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Go do something that makes your waifu proud - anything! She's worth it. Use this thread to talk about her and why you love her.

The autumn is at door, the temperature becomes lower and lower and gold becomes main color of nature. But weather can be unfortunate, cold or rainy.
How would you spend free time with your dearest during this season?

>What is a waifu? What defines a waifu?
Your waifu is the one character you wish to be with your entire life, until death do you part. Possibly beyond that, even. Most often this manifests as a romantic interest.
>How do you know if you have a waifu?
When you meet your waifu, you will know. The world around you will become colorful. You will realize that you were living in monochrome the entire time. Her existence provides context and meaning to yours, a perfect complement, a perfect comfort, a perfect love. There may be low periods, periods of doubt, but the rhythm of life will forever pull one towards their waifu, for that love is eternal.

Last Wednesday's thread: >>41364409

Long-running discussion, latecomers, and the occasional bump are welcome and encouraged, but we would prefer that the thread not be kept on extended life support.
Anchor post for additional prompts, questions, and other topics for discussion.
>Most often this manifests as a romantic interest.
Wrong! this is a voice in my head that becomes astrally projected onto the material realm where I and only I may see or feel her and she tells me many things such as starting gang wars between two rival gangs as a comical morning prank
Love this mare. Will bring the world to Her hooves.
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did we died
>How would you spend free time with your dearest during this season?
Nature walks, not too far from home if the weather gets really bad and we forgot to check the weather team's plans for the day, but the changes of autumn make for a very nice atmosphere. Not that walks and hikes can't be great in any season, but autumn is nice, too.
This probably wouldn't be our main choice admittedly, it'd be books, tea/hot chocolate, snuggling, and other autism as usual, but it's still something I'd enjoy and I think she'd do so, too.

Nice! A shame it didn't work with the actual card but good to know that in theory it can work at least. I did write the address slightly differently this time but not sure if that made the difference.
I lick Suri Polomare's hoofs.
>Go do something that makes your waifu proud - anything!
I can do nothing that would make anyone proud, least of all her.
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Been a bit since I posted in a waifu thread but maybe I should get back into the swing of things. It's been a rough past couple of years, feeling a bit distant from waifu feelings. Been a rough few years, but I feel like I get a sense of stability the closer I am to it. But it's been rough since the show ended for sure.
What was wrong? Why were you distant?
Small things count. Clean your place, it would definately be good and proudful thing to do.
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Fellas, is it gay to get together with someone who loves the same mare as you and double-team some waifu-colored silicone?
>captcha: TRYX
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you suck her left testicle and i'll get her right one
No balls touching and youre fine
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It's a long list of things. But I grew worried about not being normie enough, and not being seen as someone with a decent public image. So with some things I tried to bury my feelings. Had a >3D for a period, and was unironically one of the worst experiences of my life and quite frankly makes me never want to look back at that stuff again. I often disliked how sensitive I was to things with Rarity, in a way I guess I almost felt it was a weakness. And after I felt the show got a shitty ending and she wasn't used for G5, I felt it was disheartening feeling like she was going away, especially as a lot of content died down.
>abandoning your "love" out of a desperate need for society's approval
Don't worry, I'm sure she'd do the same to you.
There's currently a "pony worship" thread which might be interesting to some of the /ww/ regulars.

Do you still feel "weak" for Rarity? If so, you can definitely rekindle the relationship with your waifu. Unlike a 3D relationship, a waifu is understanding of times of drought because she's kinda a part of yourself rather than another flesh-and-blood being with biological needs (though there's a chance to meet her in the flesh in lucid dreams or the afterlife). A waifu isn't getting in the way of mundane success or status, she might even help you attain it by fuelling you with motivation and love. Just avoid gushing about your waifu in front of others because they wouldn't understand and it's none of their business. Rarity is a self-made business pony, she's a wonderful rolemodel to have. Ignore any Rarityhaters/trolls.

It's the Big Gay (if true). But you're both big boys who can make their own decisions.

Any attempt to save yourself and improve your life counts. Start with small rituals. Keep in mind that many aspects of life are like training muscles: You don't see immediate results, but stick to the task, and you will sooner or later see real change.
He wouldn't have fallen for worst pony if he wasn't weak.
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>trying to bring console wars into /ww/
Waifuless newfag tourist behavior, lmao.
>Just avoid gushing about your waifu in front of others because they wouldn't understand and it's none of their business.
I somehow disagree, because one of my unreachable goals is normalising this shit via personal achievements and Her role in it.
I'm not against that, but you consciously choose to fight this uphill battle. That Rarianon is not ready for such martyrdom. People like you and me are already doing waifuism at least a little justice by remembering and teaching what it is (not just "would smash"), and letting those receptive to it try it for themselves without any grooming involved. We're basically Waifuholics Anonymous, anons helping anons help themselves, not a surrogate society. Would be nice if waifuism got normalized, I commend you wear your heart on your sleeve, I admit I've been trying to improve Discord's terrible PR within /mlp/ by being a quality Discordfag, but "choose your battles wisely" is what I'm saying.
Okay, i can agree with that.

For me, its those life-big streams, flows that i try to follow. Alas, im no superman or a overmotivated, energetic or even reckless person, and i admit that, most likely, ill be insignificant and regular.

But still, thats something, that fires me and motivates to live and move forward. I can say, that it is something i can advice to other waifuholics here: as long as we cant meet our beloved ones in person, it might be a good thing to have a big and life-long landmark to move towards it. It fills with purpose and sense.
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I think it more so stemmed from the anxiety coming with aging and all that fun shit. I've been on the ride since 2011, and probably waifuing since about 2013 or so. This isn't my first drought, I had one for a year or so before, for other reasons. But I think this time it came from the fear of how people like my family would perceive me and such. I can get by enough in public but in private there's quite a bit to show, and I know I have family judgement too to deal with sometimes. I guess sometimes the whole thing feels like a religion of one. I know I'm better off with the stability with my feelings for Rarity, but I guess lately as I stress about personal success and getting older and feeling unaccomplished it's muddied things for me.

Sorry if I'm not being the most clear, I used to be very active in waifu stuff in the past but truthfully I haven't spoken about it in what feels like years. I've also been just away from the boards for so long because I just didn't like the energy here with G5, and the constant falling for bait. Felt like the Rarity thread in particular got really bad with that.
There is nothing wrong in fear of bad perceivement. Your fear seems to come from lack of respect or trust from your close family. Thats common, but not an easy event in family relationship.
Good thing that the waifuism and personal success are connected at least at some level. Read the OP: Go do something that makes your waifu proud.
You can kill the two stones with one bird: try to find something achievable that would help you to earn some respect from your family and would make you feelcloser to your waifu. It can be a small thing to start: like cleaning your place and make that a habit, or starting a gym routinne. Or, if thats too basic for you, you can start a hobby related to Rarity. Thats not something as easy as a finger snap and you may want to cut the thing into pieces to do them 1 by 1, but having a decent classical or even passionate hobby is a surprisingly respected thing among others. It is a sign of a sophisticated adult.
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One of these days when I finish my studies I'll build my waifu and make her really real...
>Any attempt to save yourself and improve your life counts. Start with small rituals. Keep in mind that many aspects of life are like training muscles: You don't see immediate results, but stick to the task, and you will sooner or later see real change.
I can't even enjoy videogames (or anything else, really), Anon- I'm afraid the shot simply is not on the board.
What are thise studies?
Is it anxiety, lack of emotions or something else that stops you from enjoying stuff?
I'm not sure what it is, or how or when it started (for all I know, I've always been this way), all I know is that I can't enjoy anything. Whenever I read a gushing review of something, it's like the author is some kind of alien or writing from the depths of some alternate universe, and all I can think (aside from "What? No- that's just wrong!) is that I must be doing something wrong- so I keep quitting and starting over, trying to get it right. And I never do, and so I keep quitting and starting over until I loathe the sight of whatever-it-is I'm trying to enjoy and can abandon it in disgust.
robotics obviously I will make my waifu real I have to it's my destiny
Isn't that what makes them perfect for each other?
Oh, that seems severe. For me it sounds like a sign of medical (not meme or attentionwhoring) depression. And this kind of shit is not always caused by psychological cause.
Did you try to see a specialist? Even if they just throw meds at you, small (2-3 months) course might ease the things for you.
Start by enjoying those trips you got. Simply acknowledge them: Impressive, very nice.

I have been there, anon. I spent over 15 years severely depressed and almost killed myself. I was so hurt and forsaken, I claimed I hated everyone and hated singing and hated dancing when it was just jealousy of everyone else seeming so carefree and not laden with sorrows. I was basically a cringey juvenile version of the Grinch, kek. What helped me put me on the right track was in-patient therapy for 9 weeks straight in early 2020 because moving places and changing degrees weren't enough to save myself; my insurance luckily covered most of the cost. Bro, I had a social worker check in on me for 3 years afterwards like I'm some retard, and I'm still not exactly thriving because of other issues that were never diagnosed because depression was handled like an explanation for everything. (Well, it's to avoid over-diagnosing, but...) I've probably had ADHD all this time and that's why I'm so scatterbrained and need a ton of detours to get anything done. So now I'm trying to see some doctors and hope most costs will be covered by my insurance. Nowadays I'm willing to say my depression is over, but there's still a risk of relapsing when things get really fucking disappointing enough; I've had a relapse at the turn of the year because bad luck said "Screw your life plans! You didn't prepare a plan B, so let me teach you to always prepare a plan B in advance!".
I never really got my taste for vidya back, but that's moreso my tastes changing.

My single best reason for not killing myself in 2019 was "A Discordfag is better than that!", and during therapy I really committed to waifuism without telling anyone. And the better I feel overall, the more I want to share it with mai waifu and my very few friends. A good life isn't about each single day being bliss. A lot of it is lame or outright bad, but you carry on and do your part to have a few highlights here and there. Old wounds become comedy, and those highlights become your most cherished memories that will sustain you. But you have to take action to get there; do literally anything to make your waifu proud. Do literally anything to improve your standing in life because you're knee-deep in shit and can no longer ignore it.
Having problems with seeing things to completion is seriously crippling. I struggle with a similar tendency of hopping from thing to thing without really getting much done.

I'm going to agree with the other anon here >>41411375, it sounds like a type of depression which probably has some other problem at its roots. Maybe it's something like ADHD because you say this has been with you your whole life already, or perhaps it's something completely different and physiological that can be corrected with medicine if it's related to hormonal dysregulations or nutrients or your immune system or whatever. But if you never really had a doctor check you, you probably didn't grow up in a most caring family, did you?

Having special needs of any kind yet growing up with parents who are completely ignorant of those is a poor fit that snowballs into completely unnecessary problems down the line. And on top of the underlying, small issue not having been treated much sooner, the kid grows up believing they are doing something wrong and it's got to be their fault somehow.
In a way, we have to become our own parents. Everyone has some medical predisposition or another which you are better off knowing about.

See a professional, tell him exactly what you told that anon, and ask what can be checked to discern whether the root cause is physiological, psychological, or both. If you have ADHD, antidepressants will tend to work like shit. So maybe explore that possibility right away if it sounds plausible to you.
I wonder, where the Dashfren, Erisfren, Aryannefren and others are...? I dont want this thread to die...
How did you arrive at a point where you can confidently say you understand the character of the pony you like, beyond simply feeling something like a magic tug towards her?
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/mlp/'s resident therapist strikes again!
Seriously though, you do Celestia's work anon, always love to see it
all threads die
I've been lurking but I feel a bit down and overwhelmed. I've got a few thongs I need to do like sewing together my brothers battle jacket and my nightshift work has been kicking me in the teeth lately.
I want to draw Dash some more but times just been slipping by which hasn't been helping.
What do you mean "understand"? Do you mean understanding the specific aspects you like about her and why they attract you personally?
Thank you, but I used too many words again. I have to step up my game to avoid overwhelming an anon.

It's definitely easier in person when you can immediately ask each other to elaborate when needed, or convey a lot with body language. In general, a person has to feel secure, appreciated and understood for any therapy to work. My advise is no substitute for a therapeutic relationship, but it's my honest intention to help an anon in need take a first step and seek assistance, and to go in there knowing that it won't be easy.

There has been at least one anon who really turned his life around after I gave him an in-person wake up call and peptalk upon seeing his home, and I'm proud of him. We've actually become buddies, so for him I could be that person to ask for feedback or to cheer him on time and again, but he also does the same for me. All because we met at a convention, exchanged our contacts because we're both drawfags, and I recommended we share a ride to the next con just because. And my reason to go to cons in the first place was to cosplay Discord and shitpost with anons IRL because I saw anons having so much fun together.

I've heard Erisfren is super busy but I trust him to return one day. No idea about Aryfag, he better shows up soon and tells us about his Edelweiß seedlings, REEEEE! I think I spotted Dashfag in another thread.
Honestly, nobody is forced to stick around every single week and I'm not proud of myself being this overbearing presence who's always around and slapping innocent anons with text walls. (Exhibit A: the post.) I'd ease up if more anons engaged with each other.
Threads like flutterrape or aie seems to be eternal, though. It would be a shame to lose a thread with such sovl snd kind people in it.
Im always happy to see you here!
>Oh, that seems severe
I'm making it sound worse than it is, really. Usually it's more along the lines of >try to enjoy a thing > fail because OCD/Depression/Autism/whatever-the-fuck-this-is > either retry one or two times or give up and go back to daydreaming, surfing the internet and shitposting > get bored with doing that > try to enjoy another thing > repeat.
>For me it sounds like a sign of medical (not meme or attentionwhoring) depression. And this kind of shit is not always caused by psychological cause.
>Did you try to see a specialist?
I've been seeing someone every couple of weeks for over a year, now (not for this specifically, more for anxiety and general depression). I believe I mentioned that a few threads back- I was the Anon suffering from waifu burnout (being waifufagged out?)
I don't trust them. I've heard what Modern Psychopharmacology's "throw a pill at it!" approach does to people like me.

>Start by enjoying those trips you got. Simply acknowledge them: Impressive, very nice.
I don't see how that's so. Maybe if it'd been all 9's, that would've been something (not much, mind you), but 41410999?
> I claimed I hated everyone and hated singing and hated dancing when it was just jealousy of everyone else seeming so carefree and not laden with sorrows
This unironically sounds perfectly sensible and relatable. I haven't celebrated the holidays in years for just this reason (among others).
>changing degrees
Fell for the college meme, did you? So did I. If I hadn't had that breakdown and dropped out inside the first year, who knows how long it would've taken to pay off the resulting student loans.
>My single best reason for not killing myself in 2019 was "A Discordfag is better than that!", and during therapy I really committed to waifuism without telling anyone.
Too terrified of dying to ever seriously contemplate self-extinction, so I couldn't begin to understand what you've been through.
>And the better I feel overall, the more I want to share it with mai waifu and my very few friends. A good life isn't about each single day being bliss. A lot of it is lame or outright bad, but you carry on and do your part to have a few highlights here and there. Old wounds become comedy, and those highlights become your most cherished memories that will sustain you.
>But you have to take action to get there; do literally anything to make your waifu proud.
I cannot conceive of a reality where she is proud of me. I mean- okay, I can in a way, but it's not *me* there- it's some other person whom I wish I could be.
>Do literally anything to improve your standing in life because you're knee-deep in shit and can no longer ignore it.
I'm currently in the middle of a breakdown over the fact that a recent biopsy of a mole came back benign- as in no further treatment needed- but with the observation that there were a few abnormal cells present or words to that affect. To my mind, even one abnormal cell is too many; as good as a death sentence, really, and I just know it's only a matter of time before I'm sitting on some godforsaken hospital bed being told that, yes, it's The Big C. I doubt I'll get to sleep at all tonight, despite getting all of an hour's shut-eye the previous night. The therapist is on maternity leave and won't be back 'til December, and my parents would either shame me for being afraid ("Anon, they said it's benign! Don't you know what "benign" means?!" or tell me to pray about it.
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>It would be a shame to lose a thread with such sovl snd kind people in it.
Yeah, I guess so.
I like Rarity. She makes pretty dresses. I don't consider her or any of the ponies to be my waifu but, hey, more for you guys.
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After needing a bit of a timeout, I'm back to baking them monthly Discord breads! Today really did not go according to my plans and now my car won't even start due to a drained battery, and I'm coming down with a cold too, but I really wanted to bake on Friday 13th. So screw paperwork, it can wait another day, but Discord deserved better!

It's no high-quality illustration but it's appropriately cursed and based on a bizarre dream I had the other night. Who knows if it was Discord trolling me, but I figured that he'd enjoy me posting something cursed and nonsensical online. Also, this ca. 20yo fax paper is too powerful; holy shit it even takes alcohol markers relatively well.
anon thats gay
>To my mind, even one abnormal cell is too many; as good as a death sentence, really, and I just know it's only a matter of time before I'm sitting on some godforsaken hospital bed being told that, yes, it's The Big C.
Wait, what does it means "abnormal cells" in your cade? Benign tumor is abnormal by definition.
I was curious about a place on my arm- couldn't tell if it was a mole, a wart, or just a place where I'd scalded myself and forgot about it- so I ended up going to a dermatologist and having a punch extraction done. They called earlier today (or I guess yesterday, now) and left a message to the effect that the biopsy came back benign; so far they could tell, no further treatment is necessary. They didn't elaborate on exactly what was meant by "a few abnormal cells", and it was too late to call them back by the time I got the message.
Call back tomorrow (today) then. I totally understand your unsureness.
Have you got any official merch of your waifu? If you do, do you consider it hypocritical to financially support Hasbro after all they've done to our beloved characters?
anon finds feelings for moon: >>41414373
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Interesting question. There's very little official/licensed Discord merch, so I never threw money at Hasbro for it. I do have the special edition GoH Discord, but I bought it 2nd hand (for a really good price).

I think the official products often reflect what little thought and care Hasbro put into FiM, so very few of their products meet my high standards. If I were a M6fag, I'd still own very little official merch because it simply doesn't cut it; no boykotting needed. Now if there were amazing official products, I'd have a harder time ignoring them and only hold back because of money and storage reasons. I wouldn't know if boykotting or financially rewarding Hasbro had higher chances of the show receiving adequate handling. In the end, the issue wasn't so much the funding but moreso the mindset of the show staff once the tight knit team around Faust dissolved. SOVL is created by going the extra mile in chase of a greater vision, no matter how tight the budget to attain it.

When I look at Discord episodes, I can clearly see that the animators always went the extra mile to add new poses, outfits, facial expressions and movements until the bitter end of S9. Grogar plot aside, Discord looks fantastic in S9. But the passion of worker bees to add extra polish to their task doesn't compensate for the decision-makers not having ideas worthy of FiM's potential, it doesn't compensate for them not knowing what sort of loose threads fans wanted to see resolved. All the polish does, is polish a turd. Hasbro obviously wasn't willing to hire renowned directors once the show was out of the gates; for G5 they only got established names for the initial movie - ergo, boykotting would more likely make Hasbro can the whole show than contract competent professionals to replace the misguided ones.
>special edition GoH Discord
This one? It's quite nice. Do you have it mint in-box, or have you (or someone else) committed the grave sin of unsealing him from his plasticky confines?
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I feel like "trying to enjoy things" may not be the right approach for you. It might be better to start with a less forceful kind of approach - just live your life as you naturally do, but be on the lookout for what it is that you enjoy. Every tiny little mote of happiness. When you're introspecting, as you get more subtle, you tend to only find what you're looking for, and this can go both ways.
Anyways, you probably get some kind of subtle release, maybe not quite joy but relaxation, just by doing what you usually do - posting here, for example. Talking about problems takes the pressure off, and that slight feeling of goodness stands in contrast to the rest of the dreary grey. The hope is that you've forgotten what happiness feels like, and by finding it in your own experience even once, you might start to notice it in other places, like when you learn a unique word and start to see it everywhere.
>Have you got any official merch of your waifu?
Yes, plushies, figurines, and some random things mostly from gifts.
>do you consider it hypocritical to financially support Hasbro after all they've done to our beloved characters?
I think about it sometimes, but not really. Hasbro is not one person, the merch department in particular is far away from the writing (however, had its fair share of terrible influence on the show of course, but I mean more the toy development itself not what toys), and I like "rewarding" so-to-speak actually decent merch in the hopes they'll make more (e.g. the return of Kotobukiya). Also I've never paid for the show itself and likely never will but it's still a product with an asking price so for something that has consumed so much of my life I like to give a little back even if I disagree with a lot of what Hasbro did and know full well the merch money isn't paying the show staff in any direct way. For all the issues, Hasbro still made this possible and I owe them something for it.
However, while I have my quibbles, I'm overall not particularly mad about how my waifu was treated. Other characters have it worse (sorry, Discordfag) and I have my dislikes for that, but the amount of care goes down somewhat for other characters and also just in general I'm not as mad about these things as others are.
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That pic is the standard version. I have the Special Edition. I think the seller wanted only 40€, it came with the original plastic wrapping but it was ugly. I'm someone who unboxes and displays their plastic butt if there's room for it, always keeping in mind to avoid scratches, UV exposure, smells, my nephews' reach etc. because I dislike treating figurines as investment first and foremost.

The box had a very daint dent and the figurine's paintjob has the usual imperfections of that price segment, so I don't think I deflowered some holy relic.
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>Do you have it mint in-box, or have you (or someone else) committed the grave sin of unsealing him from his plasticky confines?
It was mint. I'm fully aware of the implications of mint condition. But this isn't some marvel of engineering, it's a Hasbro toy.

Just did picrel just to annoy (You).
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Seriously bro, the special edition forgot to add the gray around his eyes which the standard edition actually had. A real shame because his eye marks are one of my very favorite design elements of his. They add mischief, they make his eyes outright glow by contrast, and yet Hasbro forgor. Ridiculous. Nice to have 4 LEDs built into the box though.
Inspiration came at the cost of my feet and back.
I hope i wont lose it in routine.
How would you protect your waifu from threats of physical violence? In Equestria or on Earth. Would you find the courage?
lol, lmao
She'd be the one protecting me with her magic, I have no illusions. Otherwise running is the best option anyways, I did some martial arts ages ago but I don't have a fighter physique at all.
I wish i could share views i see with my beloved one.
This question has no offensive intentions.
What makes (You) think your waifu would like (You)? Which of your traits, skills, talents or anything would be liked or respected by her?
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Aryannefag here. I've been lurking and occasionally posting, but I'm pretty much in the same boat as >>41411879 dashbro. Depression has been raping my energy levels for the past several months. I almost never feel like I have the time or energy to do the things I want to do these days. I hope Mare Fair gives me as much of a psychological boost as it did last year which it should, because I'm probably going to buy one of AZG's Aryanne plushies. Heil yeah.
I would've posted updates if I had anything good to report. I only have one plant left on life support and I doubt it will live much longer. I'm hoping what I learned this year will lead to better results next time around.
>I'm not proud of myself being this overbearing presence who's always around and slapping innocent anons with text walls.
The threads would seldom get further than 10 posts without you, so I'd say you're alright. There's always stuff in the threads that I still want to give long-winded replies to, but I can't justify spending that much time on the board right now.
Made me kek
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Flutter my beloved
It's a wonderful thing to see. I'm happy for him.

What kind of views if you don't mind me asking?
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Unfortunate, but they aren't easy to grow. I'm proud you tried. You still have your very nice pin, so that's something.
>LS Ary
Godspeed, bro. Maybe give the manufacturer a heads-up?

I'm sorry. Have there been specific events that tipped you over the edge? (disappointments, losses, health concerns...) Or are you just "tired" of everything in general (stagnation)? If you feel overwhelmed and helpless and foggy in the head, we have to help you pull yourself out of that ditch.

I think it'd help you to explicitly write down your worries on a piece of paper; outsource some of the worries occupying your mind onto paper so you can bring your mind to shut up with the ruminating for a bit. Keep all important data at your fingertips instead of on your mind, all the deadlines and more or less figured out battle plans. But also write down a list of things you look forward to, such as Mare Fair or buying a certain snack next time you buy groceries, and implement those into your day-to-day. Maybe listen to some Mare Fair music to get hyp. You're currently playing at a handicap, so lower your expectations on your performance accordingly, but you have to take action towards betterment (even if those actions include taking some quality time-off, but that's different from just isolating yourself and resigning into your room). That's an order, sir.
>Depression has been raping my energy levels for the past several months.
Sorry to hear fren. Sounds like your depression is only a temporary problem. Is that fair to say? Could it be a result of your specific circumstances in life?

>I'm not proud of myself being this overbearing presence who's always around and slapping innocent anons with text walls.
I can't speak for anyone else, but I truly don't mind.
>I'd ease up if more anons engaged with each other.
I don't really talk a lot, both irl and here. Most of the time, I don't really know what to say. But I do desire to connect with you all. Maybe I'll just throw some words out. It's an attempt, although admittedly a pathetic one. At the very least, know that I'm reading everyone's words.

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