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>Hey Anon, want to thee thome horth puthy?
Does her puthy have a lisp too?
You know what they thay about a mare with a lithp
I wanna hear her moan.
What elth?
I can't even read this with her voice only mike tyson's
Sexiest voice in the show
>her voith
>mike tython'ths

>Thexthieth voith

Get with the program!
How do you remember how lisps work when writing characters with lisps?
S sounds turn into TH sounds. Its that simple I think from a first place.
imagine her having gotten speech therapy and her lisp only appearing whenever she got too excited and her subsequently being embarrassed by it
god, she's so fucking cute
>"I thaid..."
>Fleetfoot took a slow hoofstep closer, her eyes staring into yours with a challenging glare
>"Want to thee thome hot, wet, winking horth puthy?"
"I still don't-Oh! You mean horse pussy?"
>Fleetfoot raises a confused brow
>"Y-yeah, that'th what I thaid."
"No, you said 'horth puthy'." You couldn't help but grin as you mimicked her words
>Fleetfoot's muzzle scrunches
>"My lithp ithn't that thevere, Anon. Now, come on," Fleetfoot renewed her sultry yet predatory demeanor
>"Let me thow you why pegathuth puthy ith thuperior."
>A chuckling exhale escapes your nostrils and you decide to humor the speech-impeded mare
"Oh? Is it really thu-I mean, superior?"
>Fleetfoot nods, stepping even closer
>"Oh yeah. Thure, ya got bulky earth ponieth, and thkinny little unicornth. But, pegathi? We're the betht of both worldth, baby."
>Covering your smile with one hand, you gesture for her to continue
>Fleetfoot, with a single beat of her wings, brings herself eye-level to you
>Her voice takes on a low, salacious tone
>"Uth pegathi got plenty o' throng, firm muthleth to keep going for ath long ath you want, and we're flexthible enough for you to thretch uth out any way you dethire~"
>Fleetfoot repositioned herself in midair, hovering with her flank presented to you
>"Go ahead, thtud. Feel for yourthelf."
>You roll your eyes, lazily planting a palm on her suit-covered flank
>Once you did, Fleetfoot slowly lifted and lowered that leg, letting you feel how her sculpted muscles pulled and stretched beneath her hide
>You could feel how her flight suit barely slid over her coat, a testament to how well-fitted the uniform was
>"Thee? Doethn't that feel nithe, colt? Doethn't it feel...perfect?"
>Your words caught in your throat
>You'd wanted to take her down a peg for having the gall to call her own body "perfect"
>But as you felt her incredibly trained musculature flex and relax, you couldn't help but agree
>Thick, firm muscle, that felt even stronger than it looked, wrapped in just enough fat to keep her entire flank smooth
>"Bet ya wanna feel more, huh?"
"Yeah..." You answer breathlessly, not even noticing the word fall from your lips as your eyes - and hand - remained glued to her body
>You don't notice as Fleetfoot's smirk grows wider, like a fisherman whose line just went taut
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Wonderbolt supremacy
Not sure if genuine lewd or Anon fucks it up rugpull
>male with lisp
>retarded joke no one can take seriously
>mare with lisp
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It's very, very lewd.
Fleetfoot is a very lewd mare.
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Fleetfoot is so lovely. Best Wonderbolt.
Test whether her lisp gets better or worse when she's close to climaxing.
why the FUCK do you sound like that
I thought it was gonna go futher in the discussion of her lisp, but this is fine too
I'd probably fuck Fleetfoot if she wasn't so rude, but she never stops doing her damn Twist impression.
iit'2 not really that hard anon
ju2t wriite liike thii2, they'll get the memo
i want to fuck Fleetfoot so hard it temporarily cures her lisp
>further in the discussion of her lisp

>Fleetfoot snickered to herself as she watched you practically groping her flank
>"Thatithfied with jutht a thample, or do ya want thomething more...thubthantial?"
>You're pulled out of your tushy trance by the trainwreck of words that refuses to stop spilling from Fleetfoot's mouth
"Goddammit, do you just actively seek out every 'S' sound you possibly can?" You snark
>Fleetfoot's grin falls, her snout scrunching
>"I'm jutht talking, Anon. My thintheretht apologieth that you keep focuthing on a minor thpeech impediment." Fleetfoot responded, clearly annoyed
>You groan and rub your face in frustration
"It's kind of hard not to focus on something you keep shoving in my face." You growl
>Fleetfoot spins around, her face inches away from your own
>"Theriouthly? I'm thoving it in your fathe? You're the one who can't thtop talking about it!"
"I'd stop talking about it if you stopped doing it!"
>"Wow. Clathy Anon, real clathy. 'Jutht thtop doing it', how come I never thought of that?"
"I meant stop saying words with S's!"
>"That'th thupid, Anon! You exthpect me to quit thaying 'Thaturday'? Or 'thathparilla'? Or 'thupercalifragilithticexthpialidociouth'?"
"Yes! Stop saying anything like that! Maybe then people would actually take you seriously instead of treating you like a fucking clown!"
>Fleetfoot's glare was washed away by pained shock
>Seeing the water welling up in her eyes tells you how badly you just messed up
"Fleetfoot, I-I'm sor-"
>"No, you know what, Anon?" Fleetfoot interrupted, holding a hoof up to keep you from talking
>"Buck you."
>You were nearly knocked back from the blast of wind created by Fleetfoot's wings as she took off, bolting away into the distance
this is much better
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Thuckerin' Thuckertash!
Anon didn't deserve her.
Hope she comes back and brings spitfire to beat him up.
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She wanted you, she made you laff, and she ith pure thex. You fucked up. RIP you.
>Thufferin' Thucatash'
imagine an apple in your head right now
I'll have you know I ate breakfast yesterday and feel great about that, AND I ignore my smoke alarms even when there's smoke.
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Well, that went badly.
Fleetfoot's lisp isn't even like that.
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Very much not the case.
>Covering your smile with one hand
Stopped reading.
Would it be better if he was frowning?
has anyone played Half Life 2?
I think many people have played Half-Life 2™
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It's pretty cool.
I like Half Life 1 better though.
Strange thing to ask in the Fleetfoot thread
She only has a lisp in like two scenes, they forgot it most of the time.
You didn't answer her question, Anon
Curse my big mouth. Anon is a jerk, he should find her and apologise
Lisp hatefuck would be so hot
Thee tome of Horthy's putty?
HL2 and it's episodes have aged like milk. Glorified tech demos with interminable fake cutscenes that have you hopping around in rooms while other NPCs talk to you.
Anon please more, you're very good at this.
what about the awesome Black Mesa remake? Or you'd still prefer HL1?
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Black Mesa was pretty good, but the original game has a charm that keeps bringing me back to it.
Xen was way better in Black Mesa though
Fleetfoot is a cute Half Life nerd.
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When she sees me-
I did. Was pleasantly surprised with how good HL 2 was and how modern it felt (i first played it in 2023). HL1 was also nice, but the difference between these games is immense. Makes you understand why everyone supposedly loved it so much back in 2004
Yes, at least one person (me) has played Half-Life 2, both Episodes, the Lost Coast demo, HL1 and its DLCs, Black Mesa... Why do you ask, anon?

Wrong. They hold up quite well.
...if you like heavily scripted vehicle sequences, and forced waiting for conversations to go through, yes
The vehicle levels of HL2 aren't open world, no, but neither is the rest of the game. The vehicle levels are just on-foot levels with a vehicle. I'm not sure of the issue with this.

The flip side of 'forced waiting for conversations' was Valve's intention to have as few breaks in control over the player character as possible in the game. I think they add to your experience of the story, personally.

Also, I have no idea who the OP's pony is.
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I love her...
Imagine kissing her and she has all of that extra lispy saliva
Pure joy
>>male with lith
>>retarded joke no one can take theriouthly
>>mare with lithp
Her butt smells bad
thith mare ith a cute
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but like, what kind of bad?
Putrid, awful, rotten horsey braps bad.
So actually very good

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