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Sleeping with Sweetie Belle
Sweetie Belle hungers for some green monkey dick.
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Humans can't consent. That would make her a rapist.
Any good Sweetie Belle greens?
>Be Sweetie belle
>Trip on a rock and fall over
>Anon cums all over your back again
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Cutie patootie
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What would (you) do with Swibble if she just dropped by and wanted to spend her Sunday with you?
>brown skin male
Filly fiddlers will never beat the allegations of being shitskins.
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Thank you for drawing my attention to that.
OP's pic is tan, but you're a bona-fide nigger.
I don't know. I'd probably just ask her what she wants to do.
>hurr all browns are pedos
>proceeds to whitewash the pic to portray a white guy being a pedo
you /pol/schizos love to contradict yourselves
>/mlpol/ is one person
Sweetie Belle would never do something like that; she's too sweet and innocent
What's the difference? You can't discerne any resolution change at all you lying cunt.
I was simply doing a service for all the non-browns who might like that image. Pink nipples, faggot. You'll never have em.
Perhaps, but wait until she grows up. It's always the ones who start out the sweetest and most innocent who end up becoming the horniest.
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>What's the difference? You can't discerne any resolution change at all you lying cunt.
If an image uses limited color palette like MLP, using PNG yield better quality and has smaller file size.
JPG has random green pixel vomit if you zoom in.
>wanna watch techlinked
>conflating quality and resolution
I really shouldn't expect any better from someone who doesn't have the spatial intelligence to comprehend differing light levels.
anon I think you may be retarded
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shut the fuck up and post more marshmallow
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This makes me wonder...how much older is Rarity than Sweetie Belle do you think?
i think about 10-ish years
I always figured Rarity was probably in her pre-teens/ early teens when Sweetie Belle was born. Since she and Cheerilee were in the same class and are likely the same age, there must be a decent age gap between Rarity and Sweetie.
Then don't zoom in on my two second edit that I accidentally saved as the wrong file type thinking people would rather have smaller files then.
I don't think you even understand what you just said. You can't tell the difference, dipshit.
I think you might be retarded too so I guess that cencels it out.
Well, Rarity was a fully grown mare at Sweetie Belle's fifth birthday party in for whom the sweetie belle tolls. So probably at minimum ten years. Realistically probably fifteen ish max. I can't imagine Rarity currently being any older like early thirties.
Rarity is adopted and older than the show represents. Sweetie Belle is Rarity and Hondo's daughter.
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Has the idea that MLP ponies age the same way regular horses do ever been de-confirmed? Lauren implied this in a tweet once I remember but was non-commital about it.

If that's the case than Rarity might only be like...3 or 4 years older than Sweets
Lauren said that technically it was never explicitly decided how they age any one way.
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artist name??
the cutest
goodnight pony
Shhh! Sweetie Belle's asleep. Be very quiet, Anons.
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Are you stupid? That's Apple Bloom. Look at the bow.
I’m legitimately horrified of having a cute daughter because I know that I would spoil her rotten by giving her all the toys and clothes and candy she wants because that cutie-patootie smile would warm the heart of this ol’ lump of coal…
I'd be more worried about accidentally fucking her.
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much better
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You set me up.
Niggurrs tongue mai ANUS.
Pony hair physics are so mind-bendingly magical, I love 2D so goddamn much
Take her to Sunday school, then get some shipley donuts, then go to the park on a hike, then get pizzer for lunch and dq blizzards for dessert. Then arts and crafts and trip to the library for something creative and constructive.
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How can I report to the police that a little filly took advantage of me, especially when her sister is considered a pillar of the community? There’s no defense against this kind of mistreatment…!!
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The fillies have already taken over the police force.
I worried about that, too, before I had daughters. Trust me, your perspective changes when they're on the changing table, covered in poop and trying to roll to their deaths.
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I decided an edit was in order.
why is swibbles the most "TOT" filly in equestria not even applebloom or scootaloo
She has the nymphet vibe. Nabokov wrote that the nymphet wasn’t always the prettiest or most mature one. You just get the sense from her when you talk to her and she seems more “aware” than her friends.
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Why contain it?
That’s the dream. I wouldn’t worry too much about that though. Having watched many kids grow up in my life who had varying degrees of discipline, leniency, attention, neglect, etc, what it all boils down to is that how kids grow up is almost completely random. We are all born with dispositions, propensities, and tendencies towards certain talents and interests. I know kids with atheist parents whose kids are born again Christians. I know Christian parents whose kids became trannies. It’s mostly out of your hands other than a vague sense of guidance, love, and support.
TLDR, spoil your little girl, because there’s only so much influence you’ll have on her growth at the end of the day.
Many times in background details. For example, a filly having a candle in the shape of a six for their birthday party
The Fillice force.
Sweetie Belle is a slut.
doing god's work
I still can’t find what this means.
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Silver is cuter
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She is, but she's nowhere near as much of a brat and we actually saw Diamond Tiara has a father who loves to spoil her and can't say no to her.
Silver Spoon seems like more an old money, refined and classy brat. Diamond Tiara comes from new money, so she loves to flaunt it.
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Proof? You can’t just go around making random claims.
Sweetie Belle likes to offer "services" to her classmates and her friends and family. As part of her pleasure business, she likes to play the role of both slut and pimp. Her bottom bitch is Button Mash and some of her hos include Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Rumble, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Pipsqueak, Skedaddle, Tender Taps, and others. Some of her services include spanking, pet play, watersports, scat, oral, anal, vaginal, etc. As you can see, Sweetie Belle is actually quite a dirty little slut. She and her employees just try to hide their slutiness from everyone.
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She spent a whole episode looking for a colt to mate, only because she thought one of them gave her a pie
What a slut
inb4 diaperfagging
oh yeah
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>not posting the real version
real version
Twilight is best colt.
sweaty balls thread
Sweaty Balls is a slut.
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She'll smell your sweaty balls
I thought apple bloom was the one who wanted to sniff?
Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom both love sniffing sweaty balls. Scootaloo is the one who isn't comfortable doing it, but her friends are slowly but surely bringing her around to embracing crotch sniffing, especially once Apple Bloom told Scoots that she saw Rainbow Dash sniffing Soarin's sweaty, stinky testicles after a show.
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Applebloom did it to try and get her cutiemark.
Sweetie Belle just likes the way you smell.
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Sweetie's got that look in her eyes. The look that suggests...that she wants to play with my nipples. Her left front hoove is already closing in on my right nipple! Oh, no! What do I do?!
Use your superior speed to get to her nipples first
You're right. I'm taller, stronger, faster, and most importantly, I have thumbs and fingers! Get ready, Sweetie Belle! Your nipples will be mine! YAAH!
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Out of the CMC, none are more likely to enjoy stepping on you.
And that's the art of the slut.
I fucking love this image
UNF. Now let's see the roles reversed
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Rarity exists to serve her little sister
dude what the fuck
Some schizo trying to convince everyone that fillyfags are also diaperfags
He's been posting in every filly thread
>Pic has been deleted
Oh, well. Anyway, mandatory Sweetie Belle is a slut post.
>posts twice
>"hes posting every thread"
I think its just a shitposter who posted weird shit a few times and you're overreacting a little, theres no fucking diaperfag conspiracy you schizo
>theres no fucking diaperfag conspiracy you schizo
Come on Anon, its obvious Big Diaper is trying to oppress fillyfags.
Open your eyes man.
Big Diaper might be on here right now, leaking classified /mlp/ secrets. Don't question it, though, or you might get locked in a padded cell.
Only connection to Big Diaper is that some fillies still wet the bed and thats kinda hot
>padded cell
Also kinda hot, does it come with filly sized straightjackets for me?
The CMC still wet the bed which unbeknownst to them, turns Big Mac, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash on. The four of them enjoy sniffing the pee marks that were left by the CMC having their little accidents which greatly arouses them. Also, yes, those padded cells do have filly sized straightjackets. The nice men in the white coats will gladly give you one if you ask for it.
I certainly need the filly sized straightjacket cuz I'm crazy about silver spoon
>likes sweetie belle
>also likes silver spoon
Have I perhaps seen you on another board, in a thread focused on comfortable ponies?
What if we were able to get Silver Spoon and put her in the straightjacket with you? That way, you two will be with each other forever...or at least until we remove the jacket.
Do you think she knows that plooshie bullies her in another universe?
Perhaps Sweetie Belle thinks the plushie is real and bullies her, but she thinks it does this because it's secretly in love with her and she's in love with it.

Captcha: J0AHH
>assuming silver spoon won't be sweetiebelle's caretaker
I'm confused, you said Sweetie Belle plays both the role of slut AND pimp, you listed some of the other fillies and colts I assume she pimps out, then you listed a number of kinky and downright depraved services she offers. Now are those services offered by her personally or does she dole them out to the hos she pimps out to go and do, and are those listed services, especially some of the more disgusting ones, accepted as being on the receiving or only on the giving end towards her clientele?
Sweetie Belle is both the pimp and the slut. And yes, those are the fillies and colts she pimps out. She and her hos both offer these delightful services and it's up to the clients on whether or not they take the role of the receiver or the giver. After all, some creatures are givers, some are takers. Sweetie Belle feels it's best for business to try and please both groups since everyone has a different preference. You want to give it to her and her hos, you're more than welcome to. Want them to give it to you? Well, that works too.
GodDAMN is Sweetie Belle a filthy whore. It's a miracle she's managed to keep her business a secret from most of Ponyville for this long.
If you haven’t already, you should write up some green for this. I like it a lot, and you clearly have plenty to say about it.
This indeed, and definitely keep it going even though this thread seems about to die. Am very interested in what you may have to elaborate on with this concept, and is a perfect reason to start and build another Sweetie Belle thread once this one page 10's. I will be there to bump it if you do.
do not the belle
Taco the Belle.
If I can come up with a greentext for it, I definitely will. I hate to disappoint, but right now, I don't really have a greentext in mind for it.
Oh, hey! Amazon finally delivered my Sweetie Belle!
Bumpity bump against Sweetie Belle's little rump.
Plenty of this in spank thread
>Rarity: Oh, yes. Who's been a naughty little filly?
>Sweetie Belle: Me, Rarity! Me!!!
>Rarity: And just how naughty have you been?
>Sweetie Belle: I've been so naughty, I think you need to spank me with the spiked paddle!
>Rarity: Hmm...darling, I think you might just be right.
>Rarity puts down the regular paddle and uses her magic to levitate a spiked one from the far corner of the room over to her. Sweetie Belle squeals in delight and then moans in pain and pleasure as the spiky paddle smacks against her soft, supple, pony buttocks.

Captcha: DAWWX
Looks like ponies draw their cutie mark instead of writing their names
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do the belle
Have we ever seen actual writing on the show? It seems like the ponies always used drawings instead of writing stuff out.
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>Aged up
Oh, boy...
Look at it this way: Now that Sweetie's older, there's more of her and her soft marshmallow butt to love.
I don't care if it's filly or mare I want to cum inside sweetie belle
what if sweetiebelle was a sock?
Why would she be a sock?
What if Sweetie Belle was a sock?
What if Sweetie Belle had a cock?

Would you drive Sweetie Belle around in your car?
Even if she lived very far?

Would you fuck her in a tree?
Would you fuck her if she had to pee?
Would you fuck her here or there?
Would you fuck her anywhere?
Would you fuck Sweetie Belle?
Even if it means you might go to Hell?

Would you eat out Sweetie Belle in a box?
Would you shove up her ass a fox?
Would you fuck her in a store?
Would you fuck her for just a little more?
why would she be a diaper?
You might want to ask Silver Spoon that.
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Cum drunk
The question is who was it who got the Swibbs cum drunk?
no clue officer
8 years?
Hmm...Alright, well, watch yourself, Anon. I'll be keeping my eye on you.
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Why is she dark?
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Sweetie's coat changes to a darker color when she's cum drunk.
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Imagine she doing that with your cock
Apple Bloom is a treasure.
Apple Bloom wishes she had a hard popsicle for Sweetie Belle to suck on.
Love her
The Swibbs is adorable.
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Up and
Kawaii on the streets.
Senpai in the sheets.
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on my dick
A pony with a donut showing off her ponut. Will you share a donut with the Swibbs, then eat her ass?
I’d be feverishly eating that cute little donut of hers before she could even ask.
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I belong with Silverspoon
I wouldn't blame you. Can't go wrong with a donut.
That's right you do, my cuddly little marshmallow!
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>Sweetie showing off her buns to Silver Spoon
>at breakfast, to your dismay, there's Sweetie smugly munchin' the last donut
>but "Don't worry, I've got one for you.. here!"
>sassy fil turns her butt, lifts her tail
I know the original is donuts, but what even is the context for that? Like I immagine it's a consumer who's giving a report, I can't see the Donut industry bringing attention to the smaller sizes
Sweetie Belle likes to shove donuts up her ponut.
That’s good, because I enjoy eating them as she cutely pushes them out and into my mouth. It’s always a pleasure discovering which variety she stuffed her glorious hole with that day, and an honor when my favorites make a return. She really is the sweetest and most considerate little filly. I love her so much!
And Sweetie Belle loves you. That's one reason she shoves donuts up her squishy marshmallow bum: because she wants you to be happy.
Sweetie Belle eagerly anticipates a donut going up her ponut.
Sweetie Belle is a slut.
is this true?
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We need more Sweetie Belle x Human art
Sweetie Belle is a dirty little cock slut. It's been documented before on these very boards, like how Sweetie Belle pimps out her own classmates to other fillies, colts, and even her friends and family. In addition to being a pimp, Sweetie also acts as one of the hos, enjoying the same services as her hos and clients.
What about Sweetie Belle whoring herself and her hos out to any Anons who want to receive her services?
>written by a pedo that does't understand the point of lolita
You know the point of the book was to describe a groomer rapist projecting his own fantasy onto dolores, right? The most flowery sanguine and intentionally obtuse description of someone grooming and raping a child, right? The contrast between his opining on her beauty and his love for her, then barely mentioning she was crying after he raped her? Because the writer was groomed and molested?
This is why pedos get the rope.
The point of lolita is to describe exactly how you think. If you don't understand it as anything but the most well written, positive, subversive, and disgusting book ever written, then you're missing the point, and probably also being filtered as a pedo groomer rapist. Congratulations.
Lolita is definitely not disgusting. Nabokov was very careful to avoid anything like that. It's all about the psychology of an obsessed, self-centered groomer. Depicting actual sex acts would take away from the story, and Nabokov was too good a writer to ruin his novel like that.
Sweetie Belle has a glorious set of buns!
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what about human sb?
Human Swibbs is adorable.
why is sweebs in 10?!? pick her up?!?
Would spoil and lavish with candy and stuffed animals.
That anon. Yeah that why Nabokov wrote so many other deviant sex stories like Ada and wrote pedo stories like a dozen other times. You thinking it was a cautionary tale is the biggest cope ever. As someone who read the book only once because even as an unironic I found it trashy and offputting, I can tell you that Lolita herself wasn’t onboard with Humbert’s intentions but she WAS a nymphet according to how Humbert (or rather, Nabokov himself) describes them because she had already been experimenting with sex with boys (and girls) since before she met Humbert. So despite how HH is supposed to look in the book, everything that is said in the book comes from Nabokov’s own mind, including the comments about what makes a nymphet.
Sweetie Belle has that exact energy.
Tall filly
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so many zebras the stripes rubbed off on her
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I really like her mane
Mailing her to the Beach That Makes You A Marshmallow
Damn, she's got a great ass
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...For (You)!
hmm, I should draw her like this next time..
This one out of place hair really captures my imagination ngl
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Will you stick some dollar bills in Sweetie's g string?
What did she mean by this?
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Now the question is how much will you give the Swibble?
about 3.50
based. thank you Anon.
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I ain't givin' you no tree fiddy, you goddamn Loch Ness Monster!
Now this little pony, Sweetie Belle, was dancin' at this strip club, and she had this cute little horn and big green eyes. She came up to me in her little g string and I asked her, "What do you want from me, Sweetie Belle?!" And she said..."I need about tree fiddy". And that was when I realized, it wasn't Sweetie Belle, it was that goddamn Loch Ness Monster again tryin' to trick me into givin' him tree fiddy by dressin' up like a pony! Don't that just beat all?
It's just a lil three fidddy
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I want sweetie belle to step on me
unfff filly hoofa need to lick
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sweetie ball
Sweetie Belle licks Apple Bloom and Scootaloo's hooves.
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Sweetie Belle licks hairy human asses.
Sweetie Belle and Rarity lick each other's horns.
Sweetie Belle licks Rarity's cutie-mark
Sweetie Belle licks Alula's plot hole.
Sweetie Belle licks Button Mash's joystick and two little buttons under it.
Sweetie Belle licks Dinky Hooves' dinky pussy.
Sweetie Belle licks the toilet seat after her sister leaves the bathroom
Sweetie Belle licks Spike's gargantuan dragon wiener.
Sweetie Belle licks Sweetie Belle
Sweetie Belle licks Skeedaddle's dingle.
Sweetie Belle is a cock inspector.
The pp profiler.
Sweetie Belle licks Luna where the sun don't shine.
The Dick Detective.
Sweetie Belle licks Tender Taps where he takes tender craps.
Sweetie Belle licks Pipsqueak's pipsqueak.
Sweetie Belle licks dirty, stinky zigger asses.
The Scrotum Scrutiniser
Sweetie Belle licks Prince Blueblood's anal blood.
Sweetie Belle licks the insides of Silver Spoon's ears.
Sweetie Belle licks Truffle Shuffle's flabby colt tits.
Sweetie Belle licks Wind Sprint where she breaks wind.
Sweetie Belle licks Crackle Pop's buttcrack.
Sweetie Belle licks every inch of Diamond Tiara.
Sweetie Belle licks Gilda's feathery cooch.
Sweetie Belle licks Gallus's feathery balls.
Sweetie Belle licks Princess Luna’s hoof guard and promises to call her “Daddy”
Sweetie Belle licks Snips and Snails right under their tails.
Sweetie Belle licks Applejack's sweaty, smelly asshole.
Sweetie Belle licks Twist's peppermint flavored vag.
Sweetie Belle licks Cheese Sandwich's cockmeat sandwich.
what i wouldn't give to be a beetle on the floor in front of sweetie belle
Sweetie Belle licks the undersides of beetles.
>not shortening to Dicktective
you had one job anon
Aww, shit! I should have gone with that.
Sweetie Belle licks Big Mac's stallion cheese.
Sweetie Belle loves my big sphinx of quartz.
Sweetie Belle loves massive stallion and colt dongs.
Sweetie Belle loves rubbing her ass on Silver Spoon's face.
Sweetie Based.
Sweetie Belle loves shoving donuts up her ponut.
Sweetie Belle loves having Princess Celestia pee in her mouth.
Sweetie Belle loves licking Spike's armpits.
Sweetie Belle loves sniffing toilets after Apple Bloom and Scootaloo have finished taking massive dumps in them.
Sweetie Belle loves rimming Ms. Cheerilee after class.
Sweetie Belle loves doing pet play with Rarity.
Sweetie Belle loves playing with Button Mash's Pokeballs.
Sweetie Belle loves burying her face in Whoa Nelly's folds.
Sweetie Belle loves selfcest with EqG Sweetie Belle
Sweetie Belle loves rolling her face around on Truffle Shuffle's flabby gut.
Sweetie Belle loves to shit herself in front of her classmates.
I want to watch.
Sweetie Belle hates when Anon cums too early
Sweetie Belle hates when Rarity doesn't use the metal paddle to spank her when she's been naughty.
Sweetie Belle hates when the chain is broken because it always changes how she feels about whatever is on her mind
Sweetie Belle hates when she shits herself in front of her classmates and they don't laugh at her for it.
Sweetie Belle hates when Anon gives her a special bath and he forgets to cum behind her ears.
Sweetie Belle hates when she doesn't get to smell Silver Spoon's truffle butter.
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Sweetie Belle hates when Winona won't let her sniff her asshole.
Sweetie Belle hates when Button Mash won't let her get a whiff of his testicles.
Sweetie Belle hates when Babs Seed won't queef in her mouth.
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What the fuck is happening in this thread
I just wanted cute wholesome swibble greens
Sweetie Belle hates when one of her classmates shits himself/herself in class because she feels they're trying to steal her thunder.
Sweetie Belle hates when she's eating out Wind Sprint's ass and she becomes Wind Break.
Sweetie Belle hates when she's playing Creature Catchers with Big Mac and the rest of the CMC and Big Mac won't let them catch his massive creature.
Sweetie Belle hates the smell of Rarity's diarrhea after the two of them have Taco Belle for dinner.
Sweetie Belle hates when she has to change into a new d-... comfortable undergarment
Sweetie Belle hates when Big Mac won't teabag her with his massive red delicious apples.
Sweetie Belle hates when she gets caught sniffing the Cake Twins' soiled diapers.
Sweetie Belle hates when she rubs her ass on Silver Spoon's face, but Silver Spoon doesn't return the favor.
Sweetie Belle hates the smell of Granny Smith's freshly soiled diapers.
Sweetie Belle hates that Big Mac won't let her stick Smarty Pants up her butthole and turn her into Farty Pants.
Sweetie Belle hates when Rumble refuses to dress effeminately and refer to himself as Sweetie's sissy girlfriend.
Sweetie Belle hates when Cheerilee has to leave right away after class and doesn't have time to touch her naughty areas.
Sweetie Belle hates watching Rainbow Dash sit on a cake and fart on it.
Someone is being very lazy with their bumps.
Sweetie Belle is indifferent to your refractory period
Sweetie Belle is indifferent to Big Mac touching Apple Bloom's vagina and ass.
Sweetie Belle is indifferent to all the well endowed male zebras that Rarity has coming over to fuck her.
Sweetie Belle is indifferent to all the Anons who got cucked by Weird Al.
Sweetie Belle is indifferent to Diamond Tiara's advances for Sweetie Belle to rub her clit on her face.
Sweetie Belle is indifferent to Spike asking her to lick his toes. She loves licking his cock a lot more.
Sweetie Belle is indifferent to the pain Applejack and Rainbow Dash put Rarity in when they punish her anus and vagina with their giant black dragon strapons.
Sweetie Belle is indifferent to the stenches her classmates leave after they've shat themselves since she knows the odor that comes from her shit is the stinkiest of all the foals in Ponyville.
I have no idea
Sweetie Belle is dying to sit her dirty ass on Applejack’s face
Sweetie Belle is dying to literally have Spike blow smoke up her ass.
Sweetie Belle is dying to have Apple Bloom and Scootaloo rub their asses against the sides of her head at the same time.
Sweetie Belle is dying to lick cake frosting out of Pinkie's vagina.
Sweetie Belle is dying to know if it’s just her and one other pony here
Sweetie Belle is dying to have all the Anons who write Sweetie Belle licks/loves/hates/is indifferent to posts about her shit in her ass and use their erect wangs to push their stools further in.
Sweetie Belle is dying for Twilight Sparkle to tongue-punch her fartbox.
Sweetie Belle is dying to let you know there are other ponies in the room with us right now.
This but the different anons here.
Quickly edit anon in the background.
How do we tell one Anon from another? Aren't we all green ape men with question mark faces?
Apple Bloom getting a good look at Anon's long hard popsicle.
We are yes, but she can tell just fine my brotha.
Understandable. Sweetie's a pretty smart little filly.
Sweetie Belle could probably also Sweetie Telle which Anon is which by the smells of their dicks.
Just pray to one of the two sisters that we are on that board. There are many anons and very little space on that diagram.
>"Please Luna, Let me be one of the chosen."
>Luna hears that from your dream and gets a confused look.
>Luna while confused, decides to answer this particular anons prayers.
>Unknowingly becomes the patron saint of anons.
Luna has always been the patron saint of anons. She's a beautiful, kind, caring, understanding princess who loves all her subjects like us. She is deserving of nothing but the utmost respect from all anons.
And also, she literally spent a thousand years having no physical contact with another living being.
You think she is a virgin?
Could be.
Coming this summer, after being banished to the moon for a thousand years, one princess will set out to find herself a pony to finally...take...her 1,000 year old virginity! Princess Luna is...The 1,000 Year Old Virgin. Rated PG.
That has to be the most ripest fruit you can ever dare to bite into, the sheer amount of succulent juices bursting out of your mouth and down your chin. A kind of sweetness that you can only imagine in your dreams. The warmth, the feeling as you just upset the balance of life itselt from partaking this fruit.
>Luna gets laid finally
Oh, God! This just makes me want to deflower Luna even more!
Now that I think of it, I wonder if Celestia ever had sex with good King Sombra. I wouldn't be surprised if Celestia had her cherry popped long before Luna did.
Celestia is either a thousand year old incel or a walking nasty patty from spongebob.
Well, if we're going by continuity, in the comics, she's probably a nasty patty. Show, probably thousand-year-old incel.
She is cuter without Nurgles blessing.
We can blame blueblood on her cousin or something through her dad.
>Celestia simply couldn't score because everyone thinks she is out of their league.
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>finally give in
>order horse pussy fleshlight
>white, of course
>get the package
>find note inside
>customs have inspected the contents
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for a cheap, shitty shipping rate, filly's first order of business upon being unboxed will be to rape correct you.
>rape correct me
I’d like to see her try
>white, of course
I'm more of a pale blue guy myself, but you do you anon
Sweetie Belle can fix me!
Come to think of it, Blueblood is supposed to be Celestia and Luna's nephew. He's not the grandchild to one of them which should imply a third sibling. Unless Blueblood was adopted like Cadence.
No you fools, do not be fooled by changelings tricks. Our filly doesn't have a cutiemark!
Sweetie Belle is a fantastic pony for cuddling with.
Sweetie Belle and Pipsqueak will have to compete for Luna's attention and affection.
God, I wish that were me.
Seeing Luna like that makes me want to read this again.
Would you spoon with the Swibbs and/or Moonbutt?
I want Moonbutt to spoon me while I spoon Swibbs

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