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i love her!
Bailey's best friend is Cherie
I find it funny that these mares are also verboten on the other boards
What boards? I thought they're only allowed here
I've seen some wild mares survive in the /an/ horse thread but anywhere else they get removed just like mlp horses
Is the only reason you guys like this because it also has horses? Does any show about horses get included in /mlp/ now?
>Does any show about horses get included in /mlp/ now?
Name all the other currently produced cartoons that are purely about talking horses.
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It had a crossover episode
I like it because Bailey reminds me of Derpy. A hot dumb blonde mare. That's enough for me.
Also, it's fun and isn't part of the MLP franchise so I don't need to judge it harshly.
Derpy isn't dumb though
For me -
>Not only does it have horses, but they actually look like horses and aren't ugly. I watch WM but I can't watch G% because they look like dinosaurs/dogs
>The characters have cute, innocent personalities and their friendships feel real. I also like how they have unique themes with their outfits.
>VA's have very pleasant and cute voices for the characters. Especially dreamer is like pure asmr
>The writing gets really absurd. Sometimes because the plot is purposely absurd, sometimes because the writing is bad. For me idc either way. I find the light nonsensicality of it all really funny and entertaining
>I like supporting something new and risky with some care and effort being put into it. I won't buy the toys personally but even just with my viewing and liking the videos. It's just kind of a vibe being here at the start.
>The lewdability aspect, of course. They're hot, especially with their slutty outfits that don't cover their butts.
>I like the setting, how there's a beach and a carnival, just the aesthetic of tasty treats and fun in general.
You're right, she's retarded. I was being nice.
Does it have sovl like FiM?
The episodes are 5 minutes long, just watch one you dumb fuck.
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What the fuck is sovl? It's humor is silly in an organic way and feels like they want us to be genuinely entertained. Definitely feels much less "out of touch" than g%.
Enough Cocoa abuse!
>What the fuck is sovl?
Weird how the word uses black metal runes despite black metal being all about soullessness
Not really but the threads are usually fun
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Literally yes
it's gonna be epic!
surfs up!
what a bumpfest. someone write a green or something dear god.
Kinda but kinda not. I watch it cause they're pretty horses which is very rare in western animation nowadays where every character has to be ugly. For example I couldn't watch g5 because everyone has down syndrome so I actually don't just watch anything with talking equines. Also there's no weird forced propaganda shit going on like in late mlp or g5. The writing is unfortunately very bland but they're cute and it's inoffensive so I watch it cause why not.
you could say it's pretty... WILD!
not only does the show indeed have sovl but the threads suck
that doesnt even make sense...
Surfs up Cherie!!!
2D hoers. That's good enough for me. It is not half as cozy as MLP but it's watchable.
Is that a pool noodle? The horror!
MLP G4 isn't cozy at all. It's way too claustrophobic and chaotic.
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posting wild mares on /co/ gets you banned
not on /an/ though
Which one has the thiccest ponut, and which one has the hardest most reinforced ponut?
Lana is literally a donut artiste, so Lana I guess. whom we haven't seen yet, along with Sundae
what does /an/ think of them?
They were just amused that jannies cleaned up the mlp but let the wild mare sit
one calls it furry trash the other replied with surf's up
I love dreamer
They need to force the dreamer voice actress to do 1 hour ASMR
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To be honest I'd even go as far as saying they're looking quite unique apart from some obvious mlp inspiration
Yes, Wild Manes is the best thing to happen to this board since Kirins, we've all come to an agreement by now
Such good designs are wasted on the most soulless kiddie trash writing, what a shame.
The stupid writing is literally the best part of the show.
new episode tomorrow (the one with the lewd thumbnail)
ive almost felt the same thing from this show kek. like the writing is shitty in a way that makes it more entertaining, never shitty in a way that makes it worse.
Erection's up
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Jakks released Candi's vlog song as a standalone video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8O5HcLvEJrY
also they spelled her name wrong
I don't have a full understanding of what I like or don't like, I really don't. I liked FiM, I liked LPS2012, I like this, not as much as the first two mentioned mind you- the writing could use some work- but I don't hate it either.
Maybe I just like watching animals doing cute people things. I dunno.
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>Perla doesn't sing, just speaks
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Wild Manes really feels like if FiM had a spinoff show about earth pony background characters. Whenever I watch WM I get massive early season Ponyville vibes (before the library was destroyed.) It just puts a silly smile on my face the whole 5 mins.
I got VLOGd by Candi
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Ehh, not really my taste. It goes too far into the style which I expected FiM to delve in before I actually watched it.
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G1 Mares
>Hooves, but also no hooves
devilishly dialectical
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Are you faggots just memeing or is this shit actually enjoyable?
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Finley just needs to get laid, then shell stop being such a worrisome waterfall
Yes it actually is good, and yes were memeing. Why do you fags keep coming in here acting like 5 minutes to watch some horse cartoon is some dire important decision? Just watch it and see if u like it. I know you probably already like worse shit
Something is up, Finley. But it isn't the surf.
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I wouldn't call it good. but hey they got a catchy song in so that's nice
horse pals > bronies
shut the fuck up already
this isnt the tamers thread...
There's still 1 more song we havent heard yet
>I'm supposed to be a hero, dancing like a star
Not sure what heroes and dancing have to do with each other, but you do you Bridget.
I still haven't heard the vlog song yet.
My brain is still pure.
I think it means that since they all pursue their individual passions and they are the only representative of their field in town, they feel the pressure and responsibility to be their absolute best at all times. Anything less and they'll feel they've let the expectations and hopes of the others down.
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>WILD song
>Vlog song
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That’s not Dreamer. That’s Tilly.
My favorite mane
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Candi sings about "capturing reality". but has she considered the possibility put forth by Descartes, that she might be tricked by some kind of evil demon, and that none of what she sees is actually real? what if WIld doesn't exist? what if it's just made up by some kind of race of aliens for their sick amusement? what if Candi herself doesn't exist??
A.I. generated lyrics
There's also the one from the trailer we still havent heard the full version
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>Cocoa was talking to the Demiuge the whole time.
Catchy, but yeah, the "supposed to be a hero" line is the only part that bugged me. Like, why is she SUPPOSED to be one? Who's expecting her to? She doesn't look too down about the expectation, she's quite happy if anything.
Also, yes, I am over thinking lyrics for preteens.
Is she Super Mare?
Candi had a teacher, they had a school, probably still do, BUT WE'LL NEVER SEE IT.
Ah, now see, if this wasn't a 5 minute youtube series, this is the part where we all start making speculations about the characters and the meaning behind what they say. Bridget's line could indicate her parents pushed her into being the perfect dancer. Maybe she can't have fun, maybe that's why she tries to tell Cocoa to relax and not to think about looking good in front of others because she's been in that position herself. However, this IS a 5 minute youtube series, so Bridget's line means NOTHING.
Bridgets line means EVERYTHING you fool. Bridget will save us all with her horsiness and ballet.
Oh yeah? Where was Bridget when Bailey STOLE Cherie's cart, huh?
>if this wasn't a 5 minute youtube series
I have a feeling G6 will move in that direction too.
Everything nowadays seems to get more and more tailored for low attention span retards.
>make only very short content
>pump out HUGE quantities of it to consume
I guess in 2040 it will be standard to only see 1 minute clips of anything. News, movies, cartoons.
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G5 is already a five minute format. Bean counters think five minutes is the way to go for kid's content, even though deep lore shit is more popular than ever now
Meh... cartoons only ever got longer with the advent of television. 5minutes is pretty standard in terms of non-TV cartoons. I think it's more like this. Think of how Gravity Falls made the beanmouth work and to this day it's the standard, and Bluey has recently set a new standard of soulless round corner geometric character designs for preschoolers' TV. None of these production companies know what the fuck they're doing, and are afraid to take risks and be original, so they just copy other series which are also afraid to take risks and copying other series. All it takes is one kids' webseries to do really well and happen to have a longer runtime, at the expense of episode count, for every other series to follow suit. Even though the runtime has nothing to do with it.
imagine manipulating finley into sex, and she's unsure but once you get her to let you stick it in she loves it and instantaneously becomes a slut
>g% is poorly written slop for preschoolers
>g% looks like dogs / dinosaurs
>wild manes is poorly written
>wild manes looks like cows
>i simply will not waste my valuable time watching even 1 microsecond of those shows
>yes i do watch g4 what's your point?
>okay, yea g4 is rated TV-Y and aimed at a preschool audience... what's your point??
>okay, fine g4 is riddled with writing mistakes which i myself complain about constantly... what's your point??
>okay sure the G4 ponies look more like cats than equines, but it's different okay!!!!!
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>Bluey has recently set a new standard of soulless round corner geometric character designs for preschoolers' TV
also given how popular the rectangular dog show is I'd say some of these companies do know what they're doing
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g4 has the occasional flaw, every cartoon does.
g% really is just slop with constant storylines that make no sense.
9 hours until Super Mare
It's more than tho :/ I LOVE G4. Of course I do! But let's be honest here... But yea g% is worse
FiM has constant flaws that are overlooked by the gooners.
In Haber seasons? Yes.
1 through 5 is fine.
Incorrect. Even FiM flaws were acknowledged by fans, even dedicated ones. Episodes like Owls Well That Ends Well and Mysterious Mare Do Well were universally hated from the moment they aired. Very few people tried to defend them.
Twilicorn was always a mixed reaction depending on who you asked.
And the writers at least tried to make sure never to contradict anything, and season 4 did things like extended Luna's past.

Then the big boy came along, the jimmy jam.

Later seasons had stories all over the place, like Daring Dos rivals being the good ones all along and she was just a dirty thief, even though they tried to kill her and doom the world, but sure.

It had flaws, no doubt about it, but it countered those flaws with good writing. It depend from episode and season.

G5 is what happens when you have a bunch of people not really invested in some thing and just throwing plots around without caring if they make sense or not because, hey, it's just for kids, right?
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>well um yeah it had constant flaws but uh here is reasons why its good
I'm saying that people acknowledged G4s flaws, because you said no one did.
Anon, he's saying FiMs flaws were balanced with the occasional good episode, while G% was nothing but shit after shit after shit.
It's not that hard to figure out.
I said gooners did not. If you want to infer that is all g4 fans that is ok.
g% had some great episodes. If you want to hate something due to your waifu not being in it that is sad.
Piggy Pipp is my waifu. Unfortunately, she was handled by people who didn't know how to make her shine.
Alright how would you have made Pipp better?
Give her more to do than just being the tiktoc pony.
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How far did you get into MYM?
I still don't understand how Germans keep fucking failing at this.
This would be an incredibly easy show to make good.
Guys, were you really not meming all along? Are Germans..... Really humourless robots all this time?
All they needed to do was make this G1 minus the token "relatable" human
The giant wide hoof design coupled with squirrel faces is a little wonky, but it also could have been pretty easy to fix. You could have even made fun of it, start reducing size until proportional and see when the audience notices.
It would have been a runaway success with just a few modifications
You can do both, look at early Newgrounds shit like Madness.
The problem is twofold, first to justify the giant writing departments they "round robin" the shit, especially bringing in shitty "guest writers" for name rec (remember how horrible the Johnny Test g4 episode was?), secondly the fact tv still exists despite dying in favour of streaming demands non-sequential content for "syndication purposes"
YouTube and streaming animation still follows this format despite no damn good reason to.
Whether 22 minutes or in 5 minute bits, 420 minutes of animation should roughly lead to the same place. It does not, because the goal of hitting television is still a big aim due to all the ad buxxx. And Google is pushing YouTube more and more to be T.V. 2.0
This hampers strong, coherent story considerably. The way around it could be multiple multi parters, but studios are afraid of those investments.
Also for some reason despite Lucas showing the way numerous times, studios are apparently confused as to how to market sequential series. They never EVER consider them "toyetic" even if the show invites a massive toy line, this has been a problem since Symbionic Titan, no, even before with Exo-Squad (only 15% of the robots/frames had toys made, why would you not push that?)
Hasbro have been the only ones to really understand the right amount of saturation, and that's sad.
Mattel toys sell themselves and aren't really impacted by shows, so their high points aren't really relevant.
You absolutely need a single person with a well planned vision helming the project, but people already expect to get round robin'd, so you get the self defeating problem of "notes must all be vague enough anyone can make an episode with no one calling out a mistake"
Hail Mary pitch sequential series/reboots are extremely rare, and even they are forced to take a few "capsule filler episodes" for syndication padding. It's just less noticeable due to better writing or a good meme (lol secret tunnel)
Yes, but then they canned that and we got TYT.
Cocoa really said "what's a log doing here in the forest." She's a big dumb, dumb.
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not every horse-related show or movie is banned from /co/. posting about Spirit or Centaurworld is still fine, mostly jannies deleted plenty of Centaurworld threads because they were afraid it'd turn into the new MLP. yes they truly are that buttbroken
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not reading all that
I was scrolling past this Great Wall when "Exo-squad" caught my eye.
I'm surprised anyone remembers it but maybe I shouldn't be. The toys were cool, until my dad accidentally ran over them with a lawn mower.
I don't understand why it's necessary to have a huge stable of talentless kids show writers in the first place, especially if the end result is directionless episodic nonsense.
>smelly yaksona
Opinion discarded.
LESS THAN 2 HOURS til new episode!!
Link here: https://youtu.be/25kRDKaG3K4 (didnt think it get buried so quickly)
Got it queued in the Monday channel.
Cytube etc /r/mlpstream

Come watch horses!
Zoey is the pretzel mare who I was scared wouldn't be featured; along with Sundae the icecream mare and Lana the ponut mare. Maybe we will see all 12 after all?
>captcha: WDMNS
isnt there a picture of coco reading supermare from an earlier episode?
Usually Wild Manes is guilty of stereotypical cartoon tropes, but I have to admit this episode had a pretty clever and original premise. At least that I'm aware of.
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I'm gonna need a webm of Bailey reacting to Cocoa sneaking up on her.
(even better if you edit the comic cover to be something 18+)
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They fucking know. They have to. They put it as the fucking thumbnail. They know.
The pacing and dialog today was definitely a lot better than previous shorts.
I'm too shitfaced right this second but recently i think celestia herself has chosen me and is slowly giving me the skills necessary to make quality webms
agreed. this short was definitely up there in terms of writing quality.
Finley with whipped cream on her snoopity is everything. With all its flaws you cant deny wild manes score 11/10 on equine cuteness factor.
GOD I wish I could lick it.
man this show is so underrated even still. the mares are so aesthetic and beautiful. every episode is chock full of details. it's not like they have the best budget to pull from but they are doing everything they can to entertain us and im so gr8ful. like literally not to be cheezy but im actually grateful to be alive in a time where i get to watch wild manes for free.
It's so strange seeing a modern cartoon for a Gen Alpha audience with a plot about everyone reading instead of watching TV or using the internet. It's refreshing that they recognize that kids still read and enjoy comics.
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>seductive gaze
>fat horse ass
But who sells the books?
>>41436075 >>41436031
Real improved writing in this one. The cartoon horse joke actually made me laugh. Finley was cute. Usage of the term "mare" was great.
Tried macarons once, didn't care for them. They weren't gross, just waaaay too sweet.
Yeah, what is so great about a cartoon horse?

The poor thing was on the ferris wheel running at ludicrous speed. Her brains were going into her hooves.
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Wait. Can someone please explain to me why this show gets applauded for being the dumbest thing ever, but back in 2013 you all acted like Filly Funtasia was cancer?

I mean it IS, but that's besides the point.
It's a nice horsey horse content that I don't have to deal woth G4 fans.
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I never watched this because I was immediately turned off by the art style. That's also why I've watched very little of Bluey.
please do!
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oops >>41437474 was for >>41436037
also give me book covers with 4:3 aspect ratio and if I like them I'll make a gif for (You)
Good stuff, anon. Excellent work.
Why is the art style so much better here?
>Yah yah das ist....ist...ach Frau Cocoa das ist nothing
Sure that's whipped cream?
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Bailey has been getting into existentialism
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an idea strikes
Those models are pretty bad, do they at least look good in motion?
God... I wish I didn't pick Candi as my waifu before the show because I only have the hots for Finley I need to cum inside her indecisive cowpussy so baaaad uoh ToT
You better be helping Candi with her vlogging and stay away from Finley
But I don't care about her vlog her vloge her video log, I just want Finley's pool party pussy.
What if Candi was vlogging around town and caught me kissing Finley on the lips haha
Finley is taken so be happy with Candi
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>don't mind me filming here. Let me stay for a while
Try that in Japan Candi. I dare you.
anon's big green dick
Because filly fucktasia was in dev hell for 4 years and it was shit too.
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It was nice when it aired in Italian dub because they had great professional VAs. You can look up spring 2019 threads, those were peak fun. But then all of a sudden every single obstacle was against this show. Italy dropped it forever, new episodes were written by chinks, English dub sounds absolutely fucking terrible, and every single thread had Vogelfag shitting it up with schizo posts.
All cows look the same
She is on her way to Horsekaido as we speak
extreme wild cow ethnostate
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>so you bronies really like these donuts or "ponuts" as you call them?
uhm excuse me anon but Lana is the donut mare, not that Fr*nch hussy
Surfs up
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Cherie makes all kinds of treats. Lana better watch out.
Lana's donuts are puckered
I wish I could get so engrossed in a book that I wouldn't notice I've sent half my customers into orbit.
I love to read, but I also get distracted easily.
this was my favorite ep so far
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she's reading Super Mare right before she gets boomped. continuity!
Super Mare is just a cartoon horse
I was b& for only 3 days and this thread turns into a pathetic bumpfest. Fuck the wild manes "fandom". You guys suck
Thats pretty wild you dont know how to get around that ban
Your ponies will be fucked by Misty forever.
You know what I like about WM? There's no mare that cries about her problems and then just expects everyone to lavish her while she cries and they tell her she's so very important to them as she cries.
I do but i dont care that much. This site is a huge waste of my time i honestly feel a strange relief when i get b&.
I would love to see that happen in wm. Sounds cute and wholesome.
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Look anon the world hasn't been kind to us alright? Hurricanes are brewing, wars raging, inflation out of control. Is it really fair to criticize us when our plight is enough?
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What is Bridget thinking about?
>fuck, when did my ballet studio get infested with all these ants?
i dont know... first thing that came to mind kek
Easy fix: "Tappa tappa tappa..."
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The only good reason for this to exist is porn and there isn't even a lot of it wtf? Yeah characters are hotter than G% tyt shit but where's WM's porn?
I love how they do these spooky episodes. I hope it's not just the two. Also more dreamerkino <3
wild mares are for fun days at the spa and h**fholding
Entire board activity was down to 38% yesterday, it's not just this thread
They're too adorable to fug vigorously with the strength of a thousand suns.
Is this actually the first time "mares" was used in a cartoon series title?
Oh wait I misread the manes part
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can we talk about how this is a 2024 cartoon that doesn't use flat face and bean mouth?
how is this even possible?
Even JAKKS could see how hideously unappealing TYT was.
I like how more and more anons are gradually taking the wildpill after the initial pseudo hype and trolling. I wonder how many them initially "hated" the show, now addicted kek. I know I shat on this and now im hooked so that's at least one kek
Maybe October will be all halloween episodes
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Still haven't watched past EP1.
I first want to accumulate a bunch of episodes first before I continue watching. I hate watching one 5 minute clip and then having to wait an entire week. 5 minute clips are low attention span retard shit. I want a comfy evening and that's exactly what I am acoomulating for.
Nahhhh that's too hoepful you gotta keep the variery
Self control GOD. Altho i will say the eps have crazy rewatch value so dont beat urself up if you break that acoomulation
The total Wild Manes season 1 will be 3 hours 20 min in total. 40 ep × 5 min
I think in the future I will turn it down to 4x acoomulating. Basically then having a 20 minute show every 4 weeks to enjoy. I think that will work perfectly fine for me. Many years ago in my country it wasn't too unusual for a series episode to only air once or twice a month so I'm still kinda conditioned from back then I guess.
Thats wild
So, it's about as long as Oppenheimer.
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the downside of this is that you miss out on shitposting about new episodes as they air
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This thumbnail made me want to watch the show.

They're all stupid bimbo horses. I love it.
Is this the power of character designs that don't make my eyes bleed? They're.... cute. CUTE.
beach horse is easily the most bimboesque of the cast by far. she's even a blonde!
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I'm 3 beers and 4 episodes in and I'm loving this.

It's like, if Clopician was force to make 2d Designs.

But you know how Faust said her inspiration was just stories she would come up with while playing with her toys? This feels similar, but a lot simpler. I can imagine a child making these plots up while playing with their horsies.

>Easy on the eyes mares.
>Easy on the brain story.
I'm okay with this.
Every horse having sexy eye shadow really helps.
Her eyes look like they're drifting towards me, and then she gets surprised by Cocoa.

dicks, the dumb slut
What should the green be about? Cocoa running out of whip cream and having to use (you)re cream for Candies' hot chocolate order?
Has anything happened since the one bitch wasn't leaving and everyone thought she was for no reason without asking her?
If it was designed by Clopician they'd all look like they had too much plastic surgery.
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Yeah cloppician would be sigma-mew-maxx mares.
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That's what I noticed too.
They all have massive makeup on!
>thick colorful eyeshadow
>eyelash extensions
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And this one is straight up looking 100% like those Japanese Gyaru Bimbos. 100%.
stop lusting after the horses.
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I want to fuck that post
>Candi vlogs about the new flavored Cocoa
>all the Wild mares start demanding more
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Nothing special, just another commercial. But it does have a small scene from an unreleased short with Tilly.
what a trashy bitch
Another Finley for the folder
Kind of vile to make such a cute character act like a modern American woman
True Candi has a successful business she would buy her coco like the fully grown mare she is.
>owns her own business
>shoplifts anyway
>gets caught and cries pathetically
>says she just wanted to post it on Horse Instagram
it's free engagement
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They let her go after she made this face
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Goddamn, they’re so cute and sexy. All these screencaps make me so horny, it’s unreal...
Contain yourself this is a Wild Manes thread
I can’t contain myself... I’m going WILD!
I like that they're horses.
So we have our favorite pony show and now we also have a favorite horse show. Because of this they aren't even conflicting if you're autistic this way.
it's a show for leg chads.
their legs are so LONG
I'm really hoping for a huge leg return.
We had like two full decades of ass fetish, it's time for a huge return of GLORIOUS LEGS.
I want people to draw these mares with the most enticing, long legs.
long leg strutting makes me go wild
like the uncropped version of picrel which for some reason I didn't save. horse has freakishly long legs in it

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