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This is a thread for all things pony and Jojo-related, but specifically for a green that I had to put on hiatus for about a month, where DIO invades Equestria and it is up to the Mane 6 and heroes summoned from the JJBA universe to stop him. Currently, Jotaro Kujo and Bruno Bucellati are attempting to locate a foal Stand User

Part 1: https://ponepaste.org/10210
Part 2: https://ponepaste.org/10249

>"I think I'm gonna be sick..."
"Come on, it wasn't that bad, right?"
>You are Sweetie Belle, now very well-educated on the workings of fish.
>You are heading back to your clubhouse alongside a very dejected Scootaloo and Apple Bloom. Jojo trails several metres behind you, so you try to keep your voice low.
>"'Wasn't that bad'? Now just where th' hay were YOU while we were all havin' ta look at t' INSIDES of a FISH?"
>Bloom glares at you, and you recoil in response.
"Uh, I mean... at least it was... educational?"
>Scoots gives an exaggerated huff.
>"Whatever. It's over now. So you're going to keep your promise right? Invite Rarity to go camping?"
"Sure... I just don't get why it's so important to you, though."
>"Of course you don't. How could you?"
>You stop walking.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
>"Forget it," Scoot trudges on. "It probably doesn't matter anyway."
>This feeling... is it guilt?
>Have you been a bad friend?
"Hey... Scoots..."
>"Forget it. It's a dumb idea anyway."
"No! It's a great idea! You just need to spend some time with Rainbow, and-"
>"And what? She's going to suddenly like me? Think I'm awesome? Because I'm not."
>"'Course ya are, Scootaloo!"
>Bloom extends a comforting hoof, but Scoot swats it away.
>"No, I'm not. I can't fly, I don't have my cutie mark, and I'm certainly not a fascinating alien that sucks up everypony's attention."
"I might've gotten carried away with Jojo, but I said I'm sorry!"
>"Enough, Sweetie."
>Now Bloom is looking at you the same way Rarity does when you... do anything, really.
>"This ain't about Jojo, it's 'bout you. Yer head's been in the clouds all day. What's goin' on?"
>Your friends glare at you.
>Heavy footsteps signal that Jojo's caught up to you.
>"Something wrong?"
>You turn to Jojo with a bright grin that you don't feel on the inside.
>He tilts his head in confusion.
>"If something is bothering you, you should talk about it."
"Nope! Everything's great! Come on, we're close to the clubhouse!"
>You start to gallop.
>Why do you feel so uncomfortable?
>Why can't you stop worrying about what Jojo thinks of you?
>The thought of him seeing how angry your friends have gotten at you makes you want to run and hide.
>At first it was great to feel like he saw something special in you.
>But now it's like there's pressure all around you.
>...is this what getting your cutie mark will be like?
>You don't really want to think about that.
>But right now, you need to make Bloom and Scoots not be mad anymore, and that means you need...
>Your big sister rushes towards you, scooping you up in a suffocating hug.
>"How are you? What have you been doing all day? Have you been getting along well with Joh-tah-roh?"
>Why does she always have to say things like that?
"I'm fine? Why are you asking?"
>"Because I just couldn't stop myself from wondering how my PRECIOUS little sister was doing, of course! I haven't seen you all day, I've been sick with worry!"
"I just went to school and the lake for a bit, stop crushing me!"
>She finally lets up.
>"But I just love you so much! I can't help but give you a big squeeze!"
>You know you're adorable and everything, but still!
>You catch your friends in the corner of your eye.
"Oh yeah, Rarity! Would you like to go camping this weekend with me, Bloom, and Applejack?"
>Rarity recoils in disgust.
>"What are you thinking? I DESPISE-"
>Suddenly her expression softens.
>"I mean... For you, Sweetie? Anything!"
>That was... suspiciously easy.
>You smile at your friends.
>"Oh, listen t' that!" Apple Bloom exclaims loudly. "Rarity and Sweetie, two SISTERS, are going to be accompanyin' me an' Applejack, two SISTERS, to our SISTERLY camping trip in Winsome Falls!"
>"Wow!" Scoots responds. "I sure would like to go with you!"
>"But Scoots!"
>Apple Bloom casually walks closer to Rarity as she talks.
>"This is a trip for SISTERS! And you don't HAVE a sister!"
>"Oh no! Is there anypony that could go with me as a replacement?"
>Rarity doesn't seem to be listening.
"Maybe somepony who's really... fast?"
>Rarity looks at you in confusion.
"And... um... blue?"
>"How about us?"
>You turn in surprise, and see-
"Mom? Dad?"
>Your parents are trotting towards you.
>"Got room on that there campin' trip for us?"
>You shoot a panicked look at Bloom.
>What now? This wasn't part of the plan.
>"Uh, ah, well it's kind of a sister thing..."
>"Well now, I could be this adorable little filly's sister for a weekend, eh?"
>Oh no, Scoots is getting noogied!
>She shoots you a look of fear and desperation, which you share. At this rate they'll ruin everything!
>"Oh, and this here must be one of them there aliens that done landed!"
>No! Run, Jojo!
"Stop! This spot is supposed to be for Crusaders! Not parents!"
>"Oh, well there, sorry for to get in your way there then..."
>"Sweetie, is anything the matter?" Rarity tilts her head at you. "You seem awfully nervous."
"Just what is everypony doing here!?"
>Your family flinches in shock at your volume.
>"Well, I just had this feeling..." Your mother slowly answers, "like it had been so long since I saw my precious little Sweetie Belle..."
>"Same here!" Your father chirps excitedly.
"Well, you saw her, so leave already. We've still got Crusaderin' to do!"
>"Hold on."
>Jojo's deep voice startles you.
>"The three of you, each on your own, all had the sudden thought that you wanted to see Sweetie? Just now?"
>Your parents seem stunned, so Rarity answers for them.
>"It certainly seems that way darling, why do you ask?"
>"Because I think I've found what I've been looking for."
>Jojo fixes his gaze squarely on you.
>It is not a friendly expression.
I'm happy to see this again.
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Based off the CMC's dialogue here, I suspect that the filly stand user is either Scootaloo or Sweetie. Sweetie is more of a suspect due to her seeming anxiety to please her friends, but based off her line about it being suspiciously easy to get Rarity camping, it could be Scootaloo's stand at work. I'm leaning more towards Scootaloo based off Sweetie seemingly not even realizing what's going on despite it being from her POV.

Yea, my bet's on Scootaloo.
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I don't usually read greens, but I enjoyed this so far, let's gooooo
>You are once again Diamond Tiara.
>And you don't want this wonderful dinner to end.
>You continued to push Bruno for information, and he did his best to oblige you.
>He obviously thinks the world of you... as he should!
>"So... what's the plan?"
>Silver nudges you.
"What plan?"
>You whisper back quietly. Right now, Bruno is focused on Father, and you don't want to disturb them.
>"Are we gonna take a picture of us getting along? Or get him to tell these stories at school tomorrow? Or have your dad come by and show how well they get along?"
"Why would we do any of that?"
>Silver gives you a curious look.
>"How else are we gonna put those blank flanks in their place?"
>Oh, right.
>That's why you did all this in the first place.
>You sigh.
"They don't matter, Silver. Move on already."
>She looks shocked.
>"But... why did we go through all this? We could have gone shopping, or stopped by the spa, or-"
"There's more to life than just running around town showing off and spending money, Silver!"
>Your friend gasps in horror.
>You're not sure what happened to you for a moment there, but you shake your head and recover.
"Sorry, but right now I just want to listen to what Bruno's saying."
>You try to refocus your attention, but Silver continues to be distracting.
>She looks at you, then the human, then back and forth a few more times before her eyes widen in surprise and she slams a hoof over her mouth with a squeak.
>You reluctantly face her again.
"Alright, what is it?"
>That coy smile she has tells you that it isn't nothing.
>Did she pick up on Bruno's affections?
>"I've just never seen you look at anypony other than your dad like that before."
"What does THAT mean?"
>That annoying smile again.
>"What do you think it means?"
>"Alright, if everypony is intent on ignoring me..."
>You shiver slightly at the unexpected sound of Mother's voice.
>"I think I'll be retiring early this evening."
>"Spoiled, darling..."
>Too little, too late, Father.
>"No thank you, Filthy. I'm tired."
>Your mother refills her glass and carefully takes it with her out of the room.
>Looks like just another of her moods. You turn back to Silver.
"Just what sort of look are you talking about?"
>"I don't know... like somepony special to you. Like they're the only pony you'd be nice to."
"I'm nice to lots of ponies!"
>Silver squints in disbelief.
"I am!"
>"If you say so..."
>Mother's voice makes you jump in your seat.
"Yes, Mother?"
>"Don't stay up too late."
"Yes, Mother!"
>She opens her mouth to say something again, then stops as if she forgot what it was.
>She turns around and heads back without another word.
>Just what was that about?
>Bruno watches her leave in confusion.
>Figures. Mother always finds a way to embarrass you in front of ponies you-
>You catch yourself before you finish that thought with a foalish word like... 'like'.
>He's the one who likes you.
>You don't have that sort of... weakness.
>No matter what Silver says.
>As Mother stumbles off, Bruno catches your eye.
>He smiles, but not in a mean way.
>It looks like sympathy.
>...Clearly, he's still enthralled by you.
>That must be what this weird tingling feeling means, right?
>You sigh in tandem with Father.
>Why can't she just stay gone?
>"Yes, Spoiled? What is it? You're welcome to come back to the table if you've changed your mind."
>"I think... I'm feeling sick."
>On second glance, you notice Mother doesn't look quite right. She looks incredibly uneasy.
>"Whatever is wrong, darling?"
>Father walks over to her side as she tries to find the right words.
>"I don't... I don't know why I'm still here. I was going upstairs when I had this... strange feeling."
>"Maybe you should lie down..."
>"But that's just it. I was going to lie down, then I had this feeling that I had to come back."
>"Sounds serious." Bruno stands. "What sort of feeling?"
>Oh no, now Mother is the center of attention.
>Yet again.
"She's fine!"
>Bruno turns to you with a piercing gaze, and you're hit with a tremendous wave of guilt.
>Like he somehow knows your every secret.
>You really, really hope he doesn't know your every secret.
"I mean... she just gets like this sometimes. Father can accompany her to bed."
>Sure enough, you see her lean on Father as he guides her toward the stairs.
"And while they're gone, we can keep talking. You can tell me-us, Silver and I, more stories?"
>You feel your face get flushed.
>Not for the first time, you're extremely thankful that your pink coat hides it.
>Even so, you think you see Silver smirk again from the corner of your eye.
>"I'm afraid I don't have many more stories that would interest a child... or a filly," Bruno smiles. "How about we hear from your friend? She's been awfully quiet this evening."
"Oh, that's fine. She's not very interesting."
>Silver tries to give you her signature offended look but you ignore her and lean forward.
"Tell us more about all the gold and jewels you found in a bathroom! Oh no wait, tell us more about that chariot you found that was made of silver! Or... no, tell us about-EEP!"
>You jump straight in the air in response to the sudden BANG that echoed throughout the room.
>"Wha- What is going on?"
>Father starts to pound on the dining room door, which is suddenly closed.
>"Hello? Why is this door locked? Randolph? What is the meaning of this?"
>"I didn't even know this door had a lock..."
>"Are... we trapped in here?"
"Of course not. It's probably just some silly game the servants are playing."
>Father is frantically banging on the door now.
>You can't remember the last time you saw him lose his composure like this.
>"Step aside."
>The tall human bends down to examine the door.
>"It's not locked, and there's no reason for it to be stuck. Something must be holding it in place."
>"Randolph! If this is some plot to snatch our valuables, I'll have you thrown in-"
>"It's not a servant. And I doubt it's magic."
>He turns to face you and Silver.
>"I'm guessing that one of you knows the answer?"
"We... We didn't do anything! We've been here this whole time!"
>"Diamond, if this is some foalish prank it's gone too far!"
>Oh no, Mother is REALLY mad.
>You turn on the only pony in the room that could be the culprit.
>Who also happens to be the only pony in the room that you can shift all this anger and blame towards.
"Silver... explain. NOW."
>Your (former) friend cowers before you.
>"I didn't do anything! I swear! Diamond, please! You know I would never..."
>It's true, she wouldn't.
>But there's no way you're taking the fall for whatever's going on.
"You open that door right now, Silver. Then head home. And don't you even think of sitting next to me at school tomorrow."
>Silver's mouth opens and shuts several times in shock. Her eyes beg you for mercy.
>They find none.
>She rushes off in the opposite direction of the door.
>"If you don't want me here, then..."
>She's opening the window?
>"I guess I'll just leave, the only way I can. Because I DON'T know how to open that door, Diamond."
>Tears pool at the corners of her eyes.
>She hops out of the window onto the finely trimmed lawn below.
>And is immediately launched back inside!
>You grunt in pain as she crashes into you, and the two of you tumble around in a pile of confusion.
>From your dazed position on the floor, you can barely see the open window close itself.
"But... how?"
Looking great. Can't wait to read it tomorrow.
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Cute filly Kakyonin.
>You are Bruno Buccellati.
>And you finally saw it.
>It was fast, but a Stand definitely closed that window.
>No point in concealing your powers, then.
>Your zipper rips through the sealed door.
>And promptly shuts by itself.
>Enough playing around.
>You pound the door, zippers cutting it to shreds.
>And every one is immediately sealed.
>You catch a glimpse of it again.
>A small pony-shaped Stand, no larger than a toy, is on the other side, closing each zipper as soon as it appears.
>It won't let any of you leave the room, but it isn't attacking directly.
>Why? What could it be trying to do?
>Judging from the pile of tangled fillies on the floor, neither of them seem to have any control over it.
>But you can still identify the User.
>As Diamond's parents help the little ones to their feet (hooves?), you crouch down next to them and summon your Stand in full.
>No reaction.
"Hey. Look at me."
>Two pairs of wide, adorable eyes stare at you in confusion.
>And you aim direct punches at both.
>Stopping just short of contact.
>Neither flinch.
"You can't see this?"
>You glance at the parents as well.
"None of you can see another human next to me?"
>They all shake their heads. Diamond speaks up.
>"What's going on, Mr. Bruno?"
"I have no idea."
>The air in the room is tense.
"But I think there's still one way to find out."
>You dart to the side of the room, and Sticky Fingers reaches out to strike the wall.
>Another zipper, this time carving a large circle.
>Sure enough, the Stand appears again, faster than your eyes can track it.
>But this time you're ready.
>It moves faster than you, but that doesn't matter.
>You know where it's going.
>Ordinarily it would follow the zipper you made, away from the point of impact.
>But with a circle, that leads it directly back to you.
>You smile as your hand squeezes around its body.
"Finally caught you."
>The Stand squeals and thrashes in your grasp.
"Now then, I can't destroy you, and I can't find your User. So, what do I do..?"
Some nice drama here. I liked how Bruno caught the stand. It reminds me of a less murderous version of Hanged Man. I still think Scootaloo is the user, though based off the seemingly different occurrences in Jotaro and Bruno's group, I'm starting to think there may be 2 stands users at work. Maybe Spoiled?

>He obviously thinks the world of you... as he should!
Poor-poor Bruno. Imagine how awkward he must feel.
>And is immediately launched back inside!
Based off this, I think we can rule out poor Silver as a stand user. Diamond really fucked up with her this time.
>"Now then, I can't destroy you, and I can't find your User. So, what do I do..?"
I wonder if its the type of remote stand that has its user effected if damaged. There are a few like that.
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That is indeed Fluttershy.
We are so back!
We don't talk about Bruno
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>You are the terrified (but still adorable) Sweetie Belle.
"This has to be some sort of mistake! Stop it! I'm innocent! Please!"
>All Jojo's done is glare at you, but it feels worse than any punishment you've experienced in your life.
>"They're all here for you, Sweetie Belle. Why is that? You must have caused something to happen."
>You shudder. How did this day go so wrong?
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for anything bad to happen. Please don't be mad at me!"
>"It's not 'er fault!"
>Apple Bloom?
>"Yeah! You l-l-leave our friend alone!"
>Your friends leap between you and the scary alien, followed by Rarity and your parents.
>"Good Grief, I just wanted to scare her a little."
>Jojo throws up his hands in surrender.
>"Of course, Jojo, but I believe that you might have come on a touch stronger than you may have intended, dear."
>"Ya seem like a nice alien there and all but you ain't exactly got that nice and gentle way with kids there then, eh?"
>Jojo sighs and faces you again with gentle eyes.
>"I promise nobody will be mad. But we need to understand this power you have."
"I have a power?"
>You look at your friends in bewilderment, and-
>There's a collective gasp as everypony turns to stare at where you're pointing.
>Right there on Scoots' flank is-
>"Huh? How'd I get my cutie mark? I didn't do any-"
>Scoots stares at her own flank in confusion.
>"Well, now." Jojo is the first to speak. "Buccellati must have been busy."
>You squint at the bizarre letters that are now suddenly covering Scoots' flank.
>They seem to be made of... zippers?
"Stand... User...? Now just what kind of cutie mark is that?"

>I still think Scootaloo is the user
>I wonder if its the type of remote stand that has its user effected if damaged.
Holy shit I guessed it! I do wonder what Scootaloo was doing in Zecora's in the first place though to get caught by DIO, unless she was with him earlier. If I recall, Fluttershy did first notice her there.

>"Stand... User...? Now just what kind of cutie mark is that?"
Did Buccellati carefully write that down on the small stand's flank? Because if so, that's hilarious.
I think we need to tell people this general is alive again
good shit
>Did Buccellati carefully write that down on the small stand's flank?
Either that, or her stand ability is stored in the flank.
what's gonna happen next
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I guess you can say she pulled that stand out from her ass.
>You are the extremely confused Diamond Tiara.
>Turns out Scootaloo was somehow the cause of all that craziness in the dining room.
>You are standing just inside the gates to your estate, listening to her explain.
>She's accompanied by those other two blank flanks, their favourite human (far more ugly compared to yours), Sweetie's sister Rarity, and two older ponies that you think might actually be vagrants.
>You hope they don't touch anything.
>Seeing your enemy so contrite should fill your heart with triumph, but instead you feel...
>"I'm real sorry for everything," Scootaloo continues her explanation. "I just kept thinking about Rainbow Dash, and how much I wanted to have her as my big sister."
>"I felt angry, and frustrated. Bloom has AJ, Sweetie has Rarity... It's not fair, not having anypony like that for me."
>"All those feelings just kept building and building, then when I shoved you earlier today, Sweetie too, I think those feelings came out, and they went inside the two of you instead."
>"I just wanted everypony else to appreciate their family. To stay close to them, and not..."
>"A-Anyway, Jojo here says it's called a Stand, and that I got it from this really bad human. I remember I was looking for Apple Bloom over at Zecora's, and then this big thing appeared and stabbed me with something. But since I woke up without a scratch, I thought it was just a bad dream."
>"Anyway, that's the real reason why Jojo and Bruno here came to school today. They were looking for the foal with a Stand. They say they're gonna help teach me how to use it, so that it doesn't ever hurt anypony else."
>Father speaks up.
>"Well, I can't say you haven't caused more than a mite of misery today, but it shows good character for you to own up and take responsibility. Good on you for that."
>Bruno walks over to Scootaloo and pats her head.
>"It wasn't your fault. You didn't choose to get this power, and it is often uncontrollable. Just know that you aren't alone. Myself and several others in this town also have them, and we are always willing to help you."
>This feeling is one you recognize: jealousy.
>"Rainbow Dash has one too, right?" Scootaloo looks giddy. "M-Maybe she could be like my Stand teacher or something?"
>"I'm sure she'd be delighted," Bruno nods. "The three of us should spend some time together, test the limits of your..."
>You don't hear the rest.
>You're running back towards the house, and you're not sure why.
>Your parents shout for you but you can't turn around.
>You barge through the front door and gallop up the stairs towards your room.
>As you throw yourself on the bed, you finally notice that there are hot tears running down your face.
>You were never very good at identifying feelings, but this is a bad one.
>Something inside you hurts.
>It started as soon as you realized why Bruno was really here.
>He didn't care about your fancy house, or your world-class chef, or your brilliant father.
>He just thought you or Silver might be the foal with a magic power.
>He didn't care about you.
>He certainly didn't love you.
>You shove your face deep into your pillow, trying to stifle the sobbing from your treacherous throat.
>Your ever-present tiara falls from your head and clatters on the floor.
>You don't bother to pick it up.
>Right now it's just another reminder that you truly aren't special at all.
>You hear approaching hoofsteps, the slow and heavy type that must belong to a human.
>You quickly hide the tear-stained pillow and adopt a natural posture quietly gazing out the window, head turned so that any signs of your outburst would be hidden.
>The sounds stop and you hear your door creak open.
"Oh. That you, Bruno? I'll be down in a minute, do tell my parents not to worry. Just needed a little space from those ruffians."
>You've had a lot of practice at keeping your voice sounding confident and carefree, no matter what is going on inside.
>You hear Bruno walk forward, then stop.
>In the corner of your eye, you see an extended hand holding your tiara.
>You silently put it back in its rightful place.
"You can go now."
>No response.
"You found what you were looking for, right? And I'm sure Father is eager to give you a job, or anything else you want. So... you don't need anything from me. You should go."
>"I didn't come here just to find the Stand User."
>You hear a gentle creak as he sits on your bed.
>"I wanted to have dinner with you and your family. It's been a very long time since I met anyone like you."
>You scoff.
"I know I'm not that interesting. I'm not like the po- people in your stories."
>You adjust the tiara on your head.
"I'm not as great as Father, or you. And I certainly don't have any special abilities. I'm supposed to be a leader, but I can't make anypony follow me like you can."
>"You know, I can't remember the last time someone wanted to get to know me for me."
>You finally turn away from the window, looking at him in surprise.
>"That is not to say I don't value the relationships with my comrades. My old team were are like brothers to me. The bond formed from fighting alongside someone is special."
>He gives you a warm smile.
>"But you, you didn't have to talk to me. Even if your reasons for doing so were trivial, you still went out of your way to invite me here. That's a different kind of friendship, one I haven't experienced in a long time. Thank you, for showing me what normal life is like in this crazy town filled with bizarre little horse-people."
>You can't help but chuckle at that.
>"As for how special you are, I can see that you have the makings of a great leader in you."
>You feel your jaw drop in surprise.
"But... how? What makes you think that?"
>"Think back to what happened in the dining room, with your friend."
>"Scootaloo said that her Stand affected family. Silver isn't related to you, but you still considered her to be your family. Otherwise the Stand wouldn't have affected her."
>That's right!
>Wait... do you really consider Silver to be family?
"But Silver's... she's not even a friend, really. She just follows me around because I tell her what to do."
>"It might not have been your Stand, but it acted according to your heart, your inner desires. You didn't really want Silver to leave. You wanted to keep her close, to protect her."
>And him...
>You wanted Bruno to stay with you too...
>But of course you don't say that.
>You have to cling on to whatever scraps of dignity you have left after this day.
>Your cheeks start to burn again, and you turn back to the safety of the window.
>"That is why I know you could make an excellent leader one day. You've already found a strong ally in Silver, someone who will jump out a window for you. If you treat her coldly, it is only because you believe you must be cruel in order to be strong."
"Don't I?"
>"Sometimes. But Silver doesn't follow you because you're strong. She follows you because she sees what I see: that you are cruel in spite of your true nature, not because of it. You are not a bad pony. You've just been given a very heavy burden at a young age, and very little guidance on how to carry it."
>He finally stands up, and you hear him walk to the door.
>"A true leader is able to lead because he offers a promise. The promise of being better than you are. Believing in that dream with all your heart makes you rise above the rest. You don't have that yet. But if you are truly meant to inspire others, you will find it."
>He's gone.
>The tiara on your head suddenly feels very heavy.


I thought of what would stands based on MLP songs to be like
For example:
>This Day Area
Probably something like Killer Queen's Bites the Dust ability
I guess Scoot's didn't put up a fight once she was caught. For the best for sure. I find it interesting how you managed to have a moment between Bruno and DT of all characters. I wonder if Scoots will come into play later.

>"I'm real sorry for everything," Scootaloo continues her explanation. "I just kept thinking about Rainbow Dash, and how much I wanted to have her as my big sister."
So Scootaloo didn't have a flesh bud? Interesting. I guess her stand reacted to her own feelings more then anything.
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So Scootaloo's stand forces families together?
Oh yeah, what mlp songs would be stands?
Winter Wrap Up
The bigger question is what sort of abilities would correlate to those stand names?
Well most of them
On contact, her stand designates a target. People the target considers close family feel a compulsion to be close to the target. The Stand then attempts to prevent those people from going too far away from the target.

"His name was... Starburst."
>You poke at your food as you feel the burning of DIO's inquisitive eyes.
>You're not sure if you're uncomfortable because of the horrible situation you're in, or uncomfortable because despite your best efforts, you can feel that this monster is slowly breaking down the barriers around your mind.
>"And he was important to you."
>You grimace.
"He was my friend. My only friend. And then..."
>You don't have to keep talking.
>You could go back to your lonely room.
>But you know he's never going to let you go if that's your choice.
>And even if it's giving in to what he wants... you need somepony to confide in.
"He left me. He got his cutie mark and left for... more important things."
>That burning shame appears again.
>Years after getting your own cutie mark, gaining a mastery over magic that would put you in Canterlot's elite, and even running your own independent commune.
>And just the thought of that miserable time makes you feel like a talentless little filly again.
>"When was the last time you saw him?"
"Not for... a very long time."
>Of course you know exactly how long it's been, down to the day.
>But you can't bear to admit that.
>"It appears you were separated by fate. And this separation is what inspired you to found that place, to spare others the pain you felt."
>You nod.
>"Most in your place would miserably accept the situation. Some would lash out in foolish anger, blaming him or some other individual. You, however..."
>Stayed weak and pathetic? Refused to move ahead with your life? You've heard it all before.
>"You chose the right path."
>You look up to see DIO smiling.
>"In my world, very few humans had the resolve to try and change their fate. In this world, even fewer ponies do. Yours is, in comparison, a docile and complacent society. From the moment a pony is born, he gleefully awaits the day that fate reveals its design for him. The 'cutie mark'. A charmingly innocuous name to disguise a sinister design. A symbol that brands you as a slave to your fate. And from that day forth, this pony will happily pursue the task assigned to him, and only in rare cases will he seek anything greater. Such burdens are laid at the feet, or hooves, of your Princess. Your kind lacks ambition; the drive to improve upon the way things are. They lack even the ability to recognize their own chains for what they are."
>A tingle runs down your spine.
>It's all a trick. An attempt to get in your head.
>But still... he's saying all the right things. Voicing the most bitter thoughts that flood your mind on sleepless nights.
>"You, however, are different. When this 'Starburst' left you, you did not accept fate's plan. Nor did you release your frustrations on a pointless effort to tie him down with you. Instead, you directed your righteous fury towards the true culprit responsible for your misfortune: fate itself! And in doing so, you actually managed to strike a blow to fate. Or, at least the symbol of fate's hold over you. You destroyed these brands. I have learned much about your land, but I was unaware such a power existed in this place before I learned of you. It must take great strength of will to perform such a feat."
>He's a monster. You know that.
>But... he understands.
>He knows better than anypony what you were trying to accomplish.
>"Although... it was still a useless effort, doomed to fail."
>You slam your hoof on the table without thinking.
"It was working! We were all happy there. None of us greater or lesser than any other. No cutie marks to divide us, to make us different! We were all-"
>"Except you."
>DIO calmly cuts right through your words and straight to your deepest insecurity.
>"You kept your mark. You kept your power. You elevated yourself above the others."
"Because I had to! Without me-"
>"Of course you had to. And I approve. It was the correct decision."
>Once again, your words die away.
>"You were more powerful than them. You were able to provide for them. You alone knew what was best for them. And so you used your power freely, without regard for worthless concerns such as their own short-sighted desires."
"You're... just trying to set me off-balance. Pretending that you understand me, then trying to make me out to be some sort of monster like you!"
>"Is Princess Celestia a monster?"
"What? Of course not!"
>"Even though she also uses her power to rule over others? Force them to obey her laws?"
"She only does that for the good of all ponies!"
>"Same as you. And me. Although we may all have very different visions of a perfect world, we all understand the same fundamental truth: that such a world requires a ruler with power, who is not afraid to use that power to enforce their will. I am sure Celestia would deny it, but she follows that doctrine all the same. As did you. It was hypocrisy to not take your rightful place as ruler. You pretended to be one of them, equal to them. You shouldn't have lied to yourself. You ARE better than them. Stronger than any of your kind that I have met. The only flaw in your plan was that your power to defy fate was itself tied to your mark, to your destiny."
>Your mind races, trying to find inconsistencies in his philosophy... while also admiring its simplicity.
>The strong rule the weak. A statement that seems primitive on the surface, fit only for the ancient tribes or barbaric dragons, but is it really any different from what you've seen in modern-day Equestria?
>What you've seen in your own town?
>He sighs.
>"And thus, you are trapped. You may fight against fate and even achieve small victories, but all your actions are still part of fate's grand design. Even tremendous power has limits. And that, Starlight Glimmer, is precisely why I wish for you to ally with me. My power is also incomplete. But together, I believe we can change the world."
>DIO stands.
>"Rest well, Starlight Glimmer. Reflect on my words. I await our future conversations with great anticipation."
>He locks the door behind him.
>You try to summon the fury you felt when he first foalnapped you.
>Your rational mind understands what is happening, how he is manipulating you, and you swear that you will not surrender to such tricks.
>But there is another part of you, one that you've always pretended doesn't exist, and it forces a shameful image to the forefront of your mind.
>An image of you on Celestia's throne.
>Legions of ponies gazing upon you in awe and jubilation.
>All of them offering you their cutie marks. Their shackles.
>And one by one... you save them.
>Freeing them all from the whims of fate.
>And giving them new purpose, all according to your great wisdom.
>Rewarding the worthy.
>Punishing the cruel.
>Protecting the weak.
>Forming a better Equestria.
I do like DIO here. He's successfully manipulating Starlight, a skilled manipulator in her own right while she knows exactly what he's doing.

>"In my world, very few humans had the resolve to try and change their fate. In this world, even fewer ponies do. Yours is, in comparison, a docile and complacent society. From the moment a pony is born, he gleefully awaits the day that fate reveals its design for him. The 'cutie mark'. A charmingly innocuous name to disguise a sinister design. A symbol that brands you as a slave to your fate. And from that day forth, this pony will happily pursue the task assigned to him, and only in rare cases will he seek anything greater. Such burdens are laid at the feet, or hooves, of your Princess. Your kind lacks ambition; the drive to improve upon the way things are. They lack even the ability to recognize their own chains for what they are."
Quite funny, considering how prevalent fate is in the JoJo-verse.
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I guess DIO really wants a new Pucci.
Dio's the GOAT
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I don't fucking know why but 4chin is completely non-functional on my desktop so idk when updates will happen, sorry.
Did you try another browser, maybe?
Damn. Well as long as they keep coming thats fine by me
Best potential pony stand user?
If we're talking about creativity/intelligence, then probably Twilight.
If you meant sheer stando pawah then that's determined by fighting spirit, which would probably mean someone like RD or Lightning Dust.
Cozy Glow.
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Pinkie through sheer luck
I don't know why but it would be Cadance.
Her stand is a stronger version of her love magic.
>You are Daring Do.
>After days of being cooped up inside this ancient structure with narrow corridors, you're feeling pretty restless.
>The sight of your Master approaching doesn't make you feel any better.
>You know what he's been doing. She's all he cares about since he picked her up.
>You bow your head in a reverent greeting, but you also know that Lord DIO won't get upset if you speak your mind a little.
"Master. I see you're still trying to play nice with that pompous little-"
>"She is an integral part of my designs," Lord DIO calmly responds. "The strength of the connection I form with her will determine my chances for success."
>The burn of jealousy makes your eye twitch.
"Why not just show her the light like you did for me? As she is now, she doesn't deserve to have your-"
>"My path to Heaven will require a great sacrifice. I must surrender The World, and place my trust wholly in one other. I cannot rely on such tricks for something so crucial."
>You step closer.
"You can rely on me."
>Your Master smiles, and extends a hand to rest on your head.
>"I know, and none of this would be possible without your assistance. You will always be first among my servants."
>His words fill you with pride, reinforcing your resolve towards your Master.
>They also silence those irritating doubts whispering in your mind.
>"But in the meantime..." Lord DIO looks beyond you, and you hear rapidly approaching hoofsteps.
>"Oh, most grorious DIO! I come wizz great tidings!"
>Your eyes narrow.
>Yet another new servant that you dearly wish Lord DIO could do without.
"Caballeron. Out with it already, what's your news?"
>Your old rival turned reluctant comrade performs an elaborate bow.
>"I 'ave sent ze messagez as jou instructed, and alveady I 'ave received promising responses!"
>"Excellent." Master folds his arms. "And you have faith in these contacts?"
>"Wizzout question! I 'ave sent word through ze most secretive network in Equezchria! Ze Underground! Creeminals! Chieves! Murderahrs! Outlawz! Ne'er-do-wellz! Tax collectahz! All of ze most seenister and brack-hearted soulz in ze land, and zhey 'ave ansahred!"
>"Excellent. If worthy, they will be granted Stands, then assigned their targets. You must ensure that their actions will not impede our greater work."
>Lord DIO draws a familiar object from his clothes, and hands it to the obeisant pony before him.
>Even if it is His will, you fume at the sight of that rotten stallion holding a sacred object you've worked hard to keep out of hooves like his.
>"The Spear will determine who is worthy. Protect it with your life."
>"Of course, my most eggcelleent and magnificeent Master!"
>He departs with unnecessary prostration.
"I still don't trust him."
>"He is as loyal to me now as you are, my precious Daring Do. Not half as valuable, of course, but scum like that do have their uses."
"If you say so. I just... I wish we didn't have to rely on ponies like him. If I went to Ponyville, then surely-"
>His hand returns to your head, firm this time.
>"No. You are not a match for Jotaro Kujo. Your life is mine, and I do not needlessly waste what is mine. Besides, this is simply a precautionary measure. The Elements and their human companions are a danger, but not an immediate threat. You must focus on the task before you, and it is a considerable one indeed."
"I can do it. No artifact is beyond my reach."
>"We will see what our friend has to say on the matter."
>Your Master leads you down another corridor to an unadorned door, beyond which echoes an unsettling rumble.
>He enters without ceremony, and you cough as a sudden cloud of ill-scented smoke envelopes you.
>The rumbling emerges from a massive cauldron in the middle of the circular room, and Lord DIO's most exotic servant is entirely focused on whatever is inside.
>"My dear Zecora. How is your progress?"
>The zebra stares at the frothing brew for a moment before facing your Master and bowing deeply.
>"My Lord, I have been able to produce what you require,"
>"But I must caution, the consequences may still be quite dire!"
"Does that mean it's finished, or what?"
>Zecora gives you a stern look.
>"My potion is designed to aid you in flight,"
>"It will allow you to cut through the air like a kite."
>"But it will not protect you, or add to your skill,"
>"If you are careless, you'll end up as roadkill!"
>You roll your eyes.
"I could probably get up there without your stupid potion. I've flown through some of the most dangerous places in Equestria!"
>"Of your prowess in flight, I have been assured:"
>"That in most of your books, you get severely injured."
"It was like twice!"
>Lord DIO stands on the other side of the cauldron, and you didn't see him move.
>"If you are confident, Zecora, then we will follow your wisdom. We make for the mountain as soon as night falls."
>Finally. But there's still one loose end.
"What about HER?"
>Lord DIO smiles.
>"I have devised an experiment that will aid Starlight Glimmer's development. I will ensure that she is taken care of during our excursion."
>You nod.
>"I will make the final preparations for your journey."
>"As long as you are cautious, I see no reason to worry."
>Your Master turns to you.
>"Daring Do, this will likely be the crowning achievement of your career. You must rest."
>He's right, but the idea of sitting still is torture.
>Your wings twitch in anticipation.
>It won't be long now.
>You will triumph over the dangers of Mount Everhoof.
>And when your Master recovers Grogar's Bell, he will become unstoppable.
Nice to see you managed to post again. Will read as soon as I can.
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good shit
just read halfway trough part 1
this is autistic as hell but quite good
looking forward to continuing
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That's not Pinkie.
Truly menacing.
The kirin is annoying
So hype the Jojo thread is back. Green continues to kick ass. Good job, anon
Which JoJo characters would fit in MLP the most?
Rainbow's going to be so heartbroken later down the line, won't she? I really liked seeing Daring and Zecora interact, even if it was brainwashed versions of the characters. Kind of makes me think that they would make for a good pairing. It seems that DIO's gathering quite the team as well.

>Your Master smiles, and extends a hand to rest on your head.
Not even DIO can resist petting the ponies.
Oh damn, he got him too? What's next? Ahuizotl?
>"That in most of your books, you get severely injured."
This implies that Zecora read Daring Do books, which I think is hilarious.
>Grogar's Bell
Oh shit.
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>This implies that Zecora read Daring Do books, which I think is hilarious.
Either that or Rainbow just told her everything that happens in a big spergout.

>"Wait! Maybe the red..."
"You look amazing as always, Rarity. Come on, we can't keep Twilight waiting!"
>You are Spike the (baby) Dragon!
>And while you would love to watch the beautiful specimen before you model a endless series of outfits, each more stunning than the last, you really should get moving.
>With a heartfelt sigh, the beauty before you reluctantly walked towards the door, her dress billowing out behind her like a sail.
>A really, really pretty sail that smelled of expensive perfume.
>You kick your little (but still very strong and masculine) legs into a jog and follow her.
>"Oh dear, I might have spent a little too much time getting ready. I certainly hope Twilight won't be cross. Will she? Of course, Rainbow is chronically late to everything, to the point where I have to wonder if her head has been stuffed with one too many clouds over the years, but of course none of us would ever say anything bad about her because of it!"
"Of course not!"
>"And after all I simply must be allowed the privilege of looking my best, on today of all days!"
"I certainly can't argue with that..."
>"Oh Spike, to tell you the truth, I'm somewhat nervous. What if they don't like me? I still know so little about that other world. What if they find me... vulgar?"
"They'd never!"
>"Thank you so much for those kind words darling, but I'm afraid I must face facts. While I wouldn't exactly say that our dear Jojo has a particular eye for fashion, he still has an incredibly distinctive style. And Bruno... my goodness, I'd say he comes from an entire country of fabulousity experts!"
"Well, I still say they should all grow a few scales for protection..."
>"And while I'll admit it's a very unlikely possibility, if the Element of Generosity is in any way linked to one's proclivity for fashion, that would mean that our newest arrival... I feel faint. I might actually faint."
"Don't faint now! We're almost at the library."
>A familiar whooshing noise distracts you from the gorgeous view before you.
>"Heya, Spike! Rarity!"
>"Rainbow! See, Spike, I told you we have nothing to worry about. Rainbow's just arriving now as well."
"Hi, Rainbow!"
>"Spike, Rarity. Greetings." A deeper voice adds chimes in.
"Hi, Bruno!"
>"Oooh! Buongiorno, Signore Buccellati!"
>The skinny human leisurely strolls down the street, surrounded by an impatient multi-coloured blur.
>"Hurry up, Cap'n," Rainbow shouts at her companion. "They're waiting for us!"
>Rainbow skids to a halt... in mid-air?
>Eh, whatever. Pegasi stuff.
>"Yeah, turns out he was actually a captain back in his world, or some weird human version of one, anyway. Isn't that right Cap?"
>"The term was 'capo', but..." The human smiles softly. "Close enough."
>Rainbow does a few energetic flips for no reason that you can see.
>"With all the training we've been doing together, and all that he's been teaching me about my Stand, calling him that just seemed... right. Y'know what I mean?"
>Not really.
>You can't ever imagine calling Twilight 'Captain' just because she taught you a few things.
>Must be more pegasi stuff.
>"Oh my, I wouldn't have guessed you're the military type, Signore!"
>Rarity trots to Bruno's side, and you follow.
>The three of you make a strange group, especially with the impatient pegasus fluttering overhead.
>"By the way darling, you really must tell me: what is it like living in Filthy Rich's guest house? They must have the most luxurious decor!"
>Bruno seems a little embarrassed.
>"It's comfortable. I don't like having to impose on anyone..."
>"Oh don't worry about that at all, dear."
>"Yeah! you've only been here a few days and you've already saved the town twice!
>Rainbow rests her foreleg on his shoulder.
>"We're all glad to have you here, Cap! And the Rich family owes you big time, so don't worry about it!"
>A lovely sigh draws your attention back to an even more lovely mare.
>"Just look at the two of you! Such good friends already. Oh... I'm just so nervous!"
>She bites her lip.
>Even her worried face is stunning.
"C'mon Rarity, there's nothing to fret about. This new human is going to adore you! How could he not?"
>As soon as the words leave your mouth, the realization hits you.
>"Oh thank you so much, Spike darling. You're probably right. They are my counterpart from another world, no? Yes, I trust that the two of us will soon be as close as Rainbow and Bruno over there!"
>Oh no.
>The last two humans have been so big, and muscular, and well-groomed.
>If this new one is like these last two AND he shares Rarity's Element...
>It's over.
>Your joyful jog to the library quickly turns into the shuffle of a doomed dragon.
>In a few minutes this human is going to be summoned.
>He'll instantly catch Rarity's eye, and she his.
>They'll be so similar, and form an instant connection.
>Then they'll start finding excuses to spend time together.
>He'll call it 'Stand training', but you'll know his true intentions.
>One evening, when they're alone together, he'll gaze deeply into her spectacular eyes, and...
>You can't bear to finish that thought.
>The three of them are about to enter the library, and part of you wants to turn and flee.
>But you can't.
>You have to follow them.
>Mainly because that's where you live and it's going to be lunch time soon.
>But also because Rarity is your friend.
>And you're going to continue being as a good friend to her as she's been to you.
>With a deep breath of determination, you follow your friends into the library.
>"Oh, good! Now everypony's here!"
"Hey, Fluttershy."
>"Hello, Spike. Hello, Rarity. Hello, Bruno. He- um, hi, Rainbow."
>"Uh, yeah. Hey Flutters. You look... better."
>"Oh, thanks. I, uh, feel much better."
>"Yeah, I'm really... uh, glad that you're better."
>"Me too. Uh, not that I have any right to, um, anyway, it's good to see that you're good too!"
>"Uh, OK."
>You, Bruno, and Rarity silently observe the two friends struggle to speak to each other.
>Just watching them makes you wince in discomfort.
>Nopony knows exactly what happened during their big fight, but they were both pretty banged up by the end of it.
>Maybe you should talk to Fluttershy? You've got a bit of experience in the whole 'turning into a monster that attacks your friends and nearly destroys Ponyville' thing.
>But that might just make it more awkward for both of you.
>"Anyway, the others are waiting in the basement. We should join them."
>You follow Fluttershy down a curving set of stairs, and that feeling of dread returns.
"Hey, uh, Rarity? Can I talk to you for a moment?"
>"Oh certainly darling, let's just get this new human nice and settled first!"
>You don't even know what you were going to say, but you had to try.
>You slump near the top of the stairs. From here you have a good vantage point over the room.
>Jojo is standing by his bed with his arms folded. As long as there isn't an emergency, he seems to always be in here, even for meals.
>Bruno is pacing along the edge of the room. Twilight is fiddling with some weird machine. And the others are all chatting excitedly near the Elements.
>Even from here, you can see the purple glow from a certain diamond-shaped gem.
>You gulp nervously.
>"Alright girls, you know what to do!"
>Twilight is satisfied with the amount of whirring and zapping from her various doodads, and joins the larger group.
>They close their eyes and do their thing. The Element shines brighter from its protective storage tank.
>Soon, the light fades, then the ancient scrolls sealed in glass at the center of the room project a warmer golden glow.
>This is it.
>Whoever is created by that light will forever change Rarity's life, and yours.
>The object of your affections gazes upon that light, and it makes her eyes look even more perfect than usual.
>Her eyes...
>You let yourself get lost in those flawless gems...
>A sudden roar makes you jump straight up.
>It's immediately followed by multiple high-pitched screams.
>As your sight readjusts, you see the bearer of those wonderful eyes cowering in fear!
>The roaring continues, and as you look back to the light, you see the cause.
>A massive spray of water is blasting out of the portal like a geyser.
>As you watch in stunned silence, a second jet of water shoots out to the side with incredible pressure.
>It hits Bruno in his chest, slamming him against the wall like a ragdoll.
>More jets of water appear, smashing Twilight's well-maintained machines in a cacophany of sparks.
>You try to will your frozen limbs to move, but you have no idea what you should even do.
>There's a loud cracking sound to your side. Twilight materializes out of thin air, clutching Pinkie and Applejack to her side.
>Jojo suddenly and silently appears next to her, holding Fluttershy and Rarity, then vanishes a moment later.
>You can see Rainbow struggling to drag Bruno's limb body, only for the two of them to instantly appear in Jojo's arms.
>As he carries them to the relative safety of the stairs, you notice that the water already covers most of his lower legs.
>Nopony says a word as the nine of you gaze in horror at the growing destruction below.
>The glass jars protecting the Elements of Harmony have been cracked, but not broken.
>But everything else in the room is ruined.
>Jojo's few personal items are floating in a pool that now looks deeper than you are tall.
>Slowly, the glow of the spell starts to fade, and the roaring water with it.
>There are a brief few seconds of eerie silence.
>Then a shadow appears.
>You don't quite understand what you're looking at. Solid? Liquid?
>Whatever it is, it starts to grow at the center of the room.
>The strange black substance erupts from the water with a splash.
>The sight of the thing fills you with terror.
>A tall, black creature in the shape of a human, but somehow not right.
>Parts of it are grey like metal.
>The head is elongated, with bizarre markings that carve out fierce eyes with bright yellow slits.
>Eyes that now turn to face you and your friends with a completely alien expression.
>A twisted fang-filled mouth opens.
>The thing tilts its head, and speaks again.
>"I'm... not dead? That's... weird."
nice update
Is the new character Foo Fighters? Based off the whole water thing, that seems to be the case. If so, that would be nice. I feel like she died off too quickly.

>I'd say he comes from an entire country of fabulousity experts
She doesn't know half of it.
shiiiiiit i hope your right
FF was my favorite part 6 character
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>The thing slowly turns its gaze to each of you in turn.
>Finally, it locks eyes with you, and as you shiver in fear, the thing dramatically gasps.
>"No WAY!"
>A distorted arm raises, pointing directly at you!
>"CHARLOTTE? Is that you? I always knew you were alive, the others didn't beli-"
>"Enough of this!"
>You glance to the source of the shout, where Bruno squats at the bottom of the stairs.
>His hand is on the wall, below the waterline. You can see a blurry zipper extending from it around the curving wall of the circular room.
>"I'm guessing your Stand requires water, right? One wrong move and I drain this pool. Now, cut the theatrics and show us your true self!"
>The massive thing shrieks in fury.
>It whirls to point at Bruno. You hear some strange noises, and a moment later a tiny something seems to shoot out of it!
>Your eyes track a tiny black blur shooting at Bruno, but it instantly changes course as if deflected by an invisible hand.
>Your friends quickly swallow their fear and assume battle stances.
>The loud voice catches you off guard.
>Fluttershy swoops down, hovering protectively in front of Bruno, and facing the giant.
>"Excuse me? I'm terribly sorry for this rude reception. You gave us quite a scare, but we mean you no harm! We were just surprised, is all. Unfortunately, we weren't prepared to meet any aquatic critters today. Had we known, we would've prepared a much nicer environment for you."
>The thing lowers its arm.
>"You're... not an animal."
>Fluttershy gives a soft smile.
>"Only as much an animal as you. I'm a pony, specifically a pegasus. Are you perhaps... somehow related to plankton?"
>"Hey, yeah! I'm actually an intelligence contained within plankton. My name's Foo Fighters, but you can call me F.F."
>Intelligent... plankton?
>Wait, what's plankton again?
>"It's very nice to meet you, F.F., my name is Fluttershy."
>Well, at least the thing is friendly now. There shouldn't be any more surprises coming.
>"By the way, where am I? Last I recall I was with Jolyne-"
I was right! Nice to see FF here. I was quite sad to see her go so early in Part 6. I love how Fluttershy quickly figured out what she was. Just goes to show where her expertise lie. I wonder if Jotaro, as a marine biologist will get curious about her.

>"CHARLOTTE? Is that you?
Is she mistaking Spike for a human?
Oh, this'll be fun.
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Kek Spike
>Is she mistaking Spike for a human?
F.F is connected to generosity huh. I can see. Nice update as usual anon.
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>mfw Jojo part 9 is currently stuck in a boring fight AND on hiatus for the next month
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