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Silver Spoon Thread
She is a very cute filly, but sadly this board will become not so cute in a minute.

Anyway, Cute filly. Wish she wasn't with DT all the time.
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>Wish she wasn't with DT all the time
I wish the opposite. I wanted a whole episode of them doing best friend shit.
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Tell us about the ray gun. Why does she have it?
>sadly this board will become not so cute in a minute.
She is much prettier than Diamond Tiara
i love my daughter wife
Me too anon
I must know if Silver Spoon is a sycophant or if she just treasures Diamond Tiara genuinely.
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She cherishes her best friend!
>Why does she have it?
Because ray guns are as rad as her.
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Maybe a bit too much...
I agree
Very cute filly. Had so much potential being a duo with DT. Too bad she was ruined for hangnail fodder in Crusader's of the Lost Mark. Actually I regret watching the whole of season 5.
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Nonsense, not enough!
>Silvers poon
If there's any character I would have liked to see more of in the show, it would be Silver Spoon.
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just a spoony filly
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I remember this series
Reminder: Silverspoon is a lv12 300 IQ genius.
Genius who is desperate for cock
She’ll use her vast intellect and smarts to make you her husband so she can have easy access to your cock whenever she wants.
EG canon ship.
Now she will think with portals soon enough.
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She needs correction!
what did she study in uneighversity?
She's beautiful
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bold words from a peasant
I wish there weren’t so many pretty fillies in this world..
Fat filly
touch the cow..do it now..
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what??? why?!
I'll do more than just touch her
Because they’re all so cute and it’s hard to choose just one to love.
Harem Route
top unf
I wish we got more from their dynamic. Not just melodrama but a little antagonist or villain episode. I feel like I the filly characters a lot more now than I used to, they had great potential.
I wish we had a solo Silver episode, like what is her life like?
Same here, I’ve actually 180ed on the “oh it’s a CMC episode” meme
How many is too many?
I would love to have a platonic harem where I could just cuddle and hold every filly and do nice things for them all day just to make them smile. But then there's my favorite.
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I think 3 is a good number, SS and DT and maybe Swibbles.
>platonic harem
So, a family.
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The ass that made a 1000 men fall in love
have a bump
Whatever the max is that you could carry in your arms if there was a fire. Although admitedly a filly could probably run faster than you anyway.
I'm laughing at the denotation of a family as a platonic harem lol
Kek, cheeky answer.
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god i love silver
she's so hot
do not die on me
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she cute
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When the moon hits your eye!
>Sadly this board will become not so cute
What do you know???
Like a big pizza pie!
It's cause that artist hates filly "enjoyer"
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Remember that school bully from years ago? She's a renowned economist now.
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Clearly economics and capitalism
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I already miss @bestfilly, suspended from X for that filly Kyle R shooting Pedobear.
Top cute
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I like the artstyle for this
It's really nostalgic isnt it? Like an old comic
I was told to bump this thread because one of you was nice to eqgfag.
I'd read this
I'd breed this
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hmm interesting
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>Drawn by Patachu
>New glasses every time
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Not yet
Lil goblin
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I like how derp he makes her
Imagine a spinoff where DT and SS are a rich and a nerd bully saving Equestria, doing friendship stuff and other nonsesne, it would be hard writing but could be fun!
forgot pic
i want to tie her braid to her tail and carry her like a bag
That would work
Spoonie, trad art is a rare but always good combo.
I would watch it, mainly to see the moments where Silver gets more spotlight than DT, and she starts to cope.
Where are the fics?
I can't belive how anyone can apprciate this grandma looking filly. Horrible style and personality, if I saw her I'd kick her.
How is she even sexy, I can't believe what Faust was thinking when she drew her.
>This one will be the bully
DT would be better alone, the colorschemes are just incompatible, pink should be love, grey should be neutrality. why are they both together.
She's stupid, won't change, can't be reformed. Even betrayed her best rich friend, DT isn't really enjoyable.
I want to grab her and insult her, bully her.
Anything but not sexual, this thing is the opposite of sex. The opposite of love. It's the abscence of everything.

I want to imagine myself, in front of her and she's not reacting, smug reaction, i tell her to shut up, she's not speaking, I slap her she laughs, she's the kind of retard who never stops, God I could lose my nerves on this bitch. I'll hurt her and her bleeding face will only be an improvement.
Why do she have some alien-ish tech in the hooves to begin with.

Her mane is so huge my god it's unbearable.

I hate her a lot like this.

And, what's with the arts of her, why are these like cryptic or trying to pass some kind of message?

Like this one, what the fuck does that means?

Tell her to shut up, who use Madcatz in 2020+4, how old are you.

Why a spoon. Why.

Why do I feel like she's the pedo here and the human should be the one needing safety.

God that punchable face.

And the white plastic mane like she's going to lecture me about my generation and smartphones.

look what she has made of her best friend, what kind of friends socialize like that if ever she manages to.

My God.

I can't be the only one who's got a rage boner for that creature.
>i'm going to show you some fresh memes
What is that shit
>rattling noise intensifies
>She's staring at the screen
>is that Windows XP
>It's Windows 98
>There's an Intel Pentium decal on this thing
>Her PC is older than me.

>Minutes are passing
>she's logging in
>scrolls without using shortcuts

>I'm going to get mad
>She's making this retard face
>Is that a MODEM plug
>She's asking me what is the wifi of the printer
>I don't wanna
Let her cook, anon. Is new tech for the ponies.
>>Her PC is older than me.
Damn. That hurts
I agree
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Now this is rad
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spooniest spooni
I feel it would sound like those guys who play spoons on their knees.
>Silver Spoon realizes there is no spoon
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Feel the rhythm with your hooves
(Steal the rhythm while you can)
Speak the rhythm on your own
(Speak the rhythm all alone)

Spoonmare, come together with your hooves
Save me, I'm together with your plan
Save me, ye

Well, all my friends are zebras
(All my friends are black and white )
And all my friends are changelings
(They beat the rhythm with their fangs)

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Rare Spooni
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Spoon in 4K
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Spoon in SVGA
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Bragging Spooner
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Wholesomest Spoonie
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Comfiest Spoonie watching this thead
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Dirty Spoon
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Imagine what a bully episode would be like,
>Absurdly rich
What kind of antagonist could they get?
Make it wholesome.
Bestfilly is moe.
I like her hair as an adult
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Even with that look she will never be an adult. She had this design in the 1920s. She has this design 15 years ago. On the table of Lauren Faust sketching for G4. She will never age, she will forever remain a filly. In the 2030s Filly will forever be Filly.
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Bog Spoon
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>tfw she's not real
>The reason DT gets away with being a brat is because she's very ill.
>Plot twist: Spoony really does exist in some form.
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How ill? Like it's not just her personality, but some form of autism or sociopath behavior? Having a weird psych can also make any plot more original.
she's the illest
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>beSilver Spoon
>used to just being rich filly sidekick, nothing special
>Twilight asks me for help out of nowhere
>Twilight tells me she needs a fast driver
>Apparently some magic artifact got stolen, classic villain stuff
>Why me?
>She says I’m one of the best racers in Equestria
>Uh, what? I just play computer games.
>But Twilight insists, magic map glowing and all
>She hands me the keys to some kind of enchanted supercar
>Sleek, silver, and has way more horsepower than any pony-powered vehicle
>Get in, start the engine
>The thing growls, hisses, the dashboard alone is a better computer than mine
>Feels like I'm sitting on a living beast
>Twilight hops in the passenger seat, looking serious, carrying some stuff I forgot
>Did she just rob... nah.
>‘‘Silver, this is serious. We need to get to Canterlot in record time or all of Equestria is doomed.’’
>No pressure
>Hit the gas
>It feels like flying, but on the ground
>Car’s magic keeps it stable even on rough turns, it’s like a unicorn spell but on wheels
>Zooming past everypony on their shitty cars, roads clear like they know something’s up
>Twilight's sweating, trying to figure out the artifact's location with her magic
>She can't just teleport on location like that.
>Suddenly, rival car pulls up alongside us
>It's Flim and Flam in some steampunk monstrosity
>They're accompanied with a gang on bikes
>They’re trying to take the artifact too
>Twilight is like ‘‘This is what I forgot to warn you about, you can smoke these idiots, right?’’
>This is up to me now
>Hit the pedal, the rurbos are hissing
>The world blurs around me
>Car’s got insane agility, drifting around corners like a pro
>play with the wheel ejecting the bikers after us crashing into parked cars around
>Flim and Flam try to keep up, but their vehicle's too clunky
>Twilight casts shield spells, but I can tell she's getting tired
>Gotta end this now
>Take a sharp corner, get into position
>Flim and Flam are coming up fast
Wait for it...wait for it...
>hit the brakes
>They zoom past, not realizing what happened
>They collide into a truck
>Their vehicle explodes and everything. That's epic.
>Twilight looks at me, eyes wide
>‘‘How did you?’’
>Just smirk, ‘‘Don't tell mom I’ve done a few races.’’
>We make it to Canterlot Castle with seconds to spare
>Twilight levitates, some crystal back into safe hooves, disaster averted
>Princess Celestia thanks me, personally
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She's ill. But she makes me sick.
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Regardless what happens, what kind of war she always act as she's not caring and carrying on.
The Silver Driver
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Right it's anthro and aged up but hgnnn.
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Would love a version like this one but with a birb.
That squatsilv is neato.
a new restaurant opened near me named silver spoon.. really want to bring my plush of her and do a pilgrimage
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Imagine it's managed by a fellow filly appreciator.
Do eet. Bring pictures.
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>Silver Spoon? My personal, fawning orbiter who follows me around everywhere, does everything I tell her to and always agrees with me?
>What about her?
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It's called mercy. Remember you were rich so bullied, unable to defend yourself, I taught you that.
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Now look at this shot!
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Thank god it wasn't touhou cancer this time
fillygods we are winning again
we cannot be stopped
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And I don't see Diamond Tiara up here.
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I don't understand what you're trying to say.
spooning spoon
See, is meant of she-horse, Diamond Tiara, she was the one who she was bullied, and she declines to forget this! Is of Spoon who got her to bully back,taking heads, and they make friends of few later, it is the tea she drink.
Why would we stop here?
never 444444get
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There is a spoon
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>wants to bully you
>be adorable
She does realize that they don't accept cash money at the market right? Anon just scammed her to rub her belly for free
Based 4 the best filly!

I'd rub that belly for hours, even lower.
Becoming SilverSpoon. yay or weird?
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she's got that face like “oh so you're alone again, how pathetic. I should throw money at you, go buy some friends, you look miserable”
Weird. The issue lays in the context.
dont die god damnit
ok we need original content then.
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Found that old drawing. Who threw SilverSpoon in thwe trash?
Ah well. The new /jdb/ is a Silver edition again, guess it will get all the greens.
Nooooo..... get her out!
idk she just appeared out of nowhere in a completely different universe, in the middle of the night
>where am I ? I can't believe teleportation was a success.
>police sirens in the distance
>Silver looks around, only to see a dark alley with more trash and graffiti

>“so uncouth. SweetieBelle did it on purpose. Yes okay your spell works”
>some grunts can be heard
>there's a guy about to do his heroin shot
>Silver notices him. “oh, a troll! Or are you a goblin? whatever you are, do you understand me?”
>the guy stares “what the fuck”
>ss: “you could be polite, creature. What is this place called ?”
>homeless druggo starts panicking and goes autistic mode, screaming and moves away
>ss is following him
>she's looking left and right “it must be Manehattan, did she really sent me this far”
>looks around in the street, there's a store open
>get inside
>the guy owning it “whoa whoa what is that, a fucking dog”
>ss: “I'm a pony but I can hurt you by different means, creature, what's that place ?”
“uh Philadelphia. Like, what d' you doing in that ..suit ?”
>ss nods. “That's all I wanted to know.”
>store guy goes back to his phone playing games
Yes I voted for best girl, Silver, for the next op pic
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Good lad
How can we write any interesting story with such a bg character: everything must be invented from scratch.
And it's not an easy task, has to be completely surrealist to go with the lore or take her elsewhere like >>41452933
which is also an idea.
or just go like /jdb/ and go >rape the bulli
this desu
I'd commission Patachu for more gamer SilverSpoon
Pixel Art, isometric would be perfect.
how to bully SilverSpoon :
‘You remind me of Michou’
>be best filly
>got a secret life now, sneaking out at night to mess with tech
>has a sweet little microwave gun. calls it “Sonic Spoon”
>looks like a toy, but it’s more than a little zapper
>won it in a bet with a Manehattan-based coder who didn’t think she could hack a prototype drone
>tfw you "PEW PEW" when you fire it
>but honestly, you love the thrill of what it can do
>one night, decides to poke around the Ministry of Defense database
>finds some restricted files labeled “Plone Project - Horizon Zero”
>wew; mare.
>of course, you try cracking it
>manages to open a backdoor…
>only to see Plone blueprints scrolling by
>schematics for flying cyborg ponies, some marked with "self-aware: caution"
>find even weirder info on how plones can turn evil
>‘I Am Completely and Mentality Stable’
>proceeds to engage a civilian aircraft
>the creepy picture of seeing a predator type plone with two red eyes glowing in the hangar with shark teeth lit like maybe leds
>one of them attacks the pegasus stallions unable to even fight back
>laugh like watching some gore shit
>sweet lord faustmighty I have issues.
>don't even save it and move on.
Crazy lil scientist
QT nerd
that;ks what comes to mind I'll work on a decent green
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An ass that thicc deserves a slap
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So cute
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>Gahnou Arise! Arise of the woods of your ancestors gahnou of the emacs! Horse who is ghanou!
>frantically mashes the keyboard
>Ghanou arise! Arise, ghanou!
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>Interject, Ghanou!

>some ponies having no idea what the fuck is she doing echoing these words

>summons rms
Sister literally heard "let me interject for a moment", and discovered the benefits of open source programs.
There are only two types of Silver Spoon fans, those who want her as a wife, and those who like her for the memes
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Why not both? She's got everything to be the perfect wife! or friend! or that friend that will wreck anyone with facts especially those that hurts.
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Need better greens desu but it's a good start. Elaborate!
My heart melts everytime I look at her, she's just so cute
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's poon
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Consider the following
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Don't fuck with Spoonie
This image and it's consequences...
have been a disaster
for every anon who hoped to groom fillies
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Here's one original idea
>SilverSpoon is a nerd who studied space and astrophysics
>She has passed a few exams and gave the best answer for a math problem in every school
>Next day a couple of Royal Guards get in Cheerilee's class
>‘By order of Princess Celestia herself we came for Silver Spoon’
>‘I did nothing! I am sorry for bullying everypony!’
>‘We need to take you to Canterlot as soon as possible, you're coming with us.’

>She is wondering what's going on
>Twilight is asking her a few questions about math and physics
>Silver is still worried ‘Oh this one is easy, we would need a LOT of magic to intercept such an object on that trajectory. We can do that but that would take years’
>Twilight : ‘That's the thing, we don't have years.’
>There is an asteroid that will collide on earth in a couple of months.
>Only that filly can save the world
yeah but why not just have Celestia and/or Luna push it off-course
dragging celestial bodies around is literally their job
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Is Silver Spoon the most underrated filly?
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I don't know
Can you repeat the question?
Cute plushie
I want this
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Ladies and gentlemen, we got him
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>Ludwig von Mises was born in 1881
>Statue of Liberty was constructed in 1886
>Silver Spoon was actually born around the correct time in Equestria's history that she could be pony Mises
The SoL is copper-clad and had the dull brownish hue of an old penny until the early 1900s, when its modern patina started to develop.
What was the original color?
>dull brownish hue of an old penny
I mean, is a good song.
Huh. Neat
At first I thought you meant >>41486486.
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>SilverSpoon sat in her usual spot, glasses sliding down her nose as she hunched over her notebook, scribbling equations while Cheerilee droned on about history. As a math nerd, she'd long learned to balance listening with working out her latest astrophysics problems. She didn't think much of the rest of the world. To her, numbers made more sense than ponies ever did.

>That is, until the door to the classroom swung open, and two Royal Guards stepped inside.

Everypony froze. Silver Spoon felt her heart leap to her throat. Had somepony seen her bullying Apple Bloom? Or maybe somepony overheard her gossiping about Scootaloo’s flying lessons with Diamond Tiara?

>“By order of Princess Celestia,” one of the guards announced, “we are here for Silver Spoon.”

>Her eyes widened. Princess Celestia? Oh this is bad.
>Whole class looks at her

>“I-I didn’t do anything!” she squeaked. “I’m sorry if I was rude or... or anything!”

>The guards exchanged a glance. “You’re not in trouble,” the second guard reassured her. “But you must come with us. It's urgent.”

>Before she knew it, Silver was whisked away from Ponyville on a private chariot, her mind racing as she tried to process what had just happened. The entire trip to Canterlot felt surreal.
>just hours ago, she had been solving calculus, and now she was on her way to the capital. Was that about that math exam? Books she rented?
>Her touch of autism with astrophysics had earned her a bit of fame locally, but this… this was something else entirely.

>When the finally touched down at Canterlot Castle, Silver was greeted by none other than Twilight herself.
>Twilight stood waiting in a grand room, a massive chalkboard behind her filled with mind-boggling equations and diagrams.
>A holographic projection of a vast asteroid floated above the table with mares and stallion discussing
>Silver’s breath caught in her throat.

>Twilight wasted no time. “Silver Spoon,” she said, her tone both anxious and reassuring
> “I’ve read your work on gravitational anomalies and asteroid trajectory predictions. We need to understand a bit more, okay?”
>Silver blinked, unsure how to respond. “M-my help? I’m just a filly. What could I-”

>Twilight cut her off, takes a breathe “There’s an asteroid on a collision course with earth. It’s bigger than anything we’ve ever seen, and our magic can’t stop it. But your calculations… you predicted this, didn’t you?”

>Silver gasped, her mind racing. The whole room is looking at her almost silently, the old stallions of the governments of the region are mumbling, some are nodding.
>She had noticed an unusual anomaly in her exam, something even the best computers couldn’t crack for a while. She thought it was just an academic curiosity.
>No she's not dreaming, she's in a crisis situation room at Canterlot.
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>Twilight moved her over to the magical hologram, pointing at a detailed trajectory. “We have months, at most. But if your theory is right, we could intercept it… with the right technology, and a lot of magic, and uh, yours. I suppose you want to work in a team of ponies who really share the same passion for space and all, here they are.”

>Silver’s hooves shook. “I… I did figure out how we could alter the trajectory,” she admitted, pushing her glasses up her muzzle. “But it would take years to build something big enough to do it. Years we don’t have.”

>Twilight’s expression darkened. “That’s the problem. We don’t have years. We have weeks.”
>Some old horse in the room, with a beard an an accent “And if we didn't lost hope we never imagined pushing that exam to find out a solution to this problem, it would take longer to every computer to zimulate, you see, you haff been brilliant little filly, you vill vork more ja?”
>Random phones are ringing, and on the screen, they are incorporating Silver Spoon's formula, and it's matching the movement of the asteroid
>simulation calculates the interception
>Air Marshall Thunderlane is discussing with the Germaneigh crew Helmut Kholt and especially Luftkrieg, the young admiral, she's nodding as she's looking at Silver Spoon
>Door opens, royal guards anounces “Her Majesty Princess Celestia!” as she gallops, discusses with important ponies in the room
>She's wandering, giving orders, insists on keeping the operation secret, as the secret services and more cooperates to make sure the operation being a success.
>Money is not a problem, all of the industrial production is already enrolled in
>She came briefly to salute Twilight, but in a hurry.
>Celestia looked down briefly at Silver Spoon “Her? She's our new little genius? Wonderful!” before she left with an escort of royal guards.
>Silver Spoon had never seen anything like it. Everypony was working toward one goal: saving the planet. Not with slogans about pollution or hippie things, but discussing nuclear yields and rocket boosters.
>It wasn’t just calculations anymore. This was real. And the weight of it terrified her. As smart as she was, Silver Spoon wasn’t a hero. Not like Twilight, not like Rainbow Dash. She didn’t want to be responsible for saving the entire world.
>Silver blurted out, “What if I’m wrong?”
>Twilight: “What do you mean?”
>Silver took a shaky breath. “What if I miscalculated? What if all of this… fails?”
>Twilight’s eyes softened. “You’re not alone in this, Silver. We have the best minds in Equestria here in this room, no, in the world, we're here working together. And it’s not just you. It’s all of us. Germaneigh, Prance and Ponyland.”
>But the pressure didn’t ease. Even though she knew Twilight was right, Silver couldn’t shake the feeling of impending doom.
>“Okay... I gotta”
>Twilight: “We're going to make it. Trust me.”
Space Spoon time
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OK I wonder where I'm going with that story, could be interesting if I do it right


>After cutting with the royal discussion and international gatherings everypony started to work til late to the problem.
>SilverSpoon herself wasn't interested in sitting through meetings with royals or hearing endless speeches about alliances between Germaneigh, Prance, and Equestria. Instead, she threw herself into helping the scientists, poring over papers and equations, offering a different perspective.
>The scientists, despite their initial skepticism of what clearly is a brat, soon found themselves nodding at her sharp insights.

>Silver Spoon sat hunched over a table in the mission briefing room, diagrams of the asteroid system scattered around her. Her eyes darted between equations and charts, but none of them seemed to fully capture what was going on in her head.
>She rubbed her temples in frustration, trying to piece together the missing puzzle.
>The engineers with their computers were trying to perform a model for the guidance computers that will need a couple of metres of precision in the scale of several million kilometres.

>“Sorry,” Silver said to Twilight, Thunderlane, and the other gathered officers.
>“I can’t explain how I’m thinking about this. It’s not even math I know, in fact I'm cheating, always, I don't even apply anything it’s just... concepts in my head, I can feel how a point A under the influence of X, Y, Z soes, but I don’t have the numbers to back it up or write a formula, I don't even understand a thing about integrals or this sign here”
>Twilight: “Sigma, it's for a sum, but okay.”

>Thunderlane nodded, glanced at Twilight, “Fine, fine.” then stepped forward with a firm expression. “Then you’re coming with us.”

>Silver blinked, startled. “Uh where? ...to space?”

>“I’m not asking.” Thunderlane’s voice was steady, commanding. He turned to the others. “Start her training as soon as possible. Safety, physical form, environment, everything you know she needs to know.”

>“She’s just a filly!” one of the senior officers objected, a note of disbelief in their voice.

>Before anyone could argue further, Luftkrieg, the youngest pilot in the room, smirked and waved a hoof casually. “I was younger when I began, she vill be trained.” she said, leaning back with a touch of Germaneigh’s military pride. “Let’s start by taking up G’s.”

>Silver Spoon, still wide-eyed, barely had time to process it before she found herself being escorted to Maneheim base.
>There, the real training would begin
>First, the simulated G-forces of space travel, harnassed on the fastest carrousel she ever been to.
>Later, fighter jets. Because if she was going to go to space, she needed to understand more than just trajectories.
>She needed to feel the forces at work and she's got served.
>Silver's trying to scream as soon the couple of roaring engines are kicking her into the coffin corner.
>She's also doing basic operations on a notepad trying to keep awake, despite the blackouts, learning to breathe and so on.
>“You're not asking me how I'm doing?” Silver asked
>The pilot responds“Ja, Ich freue mich, dass Ihnen die Fahrt gefällt. Wir fahren doch ein bisschen schneller, oder?”
>Twilight also have been undergoing serious training on a similar jet, exhausted. “How can even RainbowDash manages to do this.”
>Thunderlane flaps down from the cockpit cherishing the tarmac “We're just not the same, your brain is just too big. Hey, how do you think I got in the Army” he joked.
>After a short rest they are reviewing the commands of the Spacekraft
>“This is Silver, I'm engaging main thrusters, auxillary power, cabin presurization, stabilizing”
>the green leds in the control panels start turning red with a [MASTER ALARM] blinking. “ I'm not panicking this is O2 tank leaking, cutting the admission”
>Twilight in the control room : “She's been playing a lot of videogames, she should make it”
>some engineer is laughing looking at the CTV camera : “Let's hope she never have to do any of these.”
>Silver Spoon sat alone in the dimly lit briefing room at Maneheim Base, the hum of computers in the background barely registering in her mind.
>She was exhausted from the relentless training and other sessions, the constant pressure of performing simulations and learning to endure the disorienting G-forces.
>The calculations for the asteroid’s trajectory weighed heavily on her, but the physical demands of preparing for space were another thing entirely.
>It was more than she’d ever expected.
>As she rubbed her eyes, a soft knock at the door pulled her from her thoughts.
>A mare in a sleek military uniform stood in the doorway, her posture as sharp as the gleaming insignia on her chest.
>Her coat was a pale blue, almost ghostly under the artificial lights, and her eyes were steely, betraying years of experience.
>She stepped into the room with an air of quiet authority, her hooves clicking softly on the floor.
>“Silver Spoon” the mare began, her voice smooth and deliberate, “May I have a word?”
>Silver blinked, sitting up straight. She hadn’t been expecting any visitors, least of all somepony in such high-ranking attire. “Um, sure. Of course,” she said, trying to shake off her exhaustion.
>The mare crossed the room and took a seat opposite Silver, folding her hooves on the table between them. She studied the young filly for a moment, her expression unreadable, before speaking.
>“You’re aware of the risks of this mission, I assume,” she said calmly. “I’m not here to sugarcoat anything, so I’ll get straight to the point. There’s a very real possibility that this mission could fail. If anything, this is done out of despair, Hooviet Union, Griphons and Industria have been prepared.”
The fuck is wrong with their snouts?
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>Silver stiffened at the words, her stomach tightening with a sudden wave of anxiety. “I know that,” she replied softly, her voice steadier than she felt. “That’s why I’m here. To help make sure it doesn’t. There's even another filly working on some math from home, Apogee, her mother has been recruited on the team you know.”
>The mare nodded, acknowledging Silver’s resolve. “Of course. You’re doing everything you can, everypony here does, and I have no doubt in your abilities. But let’s be realistic for a moment. Asteroids like this don’t always follow predictions, no matter how brilliant the calculations are or the technology we have. There are too many variables—too many unknowns.”
>Silver swallowed hard, trying to push back the rising fear. “But we’ve planned for that. We’ve accounted for everything!”
>The mare leaned in slightly, her eyes narrowing with a strange intensity. “What if I told you that, despite all that planning, there’s still a way for you to survive if the worst happens?”
>Silver frowned, confused. “What do you mean? I checked the radar imagery like everyone here, we know it's going to end life as we know it.”
>The mare’s voice lowered, almost conspiratorial. “There are preparations being made. Bunkers. Hidden, secure facilities, deep beneath the surface. Places where certain individuals. Quite important individuals will be kept safe in the event of a global catastrophe.That's the protocol, could be you, your family and friends.”
>Silver’s breath caught in her throat. The implications were chilling. “You’re talking about... letting the asteroid hit?”

>The mare didn’t blink. “Not letting it, but preparing for the possibility. We have to consider every outcome. The bunker is already stocked, ready for those who... well, who will ensure the future of Equestria. Ponies like you, Silver Spoon.”
>Silver’s mind reeled at the suggestion. “I’m not special like that,” she said, shaking her head. “Why me?”
>“You’re a filly genius who has already saved us more than once with your calculations,” the mare said, her tone still eerily calm. “You’ve earned your place. You could survive this. You could be one of the few to rebuild a new world. I reviewed your exam and we need ponies like you in the future that comes.”

>For a moment, Silver couldn’t find the words. The idea of hiding in some underground bunker while the world above crumbled was nauseating.
>“No,” she said finally, her voice firmer now. “I’m not going to hide. I’m going to fix this. We’re going to stop the asteroid. Hide where you want it won't change a thing.”
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>The mare sighed, as if expecting the answer. “I thought you’d say that. But I wanted you to know the option exists.Let's be realistic, many officials know about that threat for a long time. As we speak; we are preparing for a different future. Not saying that I am siding with the lunatics who follow what is that again, the Eclipse Order?”
>Silver’s mind flashed to the rumors she’d heard. the whispered conspiracies about those who believed the asteroid was a cleansing force, nature’s way of wiping the slate clean. The thought made her stomach churn.

>“I’m not like them,” Silver said sharply. “I won’t abandon everypony because I like to be alive. I'm selfish, what's the point if we have nothing.”
>The mare stood, her expression softening slightly. “I hope you’re right, Silver Spoon. I truly do. But remember, when the time comes, you may not have a choice.” She turned to leave, her final words hanging ominously in the air. “Some things are beyond our control. And we're not Gods. Celestia doesn't raise the Sun.”
>As the door closed behind her, Silver sat frozen, the weight of the conversation sinking in. The possibility of failure had always been there, lingering in the background. But now it felt more real, more tangible. And the thought of surviving in some hidden bunker while the world burned?

>That wasn’t survival.
>That was defeat.
>She hated this.
>She remembered how Diamond Tiara was behaving with her.
>Acquiring more determination, Silver stood, her legs still shaky from the conversation with that mysterious mare, probably secret services, foreign intelligence, there was a bunch of shady equines in there. Rumors and more.
>Moments were passing, she was standing alone again, in the control room with large screens and the hum of computers, alone with herself.
>She wasn’t going to hide. She wasn’t going to let this world be torn apart.
>The mission had to succeed. There was no other option, it was now personal.
>Silver got up, trotting in the corridor of the base. Alone, in the silence, looking at reflection into a photograph of Aryanne.
>She don't know anything about her, brutal, dictator, but also a hero, a fighter.
>Silver's crashing her hoof on a fire alarm, then she's heading to the equipment room
>Random pilots have been kicked out of their sleep by the buzzing noise.
>Silver's dressed on her pressurized suit. an unaesthetic orange suit
>Pilots and military personnel are wondering what's going on.
>“This is not a drill. I gotta train.” she said.
>Twilight's coming to ask what's going on. “Silver it's 4 in the morning!”
>“Time is running out, and I can't sleep.”
>Luftkrieg : “You're going to be served then.”
>They were both embarking on the heaviest fighter-interceptor of the base, the equivalent of the MIG-31, this one was labeled ‘Rachsüchtigewölfe’ who in little to no time, hit into the cold darkness of the night.
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>After a peak at a few Mach numbers, they reached cruising altitude
>The stars above and the moon casting a pale glow over the horizon, over a carpet of clouds, Luftkrieg cut the radios and telemetry.
>“They’re not listening now,” she said, glancing back at Silver. “You feelin’ alright?”
>Silver took a breath, the adrenaline still pulsing through her veins, taking her mask off “I had to do this, sorry for kicking you up that early.”
>Luftkrieg raised an eyebrow. “You’re sharper than they give you credit for. So, what’s really on your mind? Couldn’t sleep just because of a training flight? Zat's original!”
>Silver hesitated, then leaned forward. “I think something’s going on. That mare yesterday evening in the control room, I don’t even know who she was, but she talked about bunkers. About us preparing to fail. And if that’s true, if there are ponies already planning for the worst, then we’re in more danger than we know. Not just from the asteroid, but from the ones who think this is all some kind of divine reset.”
>Luftkrieg’s face hardened, her carefree demeanor slipping away. “You’re right to be suspicious,” she said quietly.
>“This mission isn’t just about the asteroid. There’s a lot of ponies in fact many creatures too, gryphons and even many in the whorld who don’t vant this to succeed. They think the world needs a ‘cleansing’..”
>Silver frowned. “Do you think they’re trying to sabotage the mission?”
>“Every war are the same. Treasons, interests for many to win or fail, lies, politics. The strong goes to war, the true evil lies in the background.” she said with her accent.
>“There are conflicts, we do our best, a soldier mutn't think but obey. A warrior thinks and decides of the right thing to fight. Some ponies have their own agenda and exploits a crisis for their own interests. I’ve kept my head down, but… yeah, I think there’s more going on than just saving the planet. Espionnage and more is common I tell you.”
>Silver felt her stomach twist. It was worse than she thought. “Then we have to be ready for anything.”
>Luftkrieg smirked, her old confidence returning. “That’s why you’re in this jet with me, kid. Time to toughen up. Next stop, ze space. Let's trust no one.”

>She's heading back to the base, surprisingly even with the radio on, no pony was here to yell at the fillies embarking on a military aircraft
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>In a surprise announcement, Princess Celestia and the Equine Union made the threat public.
>More astronomers around the world have managed to detect the asteroid, or rather, more than just one.
>On every news station, the princess stood before cameras, her expression calm but grave.
>Behind her were some of Equestria’s top scientists and military figures, their faces grim as the news spread across the globe.
>"An asteroid system is heading towards our world, but I want to inform everypony that we are doing everything in our power to stop it. A mission, involving our finest minds and bravest ponies, is already underway. We are prepared."

>The media exploded. Experts, intellectuals, and critics from all over Equestria and beyond took to the airwaves. Ponies debated furiously, the news spreading like wildfire across every city, town, and village.

>A group of influential intellectuals, with their own platform, quickly seized the moment. “Celestia is playing God again!” one pony, a well-known pundit, declared on live television. “And Aryanne, the Germaneigh chancellor, is no hero for supporting this. We don’t need royals telling us they’re the only ones who can save us.”
>More conspiracies claims that aliens are coming to save earth from Equine greed and war, and they want to take them down.
>Some influential ponies are claiming Celestia and many other kingdoms are doing this to just expose their superiority
>"This is a trillion bits mission that can be used to help starving zebras. Celestia hates zebras!"
>it's going on all day on the news, as many ponies waving green flags claims it is a crime against nature to let ponykind determine its own fate
>others are waving signs with sad aliens "we come in peace!" "no nukes in space!" they're blocking the roads, rioting

>"This is retarded." Twilight said, zaps off the TV with her magic.
>"Even an event like saving the world, they manage to have a problem with that."
>Silver was still busy analyzing every new data. “The least dumb one is the one who claimed it's some alien saucer, the movement makes no sense with what we know of gravitation on comets and other bodies.”
>She was working on the problem with Apogee, a filly astronomer even more fascinated with space.
>Days are passing, studying and training, she's getting used with the procedures and more.
>Terror attack at the Mont Jappeloup radiotelescope
>The same day, two of the best physicists in the project, that bearded unicorn died suddenly. Another have resigned.
oh this is a good green !
So it's not just sci-fi but the plot deserves to be expanded. We're finally having a clean story with SS !
mor fili
Why they mad at me, what for?
you saw them touching hooves before marriage
Just cause Rumble is 4'4
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I especially like the idea how OCs like Luftkrieg and Apogee are both involved.

>SilverSpoon wants her friends and family to be in safety
>especially DiamondTiara
>Filthy Rich is one of the few selected by the luminati/NWO and DT will share the info
>nothing goes as planned, shots fired, secret services attacked etc.
Nice song
think it fits. also what about silver can know how to lead ponykind through the galaxy like, without the spice
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Sure yeah
>Silver tapped her hoof impatiently against the metal console as the deep hum of the training centrifuge began to idle. The lights flickered, and the whirring gradually settled to a low drone before the compartment door slid open with a hiss. Twilight Sparkle stepped out first, her mane slightly frazzled but otherwise composed.

>“Twilight, how much longer are we going to keep up these tests?” Silver asked, barely hiding her irritation. She flicked her braid back, a rare sign of impatience for the usually composed filly.

>“It’s necessary” Twilight replied curtly. “If we’re going to be up there, we need to know our limits. We could fire a cloud of rockets as missile and just miss.”

>Silver rolled her eyes but didn’t argue.
>Truth was, the pegasi had been handling the G-forces training fine, but she and Twilight were a different matter.
>They're horses.
>“Commander Thunderlane is running simulations with Luftkrieg in the next chamber,” Twilight added. “They’re preparing for a zero-G combat scenario.”

>Silver’s ears perked. “Combat? We’re not... Uh”
>She knows that she knows something
>“Better to be prepared,” Twilight cut in, her voice firm. Since the mission had gone public, but still with secrecy on who's there, Twilight had become harder. There was no room for debate, no room for mistakes.
>The tension overall is palpable and that's the third day only.
>The door to the training chamber opened again, and Apogee trotted in, still in her flight suit, The young genius looked worn out, her wings drooping slightly and her green mane a complete mess.
>Later in the research room
>“Any news from Prance?” Apogee asked, voice hopeful.
>Silver bit her lip.
>The data from the radiotelescope was making things more complex.
>And that data was still missing after the “accident” at the observatory.
>“No updates,” Silver replied, trying to keep her voice even. “ah guess we’re working with what we have.”

>“What we have is flawed,” Apogee muttered under her breath.
>“If we miscalculate the burn by even a fraction, we’ll either miss the asteroid entirely”
>“Or did all that for nothing and observe the end of the world from a safe place” Twilight finished, looking at Silver pointedly.
>Silver knew what she meant. If the calculations were off, the antimatter charge they were planning to use might hit the asteroid in the wrong trajectory, turning a potential planetary extinction event into a chain reaction of catastrophic proportions.
>The fallout would blanket the entire hemisphere, crap like that.
>“That’s why we’re here waiting for the launch window, in the meantime we need everything possible ready and planned”
>“What about my parents?” Silver blurted out, surprising even herself. “With all the death and what happened since this morning, you know, I'm...”
>“We have agents in Ponyville, yes I have anticipated that.”
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Thanks, doin' my best.
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i like that green, get on with it
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(I have no idea where I'm going with this)
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The perfect wife
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or daughter, speaking of what do we know about her family and all, what's canon about this?
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>As the royal jet flew smoothly toward the launchpad in the south of Equestria, Silver Spoon sat by the window, staring out at the endless clouds beneath them. >The interior of the plane was calm, the hum of the engines steady and reassuring.
>Twilight Sparkle, seated across from her, was reviewing mission plans with Luftkrieg and Thunderlane. It's going to take a couple of weeks back and forth
>Everything seemed under control.
>But Silver’s mind kept wandering back to the recent chaos.
>They're taking off, heading to the south of Equestria, a different base.

>Pilot of the jet was RainbowDash and Fleetfoot.
>She's looking around her, an escort from the Luftwaffe.
>So far so good
>Rainbowdash is reading her instruments. ‘‘Guess what, Fuel is leaking or is falling faster than expected’’ reads ‘‘Loss of power on engine 1.’’
>‘‘Copy RD. Twi wasn't kidding.’’ Fleetfoot replied ‘‘loss of power on the second’’
>RD is trying to keep the control, grabs the mic ‘‘mayday mayday this is royal air force to all stations, we have a loss on hydraulics and both motors.15 ponies on board, including Princess Twilight and the crew for the Icarus mission! Oh shit!’’
>some radio chatter from the surrounding places
>Fleetfoot grabs the radio's mic ‘‘Oh no no control! no! Sweet CELESTIA HELPS US WE ARE DOOMED!’’
>Rainbowdash screams in terror, then she cuts the radio. Both mares are laughing at eachother.
>RD: ‘‘That's a nice mountain down here, and it's getting bigger and bigger’’
>Fleetfoot is looking at her. ‘‘Is that all part of her cunning plan?’’
>RD: ‘‘Crashing this plane, with no survivors’’
>Fleetfoot : ‘‘Let's get out of here’’
>They're both running to the rear of the empty jet, unlock the emergency exit, and jumps both into the air at high altitude
>they're deploying their wings in the air as the jet crashed into a ball of fire in a non-populated area
>RD: ‘‘God damn it what a rush!’’
>The escort jets are patrolling above the crash site before they're leaving

>Every news station in Equestria was covering the incident, the headlines screaming "Royal Jet Crashed with Critical Personnel Onboard!" "The operation of saving the world is compromised, we have just witnessed - oh god Princess Twilight was on the plane!"

>Inside a different plane not too far from here flying above the mountains, a dark, flat silhouette bearing Germaneigh's emblems similar to a B-2 stealth bomber is raising above the clouds
>Inside, passengers seats with Twilight, Silver Spoon safely installed, looking over the mountains by small triangular windows
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>The co-pilot of the Vergeltung Freya, wearing a strange helmet with night vision and tactical gear confirmed the safe ejection of RainbowDash and Fleetfoot from the once flying palace
>“I knew they would take the bait!” Twilight muttered, glancing up from her notes, with a malicious grin
>She looked to Silver, offering a small, knowing smile. ‘‘RainbowDash and Fleetfoot made it safe and sound’’
>Silver swallowed, still trying to calm her racing heart ‘‘With all the things you've planned I'm glad we're on the same side’’
>Twilight nodded, her expression serious but calm. “The signs were all there. It was too public, too obvious. Wo had to give these fuckers what they wanted.’’
>‘‘This mission is too important to risk putting all of us in one place without precaution. The real crew always had to be on a secondary flight.”
>Silver felt a wave of relief wash over her, but it was quickly replaced by the realization of what this meant. “So… there’s a mole?”
>Twilight’s eyes darkened, her expression growing hard. “Not just one. And now we know who it is.”

>One of the military unicorns aboard, a security officer dressed in the deep violet uniform of the Royal Guard, stepped forward and quietly handed Twilight a secure line
>‘‘We can enable radio comms for this sector, madam!’’ he said
>Twi: “Secure line to Canterlot, please,” she said softly.
>Silver couldn’t help but lean in slightly, her curiosity piqued.
>She watched as Twilight’s face remained composed, but her eyes burned with intensity as she spoke.
>“Yes,” Twilight began, her voice low but firm. “The decoy jet was successfully sabotaged as expected. The moles have been identified and is currently in custody in Marelin. Spike knows. Yes he's going to take care of Anon for the time being.”
>There was a brief pause as the voice on the other end responded, and Twilight’s expression tightened. “Good. Begin the interrogation immediately, you have your techniques. I want answers by the time we reach the launch site.”
>Silver’s heart skipped a beat. A spy. In Marelin. And perhaps not just in Marelin.
>Somepony had tried to sabotage them from within, and they had come dangerously close to succeeding.
>Twilight had been prepared, but the reality of the threat was sinking in more deeply now.
had ever heard. “Ensure the Royal Guard and the Equine Union are kept in the loop. If there’s any further attempt to disrupt the mission, we need to be ready to neutralize it. This mole is only the beginning but Aryanne's Germaneigh is the ideal place for that.”
>She ended the call with a sharp tap and handed the phone back to the unicorn.
>Twilight took a deep breath, her expression softening as she turned to Silver and the rest of the crew.
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>“Well,” Twilight said, leaning back in her seat, “at least now we know exactly who was behind the sabotage.
>They’ve been working out of Marelin for some time, gathering intelligence on the project. We expected it, but we needed confirmation. Now we have it.”
>Silver was smiling at the idea of being now virtually dead. ‘‘The face they will make when we live stream from outer space in a couple hours...’’
>Luftkrieg, who had been silent until now, leaned forward, her eyes narrowing. “Who was it? Somepony close?”
>Twilight shook her head. “A low-level logistics officer and some of the air personnel, a mechanic. Somepony who had access to the flight plans but wasn’t high enough up the chain to raise suspicion. They were feeding information to the Eclipse Order.”
>“The Eclipse Order?” Silver replied, frowning. She had heard rumors about them. The shady organization that mare she saw was probably a part of, but she hadn’t realized they were this close.
>Twilight nodded grimly. “Yes. They’ve been organizing resistance against the mission from the start, it's terrorism, now there's all units after them, heads will fall. Finally the apocalypse won't be for us.”
>Silver realized all the conspiracy theories about secret governments, even the things her mother warned about Diamond tiara's parents were rather confirmed. They were the ones behind the rhetoric that the asteroid was a divine reset, that Equestria was interfering with the natural order by trying to stop it. Their influence was spreading, and it was clear they had agents working to undermine the mission from every angle. They wanted their depopulation agenda for half a century now. And we're going to nuke it.
>“We’ll need to stay on high alert,” Thunderlane added. “This won’t be their last attempt. But for now, we’re on course.
>The comms officer unicorn ‘‘Let the media cover the crash and spread their theories, it keeps them focused on the wrong things while we move forward.”
>As the stealth jet glided smoothly over the southern hills of Equestria, the horizon began to glow with the faintest light of dawn. They were almost there. Icarus, The ship, the building that would take them to the stars, and to the asteroid that threatened all life was ready.

>This was it.
>Twilight met Silver’s gaze and gave her a reassuring nod. “You’ve done more than anypony could have asked of you already, Silver. But we’re going to need you now more than ever.”
>Silver nodded, her heart steadying. “I won’t let you down.”
>With that, the jet continued its silent flight, as they're approaching the launch site, a place owned by an eccentric trillionaire.

>On the TVs across Equestria, some ponies on a political talk show ‘‘Sure it is a great loss for all of us of course but the world is safer-’’ Royal Guards are arriving on the stage, seizing him, there's panic in the studio ‘sorry for this interruption’
>The fire rises.
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The ‘Freya’ sliced silently through the dawn sky, Silver Spoon pressed her face against the cool window, peering down at the landscape below.
>The jet was a far cry from the luxurious decoy that is now part of the landscape, that one being all sharp lines and dark metal, designed to be invisible to radar and faster than the wind, like a brutalist architecture, only made edgier by the sonnenrad on the wings.
>The passengers felt the rumble beneath their hooves as the jet began its final approach, the landing strip at the secret launch site coming into view below them.
>Twilight Sparkle, seated beside Silver, gave her a reassuring smile. “Almost there, only a few ponies knows about us.”

>The pilot’s voice crackled over the VHF. “Control, requesting permission for a flyby.”
>There was a pause, then a quick reply from the ground team. “Permission granted. Fly over at your discretion.”
>Silver’s heart raced as the Freya descended from the clouds.
>The launchpad came into view, and she gasped. Below them stood the rocket
>a towering giant of metal and power, its payload a shuttle-shaped craft perched atop it like a sentinel pointing at the sky
>Smoke billowed from the rocket’s cooling tanks, and the structure glistened in the early light as if ready to leap into space.
>Some of the crew insisted Apogee to get up and look at the monster of titanium
>The pilot itself nodded and wanted to contemplate the machine “Requesting another flyby,” the pilot said, a smirk in his voice.
>Silver grinned at the excitement in the air.
>Even in these high-stakes moments, the thrill of what they were about to do wasn’t lost on anypony.
>They were embarking on a mission that would make history.
>‘‘For the first time we are a species who will fight its own extinction. I think we're passing one step of civilization. One big filter.’’ Apogee said wisely.
>Everyone in the crew here knows what kind of ‘filter’ she mentions.
>After the second pass, the black military jet banked and made its descent toward the landing strip hidden within the hills near the base. >They touched down with precision, the jet gliding along the runway until it rolled to a stop near the entrance to the underground facility.
>Silver exhaled sharply as the engines powered down as the doors opens to a futuristic place with the noise of the idling engines
>Unicorns welcomed the crew, bowing to the princess and every member.
>Inside the facility, the atmosphere was one of focus and urgency, but without chaos.
>Scientists, engineers, and military personnel bustled about, ensuring that every detail of the mission was ready.
>The team was led to a set of examination rooms for their final pre-flight checks.
>Sterilization was simple, unicorns at the entrance using a magic spell, like a breeze of fresh air lifting ponies a bit.
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>Slver stood in the sterile room after an observation from doctors and physicians.
>One of the beautiful uniconrn mares was asking her “Miss Spoon?” she asked with an accent. “You need a sécure line?”
>Silver nodded quickly. “Yes, please. It’s… personal.”
>She's making a sign to the Royal Guards accommpanying them and ensuring their security so far
>The officer nodded, understanding, and made a quick call.
>Moments later, he handed her a phone. ‘‘Secure communication for Echo Quibbles Three Zebra Fox’’
>Silver held it tightly to her ear, waiting as the call connected. After a few rings, a soft voice answered.
>Stallion's asking ‘‘Hello madam, I want to make sure I'm talking with SilverSpoon's mother. Are you alone? Right, I have a phone call for you.’’
>The stallion is staying around and give Silver the heavy satellite phone
>“Silver?” Her mother’s voice was soft but thick with worry.
>Silver’s heart clenched. “Mom… I’m okay. I promise. I’m safe.”
>There was a pause, and then her mother’s voice, a little shakier than before, came through. “I’m so relieved. I was so worried.”
>Before Silver could respond, she heard a familiar voice in the background. Diamond Tiara.
>“Is that Silver?!” Diamond’s voice was filled with guilt
>Silver’s mother handed the phone over, and Diamond’s voice came through clearly now.
>“Silver, I’m so sorry! I didn’t know what was happening, I didn’t know what to do!”

>“Diamond?” Silver’s voice was calm, but her heart hurt hearing her friend so distressed. “Why, wait what are you doing home?”

>Diamond’s words came out in a rush. “You know me, I left. I couldn’t just hide while everything was happening.’’
>Silver's mom is explaining as Diamond is too panicked ‘‘Filthy Rich and Spoiled Milk, they’re gone. They deserted Ponyville. Mayor Mare’s missing, too. Everypony’s just… leaving.’’
>Diamond:‘‘ I couldn’t stay with them, not after everything.”

>Silver closed her eyes, taking a deep breath.
>This was chaos. Contrasting with the organized vibe of the space center. Ponyville, a ghost town, everypony hiding where they can, in their basements, preparing for apocalypse. And Diamond, filled with regret, now seeking refuge with her mother. That's new.
>Her mom never wanted to invite Diamond or the Rich at home
>The world was falling apart, and her family and friends were in the middle of it.
>“Diamond,” Silver said softly, but firmly, “stay with my mom and the Royal Guard. Please. You need to be safe.”
>“But what about you?”
>“I uh,’’
>Twilight, the officers and other are looking at her, smiling.
>‘‘I guess I'm gonna have to save the world’’
>There was a long silence, and then Diamond whispered, “I love you, Silver.”
>Silver smiled, a tear slipping down her cheek. “I love you too, Diamond. Stay safe. Both of you.”
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>After the call, Silver wiped her eyes and rejoined the team, feeling a renewed sense of determination.
>They headed into the futuristic, pristine interior of the Equestrian Space Center.
>Everything was gleaming white, sleek, and minimalist, the very air buzzing with the anticipation of history in the making.
>Rarity was there, of course, bypassing all possible security levels thanks to her friendshipness, but pleasant to see her, overseeing the finishing touches on the space suits she had designed for the mission.
>She stood in the middle of a circle of scientists, her eyes keen as she examined the uniforms.
>“Oh, darlings!” she called out as Silver and Twilight approached. “Aren’t they just divine? Elegant but practical. I’ve been working day and night to make sure they’re perfect!”

>Silver glanced at the suits. Like everypony else., sleek, with subtle lines of silver and blue, streamlined for efficiency yet undeniably beautiful. Everypony have one suiting their mane color, all coupling the mission's insign. There wasn’t a single gem or piece of bling in sight, just a futuristic elegance that Rarity had perfected.

>“You really outdid yourself, Rarity,” Twilight said with a smile.

>“Why, thank you, darling. I just had to be part of this. Spacesuits are the future of fashion, after all!”
>Rarity winked and adjusted her glasses, making sure everything was in order before turning to a photographer, posing beside the suits.

>As they moved through the center, they passed a massive glass window that overlooked the launch site. Silver’s breath caught again as she saw the rocket up close.
>The giant of titanium, its windows and parts made from pure diamond, stood ready.
>The scale of it was overwhelming, this was the vessel, the warship that would carry them to the asteroid and beyond.

>Standing nearby, sipping tea in an elaborate lounge, was the eccentric trillionaire from Prance who had funded much of the project, a stallion who could only be described as the ponified version of Elon Musk. He waved them over with an enthusiastic smile, there's photos of him with Celestia, and his Shiba Inu dog.
>“Ah! You’re the stars of this little show, eh?” he said “Come, come, have some tea before we send you into the sky! Or anything you want, you're here to save my flank too!”
>Silver exchanged a glance with Twilight, who shrugged, smiling slightly. “I suppose a quick cup wouldn’t hurt.”
>As they sipped their tea, the discussion turned to the final formalities of the mission on a table with Rarity, engineers and everyone.
>The nuclear engineer, a stern-faced unicorn with a reputation for brilliance, briefed them on the payload.
>warheads designed with both magic and science, capable of taking out the asteroid. Every detail had to be perfect.
>The details were secret but he insisted to explain the developments to Silver Spoon and the last details.
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>‘‘Three of the warheads will deliver up to a hundred megaton of energy. Pure fusion energy triggered by an antimatter cell, however the fourth, cause there is a fourth is the one that will be different. If the mission is over you must release it because there is no return plan for it. Dark magic, accelerated, we have in fact a device that will fuse certain types of exotic matter, increase density, and create a mini black-hole. So you can...’’
>Silver started to scribble notes on the desk. The trillionaire is fascinated looking at her at work. ‘‘What kind of uh... distorsion factor can we expect?’’ as she draws a curve inverted on a sheet of paper
>some physicist ‘‘We have to assume the mass of the warhead the size of a proton, an event horizon of’’
>‘‘Forty kilometers. One thousand years to dissipate or more, orbiting around our Sun into an elliptic trajectory, making several comebacks back and forth in our solar system.’’
>Apogee and others are trying to realize: ‘‘We're going to make a back hole?’’
>Twilight's making a serious face: ‘‘There's spells for that.’’
>Silver is reviewing her drawings, that don't really contains calculations, only lines, curves, dots, and some numbers, the pen she's grabbing going off the page and sliding on the table. ‘‘Yes that's playable, ejected by the Sun, it can't crash into it.’’

>Then, over the loudspeaker, a soft chime echoed through the room, followed by an announcement: “Attention. Launch of Mission Aegis is scheduled for 11:00. All personnel, please prepare for boarding.”

>Silver felt a shiver run down her spine again. This was it. The countdown had begun.

>They finished their tea behind and walked toward the rocket, the massive structure looming overhead like a titan. As they passed through the final security checks and strapped into their sleek spacesuits, they joked among themselves, the tension lightened by their shared experience.

>“We’re officially dead, you know,” Thunderlane said with a grin. “The media’s already running with it.”
>Twilight chuckled. “Well, if being ‘dead’ means saving the world, I’ll take it.”
>There's some unicorns with high def cameras immortalizing the moment, the crew are posing
>‘‘Princess Twilight, we are oct 8th it's 14:18 canterlot time, what message would you pass?’’ she asked
>Twilight: ‘‘I'm going to destroy you.’’ she stared at the camera defiantly as she exit the lift on the way to the ship.
>Thunderlane is putting on his helmet too.
>Finally at the last moment, a second filly, Apogee, decided to stay on the ground. There is a back-up mission, Silver taught her everything she knew.
>The info is now live.
>As they climbed aboard the rocket, Silver took one last look back at the world she was about to leave..
>Then, came to her seat, everypony in their position
>The countdown began as the crew leaves and locks the doors.

>T minus Three minutes
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>Silver Spoon sat strapped into her seat, her heart racing in rhythm with the distant thrum of the engines. >Beside her, Luftkrieg and Thunderlane were focused, their eyes scanning their control panels, monitoring the checklist and everything as the countdown reached its final seconds.

>"T-minus 10... 9... 8..." The voice from Mission Control echoed through their headsets, clear but intense.
>Silver could hear the hum of the machinery, feel the tension in the air.
>This was it, the culmination of all the planning, the hope, and the fears of everypony watching below. Her mind raced through equations, the perfect angles and velocities that would guide them into orbit, and then… beyond.
>She has the best possible computers onboard to assist her to the precision tasks.

>"Main engines start..."
>The roar of the rocket shook her bones, a sound louder than anything she'd ever imagined.
>Her vision blurred for a moment as the force of acceleration pressed her into her seat.
>"Liftoff. We have liftoff!"

>The entire world erupted. From Ponyville to Manehattan, from Germaneigh to Prance, ponies and creatures of all walks of life were glued to their screens. their radios, anything.
>nay monies went to space, but this mission was something different.
>In classrooms, homes, and gathering places, every eye was on the sky.
>Miss Cheerilee holding Big Mac can't believe who she's recognizing on the news channels, as a list of ponies arrested for conspiracy and terrorism makes it barely to the banner.
>In Ponyville, Diamond Tiara and Silver’s mother sat in front of a large screen, surrounded by a quiet but hopeful crowd.

>Diamond whispered softly to herself, “Come back safe, Silver…”

>The live broadcast flickered to scenes across the globe. In Manehattan, the image of the rocket leaving the atmosphere was projected on skyscrapers for all to see and billboards
>The world watched in anticipation as the rocket passed through Max Q, the point of maximum aerodynamic pressure.

>“Passing Max Q,” Thunderlane called over the radio, his voice steady.
>the entire crew cheers up
>Silver glanced to her right, watching as Luftkrieg adjusted the controls, her eyes sharp and focused as she navigated through the pressure build-up. “All systems green. Nominal trajectory,” the young pegasi said, her voice crisp.
>Back on the ground, Apogee, the CAPCOM (Capsule Communicator), coordinated the entire mission, her voice cool and professional in Silver’s earpiece. “Stage separation confirmed. You’re on your way, team.”
>With a deep rumble, the first stage of the rocket detached and fell back toward Earth, while the second stage ignited, propelling them even higher into the vacuum of space. Silver felt the change immediately, the gentle weightlessness pulling at her limbs, as they reached the boundary between the atmosphere and space.
>The second stage pushed little ponies into a stable low Earth orbit, the curvature of their home planet now clearly visible below, a massive, blue-green marble wrapped in swirls of white clouds. It was breathtaking. No more acceleration, there they are. Space. And heading to their destination.

>Silver looked into one of the cameras, knowing full well that ponies back on Earth, including Scootaloo, the CMC, everyone even claiming like ‘Look she bullied me!’, were watching.
>She lifted a hoof and waved, her face lighting up in a shy but confident smile, a bit shy, as Twilight is making the presentations.
>Twilight also waves a newspaper freshly printed joking about the press being bad.

>Far from there, on a cold place, a different country, different timezone, a gray stallion with purple eyes is watching the stream.
>Some okapi mare is looking at him, watching the news on TV not saying a word, but smiling with a tear on his cheek.

>Meanwhile, in the darker corners of the world, the Organization fumbled in chaos.
>Their carefully laid plans of sabotage had failed, their decoy jet destroyed.
>Leaders of the shadowy group paced angrily in their underground bunkers, grumbling about “royalty playing god” and the "disaster" they now faced the public’s growing support for the mission was making it harder for them to spin their narrative.

>As Silver’s Icarus team completed their first orbit around the planet, and a first dinner in the -actually comfortable dining room- Luftkrieg and Thunderlane began calculating their next maneuver with Silver doing the checks, this one is easy.
>Several hours later they're entering the real space part. Leaving earth's orbit.
>"Prepare for lunar assist," Luftkrieg announced over the radio. “We’re coming around the dark side of the moon. Boost will engage automatically.”

>"Affirmative, Mane Control," Thunderlane replied as the ship arced smoothly through space, heading toward the moon’s gravitational field. The moon itself loomed large in the distance, its surface cold and uninviting, but a crucial tool for the mission. The crew was calm, but the enormity of what they were doing never left their minds.

>As they flew past the moon, they used its gravity to slingshot themselves toward their true target: the asteroid, a trio of massive, tumbling rocks that had already begun their deadly descent toward Equestria.

>Silver adjusted her glasses and stared at the complex readouts on the screen before her, her mind working through calculations faster than anypony could track. She had discovered that the asteroid wasn't a single entity but rather three gravitationally bound objects, making the task of intercepting it far more difficult. But with the right velocity and timing, they could strike it where it mattered.
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>Thunderlane's voice cut through her focus. "We're about to fire the main thrusters. Approaching the moon’s gravity well. Ready for the burn. If you have anything on a table of value.."
>Silver's trying to swim in the cabin in zero gravity, while Luftie grabbed her with a few flaps by her wings. Silver is just not used on flying.
>Apogee’s voice came through loud and clear. "Good luck, team! The whole world’s watching, bring me some postcards!"

>Silver had worked out all the math, determining the exact point at which the black hole would have to form to trap the asteroid and fling it out of the solar system using gravitational assist. It was a theoretical weapon, but this was no time for half-measures.
>The final check-ins began
Luftkrieg: “Trajectory locked in.” Thunderlane: “Nuclear payload confirmed, ready for deployment.” Silver Spoon: “Blackhole generator, status green. Math checks out.”

>Twilight opens her suitcase with the launch codes she shares with Thunderlane
>Luftkrieg carries with her some artefact with her, a sword. a rusty sword that fought some zebra war or something in the past.
>SilverSpoon has got her ray gun.
>As the engines roared silently to life once again, they felt the powerful pull of acceleration as the ship left the moon behind, heading into the vast darkness of deep space. The Earth was a distant dot now, but everything that mattered was back on that fragile blue world, disappearing in the darkness behind the moon.
>Silver felt a sense of calm and resolve settle over her. The numbers were right. The plan was sound. She couldn't help but contemplate the travel.
>The other side of the ship being equally amazing, in the total obscurity, the milky way being visible, showing a different kind of night, pitch black.
>After almost four days in space, the living room area of the spacecraft had become a chaotic, makeshift command center.
>Papers, hastily scrawled equations, and half-eaten hayburgers were strewn across the table, while a few laptops flickered with data.
>Silver Spoon paced nervously in this mess, as others were resting.
>Her new glasses slipping down her muzzle as she looked between her calculations and the disjointed numbers coming from Equestria’s radiotelescopes from many sources.
>It could not be an error.
>Silver spent the night on it, thinking, sitting on the cockpit in all directions unable to sleep.
>Twilight saw her, sat nearby, her brow furrowed in concentration as she cross-checked Silver’s data. ‘‘Are you sure? Rerun the simu it can't stop!’’
>Thunderlane and Luftkrieg later stood by, awaken by the filly's gaspings.
>Silver cleared her throat, her voice wavering slightly as she called the crew together. "Everypony… we need to talk." She's smiling and frowning, not sure how to react to what she have found
>Twilight nodded, sensing the urgency. She closed her laptop and joined Silver at the table, while Thunderlane and Luftkrieg exchanged glances and trotted over.

>Silver took a deep breath, pushing her glasses up with a shaky hoof.
> "Okay, so… this is the data we’ve been getting since we left the moon's shadow." She pointed to the screen, which showed the faint telemetry from the approaching asteroid. Now she's calling it ‘the object’ like some of the now deceased scientist called it
>"These readings… they're not adding up. At first, it seemed like the asteroid was moving exactly as we expected, fast, deadly, predictable. but not like another hence my presence here."
>She tapped a few keys, and a graph of the asteroid’s velocity appeared on the screen. "But now… it's slowing down."
>Thunderlane's staring at her. ‘‘How? It hit something?’’
>Luftkrieg tilted her head, her sharp blue eyes narrowing. "Slowing down? What do you mean?"

>Silver’s ears drooped as she showed them another set of calculations. "Look. According to everything we’ve measured up to this point, this thing should still be hurtling toward us at full speed. But it’s not. Something has changed."

>Twilight took a deep breath, rubbing her temple. "I checked Silver’s math, and she's right. The asteroid is decelerating, but we don't know why."

>Thunderlane, who had been silent, finally spoke. "Wait, so you're telling me... the asteroid, which we’ve been racing to stop, is just slowing down on its own? What are we missing here? You're the scientist, I'm a winged retard and a pilot, if you tell me it's aliens then it's aliens or something... Okay I'm letting you speak. heh." His usually calm demeanor cracked slightly, revealing the underlying tension.
>Silver shook her head, her eyes wide with disbelief. "That’s the thing… we don’t know why. There's nothing out here in deep space that should be able to affect it like this. No planets, no gravity wells, nothing. But the data doesn’t lie."
>Luftkrieg’s wings twitched nervously. "Have you checked again? Maybe it's a sensor malfunction, or interference from space debris." Her voice was calm but edged with concern.
>Twilight nodded. "I’ve triple-checked everything, Luftkrieg. Doppler, Silver crossed data with the telemetry, there’s no malfunction. This is happening. The asteroid is changing course and velocity. And…" She hesitated, her eyes meeting Silver’s, as if trying to find a way to soften the blow. "This makes our mission even more complicated. If the OBJECT is shifting, it's going to be nearly impossible to predict exactly where it'll be when we’re ready to intercept it if needed."
>Silver’s voice cracked. "This… this isn't what I expected." Her heart raced as the weight of the situation settled on her. "I thought I had everything figured out. But this… this changes everything of what we know."
>The room fell into an uneasy silence, the crew exchanging looks of disbelief and uncertainty. The object’s new behavior was throwing their entire mission into questioning. Thunderlane was the first to break the silence.

>"We need to cut all unnecessary communications," Thunderlane said, his voice firm. "From here on out, we only keep a secure, directional beam to Equestria on the KW band with peak cryptography, all others are down. No more casual signals going in or out. If there's something else happening out here, something we're not aware of, we need to think through our next steps carefully. Without interference."
>SilverSpoon's gettiing closer to him : ‘‘Yes, yes that's what I'd, also the spectrometer and ... the radio. We need to point an antenna on this thing.’’
>Luftkrieg nodded in agreement. "We should also run a full diagnostic of the ship’s systems, just in case something on our end is being affected"
>Twilight glanced at Silver, her expression softening. "We’ll figure this out, Silver. now, you're doing an incredible job, you noticed that delta since the exam day, now you're confirming it. It may be a bit more complicated I guess’’
>Silver's looking by one of the windows. "It’s not just complicated," she whispered, her voice trembling. "It’s terrifying."

>"We need to act now. Secure the data, tighten communications, and prepare for the worst-case scenario. We keep our heads down and focus. Nopony else needs to know about this ...yet."

>Something was out there. And now, she wasn’t sure if their greatest enemy was the asteroid or something else entirely.
>There is nothing more terrifying than something we don't understand.
>Hours are passing
>Silver is using the high gain antenna in DX only checking all possible channels and finding something in the noise.
>Twilight, the only unicorn wanted to get on her spacesuit and go outside in the cold, mediating for a moment, trying to sense anything, any energy.
>The images that had just been transmitted from Equestria’s infrared telescopes filled the screens before them, revealing three massive, segmented objects several kilometers long.
>Silver blinked, rubbing her eyes as if the act might make the images change. But no, there they were, clear as day: three immense, dark shapes in the void, each the size of a city, drifting in deep space.
>Twilight came back from the rear of the ship, airlock and everything being entirely automated. She kept her suit on.
>Luftkrieg was the first to break the silence, her voice sharp and professional, though the unease was clear beneath her calm exterior. “Alright,; I conclude clearly, those are not natural objects.” She gestured at the monitor, her white wings twitching as if ready to take flight even in the confined space of the craft. “Whatever that is… it’s made of something artificial. Meine Furher... What if they are like us? Imagine! Or completely different, do we want to know?”
>Silver swallowed hard, feeling her stomach twist. "They’re ships. three of them." she whispered, barely audible, but the statement felt as heavy as the spacecraft they were in

>Thunderlane took a deep breath, his gaze never leaving the screen. "We’re armed," he said slowly, his voice steady, though there was a hint of nervousness underneath. "But we should ask their intentions first. Try to communicate. Right?" He looked around, searching for agreement, though it was clear no one had prepared for this. Not even Silver, with all her complex math and astrophysics, had accounted for the possibility of encountering something alive.
>Twilight’s face was stoic, though her wings twitched in thought. "I'm the leader of this mission," she said, her voice firm, trying to maintain control of the situation. "If they want to talk, we’ll talk.
>We approach them diplomatically, no sudden moves. Right?" She cast a glance at Silver, sensing the filly’s anxiety. "We don’t know their intentions yet."
>Silver Spoon looked at the screen again, a knot of fear she's hiding with her usual sarcasm. "So… it’s on me again, of course?"
>Luftkrieg, usually calm and collected, chimed in with a sharp edge to her voice. "Just tell them they’ll have to adapt to our society, not the opposite, okay?" She looked at Twilight, her eyes firm. "If these things… these ships… are heading toward us, we need to make sure they understand they can’t just waltz into Equestria and take over."
>The computer screen locked on a couple of frequencies proper to the objects
>a few repetitive beats. other being more chaotic.
>‘‘714,2034MHz varying, a few others in the 1.2 GHz, I'm recording this.’’
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>Silver :"Okay, it's recording. So. We need to figure out their intentions first. We can’t go in guns blazing, not when we don’t even know if they’re a threat." She looked at the others, her voice gaining confidence. "We have to treat this like we’re the patrol, you know? Like, we’re the cops or something. We go in polite, ask questions, but we stay ready. Just… just in case. We come to greet them, we have weapons for, you know, uh.... Twilight help me!’’
>Twilight : "We’ll treat this like a first-contact situation. I’ll make the initial attempt to communicate. But if things go south, we’re ready to act."
>Luftkrieg leaned back in her seat, looking at the rest of the crew. "I hope they understand our language, or this is going to get complicated fast."
>The air in the room grew heavier as the reality of the situation sank in. They weren’t just intercepting an asteroid they were potentially making first contact with an alien civilization.
>Twilight’s horn glowed softly as she initiated the secure communications beam with the radio equipment, connecting them to Equestria

>"We’ll transmit the images to Canterlot," Twilight said, her voice steady despite the rising tension. "Let them know what we’ve found, but we’ll claim there’s a radio issue with our main broadcast." She glanced at Thunderlane. "We need to keep this quiet until we know what we’re dealing with."

>Silver watched as Twilight sent the fairly pixelated images of the alien ships back to Equestria,

Thunderlane glanced over at Silver, his voice calm but with a steel edge of authority. "We need to try and communicate, and we’ll do it by the book. Silver, you’re our expert on trajectories. We need you to figure out where they’re heading. If they’re slowing down, it could mean they’re preparing to intercept us."
Silver gulped. "I'll try. But… Yes, there are ways, it's all about slingshots."

Luftkrieg adjusted her helmet, her wings fluttering. "Twilight, before we open communication, can we scan them more thoroughly? Maybe get a better idea of their technology? I don’t want to go in blind."

"Good idea," Twilight agreed, quickly tapping into the ship’s sensor systems. "Let’s see if we can learn more about them before we say hello."

Silver’s hooves trembled as she keyed in the final commands, instructing the sensors to scan the three immense ships now slowly drifting toward them. The data began to flood in: energy readings, materials analysis, temperature scans, any radio signal, emission, movement, everything.
>one of the telephoto lenses of the spectrometer starts capturing data
>"They're… not like anything we’ve ever seen," Twilight murmured, her eyes widening as she read the data. "The hulls are made of some kind of metal we've never encountered before, something far more advanced than anything we have. It does have energy but no sign of life, the only sign so far is that it slowed down.

>"Maybe they’re automated," Thunderlane suggested.

>Luftkrieg shook her head. "Or maybe they’re hiding from us. Imagine. They are pacifists, they detected typical ummm neutrinos from our weapons.
>The silence that followed felt like an eternity. They were just moments away from something that could change the course of history, for better or worse.
>Twilight looked at the crew, her voice resolute. "We’ll make contact. But everypony… stay ready. We don't know what's going to happen next."

>Days later, even closer, everypony can now stare naked eye at the alien ships. This wasn’t just about saving Equestria anymore. They were on the verge of meeting something that could alter the fate of their entire world. "I’ll try to calculate their trajectory and we have them all, Luftie I'm moving the test to prod, you can use them. Toon (*thunderlane's nick) you're ready to bail out any time.
>As the ship flew closer, the vastness of space stretched out before them, and the countdown to first contact began.

>The team have got no reply from Canterlot or Equestria other than a ciphered text message like "Investigate the object, we have no protocol for this, if anything goes wrong, fire all you can if you are threatened. Do not engage or anything, anything could be seen as a threat"

>They were standing there, several thousand kilometres away, dots lit by the sun's light, while ponies were observing it by all possible means, waiting.
>Nothing but silence, a deafening silence.
>Silver: "I think there's a pattern here. It's like they're sending something, but it's buried in noise, shifting, different frequencies, maybe. I'm running the math now, trying to isolate it."
>putting the noise on the speakers sounds like a loud noise, a strange instrument; outworldish screams, going worse as she's playing with usb, lsb, fm modulations
>She tapped more keys, bringing up complex algorithms on the screen, a dizzying array of numbers and symbols that no other pony on board could comprehend.
>Luftkrieg: "What if they zap us before we figure it out?"
>Silver: "I’m working as fast as I can. If there’s something in this mess, it might be their language, or it could be a warning. But… maybe you're right. We can’t stay silent either."
>Twilight stood by the observation window, her gaze flicking between the alien craft in the distance and Silver’s screen. "I’m the Princess of Friendship, but what if this ship isn’t here for friendship? What if they’re planning to invade Equestria? If we die up here, there’s no chance for diplomacy. No chance for peace."
>Her voice was steady, but the weight of leadership bore down on her. Her decisions could decide the fate of not just their mission, but the entire planet.
Twilight: "We’ll deploy one warhead. Just one. We won’t fire it, but we’ll arm it. If they’re as advanced as we think, they’ll detect the radiation from it. They’ll know we’re not defenseless."
Thunderlane: "At your command!" He shot Twilight a sharp salute before turning to the weapons console. His hooves moved with precision, arming the payload but keeping the launchers on standby. "Warhead armed, not launched. Ready for signal. India Whisky Tang Charlie India Romeo Delta"
>Twilight sparkle's authenticating the codes on her console ‘‘I agree, wing commander’’
>Luftkrieg fidgeted in her seat, humming some classical tune
>Twilight hesitated, her mind racing. "We don’t know what they’re capable of… but we have to make contact."
>The room fell silent for a moment, and all eyes turned back to Silver Spoon. The filly genius had pulled up a frequency pattern on her screen. A specific radio source was pulsing at around 700 MHz steady, rhythmic. It was weak, but it was the closest thing to a signal that made sense.

>Silver: "Maybe we’re at the same point. Maybe they’ve got weapons trained on us too, and they don’t know that we’re armed. We could be seconds away from a standoff we didn’t even start. But if we stay quiet, we’ll never know. Twilight… I think we need to respond, grab the mic and well, key in. Let's see if they decode us.

>Twilight blinked
>she flicked the final switch, tuning their transmission to match the only faint alien frequency. The mic was ready, and the ship’s comm system buzzed with an electric hum, preparing to send their message across the cold void of space.
>Silver:"Twilight… you’re on air in five... four... three..." Hers voice trailed off as the countdown hit zero.
Twilight’s hoof grabs the mic, She swallowed hard, but her voice, steady and calm, cut through the silence of the ship, with the VU/power meter on the screen suits her breath.

>Twilight: "This is Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Equestria, aboard the Equine Union vessel Harmony. We seek peaceful contact. We are explorers and scientists. Please respond."

The transmission went out, filling the void between their ship and the massive, dark vessel looming ahead. Seconds ticked by like hours. No sound, no signal. Just the hum of the ship’s systems and the barely rhythmic screeches of the alien craft along with static.
>Twilight stared at the distant ship. Her hooves trembled, but she kept them firmly planted. "We wait."
>Silver Spoon’s stared at the screen, still analyzing the data, looking at the dot through the cockpit from the waterfall screen of all possible signal from the object.. The patterns were shifting, evolving, something was happening. Her eyes widened.

>Silver Spoon: "Wait! I'm seeing something response! They’re changing frequencies… They’re… they’re transmitting back! and I'm recording this!"
>Suddenly, a new signal lit up on the console, faint at first but rapidly growing stronger. The ship’s systems translated the incoming data, and slowly, across the screen, a series of symbols and strange sounds began to play.
>It sure wasn’t Equestrian. It wasn’t any language they’d ever heard before. But it was intelligent. The alien ship was speaking back. the same rhythm, a different pattern.
>Thunderlane: "What do we do now?"
>Twilight: "We listen."

>everypony nods, Luftie picked one of the computers and joined the efforts with silver to decode anything they could. All fours standing alone on a relatively small ship, facing three massive ones. Static, in the middle of space.
It's happening gif!
I'm enjoying this.
>India Whisky Tang Charlie India Romeo Delta
I see what you did there.
>It's happening!
too much happenings and now hre we go, fillers gonna have to decode signals from some weird alien ciilization, which only sign of intelligence is a noise shifting after transmissions, and the fact it stopped as soon it saw a relatively small ship coming at it.
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>Back on Earth, the Equestrian Space Center staff is overwhelmed. Rows of engineers, scientists, and military personnel were glued to their consoles, processing the data coming in from the Harmony.
>Princess Luna, standing at the center of the room, was in command. Behind her, a team of cryptoanalysts and linguists from across the world feverishly worked on decoding the alien signals.
>Luna: “Has she attempted contact?”
>Lead Analyst: “Yes, Your Highness. [Wave file: Twilight’s transmission] here.”
>The audio played, Twilight Sparkle’s steady voice attempting to make contact with the ship.
>The eerie background hum continued, unchanged.
>Luna: “What of the pattern? Did it alter after contact?”
>Lead Analyst: “It didn’t seem to react at first, but the cadence shifted slightly afterward. We’re still analyzing the change. We believe it could be a form of RADAR or a beacon, but it’s unclear, it'ms not digital.
>she's sending a message to Twilight ‘‘move to 1420.405752 MHz the hydrogen line. It’s a universal frequency.”
>“Proceed with a more firm message this time. Force them to contact you.”
>Minutes are passing
>Cryptoanalyst 2: “Your Highness, Should we try sending something else? Maybe... a physical probe?”
>the message displayed on the secured line
>Luftkrieg: “We have a probe, equipped with the latest spectrometric sensors and cameras. It’s powered by a radioisotope, so they’ll likely pick up on it. It might give us more information without immediately threatening them.”
>Silver: ‘‘Let's try this.’’
>Twilight : ‘‘It may be seen as a threat’’ she's hesitating nervously ‘‘but let's do it.’’
>Within minutes, a probe was deployed from Harmony, heading toward the alien ship, moving through silent bounces by its verniers and a little push from its main engine. The control room watched intently as it approached, every eye on the data screens.
>Engineer: “The probe is now scanning... no change in the signal. Still nothing on the alien side.”
>Silver and Twilight are analyzing the first data ‘‘Oh yes, spectrometry. Osmium,Technetium, Tantalum... this is really.. Weird. We really don't have these elements anywhere.
>The probe continued to scan the object, revealing more unsettling details. The ship, long and winding, was covered in an odd, root-like structure, branching in every direction like tendrils of an ancient tree. Portions of the surface reflected the light oddly, and infrared readings showed strange, shifting heat signatures within the hull, unnatural, perhaps even alive.
>Engineer 2: “This... this is something else. Look at the structure... it’s like nothing we’ve ever seen. Are we sure it's a ship, how was that even built?”
>Twilight is sending a video explaining what she assumes so far from the data and weird radioisotopes.
>Those ships are old. Radioisotope signature from the metals screams it dates about hundred million years old.
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>The images streamed back to Earth, delayed by only 20 seconds. Scientists and strategists across Equestria studied the images in real time, their screens showing something that looked more biological than technological.
>The official version was that yes, HMS Harmony successfully stopped the impact and stabilized the rock in a heliosynchronous orbit.
>Luna turned to the cryptoanalysts. “We are running out of time. What more can we do?”
Lead Analyst: “We’ve been sending them signals. We’ve tried every known method. Perhaps we need to be more direct.”
>at the surprise of everypony getting the message, SilverSpoon grabs the transciever and tunes to 1420MHz ‘Somepony have to shake em a little.’
>Twilight was about to stop her but decided to say nothing, she tried her way and it wasn't successful.
>Silver takes the headset, grabs her breath; and leaves a mon;otone, firm speech in her filly voice that's been more taunting than anything. Almost robotic, procedural: "This is Silver Spoon, security officer of the Harmony. Our Highness attempted to contact you hours ago. You are requested to declare your intentions. I am afraid to inform you that failure to respond will not be considered your right. In order to comply with the laws and sadly, our obligations, we will assume that your ship is abandoned, and we will proceed to its total annihilation. Do you understand?"
Her hoof tightened on the mic, still going with the tone of a judge declaring a death sentence. "If anyone is listening on this frequency, please respond. If you are in a distress I offer you one last chance to manifest yourself by any mean."
>The room fell into a suffocating silence as they waited, everypony staring at the radio's display
>Luftkrieg broke the quiet, staring at Silver, upside down, smiling like she saw Her Furher. “You just threatened an alien ship!”
>Silver: “The good cop, bad cop method, what would you do if somepony not talking, just stopped in the street in front of your home. Force him to assume its intentions.”
>Twilight is reviewing the data “structures of hafnium carbide really confirms the age, I think we have a ghost ship that just stopped by automatically. It's no coincidence; it did detect our ship. Silver just sent a ballsy message to it, if it wanted to communicate it would have done so far.”
>Luna: ‘‘Down here everypony thinks the noises you detected doesn't really makes anything and were not intended to be replied to.’’
>the probe finished scanning the three ships, no traces of known organic life.
>Luftkrieg: ‘‘Can we get the probe to find an entry door?’’
>Thunderlane: ‘‘Nope.’’
>Luftkrieg: ‘‘Maybe it's a pirate ghost ship and there's a treasure inside!’’
>Thunderlane: ‘‘I'm voting against you no matter what’’
>Luftkrieg: ‘‘I'm getting my suit on, let's get closer’’
>Silver is checking the scan of the ships using the probe's LIDARs. ‘‘You know what? I'm in.’’
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>Twilight stood in front of the large, imposing window of Harmony, staring at the vastness beyond. The ship or ships floated silently in the void, an eerie collection of massive objects, their spindly, root-like structures casting ominous shadows across the darkness. The recent scans showed no signs of life, no organic signatures, yet the spectrography was still fresh in her mind.

>"A ghost ship... hundreds of millions of years old, just drifting. Find me anything more fascinating than that." Twilight muttered to herself, reviewing the data on her floating holographic console. The idea of something that ancient, something that had drifted silently for eons, waiting for them, or anything; to discover it, made her enthusiastic about going in.

>Silver: "It's been here long before us. The moment we approached it, though, it stopped. It knows we're here. Something still controls this ship."

>Some ground operator's voice crackled over the secure line from the Space Center on Earth. "Down here, everypony thinks the signals you’ve been receiving don’t actually mean anything. They were likely just residual emissions. They don’t seem intended to communicate. For the rest everypony in the world assumed you detonated a charge and locked the asteroid to some orbit."

>Twilight sighed, closing the data screen. "But Silver’s message was bold. If the ship wanted to talk, it would have done so already. Maybe it never had that intention."

>Thunderlane rolled his eyes. "I’m voting against you no matter what. This isn't a treasure hunt. But you do what you want, my role is to stay in here as the captain so."
>Silver was already on her way to suit up. "You know what? I’m in. I agree with Twi and Lufty"

>Twilight had a responsibility to everypony, but she was also deeply curious. There was no turning back now. She suited up as well, ensuring her magic would function in the suit's environment. Luftkrieg, always the eager one, zipped up her suit and checked her weapon, just in case. Silver also strapped her ‘experimental laser gun’ to one of the suit's backpack
>The ship is approaching silently and the three ponies are ready for an EVA.
>the door silently opens to the vastness of space, as they just have to slowly jump from Harmony thanks to the microgravity of the alien ship.
>Twilight : "If anything let's be clear, we're not here to fight," she reminded them softly. "We're here to explore, to understand what this thing is."
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>As their pocket computer collected data from the LiDAR they eventually found an entry
>the grim aspect and the structures are more than fascinating, impossible to tell which is a natural formation or crafted by some alien intelligence.
>By some unexplainable form of magic or technology, the ship's door managed to keep a relative stable presure in the ship. And surprisingly, according to the sensors, breathable air.
>No biological agents detected
>The air inside the alien ship felt heavy, thicker than anypony expected, like stepping into a dream where everything moved too slowly, along with the gravity being even weirder, allowing ponies to walk normally, or almost.
>As usual, Twilight led the way, her horn casting faint light in the dark, metallic corridors.
>Her fascination was also surrounded by interrogations
>The silence was palpable. Every step echoed unnaturally, as if the walls themselves absorbed sound, only to release it moments later in warped whispers.

>Silver's looking around her. Her flashlights cutting through the darkness of the chaotic tunnels and structures that looks like giant cathedrals, checked her oxygen levels again, tapping the screen on her wrist. "Oxygen’s fine. Everything reads normal, but... why do I feel like I can't breathe?" Her voice trembled slightly, and she tried to focus. "It’s like the air here is pressing in on me."
>Luftkrieg’s wings twitched nervously. She was usually the confident one, but now, her voice cracked. "Sorry, might be interferences, or ah’m starting to hear things," she whispered, looking around with wide eyes.
>Twilgiht: "voices? do tell."
>Luftkrieg: "Like... voices. Are the radios malfunctioning?"
>Twilight frowned and checked her own communications. "No, the radios are fine. It's something else." Her eyes narrowed as she examined the surrounding architecture
>smooth, flowing surfaces that bent and twisted in ways that didn’t seem physically possible. "This place isn’t just old, it’s... wrong. Non-Euclidean. We didn't enter by this place before. It doesn't make any sense!"
>As they moved deeper, the corridors seemed to stretch and bend. What should have been straight hallways curved impossibly in front of them, leading in loops and spirals, though their suits’ navigation systems insisted they were still on a linear path.
>Silver Spoon kept glancing at the scanner, the probe’s LIDAR bouncing off walls that weren’t really there.
>The deeper they ventured, the more distorted everything became.
>"Twilight... we should turn back," Silver said, her voice shaky. "This place... it’s playing tricks on us."

>Twilight shook her head. "No, we came here to learn, and to make sure this thing isn’t a threat to the world. We need to finish what we started, even if we don't understand it now, we don't have to be afraid, just understanding, imagine how ponies were scared when they discovered fire, electricity, atoms, psychology!" But even she didn’t sound entirely convinced anymore.
>Then the noises started again. At first, it was just static on their radios, a faint hum like distant machinery or wind blowing through an ancient, dead ship. But soon, the static turned into something worse. whispers. Moanings.
>They couldn’t make out the words, but they were there, scratching at the edge of their minds. Barely articulated sounds, like echoes from something.
"Did you hear that?" Luftkrieg asked, her eyes darting around the corridor. "That’s not just the radio, right?"
Silver Spoon’s hooves trembled. "No, I heard it too I confirm."
>Suddenly, a high-pitched tone pierced their comms, causing all of them to wince. It was clear, there's something else.
>Twilight scrambled to mute the connection, but before she could, the sound morphed into something else. Music.
>A faint, eerie melody, like a broken lullaby, played from nowhere, as if the ship itself was trying to communicate, but in a language that made no sense.
>"What is that?" Twilight asked, her voice taut. "We shouldn't be hearing anything. There’s no signal in this area, nothing."
>Silver is trying to save the situation : "Maybe a station on earth and this is distorting the signal, someone is playing with our nerves right?"
>She knows she don't believe a word of her explanation.
>Luftkrieg pulled her weapon from its holster. "I don’t care what it is. This place is cursed." Her voice cracked as she started muttering prayers to her Norse gods. "Valhalla take me if I die in this place...It was my idea. Forgive me for this."
>"Don’t say that!" Silver snapped, her breath quickening. "We’re not dying here. We’re getting out, okay?" She checked her suit’s vitals. Everything read normal, but her head felt light. "I think it’s the air. Maybe we should switch to backup O2."
>Twilight glanced at her own readings. "No, it’s not the air, it’s the ship. It’s affecting us. Somehow, it’s..." She trailed off, realizing that no explanation made sense. Her hoof reached for the mic, but the comms with Harmony had gone dead, there was no link to the outside.
>They eventually accepted together to go the opposite way without success
>The walls around them began to pulse, the metallic surfaces rippling like water. Twilight’s eyes widened. "Stay calm. Everypony, just... stay calm."
>Suddenly, a shadow moved at the edge of Silver's vision
>A small white figure darting between the twisted architecture. She whipped her head around. "Did you... see that?"
>Luftkrieg gripped her weapon tighter, her wings pressed against her sides in tension. "WHERE?"
>Twilight:"what was that, do tell!"
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>"No, no, I saw something," Silver insisted, pointing down the corridor. "It was a filly. A little white filly, staring at us."
>Twilight turned sharply. "What? There’s no one else here! You’re hallucinating, I know it's not your fault, it requires a lot of psychological training to go in an adventure like this..."
>But Silver knew what she saw. The filly had been there, just for a second—, vanished into the twisting shadows. "I’m not making this up!"
>She also knew Twilight lied for their own safety. She had an eye on it. She can feel it. The alicorn princess preferred her to ignore it.

>Twilight, normally so rational, felt the cold dread creeping up her spine. "We’re not leaving until we figure out what this ship is. That's in fact our only way out" She pressed forward, but her mind was racing. "We’ll switch to backup oxygen, but it’s not just the air. This place is warping our perceptions."
>Silver and Luftkrieg looked at eachother, she saw it too.
>As they moved deeper, the architecture became even more distorted.
>What should have been straight corridors now twisted into impossible spirals.
>Doors led to dead ends or back to where they had started, even though their navigational systems insisted they were moving forward. >The alien nature of the ship was messing with their sense of space and time.
>And the whispers grew louder.

Suddenly, the walls themselves seemed to bend inward, as if they were alive, pulsating with every breath they took. Twilight turned to Silver. "Something is terribly wrong here. We need to"

"Look!" Luftkrieg pointed frantically. There, down the corridor, stood the same white filly that Silver had seen earlier, her eyes hollow, her expression blank.
>She stared at them for what felt like an eternity, before disappearing into the shadows once again.
>"What the hay was that?" Luftkrieg was almost yelling, her grip tightening on her weapon.
>Just like Luftkrieg, silver is finding comfort in holding her gun "this ship messing with us."

>Twilight’s heart raced. "We have to keep moving. Whatever this is, it’s..."
>"Twilight," Silver’s voice broke through the static of their radios. "We’re going to lose it, before we do, we need to nuke this place."
>Twilight stared at her in shock. "No. We have to be stronger than this, there’s something we need to understand before we destroy it?"
>But the dread had taken hold of Silver. "We’re in a nightmare, Twilight. This place isn’t just a ship, it’s... it’s like we’ve stepped into another dimension."
>The shadows around them seemed to grow darker, and Twilight could feel the fear rising in her chest. "If we don’t make it out," she said slowly, her voice calm but trembling, "Thunderlane needs to carry out the plan. This place... we can’t let it exist."
Luftkrieg, pale beneath her visor, whispered something under her breath, a final prayer to her gods. "Valhalla take me with the demons. I signed up for this. Now we know."
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>The deeper they went into the alien vessel, the more it felt like stepping into a dream. Not just any dream, though, one that twisted the rules of reality.
>It was that kind of dream where you knew something was wrong but couldn't wake up, trapped between the familiar and the unknown.
>The walls, once smooth and metallic, now pulsed like a living thing, breathing in rhythm with their nervous footsteps.
>The probe’s LIDAR scan pinged in Silver Spoon’s earpiece, sending echoes through the corridors. It only made things worse.
>With every corner they turned, they encountered sights that shouldn’t be there, things that felt out of place, wrong.
>They weren't just walking into alien territory, they were stepping into a nightmare.
>They would have hoped to encounter any kind of physical monster it would be a sign of life, instead of being into death itself.

>The first hint came as they approached what appeared to be a large central chamber. Twilight stopped suddenly, her eyes wide. "Is that...?"
>Silver followed her gaze,
At the far end of the hallway stood a door. Not an alien one, but a door they'd seen countless times
>a regular, wooden door painted a light blue, with a brass handle.
>"That looks like... the front door to my house in Ponyville," Silver whispered, her voice barely audible.
>Luftkrieg gripped her weapon tighter. "What is that thing doing here? This doesn't make any sense."
>Twilight cautiously stepped forward, her mind racing.
>"It can’t be."
>She raised a hoof toward the door, her horn glowing softly, ready to defend herself against whatever trick this place, this universe was playing.
>As she touched the handle, it swung open silently, revealing a long hallway inside, one that looked exactly like Twilight’s own castle in Ponyville.
>"No, no, this isn’t possible," Twilight muttered under her breath.
>The familiar interior of her castle stood there, impossibly still. Sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow on the crystal floor.
>For a moment, she could almost believe they were back in Ponyville. Almost.
>But then Silver’s breathing quickened as she also recognize Twilight's place "I hear something. Listen."
>From deep within the castle, a distant voice echoed through the hallway. A filly’s voice, laughing.
>It sent chills down their spines.

>"That must be the way they want to communicate" Silver said, her eyes wide as the laughter grew louder, coming closer.
>They're walking behind SilverSpoon, her voice shaking, nearly sobbing
>"That’s the laugh of a filly I used to know..."
>She shook her head, trying to fight the rising panic. "But she died years ago in Ponyville"
>Twilight’s horn lit up, brought SilverSpoon back, and she slammed the door shut, her breathing heavy. "We can’t trust anything in this place. It may read our minds right now and take us in some kind of simulation. Time, space... Our memories... fears..."
>Luftkrieg is remarking that she never met that filly either.
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>They pressed forward, deeper into the ship, but the sense of reality continued to warp around them.
>The hallways stretched longer than they should, and every time they turned a corner, they ended up somewhere they didn’t recognize. >Rooms morphed and shifted, the walls curling in on themselves or vanishing into the black void beyond.
>What should have been an enclosed space station now felt infinite, endless.
>Was Twilight logical that all of this could just be a simulation, what if we are not even in the ship,
>Silver glanced at her vitals again. "Oxygen levels stable. This isn’t hallucination."
>She began to think out loud "They are watching us."

>Twilight checked her surroundings, her mind racing. "This place is feeding on us, really. our memories, our fears. It’s distorting everything." Her voice was strained now. "We have to keep going, but we need to stay together.
>Whatever’s happening, we can’t let it tear us apart."

>As they pressed on, the hallucinations grew worse. Voices echoed in the darkness, sometimes familiar, other times strange and incomprehensible.
>At one point, Silver swore she saw her mother’s bakery in the distance, but when she approached it, the building dissolved into dust. >Twilight kept hearing Spike calling her name, crying, even though she knew he is on earth and safe.

>And then, it happened again. The shadow. Silver stopped dead in her tracks, her eyes fixed on the figure at the far end of the hallway. >"There she is again," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "The filly. She’s staring at us."
>She's trying to remember her name. "Hannah!"
>This time, Twilight saw it too. A small white filly stood motionless in the distance, her eyes hollow, her face expressionless. She looked almost real, but there was something... off. Her edges blurred, flickering as if she weren’t really there. "Stay back," Twilight warned, but her voice was weak. "That... that thing isn’t real."

>The filly's face was still expressionless, eyes pupils wide, there was blood flowing from her nose, she was now crying blood. She turned and disappeared around a corner, opening her mouth as if she's screaming for help, leaving only an eerie silence behind.

>"Hannah!" Silver ran into the corridor after her shadow "Don't go! I need to know! I want to know what happened! Come back! Don't do that..."
>She's crying again, Twilight and Luftkrieg are coming to comfort her.

>Twilight is starting to question how Hannah disappeared, she heard of that story, it was some murder and rape affair. Something that shook Ponyville, the murderer never been found.
>She was friends with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon for a while.
>Twilight began to understand some things. "We have to figure out what this place is. We need answers. That's how we get out of here."
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>The strange, rhythmic hum they had heard on the radio earlier grew louder, reverberating through their suits. It was almost as if the ship was trying to communicate, but in a way they couldn’t understand.
>Suddenly, the floor beneath them shifted, and Silver felt herself stumble, catching onto the nearest wall for support. "The gravity... it’s changing." She looked at her instruments. The microgravity inside the ship was warping, pulling them in directions that didn’t make sense.
>Then, without warning, the comms flared to life. A high-pitched tone screeched in their earpieces before it cut out, replaced by a single word, garbled and faint, but unmistakable.


>It was a voice they didn’t recognize. Deep. Alien. From somewhere else.
>Silver’s heart skipped a beat. "Did you hear that?" she whispered, her hooves trembling. "It told us to leave."
>Twilight clenched her jaw, her horn glowing brighter. "No. We can’t leave, who are you? Why did you come?"
>Silver wasn’t listening anymore. Her hooves moved on instinct, her mind screaming for her to run to get out, but the labyrinth's corridors stretched endlessly in front of her, twisting and turning into impossible shapes.
>The architecture grew more chaotic, more wrong the deeper they ventured.
>Rooms no longer had doors or walls, but instead floated in the void, disconnected from the rest of the ship. In one corner,
>Silver saw a perfect replica of her childhood bedroom, but twisted, elongated, like something out of a fever dream.
>The bed was there, but the sheets were drenched in blood. Her heart pounded in her chest.
>There was something on her bed. It was her. She didn't really want to look at but she saw herself dead, dismembered.
>The room was in the night, dark, with a faint light despite the sun was shining outside.
>Through the window, the life in ponyville looked so normal.
>She kept walking. Later it was Luftkrieg's visison. A vision of war. Germaneigh devastated by bombs.
>Her family, Aryanne, and her sister, hiding.
>She's whispering to her telling her everything will be fine.
>Aryanne would have never surrendered to the Hooviet Union or Industria or any power
>War ended decades ago. It was another reality. Rape, massacres, she witnessed the genocide of her people.
>They're taking a cyanide pill.
>Aryanne is shooting herself with her own gun as the enemy is slamming at the door trying to take them alive

>They pressed forward, but now every step felt like wading through a nightmare.
>The closer they got to the core of this place, the more they realized the truth: they weren’t alone.
>Something undescribeable was here, waiting for them in the shadows, just beyond their perception.
>It was watching.
>It was evil.
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>The corridors of the alien ship had long since stopped making any sense. They'd left behind the structure of a typical spacecraft, or anything spatial by moments, in fact, there's place made of concrete. Even with graffiti on the walls.
>Now, they were walking through an entirely different dimension.
>The geometry didn’t add up. Hallways stretched endlessly in directions they couldn’t perceive, walls curved inward but never touched.
>Staircases led to nowhere, and yet, they felt the gravity shift as if they were climbing.
>Perfectly surreal places, reminescent of Discord's natural habitat.
>Silver whispered, her voice barely audible as she's taking a rest on the corner of a deformed street. "I’ve run the math over and over, this structure defies any model we know."
>Luftkrieg : "I don’t care if it’s impossible, we don't have a choice."
>Twilight was staring ahead, transfixed by something in the distance. "No..." she whispered, almost to herself. "It’s not impossible. It’s something beyond our understanding. We are beyond reality."

>They entered a vast chamber, a place so massive that it seemed to stretch infinitely in all directions. The walls shimmered like liquid glass, reflecting their distorted images back at them. In the center of the chamber, suspended in midair, hung a vast, pulsating object.
>It looked like a black hole, but instead of darkness, it was filled with shifting colors, twisting and bending light around it.

>"That’s... a tear in space-time," Silver said, her voice trembling. "I don’t know how, but we’re standing inside a rift."
>Suddenly, Twilight froze, her eyes wide. "No. No... it’s more than that."

>Ahead of them, through the shimmering air, she saw herself. Not as she was now, but as she had been, a filly, sitting under the old oak tree outside her childhood home in Ponyville.
>The image flickered, but it was there, clear, as if she could step forward and touch it.
>"What is this place?" Twilight asked, her voice shaky. "Why am I seeing this?"
>Silver was frantically checking her instruments, trying to make sense of the readings. "I guess... I think we’ve crossed into some kind of... extra-dimensional space. Time doesn’t work the same way here. It’s like we’re seeing... echoes of our past. Maybe even our future, present..."
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>As they moved deeper into the chamber, the air seemed to ripple around them, and suddenly, Twilight was no longer looking at her younger self. She was standing inside her castle in Ponyville, just as it had been before it was destroyed. She saw Spike running down the hallway, calling her name, his voice full of urgency.
>"This... this already happened," Twilight whispered. "I remember this. Spike was trying to warn me about...."
>She didn’t finish. The memory vanished, replaced by another. This time, she saw herself as a filly, struggling to lift a book with her magic for the first time.
>"How is that possible... Twilight asked again, her voice rising. "Why am I seeing these things?"

>Silver’s eyes were wide with realization. "It’s not just showing us the past.. it’s showing us everything. Everything that ever was... and everything that could be."

>Luftkrieg stepped forward, her breath coming in short gasps, as everything she saw was more death.
>Suddenly, they all froze as the air around them crackled, and the impossible shimmered into view.
>A room that's white, futuristic, windows everywhere.
>In the middle of that room, a bed.
>Ahead of them, an older version of Twilight stood on that bed, looking back at her younger self with a strange, knowing smile.
>Her eyes were darker, more tired, but there was wisdom in them, and a heavy weight, like she had seen far too much.
"Twilight?" Silver whispered, stepping back. "Is that... you?"

>The older Twilight looked at them, her expression unreadable. "You have to let go," she said softly, her voice echoing strangely in the vast chamber. "This place... it’s a bridge. Between what you know... and what you can't understand."

>Twilight took a step forward, her voice trembling. "What do you mean?"
>The older Twilight’s smile faded, replaced by something darker, more resigned. "This place bends time and space, it’s not just a ship, it’s a doorway. A gateway to something beyond our comprehension. But it’s alive, Twilight. This ship isn’t just a machine. It’s something living, something that’s been waiting for us... for a long ... Time..."
>Silver’s mind was racing, trying to piece together the fragments of reality around her. "A gateway, okay, to where? To what? We need to know!"
>The older Twilight shook her head. "To everything. To everywhere. To places where time doesn’t exist the way we know it. Where space folds in on itself. This ship, this vessel has seen the birth of stars... and their death. It’s connected to everything."

>Suddenly, Twilight was flooded with visions, flashes of future events, of alternate realities. She saw Equestria falling under a sky filled with burning comets. She saw herself, older, alone, standing on a barren planet. She saw her friends, but they were different changed, broken.
>She saw an orange filly and her friends in a completely different world, trying to bring back harmony in Equestria.
>The visions were overwhelming, a cascade of possible futures and alternate pasts.

>"We’re not just seeing things," Silver said, her voice barely above a whisper. "We’re in the middle of a reality storm. This place... it’s showing us every possible version of ourselves, every possible future. It’s all real. All of it."
>Twilight staggered, clutching her head as the images bombarded her mind. "No, this can’t be real. It’s too much. It’s... too much."

>Luftkrieg stumbled, her eyes wide with terror. "I saw... I saw my death. I saw it. It was horrible. I’m not supposed to die like that! This place is cursed. It’s showing us things we’re not meant to see."
>She foresaw herself being executed as the worst dictator imaginable, committing the most horrible warcrimes in vengeance, and more visions of war.
>But Silver, despite the fear gnawing at her, was starting to understand. "No... it’s not showing us our fate. It’s showing us possibilities. It’s letting us glimpse everything, but we have to choose.
>That’s why this ship is here, it’s a test, Twilight. It’s waiting for us to make a decision."

>Twilight looked at her, her eyes wide and filled with panic. "A decision? About what?"

>Silver swallowed hard, her mind racing. "About whether we accept the truth. Whether we embrace what this place is showing us... or whether we destroy it. Running away from it."

>The silence that followed was heavy, oppressive. The hum of the ship seemed to grow louder, vibrating through their suits, their very bones.
>Twilight’s voice was barely a whisper as she spoke. "What if we make the wrong choice?"
>Silver’s eyes were dark, filled with a grim understanding. "Then we destroy everything. Every possibility. Every future."
>Twilight looked up at the shimmering tear in space-time, the weight of the decision pressing down on her. "We have to go deeper. We have to find out why this ship exists... and what it’s really here for."

>As they pressed on, the deeper they ventured into the nightmare, the more they realized: this place wasn’t just a ship or a vessel, it was a crucible, a testing ground for all of reality. And they were standing at the edge of something far greater, far more dangerous than they had ever imagined.

>The question now was: could they survive long enough to understand it? How many time did they really spent exploring this universe, how many time can they physically survive in there.
I wasn't ready for those feels, this is getting deep.
>As they progressed into the depths of the vessel, they realized how everything became more organic, twisted,
>Her hooves slipped as the fleshy, undulating floor betrayed her balance
>The slick surface felt as if it were alive—pulsing, breathing beneath her
>The nightmares weren't over as they can barely trot, Twilight tried to grab Luftkrieg out, no time to scream, or take air
>Silver tried to fight it, thrashing against the tendrils that snaked around her legs, but it was useless.
>They tightened their grip, pulling her deeper into the living chamber, their sickly warmth crawling over her suit.
"Twilight, Luftkrieg!" she cried, her voice trembling with panic as the tendrils coiled around her body, dragging her toward the dark, slick tunnel that had swallowed her whole. "Help me!"

Twilight was screaming in pain as the whole place they were in transformed into some organic, pulsating matter
>"Spoonie" Luftkrieg were right behind her, but it was already too late.

>The chamber they had entered was itself a creature's guts, its walls covered in what looked like a tangled mass of writhing tendrils, dripping with viscous fluid.
>The tendrils slithered along the walls like serpents, twitching and sensing their presence, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
>Twilight barely had time to raise her shield spell before a dozen slick, slimy appendages shot out from the walls and floor. They latched onto her shield, writhing and pulsating as they pressed against the magical barrier, testing its strength. Sweat dripped down her face as she struggled to maintain the shield, but the force pressing against her was immense—too immense.

>As much Twilight was fighting, the tendrils wrapped across her horn, as she first used her magic, now her magic is giving it energy.
>Luftkrieg’s breath came in quick, sharp bursts as her eyes darted across the room. “It’s feeding off her!”
>Silver's feeling the tendrils going inside her suit and she knows this is bad. It's ripping it apart, had her whole body exposed to the tendrils dragging the three ponies into the darkest of the abyss
>Twilight’s horn glowed faintly as she tried to summon a spell, her heart racing. "Silver! Hold on! AAAH!"
>She could feel every single of these trying to get really inside of her. Nto just inside her suit
>she's taken into some kind of goo, like a lake full of tentacles, her hooves resisting, trying to not get dragged in, still fighting to reach Luftie or Twilight who also weree in a similar situation
>Luftkrieg wasn’t so lucky yet she fought as hard as she could with her blade, cutting as manhy as possible, it's like every resistance made it worse.
>Cut one, two are growing back.
>That was endless, and Silver was doing her best trying to reach her pistol.
>She knew that would get them out of there once and for all
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>She tried to swim outside, screamed, her wings flapping wildly as she tried to break free, but the tendrils were relentless.
>They wrapped around her legs, her wings, her neck—tightening like snakes as they dragged her toward the center of the chamber, and some penetrating her private parts like a hundred penises.
>Twilight gritted her teeth, focusing all her strength on the shield spell, with all her rage, but the pressure was too much.
>The tendrils were everywhere, around and inside her, pressing against her body, pushing her back, inch by inch.
>Her legs shook as the barrier cracked, her breath coming in ragged gasps.
>The tendrils surged forward, wrapping around Twilight’s legs and pulling her down with brutal force.
>They snaked up her body, their cold, wet touch making her skin crawl beneath her suit
>She tried to blast them away with a burst of magic, but the energy dissipated the moment it touched the tendrils, absorbed into the living walls of the chamber.

>She was trapped too.
>Luftkrieg was screaming, her voice muffled as the tendrils covered her face, slithering over her muzzle and eyes. Her wings flailed wildly, trying to break free, but the harder she fought, the tighter the tendrils became.
>They were dragging her down into the same dark tunnel that had swallowed Silver Spoon, pulling her deeper into the living, breathing entity.
>Twilight felt a cold tendril wrap around her neck, squeezing just enough to cut off her air. Her vision blurred as she fought against it, her lungs burning.
>The organism was absorbing her magic, feeding off it, growing stronger with every pulse.

>Luftkrieg vomitted her stomach out as a tendril was getting inside her mouth, squelching noises of the tendrils as they wound around her body, tightening with each passing second.
>Twilight's vision swam as the tendril around her neck pulsed again, tightening. She could feel it—something cold, invasive—entering her mind. The organism was probing her thoughts, pulling at her memories, twisting them.
>Everypony was captured, fainted, as the tentacles are invading their twitching bodies, still allowing them to breathe, like by pure sadism.
>And then she saw it. Barely emerging, perhaps on another, cold place, still covered with tendrils that were done abusing her body,
>A filly. Small, white, with wide, terrified eyes. Hannah?
>But it wasn’t real, or not the real one.
>The filly stood at the edge of the chamber, staring at her with those hollow, dark eyes.
>Her mouth opened to speak, but no sound came out—only static, a low, garbled hum that filled the air like the droning of an insect.
>Twilight blinked, her breath catching in her throat.

>"You're not real, I don't even know you..." she whispered, her voice trembling. "Nothing bout that is real! Haha" she said as she gagged whatever was in her stomach
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>The filly didn't disappear. She just stood there, staring, unblinking. Her reflection visible on what looks like blood all over the floor
>Twilight’s heart pounded in her chest as her mind twisted in panic. The tendrils were in her thoughts now—she could feel them, pulling at her memories, dragging them to the surface. She saw herself, as a filly, sitting in the library in Ponyville. She saw herself laughing with her friends, casting spells, learning, growing.

>But the scenes were wrong.
>The library was melting—its walls dripping like wax, books dissolving into black sludge. Her friends’ faces were warped, like, strange, even missing parts.
>their voices garbled and strange. And then, she saw herself—older, worn, lying on a bed. Her future self. Her face was gaunt, her eyes sunken and filled with pain.

>"I'm... sorry," the older Twilight whispered. "I tried to warn you."

>Twilight’s breath caught in her throat as she stared at her future self, her mind reeling. Was this real? Was it a vision of the future, or just another twisted hallucination?

>Luftkrieg screamed again, snapping Twilight back to the present
>The pegasus was trying to regain breathing, coughing.
>Feeling disgusted about herself, throwing up, spitting everything she can, shaking, no idea what kind of horror will come next.
>She came to help Twilight getting back up, and gaining back consciousness.
>A bit from there, SilverSpoon is still taking her breathe back, realizing, or rather trying to forget what kind of horror they both went through again.
>Twilight:"I'm going to take a moment to get what happened. Are you okay?" Twilight asked
>Luftkrieg:"I think I made it. Don't tell Rarity I need a new suit."
>Silver's bringing her black and gray latex-ish suit on her, intact. "That's yours, I still try to understand what happened, but we went through something..."
>Twilight is also checking inside her suit for any remaining tendrils, nothing was in there.
>They were feeling like dreaming, into another dream, were the tendrils real or imagined, what really happened after they fainted?
>Did they die and became ghosts, assimilated once in this place a thousand years ago with their souls remaining locked in this place?
>Twilight is trying to stay calm and get back on her fours, she knows what she has seen and felt.
>Silver is also hesitating about getting back up again, the pain remains in her mind like a real experience.
>she's breathing loudly "I'm ....no longer ...interested about embracing whatever this ..place. this hell.. is trying to show us."
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>Twilight closed her eyes, trying to focus. "The ship might not be what we think it is. It feels organic, but... I don't think biology applies to that.."

>Twilight tried, wanted so badly to unravel the nature of the ship, Silver was distracted by something on the floor.
>A notebook, hers. Worn and crumpled, lying open as though carelessly discarded.
>Her heart skipped a beat when she recognized it. 's the one she took with her with all the data and simulations.
>“What the hay. That's my notes?!” Silver gasped, scrambling toward it. “What’s it doing here... oh no, fuck, Lane. LANE? You were supposed to stay in the ship but we're happy to have you!! Lane!”

But there was no answer. Her heart sank as she flipped through the pages, her hooves trembling more with every turn. The notebook was hers, no doubt. Her precise hoofwriting, her formulas, her notes on the ship's bizarre signals, but something was off.
>Luftkrieg: “Lane you around?”
>luftkrieg notices also some of the trash and mess that was onboard a bit everywhere. She's also calling him. “Thunderlane, don't come in here! The whole ship is a nightmare!”

>Every page seemed to spiral into madness. The careful math was interwoven with cryptic symbols, violent imagery, and words scratched so deeply into the paper that they had torn the page beneath.
>There were pictures—drawings in her style—but they depicted grotesque violence: ponies torn apart, blood splattered across scenes of chaos. And there were phrases, dark and threatening, smeared across the pages.

>“They are watching. No escape. Kill Diamond Tiara.”
>A sketch of her as she wrote how she hated Hannah. She made fun of me. They all hate me.
>Luftkrieg is still calling Thunderlane as she supposes he boarded the ship too.
>Silver’s breath caught in her throat.
>Must be another nightmare. Was this... her?
>Had she written this? She glanced at Twilight, who was still deep in thought, oblivious to the horrifying contents of the notebook.
>Silver quickly closed it and stuffed it into her saddlebag. She didn’t want Twilight—or anypony—to see it. Not now. She wasn’t sure if she could trust her own mind anymore. Or what happens in this place.

>Twilight asked, her brow furrowed. “You look knocked more than we are. Hey I thought you left that on the ship, that's reassuring, we went there.”
>Silver forced a smile, her stomach twisting. “Yeah... just... let’s keep moving.”
>They pressed forward, deeper into the ship, but the air grew colder, the atmosphere heavier. The further they went, the more the ship seemed to distort around them, like some kind of labyrinth from another dimension.
>Every step echoed in the vast emptiness, but the walls felt claustrophobic, pressing in on them, shifting as they moved. The liminal spaces they often encounter were unnervingly familiar, as though they were walking through places they had seen before. Schools, shopping malls, buildings, basements...
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>Every step echoed in the vast emptiness, but the walls felt claustrophobic, pressing in on them, shifting as they moved. The liminal spaces they often encounter were unnervingly familiar, as though they were walking through places they had seen before. Schools, shopping malls, buildings, basements... But everything felt... wrong. It was repellent. Empty. Cold.
>Like the echo of a place that had long since died.

>As they rounded a corner, they found themselves staring at a large glass window, something utterly out of place in a ship like this.

>"Is that...?" Luftkrieg's voice was low, her eyes wide with disbelief. "A room? What is it again?"
>The window looked into a sterile, clinical space; a room that resembled something straight out of an old mental asylum. White tiles lined the floor, and medical equipment cluttered the walls. But what caught their attention was the filly sitting in the middle of the room on a chair.

>Silver Spoon’s breath hitched in her throat.

>The filly looked exactly like her; same grey coat, same silvery mane, smiling, happy.
>She was strapped into a chair, electrodes attached to her head.
>Around her, doctors in white coats spoke in hushed tones, their faces obscured by shadows.
>The scene was too real, too vivid to be a mere hallucination.
>“No... God...” Silver whispered, distant, muffled screams from other rooms, thumping noises. She moved closer to the glass, her heart pounding but she's hitting the glass.

>Twilight watched, horrified, as the doctors moved toward the filly. They didn’t speak, but their actions were clear. One of them flipped a switch, and the filly’s body convulsed as high voltage shot through her brain, her mouth open in a silent scream. The doctors seemed indifferent, observing her suffering with a clinical detachment.
>Silver pounded on the glass, her voice rising into a scream. Not to be heard
>They didn’t stop. The filly convulsed again, her body writhing as the electricity surged through her. Her eyes rolled back in her head as foam formed at the corners of her mouth. The sound of her silent screams echoed in Silver’s ears, the agony so real she could feel it herself.

>And then, after what felt like an eternity, the filly went limp. Two nurses appeared, lifting her body out of the chair and dragging her away like a lifeless doll.
>Silver’s legs buckled as she collapsed to the floor, tears streaming down her face. “No... no, no, no...”
>Twilight rushed to her side, trying to pull her away from the glass. “Silver, It’s not real! You’re seeing things. This place is messing with our minds,”

>Silver stared at Twilight, her eyes wide and filled with terror. “But it is real! I felt it... I remember it! It happened to me!” Her voice cracked, trembling with a rawness that cut through the cold emptiness around them. “This place is showing us our nightmares. Our pasts, our fears... but what if they’re not just illusions? if it’s all real?”

>Silver's reaching her notebook for Twilight to understand “I want you to take a look at this.”
>Twilight checked it a bit, notice the scribbles, held her, her mind's racing.
>She didn’t know what to believe anymore. Every step they took in this forsaken place blurred the line between reality and madness.
>But one thing was clear: they couldn’t trust anything they saw. Not anymore.
>Twilight: “It's not yours.”
>“Don’t snap, okay?” Twilight whispered, gripping Silver tightly. “We're going through this, okay?”
>Luftkrieg:“I've read your notebook, I know what's inside, mostly physics ein stuff and diagrams, geometry but that can be the thing, again, how did you... learn all this? ”
>Silver: “I don't remember.”
>Luftkrieg : “I'm starting to think, what you learned, just happened from a day to another. It begins here, zis notebook, that'z the key!”
> Twilight Sparkle, beside her, was scribbling furious notes into the margins of the pages with a quill she had summoned through magic
>Diagrams, equations, and cryptic annotations about the ship's core anomaly filled every inch of space.
>Twilight’s expression was focused but tense - her magic working at a frenetic pace, a desperate attempt to piece together the strange reality they had found themselves in.

>“Ich liebe Luftie! This has to work!” Silver whispered, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and hope. “We’ve seen it before—it’s possible to reach back. To change things.”

>Twilight nodded, her face grim. “We can bend time here. This place is like a web of memories and futures. So If you can get to your past self, we can feed her the knowledge you need. Physics, equations, details about the anomaly... it might be the only way out.”
Silver glanced at the notebook, its pages weathered and torn, but now filled with more than just scribbles of madness. She could feel it—like a link between past, present, and future. >The notebook was the key.
>It always had been. It's where she started to take notes, she never was into that before!
>“Then we find my home,” Silver muttered, determination hardening in her voice. “We find the right door.”

>They walked through the shifting hallways, past strange rooms that didn’t belong on an alien ship: places that felt too familiar and too far away, like fragments of a forgotten dream. They passed doorways that led into gardens, childhood bedrooms, classrooms, but none of them were right. The ship itself seemed to be toying with them, giving them glimpses of times long gone, or of futures they could not yet comprehend.
Finally, after what felt like hours of searching, they found a door that led into a simple, dimly-lit hallway.
It was her house. Twelve years ago.

>Her mother screamed, yelled at a stallion, kicking him out of her home, the words lost to the noise of the ship, but the look on his face said everything. Regret, anger, and something else
>having an argument about ‘that whore’
>Silver watched from the shadows, from an extra dimension, her breath shallow Twilight stood beside her, silent, letting her lead “This was the night he left. My mom... she never told me why.”
The stallion, her father; looked back one last time before disappearing into the night.
>Silver's moving further to the present, But then, she paused. She met herself finally, a few years ago. She turned toward the hallway mirror, her eyes narrowing as she stared into it as something caught 10yo SilverSpoon's attention
>The two Silvers, the filly and the present, locked eyes in the reflection.
>It was like looking into a time-bent version of herself. Past Silver backed away from the mirror, shaking her head, looking around and especially behind the mirror.
>Silver stepped forward, her hoof trembling as she raised it toward the mirror. She had to find a way to communicate—to tell her past self everything. This was her chance. This was how they could change things.
>Twilight, standing behind her, spoke softly. “She can feel you. You’re connected, Silver. You just need to show her.”
>Silver nodded. She pressed her hoof to the mirror, hoping, praying that somehow, through this bizarre dimensional rift, she could make contact. She closed her eyes, focusing, trying to push her thoughts across the barrier of time.
>She could feel it. The notebook. The equations. The nightmares and everything. It was all there, somewhere in her subconscious. She had to send it back, send it to her younger self.
>She pictured the pages of the notebook, filled with every piece of knowledge they had gathered on the anomaly, on the ship, on the warped laws of time and space that governed this strange reality. She didn't even knew at the time why she's into this or where this comes from, but she took every note, her who sucked in math and never really paid much attention in class.
> “Everything you need is now in our notebook. You'll find it, and you’ll understand. This place, this ship, it’s a nightmare we have to embrace. Don’t be afraid.”
>The filly blinked, her expression softening. “Who are you?”
>“I’m you,” Silver answered, her voice steady. “And you're saving yourself and the world.”
>Suddenly, the mirror rippled, like water disturbed by a stone.
>Twilight’s magic flared as the energy of the ship surged, and the corridor twisted around them. The connection broke, and the past Silver disappeared, vanishing into the folds of time. The notebook glowed faintly in Silver's grasp, its pages flickering with new energy.
They had done it. Silver had sent the message. But now, only time would tell if her younger self could find it—if the path they had set in motion would lead to their salvation or their doom.
>they don't even needed to move, she basically learned to exploit extra dimensions
>she understands exactly how to get out of here
>Silver: “Put on your suits, the hatch is right behind us.”
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>Twilight: “We’re close to the core of the...Oh, are you kidding me?”
>Luftkrieg is just following her and makes a step backwards, she's in the vacuum of space.
>Followed by Twilight and SilverSpoon.
>The communications with Harmony were restored, and they're admiring the sunlight again.
>It's like Thunderlane was still at the window with his zero gravity cup of coffee. The same.
>he's grabbing his headset “I'm sure you forgot the keys. Found any treasure?”
>Twilight: “It's complicated. Open the hatch.”
>Thunderlane is just wondering what happened, they're hugging him.
>Silver's grabbing her notebook with every information, and surprisingly, even more things.
>She don't even remember noting all of these things, but on the last page : lots of names, lots of things to avoid, addresses, and a bit more.

>Twilight and Luftkrieg explained everything to Thunderlane, even comparing their off sync watches, for over 20 hours long, and recorders embedded in their suits as evidence.
>Silver:“ Should we nuke it now?”
>Twi: “I'm thinking. I don't think we should, there's a few more things to understand about it. We'll have a lot of things to talk about.”
>camera pans out from the equestrian ship, back in proportions to the three other massive ships.
>The End?
Missing time ?
That was SilverSpoon's job.
All in all this was a pretty good fic, I would like a small epilogue but overall it's a good end

>Silver's feeling the tendrils going inside her suit and she knows this is bad. It's ripping it apart, had her whole body exposed to the tendrils dragging the three ponies into the darkest of the abyss

Yes. YES. It's fucked up, but nothing beats a good old tentacle monster.
love it
was too tired to keep on and translate it in proper english ( readable english) since esl, but eventually if i have more ideas to how it will finish, maybe leading Equestria to a new age of tech for those deciding to adventure in the abyss, or being really just an abomination.
how i'd picture the thing would be a long, conic object, something designed by H.R. Gieger, in fact i imagined these ponies into an ALIEN ship, but aliens are overdone, what is weirder and scarier is something you can't see.
for the moment they have to get back on the ship and as far as possible from this thing, think together and maybe go back.
yes that chapter was straight inspired by Interstellar, action>consequences, so eventually the fact there are MORE information on her book than what she just gave means SilverSpoon collected more data from different futures calling her back - not just a completion of the understanding of the physics inside the ship.
Things i need to resolve : who build this thing, and how anypony can really understand how the bridge in space and time works, Twilight understood this on that ...2001 a space oddyssey scene. where she saw herself. while Silver only saw her past or various pasts, Twi and Luftie saw their possible futures, the idea of a mirror is also interesting as it literally attacks the ponies and dig inside their psychosis, maybe as some kind of security or perhaps they don't know how to think to use it and filter between different realities.
Silver will want to try out resolving a murder case.
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Thanks it was fun or rather, grabbing to get on the keyobard and drop the ideas for a continuity, no initial plan other than
>What could she do, what kind of pony can she become, what do we know of her, etc. and let's make it a bit less superficial than ponifying Armageddon or Deep Impact.
Good job Anon, it's really grimdark to sheer nightmare fuel.

Yes, that's science-fiction!
>the cute and funny SilverSpoon images

>after reading Anon's greens

I love this idea, escaping a conspiracy and assassination with a decoy while escaping on a B2
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bumpan for moar
>Adter the green
At least is a good way to calm down, I guess.
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The nightmares, they won't stop.
Grimdark suits her well.
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Would write more green but I need more inspirations and ideas, if you have suggestions I'm a taker!
Something never done before.
Gotta get weirder than SilverSpoon saves the world.
>Once upon a particularly peculiar Thursday, Silver Spoon found herself standing in the middle of the sunbaked Equestrian desert, shielding her eyes from the harsh glare of a particularly ill-behaved sun.
>Beside her stood Diamond Tiara, who had, quite inexplicably; decided to turn pencils into diamonds.
>And not just any diamonds, but the shiniest diamonds this side of Canterlot, the kind that could buy you a castle and a particularly large hat.
>Now, you may wonder how one even begins to turn crayons, pencils, or just coal into useless diamonds.
>A question of great importance, indeed! But Diamond Tiara, ever the resourceful capitalist filly, had solved this very dilemma by using the most traditional method available to any filly in the know:
>She built a nuclear device.
>Yes, dear reader, you heard that right.
>A nuclear bomb. In the middle of the desert.
>Fashioned from bits of rare metals, tea kettles, classical explosives, and an alarming amount of sticky tape.
>How did we come to this.
>Diamond Tiara, with her sparkling tiara forever perched upon her head, had taken up a most curious hobby : turning ordinary, inexpensive carboniferous objects into diamonds.
>She had heard somewhere, perhaps from a very odd teacher or an overly confident science magazine, that diamonds were merely carbon, and items such as pencils contained carbon.
>And, of course, one thing led to another, as it often does in stories like this, and before long she found herself with a rather curious solution to the complex “heat and pressure” problem.

>“I’ve done it, Silver!” Diamond Tiara declared proudly, adjusting her safety goggles, which did nothing to shield her from the utter absurdity of the situation.
>“With just one simple crayon and a teensy-weensy explosion, I can turn it into the finest diamond in all the land! No more mining!” she said.
>Somewhere in this sprawling, sandy expanse of the Appleloosa Desert, she had set up her very own nuclear crayon-to-diamond conversion facility.
>The poor locals had initially complained something about sand being flung into the air, or the ground shaking like jelly, but after the police had come and gone, and after several ponies had muttered things like "one does what one must for progress," the matter had been largely forgotten. Appleloosans were hardy folk, after all.
>But Silver Spoon, dear Silver Spoon, had never quite found the logic in it.
>"Ponies are strange," she often mused to herself.
>On a warm afternoon, Silver Spoon found herself sipping tea and sitting in a small makeshift observatory that Diamond had set up, a safe distance from the explosion site.
>They had tea, they had biscuits, and there was even a copy of The Canterlot Times draped on the arm of her chair, for no good reason other than it made things feel very official.
>Silver adjusted her glasses, looking at Diamond, who was rather giddily bouncing on the tips of her hooves, eagerly awaiting the big boom.
>"Diamond," Silver said carefully, "I hate to point this out, but... diamonds are, frankly, awful to draw with."
>"That’s where you’re wrong!" Diamond said, rather too enthusiastically. "They’re not for drawing. They’re for everything else. They’re art, they’re glamour, they’re power."
>"Power?" Silver raised an eyebrow. "Is that why the police asked you to move your experiments to the middle of the desert?"
>Diamond merely waved her hoof dismissively. "A minor hiccup in an otherwise brilliant business model. Besides, they didn't understand. How else am I supposed to apply tons of heat and pressure? With a kettle? Many ponies tried this before and have failed!"
>Silver had the sense that arguing with Diamond Tiara was like arguing with a particularly stubborn boulder : it was fruitless, exhausting, and sometimes, when it went boom, downright dangerous.
>The two of them stared out into the vast, flat emptiness of the desert
>Somewhere out there, under layers of sand and soil, sat Diamond Tiara’s latest crayon, a pristine pencil with a bright pink eraser, placed delicately in the closest range of an atomic bomb, waiting to be turned into an exceedingly overpriced gemstone.
>Diamond was practically vibrating with excitement.
>"You know," Silver said, trying to bring a sense of rationality to the proceedings, "This doesn’t seem particularly cost-effective. You’re using... well, an atomic bomb to make one tiny diamond. It seems like... overkill, wouldn’t you say?"
>The two of them stared out into the vast, flat emptiness of the desert. Somewhere out there, under layers of sand and soil, sat Diamond Tiara’s latest crayon—a pristine pencil with a bright pink eraser, placed delicately in the heart of an atomic bomb, waiting to be turned into an exceedingly overpriced gemstone.
>Diamond was practically vibrating with excitement.
>"You know," Silver said, trying to bring a sense of rationality to the proceedings, "This doesn’t seem particularly cost-effective. You’re using... well, an atomic bomb to make one tiny diamond. It seems like... overkill, wouldn’t you say? Is your business model worth the investment?"
>Diamond Tiara gave her a sideways glance. "Silver, darling, you don’t understand business. The explosion is part of the art!"
>"Ah. Art," Silver repeated, adjusting her glasses again. "You got a commission from Rarity, I assume"
>At that moment, the ground began to rumble, faintly at first.
>A moment later, a distant boom echoed across the desert, and a plume of sand shot into the air, shaped like a mushroom cloud.
>For a moment, all was silent, save for the gentle clinking of Silver’s teacup as she set it down on her saucer.
>"Ah, there it is," Diamond said, with the satisfaction of somepony who had just completed a particularly tricky crossword puzzle. "Perfection!"
>Silver Spoon watched as the sand settled, the plume fading into nothingness.

>In the distance, a team of ponies in protective gear started the long trek towards the blast site to recover whatever remained of the poor pencil. Or, rather, whatever had become the diamond.
>"One of these days, Diamond," Silver said, with just a hint of sarcasm, "artists everywhere are going to be very angry with you."
>Diamond gave her a mischievous grin. "Artists? I’m giving them diamonds. Cheaper than the market price! They should be thanking me!"
>Silver sighed, looking out at the desert once more. "Yeah from the pencil they would have used to draw me by example. Or anypony."
>Diamond merely chuckled. "Useless? I’ll show you useless when I have Canterlot’s fashion elite begging for custom pencil diamonds!"
>"And when they try to draw their designs, what will they use?"
>"That," Diamond Tiara declared dramatically, "is their problem. I'll find eventually a new technology, new materials, it's changing everything! ..What about a ballpoint pen made out of diamond?"
>Silver shook her head slowly, a wry smile playing on her lips. "You’re really insatiable."
>"I prefer the term visionary." she replied as an uncanny alarm buzz is heard on the observation site.
>At that moment, the ground began to rumble, faintly at first. A moment later, a distant boom echoed across the desert, and a plume of sand shot into the air, shaped like a mushroom cloud.
>For a moment, all was silent, save for the gentle clinking of Silver’s teacup as she set it down on her saucer.
>"Ah, there it is," Diamond said, with the satisfaction of somepony who had just completed a particularly tricky crossword puzzle full of onomatopoeia. "Perfection!"

>Silver Spoon watched as the sand settled, the plume fading into nothingness.
>In the distance, a team of ponies in protective gear started the long trek towards the blast site to recover whatever remained of the crayons and pencils, what haven't been disintegrated on a quarter mile radius.
>Or, rather, whatever had become a diamond.

>Just then, a shout came from the distance.
>One of the recovery team ponies was indeed, holding something aloft, something small and glimmering in the sunlight.
>Diamond’s grin widened. "There it is! My masterpiece!"
>Silver peered at the tiny diamond, no bigger than a pebble, and sighed. "You’ve turned a pencil into a diamond using the power of atom. I suppose that’s something."
>Diamond nodded with satisfaction. "It’s everything, Silver. Everything."
>Diamond Tiara gave her a sideways glance, with a vibe strangely echoing the glamour of Rarity. "Silver, darling, you don’t understand business. The explosion is part of the art!"
"Ah yes, Art!"
I don't know why, but I feel sad/hopeless settings fit her. At least those moments would end either with a positive light, or an "at least is over" end.
But I also love her in romantic and lovely settings too. Is weird, must be the grey coat and glasses.
I like the lighthearted romantic settings, too bad she gets taken advantage of in almost all greens about her
yeah this could work, keeping it moe. that's why we love this char.
bump with hope
That's dumb, diamonds are abundant in Equestria, they use it as a glass for cheap flashlights.
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best girl
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Just marry her, then.

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