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/mlp/ - Pony

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Will humanizations ever recover from EqG's destructive influence?
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Humanizations and EQG will ALWAYS be shit. You're a fucking retard if you want My Little PONIES to be humans
EqG only hastened the inevitable.
I'll have you know all of the humanized porn I commission uses normal human skin tones, and features the EqG skin tones as variants at best.
no, and now you have to die, i'm so sorry...
Anthro mogs humanized and EQG
The uncomfortable truth. But only when it's futa. Anthro is worthless for anything else.
99% of this fandom embraces EQG. You cant fix that. Its like a majority of the Sonic fandom not letting the IP die.
I grew to like the colored skin colors over humanized. It just complements the colorful hair better and allows they generally dress better too.
>It just complements the colorful hair better
No it doesn't. It looks horrible on a human form.
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Can be cute.
It looks more natural than light pink or brown skin. They always look like e-girls with dyed hair or something.
>It looks more natural
no but thankfully humans dont matter in mlp so who gives a shit
Stop fantasizing about fucking animals.
EqG did nothing wrong.
I will love and cherish both pony and human versions of my waifu
This 100%

If you can't love your waifu in all her forms, you don't love her in any
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>Would you love me if I were a worm?
Except Misty is nobodies waifu, Anon.
You act like they're exclusive
They are not
I want my poner to be able to humanize so I can show her my home without a gorillion journalists hounding her for being a real live ayylmao
FiM (incl humanized) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EqG
I grew to like the colored skin because I realized I had a fetish for it.
Shut up, ugly green horse.
When will we talk about letting ponies be the species they were biologically born as, and not coercing them to trans form?

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