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Cozy Glow was canonically never fed once while in her cage.
The magic of Tartarus sustains its inhabitants. Hunger, but with no need to eat. Thirst, but you persist through the agony.
>The magic of Tartarus sustains its inhabitants.
Fuck, those ponies are so cruel.
She has a poop bucket she can eat out of.
She was getting chubby
you again, always you
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I'm gonna be honest: while the treatment of Chrysalis is the most disappointing to me, and the treatment of Cozy is the one that makes me the most viscerally maddest, the Trio member I feel the worst for is actually Tirek.

Dude is shoved into Tartarus for his crimes 1,000 years ago, fair enough. But then over the proceeding 1,000 years, he's so thoroughly forgotten that Celestia doesn't even notice that he's escaped from Tartarus until months after the fact. She learns that Cerberus wandered off from his job of protecting the gates of Tartarus but completely forgets to check on the status of any of the prisoners and make sure that none of them escaped.

Imagine Tirek sitting in Tartarus, with nothing to do but count the days that pass. At some point he realizes that Scorpan has died of old age, because it's been 100 or 200 or something years and gargoyles just don't live that long. So now he can never get closure with Scorpan one way or another. Can't get revenge or make Scorpan see things his way again or even apologize and make things up to Scorpan (not that Tirek probably ever considered that, but still). And he has no one to really talk to about that fact.

He just sits there, alone, forgotten, not visited even to be tortured or tormented. Just abandoned and forgotten. And when he finally makes his escape he realizes he doesn't even have to try especially hard to hide himself, because no one is looking for him, because Celestia has forgotten him that much even though she is fully aware of how dangerous he can be.

But also since no one has tried to help him over 1,000 years, he just goes back to doing what he was doing before, because that's literally all he has left. His brother's dead, his dad and mom are dead, his homeland might even be gone, all that remains are his goals and his enemies.

Tirek was a bad person, but for 1,000 years no one tried to help him become a good one. Of course he's a monster. Anyone in the same circumstance would be exactly the same.
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She was fed a steady supply of shrunken human men off-screen.
How do you know that?
Simply, I use the method of Okkam's razor: You see, why was noone alarmed that Cozy Glow (and Tirek for that matter) weren't in Tartarus anymore (as Discord freed them)? This means there were no guards ever checking on them and hence, there was noone giving them food.
I thought I was the only one who felt that way. Personally, I don't believe that his family is dead, but rather that they have a very long lifespan. But if I were in his place, I'd be so desperate for revenge that I'd rip Celestia's skin off while she was alive and make her swallow it.
>ponies show kindness
>"lol ponies are weaklings."
>ponies fight and punish their enemies
>"omg ponies are so cruel. race war now!"
It's peak Redditor to make the antagonists the victims. They're the victims of their own poor choices. In a world where friendship is a force for good, you are either stubborn or stupid to keep resisting it. The ponies keep trying to redeem these monsters.
1. You are mistaken if you think that there’s an overlap between groups 1 and 2. I never thought the ponies were weak for trying to redeem their enemies. I might have quibbled with the precise details but I never objected to the general principle of redemption.

Second point: what pony ever tried to redeem Tirek? In 1,000 years, who held out a hoof and tried to be kind to him? When was Tirek’s “Keep Calm and Apple On” or whatever?
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Based rare Tirekfag
>no verbally corruptive Grogar
I'm still mad. We could've had Everypony Lives Matter.
Agree, Tirek unironically deserved better. This is something I was thinking of before those last two seasons. I must admit, he has a lot of mental fortitude if he managed to remain reletively sane after 1000 years in a cage. It honestly horrifies me that they would have subjected Cozy to the same fate.
Maybe they got their food teleported every day
It's best not to think about the 1000 years thing too much. Faust didn't either, it was just an epic number she shat out for no reason. McCarthy gave no shits about the lore either and only bastardized it further.
How so? There are only so many highest level unicorns in Equestria. There are like 5 that could theoretically do this
You’re a faggot but I’m REALLY disappointed that he and Chrissy never got fully redeemed. It would’ve been so cool if: Cozy Glow, Tirek and Chrysalis overthrow Grogar, locking him inside his bell —> Cozy Glow betrays the other two, so they go to the Mane 6 to grovel for help to take down Cozy Glow —> Equestria comes together to take down Alicorn Cozy Glow —> Cozy Glow and Grogar get locked together inside a prison cell inside the bell, Tirek and Chrisalis both get properly redeemed

THAT would be a good fucking series cincher. What we got was so unbelievably braindead it literally feels like they had a better idea but purposefully chose to do something else.
There were also other creatures there so I don't think they just leave them starving to death
This, but Cozy gets redeemed too.
Nah, fuck cozy glow
>fuck cozy glow
>the treatment of Chrysalis is the most disappointing to me
Let's run down the motivations of the major villains.

>Luna: I am pissed off that people don't appreciate me, so I will force them to do what I say.
>Discord: I believe I have the right to do whatever I want, whenever I want, to whomever I want, because I find it fun.
>Chrysalis: As Queen of the Changelings, it is up to me to provide food for my subjects, and this justifies anything I do to achieve that.
>Sombra: I want an army of loyal slaves to obey my every command.
>Tirek: I desire unlimited power and have no issue causing harm to others in order to achieve it.
>Starlight Glimmer: Twilight Sparkle and her friends ruined my personal therapy session that existed solely to deal with my pain at the expense of others, therefore I will prevent Twilight from ever making friends.
>Stygian: I was betrayed by my friends, and so I've decided to stop fighting back against darkness and just let it do what it wants.
>Tempest Shadow: I have personally been hurt and feel okay hurting others in order to take the pain away
>Storm King: I want power. UNLIMITED POWER!
>Cozy Glow: I've noticed that Friendship is Magic, and I know that Magic is Power, so therefore I will trick everyone into being my friend and obey me so that I can have all the power.

Notice a disconnect there with Chrysalis? She is literally the only villain who defines herself by her responsibility to others, the only one who is not motivated solely by a selfish desire for power, or a selfish need to inflict pain on others to make up for the pain that they themselves feel. Sure, Chrysalis wants power for herself. She's still a villain. But both her plans as the Changeling Queen revolve around an attempt to allow her people to eat; in "To Where and Back Again" she even specifically states her goal is to feed changelings for generations.

The treatment of Chrysalis is disappointing because she's the villain who had the most potential for redemption, the clearest setup for it, the best justification for her villainy and the most obvious path towards redemption - but for no apparent reason, it's just tossed aside come Season 8.
Alright, that's fair. Usually when I see people saying stuff like that they think Chrysalis was in the right.
I think that Chrysalis was in the right to want to feed her people. And I think that she was making what she perceived to be the best decisions for her people with the information she had (there’s no reason to think she knew about Reformation - “throw up on each other to stop being hungry all the time” is not an intuitive leap of logic).

But I also think she’s arrogant and prideful, so she probably conflated “what’s best for changelings” and “what’s best for me” to some extent. And I also think her arrogance and pride prevented her from seeing alternatives or judging them as being actually good. Like, she’d look at Thorax in the Crystal Empire, and see that he’s, he’s getting love, but she’d see it as getting love by basically bowing and scraping and turning himself into a pet for Cadance. Reducing himself from a proud warrior for the Hive to a mere servant of a pony. Yes, he’s getting fed, but he’s lost his dignity in the process. Or that’s how Chrysalis would perceive it, anyway,m - because positions reversed, that’s how she’d treat a pony who came to her looking for help.

Again, she’s still a villain. But the fact that changelings were just trying to eat and survive, and the fact that Chrysalis’ first words in her own form in the show are her defining her responsibility to her people, means that she was potentially the most morally complex and by far the most interesting villain in MLP, with a built-in redemption arc that for no discernible reason wasn’t followed to conclusion, but instead just derailed into her being an ineffectual wicked witch living in the woods.

And even THAT wasn’t handled as well as it could have been. Why the fuck wasn’t there an episode with Ocellus meeting her in the forest and trying to appeal to her? It’s RIGHT THERE! The story would write itself!
Great rundown of motivations.
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>fuck cozy glow
How does the overlap between the fillyfag and Abdl community look like?
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I really hate to be that guy, but...
>As the leader of Germany, it is up to me to ensure the dominance of my people, and this justifies anything I do to achieve that.
I think you might be jumping the gun with saying that how she presents herself means she's more able to be redeemed.
How did she not starve to death or die of dehydration then, smart guy?
see >>41387473
>but for no apparent reason, it’s just tossed aside come Season 8.
Starlight threw the idiot ball at her, please understand.
Really insightful post. How come the people who want the "mean 3" to have had a better end always have stronger, more well thought out reasons for it than the "no they deserved it" crowd?
keep your diaper fetishes to yourself
>Really insightful post.
Literally filled with headcanons, that's all you redeemfags can do to make them look better.
I like my diapered mares to be adults tyvm
Remind me again why she went to a prison for literal monsters with no trial.
Generally, I couldn't care less that they weren't reformed, we needed more complete bastards without a shred of humanity.
The only thing that bothered me is that no one tried at all with Tirek or Cosy. Trying to befriend them and then being told to fuck off would be more interesting than Twilight just tossing them in hell.
Glimmy Glam attempted to reach out to Crissy, but she made it clear she had no interest.
And then of course there was the whole Disco busting them out of prison because I guess he was bitter that they were let off easier than his eons of being stoned.
See here's the thing, while I'd personally like for them to have a better end, I don't in principle actually have an issue with the idea of instead banishing them to the moon or stoning them or whatever. I'd think it was the wrong move but I wouldn't hate it as much as I do if it had been written right.

However, the Devil's in the details. It's utterly unforgivable that not once in the finale did ANYONE try to reach out to them. In particular, it is glaringly incongruous with everything the show has been trying to teach for Twilight to not give one last attempt at reaching them when they're defeated and powerless, at her total mercy.

Twilight once had no power, no plan, no backup, and only two choices: save all of Equestria, or save one evil mare who *did not deserve to be saved*, who'd expressed no remorse for her actions, who'd literally just promised to keep hurting others forever as long as she got what she wanted out of it. And yet, Twilight chose to save the mare.

Why? "Because this is what friends do".


It's honestly Twilight's best moment in the entire series. It's one of my favorite moments in the franchise. And it is completely incompatible with what she does with the Trio after they're defeated.

There, she has limitless power, limitless choices, and an army at her back, and standing before her are three defeated, powerless enemies. Twilight would have lost *nothing* by taking just thirty seconds to try and appeal to them, to reach out to them, to point out that Tirek is trapped in a Sisyphean cycle doomed to only ever *almost* get what he wants, that Chrysalis us desperately lonely and demonstrably needs others to succeed, that Cozy Glow even recognizes how great friendship can be and she just needs to learn how to utilize it better. And if they still reject her, fine. She'd have tried one last time and lost nothing but thirty seconds of her immortal lifespan.

But instead, she just stands aside and watches as the Trio are tormented and humiliated by Pinkie Pie, and then turned to stone, forever, by Discord and the Princesses.

I don't know who that was in the finale, but it wasn't Twilight Sparkle. Not the one from Seasons 1-7 and the movie, anyway. The real Twilight would have tried. She would have generously extended a hoof in kindness, made an honest appeal, offered the possibility of loyalty and laughter to three beings who were so desperately in need of friendship.

In a show called Friendship is Magic, in its grand finale, no one tried to make friends.
It's Friendship is Power anon, it always has been. Cosy was right.
Discord was useful, so they befriended him. Gimmer was useful, so they befriended her.
Tirek? No power of his own, has to take it from others.
Chrysalis? Already have enough Skittles bugs, thank you.
Cosy? Useless Pegasus.
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>Literally filled with headcanons
The only "headcanon" is the possibility that Scorpan and the rest of Tirek's family might be dead, and I'll freely admit that this might not be the case, though I'd prefer if it were not because I want to torment Tirek some more, but rather because I find it weird how many immortals are running around in the MLP universe.

But the main thrust isn't about that, it's about how thoroughly forgotten Tirek has been. And that's verifiable fact. Tirek is expressly stated to have escaped from Tartarus when Cerberus wandered off back in Season 2.

> Princess Celestia: Scorpan returned to his own land, and Tirek was sent to Tartarus for his crimes. But it appears he has found a way to escape.
> Princess Luna: We believe it happened when Cerberus left his post at the gates.
> Twilight Sparkle: But that was a long time ago. Why is he just now starting to steal magic?

Yet Celestia did not notice until the end of Season 4. This definitely means:
1) After Cerberus was brought back to Tartarus, no one checked to see if Tirek had escaped
2) No one made any attempt to contact Tirek between Seasons 2 and 4 at minimum, which was a big enough gap that Twilight refers to it as a "long time".

When you add in that later in Season 8, no one is aware of the fact that he's been getting and sending out letters from Tartarus to Cozy Glow, and then in Season 9 no one notices that Tirek and Cozy Glow have been broken out of Tartarus, then no. It is a FACT that beings thrown into Tartarus are just forgotten about, never checked up on, never reached out to, nothing.
You know, the worst part is that G5 feels like it only confirmed that this is correct. Celestia managed to keep Equestria together for a thousand years; Twilight barely managed a few generations before it all went to pot and society collapsed. It feels like every bad thing I've ever said or implied about Equestria by the time of the finale was ultimately proven true. And I kind of hate that. It's the reason I can't watch G5, even though I'm sure it's perfectly fine. But I don't *want* to have been right about how far from being a triumph, Twilight's refusal to extend a hoof in friendship to the Trio was instead just the start of Equestria's fall.
I remember that green.
I hated that Anon.
G5 is, and will remain, unfortunately, a product born of spite.
How so?
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Lol Twi was mad haha xD
Now see, here's the part where they should have walloped Cosy's behind until it was raw and then sent her to her room with no supper.
G5 isn't canon with G4. The show runners didn't watch or seem to know much about the FiM universe.
The movie was pretty shit and Twi wasn't exactly in character.
>by taking just thirty seconds to try and appeal to them
Would fit right before Chryssy's line, add a short quip of the other two also reconfirming their rejection of friendship. Remove the chaotic Pinkie scene.
Oh I thought it was from Dante's epic inferno
She tried to destroy the world by draining all the magic out of it.
At best, the world would turn into another EqG.
Which one?
The name "Tartarus" is from Greek myth, so I'm assuming MLP is hearkening back to that. Along with hydra, pegasus, minotaur, sirens...
Well Tartarus is said in the Bible once, but it's definitely not what MLP was referring to.
>Twilight once had no power, no plan, no backup, and only two choices: save all of Equestria, or save one evil mare who *did not deserve to be saved*, who'd expressed no remorse for her actions, who'd literally just promised to keep hurting others forever as long as she got what she wanted out of it. And yet, Twilight chose to save the mare.
>Why? "Because this is what friends do".
Nah that's shit. Horrible moral.
You say that as if it's anything out of the ordinary when it comes to villains. Every villain has succeeded by throwing the idiot ball at the main characters and princesses and every villain has been defeated by having it thrown back at them.
She did not try to destroy the world.
She also almost certainly wasn’t just going to remove all magic forever. If she can send the magic somewhere, it stands to reason that she can bring it back. She probably intended to “discover” a way to access magic again and control that access, making her a sort of prophet/messiah.
Probably. It would not make sense for her to kill everyone or something retarded like that given her stated goals.
If I built a machine that could suck all the oxygen out of the air, and managed to get the planet's atmosphere down to 15% O2 before they stopped me, people would say I tried to destroy the world.

Can you be sure Tirek didn't give her a ritual that would get out of her control and simply drain everything until all was laid to ruin?
If I were imprisoned for 1000 years, managed to escape, then was thrown back into the prison, the idea of destroying the entire world would not be off the table.
He could have easily misled her, in his previous appearance, he's shown to be an expert at telling people what they want to hear.
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>successfully destroys the world multiple times
>gets redeemed and takes over the show
nuuuuuh, it was an accideeeent, she didn't mean toooooooooo.
> Can you be sure Tirek didn't give her a ritual that would get out of her control and simply drain everything until all was laid to ruin?
Actually yes - because that would be wildly out of character for Tirek. He is demonstrably among the least sadistic of MLP’a villains and never seems interested in inflicting harm simply for the sake of it. He can be cruel if his plans require it, but he is not cruel by nature.

Consider that after draining ponies of their magic, he just leaves them alone. The exception are Celestia and Luna, but he has a specific grudge against them, *but* his method of carrying out that grudge is simply to place them in Tartarus the same way they did him. Turnabout is fair play.

When he cut a deal with Twilight for alicorn magic, he kept up his end of the bargain *plus* he didn’t then immediately turn his newfound power on her, unlike what you might otherwise expect a villain to do.

When climbing Mount Everhoof he helps Cozy get revenge on Rusty Bucket by dropping my a little snow on the stallion but that’s it, and Rusty is shown to be fine and perfectly capable of escaping the snow.

When infiltrating Canterlot, the castle’s defenses blew a hapless bird towards him. He caught it as it fell and checked to see if it’s okay, then allowed it to fly away rather than do anything “evil” to it.

Finally, when facing the Pillars in the finale, he once again merely drained them of their magic but then didn’t kill them, only took them captive, and expressed no desire to cause them further harm.
I mean if you want to think that, fine, but that doesn’t change that it’s an established part of Twilight’s character at this point. Keep in mind it’s also not long after the whole debacle with Stygian, where Twilight was blindly following what Star Swirl told her until Starlight finally got through to her that something seemed off about the whole situation, and Twilight came to learn that the entire situation with the Pony of Shadows could have been prevented if Star Swirl had just taken thirty seconds to talk to Stygian all those centuries ago. Instead of jumping to conclusions.

And then before that, she learned that not all changelings were bad, that they had good reasons for doing what they did, they were just stuck in a cycle that they couldn’t find a way out of.

And then before that, she learned that Starlight Glimmer wasn’t a villain for funsies, she was doing it because of a deep amount of personal pain that made her lash out at everyone.

And then before that, even though Discord betrayed Equestria and nearly caused its destruction (for the second time since “reforming”) and had expressed no remorse, she helped him anyway, and it turned out to be the literal key to stopping Tirek.

So where did the Twilight that learned all these lessons go in Seasons 8 and 9?
I agree, seriously, just 5 seconds of "Cosy Glow, you clearly don't understand friendship, let me help you understand better."
"No, fuck you."
And THEN throw her in prison.
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>time travel somehow magically destroys worlds
>takes over the show
You know that episode chart thingy isn't indicative of anything, right Anon?
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You can't argue with the facts.
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I am right. For the sake of argument: It doesn't matter if Twilight is the focus in every episode for 10 seconds if Starlight is the focus in five episodes for 20 minutes. The MLP wiki chart makes no difference between this and for example: You cannot tell me that Twilight and Starlight have the same amount of focus in To Where and Back Again. It should rather analyse the screentime percentage to be more convincing.
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Go ahead and calculate the screentime percentage of all the main characters to see who has the most then. Until then your claims are as empty as Rarity's womb.
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Yours are as well.
Twilight is so cute
Can confirm, currently being digested
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Too bad for you it shows that Twilight is a factor in many more episodes because it's the Twilight Sparkle show and it always has been.
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It wasn't the Twilight Sparkle show anymore after Season 5 as her character arc was complete by Amending Fences.
Furthermore, I think that the song Best Friends Until The End of Time was a realisation of the showrunners that her arc is complete. As we see in contrast during the song that Starlight's and Trixie's friendship is quite more capable of development.
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Her princess of friendship arc ended at the finale, she used what she learned in amending fences to befriend Glim. Then her mentor arc began, then two more arcs after that, headmare and ruler.
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Ngl, I do dig that idea, a tragedy under a veil of victory and greatness. Maybe Twilight was not that fit to rule an entire country after all.
Very true, very purple
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Digested by an unrepentant little filly. What a horrible fate.
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Honestly, all Cozy needed was a spanking.
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>tfw you don't know what Starlight sounds like because her coat and mane disgust you on top of hearing how bad the show got after she was introduced
Same with the S6 or the pillars or any other characters. Tempest might be the only one.
What possible redemption could there have been for Chrysalis, her entire race was genocided, all she had left was revenge.
It's actually more fucked up than that because both Tirek and Scorpan were both going to steal magic until Scorpan backstabbed Tirek and snitched on him. Tirek didn't even do anything except plot to steal pony magic at that point, but he was imprisoned for 1000 years anyways.
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A-anon SAMA...

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