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>Your new roommate is weird.
>Not weird like they don't bathe regularly, or randomly bring up their stamp collection in casual conversation.
>There's something just off about that mare, that gnaws at the back of your mind, but you can't place your finger on it.
>Either way, she does her chores and pays her half of the rent on time, so you can't really complain.
>But you swear, ever since X'lrythmortep moved in, you've been having very bizarre nightmares almost every night, and you wake up feeling worse than when you went to sleep.
>This last week you could have sworn you heard unintelligible chanting coming from her bedroom late at night when you went to the bathroom.
>Odd, since you rarely see her hang out with friends, at least the SAME friends.
>It seems like when she does finally bring a guest over, it's a different pony every time.
>Nopony ever comes back either. They must leave through the window every time; Odd.
>Don't even get you started about her weird diet as well.
>She doesn't mind when you eat meat, which is already a rarity for these mares, but even she eats the stuff too.
>The only difference being, she eats the stuff you wouldn't eat even if you were starving.
>The other day you caught her happily munching on pickled eyeballs.
>You felt nauseated every time you heard that squishy pop of her biting into them.
>Where does she even buy this stuff?
>One time you caught her eating ramen, at least what you thought was ramen.
>Turns out she was slurping down the entrails of Celestia knows what, like spaghetti.
>You know every time you talk to her, you want to bring up all this weird stuff.
>But for some reason, when you stare in those blood red eyes, you just forget what you we saying.
>What were you talking about again?
>Oh yeah, you forgot to mention.
>The smell.
>Dear Celestia, the smell.
>You've smelt dead squid wrapped in newspaper, and soaked in brine for a week that didn't smell as fishy as her.
>You get used to it eventually, but man, you can smell her coming a mile away.
>But yeah, this pony is definitely a strange one.
>She keeps on carving mysterious sigils into the floor in her room, and lighting rings of waxy candles all around.
>There’s no way you’re getting your security deposit back now.
>At least she can’t sneak up on you, with those suction cup sounding hooves of hers.
>It’s weird, no one else in town seems to take note of this pony, and how out of place she is.
>She just showed up one day out of the blue, and decided to search for a roommate, and you were the one unlucky enough to take her in.
>It’s not that she’s all bad though.
>She can be downright cute when she wants to be.
>It’s just that you know something just isn’t right about her, but you can’t be sure why.
>I’m going to go lay down now. I’m just so damn tired.
You're just paranoid. Seems like a perfectly normal mare to me.
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"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"
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>Has a roomie that does chores and pays rent
>Complains about her minor quirks
You should ask her out
Fishy is for breeding many eggs.
>that mouth
Why not Zoidmare?
my waif

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