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Post the best fanfics you've ever read here.I don't care what they are about, just post them
here's my fav one:
the end
Who's pulling Trixie's wagon?
A Heart Longs For Another by AnthonyC4. Spent hours and hours reading that. Spent nearly an entire day because I was so glued to it. It was a HiE, Anon x Luna fic.

Was shattered into a trillion pieces when the story ended unfinished randomly at the literally very very height of the climax
Im shit with names and i barely read fanfics, im more into writing, but "the keepers of discord" on fimfiction just moved something i didn't know i had, it was probably the first mlp fic i read when i got there and i haven't found anything like it or that makes me feel like how i felt when i read it
a lot of sunfags have a love hate relationship with it, but I absolutely love exchange, I read it early when I wasn't really a waifu fag but my favorites at the time were rainbow dash and pinkie, when I read exchange in like 2014 I became a sunfag and celly has been my waifu since, I've got multiple life sizes of her now and my love for her only grows, I also quite like This magic moment and the how many series but exchange will always be at the top of my list
Going through the Austraeoh series right now, reading every chapter on the day they were released ten years ago. It’s not my absolute favourite, but I do like it. A chapter gets released almost daily so I have something to look forward to. The series is also closely tied to the commenters (sometimes using their usernames for characters), so there’s that meta aspect to it which I get to experience daily as they speculate what happens tomorrow.
Anyone got any recommendations? Particularly if it's human on mare kind of stuff.
Extra points if it's a good Trixie centric one or Celestia.
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Sent this one in a few Trixie threads, it's a rather recent one and a new favorite of mine. It's written like a lost episode creepypasta, that might turn you off but I think it's done relatively well, no overuse of hyperrealistic blood, and sounds like something that could happen in-universe. It sheds light on deeper aspects of Trixie's character. I don't want to spoil it but, it's pretty grim. It does not have a happy ending.
Bad Mondays
It looks like another shitty HiE from the cover but its an adventure of unparalleled quality.
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Her gal pal, Glimmy!
A lot of the fics I like have the pony get fattened or inflated to a massive size. It's a shame RadPanic doesn't write anymore.
Background pony
The hinterlands trilogy
Most of fics by Cold in Gardez
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Anything by picrel.
The Enchanted Library
Hard Reset
The Element Of Surprise
The Flight Of the Alicorn
It Takes A Village
It's A Dangerous Business, Going Out Your Door
Past Sneeds

I used to read tons of fics before Twilicorn and eqg shitted them all up, but these three are the only ones that come to mind immediately.
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wins again
>The Enchanted Library where Rarity wants to free Twilight to become famous and Twilight is actually happy as a ghost living forever in a library.
Simple description of some random Anon from another thread makes it so much more appealing than the author's description and cover, what the fuck.

Would people give a shot to more fics if anons in this thread were to provide this kind of simplistic one-sentence-long descriptions?
Tbh the author sold me with his description. The only reason I haven’t read it yet is due to the absurd length of my Read Later folder
It was certainly an experience for those of us that hadn't experienced a Daily updating story especially one that SS&E kept up with for years. It's a long ride that will hit ya in different ways. I still bring my Noble Jury hoodie to pony cons.

Lemme dig up some ancients from an old fimfic library.
Tundara's Myths and Birthrights (love the pantheon lorebuilding and rune-magic)
CommanderX5's Celestia's Tiny Student (I remember coining "Twiny" as BBBFF's go to term; pity the reqrite wiped old comments)
PatchworkPoltergeist's The Last Human (pony-human inverse of The Last Unicorn)
MrNumbers' The Mare Who Once Lived on the Moon (Steampunk Mane 6 getting together with all the horrors of the Victorian era)
If you like horror/monster-mystery, there's Twilight Sparkle: Night Shift by JawJoe. NCMares has some neat character art of Twilight and Trixie from that one.
Drakmire's Lacuna was my first longfic that pulled me in.
Cyanide's The Moonstone Cup has some interesting lore mechanics for having a magic skill tournament turned up to 11.
Biologic Orthodoxy's Field Notes on Alicorn Reproductive Behavior is smut with a comedy punchline.
BronyWriter's Princess Celestia Gets Mugged is one of my favorites for SliceOfLIfe.
Forthwith's Seeking Power and MagnetBolt's Witch of the Everfree have my favorite pony-only Sunset's.
I like Unseen Unheard
1. And I Would Live in Stone: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/454522/and-i-would-live-in-stone
2. Biblical Monsters: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/87619/biblical-monsters

you never specified it had to be pony. the prose in this is so fucking raw. way better than it has any right to be.
I was enjoying Rarity's Little Helper
I need to pick back up on it.
Thats the name ? Might be a bitch to find it. Do you have the author's name ?
exchange is kino
It's the first result on fimfiction.net
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In no particular order.

https://www.fimfiction.net/story/316852/empty-horizons (and the sequel)
Father Time Has His Way, is just a good story by itself whether you’re a sunfag or not. The premise is Anon is reincarnated every time he dies but cannot remember anything about his past self, and neither anypony as well except Celestia and Luna, because when he dies his body left behind is a pony and he wakes up as a human somewhere random in the world. A decent read only takes maybe an hour or two and it’s finished.

thank you for that read anon
it went hard and now i feel too depressed to sleep
just finished reading this, it was a good read. my enjoy
>reading every chapter on the day they were released ten years ago
Huh, that's actually a great idea. I've been meaning to start reading it for a long time now but the fact that the entire series is like 10 million words long made me put it off again and again. I think i'm gonna wait for the 13th of may, 2025 (13 years after the first chapter of Austraeoh was posted) and do the same. Thanks for the idea, anon - this will certainly be an adventure.
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it's wonderful
I can't believe they wrote a fanfic based on that tamers video
Eternal by device heretic
Since you’re familiar with Austraeoh, do you know what happened to that Xonan conlang course? The site it was on just closed several weeks before I came across it.

Better set a reminder. That’s quite a long while.
Here’s my fav one: go fuck yourself sideways, ass clown.
I've been trying to find this fanfic for ages; it was an AU story with Rarity's past turning out that she was a human. She was a spoiled head of a fashion line and was a terrible person to literally everyone before she was hit by a car and killed. Celestia was the Angel of Death and reincarnated her as a pony, using it to teach her humility and kindness towards others. It was on FIMFiction and I haven't come close to finding it
My Absolute Favorite
Seconding Hinterlands series.
>not even greentext
fake and gay
I like the dark depressing shit. Like... not quite tearjerker, not quite creepypasta. I remember when i was 13 being totally mystified by that "fan theory" where the ponies are based on 6 real girls who died on the same day.
Here it is
I swear it was longer, maybe this is an alternate version. Or maybe that's how bad my attention span was when i was 13 kek
Pretty much anything made by Dropbear on FiMfiction was pretty damn good.
This guys Hinterlands trilogy has already been mentioned but I can heartily recommend pretty much all of his pony fics.

Still ongoing but a very fun AU fic.

An excellent series if you want adventure and action.

If you don't mind a bit of edginess, this one is well worth a read.

Criminally underrated detective fic. If you want something that'll keep you reading for a while, I can't think of many longfics better.
>I like the dark depressing shit
You may like this
I'm intrigued
When love is not reciprocal.
This is so sweet to me that I couldn't get past the "I love you" part.
I know what's coming next and it hurts.
Anyways, now I'm really interested in the mare POV of some romance story.
Does anyone have any recommendations?
Very intrigued by this. So many good reccomendations here. I feel bad because mine was kind of lame and zoomery lol.
Any good recomendations for fics with a grim world setting ?
By grim I dont mean edgefest, but a world that has a big depressing feel to it. Kinda like how it was in the Siren Song fic with the corrupted MLP equivalent of the Rapture.
I don't particularly have a favorite amongst actually completed fics, but I'm a sucker for Golly fics in general. I'd say https://www.fimfiction.net/story/451589/castling-cozy-glow and https://www.fimfiction.net/story/536175/dawn-adopted are my current favorites, but that is subject to change. Castling has my favorite Golly redemption story while Dawn has a great depiction of an adult Cozy that puts her in very interesting scenarios.
Any good adventures? Like FoE, but not retarded
All very different but all excellent.
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DeMeaning the Mane 6, even though it's long as shit https://ponepaste.org/3177
Is this the one where anon fucks the mean out of meanlight? Busted many times to that one back when it was first posted.
Reposting this one from last thread cause I really like it:
"Redemption", it's a lovely story; basically My Little Dashie but with Luna and Celestia and more long and realistic.
If you like the father-daughter dynamic and parenting, this REALLY is for you.
I’ll be the faggot for this thread
A fic like no other.
deameaning the 6 is great. i wish it had a continuation
No one. Trixie just like to pull her wagon to the top of a hill, then look sad as she rolls down. What a silly mare.
alright now rewrite it so its pov and you groom them to be your wives
don't worry, I already had you covered earlier
How can a fic be dark & depressing without being a tearjerker or a creepypasta?
I meant something between the two, but doesn't go balls deep in either direction
A bug on a stick is amazing.
Dark but with a happy or a bittersweet ending?
Actually, i would prefer tragedy to a happy ending. I hate optimism, or excitement, or warm and fuzzy, or sweet.
I see what you mean. But I have to say... an otherwise excellent green ruined by lack of dialogue.
this one checks out >>41399064
just think it could've done without the creepypasta format
This is on my list actually. I love trixie. I hope this breaks me and makes me cry
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"Little Stars", another story about fatherhood, pretty realistic and sweet.
There is some drama and it's well written, it's not an empty SoL.
Equestria starts a space program. One of the first fics I ever read.

EQG take on the FiM pilot. Good story overall but the epilogue if it was its own fic is an easy 10/10

If you want to read a fic and just smile and feel warm and fuzzy the whole time.

A forever unfinished masterpiece of schizophrenia.

Cute Twi-Dash fic that almost feels like it could be an episode of the show.

>>41406121 Is understating how edgy this fic is. But somehow it actually works. Edgy as all hell but I couldn't put the book down. Can vouch.

Can also vouch for Austraeoh as a series overall. Skirts please 2 finish.
i feel bad for her now tf
Now? I've always felt bad for her.
Prey and a Lamb is the best longfic I've read
This is not a pony fanfiction, is it?
>Was shattered into a trillion pieces when the story ended unfinished randomly at the literally very very height of the climax
I hate this so much i refuse to read anything unfinished
the evil amulet may grant Trixie blood magic, but she's still powerless against my plapp magic.
cant find it anywhere
i want to cum inside trixie lulamoon
Another book ends today, and for once it's a happy ending.
Did it have Rarity being a grown mare when she was transported to Equestria?
She would make you cum inside her even if you didn't want to.
Ive actually fucked myself, I can read anything other than HIE without getting bored quickly.
What's so boring about no humans?
for me it's https://poneb.in/bj4FgpcU
https://www.fimfiction.net/story/109196/going-bump-in-the-night is good too
I don't know man... I guess I am putting myself at a disadvantage by just seeking out human fics.
-#human time.
>>41414163 continued
a classic https://www.fimfiction.net/story/3378/the-moonstone-cup
wholesome /spg/ story https://poneb.in/NFR8gGqz
cuteslop https://www.fimfiction.net/story/259849/satellite-lovers
Good Trooper Gilda
The Rise and Fall of the Dark Lord Sassaflash
and >>41405903
all great fics
I remember reading that story when i was in high school. Great stuff, got some strong feels out of it. If any of you anons decide to read it, once you're done find the final post on desuarchive, there's some nice art attached to it.
I don't know why so many people like the Moonstone cup. I understand that it's THE magical tournament fic and an early fandom classic but honestly it was pretty bland and underwhelming. There are much better adventure fics
"hail to the king" is one of the few that I still enjoy, athough it was sadly never finished
i'm thirty now and this story makes me cringe. too much anon sarcasm and teenage venting. always annoying to see the pony's give so much shits about humans.
i like my HiE wish fulfillment subtle with a side of humor

anyone got a good HiE where the pony's are indifferent and anon isn't a drama queen about it?
belly rubs in pony prison is the best anon pony short story. fight me
Wtf the wagon thing is evil af
Ponies are like actually evil
Already mentioned this earlier but I hated HiE until someone rec'd me Rarity's Little Helper
Maybe you'll enjoy
>it's le Reverse Gender Role Equestria my guy ;^) le duhhh ;^) le obviously ;^^^))))) does that le answer your le question ;;;;;;^^^^^^^^^^^^)))))))))))))))))))
I KNOW WHAT IT STANDS FOR. But everytime i read something labelled rgre i CANT UNDERSTAND how its supposed to be reverse gender role??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
This post brought me back to 2014 4chan
Think less reversed gender roles of contemporary America and more reverse what /r9k/ thinks that gender roles are in America
Is it safe to assume that this guy is a horrible person?
>the trigger warning list
This looks epic. I will have to read.
As far as I can tell, no? Their non-gore fics and non-sex fics go on other accounts.
my nigga use your brain. you dont understand gender norms?
If he's a young enough zoomie, he hasn't lived in a world where those weren't verboten under (((feminism)))
Unless snuff writing makes you confident in reading their mind and morals, no?
What are you talking about? He sounds like a fucking asshole here. I know I'm a degenerate, and even I wouldn't indulge so freely in such a self-serving ego tirade. Not that I care. Still gonna read the fic and probably enjoy it.
Society is very matriarchal, males are supposed to be stay in home husbands, mares pursue stallions in relationships, etc. Think about a world with stereotypical gender roles and simply swap the sex.
>ponies fucking vandalized her home
B-But I thought they were all harmonious and stuff...
Based on my experience in the /rgre/ thread, it's a type of maledom AU where kids fantasize about getting to cuss at authority with impunity.
Now I'm gonna go read that fic and see how accurate my prediction was.
Nigga what? Wait, I just cussed. Maybe you're onto something...
anon why are you dumb?t44kpl
Linky's so hot. This only makes her hotter. And yes I love Trixie. But part of that means enjoying her suffering, and loving her abuser more than her. But ultimately Linky will be made into a sandwich and eaten, while Trixie will be my wife.
>projects his own fantasy based on literally nothing
>reads it hoping to find his own fantasy
Okay then... knock yourself out dude
Oh, I thought you were asking about a different kind of horrible. All I meant to say was that they're not a basement dweller who's going to show up on the news someday.
My nigga. Office job types do 100000x more damage to society than basement dwellers. Ask any experienced cop.
can confirm, sitting doing mindnumbing shit 7:30 to 4:30 every day for a company I gradually hate more and more has pushed me to a suicide attempt. There were other factors that contributed to that having happened, many of them, but that was what I was thinking about in the moment.

And mental health is a crapshoot. I could have just as easily been born as a potential spree killer, it was dumb luck I'm only encoded to be self destructive and have a hatred of violence.

This shit is a Les Miserables-type story. Good Characters, realistic MC that's much more deep than the shitty anime it hails from. Only critique is that is slows in the middle, but were it a book I would have bought it by now.

Best fanfic I've read so far.
Trips of truth. Fics for this feel?
I am content to eat crow on this, I am enjoying myself.
It is nice, albeit rare, to come across real RGRE.
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Is this nigger seriously bragging about autoconfirmed? You get that after publishing your first fucking fic.
Seconding a witch in broad daylight. Its the cream of the crop. Im more obsessed with it than the original show.
witch in broad daylight.
Or if you like anime 16 bit sensatiob
You should read world of moral reversal. Since rgre is often supposed to be based on that idea.
'nother up for WiBD. shits fire.
The lewd manga? Is that the isekai one where the guy ends up running the inn or the one with the schoolboy?
Because both of those are the foundation for my intuition that "gender role reversal" spaces become instant colonies for maledom fetishists looking for a brattier type of girl to tame. Constant dom-loss stuff.
Realest truth bomb. Just looking at serial killers alone, Dahmer was the closest to "basement dweller". Besides him and Ramirez, they all had respectable middle class careers with some position of power. How likely is someone who's afraid to even go to a job interview at McDonald's gonna commit some crime realistically? These recent incel spree killers are still only responsible for a tiny fraction of a % of lives lost to murder, and only get focus due to the novelty of the phenomenon.
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I am not sure what you mean, world of moral reversal has a female mc. I like the inn one more but i dont see much dom loss in either. The entire point of the situation was that the mcs are dating femcels or are femcels. Ultimately no one property scratches quite the itch i have admittedly. The stuff i like the most is not even adult sex schenanigans but reverse otome and prince anon type stuff
>nmpcel shit
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How do you even function as a human being, let alone sleep at night when writing that atrocity?
There a greentext I read a while ago about Celestia trying to get over Anonymous after he died of a heart attack on his birthday, which was when Celestia was going to confess her love to him. Now she replays the day over and over using a magical hologram trying to say what she wanted to but getting frustrated at the fake Amonymous for not being like the real one. It was really sad but also really poignant. I wish I could find it again.
I miss 2014 /mlp/
Does anyone remember xxxHomerSimpsonxxx?
Honestly it's kinda drivel. I love a good edgy fic but this didn't end up being the one.
Who? Is he related to that moot guy i keep hearing about?
The End of the Universe (the original, the sequel is just OK)
I haven't finished it, but what I read so far of A Dubious Welcome was great (I haven't read other PiE to compare to, though)
I recently read Background Pony and I think it's worth reading if you can manage the sheer length and very purple prose (and some chapters aren't that great)
What the chef reccommend?
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this fic has honestly one of my favorite interpretations of trixie
Alright now go play hide and go fuck yourself, ass clown.
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Redhearts War:
Learning to Live Again:
The Sunset of a Frozen Princess has been one of my favorite reads in recent years. I can totally see it being the canon future post-S9. Shame the author hasn't updated in over 2 years.
>he feel for the incomplete fic meme
Oldest trick in the book
looks like a sequel is happening
you can write your own ending for practice
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When trix hap, i hap :))))))))))))))))
the original The Enchanted Library just turned 10 years old http://www.fimfiction.net/story/217677/the-enchanted-library
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>I read a couple chapters out of this one, just out of morbid amusement.
>Think "Ok, so it's one of those ridiculously over the top, grody fics that are extreme just for the sake of it."
>Nothing new, I've encountered that shit even in the early internet days, this one's just super long.
>Scoff in disgust and move on
>Keep coming back to it for some reason on occasion, when I'm bored. Read a couple chapters out of mild, morbid curiosity, shake my head dissaprovingly, move on.
>Pretty desensitized to the degeneracy, it doesn't have any real weight to it since it's not treated seriously in the fic
>Skipped to last few chapters at one point. For some reason the final bit with Celestia feels like it has a little weight to it, shocks me out of my desensitization. Get that super yucky, pit of your stomach feeling. Actually feel really bad for a while. Swear it off.
>Couple months later, go back to read another chapter out of unexplainable compulsion.
>Fast forward– I have now, without EVER having intended to, read the fic in its entirety.
>Finish the last, random chapter. I am desensitized to its degeneracy, it no longer provides a barrier of repulsion that turns me off.
>Look down.
Help. Help. HELP. HALP.
It's always a joy to read really old fics. They serve as this sort of time-capsule of how the fandom was at the time. I especially love reading about how big of a deal people thought Discord was actually going to be.
Anyone know any good fanfics of the crystal war timeline?
I always like it when Bugbutt has to get an actual job https://www.fimfiction.net/story/75907/the-queen-of-hearts

Whatever happened to that Rapetrain dude anyway? I will never forget deflowering Derpy with a broken bottle, oh the raeg.... But the pastebins are all gone
That depends how much do you like mecha anime?
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I personally thought anon meant it (((more like this)))

https://www.fimfiction.net/story/2354/equestria-total-war anyway on the topic of incomplete fics, really sad this one never finished, especially since it was one of the last big appearances of Screwball before the fandom forgot her.
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Ponko here again, I just recalled the one I was trying to think of.
How about the best WORST fanfic?
Ever wanted to see a dumb incel edgelord kill Celestia and Luna WIFF GUNZ?
And start a whole Terminator Judgement Day war with Equestria? Well you're in luck!!!
So much edgelord dumbassery and gore just for the sake of it
>The Tale of Lord Barleycorn
The writing has some flaws and it doesn't update nearly often enough but there's something about the atmosphere and feeling in this fic that I really love. I'd call it comfy, I guess?
Possibly my favorite horror fic. Feels suitably creepy in a way that's true to the world of Equestria, no random "wat if a cute pony was a psycho killer???" shock schlock.
>Twilight's Blog
It's an acquired taste but I love everything about this one. It's less a traditional story and more epistolary slice-of-life worldbuilding. Unfortunately left unfinished.
Exchange is probably my absolute favorite and do i see some anons have already mentioned it so instead i will recommend:
>I Dream Of Luna

It's by the same author and i consider it to be the Luna equivalent of Exchange. Not quite as excellent maybe, but much funnier (and lewder) and i highly recommend it all the same
Exchange I quite enjoyed. It had a few minor flaws and the writing isn't fantastic, but I really had a good time reading it. I will have to check out the Luna one.
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I will stand my ground, this is the best Nightmare night fic/horror story
I love the spoiled, bratty royalty type being put through the grinder and came out a better person trope.
Having written a few pony torture and >rape fanfics for a certain edgy general on this board, I can safely say,
>How do you even function as a human being, let alone sleep at night when writing that atrocity?
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if you like man on mare fics then I'd suggest basically anything from mobius_
his biggest stories are excuses and its sequel winter heat, both phenomenal reads that made me love Rainbow Fast more than I already did
what was the one Luna was thinking another pony was on the mon with her?
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Shut up nigga.
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This >>41443536
There was a small comment from the author I found while morbidly searching the comments of the fic. Guy flat out unironically admitted and said that he had to sometimes take some mental health days to process what the hell kind of degenerate shit he just wrote for the fic. Still don't seriously think that he'll do anything this degenerate in real life if he's this self-reflective, but trouble sleeping from a guilt seems possible for them.
This is one from a while ago, and sadly never finished. https://www.fimfiction.net/story/50418/unnatural-selection
Is this like anonymous agony but with ponies? Are the vibes better or worse? Do Celestia and Luna do something bad and the Incel main character goes edgy?
>pastebins are all gone
If you have the pastebin links just replace pastebin.com with poneb.in and they're probably on there
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Just finished this at the start of the month. Don't be put off by the length because this fic is really something special.
And for something shorter (but no less impactful):
I must've re-read this fic the most ot of any other. It's a very moving fic that does justice to its themes and Rarity herself.
There's many other fics but these two were the first I thought of when I opened this thread
I'm just reading through the descriptions now and i gotta say i too am morbidly curious enough to take a peak at what I'm sure is a literary masterpiece
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I doubt it.
idk about my favorite one but the first one i """"""read"""""" was sweet apple massacre (i listened to micthemicrophone read it)
can we go back to reccomending the best fics instead of arguing?
I've been meaning to read this. I love the comics he gets done by redruin.
Half the Day is Night


Romance, palace intrigue, and swashbuckling adventure await our six heroines when Princess Luna summons the Elements of Harmony to Canterlot.

By AugieDog http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2934335/AugieDog
How about i rape you. What do you say to that?
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What are the best crossover fics? More specifically like X character getting transported to Equestria or one of the ponies getting transported to a different world?

As long as it's a crossover.
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this one is absolute shit, but in a "so bad it's good" way
There's https://www.fimfiction.net/story/121836/the-bridge-a-godzilla-mlp-crossover , but its long as fuck with big chapters, so it may be daunting to start reading.
god i havent heard that name in forever. think i still have a few Pony Thread Simulators and a bunch of YTPs saved on my old zune. still remember shitposting here over a decade ago about Twilicorn and the EQG reveal and all the s4 memes like Twilicane and ep 100 jumping the shark like they were just last year, fuckin crazy how time flies...
Seconding for crossover recommendations.

I enjoyed these, thanks for the recommendation
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Who raped you, Anon?
(you) did
RD clearly, unless they just ditched her dumbass.
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Nightmare Anon.
Our favorite faget goes to equestria and gets possessed by the spirit of nightmare moon, but she sucks at piloting monkey bodies and has no control. Adventure ensues.
Pinkie Pie did with a 12 inch strap on
>open thread
>ctrl-f Hard Reset
>one result already
>close thread

this one too though https://www.fimfiction.net/story/160578/long-story-short-things-went-down
Unfortunately abandoned, but still good for what it is.

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