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>help anon wants to stab me with a spear and make a sammich out of me or something
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Why is Linky so racist?
I am getting really sick of your shit, Linky
whats up with this spear and sandwich talk ive been seing lately
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>we need to kick Anon out of Ponyville. He eats gooses and cats and puts them into his sandwiches.
>Just having him living in our neighborhood has sent our property values down the shitter.
>vote for me and I’ll deport him.
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>Look at Anon's trash bin. It's always overflowing and the trash is dripping onto the corner of the street
>Anon doesn't even have a job and he gets thousands of bits per month from social security.
>be caveman anon thing version of you
>bear hug linky from behind and pick her up, restricting her front legs
>What?! Hey! Let me go let me go!!
>she kicks her back hoofs, but her tiny G4 body isn't strong enough to thwart you
>you can hear the ponies nearby panicking and squealing
>I said let me go you predator!! Nononooo!! Aaaaa!!
>you sniff her mane, brutishly and animalistically
>Ick! The ponies of Ponyville won't let you get away with this!
>you look around and see an empty town, a few terrified eyes peering from corners of the dark windows
>it had gone dead silent before you could even notice, save for Linky's struggling
>as you begin walking her back to your den, you decide to taste her ear
>first licking and nipping at the pale blue fur on the outer side
>linky freezes, closes her eyes with a grimace
>Eeuuunnngh.... she whimpers with revulsion
>then you put her entire ear in your mouth
>sucking loudly, with your tongue dipping inside her actual ear canal
>linky's eyes go wide open, as a shudder runs down her spine
>EEEEEEKKkkkk!! Stop, stop, stop!!
>she goes back to kicking again
>you let go of her ear, but with a string of drool still attached
>Let me go! I said, let me goooo!!!! Can you even understand me?
>from behind a house on the left side of the path, Twilight Sparkle jumps out before you
>Let her go, you brute!
I hug her tighter and yell "you never catch me you purple dork!" While running towards nearest treeline.
You have to eat him first. Only your colon can put an end to his evil.
keep teasing Linky (sexually) until she gets fed up and rapes me
Rolled 19 (1d20)

I recognize the purple one as a potential threat. I swing Linky at her as a makeshift club.
Roll to hit.
>she gives you a fierce expression, as her horn lights up
>Oh, Twilight Sparkle! Please do something! Please!
>a sound like some wooden broomsticks falling comes from behind the house
>Twilight looks over, her horn glow flickers off
>Spike, what the hay are you doing? Get out here and help m--
>while she's distracted, you throw Linky at Twilight as hard as you can
>Linky shouts in pain, but Twilight is knocked unconscious by the impact
>you rush over and pick up your prey in your right arm
>you try to pick up the new one with your left arm too, but you feel something pulling
>look to the source of the pull
>it's Spike, in tears, grabbing hold of Twilight's hoof
>Hey, f-freak! I won't let you take my friend away! O-or the other pony!
>as he usually does when it would be an inconvenience to progression of the plot, Spike fails to remember he has fire breathing powers
>he just yanks pathetically, and cries
>That's right! Let us go or you'll be sorry!
>Linky kicks helplessly, this time only into the air behind her
>between that, the flailing of her front hooves, and Spike's pulling, it does upset your balance a little
>Spike just continues yanking pathetically at Twilight's rear leg
>you can see he doesn't stand a chance against you, but still your caveman instincts knows it's best not to get too greedy
>you toss Twilight's limp unconscious body on top of Spike, knocking him over
>Oof! Hey! That's no way to treat my friend!
>Without wasting any more time you flee to your den, this time running
>Linky in your right arm has tuckered herself out with the kicking
>Excuse me, Mr. Monster man? Just what exactly do you plan on doing to me?
>no response, because ooga booga no know how talk word
>Please, I'm very scared...
Kek. That's what I had typed before the post break. The obvious choice.
>You grab Linky by her tail, swing her around and knock the purple cunt out cold.
unf i want to pick up linky
(sidenote, i now understand why Anon is a seperate character. second-person felt natural but it feels weird "controlling" "you" in the story. please mind the perspective shift. it'll be third person now but you can still self insert)
>running through the grassy outskirts of Ponyville, Anon could see the Sun beginning to set behind the Everfree
>almost there.
>once they enter the Everfree he returns to walking
>while she does look scrumptious, her cuteness also amuses him so he attempts to communicate with the blue pony
Name Anon.
>she looks up at your face
>you shout while shaking her
>her incomprehension enrages you
>some pitterpattering and rustling can be heard, reminding Anon of the perilous nature of the Everfree Forest
>Will you please let me go, Anon? I'll do anything!
>no response
>Do you want to use my pussy?
>no response
>no reponse. linky begins to sob
>I'll let you do whatever you want to me and I won't fight back or anything! Do you want to fuck me? Do you want to cum inside me? I'll let you, I promise! Just please, please don't hurt me! Please!
>I'll cosplay as Rainbow Dash! Plap Dashie? Plap Dashie unf? Does Anon want to plap plap unf dashie unf plap plap? I've been told I'd look just like her if I dyed my hair rainbow and wore cardboard wings--
>a wretched screech can be heard in the distance
>not distance enough, though
>Anon freezes, and covers Linky's mouth to silence her nonsensical ramblings
>she urinates a little in terror, which Anon felt pool against his foot
unf linker plink plink plink
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>she urinates
Good, I needed a refreshing drink from carrying her around. It's got electrolytes I crave!
>Anon tossed Linky over his right shoulder
>H-hey! What's going on? What's a cockatrice?, she whispered but with a slight hiss because she wanted to scream
>Anon crouched down and leapt without making the slightest sound
>He must had jumped a good 15 feet in the air, because they were now atop a tree branch
No Blue Pony Look Chicken
>Huh? You took Scootaloo too?!
>Anon just covered Linky's eyes with his right hand
>He shrugged his shoulder a little, so that he could balance her easier, letting her rest against his neck
>Not that he cared about her well-being, it's just that he wasn't too adept at chewing stone.
>Linky was afraid, and figured it'd be best for her to keep quiet.
>With his two feet and one free hand, he navigated the branches until they were suspended a good 25 feet in the air
>He sat at the base of the branch, with his back against the trunk
>Anon recognized that at this elevation Linky would be unable to move even a foot away from him
>He put his other hand under her belly and placed her on his lap
>H-hey! Are you letting me go?
>Anon turned Linky belly up and started to toy with her nipples and her pussy
>She grimaced and shuddered at Anon's violation, but realizing she wouldn't be able to escape
>Besides, he technically was taking her up on her offer
>Anon's entire forearm rested on her belly, holding her down
>Elbow under her chin, palm bewteen her teats, fingers exploring her outskirts
>Linky noticed that she was wetter than she had ever been in her life, despite the fact that she was repulsed by the primitive green beast
>Anon felt a rush of pleasure as his erecting cock brushed up against his loincloth and the soft fur on Linky's belly
>Linky's mind went quiet, and she yielded completely to Anon's savage curiosity
>jumps fifteen feet straight up and climbs a tree with one arm restraining linky

What kind of creature are we dealing with
A green ape, in most literal sense I presume.
>Anon found her little hole and slid his ring and middle fingers in
>It hurt Linky because he did so a bit too roughly and eagerly, and stretched the opening a little further than she was used to.
>Finger hooked in her vagina, he pulled her hips back and forth, up and down
>her warm abdomen pressed into Anon's cock, as he began to breathe heavier and grunt like a beast
>This motion brought Anon to full erection
>He was totally possessed by lust. Absolutely nothing would prevent him from achieving orgasm now.
>He tightened his grip on Linky's underside, the top of his palm pushing into her clitoris, and rubbing one of her soft nipples with his thumb
>Anon couldn't seem to get enough of the sensation of Linky's hot slimey cunt
>His digging motions went deeper and deeper, rougher and rougher
>It felt soooo good to Linky. She couldn't help but moan
>Anon still had to be stealthy
>He crossed his other hand over top her mouth to silence her again, and could feel her soft moist lips, liked a forced kiss
>This only turned Linky on more
>She could feel herself getting ready to...
>No! From a situation like this?
>Her eyelids drooped. She didn't care. Anon had already decided her fate that night.
>Anon crammed his pinky finger in
>Linky knew that Anon's intentions would come true no matter what, and had already given in.
>It felt awful... disgusting... horrific... exciting... painful... pleasurable... as he fingered her with absolutely no regard for her discomfort or pain
>In her excitement she lost her cool and started wriggling
Kek. All I can say is that it's a previous evolution of homo sapiens, it's green, and can leap very high. Probably some kind of cryptid? I think I'm unlocking a new fetish as I write this.
>Then Linky pushed herself up a little, against the creature's hold
>Now she was sitting up in Anon's lap, head resting on the right side of his chest
>Somehow the swift motions didn't knock the two out of the tree.
>Then she lifted her hind leg, and placed it on the other side of Anon's cock, so that it would be nestled in the pit under her haunch
>The flesh there was barer, and the softness and heat seemed to melt against Anon's cock
>in her lustful frenzy, she tried to coax him into fucking by grinding against his cock
>Before he could take the cue, though, she felt she could no longer hold back
>her eyes rolled back as she bit the palm of anon's hand that he had over her snout, not at all in retaliation
>her creamy mare juices poured down his other hand, and splashed against his dick as he continued digging into her insides
>Anon, a lonely beast, didn't take long to reach his limit himself from Linky's grinding and biting
>Immediately after Linky let it go, he squeezed her in his arms and growled
>The growling rumbled in Linky's ear like thunder. Even it seemed to violate her.
>In that hazy moment of peak pleasure, he blasted volumes and volumes of abominable semen in just about every direction
>The fluids and muffled calls. It was a glorious mess. Everything happened exactly as God intended. A small stream of blood ran down Linky's chin.
>Meanwhile, the cockatrice had stumbled upon the scent of Linky's piss on the ground
>It investigated, then heard leaves shaking above.
>Looking up, it was greeted to the sight of globs of semen about the size of its head
>It all fell directly on top of its eyes
>Some good karma for the little shit
Yeah sandwich you to the ground.
>Anon recognized that call
>He grabbed his prey by both back hoofs and slipped off the branch
>Linky, still in a lustful afterglow, was caught off guard by this
>Aaaaaaaahhh!!! she shrieked
>It felt like the drop on a rollercoaster as they fell
>Anon jutted his legs out straight below him, feet bent at a perfect 90 degree angle
>Linky flailed helplessly, certain she would die
>Anon's feet landed perfectly on the Cockatrice, which was squashed beneath his feet
>Linky plopped limply onto his shoulder, but did survive the fall
>As Anon pondered the unusual variety of bodily fluids soaking his feet that night, Linky couldn't help but be impressed with his swift and savage slaughter of the lesser beast
>Her attitude toward such grotesque displays of cruelty seemed to have shifted in an instant
>Unbenowst to her, she had learned to feel a certain bond with Anon after giving into the sexual rapture he'd caused her
>Something like this was unheard of in a "civilized" society like Ponyville.
>Despite being thin, undernourished, and about twice her size -- not to mention his behavior and treatment of her -- Anon suddenly appeared before Linky as something mythical. Something to be revered
>She had fallen in love with Anon
>Helplessly, hopelessly in love, and on such a deep level that could not exist or be understood within the cognitive framework of the "civilized" society she was used to
>It felt right. And it felt "realer" than any love she had known before.
>Much to her misfortune, though, this would not change the ape's plans regarding her, since he lacked the faculties to understand her feelings
>Hey, Anon?
>Anon grunted in response
>That's your name, right? Anon?
>Anon ignored her
>He bent down to slurp up the raw remains of the cockatrice off his fingers; meat, his own semen, and all
what the fuck
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Check out /ss/ the Spear and Sandwich General
The seed that OP planted in my mind everytime he spams this thread. This is what it has become. Now you all have to witness my horrific fetish.
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wow anon. just wow. simply brilliant. is this it? i need moar
>>Much to her misfortune, though, this would not change the ape's plans regarding her, since he lacked the faculties to understand her feelings
I want to know what this line meant. Is he planning to eat her next or something? This part seemed foreboding.
It’s crazy that he foreshadowed the cockatrice like four posts earlier.
Find a new fetish
Linky will meet a horrific fate at the hands of Anon. But first, she must be savoured... thoroughly savoured.
Why are u even in the thread? Clearly you must have something calling to you from inside...
damn that role play got a littld too common huh? she isnt even trying
>when anon tries to hot dog hsr butt
Wait, Anon is Haitian?
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Deep passionate tongue kissing with linky
(not stinky btw)
If she is as stinky as they say that would make it better
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Pet the pony!
Feel her soft fur!
Tie the baskets to her!
Use her to carry the things you forage for!
Brush the mane and tail!
Harvest the mane and tail, make rope!
Suckle the teats!
Obtain the mare milk!
Make the kumis!
Begin to forge a new Mongol empire!
You forgot Kill her and Devour her meat
I hate this stupid pony so much. Why is she so hot? She looks like all the other ones. And i like the other ones, but for some reason Linky just makes me crazy. Ive jerked off to her 3 times today. Fuck this stupid little bitch. I love her.
Then (You) will meet a horrific fate at the Marehemian Grove party in the Mare Fair lake. Do us a favor and marinate yourself in a lemon pepper lemon juice sauce the day before?

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