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would you bring your waifu to the club?
fluttershy does not like the loud music
For me, far away from the con, this webm was likely the sweetest thing I've seen during MF.
Poor Fluttershy.
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>those spastic tards jumping around
They will never be 2013/2014 Bronycon where there was actually so much jumping that it registered a 1.6 Richter scale, allegedly. Also the fact that jumping was banned because it was shaking the entire upper floor, until they moved it to the ground floor.
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Show up and dance better, you won't.
pussy bitch
Kill that hideous bug right now.
I go to cons but I am too much of an autist for the concerts. The music is too loud and I cant dance. I dont know how people get in the mood to just do whatever that is.
there is no dancing occurring though?
The one guy is barely just swaying back and forth.
you call it spastic tard jumping and I call it having fun
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>awkward autists dictating other autists how to "dance properly"
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Show up and school us with proper dancing though?
>notice me, senpai!!!
What a silly question. Of course I'd bring my date to the club if I were going. If that means we spend our time sipping punch or reading on the balcony or roof, I'd be fine with that. I don't like loud settings either.
i would probably get a buzzcut and shave a bald spot in the back and take my hairline back a couple inches before going so i could be the balding fat guy pushing 40 with the lifesize at the party
i have a thing for humiliation
Doesnt make them wrong
What negative pussy does to a mf
What are you talking about, that plushie definitely has a pussy in it he pounds nightly
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I'm too autistic to even consider entering a club
I'm going to die alone

Also, is that Natureshy?
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Yes I would dance with my pony waifu
I can't believe I appeared twice in this video. One on the stage and another one seconds before the video finished.
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Of course I would!

But no, I'm not NatureShy.
Same, I don't get how the normies do it.
I will never understand how you faggots have the courage to go out in public and act like this. Even if it somewhat of a "private" in terms of being inside a convention, it's still seems so self degrading, and humiliating.
>live music
>crowd dances and has a good time
That's your problem anon, you have no courage. You will die a miserable faggot unless you learn to enjoy yourself
Personally I don't care. Barely listen to music. Don't care about dancing or partying. I can have just as much fun drinking alone online. Like quiet, like doing nothing. Doomed to be boring.
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as long as im happy, caring for other people's opinion is exhausting
is it really that degrading to carry a big ol' plush around?
Not him but I keep making myself go to cons but I'm a still a miserable faggot. I just can't seem to "chill" and enjoy the moment.
How is dancing fun to most people? I just don't get it.
I would but the music is always too loud.
And I mean WAY too loud.
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Why is this so fucking HOT
You just known he has a sweaty passionate sex with her in the tent at the end of the day
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I love taking my wife places. This was our honeymoon last year.

I'll be bringing her back to MareFair this year, too.
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>the confused boomers in the bg

Anon-sama I kneel.
Do you?
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And how do you feel about this picture, anon?
i was scared of rave clubs and festivals until i realised that i'm actually invisible there. everyone just blends together
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life, fuckin, goals right there
good job anon
based mcmiag set
boop her snoot
As someone dancing in that gif, a ponycon is like the one place where you can dance as poorly you as you want without any real fear of social judgment. If you're gonna go to a ponycon and not have the time of your life no matter what, then what's it all for???
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Anon, I can't...
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Dude in the hat is thinking about it
He's thinking
>"Damn, boy looks pretty happy with that big pony girl. Must be a good cuddler."
>"The hell's that s'posed to mean, Frank?"
>"Just sayin'. My 'pa raised horses, they look like they feel nice to hug."
>Anon, I wanna go home, there are such many weird humans here... I mean... They are seem very happy but... is necessary dress like a girl?
Based. How did you transport her there? Seems like it would be difficult while carrying other stuff and also trying to avoid her getting sandy.
Did you bring her as luggage or carry on?42n8
>inb4 her horsepussy was inserted
Why do think she's facing forward? lmao
Anon please tell me she had a bikini
Boomer on the left looks like he can’t believe he settled for no hooves after seeing that mare
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You have a courage I will never possess anon
personal item
Went ham at the student pub wearing a pony shirt and got nothing but praise despite being a 6/10 dancer at best. Just be confident and go to the right places and try to have fun.

Not that it will stop you from dying alone. I too will die alone.
Bumping this blessed thread
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This level of carelessness is honestly inspiring.
How so?
He doesn't care about what the others round him are thinking and just does his thing
carelessness as a word implies neglecting some kind of risk, or mistreating his marewife. In this situation, the only thing he's not caring about is the opinions of the drooling masses. And if you're scared of that, are you really living?
Okay, but how is it actually any fun?
have you ever lost yourself in an egregore before? It can be fun to give up the parts of yourself that are judging and just become the crowd, your consciousness expands and intermingles with everyone and is united to the music, the DJ becomes the conductor of the beast
New word to me.
But to answer your question, no I've never really been able to do that, and it's kind of unfortunate in a way, but my brain sucks like that.
they kinda suck. like how bars are just for drunk and obnoxious people to be drunk and obnoxious in a permissible social environment. you won't find much that's worthwhile there.
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>go to club
>expensive alcohol
>drunk idiots
I can drink and dance at home if I want to.
made me think of a lyric in this song
New ringtone.
What's the retail on one of those plushies anyways?
closer to $2K than $1K
Wut? My LS was a bit over 1k and that was with some clothing items
more than you can afford pal
pre-inflation pricing
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I wish I was brave enough to this kinda shit with my plush. I'm paranoid about her getting dirty.
>I'm paranoid about her getting dirty.
I'd be too if I had one like these.
I mean sure, all those anons are having fun but I cringe really hard when I see them putting those plushies on puked on train station benches and such. I'd even hate having other neckbeard's finger grease on them.
>Anon, live a little
It's just where I draw the line.
If it's people I know and locations I know that are not public I'd be mostly okay with that stuff.
This, right here, is what true love looks like.
If you're afraid to do this with your waifu, you don't actually love her. The opinions of random people matter more to you than the supposed love of your life. Sad!
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If I ended up getting a big moon, I'd only put her on nice blankets like pic rel. Feels more careful too. Big Sweetie a qt.
I have exactly the same thoughts.
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That trip was in driving distance, thankfully. But I bring my travel-sized Fluttershy as a personal item on AA flights, at least.
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The beeg Fluttershy in the OP was $2K even, and worth every penny. Made by my favorite plush maker.

I've never actually slept with her in a tent... yet.
She looks great. Who made her?
That was pity praise. They thought you were retarded.
Nta but QTpony, I got to see this plush irl multiple times
Even fell asleep on her butt while drunk off my ass once, she a cute
Get on finasteride NOW, you balding ass nigga.
DON'T listen to >>41423978 finasteride will fuck you up and make you gay, you have to shave it all off it's the only way.
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Bros mad that he could never afford a plush wife like his.... everyone point and laugh at this nigga
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come dance with me anon, we'll look lovingly into each other's eyes and kiss or something
Damn. That's the plushmaker that is basically impossible to commission, right?
Yes and no
He's getting back into making plush, I've gotten a couple from him within the past year
Just ask, it doesn't hurt to
use earplugs, they definitely help
the mcmiag set was honestly the best way to end the night off. absolutely hilarious and amazing at the same time
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she's beautiful
Is that what they've been putting into the water with all them frogs?
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Kek that's not true now if you'll excuse me I've got a date with some magus marecock! ^:)
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One day I hope I can be even half as based as you, flutterfag
>90° rotated
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gay retard
Amazing. I wish i could be as based as you are
This right here is why i bought a shirt of my mare wife, I'm not afraid of showing what mare lives in my head 24/7

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