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Which way is it /mlp/?
The first one is the only correct choice and if you disagree you are mentally deranged
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Ponies only. Humans should be eradicated from space and time. There should be no trace of humans in the universe. Total Pony domination.
depends on the artist
a man cock belongs to a mare pussy
Found the race mixer
Either way is fine as long as I'm the one fucking the ponies. I would prefer human x pony though.
>muh humans are bad and evil wahhhh
>that's why I want to go to Equestria with a human mind, human emotional framework, human memories, human cultural identity, human morality, and human history
>but not a human body, because that's icky and I definitely don't have any self-image issues nor any warped sense of self, no sirree
Human x Filly
Sounds like you have low self esteem or just are a terrible person
Kill yourself
Love yourself
fuck a filly yourself
1000+ yr old Alicorn mare x 8yr old Human boy
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Why is her ass so huge?
All peds need the rope
Filly x human boy
I don't think he said most of that. I think you made it up.
Most of that is just a compromise to help my fantasies feel grounded, and because I am cursed by my filthy need for continuity even in this fallen form.
If I could have been born instead as a pony I would have. I don't care how different, in fact the difference is the point.
To fit the numbers of course
Well what are you waiting for, coward?
Age is stored in the rump
This is my fantasy where im the 8yr old boy and Celestia is my dommy mommy
I mean what am I supposed to do. I'm trapped here behind a screen like the rest of you. At least I can take solace in the fact most of the peds will continue to type with their sausage fingers on here until their heart gives out early, but that's about it
Dangerously based but there's literally nothing with this pairing.
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best one of those ive ever seen, cheers
Being art of the early fandom has made me dig my heels in for human presence. Back in the day hatred for HiE fics was the status quo. You couldn’t draw a human next to a pony without drawing out commenters telling you they don’t like it. Even if the content was good they would compulsively have to throw in the “i don’t normally like humans in Ponyville but” qualifiers.
TLDR, left.
I agree but enough already.
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Mare x Human > Mare on Mare > power gap > everything else
Surely my girthy 3-4” will please her.
Knowing I’m likely in better shape and better looking than you is making me smile. Thanks nonny. You’re so nice.
HiE outside of nsfw is still ultra rare. if its a crossover story they will most likely ponify the characters unless they are not human (it depends on how far from a normal human they are) and i blame EqG for that. i don't mind that most fan content don't have humans since said fan content. but i still find it a bit iffy that pepole don't use HiE propely, maybe i will finish a project i have in my head for a story that uses the Human in Equestria as part of the plot without any "Aw man sure is cool living in equestria but i miss earth!" or "i am a turbo neet and i live in horse world now."
i was thinking of something like homestuck but i still gotta think this trough i don't consider myself a good writer
This is the type of stuff you see screenshotted and posted elsewhere with fatass reddit mod edits.

Anytime you say over the internet "Knowing Im better looking" etc etc you out yourself as a fat swarth. So good job. Also, you get the rope too
Don't care as long as I'm the mare
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>>muh humans are bad and evil wahhhh
>>that's why I want to go to Equestria with a human mind, human emotional framework, human memories, human cultural identity, human morality, and human history
>>but not a human body, because that's icky and I definitely don't have any self-image issues nor any warped sense of self, no sirree
Neither. Me (as human) x all the ponies.
Above it all at the peak of the highest aryan mountainrange of Hyperborea overlooking the kingdom of Valhalla is where Woman x Stallion goes.
True. My Equestria has me as a human but no others.
Each second a human cock spends outside of a mare vagina is an affront to Celestia.
>misanthrope in the thread
You hate to see it.
As usual the based pony supremacist is being attacked by creatures
>hating yourself and your own body
r/hfy is not here bro
>not age
>that mare is just seven years old, you sick fuck!
>outing yourself as a redditor
what's the next step in your master plan?
Bitch wants your whole arm up her pussy and ponut.
Shit, I forgot that what the boyslave wants is irrelevant.
Both are fun.
And he's not the only one. Ultron was right
Reminding you where you belong, retard
Mare x Human x Mare

A man needs more.
seeing as I had no idea what that subreddit was, you must belong there more than me
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This way.
herd waiting for a stallion
Why are you so angry about being directed back to your home?
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I'm not the one who knows the name of obscure subreddits
Human if clop
Stallion if non-clop
Human x mare and stallion
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>Mare body with male sign
Uhh, Anon, what's that?
Horses Fuck You?
Hohols Flee Ykraine?
Humans Fall Yeet?
I made a wild guess, but it looks like you know all about the place already.
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>Woman x Stallion
you spelled colt wrong bro
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pleas stop derail thread with schleddit discussion
thank you
>no cock
>pleas stop derail thread
It's a slide thread anyway.
Humans can't impregnate ponies. I won't allow myself to suspend belief, it just isn't interesting to bullshit it with magic. So I would say it depends on the stories.
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Stallions can't compete
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Mare and human where we are reproductively compatible with each other so that I can start a family with my wife. No satyrs. Just normal, healthy fillies and colts. You literally can't beat this.
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UB (Ungraspable based)
Could you plese post your home adress?
I need it to fill out the report.
>Mare and human
>reproductively compatible
Now this is the definition of delusion
>Go to Equestria
>Become a pony
Now this is the definition of delusion
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>Mare x Human
Is bestiality\xenophilia, very haram
>Mare x Stallion
As God intended
>Go to Equestria
Now this is the definition of delusion
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I choose option c
Human x pony seems weird and awkward. So, pony x pony.
All of these.
this, in a perfect world, we all get to go to our own individual Equestrias
Bad idea. Ask Mr Hands. You can't, he died from Horse Sex.
Thats cause he was the one taking instead of the one giving
Both. Humans automatically get turned into a pony in Equestria, just like how Twilight got turned into a human in EQG
this. absolute trvth nvke.
the other anons are too disgusted to response so I'll go ahead and let you know this is unironically worse than mare x stallion.
its ironic too because most people that writte ponies as assholes or capable of doing crimes like rape, etc. are ptfgfags
>HiE outside of nsfw is still ultra rare.
No it's not, what are you talking about? it's literally one of the most popular genres
"#human -#equestria-girls" with mature filter on (so no porn) on fimfic gives 20,355 results. That is almost as many as the amount of non-porn non-human stories with Twilight, the main character of the show ( 22,622 stories). Perhaps you meant something different but even non-explicit HiE is as far from "rare" as you can get.
>no mares
Literally the absolute worst of both worlds, what the fuck is wrong with you
Now that is Based
But those are the most based posts in the thread though?
and are also the producers of the most degenerate shit
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I wouldn't mind being a colt either. Or a stallion, well mounted, but already as a colt would mean I have extra years. More time to explore and less duties.
Weaver! I forgot about him
Clean it up Scruffy
Human men are made to be mares' husbands so the former.
K, b, c.
what about ghost and horse?

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