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/mlp/ - Pony

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how fast was this board back in the day? people keep saying its a fallen empire and whatnot but its still more active than certain boards like /tv/
sorry OP, but it's only me in here, i've been doing all these posts for over 10 years now and im tired
>Glory days
It’s still active because this is the only pony community that allows descent and doesn’t ban haters of nu pony. Plus, we all need to vent, because the show was basically our Bible and Celestia worship was our religion. It’s hard to handle how much McCarthy and Haber raped our psyches with their horrible, dogshit, intentionally bad, middle finger to our existence of the godawful later seasons.
You can see it for yourself, just use any board archive. This is how the board looked exactly 10 years ago.
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Tasteful Anons back then I see.
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>"Anon.. there is no easy way for me to say it."
>"So I will just come out and say it."
>"Yesterday.. in the forest..."
>"I raped Fluttershy."

fantastic fucking oldfag thread
it is not more active than tv
Shut up, bitch. Yes it is.
It was a tad faster.
But honestly, it's not that bad now.
In its prime /mlp/ was the 8th most trafficked board on the site and it was even higher for short periods during events like twilicorn and faust's visit.
Right now it's like a dozen slots above the median in daily posts, sandwiched between /his/ and /o/ (although it's usually 2 to 4 spots above the median, currently there is hype for mare fair and the anni). Keep in mind that the site as a whole has less people using it than ever (excluding the top 3 boards I think)
There has been a substantial decrease in post count and OC production and as a consequence more anons have forgotten to stop feeding the parasprites so now 1 shitposter can get the same engagement as 10 could in the past
Despite the huge downfall and the souring of the culture it's very impressive to me just how much OC and camraderie this 14 year old little girl's cartoon still enables. This place is like a time capsule to some of the better aspects of the past. The capsule is cracked and the contents are rotting, sure, but it's in better condition than the things beside it and people can still take a look and like what they see.
I love this place and I love you faggots most of all
4chan is a husk of what it used to be. Every year people say 4chan used to be better, but it's not just nostalgia.
>there used to be content on /b/
>/co/ wasn't /co/mblr
>/a/ mocked the big 3
>/v/ was still shit but there was only one /v/
>there was zero tolerance for furries
>moot wasn't a gook
and most of all 4chan wasn't full to the brim with filthy disgusting normies and children posting year round on phones.
There were major sea changes in 2015, 2010, and 2007 and each time things got worse. The glory days of the internet as a whole are over and there's nothing to look forward to but tighter control as legislators born after the age of the typewriter come into power.
I always forecast doom, and I'm never wrong. It's my only consolation.
I know what happened in 2015, but what about the other two waves? please excuse my newfagness
Your mom gave everyone aids the first time and the clap the second time.
>my mom got laid
good for her
This anon knows. 4chan was never good and has always been getting worse but it is also always been getting worse for over a decade. The current options are:
>slow board
>unchanged board that's stale and boring
>fast board that's nothing but normies, bots, bait, and spam
4chan in general has lost a lot of its character and charm.
You'd be surprised with how many people on this board did not give a fuck back then
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The board was too fast in the beginning. It was all unproductive shitposting.

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