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previous: >>41355154

ITT: Let's explore any and all sorts of ideas for the underutilized and under-developed Shadowbolts from Equestria Girls.

Completed Stories:
Treating Miss Sweet by ChurroAnon
- https://pastebin.com/7r8iCJ2U

Ongoing Stories:
To Listen (Part 1) by AlexanderGrey
- https://pastebin.com/c6D2XDbL
Game of Headphones (Part 2) by AlexanderGrey
- https://pastebin.com/Sx1M6gnB
Music Is Coming (Part 3) by Alexander Grey
- https://pastebin.com/4c5BLWLd

Shamelessly stolen writing guides:
- https://pastebin.com/V1ujiyJt
- https://pastebin.com/whCQ2GpX
- https://pastebin.com/bnMmZ2T3

Other Shadowbolt links: https://pastebin.com/wYy0FyrA
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Starting with lewd again, are we?
You thought no one was up to do so after your page 10 stunt, I see.
You sound worse than the bots I design.
>Immediately gets mad enough to s*y post
Thanks for confirming
Stop being gay.
Can the school budget handle running the air condition so much?
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>OP should find a new image to masturbate to, this is the same one as last thread
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Actually I masturbated to this one https://derpibooru.org/images/2582906
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Hmmm, good taste
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Really? No one? Okay.
While I also think you’re based with immaculate taste and a man of culture, I must participate in the culture of faggotry perpetrated by niggers who think everyone cares about their booru preferences and drama. *Ahem*


That is all. Thank you. I reiterate. You’re based.
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Still love the way their tummies look in this pic
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Cute dorks
There’s a nude variant right?
Ah yes, the finest of Crystal Prep
Feels like you were strongly compelled to say that for personal reasons
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I'm sure this has been discussed before, but they were definitely going to be a bigger part of Friendship Games, right? The idea was that they were each an antagonistic counterpart to one of the M6 (minus Twilight); the opening credits sequence alludes to this, pairing them like so:
Applejack vs Sugarcoat
Fluttershy vs Sour Sweet
Rarity vs. Sunny Flare
Rainbow Dash vs. Indigo Zap
Pinkie Pie vs. Lemon Zest
You can see what they were going for with Sugarcoat—she's paired with Applejack and honest to a fault, i.e. blunt and insensitive (in humorous contrast to her name). I'm guessing this concept was ditched because they wanted to focus on other ideas and/or couldn't come up characterisations for the other four that fit the theme; from what I remember, they don't have much in the way of personality.

Please excuse my lack of coombait.
Is alright. Man can not survive on horn alone.
Yeah, they were supposed to be like a freaky version of M6 personalities but got basically nothing. Like it's hinted that Indigo Zap is competitive with bad sportsmanship or that Sour Sweet is nice but bipolar, but that doesn't really come into play that much. I'm still not too sure what's Sunny Flare's perversion of Rarity's personality is supposed to be. She's not like vain or overly possessive or anything.
If I rig this art to make a hentai and make a Patreon for it then what will the original artist do to me? sing me a song?
>art theft
Let me guess, it’ll be aislop?
Learn to draw your damn self fucking faggot
>seethes about AI art unprompted
>muh “art theft”
Anyway let’s see your drawing ability if it’s so easy, anon.
Probably? I mean, I don't know where's the line in Ren'Py games.
>>muh “art theft”
Um, yes? He’s taking someone else’s art without their permission and “rigging it” into something of his he also stated he’s putting onto patreon for money. That is literally art theft, how is it not?
>>seethes about AI art unprompted
His post automatically implied it’ll be aislop when he talked about “rigging it”, enough to reasonably guess it you dense cunt.
>Anyway let’s see your drawing ability if it’s so easy, anon.
Has nothing to do with this. Nobody asserted drawing was easy. Stealing someone else’s hard work to make money off of is fucked up.

tl;dr: You’re retarded.
They'll sing to the courts.
Silly anon. Artists don't have money to sue you. Silly anon.

Also I'm from Europe, but I'll pretend I'm from China.
Wait what? whaa-what? what the fuck does rigging a character and AI have to do with each other? Anon do you even know what rigging is? Anon! AI animation uses motion capture you freaking dum dum. Why are the self-righteous moralists always the dumbbe-- oh he's American yeah that explains it. Naive naive Californians.
Anon ... rigging is when you add keybones to a 2D or 3D character, in this case 2D.

> Stealing someone else’s hard work to make money off of is fucked up.
Yes and companies do it all the time. Especially China.
Have you ever read the shit companies make you sign? Like holy shit. You can steal somebody's shit immediately and I can even send a C&D to the artist to steal his art, that's how based and fucked up the world of copyright infringment is. Also everyone knows bronies are pussies and get scared of a shitty C&D without even verifying if it's from the correct source. True story.
>Wait what? whaa-what? what the fuck does rigging a character and AI have to do with each other? Anon do you even know what rigging is? Anon!
Stopped reading there.
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Sugarcoat wearing lingerie is sweet.
Sour bout to stab someone
Stopped your life. Get out, anon. You fail at life, you have nothing to do with life.
My post ain’t the one screaming what you’re describing there. Autistic rant babbling something about China and California for no reason.
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All she'd have to do is jump a little bit and her nipples would slip out
If she doesn’t jump then we can always just grab the skimpy top with our hands and force it down
Sunny can learn to love having her titties getting groped
I love succubi
I wonder which Darkstalker characters the S5 would pick.
I don’t know Darkstalker so I can’t answer that one
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i like how it looks like they're in a sauna
>tfw won't be there with them
Get lost, redneck. Your kind doesn't belong here.
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Only pedos use Twibooru
Babe I'm a freak
And patreon content leakers that wouldn’t be able to post their stuff on derpi without it getting immediately deleted and themselves banned.
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Never enough Cinch in these threads
have a bump
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Dead thread.
>dead board
You have now triggered autismo’s pg10 slide attempts, good going
Nah, it's just some autist sliding threads
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>The Bolts looking at your dick
At least they don’t look like they’re in a sauna anymore.
Has been for years now
The S5 having fun in a sauna sounds like a fun story. Besides, if we got the Wondercolts at the beach, we can have the Shadowbolts in an onsen.
It sounds cozy
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This post is for real
This post is trying to devalue the post above

Don’t worry I’m a professional autistic schizo
They’d be loud as fuck imo
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We need more lingerie sets, those were great.
Sweet Celestia!
Wait until it grows harder
Begun, the board sliding has.
Damn here we go
I don’t trust page 8.
Not page 9 either
And yet here we are.
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Sweet panties
Page 9 again
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Cool swimsuit
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Those swimsuits are cool.
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Haha, gotcha nerd.
okay but what next?
lesbian sex
Lezdom bullying is so fucking hot.
Cause you know she's super into it as well, taking out sexual frustration on the cute hot nerd.
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We need more of the background CPA girls in sexy moments/outfits.
oh, i now know what the "S" means
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Why is the board moving so fast for this time of the night?
One guy has been sliding the board to kill EqG threads for the past few weeks.
It's not just /mlp/. Many normally "slow" boards have picked up speed considerably.
This, pretty much. It has been many years.
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i have my shadowbolt collection somewhere, i swear!
I feel I could make a Wild Manes reference.
Surf's up!
i see
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God I fucking love this pic
I'd be her beach chair
hmmm...time to try genning some Shadowbolts
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good god i wish i could sexually bully this nerd
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Pure sex.
is this real?
Cute and sexy
she makes a cute bunny girl
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For “sexy”?
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>The strong faceless green men haul sugarcoat into the bedroom
>Her kicking is useless
>Her leggings, forced down her thighs, are pulled apart until they loudly rip
>On the hallway floor lie her discarded jacket and skirt, joined by her torn apart leggings
>Enclosed into darkness when the light from the bedroom is cut off by the door shutting
>Sugarcoat is already nearly too tired to scream
>Used all her energy already trying to get away
>Look how that turned out
>No one is around to hear sugarcoat scream anyway
>Feeling strong male hands feeling her up, Sugarcoat is manhandled onto the bed
>Her shirt is forced open, sending buttons flying across the room
>Leaving her bra and panties her last line of defense as her opened shirt is invaded by horny groping hands
>All the alarms are going off in sugarcoat’s mind as she gets felt up against her will
>But it doesn’t make any difference how hard she jolts and twists her body trying to free herself
>Horny male hands explore her body without her consent
>Ripping her shirt apart and away from her shoulders as Sugarcoat sees how erect her attackers already are
>The green faceless men get more aroused seeing sugarcoat shake her goods around when struggling against them
>Especially after they force her bra to unhook at the back
>Held in place against her will on the bed, sugarcoat tries to squirm free of this nightmare but only shakes her soft tits against hands lifting her bra cups out of the way and groping her
>Sugarcoat begs for mercy with tears in her eyes while these men yank her panties to her knees in spite of her squirming
>She couldn’t reach her panties fast enough before they got pulled to her ankles
>With her arms pinned above her head, sugarcoat shrieks to all the hands exploring and enjoying her sexy naked body
>Tears roll down her cheeks
>They start taking their hard cocks out
>Sugarcoat begs them to stop but knows they won’t listen to her words
>Her screams get louder when one anon puts himself up between her thighs
>He moves his hips forward, sugarcoat can’t move her exposed pussy away from his hard cock
>She tries to squirm free again but is pinned down too tightly
>There’s too many of them
>They’re too strong
>All the hope there’s an escape from this nightmare is lost when he breaches sugarcoat’s entrance
>His tip buries itself deep between sugarcoat’s pussy lips
>Sugarcoat screams one last time then begins sobbing quietly as anon’s unwelcome length fills her deeper
>And deeper
>She feels him all the way inside of her now
>Sobbing as he-
>As he rocks his hips
>His throbbing length can be felt moving in and out
>A shock of dread petrifies sugarcoat as she’s held still in this position on the bed
>Her innocence ripped away from her
>She sobs and sobs as her own body begins to betray her
>The building heat in her invaded pussy makes her clench around the unwanted cock tighter
>The thrusts grow more intense
>This horrifying union of sex parts against sugarcoat’s will is beginning to stimulate her against her will
>It’s starting to feel good against her will
>Sugarcoat is disgusted with herself for feeling this way
>But the feeling gets stronger
>Sugarcoat’s mind tries to keep itself together and hate every second of this
>But the wet heat is building up so much
>His unwelcome cock plows her all the way inside
>Sugarcoat’s sobbing grows more accepting of her loss of self worth
>She feels the cock inside of her moving faster
>He’s getting close
>Sugarcoat doesn’t know why but she locks her legs around his waist
>Maybe to stop his movements from being so intense?
>They get more intense anyway
>Sugarcoat grips him harder with her legs
>The heat and piston motions by his cock buried deep inside of her taking over her body
>Sugarcoat feels herself being forced closer to orgasm
>The idea of orgasming with this green man who forced himself into her sickens her
>But he’s so-
>She can feel his unwanted cock start wildly twitching… this is it, he’s cumming
>The feeling sets sugarcoat off as well
>She knows she can’t argue with it inside
>Muscles tense and orgasms are officially triggered
>Sugarcoat has no choice but to let her body lock up in shame and cum with Anon
>Her walls unwillingly clamp in climax around his jolting length as Sugarcoat feels him dump his foul load inside of her
>Spurts of cum shoot into Sugarcoat’s womb
>Her face goes blank
>Blank as Anon’s face
>As streams of tears shine on her face
>Sugarcoat’s face stays this way as she lets the rest of the green faceless men take turns raping her pussy and cumming deep inside of her
>Her mind escaping to anywhere but here
Nice. Reminds me when this place (not this thread, just this board in general) made this stuff more often.
Times really changed haven’t they
I came
That set was trippy
full pic?
Alternate version of this
If you want it, you'll have to join the artist's Fanbox or Subscribestar. With any luck, he hasn't deleted it, at exception of his Patreon version.
We’ll damn that sucks
>If you want it, you'll have to join the artist's Fanbox or Subscribestar.
>With any luck, he hasn't deleted it
Man, maybe ai art wasn't such a bad idea after all
Copyright laws are a shit
Thanks to Disney
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why does this make me hard? I don't want to get hard to this.
Hating women and wanting to hurt them is normal around these parts.
That green feels less about hating women and more about having a shameful fetish for forced sex
It feels that way to you because of that.
Well I guess we’re gonna disagree either way so
It's why people use pirate sites so much.
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>When you make her extra unsure of what her feelings are doing
What did she saw?
Sugarcoat's pet cat
Or chicken
Coco is way too nice to be in Crystal Prep.
technically no but morally yes
Coco is in Crystal Prep. because of her exceptional rectal skills
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This one's really hot
Woo! New Shadowcats!
didn't realize it was that trend till you said it
She is a doormat like Twilight, only issue is that Suri already has her as her bottom bitch.
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for days
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Was working on a new derpibooru tag (official app) and found a canon pantyshot. Apart from the color (white), up to interpretation for the panty type Lemon Zest would most likely go for.
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I want a girl like her
I like it
And Suri is Upper's.
Heh, lucky (panty)shot
A two-faced bitch who berates you?
not that anon but yes
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Nice view

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