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Silver Spoon Thread
She is a very cute filly, but sadly this board will become not so cute in a minute.

Anyway, Cute filly. Wish she wasn't with DT all the time.
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>Wish she wasn't with DT all the time
I wish the opposite. I wanted a whole episode of them doing best friend shit.
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Tell us about the ray gun. Why does she have it?
>sadly this board will become not so cute in a minute.
She is much prettier than Diamond Tiara
i love my daughter wife
Me too anon
I must know if Silver Spoon is a sycophant or if she just treasures Diamond Tiara genuinely.
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She cherishes her best friend!
>Why does she have it?
Because ray guns are as rad as her.
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Maybe a bit too much...
I agree
Very cute filly. Had so much potential being a duo with DT. Too bad she was ruined for hangnail fodder in Crusader's of the Lost Mark. Actually I regret watching the whole of season 5.
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Nonsense, not enough!
>Silvers poon
If there's any character I would have liked to see more of in the show, it would be Silver Spoon.
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just a spoony filly
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I remember this series
Reminder: Silverspoon is a lv12 300 IQ genius.
Genius who is desperate for cock
She’ll use her vast intellect and smarts to make you her husband so she can have easy access to your cock whenever she wants.
EG canon ship.
Now she will think with portals soon enough.
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She needs correction!
what did she study in uneighversity?
She's beautiful
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bold words from a peasant
I wish there weren’t so many pretty fillies in this world..
Fat filly
touch the cow..do it now..
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what??? why?!
I'll do more than just touch her
Because they’re all so cute and it’s hard to choose just one to love.
Harem Route
top unf
I wish we got more from their dynamic. Not just melodrama but a little antagonist or villain episode. I feel like I the filly characters a lot more now than I used to, they had great potential.
I wish we had a solo Silver episode, like what is her life like?
Same here, I’ve actually 180ed on the “oh it’s a CMC episode” meme
How many is too many?
I would love to have a platonic harem where I could just cuddle and hold every filly and do nice things for them all day just to make them smile. But then there's my favorite.
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I think 3 is a good number, SS and DT and maybe Swibbles.
>platonic harem
So, a family.
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The ass that made a 1000 men fall in love
have a bump
Whatever the max is that you could carry in your arms if there was a fire. Although admitedly a filly could probably run faster than you anyway.
I'm laughing at the denotation of a family as a platonic harem lol
Kek, cheeky answer.
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god i love silver
she's so hot
do not die on me
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she cute
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When the moon hits your eye!
>Sadly this board will become not so cute
What do you know???
Like a big pizza pie!
It's cause that artist hates filly "enjoyer"
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Remember that school bully from years ago? She's a renowned economist now.
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Clearly economics and capitalism
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I already miss @bestfilly, suspended from X for that filly Kyle R shooting Pedobear.
Top cute
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I like the artstyle for this
It's really nostalgic isnt it? Like an old comic
I was told to bump this thread because one of you was nice to eqgfag.
I'd read this
I'd breed this
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hmm interesting
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>Drawn by Patachu
>New glasses every time
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Not yet
Lil goblin
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I like how derp he makes her
Imagine a spinoff where DT and SS are a rich and a nerd bully saving Equestria, doing friendship stuff and other nonsesne, it would be hard writing but could be fun!
forgot pic
i want to tie her braid to her tail and carry her like a bag
That would work
Spoonie, trad art is a rare but always good combo.
I would watch it, mainly to see the moments where Silver gets more spotlight than DT, and she starts to cope.
Where are the fics?
I can't belive how anyone can apprciate this grandma looking filly. Horrible style and personality, if I saw her I'd kick her.
How is she even sexy, I can't believe what Faust was thinking when she drew her.
>This one will be the bully
DT would be better alone, the colorschemes are just incompatible, pink should be love, grey should be neutrality. why are they both together.
She's stupid, won't change, can't be reformed. Even betrayed her best rich friend, DT isn't really enjoyable.
I want to grab her and insult her, bully her.
Anything but not sexual, this thing is the opposite of sex. The opposite of love. It's the abscence of everything.

I want to imagine myself, in front of her and she's not reacting, smug reaction, i tell her to shut up, she's not speaking, I slap her she laughs, she's the kind of retard who never stops, God I could lose my nerves on this bitch. I'll hurt her and her bleeding face will only be an improvement.
Why do she have some alien-ish tech in the hooves to begin with.

Her mane is so huge my god it's unbearable.

I hate her a lot like this.

And, what's with the arts of her, why are these like cryptic or trying to pass some kind of message?

Like this one, what the fuck does that means?

Tell her to shut up, who use Madcatz in 2020+4, how old are you.

Why a spoon. Why.

Why do I feel like she's the pedo here and the human should be the one needing safety.

God that punchable face.

And the white plastic mane like she's going to lecture me about my generation and smartphones.

look what she has made of her best friend, what kind of friends socialize like that if ever she manages to.

My God.

I can't be the only one who's got a rage boner for that creature.
>i'm going to show you some fresh memes
What is that shit
>rattling noise intensifies
>She's staring at the screen
>is that Windows XP
>It's Windows 98
>There's an Intel Pentium decal on this thing
>Her PC is older than me.

>Minutes are passing
>she's logging in
>scrolls without using shortcuts

>I'm going to get mad
>She's making this retard face
>Is that a MODEM plug
>She's asking me what is the wifi of the printer
>I don't wanna
Let her cook, anon. Is new tech for the ponies.
>>Her PC is older than me.
Damn. That hurts
I agree
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Now this is rad
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spooniest spooni
I feel it would sound like those guys who play spoons on their knees.
>Silver Spoon realizes there is no spoon
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Feel the rhythm with your hooves
(Steal the rhythm while you can)
Speak the rhythm on your own
(Speak the rhythm all alone)

Spoonmare, come together with your hooves
Save me, I'm together with your plan
Save me, ye

Well, all my friends are zebras
(All my friends are black and white )
And all my friends are changelings
(They beat the rhythm with their fangs)

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Rare Spooni
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Spoon in 4K
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Spoon in SVGA
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Bragging Spooner
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Wholesomest Spoonie
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Comfiest Spoonie watching this thead
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Dirty Spoon
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Imagine what a bully episode would be like,
>Absurdly rich
What kind of antagonist could they get?
Make it wholesome.
Bestfilly is moe.
I like her hair as an adult
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Even with that look she will never be an adult. She had this design in the 1920s. She has this design 15 years ago. On the table of Lauren Faust sketching for G4. She will never age, she will forever remain a filly. In the 2030s Filly will forever be Filly.
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Bog Spoon
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>tfw she's not real
>The reason DT gets away with being a brat is because she's very ill.
>Plot twist: Spoony really does exist in some form.
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How ill? Like it's not just her personality, but some form of autism or sociopath behavior? Having a weird psych can also make any plot more original.
she's the illest
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>beSilver Spoon
>used to just being rich filly sidekick, nothing special
>Twilight asks me for help out of nowhere
>Twilight tells me she needs a fast driver
>Apparently some magic artifact got stolen, classic villain stuff
>Why me?
>She says I’m one of the best racers in Equestria
>Uh, what? I just play computer games.
>But Twilight insists, magic map glowing and all
>She hands me the keys to some kind of enchanted supercar
>Sleek, silver, and has way more horsepower than any pony-powered vehicle
>Get in, start the engine
>The thing growls, hisses, the dashboard alone is a better computer than mine
>Feels like I'm sitting on a living beast
>Twilight hops in the passenger seat, looking serious, carrying some stuff I forgot
>Did she just rob... nah.
>‘‘Silver, this is serious. We need to get to Canterlot in record time or all of Equestria is doomed.’’
>No pressure
>Hit the gas
>It feels like flying, but on the ground
>Car’s magic keeps it stable even on rough turns, it’s like a unicorn spell but on wheels
>Zooming past everypony on their shitty cars, roads clear like they know something’s up
>Twilight's sweating, trying to figure out the artifact's location with her magic
>She can't just teleport on location like that.
>Suddenly, rival car pulls up alongside us
>It's Flim and Flam in some steampunk monstrosity
>They're accompanied with a gang on bikes
>They’re trying to take the artifact too
>Twilight is like ‘‘This is what I forgot to warn you about, you can smoke these idiots, right?’’
>This is up to me now
>Hit the pedal, the rurbos are hissing
>The world blurs around me
>Car’s got insane agility, drifting around corners like a pro
>play with the wheel ejecting the bikers after us crashing into parked cars around
>Flim and Flam try to keep up, but their vehicle's too clunky
>Twilight casts shield spells, but I can tell she's getting tired
>Gotta end this now
>Take a sharp corner, get into position
>Flim and Flam are coming up fast
Wait for it...wait for it...
>hit the brakes
>They zoom past, not realizing what happened
>They collide into a truck
>Their vehicle explodes and everything. That's epic.
>Twilight looks at me, eyes wide
>‘‘How did you?’’
>Just smirk, ‘‘Don't tell mom I’ve done a few races.’’
>We make it to Canterlot Castle with seconds to spare
>Twilight levitates, some crystal back into safe hooves, disaster averted
>Princess Celestia thanks me, personally
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She's ill. But she makes me sick.
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Regardless what happens, what kind of war she always act as she's not caring and carrying on.
The Silver Driver
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Right it's anthro and aged up but hgnnn.
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Would love a version like this one but with a birb.
That squatsilv is neato.
a new restaurant opened near me named silver spoon.. really want to bring my plush of her and do a pilgrimage
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Imagine it's managed by a fellow filly appreciator.
Do eet. Bring pictures.
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>Silver Spoon? My personal, fawning orbiter who follows me around everywhere, does everything I tell her to and always agrees with me?
>What about her?
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It's called mercy. Remember you were rich so bullied, unable to defend yourself, I taught you that.
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Now look at this shot!
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Thank god it wasn't touhou cancer this time
fillygods we are winning again
we cannot be stopped
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And I don't see Diamond Tiara up here.
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I don't understand what you're trying to say.
spooning spoon
See, is meant of she-horse, Diamond Tiara, she was the one who she was bullied, and she declines to forget this! Is of Spoon who got her to bully back,taking heads, and they make friends of few later, it is the tea she drink.
Why would we stop here?
never 444444get
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There is a spoon
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>wants to bully you
>be adorable
She does realize that they don't accept cash money at the market right? Anon just scammed her to rub her belly for free
Based 4 the best filly!

I'd rub that belly for hours, even lower.
Becoming SilverSpoon. yay or weird?
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she's got that face like “oh so you're alone again, how pathetic. I should throw money at you, go buy some friends, you look miserable”
Weird. The issue lays in the context.
dont die god damnit
ok we need original content then.
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Found that old drawing. Who threw SilverSpoon in thwe trash?
Ah well. The new /jdb/ is a Silver edition again, guess it will get all the greens.
Nooooo..... get her out!
idk she just appeared out of nowhere in a completely different universe, in the middle of the night
>where am I ? I can't believe teleportation was a success.
>police sirens in the distance
>Silver looks around, only to see a dark alley with more trash and graffiti

>“so uncouth. SweetieBelle did it on purpose. Yes okay your spell works”
>some grunts can be heard
>there's a guy about to do his heroin shot
>Silver notices him. “oh, a troll! Or are you a goblin? whatever you are, do you understand me?”
>the guy stares “what the fuck”
>ss: “you could be polite, creature. What is this place called ?”
>homeless druggo starts panicking and goes autistic mode, screaming and moves away
>ss is following him
>she's looking left and right “it must be Manehattan, did she really sent me this far”
>looks around in the street, there's a store open
>get inside
>the guy owning it “whoa whoa what is that, a fucking dog”
>ss: “I'm a pony but I can hurt you by different means, creature, what's that place ?”
“uh Philadelphia. Like, what d' you doing in that ..suit ?”
>ss nods. “That's all I wanted to know.”
>store guy goes back to his phone playing games
Yes I voted for best girl, Silver, for the next op pic
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Good lad
How can we write any interesting story with such a bg character: everything must be invented from scratch.
And it's not an easy task, has to be completely surrealist to go with the lore or take her elsewhere like >>41452933
which is also an idea.
or just go like /jdb/ and go >rape the bulli
this desu
I'd commission Patachu for more gamer SilverSpoon
Pixel Art, isometric would be perfect.
how to bully SilverSpoon :
‘You remind me of Michou’
>be best filly
>got a secret life now, sneaking out at night to mess with tech
>has a sweet little microwave gun. calls it “Sonic Spoon”
>looks like a toy, but it’s more than a little zapper
>won it in a bet with a Manehattan-based coder who didn’t think she could hack a prototype drone
>tfw you "PEW PEW" when you fire it
>but honestly, you love the thrill of what it can do
>one night, decides to poke around the Ministry of Defense database
>finds some restricted files labeled “Plone Project - Horizon Zero”
>wew; mare.
>of course, you try cracking it
>manages to open a backdoor…
>only to see Plone blueprints scrolling by
>schematics for flying cyborg ponies, some marked with "self-aware: caution"
>find even weirder info on how plones can turn evil
>‘I Am Completely and Mentality Stable’
>proceeds to engage a civilian aircraft
>the creepy picture of seeing a predator type plone with two red eyes glowing in the hangar with shark teeth lit like maybe leds
>one of them attacks the pegasus stallions unable to even fight back
>laugh like watching some gore shit
>sweet lord faustmighty I have issues.
>don't even save it and move on.

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