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Last thread here: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41369783/#41369783
You glance over to Winter as he says this.
"That is true. Shouldn't be too hard to find the manufacturing data, if they bothered to list any part ids. At which point, we can find flaws, faults, exploits online, or test them ourselves," You say, "Really though, that's a good idea. I think they will have done something to prevent the faraday cage from working again, because they don't want to be losing this one. Over all, not a bad idea."
"Just figured it would be something good for all of us to work on," He shrugs, "And I'm sure they fixed the faraday issue if they did just the smallest bit of investigating."
"Definitely," Junkrat agrees, "We could also see what applications the parts have and how we could use them. I know we're already using the armor, maybe we could do something with the other parts?"

What do you do?
Tilting our head back to look at the van's ceiling, we begin listing off the various categories of parts we can remember, extending a digit with each one.
"Hydraulics, servos, batteries, a generator, wiring, gyro sensors, optical sensors both in and beyond the visible light spectrum, logic controllers, miniguns, speakers..."
We pause and glance at the other two in the van.
"I dont think we ever figured out how it was supposed to actually come apart either. Even if it was entirely autonomous, someone at some point will have to service them, and that means being able to remove the plates, without relying on the AI. Which means a mechanical release, or a very, very physically robust electronic one. Cause otherwise, they've basically locked the keys to the giant killer robot, inside the robot."
'And now I'm really curious about what sort of AI system it had.'

Didn't see the thread till just now, and I should've bumped the last one before I dozed off.
"Let's see what kind of things we come up with thanks to our little tinkering with these parts"!
You tilt your head back to look up at the van's ceiling, beginning to list off various categories of parts that you could remember, extending a digit out with each one.
"Hydraulics, servos, batteries, a generator, wiring, gyro sensors, optical sensors both in and beyond the visible light spectrum, logic controllers, miniguns, speakers..."
You then pause and glance at the other two in the van.
"I don't think we ever figured out how it was supposed to actually come apart either. Even if it was entirely autonomous, someone at some point will have to service them, and that means being able to remove the plates, without relying on the AI. Which means a mechanical release, or a very, very physically robust electronic one. Cause otherwise, they've basically locked the keys to the giant killer robot, inside the robot."
'And now I'm really curious about what sort of AI system it had.'
"There's probably a release on it somewhere," Winter says, "Be a massive oversight if it didn't."
After this, you all fall silent as Winter continues to drive. Several minutes later you arrive in front of Wind Rose's home. You hop out of the van and head over to the door, giving it a ring and waiting a minute before it opens and Wind Rose greets you.
"Hey, Gael, it's good to see you," She smiles before turning her head around, "Echo, Gael is here!"
She then turns around to face you once more.
"And Echo was a treat to have, no issues with her and she and Thunderstruck had a lot of fun."
As she speaks you see Echo and Thunderstruck coming down the stairs, the colt leading the blind filly down carefully as she holds some of her things. Once on the ground floor he leads her to the door where she splits off from him and gives your leg a hug.

What do you do?
"Hi, Echo, did you have a good time?"
Hugging her with our other foreleg and a wing, we wave at Thunderstruck with our other wing before focusing on Wind Rose.
"Thank you so much for watching her. Do I owe you anything?"
"Hi, Echo, did you have a good time?"
"Mmhmm, it was a lot of fun!"
You hug her with your other foreleg and a wing, waving at Thunderstruck with your other wing before focusing back on Wind Rose.
"Thank you so much for watching her. Do I owe you anything?"
"It's no trouble at all, and you don't owe me a thing." She shakes her head.
"Could we do another sleepover some time?" Thunderstruck asks.
"Maybe in a few weeks," His mom tells him, "Your spring break is about to end pretty soon, after all."
She then looks back at you.
"If Echo wants to hang out again, just give me a call and I'll be happy to have her over again."

What do you do?
"Thanks again, we'll have to set something up again soon. It's late though, so we should really get going."
We linger for a moment so that she can say goodbye to Thunderstruck, before guiding her over to the van along with all her stuff.
"You want to ride in the front or the back? Winter's driving, and Junkrat is here as well."
"Thanks again, we'll have to set something up again soon. It's late though, so we should really get going."
"You're right about that," Wind Rose nods, "It was good to have you, Echo!"
"I'll see you soon, Echo!"
"I-I'll see you as well." Echo stammers back in response.
Once all of their goodbyes are said you guide her over to the van along with her stuff.
"You want to ride in the front or the back? Winter's driving, and Junkrat is here as well."
"Could I be in the back," She asks, "I'm more used to the back."
As she speaks you look down at her. She looked normal, but you could see a very faint blush on her cheeks that was refusing to fade away. As you look over her your eyes go over her chest and stop there. Near the center of her chest a very thin slice of her coat was missing, the slice being half an inch in length and barely a fraction of an inch in width.

What do you do?
We smile for the most part, happy to see her in such a good mood, as well as the fact that she can be so flustered over a colt, though the missing patch in her coat is quite worrisome.
"Sounds like you had a lot of fun. You'll be hanging out again soon enough, trust me."
Setting her things down in the van, we help guide her into the backseat, slipping into sit beside her with a wing wrapped around her. Reaching over, we brush a claw over the missing patch, checking if the skin is damaged or there was any bleeding. Having no doubt drawn her attention to the area as well, we ask as gently as we can. "Do you want to talk about it?"
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Night, Pluto!
You smile for the most part, happy to see her in a good mood, as well as the fact that she can be so flustered over a colt, though the missing patch in her coat makes you worry a bit.
"Sounds like you had a lot of fun. You'll be hanging out again soon enough, trust me."
She nods as you set her things down in the van and then help guide her into the backseat, slipping in to sit beside her with a wing wrapped around her form. Winter starts driving as you reach a claw over her missing patch, not finding any evidence of bleeding or even that the skin was broken, just looks like her coat took all of the damage. Feeling her tense a bit at your touch, you ask her as gently as you can.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"We... He showed me a cool park that is near his home. W-While we were playing there I tripped and... scraped my chest a bit." She explains a bit nervously.
Shifting her eyes so that she could see, she looks over at you with a nervous smile as well.
"It was just me not playing carefully."

What do you do?
We draw our claw back so it's not touching the damage part of Echo's coat.
'She's lying. She's not tearing up, and she can look me in the eye, so maybe it wasn't anything too bad...'
It's not particularly reassuring, but at least we know she isn't hurt physically. Now that she can see us, we tilt our head and raise a brow, looking at her a bit pointedly: we know it's a lie and she should know that as well.
"I know very well that my sister is a tough little filly. But you don't have to solve everything on your own. Besides, your big sister has to protect you at some point while I'm still bigger than you, even if it's just means talking to another adult."
Are we certain that she's lying? Not doubting it from her nervous smile, but maybe she might be nervous on how we react to her getting hurt from an avoidable mistake?
Meta knowledge and Echo's shiftiness (tensing at the touch and being nervous, as opposed to bashful) aside, I was also thinking of Gael's sharp vision and the fact that Echo was uninjured to determine that she couldn't have tripped and damaged a small patch of fur in that way (picturing almost a singular 'cut', as opposed to a pattern of scuffed fur)
Granted, I'm overthinking it.
Your draw your claw back from her so it's not touching the damaged part of her coat. Through her nervousness you could sense something underneath it.
'She lying. She's not tearing up, and she can look me in the eye, so maybe it wasn't anything too bad...'
It's not reassuring, but you at least know she isn't hurt physically in the slightest. Now that she could see you, you tilt your head and raise a brow at her, looking at her a bit pointedly.
"I know very well that my sister is a tough little filly. But you don't have to solve everything on your own. Besides, your big sister has to protect you at some point while I'm still bigger than you, even if it just means talking to another adult."
Echo lowers her head a bit, her ears flattening against her head as her nervousness grows. For almost half a minute she is completely silent, eventually taking a slow breath as she speaks nervously.
"...T-There was some colts from Thunderstruck's school that were b-bullying him near the park," She stammers, "I-I didn't like seeing him getting picked on like that, so I tried to help him and..."
She looks down at the floor of the van.
"T-They didn't take that very well..."

What do you do?
Wrapping our other wing around her, we hold the filly as close as we can in the van.
"Colts and fillies can be real jerks sometimes. You did the right thing, standing up for him, and telling me about it."
'I'm gonna have to talk with Wind Rose, see if she knows anything.'
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
Do you know why they were bullying him. Did Thunderstruck know them and hint or say if this has been going on for some time?
Give the filly a kiss on the cheek or forehead to make her feel better after what she's been through.
You wrap a wing around her and lean your head down to give her a kiss on the forehead, she deserved it after going through that.
"Colts and fillies can be real jerks sometimes. Do you know why they were bullying him. Did Thunderstruck know them and hint or say if this has been going on for some time?"
"They were from his school and it seems like it's been going for a while," She confirms, "Why they decided to go after him, I don't know."
"Well, you did the right thing, standing up for him, and telling me about it." You smile down at her.
'I'm gonna have to talk with Wind Rose, see if she knows anything.'
Echo smiles a little at his before it turns back to a frown, the little filly falling silent again for several moments.
"...I, uh, showed him my powers as well. He, uh..."
She falls silent once more, not out of nervousness this time as you see her blush come back.
"H-He thought it was r-really cool."

What do you do?
Oh is that a blush I see Echo did my little sister get her first crush already. Tell me more about what happened that day. What did you two do next? When did you reveal him your powers to him was it when you stand up for him against those bullies or after they left?
Smile at her.
"He really is a good friend for seeing through it and thinking you were cool."
Turn slightly more serious while maintaining a smile to ease her worry.
"Did those bullies see anything that would give your powers away, and did Thunderstruck promise not to talk about what he saw to others?"
We pull back to look at her in surprise, though our initial alarm and worry over Echo revealing her power is somewhat quashed by just how cute she is being right now, crushing on the colt.
"It IS really cool. I'm glad you have a friend like Thunderstruck... Keeping your powers hidden is important but, it's a bit different for you than it was for me. You've still got a decent bit of your foalhood ahead of you, so not enjoying it to the fullest with your best friend is an impossible ask."
'The word of some foals shouldn't be enough to make too much trouble for her, especially not bullies, but I have to keep better track of what's going on in Echo's life once she starts school.'
You pull back to look at her in surprise, though your initial alarm and worry over Echo revealing her power is somewhat quashed down by just how cute she is right now, crushing on Thunderstruck.
"It IS really cool. I'm glad you have a friend like Thunderstruck, seeing through it and thinking you were cool," You say, "Keeping your powers hidden is important but, it's a bit different for you than it was for me. You've still got a decent bit of your foalhood ahead of you, so not enjoying it to the fullest with your best friend is an impossible ask."
'The word of some foals shouldn't be enough to make too much trouble for he, especially not bullies, but I have to keep a better track of what's going on in Echo's life once she starts school.'
You turn slightly more serious, but still maintain your smile to ease her worry.
"Did those bullies see anything that would give your powers away, and did Thunderstruck promise not to talk about what he saw to others?"
"He promised he wouldn't tell others," She nods, "The bullies... they saw it, but I don't think they'll say anything."
While you're smile is there to ease any of her worries, she still gives you a worried and guilty expression.
"I know I should keep it hidden, but seeing what they were trying to do to him, I... didn't know what else to do."

What do you do?
"What's done is done. Those foals, I imagine they've been bullies for a while now, so their word probably isn't any good as is."
'Plus, saying a blind and formerly homeless filly has weird eyes and shaggy fur is a good way to get suspended.'
Just the thought of Echo having to deal with those bullies again is enough to get some of our feathers to fluff up in anger, though we exhale slowly to calm down.
"You tell me if you ever have any trouble with them, okay?"
"Now, how about you tell me a little about what you and Thunderstruck got up to. He probably wanted to show you all sorts of things after you stood up for him."
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
''You did the right thing Echo! The world needs more friends not more enemies. If you have a special power that no else has then its your responsibly to figure out how to use it in your daily life and how it can help others. To have such great power, and not use it, is to be unworthy of it. When there is no other choice that can be made in time use it when it is necessary okay and do not hesitate otherwise your failure to act might end up with somepony getting hurt almost like how Thunderstruck was about to be until you came by and help him before it was too late''.
Night, Pluto!
I don't think we should be this lenient of the risk that this comes with. Even parents of bullies can sometimes tend to somehow dismiss the bullying and have a bias for their children. Some of them are likely to take their words seriously. When the existence of supers are a known fact, you aren't likely to dismiss your child's fear or claim of seeing another child horrifyingly transform.
Perhaps, but I couldn't think of a good way to admonish her without just repeating what we know she already knows. There is a limit to what we (and she) can do about the foals, and she knows that telling others is very dangerous, but at the same time, the adults are very much a Gael problem, not an Echo problem.
This is also a world where magic and horror movies exist too.
Also, the other post is literally encouraging her to use her power?
Yeah, I understand not wanting to admonish over things she already knows about. Just felt that we were oddly calm about what trouble it could possibly bring.
>>41413736 is also pushing too hard to make using her power as a super as an obligation, yeah. It's a problematic mindset. This was around time for me to sleep, so I skimmed over until reading further now.
(Slip this in at the start)
Opening our beak to admonish her, we stop ourself when we see just how worried she is, the way she looks so small right now, it takes the wind out of our wings. Letting out a sigh, we squeeze her in a hug, taking a moment to find the right words for the emotional rollercoaster we've just been on.
"... Just, try not to do it again. It's my responsibility to keep you safe and happy, Echo. But, what's done is done. (and then continuing on from there)
(adding to the thought)
'The parents, they are something me, Mom, and Dad will deal with, if they come up. Though, Mom and Dad will probably want to talk with Echo about this as well.'

Fair and ditto on the sleep part. This work better?
That's a better start before comforting her. Kind of feel bad for pointing out a flaw before collapsing to go to sleep without my post though.
You open your beak to admonish her, but stop yourself when you see just how worried she is, the way she looks so small right now, it takes the wind out of your wings. Sighing, you squeeze her into a hug, taking a moment to find the right words for the emotional rollercoaster you've just been on.
"...Just, try not to do it again. It's my responsibility to keep you safe and happy, Echo."
"I won't, and I'm sorry."
"What's done is done. Those foals, I imagine they've been bullies for a while now, so their word probably isn't any good as is."
'The parents, they are something to me, Mom, and Dad will deal with it, if they come up. Plus, saying a blind and formerly homeless filly has weird eyes and shaggy fur is a good way to get suspended. Though, Mom and Dad will probably want to talk with Echo about this as well.'
Just the thought of Echo having to deal with those bullies again is enough to get some of your feathers to fluff up in anger, though you exhale slowly to calm down and set your feathers back.
"You tell me if you ever have any trouble with them, okay?"
"I will." She nods.
"Now, how about you tell me a little about what you and Thunderstruck got up to. He probably wanted to show you all sorts of things after you stood up for him."
"Oh, uh, he showed me a bunch of music and he can even play the guitar pretty well. He also showed me several video games, one of which was Metal Gear... Guilty Gear? Guilty Gear! It's a fighting game, and I didn't do too well in it, but it was still fun to play it with him!"

What do you do?
"That's good. Yeah, fighting games can take a bit of getting used to, especially with how you have to move your hooves to pull off certain attacks, on top of learning characters and mechanics. I might be able to teach you a bit about them, if you'd like."

Can't recall if we told Echo about Oak and Elm being in the hospital, otherwise I'd mention them being okay
"That's good," You tell her, "Yeah, fighting games can take a bit of getting used to, especially with how you have to move your hooves to pull off certain attacks, on top of learning characters and mechanics. I might be able to teach you a bit about them, if you'd like."
"I would like that," She smiles, "I thought it would be similar to Smash Bros, but it wasn't and I'm not used to those fighting games."
She then pauses to think before continuing.
"We got ice cream as well, and we listened to more music and he played on the guitar for me a bit more. I... even got to sing a few songs, h-he thought I was a good singer."
Her blush returns once again at this, though she also faintly smiles at the memory.

What do you do?
We let her stew on that thought for a moment, smiling down at her before glancing outside to check how the streets are looking.
"You know, Mom is a bit of a singer too, and Nocty knows a lot of songs. I'm sure we could go out one evening, have a bit of fun singing some karaoke. But after such a long day, I'm a little surprised you're not more tired."
"What else did the two of you did echo go on give me all the juicy details. Wait did he kiss you on the cheek before you left or did you kiss him before he left"?!
You let her stew on that thought for a minute, smiling down at her before glancing out the window. The streets were looking alright at the moment, probably because you're in one of the nice parts of the city.
"You know, Mom is a bit of a singer too, and Nocty knows a lot of songs," You tell Echo, "I'm sure we could go out one evening, have a bit of fun singing some karaoke. But after such a long day, I'm a little surprised you're not more tired."
"I am a bit tired," She admits, "And I didn't know Mom is a singer. Has she been doing it for a while?"
You've known since you were little that your Mom is a good singer, all the nights of her singing you to sleep when you had a nightmare is proof of that. As far as you know, she has been doing it for a long time, though it's been a while since you've last heard her sing.

What do you do?
"If you want I can sing you one of Mom's song right now, Echo"?
"Yeah, since I was little. Whenever I'd get scared at night, I'd crawl into bed with Mom and Dad, and she'd sing me, Dad too sometimes. His voice was soothing, but Mom, she knows how to really sing, and I think he liked listening to her just as much as I did. To be honest, I think she'd love the chance to sing for you."

Any song thoughts? All that comes to mind is P3's Aria of the Soul (the Velvet Room theme from Persona).
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Night, Pluto!
"Yeah, since I was little. Whenever I'd get scared at night, I'd crawl into bed with Mom and Dad, and she'd sing to me, Dad too sometimes," You tell her, "HIs voice was soothing, but Mom, she knows how to really sing, and I think he liked listening to her just as much as I did. To be honest, I think she'd love the chance to sing for you."
"I would like to hear her sing," Echo smiles, "Can you sing, Gael?"
"Somewhat," You shrug, "Do you want me to sing one of Mom's songs?"
"Only if you want to."

What do you do?
"For you sister always we're family after all".
"I mean, I can try. Griffon and Pony vocals are a little different, so it's not quite the same performance that she could do, but..."
Clearing our throat, we take a breath and begin to sing softly.

Gotta admit, I spent far too long trying to find something suitably lullaby esque (youtube and spotify were both unhelpful), and while Aria of the Soul (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVAp5UDnsPI) and This is What You Are (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrQtsLVa504) are both beautiful vocal pieces, there was only one song that felt remotely appropriate.
Stopping for the night. Wanted to do more than one post, but Sunday DnD got cancelled because the DM got sick and then decided 'fuck it, we'll do it' and decided to run it anyway.
And I wanted to start trying to do session summaries again, but this one is short so: Eridis did a massive fuckup with his daughter last week, he and the DM talked about it because things aren't going well with Eridis' character and haven't been for a few sessions. Today, Eridis took two steps outside, got killed by a Lurid, reincarnated by The Watcher cause Babel is too nice and made a deal with it, anyway Eridis then went through ego death after realizing 'man, I've been a piece of shit', talked to the party and Babel with Babel deciding after he disowned his own daughter that he shouldn't be a champion and should just go home. After a bit of thinking Eridis decides to try and take the second chance and continue with the group and actually try to improve as a person, makes up with his daughter somewhat, and then leaves to try and tell Edea that he got reincarnated into a Fallen, a dead but also not dead race. And after that Naltaal finally has that conversation with Babel, who is very much disappointed and now trying to find a new champion for Funtres despite Eridis still trying, anyway she gets the conversation with him that I've been wanting to have with him for over a month now, but we've kept getting side tracked and been unable to do it until now. Next session we'll be hopefully moving the story forward.
And that was why I was angry last week: we just wanted to talk to Eridis' daughter about helping out with some stuff and instead he got into a massive argument with her, the party, and ended with him walking out on her. Got solved this session, but still a little miffed about it.
Sounds like it was a bit of a mess, but good that it's things (seem to be) improving. Fingers crossed for things continuing in that trend. Tangentially related, getting a chance to take part in a (spooky) one-shot for the first time in a while. With any luck, I'll be a Kobold Artificer, but gotta see what everyone else is running.
Night, Pluto!
"I mean, I can try. Griffon and Pony vocals are a little different, so it's note quite the same performance that she could do, but..."
You clear your throat and take a breath, then softly singing to Echo.
A few minutes later you stop singing and look over at Echo, seeing her completely amazed by your song as she looks up at you. Eventually, she smiles a litttle.
"That was awesome, sis," She exclaims, "I loved it! I've never heard that song before."

What do you do?
"Want me to teach you the lyrics so you can sing it yourself sometimes"?!
We smile a little, though fluster at compliment.
"Y-yeah, well, you should really hear Mom sing it. she's the one that actually knows the song. I was just kinda, mimicking her mostly. Depending on how tired I was, she'd usually she hum this or that, but I heard that song a few times when I was more awake. Speaking of songs, I don't suppose you recall what Thunder had you singing, do you? I could probably find the album for you online."
You smile a little at this, flustering at her compliment.
"Y-Yeah, well, you should really hear Mom sing it, she's the only one that actually knows the song. I was just kinda, mimicking her mostly. Depending on how tired I was, she'd usually hum this or that, but I heard that song a few times when I was more awake," You say, "I could teach you the lyrics sometime, but speaking of songs, I don't suppose you recall what Thunder had you singing, do you? I could probably find the album for you online."
"Uhh, he said it was an older band and I can't remember the name of it, but one of the songs was called 'The Chain'. I-I quite liked it, he sang it with me," She says, "There was one called 'Gypsy' as well, I think?"
Echo then looks over at you.
"When we see her again, do you think she'll sing for me?"

What do you do?
"If she's not too busy when we ask her then it will be no problem. Maybe Mom will want you to sing along with her would you like that"?!
Reaching over, we ruffle her mane a bit, straightening it back out with our talons.
"I think she'd be happy too. To be honest, I think they'd be happy just to see the both of us a little more often."
Keeping a wing wrapped around her, we glance at the others, and out at the street again out of habit.
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Night, Pluto!
You reach over and ruffle her mass of a mane a little, then straightening it out the best you can with your talons.
"If she's not too busy I think she'd be happy to," You tell her, "To be honest, I think they'd be happy just to see the both of us a little more often."
She smiles as you keep a wing wrapped around her, glancing over at the other two. Junkrat was distracted by his Codex and Winter is focusing on driving, but he occasionally glances at the two of you from his mirror. You then look out towards the street, mostly out of habit.
The drive back is uneventful as well, Winter sliding the van into the garage of his home before stepping out. At this point it's dark and you can tell that Echo is starting to get tired, leaning against you as you wing remains wrapped around her.

What do you do?
Shuffling between our paws and claws on the chilly concrete of the garage, we let out a breath we'd been hold in part for most of the ride. Lifting our wing from her momentarily, we help the tired filly onto our back. Once Echo is safely on, we rub our head against Winter's chest and give Junkrat a clawbump.
'I'd apologize for it being a boring ride, but boring is good. Can't hug either of them either, with Echo on my back.'
Grabbing what we can of Echo's stuff in a claw and beak, we saunter off to our room, peeking into the living room before fully stepping in, just in case.
Stepping out of the van and into the garage, shuffling between your paws and claws on the chilly concrete floor of the garage, then letting out a breath you've been holding for most of the ride. Lifting your wing up from her momentarily, she grumbles a bit at this but still clambers onto your back with some help from you. Once Echo is safely on, you move over to the two stallions, giving winter's chest a rub with your head before giving Junkrat a clawbump.
"No problem," Junkrat nods, "If either of you need anything else, just let me know."
He then trots off through the door, leaving you alone with Winter.
'I'd apologize for it being a boring ride, but boring is good. Can't hug either of them either, with Echo on my back.'
You grab some of Echo's stuff with Winter's help and saunter over to the door with him, peeking into the living room to find no one before entering. You and Winter head up the stairs and to your room.
"There, that should be all of her stuff." Winter says as he sets some of her stuff down.

What do you do?
"Thank you, Wint, and I mean it," we say, tail twirling around his foreleg as we try our best not to disturb Echo, regardless of if she's sleeping yet. Peeling back the fresh sheets, we slip our front half onto our bed, and twist our body around to deposit her onto it as delicately as possible. Seeing some success at first, we eventually have to extend our wings and wiggle a tiny bit to get the sleepy filly moving.

Could see Echo dozing off in the short trip, tried to leave that fact unspecified. Plus Gael doing a cute wiggle seems appropriate
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
"Thank you, Wint, and I mean it."
As you say this, your tail twirls around his foreleg as you try your best to not disturb Echo, who was now curled up on your back. Peeling the fresh sheets back, you slip your front body onto your bed and twist it around to deposit her onto it. Her form sliding a bit, but you eventually need to extend your wings out and wiggle your body a tiny bit. This wakes her up enough to have her roll the rest of the way onto the bed, her hoof grabbing the sheets and pulling it over herself as she goes back to sleep.
"Heh, she must be tired."
Winter comments quietly, trotting up to stand next to you.
"You sure she couldn't use you as a bed tonight?" Winter asks you jokingly.

What do you do?
We lean into him, unafraid to put a lot of our weight into it.
"Not sure I'd be that comfortable. I'll probably be a teddy bear compared to her before long, knowing my luck."
Poking at his side with a wing, though our tail caresses his foreleg.
"If I do that then we wouldn't have the chance to have any fun together winter. Don't miss out on an opportunity here".
You simply lean into him, unafraid to put a lot of your weight into him.
"Not sure I'd be that comfortable. I'll probably be a teddy bear compared to her before long, knowing my luck."
You then poke his side with your wing, though your tail still caresses his foreleg.
"Got to enjoy it while you can then," He jokes before getting serious, "And don't sell yourself like that, we won't know until she starts growing."
He then leads you out of your room, gently closing the door behind the two of you. Looking over at you, he speaks a little louder.
"Is there anything you want to do tonight," Winter asks, "I was just planning to watch a movie if you don't have anything."

What do you do?
Technically true and suitably flirty if just an example, but we'd probably do something with Nocturne if we were gonna do something currently. At least, there was some discussion of that, last I recall
"I never said her growing up bigger than me was a bad thing, just that it was probable. I might join you for movie night, though I made some plans with Nocturne. I've just gotta check if she's still on for that. Though, we could have the herd movie night, if you're not opposed."
'... and I suppose it wouldn't be a bad chance to share some dreams, like Nocty and I promised.'
"I never said her growing up bigger than me was a bad thing, just that it was probable," You tell him, "I might join you for movie night, though I made some plans with Nocturne. I've just gotta check if she's still on for that. Though, we could have a herd movie night, if you're not opposed."
'...And I suppose it wouldn't be a bad chance to share some dreams, like Nocty and I promised.'
"If you have some plans with her then I won't stop you," Winter shrugs, "Though I think a herd movie night could be fun whenever you're done. I think she's in her room right now."

What do you do?
Giving Winter a kiss, and making sure Echo is properly tucked in, we saunter towards Nocturne's room, poking our head (if the door is already open, otherwise we rest listen for a moment before peeking inside sneakily.)

The catnip is in the Nocty's room, and I can see Gael having forgotten about it. Kinda leaning towards movie night as a whole.
"Thanks for the headup Winter. We'll see you soon. Looking forward to all three of us having a lovely time together. We're lovers now after all"!
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
Let's get to Nocturne in that case. A movie with the movie night with the three of us sounds very comfy. Would also be a good opportunity to see for ourselves how Nocturne asking Winter out on dates works out, if she hasn't talked to Winter already. It'll be cute and wholesome interaction on some level, I bet.
Giving Winter a kiss, and checking one more time that Echo is properly tucked in, you head over to Nocturne's room. Finding the door cracked a bit, you open it a bit further and poke your head in.
You find Nocturne on her bed, a hoof tapping away at her Codex. As you stare at her you take in a breath and accidentally inhale a bit of catnip scented air from the catnip you hid in her room earlier. Your quiet snort causes her ears to twitch before she looks over at you and gives you a smile.
"There you are, I've been waiting for a bit." She smiles.

What do you do?
Fly over to her, nuzzle her face, and embrace Nocturne by wrapping your wings and claws around her."I miss you, you know I'm so happy to see you again".
We smile a bit bashfully as we step inside, making our way over to the bed and joining her on it. Feeling just the slightest bit giddy from the catnip, we lay half a wing across her back as our tail drapes itself across her haunches, losing ourself in her eyes for a beat.
"Sorry about that, by the time I flew back, Echo had to be picked up and the streets seemed a bit rough, so me, Wint, and Junk all went to pick her up together. What have you been up to?"
You smile a bit bashfully as you step inside, making your way over to the bed and joining her on it. Feeling just the slightest bit giddy from the catnip, you nuzzle her face and lay a half wing across her back as your tail drapes itself across her haunches, losing yourself in the pink Bat Pony's eyes for a moment.
"Sorry about that, by the time I flew back, Echo had to be picked up and the streets seemed a bit rough, so me, Wint, and Junk all went to pick her up together. What have you been up to?"
"Oh, not a lot, just looking at some of my favorite music artists," She replies, "And I thought you went to get Echo, so don't worry about it. It's good you brought some of the stallions with you as well, lot of things have been happening in the city lately."
Putting her Codex down, she then looks over at you, her tail curling itself around your rump as she leans into you a bit.
"Did you want to do what we were talking about earlier~?"

What do you do?
Seeing that subtle shift in attitude from our friend Nocty, we stare with slightly wider eyes and much redder cheeks, a soft purr rumbling through our body and out our parted beak as we remember just how hot we were feeling a couple hours ago.
'Damn it, Nocty. I can't even blame the catnip.'
"Maybe, probably wouldn't be hard to persuade me, though Winter brought up doing a movie night, and I was kinda interested in making it a herd thing. I've also kinda had that dream promise in the back of my head too."
"Does this answer your question Nocty"?! You give the pink bat pony a deep passionate kiss"Mmmph"! Stroking her mane as you tenderly show her your genuine affection for the nocturnal mare.
Perhaps... I was thinking perhaps a small change of plans? Winter offered a movie night with the both of us. Not sure if you want be part of that. We can still add in some fun. Doubt Winter will mind if we temp him down that road. Would also be a good time to talk about those dates, if you haven't already.
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
[/spoiler]Tried to play Space Marine II, keeps crashing on the starting cutscene. It apparently needs to be on an SSD rather than my HD which is just strange to met.
Guess I have to wait another 2 hours to see if it works![/spoiler]
Was thinking of having Nickle join as well, but realized we've not done anything with just Winter and Nocturne, have we.

Night, Pluto!
An SSD is generally good to have, but it really shouldn't be a requirement (at least, not by design)
Yeah, felt like it was time to give these three a bit of their own moment. Moreso to focus on Winter.
Will have to see what movies are available, since that could set the tone of things. Immediate thoughts are something reminiscent of Nocturne's mech dream, a robocop analog, some other 80s action analog, or even just some Super centric action comedy. Could probably opt for spicier versions of the films even, though the gOOd Eromancer (TGN porn parody) comes to mind as well.
Probably something more on the relaxed than anything spicy. Just to create a comfy atmosphere and to make sure that Nocturne asking Winter for dates is less due to arousal and more on personal emotions.
We sort of had a date with him following the job with Jackson, at the bar, so a date with Nocturne would be good. Could hang out with Nickle around the same time. I know Winter is more into Gael than Nocturne on an emotional level, so it probably depends on how they both feel. Though, considering Nocturne has had certain expectations for the evening, she might tease and push for something to happen, the playful escalation that may happen anyway. Could see her playing matchmaker for the evening, considering Gael getting some action has been on the back of her mind for a while.
Don't see Winter turning down Nocturne on the dating front. She's attractive, known him as long as we have, and it's just something Winter genuinely didn't consider before. What comes after can go a lot of ways in terms of playful escalation in both Nocturne and Gael's minds.
Seeing the subtle shift in her attitude, you stare with slightly wider eyes and much redder cheeks, a soft purr rumbling through your body and out of your parted beak as you remember just how hot you were feeling only a few hours ago.
'Damn it, Nocty. I can't even blame the catnip.'
Hearing Nocturne giggle a little followed by giving you a smirk brings you back.
"Maybe, probably wouldn't be hard to persuade me... I was thinking perhaps a small change of plans?"
"Is that so?"
"Yeah, Winter offered a movie night with the both of us. Not sure if you want to be part of that. We can still add in some fun. Doubt Winter would mind if we tempt him down that road. Would also be a good time to talk about those dates, if you haven't already."
She looks up at the ceiling in thought before nodding.
"Sure, I think that would be fun," She smiles, "Some quality time with him."

What do you do?
Smiling sincerely, we throw a foreleg around her and nuzzle her neck, purring into it, a part of us wondering if she's gonna starting to smell of catnip herself before long. The tip of our tail grazes back and forth along her thigh, just below her cutie mark.
"I've been spending a lot of time with him, but I don't want to hog him all to myself, you know. Plus, how often have you guys hung out when it's not all four of us lately? Doesn't have to be a huge thing, just you two enjoying some time together."
With some effort, and in spite of our relaxed grip, we manage to pry ourself off the bat mare. Picking up her Codex, we glance between it and her, rather obviously curious how she had been entertaining herself before we walked in, though we just hand it to her.
(Assuming we aren't delayed) Hopping off the bed with a spring in our step, we walk off giddly, knowing the sight of Nocturne might tempt us to stay just a little longer, tail briefly flicking in a slightly loopy pattern on account of the mild nip exposure.
"I'll let Winter know we'll be joining him, and prep some snacks, feel free to join us when you're ready.
This is good.
Smiling sincerely at her, you throw a leg around her and nuzzle her neck, a part of you wondering if she's gonna start to smell of catnip herself before too long. The tip of your tail grazes back and forth along her thigh, just below her cutie mark which gets her to twitch the area a bit.
"I've been spending a lot of time with him, but I don't want to hog him all to myself. Plus, how often have you guys hung out when it's not all four of us lately?"
"Not... very often." She admits.
"Doesn't have to be a huge thing, just you two enjoying some time together."
"Yeah, that sounds good," She nods, "Just the two of us enjoying some time together."
With some effort, and in spite of your relaxed grip, you manage to pry yourself off of the bat mare. Reaching over, you pick up her Codex and glance between it and her, Nocturne just looking at you with a slight smirk. A bit curious on how she had been entertaining herself before you came in, but you just hand it back to her.
With that, you hop off the bed with a spring in your step, moving away from her knowing the sight of her might tempt you to stay just a little longer, tail briefly flicking in a slightly loopy pattern on account of the mild nip exposure.
"I'll let Winter know we'll be joining him, and prep some snacks, feel free to join us when you're ready."
"I'll be there in a few minutes."
You step out of the room and go over to Winter's room, poking your head in to find him on his bed, a remote in hoof as he flips through the TV.

What do you do?
'Might need to pry into what Nocty's been looking at. Could also show her the picture I sent Nickle.'
We wait a few moments to see if he'll notice us before taking a quick picture of him with our Codex, eventually drumming our claws against the door with a grin.
"Movie night is on. I'm gonna make some snacks, and Nocty will join us in a few. Gonna make some popcorn, but did you want anything else?"
'Might need to prey into what Nocty's been looking at. Could also show her the picture I sent Nickle.'
You wait a few moments to see if he'll notice you, but his focus remains on the TV. Seeing that he's distracted you take a quick picture of him with your Codex before drumming your claws against the door, which gets his attention as you give him a grin.
"Movie night is on. I'm gonna make some snacks, and Nocty will join us in a few. Gonna make some popcorn, but did you want anything else?"
"Awesome," He smiles, "I'm not too picky so grab whatever. I do think I have some baby carrots and ranch in the fridge though, so if you could grab those that would be good."

What do you do?
"Can do."
Backing up, we take flight, zipping downstairs, and coming up a few minutes later with the carrots and ranch, a container of chopped fruit and melons, and a large bowl of buttered popcorn carefully distributed between our claws as we hover through the air. Our tail hangs straight down, clutching a few cold cans of soda. Stopping at the door to Winter's room again, we push it open with a paw.
Probably a bit fast, but I figured we could skip over chopping fruit and staring at the microwave for a post or two.
"Can do!"
Backing up from the door, you take flight and zip downstairs. A few minutes later you come back up with the carrots and ranch, a container of chopped fruit and melons, and a large bowl of buttered popcorn carefully balanced between your claws as you hover through the air. Your tail hangs straight down, clutching a couple cold cans of soda. Stopping at the door to Winter's room once more, you push it open with a paw.
He looks over and seeing you gets up and trots over to you, taking some of the items from you and setting them near the bed, hovering along to do the same. Once you're all sorted he lays back down on his bed and shuffles to the side a bit, patting at a space next to him with a hoof for you.

What do you do?
Tossing a piece of popcorn in our beak, we settle down beside Winter in that spot, a wing extending across his back and our tail laying across his, mimicking our earlier position with Nocturne.
'I could go on Winter's back, but it's not just me and him this evening.'
"So, have you decided what we should watch?"
Any ideas on what movie to watch? Was thinking something more on the light side.
Make sure there's room for Nocture to go on the other side of Winter.
''How about an action-pack movie, Winter so we can all enjoy a thriller scene on the big screen filled with explosions, high speed chase going throughout the city, and lots of fighting and destruction''!
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
Tossing a piece of popcorn into your beak, you settle down next to Winter in that spot, a wing extending across his back and your tail laying across his, mimicking the earlier position you had with Nocturne. Smiling, Winter stretches a foreleg over you in return.
'I could go on Winter's back, but it's not just me and him this evening.'
"Any ideas on what movie to watch? Was thinking something more on the light side, or maybe a action packed movie."
"Not much around right now," He says, "On the light side, I did find this sci-fi movie."
He switches over to it. It's called Message Received and it's a movie about Ponies having first contact with aliens though it isn't an alien invasion disaster movie, it's about the potential drama and reaction to first contact.

What do you do?
"Hmm I see You think Nocty might like it".
Tilting our head curiously, we hum, checking the rating.
"Seems like it could be neat. Haven't seen it before. Have you?"
Fucking technical difficulties
Tilting your head curiously, you hum as you look over at the ratings.
'...Four and a half stars.'
"Seems like it could be neat. Haven't seen it before. Have you?"
"I've heard of it, but I haven't seen it," He shakes his head, "I've heard good things about it."
"You think Nocty might like it?"
"You guys found something?"
As you ask Winter if Nocturne will like it the pink Bat Pony arrives, smiling at the two of you as she trots over to the bed.

What do you do?
"Yeah, a sci-fi movie that winter found on the light side it has four and a half stars and it's called Message Received. Ever watched that before Nocturne? If not then great come on over here and snuggle with us all cozy like. So all three of us can enjoy our first herd movie night. Perhaps we could try teasing one another during the movie to make the night nite special and memorable". You suggested showing off your most flirtatious stare at the pink bat mare with your eyebrows wiggling
"Yeah, Wint found some sort of first contact Sci-Fi movie. Haven't even seen what the aliens look like yet. Seems like it's fairly chill, and got good reviews, both oral and online. Now come on, get that pink flank up here!"
Stretching our wing out more, we pat the space on the other side of Winter. The moment she's settled down, our tail tangles itself in both their tails. The moment she's settled in, we urge Winter to go ahead and press the play button, seeing as the studio credits will take up the first few minutes anyway, and we can chat a little over those.
"Yeah, a sci-fi movie that Winter found about some sort of first contact. Haven't even seen what the aliens look like yet. Seems fairly chill, and has good reviews, both oral and online. Now come on, get that pink flank up here!"
Stretching your wing out even more, you pat the space on the other side of Winter. Nocturne moves to the other side of the bed and slides next to Winter, giving the stallion a small smile as she settles in. Once she is, your tail immediately tangles itself in both of their tails. With everyone here, Winter gets the movie started, the studio credits starting up.
"Ever watched Message Received, Nocturne?" You ask her.
"No, but Nickle has," She replies, "He was talking about it a while ago and saying some pretty good stuff about it."
She then looks over at the two of you.
"He didn't spoil anything about it, so I'm going in blind."

What do you do?
Brushing our wing over her back affectionately, we withdraw it for now, picking up a small piece of fruit to suckle on as we watch the screen.
"Suppose we should see what all the fuss is about then."
'Should let them both settle in, since Winter is between a hen and a mare, and Nocty just got here. Probably should plant the seed of them going on a date before we get distracted, but gotta also just enjoy the movie.'
With a few different sources of excitement racing through our mind, we can't help shifting on our hindlegs subconsciously.
This. Not relevant to the vote now, but we should definitely sit back once the date convo between comes up, whether Gale or Nocture first bring it up. The matter centered around them without us interfering or influencing Winter's choice on the matter.
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
You too
Morning, Pluto!
Brushing your wing over her back affectionately, you move it away for now, picking up a small piece of fruit to suckle on as you watch the screen.
"Suppose we should see what all the fuss is about then."
'Should let them both settle in, since Winter is between a hen and a mare, and Nocty just got here. Probably should plant the seed of them going on a date before we get distracted, but gotta also just enjoy the movie.'
With a few different sources of excitement racing through your mind, you can't help yourself from shifting on your hind legs subconsciously.
"So Nickle has seen it before?" Winter asks her, a slight blush on his face despite having been in a relationship with both of you for a bit.
"Mmhmm, said it was pretty good," She nods, "Have you seen it before, big guy?"
"I've only heard about it," He shakes his head, "But, I'm excited to see what's in store."

What do you do?
Just let those two keep discussing the movie amongst each other as you swipe up a can of cola and quickly open it in a snap with your claws slurp it up like a champion chug chug chug that liquid.
We echo Winter's sentiment, after swallowing, eyes still mostly on the screen as it slowly zooms out on a cluster of stars. We still catch his blush in our peripheral vision easily enough. 'It's cute that he still blushes just from being close to us. Gotta wonder how he feels about Nocty and I calling him big guy, considering we're now both more familiar with his girth... well, he's probably so used to us calling him that, that he hasn't made any sort of connection there yet.'
Slipping a claw under one of his forelegs, we begin stroking passively stroking a fetlock.
"I didn't even get a look at the cast, though I wouldn't know anyone that isn't a big name."

How much are we supposed to dictate/lay out what's happening on screen? I can write some stuff, but don't want to deviate or detract from the other scene. Only active thought for the moment is the female lead looking a bit like Nocturne, and then using that to springboard off into encouraging Winter and Nocturne to talk. That, and teasing Nickle about it later.
Start gigling.
"Big guy? I noticed you've been calling him a big lug or big guy recently. That your new nickname for him?"
Smile and in anticipation for her answer.
You don't have to if you don't want to cause I'll write it out, but if you want to add stuff or dictate something that happens then I'm fine with that.

You giggle a little.
"Big guy? I noticed you've been calling him a big lug or big guy recently. That your new nickname for him?"
"Yep, cause he's a big guy," She smiles, looking over at Winter, "You alright with that?"
"I have no problems with it."
You smile at this after swallowing, eyes still mostly on the screen as it slowly zooms out on a cluster of stars. You still catch his blush in your peripheral vision though.
'It's cute that he still blushes just from being close to us. Guess we know how he feels about Nocty and I calling him big guy, despite both of us now being more familiar with his girth... well, he must be used to us calling him that, or he hasn't made any sort of connection to down there yet.'
Slipping a claw down underneath one of his forelegs, you begin to stroking one of his fetlocks passively. His leg tenses for a moment before relaxing.
"I didn't even get a look at the cast, though I wouldn't know anyone that isn't a big name."
"I haven't either," Winter replies, "We can see if we can pick out anyone famous though."
"That could be a fun game." Nocturne smiles.
Turning back to the movie, the stars fade out into a pair of closed eyes. After a few seconds the eyes open to show a pair of golden, slitted Bat Pony eyes, the eyes looking around in confusion before looking forward and widening in surprise. The scene changes to show a light brown Bat Pony mare with a long black mane standing in a void filled with stars and colored gasses and across the void from her is a golden colored ball of light, similar to the color of the mare's eyes, the light slowly increasing and decreasing in intensity, almost pulsing. The mare just stares at it in surprise, unsure of what to do.
"...Voop, Voop... Woop."
The golden light suddenly pulses rapidly, releasing a series of noises that sound like a series of bassy beeps. After several seconds it repeats the pulsing and beeps, pulsing in the same rhythm. The mare blinks, mesmerized by what's in front of her as she begins to slowly reach her right hoof out to the light, but before anything can happen.

The scene is replaced by a carpeted floor as the Bat Mare, apparently called Nova, lands on the floor on her back, a pair of large wireless headphones falling to the floor an inch from her. With a pained groan, Nova slowly sits up and looks over at a large white and red male Griffon with green eyes, a cup of coffee in one of his claws as he looks down at her.
"...Hey, Gavrel," Nova yawns. looking over at Gavrel tiredly, "What's going on?"
"What's going on is that I found you asleep, again," He tells her, "I know this job can be boring, but I didn't think it would be THAT boring to you."
Nova yawns again as she gets up. While she does that Gavrel gets closer and leans down to pick up the wireless headphones for her.
"I know, just was expecting more... exciting stuff, not..."
"Beeps and boops?"
"Yeah, beeps and boops."
"SETI has been trying for almost 200 years and all we've found is beeps and boops," Gavrel replies, offering the headphones to her, "Speaking of, anything more than that for you today?"
Blinking her tired eyes as she continues to try and wake up, Nova takes the headphones and sits back down in her chair, in front of a large computer with different switches and knobs all around it with the computer monitor displaying some pixelated sphere. Putting the headphones back on, she turns a few knobs with a hoof, the sphere on the monitor turning into a clear image of a gas giant with several bands circling around it. Through her head phones a sound starts to come through.
"...Voop, voop... Woop... Voop, voop... Woop... Voop, voop... Woop..."
Sighing in disappointment, Nova takes off the headphones and looks over at Gavrel.
"Just another repeating signal from a gas giant."
"Another one to the list then," Gavrel dryly chuckles, "I saw that you were monitoring this one planet for two hours so I thought you had something."
"Shit... have I really been asleep for that long?"
"Yep, and it's 9 in the evening now."
Nova leans back in her chair and runs a hoof over her tired face.
"And I still have to log this even though it's nothing!"

What do you do?
'Huh, if Winter and I had chicks, they'd probably look a little like that.'
Stuffing our beak with some popcorn, we pretend we did not have that thought, and silently pray the others don't make the same observation, though we mostly end up just staring at the male Griffon when he shows up. Grabbing some more, we pause and narrow our eyes at the Bat mare, as if that will help what we can clearly already see. Sitting up, we whisper in Winter's ear.
"She kinda looks like Nocty, doesn't she? Beyond the obvious parts. Same snout, jaw, and cheeks. Eyes and lips are a little different."
Flicking our head in her direction, we encourage him to confirm our findings.
Will try to add a bit if I get the chance then. Seems neat so far.
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
'Huh, if Winter and I had chicks they'd probably look a little like that.'
Stuffing your beak full of popcorn, you pretend that you didn't have that thought, silently praying the others didn't make the same observation, though you mostly just stare at the male Griffon when he shows up on the screen. Grabbing a bit more, you pause and narrow your eyes at the Bat mare, as if that'll help with what you can already see clearly. You sit up and whisper into Winter's ear.
"She kinda looks like Nocty, doesn't she? Beyond the obvious parts. Same snout, jaw, and cheeks. Eyes and lips are a little different."
You then flick your head in her direction, encouraging him to confirm your findings. He glances over at Nocturne and then back at Nova, whispering back to you a few seconds later.
"...She actually does look a lot like her. That's an interesting coincidence."
You turn back to the movie, watching the next few minutes of it.
Nova lets her hoof flop onto one of the legrests of the chair, taking in a deep breath as she looks over at Gavrel.
"Did Six Dice notice or..."
"I think he suspected something, but I distracted him with something so he never wandered over to check."
At this, Nova lets out a relieved sigh.
"Cool, thanks for that. Is he still here?"
"No, he left thirty minutes ago," Gavrel shakes his head, "And no problem, but I can't keep covering you. One day he'll find you like that again and he won't be happy."
"Yeah, but he'll probably just reprimand me again like last time," She waves it off with a hoof before relaxing a bit, "...You said it's around nine, right?"
"Nine at night, yep."
Nova relaxes for a few more seconds before it gets replaced by realization and then panic, her wings extending and flapping once to bring her into the air where she then quickly glides to the ground.
"Fuck me, I'm late!"
"Late for what?"
"I agreed to go on a date that started fifteen minutes ago, shit," She curses, "Maybe he'll still be there... Gavrel, could you log that for me?"
"Nova, you know I have my own work to do."
"I'll get you a coffee tomorrow if you do it for me!"

What do you do?
"What do you guys think will happened at the date? Think some kinda of alien attack or encounter might interrupt them"!
"Can you pause the movie real quick? I think I forgot to prepare a snack that I missed out for us. Hopefully shouldn't take too long!"
Give a quick glance to Nocturne before setting off. In reality, we'll just stand out of eyesight from them to overhear and briefly look at how it's going.

Need to give space for them to talk without our presence to guide things. Hopefully the conversation go well and end up being sweet.
"She might look like Nocty, but she's sounding more like me."
We mumble to ourself, the thought somewhat amusing. We glance between Gavrel and Winter as the former steps off screen, staring blankly at the tv as we briefly consider what he might look like as a Griffon, something we've pondered once or twice.
'Maybe an albatross? A dove would suit him, but probably too soft and small in terms of features. Definitely a lion though, no doubt.'
Still following along with the movie as our thoughts wonder, we can't help positing a silly, though plausible possibility comes to mind.
"Odds on her having a relationship with an alien and the colt she's meeting up with is either said alien, or part of the antagonist group?"
As we think more on the topic of dates, we recall intending to help Nocty and Winter get one set up. We curse to ourself for not laying beside Nocty so we could talk to her and coordinate.

Legitimately enjoying the B plot so far, I don't want to mess with it, really. A Unicorn might work as her date, depending on how he is to be presented (snobbish aristocrat vs humble heir)

Seconding, pausing on the topic of the date opens the possibility for discussion there. Though, I think it's unsubtle in a wait that suits Gael, particularly if she's scampering off excitedly.
So, I was intending on writing more than one post tonight, but I am tired as hell and it's hard to write anything.
Have a good night!
Morning, Pluto!
"She might look like Nocty, but she's sounding more like me."
You mumble quietly to yourself, the thought somewhat amusing to you. You glance between Gavrel and Winter as the former heads off screen, staring blankly up at the TV as you briefly consider what he might look like as a Griffon, something that you've pondered once or twice at this point.
'Maybe an albatross? A dove would suit him, but probably too soft and small in terms of features. Definitely a lion though, no doubt.'
You keep following along with the movie though, watching Nova quickly leave the large SETI building and head into the parking lot, mounting a red colored motorcycle where she then takes a quick glance at the night sky before revving the engine and driving off.
"Odds on her having a relationship with an alien and the colt she's meeting up with is either said alien, or part of the antagonist group?"
"I bet he'll be part of an antagonist group." Nocturne smiles.
"I don't know, could be a disguised alien." Winter comments.
As you think about the topic of dates, you recall intending to help Nocturne and Winter get one set up. Cursing yourself for not laying beside Nocturne so that you could talk with her you instead sit up.
"Can you pause the movie real quick? I think I forgot to prepare a snack I missed out for us. Hopefully shouldn't take too long!"
"Uh, sure."
Winter pauses the movie while you get up, giving a quick glance at Nocturne where she just gives you a tiny nod back. You then exit the room, but rather than heading to the kitchen you stand just out of eyesight behind the door to overhear and look at how things are going, watching the two of them lay there for a while before Nocturne speaks up.

"...Winter, could I ask you something?"
"Go ahead."
"We've been together in this herd for some time, we've done a lot of things together already and already went on a date, though I suppose that was more of a double date," She starts, "But saying all that, we haven't done too much together."
Winter blinks at this and looks over at her.
"...Right, please don't take this as a slight against you, cause you're a beautiful and wonderful mare, Nocturne. I know we're in a herd, but I spent a long time watching you and Nickle and I... feel like I would just step in between the two of you.
"None taken," Nocturne says to him, "I assume Gael is another reason as well?"
He doesn't say anything, just silently nodding to Nocturne at this. Watching him, Nocturne shuffles closer to him.
"Winter, herds are there for everyone to be able to love each other. Nickle came into this knowing that you'll be here and if he didn't want that he wouldn't have agreed to it. Hell, even Gael did as well knowing that I'm in here as well. They both accepted this, so Nickle won't be mad at you for being with me and Gael won't be mad at you either. In fact, I think they would both be happy to see us, so you shouldn't be scared to try things with me."
"I know and you're a great mare, but it still worries me a bit."
"Then... how about this," Nocturne starts, rolling onto her stomach to look at him better as she gives him a gentle smile, "Winter, I want to go on a date with you, just you and me. And if it helps we can ask Nickle and Gael about it, I'm sure they'll both be absolutely fine with it."
Winter blinks again at this, a blush growing on his face as he thinks her proposal over.

What do you do?
Continue being at a distance as we wait for Winter's answer.
Keep watching to see winter's response careful not to make any sounds and ruin the moment.
'Say yes, you adorable dumb lug! Kiss the mare! Just, feel things out!'
Biting our knuckle, we shake a little with anticipation as we silently encourage him to consider it, resisting the temptation to stop time, go in there, and whisper reassurances and approval in his ear.
You silently keep watching to see Winter's response, being careful not to make any sounds and ruin the moment.
'Say yes, you adorable dumb lug! Kiss the mare! Just, feel things out!''
Realizing that a quiet sound is rumbling in your throat you bite down on a knuckle, shaking in anticipation as you silently encourage him to consider it, resisting the temptation to just stop time, go in there, and whisper reassurances and approvals in his ear.
"Yeah... yeah, I would be happy to," He finally confirms, "A-As long as you do... help me."
Nocturne's smile widens at this, leaning up to give him a kiss on the cheek.
"Then we'll do that~."
Winter's blush gets a little brighter at this, looking down at Nocturne before giving her a small smile of his own.

What do you do?
A faint but very happy trill slips past our knuckle, even as our red cheeks turn a little redder, not being immune to the inflection in Nocturne's voice despite not being her target.
'Dear Luna, I'm gonna start purring again at this rate!'
(Optional mid part, assuming they (mostly Nocty) don't immediately call us in, or are clearly about to start cuddling/are losing themselves in each other eyes)
Driven by impulse, we freeze time in the room, slip inside the bubble, and rejoin the duo on Winter's bed. Taking a quick snapshot of the beautiful scene in sepia, we extend our wings fully and wrap them around our herdmates, hugging them tight as we pepper them with a few light kisses along their necks, pulling away before we do anything more than that. We don't pop the bubble until we're already downstairs.
Coming back upstairs a minute or so later with a small bowl of chocolate chips, we poke our head in quietly before taking our place on the bed once more.
Would showing up to tell Winter that we would've approved anyway be too much? Not sure if revealing that we were listening be treated as a bad thing. Maybe embarrassing to Winter at most.
Winter and Nocturne are going to discuss the date with us and Nickle (based on Nocturne's suggestion), so we'll get the chance to make our approval clear soon enough. Winter is clever enough to know we facilitated this in part, and probably listened, my only concern is intruding if they're having a moment.
True. Better to give them time to discuss it. Shame we'll miss out on the date talk.
Why not just continue spying on their moment, even if Winter is suspicious.
We might not, depending on how much talking they actually do.

We could continue to spy, regardless of his suspicion, but there is only so much we can actually do while spying, and we can't leave Pluto to do all the writing.
>we can't leave Pluto to do all the writing.
Isn't that going to happen regardless of us being there? The only difference being that Pluto will need to write Winter and Nocturne explaining what happened and what they plan for on their date.
Yes and no: I was more picturing an extreme scenario, where we simply 'sat around' for a few posts, observing and doing little else as they work through stuff and/or flirt. It would likely only be one post though.
Coming back could mean stumbling in on something, but if they talk, we may receive what conclusions they've made so far in a briefer format, and directly react in the moment, providing something to build off.
A faint, but very happy trill slips past your knuckle, even as your red cheeks turn a little redder, not being immune to the inflection in Nocturne's voice despite not being her target.
'Dear Luna, I'm gonna start purring again at this rate!'
Still smiling at her, Winter hesitates for a moment before wrapping his forelegs around her and bring her closer to him. Nocturne hugs him back where the two start to cuddle.
Drive forward by impulse, you freeze time in the room and slip inside the bubble to rejoin the duo on the bed. Taking a quick snapshot of the beautiful scene in sepia, you extend your wings out fully and wrap them around the two of them, hugging them both tightly as you pepper them with a few kisses along their necks. You eventually pull away before you're able to do anything more than that, not popping the bubble until you're already downstairs.
Taking your time, you come back up a few minutes later with a small bowl of chocolate chips, poking your head in quietly to see the two of them still cuddling. Nocturne notices you though, her head lifting up a bit as she speaks.
"You can come in, Gael."

What do you do?
Fighting to keep our smile from becoming a massive grin, we step inside and close the door behind us with a paw, joining them on the bed once more. Anticipating Winter might get a little embarrassed with our return and inch away from cuddling, we position ourself strategically: directly against his back/side so he can't simply roll or squirm away, with a wing stretched as far over both of them as we can reach, a claw briefly rubbing his back.
"Sorry, I just wanted a little sweet to go with the salty popcorn. Did I miss anything?"
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
TGN Pantheon stuff, possible "explanation" for how Star Chaser and Girnes come about.
>Pallas overlooked the grand celebration of Radonitsa with a slight pout, inspite of the many blessed couples engaged in revelry, a personal record in numbers, faith, and love as a whole
>To see so many of them outshone by a chance tryst between the king of a secluded nation, a dragon-blooded mare far from home, and a hermit necromancer, that had only just begun to blossom in the last week... WITHOUT HER BLESSING...
>It was disheartening that her temple might feel so unwelcoming, especially to an odd group such as them
>Generatons of planning, matchmaking, and hardship, outdone by a once in a thousand lifetimes chance encounter, a spark she may never witness again...
>It took most of the festival, but groveling before Mymora and Melia for permission to bless their 'daughters', appealing to the former's sense of passion and the latter's interest in the particular necromancer, and visiting both Agaue and her 'aunt' in another pantheon, Akka, had been worth it
>Pallas had been nervous about blessing the deer king, given his already blessed lineage, but as soon as Akka had heard her idea, she had volunteered to 'make Ukko see things my way'
>Agaue and Melia were, somewhat at odds, yet also unified in their compassion
>In the end, she might not have been able to create the spark, but she was going to do anything and everything she could to ensure it becomes an unbreakable bond
>Hannu awoke with a groan, no memory past leaving Sibashika with Dawyn and Luscinia for their camp, pleasure and the ache of strain all that he could feel
>Lifting his head, he recognized the slumbering faces of his lovers, their heads weighing down his thighs with their muzzles less than an inch away from either side of his half erect buckhood
>Which would mean his forelegs were pinned under their bodies, including their slightly swollen bellies, making the pillows his head was resting on Luscinia's teats
>Something impossible to mistake tickled his nose in the small tent, eliciting another groan, though he couldn't feel dread or remorse, just a sense of wonder and love
>He silently thanked the gods as a whole, both his and theirs, unable to think of another explanation for the slight golden glow that he'd spotted drifting like pollen from the remnants of his spilled seed, coupled with the scent of heat diminishing in both mares, especially with the absence of alcohol
>... They'd make it work, somehow
Fighting to keep your smile from becoming a massive grin, you step inside and close the door behind you with a paw, joining the two on the bed once more with a simple flap of your wings. Seeing Winter trying to inch away from the cuddling, you position yourself accordingly: directly against his back so he couldn't roll away, a wing stretched as far over both of them as possible, a claw briefly rubbing his back as you feel the head of his body against your own.
"Sorry, I wanted a little sweet to go with the salty popcorn. Did I miss anything?"
"Mmm, not a lot, just Winter and I talking about something that involves you a bit," Nocturne starts, "Winter, would you like to explain it?"
"Uh, s-sure," He stammers a bit, managing to get himself to look over at you, "Nocturne and I were discussing... me being in the herd and the two of us not doing a whole lot together. Mostly because I'm... nervous about getting between anyone, but Nocturne and I want to go on a date and I was hoping that would be fine... with you."
As he finishes he trails off a bit, clearly nervous about your answer.

What do you do?
Giggling to his nervous response. "Hihihi, does this answer your question, Winter"?! Gael responds by giving the stallion a sweet tender kiss as the Griffin's way of stamp of approval.
Unable to keep from grinning, we let out an amused huff, reaching up to rub his side with a claw as we kiss the back of his neck.
"Fine with me? Winter Wind, you've had my approval since joining the herd, more or less. If you and Nocturne want to go on a date, I'd be your chauffeur and designated driver. If you two want to cuddle, go for it. I've been where you are, and trust me, you're not getting between me, Nickle, and Nocty, you're bringing us together, in your own way."
Nuzzling his neck and head, we manage to peek around him enough to meet his gaze, and seek Nocty, which is right about when the rumbling in our chest is strong enough that we begin to purr. Coughing softly to cover the sound, we draw our head back with a blush.
"A-anyway, we were watching a movie? Unless you guys wanted to chat or chill for a bit."
Unable to keep yourself from grinning, giggle a little and then reach up to rub his side with a claw, kissing the back of his neck and causing him to shiver a little.
"Fine with me? Winter Wind, you've had my approval since joining the herd, more or less. If you and Nocturne want to go on a date, I'd be your chauffer and designated driver," You tell him, "If you two want to cuddle, go for it. I've been where you are, and trust me, you're not getting between me, Nickle, and Nocty, you're bringing us together in your own way."
"I told you," Nocturne replies from the other side, "Gael joined in on this and she's absolutely fine with it. Do you feel better?"
"...Y-Yeah, I do," He nods after a moment, "Thank you, both of you."
Nuzzling his neck and head as he smiles, you manage to peek around him enough to meet his warm gaze, and see past him to get a look at Nocturne, which is right when the rumbling in your chest is strong enough that you begin to purr audibly. Coughing softly to cover the sound up, you draw your head back with a blush.
"A-Anyway, we were watching a movie? Unless you guys wanted to chat or chill for a bit."
"We can get back to that, though if you two want to cuddle or something I wouldn't mind," Winter replies, "And I suppose there is nothing stopping us from doing both."

What do you do?
"Then we're do both. And if you want we can add in a few kisses towards one another if you like or better yet the three of us could makeout all together this is a herd movie night so we should make this night special right Nocty"?!
We don't have to put much thought into the decision, rubbing the tip of our wing over Nocturne's side before pulling ourself on top of Winter, seeing as him moving away from Nocturne is as much of a concern, where we wind up straddle his side.
"If you roll onto your back, Nocturne and I could huddle together on you, and we could cuddle and watch the movie like that. Unless you had another position in mind."
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
Sorry this is a bit late, but I don't think I'll be able to post today. Should be able to tomorrow.
All good, looking forward to when you can.
No problem Pluto daze take your time go at your own pace we're not rushing you it's your thread after all. Plus I'm excited to see these three having a sexy time together in their herd movie night!
We can do both, but first, I would like to see a kiss from you two. It has been a while~"
It's better to cuddle and slowly start kissing as the mood gets better. Talking about starting to kiss immediately seems like a very odd move.
You don't put a whole lot of thought into the decision, rubbing the tip of your wing over Nocturne's side before pulling yourself on top of Winter, ending up straddling his side with this.
"If you roll onto your back, Nocturne and I could huddle together on you, and we could cuddle and watch the movie like that. Unless you had another position in mind."
"I don't really have another in mind, so..."
With a rather simple movement, he rolls himself onto his back, now waiting for the two of you.

What do you do?
Anticipating the motion, we lift a hindleg and cling to Winter's side for a moment before allowing ourself to slide across his chest. Our smile melts into surprise pretty quick though as we slip further than intended, having to pull our head back slightly as we wind up chest to chest with Nocturne, clinging to her out of reflex. "... H-hey."
Our tail wraps around one of Winter's hindlegs
Anticipating the motion, you lift a hind leg and cling to Winter's side for a moment before allowing yourself to slide across his chest. Your smile melts into surprise pretty quick though as you slip further than you intended, having to pull your head back slightly as you wind up chest to chest with Nocturne and cling to her out of reflex.
"...H-Hey." You stammer, not noticing your tail wrapping itself around one of Winter's hind legs.
"Hey yourself," Nocturne smirks, "Decided to come see me really quick?"
She then gives you a quick peck on the beak. Meanwhile, Winter is watching this as his hind leg shifts a little, accidentally tugging on your tail slightly.

What do you do?
I was a bit busy and couldn't reply sooner, I meant Nocturne and Winter kiss. We've kissed winter plenty, the only time I recall Nocturne kissing Winter was when all four had herd sex.
>>41466437(me) forgot to reply to the second half of the comment.
The ask for them to kiss was intended to show we're not bothered by the two to get involved romantically, and encourage it. But I missed my chance to argue my post, and it got ignored.
What no more heroes thread was that on can you tell me I haven't seen that before?
Still processing how to respond to Nocturne with a steadily growing, the unexpected tug sends a tingle up our spine with a quiet gasp, our wings lifting an inch in response. Still staring at the bat mare with our heart thumpingnin our chest, a gentle squeeze and stroke of our tail confirms who and what we've 'grabbed'. Calming our nerves, we smile at our marefriend, whispering to her.
"Maybe. Though, I think I know someone who could use a little of that attention himself."

NTA, but that's a good point, should definitely encourage some stuff between them.

It's in the middle of some spicy stuff, but this is the first mention (specifically that I could find, not in general) of Winter and Nocturne kissing.
Thank you!
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Night, Pluto!
The difference between asking the kiss before is that it was after sex, and something they should of shared and experienced by now. Here, there's no mood built up to it yet, much less an environment that matches the one with afterglow of sex. Telling Winter and Nocturne to just kiss to get it over is just awkward and goes against solidifying their relationship naturally.

The best thing to do is to just build up an actual romantic environment for them to share together in a natural way, even if we'll be participating in this cuddle session.
Still trying to figure out how to respond to Nocturne with something steadily growing within you, the unexpected tug sends a tingle way up your spine as you let out a quiet gasp, your wings lifting up an inch in response. Still staring at the Bat mare with your heart thumping in your chest, a gentle squeeze and stroke of your tail confirms who and what you've grabbed. Calming your nerves down, you smile at Nocturne, whispering to her.
"Maybe. Though, I think I know someone who could use a little of that attention himself."
Nocturne nods with a smile, pushing you gently onto Winter's chest so she could slide next to him. There, she gives him a chaste kiss to the cheek which causes Winter to blush, but he still smiles at the gesture.
"There, we all comfy now?" Nocturne asks.

What do you do?
Not relinquishing our grasp of Nocturne or Winter, we nod as we spread a wing across both of them like a blanket, even if it isn't quite sufficient for one.
"Yeah. I believe Nova was heading to meet up with her date."
Snuggle and nuzzle our two lovers even deeper and passion as we continue enjoy watching the movie in this position."I love hugging you guys so much I hope we get to do more things like this more often in the future and that we're always stay together! I can't imagine my life without any of you guys in it. I'm so glad we met that day when we were young"!
Why are we making grand proclamations when the mood is chill cuddling with a movie on?
Hello isn't it obvious it's to let our friends know that we love being with them and that Gael really want this herd relationship to workout between their whole group.
It's obvious for the wrong reasons? The mood isn't romantic enough yet to suddenly bring in mentioning all this from out of nowhere. All of this is sudden and without reason to use it yet. The rule of less is more is also an apparent issue here, especially if we're planning on making grand proclamations.
Sheesh stop worrying about it too much your acting like pragmatist or one of those cynical people there's not wrong admitting our true feelings for our friends. Grow up man!
...Are you that 'cringe anon' from the other cyoas? The one that likes putting several sentences frequently proclaiming love? I swear this is the same dismissal I've heard before when questioned with trying to paint the other side as misguided for not admitting feelings more.
Stopping for the night. Had a DnD session and it was decided to try to end early cause two people had to leave early to do tonight or tomorrow. Both spent 3 hours talking after the session so we could've just had a normal session.
Anyway, have a good night or day!
Night, Pluto!
Not relinquishing your grasp on Nocturne or Winter, you nod your head as you spread a wing across both of them like it's a blanket, even if it isn't even close to being sufficient as one.
"Yeah. I believe Nova was heading to meet up with her date."
Winter resumes the movie and the three of you continue to watch, one of his hooves coming up to wrap around you in return. Nova spends some time driving on her motorcycle, the rural desert area turning into a small, modern town as she rides down a few streets and finally stops in front of a small restaurant, a holographic sign out front advertising: The Taphouse. Once her motorcycle is secured she scrambles through the double doors and looks around frantically before stopping. The camera turning to a stallion sitting in a booth by himself. A sand brown Earth Pony with a black mane and blue eyes looking down at his Codex with a bored expression. Quickly approaching him, the stallion looks up at her, his bored expression becoming a small smile as she takes a seat across from him.
"I'm so sorry I'm late," Nova quickly apologizes, "I was at work and wasn't watching the time! I didn't mean to make you wait that long."
"It's alright, you came over as soon as you could rather than ghosting me," He tells her, "Was everything alright at work?"
"Y-Yeah, just a bit of a long day."

What do you do?
"So, something interesting happen then?"
The stallion asks as he leans forward curiously, to which Nova rolls her eyes and smiles good naturedly, picking up a menu to peruse.
"You know I can't talk about work outside of work, Drift, so I wouldn't be able to say if there was interesting stuff going on. The offer still stands though; if you ever want on, I can get your application in."
Drift (maybe Sand Drift or Drift Wood?) leans back with a smile and a shake of his head.
"No thanks, I've had my head in the stars too much already; I want to focus on what's here on Equus for the moment. The sights, the food, the ponies..."
Reaching across, the Earth Pony caresses Nova's foreleg for a moment.

Outside the TV, we can't help doing the same thing, reaching up with a claw to stroke Winter's foreleg while the other claw grazes Nocturne's back.

Didn't have anything specific in mind, so tried adding to the scene a little.
"So, anything interesting happen then?"
The stallion asks her, leaning towards her curiously. Nova just rolls her eyes at this and smiles, picking up a menu to peruse as she talks.
"You know I can't talk about work outside of it, Drift, so I wouldn't be able to say if there was anything interesting going on," She tells him, her eyes glancing up at him for a moment, "The offer still stands though; if you ever want in, I can get your application in."
Drift Wood leans back into the booth with a smile and a shake of his head at this.
"That's kind of you, but no thanks, I've had my head in the stars too much already; I want to just focus on what's here on Equus at the moment. The sights, the food, the Ponies..."
He then reaches across the table to caress Nova's foreleg for a moment. Nova smiles at this, putting her menu down to return the gesture.
Outside the TV, you can't help but mimic them, reaching up with a claw to stroke Winter's foreleg while the other claw grazes Nocturne's back. Winter lets out a content breath at this while Nocturne stretches a bit at your touch.
"Can't help but follow the call of adventure, huh?" Nova asks playfully.
"You've known that since we met half a year ago." Drift Wood smiles.
"Speaking of that: did your photography trip go well," Nova asks, "You haven't said much about it since you left."
"Cause I wanted to say it in person, but it was great. Got paid to go up to Frozen National Park and take some wildlife and nature photos. I was even able to take my telescope up there, one of the few places where you can still get a great view of the night sky."
He takes his Codex out and starts moving through some photos from her: a view of a massive lake surrounded by snow capped mountains, a Mountain Lion surveying a clearing in the woods from a fallen log, a serene meadow with some of the mountains from the lake in the background, and a view of the clear night sky dotted with countless stars.

What do you do?
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Night, Pluto!
Nova smiles as he shows off his nature collage, forgetting about the menu in favor of admiring his work. Though she glances at the stallion with a raised brow when the Mountain Lion appears, mostly because of how close he must've got for that shot.
"I don't know how you get away with some of these shots, Drift. Next chance I'm getting, I'm coming along."
Looking back down at the Codex, the camera holds on the starry sky for a few moments more, the background noise fading slowly, only to jump back in as Drift Wood pulls it away. We let out a breath we didn't realize we had been holding as Nova shakes off whatever that was and praises her coltfriend.
'... Could almost see this being a date between Nocty and Nicky. A bit suspenseful, but cute so far. Feel like Nocty would-'
On screen, the nearly side profile shot of the booth provides a good view of both ponies, as Nova brushes a rear hoof against one of Drift's under the table, the brief touch enough to make the stallion's ears fold back with the faintest bit of color on his cheek.
'... yeah, I'm seeing a little of them in these two. Though, Winter would probably be similar to Drift after a few dates. I'd be a total mess if she did that, probably.'

Busy day, took a second to think of a post. Feel free to change stuff as needed. Tempted to do something spicy to surprise the trio, but I don't want to push it. Was also tempted to make Drift blush an odd color, hint at him being an alien or something, but seemed improbable without some justification for how he never blushed before then. Then again, Nova could be an alien.
Nova smiles as he shows off his nature collage, forgetting about the menu in favor of admiring his work. Though she gives the stallion a raised brow when the Mountain Lion makes an appearance, mostly because of how close he had to get for that shot.
"I don't know how you get away with some of these shots, Drift. Next chance I'm getting, I'm coming along."
"I've always told you: If you want to come along just tell me."
Nova looks back at his Codex, the camera holding on the starry sky for a few moments, the background noise slowly fading away as one of the stars in the picture flash gold for the briefest of moments, only for everything to come back as Drift Wood pulls the Codex away. You let out a breath you didn't realize you've been holding as Nova shakes her head a bit and praises her coltfriend.
'...Could almost see this being a date between Nocty and Nicky. A bit suspenseful, but cute so far. Feel like Nocty would-'
On the screen, a side profile shot of the booth provides a good view of both Ponies, as Nova brushes a fear hoof against one of Drift's under the table, the brief touch enough to make the stallion's ears fold back with a reddish pink blush.
'...Yeah, I'm seeing a little of them in these two. Though, Winter would probably be similar to Drift after a few dates. I'd be a total mess if she did that, probably.'
After a moment Drift regains his composure and looks over at Nova.
"You got any plans after this?"
"Not really," Nova shakes her head, "I was just going to go home and watching something."
"Maybe after this I could join you and we could watch something together," Drift suggests to her, "I don't have a lot going on myself."

What do you do?
"I'd like that. Been a little while since we hung out, and I've still gotta make up for being late."
Nova shows off her fangs a little with a smile, though a rumble breaks the tension, making her facehoof out of embarrassment, even with a wide smile.
"After I get something to eat: I haven't had anything since lunch."
We speculate as (Nova orders her food/the scene cuts away to a wide shot of Nova driving her motorcycle with Drift hugging her tight, the position making the whole thing look rather intimate.)
'Okay, Nova might actually be me in this case. Between us though, Nocty is the one who can pull it off.'
Leaning to kiss our marefriend's ear, we whisper to her. "Nightmare Night costume? Wouldn't mind helping with the dyes, and we could always take a look at what other things she's been in."
Our tail still clings to Winter's hindleg, not as tightly as before, though as we get a bit excited about the movie and Nightmare Night, we squeeze his thigh in excitement.
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Night, Pluto!
"I'd like that. Been a little while since we hung out together, and I've still gotta make up for being late."
Nova shows off her fangs a little by giving Drift a smile, though a loud rumble breaks the tension, making her facehoof out of embarrassment as Drift Wood chuckles a little.
"After I get something to eat: I haven't had anything since lunch."
You begin to speculate as the scene turns to a wide shot of Nova driving her motorcycle with Drift hugging her tightly from behind, the position making the scene look rather intimate.
'Okay, Nova might actually be me in this case. Between us though, Nocty is the one who can pull it off though.'
Leaning over to kiss your marefriend's ear, you whisper to her.
"Nightmare Night costume? Wouldn't mind helping with the dyes, and we could always take a look at what other things she's been in."
As you ask your tail still clings to Winter's hind leg in excitement, not as tight as it was before, though as you get a bit excited about the movie and Nightmare Night, you squeeze his thighs in excitement. For now, his hoof comes down brush your tail in response.
"Hmm, I think it would work," Nocturne nods, "She's been a good actor so far, so I think it would be nice to look at some of her other stuff."
Turning back to the movie for a brief moment, the two ride out of the small town and into the outskirts of the city, rumbling up to a small one story home that is rather rectangular in shape and a bit rundown, but still in good condition. Nova shuts off the motorcycle as Drift steps off.
"Still thinking about those renovations?" Drift asks Nova.

What do you do?
"Yeah! I wouldn't mind having more space around my house if I'm going to start having guests like you for example come into my home more often".
"Yeah. Hard to find the time though, just keep putting it off, you know? Might help if I had a little more company more often."
Nova responds a bit wistfully. It's a bit hard to tell though, since we closed our eyes not long after Winter started brushing our tail with his large hoof, the mischievous appendage slowly going limp wherever his hoof grazes and eventually going limp in his lap.
Breathing just a little heavier as we cling to the mare in our claws, the warm and scent of two parts of our herd in close proximity has made us perhaps a little too relaxed, taking some conscious effort to keep our tail from moving as we start to feel a little hot.
'Luna, not now... we're enjoying the movie.'
Opening our eyes again, we focus on the screen again, finding that they've moved inside at some point, revealing a fairly lived in interior that roughly matches the worn exterior. Scattered about the living room is a few bits of space memorabilia, a knickknack or two clearly from foalhood, as well as an older model TV and a sofa that look surprisingly comfortable, despite showing signs of age.
"Yeah. Hard to find the time though, just keep putting it off, you know? Might help if I had more guests more often."
Nova responds to him wistfully. It's hard for you to tell though as you've closed your eyes not long after Winter started brushing your tail with his large hoof, the mischievous appendage slowly going limp whenever his hoof grazes and eventually going completely limp in his lap.
Breathing a little heavier as you cling to the mare in your claws, the warm and scent of two parts of your herd in such close proximity making you perhaps a little too relaxed, taking some conscious effort to keep your tail from moving as you start to feel a little hot.
'Luna, not now... we're enjoying the movie.'
Opening your eyes once more, you focus yourself on the screen, finding that they have moved inside. The camera pans to show a fairly lived in interior that roughly matches the worn exterior, a simple hall leading to a kitchen and then to a small living room. The living room isn't very big with only enough space for an old but surprisingly comfy looking couch, a small table, a shelf with a some space memorabilia and knickknacks from Nova's foalhood, and finally an older model of TV. Trotting to the couch, Nova jumps into the air and lands on the couch, clapping her hooves twice which turns the TV on.
"Anything you want to watch in particular?" Nova asks.
"Not really," Drift shakes his head, sitting down next to her, "I was hoping you had an idea."
As this goes you notice Nocturne looking over at you with a slight smirk, the Bat mare noticing your breathing and state.

What do you do?
Even with our eyes locked on the TV, the feeling of her eyes on us is enough to make us swallow, some of our feathers fluffing up in embarrassment and completely foiling whatever cover our red feathers give to our blush. Even if she didn't have her cute, tufted ears, she would probably feel the slight hitch of our breath. Our tail tip flicks in agitation and excitement, brushing against Winter's lower belly on occasion.

"I mean, we don't have to watch anything. Though, there is an old horror movie that comes to mind. Unless you felt like an action flick or something."
The movie being Alien, and I imagine Nova dozing off at some point while leaning against Drift.
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
Keeping our beak shut we take a deep breath.
'Why does it always feels like I'm prey... Technically I'm supposed to be the hunter, though I guess so is she... But still...'
I was planning to post today, but I have developed a cold, likely from someone in one of my classes and it's making it hard to focus on writing.
I'll throw something up tomorrow when I'll hopefully be feeling better.
Sounds good, hope you feel better soon. Focus on resting though.
Night, Pluto!
You keep your beak shut as you take a deep breath, the feeling of her eyes on you enough to make you swallow, some of your feathers fluffing up in embarrassment and completely foiling whatever cover your red feathers give to your blush. Even if she didn't have her cute, tufted ears, she would probably feel the slight hitch of your breath. Your tail tip comes back to life for a moment in agitation and excitement, brushing against Winter's lower belly before flopping back over limp.
'Why does it always feel like I'm prey... Technically I'm supposed to be the hunter, though I guess so is she... but still...'
"I mean, we don't have to watch anything. Though, there is an old horror movie that comes to mind. Unless you felt like an action flick or something."
"I'm down for a horror movie. How old is it?"
"Three hundred years, I think? I found a site that streams the original version when it came out."
"Let's look at it then."
She starts flicking through the site and finds the movie called 'Alien', staring it up for the two of them. As this happens you feel Winter start to pet the tip of your tail in response to it rubbing against him, and Nocturne rubs your side a bit with her hoof with a small smile.

What do you do?
Burying our face in Nocturne's chest fluff, we let out a muffled groan, scarcely more than an exhale as our body continues slowly heating up, the very faint aroma of catnip more than enough to get us to rub our head against her chest. Our tail on the other hand slowly begin raising as it pushes back against Winter's hoof, eventually 'striking' and coiling a loop tightly around his fetlock, though it merely holds it stiffly in place for now.
Purring softly once more, our claw sinks lower, concealed by our wing as our talons rake gently between her wings before grabbing her flank, our wing clinging tightly enough to hold hers in place for now. Freezing time in the room a few moments later, we pull our face from her fluff and take a second to assess things.

Time bubble is optional, just figure it could be a chance for fun and/or to think.
Minimal thoughts on the movie, aside from a time skip forward and Nova dozing off on Drift, into a dream. Some hint at him being an alien might fit, but idk. Sorry about the delay.
Burying your face into Nocturne's chest fluff, you let out a muffled groan into it, scarcely more than an exhale of air as your body continues to slowly heat up, the very faint aroma of catnip on her enough to get you to rub your head against her chest. Your tail, meanwhile, begins to slowly raise up as it pushes back against Winter's hoof, eventually 'striking' to coil tightly around his fetlock, though it just holds him in place for now.
Purring softly once more, your claw sinks down lower, concealed by your wing as your talons rake gently between her wings before grabbing some of her pink flank, your wings clinging tightly enough to hold hers down as they try to spread from your feeling up her flank. A few moments later you freeze time in the room, pulling your face from her fluff to take a second to assess the situation.
You look over at the TV for a brief moment, the movie paused by your time bubble as well. Frozen on Nova using Drift's shoulder as a pillow as she falls asleep in the middle of the movie.

What do you do?
Laying there panting for another couple of moments, we ground ourself somewhat, smiling just a little at the cute couple on screen. With Nocturne's hoof on us though, our movement is limited if we don't want to disturb anything.
'Alright. Things are probably gonna escalate, might have to pause the movie soon, so we don't miss it. Let's take the probably out of the equation: how can I have some fun? Considering how, overt I just was, she may decide to put herself on top. If she does, that could be a good chance to get Winter to "rescue" me, and encourage a little action between them. I mean, if he gets his hoof on her flank... hmm. I think Nocty'll play along if I ask her nicely~'
Glancing up at Winter and then between his legs, we check how much he is paying attention to the movie, and how much he is paying attention to the mare and hen messing around on his chest, idly rubbing our thighs together. Uncoiling our stiff tail and get it back under our control, we brush the tip of our tail over Nocty's marehood lightly, followed by our own, grinning at the little glistening drops on our fur as our tail briefly passes into view. Raising it above our head, we carefully boop Winter's snout, returning our tail back to how it was before: holding Winter's hoof.
Leaning over to the frozen Bat Mare we're nearly belly to belly with, we carefully position our hindlegs between hers as we whisper to her with a needy tone.
"Roll over and pin me, please~"
Getting back into position, we release the bubble, waiting for Nocty to make her move, figuring Winter will probably be distracted one way or the other.

Next thought is to introduce Winter's hoof to Nocturne's flank, especially if she pins our claws or something. A bit head empty past that point though.
God damn it... I made a post and 4chan ate it or something...
Take a few deep breaths and wiggle slowly in place, tempted to knead the soft material we were laying upon. Instead, stretching out a wing we spanked Nocty's flank, little doubt it'd be jiggling right in the corner of Winter's eye.

Seconded... It's really good, we could do some stuff with reacting to the movie or using paused time to draw Winter and Nocty closer.
Seconding! 4chan has a tendency to for that, lately. Reacting to the movie could work as cover for some shenanigans, but I do like the thought of nudging them with using our power.
Laying there panting for a few moments and wiggling slowly in place, finding it tempting to knead the soft material you were laying on. You instead ground yourself a bit, smiling just a little at the cute couple on the screen in front of you. With Nocturne's frozen hoof on you though, your movement is limited if you didn't want to move them around.
'Alright. Things are probably gonna escalate, might have to pause the movie soon, so we don't miss it. Let's take the probably out of the equation: how can I have some fun? Considering how, overt I just was, she may decide to put herself on top. If she does, that could be a good chance to get Winter to rescue me, and encourage a little action between them. I mean, if he gets his hoof on her flank... hmm. I think Nocty'll play along if I ask her nicely~.'
You glance up at Winter to find his eyes on the movie, but looking between his legs it shows how much he is actually paying attention to the screen with the head of his length poking out of his sheath. Uncoiling your stiff tail from his hoof and getting it back under your control, you brush the tip of your tail over Nocturne's marehood lightly, then followed by brushing it over your own, grinning at the little glistening drops on your fur as your tail briefly passes over your view. Raising it just above your head, you boop Winter's snout with it before returning your tail back to how it was before: wrapped around Winter's hoof.
Leaning over to the frozen Bat mare so that you're nearly belly to belly with her, you stretch your wings out and spank her flank, carefully positioning your hind legs between hers as you whisper to her with a needy tone.
"Roll over and pin me, please~."
Getting back on top of Winter, you release the bubble and watch. Winter ends up becoming quite distracted as he wiggles his snout a bit, confused by the smell of both hen and bat. Nocturne takes a moment process things before making her move.
Sitting up, she grabs you rolls you over on top of Winter so your is on his chest, then she pins you down against him as she comes belly to belly with you once more. In surprise, Winter reacts by moving his forehooves to wrap around you, but they instead both land on Nocturne's flanks. A soft smack echoing through the room.
Moving her head next to yours, Nocturne smiles down at the blushing stallion as he realizes what is happening.
"Hmm, I think the movie is gonna have to wait a bit~." Nocturne comments.
As she speaks you feel Winter's hot length poke against your flank, now growing rapidly.

What do you do?
Gael proceeds to lick her beak with hunger in her eyes"I believe that can be arranged Nocturne if Winter doesn't mind the sudden change of action of course".
Despite things going better than we planned, for how little we actually did plan, the feeling of Winter's rod poking us nearly makes us squeak in surprise. We manage to keep our beak shut (to/and) avoid alerting the mare on top of us, but no doubt Winter knows that our sudden shiver isn't just from our egghole winking.
"S-sorry, Wint, but she's right. After th-, the spa..."
Turning our head as we talk, we wink at Winter when Nocty won't see it, before covering our beak with a claw, overplaying our embarrassment at the memory of us taking advantage of our alone time with Nocturne as we hide a smirk, looking back up at Nocturne in the hope that she'll fill him in on why we had something planned with her this evening.
'If I can delay a little bit, I might be able to use my power again, and surprise them. Though, Winter really should show his appreciation to Nocturne for those spa tickets~'
During all this, we extend our wings out and curl them back in to follow Winter's forelegs, our primary feathers clinging to Nocturne's flanks around Winter's hooves, encouraging him to keep them right where they are. Down below, our tail and hindlegs aren't idle either: wrapping a few loops around the tip of his growing length, and with a paw positioned at both his sheath and medial ring, we silently knead him and hoist his stallionhood so it's pointed straight up.
We press our small teats against Nocty's, at once pressing her rump into Winter's grasp while feinting a lustful attempt for some relief, when really, we're just pushing her rear into the correct position. Kissing the mare's neck, we move our hindlegs and tail aside, letting gravity do the rest as the grey obelisk immediately swings down/forward.

Figure Nocturne is gonna try to get Gael laid, considering she missed out on the action last time. Aim is not penetration yet, just dropping a bunch of stallion meat on/between Nocty flanks. Also, wings have been used as 'hands' before in the show, AFAIK.
>Figure Nocturne is gonna try to get Gael laid, considering she missed out on the action last time. Aim is not penetration yet, just dropping a bunch of stallion meat on/between Nocty flanks. Also, wings have been used as 'hands' before in the show, AFAIK.
Honestly, I could see Nocturne and Gael both tempting Winter to go pounce on the other in the midst of all this. Nocturne seeking relief for Gael, while Gael wants to help further things along between Nocturne and Winter.
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Night, Pluto!
Despite things going better than you had planned, for how little you did plan, the feeling of Winter's rod poking you nearly squeak in surprise. You manage to keep your beak shut though to avoid alerting the mare on top of you, but there isn't any doubt Winter knows that your sudden shiver isn't just from your egghole winking as you feel his rod twitch against your flank.
"S-Sorry, Wint, but she's right. After th-, the spa..."
Turning your head up as your talk, you give the blushing Winter a wink before covering your beak up with a claw, overplaying your embarrassment at the memory of you taking advantage of your alone time with Nocturne as you hide a smirk.
'If I can delay a little bit, I might be able to use my power again, and surprise them. Though, Winter really should show his appreciation to Nocturne for those spa tickets~.'
"Turns out that when the spa puts you in a private room that you can get away with a few things," Nocturne explains to Winter with a blush, it not taking long at all for Winter to realize what she's talking about, "It was a fun time for both of us, but-"
As she speaks you extend your wings out and curl them back in to follow Winter's forelegs, your primary feathers clinging tightly to Nocturne's flank around Winter's hooves, encouraging him to keep them where they are though he doesn't make any attempt to move them at all. Down below, your tail and hind legs aren't idle: wrapping a few loops around the tip of his growing length, and with a paw positioned at both his sheath and medial ring, you silently knead him and hoist his stallionhood so it's pointed straight upward. You could feel his whole body stiffen underneath you and his breath quicken.
You then press your small teats against Nocturne's, at once pressing her rump into Winter's grasp while feinting a lustful attempt for some relief, when in reality you're just pushing her into the correction position. Kissing the mare's neck, you move your hind legs and tail aside to let gravity do the rest. His length quickly finding a place for itself as his tip ends up pressed against Nocturne's entrance and the rest of his length presses against your egghole and tailhole. After taking a breath, Nocturne continues.
"-Not all of us got the relief we wanted~."
Winter stammers, looking between the two of you as he starts to carefully grind his length against the two of you.

What do you do?
"Don't be scared Winter. Take your time we won't judge you for your performance. All we want is for you to have a good time with the two of us".
We exhale, hugging Nocturne with our claws as our wings grip her rump tighter, briefly spreading her cheeks under Winter's grasp.
'Damn it, Nocturne, why do you have to be so patient and persuasive? I want my sweet, gorgeous marefriend and my nervous hunk of a stallionfriend to screw like affectionate rabbits!... Being in the middle would certainly be a plus though.'
Flattered as we are by Nocturne's somewhat favorable portrayal of events, we're a little miffed that she managed to shrug off. Especially seeing as the feeling of his medial ring rubbing our dock alone is enough to make our head buzz, to say nothing of the amount of hen lube he's smearing across our ass with his hot Earth Pony: things may have backfired a little for us as we purr louder, paws flexing in the air. Allowing our eyes to drift shut, we close our matted thighs around Winter's rod, holding stead as we give him a little more to press against.
The fact that Winter's hooves haven't moved from the pink thestral's flanks seems like a good sign though, our wings relinquishing their hold enough to massage Winter's hooves as further encouragement.
"I-it was a little impromptu, but after getting so relaxed, I wanted to show Nocty a little appreciation for getting us those tickets, and for being her wonderful self..."
Leaning our head back, we whisper into Winter ear.
"So, I hopped on her back, hugged her tight, and shoved my face beak deep, barely coming up for air at all. I'm only recently bi, and literally forgot about my own needs in favor of worshipping that ass: how do you stallions keep from going batty around her~?"
'I don't care if Nocty realizes my intent if she hears this, she deserves the compliment. What did I do to deserve a herd with Nickle, Nocturne, and Winter.'

Figured that was implied/assumed, but I love the thought.
Happy to have your hen and bat all to yourself?~ Not many can say that they're in a herd with a model either...
You exhale, hugging Nocturne with your claws as your wings rip her rump tighter, briefly spreading her cheeks apart under Winter's grasp.
'Damn it, Nocturne, why do you have to be so patient and persuasive? I want my sweet, gorgeous marefriend and my nervous hunk of a stallionfriend to screw like affectionate rabbits! Being in the middle would certainly be a plus though.'
Flattered as you are by Nocturne's favorable portrayal of events, you're still a little miffed that she managed to shrug it off. Especially seeing as the feeling of his medial ring rubbing your dock alone is enough to make your head buzz with pleasure, saying nothing about the amount of hen lube he's smearing across your ass with his length: things may have backfired a bit as you purr louder, paws flexing in the air. Allowing your eyes to drift shut, you close your matted thighs around Winter's rod, holding steady as he thrusts a bit more, enough that you just barely hear Nocturne hum above you.
And the fact that his hooves haven't moved from the pink thestral's flank seems like a good sign to you, your wings relinquishing their hold to massage his hooves, getting him to start rubbing her flanks in small circles.
"I-It was a little impromptu, but after getting so relaxed, I wanted to show Nocty a little appreciation for getting us those tickets, and for being her wonderful self..."
Leaning your head back, you whisper into Winter's ear.
"So, I hopped on her back, hugged her tight, and shoved my face beak deep, barely coming up for air at all. I'm only recently bi, and literally forgot about my own needs in favor of worshipping that ass: how do you stallions keep from going batty around her~?"
"Willpower. L-Lots and lots of willpower." Winter half jokes.
"And now you have your hen and bat all to yourself~. And there isn't very many who can say they're in a herd with a model either..."
"Y-You're not wrong about that..." He admits.
He looks past you and up at Nocturne who is silently smiling down at him, encouraging him to make a move. After several seconds of looking at each other Winter looks back at you, then leaning his head down to press his lips against your beak.
He then thrusts upward behind you, his medial ring sliding up from your dock, over your tailhole, before stopping at the bottom of your slit. This is followed by Nocturne letting out a surprised moan as her wings shoot out, something dripping down a bit onto your slit.

What do you do?
We groan into Winter's lips as our loins wink in carnal approval against his dick, the feeling of his medial ring grazing our pucker as he goes to penetrate the mare above us holding a certain promise to it. He can't possibly notice the droplets of Nocty's lust after they wind up lost in our own excitement, but we can practically count each drop on our sensitive, heated henbox, making our spotted thighs tense with perverse glee.
Turning our head a bit, we open an eye and thoroughly enjoy Nocturne's reaction, from her outstretched wings and flush expression, to the cute tongue dangling from between her fangs, the faint smile on her part plush lips. What really makes us grin gleefully, in addition to her smile, is the adorable way her ears will swivel then fold back, biting her lip with an eye half screwed shut as Winter shifts a little inside her.
We break the kiss after several seconds to nuzzle up against our larger stallion's neck, a claw tussling and stroking his mane, at some point having found its way to the back of his head. Our other claw caresses Nocturne's neck and cheek as we dart in for a kiss with her as well, unable to resist, though we retreat just as quickly.
"She's not 'just' a work of art though: she's a mare that deserves to be loved. So, would you love her with me, Winter?"
Cupping her cheek as we 'whisper' to Winter, we push his head up a bit as well as we start to lean in for another kiss with the mare on top of us, urging him into a three way kiss.

Feel like I'm controlling Nocturne's actions a bit with this post, but wanted to flesh things out a little.
You groan into Winter's lips as your loins wink in carnal approval against his dick, the feeling of his medial ring grazing your pucker as he goes up to penetrate the mare above you holding a certain promise to you. He couldn't notice the droplets of Nocturne's lust after they wind up mixed and lost in your own excitement, but you can practically count each drop that lands on your sensitive, heated henbox, making your spotted thighs tense with very perverse glee.
Turning your head in the kiss, you open an eye to look up at Nocturne's reaction. Her wings are outstretched and her face flushed, her cute tongue dangling out from between her fangs, a faint smile on her slightly parted lips. What makes you grin though, in addition to her smile, is the adorable way her ears swivel back and forth with each thrust, a fang biting her lip as one of her eyes gets screwed half shut, her hooves gripping you tightly with each shift that he makes inside of her.
Breaking the kiss after a few seconds to nuzzle the larger stallion's neck, a claw tussling and stroking his mane having at some point made it's way to the back of his head. Your other claw goes up to caress Nocturne's neck and cheek as you break from the nuzzle and give her a kiss in turn, though you retreat from her quickly to 'whisper' something to Winter, not noticing Nocturne's head following you along for a moment to try to continue the kiss.
"She's not 'just' a work of art though: she's a mare that deserves to be loved. So, would you love her with me, Winter?"
"I-I would be happy to."
You cup Nocturne's cheek as you bring Winter's head up, then leaning in for another kiss with the mare on top of you. It doesn't take long for Winter to join in on the kiss and make it a messy three way kiss, your lips and beak pressed against each other.
At this happens Winter starts to thrust more earnestly, each thrust bringing the Bat mare's hindquarters up a bit before she comes back down on top of you, his medial ring rubbing back and forth over your puckered lips and lower slit again and again. You feel Nocturne's forked tongue prod against your beak a few times before shifting over to prod at Winter's lips. His lips open after a few moments and his tongue comes out to greet Nocturne's.

What do you do?
Night, Pluto!
The stimulation of his ring repeatedly tugging at our tailhole and rubbing against our lips in general makes us squirm and purr in Nocturne's tight grip, readjusting our hindlegs and locking them together again as Winter's nuts bump against the back of our thighs. Plus, the way she 'bounces' on our lap from the delicately wielded, though herculean, power behind thrust of Winter's hips is rather exciting, the feeling of her teats pressing against ours familiar for how often we've been belly to belly with her, yet we can't help wondering if the experience could be compared to a lap dance.
The motion is enough to get our ass moving a little as well, though not by our own power, our thighs rubbing up and down the pole plowing our marefriend during the brief window that Nocturne's ass isn't pinning our hips down and Winter slows his thrust.
Redoubling our efforts with the kiss, we part our beak and brush our tongue against her lips, following her tongue back to Winter's to assist her with the powerful yet inexperienced oral muscle, our eyelids parted just enough to reveal pupils similarly slitted to Nocturne's, panting and huffing through our nares as our whole body feels quite warm. Our claws on the two of our mates drift lower, talons grazing along their bodies before settling into a possessive one legged hug for each of them, pulling them closer to us and each other.
Our wings release Nocturne's flanks with a quick swat, vividly picturing the dismissed jiggle under Winter's hooves, before pressing our wingspan against hers. Not restraining or overpowering her, merely wanting touch more of her and show our own excitement in some primal way, our wings almost acting as feathered bed for her own leathery span.
I've been trying to gather the energy to write for a few hours now, but I just can't. I'm really tired right now.
I'll post tomorrow.
All good. Been feeling rough the last few days as well. Think I pull a muscle or two Relax, get some rest, and post when you can. Night, Pluto!
We start to pant a little our beak falling a little more open as our core heats up more and more to the point each breath we let out is practically steam.
Whispering into Nocty's ear loud enough for Winter to hear too.
'You know, that thing is bigger than my forelimb... Thicker too, I measured~'
As we start recognizing the feeling of a large, prominent bump being entered and exited through Nocturne's body repeatedly, lean in to whisper in her ear.
"Having fun there? I'm curious to see if you can manage to fully take Winter yet. If not, well... Winter better start training you up to that point then.~"
You start to pant a little your beak falling open as your core heats up more and more to the point that each breath that comes out is steam. The stimulation of his ring tugging at your tailhole and lips enough to make you squirm and purr in Nocturne's grasp, readjusting your hind legs and locking them together again as Winter's nuts bump up against the back of your thighs. The way she is bouncing on your lap from the delicately wielded, but herculean, power behind each thrust of Winter's hips becoming rather exciting to you, the feeling of her teats pressing against yours familiar for how often you've been belly to belly with her, yet you can't help but wonder if the experience could be compared to a lap dance or something else.
The repeated motion is enough to get your ass moving a little, though not by your own power, your thighs rubbing up and down the pole plowing your marefriend during the brief window that Nocturne's ass isn't pinning your hips down and Winter slows his thrust. You begin to feel a prominent bump entering and exiting through her body repeatedly, leaning up to whisper into her ear loud enough for Winter to hear.
"You know, that thing is bigger than my forelimb... Thicker too, I measured~. I'm curious to see if you can manage to fully take him, and if not I'm sure he'll train you up to that point~."
She's too engrossed in the kiss to respond, but in her eyes you could see that she is having a wonderful time. You rejoin the kiss here, parting your beak to brush your tongue against her lips before following it back to Winter's to assist her with the powerful but inexperienced oral muscle, your eyelids parting just enough to reveal pupils that are similarly slitted like Nocturne's, panting and huffing through your nares as your whole body feels like a furnace. Your claws on two of your mates drift lower down, talons grazing along their bodies before settling into a possessive one legged hug for each of them, pulling them closer to you and each other. The tongue wrestling becoming more active with the three of you now, occasionally two of you sharing one or one of you breaking off for a moment before rejoining.
Your wings release Nocturne's flank with a quick swat, vividly picturing the jiggle underneath Winter's hooves before pressing your wingspan against hers, Not restraining or overpowering her, just wanting to touch more of her and show your own excitement in some primal way. Her leathery wings lower down a bit to meet your own wings, pressing her wings so that the two of you could feel more of each other.
Behind the two of you, Winter starts thrusting a bit faster as more of Nocturne's juices start to drop down onto you. The rhythm of his thrusts start to change so that rather than bouncing Nocturne upward he pushes her forward, resulting in her clit brushing up against your own with each thrust.

What do you do?
"Yes, that's right do it just like that Winter ahh...give us more nngh! Show us how much you love us and want us in your life"!
Breaking the kiss with a gasp and some spittle, we have to focus on keeping our breath steady as we visibly shiver, feathers rising and falling in a wave up our neck all the way to our head. Our wings ruffles and puff up under Nocturne's for a moment before going steady, beak hanging open with our tongue dangling. Our claws abandon their previous position, finding their way to Nocturne's barrel and holding onto her for support, not that she's in a position to support us, though we do hold her steady for Winter, our proximity to both of them ensuring we feel almost every inch that he's pushing into her, and the other inches that are still outside. The need in our belly as it's repeatedly prodded by the girthy stallionhood, nearly tempts us to sneak a claw down to start toying with our egghole, or spread our tailhole in some belated invitation, but without even moving, we know we won't be able to reach, Nocturne's body and Winter's dick literally cockblocking us.
'I-I'm going feral here, need... one of them to cum, maybe? Fuck, want them to go at their own pace, but these two are fucking me up the wall!'
Thoughts scrambled, we give a few earnest pumps with our hindlegs, though the ache in our thighs forces us to spread them and release Winter, planting our damp paws on the bed. Our head slowly falls back on Winter's shoulder leaving exposing our neck, though a few tugs of our tail springs our hips into action, somewhat erratically humping against the Pony meat between our thighs and bumping our winking, sweltering mound against Nocty's, matching Winter's thrust at double his pace.
Down below, our tail is tangled in Nocturne's, teasing her dock and tailhole at it both tugs and is tugged every time we move too far from Nocturne, namely whenever she shifts forward as Winter bucks his hips.

Sorry, got caught up in formatting a computer and making food, and then typing this.

Breaking the kiss with a gasp and a bit of spittle, you have to focus on keeping your breathing steady as you visibly shiver between them, feathers rising and falling in a wave up your neck and all the way to your head. Your wings ruffle and puff up under Nocturne's for a brief moment before going steady, beak hanging open with your tongue dangling out. Your claws abandon their positions, finding their way to Nocturne's barrel and holding onto her for support, not that she's really in any position to support you, though you hold her steady for Winter, your proximity to both of them ensuring that you feel every inch that he pushes into her, and the other inches that are remaining outside. The need in your belly as you're repeatedly prodded by the girthy stallionhood nearly tempts you to sneak a claw down to start toying with your egghole, or spread your tailhole in some belated invitation, but you know you won't be able to reach back there with Nocturne's body and Winter's dick literally cockblocking you.
'I'm going feral here, need... one of them to cum, maybe? Fuck, want them to go at their own pace, but these two are fucking me up the wall!'
Your thoughts scrambled, you give a few earnest pumps with your hind legs, though the ache in your thighs forces you to spread them and release Winter rather quickly, planting your damp paws on the bed. Your head slowly falls back on Winter's shoulder to leave your neck exposed, though a few tugs of your tail springs your hips into action, somewhat erratically humping against the Pony meat between your thighs and bumping your winking, sweltering mound against Nocturne's, matching Winter's thrust at double his pace.
Below, your tail is tangled in Nocturne's, teasing her dock and tailhole as it both tugs and is tugged every time you move too far from Nocturne, namely whenever she shifts forward.
The three way kiss breaks off here, Winter taking this opportunity to kiss and nibble your open neck. Above you, Nocturne shivers with each thrust, her wings giving a brief flap before she throws her head back and-
Moans loudly. A few seconds later you feel a deluge of her juices fall onto your egghole, the Thestral climaxing as Winter continues to thrust into her. And with his thrust getting more erratic you are sure that Winter isn't too far behind.

What do you do?
We keep humping for a little longer, enjoying Nocturne's melodic cry as the finale to the tension we'd felt building within her. Winter's attention to our neck makes us chirp and purr softly though, and our hindlegs fail us for a second time only moments into Nocturne's climax, bringing our rump down onto his lap with a wet smack, and dragging Nocturne down with us via our tail still entangled with hers. Willing our tail to release hers, we turn and whisper into the stallion's ear, both lazy and a little loopy.
"Do it, W-winter. Make the beautiful bat cream filled~."
Our tail switches to another target as we speak, deliberately teasing our tailhole as it loops around the base on Winter's cock a few times before cradling his sack as he draws closer to the edge, our elevated body heat enough to make our slender limb feel quite warm all on its own against his balls.

I'm 50/50 on Gael cumming here, and not feeling 100% in general. Could do a short scene with Gael getting spanked into an orgasm. Then again, Winter could surprise Gael by biting her neck/shoulder, which would probably set her off. Strangely, I could also see Gael downing a Switcheroo potion and beating off, given how much she's used her claws today.
You keep humming for a little longer, enjoying Nocturne's melodic cry as the finale to the tension you've felt building within her. Winter's attention to your neck makes you chirp and purr softly, your hind legs failing you for a second time mere moments into Nocturne's climax, bringing your rump down onto his lap with a wet smack, along with dragging Nocturne down with you via your tail which is still entangled in hers. Willing your tail to release her, you turn and whisper into the stallion's ear, both lazy and a little loopy.
"Do it, W-Winter. Make the beautiful bat cream filled~."
Your tail switches it's target as you speak, deliberately teasing your tailhole as it loops around the base of Winter's cock before cradling his sack as he draws closer to the edge. Through your tail you can feel his balls tense once, twice, and then release.
With a grunt he hilts as far as he can within Nocturne, releasing his semen into her which you feel as well fall onto your egghole after a few seconds. After fifteen seconds Nocturne falls limp on top of you followed by Winter below you, the three of you laying in a sticky pile for a minute until Nocturne moves a bit, getting back onto her shaky legs as she gently lifts herself off of you, panting down at the two of you.
"Hah, hah, that was... wonderful~." She grins.

What do you do?
"You can say that again. Any body up for round 2?!" You reply with a satisfied grin of your own. "How did you enjoy having a consentual threesome with the both of us Winter did you like it"?!
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
Petting nocty with our claws as if she was a worn out dozing cat we bring our focus to Winter letting our tail squeeze along his member all it likes milking any remaining seed out of him.
You handled him better than my first time with him Nocty~ So Winter, how does she compare~?
Not this. It's worded in a very cringe way.
Rather quickly after Nocturne is off us, we have a claw idly toying with our cum slick slit, our talons brushing against Winter's shaft in the process. We continue to pant and purr as we turn our head and begin 'preening' and licking Winter's fur, our hot breath running his neck as our wings close loosely around Nocturne's barrel.
A bit mean to ask to pick between the two of us. Should give him out and switch the topic once he inevitably stutters in indecision. Not before teasing him a little on it, of course.
Rather quickly after Nocturne gets off of you, you reach up to pet her like like she's a worn out dozing cat, your other claw going down to idly toy with your cum slick slit, your talons brushing against Winter's shaft in the process which twitches in response. You continue to pant and purr as you turn your head and begin preening and licking at Winter's fur, your hot breath running over his neck as your wings close in loosely around Nocturne's barrel.
"Mmhmmm... You handled him better than my first time with him, Nocty~. How does she compare, Winter~."
"Umm, I-I don't know if I r-really can..." He mutters.
"She's asking you, so it's fine," Nocturne tells him, "But if you don't want to say then that's fine."
Shakily moving to the side a bit, Nocturne's eyes look over you and Winter, slowly moving downward and stopping on your nethers and Winter's length, a small smile forming on her lips.
"You know, despite all the fun we've been having I don't think you've gotten the pleasure of finishing yet, Gael." Nocturns points out loud enough for Winter to hear.

What do you do?
"Now that's what I like to hear Nocturne thank you. The fun shouldn't end just yet"! Giving her a wink.
Continuing to cuddling with Winter as our tail strokes him a few time, we take a few moments to reflect.
"Mmm... Feeling a bit needy and very hot, but, haaa~, surprisingly coherent after being edged twice. Then again, I got off three times before the spa, twice with my claws, and the last being stretched out by the big guy, so I'm a bit tuckered out. Tempted to try out that egg vibrator, or enjoy being 'nipped out a bit, but I recall promising you we'd have a little fun with the Switcheroo potion, and that's on the back of my mind, even if I just tended to myself for a bit. Thoughts?"
We direct the question more to the stallion, to gauge his mood for another round.

Gael idly using the beak toy while switcherooed was a silly thought that came to mind, couldn't. Also, legit sick right now, so my posts might be shorter.
>Now that's what I like to hear Nocturne thank you
Not this line. You're still not sounding natural, cringe anon.
At least I'm trying to add some input to the story get off my back already man and mind your own business.
That depends if the big guy is in the mood for anymore. But knowing your dirty mind, I bet you have some ideas on spice things up even more. Huh, Nocturne~?
The fact I'm actually identifying you by post alone is not a good sign. Participating is also the bare minimum, and acting like it's immune to votes against it isn't going to change anything.
Look how about this you focus on what you going to post on this thread to contribute while I focus on my mine okay leave it at that and enough criticizing my posts it's like you want to cause trouble you don't know what kind of person I am, what I've been through, YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT MY SUFFERING, and what I do for a living keep trying me and see what happens it will be the last thing you ever do. I know how to find people I don't know about and make them disappear! Care to push your luck, HUH PUNK ANON!
Continuing to cuddle Winter as your tail strokes him a few times, you take a few moments to reflect on this.
"That depends if the big guy here is in the mood for anymore," You hum, "I'm feeling a bit needy and very hot, but, haaa~, surprisingly coherent after being edged twice. Then again, I got off three times before the spa, twice with my claws, and the last being stretched out by the big guy, so I'm a bit tuckered out. Tempted to try out that egg vibrator, or enjoy being 'nipped out a bit, but I recall promising you we'd have a little fun with the Switcheroo potion, and that's on the back of my mind, even if I just tended to myself for a bit. Thoughts?"
You look between Nocturne and Winter, more so gauging Winter's mood for another round than Nocturne's.
"I... I can go another round," Winter nods, "As for what you want to do, that's your choice."
"Yeah, we can still use the Switcheroo potion," Nocturne replies, "But, there is a big stallion underneath you that I'm sure would be very happy to still have some fun with you~."

What do you do?
We look over Nocturne for a moment.
'I'm kinda curious what it would be like to go second after Winter, but Nocty's probably feeling a bit sore anyway. I can find some time to enjoy the Switcheroo at a later date.'
Pulling our talons from our cunny, we begin running them along Winter's cum slick dick, covering part of it while our tail stays close to his base. Even as we roll our hips a little to remind Winter of the state of our hot vent and donut, we focus on Nocturne, acting rather casually.
"Hmm, you think so? It's pretty tempting, but then I might miss the movie. So long as you two don't have too much fun while I'm fucked into a stupor... or do~. Actually, I was thinking of using my power a little, but, ah... I was having too much fun being in the middle."
You glance at Nocturne for a moment.
'I'm kinda curious what it would be like to go second after Winter, but Nocty's probably feeling a bit sore anyway. I can find some time to enjoy the Switcheroo at a later date.'
Pulling your talons from your cunt, you begin to run them over Winter's cum slick dick, covering his twitching member while your tail stays close to his base. Even as you roll your hips to remind Winter of the state of your hot vent and donut, you focus on Nocturne.
"Hmm, you think so? It's pretty tempting, but then I might miss the movie. So long as you two don't have too much fun while I'm fucked into a stupor... or do~. Actually, I was thinking of using my power a little, but, ah... I was having too much fun being in the middle."
"Well, I think you have the chance to use it now then." Nocturne smiles.
As she speaks, Winter's forelegs wrap around your belly. Very loosely though, not forcing you in place or keeping you still.

What do you do?
"I suppose I do, don't I."
Making a bubble around our, Winter and Nocturne just big enough to cover the space above the bed, we begin immediately: grabbing our Codex and setting it to record, we suspend it in the air. Grinning with slitted eyes at the camera from our place in Winter's hooves, we pull ourself up along his body, our tail unspooling from his immobile shaft in the process. Once we're away, we flip over on top of him, deliberately smacking Nocturne's flank with a wing as the other comes around to embrace her, leaning towards the frozen stallion when an idea occurs to us. Leaning over to Nocturne's ear as our claws knead Winter's broad chest, we purr into her ear.
"You looked ecstatic when you were riding Winter, and I suspect you looked at least half as pleased at the spa. Maybe I should get Nickle to help me with a collage I've been working on. If I time it right and use Pixel, I could get a perfect 360 of you and Nickle right at your peak~."
Snatching her Codex with a quick kiss, we center ourself back on our large white fluffy bed, tittering to ourself as we manage to slot our warm rump between his hooves, naturally nudging them apart a fair bit.
'Should've brought some lipstick, would've really gone with Winter's coat.'
Giving Winter a proper kiss followed by a flurry of kisses along his face and neck, and a few nuzzles we can't resist giving the large stud, we sign in and check Nocturne's history, namely what she was checking out when we first came to her room, all while our damp paws press down on either side of Winter's flare, idly toying with his dick as we scroll on Nocturne's Codex.
(Assuming we don't find anything interesting) we take a snap of ourself with a smug grin, toss it beside Nocturne, and get off of Winter. Circling around and standing on our hindlegs, we hug Winter's monochromatic obelisk to our hot belly with both wing and claw, marveling at the fact that we can actually handle it. Making sure our stance is good and shuffling a little excitedly to boot, we unfreeze time, too distracted and eager to measure the 'strength' of Winter's schlong to remember our own Codex in free fall, openly dripping hen honey onto his nuts at this point.
Stopping for the night. I'm gonna say this now so I don't forget tomorrow, but I might have DnD tomorrow. I'm not entirely sure cause the DM hasn't said anything and he usually does a day or two before though he was on this morning so I'm not too sure. Hopefully things are fine on his end.
Anyway, have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
And hope you have fun. Got a one-shot lined up this Saturday that I've been looking forward to.
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Have my Sunday session, go to bed, wake up to find out that Eridis' player blew up on the DM and quit the game in like several paragraphs. So yeah... this has been a great morning talking with the DM about it.
Guessing it had to do with that session with the daughter? If you don't want to go into too much detail to take your mind off it, that's fine as well.
It's been on my mind all day and it'll probably be on my mind for the rest of the week, so fuck it. The DM shared a screencap of the conversation, but I'm not going to post it on a Japanese Onion Slicing forum so I'm just going to explain it.
The session with Melorra was one of the reasons though it's apart of the bigger reason. A few of the points I can see, but most of it I just don't see where it's coming from. To try to shorten it though: he thinks that Eridis and the rest of the party isn't being treated fairly by the DM or the NPCs, the example he used was yesterdays session when we tried to summon Babel, he realized that Eridis was still there, and left immediately. We were still able to speak with him and get some info after finally talking with the prince. To me it just seemed like he was expecting every NPC to forget about the whole Melorra argument didn't like it when Babel, the person that raised Melorra for him, to not want to talk to him after what Babel told him or expect someone like Edea to immediately forgive him when she is also Melorra's magic teacher when he's been playing Eridis as a dickhead ever since I joined this group. Also didn't like the fact that it seems like we have very few options to get the Dragonstone we need when we finally got to talk to the prince about it and we still have the option to heist it if we want to. Another thing he brought up was communication when the DM had to spend weeks to get a reply from him about anything game related, or just get no reply at all.
With the way he wrote it it seems like to me that it's been festering in Eridis for a while and last night it explosively came out. Anyway, Eridis is gone now cause he quit and the DM isn't taking it well. He's already had one player quit which was how I got into this group and he takes players quitting hard so he thinking about just ending the game. So my morning was spent talking with him to encourage him to not give up over this and that I'll be there to talk with him if he needs it. The others are also doing the same.
I'm not really sure what to do now. I did what I could and the other players have told me so. Feels selfish of me, but I don't want the DM to blow the campaign up over this, he already worked so hard for all of us and worked hard for Eridis even through he wasn't saying anything to him. I'm just hoping that we can work through this.
Sounds like a mix of Eridis' player suffering in silence and having unrealistic and uncommunicated expectations. All I think you can really do is communicate that the DM has made an adventure and setting that the rest of the party has enjoyed, which you have done, and maybe finding small ways to reassure them and/or redirect their attention, possibly pointing out that they've regained their momentum once before, so it's very much possible for them to do so again. Still, it's not impossible for the DM to simply be soured on some stuff, which wouldn't be your fault.
I know it wouldn't be my fault, but I still feel awful about this whole situation and the DM could be done because of one person. There is some discussion about talking this whole thing over with a VC but I don't think that is going to be happening for a while.
I feel bad for Polya as well. IRL Polya is Eridis' gf and they live together, she hasn't left the server or made any indication of doing it. I'm guessing things on their end is probably a bit awkward right now.
Anyway, all I can really do is be there for him and hope and pray things don't fall apart.

"I suppose I do, don't I."
With that you make a bubble around all three of you, just big enough to cover the space above the bed. You begin without any hesitation: grabbing your Codex and setting it up to record, suspending it in the air. Grinning with slitted eyes at the camera from your place in Winter's hooves, you pull yourself up along his body, your tail unspooling from his immobile shaft in the process. Once you're away, you flip over on top of him, deliberately smacking Nocturne's flank with a wing as the other comes up to embrace her. An idea soon comes to your head as you lean up to Nocturne's ear and whisper into it, your claws kneading Winter's broad chest all the while.
"You looked ecstatic when you were riding Winter, and I suspect you looked at least half as pleased at the spa. Maybe I should get Nickle to help me with a collage I've been working on. If I time it right and use Pixel, I could get a perfect 360 of you and Nickle right at your peak~."
Snatching her Codex away with a quick kiss, you center yourself back on your stallion, tittering to yourself as you slot your warm rump between his large forehooves, naturally nudging them apart.
'Should've brought some lipstick, would've gone really well with Winter's coat.'
Giving Winter a proper kiss followed by a flurry of kisses along his face and neck, and a few nuzzles that you just can't resist giving the large stud, you sign into Nocturne's codex and look over her history, your damp paws pressing down on either side of Winter's flare as you do so.

You don't find too much, just some tickets to a concert and some browsing for makeup. Satisfied, you take a snap of yourself with a smug grin, toss it back to Nocturne, and get off of Winter. Circling around and standing on your hind legs, you hug Winter's monochromatic obelisk to your burning belly with both wings and claws, marveling at the fact that you could handle him. Making sure your stance is good and shuffling a little excitedly to boot, you finally unfreeze time, too distracted and eager to measure the 'strength' of Winter's schlong to remember your own Codex in free fall. You feel Winter's length twitch against your belly several times, the tip slotting itself between your teats as he looks around before smiling a little up at you. Behind you, Nocturne smiles a little as your suggestion reaches her, but she remains silent as she notices her fallen Codex and picks it up, centering it on the two of you as she figures out that it's recording..
"Hmm, seems like someone was moving around quite a bit while we weren't looking," Nocturne comments, "And it also seems like she's all ready for you~."
"Wasting no time at all, aren't you," Winter tells you, his forehooves coming up to grab your waist as he lightly grinds his length against your teats, "D-Do you want the honors of starting things or do you want me to have it?"

What do you do?
"I'd agree on me not wasting time, except any time spent spent with you guys," we say as we nod to Winter, Nocturne, and Nickle hypothetically via the camera, "isn't wasted... though perhaps I am a little greedy about my enjoyment of it, when I use my power."
As we speak, we almost absent-mindedly roll and lower our hips an inch, enjoying the sensation more than we should as we lean on him slightly. Our nipples poke against our wings as they complete our teats' embrace with a soft and fluffy layer of feathers. The feeling of him twitching some more is enough to make our henhood wink, and also distract from the yearning of said hole. Closing our eyes, we shake our head lightly and let out a steamy breath.
"M-maybe you should start. I'm a little caught up in my own thoughts, my inner feline is kinda, affectionate, maybe because of the nip or because I'm hot and you guys are hot: I was a few seconds away from wander off to find some Giant's Cure, and showing you a good time with a milk hen. Without penetration."

Wanted to post something before I have to pass out.
Also, I figured just because you probably factually know it, doesn't mean it doesn't need to stated. Hope the relationship stuff resolves well, but it seems, less than ideal.
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night!
Morning, Pluto!
I don't think I'm gonna be able to post tonight. My Sunday DM asked me if I wanted to talk for a bit so I think that's what the rest of my night is going to be.
No worries, and Night, Pluto!
So, spent 4 hours in a call with my Sunday DM. He's still taking the whole thing hard, but just talking and looking at random weird websites for half of that time helped from the message he sent me this morning. Made him feel better, so I'm happy that I helped him.

"I'd agree on me not wasting time, except any time spent with you guys," You say as you nod to Winter, Nocturne, and a hypothetical Nickle via the camera, "Isn't wasted... though perhaps I am a little greedy about my enjoyment of it, when I use my power."
As you speak you roll and lower your hips down an inch, enjoying the sensation more than you should as you lean on him slightly. Your nipples poke against your wings and his twitching member as you bring your wings around and embrace him with a soft and fluffy layer of feathers. The mere feeling of him twitching against you enough to make your henhood wink, and also distract a bit from the yearning of said hole. Drifting your eyes closed for a moment, you shake your head slightly and let out a steamy breath as you open them back up.
"M-Maybe you should start. I'm a little caught up in my own thoughts, my inner feline is kinda, affectionate, maybe cause of the nip or because I'm hot and you guys are hot: I was a few seconds away from wandering off to find some Giant's Cure, and showing you a good time with a milk hen. Without penetration."
"That would've been fun," Winter smiles up at you, getting comfortable in your feathered embrace, "But if you want me to start... well, I shouldn't waste any time."
Out of the corner of your eye you watch Nocturne move the camera down slightly to try and get a better view of the action. As that happens, Winter's hooves grip your hips tighter as he gives a few thrusts against your teats and then gently lifts you up and forward, your hen hood rubbing against him. He then gently lowers you down, your lower lips offering a bit of resistance before popping open for him and sliding his head in. Pleasure shoots up your spine and he gets a familiar sensation as he stops for a moment and then slowly keeps lowering you down.

What do you do?
Accepting his guiding hooves with little fanfare, the choice of which hole to have him ruin throws a wrench in our already boiling, semi-feral mind. Coming to a conclusion, we realize he's already got a goal, and a hole, in mind, and we have no objections.
'Mmm, even with my consent, Winter just taking what he wants is, awesome? Fantastic? H-'
Feeling how he presses his broad head against our entrance, we tense for a split second before visibly relaxing as our sodden and plump lips give way, eyes growing hooded as our beak falls open with a sigh. By some miracle of our mixed biology, our lube runs down his rod, already slick with cum and the nectar of his previous conquest, continue to tease a primal part of our brain as our core draws his tip deeper.
No longer restraining Winter's shaft or preoccupied with idly teasing our nipples, our wings spring open to show off our small teats and belly, subconsciously mirroring Nocturne's wings from earlier as they become rigid. Being aware of the camera on us on some level though, we wiggle our rump with our tail nearly bumping into the back of our head as it shows off our dock and pulsing pucker, coming down to strike our flank and make it jiggle.
'Ha, I can almost imagine Nickle's dick smacking his belly as Nocty shows him this video, helping him blow a load to the thought of his sexy hen... Sweet fucking Luna, why does the thought of Nickle, Winter, and Switcherooed Nocturne basting their bird with a bukkake and then playing paternity roulette with me push my buttons?!'
With embarrassing thought, eyes barely open, and only a vague goal in mind, we keep sinking down, down, down onto Winter, taking more of his hensplitter into our almost steamy egghole, our core temperature not all that different from when Winter stumbled across us in the bathroom, in heat.

Glad to hear you were able to cheer him up a bit regardless.
Accepting his guiding hooves with little fanfare, the choice of which hole to have him ruin throws a small wrench in your already boiling, semi-feral mind. You realize that he already has a goal though, and you have no objection to it.
'Mmm, even with my consent, Winter just taking what he wants is, awesome? Fantastic? H-'
Feeling his broad head press against your entrance, you tense for a second before visibly relaxing as your sodden and plump limps give way to him, eyes growing hooded as you beak falls open with a sigh. By some miracle of your mixed biology, your lube runs down his rod, already slick with cum and the nectar of his previous conquest, continuing to tease a primal part of your brain as your core draws his tip deeper into you.
No longer restraining Winter's shaft or preoccupied with idly teasing your nipples, your wings spring open to show off your small teats and belly, mirroring Nocturne's wings from earlier as they become rigid and almost lock in place. Becoming aware of the camera on you, you wiggle your rump with your tail nearly bumping into the back of your head as it shows off your dock and pulsing pucker, coming down to strike your flank and make it jiggle. You see Nocturne smile in approval, keeping the camera there for now.
'Ha, I can almost imagine Nickle's dick smacking his belly as Nocty shows him this video, helping him blow a load to the thought of his sexy hen... Sweet fucking Luna, why does the thought of Nickle, Winter, and Switcherooed Nocturne basting their bird and then playing paternity roulette with me push my buttons?!'
With that embarrassing thought, eyes barely open now and only a vague goal in mind now, you keep sinking down, down, down onto Winter with his help, taking more of his hensplitter into your steamy egghole, your core temperature not all different from when he found you in heat. Soon, he hilts as far as he can within you, his length twitching deep in your core.
Resisting the urge to immediately thrust up into you, Winter sits up so you're more sitting on him. His hooves move up from your hips to embrace you, breathing heavily as he looks down at you and then presses his lips to your beak. After this, he starts thrusting up into you, wasting no time as you find yourself bouncing on his lap.

What do you do?
Feeling Winter taking charge on your body cause your wings to flared out up and wide open''Ahh! Yes, give me more you stud''! You demanded as you wrap your claws around his back digging your sharp talons on his body, but carefully not too hard to avoid causing him any pain and bleeding from the passion interspecies intercourse between the two of you. Yet being this close to him and enjoying his massive warm inside you as he make love to you with every hard thrust that he's giving Gael made you want to cover his entire being with your wings embracing him in a cozy feathery comfort blushing profusely as a result.
We press back with our beak, our trust in his hold of us enough to overrule the impulse to hug him for support, though it is rather tempting to do so anyway, for the chance to be closer to the stallion rocking our world, as well as just appreciating his body. That doesn't mean our claws are idle though: when they're not cupping either side of his muzzle or caressing his neck and chest, they're gripping his shoulders, the pressure of our talons signaling exactly what we're feeling at any given moment, the undeniably sharp digits of a predator yet incapable of truly piercing our mate's hide.
The motion of our bouncing is limited somewhat by the tightness of our walls, trilling and purring as our stuffed henhood is almost forced to wink from the motion itself. Stars dance in our vision as our clit drags across his dick in the process.
Our tail reaches over to where Nocturne is laying, caressing one of her forelegs before draping itself across her shoulders, occasionally tensing as our body is wracked with pleasure.
"H-hold me tight, Wint~."
Waiting for our bounce to reach its apex, we freeze time. Kicking up our hindlegs, we hook them on the insides of his elbows, leaving our entire weight in his grasp, though we know he can handle more with ease. We don't immediately unfreeze time though, instead taking a minute to catch our breath and snuggle up with the colossal Earth Pony... while our tail beats him off slowly.
'Sorry, big guy, I know it's not fair, but I've gotta get my licks in before you turn me into even more of a puddle in your hooves~.'
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
You press back with your beak, your trust in his hold of you enough to overrule the impulse to hug him for support, though it is rather tempting to do so regardless, for the chance to be closer to the stallion rocking your world. That doesn't mean your claws are completely idle though, when they're not cupping either side of his muzzle or caressing his neck and chest, they're gripping his shoulders, the pressure of your talons on him signaling exactly what you're feeling at that moment, the undeniably sharp digits of a predator yet incapable of truly piercing your mate's hide.
The motion of your bouncing up and down is limited somewhat by the tightness of your walls, trilling and purring as your stuffed henhood is forced to wink from the motion itself. Stars dancing in your vision as your clit drags across his dick in the process again and again.
Your tail reaches over to where Nocturne is laying with your Codex, caressing one of her forelegs before draping itself over her shoulders, occasionally tensing as your body is wracked with pleasure. You separate from Winter for a moment, staring at him as you pant out.
"H-Hold me tight, Wint~."
Before he could his next bounce reaches it's apex and you freeze time there. Kicking your hind legs up, you hook them on the inside of his elbows, leaving your entire weight in his grasp, though you know he could handle you with a lot more ease. You don't unfreeze time immediately, instead taking a minute to catch your breath and snuggle up with the colossal Earth Pony holding you, your tail wrapping back around to beat him off slowly.
'Sorry, big guy, I know it's not fair, but I've gotta get my licks in before you turn me into even more of a puddle in your hooves~."
After ten seconds you unfreeze time. Not expecting you to suddenly shift or the pleasure that hits him all at once from your tail, his grip loosens enough for you to drop onto his spire in one motion. His cock twitches inside of you for several moments before he gets back into a faster rhythm with you, your new position allowing him to hold onto you with a tighter grip.

What do you do?
We let out an excited and slightly loopy titter as we feel his member pulsing in the depths of our womb, clinging to him as we feel that hugging the big stallion is no longer optional. Our prediction proves mostly true as Winter's new pace makes us quickly slump against him, purring with ruffled feathers as we rub our head against his chin. Our paws flex and curl with pleasure, embracing the position we've put ourself in: a proud hen being treated like a toy in the hooves of a stallion. Opening our beak to try and convey... something, anything, no words leave our beak, just hot air and the occasional hoot.
Anything we were going to say doesn't matter though: our mate is doing his best to pleasure his little broodhen, with our other mates nearby, and given the tension in our belly and the mating display we can feel our feathers putting on, he's doing a wonderful job~. As we imagine the nest we're going to build once he finally gives us a clutch, we beam and our body does what it can to help that along.
Our tail reflects this, having not stopped its strokes, instead matching his pace, enduring as he thrusts forwards, only to try and draw him back in as he retreats, the tip toying with his sheath where it can.

Not quite happy with my post, but likely just tuckered out in general. General idea being Gael is in a zen state as she falls into a feral mindset, and is uncharacteristically quiet.
Well, I wanted to be a lot more productive tonight but I am just very tired.
Anyway, have a good night!
Morning, Pluto!
You let out an excited and slightly loopy titter as you feel his member pulsing in the depths of your womb, clinging to him as you feel that hugging him is no longer optional for you. Your prediction is quick to be proven true as Winter's new pace makes you quickly slump against him, purring with ruffled feathers as you rub your head against his chin. Your paws flex and curl with pleasure, embracing the position you've put yourself in: a proud hen being treated like a toy in the hooves of your stallion. You open your beak to try to convey... something, anything to him, but no words leave your beak, only hot air and the occasional hoot.
Anything that you were going to say doesn't matter though: your mate is doing his best to pleasure his little broodhen, with your other mates nearby, and given the tension in your belly and the mating display you can feel your feathers putting on as they continue to puff up, he's doing a wonderful job~. The image of the nest you're going to build once he finally gives you a clutch popping into your head, making you beam as your body does what it can to help that along.
Your tail reflects this, having not stopped stroking him and instead matching his pace, enduring as he thrusts forward only to try and draw him back in as he retreats. It seems to be working a bit as each thrust gets shorter, but more powerful as you feel his length start to twitch inside of you, along with a sensation building in your core.

What do you do?
We wiggle our rump what little we can while impaled on pony meat thicker than our foreleg, each twitch making us see white. Crooning softly and clicking our beak with anticipation, our hindlegs press against the inside of the white coated stallion's forelegs in an attempt to spread wider, somehow recognizing some of the strain our large mate is putting on his hen, even through the overwhelming pleasure. Somewhere in the back of our mind, we wonder why our bat mare and featherhead mate haven't joined in, before resolving to show them both extra affection for the intimate rutting we're receiving, oblivious at this point to the fact that we're being recorded, our facial feathers and plumicorns fluffed up and flicking in a manner that we'd find mortifying in any other context.
There is a glorious call in the back of our throat, ready to sing praise of our herd as the inevitable approaches, though the memory of the 'chick' nestled nearby is enough to dissuade it.
Squeezing our eyes shut, our wings stiffen and feathers bristle as we finally cum, everything from our claws to our pussy tenses in our lover's grasp, and in turn around him, the tension and our purring spiking with each wave that crashes into us, accompanied by a drizzle of hot griffon lube.
Our tail releases the stallion's breeding tool and encircles his sack in a familiar, and rather apparent invitation to spill his seed.

Didn't want to bring it to attention, but Gael and Winter's bedrooms share a wall, which is noted for not being soundproof. Figured Echo shouldn't be traumatized if we can help it. Should be able to handwave it.
You wiggle your rump as much as you can while impaled on Pony meat thicker than your own foreleg, each twitching making you see white. Crooning softly and clicking your head with anticipation, your hind legs press against the inside of the white coated stallion's forelegs in an attempt to spread yourself wider, recognizing some of the strain your large mate is putting on you. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you wonder why your Bat mare and featherhead mate haven't joined in, before simply resolving to show them both some extra affection for the intimate rutting you're going through, oblivious to the fact that you're being recorded, your facial feathers and plumicorns fluff up and flick in a manner that you would find mortifying if this was in any other context.
A glorious call begins to build in the back of your throat, ready to sing the praise of your herd as the inevitable approaches, though the memory of the chick nestled nearby is enough to prevent you from releasing it.
Instead you squeeze your eyes shut, wings stiffening and bristling as you finally cum, everything from your claws to your pussy tensing in your lover's grasp, and in turn around him, the tension and your purring spiking with each wave that crashes into you. Your tail releases the stallion's breeding tool and circles his sack in a familiar, and apparent invitation to spill his seed.
It doesn't take long for him to accept this invite. His forehooves almost lock around you as you feel a rope of his hot seed fill your core, followed by another and another that just keeps filling you to the brim. After what feels like a long time you both come down from your highs, Winter's grip relaxing on you as you feel your own start to do the same. For now, the large stallion pants above you, still keeping his grip on you as he holds you close.

What do you do?
"Impressive work Winter you did a real number on me. I admire your tenacity! Now how's about you shimmy on over and give your little hen here some sugar?! You certainly deserve a little reward for all your hard efforts I love you you big stallion stud".
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Night, Pluto!
D&D went about 7 hours, and I think we only got a bit over half way through.
We silently hug him back, having not really stopped during our high, our aching wings laying limp around both us and him as we gladly lean into our stud. Through hazy slitted eyes and some very loud purring, we start to 'preen' the fur on his chest, much of the excess heat from our body having dissipated, though a particular warmth remains in our belly, still plugged by a certain stallion as our walls and cervix refuse to relinquish just yet. Feeling somewhat proud of added liquid weight, we press our swollen belly against Winter, so he can feel his handiwork.
Hearing a squeak of springs, a wing shoots out and pulls a fuzzy mass of pink close to us, our head turning nearly backwards so we can begin 'preening' her as well in a show of gratitude, running our beak along her membrane wings and through the fur on her chest. Spotting the strange device she is holding with a look of confusion, a small spark of recognition flashing across our features as our mind connects the weird box with the missing member of our herd, upon which we begin nuzzling it and purring into the microphone.

Playing into Gael being loopy.
>Now how's about you shimmy on over and give your little hen here some sugar?!
Not this.
You silently hug the big lug back, having not stopped during your high, your aching wings laying limp around both of you as you gladly lean into your stud. Through slitted eyes and some very loud purring, you begin to preen the fur on his chest, much of the excess heat from your body having dissipated though a warmth remains in your belly, still plugged up by a certain stallion as your walls and cervix refuse to relinquish him just yet. Feeling proud of your added liquid weight, you press your swollen belly against Winter, so that he could feel his own handiwork.
Feeling a shift of movement behind you and hearing the faint squeaking of bed springs, one of your wings suddenly shoots out and pulls a fuzzy mass of pink close to you, your head turning nearly 180 degrees to the surprised Thestral to begin preening her as well in a show of gratitude, running your wing along her membranous wings and through the fur on her chest. Spotting the strange device she is holding out of the corner of your eye, you look at it in confusion before a small spark of recognition flashes across your features as your mind connects the weird box she's holding with the missing member of your herd, reaching over to nuzzle it and purr into the microphone. As you do you hear Nocturne chuckle softly.
"I'm not sure if I've seen her like this before," She comments, "I think you gave her a bit too much of a good time, Winter."
"Yeah, but it's still kinda adorable," He replies, rubbing your back with a hoof, "You good, Gael?"

What do you do?
''Yeah, I am! It just that what we all did together was amazing I've enjoy every minute of it thank you for allowing this happen Winter and for wanting to welcome Nocturne to be a part of our herd''! You respond and proceed to give the stallion a deep passion loving kiss. Moaning and purring profusely with a whole lot of satisfaction making the outcome more pleasurable thanks to the fun time you all together.
Pressing our back against Winter's hoof, we slowly pull our head away from the Codex, though our wing wraps a little tighter around Nocturne and 'Nickle' to compensate. Letting out a little chirp, our claws knead at his chest for a moment before resting our head on it.

(Assuming they try to get our attention some more)
Blinking with slit pupils, we tilt our head as a few feathers flick before shaking our head. Closing our eyes, we stretch our limbs and groan, blinking several times as our eyes focus again, our tone rather sleepy.
"Mmmmm... what'd I miss?"
Pressing your back against Winter's hoof, you slowly pull your head away from the Codex in Nocturne's hoof, your wing wrapping a little tighter around Nocturne and 'Nickle' to compensate. Letting out a small chirp, your claws knead at his chest for a moment before you rest your head on it.
"...I think that's her answer." Nocturne chuckles.
"Uh... Gael?"
He jostles you a bit with a large hoof. At this you blink up at him with slitted pupils, tilting your head as a few feathers flick before shaking your head. Closing your eyes and opening them again, you stretch your limbs and groan, blinking a few times as your eyes focus again and return to normal, your tone rather sleepy as you speak.
"Mmmmm... what'd I miss?"
"You, uh, went a bit out of it there," Winter tells you, "Do you... remember what happened?"

What do you do?
"We were watching that movie, right?"
We mumble tiredly, but unusually chipper even considering our company, as we snuggle up to Winter and Nocturne.
Inching forward, we feel something deep inside of us get tugged, along with the shifting weight in our belly, two things that we can identify with embarrassing ease. Eyes wide, we glance down at ourself, and around the room, a few memories coming back as we look at Nocturne, though some stuff remains quite hazy.
"Okay, I remember being sandwiched between you two for a bit, getting really hot and kinda loopy, and then bits and pieces? I remember being happy, like, really happy, and considering what I woke up to, I can fill in the blanks... I did something embarrassing, didn't I."
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
We were watching that movie, right?"
You ask tiredly, still sounding unusually chipper as you snuggle up to Winter and Nocturne
Inching forward a bit, you feel something deep within you get tugged, along with a weight that shifts in your belly, two things that you can identify almost immediately. Eyes wide, you glance down at yourself and then around the room, a few memories flooding back as you look at Nocturne, though a few things remain hazy.
"Okay, I remember being sandwiched between you two for a bit, getting really hot and kinda loopy, and then bits and pieces," You say, "I remember being happy, like, really happy, and considering what I woke up to, I can fill in the blanks... I did something embarrassing, didn't I?"
"I-I wouldn't say embarrassing, more... adorable than anything else," Winter says, "As for what happened it's... surprisingly hard to explain."
Nocturne brings your Codex to you so that you could view it, rewinding it a minute back. The first thing you hear is you hooting on top of Winter, your feathers moving up and down in a mating display. Once filled you then see yourself start purring and nuzzling the two of them, preening them both to the best of your ability and even giving the camera a nuzzle.

What do you do?
Opening and closing our beak, We plant our face in Winter's chest and let out a groan. Feeling too good to actually be upset.
"You're right, it was adorable. That's part of what makes it embarrassing. It kinda looks like I took a lot of 'nip. More than residual exposure or a contact high could do. I've heard the right kind of stress and relief mixed with catnip can achieve some weird stuff, but edging..."
We shake our head, resting it on Nocturne's shoulder this time.
"I'd rather not find out if my brain has some kind of Coltnami code, at least for now. I'm afraid you'll need catnip if you want more silly catbird videos."
Opening and closing your beak, you then plant your face in Winter's chest and let out a groan. Feeling too good right now to actually be upset at anything.
"You're right, it was adorable. That's part of what makes it embarrassing. It kinda looks like I took a lot of 'nip. More than residual exposure or a contact high could do. I've heard the right kind of stress and relief mixed with catnip can achieve some weird stuff, but edging..."
You shake your head, now resting it on Nocturne's shoulder.
"I'd rather not find out if my brain has some kind of Coltnami code, at least for now," You grumble, "I'm afraid you'll need catnip if you want more silly catbird videos."
"I think one is more than enough for a while, don't know if there is any side effects for catnip or something," Nocturne replies, "But, you're feeling fine right now? No... lingering effects or anything?"

What do you do?
We pause and take stock of ourself, feeling achy and tired in a way that is to be expected. We also stare at both Nocturne and Winter for a moment before shaking our head in response.
"Nope. Unless you call feeling happy and affectionate symptoms, in which case I'm just lovesick."
Giving Nocturne a quick peck, we scooch up slightly on Winter and give his chin a kiss as well.
"You guys wanna get back to the movie, or should we clean up? Though, I suspect adrenaline is keeping me awake at this point, to be honest."
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
You pause and look over yourself, feeling achy and tired in a way that is expected. You then stare at both Nocturne and Winter in response before shaking your head.
"Nope. Unless you call feeling happy and affectionate symptoms, in which case I'm just lovesick."
Giving Nocturne a quick peck on the cheek, you scoot up to Winter more and give his chin a kiss as well, getting a smile back from him in return.
"You guys wanna get back to the movie, or should we clean up? Though, I suspect adrenaline is keeping me awake at this point, to be honest."
"I would be fine with that," Winter shrugs, "We can just keep watching until you get tired or something."
Nocturne nods in agreement and you all get settled in again, with you laying on top of Winter once more and Nocturne next to the two of you as the movie resumes. It now shows Nova fast asleep on Drift's shoulders, the stallion still watching the movie but the volume had been turned down by this point. Glancing down at Nova, Drift smiles before looking up at a window showing the dark night, just staring out at the night.
It then cuts to the window with morning light streaming through it, the camera panning to a still sleeping Nova, but after a few snores she lets out a yawn and wakes up, looking around for a moment before looking up at Drift who appeared to have woken up before she did.
"...Did I fall asleep?"
"Yep, halfway through the movie." Drift nods.
"...Shit, and I was using you as a pillow the entire time. Sorry about that."
"It's alright, Nova, like I said yesterday I didn't have anything to do last night," He tells her, "So I just slept here."

What do you do?
Laying her head back on his shoulder, Nova exhales as she rubs Drift's side.
"Guess I didn't realize how tired I was. How about I make you some breakfast to make up for it? It's the least I can do for dozing off on you, twice."
Not giving him a chance to refuse, Nova slips off the couch and heads to the kitchen.
"Wish I could say something cheesy, like you were in my dreams, but it's just been nothing but stars as of late. Suppose it's not that weird, right?"
Nova lays her head back on his shoulder, exhaling as she rubs his side with a hoof.
"Guess I didn't realize how tired I was," She mutters, "How about I make you some breakfast to make up for it?"
"Nova, it's fine-"
Not giving him any more of a chance she gets up off of the couch and goes over to the kitchen, grabbing a few items from a cupboard as Drift gets up and trots over as well.
"Wish I could say something cheesy, like you were in my dreams, but it's just been nothing but stars as of late. Suppose it's not a weird thing, right?"
"With your profession, not really," Drift shakes his head, "I've told you before that you don't have to make breakfast for me."
"I know, but it won't stop me." Nova simply smiles at him.
"What has the dream been about?"
"Not much, I just find myself in space surrounded by golden stars that beep at me," She replies, "Guess my job is starting to get to my head."
"Guess so. The golden stars is a strange detail though."
"Don't know where I got them from." Nova shrugs.

What do you do?
Pulling out a waffle iron and some mix, Nova preps the ingredients for some waffles as she talks.
"You're right, it is strange. Kinda feels like I'm being watched. Between our sun and fire in general, you would thing yellow is associated with stars more, but
She shakes her head and continues trotting about the kitchen, holding a large bowl between a wing and a leg while stirring the batter with a spoon held by her other wing.
"Did you have any plans for today?"

I like the movie concept and want to keep running with this, but I've admittedly got no idea where to go with it
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
>I like the movie concept and want to keep running with this, but I've admittedly got no idea where to go with it
Same here. Not sure if the movie sequence should be abridged, or if there's anything else we want to do with it left.
Nova pulls out a waffle iron and some mix, prepping the ingredients for some waffles as she talks.
"You're right, it is strange. Kinda feels like I'm being watched. Between our sun and fire in general, you would think yellow is associated with the stars more, but..."
She shakes her head and continues moving through the kitchen, holding a large bowl between a wing and a leg while stirring the batter with a spoon held by her other wing.
"Did you have any plans for today?"
"I was going to go out into the desert and take a few photos, but that's about it." He shrugs.
"When I get off of work would you like to hang out?"
"How could I ever say no to an offer like that."

Slowly waking back up from your rest, the memory of the movie comes back to you as you wake. It took a bit for the aliens to arrive, but Nova found an actual alien signal and the dreams of the beeping stars she was getting was from the same aliens trying to communicate through that as well. The aliens then land on Equus which creates a huge amount of panic, but the aliens which were giant living rocks that walked on three legs were there peacefully and Nova ends up having to figure out what they want. Drift helps as well with this when it turns out that the rock aliens can shapeshift and he's one of them. The aliens spoke in clicks and beeps that were impossible for Nova to translate even with Drift's help until they figure out that each beep and click in the alien language are images rather than words so they're able to communicate through pictures and learn that the rock aliens are just trying to find a new home.
As you think back on the movie you start to knead a bit, expecting to feel Winter but getting air instead. This makes you wake up fully as you sit up and realize that Winter had just gotten up before you, the smell of food in the air telling you what he is doing.

What do you do?
'Yeah, Nickle and Nocturne could totally pull off a Nova and Drift couples costume. Winter might be able to pull off Gavrel, depending on how a Griffon potion effects him.'
Rolling over, we double check that we're not a total mess and look around for Nocturne.
(Assuming she isn't here, we sneak off to Nickle's room)

Movie was nice, kinda like Arrival. The reveal of Drift Wood would've been cool.
'Yeah, Nickle and Nocturne could totally pull off a Nova and Drift couples costume. Winter might be able to pull off Gavrel, depending on how a Griffon potion would effect him.'
You roll over, making sure you're not a total mess and confirming that you're not. With that done you look around Nocturne, but you don't see her either. She must be up as well.
Getting up, you silently exit the room and head over to Nickle's room, cracking the door open to find the Pegasus stallion asleep in his bed and quietly snoring on his belly.

What do you do?
Grinning to ourself, we snap a quick picture before sneaking on over to Nickle's side. Freezing time, we hop onto the bed and snuggle up beside him. 'Maybe I should make a dream interpreter. Nah, then the dreams aren't as private. Right, I was gonna tell Winter about my dream so that Nocty would tell Nickle about hers. Still can't believe she never mentioned it to him, at least for the potential innuendo, on top of how cool he'd think it is.'
After another moment of watching the stallion slumber, we remember we have to unfreeze time, which we do... after fixing a stray lock of his mane.
Morning, Pluto!

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