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Misty Brightdawn is the biggest poochie in the entire history of the mlp franchise. Worse than Glimmer
Forced, not even in the g5 movie
One-note, always sad and crying now
Replacing Fluttershy in g6
What else can I say? I hate her, she is also a blatant case of DEI mandate.
Misty needs to be brutally and horrendously abused. She needs to be battered to within an inch of her worthless, pathetic life. No matter how hard she tries to fight, there's nothing she can do to stop it. Every ounce of energy she expends only hastens the end. With every single blow she experiences more and more pain. Eventually she can no longer even summon the strength to defend herself.
She's shoved to the ground. Still flashing that defiant gleam in her eyes, she's rewarded with a broken leg. The pain is excruciating. She hasn't cried this hard since Opaline yelled at her. It slowly begins to dawn on her how grim the situation is. Misty tries to crawl away leaving a trail of blood behind her but it doesn't help. This time she's treated to another broken leg. The bone protrudes out from the flesh.
She's told how disgusting she is, how revolting her physical appearance is and that nobody would ever want her for a mate. She says that it isn't true. If she wasn't so weak then she wouldn't be in this situation. She protests but the truth of the words can't help but resonate.
She's yanked up by the roots of her hair and slapped repeatedly. The sting burns as much as the tears.
Trips of justice.
>Opaline is your favorite g5 character because "momy!" And "hot evil alicorn plap plap!"
>Opaline is my favorite g5 character because she abuses misty
>We are not the same
Based and checked
Not my thing, but numbers decide.
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>ruined not one, but TWO generations
Is she the biggest poochie of the cartoon industry?
man i fucking hate starlight but holy shit at least she wasnt a complete eye sore. id take starlight any day over this disgusting color vomit deviantart freak. the hair is absolutely the worst part here.
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Misty doesn't deserve hate, she deserves love and many bellyrubs, she is kind, and cute, those who hate her are just cunts who doesn't appreciate good characters.
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M*sty deserves nothing but the pain of fiery justice.
>DEI mandate
Is Misty's VA black or something?
She looks mixed. Opaline's VA is ironically darker than her
Mistery meat.
Opaline's VA is Greco-Egyptian, I believe.
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Just a reminder that there's an official clip out there of Misty getting farted on.
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Back when tyt was based...
>when tyt was based...
It was the most retarded and shitty episode ever.
but enough about all of s2
It was never good.
It was always better than MYM
Pure slop
It's what little girls want these days grandpa
But enough mym
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She should be getting pissed on.
Only one fag here says otherwise
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Everyone else here says otherwise
This bitch doesn't deserve to be a unicorn someone should draw her with her horn being painfully removed.
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Misty needs to get lynched unironically
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sad no one has reposted my misty hate edits, guess I'll just do it myself
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suicide is always an option
News flash: Nobody gives a shit how you feel. Cry harder.
News flash: everyone cares how you feel. smile harder.
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not my edit, but a good one
Picrel reminded me
Requesting an edit of Gus Fring's death scene with Misty
just watched it and that would be way too high effort for me to pull off, unless there's some other angle that makes it funnier than just Misty getting blown up, maybe have Hector be Opaline? haha that would maybe make it worth it
Nah, Misty is pretty based. I just think they should've executed this better.
Yeah, Misty is pretty cringe. I just think they should've executed her.
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high effort rotoscoping to add MYM footage to the breaking bad scene, with Sunny as the henchman???? HMMMM
awwww someone's angy that a black character got in!!!!!
>Opaline is my favorite G5 character because she's an alicorn supremacist who lorewise did the Dragoncaust, killing Ember, Smolder and her annoying brother
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>awwww someone's angy that a black character go-ACK
This thread made me so angry I think I'm gonna go gen some Misty torture porn and jack off.
What a dark sun
imagine the butthurt dislikes on derpiboruu lmao
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You're just mad your fav background pony didn't make the cut

Are they keeping Sunny's lore loving personality from the movie?
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She's replacing Applechud, she's ambitious, independent and gay, just how all earth mares should strive to be
this was cancelled btw
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>xer doesn't know
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Put >>41400777 in my prompt, couldn't get Opaline to show up but this is good enough.
lol artfags are going the way of the dodo bird
Me on the left.
Checking those quads.
This thread is starting to scare me.
This thread is starting to arouse me.
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Misty's last chance of redemption is in G6
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Just wait until AI gets better at animating. Then we can have infinite amount of animated Misty abuse.
I just wanna see this >>41410868
Doesn't look too far from now.
We need more Misty guro
>Verification not required.
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No amount of Misty suffering will ever be enough
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Be careful with your wishes anon
Here is the rest:
I knew it was familiar. Thanks.
I agree
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That's some good shit right there, anon
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I have one that's even more violent for M*styfags.
They want to live knowing a black coded (?) creature is a main character because deep down they don't get the ethnic feel out of the mane 6 (and by ethnic i mean black because liberals worship them)
(They all would be white and not fat irl btw)
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I love it
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It's nice to know that no matter what side we stand on the generational spectrum we're all united in our hate for Misty.
This actually surprises me. I personally dislike her from what I've heard of her, (that she's a poochie) which I know a number of others don't have the same problem with/don't give a shit about, so where those fags?
I hate Misty because I hate G5, but I’m not retarded enough to watch that shit in order to know anything about her.
I thought Misty and Opaline were the best part of the show but I stopped watching like halfway through chapter 4. I feel like I remember that being a pretty commonly held opinion back then. Sounds like they must have really fucked up since.
Considering how the plot has gone, it's only natural.
Opaline is an alpha mare.
They did the reformation but Misty after reformation feels aimless until they tried to force her relevance
That's a keeper.
Misty. That fucking bitch. I hate her. You don’t understand one night, she broke into my house and raped me. She rode my dick for hours, she was an expert in orgasm delay and just as I was about to cum she’d change the angle or speed and edge me out for another period of fucking. She only let me cum when it was exactly ten minutes before sunrise. It was as if she had planned it and practiced this crime just to be able to sexually assault me as long as possible and escape under the cover of night. Nobody even believed me when I tried to come forward. The police made fun of me for complaining about getting “free, unearned pussy and a night of great sex.” Everyone I’ve confided in said that the size of my load I blew meant that I liked it. I’ve become a laughing stock because of what she did to me and the worst part is when she passes me on the street and calls me cutie. It’s not fair. She ruined my life and gets to gloat and mock me for it. Fuck her. Fuck Misty. Rapist cunt. I hope someone kills her.
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Even cows hate M*sty, what a fuck-up of a pony she is
another top high-effort shitpost from wildmanesanon, good stuff
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She is a cunt, but there's a problem with your story. She will NEVER fuck and cum.
>Verification not required.
Man I’ve been miserable all day but reading that tweet gave me my first honest laugh of the week. That was awesome. Thanks nonny c:
Don’t forget we hate niggers
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This thread is too based to die.
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This thread will get to over five hundred easy. Funny how Misty hate threads last longer than actual Misty threads.
Misty was wasted potential
seriously. I wouldn't hate her so much if the writers didn't baby her so fuuuucking much. Oh a potential growth arc? Ohh dearie no, her friends will shield her from that, she has every right to not be uncomfortable since she has such a traumatic past and plan everything around new MC Misty
If they handled her a little differently I wouldn't have even made this thread. But putting Misty ahead of every other g5 character is too much for me to bear.
Trash by any other name is still trash.
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I will never understand why hatewatchers exist. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
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Maybe it's more safe to say that she just never had potential in the first place.
Her being evil with Opaline were her highlights.
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I hate her. She has no reason to be so sad. She should be thankful the m5 didn't ostracize her after kidnapping Sparky and lying to them for weeks or months
True. Ironically, all they did was teach disloyalty through her. I would respect her more if she went down with Opaline.
She had a better life with Opaline.
wtf I love Misty now
jk Misty can take a long walk off a short pier
She would probably either do that accidentally or to put herself out of her own misery.
>What I got out of Misty: instead of picking their fan favorite Sunny they went with some OC darling that kept getting more and more bland and forced into the shows
Misty is the Lightning of Final Fantasy XIII of MLP. It doesn't matter how much the fans dislike her, somewhere in Hasbro just like Squeenix they've decided Misty is their waifu and must be someone elses waifu until you like it.

I skipped FF13 because of the Lightning Obsession and this looks like it's going to be carrying on with that. Shame, because she started as a fan favorite too but Hasjew just couldn't keep stop making everything the pity party pony. I guess now since she's the crybaby she replaced the doormat. are other g5 ponies even here? or is it just hasbros Lightning?
You're spot on.
Not dead yet.
I hate that unique IDs are gone
I must know how many others share my hatred
You mean the IP count?
i don't know anything about her, but i want to hate fuck her niggercoded pussy
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I didn't have the opportunity to watch G5 (except the movie).
Who is Misty, and why is she so hated?
Shit. Yes that's what I meant.
Unique IDs were nice too though.
She is a ziggercorn that ended up usurping all of the movie cast protagonist in the latter half of the cancelled MYM and then proceeded to dominate TYT the YT animated series and ruined that too
>MYM (Make your Mark) is when Misty was introduced as the Villain's (Opaline) sidekick
>MYM further reveals Opaline found Misty as a child, and took her in.
>People were already saying she's gunna get redeemed, and some people said they prefer her to stick with Opaline, and be evil
>Didn't happen, and she got redeemed. Whatever, new member to the cast right?
>TYT and MYM episodes have Misty be center stage, and be given freebies even though did help the Mane 5 (Now Mane 6)
>Opaline is defeated, sure whatever, what does she do now? People are wondering, and still seething about her. Still people don't know what she does.
>Meanwhile, Sunny had her character traits be neutered after the G5 movie, meaning her role in MYM and TYT is just smoothie pony, instead of adventurer and lorelet of all things magic, and history. Also, sidelined even though she is the MC
>Misty now receives the special position via magic mirror of being a spell book keeper, and reading a magic book.
>Sunny fags were SEETHING because that was literally her supposed role, and fits her backstory.
>Broke the dam, and people were calling out on Misty's special treatment.
>Didn't help after EP5 that she got another special affirming to be good, and stole scenes that was supposed to be Sunny's.
>In a masturbation thread, some anon made a green that Misty will never Fuck and Cum out of spite.

Honestly, s2 ep5 really made the Misty hate into fruition. Before that, she tolerable.
Misty became a poochie long before this. Half of chapter five was about her.
Thanks for the spoonfeed, have an Anonfilly.
I will try to watch the series to see it for myself.
Yeah, that was annoying, but I tolerated it and didn't speak up. After Misty got mandated by the goddess of magic and went to the alicorn dimension, I knew she was a full-blown poochie DEI
I also wish they'd bring back the IP count.
I think the last full Misty thread that was here was around the time of her reformation.
This ain't Anonfilly, this is ponified Queen Elizabeth II.
Misty abuse was more enjoyable when she was under Opaline. Nows she's just a boring marry sue.
Emphasis on the boring
I had a dream that this thread died.
It was a bad dream.
You forgot something really important I am a stupid faggot.
I was wondering why she was dressed like that...
Based, I imagine a unicorn losing her horn being the most disgraceful thing that could happen to them so Misty has to live in a state of perpetual humiliation.
Opaline as Cecilia Pederson breaking Misty's neck.
The emaciation is a nice touch.
Opaline as Jigsaw has a game for Misty. What would it entail?
Beat Misty up until she can't move and then throw her in a disgusting high school cafeteria dumpster full of gross rotten garbage and slime.
A glorious black sun, one might say.
Darkness. Being alone since she betrayed Opaline and is not true to herself. A collar rigged to explode if she cries
She's shark bait.
Her mane is better like that
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Misty is extremely punchable
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Good morning Misty time for your daily beatings.
Me on the right.
Wrong misty, jeet.
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There's more than one Misty?
Misty Arcana: Precious blueberry, before the betrayal.
Misty Brightdawn: Sad sap Poochie, after the betrayal
Shadow Misty: Based smug sexo lives in Poochie's head
even deviantartfags are better at character design
Wow this is like some vylet pony lore
In 8 Years.

Misty will be remembered as a misunderstood character.
Or she will be a dead tranny
Sounds about right.
She will be remembered about as fondly as Jar Jar Binks at best.
strawberries won...
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Shut up and eat, SHITsty.
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Shouldn't forget about staying hydrated either
Of course.
Yes. Everyone in the world will realize she was shit.
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Mane Smelody after that trudge helped...
actually that's the only episode I'd ever watch again from that chapter
Posey is so based, how can one character have so little screen time and end up being the best?
G5's final scene will be Misty

I can feel it
I'm feeling it too
Pretty likely, as much as I hate to admit.
AI still has a long way to go but keep it up. I can't believe there aren't more proper abuse arts of her.
We ought to get some more with her newer mane.
There's nothing wrong with this Misty, nigger
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Indeed, she is highly abusable, yet there's a criminal lack of abuse pics for Misty. This thread has almost every mistybuse pic already posted.
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This image makes me think just what the fuck did Opaline do with Misty all those years to the point where she's nothing like how Alphabittle remembered her.
I'm usually never impressed by G4 redesigns of G5 characters.
The only good misty is a dead Misty
You're just some subhuman who came along to bandwagon on misty hate, but when she was the autistic failure with opaline she was great.
>Green Misty
Cute pettable nigress
>Red Misty
Disgusting nog poochie
There's already infighting on Misty hate. I swear this thread is the funniest shit ever.
Nope. What part of TOTAL Misty Death do you not understand?
Brothers. Whether you like old Misty or not, her entire legacy has been permanently tarnished. We should fight Misty, not each other.
>Verification not required.
I can't believe niggas took this thread seriously
Misty will never fuck
Misty will never cum
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I just want to point out how this thread has more posts than the last the last few Misty threads
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>That's a good little filly Misty, just keep going and you'll get your cutie mark in no time.
why are her, and by extension the rest of g5 characters, so fucking ugly with their colors? None of the main ponies in g5 look good
DEI mandates forced them to create non white coded ponies.
I blame the writers
Where's the rest of her?
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It doesn't matter what color her retarded negroid hair is, the only thing she'll ever be great at is taking sucker punches.
She was pretty useless in the first place, true.
Opaline magically fused Misty with her throne, just to have an easy and accessible way to get off
She better not fail at this, or else she'll be turned into living buttplug next
But, how could she fuck it up?
Opaline kidnapped Misty when she was a foal, and Opaline is unable to leave the area near the castle due to Twilight's spell. Do you really expect me to believe that an immortal Alicorn lived isolated all those years, probably without seeing a single dick in centuries, and didn't ONCE fool around with Misty? Misty has all the telltale signs of someone who was sexually abused as a child you can't fool me.
How could she not?
Well her fuckups are when she's a spaztic retard trying to do everything on her own. This throne merge is kind of like when she was grounded in her room. She couldn't fuck up until she got out.
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there was a fart joke in fim actually but it was a whoopie cushion and it was actually funny
here misty is getting actually brapped on by a baby dragon cloud and all
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Opalin definitelly groomed the poor filly that's why she is afraid of sex and preffers to be a cuckquean. But being nice to her and slowly building the atmosfere and mood she can actually enjoy herself.
That's kinda hot ngl.
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What the hell, the fuck is this color palette downgrade? It looked just fine before but the new gradient doesn't compliment her mane at all and looks like they just did it to make it easier to animate without the streak.
Both equally disgusting
I understand why, because somewhere in hasjew they decided ponies should have manes or colors on the pony that reflect their cutiemark. MLP isn't anything new to it, g4 also did this but it's a terrible concept to blanket apply.

Misty's pinks went from a fine accent
to eyecancer that fights for your attention and draws your eyes away from her face. The one on the left is better in every way, but the right is the permanent DEI pick that hasjew has chosen for the history books.

If only M*sty's personality was just Shadow Misty. Then I wouldn't hate M*sty with a burning passion
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Shadow Misty was tormenting her before it was hip
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She's M*sty if she was good and not traitorous scum.
But wouldn't she be a pony race traitor if she helped opaline?
All true
To be fair, FiM had 2 fart jokes in its whole run.
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Ill draw that, in the meantime have a doomer Misty, spends all day at the bar drinking away the days, as someone as miserable as her would.
What fart jokes did MLP ever have outside of whoopee cushions?
But she certainly can prolong her existence in this state by not making Opaline cum in a meaningful amount of time
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This one and Twi sitting on one are the only examples I can think of.
Alicorns are the supreme leaders of ponies. She had the privilege to have her guardianship be the Terror of Creaturequestria herself, Alicorn Queen Opaline Arcana.
By betraying Opaline, you betray ponykind itself and open the doors for Creaturequestria to return.
Trips of truth.
None of them were memorable.
So farting in Misty's face is more memorable to you?
Honestly, yes. It was one of the few moments in TYT that made me feel an absurd amount of disappointment.
If you ever feel upset about Misty’s existence, just remember, she’s the only character ever to take a massive fart to the face and was probably never able to get the stink off. It was so nasty that even switching universes/timelimes didn’t help.
I only watch G1, G3, and G4. Someone give me a tl;dr of why this character is hated so much.
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You came to the wrong neighborhood motherfucker.
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She's a sniveling rat who only has two character traits: "Whining because she can't get what she wants" and "Whining because she got everything she wants"
She betrayed my queen.
Unlike Starlight and Sunset, Misty is an actually poochie.
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Time to hang up Misty for the night.
>Delusion: the post
Cope SHARTstyfag. Misty is the biggest poochie in the franchise.
She had a character arc, believable flaws, and struggles.
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>implying I was defending RETARDsty
Just so you know, the existence of this blue colored piss doesn't mean your purple or orange colored shit suddenly gets any better.
Misty is still the biggest Poochie
You make it sound like she's better.
And then they threw it all away because nogs aren't allowed to have any flaws as mandated by Hasjew.
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Misty who?
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Misty you idiot! You got blood all over my nice floor!
I love Misty but goddamn Misty abuse is satisfying. Also have to point out there's still no Misty flag kek
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That floor better be spotless by the time I come back otherwise you're not getting any trash for dinner!
>Doing that to Misty Arcana
you are a monster
Same, I love Scootaloo but I was an avid poster back during the Scootabuse threads.
>Doing that to SHITsty KEKana
You are a saint
Please do more
>Doing that to SHITsty SHITEdawn, whose old mane was brought back
You are a friend.
Having Misty lick blood is sort of hot.
would you give Misty some anal fisty?
No, I won't dirty my hands
I'd give her some good ol'-fashioned face fisty.
No, but I would sodomize her with her own horn after removing it.
Hell no
She does NOT deserve to FUCK or CUM
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Are you guys speaking from experience? what fucked up lives did you faggots live?
And this is why (You) will never have nice things in life.

It reminds them too much of themselves.
These are the people calling me unhinged.
I'm glad none of you have children, you'd just abuse them like your parents and school did to you.
I feel like Misty would enjoy this.
Not My Little Pony fans
Misty isn't a pony
>fans dislike her
>sweaty autistic losers on /mlp/ dislike her
>a small fraction of the fandom that are loud and racist dislike her
Ok no one cares what you think.
Can a g5 fan explain to me just why Misty is hated? I don't plan on watching g5 or reading the comics.
Unlike Starlight and Sunset, she's an actually poochie such a poochie that she replaced half the mane six and all of the mane five in the cancelled Ponyverse show which is where the op image comes from+
all three are better than the m6 except dashie
She's a traitor.
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Misty was the real villain of G5 all along.
I hate MIsty but I wouldn't boo her VA. What I want to know is why people aren't questioning the hack writers that mangled everything going from the movie to mym/tyt
Yeah of all the things to hate Misty for her voice is the least of her problems.
There is no proof this happened
>twitter screencap
Even when I agree I hate them
It was me
It were better for her, if that mare had not been born.

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