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I never heard of Wubcake until all of the drama and accusations about her have come out, and don't get me wrong, they made pretty clear that she is not a good person. But I checked out her old Pony content (here: https://www.youtube.com/@deletedmlpvideos/playlists?view=50&sort=dd&shelf_id=1 ), and I really enjoyed her voicework and wish she didn't stop making these videos? Like seriously, she did she delete all of this stuff, was it due to the bad stuff she did?

Her Sunset and Twilight voices are especially fantastic, but she plays all of the characters pretty well, and she can even sing well in multiple voices! I am very glad all of her videos were reuploaded, it's a treasure trove! There's a bunch of fanfic readings and comic dubs that her voice work really adds to (Sunlight especially is an amazing fanwork that she made even better, especially since it stars the two characters she voices the best).

There's also really fun Skype calls her and her friends did where they did roleplays of the characters that are charming and silly and fun (I would love to have talented friends who I could goof around with like that), she had a bunch of great song covers with multiple character impressions, and there's a bunch of parody/voiceover videos she did that are pretty funny! I really enjoyed her content, it's a true shame she turned out the way she did and stopped making this stuff, and it makes me curious on the details about why she stopped and how much of it relates to the drama.

Are there any other fandom voice actresses with similar content? If so, I would love to see them! Do you agree that her content was awesome? If so, what are your favorite Wubcake videos?
I appreciate that you know how to separate the art from the artist.
This. I wish more people did.
It hurts to see this, Anon.

Wubcake not only did amazing readings, had the best Sunset Shimmer voice and was always up to help and participate in other people's projects, she also did NSFW audios. Lots, AND LOTS, of nsfw full audio roleplays, and her impressions of all of the other girls' voices were pretty good.

Of course her Adagio and Sunset were still the best ones, but damn, she knew how to act a convincing Mane 6. There's an entire Wuten's Applebuck Season fic read by her that's been canned, and I wonder if we'll ever see it surface.

Why did she have to be a child-diddler, man...
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She did a lot of voice work for SFM anthro futa porn so she's good in my book
>she also did NSFW audios. Lots, AND LOTS, of nsfw full audio roleplays
Where can these be found? I've only seen her NSFW fanfic readings that DBVA put on Odysee https://odysee.com/$/playlist/9afca968d751e62b80b628d925c5175a80c94eb2
Google "Wubcake Archive Collection" and you should get a quick way to download most of the deleted ones asap

She has a few new ones, I think she made a Trixie and Fluttershy ones lately, but she's selling them through itch.io now
Bro...she's a pedophile
So is half of the entertainment industry. I can wish death on the baker while enjoying their cake that I didn't buy.
She literally raped a 13yo girl(Jennabun aka: pegasisterreacts) at 19 years old and she also abused all her exes (relationship and friends)
She also hit a police officer in the guts and surfed the couches of their friends, getting them into problems with their families

Does that change that her voice is hot and her MLP impressions are on point?
Bro, her voice work has gotten too hot shit lately that she's using a voice a.i. program that she found online, not only that but she treated her fans like dogshit, she recently got confronted at a furry convention twice on the same day.
And I don't mean too Grammer nazi your ass on this shit, but it was a pregnant special ed teacher then she assaulted her elderly grandmother.
Pure wife material
She still has police investigating her shit and it's likely possible that she's getting banned from the furry con she participated.
I said in the op that she is a bad person and that she did bad stuff, it's not like she makes any money from me watching reuploads
Well, better than her making actual cuz the bitch needs to get a job.
My autistic ass just forgot too put the word "money" in the shit, my bad! (BTW this thread might get taken down soon, cuz this board don't like drama shit up in here, your welcome....)
Discussion about creative fanworks is generally allowed and that's what her content generally was. So lets reshift the discussion: You guys have any favorites of her fanfic readings or Skype calls?
Most of them are here. The one's i've listened to are pretty kino
Well, I'll be...I was wrong after all, well before I found out she was a total bitch this whole time, and rapist I did like her mlp voice talent in many projects she was in.
>Is Wubcake the best fandom voice actress?
No. She's really good but Magpie clears her easily for that title IMO
Magpie is based af, magpie and lost narrator make wubcake look like her look like shit.
Yeah as a duo they're definitely way better
Again, death of the author
As long as I'm not giving her money, I'm not really supporting her, am I?
I'll be waiting until AI is advanced enough so I can just copy paste her voice in every SunTwi comic ever.
Until then, good riddance, you pedo bitch.
Prove it.
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Wubba Wubba Dub Dub
Go back to co
Aw, man. I guess is lost forever. Someone saved her PONYDOCKS video? She nailed both AJ and Applebloom going full nigga moment. I check the list, but it isn't there.
I think it's advanced already. Even basic character.ai voice can take a sample of her and deliver a proper SunShim.
ai voices still don't have the same expressiveness, it's not the same.
Yeah. It seems it's getting better on that regard from what I heard but still far far from sounding perfect
Sooner or later the entire community will forget that this bitch ever existed, and all other communities such as the weebs, furfags, hellova/hazbin fags will be aware of her and her petty excuse bullshit and her playing the "victim card" and cry "victim" and her faggot simps who get no pussy in thier life let alone she won't fuck any of them either except for her twink ass Bob Marley lookin motherfucker of a boy toy that she's been in a relationship with along with the 3 poor souls she cheated on for him. She goes by Fizzybizzybark, lewdwhorse on Twitter.
Not unless a better voice actress comes along and voices all the things she's already voiced, permanently replacing her.

Otherwise, nah, she'll still be around, no one has killed her, this is her job, and she's still pretty talented
that site is dead
Her voice talent has gone down too the shitter recently, like I said she's using some AI voice program out in the internet somewhere, idk what site it's called but ik it's out there and it exists.
so the allegation are that she molested a 13 year old, molested her dog and molested her grandmother, right?
And punched a pregnant school teacher in the gut, too.
damn this bitch is in a molesting competition?
The one where she molested the 13yo(Jennabun) is accurate, the dog molesting well...idk about that but it's possible that she does abuse her dog, and she assaulted her elderly grandmother is also true, matter of fact there is a legit police report stating that she did assault her grandmother after she punched a pregnant special ed teacher
and then molested her
Not really, there is a legit police report it's on Twitter somewhere just type #stopwubcake and you will find it
Might as well just post the thing
Seen it bruh....
Those poems are cringe but at least the video explains what all happened.
Eh, too each thier own nigga it's his vid he can do whatever he wants, shit I'm sure if he does drop a part 5, he might roast the fuck outta her like a fatass bald headed turkey that she is.
I still wonder how she has a """""career""""". All I remember about her was:

>A pedophile with a good amount of evidence
>A bitch who always coast on her "friends"
>Tends to burn bridges if things do go her way
>Probably off her meds

How the heck is she still "relevant" in the world of VA work?
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>2 months ago
>artist:wubcakeva, anthro, sfm, futa
>10 months ago
She will be fine
>burn bridges if things do go her way
What? How many minors did she touch?
I agree with one of the takes of the commentary. Wubcake thrives on embracing her "villainy", she likes playing villains, likes edgy characters and shows, etc.

Getting all this theater kid shit demonizing her only makes her ego get even bigger.
One, but now word has it their could be a potential victim, but idk... :/
I meant to say "don't".
I remember when she deleted things on her channel MANY times before jumping to Dangaronpa. I just know learned that she went to the HH fandom, and that she is a (low level) convicted criminal.
That's why I said she destroys everything when shit hits her fan. And that she probably was off her meds.
Here's her actual two active youtube channels from my knowledge:
https://www.youtube.com/@wubcake (only has 36 videos, a ton of stuff is clearly deleted, who knows why)

https://www.youtube.com/@wubcakesponystuff (I don't even know why she made this a separate channel. After years of uploading no MLP content to YouTube at all, she uploaded some only to not come back to it again.)
>who knows why
I know, but we know that also involves her.
You think it's due to the allegations?
Mainly her ego strokes.

>"Oh, I can't have these old SOVL videos because now I am a "profesional VA", so this is dumb."
>"Oh, I can't keep going with the bronies because they are a dead fandom, not because I am a toxic person who destroys her "friendships", so I'll go with the anime crowd."
>"Oh, I have to leave these weebs, because they are neckbeard losers with no taste, and not because bronies and anime fans overlap, so they knew how bad I am. I'll go with Hazbin Hotel and simp for the drug addicted femboy, that's totally cool and original."
>"Oh, I guess I'll leave for KND so I can still be 'cool' by going to a semi dead fandom, not because HH's fandom had so many edgy kids, and I've been canceled TWICE for my 'sexual preferences'. I should be fine there."

And before you mention it: no. Working as a VA for porn SFM videos is NOT real VA work.
I feel some guy predicted that.
Is she even attractive?
She's ugly as sin. Her only redeemable value is that she's not fat.
You don't want to know she looks like.
Has she ever shown her face?
>she's not fat
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>Fat AND ugly
owari da
I remember her being slightly darker

But those are just love handles,a slight chubby of you will
Look up wubcake face reveal its on google
I mean, I would.
can someone post a non cucX link? not everyone here is a mobilefag
>who knows why
iirc she has directly addressed this on twitter, and also spoke out against reuploaders

Does the xcancel endpoint work for you? https://xcancel.com/LewdWhorseVA/status/1800706321970590038
Also last time I saw her (bronycon 2019) she wasn't fat at all. Then again it's been 5 years.
yes it does. i thought that Nitter was ded
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>Also last time I saw her (bronycon 2019) she wasn't fat at all.
>tfw I've gaining 50 pounds for the last 3 years.
Fucking hell. I'll lose weight for good again starting tomorrow.
Well truth be told she is a fatass, I should know because I met the bitch herself first time 2020, second time 2022, and months ago then she ditched like a bitch, we didn't fuck or anything because I know a nigga who literally fucked her and thanks too him, homeboy saved my life that hoe will make your pelvis rest in pieces and end up with a $999.00 hospital bill on your ass, she's a literal grave yard because she's got all the souls wondering off in those holes of hers
If we turn off the lights and she rps as Sunset or Adagio I'd be more than willing to pay her to fuck her. Multiple times, even
Most of the publicly available nitter instances died because they were also used by scrapers. You’ll notice that this one either has cooldown or captcha.
Or better yet, put a brown paper bag over her ugly ass face that'll probably work for ya.
me personally i think shes too nasally. it always sounds off. also the child rape isnt great. but i can forgive that. what person in the entertainment industry isn't raping children. what i cant forgive is that shes black. she just has the same thing Michael Jackson had. a taste for kids and losing her black skin.
jesus christ, the confidence, or delusion, needed to make an onlyfans like this is crazy. like in a world of ozempic, zeptbound , wegovy and meth. being fat is a fucking choice.
>shitty youtube dubs
>the industry
that's a stretch
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Let's not forget she's also balder than a bald eagle for fucks sake, a chrome dome that not even miracle grow or fix it Felix can't even fix.
does she also have the same thing shoeonhead has? where she compulsively pulls her hair out? regardless if theres a god he gave her a raw deal. fat black a pedophile and bald, all for a mediocre internet voice acting career
And let's not forget, e-slut, e-begger, and a prostitute at weeb cons and furfag cons too, and yeah she looks like Bill Dotree from king of the hill except Bill has more braincells than she does
Still would.
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On the note of the "Applejack Season" fic, I had her replaced by Animelodie and IMO when I was comparing the raw recordings during the editing process, Animelodie overall did a better character performance than Wubcake did; even though Wubcake generally had a closer "Applejack" voice impression, her delivery was very dry in comparison, especially during the more cloppy bits.

Wubcake's voice lines for the project do not exist anymore (I deleted them when I found out what happened), but the project itself went forward and was released with a few months delay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5r0bWwO2-s If I'm honest it's some of my best work as a narrator and editor.

Pic related, file folder for the audioplay project for proof
Hey Wuten, longtime fan and early Patreon subscriber before my country's economy went to shit. It's true that Wubcake has a closer Applejack voice, but man, Animelodie did an amazing work. Despite being relatively recent, it instantly went to the top 5 of my favorites along with Young Love, Wild Rose, Sir Yes Sir and Stamina, and it made me see Applejack in a whole new light as a whole. Your voice both soothes me to sleep and it's the perfect background to relax and focus.

I just wanted to fanboy a bit, thanks for doing what you do. Hope you're doing well
obviously anon.
Hey Wuten, longtime hater and early Patreon unaubscriber before my country's economy went to the moon.
How was it to work with Wubcake?
She ain't gonna fuck you bro
I'm surprised too see your ass on this thread idek how often you come on here and talk I guess since wubslut is on the picture I'm guessing this is an occasion.
Wubslut, Pedocake, Wubshit, shitcake, Bitchcake, wubbitch, take your Pic fags
Doing well, glad you enjoyed it!

As typical as working with any other voice actor I've interacted with over the years; nothing substantial or interesting all things considered.

Honestly since I typically keep to my corner of things, I wasn't aware of most of the things she'd done until the docs were dropped last year, same as most everyone else.

I'd watched from the sidelines years ago where she basically went scorched earth and burned all her bridges with various other MLP content creators at the time, but beyond that I was unaware of all the deeper details.

I still browse and post anonymously on /mlp/ semi-regularly, but chose to namefag for this one since it was relevant to the post I was replying to.
I love this art style
Way better than wubcunt herself
Did wubcake ever make animations?
Art? Sure. Animations? No.
>Why did she have to be a child-diddler, man...
Straight Shota is hot.
She molested a 13 year old girl, though.
That and she's a lolicon
>she's a lolicon
I don't even care if she is or not, the whole raping a 13 year old girl thing is significantly worse than looking at loli. But yeah, you got any proof?
It's on Twitter, type #stopwubcake same thing with there's a police report about her fatass as well.
who cares? loli is fine. it's preferred. its art. raping an actual kid is an issue.
Fair enough....
I still don't want a rapist to have a proper income thanks to us.

She keeps on doing shit even after all of this. She can't be trusted.
Well, then I suggest keep an eye out. If she goes too convention then you should inform a con's staff member about her and her twink ass four eyed version of Bob Marley of a boyfriend so they're child raping asses can get banned. And keep an eye out for the #stopwubcake movement for more bullshit too come i don't have a twitter but I do have somewhat of a connection too the movement in a way.
Based dupes. What's the name of his boyfriend, anyway? Just so we can keep an eye out for any mentions of him at the con.
He goes by Envy or 4thhumoculi, yeah that chief keef looking ass dude, keep in mind he's a wannabe gangster ass punk bitch and don't let his muscles disceive you, he uses steroids like Chris Redfield in Resident evil 5 type shit, and he named himself after a fucking Fullmetal alchemist character for fuck sakes
She does the same voices for every character, not just MLP characters. Maybe she put more effort into it back then, but nowadays she just puts on the same voice with maybe a cheap southern twang here or there.

Also, Wubcake is a pedophile.
>She molested a 13 year old
Based why do we hate her again?
How is this thread still up? Also how is Wubcake not in prison?
Because the justice system is messed up and shit happend 10 years ago and the victim tried reporting her too the police but unfortunately there wasn't enough evidence at that time, but now there's a good amount of evidence out there on Twitter that might put her away.
That and she's a total bitch, a cheater, a Liar, manipulator, Abuser, a whore, and she made number people almost kill themselves.
Damn, Wubcake is unironically worse than ToonKriticY2K, is she...
Both are terrible, Toonkritic is now up too his bullshit again, word has it he's back
do you know how many people get caught fucking minors or trying to fuck minors and get off? a lot. rape is really hard to prove. to be fair it honestly always comes down to a he said she said. jennas parents didnt want to put her future career at risk or have her go through the legal process. so they simply moved away after.
Any links to info about what ToonKritic is up to?
>jennas parents didnt want to put her future career at risk or have her go through the legal process. so they simply moved away after.
Probably because people want to keep spreading awareness of her pedo stuff, not knowing that most people literally don't fucking care as long as she does a good job
take it or leave it anon. this would be yaars ago i had the conversation with her. i believe shes since green lit the release of that conversation and has made other statements
the one that makes music? there's a musician in the fandom with the same name
Post it here then
Yeah, but the one I'm talking is the budget knock off of Wesley Snipes face lookin ass dude
Speaking of that, as of recently the movement just posted a screenshot of pedocake's convo with another discord user openly admitting too raping jennabun and she tried too backtrack it too, she knew Jenna's age, and she knew what she did too her.
What's the chances that their secretly friends?
i *think* faggot.
but not only that idk what her name is to look up the logs. she changed the name of the account and blacked out the profile. you can find her own public comments on the matter. the parents are aware. wub and jenna were local. none of this is denied by wub.
i take discord logs of confession very lowly. they are too easy to fake. if it fits the exact narrative you want, chances are it's fake. ive heard shes admitted and then recanted and said she was stressed since day one. but if theres no concrete point it doesn't matter. at the end of day i think shes a rapist and child molestor. i will make fun of her when the moment arises. i am not batman. idc to stalk her every move. pedos are a dime a dozen, if nothing legally is going to come of it, theres little point. youd drive yourself insane constantly thinking about this and others.
Fake huh...? How exactly do you know that they are fake? From what I've seen, you can't fake screenshots or discord logs, but could you elaborate?
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then you're retarded. not only are there a bunch of online apps. but discord is a JavaScript based program that runs in the web browser. inspect element is easy enough to do. she may have slipped up and said she did it in a voice call (as i heard) but a discord message is not proof enough. not a screenshot at the very least. if you have a video, showing the account and refreshing etc. then its far more credible
It can't be fake, there's no way have you even looked through the evidence that literally linked through the sources that they have shown or you assume that they are fake for whatever retarded reason
please post proof of wubcake admitting it.
No lie, I'd fuck Cupcake Slash. It was another Pinkamina wanna be OC, but it was a cute brown pony/EqGirl.
Any particular pics of her you like?
I wish Wubcake would rape me desu. She's not all that hot, seems to have an ugly personality, but she is a woman and can do pony voices and I hate being a khv loser.
She ain't gonna fuck you bruh
Mainly these two, but there's a couple of good ones.
Thanks for the hint, doesnt mean i still dont want it to happen.
But why?
Any favorite Wubcake videos?

She's just really good at doing Rarity.
You could've told me this was Tabitha and I would've believed it
Let's just say, she was good in terms of talent (that is now receding like her hair)
Birds of a feather...
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Y'know I don't get why people here hate Punkitt so much. Yeah he's a troon which is gross but his comics are still hilarious regardless
People hate troons more than they like ponies. They'd rather forgive Wubcake for raping a child but having good pony voices, than welcome Punkitt for being a tranny despite making funny comics.
The community hates her just as much as toonkritic
As whom?
Some wannabe episode critic who, like many, turned out to be a pedo.
At this point I shouldn't even be surprised
Doesn't this community hate everyone in it? I thought that's what we were all here for
That fat bitch deserves more hates, i don't give a shit about her, at this point I'm DILLIGAF (Do i look like I give a fuck) let alone she shouldn't even been on youtube after what she did to jennabun or anybody she shat on for the past decade and beyond, let alone be on the internet. Even Envy and the faggot simps should just go kill themselves.
Which is shocking because lesbian rape is so rare or either not reported as much, makes it more hard to comprehend. She is just an imitation of Rebecca Shoichet anyway, doesn't bring anything original or new to make Sunset her own. Rebecca also isn't a pedophile, makes it better to support her.
Rebecca has my full support, pedocake can just burn in hell
It would be nice to see Rebecca again, but I have plenty of autographs from her over the years, it is okay. I just don't do pony cons anymore, I cringe looking back at going, but it was worth going just to meet the voice actors alone. She's also getting older, I'm unsure if she would ever return as Sunset Shimmer if Hasbro had a brain and brought G4 characters back. Pedocake doesn't deserve to officially be Sunset Shimmer.
In my eyes, I cannot see Vampire Sunset Shimmer as anything but Wubcake's sexy self-insert OC
That and self-projection too.
No Vanessa is
Perhaps, but still I cannot change that I immediately connect one thing with the other
It doesn't help that she herself has made so much art of it
Or maybe plagiarized it
this thread reaks of sam faggotry. like two maybe 3 people mostly posting questions and answering them. the qubcake situation is old news and she has a lot of autisticly obsessed individuals who want to take her down for "being mean" from what i heard more than the child fucking. the verbiage, the sentence structure. nothing seems right here. its allready an election year, we dont need more pyops.
You must either be slutcakes asskisser or your just flat out denying any evidence against the hoe. "Being mean" is not any of the reasons why people are going after her, it's the simple fact that she raped a 13 yo girl about 10 years ago, get your facts straight retard!
this is what i mean, this reads more like some redditor trying to speak how he thinks people on here talk. yes wubcake is bad, but gay ops are also bad.
Well, nigga you were the one who made an autistic ass claim saying that "being mean" was the main reason people are after her tol begin with, so next case?
what is your goal here? if you believe shes a rapist and have proof and the victim is willing. go to the cops? why are you here?
All the evidence is on Twitter(X) why don't you go over there and take a look for yourself, Envy...
if you have proof. why are you not alerting the police?
Oh, what's the matter big man? Your mad that your "girlfriend" lost her so called career and us chads here are spitting the facts about how much of a bald headed pedohoe that she is, how'd you find out about this thread anyway?
Have there been police reports filed against Wubcake?
Female rape doesn't exist
It's Envy man, he's trying so hard too defend his girl wub herself, pathetic human that he is...
Ok reddittard
yeah you're clearly an off boarder and an autistic faggot.
you're not wrong. i don't think a lot of people understand how strict the deffinition of rape is. men are raped more than women but prison rapes arent normally counted. for the longest male on male rape wasn't counted. fuck even now using your hands, fingers or foreign objects on a woman isnt classified as rape in new york. its sexual assault only.
no doesn't seem like it. these people have no solid evidence and doesn't seem like the victim is willing to bring forth charges
Any favorite Wubcake videos?
I miss the video where Spike got a crush on Maud. That "Treasure" sing off at the end was cool. I feel you can make it with AI now, but hear Spike singing Bruno Mars songs back then would've been cool.
And your not law expert yourself faglord, kill yourself.
>Using your hands, fingers or foreign objects on a woman isnt classified as rape in new york. its sexual assault only
I've been watching a lot of George Carling recently, and this hit me in the "words that hide the truth" sketch.
>"You weren't "raped". You were "sexually assaulted", darling."
No, you dumb motherfucker! She was raped and the fucker got a swell happy time doing it!
Here it is
Thank you! At least someone had common sence unlike that pedophile enabling faggot, at yet he claims I'm an "autistic faggot" well, he's one himself i bet a million bucks this fag either gives his money too the bitch herself on only fans or fansly (idk or care what) and I highly agree, fucking cunt did rape Jennabun and got away with it Scott fucking free and received no god damn consequences from it, even she openly admitted too doing so and tried too back track it let alone.
go to the police nigger. or go minecraft roblox her yourself in game of course. we have a system for a reason. use it. if it fails then do what you must. but use it first
Yes there was a report of her assaulting a pregnant special ed teacher, and her grandmother
Nigger please, admit that your one of her asskissers who enables, ok? Just admit that you do and I'll leave you alone, i promise.
so that's a no? you won't be going to cops then? you wont file a report? youre not pressing criminal or civil charges? ok.
How about you look at Jennabun's side of the story on Twitter (X) she told a detailed story on what happened 10 years ago when she invited her to stay at her place for a night, and also she and her parents tried reporting her too the police, but because of the fact that she didn't have the evidence at that time, the police couldn't do anything, So Envy, how about you shut your lousy nigger face ass the fuck up, you pedophile enabling piece of shit!
so then theres a public police report? what evidence didn't they have since you said you have proof she admited to it? another anon says in this thread they never tried to press charges so which is it? a lot of yapping and no proof of anything.
Nigger i get it, your just out defending your fat, bald headed, no talent ass bitch of a girlfriend, and I also get that you don't want too look because she told you numerous lies upon lies, why don't you just do the world a favor and wake the fuck up dude, and why don't you ask her what really happen and encourage her ass too fess the fuck up and no bullshit.
>no talent ass
Alright, Wubcake is a rapist and pedo who should be in prison, no disagreeing with you there. But she is still talented and her content was really good. You can separate the art from the artist.
Her voice talent is literally receding just like her hairline bro, she's literally using a voice ai program she found on the internet, she was good years ago, before I found out how much of a piece of shit she is.
I haven't seen her feel stuff that she made after she deleted her old channel, so fair enough.
you said a police report was filed. okay. show it?
Or how about you get on twitter(X) and look for it yourself, jeez what am I your guidance counselor or some shit? Use your head idiot!
i did there was nothing. so i guess there never was a police report then? if you have it the only reason you wouldn't show it despite claiming its been posted is because youre lieing
The fuck did i just say then? There is a legit police report STATING that she assaulted her grandmother after punching a pregnant special ed teacher in the stomach, dumbass..
thats not a police report about the rape. you said there was one. show it.
Nigga shut the fuck up you pedophile defending ass enabling piece of shit! Just admit you give the bitch money so you can jack off to her fat ass
>she assaulted her grandmother after punching a pregnant special ed teacher in the stomach
wasn't that chris-chan?
You try so hard...
thats what i thought.
You are such an ignorant bastard, your literally denying all forms of facts that she herself raped jennabun, it did fucking so shut up envy, keep defending your fat cunt of a girlfriend you enabler
Faggot fucker, kys you piece of shit bitch, chief keef face ass bitch, she raped jennabun end of story, tell your fat cunt girlfriend wubcake to fuck herself and get off of only fans and fansly and go get a real job you no talent face ass bitch
Rustic shine had evidence of the video, but he deleted the video because of wubcake herself which would lead her too jail, so therefore you and wubcake committed what's known as tampering of evidence
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She did some dubs of Sciset Diary comics back when that blog was popular and I was obsessed with it. That's where I learned about her from
I absolutely wished that Spike had move on from Rarity seasons ago?
Whose worst Wubcake, Tooncritic, Mr.Enter, or Jerry Peet? Also how is this thread still up?
three fags bumping it. not sure why jannies havent cleaned it desu. they do every other time.
Mr. Enter is by FAR the least bad of those people, how can you even put him in the same category?
Didn't he rip people off?
She’s not bad. She just needs a brace anon to plow her smelly mound and stretch out her rank asshole and cover her shit particles in smegma.
No he didn't, what are you referring to?
Growing Around.
If you are talking about the IndieGoGo, it failed so everybody got their money back, and later on Enter admitted that he was unrealistic in how high of a budget he wanted, and was glad it failed
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And (You) need Jesus.
If there's anyone who needs Jesus it's Wubcake herself
And yet, I doubt anyone would forgive her sins
Based, ik that too be true for damn sure
Especially her ass kissers and chief keef ass envy too, but let God decide on thier fate
why wait? you have two hands? are you okay with her raping more children? thats the only thing that could be derived from the fact you want sue civily. you won't press criminal charges. you wont provide any proof here. so you must be fine with her raping more kids, or you don't believe she took these actions. personally if someone raped my child or best friend, id beat the shit out of them. and fbi that's not a threat. it's a reality for any reasonable person. do *something* file a formal report, sue her civily, something retard
Wubcake long time no see
>they made pretty clear that she is not a good person
I always assume anyone who says this without any explanation is a leftist shithead who can’t be bothered to explain why someone is gross, terrible, problematic, etc. You tricked me into walking into your thread so at least have the decency to give a rundown on why this person is “not a good person” (as if you’re any better).

Also Jenny Nicholson, despite being a retarded backpedaler who is willing to throw a whole body of work under the bus to appease Twitter leftists, is actually the most fun fandom VA. I still watch FiW regularly and her line deliveries and vocal range are impressive as hell. I sometimes even like her characterisations of the Mane 6 even more than the canon ones. When I’m in the right mood at least.
>She molested a 13 year old girl, though.
Did she actually or did she just send saucy DMs.
People on Twitter are known to repeat shit until everyone thinks it’s true. Your primary proof coming from Twitter brigaded makes your claim more suspect than if you just said “I made it the fuck up”
There wouldn’t be a crime if nobody got off.
I hope that’s not one of his comics because this isn’t even remotely funny.
I do belive she raped a 13yo, and why do you want the police involved so badly? Why don't you do something then? You keep saying call the police this call the police that. Why don't you do something then if you keep mentioning it a million, billion, or trillion times in a god damn row, grow some balls or tits or whatever the fuck you have idc what, you fucking down syndrome or autistic retard! Wubcake or Envy i know it's one of you two fuckheads talking right now, how about you both admit your guilt and quit hiding shit and fess up!
The only person who can press charges is likely only Jennabun so the cops probably won't likely do anything. But, that doesn't mean it should be forgotten
No shit....
because I'm not a victim retard. i have no connection to the victim. i legally cant bring civil litigation. but you claim to have all this proof? you dont need the victim for federal charges. so why do you if you believe so much. which im not convinced. hop on chatgpt, ask it how to file a report. and go do it?
Just some hot lesbian scissoring like Ms. Garrison and kissing. The girl was 13 and win was 19. I consider all teens equal so I don’t honestly give a shit personally. I just want Wub’s leaked nudes
what lol? also i dont believe she was 19 but could be wrong. she knew her before that, and thats litterally just hitting teens lmao. you're as fucked as these deranged lunatics bitching about her.
>Wubcake or Envy i know it's one of you two fuckheads talking right now
i love the schizophrenia on this site that makes people think their e-celeb is the anon they're arguing with
>cussing and insults
so there isn't a police report
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this is a terrible, pointless thread. here's a filly
me too
yeah if she weren't a faggot
That's crazy
It's not even a comparison
OP can't
Wubba >Lubba dub dub
Apple Bloom, what are your favorite Wubcake videos?
>If so, what are your favorite Wubcake videos?
Plus her Sunlight / Vampire Sunset reading.
Ok, I'm done with this faggot thread y'all can continue too worship a pedophile fatass bitch and continue too deny and call those people leftists like a bunch of far right schizos and go ahead and jackoff too her ugly fatass nudes, y'all are just disgusting af, im out let this cancerous thread die by the jannies.nannies. I'm out
I'm not owned , im not owned, as i shrink into a corn cob
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They admittedly aren't for everyone
all good ones
I really wish she'd rape me.
I really wish she was behind bars where she belongs and getting raped by a prison inmate, just like what she did to Jennabun 10 years ago
>she did to Jennabun 10 years ago
Pretty sure she dry humped her.
You mean force her leg between her legs
Is that not dry humped?
Could be arranged. Are you a little girl with VA aspirations?

Sounds more like a Cunt Punt, but with a knee attack.
Depends, do I get to be the prison inmate?
we could switch to talking about her videos instead of going back and forth with weirdos defending her obviously terrible actions.
That would be nice if the wierdos would stop defending her sick actions indeed, such faggots that they are
I really like her moans.
It makes every EQG animation much better.
Got anymore of those lying around?
There is always drama with this
And yet here we continue.
Okay and?
Nothing, I'm just saying...
If not Wubcake, then who's got a good Sunset Shimmer impression if I needed someone to voice Sunset?
Again, we can all agree that Wubcake is evil, so let's just switch to talking about her videos.
You have my agreement
It does sour most of her videos though...

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