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/mlp/ - Pony

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I haven't even watched this stupid show and I just came my brains out to a feral HMV of it
Why did you do this to me
Kek that's literally me, I was jerking it to horse plot in 2013 before I found out an awesome show came with it.

Get comfy, because you're here forever.
Watch the dang show you'll get real fulfillment compared to your empty furry goonsesh
OP's balls about to be raisings from all the fapping once he watches the show and finds his love.
where to watch without money
There's a 193GB torrent on thrpiratebay, that's got everything good quality.
You have to watch the show either through the officially released DVDs, the official Hasbro YouTube Channel (or Netflix, I think). Watching the show through any other means is illegal and I as well as any other Anon cannot promote any other means of watching the show illegally.
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kys now
Back to /trash/, furfag.
So, you gonna link it or not?
The entire show is on YouTube for free.
Did Hasbro / the official My Little Pony channel really upload all of MLP:FiM?
I guess...
I just think horses are really sexy
I can't help it
Good fuckin taste.
Yes they did it to plant landmines in the entire show as well as fan content
If you watch episodes or a large portion of fan made content on YouTube without being signed into an account with video cards disabled, then you are basically walking into a mine field that hasbro has manually set up with the intention of killing off the fandom by spamming G5 advertisements at key moments in episodes as well as fan made content
I can't stress enough that these land mines were manually placed by hasbro during key moments in official as well as fan made content determined to be the most efficient for hijacking the attention of the viewer and forcing g5 on them without their consent
These moments include memorable as well as climatic points in episodes, popular meme moments from episodes, climaxes in fan made content that uses hasbro "property" such as the most uplifting moment in a fan made song
The entire catalog of content official and fan made on YouTube which makes up a significant pillar of the fandom (for example, the mlp anniversary) has been meticulously, manually combed to force g5 on the viewer without their consent during any time you should be feeling happy or uplifted by fim content, this was done to hijack positive emotions and replace them with the opposite (g5) in order to kill fim's fan following.
See for yourself
Based taste. Now go watch the show, it makes the porn even hotter.
The Cartoon Archive on YouTube. Hasbro’s official uploads suck. There’s also fim.heartshine.gay if you want to avoid ads.
I am so jelly of OP, pony porn when I was getting into pony was not even close to what it is now.
>I just think horses are really sexy
I can't help it
He was referring to your choice of vocabulary, newfag-kun. You call them ponies.
sorry what does feral mean? i don't know what it means in clop, only in the context of jacking off to pokemon. (i don't clop)
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Do I really want to be raped by Hasbro?
fim.heartshine.gay is a porn website btw if you see this OP
It doesn’t really have a meaning in clop because the ponies are quadrupeds by default. Instead ‘anthro’ is used as the special term to describe bipedal characters.
sick, thanks. that was my best guess but i honestly thought it meant something else that i had no idea of.
The entire show is free on Youtube.
That one is just OK, there's better though the selection that keeps anthro competely out is pretty small.






Jesus anon, don't dump this on me when I just drained myself
I thought the one I linked was really exciting because I had just watched a bunch of stallions getting erect and I thought that video was just going to be teasing but then it kept escalating and I got way too excited and couldn't take it anymore
it's on youtube...
mlp popularized sfm porn
It means someone is a furfag.
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just call it pony or anthro faggot

boorus exist for a reason

source? haha geddit?
No it's isn't?
Is this actually a thing or is this the most schizophrenic thing I've seen all week. I'd like proof they actually put ads on memes
imgbrd-grabber is pretty great for scraping sites in general.
They're not on the boorus you moron, I linked the one that was. You go ahead and go through the trouble of reupping and tagging them
https://yayponies.no/ is also a good source for downloading the episodes if you don't want to bother with Torrents.
Though as others said pretty much all of the show is on Youtube now too these days (Hasbro used to DMCA uploads of episodes into oblivion but I guess they just let it happen now, or just have special agreements with some channels for ad monies).
A lot of those uploads are the older uploads that would get posted as the show aired from back in the day, the DMCA's just been lifted since they were in effect for 10 years and didn't get renewed since even Hasbro themselves post the show now.

>t. had some of my shitty 2011 DVR recordings suddenly reappear on my abandoned channel in 2022 and they're still getting hits
What about the non english dubs?
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we didnt do this to you, YOU did this to you, time to STOP
but ponies are sexy
I can't help it
Is MLP finally evolving to the same stage as the Touhou fandom where the fans don’t even watch/play it and only like it for the porn?
I hear yayponies is good.
In full episodes? Or is it still just that one channel with the whole series in 5 minutes chunks?
The Cartoon Archive youtube channel has every episode in its entirety in 1080p
ponylove.cc better
Whoa, informative! Thank you anon.
(Time for rewatch number thirteen)
>Telling me that I should give money to hasbro
If you end up watching it tell us what you think
>you call them ponies
sfm models born on this board call them ferals though
these are just a bunch of porn animations by GodOfFury and Clopician lazily slapped together with some bullshit song over it you utter mong. every single one of them all of them are on the boorus.
should I really watch it
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Doubledubs say yes.
>They're not on the boorus you moron
I was making a list of the sources to prove you wrong but it really is most of his videos edited together
They're all here
checked and kek'd, watch it.
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okay I did it
I thought applejack was the best beforehand and now I know that was correct
>It's only Clopician
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You're based. I hope you stick around.
She is a comfy as fuck and loving pony, Anon.

>is the best
I'm not seeing any surprises
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watching the show makes me want to fuck them way more
Holy shit post channel
Do they still have ads? Like, original Hub ads?
Pretty sure for most people it went that way around, didn't start out wanting to fuck them but fell in love while watching the show.
We got em, boys
Welcome aboard, coomer.
It wasn't my hand on your cock, OP. You did this to yourself.
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Have you fapped today, Anon? You should...
Not me, I got groomed at 18 by a porn poster in a skype channel. I don't feel too bad about it though, I probably would have just wasted the next 13 years chasing real, live women if he hadn't done that.
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Don't do it, Anon. I once was a simple /v/fag, happy in my idle shitposting, but all it took was a random pony thread to have me end up here, spending dozens of hours a day gooning to these pony succubi and incubi.
Ignore him. Fap to ponies.
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what is Spike looking at here?

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