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/mlp/ - Pony

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most based thread. watch the jannies seethe at this one.
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uhhhhhh based?
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arrest this man
>What a coincidence, we need to have sex with anon.
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unf filli dashii rashii plap plap plap
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for me, it's sweebs.
kill yourselves
You first, actual pedo.
If MLP fillies were real, you would molest them.
No, I’d let them molest me. Huge difference.
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are you me?
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extremely based
yall niggas are fucked up for this one
>As if you wouldn’t.
It gets worse, anon
Are you not aware of /jdb/?
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Shit thread with no redeeming qualities

>rent free
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Younger versions of already older characters don't do it for me. Except Applejack. I would rail lanky filly Applejack.
that's because that trixie pic, although very cute, is just using the default filly stock vector, and is basically just trixie except smol. with a proper filly mane restyling and a new pose and you'd probably like her a lot more. same goes for other characters, their filly manestyles are pretty much the same as their adult counterparts, or just slightly different. the polar opposite of that is glimglam, where you can immediately tell her filly self apart from her adult self. which makes her exponentially more uohhhhhhhable
you're litterally a pedophile. you are attracted to kids.
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Don't you moralfaggots ever get tired of the same worn out false equivalence brainrot? Do you ever stop to think for yourselves every once in a while, or is your entire life dictated by corpo bullshit? At this point can you even think at all? Or has your brain become a playback tape recorder with about 3 seconds' worth of tape?
>cartoon horses are literally children!
Do you realize how stupid you sound?
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You need to have a seat over there!
I hope you toss that guy into the woodchipper.
moralfag? lol all i said was what you are. i didn't say it was bad anons. some of my favriote musicians,directors , actors ans politicians are pedophiles. but on a more serious note. being a pedophile is no different than being gay. except it needs to stay strictly 2d. as long as its 2d i think its extremely healthy and postive to express these feelings. otherwise you'd probably actually hurt a kid. i do think therapy should be involved just to insure you don't slide into more and more taboo stuff with how accessible cp is. im just using the deffinition of the word is all. by all means jerk off to as much loli or foalcon as you want. i make money from you doing so.
anon, what exactly are you doing to get such accessible cp? and what goes on in your head to make you genuinely actually believe that someone who likes ponies would ever like a child?
are you sure its really us who needs the (bullet) therapy?
>i make money from you doing so
care to explain?
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>Easily accessible CP
>Making money
I think he might be a three letter agent
people will spam that stuff everywhere in twitter reply with the bots. or at least offers of it, etc. it seems pretty accessible on the clear net. then watching all the pedo hunting videos. seems all it takes is just saying you want it.

and its not that complex, i just make mlp porn and other fandom porn. i never do explicit like underage characters but its sometimes grey especially with anime stuff. I'm a less autistic slightly more stable and less brown shadman. minus his whole weird drawing actual kids thing.
cartoon good.
real kids bad.
me approve cartoon.
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>this thread
>i just make mlp porn and other fandom porn. i never do explicit like underage characters
so then you literally aren't making money off of foalcon and lolicon content, that was a lie. or you're lying now, one of the two.
Anon pls help me I can't find the artist through booru reverse searches :c
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NTA, but it's AI and I generated it
What are usually the recommended specs for AI generation?
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Anyone knows what happened to @bestfilly
there's s thread on mlpol/sp debunking this bs, even posts from a psychiatrist.
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nah, to me explicit would be kanna from dragon slayer. but disney characters like kim possible are a bit different. or gushing over magical girls. they're all freshmen in highschool or seniors in middle school. but it's a bit different. the age isn't the focus, but reading the comments on various boorus or other platforms it is for some, and some specifically pay for me to do more of said characters. the point is that. i dont think liking cartoons or indulging in them makes you bad though. It's creepy and not something to be brought up in polite conversation. but porn in general are all of these things.
I've seen many try and no one succeed. the dsm5 directly states the seperation between pedophilic disorder and pedophilia. you'd fit the diagnostic criteria for pedophilia. but you could even just take the simplistic "common sense" approach. if the age and features associated with it had no bearing on your attraction, why would you specifically seek them out? why not fully developed, older characters not explicitly made underage?
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Hags are simply unattractive.
i am not shamming you, i can understand your desire. me personally i like my woman to be of a certain age, somewhere between 20 and 24. ive now graduated college and don't really want anyone whose age ends with "teen". i enjoy pubic hair now adays and cunny isn't really cattering to that. and i need a mother for my kids, a strong woman i can lean upon, who can help raise my kids right. characters like celestia, or Cheerilee get me going. of course rainbow dash is the exception. a 18 year old tomboy with a flat chest and thick ass and thighs and tiny waist. in tight shorts and a basketball jersey with just her bra and the sides cut open? all sweaty, right after practice? pure sexo!
Ahh okay. Do you have a prompter tag or something I can follow?
I just gen stuff on NovelAI when I'm bored sometimes. Don't upload anywhere. Now come for a swim with your favorite pegasus.
>filly thread archived
I guess we got everyone spreading to different threads to have them in a specific filly thread
unless there's something seriously wrong with your brain (or something seriously right with your definition of kids, i doubt it) then so are you, dude.
this guy's endorsing the gateway drug premise here. If you're from that long ago, this should be normal for you.
its not a gateway drug. its just the thing. its just pedophilia. not sure why its so hard to just read what i say.
Nah. He's one of those guys who moralfags against what he himself is into. It's clear he's found a bunch of cp and has funny feelings about it. That entire long post of his is rejection.

I've seen no cp.
I never will.
It's probably easily accessible if you look for it. But so is fetanyl and yet I've never seen that either. And never will.
Projection i meant. Not rejection
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Pedophile this.
>it's not a gateway drug thing, I'm just arguing that people who like cartoon horse children are indulging in an innocuous first step that leads to CP and molesting 3DPD children
i think you misunderstood. i think youre simply a pedophile for liking it. as far as molesting children that is a seprate thing. you're on 4chainz dot organization. you being a pedophile was already highly likely. you being being bold enough to take that step, is also highly unlikely.
god damn it anon. accidently went to my 4chan reader while doing 2fa at work. coworker almost saw your applebloom. thank god for blue boards.
Kekkin' heck, sorry nonny, I'd be more concerned about the actual message text tho
mods, please change the board color exclusively for this user here
Bumping for fillies
no this shit would instantly be over ran with coomer threads. its allready overran with fetish threads
That donut's goin' up Sweetie's ponut.
>would be over ran with coomer threads
Anon, come on. Knock that off.
>this place would be overran with commer content if it was a different color
>IWTCIRD threads pop up literally all the time
>this literal exact fucking thread right now
nothing would change honestly. you would just end up seeing more horse ass.
>inb4 fappy threads and >rape meetups
did someone say fillies?
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trisomicus debilitus, mlpoldotnet/sp/24377#24771
Stale meme
He said “exclusively for this user” you fucking retard

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