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It's been too long. Post and appreciate shypie.
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>Liking Marble over literally any of her sisters
Worse than flutterfags.
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All Pies are great
Get off the computer Limestone.
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marble is much better than maud
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Isnt there another one like this but they're frenchkissing?
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This might be what you're looking for
I think the anti-marble is my new wife
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She's a sweetheart and deserves love.
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anybody else with me here right haha!
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Awww, she really does appreciate Pinkie
bump for marblechads
isn't she the sweetest thing?
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I want to creampie Marble Pie.
Marble Creampie
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Roseluck made her a hat!
glad to see my art gets around (:
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reitana seshin memetic hazard, thanks for the flashbacks and headache
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it's a very pretty marble
She's like Fluttershy.
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>ywn have a marble wife
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I hope the tooth shattering dinner leads to pelvis shattering desert
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females are only useful when muted and mindbroken
>look for some marble green to crank hog to
>None of it is anon x marble
>It's all marble x big Mac or one of her sisters
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>>or one of her sisters
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I want to run my hands through her floof
you'll have to get the ball rolling anon, it's tough being the only person with good taste but you'll manage.
>None of it is anon x marble
I mean, it will be either like reading a Fluttershy x anon green, or a rape one since Marble can't defend herself.
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Hope you like ponuts.
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Is there more? It can't just be tossing her salad.
That's it
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Poor Inkie
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Why is pinky so different from marble and her sisters?
I like Reitanna's Pie sisters. Their personalities were funny.
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Family fun
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a good thread shouldn't be this low
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I want Marble to tell me all about her train autism.
Oh, how sweet.
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i bump for my marble friends
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Filly Marb is precious
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She's practicing to talk to (you)
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Cute hoers. Would brush her mane.
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Playing Paper Mario with Shy Pie.
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She always cries during the part about Bobbery's wife
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She's a sensitive soul
We all are, mood kindred.
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man that's cute.
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why did she do it?
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>why did she do it?
No bf
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BASED mod deleting the contra Marble thread, mods are Marblefags too.
I love this one especially
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No one tell Limestone she's adorable too. She'll hate it.
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She'll secretly love it
Is Marble a marecel?
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Not if I have anything to say about it
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Marble is a living rock tumbler, saved her parents hundreds of bits
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Marble Pie is a good pony.
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Happy 9/11
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making rockolanterns on the pie family farm for nightmare night.
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I need more cute pictures of Marble acting like an incel because I'm not there to give her the love she deserves.
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Got you covered
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you also have a bump
Wife material
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I miss the Limestone threads
It’s a shame these two didn’t get a lot of shared screen time. I would’ve liked to see more of them together
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Thanks, Maud.
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>Captcha: 8THHX
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a message to all posters and lurkers itt
my cat
Marble Pie desu
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Thanks Marble
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rockolate chip cookie
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I want to bobble the mobble
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Same, gone too soon
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Lime is welcome too
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What did he mean by this
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I wish there were more pie interactions in the show I love the rockpones
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this pic is cute. she has a cute smile.
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Page 10 is no place for mambo
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Page 10 is nice and quiet for her
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Keep her safe.
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With Pinkie having Pinkie Sense (limited precognition) and Maud sense (being able to find/locate anything), if Marble were to have a special ability, I'd say it'd have to be Compulsion - with just her voice, she could compel anyone or anything to listen/obey.

For the hell of it, Limestone Sense would be Truesight - she can see hidden things/the true nature of things.
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Pretty dress
This is starting to sound like the Rei-Asuka debate.
Why is she so shy?
It’s true
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low dopamine
W-why are they looking at me like that?
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i like this idea
they want to see your rock collection
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Rocks aren't very talkative.
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She is a very pretty little pony
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restful sleepings rocker
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From the thumbnail I thought it was hoers Bible.
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rock horse
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Shy and soft spoken mares have the brightest snowpity.
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Marb go up
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One of the most feminine and submissive mares desu
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She is shy but never forget that Pies can crush boulders with their bare hooves
Now how much of that is endemic to Earth Ponies, or just a part of the cartoon?
That picture makes me think Igneous Rock and Cloudy Quartz lead an Amish organized crime syndicate.
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Her name is Obsidian and she's a cutie patootie.

I have no idea how you'd rework her to be even remotely canon-compliant, but she is definitely one of the amres of all time.
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