss''?

Well since we have like 2 in a half days to rest better let our team know about the situation, spend one day being with our fellow coworkers and the next one with our marefriend hollow exploring Appleloosa together for potential fun sites for their next date night! We also can't forget to check out the magic shops around in Appleloosa to see what other items we may need with us perhaps the store owners' might have something new in stock.
I think this plan is fine. Dunno if we need more spells since we already have a pile to study, though. What we should do is study the eulogia more.
I actually meant we need more items from the magic shop not more spells. You know one of those status buffing potions.
“With the way the situation is now, it almost sounds like I'm going to be fired, sir.”
>Golden dismisses your concerns with a wave
>”I’m doing no such thing. You’re too valuable for the company. So unless it turns out you were doing something illegal or sabotaging us in some way, you’re stuck here.”
>His words didn’t feel as reassuring as they should have
“I’m glad to hear it. Should I advise our lawyer to start preparing our legal defense just in case?”
>”I’ve had them working on it ever since I first heard about what happened. Do you think I don’t consider the worst case scenarios?”
“I guess I don’t have a choice. Anyways, even if you don’t fire me and I’m found innocent of any wrongdoing, convincing the ERP to let me continue to escort the settlers to the Southern colonies is going to be hard. Got any tips or advice on how we should approach and handle this delicate matter, boss?”
>”Just make sure you make it clear that you did all you could, even more than could be expected of a guard, Royal or not, and that no company is better suited for escorting ponies through Diamond Dog territory than you. If you can get statements from costumers, past or present, that would go a long way.”
“How am I supposed to do that? All the settlers we were just escorting are in Gate City and most of our previous clients are in the colonies now.”
>Golden Spurs scratches his chin in thought
>”I guess that’s a good point. I’ll have Spiked Lemonade handle the testaments from the settlers in Gate City. I could probably have Sausage Gravy send letters to the ponies still in Equestria proper.”
>The old stallion pulls out a notepad from a desk drawer and begins writing something down
>You wait patiently, expecting your boss to continue speaking
>After half a minute, Golden looks up as if noticing you for the first time
>”I’ve got a lot of work to do, Ardent. Just enjoy your day and I’ll handle the rest.”
>You nod in acknowledgment and exit the office
>You immediately return to the living room but remember that Silver is gone and instead go to your room
>You unpack your saddlebags and store your equipment while you wait for her return
>You also take the time to read through the envelope Golden gave you
>When you hear Silver and Gridiron return, you call your team into your room and explain the situation
>”So do we all have to Canterlot?” Soul Mane asks
“No, only Golden Spurs and I were requested. If you want to come, feel free, but it’s not necessary.”
>”Would it help if we did?” Silver asks
“Maybe, but I doubt it’ll do much if anything.”
>Barrel raises a hoof and you nod towards him in acknowledgment
>”Are the rest of us on liberty? Or are we supposed to follow the rules like normal?”
“I don’t know. You’ll probably have to speak with Golden about that.”
>”What about the company? Is this going to hurt us?”
>You shrug
“I don’t know. It’ll probably depend on how this investigation plays out.”
>Soul and Barrel glance at each other in concern but don’t say anything
>With no further questions, you dismiss your companions
>With dinner a few hours away still, you decide to run to the market and sell some of your items you no longer need

>After selling off your loot and the scrolls you’ve already mastered, you wind up with an additional 3,125 bits
>You take a quick look at the selection of spells, magical items, and potions offered at various shops but fail to find anything of note that wasn’t available in Gate City
>Figuring that if you really needed something, you could pick it up before leaving for Canterlot
>Now that you think about it, Canterlot is likely to have the widest variety of magical products, though they will probably also be pricier than what is offered elsewhere

>The rest of your first day home is spent hanging out with the rest of your coworkers, eating, drinking, and playing board games
>Even Hollow slowly joins in on the group activities, something that surprises the ponies you didn’t take with you through the Narrow
>Despite her extrovert attitude, you notice that she refrains from any physical displays of affection with you, not that she ever showed much when the rest of the team was around anyways
>Unfortunately, as much fun as you are having you wind up being one of the first ponies to go to bed that night, along with the rest of your team
>As you go to sleep that night you have a dream, one in which you are trapped in your bedroom as it slowly floods with paperwork

>The next day you sleep in late, savoring the opportunity to do so
>Later in the afternoon you and Hollow explore the city, searching for any new places that may be good for a date
>You find several fun activities, both new and familiar to you, for the two of you to enjoy as well as a few nice restaurants
>To your complete lack of surprise, Hollow turns down all of Appleloosa’s famous bars and dance clubs, all of which proudly advertise their live country music
>As you decide to check out one final date spot, a multistory driving range, you notice Hollow’s attitude suddenly become much more reserved
“Is everything alright?”
>”Yeah, I’m fine.”
>You take her for her word, only for her to contradict herself only ten steps later
>”You said you’ll have some free time when you’re in Canterlot, right?”
“Yeah, a little. Why?”
>”What if I came with? I mean, I should probably visit my family anyways so it’s not like I’m not going to have anything to do while you’re busy.”
>You weigh the idea in your mind
>Having Hollow around may be a distraction for you, but there was no denying that having her close by would also help keep your mood up
>And if everything worked out, maybe you could take her on a date in what was probably the most romantic city in the world
>Before you make your decision, Hollow adds
>”I could show you the city; the places I used to hangout at as a teenager, the cool clubs and bars, my old high school and first job. And maybe you could meet my family?”
>You shoot her a quizzical look and the two of you stop walking
>”I know that’s weird, right? But our situation is weird. I could just introduce you as my boss if you want. That way maybe you could convince my family that my job is a good one. Or we can be honest. It’s up to you.”
>You feel a little uncomfortable at the idea
>You’d only had one date so far, far to early to introduce each other to family
>But she did have a point, your relationship wasn’t typical and you have know each other for a few months now
>Seeing the indecision on your face, she quickly adds
>”If it makes you feel better, I think they’d like you, either as my coltfriend or as my boss.”
>Hollow looks at you nervously
[Input Needed]
"I'd like it if you came with, I could use the company. As for your parents, if you want me to meet them as your coltfriend, then that's what I'll do. You know them best."
''We shouldn't have any reason to hide our relationship to your family Hollow. I really like you and I want this to workout between us. And if it makes you feel any better if we ended up in another life and death situation I would choose to save you without a second thought''!
Not this.
>You wrap a hoof around d the small bat
“I'd like it if you came with, I could use the company. As for your parents, if you want me to meet them as your coltfriend, then that's what I'll do. I have no reason to hide our relationship if you don’t. You know them best."
>Hollow nuzzles your chest
>”Thanks, I’m… thanks.”
>You let her go and resume walking
>On the far eastern end of the city you find the strange driving range
>Judging from where you stand, it probably offers a beautiful view of the desert beyond the city and you both agree to visit it in the future
>On your way back you stop in at a local deli shop and grab some food
>You find it sort of peculiar; to be with a brand new marefriend that you spend the whole day with and not feel as if on a date or mildly self conscious
>Instead, you were just checking out the town with a friend that you liked more than most
>You weren’t sure if that was a good sign or bad, but are happy that at the least you can enjoy your time together
>You also learn that Hollow has a strong sweet tooth, a stereotype of her fruit loving tribe
>You store that information carefully within your mind for future use
>When you return late that afternoon you find Silver Sleet laying on the living room couch, exhausted while watching Gridiron practice magic with his freshly healed horn
“What’s the matter with you?” you ask the tired pegasus
>She jumps at the sound of your voice, clearly surprised by your appearance
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”
>”You didn’t scare me,” she says quickly, “I was just surprised is all. A-anyways, I’m just tired is all. Doc Fuji had me start physical therapy today.”
>This time, you’re the one surprised
>It seems to you that starting PT the day after a long journey wasn’t a good idea, but then again you weren’t a doctor
>You almost ask Silver how the session went but instead opt to give her encouragement instead
“Keep at it. You’re a tough mare, you’ll be back at peak performance in no time.”
>Not looking up from his scroll, Gridiron nods
>”Yup. When my horn first cracked the exercise therapies hurt like nothing else, but now I’m better. You’re going to get there too, Silver, don’t worry.”
>Silver’s attitude seems lifted by your comments, although she remains tired
>Watching Gridiron study reminds you that you have your own scroll to master and you bid Hollow and the two others adieu
>Settling into your office chair, you refresh your memory of the teleportation spell and then spend most of the next two hours practicing it
>To the uninformed viewer, it would appear only that your horn glowed brighter than when casting a normal spell, but they’d be wrong
>You can feel magical energy course through your veins as the cold energy rushed from every fiber of your being to your horn
>Satisfied, you cancel the spell
>It seems like you’ve more or less mastered the spell, though you’ll need four or more equally trained unicorns to actually cast it on a living being
>Still, it was a major accomplishment few other unicorns would ever achieve and you go to bed satisfied
[Input Needed]
[Is there anything you want to do last minute before leaving Appleloosa?]
I wanted to study the eulogia a bit but we should probably bring them with anyway. Also I vote for Auto-Translate to be the next spell we start learning.
I concur with this idea as well.
>You store your teleportation spell in your desk cabinet
>You consider selling it, as it would probably fetch a fairly high price compared to most spells
>But then again, maybe it’d be best to keep it, in case you needed to refresh yourself later or wanted one of the other office unicorns to learn it
>Tired of book learning, you pull out the two eulogia and set them on your desk, as well as a notepad and a ruler
>You carefully inspect both of their physical characteristics, making sure to write down what you notice

>They are of similar size, within two centimeters of each other, and average 13.2 centimeters in length
>Both are made out of gold and shimmer with magical energy
>The first has engravings of a tatzlwurn and a dragon running down its length, as well as two small engravings that Soul pointed out match Celestia and Luna’s cutie marks
>You recall Glossy telling you that the dragon and tatzlwurm likely represent two of the Diamond Dogs’ gods, but the sun and moon were a mystery
>The second rod, the one you found inside the tatzlwurm temple, has four tatzlwurms running down its length
>You recall a note from the Dogs at the tatzlwurm temple concerning their fear that they may have their connection to the tatzlwurm god severed after you took the rod

>Setting the second rod back down, you wonder if there was a way to know the age or place of origin of the rods from their metalworking
>Satisfied that you’ll be unlikely to find anything else of interest by inspecting the rods physically, you look at the notes you took after casting your material analysis spell when you first found the eulogia

>In terms of construction, both rods are the same
>The core of a rod is made of a bone wrapped in keratin, which you assume is a unicorn horn, and which your spell identified as belonging to a single unicorn mare
>Your spell was unable to accurately date the organic components of the rods, only that they were at least a few thousand years old and predated Equestria
>As for the metal casing, you know it is highly purified gold
>Finally, both rods are enchanted with some kind of powerful spell, likely some kind of illusion

>Setting the notes down, you stare at the two golden rods
>All that it would take to activate the magic within was for you to reach out with your magic
>You almost do so, but hesitate
>There was no telling what the magic do, though you doubt it’ll cause an explosion or anything else destructive
[Input Needed]
Better to keep the teleportation spell on us so we can teach Soul how to learn it. Well we got some information about these two rods thats good news but with the illusion magic enchanting them both reaching out with our magic might trigger them activating some kind of passive defense mechanism their no telling what magical side effects we'll experience the duke did tell us that one of these rods had the power to see visions of the future. Ardent is smart but he's not yet achieve the rank of master mage so his mind might not be strong enough to handle the effects of the eulogias better to play it safe hold off on using our magic on it until ardent magical abilities and captivity is stronger or until we find some kind of unicorn professor or archeologist to research and study them.
I say do it, but not while alone, at least have another unicorn capable of dispelling/protecting against magic around. Actually I'm kind of curious what would happen if we cast Arcane Shield first before activating them.
I’m almost done with an update but will be busy with work for the next two hours. Hopefully I’ll be able to post shortly thereafter.
>You find yourself stuck at an impasse as for whether to activate the relics or not and decide that a second opinion may be helpful
>You walk into the living room and find Gridiron in the same spot he was two hours before, as well as a sleeping Silver on the nearby couch
“Hey, Gridiron. If you don’t mind, there’s something I want you and the rest of the unicorns to look at.”
>The stallion closes the book he was reading was mild enthusiasm
>”No problem, Ardent. I’m getting tired of practicing fundamentals anyways.”
>Satisfied, you tell the stallion to remain where he sits while you fetch the other two
>When you knock on Soul’s door he immediately opens it with his magic, revealing himself writing something at his desk with a cheap bottle of bourbon and a metronome nearby
>”Just a second,” he says as he finishes jotting something down
>Setting down his quill, he turns to you
>”What’s up?”
>You point to the paper on his desk with a hoof
“What’s that?”
>”Oh, just some ideas for a new song. Bourbon always gets me in a creative mood.”
“I see. Anyways, I want you to take another look at those golden rods we found in the Dog city, if you don’t mind. I’m getting the other unicorns to take a look too.”
>Soul stands up from his desk and makes towards the door
>”Not sure I’ll be able to add anything that I haven’t already said, but sure.”
>You tell the older unicorn to sit in the living room with Gridiron while you yourself knock on Sparkler’s door
>You have to knock twice before she opens it
>”Hello,” she yawns, “what can I do for you?”
>Glancing over her shoulder, you see her bed is a mess
“Sorry, did I wake you?”
>”Yeah, but that’s fine. Anyways, what do you need?”
“I found some magical relics while in the Diamond Dog city that I’d like you to look at. You said you went to some prestigious magic school, right?”
>The yellow unicorn’s ears perk up as you speak
>”Something like that,” she says, visibly more awake now. “So, what kind of relics are they? Did the Diamond Dogs make them, or did somebody else make them?”
“I’m not a hundred percent sure. I’ll explain what I do know out in the living room.”
>While Sparkler joins the others in the living room, you retrieve the eulogia from your desk, as well as your notepad
>Returning to the living room, you explain how you found the two relics and describe their physical and magical properties
>As you explain, Gridiron and Sparkler listen with great interest
>”May I see one?” Sparkler asks
>You nod and pass the first one you found to her, then give the second one to Gridiron, who lets out a low whistle after turning it in his hooves
>”This gold was cast by a unicorn.”
“What makes you say that?”
>”I don’t see any distinctive casting or forging marks. The whole piece is uniform.”
“Are you sure?”
>”Definitely. I’ve seen plenty of magically and traditionally cast steel; I know what I’m talking about.”
“So it was made by a unicorn; what does that tell us?”
>”Well, casting metal with magic is pretty darn hard. It would take either a professional or a very skilled mage to pull off this kind of work, which means the process probably cost the customer a lot of money. A LOT of money. Like, this probably belonged to somepony of significant nobility.”
>”We already could assume that,” Sparkler says as she rotates her eulogia in her hooves. “As for the magic, I don’t think it’s illusion magic, though it’s quite similar. It’s strange, I’ve studied illusion magic all my life and I don’t recall ever encountering something like this. You wouldn’t happen to know what the Dogs kept these for, would you?”
“They were important to them, I know that. Trying to steal one was punishable by death and the only time we saw them was in either important or otherwise secure locations. Actually, one Dog mentioned that some stories said eulogias were able to show visions of the past or someplace else at the present. Maybe even someplace immaterial.”
>”Didn’t Duke say they could see the future?” Soul Mane asks
“Not that I recall.”
>Sparkler hums, “if the duke did, he’s either an idiot or a liar. Nothing can see into the future. As for seeing into the past or some other place, I suppose it’s possible, but I doubt it. Although the name is curious.”
>As the two unicorns continue to study the eulogia you ask
“So, what you guys think? Should I try using one?”
>Neither of them answer for a long minute
>”I don’t think it’ll be dangerous,” Sparkler finally answers. “At the very least, not for the rest of us. Celestia knows what may happen to whoever actually uses the magic inside.”
“What if you three dispelled the magic if something goes wrong? I know it may be hard to do since we don’t know what we’re dealing with, but the three of you could probably brute force it.”
>”I’m not sure that’s a good idea. There’s a chance that if this is a trap, the magic will act instantly and only need a second to do serious damage to you, or worse, your mind.”
>The idea of being physically fit but mentally damaged wasn’t a fun one
“What if I used Arcane Shield? It’s a spell that-“
>”Prevents the effect of one spell. I know what it is. In theory, it should only prevent dangerous or otherwise inconvenient spells from effecting you. That means if it’s some kind of mind attacking or altering magic, like a powerful illusion, the Arcane Shield will prevent it from effecting you. Theoretically, of course. Again, I have no idea what kind of magic this is.”
>It wasn’t a particularly satisfying answer
>Sparkler suddenly looks up from the relic and into your eyes
>”I say do it. Otherwise, if you’re worried about what it’ll do to you, I’m willing to do it.”
[Input Needed]
''Okay now you got me curious why would you be willing to do it Sparkler? Trying to tread on dangerous grounds on an unknown object to find out the mysteries of its origins''.
“Okay, now you got me curious? Why would you be willing to do it, Sparkler? Just trying to solve the mysteries of its origins, despite the risks?”
>”More or less. I’m confident nothing bad will happen and solving the mystery of these relics is, I admit, exciting. I’d like to be the first to uncover a mystery like this.”
[Input Needed]
''All right, I'll take your word for it fire away Sparkler. Let's find out the story behind these relics and what they're capable of so we can see whether or not it safe for us to use them. The rest of us will get into position surrounding you and be ready to safety dispelled the relic's illusion magic I'll cast the Arcane Shield right away the moment the relic's activates from your magic. Oh and one more thing I also got a teleportation scroll from the diamond dog's leader if you, gridiron and soul are interested in learning from it I'll be happily to assist ya in studying it I already got a headstart figuring out how to perform the spell''.
This, except there's no reason to time the Arcane Shield like that. Just cast it on her first.
I concur
“Alright, I'll take your word for it. I'll cast Arcane Shield and then the rest of us will get ready to dispelled the relic's magic if something goes wrong.“
>Sparkler rests the first eulogia on the living room’s coffee table while the rest of you surround her
>You cast the spell and after a full minute both yourself and Sparkler are covered in dancing rainbow light
>The colors are distinct but transparent, reminding you of oil on water
“Okay, you’re all set.”
>Sparkler gives you a firm nod of acknowledgment and immediately lights her horn as she reaches out with her magic
>The eulogia quickly begins to glow with golden light, its engravings shining a bright white
>Suddenly, the magical light stops and Sparkler’s shield flashes then disappears with a faint ‘pop’ sound
>Sparkler growls in frustration, “we were almost there. Let’s do it again without the shield.”
>”Are you crazy?” Soul Mane interjects. “That thing almost hurt you.”
>”Maybe,” Sparkler counters, “or maybe not. We don’t know.”
“We don’t know? What else could it be?”
>Sparkler shrugs, “again, I don’t know. It’s possible that the eulogia is doing something that is in reality harmless but the shield prevents anyways, like causing my mane to fall out or something like that. Of course, it’s also possible that it’s just a powerful illusion spell, one that not only affects your vision and hearing, but also your touch. If the spell would cause you to feel pain, even if it didn’t actually hurt you physically, Arcane Shield may stop it. Really, there are too many possibilities to name.”
>”Including the possibility that it’ll just turn you into ash,” Gridiron says, “right?”
>Sparkler snorts, “I doubt it. Ardent said that the Diamond Dogs kept these relics in important places and had special rules regarding their ownership, so I doubt they’re mere traps.“
>Soarkler turns her attention to you, “I think we give it another go. The odds of them causing me serious harm is likely very low.”
[Input Needed]
"So the only way to find out it's true potential is to willingly expose yourself to the magic's relic effects. I don't like this Sparkler but as a fellow research scientist nothing gain nothing venture right? Scientific progress even a magical one can only proceed if there are those who are willing to take risks! Get yourself ready for round 2 of the magic experiment we're start again without the shield and help you maintain your focus connection to the rod but the second we see the eulogia causing you harm that looks like it's killing you we're ending it I'm not risking another pony's life for a test just to bury you in the end. I witnessed enough that for one day and want to avoid that for a while to prevent further mental damage to my mind".
"I don't like this. Let me do it. If it turns out to be safe enough, you can do the other one, okay?"
Reasoning: Ardie wouldn't risk a coworker if he could take the risk himself and also hopefully our main character dice powers will give us an edge in the worst case scenario. Our stats are probably higher than Sparklers.
Seems there’s a tied vote. If there’s no tie breaker, I’ll flip a coin.
“I don't like this. Let me do it. If it turns out to be safe enough, you can do the other one, okay?”
>”Are you sure? I can do it myself, I’m not scared.”
“Yes,” you say firmly, “I’m sure. I’m not going to make you take a risk if I can take it myself. Just be ready to dispel the magic if something goes wrong.”
>You switch spots with Sparkler, dispel your shield, and once everyone is ready, reach out to the eulogia with your magic
>As before, the relic glows bright with golden energy and you can feel cascades of magic rushing over you
>Then, in a blink, you are struck by a beam of magic


>You’re hot
>Unbearably hot
>You tug at the knot of your hood and loosen it with your magic
“Moon and stars,” you pant as you lower your hood, “it’s so hot, I can hardly breathe.”
>To your left a mare giggles and you crane your neck to face her
>”Sounds like you’ve already forgotten what summers are, Hellebore.”
>You scrunch your muzzle in annoyance, doubly so because she was correct
“No I haven’t. I just forgot how hot they are is all.”
>Despite your insistence, the young unicorn mare continues to giggle
>Sometimes you couldn’t help but hate your sister
>”Crocus, leave her alone.”
>Immediately your sister freezes in fear
>”Sorry, Lady Moon Shine. I’ll behave.”
>You give your sister a cruel smile before turning to face the adult mare on your right
>”The two of you are too old for that behavior,” Moon Shine chides
>You stare at Moon Shine
>She wore a similar linen cloak as yourself and your sister, though her’s was one that marked her as one of your tribe’s great mages
>Moon Shine glances down at you and you immediately turn your attention towards the distant green hills
>Not far away, a train of wagons cuts its way through the tall grass towards you
>There were two types of creatures in the caravan
>The first is an ugly race of brown equines with dark manes that pull the wagons
>You fail to spot any horns or wings, so you assume that the creatures must be earth ponies
>The second type of creature is far stranger
>They are tall four legged things, with long and wide front legs and short and stout back legs
>Their muzzles are more distinct than a pony’s and their feet end in nasty claws
>Except for the one at the front, each of them carry a banner and steps in synch, which reminds you of the palace parades you saw as a filly
>Focusing on the leader themself, you notice that they wear a strange metal mask and carry an ornate spear
“Are those the dogs?” you ask Moon Shine
>”Yes,” she answers as she picks up the obsidian box at her hooves, “those are the Dogs. We should go and meet them.”
>Moon Shine carries the box in her silvery magic while you and your sister follow her towards the coming wagon train
>As you push your way through the tall grass the threatens to obscure your vision, you see the leader of the wagon train shout something back at the wagon, which then increase in speed
>It takes several minutes before your two groups meet together, Moon Shine and the leader of the strangers facing each other
>”Are you the one they call unicorns?” the stranger asks
>”Yes,” Moon Shine answers. “I am Lady Moon Shine, mage of the Royal Unicorn Court, and these are my apprentices, Crocus and Hellebore.”
>The Dog looks at you the both of you, his emotions obscured by his mask, “these are not enough. You were to bring us eight.”
>Moon Shine places a hoof across your chest and moves you behind her, “we already have what you asked for. These two are only here to aid me.”
>The Dog locks eyes with you for a long moment before turning his attention back to Moon Shine
>”Let us share a meal; it has been a long journey. Then we can show each other what we have brought.”
>Moon Shine agrees and the leader Dog shouts something to his followers
>Two of the ugly earth ponies unhitch from their wagons and pull something out of another wagon
>As they work, you ignore their actions and instead focus on their flanks
“Lady Moon Shine,” you whisper, “do earth ponies not have cutie marks?”
>”These are not ponies,” she says but does not expand on her answer
>Confused, you continue to watch the equine creatures work and within but a minute are surprised to see what they have erected
>An extravagant tent, enough to hold your home village, you think, stands tall above you
>”Come into the shade,” the Dog says, “so that we may escape the sun.”
>As you follow Moon Shine into the tent, you notice a wonderfully sweet scent in the air
>As soon as you enter m, several of the equines enter the tent and place down massive pillows, one of which the masked Dog sits on and indicates for you to do the same
>As you sit down, two more of the equines enter the tent carrying a pair of metal pots and dishes and place them before you
>The Dog removes the lids of both pots and immediately the savory smells of mushroom stew and something you don’t recognize waft towards you, causing your stomach to growl
>”I am sorry to hear your struggle,” the Dog says, “we have not met these earth ponies, but we hear they are a pathetic race.”
>”They are indeed,” Moon Shine says as she removes her hood. “It is a shame that we can’t live without them.”
>The Dog pours each of you a bowl of soup, “perhaps you do not need to. As you will see, us Diamond Dogs are more than able to provide.”
>Moon Shine shakes her head, “no, I do not think so. Our diets are too different and it will only be a matter of time before the earth ponies stop their pitiful embargo. But know that the King does appreciate your generosity.”
>As soon as Moon Shine takes a drink of her soup, you do the same
>The soup is hot, fresh, and tasty; better than you’ve had in many months
>You only lower your bowl to breathe and spot the Dog staring at you, his yellow eyes burning a hole through your head
>You shakily place your bowl at your hooves, fearing that you’d done something wrong
>The Dog reaches into the second pot with a paw and withdraws a thick, dark, brown thing that he then offers to you
>You grab it with your magic and give it a quizzical sniff
>It’s unique, unlike anything you’d smelled before, and you’re unsure whether to be enticed or sick
>”It is jerky,” the Dog explains
>Unsure what the word means, you glance at Moon Shine for approval
>”Go ahead, Hellebore.”
>You take your master for her word and bite into the strange food
>It’s tough, a little bitter, and incomparably savory with a kick of spice
>You naw on the small piece in your mouth, debating whether you like it or not before concluding that it’s pretty darn good
“It’s delicious! What kind of plant is it.”
>”It’s not a-“
>”That doesn’t matter,” Moon Shine says, interrupting the Dog and casting you a peculiar sideways glance
>Your master places the obsidian box in front of herself and slides it to the Dog before opening it with her magic
>”Eight, as promised.”
>The Dog reaches inside the box and pulls out a golden rod, which he holds close to his face as if inspecting in
>The Dog shouts something in a language you do not know and soon another Dog joins you
>Unlike the masked Dog, this new one is short and wears a red robe
>”The magician will tell me if you lie or not. If you are telling the truth, then you shall receive your food.”
>Moon Shine clicks her tongue in disgust, though you don’t know why
>The robbed Dog holds the magical rod in his paw before passing it back to the masked Dog
>”You tell the truth, unicorn.”
>”Call me Lady Moon Shine. And yes, we always tell the truth when it suits us.”
>”Tell me, then, is it true that your tribe causes the sun to rise and fall?”
>”Yes,” Moon Shine says with pride, “as well as the moon.”
>”Then perhaps you could prove it?” the Dog says, his voice thick with disbelief
>Moon Shine smiles, “tonight, as the sun goes down, we shall hold it still over this valley for two hours, and the moon still in the far south.“
>The Dog hums to himself in satisfaction, “then it is a promise. I am excited to see this miracle, Lady Moon Shine.”

>Within half an hour you once again stand outside, the wagons unhitched from the equines and arranged in a circle around you
>”Are you sure you do not need some slaves? The pegasuses say you live far away and there are only three of you.”
>”Yes,” Moon Shine says, annoyed by the Dog’s continued insistence, “once again, I am sure.”
>”Then we shall depart. Again, I ask that you tell your king that if he is in need of more food, we shall give it. We only ask for more of what you’ve already given, otherwise we will accept whatever extra mouths you cannot feed.”
>With that, the Dog turns away, leading his followers towards the south
>You watch the Dogs and equines disappear into the horizon before Moon Shine finally speaks again
>”Girls, prepare the ritual. We need to be home before the sun sets.”
>Immediately, Crocus and you begin preparing the spell
“They were nice. I hope we see them again.”
>”You should hope we don’t,” Moon Shine chides. “They are blasphemers that live beneath the earth. It is better we needn’t their services again.”
>You frown and mumble your apologies


>You awake with a jolt, finding yourself standing in the office living room
>”Oh, thank Celestia,” Soul Mane exclaims. “We thought you were fried.”
“I don’t think so,” you say, your mind swimming.
>Somebody says a name, one it takes you a moment to realize is yours
>”Ardent,” Sparkler says as she steps into your vision, “are you okay?”
>You take a moment to respond, trying to figure out the answer
“I think so? I’m, uh, yeah. I think I am.”
>”Maybe I should cast my medical analysis,” Soul suggests as he tries to push Sparkler out of the way
>The young mare resists, instead asking, “so, what do you see?”
>You explain your experience to the best of your abilities
>”Were you able to feel any physical sensations or only audiovisual?”
“No, I could feel everything. Even thoughts. It’s wasn’t like a normal illusion, more like a memory from when I was a kid.”
>Even as you speak, you’re not entirely sure it wasn’t your own memory rather than something you’ve just experienced
>”So what do you think it was?” Gridiron asks. “Just an illusion? Or was it something more?”
[Input Needed]
[In addition to answering the question, if there’s anything else you want to do before going to Canterlot, say it now.]
"I'm not sure why anyone would create an illusion like that. It seemed more like a recorded memory or something."
We might as well do the second one, too. Give this one to Sparkler if she wants to try.
"Guys from what I just saw there were a total of 8 golden rods made by the unicorns to give to the early descendants of the diamond dogs in exchange for receiving food from them. But also that memory I experienced it felt like I was reliving my unicorn ancestor's lives or something I felt what she felt all the emotions she had within that moment dealing with the diamond dogs for the first time in her life those feelings were an intense sharp pain almost as if it was my own it was like right then and there I shared the same hurt with somepony else. The story of these relics goes much deeper than we thought to understand the whole history of them we would need to dive and delve deeper into the rods' past it your turn Sparkler have at it from with the second eulogia".
Also well there is this one other thing we should do before leaving for Canterlot Trail leader Ardent should go and talk to Hollow if whether or not her strict father will be there and if her ex-coltfriend is living in Canterlot so we can know who he is, what he looks like, and why he cheated on her in the first place in order to be very careful how to deal with them in case we may happened to run into them during our stay there for the week.
We're meeting her parents in canterlot already when we get there. Why do we need to ask about her ex? It's unlikely we'll happen to come across and asking is just going to bring back bad memories.
Well yeah you may be right but there still the astronomical chance hollow ex might be there so it's best to be prepared with that information just in case and honor did said she wanted to have sex with Ardent but wanted to wait for at least a month or so. So she can know for sure that we're legit on wanting to have only her as our marefriend. Therefore, knowing about her ex will allow us to make sure to be careful not to repeat the same outcome for what he did to hollow so ardent can continue genuinely do things that can make her Happy.
>avoid the same outcome
He cheated on her, what more info do you need? That's pretty easy to avoid, just don't fuck other mares.
I don't think advice on how not to cheat is needed hear. It's usually pretty clear when a line is crossed.
“I'm not sure why anyone would create an illusion like that. It seemed more like a recorded memory or something, like I was reliving that pony’s life.”
>You look at the eulogia, which no longer glows with energy
“I think we should check the other one, too. Did you still want to do that one, Sparkler?”
>Sparkler nods enthusiastically and grabs the second eulogia
>”Wait,” Soul Mane interrupts, “let me check you out, Ardie. I want to make sure everything’s okay.”
>Seeing no reason to refuse, you let the unicorn proceed with his examination
>After double and triple checking your body, Soul Mane dispels his magic and confirms that, at least physically, nothing has changed about you
>With that resolved, you again give Sparkler the go ahead
>This second eulogia behaves just as the first had, though instead of being stopped by a magical shield the eulogia instead fires a beam of magical energy directly at Sparkler’s horn
>The young unicorn stands perfectly still, eyes focused on some point far away from the room in which you stand
>Soul Mane waves a hoof in front of her face to no reaction
>”Just like last time,” he says. “It’s like she’s paralyzed or something.”
“Maybe she is,” you ponder. “Maybe it’s a protective measure to prevent the user from hurting themselves or wandering around while in the vision.”
>”That’d explain why the Arcane Shield blocked the spell the first time.”
>As you three stand and idly watch the immobile mare, a question pops into your head
“How long did the last one take?”
>”About twelve minutes.”
>You cock an eyebrow
“And you didn’t try to get me help in that time?”
>”Don’t look at me. I wanted to get you help after the first minute.”
>You turn your attention from Soul to Gridiron, who shrugs, “if it makes you feel any better, I was going to try dispelling it after fifteen.”
>You’re not entirely sure that assuaged your concerns but decide that since it all worked out you wouldn’t worry about it
>The minutes slowly tick by
>After nearly a full fifteen, Sparkler blinks, seemingly coming out of her trance
“Are you okay? What did you see?”
>”I’m… fine. A little dizzy, but fine. I think I saw how the eulogia were crafted. Or part of the process, at least. I was with a group of unicorns and were taking the horn from a dead mare. Not in a violent manner, but in a clinical way, like a mortician handling the recently deceased. I remember it being very dark and that we were indoors. We had to use braziers and our horns to see. I felt uncomfortable, like I was doing something wrong. Or maybe dirty would be a better word.”
“And why do you think the vision was related to the eulogia? Just because of the horn?”
>”That’s a part of it, yes, but I felt powerful magic in that room as well. I think we were casting a ritual spell together.”
>Sparkler idly taps her chin in deep thought
>”Do you mind if I borrowed both of the eulogia? I’d like to study them further unless you’re taking them to Canterlot for some reason.”
[Input Needed]
"Nah, not really I was hoping to study and research the eulogias more once I've taken care of business in Canterlot. If you think you can find out more about them than me Sparkler go right ahead you can tell me your finings about them when I get back. Just promise me that you'll be very careful with them those relics may have been made by us unicorns but they belong to the diamond dogs since our ancestors gave it to them for trading resources the last thing we want is to destroy their property. Also what was named of the pony when you were reliving their memory and tell me something Sparkler hypothetically could the memories we saw was ponies who had transfered part of their consciousness into the eulogias to provide clues, events, and background informations for future unicorn discovers of these rods to find out the real story behind the eulogias creation and their true purpose"?
I think the intent was to give Sparkler the first eulogia
Seemed like another split vote between textwallAnon and me, I think OP just pickrd randomly. It's fine though, we got the gist.
Hate to do another split vote, but I'm not sure I agree about leaving them here. We might find more answers for them in Canterlot and if not, we can always bring rhem back after.
You're right. Looks like I failed to parse that guys post entirely
"Sorry but im bringing them to canterlot. The royal archives probably has information regarding the eulogia and if possible I'd ask the princesses why their cutie marks are in the eulogia, you can borrow them once we get back."
Did you guys want to take a look at the second eulogia?
I vote yes since we saw the first one ardent should see the second eulogia maybe these memories are pieces of a puzzle only by seeing all 8 of them can we get all the facts and understand the whole picture of the diamonds dogs past and our fellow pony ancestors.
“Sorry, but I’m bringing them to Canterlot. The royal archives probably have information regarding the eulogia and if possible I'd like to ask the Princesses why their cutie marks are on the eulogia. But I’ll bring them back, okay?”
>Sparkler sighs in disappointment, “that’s fine, I get it.”
>You turn your attention to the Eulogia Sparkler just used
“But first, I’m going to check out this one for myself.”
>”Why? Wasn’t my summary good enough?”
“No, I think we all got the gist. I just want to compare them is all.”
>Once again you switch places with Sparkler and reach out to the eulogia


>You’re cold
>Freezing, even
>You carefully adjust your scarf with a hoof, not daring to use your magic lest you inadvertently disrupt the ritual
>You are standing inside a dark stone room, the only light coming from small braziers and the horns of the other unicorns with you
>You stand in a large circle with the other unicorns, counting seven in total
>Ahead of you, in the center of the circle, is an elderly mare laying on a thick blanket atop a stone table
>Her breathing is short and labored and it is clear that she is not long for this world
>With a final inhale, the mare shivers and then lies still
>Immediately you cast the spell you’ve been holding, as do the other unicorns
>For a moment the dead mare’s horn glows bright but then quickly fades
>Wordlessly, you and the other unicorns break the circle and converge on the cadaver
>From across the room there is a whooshing sound and a flash of magic, which causes you to jump
>Had you been found out?
>The stallion across from you hovers a wooden box in front of himself and you realize that he’d simply picked up the tools needed for what came next
>Still, your heart does not steady and you remain on edge
>Once you are all standing beside the dead mare the stallion sets the box down and opens it, revealing small blades, drills, clamps, and hammers
>You carefully grab one of the blades with your pink magic and begin your work while the others assist you in silence

>You carefully remove the drill from the now exposed skull, finishing the last hole you’d need and move to grab one of the small hammers when your ears perk up
>You snap your head behind you and freeze
>In the corner of the room is a shadow which ebbs and flows with the flickering of the light
>You shiver, feeling a blast of cold air run down your back
>Again you jump, your hind legs sending the tools skittering across the floor and filling the room with clattering sound
>Everybody dives or uses their magic to stop the tools in their track
>The stallion from before picks up the hammer you’d dropped and passes it back to you
>”Nobody knows,” he whispers
>You nod, trying to calm your nerves as you refocus on the task in front of you
>Carefully, you tap around the base of the horn with your hammer, breaking the small pieces of bone between the holes you’d drilled
>With a final tap, the skull gives way and the horn drops free, landing on the soft, blood soaked blanket
>A mare grabs the horn with a hoof and wraps it in plain cloth and then heads for the exit while you and the others quickly cast cleaning spells on the instruments before returning them to their box
>As you work to clean, you avoid looking at the body on the table
>Once the tools are stored away, the other unicorns disappear one by one in flashes of magic until just you and the stallion remain
>Despite your efforts, you take a quick glance at the dead mare
>Though the top of her skull was deformed, her face remained distinct
>Her lips were pulled tight, as if grimacing from a sharp pain
>”It was her plan,” the stallion whispers.
“I know.”
>”Then why are you upset? She wanted this. Do you think the others will judge us?”
“No, I just-“
>Again, you shiver and turn your head towards the darkness in the corner
“Are you sure nopony else knows? Just us and the archmages?”
>”Yes, I’m sure. So again, why are you upset? Is it because of who she is?”
>You turn your attention back towards the mare on the table
>You’d never see her eyes again
>You knew that, known it would happen someday for all of your life
>But it still hadn’t sunk in yet, not really
“Yes, I think that’s it. I’m glad I could do this for her, but it’s not easy.”
>”I imagine not. Maybe you should go, your husband will be waiting. I’ll finish here and in the morning you can scatter the remains with your family.”
“I think that may be best.”


>Something moves, causing you to jump
>”What are you guys doing?” Silver asks as she slowly sits up on the couch
“You shouldn’t be here,” you snap defensively
>Silver looks at you in shock and you suddenly remember where you are
“Sorry, I didn’t mean that. I’m just a little confused, I think.”
>”We’re working with those relics you found,” Gridiron explains
>Silver glances between the four of you before shaking her head and sliding off the couch
>”I’m going to bed. See you guys in the morning.”
>You all wish her a goodnight before returning to the more pressing topic
“Well, Sparkler, you gave a good summary. Can’t say it felt any different from the first one, either.”
>”So is that it then?” Gridiron asks. “The eulogia are just recorded memories?”
>Sparkler shakes her head, “I don’t think so. Why would the Diamond Dogs want random unicorn memories? Especially ones that were essentially just memories of other eulogia? There’s got to be something more we’re just not seeing yet.”
“Don’t make assumptions about things you don’t know anything about. For all we know, that’s exactly why the Dogs wanted them. Maybe they lost record of how the first eulogia were obtained, or wanted to learn how to make their own.”
>Sparkler mumbles something but you ignore it
>”Well,” Gridiron says, “if that’s it, then I’m going to bed.”
>”Me too,” Soul Mane agrees, “right after another analysis spell on you.”
“Good idea. I feel like I’ve been up forever.”
>Sparkler nods, “I noticed that I was a bit more tired after that vision as well. Maybe the eulogia require a lot more energy than it seems.”
>You shrug and wish everyone a goodnight and head to bed, placing the eulogia in your saddlebags before falling to sleep

>You awake with a start and immediately ignite your horn
>Something moves in the corner of your eye and you turn to face it only to find yourself looking at your bedroom wall
>You double check to make sure that no bugs or other pest have snuck into your room and thankfully come up empty
>You check your clock and find that you’ve awoken just a couple minutes earlier than scheduled
>Figuring the two extra minutes won’t help, you turn off the alarm and jump into the shower
>After getting prepared for the trip ahead you place your saddlebags in the living room and knock on Hollow’s door
>You hear a commotion followed by a hushed ‘crap’ and then more commotion
>You step back just as the door swings open and Hollow steps out of her room, her mane and tail a disheveled mess
“Good morning, beautiful.”
>”Hey. Sorry I’m running late, I’ll shower quickly and then we can go.”
“Take your time. I don’t think Golden Spurs is here yet.”
>”Good,” Hollow says as she pushes past you and heads towards the junior employee bathroom
>Glad that you checked on her, you walk into the kitchen to make yourself a quick breakfast
>Despite the early hour, Sausage Gravy sits at the dining table with a stack of papers
“That looks like fun,” you say sarcastically
>The fat stallion grunts and continues to work through the papers, “not as much fun as you’ll be having. Want me to cook you something? Or maybe something for Hollow?”
>You pour yourself a bowl of cereal
“Nah, we’ll be fine. Thanks anyways.”
>You sit at the table and slowly munch on your food, enjoying the peaceful quiet
>There’s a knock on the wall and you look up to see Golden Spurs with his suitcase
>”You ready yet, boyo? We’re on a schedule.”
“Just waiting for Hollow, sir. She’s almost done.”
>Golden sighs and sits directly next to you
>”She’s not going to distract you, right?”
>You cock an eyebrow at your boss
“No, why?”
>”I remember being your age. Chasing tail caused me more problems than I’d care to admit.”
>You snort
“I’m not twenty any more. I can keep my priorities straight.”
>”No, but she is.”
>You ignore your boss and finish your food, cleaning the dish to save Sausage Gravy the extra work
>”Anyways, we’re meeting the lawyer at the train station. He’ll coach you and review what you’ll need to know and say for this whole investigation thing. You’re a nerd, so I imagine you’re good with that kind of stuff.”
“Won’t be a problem.”
>”Good. We need this to go good, Ardent. I want to expand both offices with at least another team leader and a couple more grunts. That was going to be the plan once you got back from the colonies and the ERP paid what was left of the contract.”
>You hear the bathroom door open and in seconds Hollow comes into the kitchen, saddlebags ready
>”Good morning, Hollow.”
>”Hey, Golden. Are we ready?”
>You both nod and grab your own saddlebags before heading out the door

>The next two and a half days are mostly spent either studying, sleeping, or staring out the window at the countryside
>The train ride is longer than it was even a couple years ago, let alone before the Blackthorne Infestation
>As you look into the distant countryside, you can occasionally catch glimpses of the giant weeds that have swallowed so many unfortunate communities
>Somewhere among the thorns was the house you bought your parents so many years ago
>Though the pain had grown dull over the last few years, it still felt like a stab in the heart every time you had to pay back the bank for that loan
>You push the thought from your mind and just try to focus on the investigation that lies ahead

>Stepping out of the station, your group of four gathers together in a circle
>”We’ve got reservations at the hotel sorted out,” Golden tells you, “so before doing anything else, you should check into your room there. In the meantime, I have a business meeting with some potential clients.”
>”I’ll let Parliament know that you’re both here,” the lawyer says. “You’re still scheduled to appear just after lunch each day for however long this investigation goes on, so plan on being at Parliament at ten at least. Just in case something comes up, you understand?”
“Sounds good.”
>”Good. Now, I’ll see you in the morning. I also have some ponies to meet today.”
>Golden Spurs and the lawyer depart, leaving you and Hollow alone
>”I’m going to drop off my luggage at the house,” Hollow says. “I’ll be seeing some friends for dinner tomorrow, but other than that I’ll be at the house. Just let me know when you want to meet my family, okay? I told them it’ll be sometime this week but that you weren’t sure what day you’d be free. Just be sure you send me a letter ahead of time, at least a couple hours. And you should wear your suit when you come, too. Otherwise, if you just want to chat or get some food before meeting everypony, send me a letter telling me where to meet.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
>Hollow gives you a quick kiss, “good. Best of luck with the investigation. I’ll see you soon.”
>Hollow gives you another quick kiss and takes off with a flap of wings and quickly disappears from view
>Looking around, you spot the station clock
>It’s early afternoon and besides having to check into your hotel room you have the entire rest of the day free
>You recall Hollow saying that she wanted to have today to herself and her family, so you rule out seeing her despite how tempting the idea is
>There were plenty of stores around, as well as libraries and various prestigious institutions with focuses on various disciplines
>There were also plenty of places of leisure to visit if one so wished as well
[Input Needed]
Let's check some shops for any cool new enchanted items or weapons. I think we have plenty of spells to study for now.
After that could go to a library and check if there are any history books that might help with the eulogia. Maybe the names we heard in the memories will help.
I agree
Plus, if Ardent still has any leftover time after doing those two things he can start by checking around the other leisure places in Canterlot for locations that hollow might enjoy on their next date here and see if he can make or buy her a surprise gift that the bat pony will love further deepening their connections for one another.
>With some free time to spend, you decide to check out the local magic and weapon shops
>Not wanting to make a purchase without first examining all of your options, you visit several stores and make a list of the items that catch your interest
>As you check one store after another, you start to notice some patterns
>While the price of everything is higher in the capital, the price increase for spells and magical items is particularly steep
>While you could hold off on buying the more common items, you also know that many of the spells and items here are rarely seen outside the city walls
>Secondly, you notice that no spells related to causing fear or physical darkness are on sale
>The third thing you notice is that every magical item is kept behind closed doors, with only descriptions and pictures to go off of
>While most places that sold such items kept them somewhat secure, this level of security was rare
>Once you finish your browsing you examine the lists you made of spells and items that may be of interest

>Almanac’s Summon Rain Cloud (1,750): Somewhere within 100 feet of yourself, you create a super compact rain cloud that takes up the rough shape of a 30 foot diameter sphere. The cloud carries up to 10 gallons of water and can be manipulated as normal. Cast Time: 6 Seconds
>Animal Friend (1,750): Pick any animal within 100 feet that isn’t actively hostile to you. You cast a charm spell on that animal. If that spell succeeds, that animal becomes friendly towards you and you are able to understand each other via telepathic link and the animal becomes willing to obey any orders that will not obviously harm the animal. Requires concentration. Cast Time: 1 Minute. Lasts for up to an hour.
>Babel (1,850): For up to an hour, you confuse a target’s language, causing it to be unable to speak or write in any known language. Requires concentration. Cast Time: Instantaneous
>Barkskin (2,800): You touch a creature with your horn. For up to an hour, the target's fur is transformed into a thick tree bark. The bark is perfectly flexible and as durable as heavy armor. Cast Time: 1 Minute
>Blinding Light (2,250):
You emanate a focused beam of light from your horn at up to three separate targets over the course of 6 seconds. The beam is visible and, if aimed at the eyes of a target, causes blindness up to 12 seconds. Cast Time: Instantaneous
>Blur (4,500):
The caster’s body is overlapped with a blurry, shifting holographic copy of themself, making the caster harder to hit for any creature or spell relying on sight. Requires concentration. Cast Time: Instantaneous
>Bolas (1,800):
You create a magical length of cord a few feet in length that you launch at a target. On a successful hit, the legs (or one set of limbs if the target is a biped) are bound together. The cord lasts for one hour and may be destroyed by being severed with a blade. Cast Time: Instantaneous
>Bright Light’s Hologram (2,000):
You create a copy of yourself made out of magical energy. You can order the clone to stand still, walk, or gallop as well as stand up or lay down. The clone is not intelligent and cannot speak and passes through solid objects. Cast time: 12 seconds
>Bubble Shield (5,000):
A semi-transparent sphere measuring up to 20 ft in diameter centered on the tip of the caster’s horn. Capable of withstanding powerful magical and physical blows. Requires concentration. Lasts as long as the caster maintains concentration. Cast Time: 6 seconds
>Chain Lightning (5,500):
You fire a bolt of lightning at a single target. The lightning bolt deals the equivalent amount of damage as a basic telekinetic bolt. If another creature is within ten feet of another, the lightning jumps and deals another telekinetic bolt’s worth of damage to the second target. This chain effect continue until the lightning can no longer jump to a new target. Cast Time: Instantaneous
>Clear Mind (2,300):
You put the tip of your horn against a target’s forehead and instantly clear their mind of any charm equal to or weaker than your magic level. (Spells that are stronger than your own magical level will require a roll.) Cast time: Instantaneous
>Clear Sight (2,300):
As long as you maintain concentration, you are able to see any invisible creature as if it were normally visible. Cast Time: 1 minute
>Cloud Walk (1,750):
You and up to five other ponies are blessed with the ability to walk on and interact with clouds as if you were a pegasus. Cast Time: 1 Minute
>Compass (1,250):
You create the illusion of a compass needle. The needle always points to true north. Last as long as you maintain concentration. Cast Time: Instantaneous
>Create Cloud (3,500):
You create a spherical cloud up to 120’ in diameter anywhere within visual range. This cloud is a completely normal cloud and behaves as such. Cast Time: Instantaneous
>Dizziness (2,000):
Choose a creature that you can see. For the next five minutes, that creature becomes suddenly nauseous, can only move in a slow stumble, and has disadvantage when trying to perform any complex task, including combat. Cast Time: Instantaneous
>(Basic) Earth Sight (2,500):
Maintaining concentration, you close your eyes and stand still. While the spell is active, you become sensitive to vibrations in the ground and can locate anything that is in contact with the ground and currently moving, including creatures and machines as small as a field mouse. You can sense anything within 500 ft. of you. Cast Time: Instantaneous. Lasts for as long as you maintain concentration, contact with the ground, and stay still.
>(Advanced) Earth Sight (5,000):
Maintaining concentration, you close your eyes and stand still. While the spell is active, you become sensitive to vibrations in the ground and can locate anything that is in contact with the ground, including creatures, machines, and inanimate objects as small as a field mouse. You can sense anything within 500 ft. of you. Cast Time: Instantaneous. Lasts for as long as you maintain concentration, contact with the ground, and stay still.
>Emergency Mending (6,350):
A spell requiring concentration for the casting duration. Emergency Mending allows the caster to temporarily repair a broken bone or a single damaged organ. Lasts for 1 day. After 1 day the targeted bone or organ reverts to its damaged state. Requires the caster to use a large amount of their magical energy stores. Cast Time: 1 Minute
>Feather Fall (2,200):
Choose up to five creatures within 60 ft. For the next five minutes, those creatures fall at a slower than natural rate which protects them from fall damage. Cast Time: Instantaneous
>Firework (3,500):
A magical firework capable of dealing blast damage equal to a sword. The sound of the explosion is audible up to twenty miles away. The color and design of the firework is up to the caster and can be any simple design. Cast Time: Instantaneous
>(Super) Flare (1,500):
A bright light capable of lighting up an area up to 500 ft in diameter and capable of being accurately launched up to 1,000 ft away. Cast Time: Instantaneous
>Ice Beam (6,000):
You fire a beam of powerful ice magic at a target, causing a thick layer of ice to envelope the creature. The layer of ice can cover an area up to 10’x10’. An integral component of the spell acts as a life support system, allowing whatever living thing is captured within the ice to survive without any long term damage. The ice melts over the course of one minute, unless the local ambient temperature is below freezing. Cast Time: Instantaneous
>Flame Thrower (6,750):
A 30’ cone of flame erupts from your horn, instantly igniting anything flammable within range, including organic matter. A taxing spell, the magical requirements for this spell are equal to the requirements for (Advanced) Earth Sight. Cast Time: Instantaneou
>Gust (1,500):
You create a small but powerful gust of wind capable of moving up to 50 miles per hour. Cast Time: Instantaneous
>Grease (1,750):
You conjure enough grease to cover a 10’x10’ square centered somewhere within 60’ of yourself. The grease has all the normal properties of grease and is highly flammable. Cast Time: 6 seconds
>Green Sting’s Detect Poison (1,750):
Maintaining concentration, you can sense the presence and location of any poisons or poisonous creatures within 30 feet of you. Thanks to your spell talent, you also identify the kind of poison or creature in each case. Cast Time: Instantaneous
>Illusion (3,750):
A detailed object, no bigger than a pony, is created within 20 feet of the caster. The illusion is unable to move but otherwise appears lifelike. Cast Time: 6 Seconds
>(Animated) Illusion (5,000):
A detailed object, no bigger than a pony, and capable of simulating natural movement, such as a blowing leaf or a wind up toy mouse, is created within 20 feet of the caster. The illusion can move up to 100 feet away so long as the caster keeps concentration. Cast Time: 6 Seconds
>(Minor) Invisibility (5,000):
The caster turns themself invisible, so long as they stay still or move at a slow pace. Requires concentration. Cast Time: 6 Seconds
>Invisibility (7,250):
The caster turns themself invisible for as long as they do not attack another creature. Requires concentration. Cast Time: 6 Seconds
>Lightning (5,000):
You fire a bolt of lightning from your horn at a single target. The lightning bolt deals twice the amount of damage of a strong telekinetic bolt. Cast Time: Instantaneous
>Magical Replenishment (4,750):
A spell that allows the caster to sacrifice a small amount of their own magical energy in exchange for replenishing the magical stores of a target. Can also be used to cure magical burnout. Cast Time: Instantaneous
>Mark Target (2,500):
Pick a target with 300 ft. That creature becomes magically marked and takes on an easily noticeable red magical glow. So long as you maintain concentration, any attempts made by any creature to attack the target gain advantage to hit. Cast Time: 6 seconds
>Mending (1,500):
You repair a single break or tear in an object so long as the break or tear is no larger than 1’. The spell only works on non-organic and non-metal objects. Cast Time: 1 Minute
>(Advanced) Mending (3,500):
You repair a single break or tear in an object so long as the break or tear is no larger than 3’. The spell only works on non-organic objects. Cast Time: 1 Minute
>Minor Food Transmutation (4,000):
You can harmlessly change the taste, color, and/or texture of any food or liquid. This spell is banned for commercial use by the Ministry of Food and Culinary Arts, although private use is perfectly legal. Cast Time: Instantaneous
>Night Vision (1,850):
You either touch a target with your horn or cast the spell on yourself. For up to 12 hours the target has night vision. Cast Time: 1 Minute
>Nymph’s Intriguing Visage (4,000):
You cast a charm on yourself that lasts for up to 8 hours, during which time you become supernaturally attractive. Those enraptured by your charm are much more willing to give you their favor. Cast Time: 1 Minute
>Painted Wings (5,250):
A magically taxing spell that causes the target to grow a pair of large, colorful wings. The wings are made of gossamer and morning dew. As such, they are very delicate. Cast Time: 1 Minute
>Personal Shield (4,500):
A semi-transparent layer of magic covers the body of up to 4 targets within 300 ft. The Personal Shield is far weaker than the Bubble Shield, only capable of withstanding a single blow. For each shield destroyed the caster risks losing concentration. If the caster fails to keep their concentration any remaining shields fail. Cast Time: 6 seconds
>Short Range Telepathy (3,500):
You and one other creature within 1,000’ can communicate telepathically. You must have line of sight on the other creature when you cast the spell, but do not require line of sight thereafter. The spell can be blocked by a thin sheet of lead. Cast Time: 6 Seconds
>Sleep (4,500):
You pick one target within visual range and attempt to cause it to sleep. The creature must attempt to pass a Constitution saving throw, falling asleep for up to 8 hours on a fail. Cast Time: Instantaneous
>Small Pocket Dimension (5,500):
A spell that allows you to access a small pocket dimension, approximately 5’x5’ in size. Any living things place in the pocket dimension are almost assured to die. Cast Time: Instantaneous
>Skeeter’s Water Walk (3,000):
For up to 1 hour, you or a creature that you can see can now walk on water, as if walking on polished marble. Cast Time: 6 Seconds
>Spider Climbing (4,250):
You or a creature you target gains the ability to walk across any wall or ceiling. Cast Time: 1 Minute
>Super Speed (5,750):
You or a creature you touch with your horn becomes supernaturally fast. You move up to quadruple the normal speed of a normal pony and can swing, fire, or cast a spell or weapon twice as fast as normal. Cast Time: 6 Seconds
>Thunder Clap (3,750):
You create a burst sound that can be heard up to 500 away. Each creature within 10’, other than you, must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take damage equal to a simple telekinetic bolt. Cast Time: Instantaneous
>Tribal Illusion (2,000):
Pick either yourself or a pony within sight of yourself. For the next 24 hours, that pony appears to be a member of a tribe of your choice: Earth, Unicorn, Pegasus, Bat, or Crystal. Cast Time: 5 Minutes
>Tumble Turner’s Lockpick (2,750):
You envelop a lock in arcane light. Over the course of six seconds, you attempt to open the lock with a telekinetic pick and wrench. The success of the spell is based on your Intelligence stat. Cast Time: 6 seconds
>Turn Orange (6,250):
You turn any creature or item 1’ in diameter or smaller into an orange. Casting the spell on the object again reverts it to its original form. Cast Time: Instantaneous
>Want It; Need It (4,200):
You charm a small object. The object becomes irresistible to all who see it. The scroll comes with a warning to not cast the spell in a large crowd. Cast Time: Instantaneous
>Antimagic Helmet (7,500):
This helmet is made of steel with a thin inner lining made of lead. The wearer is immune to any spells that affect the mind but at the cost of preventing them from casting any spells, if they’re a unicorn.
>Dragon Fire Candle (5,000):
A purple candle that burns with green flame. Any piece of parchment that is burned with the candle’s flame is magically carried on the wind towards its intended recipient. Each candle has 5 uses.
>Elemental Sticker (300):
A 4”x1’ sticker covered in magical runes. When placed on a weapon, such as a spear or rifle, that weapon deals extra damage equal to a strong telekinetic bolt. Each sticker only lasts for a single attack. The type of elemental damage is up to the user and decided beforehand. (Options available: Cold, Fire, Lightning, Sonic, Magic, Dark Magic, and Psychic)
>Flying Carpet (12,500):
A 4’x10’ Saddle Arabian carpet capable of flight. It can carry up to 500Ibs and moves up to 120 miles per hour.
>Horseshoes of Speed (11,500):
Four horseshoes are painfully nailed into your hooves. They cannot fall off on accident and are not magnetic. They grant the wearer double running speed but are very loud.
>Invisibility Cloak (12,500):
A clock that is oversized for any stallion of average height and weight. As long as you are covered by the cloak you are completely invisible, even while attacking or casting a spell. However, any sources of light, including horns or natural light as small as a match, are clearly visible even behind the cloak.
>Lantern of True Light (9,850):
A simple lantern that reveals any invisible creatures or objects within 50’.
>Lobster Tank (25,000):
A suit of magical armor. The armor is stronger than plate armor, can withstand 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit without melting, and allows the user to breathe underwater. However, the armor is incredibly heavy, loud, and magnetic.
>Oathbreaker (5,000):
A magical greatsword that is twice as deadly to those who have betrayed their oaths than normal.
>Rebreather (12,000):
A magical device that the user places in their mouth. By breathing through the device, the user is able to breathe clean, pure oxygen, even underwater or inside a wall of solid material, such as sand.
>The Retriever (12,750):
An ax that always flies back to its owner when thrown. It deals damage equal to a short sword.
>Spider Climbing Gear (9,050):
A set of climbing gear that fits any normal sized adult pony. This climbing gear allows the user to climb any surface with ease, even upside down.

>You check how many bits you have remaining
>25,705 bits remaining
[Input Needed]
I vote on getting Chain lightning, Super speed, Super Flare, and Elemental sticker.
Dragon Fire Candle seems useful, get one of those.
We have a lot of spells to learn already, but I'd still say grab Spider Climbing and Bubble Shield.
I think we already know the Flare spell
You know Flare, but not Super Flare. Super Flare has twice the diameter and twice the range.

How many Elemental Stickers do you want? Just one?
Oh I thought we get 4 elemental stickers from the price of 300 bit guess I was wrong uhh ok I say we get three of them one for ardent, one for hollow, and the last one we can just give it to Barrel since he has a rifle.
We can't afford all of these. Drop Super Flare and I guess we can maybe learn Bubble Shield from Soul instead? Also I'd swap Chain Lightning for regular Lightning, our single target DPS has been lacking.
Having chain lightning will allow us to hit multiple targets at once after the first target gets hit by it and Ardent's team has been encountering multiple enemy combatants on the battlefield a lot lately, so if you think about it it makes sense to have move that has a wide spread attack for dealing with crowds of enemies. As for super flare well if ardent can actually make his regular flare become stronger to turn into super flare after practicing it a couple of times then I guess there's no real reason to actually buy it then. Better to save some extra bits then. Just gotta settling for Chain lightning, Super speed, and the three Elemental stickers will do the trick.
Reason I'm thinking regular Lightning is cause the Chain one only deals as much damage as our regular bolt, which rarely does significant damage on it's own. Would be good to have something high damage.
Forgot to add, whichever lightning we go with, I think that + super speed + the candle + stickers is fine.
Wait, really the spell lightning deals twice the damage while chaining does basic damage ooh this is a toughly hmm although our character has been going against challenging foes lately and the regular moves aren't cutting it anymore if we're gonna need a game changer to even the playing fields then alright we can get the chain lightning spell next time its time to fight fire with fire.

Going with the Lightning spell, Super speed, 3 Elemental stickers, and finally the Dragon fire candle since you might be onto something with the candle it will help us have an easier time to contact our companions or anypony we had previously met throughout our adventures and hollow did say we should write her a letter on how, where, and when we wish to spend time with her so it can reach to her automatically save us the time going to the post office and have a mail carrier bring it to her home.
>You quickly narrow down most of your choices but become stuck deciding whether to purchase Lightning or Chain Lightning
>You flip a bit, which ends up landing on Lightning
>With your choices decided, you return to the selected stores and make your purchases
>In total, you spend 16,650 bits, leaving you with 9,055 bits remaining
>It hurts to see so many bits leave so quickly, but that was the price of knowledge
>With your purchases secured, you make you way to the hotel to check in and drop off your saddlebags
>As you walk towards the more touristy part of the city where your hotel is, you keep an eye out for places to take Hollow to
>The first thing you notice are the variety of restaurants available, ranging from kitschy themed restaurants that were popular in your childhood, to beautiful bistros, to dark, romantic restaurants, and everything in between
>You even have a chuckle at a restaurant advertising itself as “an authentic southern experience”, a mural of Appleloosa on its facade
>You also spot advertisements for different theaters with shows running the gambit from simple stage magicians and comedy acts to grand operas and musicals with star studded casts
>Museums are especially plentiful
>While you wouldn’t typically consider such a place for a date for a mare like Hollow, the range of focuses are immense and cover every broad topic you can think of, from history and aeronautics to culture and music
>There’s also venues for musical performances and stadiums for all sorts of sports, including the local baseball, hoofball, and racing stadiums
>Of particular note is a local showing of the Wonderbolts, which is sure to include demonstrations from the Air Force and various air corpses
>Although you don’t see them, you know there’s a wide range of art galleries and gardens in the city as well, including the Royal Gardens outside the Royal Palace
>Finally, there’s a plethora of different generic entertainment options, such as nationally renowned night clubs, bars, an amusement park, and gaming centers
>Of course, there’s even more options available to you if you so wished, but those mentioned were the big ones
>Finally you reach your hotel and check in before heading to your room
>To your pleasant surprise, your hotel room is fairly spacious, larger than your room back in Appleloosa
>It also grants you a view of the city from which you can see both Parliament and the Royal Palace
>After taking in the city sights you slide your saddlebags under the bed and check the clock
>It’s late afternoon, leaving you only a few hours of free time before many public places begin closing, including the various libraries of the city
>Not wasting any time, you exit the hotel and make your way to the Royal Library, the largest public library in all of Equestria
>If any public library was going to have information on the Eulogia, that was the place
>Thankfully it isn’t too far of a walk for you and before too long you stand outside the grand example of classical architecture
>Pushing open one of the large oak doors, you walk into the entryway
>The library is a sea of book shelves, lined up in neat, organized rows
>Looking up, you see four floors above you, a square cut out of each to grant you view of their existence
>To your immediate left is an indoor coffee shop while to your right is a help desk/checkout
[Input Needed]
[Where do you want to check first for information about the eulogia? By that, I mean what topics/genre of books will you be looking for in order to conduct your research on the topic.]
I suggest we go to the help desk/checkout area so we can ask the librarian on where we could find information in books about the Eulogia say like Magical enchantments on Physical objects, How a unicorn can creates a Magical rod, Archeological discovery dig sites about ancient staffs and rods, and How does one implant a personal memory into said object of their choice?
Sounds good. Then see if we can find anything relevant on pony/dog history, especially concerning the ones we saw in the memories
Since we spent a lot of bits, I'm assuming that there are ways for us to recoup the costs, in canterlot?
>With an ocean of books at your disposal, you do the sensible thing and approach the help desk where an elderly librarian waits
“Hello. I’m doing a little research project and was wondering if you could help me find some books.”
>The librarian pulls the quill out of the ink jar on the desk and grabs a small notepad with her magic before motioning for you to continue
“I need anything you have on magical enchantments on physical objects, how a unicorn can create a magical rod, archeological dig sites about ancient staffs and rods, and how does one implant a personal memory into an object of their choice.”
>The mare jots down the requests quickly and precisely
>”Anything else?”
“Yes, I would also like to look at anything you have on pony-Diamond Dog history. Anything pre-Equestrian would be especially useful.”
>The librarian writes down the last request and instructs you to sit down at a nearby table while she fetches the books
>While you sit and wait for her to return you take a look at the ponies around you
>Most are young adults, most likely high school seniors or college students if you had to guess
>Those that are older appear to be the more studious types, with out of fashion name styles and glasses, ponies that you would assume to either work at the various schools or institutions located in the capital
>There’s exceptions to these of course, such as a parent reading with their foal or the fit unicorn wearing the Royal Guard’s dress uniform
>As you pony watch you’re unsurprised to find this library far more popular than the little one in Appleloosa
>Thankfully, it isn’t too long before the librarian returns with a cart full of books
>”This is the first batch,” she explains, “I’ll go fetch you some more but these will at least point you in the right direction.”
“Thank you. Say, how late are you open?”
>”We don’t close. There’s too many ponies in this city that need our services to shut down for the night.”
>You’re surprised by that fact but are nonetheless thankful and immediately get to work sifting through your books
>The first ones you look through are the books regarding magical enchantments, which is the most popular and broadest category you requested
>Long experienced in the science of research, you fly through the volumes
>Unfortunately most of these books are basic instruction manuals and even those that go deeper into the subject are rarely helpful
>However, there are a few that either go into detail on how to enchant organic matter or how to enchant something with memories, which you put to the side while returning the un-useful books back on the cart
>Next, you go through the short selection dedicated specifically to the topic of memory
>Most of these books are strictly scientific works regarding natural memory, although you do find one that seems to be promising in regards to magically recording memories
>Finally, you move onto books about archeology
>To your pleasant surprise, there’s a book specifically on ancient staffs and rods as well as a brand new book on Diamond Dogs
>By the time you have sorted out the few useful books from the rest, the librarian returns with a second, smaller cart
>”You have an odd set of interests,” she opines, “you wouldn’t happen to work at the university, would you?”
“Nope. Just doing some private research.”
>”If you don’t mind me asking, why the interest in Diamond Dogs? Is it because of the recent news?”
“Sort of.”
>”It’s an exciting story, isn’t it? Almost like something out of a pulp magazine.”
“I guess.”
>Did she know who you were?
>Or was she just making conversation?
>”I do feel bad for Miss de Lis, of course, but at least the rest of those poor ponies were able to escape. Thank Celestia for those guards they had.”
>The librarian seems lost in thought for a moment before turning to leave you alone
>”Anywho, if you need any coffee or anything there’s some cups and a pot brewing in the back. Feel free to help yourself.”
>You thank the librarian for the offer and begin skimming through the newly brought books
>All but two of these are history books with most focusing on early or pre-Equestrian pony history
>One of the other two books is a small book on Diamond Dogs in general, ranging from their little known history to their modern cuisine
>The last book is an in-depth look at Diamond Dog-Equestrian relations
>As you prepare you notepad and begin your reading you can feel your heart pumping with excitement

>You pick up your styrofoam cup to take a drink only to find it empty
>You sigh and place it back down and glance at the clock
>It was nearly one in the morning, meaning you’d been here for over nine hours
>Most ponies wouldn’t have been able to focus on the task for half as long, but you weren’t most ponies
>In fact, you wanted to keep going
>Wanting to refresh yourself on what you’ve learned so far, you look over your notes, staring with what you’ve learned about enchanted items

>You start with enchanted organic material
>Most organic materials could only hold magic for short periods of time, often measured in hours if not seconds
>However, exceptions existed, such as dragon scales and bones, unicorn horns, and some rare plants
>The books explained how to enchant such items, but since you already know the arcane sciences behind the process you skipped those parts of the books and instead focused on only those that involved memories
>Interestingly enough, the concept of storing memories in objects, namely crystals, was popular some couple hundred years ago
>Studies from the time show that enchanting an object with a memory, even one that only featured a single sense, required far more energy than most professional mages could produce on their own, though why that is the case is still unknown
>Those that viewed such stored memories, even simple single-sense ones, often suffered from a list of side effects
>Side effects included: dizziness, confusion, loss of balance, phantom pain, physical numbness, loss of self, and a series of other ailments that would fall under Post Traumatic Stress Disorder nowadays
>Modern experiments with storing memories in objects have only proven the validity of the previous results

>You frown when remembering that last part
>Had you and Sparkler somehow damaged yourselves by viewing the eulogia, or were the eulogia free of such flaws?
>You suppose you’ll just have to see and move onto the next category, ancient staffs and rods

>Rods and staffs are common symbols in ancient cultures, especially in the time of Somnambula, a legendary pegasus hero in southern Equestria
>As such, many of the oldest magical and enchanted items are either rods or staffs, especially the latter
>Many of the first great unicorn wizards are said to have used enchanted staffs, including Mage Meadowbrook
>Rods, on the other hand, were more commonly associated with authority figures or authority as a whole, especially generals, priests, and royalty
>In the modern age, rods and staffs are rarely used for storing magic as crystals and other gemstones are much easier to use

>You move onto the next topic, Diamond Dogs, and skip the parts you already know or can easily assume

>Diamond Dogs are one of the most widespread races, found in every known continent on the globe
>Diamond Dogs, unlike all other species of sapient creatures, are almost completely devoid of magic
>What little magic they have is completely devoted to their bones, claws, and teeth, all of which are sharper and stronger than the vast majority of what is found in the natural world, rivaling even dragons
>In terms of intelligence, they are considered to be one of the lesser sapient species, although most experts agree that it is a matter of education than strictly genetics
>Diamond Dogs live in small pack groups, typically ranging in the low twenties to high fifties in membership, though both smaller and far greater numbers have been recorded
>As such, Diamond Dogs are not considered to have any true civilization or unified culture beyond a very primal religion and culture, although a rigid priest class is believed to exist
>Despite this, recent archeological evidence suggests that a large, powerful Diamond Dog civilization once existed on the continent of Equs during the time of the Three Tribes period that collapsed either just before or just after the founding of Equestria, perhaps during the first rule of Discord
>The cause of collapse is debated, though it is generally agreed to have been some combination of slave rebellions, inter-pack rivalries, and general cultural decline
>On a more terrifying note, the ancient Diamond Dog civilization seems to have collapsed quickly and violently and recent discoveries indicate much of the surface dwellings and structures were destroyed by magic, having been suddenly buried in solid rock and sand
>As for the structure of the ancient Dog civilization, it is believed that the civilization was ruled by a singular king, who was perhaps also a priest, that held absolute authority
>Although it is hard to identify individual kings at this point, it is speculated that many took the name “Abuwtiyuw” upon taking the throne, possibly as tribute to some important king in their own ancient past
>However, before any concrete conclusions can be formed about the unnamed civilization can be made, more research needs to be performed, a task complicated by recent treaties between Equestria and various Diamond Dog packs

>Again, you frown
>There were a few things the books said about Diamond Dogs that you questioned given your recent, up close experience with them
>Regardless, you move on to your next topic, Pre-Equestian pony history, most of which has little or no connection to what you’re looking for
>However, some things are interesting

>The earth ponies have no recorded interactions with Diamond Dogs, although their culture is full of stories relating to ground dwelling creatures, including what may be tatzlewurms and an epic about a hero slaying an “earth dragon”
>The pegasi, on the other hand, have a record of their later encounters with the Dogs, though the first encounter seems to be lost to time, although it is expected the two races encountered each other during a routine Pegasi scouting mission
>The ancient pegasi appear to have used the Diamond Dogs as an alternative trade partner to the earth ponies for things such as bronze, copper, and gold, as well as possibly vegetables
>The most interesting is the unicorns, who, while ruled by a monarch, also were guided by a group of powerful mages, most famously Starswirl the Bearded himself
>These mages were responsible not only for maintaining the cycles of the moon and sun, but the preservation of their culture as a whole
>Unicorns that exhibited great magical talent from a young age, even before receiving their cutie marks, were raised in specialized schools that specialized in magical knowledge
>Upon receiving their cutie marks or perhaps completing some now unknown tests, those young mages were then given to a member of the magocracy to be trained until they reach adulthood
>The records of such mages, as well as who trained them, are well recorded
>You have transcribed the names you remember from the eulogia
>Mercury: Mare, the first to enchant liquid metals, a doctor, nine hundredth and fifty second archmage, mentored Spring Still, Wallow Whisper, Copper Crescent, Almond Oil, and Morning Dew, died during ritual aged one hundred and four
>Hellebore: Mare, wife of archmage Grand Fountain, nine hundredth and seventy second archmage, mentored Clear Stream, Soft Water, Midday Melody, Brass Bank, and Winter Widow, died during ritual aged forty three
>Crocus: Mare, second wife of archmage Blue Burner, nine hundredth and sixty ninth archmage, mentored Midnight Magus, died in her sleep aged one hundred and two
>Moon Shine: Mare, explorer, dignitary, wife of archmage Star Watcher, nine hundredth and fifty first archmage, mentored the archmages Heavenly Hymn, Final Thought, Crocus, Hellebore, Night Hour, and thirty three others, died in her sleep aged one hundred and fifteen

>As interesting as the records of mages is, you find Starswirl the Bearded missing from the list
>You also fail to find any mention Diamond Dogs or anything similar
>You move onto your final selection, pony-Dog history

>Ponies and Dogs have known of each other to some extent for at least two hundred years before the founding of Equestria, although contact was sparse at best until after Equestria expanded into the Badlands
>Most of Equestria’s interactions with Diamond Dog packs had been violent, almost always ponies defending themselves or being enslaved by Diamond Dog packs
>Despite this, trade is known to occasionally happen, rarely on any official level after Celestia and Luna banned the trade of goods sourced from slave labor upon their ascension over a thousand years ago
>Equestria maintains no diplomatic relations with Diamond Dog packs, although treaties regarding free travel and mineral rights have been signed with certain packs in recent years
>Of particular note is a story from an alleged former government employee claiming that a large underground Diamond Dog city existed south of the Badlands
>Unfortunately, the claim is devoid of any description of the city or its importance

>With that concludes your notes, which you slide into your saddlebag
>You return the books to their carts and leave the library
>As much as you want to continue your work, you needed sleep for tomorrow’s big event
>Besides, you always had tomorrow morning or afternoon if you wanted to continue your investigation
[Input Needed]
[Tomorrow begins your parliamentary investigation. However, you will likely have a few hours of free time before and after. What do you want to do with it? If you want to continue your investigation, what is your next step?]
Depends, what do you have in mind?
We could check if there are any objects in the museums, relating either to the relevant unicorns, the eulogia or to the dogs. Might also find more knowledgeable ponies working there.
Good idea checking at a museum could actually work in our favor as well. The professional experts might be able to tell Ardent more about the history and ancientries about unicorn mages Mercury, Hellebore, Crocus, and Moon shine!
Odd jobs, being a Private Investigator, wage cuck, a thief, a home invader or a smuggler lol.
kek none of those sound very fitting for our guy
Actually I think two of them could a mercenary doing numerous odd jobs and being a private investigator. Or maybe he could use his smart genius to win a contest or some kind of card or chess tournament As for the rest no.
>The next day you wake up bright and early, giving yourself enough time to get ready for what was certain to be a long day ahead
>After a quick breakfast you make your way through the busy early morning traffic towards the Royal History Museum, a multistory complex adjacent to both the Royal Archives and the University of Canterlot
>If there was anypony in Canterlot outside of the Princesses that could answer your questions, they would almost certainly be at one of those locations
>As you walk towards your destination you keep an eye out for any potential job opportunities
>Almost every restaurant was hiring, whether that be fast food fry cooks or hosts with a familiarity with Prench dining
>Construction sites were also in desperate need of workers as well
>Street lamps in the more middle class neighborhoods, if there were such places in Canterlot, are plastered with fliers requesting help finding lost animals, handyman work, or missing ponies
>The last group of requests reminds you that you could always check in with the Canterlot Metropolitan Police Department for any possible bounties or similar work
>Of course, the possibility they’d turn you down due to your current predicament was always a possibility as well
>Eventually you reach your destination and climb the steps that lead up from the sidewalk to the large double oak doors of the museum and patiently wait for them to open
>You’re not the only one as other ponies, mostly tourists, congregate in small groups nearby
>When the doors are finally opened by who you assume to be the museum curator, given her sharp suit and general air of importance, you wait for the other ponies to push their way in before approaching
“Excuse me,” you say, getting the attention of the sharp dressed mare, “I was wondering if there might be some pony I could discuss some things with. Namely an expert on pre-Equestrian history or Diamond Dogs.”
>The mare raises an eyebrow at the request
>”Our staff is well versed in all fields of history, my self included. If you have any questions, feel free to ask any one of us.”
“No, I need an expert. I need to know more about specific, obscure unicorns from before the first Hearthswarming as well as some recent archeological finds regarding ancient Diamond Dogs. General knowledge on the subjects won’t cut it.”
>The mare’s body language says she doubts you
>”I see. In that case, you may have better luck speaking with somepony at the university. However, we do share members and work closely with their history department. Perhaps I can arrange for somepony from the university to help you. Would that work for you?”
“That’d be great. Tell them I have something that greatly furthers our understanding of pre-Equestrian ponykind. A type of stored memory called a ‘eulogia’.”
>”Yes, of course. While you wait, feel free to visit our pre-Equestrian wing. That’s where I’ll send the expert to speak with you, if they decide it’s worth their time.”
>You thank the mare and do as told

>What the museum has on pre-Equestrian history could hardly be called a ‘wing’, more of a small set of exhibits dedicated to each tribe
>Early earth pony tools sit behind glass next to a wax display of an ancient farmer ploughing a snowy field, a nearby plaque explaining the concepts of democracy and republican government that the earth ponies were governed by
>In the display at the opposite end of the exhibit is a variety of pegasi arms and armor
>A painting of a squadron of pegasi battling a fearsome dragon runs from floor to ceiling with a plaque explaining the history of cloud architecture and the many battles the tribe had with griffin and hippogriff clans
>Between the two displays is one on the ancient unicorns, represented by a marble statue of a rearing Starswirl the Bearded
>Beside the statute are smaller displays and plaques, some describing how the tribe raised and lowered the sun and moon before the Royal Sisters while others describe the ancient monarchy and how it different from the current diarchy
>One of the displays has what a plaque describes as the robe of an archmage; a tattered blue and white linen garment with a hood
>You snort at the inaccuracy of the description
>Even as a filly you knew that was the robe of a doctor, not an archmage
>You look over the rest of the displays in the exhibit while you wait
>Interestingly enough, you find that the museum offers lineage backtracking that promises to tell you what famous ponies you are related to
>You look through the various displays twice before an elderly unicorn stallion enters the exhibit
“Are you from the university?”
>The stallion nods
>”Yes, I am. My name is Clock Right, I am a researcher with the history department. I’m told you have something important to discuss.”
>You nod and introduce yourself before pulling out one of the golden rods
“This is a eulogia. It’s an ancient relic the Diamond Dogs consider to be very important to their culture. It’s made with a unicorn’s horn, one that predates the unification of the tribes. It’s magical. Activating the relic makes you re-live the memory of a unicorn from that time. Or at least I think it’s a memory.”
>The stallion motions for you to pass it and examines it
>As he looks over it you explain its physical properties
>”And you’re sure that the Diamond Dogs consider this to be an important relic? You didn’t buy this from some street vendor or something.”
“No, I took it from one of their temples that had been buried in solid rock for who knows how long. If it’s a fake, it’s one heck of an effort.”
>Clock Right looks at you in surprise
>”Ardent Mind… you’re that pony from the papers, aren’t you? The one that was stuck in that underground city.”
>With no real reason to hide the truth, you nod
>”Well then, that certainly adds credence to your claim. You would happen to be able to sit down for a thorough discussion on what you saw right now, would you?”
>You glance at the clock on the wall and see you only have a few minutes before you’ll have to leave for your parliament meeting
“Unfortunately not. I may be free tonight, though.”
>”Oh, that’s a shame. But yes, if you want to arrange a meeting for tonight, that would be grand. Perhaps I could answer some of those questions you had before you leave?”
“I’d appreciate it. I guess the first question I have is if you ever heard of something like a eulogia, or something similar.”
>Clock Right shakes his head
>”No, not from that time. There were some experiments with storing memory, but not until much later.”
“Okay. Have you ever heard of the names Mercury, Hellebore, Crocus, or Moon Shine, two words, before? They were all achmages during the tribal times and were recorded in a list of archmages.”
>Again, the stallion shakes his head
>”Not off the top of my head. I’d have to look through some of the university’s archives to find out if we have any information on them. Unfortunately many of the archmages are unknown to us beyond their names, deaths, and proteges.”
“If you could, I’d appreciate it. Whatever you can tell me may help. My final question is what do you know about Diamond Dogs at the time of the three tribes?”
>”Well, I know they had a large empire at the time, located near what is now called the Narrow. They were fabulously wealthy, likely had a complex economic system, and owned a large number of slaves, mostly donkeys. That empire was likely the source of many fables and myths in donkey culture. Let’s see. They were ruled by a king, though it’s possible some kind of priesthood actually controlled the civilization as a whole. Beyond that, not much is known. It’s as if they vanished all at once one day and became the creatures we know now.”
>Not a great list of answers, but it was something
>”Now, is there any other questions you may have for me before you depart? Perhaps something a little more specific?”
[Input Needed]
''Well yes as I told you before that rod you're holding right now is magically engraved with some ancient pony's memory. Exactly how does a unicorn imprint a personal memory onto that eulogia you would need to have a lot of magic captivity to do it right? Next, What happens to the pony after performing such a spell are there any physical or mental side effects to the user? Finally, is this how the archmages wanted to preserve their history for future ponies by reliving that pony's lives in order for us to understand all the struggles and emotions they had felt and went through since ancient times''?!
>even as a filly
Colt, I assume, unless there's something we should know about Ardent kek
"Do you have information regarding rituals done to extract a unicorn's horn? And reasons on why they extract said horn?"
“Well, as I told you before, that rod you're holding right now is magically enchanted with some ancient pony's memory. Exactly how does a unicorn imprint a personal memory into an object? You would need to have a high magical capacity to do it, right?”
>”That is a question better suited for an expert on magic. However, from what I’ve read on the subject I would have to agree. In the past a group of unicorns would have to work together in order to capture and store a memory.”
“What happens to the pony after performing such a spell? Are there any physical or mental side effects to the user?”
>”Depends on what you mean by ‘the pony’. I assume you mean the one that the memory comes from? If so, they would likely be perfectly fine, so long as the memory wasn’t somehow altered or fully removed. As for the pony that views such memories? That depends. Generally they feel short term confusion, dizziness, loss of self identity. In some serious cases ponies experienced complete disassociation, long term depression, and general post traumatic stress. As for physical effects, there shouldn’t be any.”
“So just psychological? I see. Is this how the archmages wanted to preserve their history? By storing memories, I mean.”
>”Not to my knowledge. The ancient unicorns preserved their history primarily through written word, such as scrolls, books, or even stone tablets. They wrote records for pretty much everything, which is why we know so as much as we do about unicorn lineages and how each of the three tribes functioned. Granted, the records they left are very dry and many of them were lost over the centuries. No, I seriously doubt they would use memories as ways of recording history. If they did, the other records they left would certainly mention that fact, but they don’t.”
“I suppose that makes sense if recorded memories are as hard to create as you say. Do you have information regarding rituals done to extract a unicorn's horn? And reasons for why they would extract said horn?”
>The old stallion scratches his chin as he takes a moment to think
>”Rituals? I’m not entirely sure. We do know that horns were removed from both the living and the dead on occasion. Unicorn horns, as I’m sure you know, are the most magically conducive material on the planet, other than perhaps alicorn horns and some select dragon bones. The ancient unicorns sometimes used horns to create powerful artifacts, like Weather Weaver’s summer bringing Staff of Warm Light, or the Royal Family’s Divining Rod. Even the other tribes used unicorn horns if they could get their hooves on them. It’s said that the pegasus epihipparch Wild Fury slayed the dragon lord Gog with a lance tipped with the horn of an archmage he once slew in battle. Of course, sometimes horns had to be removed for medical reasons. Bone cancers, a crack that rendered the horn useless but caused the owner too much pain to leave alone, things of that nature. Violent offenders occasionally had their horns removed as well.”
>That was quite an extreme punishment
>A unicorn without their horn was like a pegasus without wings; less than an earth pony
>You absentmindedly touch your own horn at the thought
>”It’s a terrible idea, isn’t it? Loosing one’s horn?”
“Yes it is.”
>What would you do if you lost your horn?
>You banish the thought from your mind
“You said that the unicorns did make magic items out of horns. Did any of them fit the description of the eulogia? Or something similar?”
>”Not exactly, no. I suppose the Royal Family’s Divining Rod may be close. I held a unicorn horn, encased in precious metals, and was important to their society. However, it was very long and ‘Y’-shaped.”
“What did it do?”
>”It was the physical manifestation of the monarch’s divine right to rule. It’s said to have helped guide the monarchy, telling them where to build settlements, what maneuvers to preform in battle, speak to their ancestors. It could point out assassins, even lead the wielder to fresh water or buried treasure. But do understand that the Divining Rod is a myth. It’s just a story, not anything real.”
>You glance at the clock on the wall again
>You had enough time for one more set of questions, if you so wished
[Input Needed]
Ardent was born male and has always identified as such.
That said, I meant what I wrote.
"So what would happen to the eulogia if somepony were to destroy it will the magic it contains becomes out of control"?!

"There's something I don't understand Clock right. Why would the archmages from the past stored memories into the eulogias in the first place if its not to preserve their history? Not unless a small group of them wanted to do that for their offsprings descendants. Hmm...come to think of it one of the memories I saw mentions that they had created at least 8 of these relics for the diamond dogs. What was the point and purpose of doing that for"?

"The archmages must be trying to tell us something very important. Why else would they be willing to placed certain memory events that they had went through all those years ago. Maybe these visions are a prelude to a warning of some kind of terrible calamity that had occurred within their timeline and they're trying to send us a message that whatever chaotic wars happened in the past may in fact descend upon us in the future once again if we're not careful on how to handle dealing with the diamond dogs as they are now".
Oh. Ooooh. Sneaky!
That last part seems like a huge reach, what makes you think that?
He's just pulling shit out of his ass.
I'm being open minded to all possibilities think about it back in the catacombs one of the diamond dogs was willing to be a smuggler for the changelings in order to survive right so who's to say that there wasn't a diamond dog who was a traitor in the past towards the unicorn archmages.
“So what would happen to the eulogia if somepony were to destroy it? Would the magic it contains become out of control?”
>”Again, a question better left to the magic department. If I had to guess, I would say it’ll dissipate harmlessly with maybe a loud boom or a flash of light but nothing more.”
>That answer tracks with what you know about magic
“There's something I don't understand, Clock Right. Why would the archmages from the past store memories into the eulogia in the first place if not to preserve their history? Did a small group of them just want to past them to their descendants?”
>”Perhaps? It’s very well possible that these eulogia were one-offs. Something tailor made for somepony specific.“
“Hmm... come to think of it, one of the memories I saw mentioned that the unicorns had created at least eight of these relics for the Diamond Dogs. What was the point of doing that for?”
>”I haven’t the faintest clue. There are no records of such an exchange that I’m aware of. Although perhaps viewing the memory inside the eulogia may help.”
>You shake your head
“No, I already looked. The memory mentioned the specific number made and showed the exchange, but that was it.”
>”That is interesting. You say the memory, singular. Did you check to see if there was more than one stored? It’d be unlikely, but possible, right?”
“No, we didn’t check. There was nothing indicating that was a possibility and even if it was I’m not sure how I could activate a second memory instead of the first.”
>”I see. It seems more experimentation is in order. Perhaps there’s something else you didn’t consider yet. You said that they mentioned they created at least eight, correct? But wouldn’t they have created at least nine in total? If they traded eight away to the Diamond Dogs, then how would they store the memory you saw in one of those eight? Obviously we don’t know how these memories were stored but if I had to guess the eulogia in my hoof came at a later date, perhaps as either a one-off or as a separate batch of them.”
>An interesting theory, but not exactly a big revelation of true
“Maybe. I don’t know, I fell like the archmages must be trying to tell us something very important. Why else would they be willing to store certain memories? Maybe they’re trying to warn us about something.”
>”You said they gave some of the eulogia to the Diamond Dogs, right? And you found this one in a Diamond Dog temple, correct? So what makes you think they’re a message for us? Wouldn’t it make more sense that they’re meant for the Diamond Dogs? Maybe if you look at them that way, they’ll make more sense.”
>Maybe he had a point
>But then again, how could a Dog see the memory inside?
>You glance at the clock and see that it’s time to go
“Well, Clock Right, you’ve given me a lot to think about but I must be going. Parliament waits for nopony, at least not one like me.”
>You reach for the relic in the elderly stallion’s hoof but he stops you
>”Wait. Would you mind if I took this back to the university? We may be able to learn more about these eulogia. Or at least can we set up a meeting for when you’re free tonight?”
[Input Needed]
That's fine. Learn what you can and I can meet you later tonight.
"Do it after all there's a huge mystery behind the creation of these rods and I intend to find it out what it is. We only have theories and concjuectre possibilities so asking a unicorn expert on the subject might provide us some more insights. I'll return later on at night so you can have enough time to find out some things about the eulogias and that way we can have our long thorough discussion on the matter you've asked for.
“That's fine. Learn what you can and I can meet you later tonight. There's a mystery behind the creation of these rods and I intend to find it out what it is.”
>”Thank you. Come to the university’s front office once you’re free and tell the pony at the desk who you are. They’ll escort you to where we’ll hold our meeting.”
>You thank the stallion for his time and depart, heading back to your hotel to grab your suit and meet with Golden Spurs and your lawyer before heading to Parliament

>You sit behind a long table, Golden sits to your left and your lawyer sits to your right
>Rather than the large main floor, you are sitting in a committee room in the east wing of Parliament
>Sitting behind their own desks and facing you are seven ponies, the senior members of the Colony Administration Committee in charge of the investigation into your misadventures in the Narrow
>You’ve already been here for over two hours and so far the investigation has been uneventful
>For the majority of the time you have simply given a step by step summary of what happened during your journey from when you met Fleur in the Equestrian Rehoming Project’s headquarters all the way to when you submitted your after action report in Gate City after escaping the underground
>You even had a carbon copy of your after action report sitting in front of you to use as a guide, as did everyone else in the room except for the few journalists near the room’s entrance that were granted access to the meeting
>As you summarize your journey, members of the committee interrupt you to ask you to clarify or otherwise reword your previous statement
>You have no trouble complying with those requests and you now wait in silence for whatever comes next in the investigation, having just finished your summary a few seconds ago
>The room is quiet, only the sound of rustling papers and the annoying cough of one of the junior committee members sitting somewhere behind you interrupting the peace
>You glance towards your lawyer for any hint as to what will happen next but he simply just shrugs
>Finally, after what feels like an eternity on of the ponies before you sits forward in his chair, looking at you over his glasses
>Your lawyer told you about this pony on your train ride to Canterlot; his name was Smokebox and he was what your lawyer called a ‘light rail enthusiast’, which meant he was a fan of railroads and therefore disliked the idea of wagon caravans as a whole
>”Do you consider yourself to be a good caravan guard, Mister Mind?” Smokebox asks
“I do.”
>”Would other experts in the field agree with that assessment?”
“I would assume. I have a good track record.”
>”Let’s test that assumption,” the stallion challenges with his raspy voice. “I’d like to hear the testimony of a Mister Downburst, if there’s no objections.”
>None of the other committee members say nay and one of the two Royal Guards in the room steps out into the hallway
>Golden Spurs leans over you and addresses your lawyer in a hushed whisper
>”What the hell is going on? I thought you said they had to tell us who was going to be present at this meeting?”
>The lawyer shakes his head, “no, they have to tell us who is going to testify at a trial, which this isn’t. This is just an investigation.”
>”And there’s no rules against this?”
>”There aren’t many rules in general. Parliament is still new, it’s like the Wild West for this kind of thing. If it makes you feel better, bringing out a surprise witness is done more for the press than it is for us.”
>Golden furrowed his brow at the other stallion before sitting back in his chair
>”This colt better not screw us.”
>As Golden grumbles to himself you look over your shoulder and see Downburst being escorted by a Guard to another small desk near you
>The pegasus wears a nice suit and tie and sits facing the senior committee members
>”Give us your name and profession,” Smokebox demands
>”My name is Downburst and I am a caravan guard with Roughshod Caravan Guard Company.”
>”Are you familiar with Mister Mind?”
>”Yes, I am. We worked with each other during the escort job this committee is investigating.”
>You can hear the sound of quills excitedly scribbling on notepads behind you
>Smokebox smiles, “so you are familiar with his guarding abilities. Could you explain to the room what happened to the pony in charge of your team during your last job?”
>Downburst speaks evenly, “he died protecting the customers from attacking Diamond Dogs, as did the rest of the six members of the team that didn’t make it back home. Only me and one other survived.”
>”I’m sorry to hear that. Would you say that your late team leader was a good caravan guard?”
>”I would.”
>”Why did your team lose so many ponies while the team led by Ardent Mind all managed to survive? Did his team not fight alongside yours?”
>”They did. Ardent himself actually fought alongside Flash Fire in the frontline during the fight that killed most of my team.“
>Smokebox quickly looks down at the papers on his desk, suddenly frustrated
>”When you were inside the Diamond Dog den, who took charge of your team?”
>”I guess I did but I mostly followed Miss de Lis’ and Ardent’s instructions.”
>Smokebox glances between you and the pegasus, clearly unhappy
>”Would you say Ardent Mind is a good caravan guard?”
>The question lacks spirit, almost like it’s only a formality
>”Yes,” Downburst answers, “I would.”
>You can’t help but smile to yourself as Golden pats you on the back
>Another senior committee member, a mint green earth pony mare, sits forward in her chair, taking over the questioning
>”So Ardent Mind was in charge during your time underground? Not Fleur de Lis?”
>Again, your lawyer taught you about this committee member; March Morning, a religious mare and devout anti-violence advocate famous for her criticism of Equestria’s expanding military
>“I wouldn’t say that. He made almost all of the decisions but Fleur always gave her approval. I don’t think he would have done something if she said not to.”
>March Morning presses, “who decided to attack the Diamond Dogs in their own home?”
>Downburst scoffs, “it wasn’t anypony’s choice. They attacked us first, we were just defending ourselves.”
>The mare smirks, “thank you. If nopony else-“
>A third committee member sits forward; Clean Shave, an earth pony veteran of the Royal Guard from before the Changeling attack during the Royal Wedding
>He was an unknown factor in this investigation; he was a pro-military and colonization advocate but was critical of the lack of private industry regulations
>”Mister Downburst, you seem like you know a thing or two about tough circumstances. Do you think that, had Ardent Mind not been present or had Flash Fire still been alive, more ponies would have been able to escape the underground than the number that escaped in actuality?”
>Downburst thinks for a moment, “are you asking if I think that more ponies could have been saved with somepony other than Ardent at the helm? I’m not sure, but I seriously doubt it. The fact that we managed to escape at all feels like a miracle. I think most ponies, even experienced guards, wouldn’t have been able to do what he did.”
>Clean Shave glances at the other committee members before sitting back in his chair, “thank you. You’re dismissed.”
>As the pegasus walks out of the room Golden Spurs shakes you with a hoof
>”Good work, boyo, good work.”
>”I’d like to hear from a previous client of Steady Stride,” Smokebox says. “If a Guard could bring in Doctor Feldspar.”
>You again crane your neck to watch the stallion enter the room and take a seat
>”State your name, occupation, and how you know Mister Mind.”
>The bespectacled stallion speaks curtly, “I am Feldspar, a scientist for Shale Enterprise. Ardent Mind was the pony in charge of my team’s security during some field research in the Badlands.”
>”What was this research about?” March Morning asks
>”That’s classified,” Feldspar answers. “I need either permission or orders from the government to discuss it in front of others.”
>March Morning raises an eyebrow in suspicion
>”Let’s leave the specifics for tomorrow’s closed door session,” Smokebox says. “Feldspar, what was your impression of Ardent Mind while he was your security escort?”
>”He talks too much,” the scientist answers. “Other than that, he seems to be a competent guard. Again, I can’t go into the specifics about what we were doing in the Badlands but the field test would have failed without his intervention.”
>’You’d be dead’, you think to yourself, remembering the stallion’s fall into the open cavern the tatzlwurm created during your encounter
>March Morning resumes her own questioning, “during your time in the Badlands you encountered some Diamond Dogs, correct? Can you tell us what happened to them?”
>”They attacked us and the guards killed some of them to protect the rest of us. Ardent Mind managed to negotiate peace with some survivors and one of his ponies performed medical treatment on one of the Dogs that attacked us initially, saving his life.”
>”I’m glad to hear not every Do that runs into Mister Mind dies. Why did the Diamond Dogs attack you?”
>Feldspar stares at the mare in silence for a second
>”Nevermind,” March Morning says as she writes something down on a notepad
>”Did you feel safe under Ardent Mind’s protection?” Clean Shave asks
>”As safe as anypony could under the circumstances. Again, from the time I spent with the stallion I would say he’s competent at his job.”
>”Would you hire Steady Stride again?” Clean Shave asks
>”If I had my choice of escorts? No, I’d prefer a military escort. If I could only hire a private contractor? Then yes, I’d hire Steady Stride.”
>”Thank you. If nopony objects, I think we can save the rest of our questions for the closed door sessions.”
>Nobody says anything and Feldspar is dismissed
>Smokebox looks at the clock and dismisses everyone for an hour lunch before the last witness of the day will give their testimony
>You decide to take the time to take a walk while Golden and the lawyer get lunch for themselves

>The one hour lunch runs late and the investigation doesn’t resume until almost half an hour past schedule
>As you settle into your seat, you notice Golden Spurs reading a telegram in his hooves
“What’s that?”
>The earth pony quickly folds the letter in half and slips it into his work briefcase
>”Don’t worry about it right now. We’ll discuss it after we’re done here.”
>You raise an eyebrow, certain that whatever it is must be bad news
>The loud clacking of a gavel drags your attention back to the ponies in front of you
>”We will now resume session,” Smokebox orders. “Today is already running longer than it should so we will be hearing from one final expert. If a Guard would bring in Miss Careful Climb.”
>There’s a commotion outside the committee room before a studious unicorn mare enters followed closely by a Royal Guard
>The mare carries an easel and several large white pieces of cardboard in her magic, which she sets up against the wall near the desk she sits at
>”State your name and occupation.”
>The mare’s voice is deadpan as she speaks, “my name is Careful Climb. I work as a statistician for the Equestrian Rehoming Project. My job is to collect data to help guide the decisions made by the Project’s leadership.”
>”And what have you brought with you to show us today?”
>Careful Climb picks up on the large cardboard squares and flips it over before setting it on the easel
>The cardboard is covered in several large graphs and charts
>”I have brought data,” Careful answers. “I was told that my expertise on caravans traveling through the Badlands and the colonies was necessary for this investigation.”
>”Thank you,” Smokebox says. “Do you mind going over some data for us? Starting with the number of caravans that travel from Equestria to the south and how many of those caravans have violent encounters?”
>Without missing a beat, Careful does exactly that
>For the next ten or so minutes she explains each and every graph she brought with her, ranging from travel frequency, to average caravan sizes, to caravan budgeting
>You half expect the committee members to stop her and try to keep things brief, but they don’t and instead listen patiently as she explains every graph in detail, ultimately ending with the number of violent encounters
>”As you can see, we’ve experienced a steep uptick in the last two months rather than the downtick we typically see this time of year.”
>”And why is that,” March Morning asks,” Miss Careful Climb?”
>”We’d need to gather more data to know for sure.”
>”More data? Surely you have enough.”
>”No, we don’t. We know that violent crime as a whole is rising among Equestrian citizens south of Appleloosa, and we know that Diamond Dogs have increased their attacks on caravans, but we do not know why for certain.”
>March clicks her tongue, “you don’t know why? Could it be that we have trespassed their territory or have threatened them in some way?”
“Perhaps. Again, we don’t know. Diamond Dogs rarely tell us why they do what they do. They either hide, run away, wipe out their victims, or are killed themselves.“
>”Why do these violent encounters never end in capture?” asks Clean Shave
>”They do,” Careful Climb answers, “but usually it is the Diamond Dogs doing the capturing. The Dogs have a large slave trade that is mostly comprised of ponies. However, we know why so few Diamond Dogs are captured. Caravan guards are not law enforcement, they have no obligation to punish criminals or bring them to justice. Caravan guards are only obligated to protect their clients’ lives and possessions and the most effective way to do that is by lethal force.”
>”Are there no laws against them murdering people?” March asks
>”Yes, the same ones you and I follow. However, caravan guards rarely have their violent encounters investigated unless their adversaries are ponies or some other Equestrian citizen. Right now Equestria does not have the time to investigate every fight or even homicide committed by a caravan guard, the justice system would grind to a crawl if it did. Instead we trust the clients and the other caravan guards that were present for such fights. If those ponies believe that the guards made the right decisions then they are likely correct and our data proves it.”
>Careful Climb points to one final chart, a graph of violent encounters versus violent crime convictions divided by careers
>”As you can see,” Careful explains, “caravan guards rarely commit violent crimes despite having one of the highest violent encounter rates outside of the military. Across the board caravan guards are shown to be primarily well meaning, defensive minded ponies.”
>”But the rate at which they murder is incredible!” March exclaims
>”Kill, not murder. And yes, it is terrible. But without caravan guards many more ponies would be either killed, beaten, enslaved, or even raped.”
>”Is there some way we could lower the number of violent encounters?” Smokebox asks
>”Besides no longer sending out colonists? Yes, a few. Most effective would be coming to some kind of agreement with the various Dog packs that would guarantee safe travel for our settlers in exchange for some kind of monetary compensation. Military escorts would likely be more intimidating than private contractors. Royal Guards especially have a low crime rate and would likely be the most intimidating force. They would probably have a far higher apprehension rate as well. Otherwise, we could simply change how we move settlers from Equestria to the southern colonies. Boats and airships could do it without ever needing to pass through Diamond Dog territory. Trains would also minimize the time spent in Diamond Dog territory and would be much harder for bandits to target. In fact, the ERP is working with the railroads to expand tracks as far south as New Ponyville for that very reason.”
>All three of the senior committee members that have spoken look pleased with her answer
>A fourth committee member, a pony you have not heard from yet, sits forward in his chair
>He was a dark gray stallion with an onyx black mane that reminded you of Sombra, except this pony was a pegasus
>”And why haven’t any of these options been put into effect yet, Miss Climb?”
>This new pony was Storm Port, a fairly young member of parliament from Cloudsdale and one of the first ponies assigned to the Colony Administration Committee, all the way back when parliament was first founded not so long ago
>Your lawyer said Storm Port was a hard ass, his words, and that the pegasus’ main claims to fame were his stances on anticorruption, pro-business, and expanded government secrecy, three seemingly seemingly conflicting stances in modern Equestrian politics
>”The reasons why none of these are currently in effect,” Careful Climb explains, “is because they are unrealistic at this current time. The Diamond Dogs refuse any kind of diplomatic outreach and what treaties they do agree to they simply ignore when it benefits them. We cannot use military escorts because we are currently at war with Sombra’s empire and what units aren’t committed to that war are either fighting pirates in the sky and oceans, protecting our borders, recouping from the war against the Storm King, or are busy trying to stabilize the colonies themselves. As for alternate modes of transportation to overland wagon trains? As I said, we are expanding rail tracks currently but it will take time before they are laid and capable of transporting settlers in mass. In the meantime, despite the efforts of the navy and Air Force, the oceans and the sky are overrun with pirates and the few surviving vessels of the Storm King’s fleets. Using airships and boats will likely only increase the dangers of migration to the colonies.”
>”Should we halt emigration for now?” March Morning suggests
>Careful vigorously shakes her head, “no, we cannot afford to do that.”
>Storm Port scoffs, “may I remind the Member of Parliament from Seaward Shoals that Equestria’s land is dying. More and more ponies are homeless by the year and it will only be a matter of time before a major city becomes uninhabitable. Delaying migration efforts will only lead to disaster.”
>The dark pegasus shifts his focus back to Careful Climb
>”From what you’ve been briefed on in regards to this investigation, would you say that Ardent Mind is a good caravan guard?”
>”I have no strong evidence either way. However, I believe Fleur de Lis chose him specifically for a good reason and I think we can all agree that she is an excellent judge of character.”
>”Perhaps it would have been better if she had better judgment in general.” The pegasus closes a folder on his desk. “If nopony objects, I would like to call this session to a close. I know I have other important things to do today.”
>Nobody disagrees and so Smokebox dismisses you and remind everyone to be back at the same time tomorrow for the first closed door meeting

>As you exit Parliament Golden Spurs pats you on the back
>”Not bad, boyo. I think we’re in the clear.”
>Golden looks at you worriedly, “maybe? You don’t sound convinced.”
“I don’t know. Isn’t this supposed to take a full week? I feel like there isn’t much more left to say on the subject. It also went a lot smoother than I expected, although I guess I didn’t really know what to expect.”
>”That’s because this was just the public portion of the investigation,” your lawyer warns. “The rest of the investigation will be behind closed doors. There won’t be any press or members of the public that aren’t supposed to be privy to government secrets. I probably won’t even be allowed to join the two of you inside.”
>Golden furrows his brow at the lawyer for not the first time this day, “why are you here, anyways? This ain’t a trail, so you’re not protecting us from legal problems.”
>The lawyer looks at your boss in confusion, “you asked me to come? I assume you want my advice.”
>”How are you supposed to give advice if you aren’t there?”
>The lawyer shrugs and Golden makes a show of rolling his eyes
>”Regardless of whether I’m allowed to join the two of you inside tomorrow, I’ll meet you at the hotel and wait for you outside the committee room at the very least. Until then, I have other work to do.”
>You stop the lawyer in his tracks
“Wait. You’re supposed to give us advice, right? What should I expect to happen tomorrow?”
>The lawyer shrugs, “I don’t know, honestly. Could be that they want to discuss some of your late taxes for all I know. If I had to guess, they’ll probably wring you out for information on the Diamond Dogs. Maybe press you to see if you are somehow working with the Diamond Dogs or received some kind of personal benefit from hoofing over Fleur. Either way, it’ll probably be a lot more intense than today’s session. Now, I really must be going.”
>As the lawyer walks away Golden grumbles not quite under his breath, “useless bastard.”
>Suddenly changing his tune, Golden smiles at you, “again, good job back there.”
“I really didn’t do anything.”
>”Not today, no, but you’ve left a good impression on not only our clients but our rivals, too. I don’t know what you did with that colt from Roughshod, but whatever it was probably saved us a lot of headache. If he didn’t like you he could have buried us in there.”
“I guess. So what do we do now?”
>”You can do whatever you darn well please so long as you stay in town and get a good night’s sleep. In the meantime, I’m going to take care of some paperwork and then go see a show.”
[Input Needed]
[What do you want to do now? Whatever the University is doing with the eulogia probably isn’t done yet, given that they’ve only had the relic for a few hours.]
I say Ardent should go out to Canterlot's middle class neighborhoods and do some of those odd jobs plastering on those fliers finding ponies lost animals, missing ponies, and do a little handyman work to earn some more bits. It will help pass the time until its time to go meet with the university ponies.
>As Golden Spurs walks towards the hotel he glances back at you
>Why, you do not know
>Instead of worrying about it you make your way to Canterlot’s middle class neighborhoods to search for odd jobs
>As you walk through the various neighborhoods you find that the only jobs available are the ones you’ve seen advertisements for previously but you take closer look anyways
>Some ponies needed their sheds painted, a job that would at least take up the rest of your day if not more to complete but was pretty much a guaranteed income, even if that income was a measly two hundred bits at most
>Other ponies needed help finding their lost pets, offering up to three hundred bits for a single lost car
>Of course, finding pets was a lot harder than painting a shed and there was always the possibility that you would never find said pet, but there was potential you could find multiple pets in the time you had until your meeting at the university
>The last group of jobs you’d be interested in was the missing ponies
>You take a close look at some of the missing posters and learn some information
>First and foremost, finding a missing pony was rewarded with a large sum of money, upwards of ten thousand bits
>Secondly, many of the ponies missing disappeared during the changeling invasion over a decade ago
>You were pretty sure you could guess the fates of those ponies but there was always the chance they were alive and (compared to the alternative) well
>The chance of finding a missing pony was slim, very slim, but the chance to make a lot of bits might make the effort worthwhile
[Input Needed]
[What odd job do you want to do?]
Finding ponies from a decade ago seems pretty much impossible. I say go for pet detective.
Also I'd like to vote in advance that the next time we have free time, we spend it studying. We have a LOT of spells to go through.
Does finding the skeleton of the missing pony still net us the bits? If not, I'd look at the more recent missing cases.
unrelated to anything currently happening: It's been mentioned before that lives have been lost due to messages sent over unsecured channels. Does Steady Stride have no protocols for sending messages securely? If you go to send a telegram and hand them an enciphered message will you get told to fuck off?
Finding a missing pony and painting somepony's house will take a lot more time if we hadn't have plans to go to a night meeting with the university then taking one of those two jobs will be worth the time but we can't risk being late otherwise we'll miss out on finding out more crucial information about the eulogias so going after the lost animals will make sure Ardent keeps track how much time has passed easier.
Looks like we’re going with the pet detective route.
I need an Intelligence roll (d20+4):
1-8: Fail to find a single pet
9-14: Find one pet
15-19: Find two pets
20+: Find 3+ pets

>Also I'd like to vote in advance that the next time we have free time, we spend it studying. We have a LOT of spells to go through.

>Does Steady Stride have no protocols for sending messages securely?
No, not really. You could always propose some to Golden Spurs or the ponies in your team, of course.

>If you go to send a telegram and hand them an enciphered message will you get told to fuck off?
Unless you give them a reason to think you’re doing something illegal they won’t give a shit. At worst you’ll get a strange look and maybe a couple questions.
Rolled 18, 20, 16, 4 = 58 (4d20)

Here goes nothing fire away!
It was one 1d20+4 lol. But I guess we can take the first roll?
Sorry for the confusion, but I only needed one roll (1d20+4) so I will only be taking the first roll, which is 22 (18+4)

>With your mind settled on amateur (pet) detective work, you set your sights on finding the pet with the highest reward, a calico by the name of Sir Fluffsalot
>You tear Sir Fluffsalot’s poster off the lamppost, along with a few others whose owners live nearby, and visit each missing pet’s house
>You treat the missing animals like you would ponies by asking the next of kin, or in this case the owners, where they lost their pet, what their pet liked to do, and where they think their pet may be
>After interviewing each owner, you head to the pound by going the long way through one of the nearby parks
>As you walk through the park you occasionally stop random ponies and ask if they’ve seen any pets on the loose, and if so, where
>The questioning proves fruitful and before you even leave the park you manage to find and capture one of your targets, a bullmastiff you capture using your bolas spell
>As you drag the creature through the streets back to his home, you can’t help but be thankful for how much easier dogs were to capture than their bigger, meaner cousins
>The dog’s owner rewards you with two hundred and twenty bits; not bad for only a couple hours’ work
>With one dog down, you return to your original plan of checking the pound before investigating the places the various owners gave you for finding their prized pets

>You spent the rest of the afternoon hunting down your targets
>Unfortunately the pound was a bust, which means you spent most of that time checking dumpsters, parks, and back alleys, which in turn led you to investigate clumps of loose fur, muddy paw prints, distant barks
>The work is rigorous and you end up deciding to lay an ambush
>Using a little of the money you’ve earned, you buy an extra large pizza which you then divide into fourths, which you then place in four different but nearby alleys that seem to have high animal foot traffic
>In the areas you place the pizza quarters you cast alarm spells, which will alert you when an animal enters
>It’s not a perfect plan, you know that rats will likely keep tripping the alarms, but it was better than just walking around
>Thankfully, your plan works and you manage to capture four more missing animals, including Sir Fluffsalot, who you’re pretty sure is a dame
>After everything is said and done, you walk away with a heavy 848 bits
>It was so much money that you half consider quitting the caravan guarding business if it weren’t for the fact that you were pretty sure today was an exceptionally successful day
>You also highly doubt ponies outside of Canterlot and maybe Applewood would pay as much money for a lost hound as they did here
>And even if you did move here, rent would be a hell of a lot higher than in Appleloosa
>But maybe someday

>You stop at your hotel to take a quick shower to wash off the smells of animals and trash before going to the university for your meeting
>You do as Clock Right instructed and head to the front office where you tell an overweight security guard with a graying mustache your name
>As promised, the guard escorts you to the meeting place
>As you walk through the mostly empty university, you occasionally notice students walking through the halls and realize that night classes are currently in session
>Eventually the guard stops at a closed classroom door
>”Clock Right and the rest are in there. They’re probably expecting you right about now.”
>You thank the stallion and step into the classroom
>The eulogia sits on top of what you assume is a professor’s podium, with four ponies standing around it talking
>As you shut the door the ponies turn to face you
>”Ahh, Mister Ardent Mind. We were expecting you,” says Clock Right. “Come over and I shall introduce you to the rest.”
>You take your place standing next to the podium and Clock Right
>Clock Right points to the pony to his right, a unicorn mare that has aged gracefully with a streak of silver running through her mane
>”This is Predawn, professor of Pre-Equestrian History.”
>”Bonsoir, Monsieur Mind,” the mare says in a thick Prench accent
>Clock Right points to the milk white stallion opposite of himself, “this is Cold Star, professor of Magic History and Advanced Industrial Enchantment.”
>Finally, Clock Right points to the earth pony mare to your immediate left, “finally, this is Stela Stylus, professor of Xeno-Archaeology.”
>The mare shakes your hoof excitedly
>”Nice to meet ya, Ardent. I’ve been following your story in the papers.”
>You put on your best smile, though you’d rather forget your fame at the moment
“It’s nice to meet all of you. I’m sure Clock Right has already told you everything I told him so I would like to know what you can tell me instead.”
>Immediately all three professors go to talk at once but quickly stop
>Realizing the other two would wait, Stela Stylus takes the lead
>”The relic is Pre-Equestrian unicorn in origin, but the etchings are clearly the work of a Diamond Dog goldsmith. The earth dragon and tatzlwurm symbols are strictly religious in nature and are considerably common motifs among their religious relics. The sun and the moon, however, are clearly post-Discordian, likely shortly after the Royal Sisters took the throne.”
“Are you sure about that? The engravings of their cutie marks were made after their ascension to the throne?”
>”It would have to be,” the mare confirms. “How else would they know what the Princesses’ cutie marks would look like?”
“That’s a good point I suppose. Are the cutie mark engravings newer than the dragon and tatzlwurm?”
>Stela Stylus shrugs, “I don’t know, that would require deeper investigation. However, I believe so.”
>You consider what she said
>If she was right, that would mean the eulogia only had two engravings for potentially hundreds of years instead of the four both it and the other one in your saddlebag currently have
>You try to think back to the one you saw in Duke’s office but can only remember seeing the one side of it, which had two engravings, leading you to guess that the other side also had two engravings to match
>Stela continues, “now, the we actually have recently uncovered inscriptions that I now believe may refer to the eulogia. In a tomb we found in the Badlands just a few weeks ago we found an empty sarcophagus that was likely meant for a king or a high priest, given the name ‘Abuwtiyuw’ was inscribed on the head. A bronze tablet was inscribed with what we believe to be a poem about Diamond Dog society. The relevant portion of the text read along the lines of ‘just as the masses are ruled by the rod and the staff, so too is the priest-king ruled by the rod’. Now, more research and excavations are needed before we can truly begin making any kind of educated guesses, but I think this relic of yours may be a good lead.”
>Seeing that Stela was done, Predawn begins speaking
>”The eulogia is not totally unique in terms of physical appearance. Although it is unique among its cousins for its small size, there are several unicorn artifacts that have survived to this day that bear some resemblance to the eulogia’s construction; a unicorn’s horn enveloped in gold that was then enchanted. However, each of those relics were carefully recorded in the histories the unicorns left us. As for the ancients recording their memories, we know that Starswirl is said to have viewed several recordings of important events that predated even his time by hundreds of years when he was still a foal. However, many of those stories are likely only post Hearth’s Warming constructions. Beyond that, only Golden Dawn’s skull was recorded to have held viewable memories. Unfortunately, the skull was accidentally destroyed by a drunk student almost three hundred years ago so we cannot compare it to the eulogia.”
>The mare continues, “now, in regard to the name, there is no historical record of it. However, as I’m sure you already know, the name eulogia can actually be used as the plural word for ‘eulogy’. If we assume that the a single recorded memory is a eulogy, this may mean that there are actually multiple memories recorded on this single rod.”
>The mare gives you an excited smile
>”The thought of which is passionnante, is it not? Oh, and the other meaning of eulogia! It is a theological term, or so mon ami in the local seminary says. It means a blessed object, as in blessed by un dieu, a god, rather than a simple enchantment made by a unicorn. The word is Old Ponish in origin, of course, which may mean that ‘eulogia’ is the original name for the relic, rather than a name the Diamond Dogs have made.”
“That is interesting. I know you said there’s no record of the eulogia, but did the unicorns record any trade with the Diamond Dogs?”
>Predawn shakes her head, “no, they did not. In fact, besides the three way trade between the three tribes, food, day and night, and weather, the unicorns recorded almost no trade at all. We know they did in fact trade, often, in fact, but they seem to have actively chosen not to record such deals. In fact, there is only one recorded major transaction between the unicorns and the pegasi, which was bronze ore in exchange for fish the pegasi had caught. It is agreed that the unicorns were too proud to admit their shortcomings.”
>”Indeed,” says Cold Star, “they were. As for the magic in this relic, it is truly a masterpiece. I almost question if it was enchanted more recently than what we are lead to believe, but from my short investigation it seems that this magic is truly ancient. It is unlikely any other stored memory I have dealt with before, and I am well familiar with such enchantments. It is also certainly not an illusion. By that I mean that it is real; a true, unfiltered memory, or perhaps memories, captured and placed within this rod.”
“Have you seen the memory stored inside?”
>The stallion nods, “forgive me, but yes, I did. The memory was from a young mare, maybe even a filly, that was helping her master trade some eulogia with the Diamond Dogs. However, I didn’t not tamper further. I do not know if there are other memories stored inside the relic, although I suspect there may be for the reasons Predawn laid out. I do not know how to access such memories, if there are any, but I would suspect that activating the relic while focusing on finding a new memory may work.”
>With Cold Star’s input finished, Clock Right turns to you
>”As you can see, we need more time to investigate this relic before any conclusions can be made. However, we’ve each done a thorough investigation considering what little time we had and there may be a chance we can answer any further questions you may have at this time.”
[Inout Needed]
"The dogs seemed to have held these things in very high regard for a long time, despite having no magic. Why would they want them in the first place? Could there be another way of accessing the memories inside, besides unicorn magic?"
"Ya'll said that you've found a poem about the diamond dogs society, staffs, and even their priest-king to be ruled by the rod right. Why exactly is that when they can't even use the magic that is being held inside it? To us it's a useful tool to find out more about the past and test out it's capabilities, while to the dogs it just a priceless useless magical antique just sitting around in their churches or in their leader's tower to be revel in fear or worship".

"Is there anything else that you can tell me about the pony from eulogia stored memory? Also why did the mare or filly who had made the trade with the diamond dogs wanted to make sure that ponies who saw her memories also feel the emotions that she went through during those harsh times"?!
“The Dogs seemed to have held these things in very high regard for a long time, despite having no magic. Could there be another way of accessing the memories inside, besides unicorn magic?"
>”There may be,” Cold Star answers. “There are devices that are designed to allow non-unicorns to access the magic inside objects, but those are expensive and either designed for the other pony tribes or griffins. It is doubtful the Diamond Dogs own any such devices.”
“So they aren’t able to view the memories at all?”
>”Not necessarily. It should be possible that a skilled unicorn could use their own magic to allow a Diamond Dog to view the memory by acting as a sort of middlepony. How exactly they would do that I am not entirely certain but it is almost certainly possible. But beyond that, no, I do not believe the Diamond Dogs would be able to use the eulogia’s, or any other object’s, stored magic.”
>You think back to Duke and Abuwtiyuw
>If it was as simple as Cold Star described, then why did neither of them know what was inside the eulogia?
>Did they consider allowing a slave access to the relics to be too much of a risk, or did they not know how use a unicorn as a middleman?
“So to us it’s a useful tool while to the Dogs it’s just a priceless, useless magical antique just sitting around in their churches or in their leader's tower? If that’s the case, why would they want them in the first place?”
>Stela Stylus answers, “it’s probably a holdover from the ancient Dog civilization. Many cultures, especially primitive ones like the Diamond Dogs, have a way of turning what were once important tools into revered objects, sometimes forgetting the object’s original purpose along the way. The ancient Dogs probably did have a way to access the magic inside the eulogia, whether by some kind of device like Cold Star described or by using specially trained slaves.”
“Specially trained slaves? I thought the unicorns and Diamond Dogs didn’t have much contact. How would the Dogs acquire unicorn slaves?”
>Stela Stylus shrugs, “who knows? Maybe they didn’t? Heck, maybe the Dogs themselves had magic back in the day.”
>Cold Star snorts, “I find that highly doubtful. The only evidence for that is the so called magician I saw in the vision and he was clearly some kind of charlatan; at best a shaman or stage magician.”
>”I think it’s a little too early to say that,” Stela argues. “You may not have seen or sensed him performing magic, but he knew the eulogia were magic, right? And the Diamond Dogs do have stories of their own legendary mages, even if their historical accuracy is doubtful.”
>With no clear answer, you decide to change the subject
“Is there anything else that you can tell me about the pony from the memory? Why did she want to make sure that ponies who saw her memories also would feel the emotions that she went through?”
>This time Predawn is the first to answer
>”Hellebore was an archmage, as I’m sure you already know. Monsieur Clock Right said you had investigated the unicorn record of archmages, no? Then I shall not bore you with those details. It is interesting that her sister was also an archmage, as there are very few records of siblings serving as archmages at the same time. Not only did the position require the pony to have great magical skill, but the position would only open up on occasion, say, a couple times a decade at most. We also know that she died young, or at least young for an archmage. Archmages usually lived much longer than even most ponies alive nowadays, let alone then. Hellebore died during a ritual, which was very rare at that time in the unicorn kingdom. What the ritual was, the records are strangely quiet about. I did a little extra digging and have found a few other archmages that died during undescribed rituals, but of course all of those also remain a mystery. I plan on doing some genealogical research on her, but that’s will take time, as will uncovering these mysterious ritual deaths.”
>Predawn continues, “as for why she wanted viewers to feel what she felt, emotionally or otherwise, I believe the answer is clear: she wanted to tell entire perspective, not just the surface level details. Without thoughts and feelings, we only receive half the story. It is like a novel, a good author says not only what the character is doing, but what they are feeling and what they are thinking. From the way Professeur Cold Star described it, we can know that even as a young apprentice Hellebore did not fear what she was doing, nor did she know all of what was happening during the exchange.”
>While you consider what was said, Clock Right speaks
>”Are there any more questions or are you satisfied for the time being? If you’re satisfied, then it is up to you to leave the eulogia here for further study or take it home with you.”
>”If you take it back to the hotel with you,” Cold Star adds, “I think it would be useful if you tried accessing another memory trapped inside.“
>”And if that fails,” Stela says, “try to see if ya can activate a different sort of spell. I may be an earth pony, but I have a sneaking suspicion that memories may not be all that’s stored in the rod. Cold Star thinks it’s possible, right?”
>The pale stallion nods
>”So,” Clock Right again asks, “what will it be? Any more questions or are you leaving?”
[Input Needed]
Yes, before I consider taking it back to the hotel with me like how am I supposed to access another memory within the eulogia? How much memory can it contain? What else is inside the rod besides stored memories? And what this other spell that would trigger the relic"?

"What did you mean by undescribed ritual deaths are you telling me the archmages die after creating the eulogias from the rituals? Like some kind of live sacrifice or it leechs away your very life later on after performing such ritual spell creation"?!
“Yes, before I consider taking it back to the hotel with me tell me how am I supposed to access another memory within the eulogia?”
>”I don’t know,” answers Cold Star. “My best guess is to try activating the magic inside with a specific goal in mind. Perhaps Hellebore stored a memory of her final moments, or of her foals inside. Otherwise, maybe try changing how you reach out with your magic?”
>Change how you reach out with your magic?
>A strange task, but you suppose you could probably do it
“How much memory can the eulogia contain?”
>”Again, I do not know. Perhaps there is only the single memory, but I think there could be as many as six, given how strong the magic is. The only way to know is further study.”
“What else is inside the rod besides stored memories?”
>Stela Stylus answers, “according to the stories the ancient Dogs left behind, the eulogia helped the priest-king perform all sorts of miracles, even divination. It’s just a matter of finding out what’s true and what’s not.”
>Again, not a stellar answer
“And what is this other spell that would trigger the relic?”
>Everybody looks at you in confusion for a moment before Cold Star answers
>”I think you misunderstood. No other spell I know of can trigger the relic, it’s just a possibility that other spells can be triggered besides the one that makes you relive the memory.”
>Again, not a great answer but you may be able to figure it out on your own
>You look at Predawn
“What did you mean by undescribed ritual deaths? Are you telling me the archmages died after creating the eulogias?”
>The pretty mare shakes her head, “non, not necessarily. I do not know how the eulogias were created or if they played a role in the strange deaths. When I say undescribed, I mean that the unicorn records simply say that the archmage died during a ritual, and nothing more. Usually they say what ritual was being performed, or at least what the goal of the ritual was. They typically also described what went wrong that caused one of their own to die. But the records are silent about such details.”
[Input Needed]
Since we have two, I think we could leave one with them for further study for the time being and go play with the other one ourselves.
I agree
For now thank the university staff experts for help and wonderful insights on the matter and let them keep the first one we already gave them for study so they can have more of a headstart to find out more answers and we look into the second eulogia in our possession back at the hotel.

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