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Post and talks about pony merchandise, official or not.
Discuss plushies, figures, clothes, books, pins and more! And new ways to add ponies to our life!

>is selling your products here allowed?
Of course! Absolutely allowed.
>can I talk or post here about my crafting even if what I do isn't for sale?
Yes! We accept merch in all its forms.
>where can I find the old threads?
They are all in the Links Index Pastebin, after the links section.
>where can I find the video/collage of the anniversaries?
They are at the bottom of the Link Index Pastebin, after the archived threads section.

=== Links Index Pastebin ===

>https://pastebin.com/UhL9KNZF (embed)
Here is a pastebin that contains all the links posted and discussed here.
Mainly pony shops, but also rare/little known products, figuremaker contacts, among other things!

=== Main Links ===

+ List of Active Plushmakers: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sUvaUhFKC37T7ilpriTX82M1_p4a5XR5DUaWlptCSz0/edit#gid=314530747
+ List of Public Plushie Patterns: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1piwF9h_rXBmWkcHXxtr54drnD1eKJfiWh66x8nu_CQw/edit#gid=0
+ OP Plush Pattern (with instructions!): mares.horse/p/plush.html
+ /mlp/ Patches/Stickers/Desk Flags: neighsayerpatches.com
+ 4cc Jerseys, Pins: etsy.com/shop/zemming
+ Wallets: https://shop.mares.horse/
+ HorsePussy Books: amazon.com/gp/product/1660812933/ & amazon.com/gp/product/B086PLNPYF/

Feel free to suggest links about pony stuff to be added here and in the pastebin!

Previous Thread: >>41379522
Has anyone got downloads for these?
Charging hard cash for some lame doodles is a right gyp.
Fuck I could have bumped the last thread but I missed it.
My order from TechyCutie finally got here. Don't know what happened with it but they sent the sticker, lanyard, badge and charm to me for free to make up for the long delay.
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23 dollars
that's a pretty sweet deal, they were definitely at efnw and possibly multiple other cons, so that may have been part of the reason
But are those South American dollars?
Because that probably converts to like tree fiddy Ameribux
Nobody's gonna touch that money now.
I will.
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New Drop of shirts n shit, more to come trying to fund our operations for an plush, so anything helps https://marewear-shop.fourthwall.com/?
Sadly not attending MareFair was accepted to vend maybe next year
Nice stuff and gesture from them
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New plush bump
>Captcha 0ATW
Nice. The faux fur mane and tail looks surprisingly good for her and of that size. Who is the maker?
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Annoying picture turning bs
>mfw they're posed perfectly for cowgirl position
They know.
Fucking ugly
:O awesome
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They'll never know. For example, I've been putting two pennies in my ass every day for tor ten years. It helped me gain confidence. Any time i feel nervous to talk to anyone I remind myself that they've probably handled my ass pennies. I've been doing it for ten years. That's at least 7300 pennies. Statistically, anyone I meet now has touched my ass pennies. I never feel shy or less than total confidence while talking to anyone now.
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What did I just read??
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>Wanting money in exchange for work is bad
>paywalling pony is le good
Kill yourself.
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My Ponk has her own Marketable Hasbro Ponk Plush
>that collar
uh oh...
The person who made it?
>that collar
Question for those who own life-size plushies - is it comfortable for you to sleep with them? I'm a side sleeper and find it difficult to hug a plushie for long. My arms eventually fall asleep, and it's hard to get comfy overall. Unfortunately, a dakimakura seems like the only comfortable option for this.
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I sleep with mine kinda like this pic. Mare on her side, pretty much spooning her, face full of her mane and hugging however tight is comfy.
A God amongst men.
Your art style looks familiar, have you guys made merch before?
I love being spooned by my plushie, my plushie has hooked front legs to put over my shoulders and her neck is just long enough to have her head rest on top of mine, I also sleep against the wall, so im stuck between the love of my mare and the wall, a cozy hole of mare love
A bunch of other plush talk happened in this thread. Maybe something to point out in next OP or follow-up post.
That depends on whether this thread hits the bump limit and if that thread is still taggable by then.
I don't see it being much different than any discussion that can be had here, desu.
It's kind of the reason why the previous thread was archived early.
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Excellent fur choice. Tho the curls take a lot of time to make.
Plush talk should be confined to /merch/
what happens if besmirch the merch?
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Death penalty. Just like I deserve for letting my ex pressure me into throwing away all my 2011 FiM merch. It was all cheap shit from Target with the stock images of the ponies, but you can’t even find any of it online anymore. But I let some hole who didn’t even love me pressure me into giving up my shit. If you people need to find a 3dpd never settle for someone who thinks your interests are stupid. Find someone who likes the things you enjoy too..
>never settle for someone who thinks your interests are stupid. Find someone who likes the things you enjoy too.
A hard lesson some people have to learn the hard way. Sorry that happened anon.
Damn anon, my condolences. Hopefully the fact that you still have ponies in your life makes you feel better.
>Find someone who likes the things you enjoy too
Or at least, find someone who doesn't make you feel bad for liking the things you like.
Thanks for the replies. Maybe my problem is that I'm too worried about my plushie. I'm afraid of messing up the faux fur on its mane or damaging the stuffing by putting it in an unnatural position. It's a tough dilemma between keeping my pony looking perfect and wanting to hug it tightly.
im the being spooned against the wall anon

I won't lie and tell you there is zero risk, if you sweat a lot expect to stain her eventually if you aren't on top of cleaning her, my favorite is celly so keeping her fur white and pristine is quite the challenge

stuffing isn't really a problem, if you condense it by sleeping with and on her you can fix it by just working it around and it will spread back out nicely given enough time working on it, there is always a non zero chance that you will rip a seam on the plush if you roll around while you sleep, but the tears I have gotten over time are always small as most plush makers go over seams multiple times and are usually small enough to fix with basic sewing technique

I will say though, sleeping with my mare was kind of life changing when I started doing it, unironically, I had never been so excited to go home from work and sleep, unironic butterflies in my stomach, note this was when I first got her and I work overnight so I go straight home and sleep for morning

sleep with your mare for a night or two and throw caution to the wind, see if you like it and consider the maintenance to be worth it, chances of soiling or tearing a plush from just one night is going to be extremely unlikely
If you're going to sleep while hugging it every night, it's going to get dirty and wear out in long run. There's no way around it. My plush after 5 months has already few busted seams which I'm repairing as they appear, but that's mainly because I spin like a fucking tornado while sleeping. But it's price I'm willing to pay for having something warm besides me the whole night. I also feel like it's somehow better for the plush to be cuddled and loved fully, even though it slowly deteriorates it in the long run. Being locked up in glass cabinet to preserved feels way worse fate.
To be honest it also helps that she's fully self-made so there's no mental barriers about how expensive it was or mystique how to repair or re-stuff it. It also gets bonus points against staining for being boring gray mare instead of pretty white princess.
Nah, that's not enough. If they dislike your shit but just keep quiet about it – what else are not telling you to avoid conflict? Not addressing things that annoy you is how things start to fester.
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>it's going to get dirty and wear out in long run. There's no way around it.
Times change.
Entropy marches on, but we can slow it down and make it easier to clean and repair our ponies. This system allows you to machine wash your plush, replace stuffing, even replace the mane and tail. Combine that with showering before bed, sleeping in pyjamas, changing pyjamas very often and sheets often – and your mare can last very, very long.
>it's going to get dirty and wear out in long run. There's no way around it.
Clothes. Duh. Though you can't fully help with wear. That's going to be near impossible even with "compatible" clothing fabric that isn't hard on the material.
I guess that's what I sort of meant. They don't make you feel bad about it because it's not a problem for them. They don't have to love pony or even have to "get" pony, but they "get" having a hobby or interest that is uncommon.
Helps if they already have their own dorky or odd interests.
I just know there are some anons (or maybe just one anon) who think that they MUST have a gf who loves pony, otherwise they will be forever alone.
Torn seams feel like a nightmare to me, but you're right, I should really try to throw caution to the wind for a few nights.

I agree that it's better for my plushie to be loved than just lying on the couch. But I still haven't managed to get the same comfort with my plushie that a body pillow with just a character image can give, like I mentioned in my first post. I'm hoping that if I can worry less about my pony's condition and get more comfortable with it, I won't be able to part with it, just like with my body pillow. It's frustrating because I've dreamed of having my life-size plushie for so long and waited for it forever.
Are you planning to have your poner in sack, anon? Because her face and mane will get dirty however nice set of pajamas you get for her unless you pull sack over her head.
I've been following your posts keenly in other threads. Have you tested how minky dries and does the feeling and look change after machine wash?
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local thrift store got in a bunch of g4 merch
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Wtf nice find
>45 for pon3
i really hope that isnt 45 dollars, jesus christ thrift owners nowadays miss the point of a thrift store.
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id say this "thrift" store mainly focuses on collector items, probably basing prices off what ever the internet says sadly
Yeah, I thought about her face too. Keep your own face and hair clean and it should help quite a bit. You could also go for some kind of veil like those belly dancers wear.
>the transparent/gel "limited editions"
I'll still never understand what they were thinking with these. I don't know who the hell would prefer to pick these up for any reason vs the proper colored ponies.
Good idea. I'll probably get a hoodie and shorts/pants for mine.
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I machine washed my 3 year old Dash. She was cleaned by hand only previously. Results? A LOT better than hand clean. Not only it was better but also very even, something hard to do with hand clean. Once dried minky needs some soft brush brushing and then it regains most of it's softness and fluffiness.
This is so crazy Who made the plush?
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Making these mare fair mares less bald.
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New laptop, promptly ponified.
I couldn't get ponyfetch to work properly
Reee I didn't even rotate my phone. Oh well
That's too much! Wtf! I see them for 4$ here in Leafland
My wallet would be empty so fast wtffff
Value village club members get 30% off toys this weekend just don't come take the good toys from my local store before I can get there
Nice anon. What laptop you got?
Framework 16
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I've slept with these two generic mares for about three years now. Even though I have two custom life-sizes now, the generic mares are a lot more comfortable to me. For what I've seen, many custom life-sizes end up being kind of thin to keep with proportions. I have two 50-inch and to me, there just isn't a lot to hold.
This looks like a Book-Off to me except for the look of the price tags.
>>41410315 >>41389677
I can understand. Additionally, custom life-sized plushies might be less soft to maintain a complex shape, but because of that, they might not be as comfy for hugging.
Very nice ill be at ye fair of mares what are your sizes and prices I want to make sure I can snag a couple.
This is one more reason why I include a zipper to the stuffing - patrons can adjust softness themselves.
>I want to make sure I can snag a couple
>a couple
leave some mares for the rest of us richfag
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>be me
>obsessed with janegumball's nightmare pinkie pie design (https://derpibooru.org/images/3347823)
>find out that someone was making a plushie of said nightmare pinkie back in may (pic related)
>now I want one
>check their commission prices
>over $1000 USD for a single pony plush
For a life sized one that's ballpark range. ~$1000 for a 50" plush.
I wasn't even looking for a life size one, it was approximately alicorn size, about the height of .a small stool.
That's cheaper than the gun I just bought. Man I have no excuse..
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>nobody posted them
Some new stuff from Miniso was revealed
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There's more but I don't feel like posting them, the rest are on EQD
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>Pre Order placed 5/28/23
>Notification it was being pressed on exactly 9/13/23

I kinda assumed that the company had gone under or something and I was never getting this. And yet exactly one year after being notified it was being made, it arrived on my doorstep.
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>Meanwhile we get stuck with the shitty We Bear Bears merch that never fucking sells.
How is it your ONE job to be jewish and Hasjew can't even do that properly?
They're doing it on purpose otherwise they wouldn't have produced two Applejack plushies with hats and specifically NOT release them outside of China.
wtf is it?
The only thing that matters more than scamming people is making sure they can delight in the suffering of others. Like how luxury brands are made with slave labor despite costing $3,000 for a bag. They could make money off bronies, but it's more important that they suffer than to make money.
Welcome to modern (((society)))
>wtf is it?

SGaP "The Standard Model" record second pressing. Honestly the long term plan is to get this framed because it's subtle pony, but dad has a record player so I might give it a go over the weekend.
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ooo that's cool.
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Your post prompted me to listen to the standard model again. I just finished. Did early FiM even happen? It feels like a dream, so distant from our current reality that I can't believe that time existed. What I would give to go back...
A dream? Nah, that time was the last time shit felt real, everything since has been mostly nightmares with some occasional silver lining.
I hope the nigger who bought the Soiree plush brings her to the life-size plush orgy
Hold on, what the fuck were those Gala tins? I've never seen those before.
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looks like this. mlp tcg card tin by enterplay. Same blue design.
Kek. Maybe I was a fool for giving up hope on mine arriving
why does Applejack's tail look like tempura
>listen to the standard model again
it's so unbelievably good
got mine today, though the corners are damaged
>order defective medium
>upset when you get a defect
Do people really?
I think it's reasonable to be upset at receiving a damaged product when he paid for new items in new condition, especially with the amount of time it took to finally complete the order.
Wish my new pins would arrive faster
It's relatively good, considering that usually YouTooz are super deformed and have weird eyes. TS and PP here have normal show-style heads and eyes.
vinyl is a high quality medium for sharing audio data.
That is a FAT butt
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Does anybody know about these Pony Life (prize?) figurines? >>41416145
I'm very interested in that slightly cursed Discord.
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Just ran into these https://www.crocs.com/p/my-little-pony-5-pack/10011470.html?cgid=jibbitz&cid=001
i have these on my crocs!
based crocs enjoyer, do you have calipers? I was thinking of 3D printing custom jibbitz, but I don't know the diameter of the croc holes
i dont, but google says "around 4 to 6mm"
thanks, also noticed AJ made it into the mane 5 and RD was the one dropped, finally
Also curious if the sale is actually a sale or if it's one of those "sales" that's always going on
i bought that same 5 pack with a similar discount like half a year ago, so it seems to be a forever sale.
they used to sell dashie separately, i have her. seems like shes gone from the site now though, on my end at least.
Looks like an ex-brony is selling off their pony goods. Some old stuff here and custom plushies, it's worth checking out. Looking at the sold items hurts.
make random pony body parts pls >>41417134
Some of these prices are actual insanity, I own most of this stuff but I couldn’t imagine selling it for $200+ or it even selling. Interesting stuff nonetheless, some unique items I’d say are appropriately priced others not so much.
Sadly for strictly Chinese made stuff the only way to get ahold of it is by waiting for one on eBay or watching Aliexpress like a hawk.
That's what I thought too.
Dude probably got some ultimatum to sell his ponies but he does not want it, so sets prices too high.
If money was no object I’d buy everything this guy’s selling
Early morning bumpity
Can't wait for the merch swap at Mare Fair.

Same i feel like i want to swap something for my extra Symbiote Trixie comicon plush.
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The Discord "Friendship Pony Rubber Stamp" is available on Taobao, for about $3.5, excl shipping.
The symbol beside the figure is the stamp pattern.
The pricing seems to be different, so AJ and RD cost a bit more, and FS costs the most.
The entire set can be had for $19.5
To expand on this, I can get these through TaoBao, and deliver them, either remailing or at cons
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What is the single most expensive piece of marech in your possession? Mine's a Mouldforged mare ass.
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The Symbiote cuddle plushies are so small, but very satisfying to cuddle, would recommend. Putting her forehooves around your neck is the way to go.
Holy shit bros, I don’t have time check right now because I’m late for work, but I think my SGAP vinyl arrived
Never though I’d get it since qrates practically imploded awhile back, but I didn’t try and force a refund in hopes I got it
I've been doing this for months. Nice to see I am not the only one who does it. I also like to pull her head down to the side of mine and stroke her back down to her tail.
>I don’t have time check right now because I’m late for work, but I think my SGAP vinyl arrived
That is exactly what it is. I just got mine earlier today. I forgot I had even ordered it in May 2023 so I was surprised when I got a vinyl-shaped package. I'm glad I didn't give up on it, some canceled their orders.
Okay, but do they give good hoofjobs?
They knew what they were doing giving Lyra bedroom eyes.
I wouldn't know. I don't use my plushies the way you do, Anon.
> package. I'm glad I didn't give up on it, some canceled their orders.
Same here. The risk of losing $30 was worth the possibility of finally getting it
Who made this fluttershy plush? she was 15 dollars on ebay a couple years ago and there were multiple of her made
random plush thread finally officially kill
like tears in rain, scoob
Need to do it with more mares
I’ve really gotta stop opening links in public
Probably that Discord/Fluttershy resin statue from WeLoveFine. Last one sold for like $600.
Which version did you get?
In before the $700+ version
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unicorn master race
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>The Obelisk penetrable
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28" anon mares, linky, applejack, and derpy are $800 each.
28" Aryannes and faux fur florbs are $900 each
59" anon mare is 1600
59" faux anon mare and pinkie are both $1700
59" rainbow is $1800
cash or metals are prefered. paypal is these prices plus 2.9% fee
Good lord it's 20lbs of pony pussy and ass
I'm glad you did not make my waifu. I will not be *as* tempted to burn all of my merch money on one item
Nice, how are you liking it? I'm considering getting one as well, really wish they had a trackpoint option
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I made Loaf her favorite treat!
Are you merchfriens excited for Mare Fair? Is there gonna be a /merch/ meetup?
That's part of the ad, purpletard.
You can use them to make your own icons if you don't want to pay, just cut them out.
I wish to bathe in the mare pile.
Excited does not begin to describe how I'm feeling. I will touch loaves with you.
I hope to find a loaf for sale at mare fair
maybe i can buy them with some bomb ass mozzie sticcs
If you have a Lana plush, she’s selling lingerie for your plush.

Man I really wish I coulda gotten the clothes I commissioned with my plush. It's not Lana, so it would be a gamble to buy some of these without knowing if they'd fit. It's frustrating.
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Whew, the future is now
Has me unfing to plushies goddamnit
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New symbiote plushies arrived
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Got the halloween costume too, fits Derpy nicely
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anyone else's symbiote trixie have a big fucking chin for some reason?

Only asking because the Lyra I ordered came out literal perfection and i'm wondering why the differing quality
Dang ordered mine on the 2nd and it still hasnt shipped :(
I got the DIy version, and it was missing an SSD screw, and the hole said screw was supposed to go into was completely stripped. I got around that by holding down the SSD with same tapeand screwing down the "mid plate" has kept it nice and secure. Also said midplate has a thermal pad for the SSD, but the instructions don't mention the the protective plastic covering it you need to take off, which I would have missed were it not for the comments on the instructions mentioning it.
Apart from that, I've not really used it much yet, so I can't say much other than; it boots fast and on paper it's more powerful than my desktop. The battery life leaves a little to be desired, but that's just how it is for electronics from smaller companies.
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Think it just depends on how they're stuffed. My derpy's head is stuffed more so it came out rounder than my Trixie's, but none of mine really have big chins.
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Working on the final plushies for mare fair right now.
Their hand must have slipped when stitching the chin?
Smart business move.
>$70 for panties
That's a bit much. There's only a few seams...
I was surprised as hell as mine arrived as well. I thought it would eventually arrive (as I'm a very patient), but it still caught me off guard.

Does anyone remember how many of these were made for this run? I thought it was somewhere in the 400's.
(I hate the image flip problem...)
I remember getting the Rainbow Dash variant a couple months ago and noticed something off...

Anyways, I gave her the nickname 'Cupcake' and have kept her because I don't want to send her back as if she was unwanted. Maybe one day I'll get her some prop wings made; That is if I can learn enough plushimancy to do so.
First one was around 200, and this second one was 144 I think.
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Got an update to my free lifesize mare pattern. Progress is coming along well. There's still some issues though, most notably the huge neck. This plush will be for sale whenever I complete it.
Some pattern changes coming soon:
Re-shaping foreleg dart area
Making the inner thighs protrude more
Making neck thinner
Maybe more tummy
That mask makes you look like Jerma.
i'll take that as a compliment
She's mewing
Lads, how do I put earrings on my mare without putting a hole through her ears? I knew I should've bought clip ons
stop trying to make your wife look like a harlot.
You're really doing God's work here. I can't wait for it to be finished Also, could you also put a outline of where the eyes are supposed to be? I know that eye placement can be something that makes a plush look bad
There's a link for plushie lingerie ITT and you're drawing the line at earrings?
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what song is she playing?
Sure, I'll add that to the to-do list
Filly in F (faggot) minor
It’s looking good so far, but yeah the neck is definitely really thick, she’s putting those throat muscles to work.
Its cloth just do it gently and try to push the pin between the weave of the fabric so you don't separate threads.
Very nice work anon.
That pony needs her neck fat moved into her ass. :P
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Hey everypony, 2fat here
I made this Custom Deck of playing cards and will be selling them at Mare Fair

for 35$ they include
-All 52 cards with custom art by me,yes even jokers
-14 individual ponies
-custom gold engraved tin case
-custom backing art done by me

Figured I'd advertise it here too, see you guys there!
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Heres what the back looks like
That's really cool.
Can't go, but I would totally buy a set.
If I weren't a brokie I'd love to buy one of her.
Can anyone confirm if there are or will be 90cm miniso fluttershy, pinkie and twi or if the listing is a scam?
Spread the word and buy all the china shit to keep the merch train and potential life sizes going
how do the reesee plushies stack up against symbiote studios? worth the double dip or just about the same type of thing?
from pictures they look a bit chubbier which to me is a good thing? fluttershy looks incredible, twi looks a bit derpy.
Im wondering this too also i mean 90cm reesee not miniso
There are already images of the bigger versions listed as 65 cm, but I can't see any option to order them. Only the 40 cm plush is available to choose from.
Theres some taobao listings that list an option as 90cm
>china ONRY
I fucking hate hasbro's inability to be properly jewish so much its unreal
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If you are going to Mare Fair, find me and you could check them out. I have both variants.
I think the head design of the Reesee ones are a bit nicer (ie a bit larger)
These are fanmade by someone involved with the China BronyCon, they have been around for a while.
The only official larger XL Reesee's I've seen are the ponk and the twi. They come with internal skeletons for posing.
Available on TaoBao at:

Haven't seen anything about a 90cm size of them, or flutters.
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They really love to do the IRL Gacha game thing.
1/6 chance to receive any of the M6.
1/48 for Maud
1/96 for Pear Butter
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1/144 chance to get the "hidden" ponk
【淘宝】限时满50减5 http://e.tb.cn/h.groeyPNXj3jVdcW?tk=FJVy3iOngOI CZ3452 「新款小马毛绒玩具可爱碧琪柔柔公仔送男女生陪伴玩偶抱枕节日礼物」
点击链接直接打开 或者 淘宝搜索直接打开

This is the listing that has 90cms up idk if this is a legit seller. Any way to get china bronycon mascots, pufferfish spike or autumn blaze still? Missed them
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They don't look like Reesee's to me, and it doesn't mention Reesee anywhere on the listing. I do think you'll receive a 90 cm plush for the $25 you pay for it. I think the muzzles look a bit off for the 90 cm ones though.

>china bronycon mascots, pufferfish spike or autumn blaze still
Two out of three still seem to be up on TaoBao, mascots are gone, but they might do them for CNBC next year? You could also check Xianyu is someone is selling them second hand.
Good, it should have been on here.
It's ok if Chinks have good plushies of wholesome characters. America needs the trans fat shenanigan special
>comparing the 80cm to 50cm
Cmon they didn't define the pattern enough.
Brony hoard on storage wars ft. lifesize Pinkie plush
Very nice, would buy if I was at the con.
Considering the episode is from season 1, this must have been filmed in 2010, which would make sense. That Pinkie must have been from a store display. Johnny was an OG.

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