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Previous Thread: >>41355169
Vinyl actually fucking nuked it addition

Show Vinyl some love by posting cute pics, as well as greens.

Vinyl Pastebin Collection-http://pastebin.com/u/Two_Echo
A collection of Vinyl stories-https://ponepaste.org/user/TiredAsShit

Individual Vinyl Greens-

Wubs From Vinyl (Anon x Vinyl)
Fuck You (Anon x Vinyl)
Vinyl gets a ride from Anon
Vinyl and Anon date
Stuttering Vinyl
Vinyl and Anon at CHS
Teenage Vinyl makes a deal
The Other Side (Anon x Scratch)
Twisting the Vinyl
Canterlot Rape Wars
Daughter Vinyl
Coming down by Manly Man
Vinyl kidnaps Anon
Vinyl Scratch x Neon Lights
Vinyl Takes Anon
Taking Care of Vinyl Scratch
Vinyl's Gangbang Bus
Binyl Scratch: Raping anon to perfection
Vinyl archive: Binyl Scratch: "Do you even lift the bass?"
CyberScratchCYOA(Name pending)

Mega for many more pone stories.
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I leave her in your hands for a few hours and she dies
both threads dead
Hard to believe that, in the end, the two threads destroyed each other in their hatred.
a tale as old as time
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Probably for the best. We couldn't handle two Vinyls anyway.
Two wooba on the other hand…
Actually those look pretty hard to handle too
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>Two wooba on the other hand…
You'll need one hand for each wooba.
Anon, each one of those titties is a team lift, if you tear a rotator cuff moving one alone I’ll have to write you up.
I wish I was that drink
I wish I was that girl.
No homo but I’d destroy you.
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You'll need two hands for each woobs.
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i should've posted it here now that i think of it
VERY nice
Nurse I require 1000cc of wubmilk
Wooba too small desu.
That’s Vinyl before she hit puberty
>oppai loli wubslut
N e e d
>”Oooh Anon there’s a cop, should I turn you in?~”
“Vinyl I have an airtight alibi. Officer of course she’s 18, just look at those tits!”
>”Yeah, I don’t think he’d believe me even if I showed him my ID.”
Though I’m also liking hag Vinyl from drawfrien. Tol loli Tavi is cute.
All cunny is good cunny
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*Cough cough* futa anthro Cyberpunk wubslut bot and accompanying Octavia bot *cough cough*
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Does this count as Cyberscratch fan content?
yes, I did make them loosely based on the coya
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By the time she realizes what I meant, I've already locked the door.
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It's time to fill the jug.
>"Hey stud, room for one more?"
Why is there a pringles can hanging between my knees
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Damn, Anon, no need to brag.
It’s not mine
She’s giggling in my ear, I just wanted to take a shower
It looks bigger than a baseball bat now
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>fags who like wubdongs
>enthusiasts of the wubdong kind
>those who believe DJ's can have wubdongs
>enablers of those who believe DJ's can have wubdongs
Easy for you to say when you’re not frotting with a stack of rockstar energy drinks
Anon, she’s hungry
I agree, we must disable all wubdongery.
Get your XXXL chastity cages ready.
What material?
Tungsten, anything less and she’ll snap and shoot that cage off like a bullet the first time she sees Tavi bend over.
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They own a human T-Shirt?
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Ponies can wear shirts too, but yeah that one’s yours.
Your favorite band shirt you had on before being sucked into Equestria.
They hunted anon and took his shirt as a trophy.
Do they lick it?
He won’t be needing it after all, they’re THOSE types of hunters.
Why would they lick the shirt when he’s got plenty of bare salty skin for them to taste?
>they’re THOSE types of hunters.
I think he wouldn't need it if they were the regular kind too.
>Anon is a famous musician in Equestria and sells shirts as merchandise.
It's recognizable and iconic!
Now I want to see ponies waddling around in comically oversized band T-shirts as the newest fashion trend.
Rarity would be horrified.
What is an extremely long baggy shirt but a dress with short sleeves?
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Hoodies are next
Speak of the devil
Cute masters of disguise, it took a trained eye to spot them hiding behind that tree
Funny comic, I especially like Octy's shocked face in the second panel and then Vinyl's in the last, very memeable
cloak augs, activate
Oh sweet twice the wubdonkery.
>”Anything you say will be held against you.”
Unf, big throbbing baton of wubmeat
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I'm sure Vinyl would never abuse her power as an authority figure
And definitely not sexually
Not if I abuse her first.
You’ve got your work cut out for you
It’s not easy taming someone with assets like hers
I want futa cop Vinyl to sexually brutalize me until she makes a mistake giving me the upper hand
Man I want more Binyl Scratch
What's the B stand for?
Buff I assume
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Now put her in a cop uniform.
Perfect. Now that's some police brutality.
Beware the long dick of the law
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She looks high.
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She looks happy!
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This is an active Vinyl warning! Vinyl has been sighted IN THE AREA! Do not leave your house under any circumstances! Do not open your windows. DO lock your doors. I repeat, Vinyl has been seen in the area!
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chances of being wubdonged have risen by 500%
she is on the prowl and she is HORNY
You can't tell me what to do.
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Oh hey, look, there she is! She doesn't seem so scary. Maybe I should get closer...
>man found sexually wubbed and close to death in an alley
>once revived he simply uttered; “worth it”
What drugs was she on?
What drugs wasn't she on?
>anons think she'll rape them if she catches them
>she just beats them to high hell instead
Good, I deserve it
>Hey Vinyl! I’m here to fuck your ass again
Kek, I’d probe her real good, how did you get this picture of me
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Damn, Octavia just left Vinyl to be eaten out, cold.
It seemed Tollvia's opportunistic omnivorous tendency was flaring up looking at the other Vinyl.
>Anon gets to be with two donks and two wubs, a potential musical marshmallowchoco sandwich happening.
Pic related. You hate to see someone else living your dream.
Damn boy she thicc
tried to gen wubdong pegging you POV but failed
posting this here in case anyone hasn't heard this banger
Could try some other scenarios that don’t involve POV if that’s the issue, love me some wubdong
Like her fucking Tavi, giving herself a boobjob/selfsucking, or her clothes barely able to contain her tits and huge bulge
Or if you want her still domming, you could try having her cum at the viewer, standing over them, close up of a body part like she’s smothering you, jerking you off/comparing lengths, or just beating you up
You can do a lot with gens, even get that original pic you wanted if you work on it enough, don’t give up
I miss DWK
i'll see what i can do
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The thiccest at Canterlot High
>The look she gives you when you call her thicc
I almost tried to get out of her way instinctively cause she THICC
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Vinyl's so thicc you actually can't get out of her way, all part of her bullying technique
Hips so wide she has to go through doors sideways
To quote weird al, when Vinyl sits around the house, she really SITS around the house
Based Octy is probably like that to be hanging with Vinyl
Lovely freckled rump.
>this earned Vinyl W. Scratch Wubsquire a reputation as a pummeler of anoniggers.
>this has helped keep them away from her.
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if you think a mere ass beating is enough to keep me away from Vinyl, you are sorely mistaken
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She's wubbing.
She's the wubler.
All over the floor
is Vinyl Scratch housewife material?
She might be, though she'll do it loudly.
She at least does the dishes.
There's only one problem.
And this is Vinyl after I’M done with her
Based, Vinyl was put on this planet to wub and be fucked silly
Fill her belly with foals and tits with milk
She’s DJ broodmare now
wooba time
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Why does she have the evil Siren music necklace in the first one?
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She wanted to wub even harder
But now she's evil
>page 10
Not on my watch.
Vinyl must be such a pure pony to get hit with evil water and commit such a white crime
>she made a cake in the shape of her best fren.
>she even filled it with strawberry syrup so it'll ooze out when you cut into it.

If only Vinyl didn't hog it all for herself.
>page 10 again
Nuh uh.
>2 seconds apart
128 BPM posting
Actually that's 30bpm.
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It was the most evil thing she could think of
Interwebs don't exist in Equestria, she can't download a car
She's talking about physical larceny
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What would you do if your gf came home from her morning walk and started talking about how you need to help her rob the local music store but also her eyes are red but they were also red before the walk because that's just her natural eye colour but she also laughs evilly a little?
Theme song for the evil crime spree we're about to go on with Vinyl

I'd rape her.
>>41411500 (checked)
corrective rape, good thinking
>>41411366 (also checked)
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But oh no, the evil water has turned her into a rapist! She's going for the counter-rape!
Oh no! I would really hate that!
i genned over 100 pictures and still nothing good however there's one pic that might work after some heavy editing
also got one where she rides you instead but it's slightly from an angle and your POV's pp is not visible
>100 pictures
Damn, you did a fuckload, sounds like most weren’t good enough for you though.
I’d like to see what you got, even if it is just one.
We say wub 'round here.

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