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/bfed/ - Banned from Equestria (Daily) - You really like it, hu? edition (202409)
Discussion regarding Banned from Equestria (Daily) by Pokehidden, aswell as the community efforts surrounding the game and concept.
Banned from Equestria (Daily) is a point-and-click clop game where the objective is to get with as many mares (and stallions) as you can in the span of three days.

BFED Player (Ruffle) - https://bfed.ga/
Translation Repository - https://notabug.org/BlackCat/BFED-Translation
First Translation Effort - https://explore.transifex.com/testt57y56h56u/bfed2/

Previous efforts included engine re-writes aswell as original stories made in the style of BFED.
Feel free to post drawings, animations, tips for the original game, ideas of new games, or whatever BFED related.
The goal of this is to be some kind of monthly threads. Like, post as you please, but don't bump endlessly.
I will try to make a thread at the begining of each month to share progress about the projects and give a place to talk about this game.

Check anchor post for resources related to BFED, and remember, have fun!
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>Play Banned from Equestria (Daily) online:

>Download game
alpha 1.0: http://d.facdn.net/art/pokehidden/1322250832/1322250832.pokehidden_beta_1.swf (https://web.archive.org/web/20150425072246/https://www.furaffinity.net/view/6918638/)
alpha 1.1: https://d.facdn.net/art/pokehidden/1324749963/1324749963.pokehidden_beta_2.swf
alpha 1.2: https://pokehidden.archive.hexstream.net/banned_from_equestria_daily/alpha_12.swf
alpha 1.3: https://d.facdn.net/art/pokehidden/1338192815/1338192815.pokehidden_banned_from_equestria_daily_alpha_1_3.swf
alpha 1.4: https://d.facdn.net/art/pokehidden/1357005305/1357005305.pokehidden_banned_from_equestria__daily__alpha_1.4.swf
Banned [FOREVER] (Halloween Special): https://d.facdn.net/art/pokehidden/1383259961/1383259961.pokehidden_banned_forever.swf
alpha 1.5: https://static1.e621.net/data/ca/e8/cae81f07bb49f8e5a95b121b46965c95.swf (https://web.archive.org/web/20190203014015/https://e621.net/post/show/712362)

>Not official
alpha 1.5:
Russian translation: https://www.yapfiles.ru/files/1703796/bfe_daily_15.swf

EN, SWF: https://u.smutty.horse/meyjearxscy.swf
EN, APK: http://www.mediafire.com/file/d8gi7gcga6t63y6/BannedfromEquestria_ENU.apk/file
CH, SWF: https://u.smutty.horse/mfjufpghksz.swf
CH, APK: http://www.mediafire.com/file/42couackeuyh0i6/BannedfromEquestria_CHT.apk/file

Horsemas special:
wrapped in pink: http://h-flash.com/data/swf/2018/11/wrapped_in_pink.swf

>Play the game locally
Flash Player projector content debugger: https://web.archive.org/web/20220331041116/https://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/debug_downloads.html (Thanks Adobe! Not really.)
Ruffle: https://ruffle.rs/

>Archive sites
FurAffinity: https://web.archive.org/web/20150328080957/http://www.furaffinity.net/user/pokehidden/
Inkbunny: https://web.archive.org/web/20140712121759/https://inkbunny.net/Pokehidden
Tumblr: http://web.archive.org/web/20131208214200/http://pokehidden.tumblr.com/
Website: https://pokehidden.archive.hexstream.net/

>Original ressources
OST playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLh5cfJBCQ4sgY_-u3WosreRDzGDFS2tUO

>Ressources extracted from the game
Sprites (png): https://u.smutty.horse/mevzucmydci.zip
Fixed Sprites (png): https://u.smutty.horse/mfhbpdxznug.zip
Sprites (svg): https://u.smutty.horse/mevzultwzre.zip
Sounds (mp3): https://u.smutty.horse/mevzxmuedjn.zip
Animations rendered (png frames): https://mega.nz/file/IwkWlKDa#Y7HEMcSjajhpXGe7XvhGD2B-en1JkcMjv4uXgXTH084
Fixed Animations (png): https://mega.nz/file/h1FySRDB#1grP1h40_hbWXx7vw90WouQrgDZqZtj2VSuw9Dmfg9U
Text: https://u.smutty.horse/mewhvlxlxwd.txt
Font: https://u.smutty.horse/mevzmwnjtgy.woff
Font (Converted to more useful formats): https://u.smutty.horse/mevzmuzbznl.zip
Font (Vanilla version): https://www.urbanfonts.com/fonts/Emulogic.htm
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I hope you all had a nice relaxing summer!
Did I work on this project this summer? No.
Do i feel ready to start working on it again? Heck yes!

>So, what is planned this session?
Well, I will continue my work on Kazeged [https://notabug.org/BlackCat/Kazeged]. But of course, I am not alone here (hopefully).

So, please, if you speak an other language, please, do check the translation on the repo.
I need to automate the translation injection, but without any translation to inject, that's pointless.
Translating a new language is very nice, but you can also check what have already been done.

And of course, Laid Zeppelin!
I need to do something more "square" to manage the efforts of the interested Anons. I also will do a zip with everything so far, even if it's messy, we are starting to have some stuff.
But in the mean time, these tasks about the 'Pines Peak' stop are still valid, so feel free to dig in! (please, one task per Anon at the same time)

[Task 1] Draw Red face, smug and happy (because finding this rabbit will make him happy, and he will have a reward)
[Task 2] Propose ideas/designs for ths old town (can be a collage if images from google, no need to have drawing skils)
[Task 3] Propose a design for the Kirin shopkeeper (I said glasses because I think a kind of "old, small town shopkeeper" would be fitting, but go wild)
[Task 4] Draw a deep forest background (dense pine forest, a barely useable trek in the middle)
[Task 5] Short animation of a tired/sad Fluttershy talking to the camera (she just lost her bunny and explain the situation to you) (age3rcm maybe ?)

And to show that everything is possible, some Anon already checked Task 6!
Two shoots at it in fact, one featuring a Kirin with drinking problems, and an other with a literate Kirin. Pic is a little celebration/mock up of what it could be.
[Task 6] Write a small dialogue (10-50 lines of dialogue) of the lone Kirin explaining that she lost her cup and will give you beer if you find it for her

Yeah, that's all for now.
So, post what you like, help if you want, talk about the game if you prefer, and remember to have fun!
Are stallionbros going to have a new stallion?
Idk, it depends of if it can fit somewhere in the story. But I think if it happens, it will probably be something like a secret scene (remember Big Mac?) or an "unfortunate turn of event" for the main protagonist (Royal guards).

I am absolutely not into this, but if you have an idea or something, don't hesitate to post it.
April fools edition "Banned from (Rule 63) Equestria (Daily)"
CMCs when?
Never you pedo, get out.
Kek, imagine the amount of salt...
On the other hand, it wouldn't be -that- difficult to do a "ROM hack". But it would take a lot of time to draw everything.
In a reality where Brian didn't pussy out of the clubhouse
was Kirin in BFED? I never played this game so I doesn't know
Nay, it's a new image for one of the project of this thread, "Laid Zeppelin". One of the stop have a log cabin in the woods, where a Kirin is living.
Honestly, if tou can stand/like clop, tey the game, it's fun.
Please leave.
What's the appeal if you can't plow cute mares?
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Are we gonna post mares?
Also, what is your favorite mare in bfed?
I fucking love Derpy!
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I remember pokehidden explicitly saying he wouldn’t do the CMC, only for him to begin drawing foalcon later.
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Yeah, that was a close one.
Because he did draw it later with Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash.
I am glad he didn't, the game would have gone from "The pervert but funny clop game to discuss normies" to "the game that show the degenerate side of the fandom".
Because you can bet it, if the game had the slightest hint of foalcon, it would have been judged only by this part.
The duality of a man.
You make me spin round round round round, like a record
Plow cute stallions.
What about Dr. Whooves at the train station?
Mee, wouldn't that be gay?

Something like he hates to be late and miss the train, and thus have to vent some frustration?
What would Derpy think of it?
Or maybe she would want to watch?
>Mee, wouldn't that be gay?
It's only gay if you want to.
>What would Derpy think of it?
>Or maybe she would want to watch?
Derpy's already been busy cucking him earlier (mail bin scene)
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>only if I want to.
I am not the one making the rules here. If balls touch, it's gay, and that's all I know...

>Derpy's already been busy
Anon, it's not her fault, you know it! Plus, she loves to put things in her mouth...
And again, maybe she want to watch...
>And again, maybe she want to watch...
Why are you so obsessed with bisexuality?
If she is watching, it's not bisexuality, but voyeurism.
As for being bi, Red is already...
Some would say having Spike as an option already counts since he’s a baby dragon.
Ha shit, you are right.
I always forgot about that because I don't play that branch, but it's there (and it has some story to it, no?)
bump for new bfed art
I may this week end
Is there a version of the game with a different protagonist color? Red-brown color is one of the most retarded combinations.
What about Banned From Equestria but it's during the time skip? I wanna cuck Cheese Sandwich.
Not that I know of.
There was, once, a tutorial on how to color swap actors, but you have to change a lot of data...
What kind of color would you like to see instead?
>What kind of color would you like to see instead?
Something pastel. Something pastel. Like Lyra or Pinkie,
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kek, I had to do it.
Took an hour...
Forgive my ignorance, but shouldn't this be relatively easy? I get that it would be loads of frames to recolour, but nothing a script can't handle.
I didn't though about that...
Well, be my guest and try, I would be glad to see the result.
Red is a special case, he doesn't have cutie mark, so it will be easier, but if you have to change the cutie mark (or the eyes like in >>41413307 ) that would take quite some time.
Honestly, why not, exporting all the images and reimporting it is almost automatic with the java flash tool.
If you find a script that makes compatible imaged, yes it could work.
The final version was released on 2015.
Normies that weren't deep in the rabbit hole already stop caring. Plus who the fuck cares about Spike?
Still more than questionable...
Spike is clearly a child in the show, not even a teen until last season.
I may too
More cute mares!
Someone said cute mare?
You get outta there dot!
But, Anon, she wants to play!
Just make it green already...
And who is he spinning this time?
Lucky Clover
Ho shit, that makes me edit 10 images and color swap the 9 remaining...
I will see what I can do...
Okay, palette swap is now a simple python script.
Let's edit these images you gay faggot
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Why do I have to always over complicate everything...
Doing a nice job anon, keep going
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I worked on a script that can modify derpy into a earth pony, unicorn or pegasus, color swap, sex change, thinking it would be faster if I do other request.
But, this meme is already old, and this wont happen, I should have done the request directly...
Now, I have floating wings.
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Because I edit all the "layers" (that I had to separate first), it take like forever.
I edited more than 50 images this afternoon, I know more than ever have respect for the colossal amount of drawing this fucking game have!
Anyway, going to sleep now.

What were you planing on doing?
mind if you share the python script?
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No problem, I will share it.
The important part is the modified source image tho, but I will share it too.
I have to finish it tho, so in a few days/ next week end.

Go to >>>trash , you will find what you like there.
How rude!
Cucking a stallion when so much mares are free!
Look at rara, she is probably still "fresh" in the time skip.
So Anon, show me on the doll where your aunt and uncle touched you.
I could do couple of tasks for animations just tell me resolution.
Ho yeah, that would be great!
Let me think about something, but I think a small animation for the Kirin or Fluttershy would be perfect!
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Danger, don't unspoil the image!
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Told ya...
Hey, who are the animators in this project?
I think I could help as inbetweener or something
That would be really wonderful!
I am sorry, I have to deal with some shit IRL, so the thread is a bit empty.
But I will try my best to describe workloads soon.
Making inbetween would be really great, that would allow "main artists" to draw the key poses only.
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Unironically more soul than the pixelized 3D version of this
Cutes mares are cute
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And now, without mare!
Yeah, I know, I should have worked on the doc or engine instead...
I didn't have the heart to it tonight.

There you go Anon.

And there it is!


Hope you like to get your hands dirty and like console...
1) Install Python
2) >pip install -r requirements.txt
3) >color_swapper.py -i "Anonfilly spins Daring Do"
4) ???
5) Enjoy!

Basically, you need to give it a folder to make the new animation.
If in this folder yo put a "swap.png", it will swap the color from the left to the right, creating one swap per line. So you can make it taller or shorter if you need to.
Lastly, some options can be changed by putting a "config.json" in said folder.
is the default config.
No unicorn nor cutie mark (yet?)
And don't forget to post what you made with it!

And now, I'am going to sleep, cheers!
wherme mare ucu
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mare she is!
A funny side project.
Arg, should have listened...
Granny Smith looking quite cute in this style :)
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Alright you Granny lovers, have a little something.
ok now this has to be in the game
Red lost a bet and have to give it to Granny Smith, kek, that would be glorious.
Imagine the salt
still voting heavily for a human mc version.
You want to make a MineCraft version of BFED?
old mares deserve some love too
>not only you and me
>see pokehiddens art on baraag
>its insanely regressed furshit
wonder how he feels about the thread doing a better job of his drawings than he ever did
Without being a pokehiddenfag, the work done in this thread, as nice and clean as it is, is far from the colossal amount on work he put in bfed.
I find it sad to see what he has become, but that's his choices.
But he was happy to see the thread a year ago or so.
I love this image, it's so peaceful.
Makes me wana read a book with this cutie
You make a game?
What engine is it?
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I'm stupid I forgot to add my message...
So, are you the one whom drew this?
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Renpy lol

i am
This one is the continuation I presume?
It's sweet to see more cute mares, thanks!
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good to hear anon. Its just something I work on in my small amounts of free time. here is some cg
sure why not
that's really cute
It's cute as hay!
any chance you share it when it's done?
surprised this game hasn't had more mods developed for it yet
It's hard because:
If it's a graphical mod, the number of image to modify is huge
If it's game logic, good luck, it's a mess
If it's text, you have to realign everything yourself, it's a pain
So, really, bfed was developed to work in it's usecase, everything else, and you have to riddle everywhere to make it work.
See the translation effort for example.
I didn't know Pinkie was a chad
So I heard you guys want a new porn game. Try not to skew the results too much.

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>any chance you share it when it's done?

sure, if it ever gets finished

Don't worry, I believe in you!
At very least, have fun while drawing ponies
Good luck with that...
Very nice!
Do your project have a name?
Shall I add it to the next OP?
Also, can you post a video by any chance? I am curious as how it looks in movement
head patting a sad fluttershy to cheer her up
That's a great answer!
And you know she would lobe it too!
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Meanwhile, in Anon's head...
Is the Anon redoing BFED on godot around?
(Nick was it?)
I was wondering how it was going?
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How many mares can you fit in 32KB?
Now make all game shizophrenia/ghost
Kek I respect your holly fucking quads, but that's really too much work for a single Anon.
Even the Halloween special is a few hundreds edits, and that would take ages...
Understandable. But just how funny would be for the game to be invisible pony except everyone else is invisible and you are fucking air.
atleast 1
Well, uncompressed and optimized, the ROM occupies 4.7KB.
So, roughly 6 mares, probably 7 with few optimization.
Text would be harder, in this mock up, I did as if I generated on the fly the text on tiles (like some RPG beck in the day), but still, it takes space (even if it can be compressed really well).
So, without too much work, I may be able to fit a simplified version of the intro without music on a standard 32K cartridge...
Far from the full game, but I still think I messed my estimation somewhere, it feels like a lot.
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Thanks anon.

>Do your project have a name?
doesnt have a name yet, just a basic Fluttershy romance game

>Shall I add it to the next OP?
still pretty bare bones, im trying not to get any attention outside of my few posts in the thread

>Also, can you post a video by any chance? I am curious as how it looks in movement
its just plays like a basic renpy slop game, maybe once i get some animations in
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Well, color me surprised, I cramed 4 images and still have almost 16K left.
So, obviously, even compressed the game won't fit. But I wonder how much could fit in a bigger cartridge...
If you want to try, you will need a game boy emulator (even a potato one should work):
Use the arrows to change the image (just a glorified slideshow for fun).

Welcome, it's always great to see Anons create stuff.
Got it, keep it low profile until you want to show it with more content.
Whenever you have a small bit playable, I would be glad to test it!
very nice :)
would be pretty need to play bfed on a gameboy or equivalent desu
Well, with the low price of the Chinese cartridges, I have to see how to use bankswap to store more mares...
But honestly, it's a project longer than Kazeged I think, and I basic have to edit all the images, it's not a simple resize (see >>41440756
all the images are edited and 'uncolored' by hand)
So, it probably will never happen (for more tan a demo), but who knows...
Well, it's from a short animation by Pokeindden.
"00010 - Milkmare bitcrushed.swf" done after 1.4 (idk if before or after the last 1.5 release)
Havent been in these threads for a year.

Did you idea guys get ANYTHING done?
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Not that much, but stil some stuff.
A bit of story and drawings, and place specification.
A bit of code too.
I honestly didn't put as much work as I wanted on it, but I don't have a lot of free time either.

Why are you lurking if I may?
Interested on participating? Just playing when it's done? Or maybe just curious?
Yeah, I'm around. Not great. Almost no progress on the thing itself since the beginning of summer, but i've read a lot of docs and found solutions to most issues.
Just need to sit down and start working on it, but every time a new excuse comes up. Lacking in self control sucks. Still very certain i'll get it done eventually.
Mostly art. You know how it goes around here. Many start some stuff, no one gets it done.

So, nothing. Right.
That's not nothing you fuck.
That's probably an hundred-ish hours of work between everyone.
It's not much, I agree, neither a finished game, but it's still work.
And you, what did you bring to the table?
So, nothing.

You have been going at this for YEARS and you don't even have a playable demo to show up. You remember that pokefaggot did the entire thing alone under a few months, right?
Again, it's not nothing.
It's have been a year and a half, yes, and? The goal is not to do it as fast as possible, but to chill and enjoy what we do.
Pokéhidden didn't do it "in a few months", it took him more than 3 and a half years.
(The first public alpha 1.0 was posted in November 25th, 2011, the alpha 1.5 (final) was posted August 21, 2015 (and he worked on the engine a bit before)).

So, if you want to shit on us, at least don't lie.
And you didn't answer me, what did you bring to the table?
Took him 3 years, to be precise. Guy was a weirdo of serious proportions and the work to be done is colossal. You'll get your demo, don't worry.
that looks pretty good!
Eyup, it's nice indeed.
It's not new tho, that's what I mocked up for the previous thread.
>pokefaggot did the entire thing alone under a few months, right?
pokefaggot literally had no life and grinded like a true sigma for 3 whole years to pump out one of the best creations this fandom has ever known
pretty high standards to live up to given that the dude had pretty much no incentive and worked on pure dedication and determinism on his lonesome to accomplish what he did
>pokefaggot > yandere dev btw
since he cancelled any further up[dates, there has really been no clear direction or vision to 'completing' the game or adding anything further besides shitposting and proposed fan mods which have yet to be completed
maybe with AI becoming more advanced in helping to code faster we might see things speed up in the next 10 years or so
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Ok, I miss that BFED was doing everything at 2x (the game size is 496x368, not 248x183).
Anyway, it's not a huge change.
Also, I adjusted the display a bit, but I couldn't code interesting functions.

I was told last Monday that my job is over mid October, I must take time to find a new job.
So don't expect much work this week too.
But maybe I can fit an hour or two here or there.
If I remember correctly, he stopped both because he was bored of it, and because he was less interested in ponies.
But I think he had some other ideas to properly finish the game, not sure where I read it tho.
>The first public alpha 1.0 was posted in November 25th, 2011

So he put out a playable public alpha months after he set his mind on making it and kept working on it alone. How come all you idea guys put together have literally nothing, zero to show?
You didn't lurk in any threads, did you?
It was a year and a month after FiM aired on TV, he made a playable alpha. What I've seen here is a barely working program and bunch of not related artwork.
If you want to port a game somewhere, do it for the PSP.

There's a very poor game library there and a pony game wouldn't hurt.
I check it out about every year or so. It is incredible how you faggots keep trying to do this for six or seven years now and not managed to put a short flash game together.
I don't know for the others, but I have been working on my project for a year only. And even then, I barely put 20-30 hours in it. IRL don't allow me to put more juice in it.
Six years? This line of threads exists of 2-3 years, but if there were more this game has left an even bigger mark than i thought. Anyway, you do realize it's not like there's a dozen dudes who worked together on some specific project for 6 years? Peole come and go. Most give up, some don't but have other things to worry about. With 4chan you shouldn't expect progress, insted celebrate if it somehow happens.
Hi, found this thread and remembered about this game and how I played it in 2015 in browser. So I decided to try launch it on phone(Android 12), downloaded Ruffle ext for Mozilla, downloaded 1.6 swf from anchor posr, opened - and all I got is basically laggy presentation of many flash-animated slides without any "game logic". So this beggs the question - is there way to launch BFE on phone and if yes is there any guides or advices how to do it? Btw APK also doesn't works.
1.6 is a buggy recompiled piece of crap, try 1.5. You can try playing here: https://pokehidden.archive.hexstream.net/banned_from_equestria_daily.html. If your phone is old you may try flash game player new. Puffin Pro has a decent integrated flash player, but can be difficult to pirate.
And what's the difference between them? As I said I already played original in 15, so I am intrested was there anything new since then and if yes how much and in which versions, mybe changelog? Also does 1.6 work on PC?
Nta, but 1.6 change (on top of my head):
- include halloween special
- include "wrapped in pink" Christmas special
- add a few hidden bits on a tree
- was translated to Chinese.

It works for me with Ruffle on the computer
So you have been at this shit for years and years with several groups and still NOTHING of value was produced. Idea guys just come and go.
Download ruffle for pc and the swf version of the game. It's fan made, has Chinese language, other than that nothing big.
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3.44 MB JPG
Oooo how neat. What did you use to make this? RGBDS?
Naa, I'm a faggot, I used GBDK and coded it in C.
Have the sources if you want: https://files.catbox.moe/kart0g.7z
Sweet to put it on real hardware! I was too lazy to find my GB dev cartridge.
Honestly, it can be fun to do a little demo with one scene, but I don't know how much the images can be compressed...
Found an interesting interview of Pokehidden
Pokehidden said Hi two and a half years ago already? Damn, time flies...
>Yeah i'd give you the source and make your work 100 times easier, but its a bit messy so nah.
And what did he even mean proof of identity? Guy has a twitter page everyone knows about, isn't it enough
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I gotchu senpai
Kek awesome
I know I won't have the time, but now I want to work on BFEDGB.
The graphic style fits well with the gray old brick.
Well, you know, having the source is probably not that useful.
I mean, it's not a complex game, so except for some stuff in particular (like are the clouds in the racing game random, or how precisely the forest works), everything can be eyeballed with enough precision.
So, I understand that he wants to keep it for himself, as a little personal treasure without a huge value for anyone else.
I mean, I would be happy to have a look at it by curiosity, but nothing critical will be found I guess.
>or how precisely the forest works
If there are a total of 10 forest scenes (can't remember how it works) it's nothing more than the arrows sending you to different unconnected scenes.
If scene 1 can take you to scene 2 and scene 3, then scene 3 can take you to scene 4 and scene 1. But scene 1 cannot take you back to scene 4.
Something like that. I can't really put my thoughts into words right now.
Well, yeah, that's something like that.
But we don't know exactly what.
On the other hand, doing the correct path and random for the other path may be acceptable to, it's not a breaking feature, that's what I meant.
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Forest is just this shit in code
Okay, reading the code, the forest is simple, no random involved.

shape (6833)day (6834)night
"go front arrow" -> button (6836) -> change music, goto( everfree_entrada )
"go back arrow" -> button (6837) -> goto( everfree_1 )

shape (6838)
"go back arrow" -> button (6840) -> goto( everfree_2 )
"go front left arrow" -> button (6840) -> goto( everfree_2 )
"go front right arrow" -> button (6841) -> goto( everfree_3 )

shape (6842)
"go back arrow" -> button (6837) -> goto( everfree_1 )
"go front left arrow" -> button (6844) -> goto( everfree_4 )
"go front right arrow" -> button (6841) -> goto( everfree_3 )
SoundSteamHead2 (6843) !?

shape (6845)
"go back arrow" -> button (6847) -> goto( everfree_5 )
"go front left arrow" -> button (6848) -> goto( everfree_escape )
"go front right arrow" -> button (6844) -> goto( everfree_4 )

shape (6849)
"go back arrow" -> button (6847) -> goto( everfree_5 )
"go front left arrow" -> button (6840) -> goto( everfree_2 )
"go front right arrow" -> button (6847) -> goto( everfree_5 )

shape (6851)
"go back arrow" -> button (6853) -> goto( everfree_8 )
"go front left arrow" -> button (6855) -> goto( everfree_6 )
"go front right arrow" -> button (6854) -> goto( everfree_7 )

shape (6856)
"go back arrow" -> button (6847) -> goto( everfree_5 )
"go front left arrow" -> button (6858) -> goto( everfree_9 )
"go front right arrow" -> button (6853) -> goto( everfree_8 )

change music volume
"go back arrow" -> button (6855) -> goto( everfree_6 )
"go front left arrow" -> button (6859) -> goto( everfree_10 )
"go front right arrow" -> button (6844) -> goto( everfree_4 )

"go back arrow" -> button (6859) -> goto( everfree_10 )
"go front left arrow" -> button (6860) -> goto( everfree_11 )
"go front right arrow" -> button (6854) -> goto( everfree_7 )

"go back arrow" -> button (6860) -> goto( everfree_11 )
"go front left arrow" -> button (6853) -> goto( everfree_8 )
"go front right arrow" -> button (6859) -> goto( everfree_10 )

"go back arrow" -> button (6860) -> goto( everfree_11 )
"go front left arrow" -> button (6861) -> goto( everfree_12 )
"go front right arrow" -> button (6858) -> goto( everfree_9 )

"go back arrow" -> button (6855) -> goto( everfree_6 )
"go front left arrow" -> button (6837) -> goto( everfree_1 )
"go front right arrow" -> button (6859) -> goto( everfree_10 )

"go back arrow" -> button (6860) -> goto( everfree_11 )
"go front left arrow" -> button (6858) -> goto( everfree_9 )
"go front right arrow" -> button (6862) -> goto( everfree_zecora )

if mundo.zecora_ja_transou == true ?
"go back arrow" -> button (6861) -> goto( everfree_12 )
"door" -> button (6866) -> goto( everfree_zecora_wind )
"go front arrow" -> button (6867) -> goto( zecora_1 / zecora_casa )
I didn't have much message chars left after the mammoth paste, so to be more precise...
- I don't have access to the code per see, I use the decompiler.
- It was a pain as Flash define each object before using, so I had look at the ID each time to see where things goes.
- Some frames (the last ones) don't have images defined, I don't know/looked how the visual is selected.
- The music volume changes here and there to be more dramatic

I will leave you the task to find the shortest path, I need to sleep...
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Damn, I need to sleep...
Anyway, I wanted to check the Alpha 1.0 before going to bed, to see how many things have changed, and oh boy, was it bare!

Even more so when you know that the Rainbow Dash racing was a bit coded but not accessible!
I edited the flash to add an arrow to race this alpha Rainbow, enjoy!
>[alpha_10-RD_Fix.swf] https://files.catbox.moe/z1otws.swf
(works with Ruffle I think version "ruffle-nightly-2022_11_16-windows-x86_64")
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114 KB PNG
No wonder I always got lost.

So 1,3,5,7(or 8),10,12,hut
right, back, right (or back), left, left, right ?

[A few moments later]
Welp it didn't work.
I mean, for the foward route, I probably mixed one link.
The back route tho (hut, 12, 11, 1, 3, entrance) works (when at the hut, back, back, left, right, left)
So I probably fucked somewhere... I will check everything later, thanks for the nice graphic!
That was unexpected
>What I've seen here is a barely working program and bunch of not related artwork.
Welp, like the Alpha 1.0 then.
Yeah, I got Everfree-4 switched:
shape (6849)
"go back arrow" -> button (6847) -> goto( everfree_5 )
"go front left arrow" -> button (6847) -> goto( everfree_5 )
"go front right arrow" -> button (6840) -> goto( everfree_2 )

But still, it's not on the road.
I stepped with the decompiler open while playing, and it seems that everfree_8 is acting strange, I will search a bit more...
this is not a hand drawn animation workflow.
but we need concept art ASAP!
you could even make concept animation too!
Well, even if some Anons, like Age3rcm use pupets (like pic), the original is still hand drawn.
So an inbetweener would be interesting anyway.
File: everfree.png (51 KB, 801x1602)
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Okay, I made that fix and checked everything. This map should be correct.
File: 1.png (7 KB, 706x536)
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Fluttershy sexo
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Ops, there was an anchor!
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Feedback on the pose is needed (what about the wings?)
Mouth is a bit too big here. Pokehidden didn’t usually draw mouths big when using front view.

The smaller feathers inside the wings (I don’t know what those are called) should be bigger. Right now it looks like a lot of empty space in the wings.
Whoo, a nice delivery or content! Thank you!

I couldn't figure out why the everfree_8 don't act like it's supposed to by watching the code. I think I will need to edit some stuff to mark the scenes clearly and play the edited version in parallel to the decompiler.

She is getting bolder it seems!
It will fit the NSFW patch/option nicely I think (I leave this part to you, I'm not an expert on that).
I may reuse parts for mock ups if you agree

Nice, thanks for the frames, it will be cleaner than the extracted webm

kek that smug face, like the doom guy
Maybe remove/hide part of the chin and ear line? Even if the style is no consistent, it usually appears only when he is looking top to bottom

Very nice too!
I think it may be closer to the original style if you remove/open the chin line, and the ear line, thin the nostrils and, yes, the second wing line is fucked up on Pokehidden's art (three lobes, thin, and too much toward the point of the wing). Maybe something like pic?

Thanks a lot for your production everybody!
I'm sorry that IRL stuff slows me down a lot, I really want to work on this project, but I can't put much time. Should be better next week I hope.
Also, as a side note, please, keep a copy of your work (and of the other ones too if you can) in a designated folder on your computer. I don't want to be the only one to have a curated archive of the work we have done.
You've been struggling to find free time for 2 years? Your work ethics are fascinating!
This may sound crazy to a guy who lurks on this thread for several days only to grasp at every opportunity to insert his pity bait on other people's work, but some people have other things in their lives to worry about than a pony porn game.
Yeah, sorry, my employers keep licencing me for financial reasons (don't fucking get me in the first place if you know you don't have the money!) so I swing between unemployment and 4months employment, so I can't make your free porn game on my spare time.

I hope you have it better than me.
Honestly, you seem so intelligent that in this two years, you could have learn how to code and draw and did it yourself.
But it's kind of you not to do it and leave some work for us.

So, now, pop your fingers off your ass, go back to your patreon begging thread, and do something for once.
So fucking tired...
I will code tomorrow/this week end.
Also, I started sorting the files on my hdd, I will try to make an archive of what we have so far (I put lot of files with my though, what to do or scripts that don't need to be archived) and also working a bit on that infamous Game Design Document (it's in a poor state right now, meaning a handful of paragraphs at most).

Anyway, in the mean time, have (an old picture of) a cute Twilight.
Still better than yours.
after i finish these, write more "tasks" for me to do like you did in the OPs
i do not function doing thinkgs on my own, its better if somenoe say "hey, you, do this:"
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>I may reuse parts for mock ups if you agree
yeah if you want to, its just test CG that I made for the VN, but I dont mind if there is some overlap if you dont

>So, now, pop your fingers off your ass, go back to your patreon begging thread, and do something for once.

Based. The OP in that thread is peddling such a fucking blatant scam that I cant imagine it being anything other than bait. At least its entertaining.
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