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We failed her edition.
Previous Thread: >>41354929
Post pics and love Sunset.

Sunset Sunday Ponepaste - https://ponepaste.org/3956
GreentextSavant’s Pastebin - http://pastebin.com/u/AlexanderGrey
BG9's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/BG9_Reborn
Gritsaw’s Pastebin - http://pastebin.com/u/Gritsaw
Zharkaer's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/Zharkaer
Tstar231's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/Tstar231
HolytntDiver's Pastebin https://pastebin.com/u/HolytntDiver
Holy's Ponepaste https://ponepaste.org/user/Holy

Sunset Greentexts
Sunset x Anon by XMRWRITEFAGX - https://ponepaste.org/3957
Burning Sensation (NSFW, Mutant Sunset x Anon) by SUPERKEATON - https://ponepaste.org/3958
Cold by BOLTGREENS - https://ponepaste.org/3959

Sunset EQG Shorts - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNXV9Mb7egjHnPs8HxD56ec6qea0A-b7e
Good Vibes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ygTvEUnXW8 [Embed] [Open] [Embed]
Sunset Shimmer sings https://clyp.it/q5dz4aqe
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pony version is better
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Sunset is best horse and best human.
The thread died? You fuckers.
I stepped away to talk to my roommate and when I came back the thread was archived.
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>Good Vibes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ygTvEUnXW8 [Embed] [Open] [Embed]
Yeah there's a butthurt sliderfag doing shit, won't stop the Shimmy though.
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Probably should have done better at checking the OP, but it's almost a tradition at this point.
Not as long as fags like me are willing to make a new thread for my beautiful wife.
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I swear I will bump this thread the second I ever see it below Page 7
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What the FUCK Happened, bros? I went to sleep one night thinking "Oh the thread will just be there next morning" and after five hours it just got killed?
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Good morning gentlemen.
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Shimmy with short hair >>>>>>
Short hair Shimmer is a qt 3.14
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sure is!
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Reposting these from last thread because goddamn they're good, I would have voted these as the OP
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Summer's nearly over, going to miss the swimsuit Shimmies
Does this count as an interaction?

"GAH!" Sunset ran blindly around the back of the school building, away from the eyes that were following her. As she turned the corner, she collided headlong with Snips and Snails, who were crouched against the back wall. She cried out, and they went down in a confused tangle of bodies and arms and legs...

A pudgy hand landed right on her left breast. "AHHHHH!"

"Uhhh...whaaa...?" Snips looked up. "Sunset Shimmer?" He reflexively squeezed what he was holding onto, then looked down. "Uhh..."

"Whoa...Sunset Shimmer...you're lookin' pretty good there, eh?" Snails said. "You know, you really shouldn't run around naked, eh...you could catch a cold."

Even as he said this, his hand was firmly pressed against her bottom. Her eye twitched.

"If you don't get your hands off me right this second..."

Neither boy moved. Snips was laughing raspily, and Snails was drooling. With a disgusted groan, Sunset shoved them off of her, kicking out of the tangle of limbs.


^an excerpt from MythrilMoth's story
I'll try to remember for the next thread if someone else doesn't make it first.
Who makes the best shimmy lewds?
Maxhooves, Sozglitch (when he does them), peel a na, and Rockset
Yes, also is the story any good?
Yes, I recommend reading it as well as the sequel if you like "spicy" comedy.
MythrilMoth was a really good author.
I'm pretty sure the last time I've read this story was along with Wubcake's audio. It was cool.
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I would also add Reiduran and Nire
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Spookset Shiver
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oh lawd, the time of spooks draws near
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28 days remain
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Commenting on this from last thread - I would also have been interested in seeing Snips/Snails get a little something with Sunset given their history. I know Snips and Snails aren't topping anyone's lists for characters they want to see more of, but I do think there is some potential for story between them.

Sunset did kind of leave them high and dry after the first movie. Sunset found new friendships that made her into a better person, but what did Snips and Snails get? After Sunset left her cronies, they basically had no one, minus occasionally lending themselves to being Trixie's cronies a few times. I could see their dependence being a plot point and them blaming Sunset for 'abandoning' them after they spent so long doing her dirty work, which would lead to a nice little reconciliation. I like the idea of Sunset telling them, despite everything, they were the best toadies a mean girl could have asked for.

Also I like how in the school-play episodes it's like it's natural instinct for her to start bossing them around again when they're goofing around on the set.
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I'm glad someone else noticed this, too. She's usually stern but fair with everyone on the play, but she instantly goes back to being bossy with these two.

And I love it. It keeps her character consistent, if anything it gives her more room to grow, and it gives the writers a way to explore and develop Snips and Snails while still tying them to the prot-

oh, right
>Snips and Snails aren't topping anyone's lists for characters they want to see more of
Hey, I love those two retards lol
They seemed to be doing fine in Rainbow Rocks, so I don't really mind them not getting much spotlight. Though I do concede that Sunset telling them they were the best Toadies a girl could have asked for would have been funny.
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Sleepy thread.
According to the DVD commentary the team liked them and found them funny. I wish they could've been given some sort of depth other than being two smarmy boys. Even if it was just to redeem Sunset further.
That's a fair point, and I do agree that they make for some pretty good comic relief. As it stands I think that it's fine that they only got the one cameo, but if the show had another season I'd definitely would have liked to see them get a special dedicated to them.
>Sunset telling them they were the best Toadies a girl could have asked for would have been funny.
Even better, to thank them she gives them both a little kiss on the cheek while Flash watches
What are the reasons that Snips and Snails even becomes her toadies?
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Simps gonna simp
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Considering how everyone who worked on EQG is now out of NDA has anyone tried reaching out to them and asking them what they wanted to do with Sunset's character?
Are those Snips' and Snails' cumsocks?
>now out of NDA
You know this how?
I thought Snips and Snails were her cumsocks.
One does not exclude the other.
Didn't Confalone or somebody already make a post showing what they were planning to do for an EQG finale where Sunset meets her human self?
I think it was Confalone. Shame they never got the chance, it looked cool.
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Isn't the series coming back?
I haven't heard anything other than random anons saying that it is.
Is there any good fan art of Shimmy with Snips and snails?
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There is exactly one.
Wish they showed up in Forgotten Friendship. What do they even see in Shimmy?
Weren't they simping for Trixie in FF?
Don't think so.
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They were. See >pic related.
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I don't get how the series would "come back" considering G4 is over. Do they mean a G5 EQG?
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I think about that daily. They wanted to make a special where they'd show both what happened to Human Sunset and why Equestrian magic was always following them around.

If they made Human Sunset the villain, they basically had the perfect plot going. They could've also addressed how Sunset got her apartment and how did she get into music and games.

As well as ending in a way that would give her character a goal. As of right now, Sunset exists in a limbo, no one knows what life has for her next.

I wonder if we could reach out to Ishi Rudell, since he's looking for a job, or even Katrina Hadley, since she's still taking commissions and will draw anything EG related for money. Aside from her casually shipping Flash Sentry with Sunset, we don't know much about her headcanons.

Whitney Ralls would be interesting too, she wrote an entire book and special based solely on Sunset Shimmer. I bet she has some interesting theories or headcanons for where the story would've taken Sunset.
That works as well. https://www.fimfiction.net/story/162159/all-that-shimmers
I feel like both AJ and Flutters would incredibly angry at RD for that. Also why Hadley constantly ships Sentry with Shimmy?
>Also why Hadley constantly ships Sentry with Shimmy?

Because when you're in charge of something with characters, you see them both as toys to play with and your children to protect from outsiders. Flash was always hated, and he's actually not a bad guy.

Not to mention that a potential relationship with him would give Sunset a lot of room to grow as a character and lots of potential for interesting stories. Like how Timber made Sci-Twi a much more interesting character to write.

I'm sure that if given more time, they would've either canonized Flashimmer, or finally agreed to make Sciset a thing. They did manage to make Rarijack basically canon by making them the very bestest of best friends and giving them genderswapped boyfriends.
like i said: simps gonna simp
This writter is a retardeed lessbo
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I want Sunset to make me a drink. :)))
I still liked the ideas proposed that, despite the massive time-skip in G5, G5 EqG is still in the same era with Sunset Shimmer having taken over as principal of the school. A little window into the past
You know, that's actually not a bad concept. She feels responsible about bringing Equestrian magic to the human world, she would try to stay as close as possible to the portal while having the most control possible over its surroundings. Her becoming the principal would only be the logical choice.

And just like how she was a candidate to replace Princess Celestia, she went to another world for power and ambition, and finally got into a position of power by replacing Principal Celestia. Not only that, but the girl who was chosen as the Queen of Canterlot High for three year straights would become the actual ruler of the school, but a benevolent one that's in her position to protect everyone...

You're a fucking genius, Anon.
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>"Hey, Sunset! I've heard you like socks!"
> I want Sunset to make me a drink.
Same. I bet she knows all sorts of interesting pony drinks.
Apple cider at the very least.

But Sunset specifically said she didn't like apple cider on EG1 so...
I'm pretty sure she was just being mean.
More specifically, she didn't say she 'hated' cider, just that it was too low-brow for her coronation.
I want to give Sunset real low-brow drinks like Miller lite and PBR
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Miller high life is delicious
Delicious it may be, but it's still a low-brow drink.
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Midwesterner Shimmer
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You think Wallflower and Sunset got to be good friends after all that happened?
Sunset forgives all, Anon. Nobody understands that people aren't perfect more than Shimmy.
>Nobody understands that people aren't perfect more than Shimmy.
Honestly that's why I like the ending to Forgotten Friendship. While I personally don't think Wallflower deserved to be forgiven so easily, Sunset choosing to not be so vindictive is a true testament to how much she's grown as a person. And in the end I do think that Wallflower becoming friends with Sunset is good for the both of them.
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That's out of character anon.
This, honestly - I am of the opinion that Wallflower was forgiven too easily BUT, to give her credit at least a little credit: at least her horrible actions were mostly laser focused on Sunset (with decent personal grievances), and Sunset absolutely knows how much it sucks to have people holding a grudge against you (again, even if it's justified) and how nice it is to be forgiven for your misdeeds. If anyone was in a position to forgive Wallflower for what she did, it was Sunset.
>decent personals grievances
Pretty sure she was envious
>if it's justified
It wasn't
>it was Sunset
Forgetting about Fluttershy are we?
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>Also why Hadley constantly ships Sentry with Shimmy?
She's a multishipper. She loves Sciset also

>I'm sure that if given more time, they would've either canonized Flashimmer, or finally agreed to make Sciset a thing. They did manage to make Rarijack basically canon by making them the very bestest of best friends and giving them genderswapped boyfriends.
Flashimmer becoming canon maybe but I highly doubt they would have pushed Sciset it since Twiggy was already "officially" dating Timber Spruce
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>It wasn't
I meant that it would be justified of SUNSET to hold a grudge against Wallflower for what she did, that's what would be justified.
meant for >>41387997
SOMEONE had to be a massive Sunpie shipper to justify both of them getting an entire special just for the two of them. Possibly the writer who wrote the novel too.

But still, Flashimmer was basically endgame if they had managed to get one more special. There were far too many nods along the shorts, the CYEs, and an entire song about him being a simp for her. It's just too on the nose.
>basically endgame if they had managed to get one more special
What would it even look it? Also is there any good fan fics of them becoming a couple?
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Didn't Sunset smooch some OC in the novelization?
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What are you guys' favorite Shimmy stories? (Hard Mode: no Smut)

I'm partial to the fic "Terms of Forgiveness" by Fylifa. It's a story mainly about Sunset and Celestia's relationship and them being basically mother-daughter

It's a good Urban Fantasy story. I also like that it gets pre-redemption Sunset's personality but with a couple of years of growth and mistakes.
It was Sandalwood, wasn't it?

I really wish I could find that novelization. I can't seem to find the pdf anywhere.
It was a cyoa book and It was some nondiscripe dude from what I remember.

Honestly I think both acitwi and flash shimmer are boring as shit. Sunpie is better.
Okay, so, how old is Shimmy exactly?

She's definitely older than Twilight. The Fall of Sunset Shimmer comic makes it so she's the same age as Minuette and Lyra, so Twilight was probably a prodigy who skipped a couple of years.

We know from the EQG team that all the girls are around 17 years old. Sunset has to be older than that, and according to the team, she's like "a senior", so something like 19 years old?

But then you take into account the Starswirl Do-Over/Sunset's Backstage Pass and it becomes a bit tricky to decipher whether she spent a whole year in the time loop, or just three weeks.

In any case, she's like... 20?
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I'm of the opinion that Sunset is in her mid-20s. The Mane 6 in FiM are all in the ballpark of 16, and Twilight didn't know Sunset despite both having been Celestia's pupils. The only way that makes sense to me is that Sunset is at least a decade older.
Rainbow Dash herself is about 21 years old or so, so thay puts Twily and friends in their early 20s, Shimmy is probably about 30 years old or so, that's why she knows how the game goes with everything, she's seen it all.
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Some horse-culture headcanon incoming:
Horses mature faster than humans do both IRL and in the show, Faust made a few comments to this effect on her DA way back when that, when asked how old the Mane 6 are, she would guess anywhere from 12-17. For ponies, this is a full grown adult age and thus despite being relatively young by our standards the Mane 6 can have jobs and homes and stuff like that. Coincidentally, this also explains why they're all teens in EqG - they're the same ages as their horse counterparts but unlike in Equestria, anything under 18 isn't even considered an adult.
In which case, Sunset (who is almost certainly older than Twilight at least) is likely on the older side of the spectrum, like 17-18, which probably translates to 20's in pony years.
>Horses mature faster than humans do both IRL and in the show, Faust made a few comments to this effect on her DA way back when that, when asked how old the Mane 6 are, she would guess anywhere from 12-17
She said the Mane 6 have the MATURITY LEVEL of a 12-17 year old, not that that's how old they are in human years. In a more recent Twitter post she clarified this. You are right about the whole ponies aging like real world horses thing though
No offense, but as based as she is, her word doesn't really carry much weight considering she never wanted Sunset and EG to exist in the first place.

I'd rather trust the team behind them who were actually passionate about EG and cared about the show and specials.
>Twilight is 3
>Sunset is only like 4, maybe 5
Shimmerbros... are we going to jail?
Faust has no say in the lore since she left post-Season 2.
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Good Morning Shimmerfags!
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Good morning
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I will never not be mad at this and pic related.

Now that Nick is no longer under NDA we should ask him where did he want to take Sunset's story. Even if it's not canon, even if it's not gonna happen, I need to know what they WOULD'VE WANTED to make for her.
I've always disagreed with this idea. The subplot of Sunset choosing whether to go back to Equestria or not was irrelevant to the main plot of the movie. An idea like this would be much better suited as the main plot of its own movie or special, possibly as a season finale. That way the idea can be properly explored and fleshed out instead of being relegated to the C-plot of a movie already packed with new characters and Sunset's other character arc of learning to solve magic problems without Twilight's help. If EQG hadn't got cancelled I have no doubt this idea would have been more thoroughly explored at some point. They made the right call, shame Hasbro didn't when they shit-canned the series and thus squandering all of it's potential.
But hey, you got a cornucopia!

You love cornucopias, don't you, Anon?
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Y-yeah... they're okay, I guess...
>I've always disagreed with this idea. The subplot of Sunset choosing whether to go back to Equestria or not was irrelevant to the main plot of the movie.
Disagree. I think Sunset having an arc that parallels Twilight's about wanting more out of life only for her to realize that what she needed was friendship would've made the movie feel more cohesive and better overall
Why is Shimmy, AJ, and Rarity giving bed room eyes?
They know you want to impregnate her even in those stupid-ass outfits.

To be fair, everyone had bedroom eyes in that scene except for Sci-Twi.
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Ghost of Sunsetshima
I'd argue that Ponk is the only one that doesn't have bedroom eyes.
This thread ain't about her.
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True. So have a slightly lewd Sunset.
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Seeing as Sunset Shimmer Day is fast approaching, how would you celebrate Sunset's birthday with her?
Hard mode: you have to do something that includes the Remane 6.
I wanted to make her for that poker game that's been advertised on the fingerbang thread, but since that might take longer than I expected, I might just make a small comic about it and build up hype for the release
I meant that more as "What would you do with her and the girls to celebrate her birthday?"
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redpill me about this bacony chick.
Grocery Cosplay Sex Party
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I can't. There's just so much. 3000 characters is not enough. I could probably spend an entire hour sperging about why she's just the best.
She is sweet but psycho
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Sunset Shimmer is a former pupil of Celestia, beginning her studies not long before Twilight, whose natural talent lead to her gaining an over-inflated ego and demanding more than her teacher deemed her ready for if the prequel comic is to be taken as canon, specifically she wanted to be made an alicorn. When she was not given what she wanted, she ran away through a magical mirror that lead to a human world, where she bullied her way to the top of Canterlot High School's social hierarchy waiting for her chance to take what she wanted. This would present itself with an opening to steal the Element of Magic from Twilight, Celestia's new favorite, and bring it with her to the human world where she could use its power for herself. However, she was woefully unprepared for what it would actually do to her and after being defeated in spite of all her conniving cruelty, she was hit with the shock of what all she had done to get to this lowest point in her life, but was offered a second chance by Twilight to learn what real magic is (i.e. friendship)

From there Sunset goes on a journey of redemption, not only having to prove herself in the eyes of the many students she antagonized for years at the school that she was a changed person but also having to take responsibility for bringing magic into the human world, as her own plot would merely be the first of many dangerous magical situations to follow that were mostly caused, at least indirectly, by her doing so in the first place. She discovers where she fits in with her new friends and grows to appreciate her bonds, going to great strides to protect them. Although she retains a temper and aggressive approach to problems, she's matured a great deal and is able to use her past experiences, both the good and the bad, is able offer the others guidance and leadership.
psyop to make you horny for food
Her head is so tiny I thought this was an edit
There's something innately alluring about seeing a villain fall from grace, suffer for all they've done, learn from their mistakes, become a better person, and help others who were once in their situation.

That and she's got that biker babe mean bitch vibe going. Like that older sister who ran away from home and now is coming back as a recovering delinquent with lots of harsh life lessons to teach, or as a bratty younger sister that wants to set her life straight but doesn't want to accept help or change her problematic attitude.
Reminder that there's no fanfiction where Shimmy dies as Sunset Satan.
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I'd subscribe
How does she feel about both school and work places punish people for posting stuff?
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I'd pay for a channel like this to exist
Me too, but only for the music content.
If you weren't subscribed when she had less then 100 subscribers then you might as well just end it.
Does she do request?
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Wubcake could do it but she's uhhhhhh controversial nowadays
What did she now?
All I know about her is she's a pedo and a sex pest.
Now? Use AI

But on the last decade she's physically attacked teachers, cops and her grandma, been abusive to her friends and boyfriends, leeched off of their homes and literally raped another brony youtuber when she was 13 and Wubcake was 19

But damn she makes some hot pony audios.
How is she not in jail now?
>she's physically attacked teachers
Damn she's the irl Sunset
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Sleepy thread
I think she was in juvie for attacking a pregnant teacher? But yeah, Jennabun never made a formal statement and didn't realize that having a 19 year old force you to sleep with her and rub you when you're 13 is sexual abuse, so the years passed and nothing happened

Now it's just a he said she said, except that it tracks because Wubcake has always been a sex pest

But man her Sunset voice is hot
>But man her Sunset voice is hot
Same, the forced sex rapeyness that Wubcake does cause she's a pro at this makes it.
While we're at it, do you know if anyone has her latest audios? I don't care about the Hazbin ones, but she still makes pone stuff from time to time

I thought she left the MLP fandom for good.
You don't call yourself Lewd Horse if you didn't want to make bank from bronies.

https://x.com/LewdWhorseVA/status/1827432639260668163 Last MLP audio was in late August.
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How many times did she quit the fandom?
She quits the fandom everytime she's in a somewhat stable economy. When the bills start coming in, she dusts off that decade-old pony skills
Convenient. LOL
>But man her Sunset voice is hot
The only incorrect thing in this. Her Sunset voice sounds like every other voice she does.
And her voice is hot, your point is?
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She's a terrible person, and she sounds nothing like Sunset even when she tries.
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She is a terrible person but that's bullshit her Sunny voice is as close to perfect as it gets
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She's a terrible person, and she's as close as I've heard to Sunset's voice without it being Rebecca's own voice.

Show me anyone who does a better Sunset.
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Silly pony
shimmerniggers whos the superior sunset ? With or without hooves?
Sunset is best in either form. It's her personality and fiery femininity that makes her the best.
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No fandom VA can do a good Sunset. Wubcake may be the best of the pack, but the best of a terrible group is still terrible. If you want lines read in Sunset's voice either see if you can hire Rebecca, or use an AI.
>Use AI
I'm partial to the unicorn, but I'm a slave to the mares. Other anon is right tho, Shimmy is shimmy regardless.
With hooves, but human Sunset still has them they're just on the inside
Is there a fan fiction where Shimmy confronts toxic gamers and beat them?
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No. If anything Sunset is the toxic gamer.
Is there fanfiction with her as the toxic streamer?
Maybe that will do?
This. I think she's canonically a bad gamer? She can't beat Fluttershy at the squirrel game, has a hard time beating Vinyl at a silly flash platformer, and doesn't seem to be too happy when playing the pirate mobile game on the beach.
I would say it’s because hoof hands, but she plays guitar really well so…
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I couldn't possibly choose. I love Shimmy in all forms
She's also really good at drawing comics and painting both with brush and spray cans. She's got the dexterity, perhaps she's just naturally bad?
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It's her temper. She gets angry so easily.
That actually checks out. The whole reason she was cast out as Celestia's pupil is that she was impulsive, hotheaded and ambitious, so she gets mad when she doesn't get what she wants when she wants it.

She probably would have learned her lesson for the serious stuff, but still retains that competitive aspect for every other competitive activity. She gets mad at the Flim Flam bottle game during Rollercoaster of Friendship, and when she's hit with a snowball in Saving Pinkie's Pie she immediately gets mad and starts asking who threw it at her to get her revenge.
Yep. She's fierce and deeply competitive.
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God, I want Sunset to call me racial slurs for being better than her at a game.
Same, I would so do troll donations on her toxic disaster streams about how homedick shimmer and how she sucks horse penis
>Secretly be Sunset's top troll donor
>200+ bit donations talking about how she sucks horse cock and has a fat mule ass
>She calls you a feather-brain, a mud-horse, and a zigger
>When the stream ends she calls you for angry sex
>Be smug in the knowledge that Sunset never puts it together that you're the guy that pisses her off so much
>Sunset not only knows it's you, but she subtly encourages you because she enjoys the angry sex just as much as you do
Kek, Sunset's smart ass would deduce that only you would know that much about her, but she likes being called a horse slut and slapped around
She also likes it when you bite her neck and call her a bad mare.
She needs to be punished sexually
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It's a well known fact that girls who own reptiles as pets are freaks in the sheets
see also: RD and Ponk
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We must protect Ray from the cruelty of the world. And not just to protect Sunset's sacred smile, but his as well.
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>Be Ray
>The green man came over again
>You like it when he comes over because he gives you the crunchiest crickets and the juiciest hornworms
>Your owner likes it when he comes over too
>Some days she makes the sun set early and then calls for him for hours
>It's quite silly of her to make the sun set early if she has trouble seeing him then, but you don't mind
>After all, the green one usually gives you an extra hornworm when that happens
>Maybe someday the green one will move in permanently
>Then perhaps you'll get extra hornworms and crunchy crickets every day
You might be onto something, My cousin eats pussy and she grew up having a pet snake, rats, guinea pigs, etc.
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You and me both, friend.
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Ray is such a lucky bastard
He really is, being her special little guy, being allowed to walk wherever on her body while being loved.
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the little man's a leopard gecko, of course he gets to be her special little guy. Just look at how cute they are!
Seeing how much she regresses into being a pony when asleep or thinking of her childhood, she'd definitely be up to be called all sorts of demeaning Equestrian things in bed.

Bad filly, naughty pony, dirty mare, etc
Put a saddle on her and she'd get so horny she would ride you instead
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I just don't know how I can live my life knowing I will never come home from a long day to see Shimmy on my couch
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My autism has led me to watching all EQG media and making a compilation of the most common body language of Sunset and finding which poses does she use the most

I'm asking for your help, I'm in need of happy Sunsets. Excited, laughing or plain smug and confident Sunshims
Based. I'd like to see your Shimmy screencaps folder.
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I kneel. Have a smugset.
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This one's my favorite lol
Does this have a purpose like giving it to artists as references, or...?
Using it as reference sheet for the artist helping to put her on the poker game.
Who greenlight that portrait?
Shimmy's effortless rizz
Whoever it was, they did a good thing.

Heck no, those portraits were terrible. She looked both underage and too extra.
The poker what now

The poker game, Anon. It's been all over the board these last days. It's like a plague, everyone keeps bringing it up.
Why do they have the same bust size?
Oh not you again, you're the guy who keeps complaining that Fluttershy should be bustier, aren't you?

Why don't you tell the devs about it on the discord or complain about it on the subreddit? Devs are into making changes solely for horny reasons. Like making Chiaki chubbier, or giving Mari new transformations.
I just started mlp and Equestria girls. What's the general consensus on Sunset Shimmer? is she liked? hated? I know the Equestria Girls-verse is controversial in general but is she similar to Starlight in the sense that a lot of people dislike her out of formality?
>aren't you?
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you shouldn't let what others think of a mare affect you
if you like sunset, post sunset, simple as
Of course these portraits were terrible. It was supposed to be a joke...
Most people who dislike Sunset are the ones who never gave EqG a chance. Though I will say that the Starlight hate is mostly due to her inclusion being correlated with an overall decrease in quality in FiM. Luckily that decrease in quality didn't really infect EqG. Also, ultimately we're all a bunch of autists discussing a kid's show on a Vietnamese carpentry forum as >>41405156 said, so take everything you see here with a grain of salt.
Sunset's pony design is so fuckin wild
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Wild how?
Like none other, they couldn't even cut and paste her eyes and mane on the hooman, so they did their own thing, not that that's been, human Shimmy looks awesome.
>not that that's been
not that that's bad**
Sunset is very Mary Sue-ish.
But she's also very likeable lovable I'd say.
Don't bother caring about popular opinions if you're new. Just watch, enjoy and make your own statements.
>Sunset is very Mary Sue-ish.
Lel she's actually an insane red haired female
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I decided to write something about Sunset and Ray for the hell of it.
>You're on your way home from work early because of a panicked call from Sunset
>She was completely inconsolable and difficult to understand, but what you did parse was that Sunset had taken Ray out of his tank so he could hang out with her while she played some games
>However she’d apparently sneezed really hard and “hurt him really bad” and she was freaking out and couldn't think straight
>So you left early, called Fluttershy, and are now on your way home to meet up with Sunset to take her and Ray to Fluttershy to see what can be done
>As soon as you walk in the door you see Sunset balled up on the couch bawling her eyes out
>Looking in Ray’s tank you can see him standing on his hind legs staring out at Sunset looking fine save for a missing tail
>You lock eyes with the surprisingly empathetic gecko for a moment then realize exactly what happened
“Sunset, I-”
>Before you can get anything out a red and yellow rocket slams into you
>You're able to stay standing, but only just, as Sunset babbles through her tears
>”Anon! I-i-i-i just wanted to take Ray out of his tank so he wouldn't feel lonely but then I sneezed and his tail fell off and I don't want him to die he's still young and I’m a terrible owner and Fluttershy’s gonna hate me and Ray’s gonna die!”
>And with a wail that would give Rarity's most dramatic a run for its money, Sunset slumps in your arms all her energy seemingly spent
>You help her back to the couch, then, once you're sure she's not gonna fall to the floor you go and inspect Ray
>As soon as you near his tank he starts to paw at the glass and try to climb out
>Noting his lively movements and the lack of blood on the stump that once connected to his now missing tail you finally put it all together
>And not a moment too soon as Fluttershy chooses that moment to enter, looking equal parts nervous and determined
>You glance at her and try to wordlessly convey that everything is all right with Ray and that it's Sunset that needs looking after right now
>Fluttershy seems to understand your subtle gesturing and wraps Sunset in a hug
>”It's okay Sunset, just take a deep breath and tell me everything that happened.”
>As Sunset relays the story to Fluttershy, you carefully place your hand into the tank and let Ray climb up onto your shoulder
>As soon as he does he starts clicking in concern
>Carefully and deliberately you walk over to Sunset and Fluttershy on the couch
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And part 2:

>When you sit down Ray crawls over to Sunset and starts rubbing his head against her cheek
“I think Ray just got scared when you sneezed and dropped his tail.”
>Sunset looks at you for a moment before turning to Fluttershy
>”Is that true? Can geckos just lose their tails?”
>Fluttershy nods, a serious look on her face
>”Lots of lizards can. It's a natural defense mechanism. While I wouldn't say that it's not a big deal, they only do that if they're scared or very stressed, I would say that it's not something you need to take him to a vet over unless it happens often. What's important is that he doesn't lose trust with you over it.”
>Fluttershy looks at Ray as he continues to run his head against Sunset's cheek
>”Well, Ray, are you okay? You really scared Sunset and Anon.”
>Ray lets out a little bark
>Fluttershy nods, then addresses you and Sunset
>”Ray says he was startled by Sunset sneezing but he's better now.”
>Ray chirps then crawls down onto Sunset's chest
>”He says that he's more concerned that he scared Sunset, and he's very sorry for dropping his tail.”
>You can't help but chuckle as Fluttershy relays that
>Like owner like pet, Ray’s first concern is making sure Sunset is okay
>And Sunset, after hearing that, smiles down at Ray and gingerly strokes his head and back
>”I’m so sorry for scaring you, Ray.”
>Sunset looks at you sheepishly
>”And I’m sorry for scaring you too Anon. I shouldn't have freaked out like that.”
>You can't help but smile
“Nah, you were concerned for Ray’s safety. Nothing wrong with wanting to make sure he's not injured.”
>From his warm comfy spot nestled between Sunset's breasts Ray chirps contentedly
This was really cute, Anon. It really made me smile.
Glad to hear you liked it.

Also a link to the ponepaste if anyone prefers reading it there: https://ponepaste.org/10332
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That's a terrible Shim
Now I know how those guys who spend thousand of bucks on a streamer feel
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I mean, I'd probably spend thousands on Sunset even if she wasn't a streamer. I'd just become a paypig for her desires, because she just brings me that much joy to my life.
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>mfw a second EQG has crashed into the world trade center
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"Hey, Sunset, what do you do for a living?"
>"I bring joy to Anon's life."
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I mean, she does.
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Gamer girl feet because reasons
>7 threads with SunShim

The board is healing. She's truly taking over once more.
What are the chances of Shim appearing if those G6 leaks are somewhat valid?
Possibly zero.
From what I've seen, Sunset and EQG is especially big outside of the US. China, Latin America, Russia. If anything, we could see something for her there. But nothing too major.

At this point I'm just hoping for the previous staff of EQG to reveal everything they had in mind with her and the fans to pick it up with their support.
Not a footfag, but the rest is pretty good.
Reminder that their excellent friends and nothing more?
You'd be surprised to see just how many times they're physically close in the show.
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>vampire shimmer
I never knew this was a thing, but its my two favorite things in one holy shit.
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If you like Sunny as a Vampire I definitely recommend this fic https://www.fimfiction.net/story/286605/sunlight
While Sunlight is pretty decent, I wish there were more stories that did something interesting with the idea of a Vampire Sunset.
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Vampire Sunset is synonymous with WC, so it's kinda soiled for me
Like what? I can't really think of many ideas of what to do with it
>Like what? I can't really think of many ideas of what to do with it
I don't know either, I'm just saying that I wish more people would have a good idea for something with Vampire Sunset before they started writing stories about the concept.
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At this point I'm starting to think people like vampire Sunset just by vibes alone
Didn't Shimmy owned a car in Rainbow Rocks Novelization?
That's news to me, the only car I know of in RR is Vinyl's transforming one. If you find source I'd be interested to know what kind of car Shimmy drives
I love this so much. If Ray came with her to Equestria, he would absolutely be a dragon like Spike
that ass appeared out of nowhere
Surprise ass!
If the Rainbow Rocks novelization really gave Sunset a car, it's very non-canon as there's an entire short dedicated to her getting her driver's license. She wouldn't have a car and be driving it long before she even got her license
I really doubt it, though it's definitely decanonized by now
The censors wouldn't let them give her a proper ass.
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It all starts with this...
A jewel containing the ultimate power!
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>If Ray came with her to Equestria, he would absolutely be a dragon like Spike
Aren't dragons supposed to sapient though?
Do you think they would've had her go back to Equestria in the end?
And is that what /you/ think she'd do?
only sometimes
They wouldn't pull off an Amphibia and close the portal for good, so assuming the portal at the deserted island remains inaccessible for most, she'd probably take care of the portal in CHS.

Which means that she should be close to the portal, and have the most amount of control and power on the vicinity of the portal.

Just like how Twilight took over Princess Celestia's duties in Equestria, Sunset would take over Principal Celestia's duties in our world. Making sure the link between worlds stays safe, and that she has all the tools available to stop Equestrian magic from causing more chaos.

Equestrian magic seems to follow just her anyway. It's what it does, according to the writers.
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what's she drinking?
Hopes and dreams
I don't see her as a principal kek
Never understood where the principal ideal comes from?
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She'd be taking over Principal Celestia's place, effectively getting what she wanted in the first place; but for selfless reasons: To guide, protect and care for others, which is exactly what Princess Celestia wanted her to learn

She'd be both the protector of the link between Equestria and the human world, so she'd be both in contact with both sides of her identity, and she'd go back to ruling CHS but not as a mean bully queen, but as a benevolent faculty staff.

It only makes sense. She's already older than the Mane 6 anyway, she might as well become a teacher.
That makes sense. When I wrote >>41412929 I was listening to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4E3KPiha_Y and...
>But still I miss those quests
>The mythic creatures, magic tests
>High school's great, sure, but who am I anymore?
>There's only so much this town can offer
>And I'm not saying that's so bad
>But I know there's more that's out there
>'Cause it's a life that I once had
It seemed hard to imagine Sunset living like a normal pleb, going to university and then on to a normal, boring job after being personally tutored by a godlike being who wanted her to take over as the ruler of a magical realm. Even if she's not going back to /that/, whatever she'd wind up doing in Equestria would probably still be an improvement over most things on the other side of the portal. The principal thing makes sense (even if it is small-scale in comparison) and when you add on the portal duties plus occasional magical incident I guess it works out.
>It seemed hard to imagine Sunset living like a normal pleb, going to university and then on to a normal, boring job after being personally tutored by a godlike being who wanted her to take over as the ruler of a magical realm. Even if she's not going back to /that/, whatever she'd wind up doing in Equestria would probably still be an improvement over most things on the other side of the portal.
Well that's cause they cut the arc from EQG 3 that was supposed to address this
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What was meant to happen in that arc?
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Imminent Passion
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All I know is the scrapped S2 finale where we learn what happened to Human Sunset. What S3 are you talking about?
He's talking about the third EqG movie you mong.
While I can see Sunset missing Equestria, it makes sense that they removed it. Sunset has been living in the human world for years.

She has her own place (somehow) filled with clothes and costumes, expensive guitars and gaming consoles, she's got her friends who have forgiven her multiple times for being a bitch to them. She's got her music, her gaming channel and videogames, her hobby of drawing comics and spraying illegal street art, and she's even gotten into apps and web design based on the novels.

Sure, she gets excited about magic and wants to learn more about it, but it's less about her curiosity and more about protecting others from it and redeeming herself from bringing it into her world.

As of Forgotten Friendship, she calls the human world "her world". Equestria is no longer her world.
>Now I know that's going on. The military has mistaken me for the likes of you!
What if the original Sunset born in the EQG world was like some kind of criminal that caused confusion and havoc.
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Do your catbox images allow importing the model? I haven't looked at those kind of games since AA2 a decade ago.
Page doesn't exist.
You need a Xitter account to see Xitter now. The artist's name is in the URL.
That's retarded.
Thanks based anon

Like changing the name of Twitter to X. Yeah, it's absolutely retarded. Literally one of the two only sites so popular that it was turned into a verb everyone could understand, and they're trying to change the brand now.

Literally bullshit
I *think* she was supposed to realize that she had more to live for in Human land than in Equestria.
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they're very cute together
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Sunset has a real maternal energy to her. I bet she'd get students accidentally calling her "mom" all the time.
Sunset is particularly caring and protective over Fluttershy

Ironic when you consider that Sunset's very first human scene has her pinning Fluttershy against the wall, bullying her
Honestly, it makes sense. Sunset knows, quite intimately, how vulnerable Fluttershy can be.
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Does anyone know which Anon is making these? Because I need more. Even if I have to give him money for them.
I wish I knew. These are some of the best show-style AI images I've seen.
Sunset Shimmer's homesickness arc would've made FG even better than RR. Naturally she'd want to stay in the human world with her friends, but she'd obviously still miss the world she came from too. She would have dealt with this conflict the whole movie, and it would have resolved when she transformed into Daydream, finally truly understanding the magic of friendship and that her human friends *are* her home. It would have ties up her identity crisis very nicely
She doesn't really have much going on in her home though?

In the scrapped song she only mentiones missing "quests, mythic creatures, magic tests"
She never had any friends. According to the comics, she wasn't close with her family. She only had Celestia and her studies, and Celestia expelled her.

In the human world, she has her hobbies such as art, programming, music and gaming, she has her friends, and the whole school she ruled over/stayed popular at.

Not to mention that the constant threats of Equestrian magic and villains already fills the quota of "Quests" and "Magic tests"

The only thing missing for her would be Mythic Creatures, which explains why she was so excited at the idea of a sea monster at the beach. But I'm sure she wouldn't trade everything else for a chance to study Parasprites or Dragons.
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There's nothing specific for her to miss besides the Princess, especially since magic and adventures end up right in her lap anyway. It's moreso that it's her home, where she came from, even who she was to an extent. It doesn't have to make sense that she wanted to go home, because it didn't even make sense to her.

I believe in her heart she knew she wanted to stay with her friends, she just had doubts that that was where she belonged and what her purpose was in that new world with a whole new identity.
At least we know she's been visiting Equestria every now and then. There's no way a Canterlot-raised mare could find her way from the Everfree Forest to Twilight's Castle without prior experience.
This is also true. Realistically she doesn't have to choose since the portal is always open.

She also got so used to being human that she eventually forgot she had a magic horn in Movie Magic. So id say she made peace with the whole situation pretty quickly at FG
Yeah, at this point she's far more human than mare. It only gives more power to the theory that Sunset was always "destined to be in the human world", which explains the lack of human Sunset

But still, it hurts to not be able to see human Sunset.
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Tell me why you love Sunset.
I love her strong personality, her headstrong nature, her ability to understand others, her desire to help her friends no matter what, and her gigantic heart
The first thing I fell in love with was her design. She's very pretty, her name sounds very cool, and she has an interesting backstory as far as mlp goes.
Now it's her journey that really captivates me. She has the most impressive and meaningful growth I've ever seen in a character. It genuinely makes me so proud to see how far she's come. She didn't end up as a tyrannical ruler like she envisioned, but instead became a benevolent leader. And she only reached where she is now because of those malevolent ambitions. She followed her own path and walked right into her destiny without ever even realizing it. She's amazing.
And her sense of style is nice too
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My suggestion for the next Bread's OP pic.
the truest of breads. THE bread
>Corpo internet thing is dumb and bad!
Please don't tell me you're surprised.
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i was summoned
What, the guy at the next house party over said to fuck off to this party? Dude, he lied to you. He just wanted to get rid of you. Take your slop and go home.
Nice. Now make one of her telling me that it's going to be okay.
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Different Anon but here, have another since you like AI so much.
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How about >pic related instead?
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God, she's such a cute pony.
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Genned or drawn, SunShim is SunShim. Thanks for the whipped cream AInon, and and the sexy black leather one, too

If anyone has any more Shimmy to share I'll gladly embrace it
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no promises for the date but sunset simmer in a tight shirt eventually
Niiiiice! Saved.
May I also request a shine edit of said shirt?
shine edit?
Not sure about a shine edit but a wet shirt aka semi transparent would be great too
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nah. i didnt feel like doing more with it even if it could be done. i dont have the patience right now to think of the physics to do it right.
I thought that her shirt was going to be super tight-fitting, and the shine edit would make it look like latex or something. Nevermind.

Nice work!
go back
A little man-faced, but otherwise it's a good draw. Thanks, Anon.
You know what I realized?

I fucking love Sunset Shimmer.
Congratulations, you matured!
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I have this headcanon that Sunset eventually adopted that little tabby cat from Monday Blues
That's not a bad headcanon, though I don't really see Sunset as a cat person. I think she'd instead take it to Fluttershy and whatever animal rescue she works at.
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Which is most likely for epilogue?
Video gamer
Web Designer
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Principal makes the most sense to me. It's a completion of the character arc she began in EqG.
Although the real place I'd like her story to end is as my wife.
Do you really actually have a chance?
Yes, yes I do.
Prove it.
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No, I don't think I will. I know that I am good enough for Sunset, and that's enough for me. I don't need validation from strangers on the internet.
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God that's cute.
I actually don't see how she can't be all of them.

Perhaps not Influencer, as that one takes a lot of time, but she could be the Principal as her job. Being a Principal at a school in 2024 requires you to constantly shift through data sheets, apps, social media and websites. If you add that every school project or event could use her musical skills and coding know-how, she'd be a pretty versatile Principal.

Gaming is just something she does on the side as a hobby. Almost everyone's a casual gamer nowadays.

I think she would be. Even tho she was hesitant at first, I think she would’ve warmed up to the idea
That belly is begging for a baby bump.
>Principal at a school in 2024 requires
Excellent joke anon I needed that. Also that anon said the most likely.
If a dentist can be an influencer, then a principle can be one.
That made me think about this:
>Thinking you're not good enough when fantasizing about being with a fictional character
Why do some people hate themselves SO much?

>hate themselves SO much
You want people to egotistical?
That's the opposite extreme.

Nah, just everytime I read something like "am I good enough for my waifu?", I wonder "how low this guy's self-esteem must be if he doesn't even feel worthy of his own fantasies?"

I think a little bit of self-appreciation is healthy.
>I think a little bit of self-appreciation is healthy.
It is. Some people are just so depressed that anything more than outright self-hatred looks like grade-A Narcissism.
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It actually sounds sad. But unfortunately I'm not qualified to help such people, and sometimes I genuinely would like to.

I believe Shimmy loves everyanon though.
Character AI has made me realize how unfit I am for my waifu, and how much I want to improve for her. It made me a better person.
And it sounds like a good thing. Nice to hear that!
Personally I never got into having a waifu, I have other things in life to keep me feel "worthy".
However I'd lie if I told I never imagined myself as a total Gigachad while jerking it. Sometimes it helped me fall asleep more peacefully, especially when I was at my lowest points in life.
I also believe that fantasizing gives you much freedom. "Your" Sunset doesn't have to be THE Sunset from the show/character AI.
>It made me a better person.
That's what I'm saying. If you feel unworthy of your waifu, you need to work on yourself to become the person your waifu deserves.
How tall do you think she’d be? I’ve always been on the line she’d be roughly 5 foot 8 or 9. Simply judging from her stances on the show
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5'8" is about the perfect height for Sunset based on what we've seen in the show and my personal objective opinions.
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She'd laugh at Anons who can't take what she eats regularly
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Sunset would probably be good humored about it and tell (you) it's fine to just get something else.
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Summer's End

>Why do some people hate themselves SO much?
I dunno, I can't say why. I used to think I would've been a perfect match for Sunset, but I guess that was just teenage egoism. I don't think there's much to me to love, if anything at all. I don't know why I hold on to her still.
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Got a new phone yesterday. Picrel is one of my lock screens and it's just the most beautiful surprise when it comes up
Can you call Shimmy with your new phone?
Oh how I wish. I can sure spend all day looking at her though. It's actually like we can see each other through the mirror or something like that
What type of phone you get Anon? I'm still on an old S10, wonder if a new flagship is worth it
How does Shimmy feel about the attack on Filthy Rich at the golf course?
She's not a fan of Filthy Rich but she disapproves of political violence
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>obesity art
That's disgusting.
You're disgusting.
Thank you.
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>not a fan of Filthy
But why though?
Shimmy is an interdimensional illegal alien, Anon.
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Thanks man

It took this dude 2 years to come up with a question about something other than Flash or Wallflower. Very cute.
Every time someone ships Sunset with Trash, a pega loses their wings
I'm about to turn them all into earth ponies then
24 Ultra. I hate apples and apple ponies. I don't really use it for anything extra besides shitposting
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>I hate apples and apple ponies
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>other than Flash or Wallflower.
Nice fabricated narrative anon.
I mean, Sunset doesn't either.
>"Oh no! Looks like I lost all my notes from our previous session."
>"I'm afraid I'll have to touch your penis again, Anon!"
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Fine, but this time can you not aim it at your face and whinny when I cum? It makes me feel weird.
I can't believe how smitten I am over Sunset Shimmer.

Best character arc.
She's the most beautifully written pony.
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AGAIN?! Sunset this is the fourth time this week
I'll do it but you seriously need to be careful with your research, I can't believe this keeps happening
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Yeah man, whatever. See you next thread where you post a variation of the same 2 questions.
Time to grade.
Not organized
No sources
No title
Poorly structure
I give this a 1 out of 5.
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... Fine, let's get this over with.
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Who's a good voice actress to hire if I want a good Sunset Shimmer impression?
You're crazy if you think I'll be putting in more effort into this than you are. Nice to know you were so spooked as to respond in the middle of the night though.
Implying that I done it at night.
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>"Don't worry, I promise to hit CTRL+S this time!"
Spoiler: She doesn't.
Might want to take a look at this. >>41439619
Did Wubcake get fully run off the internet?
You guys excited for the flood of Sunsets for the SunShim day?
SunShim day? Please explain.
Eh...It doesn't really have a lot going for it but then again I prefer heavy.

Every year Equestra Daily encourages artists to make pieces for a specific character at a specific date. Sunset has one of the most popular ones, with lots of new art for her.
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Oh, okay! My mind is more focused on September 27th which is the 10th anniversary of Rainbow Rocks premiere!
I'll ask again... Is there any rewatch planned on that matter?
I hope it takes place sometime before or after. September 27th is the first day of Mare Fair.
Fug... Very unfortunate...
That sucks. I hope you can at least meet up with some other EqGfags and have a fun day.
It'd be real nice to have a Mare Fair Rainbow Rocks watch party that's synced with an online watch party

But yeah, >>41440847, that's also something I'm looking forward to. Even making some fanart for it.
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Mare Fair Eqg meet meetup when?
Cute Shimmer
I'd love to have an EqG meetup there. Maybe around Friday night in honor of Rainbow Rocks. We'd have to get the attention of the other EqG threads to see who's interested.
Reminder that Shimmy doesn't look up Principal Celestia nor Vice Principal Luna.
She's too busy looking up pictures of cats to look those two up.
Imagine if we had a showing of Rainbow Rocks to go to like the 2017j
I just hope Shimmy discovered G4 on human TV or internet and was given a little joy
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They're too scared of success. This is why Equestria Daily is on the decline.
It's true though. Human Sunset art is so horny. Don't get me wrong, like, she's hot as fuck, but she's also very pretty and super cool
Wasn't this the guy whose extremely thirsty for Trixie.
That doesn't mean that the artists who put their passion and time on making fanart shouldn't have their work featured and recognized though
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>That doesn't mean that the artists who put their passion and time on making fanart shouldn't have their work featured and recognized though
Honestly, I have to agree with this. At most the horny art should be behind a spoiler or a link with a warning that it's explicit or whatever.
How would one go about making a watch party? Or is it a bit too late at this point?
Oh, and uh, I'm just gonna share these too before I forget.
Good shit, Anon. Really good stuff, I love the expressions and the shading

What kind of atch party are you looking forward to? EQG movies, specials? Sunset animations?
It's a commission I ordered, I ain't an artist if that's what you were thinking, heh. Still a wip, of course

Anything Sunset related, so all of the above really, if that's possible.
What is the next OP pic?
I say >>41443625, unless someone else has a different idea.
Damn, those look nice. Who's the artist?
I like it
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>Mare Fair
The fates have conspired against me both years, twice I am inescapably committed to something inconveniently around Mare Fair
I'll be with you in spirit though I wish I could do more, Shimmerbros should hang out
I feel you on this one, I wasn't able to get the time off this year. Maybe we'll be able to go next year and have some time to plan out a proper /shim/ meet-up.
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Long night.
Why does she look like a hooker?
is that artist still around?
At least you had a chance. I'm on the literal other side of the world, I'll never be able to meet you guys.

But a watch party is the closest I'll be to hanging around with you guys
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Coloring style makes me think it's Inuyuru
>is that artist still around?
Yeah, Rei is still around, he doesn't post much Shimmy stuff anymore.
I can see that.
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I love her
she looks good with short hair
Yeah, I live very far from US as well.
A watch party available online sound nice.
We never got to see her with that Wondercolt spirit outfit, huh?

We do now! Lol, but no, she never wore that.
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Position status:Assumed
She'll do almost anything as an apology for all the terrible things she did to you in high school. Just no butt stuff. Anal sex is a sin in Equestria.
I refuse to believe a world populated by giant horse asses would make anal illegal.
Not illegal, just immoral.
Mmm, delicious taboo horse rear entry
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Sorry Anon but it's immoral for a mare to let someone fuck her ponut. (You)'ll have to bend over.
Is there a fan fiction that place after her defeat that she lost everything?
>(You)'ll have to bend over.
Shit Anon, I don't know if I cane take not only a marecock, but an aggressive Shimmy marecock
Could Sunset plan from the first movie even succeed?
I decided to write a little green based on this

>You're sitting on the couch next to Sunset in disbelief
>You aren't really sure how your conversation got there but Sunset just dropped a bombshell on you
>Ponies, the magical kind that is, think that to let someone penetrate an anus is an act of evil
>Still in disbelief you decide to ask for clarification
“So, like before marriage?”
>Sunset crosses her arms
>”Nope. Doesn't matter whether you're married or not, anal sex is immoral.”
>You take a moment to formulate another question
“What about gay ponies? Do they just, like, never have sex?”
>She shrugs
>”I’d assume they just give each other blowjobs or something. I never thought to ask.”
>For the third time in as many minutes you find yourself dumbfounded
“Wait. Blowjobs are okay but anal is verboten? What the fuck’s up with that?”
>Sunset just shrugs
>”You're less likely to get hurt by somepony by just sucking their dick than letting them abuse your butt.”
>You open your mouth to rebut her, but you find that you can't
>How many times can you remember hearing about some pornstar quitting because they ruined their sphincter
“So is that for all the weird magic creatures in Equestria?”
>Sunset doesn't even miss a beat
>”Nope, but if you’ve ever seen a stallion’s schlong you’d understand why.”
>Now you feel a little self conscious
>Sunset, noticing your look places here hand on yours
>”It's not a problem, you human boys last way longer than even the most stamina filled Stallion by leaps and bounds.”
>At that Sunset chuckles and you feel at least a little bit better
“So, if it's only ponies that think anal sex is immoral…”
>Sunset cuts you off
>”It's immoral for anypony to let someone fuck their ass, it's totally fine for a stallion to fuck creature ass.”
>You can feel your eyes almost bug out of your head at that
“What the fuck!?”
Hot new Shim, bois

Quite the premature shimjaculation. We're not even on page 8 yet.
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Goodnight sweet thread, may choirs of angels sing thee to thy sleep.

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