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File: Wtf is this.jpg (169 KB, 1811x1125)
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Making the facial expressions as ugly and off-model as possible happened because…
le haber aka HITLER basically
This but unironically
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>le haber aka HITLER basically
Don't you dare to insult my buddy Adolf like that.
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I dont get why they constantly drew them to look like Nu Spongebob style faces or Ren n’ Stimpy.
Artists like to draw wacky facial expressions, as simple as that. The problem is not that the faces being ugly and off-model (a lot of old cartoons did that, including the Faust era of the show) but that they don't know how to make them appealing.

Faust and her team had actual artistic knowledge on how to exaggerate and think outside the box, Haber is just a writer saying "make them weird"
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These eyes remind me of something else
THIS, finally. They're wacky for the sake of it, literal forced meme faces
Personally I kinda appreciate the attempt over just using stock assets endlessly only making your artists be easily replaceable by AI, but I don't like the execution.

Next time, just let cartoonists be lead by experienced cartoonists and not by people who doesn't seem to have touched a pencil in their lives.
It wouldn’t be bad if it was still cute. But those mid-late season 3/4 muzzles are so ugly and just look like a huge Jew schnozz. It makes any expressions look off putting. If they thought out the art style change better and tried to not make them look like human faces so much it might not have been so fucky so often.
I'm just going to say it.
The show's animatics were ugly as fuck, S1 to S9. That wasn't a problem early on when the animators had to work with limited knowledge to present the ideas, but they got too technically proficient and felt that becoming as 1:1 to the animatics as possible was for the best. The show would have degraded into ugly off model faces even if no staff changed from S1 on because of that.
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>cartoon character making a cartoon expression
>ugliness is okay actually
>The show's animatics were ugly as fuck
You're an actual tasteless retard. The animatics were cute.
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uh, yeah. you niggers are literally obsessing over a single paused frame/scene. making everything look like perfect stills that are always attractive is how you get artists who have same face syndrome or your dreaded """"artist dementia"""". accept the jank and let people go out of their comfort zone. jesus christ you people are actual children who cant stand when you encounter new things.
some people on staff thought getting as close as possible to the storyboards was a good idea.
Ironically enough their retarded subhuman mindset is what caused the current state of westoid animation (beanmouth puppetslop)
My main issue with this is that they replaced horse muzzles with strange potato noses.
It's like they threw out everyone who knew how cartoon horse heads work and replaced them with people who can only draw human faces.
the only reason beanslop exists is exactly because you faggots obsess over tiny details. it's the entire reason the character design handbook made what is popular now, because any and all deviation from the bean was punished with insane force. you people are no different with your G4 perfectionism, any lightly moderate deviation from the lord emperor faust-sketches is immediately slapped into the dirt even when there is good reason or purpose to the deviation. you people leave no room for expression, for exaggeration, for any attempt at creativity because a slightly jank looking face is utterly slaughtered in criticism. and thus the bean face exists, because its the perfect proportionality where no expression can ever be too ugly or too wild or too different. YOU niggers made this happen. because you couldn't stand a single ugly frame.
Your example pic is still cute
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Also, i cannot stop sucking dicks.
Nigger. Season 9 faic is beanmouth tier.
HOLY SHIT!!! AHAHA! That looks so ugly! Is that also from Season 9? AAAAAAA
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...Because the animatics always looked insane like this, even in earlier seasons. This is just the animators showing off by making the animation more like the animatics. You don't have to like it obviously, making it cartoonier is a different style and less cute, but it's not coming out of nowhere.

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