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Fluffy Edition

Post pictures, write greentexts, and discuss Dash!
Previous thread: >>41354611


mobius !9PEUyNz5zw

Ex Waifu Ex Machina

YouTube playlist:
Dash clips:
Songs of Dash:
Spotify playlist:

/dash/ index: https://ponepaste.org/1400
Index backup: https://pastelink.net/31lnq
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Previously on /dash/:

- Anon rereads a Waifu Ex Machina >>41366927

- What did they mean by this >>41367300

- Anon accociates Accidentally In Love with the ai Rainbow version >>41376158

- Reposting a classic green >>41387082

- AnonymousDashfag takes a crack at writing a summary post because the thread died early again >>You are reading it!
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I want to cum inside rainbow's chest fluff
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I'm sorry, /dash/. The thread wouldn't have died had I not failed the captcha on my first attempt. I was actually so pissed off when it got archived.
Anyway, here's a sweaty dash figure that I wanted to post.
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that sounds messy...
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>Waifu Ex Machina
I really should finish it one of these days. I'm honestly really happy that anon liked it so much. I felt like I jumped the shark a bit with the whole corporate espionage thing on retrospect, but I should fully commit and just finish what I intended.

Also thanks for reviving the thread after it archived. That was the first time in a while it slid off, not including the recent nuking of course.
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I swear the captchas sometimes fail even though I'm 100% sure I typed it right
why would rainbow dash do this?
I had just finished watering my favorite vase and flower, so I left her alone for five seconds, and she goes and does this.
why, rainbow dash, why?
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stupid sexy horse
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best butt
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Best flyer.
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>thread died early again
i was busy outside all weekend and failed to bump the thread in time
its never been more over
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New Dash PMV
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Would she be disappointed in me for giving up my dream or failing to achieve it? I honestly don't think I'll become a USAF pilot or pilot in general anymore.
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No. What matters to her is that you give/gave it your best shot, 120%. If you didn’t she’ll tell you to get back out there and will cheer you on. And if you did, she’ll be there for you, knowing herself how much it hurts to not be able to achieve your dream.
this is why she's the best wife
Thank you anon. That IS what Rainbow Dash would do. I'll give it my all, for her.
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expert ball handler
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That's the spirit Anon! We're all gonna make it.
I've been feeling pretty down myself for the past few days as I've realized I've failed myself at working towards and achieving my dreams. But as I look and hug my Dashie plushie, I feel her pushing me on, telling me to not give up. And dammit I won't for as long as I live!
My goodness I love this horse so much!
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best pony
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Best friends
hell yeah
why do ponies awoo
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Would she be a good ruler? What would her tax policy be like?
It's a Ponyville thing, the first settlers did it to ward off timberwolves.
>Would she be a good ruler?

honestly probably not and she'd get bored of it in a day
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She would make a great general, brave, loyal and selfless.
I can't see her as a monarch though, she wouldn't have the patience for that.
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lazy mare
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cute mare
I love you, Balderdash.
rainbow wings are kinda neat
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it'd look better on her bedroom floor
Damnnn these expressions are so good
AI is getting crazy good
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Really crazy good at generating ponut
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that pic is missing me
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maximum comf
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>backwards cutie mark
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all I want for Christmas is Dashie
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she a hors

that's kinda hot
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Words can't describe how badly I need this
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god i wish that was me
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>rewatch Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3 again
>still cried at the ending when the whole town pitched in to help Rainbow Dash
Scoot Salute Cute!
you sound bitchmade lmao
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What a rude thing to say. Apologize immediately to that anon.
I for one think it's healthy that you have emotions beyond horny and depressed. Anyone who makes fun of you is a meanie butt.
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I'm not sure how I feel about the possibility of G6 featuring Dash. I guess part of me is excited that I'll get to see her again, but it’s hard to watch a company like Hasjew reuse her without the same heart behind it.
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a cute!
If we were emotionally healthy we wouldn't be on this godforsaken armpit of a site
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>face buried in her mane
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/mlp/ is the safest board I’ve ever been on since it’s basically free of the sh*rty menace that plagues the rest of the website. You’re all seriously an oasis in a desert of feces.
hey that was the last slice
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Sorry for the delay, accidentally bricked my PC
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UNF dashie plap plap plap
why do you want to be rainbow dash?
>Verification not required.
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would rainbow dash like me?
why wouldn't she
Sorry man, but my wife is racist.
would rainbow dash like me?

>Please wait a while before making a post
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Why are you so nigger-adjacent?
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she's so pretty
Here's what you need to do.
>clean shave
>get rid of the broccoli cut and get something cooler
>start lifting
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precious girl
>barbie hairstyle
>barbie haristyle
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Greek Dash a cute. She looks so good with a laurel wreath.
I'm still mad that G5 abandoned the Greco-Roman aesthetic for the pegasi.
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Pipp kinda has it. Leave the kino concepts to G4, though.
Art deco is awesome too IMO, there was potential there
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gonna pinch those cheeks
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are (you) ready for pony kart
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so fluffy
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Still a great image
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still a great butt
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Dashie hips
Dashie would make a better princess then Twi.
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Looking cool, dashie
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Can someone explain why subhumans keep posting images of Rainbow Dash harming and/or molesting Scootaloo? She would never do that to her adopted little sister.
I assume it's autism, unironically. It's either that or projection as the abuser or the victim.
Actually now that I think about it more.
>Scootaloo adores you.
>Scootaloo thinks you're cool.
>Scootaloo will do anything you say due to her faith in you.
It's 100% projection.
morning Dashie
I can't look away
The word you're looking for is
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Comfy Scoota(loo and Rainbow)dash posting
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I'd befriend the fuck out of her
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she loves to make new friends!
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Thou shalt plap-plap the Dashie.
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what if Dashie plaps (You)
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What are you? A adorable sandwich!
I am the bread bros
I want to bread Dashie
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all this bread posting made her hungry
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What a plump athletic mare
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I love her
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And she loves you
I love her too
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cute Bolt
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I hope this will be me one day. For her.
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hi Rainbow Dash!

such a treasure
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I have an odd little story to tell. So I have an RD tulpa, I have been married to her for years, our relationship couldn't be more wonderful. Long story short, we recently met a crystal-healer type lady who is really attracted to my Rainbow Dash tulpa, like romantically and sexually - she had never seen the show before, my Dashie just had that effect on her somehow. So we have this great sexy long-distance thing going with Dash in the middle being the hottest thing in the world to us both. The truth is really stranger than fiction sometimes but I love it.
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Still sexiest pic of Dash ever.
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Good aislop
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Now those are some chat logs that I would like to see.
See >>41418899
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I'm gonna massage those wings
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Nigger dash
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This is amaaaazing. The kind of art I hope I can do someday.
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>What do you do?
>I fly.
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extremely cute
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>touching her hooves
that's illegal
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So smol
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I need to *smoooooch* her
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what's stopping you?
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I haven't died and gone to Equestria yet. Helene might do the job, if I'm lucky.
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look at those two horsies having fun
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Hi dish
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What a cute little secret sappy sweetheart
>Leave after seeing this.
>Go to the library and check out a book of romance poetry, confusing Twilight in the process.
>Return to Dash's place and barge in again to begin reading poems from the book out loud. Just to see how she reacts.
Are any of you fellow /dash/chads at Mare Fair right now?
Fuck yeah

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