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>"Hi Anon. I felt bad because you didn't have one."
>The pony gives you a magic. She then rollerblades away without any explanation.
I didn't know Sunny was an ESL
Sunny, you only gave me one magic? Fuck am I supposed to do with only one magic?
Thanks, Sunny.
>gives her a >rape
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Well, that's nice! Now let me just find and team up with Opaline on more equal terms.
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What a generous and caring horse. My life is greatly enriched.
Okay, in this case, I thank Sunny for giving me that one magic. I can't believe she was kind enough to give me a magic that would turn me into a dragon and then you got a magic that let you summon me. Sunny's a good friend.
That's a big drake mare
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>You look down at your hand, dumbfounded by the interaction
>Before you can do anything, another voice calls out to you down the street
>"Stop! Stop right there!"
>You look to see an eight foot tall purple princess galloping towards you.
>"What do you have? Open your hand, now!"
>Giraffelight says in an exasperated tone as she approaches.
>You try to run away, but you are quickly caught up in her levitation spell.
>"Anon, stop! Show me what you have."
>Giraffelight huffs angrily as you're held aloft by your shirt collar.
>You reluctantly open your hands to reveal your glittering prize, a despondent look on your face.
>Giraffelight frowns and lets out an angry growl as she sees the bit of magic in your hand.
>She bats a hoof and knocks the magic from your fingers without a second thought.
>You can only watch helplessly as it drifts to the stony street below.
>"Ugh, that little..."
>Giraffelight grumbles and lets you go, rushing off in the direction Sunny went and calling after her.
>"Stop giving magic out to everyone! It's not yours to give!"
>You watch the purple princess disappear around the corner, and all you can do is look down at the bit of magic sputtering and fading on the cobblestones.
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Bros sunny is *gulp* REAL?!
>Now Anon, the mascot job doesn't pay much and the zipper has a habit of getting stuck, so you might get stuck in there forever, but if you're up for it?
So is Izzy and she's got mother bearing hips.
wtf Izzy
Sunny and Izzy if they were real life
Sunny creppypasta: and then Sunny showed up looking very real with realistic blood
I couldn't believe what I had just seen: Hitch, Izzy, Zipp, Pipp, Sparky, and Misty...Sunny had just killed them! Then, she turned to me, her eyes hyperrealistic, and she said, in a low, guttural voice: "It won't be sunny where you're going". And then, the episode ended.
The Sunny is real
fuck off sunny
what the fuck

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