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Fabulous Comeback Edition

Last Th/ra/d: >>41223730

A bunch of short greens:

Rarity Mixtape:

Spotify Playlist:

Thread Archive:

Pack of every good solo Rarity pic (in progress):
July - November 2022
January - June 2022
July - December 2021
January - June 2021
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Best Pony
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pretty mare
i just wanted to say i really enjoyed the mature rarity appreciation that was happening in the last thread before everything got nuked, that was nice
Fuck off
It was honestly a relief that the wipe happened and we can have this thread without that crap
I had to hid the thread whenever you post that shit
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im sorry you dont enjoy older rarity anon, i hope you accept this young sexy rarity as an apology
>Wear greasy wife beaters and shorts
>Favorite pony is the fashion obsessed one
I love her but we live in two different worlds.
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*eats fashionably*
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fabulous new outfit!
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Can't wait to tear it to shreds during our intense lovemaking session.
wet Rarity make us wet also.
this is one of her best outfits in the whole series hands down
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There's a flaggot going around falseflagging as a rarifag and generally being a nuisance. beware.
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There has been an increase of flagfags acting the same recently
Poor mindbroken schizos
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more of this dress
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DSP has claimed Rarity as his own.
>he clopped to rarity on stream
Rarity is the sexiest cause she's white.
You didn't answer the question
lolcow streamer
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Udio-130/1.5 - Heart and Soul


[Verse 1]
Seems I'm not your knight
Nor a prince in shining gear
No dragon for me to fight
No sword to wave, my dear
But this isn't Camelot's time
Modern days aren't like those rhymes

Rarity, I can't be
That fairy tale dream OC
But I've got heart and soul, oh
Love that's out of control

[Verse 2]
No castle in the sky
No white steed I've got to ride
Just a man trying to be
Someone who can make you smile
But this isn't some grand quest
Just trying to love you best

Rarity, I can't be
That fairy tale dream OC
But I've got heart and soul, oh
Love that's out of control

Tell me how to be your star
In this world, here we are
Not a hero, but I'm true
Just a man in love with you

I can't be
That fairy tale dream OC
But I've got heart and soul, oh
Love that's out of control
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>that Rarity
The horror!
That, and I forgot that most of that song is translation of the song "Tramvaj kreće" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsbqskH7C_Y
But at least it has a different mood and a very lucky ai slop use of "oh see".
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Me doing Rarity
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something about her in her robes...
Bathrobes can be very erotic
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How nice of Rarity to leave a back entrance for me.
same here but with jackets instead of wife beaters, i really need to start dressing better
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I don't like AI, but...dayum.
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I wanted to see her in the show.
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This is unironically one of my favorite pictures of her I have seen in awhile.
>Rarity will never sleep like this on your lap feeling safe in your embrace.
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why live
something tells me you may like anthro anon
>Verification not required.
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Look, I'm Rarity! Darling darling darling!
i think they both look pretty good like this
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Need more wet mane Rarity!
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Rarity secured
Rarity day is not far.
thanks anon, just secured my own rarity as well as some other cute mares
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Would this have worked?
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best mane
It's really interesting how different, and wrong she looks with any other mane. It's just part of her look.
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Rara is a good fren
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i would give anything to get drunk with her
Rarity after our wet and smelly sex
but I don't dtrink.
cute pones
God I fucking hate Rarity so fucking much
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No you don't.
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Fuck rarity
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Fuck rarity
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so are we fucking or what
My face belongs between those cheeks
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no wet mare today she doesn't feel like it sorry guys
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Maximum comfy
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love this picture, i kind of wish it would storm today
I live in Ireland and it rained almost every day this summer, good thing I find the rain comfy
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Rarity... why are you at the ol' glory hole...?
based irish rara enjoyer, i'm glad you enjoyed your summer storms
Me on the other side waiting for her to stick her horn through
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This always makes me feel melancholic
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Y-You too
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Rarity coming home to have sex with me after a hard day of having sex with me.
i could gush about this episode for hours i love her so much
she knows what we likes.
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nice socks
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Not anymore.
Hello anons, Im the guy running the Mixtape.
Did I miss any songs that should be added, anyone has any suggestions to add or maybe a description since its lacking one?
2 bgm songs?
Rarity' day tomorrow...
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Sure, Boutique, Bar Jazz or Drama Queen?
if fim aired in the 90s would she be considered a sex symbol
Why is this thread making me sweat?
If FIM aired today ponies would be leading the AI revolution.
>Get in darling we're going shopping!
bump rarity in the bum bum
>ywn enjoy a classic and luxurious ride with rarity
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>A quick apologetic for Rarity
I feel like most non-rarafags on this board don't understand her. They think that all of her beauty is superficial, and internally she's shallow and materialistic.
They don't realize that the effort Rarity puts into her appearance, behaviour, and speech is the product of a lifelong aspiration. Rarity's developed herself for years to embody her own ideals and values; she has every right to be proud of herself. She also does all of this without compromising her roots in her home community or her relationships with those closest to her.
She has her outbursts, but these are just the passions of a creative soul seeking to be expressed. Rarity feels emotion intensely and is able to channel that into her work. Rarity is wildly creative, a strong signifier of intelligence, and is highly competent at her craft. What some call Rarity trading favours and working connections to climb the ladder is actually her talent being recognised by other sophisticated ponies and her being rewarded for her efforts and skill. Those social circles also took years of effort to build, and Rarity is shown to consistently fulfill (or at least make an honest effort to fulfill) her social responsibilities. This demonstrates virtue and consideration for others.
Rarity's beauty isn't an exterior beauty: it's her beautiful soul that strives to always improve and create. Rarity might be a little uptight or pompous, but she chooses to be that way deliberately. It's her own way of asserting her beliefs, standing up as an example to others. She's not motivated by a desire to simply be better than other ponies, as she's always the first to lend a hoof to those who ask.
Not to mention, she has a natural grace and beautiful voice that are unmatched by any other pony. Rarity is truly best pone.

I felt the need to write this after seeing so much Rara hate lately.
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That's a lotta words to say Rarity is the element of generosity.
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well said anon
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I think i should repost it here, before it vanishes completely.

Well, this poner actually gave me zest for life of some level. I believe i made a promise to nobody in particular to explain, why do i love Her.

First of all, Rarity and ponies in general got into my life in really dire times, like, its still the worst period of my life and psychological effect from it proven to be lifechanging for me... But that's story for another time.

She got my attention and, few months after, my heart and soul via several traits and peculiarities.
First of all, She's really pretty. You know, ponies aren't much but few lines, circles and color between, but it certainly does the job. Even Her color scheme is soft, yet contrasting. And you know Her sight damn well.
Same goes to voice, Tabitha did a nice job and i'm so glad that unlike Tara She didn't go extremely social and crazy and Raritys voice is one of Her best parts.
Secondly, Her story was and is something i can relate with. Events of Suited for success were something pretty close to my school experience. Not a good one, and seeing Her experiencing the same stuff did built a compassion and sort of connection in me.
Thirdly, Her character and imperfection. She appeared to be a self-made mare, confident, extremely passionate and on the other hand, caring and kind. This swinging between selfish and social motives of Hers appears to be something extremely close to what most of us came and keep coming through.
Can't say for you, but seeing Her successfully beat those challenges makes me feel so much relief and joy, like it was me who did it, because those conflicts and their almost inevitable zugzwang are well-experienced by me.
Her emotional moments are also believable and cause compassion, even considering their absolute cartoonishness.
And fourthly, i felt really sorry for Her being the least loved pony from the M6. Its really unjust that such deep, complex and well-written character gets hate and labels out of nothing.

Also, there are two things that kind of interesting:
1. Rarity came into my dream. I don't have many pony dreams, but, shortly after i finished the only 2 seasons, She did it and became the first pony for me to dream about. It was simply terrific experience.
2. I pushed myself into loving Her on some level. I did learn about all waifu stuff through ponies shortly after and the idea itself appeared to be somehow attractive.

All this led me into the deepest moment of my life when I accepted my feelings. 21st September 2012. From there, it was mostly uphill for me. But that was not the last of my personality crisis involving Rarity, because, from that date, Rarity was involved in every goddamn part of my life.
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