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Well, Anon?
Sorry you're already married to cheese sandwich and I'm not a home wrecker.
He's married to discord actually
What? Fluttershy's married to Discord.
no I am, he's carrying our beautiful foal
Different type of Love as you can't no longer carry my foal, obviously.
No you're thinking of cheese sandwich
Aw cmon ponker, what kinda monster do ya take me for? That pink pecker's not so bad! I mean, for a stallion it's not, uh, unwieldy for you, right? Four inches? Hell, prison pocket or pickle pecker, I'm happy to accommodate your needs. Just say the word and I can take care of ya.
forgive me father i have sinned
Depends. Are they aware they are a parody/fourth wall breaking like Pinkie? If not, absolutely.
Ponka is Ponka
Only if she still has the voice.
Like, Al's voice? Or would basically-r63-Ponka-but-brown just sound like Pinkie?
The former, you might as well fuck Pinkie otherwise.
A stallion is fine too.
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Pinkie's just as cute as a stallion.
Pink stallions fuck the hardest
I was going to say AJ would but desu r63 AJ is just orange Big Mac so he's kind of the worst one(not that I dislike big mac he's great)
Like a party cannon.
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Can't say no to this face.
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out of all the r63 stallions, I probably love his mane the most, it's the perfect complement to pinkie's
>"...You do still love me, right Anon?"
"Oh my God. You are hot. Oh shi-!"
>You didn't mean to say that aloud.
>Pinkie Dude hugs you and cries tears of joy.
>"Do you really think so? I still attract you?"
>Pinkie Dude's erection bobs with each movement, likely because sh-he is easily excitable.
>"I wonder what his cock tastes like," comes the intrusive thought.
>You're in too deep to back out now.
>"Thank you, 'Nonners." He sighs in relief. "I wasn't sure how'd you take it after that magical mishap, but I obviously had nothing to worry about!"
>"You are the best coltfriend anypony could ask for."
>Pinkie Dude looks up at your face sheepishly.
>"Since you've taken this so well, could you do me a favor, Anon? I am really hard right now. Ever since the buck-up, in fact. Can you help your bro out?"
>Your body responds before you
"Well, Pinkie Pie. It's going to take me some time-"
>You were already on your knees.
>Damn body betrayed your higher faculties.
"-a second to get comfortable to getting dicked."
>Pinkie Dude rears up onto your shoulders.
>His bubblegum cock twitches in your face and dribbles precum like a leaky faucet.
>Eager, Pinkie's thrusts forwards before you are ready.
"Ow! What the fuck Pinkie? You're going to shoot my goddamn eye out with that thing."
>Pinkie grumbles. "Open up, you slut. Let me in!"
>He cannot control himself now. He's too horny.
>Your mind tries to process the unfamiliar assertiveness.
>Your mouth reflexively opens to admit Pinkie's thick cock.
>Pinkie inexpertly face-fucks you.
"Glug glug glug glug glug glug bur."
>"Oh Celestia this feels so good. I am bucking your face pussy Anon and it feels amazing!"
>Your eyes water and you threaten to choke from the brutality.
>Pinkie Dude's musk fills your nose and his log is tangy.
>"Am I getting hard from this?" You think.
>Your own body betrays you again. Your little solder had pitched a tent in your pants.
>"O-oh. I think I am going to come, 'Nonners. I am going to come inside your mouth, slut!"
>Pinkie thrusts faster. His sac slaps against your chin and his candy-colored cock threatens to suffocate you.
>You put up a weak resistance to get a fresh breath of air.
>Pinkie finally busts his nut with a girlish moan.
>The tip flaring at the back of your throat nearly chokes you out right there.
>Weak and abused, you passively swallow Pinkie Dude's hot semen.
>"That's it, Anon. Take it all. Take my liquid love."
>Finished, Pinkie pulls out of your mouth and gets on all fours.
>You hack and cough. You grasp your sore throat.
"What the fuck was that, Pinkie? I nearly fucking died."
>"P'shaw. You took that cock like a champ. You didn't even puke. I cannot wait to blaze a trail in your ass when I get horny again. La-la-la-la-la."
>Pinkie prances downstairs, likely back to his job.
>You are left stunned.
"What? No aftercare? Fucking insensitive bastard."
>"Oh my God. I sound like a woman already."
>The End
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>do not repost
a neon pink horse penis might make me lose it
I would be sucking his cock faster than he can finish that sentence
A R63 Pinkie would easily make a muscular stallion build adorable.
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>implying I wouldn't become turbo bottom for male Pinkie
With the help of AI I have been generating tons of male Pinkie Pie, or Bubble Berry, and having massively good faps to it
I demand thee to share with the class
Oh hell no. That's gay.
>shoulders = anthro
Go back to preschool.
I yearn for your collection, anon
oh dont worry, I'm well aware of this image (and its counterpart)
Imagine being a mare and being dicked by R63 Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy.
Why don't you get your gender reassignment surgery already?
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Nah, this one looks too fruity. I like my Bubble Berry to look like a bro.
Imagine having your winking pussy penetrated by that pink, bubbly pony cock. Think of his thighs slapping against your curvy ass with each thrust. Ponder the sensation of him ejaculating into your hungry womb and fertilizing your eggs. Consider the foal developing inside you over the next 11 months. Imagine sucking him off, because you are pregnant but you still want to pleasure your stud.
He's alright, I'd still let him it on my face.
>not having him cum into your womb through the entire pregnancy
You don't want your baby to starve, do you?
>both cutie marks visible
wide load
Mommy swallows the cummies and gives the nutrients to the foal.
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But when I feed my foal cummies AFTER it's born, everyone freaks out.
Don't worry anon, I don't do anthro

The best fo them. I haven't upscaled or polished any of these yet
He is cute. 10/10 would suck his flare
Hot. Make some Dashie/blitz pls, and some Rarity/elusive
I think I did so in the past but I've been playing around with Loras and other extra addons, so it might not look as good as these
I'd get some more but I won't be home for couple of days so won't get to gen much
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He's a bro alright
These look awful nvm
His frame is way too masculine to be fruity though. If if it were not for the color, the look would send peak stallion vibes.
incredibly nice! a little too hyper for my taste, but I love some of the smug looks he's giving you in some of them
I am not much fan of hyper but I do like large and thick cocks and large balls that would slap hard against me
We all do have different tastes
So yeah
Of curse pinkie
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>ywn make cupcakes with BB
I'm starting to understand those crazy chicks that obsess over serial killers.
Can I get a sauce on that please
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Muh dic
Much appreciated anon
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Maybe you can't make them with him, but now you can feed him cupcakes.
More than ever
How do you do those little head icons btw
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here comes the aeroplane
Oh shit lol thanks, I use 4chanX and oneechan probably have some css that managed to hide that. Thanks anon
Is that meant to be suggestive?
I completely agree with you on that, but yeah just a biiit too big for me. still great work though
holy god he looks so adorable.. must... pet...
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Magin Buu.....!
You've been eating ponies...
Spit those ponies out...
You are not fooling anyone.
You Fat Piece of Gum.
that's why he looks too fruity, I'm not quite gay enough to appreciate that style
the thing that i love about this pic is just how fuckhugingly long Bubble Berry is compared to the other 5. if anything, his ass is further away than usual stsnding posture with his back being slightly arched, and yet he's still the only one whose dick manages to peek out between his forelegs. cartoonishly silly stallion gets the cartoonishly huge dick, i guess
I just wanna know what poison joke does to hi {redacted}
how is that bait, its just a joke
I wanna ruffle his mane.
God, he looks so hot here.
Reading this whole thread with a pulsating hard cock
Am I gay?
Yes, there is no way back now anon
Most likely, at least for stallions
It took me a couple of years of coping but I've accepted I'm bi for stallions.
pics or it didn't happen.
I would be his big spoon and give him a reacharound.
It's not gay when it's a stallion, Anon.
It is. It's just less gay then futa
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no lol that's gay
pinko with a marecock? im in
Why do I hear him in the voice of Scott Bakula?
Do you think he tastes like cotton candy? Or perhaps strawberry icing?
might be the weirdest leap he's made
I have no fucking clue.
Yeah, definitely. This thread isn't that hot, so you must be really into stallions for the sake of stallions.
Depends. Were you bitten by a large spider recently?
The only downside is that there won't be any foals. That's bugging me.
this I can see being a legitimate concern, and I'm kind of stumped to think of what to do on this end.
I don't care personally because I think getting a female pregnant is one of the absolute most horrifying things ever considering its consequences, but for someone who desires a family, it's much different.
Magic MPreg?
That has icky connotations.
Honestly at that point you might as well just go with herms
Gladly. But for (You) or him?
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If that's bait, it's a poor one.
it's a joker meme, you literal neanderthal
>Page 10
That's no bait though.
>r63 AJ is just orange Big Mac
More like straight Braeburn (for a couple of ciders, anyway)
I always imagined him being Brae with different colors.
>Drunk AJ
Now that would be a thing to see.
>(You) and your waifubando knocking each other up
Not the weirdest thing I've fapped to.
That's not gay though. It's simply good taste.
Just like mares.
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We had an early season episode that was effectively this.
I suppose so, yeah
Would does Dash cringe?
She noticed the built-in karaoke to all of Bubble Berry's musical interludes.
>call the shots
I see what you did there.
I'm fine with that. I'm not doing anal though.
>not wanting you or your husbando to experience a prostate orgasm
found the weakass pussy
Anal is disgusting. That's where the shit comes out.
The secret is to try and do it when the shit is not coming out.
oh it's just one of you guys again
nta but nobody has ever been able to explain the logistics of anal sex to me in a way that makes it clear. What do you do if you want to fuck but there's poop in the butt? Does one fag go take a shit while the other waits, or do they awkwardly make their excuses and do something else instead?
The body digests food slowly one bit at a time, so poop is almost always showing up in the rectum at a steady rate. Are you supposed to fast or drink liquids only prior to a long fucking session?
From using anal toys, I think the only time my shit hole is clear for use is within 2 hours of having an enema, and even then the gut can throw a sudden tantrum if you get sick or something.
And it's not like people sanitize the interior of their butts, so anything involving the mouth will lead to eating poop germs.
What happens if fags decide to fuck, but they misjudged the turd factor and someone gets shit on their dick? Call a time out? Everyone leaves with blue balls? Use the poop as lube???
Prostate. That's literally it.
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>Are you supposed to fast or drink liquids only prior to a long fucking session?
I think so actually, yes
>And it's not like people sanitize the interior of their butts
using an enema beforehand is part of what helps to get as much of it out as possible, and if done properly, you can clear out a big enough area to where a dick wouldn't come into contact with any of it, since anything being processed is still further up in the large intestine. I've also heard you use some soap and do what you can for yourself while taking a shower in anticipation for a session.
some people swear by using condoms too just in case something happens, which honestly just sounds like sane, good practice. I can't speak on any more details though, as this is my memory from reading stuff probably about 8 or so years ago at this point, and I've never done any of this stuff myself.
Oh boy, the thread is heading in that direction.
well, no one's replying to me, so maybe that's the start and the end of it
That deleted R63 Cheese Sandwich post kind of inspired me to draw something here https://files.catbox.moe/wxdgyt.png
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>cheese filling
This is giving me all the weird feelings.
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>I've never done any of this stuff myself
Would you like to?
Condoms are a thing fags need to learn how to use more.

also imagine using anal toys
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maybe 5 or so years ago, but I dunno, not really anymore.
to go too tmi into it, whenever I tried to do buttstuff on my own, I would just get a lot of searing, sandpaper-like pain back there, and none of it would be pleasurable. it always happened, so eventually I just gave up and decided maybe it just isn't for me. it sucks, but what can I do.
I just wanna kiss and cuddle and make someone else feel good.
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PSA: Do not put soap in your anus.
as long as it has a flared base it's probably fine
well don't squirt up or shove a bar up there you fucking idiot
Yeah, the thread has gone off the deep end.
I need genderbent femboy Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy...
I would suggest a microfiber or other soft towel with a light dash of soap, preferably antibacterial, rubbed into a wet lather. Scrubbing by hand, with an exfoliating rag, or with a soap bar can be a bit too much, like scratching a sensitive area, or using too much detergent in the laundry and feeling your shirt burning your chest.
great stuff, this thread is making me hard as steel.
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Might as well post this stuff I last year for another thread
I'm... not 100% sure what you're suggesting honestly. Doing all that probably won't help my ass from feeling like it was lit on fire when I stick a dilder up there.
oh hey I remember reading the first bit of this back last year, gonna re-read
What does Bubble Berry sound like? I can't think of a male Pinkie Pie equivalent that isn't Cheese Sandwich
Probably close to this, but not as soft and with an occasional voice crack
That would actually fit pretty well.
Eh, I tried. Pardon the crappy mic.
Ah, yeah this fits, thanks.

This also fits suprisingly well. A little more chipper and you could be a great Bubble Berry!
I really REALLY like your voice anon, fits really well with Bubble Berry!
honestly, I think among my favorites are just the show songs but pitched down. you can fuck them up real easily, but sometimes people can get them to just work:
Aww, thanks guys. If we can keep the thread alive though tomorrow, I can give some more lines a go. Any requests or lines you think would be good practice?
Voice >>41386943 plz.
Hehe, ok, one before I head to bed. I'm super exhausted, so probably not maximum effort. I did however try to get closer to the mic to simulate a more intimate setting. Also, again, apologies for the cruddy mic, I'm using my phone as a USB mic until my proper replacement cardioid gets delivered.

Nice, nice.
Is that unsheathing I hear?
Your imagination is the only limit anon...
Nighty night, hopefully the thread is still around tomorrow.
While the effort is commendable, the thread is turning kinda gay because of it.
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As long as he's cool with me only giving handjobs, we're peachy.
Speaking of horse dongs, I wonder if stallions also have morning wood. If so, you'd get poked awake every morning because these things aren't subtle.
Not saying that's a negative, it just crossed my mind.
I'm in love
Not OR but love this, mega based delivery anon
Same bro. That pink stallion is making me feel things I don't know how to deal with...
Are his braps just as deadly as regular Pinkie?
They do
Actually I know it's cliche but...
>What are we gonna do on this bed anon??
Thanks anon! Any requests?

Ha! Just a quick one before heading to work. Tapped the mic to simulate the "pomf"
Cute pic too!
>Only giving handjobs
Come on anon, I'm sure once you feel his warm, smooth shaft pulsate and spasm in your hands as he moans and giggles softly in your ear, you'd get curious as to what that lovely magenta flare would feel like in your mouth (among other places...) Hmmm?
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That's so damn adorable! That little chuckle at the end is the cherry on top!
Thanks! I thought the little chuckle would fit Bubble Berry's character, it just felt right. He's an adorable stallion.
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Bubble Berry a cute, a CUTE!
I need to suck his cock
Oh shit what happened to the thread
aside from some kinky bubble berry voice acting for us, no idea
Bubble Berry should look like a raging homosexual, I don't know what you're talking about. He's the biggest bottom to ever bottom for anon.
I wish the anon x r63 mane 6 harem story didn't die (even though the author said they're still working on it. That was 3 years ago.)
He'd make one hell of a power bottom though wouldn't he...
Oh! Could you post the link to it, please? This is the first time I've heard this.
That he would anon, that he would. The aftercare would be insane!
Ended on a damn cliffhanger too (Also Male flutterbut likes to crossdress and is a femboy)
if he isn't a champion trap, is he really Butterscotch?
If only there were more Top Anon x bottom R63 mane 6 art
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>5 minutes after you learn you've won two tickets to the Gala in some charity lottery, there's a knock on your door
>open and see this
Well, you can invite a friend. Twilight also wanted to invite same-sex friend.
What a debonair gentlecolt!
Anon: "Come back when you're wearing a skirt and makeup!"
Would look kinda disgusting with a square muzzle
He's already a pretty boy, how would a skirt and makeup make him look ugly?
Holy shit nice
Berry Kruger!
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If it means platonic absolutely
I honestly think Bubble Berry would be a pretty cool bro to just hang out with. Maybe hit up a few parties or clubs. Just an overall fun guy.
Oddly an opposite case for me. Pinkie is my favourite pony and a platonic friendship would be grand, but I'm hard gay so being Bubble Berry would improve his chances significantly.
This ^
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The original image was frowning, so I flipped the mouth. Now Bubble's thinking of mischief.
What kinds of mischief?
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What an absolute cutie
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he is so superior to 3DP whamen
That's a very low bar, dude.
same-sex mischief
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I want to get goofy with bubble berry..
Naughty Nonny!
>getting called naughty nonny by bubbles
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I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay
I'm not gay but I'm throbbing steel hard for bubble berry
Holy fucking would!
Holy giant Bubble dong!
>ITT: Anons fawning over a guy doing gay stallion voice lines
Christ. But it's at least better than simping, I guess.
......Isn't that just regular simping?
No. There's no pussy involved.
Thus simping isn't possible.
>Dusk tried to cast a spell to safely let Bubble shoot somepony out of his party cannon
>lost focus mid-cast, targeted the wrong party cannon
>the next step is testing to ensure it worked properly otherwise... if they're still up for it
Everyone in here is gay and retarded
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post Butterscotch
Only for stallions though.
In a gay mane 6 harem, Bubble would be the one I'd impregnate first.
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Shorter mane Bubble is cute too
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lel, cute
Butterdong is almost as good as Berrycock in my book.
Witnessed, if nothing else I guess.
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>smol Butterscotch
I was supposed to go to church, but instead I'm here sinning again...
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>that picture
Look at me now. *fills mouth with whipped cream* YOU LOOK AT ME, WENDELL!
To the anon that wanted the smol Butterscotch getting questioned about his sheath pic voiced.
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i want to fuck genderbent big mac
Thunder thighs! Yeeowza!
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I was about to explain the joke and here you are, acing my test. Truly you're the hippest bubble butt.
Aw, thanks nonny. Butterscotch fitting in with the youths for you.
I'd love to hear you do a full Anon x Bubble audio. Preferably with Anon as the top with Bubble Berry crossdressing (yes and makeup).
Hmm, that could be fun. The closest thing I've done to that so far is >>41411858

Unfortunately, I can't say I'm super creative when it comes to situations or stories. I could surely read out something prewritten however.
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I wanna squeeze his butt
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I want to share cookies and cuddles while I idly keep him hard and peck his neck and cheek
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Before I even knew what the knife game was, I was playing the minigame in....was it Red Dead Redemption 1? Or was it that other western game with the bright yellow cover with the skull or whatever? Used to love playing it for easy money, lel
Kids these days, playing RDR before they've even seen both Alien movies
Hey man I'm 26. And I've seen Alien. I just didn't keep track of youtube trends and shit, I just knew the knife game as a gambler's game.
Heh, I'm 22 and we were playing this game with pens in the middle school.
My main exposure to the knife game comes from... I'm pretty sure Popeye cartoons, but isn't every other stab to the right of the thumb, so you have to change how far you move each jump?
I'll just defile your anus and dump you
i hate to bitch but that bow tie should've been blue and yellow like his cutie mark
Didn't notice that, but agreed.
Low effort mode activate!
Didn't like how the text to speech said "while" so changed it to "bit".
Woah, sophisticated low effort!

Stallion Anon's been keeping busy for anons huh?~
Sorry pinkie, I'm not gay, the pinkie I love is a mare, not an stallion.
You heartless monster.
Ha! Yep! Lunch break effort!
Well keep up the good work, stallion!
(I might have been monitoring the thread and continue to do so)
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So you're saying both, both are good.
Thanks Anon! ^^
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At the same time.
Now you're getting it!
I want to kiss both
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>You'll never get to be in a tongue twisting, saliva dripping, uncontrolled moaning, three-way French kiss of a lifetime with these two cuties...
Is life even worth living?
have hope. deep-dive VR will be our digital valhalla.
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>AI and cybernetic technology has finally reached the mainstream
>Be 65 year old Anon
>Amazonâ„¢ delivery drone hovering above your designated delivery drop off zone at your Exxon Industriesâ„¢ communal housing complex sponsored by Walmartâ„¢
>It lowers down the latest VR headset and haptic body suit
>Two suspiciously pony shaped, but otherwise featureless heads wrapped in transparent cellophane made by Bad Dragon Cybernetics®
>You have finally done it, you've saved all of your Blackrock Financialâ„¢credits to buy the best of the best
>You fold out the cargo basket attached to your walker
>People around you waiting for their orders look upon you in absolute disgust, shielding their children's eyes
>You gently place all of your new goodies into your basket and begin hobbling towards the handicap accessible elevator
>All the while, you have the biggest shit-eating grin on
>Your jagged teeth sparkling through the thick smog like the pearls on Supreme Leader Kamala Harris' ears
>You begin to hum the FiM theme
>You can die in peace now, and this VR experience will be how you go...
need it
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>ywn have your tail pinned on by bubble berry dick
Why live?
bubble berry packing
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Take solace knowing there are others that share your strife anon... You aren't alone.
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Removed agenda
Nicely done!
The schedule for your HRT remains unchanged.
Horse Rubbing Therapy
Thanks anon. As a simple r63, there really is no need to insert trannyism into the image. Saved.
That's hard mode
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Sign me up!
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Enemas right beforehand. Takes like 5-10 minutes, from my experience waiting on bottoms.

As for "misjudged the turd factor," generally everyone leaves with blue balls. Having your dick coated in shit isn't fun.
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just think of it as chocolate icing.
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I ain't going out like my homie Mr. Hands.
Of course we can be buddies, Mr. Pinkie, but you know I don’t wanna fuck some dude, though, right? We’ll still be best friends forever. Now let’s have a party!!!!
Rape party!
He's a little pony.
I need a pinkie husbando
/mlp/ is a gay board
4chan is a gay website
No, this thread is just terribly gay. And not in a good way.
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now that is super
I wish I could draw so I could make cool art like this
I mean, emotional compensation, cuddling compensation, romantic compensation, sexual compensation, whatever. I'd be happy hugging him and feeling his monster-can cock idly and awkwardly pulsing between us.
>wdym, "public indecency"?
>this is my emotional support horsecock
>"He can't possibly be indecent, officer, I'm holding him closely enough that our bodies fully conceal his throbbing boner."
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"I wasn't talking about him Anonymous..." "You can't just rip off your button-together gym pants and yelling "I need my horsecock!" repeatedly while hyperventilating."
I can't believe voiceanon died of monkeypox.
Over bros.
Oh well...at least I got my goon session in while he was around.
Why are boy horses so damn cute bros
I'm here! Just got super busy.
Anon has naughty thoughts...
Anon's solid legal defense.
Why is the R63 name "Bubble Berry"? It doesn't feature a color, and Pinkie's original name had nothing to do with berries. A more appropriate name is a masculine sounding name for a shade of pink +pastry. Carmine Cobbler. Persimmon Pie.
they originated from t his fic I can never remember the name of, and I'll never forgive it for naming Applejack's r63 version... Applejack

those are two good names for r63 Pinkie though, bravo
Both of those options you've presented sound great, I like Persimmon Pie especially. Nicely done anon.
"On a Cross and Arrow" and having male Applejack just be "Applejack" is funny.
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fuchsia fritter?
>Fritter Fuchs
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We're also stuck with "Butterscotch" for Fluttershy despite a similar lack of similarity
at least I can call him Butterbutt or Scotchy
Both of those names make me salivate
Found something old
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Heh, Butterbutt...
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It works especially given my headcanon about Fluttershy/Butterscotch
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>male pinkamena
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>he wouldn't before
What the hell would you even name a male Applejack?
Johnny Appleseed
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I dont doodle stallions that often
Holy fuck, dat ass. I need to get my fork and knife for that cake.
hayburgers will do that to ya
needs elusive creaming on that plot
Damn boy! He THICC!
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poast pretty hoers boys pls
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oh my god he's even cuter than sci-twi pony already is
I'm telling you! It's glasses on stallions! It does things!
applewood ^:)
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Bubble Berry's sugarlump rump
No, your sexuality simply revolves around Ponk, no matter her form.
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You are really dedicated in bringing this to the bump limit aren't you?
This is kinda sad. When a thread is full of just one word it just feels dead. I get if you're out of pictures, but at least talk about something r63 stallion related.
I agree with this. As an anon that was posting in this thread while in its prime, it should probably just be allowed a peaceful death now, or at least have more of a conversation going than simply "bump".

There's also another stallion thread going that I'm sure wouldn't mind some migration of r63 pones from here.
I like the thread too, but if it's out of steam just let it die. The fear of thread death is so unappealing in nu-4ch. And anytime I complain that a thread I initially like is nothing but bumps, even when I make OC or drum up discussion myself, I'm treated like I'm the one that doesn't understand imageboard culture and practices. It's the pot calling the silverware black.
Yep. Again, I'm in agreement. Thread death and generation are part of the core allure of 4ch and image boards as a whole.
>nearly 11% of the thread is useless bumps
>18 out of the last 30 posts
this thread is basically more about bumping than any stallions at this point
Let it fucking die you useless spamming nigger, you're like a boomer's life support overextending the life of a dead thread this way
If this is how you want to do this
Then I will happily usher this thread along
To 500 replies
Because eventually your faggot ass life support bumps
Will fail to hold back
The inevitable decline
Your life's work up to this point
Has amounted to nothing but those
And you know the best part?
They serve absolutely no function.
All that spamming "bump" does
Is pass the time so somebody better comes along to provide value to a thread.
In this case the value already came and went.
In any sane imageboard, when the value of a thread is depleted, you lay the fucker to rest.
But your entire identity is consumption. Letting a thread die is scary to you because you want to feed off it while it's breathing.
You sniveling goddamn leech.

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