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Let’s fix that
>cherilee gets off teasing anon but never goes beyond that
>anon classmares get mad at cherilee for hogging anon
>competition to see who gets to fuck anon ensues

>human on pony

Both are cringe.
>satyr children
How about you buy a rope and hang yourself with it? Extreme sexual dimorphism or death
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You can have your sexual rick&mortysm, I'll be with my wife and kids.
>Satyr children
Shota Anon is a boy of culture.
No, you won't. You and your kind will never ever make into Equestria at this rate.
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I miss the kidnon threads
God, seeing this makes me want to have kids so badly with mares. I don't care about lust anymore I want to raise them.
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She actually came up with the chest fluff bit on her own
What site is that?
where's the button mash fucking his mom art?
Why is it all blank?
You guys have mommy issues
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no, I just long for a mare who gives unconditional love in a world where my childhood wouldn't be irreversibly marred by the world and the people in it
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Alright so that thread died and this one is going to die as well without any content and since you asked nicely might as well do it.

>You are Anonymous, 14 years old
>No ancestors, no employer, no imagination, no judgement, no punishment, no freedom, no...
>One beautiful day, you just got completely separated from your family on this shithole rock and have dropped into a land of cute, multicoloured magical horses
>They had unicorns roaming around for fuck's sake
>You were provided shelter by a purple winged one that lived in a weird castle that looked like a tree covered in crystals
>She asked a lot of questions to you as an alien contanct
>Eventually you ran out of answers to give about the homosexual planet that served as an ancestral homeland for the Homo genus
>She returned to her usual modus operandi as you had to socialize and assimate among the ponies as there were no way to return you to this gay Earth at this moment
>Twilight, the purple alicorn took on the responsibilities as your guardian for this time being, until they find a way or you reach your adult age
>Maybe because you didn't have much concrete information on how you got there
>Maybe they were just too lazy
>Or maybe she had to do some gay experiment about an alien simian socializing in a small village almost entirely populated by ponies
>Sounds quite far-fetched, but it wasn't entirely out of reach knowing your guardian and her hunger for knowledge
>You were glad to be outside of the big, cold-looking castle, but you found that there isn't much to do outside
>The adult mares were really nice to you, but the foals your age and younger were wary of you
>Especially the colts, who sometimes looked like you were going to eat them alive when nobody's watching
>They wouldn't even share the same desk with you, and they definitely were telling the fillies their dumb theories about you they just made up, influencing their opinions on you
>The only one your age range who were actually friendly to you is Spike, Twilight's dragon, but you didn't talk much
>He lacked much of his sister figure's love for knowledge, preferring to read capeshit comics and playing table games with people who were fuckton of times his age, the interests you didn't share
>You used to not to have friends among your classmates
>Your classmates back on Earth were degenerate, hedonistic subhumans who would rather take drugs and watch what's new on Twatch and DikCok to getting at least semi-decent grades for their very own good
>And the classmates in your new home wouldn't even say hi
>As if their predator classmate was waiting for the moment to wreak some havoc
>Speaking of the classes, you got applied to Ponyville's sole school were most classes were held by a dark pink, green-eyed mare that didn't have any extra limbs
>School in a small village and all that
>You were impressed by her vast knowledge of different material and you admired her a lot due to that
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>Initially, you were getting good grades and tried to maintain them
>But then you started to feel too tired to do so
>Even if adult ponies were nice to you, you never attempted to make friends with one, as you felt you would only get in the way of their everyday activities
>You didn't really have anything to truly give them, either
>And the foals never attempted to hold a meaningful dialogue with you
>You felt truly lonely in this novel world of more interesting creatures
>You felt like you were... your existence here is actually meaningless
>You didn't pour in your homework as much anymore as you felt too low-energetic to give it much thought anymore

>Day another in Equestria
>You wake up and do the needful with your morning wood
>It wasn't different from the life on Earth but since your sense of privacy in this castle was unmatched, might as well take care of your raging puberty hormones and wash your bodily fluids among with everything else
>If there were humans on Equus, then they're must be long gone now
>That means you're pretty much forever a virgin here unless a woman shares your fate
>There's no way you're going to ever shag anyone on Equus where the closest things to a human girl are probably minotaur cows
>Not to mention that even if you did, there's no way in hell you're going to produce children
>After finishing the first stage of your morning routines, you take your school supplies, wish good morning Twilight and Spike before exiting the castle, heading to the school
>A biology lesson was held today
>By far one of the easiest subjects, and one of your most favourite ones
>There's just no way one can be bad at biology, which is mostly about the most basic aspects of life itself
>Living beings drink, eat, shit, sleep, fuck, fight for more food to eat and vaginas to fuck, most of them just do it in a slightly different way and simpler organisms just maybe don't fuck
>There is just no way you can get a lower grade than B at it
>You simply had to answer if members of different species could feel attracted to each other and make an offspring
>You wrote that it's not really possible as living beings can only make healthy offspring if they breed with other members of the same species, and even when really close species breed their offspting is infertile and since sex occurs mostly for procreation it's not really possible for one species to be attracted to different ones
>Cheerilee shakes her head when reviewing your homework
>"Anon, this is just too much. You were never this bad."
"Sorry, miss." you mumble softly
>You could see teacher covering her mouth with her hoof as she bites her lip
>She takes some time to scribble your grade before she returns it to you
>What? What the fuck? How?
>How did you get fucking F-?
>And an order to see your teacher after class at 5 in the evening, in her house at the workroom which is to the far right from the entry
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>Oddly specific, and not in the school for whatever reason, but you couldn't really blame such a busy pony
>You anxiously anticipiate this day's evening once the lessons were done

>You stand nerviously in front of Cheerilee's house, just at the address written in the order, holding your biology book under your armpits
>You open the door just to see not a single living soul inside
>Did you arrive too early?
>The house is very clean and orderly
>Closing the door, you wipe your shoes at the doormat and take them off, taking care of that not a single piece of dirt gets in
>You head for the workroom
>As you feel your own anxiety is about to devour you, you open the door to the workroom
>"I was waiting for you, handsome. Put the book on the desk, we don't need it."
>You see your teacher sitting on a queen-sized bed
>She stared at you, her eyes being lidded seductively, making you feel... something
>She wore black velvet socks on all four of her hooves, with high heels on her hindlegs
>Her short transparent skirt exposed her garter belts and black panties just beneath her little mounds
>You put the book on the desk as she suggested
>"Don't be shy now, sit." she purred seductively yet gently as she placed her hoof beside her as she invited you
>You obediently sat beside her, sniffing her pleasant fragrance
>"Awww, it's okay, handsome. I'm not angry at you." your teacher whispered
>She hugged you, reassuredly petting you
>She slowly buried your face in her soft chest, comforting you
>You sniffed her pheromones that smelled like cherry pie
>You felt weirdly comfortable, just sitting their and intaking your teacher's pleasant smell
>You felt like you truly belonged here
>You hugged Cheerilee back, your hands sinking into her dark pink fur, pressing against her firm, strong Earth pony flesh
>She started kissing you, pecking you on top of your head
>"Look at me." she commanded quitely yet firmly
>She passionately kissed you as you looked up at her
>You never felt this good
>You don't want to leave your teacher's company
>You felt loved, like nobody loved you this much
>"Did you like it, baby?" Cheerilee giggled as she pulled her face away from yours, gazing seductively at you
"Y-yes miss... I-I love you." the confession went uncontrollably out of your mouth as you blushed profusedly
>"Oh gosh... I love you, cutie." she blushed as well and bit her lip
>You feel hypnotized by the seductive gaze on her beautiful mare face
>It's like she stared into your soul, and made it feel comfortable and surrounded by her love
>She kissed you again, her pony tongue invading your mouth
>You closed your eyes and moaned softly as her tongue wrestled and dominated yours
>You began to hard as she placed her forelegs on your hips, beginning to take your pants off
>Your penis swelled as she lustfully moaned into your mouth, as it jumped free from your pants
>She broke the kiss, pulling away as the string of drool connected your tongues
I want to F- Cheerilee.
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this enlarges the pp
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Another glorious day on /mlp/
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>"My my, you really do like it a lot, don't you Nonny?" Cheerilee teased you as you helped her take your pants off
>You don't think there's a more beautiful thing than your pony teacher
>To hell with women, they don't have soft, cuddly fur and tails
>They don't have eyes as pretty and soul-penetrating as mares do
>They don't make feel as safe as they hug you, unlike mares who are very strong despite their size
>Cheerilee took your shirt off and dropped it in the same location your pants are, exposing your teenager torso
>"Hmmm... close your eyes." she commanded softly
>You complied immediately
>You could some shuffling on the bed mattress
>Then you feel her put something leathery on your neck
>"You can open your eyes now."
>As soon as you did, you saw your teacher holding you on the leash, licking her lips sultrily as she gazed at you
>You touched the leathery collar on your neck
>You couldn't help but let out a lustful groan
>Something awoke within you, made you feel immense love and lust towards Cheerilee
>Your dick twitched as she giggled giddily
>You looked down at her panties, which were soaked in her juices
>"Take this sock off." she commanded and you were happy to obey
>You gently took the sock off and placed it beside you
>"Now lick my hoof. Give it all the love you can, sweetie~" she sultrily purred as she sat on you
>You kissed and licked her hoof, licking her underhoof slowly as she moaned
>"Good boy..." she encouraged
>You licked her beautiful hoof clean, passionately kisssing it all over
>She tugged on the leash, pressing your face against her fluffy chest again
>You pecked her chest passionately, as you lovingly caressed your owner's torso
>You pecked her all the way from her chest to her stomach, as you kissed and rubbed her belly
>"Lower~" she ordered as she stood on the bed making it creak and lifted her transparent skirt
>You kissed her boobs and suckled on them, making her moan loudly
>"Those will give milk if a mare is about to give birth soon. You can give me some cute foals, Nonny. I believe in you." she said as pat you on the head, as you worshipped them
>"Now take off those panties." she ordered you
>You eagerly took her black panties off, exposed her wet, winking marehood
>It looked so mouthwatering, there's nothing else like this that you ever saw
>"Lick me."
>You gave a long lap to her pussy, enjoying her cherry pie flavoured juices
>You moaned, intaking her powerful pheromones emitted by her moist hole
>You kissed her winking clit
>You unleased loving kisses on her fertile, beautiful pussy
>She pressed your face into her marehood, as her hips were moving against your face
Fucking hell...

>To hell with women, they don't have soft, cuddly fur and tails
>They don't have eyes as pretty and soul-penetrating as mares do
>They don't make feel as safe as they hug you, unlike mares who are very strong despite their size
Fuckin' A, brother, you're goddamn right.
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>You licked, lapped and kissed on your owner's horny pussy, making her wail your name and praise you, signifying her imminent orgasm
>She pressed your face deep against her volently twitching marehood, filling your mouth with her warm ambrosia
>She screamed as waves of insane pleasure overtook her body
>Soon after, as her orgasm died down, she let your face go
>You wiped her cum from your face, licking your palm as you consumed some of your teacher-turned-lover's juices
>"Ooohhh gosh... you did so well, sweetheart."
>You could feel everytime that praised you, there's a pleasant, satisfactory feeling swelling in your chest
>You loved her pussylicking good little boy
>There's simply wasn't more greater pleasure than making your pretty, loving owner feel good
>"Now climb up the bed, cutie." Cheerilee orders you gently
>You comply as she stands on the bed
>"That's a good little boy~" she growled lustfully
>She gently pressed her heel on your hard cock, massaging you
>"I just love teasing you like this~" she said as she bit her lip
>Her pussy began drooling again, her warm juice dropping on your body
>As her open mouth drooled hornily
>Your cock throbbed under her heel
>Then she sits in front of your penis
>She picks up a riding crop
>"No no no, Anon. I don't think good boys get punished. You're a good boy, aren't you sweetie?" she askes as she teases your horny dick with the tip of the riding crop
"Y-yes, Mistress. I-I am a good boy. Please take me!" you moaned the last part as she put her forelegs on your crotch, tugging on her leash
>"That's a very good, smart boy~ good boys don't get punished. They get ridden softly." your Mistress purred lustfully, taking the sock off you took off back on
>You pull your foreskin back as she's about to sit on your fuckpole
>Her wonderful pussy envelopes your cock, making you moan friskily
>Soon, your hilted inside of her pretty, velvety marehood, groaning in pleasure
>Her pussy pulsates around you as she moans loudly, wrapping around you she begins to tenderly fuck you
>Her tight hole starts to milk you
>Her forelegs caress you as she bounces on you gently
>You moan loudly as you feel her fuzzy butt and fluffy tail against your balls
>You gaze lustfully into each other, your moans mixing together
>Her twitching pussy tightens around you as she rides you slightly faster
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>She tugs on her leash
>"Tell me how much of a frisky fuckpet you are." she ordered firmly
>"Please what, Nonny?" she picked up the riding crop, rubbing its tip against your stomach
>You groaned loudly
"P-please Mistress, please..."
>"Say it."
>You feel like you're losing your mind, you feel like her madly pulsating, twitching pussy is making you crazy
>You love making your owner feel good, and it's time to answer
"Ohhhh yes, please..."
>"Say it!" her commanding is mixing with lewd moaning
>You groan loudly as her marehood tightens on you
"I love you, Mistress! I love your tight pony pussy! Fuck me! Make me your sex slave!"
>Her pussy twitched hard around you, and your owner let out a long, frisky moan
>"Ahhhh yessss, that's a good boy, th-that's a ohhh a very good, fuckable little boy~" her lustful praising is mixed with moaning
>She wailed as she began to ride you harder, her hole tightening hard around your fuckpole, as she twitches hard as wild pleasure overtakes her
>You begin ejaculating inside of her, painting your lover's walls white
>Her soft, velvety marehood winked wildly as she drained your balls, emptying them dry
>You thought that being inside of her pussy is the best thing ever as it somehow sutpassed your expectations, and orgasming together with her, inside of her is just otherworldly
>Maybe because Equestria is really an other world
>It felt like eternity, being in pleasurable hell with your Mistress
>Her orgasming, twitching little pussy just couldn't stop milking you
>Even if she stopped bouncing on you, it still felt incredibly good, fueling to your orgasm
>Soon after, your orgasms died down
>You both still moaned softly, enjoying the high
>She lays beside of you, letting your cock out of her
>"Good boy, you did so well~" she satisfiedly purred
>You kissed each other, enjoying the intimacy
>She rolled on her back, and you put your head on her chest
>You feel so full of love, your love for her is swelling in your chest
>You don't want to ever leave her company
>You will defend your beautiful lover at all costs, no matter what
"Please don't leave me."
>"I will never leave you, my love. I will love you forever."
>You kissed her soft chest

>Meanwhile, at Twilight's castle
>Spike just finished the comic volune he has been reading
>It ended in an asspull, and Spike wasn't really satusfied with it
>That said, he never heard the human that lived in the same castle with him
>Maybe he just didn't hear
>"I must go to eat some gems."
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>>She rolled on her back, and you put your head on her chest
>>You feel so full of love, your love for her is swelling in your chest
>>You don't want to ever leave her company
>>You will defend your beautiful lover at all costs, no matter what
Sexy and comfy green anon, thank you for writing I loved reading it!
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This makes me happy.
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I felt like I messed up the ending because admittedly I got tired of wasting my life trying to lose Sunday time shitting out this green for 10 hours. I even forgot she was supposed to be clothed and held (You) on the leash. Thankfully those issues were addressed in the ponepaste upload because I am autistic like that and obsessed with archiving my shit, but also I fuck around with them making them appear rather unraw unlike they appear on 4chin (and on desu), like fixing spelling and grammar mistakes, and rewording some stuff because I feel like someone is going to cry blood and have his opinion ruined on my already garbage, ESL-babble filled greens (and for future re-readers just seeking to bust a nut to them).
Glad you liked it.
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Well done, king.
>Queen of Hyperborea
My sides . . . . . . .
Not true. I hate my mom.
Mommy issues come from having a bad mother.
This reminds me of all the porn I used draw of my 7th grade English teacher in class. I wish, I wish she had caught me like this.
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Thank you for your effort, writefriend

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