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/dad/onequus is a monthly celebration of Discord, posted around Friday 13th (i.e. on the Friday between the 13th and 19th of a month; no guarantee).

What’s /dad/ about?
>Discussion of ALL things Discord, be it FiM or other media (PL, comics, books, noteworthy fan creations etc).
>Lewd* and edgy themes are generally refrained from in here, so enjoy art and stories more in tune with the show - with varying degrees of revision and headcanon. A common theme is exploring Discord as a paternal figure, possibly by adopting Anon.
>Unapologetic funposting. Chaos go brrrr.
>Tried baking official Chaos Cookies yet? (recipe: https://u.smutty.horse/mlftazwuomv.png)
>or Monkey Bread? >>40928949

Ongoing(?) projects:
>story: Unforeseen Consequences, by Trotte (aka Elohemian).
”Follow the story of Eris and Resonance, two little street urchins who receive a new chance in life thanks to none other than Discord! Action, adventure and CHAOS will meet them at every step!” (Trotte posts a brand-new tweaked and expanded version of his story; ponepaste to be added)
>story: Biochaotic, by KEKYLL.
“Flux, a biomechanical outcast from a nearly-barren world that knew only deception and corruption, is thrusted into the colorful, friendly world of Equestria, with Discord acting as his guardian. Will he be able to withstand the nonsensical (and sometimes treacherous) antics of Discord? Will he cave under the watchful gaze of a seemingly all powerful force? Will he ever learn to trust this new world after all he has experienced in his life? Will he discover the mysteries behind the face even Discord fears? Will I ever shut the fuck up and finish just one god damn story? Find out in the next chapter of this year's reboot: "Biochaotic" (https://ponepaste.org/user/JekyllorHyde)”
>story: (untitled short story), by Benji.
Meet young Anomaly, or 'Milly', the so-called ‘son of Discord’ who might be even more trouble than his dad by helping his friends in the most chaotic ways imaginable.
>autism: Dranonequus
>art: SNSpony and Dranonequus (OP)
>archive of old and/or discontinued stories:

previous thread: >>41157875 (#2.16)
*Erisschizos, stay in your own thread (currently N/A); Eris lewds are off-topic.

PS: Yes, we skipped two months but we're definitely not dead. Hell no.
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Next thread is scheduled for Friday, October 18th. (Or possibly a week later because of PonyCon Holland.)
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The perfect ship doesn't exi-
We are back and now in .gif form!
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Sorry, I chose the wrong pic
discordchads we are SO back
Yeah! hopefully Incan post something this weekend too!
That'd be nice, bro.
kill yourself.

Epic little buggers.
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I mean, I don't think this one works but is better than other stuff I've seen
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This Smooze KISSED the Lord of Chaos on-screen!! Want to know his secret(e)s? - Click >>>HERE<<< to find out!!
Bump for Chaos
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>that time /dad/ deduced that reality-bending chaos magic works like rubber bands
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its not ship if its canon
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He has been booped.

In case (You) are wondering what that OP pic is about, it's based on a bizarre dream I had the other night. My dream self wasn't my IRL self, and I remember feeling somewhat bewildered about eventually meeting a dude who just casually remodeled his head into Discord, or surprised about having friends. But instead of becoming aware of the dream, my dream self was very accepting (as most are). Then I couldn't even hang out with my fictional friends because I got sucked into a parallel dimension's version of that place which was an escape puzzle room. It had a laptop on top of a nice-looking bed, a small desk next to it, and the first thing I had to do was open 4 small, red boxes in search of clues, but all they contained were black spiders that yeeted around the place upon release and immediately made me think of the ANTS meme. One of the puzzles wanted me to dox a little girl, and somehow I got a phone line to connect me with my friends in the original dimension. I woke up soon after and needed a moment to facepalm.

Still a better dream than last night's which had me running late to catch a plane and getting lost at a terribly maze-like French airport that didn't have any signposts. A few years ago I got a lot of frustrating dreams about missing trains or getting lost on a car drive (with or without getting chased or getting into accidents or zombies); having any such dream now reminds me of those times and sours the mood somewhat.
I know you want Noodle to be happy, but why do you ship him with buttershy?
Not the discord fag but thats the ship that makes the most sense imo
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Oh shit we back??!?
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Hell yeah, we back!
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Baking /dad/ is very important to me because I'm really dedicated to my Discordfaggotry. I'm sorry I needed a timeout.

What happened in the meantime? Well, I cosplayed Gala Discord at GalaCon! I've got to rework a few things for the upcoming PonyCon Holland, and I'll have to do so asap because showing up to a cosplay contest when you haven't slept in three days is as bad as it sounds. Couldn't even win the crown this year, and I missed out on whatever else happened that day because I passed out as soon as I tumbled back into my room - make-up and beard still on my face and saving me an hour of re-applying it the next morning, kek. Woke up when my roomie tried to draw a penis on my face when the con was over for the day.

I also started a >Twitter account this week because people at cons kept asking me for socials. Would be nice if trying to post every other day helped me with becoming more consistent; with /dad/'s schedule, making a new illustration is always a month away until it's suddenly due tomorrow and coinciding with other deadlines or ill health. Ironically enough, I have to sort out my life in order to be a better Chaosfag.
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Took a pic with a Gala Fluttershy. Unfortunately, I did not take a picture with the fantastic Gala Ponk who won Best Craftsmanship.
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I drew a nice lineart of Discord meant for last /dad/ which didn't get posted. Coloring needs to be done digitally but I don't have experience, so I've been putting this off when I really shouldn't. I've scanned it since, purchased ClipStudio Paint for my tablet, saw that the lineart extraction tools work, but can't decide how to proceed. But I have to; I'd terribly regret not doing so in time for PCH.
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KINO LIFE time, whether you want it or not:
I've got to draw a cha-cha-cha Discord.
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DAD IS BACK!!! my day has been instantly made
who made your discord plush? he cute
very nice work
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>Stamina: Yes!
That confirms it, /dad/ will continue forever.

Now someone point a gun at me to make me draw.
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Oki Doki Loki!
Get bumped idiot
hyperlink didnt work
I appreciate the gesture. I'll try to scribble something before bed.
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These are so gooooood, the artsyle is great
And again
Holy shit, this looks fantastic
Cartoony Noodles give me life.

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