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Gen 5 (My Little Pony: A New Generation) Make Your Mark series has begun on Netflix, and there's still the movie as well!
Tell Your Tale episode playlist

Pony Life:

YouTube Playlist of pony shorts

My Little Pony: The Manga - A Day in the Life of Equestria, Vol. 1
Download link https://www.mediafire.com/file/j76lgbbq1nibrrj/MLP_The_Manga_Vol_1_HD.rar/file
Get a physical copy https://sevenseasentertainment.com/books/my-little-pony-the-manga-a-day-in-the-life-of-equestria-vol-1/
My Little Pony: The Manga - A Day in the Life of Equestria Vol. 2
Download link
Get a physical copy
My Little Pony: The Manga - A Day in the Life of Equestria, Vol. 3
Download link https://mega.nz/#!7Y43RCoS!WujvDfG-20FsDUXsMAIPpZE8qp3FECTL58wETuMIozY
Get a physical copy https://sevenseasentertainment.com/books/my-little-pony-the-manga-a-day-in-the-life-of-equestria-vol-3/

Somehow, summer's winding down, and soon enough it'll be time for cooler weather, fall colors, and lively festivals! That definitely means that Sweet Apple Acres has been busy for a while, with more work yet to do, but hopefully Applejack's been pacing herself. After all, it would be a shame if she was too tired to make the cider...

Previous thread.
Episode Links:
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>"Whaddaya mean I'ma 'background pony'? What the hay is that even?"
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You're the apple of my eye
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apple thread apple thread
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>"Well, shucks, this housekeeping business sure is easy! Ah think I'll make this a regular thing during the off season for some spendin' bits!"
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apple thread apple bread
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Now she's getting all snooty and stuff.
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Good morning, MLPG!
I want to be crushed to death by Cookie Crumbles' ass anyone else know this feel?
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Damn :(
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>Today is National Peanut Day
she is savaging that legume
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How would you make Applejack more appealing to the target demo?
I don't care about the target demo I care about making her attractive to me
anyone with good taste will also like her.
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You don't have to, she's appealing as she is.
>Gyatt-leJack, the rizzler of Simp-apple Ohio
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I have never heard zoomers say any of this stuff in real life so I just kind of assumed a bunch of unfunny boomers convinced themselves they do because they are the only ones I see saying it
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To this fucking day I haven't been able to decide if I like the movie's artstyle.
pony drives the truck
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This old gray mare she ain't what she used to be ain't what she used to be ain't what she used to be
Remember anon, one day we'll all just be a random name on a headstone, remembered by no one.
sucks for you but I'm built different
well now I feel like shit, thanks
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I made peace with that fact a long time ago. It's quite liberating. You don't need to be remembered, just enjoy the life you have, man.
>anyone with good taste will also like her.
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>Today is National Coloring Day
Fluttershy likes happy little trees
man with bad taste detected.
Works every time.
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What an autistic little pony
Braeburn Is so cute it's unreal
derpy please help me I'm plummeting to my death
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Posey would like Pinkie.
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MLPG has ruined my life
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who in their right mind would frost a cake with their butt?
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Hey quick question: What would Marker Pony dress up as for Nightmare Night?
clark kent
Her parole officer.
Is she being detained? I'm sorry I thought this was Equestria.
no, she's dressing up as her parole officer because he's a spook.
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Who might the artist of this be?
No clue, sorry.
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This was made by a woman or gay person that used tumblr. I can feel it.
pay up
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>Today is National Wife Appreciation Day
I appreciate my waifu.
Your waifu is pretty cool.
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I love my wife.
You can't marry a child.
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MLPG rate my horse.

Her name is Hind Sight because I am bad with horse names. Someone already took that name but it was adoptable shlock or a FOE thing .
Let me guess, her entire personality is being a slut?
Can she see why foals like Cinnamon Toast Crunch?
I was worried that would come across. No her entire personality is that she's a sassy horoscope bitch that always says she predicted shit. Kind of loosely based on the idea that people can know everything based on signs. She studies psychological and emotional patterns and is more of a therapist than a diviner.

It just so happens that "Hind Sight" can also be interpreted as "BUTT SIGHTED" and I thought that was funny to incorporate into her design. The idea of someone's whole thing being supposedly being prepared for the future ironically being kind of fat.

She'd just read the ingredients and go "Oh. Sugar. That's why."
Not Offensive/10
The assmark seems a bit far back on the butt but I suppose that's just so we can see it better?
Yeah I felt that too. Thank you!

Sorry it's no Jizzbutt
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Just gotta remember to treat them like 3D objects and that stuff bends around the curves and you should be fine.
Also don't feel bad about the name already being taken, I've got a horse that shares a name with at least six other OC horses.
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Bro why am I so attracted to horse butt and horses in stockings
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Well why not?
genuinely thank you for posting this I was trying to find this image and I couldn't

Welcome. Its so dumb but it has cracked me up forever. That game was a special kind of awful
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it appeals to the monkey brain
But I thought the real jizzbutt was your butt
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Anon that's lewd!
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>FlyingSaucer is back
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Black hearts in effigy
We sing a song that was hated
All dressed in rag and bones
Sharks smell the blood that I'm bleeding
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Keep this shit in the discord
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>Pipp won't be in G6
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>Today is Collect Rocks Day
The rock has been collected.
>be a tasteless faggot watching beanshit
>rightfully suffer for it
Go circlejerk with flyingsaucer and stop talking to me please.
Gay homo faggot watching Steven Ponyverse lol
I don't watch it though
Does anyone have that image of Celestia looking blankly at a wasteland asking "Where are the ponies?" from the comics?
Or did I just make that shit up in my head
Ah that must be it, thanks, been thinking about that image for damn near three years now
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Play fighting games with me MLPG or say something nice about Sapphire Shores
>say something nice about Sapphire Shores
I love that she only had speaking roles twice.
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We will never be niggas
she deserved more screen time
She deserved a fucking song. She's the only singer pone who never got one.
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For whom the sweetie belle toils was the biggest cock block in the entire show because it was the perfect moment for a Sweetie song and a Sapphire Shores song
What is going on with G6? I heard there was going to be a multiverse?
they cancelled that idea because it had too many rarities
We were so close Rarisisters ;_;
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What is there to do anymore, why does the internet feel so boring now
dead internet theory turning into dead internet fact with how widespread AI and bots are, plus everything turning into walled-garden chatrooms (i.e. discord) and more and more people getting pissy about things people post.
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Just play video games with close friends. That's all that's left.
what's she typing about instead of sleeping
Maybe people just don't want to talk to you
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>Maybe people just don't want to talk to you
maybe you should go blow it out your ass
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>Today is National IT Professionals Day
>plus everything turning into walled-garden chatrooms (i.e. discord)
I really don't like this secret club shit. I've had discord installed on my computer for like 5 years and I've never been invited to join a server. Yet somehow millions of people use this program everyday.

lol, it's almost like the internet is turning into real life, you have to have connections with other people to get into things.
Don't join public servers with randos unless you're trying to get someone to play a dead game with you. Just use it to talk to your actual friends which are easy to make offline and online
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She's explaining how her favorite My Little Human character is the best one on the show.
how much do I pay pony for
you pay her for how much she worked
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Unemployed man's wife - Rainbow
Working class man's wife - Applejack
Middle class man's wife - Twilight
Millionaire's wife - Rarity
Multimillionaire's wife - Fluttershy
Billionaire's wife - Pinkie
Applejack is unemployed?
According to the government she is. Applejack doesn't declare her income because taxes are theft. There are plenty of royal tax collector shaped lumps in the ground at Sweet Apple Acres.
you missed the second half of that phrase: "Man".
Applejack is not a man.
Also not unemployed so neither half applies to her.
I, however, am a working-class man and she IS my wife so the chart checks out.
So I think this is gonna be the year that I finally start collecting the comics. I hear they're actually really good and I always meant to check them out but I keep forgetting they exist haha. Should I get my hopes up?

Seeing my art in the wild is cool c:
it has its ups and downs
enjoy as much cute poners as you can
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>Today is World Bamboo Day
The kirin is inspecting the bamboo.
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I wonder how they're going to ruin pinkie in G6
She'll have a black VA and personality will be replaced with that of a loud obnoxious black woman
She's going to be based on you.
I miss old 4chan because at least you guys were funny when you made fun of black people
For real. Now it's just full on whining and crying, they can't even be witty or creative about it. Straight up boomer brain
any joke you could make about them is unfortunately outdone by reality. All we have left is complaining they're still here and being shoved in places they shouldn't be.
>Brownie Brown
>POCie Pie
Well she has nappy hair and a bombastic personality so obviously she’s black coded.
Thrilled to meet you Mrs. Dash.
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What kind of party is it?
cider kegger with karaoke and truth or dare
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Sounds kinda fun, I thought Dash would be more excited
yeah but what if they want her to sing
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>Today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day
Avast ye stallywags.
Thought this was a tf picture at first
pirate tf
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But Dash and Shy have sang together like a million times or something
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What Vidya have you been playing MLPG
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(And Dominions and Deadlock)
well I've been trying to get space marine 2 to work but even after all the suggested fixes (and their supposed patch) the shit still crashes on the opening cinematic despite my specs being more than good enough. So not that.
did decide to fire up palworld again a little bit ago though.
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Poner rimworld
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no man's sky


That would have been way more interesting
And by the way, those songs were excellent and there should have been two million
Find a pet is forever my jam
yeah but what if dash gets hammered and kisses fluttershy during a song and everybody sees
Yeah but Dash and Shy have kisses eachother like a million times, and by the way it should have been two million times
The two of them are songbirds, some might even say lovebirds, it's only natural they have good chemistry in their songs
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gamecube emulator'd most wanted and underground 2 for nostalgia's sake for most of the day
forgot how good u2 looked
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Pinkie No. 5
Just fantasized about Celestia making me her personal human sex "slave" and her kissing my dick tip until i came all over her face.
last night i dreamed that ponies were real
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>Today is National Bakery Day
Pones be baking.
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Play fighting games with me and my friend later or tell me how green my waifu is
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That pony is so green all her classes are level 0
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Pinkie's bringing the cake.
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I like mare's pretty mare dress
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You take that back
that's supergreen
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>pov you're ass
pinkie works up a real sweat
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>Today is International Eat an Apple Day
I had debated doing that one actually
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How long did it take you to find a picture that didn't include AppleJack?
I considered posting a pic implying AJ was getting eaten out but realized that joke would be too lazy. You're welcome.
>Demeaning a pony by treating her like the animal ponies we have in our world
New kink unlocked
she's mad but at the same time it's a tasty apple so she's conflicted.
not very long
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>sloppy makeouts
rough fucking and sloppy makeouts are only things she does with her friends
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>Today is National Ice Cream Cone Day
Colt is angry at video games
Well he shouldn’t be.
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Play fighting games with me MLPG or have a nice day
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What if I don't have a nice day?
I'll pay a pony to follow you around until you do
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This pony
Anon is so lucky
filly was arrested twenty minutes ago on fifteen charges including grand larceny, conspiracy to abduct an elected official, high treason, breezy possession with intent to distribute, and booping in the third degree

colt remains at large
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I sure do like large colts
define large
Teen colt size
I prefer my colts small, but also big.
Pipsqueak small or regular small?
How dare she
Regular small
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>Today is Family Day
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sloppy make out sesh with yellow and pink pony
Just one?
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More like Rainbow Splash
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but why
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that is a very sweet picture
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UNOPT my beloved
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>Today is Kiss Day
Are you okay MLPG
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I want you to boop like I do
No, you fags are pissing me off today.
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Terry is so fun
Ending G5 a week after the anni sure is something
I still don't understand how they fumbled so hard on G5.
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>Gen 5 (My Little Pony: A New Generation) Make Your Mark series has begun on Netflix, and there's still the movie as well!
Having this as the first line as if it's still 2021 lol
What do you mean, it's still 2020.
they never bothered to even make enough toys and they were too busy fumbling all their business in general to care or try
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That is a special colt!
Stressing the fuck out over con prep, finding in uncharacteristically hard to sleep right now
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I'll let you know after the hurricane
Just tie yourself to sturdy metal pipe like they did in Twister, you'll be fine then.
fuck hurricane griffons
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you niggers are so fucking annoying tonight holy shit.
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im referring to the board in general, not mlpg
Ah, I see, Understandable.
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why is colt
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you know what jannies you guys are alright I'm sorry for ever yelling at you, you did good tonight.
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luv plum
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>Today is National Quesadilla Day
Twily repellant.
Total Dubuc death
He's a colt specialist
it's just cheese twilight
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Join my ponutlickers club in sf6 or tell me your favorite Rarity episode MLPG
catch some seaponies while your down there
Don't reply to me faggot
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>favorite Rarity episode
the one where she got the evil powers book and went crazy
“went crazy”?
Corrupted Rarity is so good. She also looks cute with green eyes .
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green eyed ponies are my favorite kinda ponie
What's some good music to listen to while playing video juegos
I know that when I settle in to pvp stuff in what I play I just fire up the DKC soundtrack because I'm going amongst the apes.
General purpose I throw on a whole album (rock, jazz, etc.) or game OST (ogre battle 64 and gravity circuit are good) that I like and just switch over to another one if I'm still playing.
Depends on what you're playing, but if it's more action oriented I usually go with the Jets 'N' Guns 2 ost. Most of the songs would work as fighting game music as well. In my opinion, anyway, you milage may vary.
Do you people think Lauren held a private personal celebration the day Goldner croaked?
Faust doesnt give a shit about pone no more, anon
Do you people think Lauren held a personal private celebration the day Goldner croaked?
I think Lauren has a private porn collection of every character she's ever drawn
This ost fucks. Thanks.
I'll check out the ogre battle ost later because I like the music in tactics ogre
the full OST is three hours long so be aware of that if you want to listen to the whole thing.
Wait what the fuck, why is G5 ending? Didn't they just start?
didn't do gangbusters so they're cutting it down. Probably going to take it as tax losses so they can shore up the other properties.
it's actually all your fault
I heard Hasbro talking about it
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>Today is National Better Breakfast Day
what is she drinking? (picrel) Can I have some?
what the FUCK was her problem?
This filly must be protected at all cost
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