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Who makes the best pony plush?
For life sized, probably Lanacraft and Ponimalion currently. Not sure about smaller ones.
>ponka in this outfit complete with bedroom eyes
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>Hasbro could make plushes like these that would sell millions
>they choose not to
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Ferracraft also made some good cutes, i own 2 lifesizes from her and im happy
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LittleFairysWonders makes the best sitting/hugging plushies.
MePlushYou is great too, her smaller plushies especially are incredible. But the prices are crazy high and I heard it can be hard getting a commission from her.
These hugging ponies look really really weird
very good info I've screenshotted thanks anon
pretty stylized mane
>hugging ponies
c-could you carry them on your back like a backpack? asking for a friend
The real question is does it come with Lyra plush features?
/mppp/, obviously.
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if you want to go big AZG is the way
I double fucking triple dare 'ya to prove it!
>no mouth
>made with anger
>soul less expression
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>made with anger

also made me crack up
You probably could put them in a baby carrier
They look weird in a creepy way, like if a pony got turned into a plushie in the most horribly fetish way possible.
Haha true, the best part of AZG plushes is the rump and the worst is the mouthless face
I wanted to make the biggest ponies I could with an entry level combo machine. hoop size is still an issue with the 59" LS for the same reason.
I have done some mouths by hoof, but only a few ask for them. Pic related is my first attempt.
I'm irredeemable for making some Aryanne plushies. I also recite the entire Wikipedia article of racial slurs into the ears of every plush I make.
wtf... you are literally making the plushies racist..... 4chan is NOT okay wit that type of behavior!!!!!
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What is it with /mlp/ and shitting on every board creator?
>thing gets brought up
>someone on /mlp/ who does thing is mentioned
You are the least happy person i know. this is only about money.
No one, they're all ugly
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If this was just about money, I wouldn't be doing this. I charge what I do so I can live doing this.
I overplay the negativity on streams trying to fill dead air. I'm a pessimist but right now the biggest threat to my happiness is making Florb look more tired.
anon, that's less about /mlp/ and more about people trying to raze it using every tactic they can, be it out of genuine spite or just for ebin lulz
I think she looks pretty good, that one anon saying her eyes look to happy I think just isn’t aware of how often her hair covers the top of them.
I think the criticism is fair though. His plushies are nice, but have some quirks. I'm also put off by his negative attitude and the way he shat on some other plushmakers which I think are way above his league.
Holy fucking UNF
>>made with anger
Haunted Mare Plushie That Eats All Your Oats And Calls You A Faggot
do you make alicorns
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I really like this anon's ERC Dash.
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>long silence during stream is suddenly broken by angry rant about niggers
no princess pattern yet.
>shat on some other plushmakers which I think are way above his league.
ERC? My LS rainbow from him had its ear falling off from both ends. it was also measured from tail to front hoof to add 5 inches.
Everyone knows ERC can be funky. I think he dissed Lanacraft plushies.
The LS I got just wasn't for me. Didn't help I had completed my first LS the same day. torso was really thin. don't know if it was just a fluke. It was right after she moved shop to Georgia.
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Thanks man! It's been years but I still love making ponies. I actually quit my job to focus on ponies. It's been long time coming anyway. I still do half-time freelance in IT, but I really enjoy working with ponies more. I haven't posted anything new for some time, but I will be dropping 6 ponies this month, intense parallel work.

I only work in life size category, but I can appreciate those smaller ponies. Some are really amazing. >>41378573 I closely observe other artists to learn. For example this plush uses much darker thread for the mouth, something I would probably never try, but it's great, it makes the expression so much more visible.

Btw — Mare Fair goers – look for lifesize Soiree (MF twin mascot) if you want to see my work irl.
6 pones... mane 6?
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Already did that, that kickstarted my work. Now I grouped few patrons to make CMCs + Big Mac + Cheerilee + Applejack at once.
>big mac
huh. you dont see those every day.
Yes, this is why I grouped them. CMC, Apple Family, Cheerimac, CMC + teacher. Epic photos. I have RD and Rarity almost done as well, maybe I will do Big Sis + Little Sis photos, but I always feel bad asking for extra time to do this stuff.
I remember you mentioning upgrading the ass on your plushies, got any pics?
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That's the second version of new pattern, slight changes, still huge improvement over classic.

That being said - some still ask for classic.
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>>41381914 >>41382056
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>>41381914 >>41382056 >>41382060
G5 fucking sucks
Imagine if instead of plushmakers being such greedy niggers, they gave the patterns out for free for any anon to use and make themselves?

But nope, have to have a monopoly making the sweet 1,000$ per plush when they only spend 250-400$ on materials.
how much do you think the labor is worth?
can’t tell since you niggers also gatekeep how to make plushes and the art of plush making just to make money off of it.
think someone said it’s 7-8 hours of sewing, which at minimum wage is 105-120$ worth of labour.

Surprised Chinese sweatshops haven’t gotten into it yet
there are public guides and patterns. i'm sure they would at least be a good start for anyone interested in making their own plush. if you actually gave a shit and wanted to make your own, i'm sure you could do so with resources available for free, provided you were willing to put in the time, effort, and trial and error required. however, the cost associated with making a good plush, starting with nothing, would probably be even more than what plushmakers charge.
>gatekeep how to make plushes and the art of plush making just to make money off of it.
doesnt azg livestream his plushmaking? just watch and its monkey see monkey do from there.
should've voted for communism
Sewing is probably the simplest task that goes into a plushie. Patterns are indeed hard and kinda work like source code for plushies and these could be easily shared. The thought of starting something like "OpenLifesizePony" using my patterns as a base for everyone to use and improve has been bugging my thoughts for some time now.

Problem is that the hardest part (imo) can't be shared: the access to good embroidery. You probably won't buy a home machine to make a plush for yourself (tho maybe buying a used one, using it and then selling it could work). Embroidery workshop almost certainly won't accept your "cutie marks + pair of eyes" project. They do logos and designs on clothes in hundreds and thousands of copies with little machine supervision. Pony designs require a lot of attention and manual work. You would be a waste of time for them UNLESS you can provide more work (like me) or are willing to pay super extra. Maybe some small advertisement company that does limited embroidery on a home machine for low quantity orders could work, but they don't have the colour selections nor the knowledge to do complex and big designs. The stuff I do with my embroidery technician is far more complex than anything she has done in the past. And she's been in the business for 2 decades.

Maybe I am overestimating this, but certainly the embroidery is the major roadblock for self-made plushies.

But maybe there is something here – if something like OpenLifesizePony was real I would totally be OK with just doing the embroidery and sending it to people to sew on their own. The IKEA way of plushmancery. But that's just a theory.

But if you are industrious enough to do it all on your own – it still does not make sense to me to obtain all this knowledge, skills and machine access to do 1 or few ponies for yourself. You would be far better if you use your industriousness to focus on whatever earns you money right now and then delegate the plushmaking to someone who made dozens and dozens of plushies and is an expert. You really need extra reasons to go this self-made route, like "I want to make my waifu 100% myself", which would be totally valid, even if unreasonable. Paying the artist is still cheaper than doing all above just for single use. To see this you just need to factor the time needed to obtain these prerequisites. And then your first attempt might still be disappointing, mine sure was.

>pic related: kind of stuff they do en mass every day
See video: https://webm.red/ucKs
Cont. >>41382424

>pic related: what we do
See video: https://webm.red/YJpQ

And this is an old video. I no longer do transfer eyes, which means we actually do the irises by embroidery only now, which basically triples the time needed.

tldr: Patterns should be the least of your concerns. You can't yolo this yourself for cheaper and match the quality.
AZGchip makes them with the fattest asses so probably him. Going to commission one from epicrainbowcrafts soon.
It's kinda good since it means community members get to make some money making plushies.
Yeah embroidery is a huge limiting factor for plushies. People can always cut and stitch together pieces of cloth to get a similar look. Something like an open pony standard would be really great because then it lets all plushmancers collaborate on advanced features.
Problem is China would probably steal them and undercut their business with slave labor. ~$1000+ for a big plush is a lot and china would probably do it for half the price or less.
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Imagine spending more than $30 on a plushie.
bootleggers typical buy a plush toy, skin it, and study that to make their cheap clones. Not hard.
You fucking nigger, if you'd stop complaining for one second you'd might realise that /create/ has full fucking file about patterns, free and very affordable. But I don't think it's about availability, you're just incapable of creating anything own and like to complain about hard-working horsefuckers like dirty commie you are.
For your first (and maybe only one) plush, people really shouldn't overlook applique eyes. With little planning and steady hand you can run pretty good-looking satin stitch around eye pieces. I'd say only thing from tutorial perspective I was missing while I made my first plush was eye, nose and mouth placement. That shit was simply the hardest part to make without any prior knowledge.
Don't worry, you guys like sourcing all your items from "communist" china don't you? Isn't subsidized slave labour amazing?

>you're just incapable of creating anything own
consumerism is a disease and most people are incapable of creating anything of their own to enjoy. I don't think it's wise to let people specifically join a fandom just to profit off of it, most of those plush makers can probably go double time with furshit if they make the patterns for it and get even richer.

The ideal "brony" who cares about his community would make the plushes not for the sole sake of profiting off of them and instead actually making people, including poors who rely on pony absolutely happy.

On another note, would it be possible to go to a thrift store or used goods store, get a bunch of jeans or t-shirts, and spend time ripping apart the seams and sewing a pone plush out of them? A denim life size pone would look neat, just have to do the eyes and other things with a different material.

I'm also surprised that so few people have done cheaper methods of making pony dolls/plushes, such as knitting one out of wool or making it from fabric scraps.
Confused newfags and lost offboarders think it constitutes trolling because they know they post here and might see their post.
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The USA outsourced everything to Chinese sweatshops to cut down the cost of labor.
In a hypothetical world where everything is made in America, even the shittiest Hasbro's brushable would easily cost hundreds. I think the price tag of $1000+ for quality plush is perfectly reasonable.
Dont go too hard on the copium. Im here since 2013 and have been part of couple of board projects.
His plushies are OK but not that special aside from le biggest life size pony butts. Chip is a moody faggot but I dont care about that.
>The ideal "brony" who cares about his community would make the plushes not for the sole sake of profiting off of them and instead actually making people, including poors who rely on pony absolutely happy.
You fucking commie retard. Who's gonna pay the upfront cost of thousands of dollars in equipment and material? Who's gonna pay for the workshop space? Who's gonna pay for the tens of hours it takes to design and make a single plush?
But most importantly, if someone were to donate all this, how do you pick which poor brony get a plush?

>On another note, would it be possible to go to a thrift store or used goods store, get a bunch of jeans or t-shirts, and spend time ripping apart the seams and sewing a pone plush out of them? A denim life size pone would look neat, just have to do the eyes and other things with a different material.
Obviously, yes, but that would take way more effort than just buying cheap minky fabric and making a normal plush.

>I'm also surprised that so few people have done cheaper methods of making pony dolls/plushes, such as knitting one out of wool or making it from fabric scraps.
Tons of people do this.
bigsexyplush without a doubt
I know most people think you're joking, but you're honestly not
B-b-b-but mah embroidery! Just fucking share the patterns, if you are planing to do so. It is up to anyone finding them if they can actually use them.
Just like Brewdog published all their beer recipes a decade ago and (home) brewers got to mess& remix those recipes from there on. Original is still original and if you fear that you lose market share or whatever after publishing patterns, you weren't that good to begin with.
>Sewing is probably the simplest task that goes into a plushie.
I plan on spending $1200 on a full size one.
Speak for yourself I'm buying something high quality and hand made from an independent creator.
A fully denim pony sounds cool. A plushmancer here 100% needs to make a life size rainbow dash out of nothing but denim. Maybe bleach and dye denim to get a rainbow mane/tail.
>cheaper plushies
The cost isn't the materials it's the labor. A life size plush is probably $100-200 in materials at most.
You know if everyone buys only in america and keeps the money in america and the plushmancer selling $1000 plushies spends that money on other high cost skilled makers, then it doesn't matter how much things cost and everyone still gets the highest quality items possible.
Having a fat butt is one of the most important features even if there's no pocket.
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okay but for the gooners out there, could you (theoretically) create a lifesize plush but underneath the plush's fur, it's a full silicone body throughout?
like, I understand you'd have to cast everything in stages, since it's impossible to craft something that big in one go, but could it be done?
how much would it weigh? would you need to put metal "bones" in there to keep it together and more realistic? would the plappenings be glorious or would you not even be able to clean it properly?

so many questions
That would be incredibly heavy and expensive. Nowadays yeah it's probably easy for one person to 3d print a casting shell then put the shell in a box and fill the gap with sand so it's supported. It's so heavy it would probably tear any stitching if that is what's holding it together.
Look at bad dragon. A lot of the cost is the specialty, but it's also the cost of the silicone.

I still want to see a plushmancer add a "cervix" zipper in the rear pocket so you can fill the chest of the plush with lead.
There are good, free patterns available already. Start sewing you entitled nigger.
I’m no plushie fucker but I’d make an exception for this one, holy fuck
>a lifesize plush but underneath the plush's fur, it's a full silicone body throughout?
Shit, I dream about something like that
Hyperrealistic lifesize human sex-dolls exist, they are fully articulated with metallic skeletons and super heavy
Making a pony should be simpler, but still incredibly expensive if not produced in mass by some company.
There was a thread about this a while back. Someone had already made contact with one of these factories about it. I think it was Pinkie Pie but straight maned.
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>Who makes the best pony plush?
definetly not me
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That eye embroidery is actually pretty good for hand made. Good job, three cuties.

>Having a fat butt is one of the most important features even if there's no pocket.
I do both. Big butt and 12 inches of pocket. And on the bottom of the pocket there's a zipper. It gives you access to the stuffing, so you can adjust the softness or even make more room for larger insert. It also allows you to destuff the plush completely and turn it inside-out for machine washing.
tamers making plushes now?
Someone should take this plush to tamers and make him sign it with brown marker right on the buttcrack. It's even Rarity, his fav, so it's perfect.
Tamers should get ollyfactory or someone to make huge assed pony plushies. Kinda dangerous due to copyright if he's profiting.
I'd pay $30-40 for a tamers assed plush.
Hasbro is quick to CnD anyone who wants to 3d print figurines, but they never shot down any plushmakers. People shit at Hasbro but this is one of the basest things they do - they allow stuff that does not cut into their profits or image.
>Imagine spending more than $30 on a plushie.
Imagine spending your money on an off-model plush made in a third world sweatshop instead of a high quality plush made with love by a fan of the show
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Say what you like about chinese sweatshops, they always stay on schedule.
Meanwhile, your average brony plushmaker.
>2 years deadline
>Sorry, I'm depressed and out of Ritalin. 2 more years, trust the plan.
I don't hate them for it, but geez.
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Yeah it's kinda true, tho my queue is delayed because of updates I was working on and the desire to deploy all plushies with those updates. I would hate to ship out a plush that becomes obsolete 2 months later. But now I reduced my freelance webmastery job by 70% and focused on ponies, I will beat the delay and get on a fast track in 2025.

But probably the worst thing about artists is the wait time to get a response to a yes/no question. I hear some take weeks to respond, while I casually chat with patrons on discord. I was really surprised to learn that this level of contact was not the norm. I could not imagine that a $1000+ plush work could be done through email.
I wanna @artist to just yell them get back to work lmao.
It seems surprisingly common that artists are really hard to contact and procrastinate with even answering the messages, let alone the work itself. And more surprising is how much patrons tolerate it. I would like to dabble into world of commissioning but I feel like I'd die from stress to get the job done as fast as possible. Also it's really hard to figure out the pricing.
what's your username for commissions?
The funny thing is pricing is set by you. You set your hourly rate and price based on that. I can't imagine commissioning from someone who doesn't respond to messages and ignores their predicted schedule.
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>>made with anger
>I'm irredeemable for making some Aryanne plushies. I also recite the entire Wikipedia article of racial slurs into the ears of every plush I make.
>>long silence during stream is suddenly broken by angry rant about niggers
>I know most people think you're joking, but you're honestly not
I know it's ultimately set by me but I have a bad habit of downselling my own labor. Feeling like I'm not 'worth' of full compensation or something.
I have the same problem. I work in IT so it's even harder because there is very little labor and I'm good.
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Are you AZG? How do I commission you for some big gals. I'm looking to get a lifesize Chrysalis and Nightmare Moon.
>both horses are very dark
Anon, I...
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>>41388874 >>41389071 Ponimalion, contact info easily googleable
KEK. He said his price to add a pocket is $20k too.
They sell pony plushies themselves though, so it does indeed cut into their profits. If it weren't for plushmakers, you have to buy the Symbiont plushies or past ones
bump for plush rump
I wanna get a thicc mare plushie and spray fart spray on the butt and huff it until i cum.
Put Liquid Ass in a plushie.
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>buy a bunch of liquid ass and pour it in a container sew it into the plushie
>rig a system up to where you can squeeze a flank and the plushie will rip ass through the ponut part of a pony flesh light with randomly generated fart SFX sourced from fetish videos or you can have it fart randomly
There's no copium, this board is filled with babbies first troll of shitting up and flooding threads as trolling. The only shame is other anons will give dumb trolls the replies.

Anyway his plushies are good and he puts them out for a reasonable price and at a reasonable timeframe. Better than what QTpony is making now :^)
I eagerly await the result of your brappy experiment, poochie boy.
Bro we going back to fart humor now?

PS. I’m back after my month long ban!! First post back babyyyy!!!
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Check em
>he thinks the brap posters were joking
You can buy fucking patterns off etsy
I made my own plush and it's not very good but I love it
Please PLEASE make a numget I’m begging you
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I'm at a small con in Poland and at least half of all the plushies are entirely hand made from scraps.
Holy soul!
NTA. I think azg makes good plushies, but should he be listed as the best? That seems a bit off. One could argue that he is the best budget plush maker, but that was before he hiked up his prices drastically. He is still missing some of the finer details. And add pockets, pussy. But bonus points to him for not being a tranny/tranny ally, I know a lot of creators in this fandom are, in general.
camo plush
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>I could not imagine that a $1000+ plush work could be done through email.
If you're still checking this thread, does this mean that you wouldn't ever accept a commission via email? Or is it just not preferred?
>I could not imagine that a $1000+ plush work could be done through email.
Works for me lmao.
I don't need them to be articulated or anything like that, I just want something that's hefty, weighted, and jiggles while fucking

could you perhaps link it?
>But bonus points to him for not being a tranny/tranny ally, I know a lot of creators in this fandom are, in general

I would totally agree with this if he wasn't such a twat that acts no different. He has the same mentality as Twitter morons. I've never seen another maker tell off a buyer that just gave them hundreds or thousands because their autism and his autism didn't overlap perfectly. The definition of a primadonna.

As far as his plushies go the construction is fairly decent and they will probably last, but I think he focused too much on size and not enough on details for the price. For example still refusing to put a mouth or nostrils on, and very basic manes and tails.
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Oh, initial contact through email is fine, so is dA, but we always move to Discord or other live chat system. Tho I guess a commission that yields all decisions to me could be done through 2-3 emails. Otherwise there are too many options to discuss and back-and-forth is easier on chat.
I was trying to use past tense there, now I know it works for most.
>too many options
I've seen lots of your stuff, but exactly how many more things would be up to me to decide beyond just who the character is?
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>This anon is back
>Im here since 2013 and have been part of couple of board projects
oh that makes sense, it's spec doing the entitled shitposting
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Size (40-70 inch), ear shape, hoof shape, size, coat color selection (pale vs saturated vs alternate), mane and tail color selection, maintenance options (pocket type), eye model, eyelash shape, smile type, eyeshadow thickness, cutie mark scale (I tend to make them as big as flank allows, which is not canon but looks sooo good), extra magnets. That's baseline for all characters, but gotta add character specific stuff. Like, you want Trixie – which eye version should I use? It changed during the series. Pegasi need wing model selection, tho now many choose to get 2 pairs, open and closed. Sometimes patrons ask for stuff I never made before, like a plushie cock for the stallion and I need details on what they expect.
my friend wants this plush but the original artist doesn't make it anymore, who should he commission for something like this?
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Chat is this real?
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Yep, 3d-ish hooves are an option. Not sure how your pic was made, but such sharp edges suggest something solid. While I make those as well (with foam, far less solid) I personally like round hooves the most.
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These G5 hooves are not bad either if you rotate the heart properly. Imo nothing beats round marshmallow squishy hoofsies.
Its AI generated
It's real. It looks amazing, but it probably wouldn't be very comfy to cuddle with.
>probably wouldn't be very comfy to cuddle with
I often make this point to patrons. You have to know if you want a cuddly soft sleeping buddy or a soft sculpture for display. NK's work is amazing in latter category. (I can't be absolutely sure, I haven't seen those in person, but the general rule is real)
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Would be fine to cuddle with. Use neoprene rubber or dense foam for the horseshoe.
Epic Rainbow Crafts has a 3d hoof style. Looks like it's empty fabric stitched on.
Even with a pattern it must be a pain in the ass to make Rarity's mane and tail accurate to the show, especially on a lifesize
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There is some variation to get it show accurate, but it's probably always supported by wire and not inherent in the fabric shape like picrel.
I wanna rub my dick on that frog
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I love it when twilight just randomly acts like a cat.
This is a very powerful image.
nice Chikorarita
>hoop size
This is for the eyes, right? I don't know much about plushmaking but I've heard this is the main limiter on size.
If the plush had closed eyes like she's sleeping, would hoop size matter?
I can't get more plushes unless/until I get a house to put them in, but I've noticed I don't particularly like the texture of the giant eyes while I'm cuddling, and it would make sense for the pony to have a sleeping expression to begin with.
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Ask your artist for big open eyes and magnetic eyelids for sleeps.
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>>41399878 >>41399911
You can also consider half-eyelids. These allow you to change the expression. Thing is I don't know if anyone else makes these, but they are easy to do and it should be possible to get them on request.
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>>41399878 >>41399913
Notice the eyelids on the table. There are 5 clumps of magnets per eye and 5 on the eyelid. Each clump is like 2 neodymium magnets.
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>>41399878 >>41399917
More about the hoop size: industrial machines can use something called "the frame". It's a hoop-less way to do extremely large embroidery, but it requires a lot of precision to do continuous embroidery (like a 2 meter long rainbow). Here we used it to make Trixie's cape, which could be split into multiple hoops in a multi-stage process. But we used the frame for convenience. Embroidery still has to be split into vertical zones that are as wide as the frame can move. When current machine header is out of reach we pause, move the frame by hand and switch to next header that has access to adjacent zone.

tldr: the hoop-less "frame" removes the size limit for embroidery.
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>>41399878 >>41399932
Re-hooping could also work for Trixie's cape since the design is discontinuous, but re-hooping has little XY-translation precision, but that can be corrected on the machine. What can't be easily corrected is Z-rotation. You won't be able to re-hoop your fabric and keep the same hoop alignment. Even 1 degree of error grows to inches of errors on larger designs. Maybe one could adjust the design after each re-hooping, but man, that's a lot of slow work. The frame does not need re-hooping, which means no transformation errors. Fabric is placed once and frame is moved in XY with precision after headers are switched.

Sorry for yapping, I guess I should youtube about this.
It's cool that you have access to and industrial embroidery machine, but you can do the same thing on a home one.
Everyone does floating embroidery anyway, so you just move the fabric and do each star one by one. I don't see a reason to be autistic about the stars exact position.
Oh yes, this is why I said this can be done for Trixie. No need for precision for each star. But if the design was continuous like a 2m rainbow - home machine would be very difficult task. That is what I was trying to explain. We only used the frame for convenience here, not for it's precision. I never really needed it so this remains a curiosity, which is why I shared it.
>I guess I should youtube about this.
Please do. As beginner in plushmancy and embroidery it would be very helpful and interesting.
ZAMN mlp plushies look like that??
You want one now, don't you Anon?
Yeah I'm already comissioning a lifesize soon.
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Awesome! Which mare?
>the fishnets
>bedroom eyes

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He said hes a huge fan of eggs though
Fluttershy, 50" with brushable mane and pocket. Haven't finalized the slot yet so I might add on detachable eyelids.
Worst part is going to be the ~5 month wait. I'm lucky the price is something I can afford.
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Get them. Don't force your mare to watch you when you sleep.
>>no mouth
Can't remember where I heard it from but the reason they do that with teddy bears is because it allows the child to imprint their emotions onto the stuffed animal much easier. In other words, allows for playing pretend easier. Don't think that changes for anyone. I think she looks cute.
(Were mine not were me)
i feel like stuff would get stuck to those eye magnets a lot. what would happen if you spilled magnetic liquid or dust on her face?
wtf you wish you were turned into a pony plush? >>41354456
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I finished Soiree, the Mare Fair mare. Try finding her at the Fair.
Im not a child. Im an adult man with a sexual obsession with ponies. And he doesnt include one of the most sexy parts of the pony. hes a confirmed furry, too.
>amazing pattern
>gives them the fattest asses
>refuses to add pockets
Monkeys paw
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Here's a demo how the detachable manes and tails work: https://imgur.com/a/integrated-modular-mares-demo-u6blEgG
>refuses to add pockets
That's ingenious system. Btw where do you buy your long-hair mane fluff or whatever it's called?
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Stoffhummel in Germany. They have everything a mare needs.

Also here's how the pocket works:

There's one thing missing tho: I want to hide another zipper on top of the head, under the mane. This way patrons can have access from both sides and de/re-stuff easily.
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Noo you gave the poor mare prolapse!
Okay, and? Read:
>Don't think that changes for anyone.
That being said, what're you going to do with the damn thread-mouth? Unless it's zippered with the ability to swap for something like pic related (I was too lazy to look for a horse one. Here's a giraffe one instead.), it's not completely necessary. You want it? Pay for it. Simple as.
They make LS pony plush, why should I give a damn if they're a furry?
Just a reminder that further plush talk can go in this thread >>41399736
I feel the need to point out that what you're paid is for the knowledge and quick response time for when shit hits the fan. You're basically insurance, but you actually work and don't deny the claim because of some arbitrary bullshit clause.
I will bump this thread just to spite you
Yeah I'm not against the idea of making spontaneous threads about things that already have their own general, but seeing this one and the other one that was intended to be a general thread for plushies makes it understandable why /merch/ is archived long before the bump limit so frequently lately.
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Got a floorb done.
I have been putting off a princess pattern because I intend to make it a size larger than my regular LS pattern and making patterns is a pain. might start work on one next year. You guys are relentless.
You people want mouth holes now?
>confirmed furry
I've only ever been called one by the Brony=Furry retards.
Very cute ears. Would like to see them fully.
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my ear design is pretty basic while retaining some thickness and form.
4 layers of minky per ear on the smaller ones. waste of fabric but it really makes them feel better. stuffing supports the sides.
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I have a similar design, but I never really liked the result. Needs more work, more in your direction.
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>floorb is bald like zippers
>Try finding her at the Fair.
Is this a “finders keepers” type of thing or is she just for show? Either way that’s awesome
are there any good makers or patterns for medium shoulder plushies?
No no, the patron that commissioned her is attending and will have her with him. It's just an opportunity to see my work in person.
Do you make plushies with lickable hoofs?
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The thought of using faux-leather-like material for G% hooves did cross my mind.

Minky poorly responds to moisture. Once it dries it needs to be gently brushed. Minky hooves are very kissable tho.
What about a couple layers of faux leather stitched under a horseshoe shaped piece of minky? Stuffer than plush but still flexible.
Leather hooves are tests that I will be doing when I resume work on the snow mare. She's supposed to have luxe cuddle minky (long pile minky, often called rabbit fur minky) around her hooves. Mare herself is made with regular minky so I have to figure out some nice transition between hoof and leg. I will test the leather underhoof too.
answer me
There is list. Check that and decide yourself who would be the best candidate. Then wait fucking year because there's lots of market for good plushies.
Smol + detail + quality? Probably meplushyou.
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bump for cool thread I should finally read in full
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LittleFairysWonders' plush is the best looking by far imo
Ooh that's cool. Long fur fetlocks. Probably stitch it with the normal minky then use a hair trimmer or something to blend the height? Might look better with a hard transition at the seam.
Seems to be have a lot to do with that 3rd little center strip stabilizing her face shape. Interesting.
Very cute, but it bothers me that she's looking off to the side. I'd want to look her in the eyes and nuzzle her while cuddling.
I do like that you could rest her head on your shoulder, like on the bottom left, though.
Almost every plush has head constructed like that. What do you imply?
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Impressive how her plushies look good from both the side and front view
This is one of the things patrons should check first when looking for an artist. Multi angle face pics, not just one perfect angle in all photos AND the same thing for the mane, especially minky ones. Some manes are designed to replicate that show look perfectly but it's possible only from one angle, making the 360 turn not so great.
fuck off
hi zippers, how you are doing my man
You going to the convention to buy one?
>>41412517 good
i already bought the zippers one plushyman made. dont push it
AZG, how much did >>41413399 pay you for his plush? I'll pay you enough to refund him if he's already paid + the original price + $500, and I'll counter any counteroffers he makes, so long as I get exclusive rights to that plushie design from you for at least one year.
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Owning a life size of my wife is the biggest motivator pushing me forward right now. I just need to finish this degree, get a better job, and get my own place. I fucking have to. I need her so bad.
Bottom middle left is optimal eye-staring positioning though
It doesn't get any better once you get your degree and have success.
I make more money than I know what to do with and I'm more depressed than ever. Don't get me wrong, having a LS and a bed full of plushies is nice and all, as well as all the other earthly shit I have, but the only time I actually enjoy myself is when I go to cons and actually get to talk with people I like to be around, and that's fleeting.
Make no mistake, getting a lifesize is not going to be your salvation.
fuck off i dont want any of you fuckers carrying around the zippers pony and being stupid retardeds
AZG, I'm dead serious about this btw. Hell, doesn't even have to be a year, just long enough that he has to wait until after Mare Fair until he gets his plush.
It only takes one month worth of minimum wage to afford a LS.
fuck off you fat fucking retard potroast
IDK who that is, but now I'll sweeten the deal with $200 more just because it gets you so steamed
The price of the plush isn't the barrier. I need my own place. I'm not going to explain to my religious mother why there's a 50 inch, extremely detailed, cartoon horse with teats and a pocket lying on my bed.
So you'll just never have your mother over when you have a new place? Just own it now, you massive vagina. It's like you are ashamed to love mares.
fuck OFF
Calm down, you'd get a refund if you've paid anything in, you'd just have to wait a bit longer.
House rule, nigga.
His mom has the privilege to throw away his LS plush for living in her house rent free.
convert a box truck lol.
At that point you kill yourself in protest, I don't see what's so hard about that. My mom definitely found my lewd daki cover at least once. If your parents love you, they aren't going to destroy your expensive shit just because they dislike it. Unless you are like openly fucking it in front of your mom, she should be able to not sperg out.
Nah, communication is key.
He could test the water by shamelessly asking for his mother opinion right off the bat.
Like I said, I want teats. My mom would probably look at it while I wasn't home and would see them. Pretty obvious that I'm fucking it at that point. I'd rather wait another year or two to save her the torment of thinking that I am going to hell.
She already knows that you are a sick degen, I guarantee it. She knows you are going to hell and that grandkids are a pipe dream, at least from you (this one is easier to stomach if you have siblings).
Also, this: >>41413602
She's going to find it eventually when you live alone. Get it now and save yourself future embarrassment that happens when you actually have responsibilities.
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>see "LS"
>every time think Long Sword
y'know I think I WOULD be happier with an 8 foot katana
Why are autists like this?
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>he doesn't think of a GM LS Vortec 4800 LR4 v8 engine
I already gave the only practical advice which is convert a box truck into a house.
I only got my lifesize mare when I got my own place, but when my mom visited, she found her super cute and was really supportive of my enthusiasm for ponies.
Of course I didn't show her the naughty bits, but you can still easily tell that the plush is made to be sexy, thick ass, sexy clothes, tail bow and all. Not to mention that I have my mare in my bed, making it pretty clear I sleep with her every night.
I think most parents wont make a big deal out of it if they love you and you are at least somewhat functional member of society and not a neet parasite.
>if they love you
I personally find it hard to believe a parent could love a son knowing they were a horsefucker. It's not something any parent would want out of a son.
There is such thing as unconditional love.
Miss me with that weebery. Give me side sword to cut some baloney with and I'm golden.
For me, it's the Switch Axe
>you can still easily tell that the plush is made to be sexy, thick ass, sexy clothes, tail bow and all
unf, pics?
Who makes these ponies with these pockets?
Thick ploosha bump
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>>41414314 Probably most artists if you ask but this one is mine >>41389677
They hate money, plain and simple
Most people will.
Bronies are paying $1000 for custom 50" plushies while it's $40 for a similar sized generic horse one on amazon. They could scalp parents a little bit and sell them for $100 if they were high quality.
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How do you find clothing for lifesize plushies? Picrel isn't mine. Buy small sized things on Amazon?
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that is one fuckable plush
Awesome, love your work. Will be reaching out in the next month or two! Do you also make ponies with udders/boobies? And do you accept payment in three installments?
It has a skirt and panties but I can't find the pic. very erotic
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>should have stayed out of the shed
Zipper under the mane allows for access to the stuffing from the front.

No one ever asked for those before so no, but I am open to it. Maybe I could figure out some detachable boobs. And yes, instalments are fine, tho it mostly depends on which pony we are making. A popular pony needs $250 prepaid and rest is paid when complete, which gives you a lot of time to save (incentives early enqueueing). OCs need to be prepaid $250 for materials and then some more just before work starts.
Can you not feel the zip ties at all when cuddling?
I love it
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No, they are smothered by stuffing in the mane and tail. Fur itself is fluff enough too.
>buy small sized things on amazon
Yep, that's what I do. It's just a bit annoying cause strangely the shops don't list tiny horse sizes so you have to do a bit of measuring and figuring out.
The right socks can be tough to find cause if they're not stretchy enough they won't fit over the big hoofas.
Just look online for "sexy children clothing".
This is basically what you have to do. If anyone saw my amazon order history I'd have some explaining to do. Buying stockings and kids sized schoolgirl skirts even though I have no kids.
some plush artists will make em with your plush commission on request, this is the best way to get clothes because they are hand made to fit with the specific plush
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Sometimes it's possible to buy a clothing item and artist will just modify it a little to fit a pone at a fraction of cost of fully custom made item. That's how I deal with AJ's hat and I got a mini-skirt to adapt for Izzy.
At worst people will think you're a crossdresser.
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>Hasbro sells quality LS plushies
>Inadvertently grooming all the little girls into wanting to cum inside Rainbow Dash
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I remember when I took this pic. Too bad I didn't have a Twi at the time.
Unf plushie erotic
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Question, do you make ponies like Apple bloom or sweetie belle with pockets?
too bad you're not a schizo like I am. I'm completely broke but my plushies bring me genuine happiness like nothing else. all my family members have to cope with drugs and alcohol and all I have to do is hug mare.
The only problem is that eventually the inevitable thought keeps returning; "I wish she were bigger". I found myself frequently entering a spooning position for a plush too small to spoon. Other than that, I love plush cuddling. It's absolute bliss, nothing else compares to me.
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Aged up fillies are not a problem. I will be dropping a full CMC set soon.
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No one want's "aged up"
Granny ponies
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yeah, id love to get from her someday, but i don't have the cash. most of my pony plushes come from penglee which tend to be pretty solid
>aged up
Something seems off, capitan.
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aged up + filly = mare, right?
Dictionary aside – I only have patterns for adult ponies. There's just not enough interest to incentivise the extra work. But recently I got inquiries about Tempest, Chrysalis and Cadence, so now I will design alicorn pattern. Patrons decide what happens really.

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