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Reminder that if you support this ending, you are EVIL.
>hasdrones are evil
we knew this since 2012, try to keep up.
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Fluttershy loves baby dragons and they wanted to rip off Spike's wings.
That's a big no-no
So what? Things happen. Deal with it. They shouldn’t have had anything bad happen to them, because it’s evil. Plus, Spike looked better without wings. They were just expressing their opinions.
Agreed. They deserved better.

Fluttershy also loves animals and Discord actively mutated some of them.
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daily reminder that storm king was canonically executed
Fluttershy loved Discord more than animals, its like youre trying to force that a wife of a butcher or meat factory worker should break up with him if she's vegetarian
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There is nothing wrong with mutations
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No, he wasn't. He was hit by his own deflected attack, which caused his downfall. It was more of a self defense situation then anything. The trio were defeated and powerless, so there was no reason to petrify them.

Not really. He was just freed at that time.
No, that was an accident if you watch closely. He basically killed himself. No characters in MLP history were treated as inhumanely as the Evil Three.
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Ponies don't fuck around if you don't reform, you suffer for eternity in pony hell
>Knowing what happened in G5
Wrong, they locked up fucking magical animals in Tartarus
I guess that’s true. That was pretty fucked up. I always thought they came from Tartarus, though. Was it Season 8 that turned them into abused animals that evil Celestia locked down there or did we see that before then?

Wow, Fluttershy is an evil hypocritical piece of pony scum. Glad she died horribly.
That was horrible as well, but at least those were animals and not sapient. Hardly characters to begin with. Compare that to Glimmer.
Why is she fucking old
Why do the deer look like that, but there's also the stylized and sentient versions of Reindeer?
>daily reminder that storm king was canonically executed
The Storm King was a doofus, but his actually calculated, evil, self-serving sidekick gets redeemed. Hasbroke logic.

Cozy Glow is a sociopath
Tirek is a megalomaniac who wants to rob everyone for his own benefit
Chrysalis couldn't accept peace for the improvement of her species, and just wanted to trample on others.

All of them without remorse or regret. The ponies had no other choice but to stone them (carlos.jpg). Celebrating it would've been perhaps been over the top, but it was necessary.

(Also, now that Chrysalis is stoned, does that mean the changeling species is doomed? She is the egg-laying queen, right? Now the colorful deer bugs can't reproduce. Couldn't we end the show with it turning out that Chrysalis had produced an egg containing a queen, and that the Changelings took the egg?)
No. They didn’t deserve it and you’re evil if you think they did. The Bible says that you have to forgive them no matter what. Deal with it, Satanist.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that anyone who doesn’t forgive them will not be forgiven by God. That’s how it works.
are you https://x.com/savemlp?
>Cozy Glow is a sociopath
No proof, not confirmed.
>Tirek is a megalomaniac
So was almost every other villain.
>Chrysalis couldn't accept peace for the improvement of her species
She simply did not believe in the solution because she is dumb.
>without remorse or regret
Just like Discord and Starlight.
>The ponies had no other choice but to stone
They could have tried to reform them. It was absolutely not necessary.
I'll leave the forgiving to God.
No, but do know that guy and consider him a friend.
Would people even say this if they weren't so horny for Cozy Glow?
Because they believe that a little filly did not deserve such a treatment and want her to get a happy ending?
I have a hard time analyzing this question, because I can’t help but get a throbbing erection just from reading her name.
outed yourself
Exactly. This is what I think 100%. She was just an innocent and very redeemable little kid. (But I also wanna fuck her, so it’s good to get backed up by people who don’t.)
LOL! No, for real. We haven’t talked in a while, though. I think he wants too much of the show to be left in tact. I say all of Season 8 needs to go at the very least as well. (But in actuality, the show was beyond ruined way before then. I just want them to start over like they’re apparently doing in G6.)
Why would she get a happy ending when she tried to take over the world twice and people were constantly complaining about villains getting reformed?
Because Discord, Starlight and Tempest got to have a happy ending despite being adults who did similar things.
What relevance does autists online complaining about shit have to do with what is or isn’t a logically consistent ending to the story, and with what works within the universe of the show, taking the themes and morals into account?
Yeah but they actually wanted to change and make friends and were constantly doing things that showed they changed and liked having friends.
I don't talk to pedophiles, sorry.
>Yeah but they actually wanted to change and make friends and were constantly doing things that showed they changed and liked having friends.

Cozy Glow liked making friends more than anypony in all of Equestria. Did you even watch the show?

>I don't talk to pedophiles, sorry.

Hey, we never actually learned how old Cozy Glow is. Would you call someone a pedo for fucking an adult midget?
They only wanted to change because they were given the chance for that. Did you see Discord clamoring for forgiveness when he was released? No, he mocked the Main 6 for trying to reform him. Did Starlight see the error of her ways the first time? No, she went ahead and fucked with time for revenge. Did Tempest listen to Twilight on that airship? No, she took her straight to the Storm King and only changed her mind after she was directly betrayed by him.

In all of those cases, the villains didn't just reform on their own accordance, they had either something happen to them that made them change their mind or someone was directly helping them change.
Honestly, the ending of the show was basically the writers admitting that they actually hate the concept of friendship so much that they fantasize of murdering small children as punishment for making too many friends.

Working on this show obviously ruined their brains, and someone really should have let them know that they didn’t have to take the job. Just pathetic.
>Would you call someone a pedo for fucking an adult midget
I'd call them a weirdo
>they had either something happen to them that made them change their mind or someone was directly helping them change
Cozy had something happen to her and she had a found family of villains she didn't even want to be friends with. She still decided to be evil. This is on top of her going to a literal school for friendship.
The reality is that the writers want to murder people in real life and were tired of pretending otherwise. It’s basically a mental breakdown put on screen. It’s insane to watch.
She did literally nothing wrong, dude.
A found family of ancient supervillains who were just as evil as her led by a guy who was actively encouraging them to do more evil. Hardly the best of influences. Besides that, a school is hardly a rehab program. Nobody knew what she was like, so nobody was really helping her change.
She's really ugly and that's her biggest crime
The final lesson was some peopke don't deserve love & tolerance, which is true.
She was most definitely a villain and absolutely had fucked up intent but I agree that her literally getting killed by off in my MLP:FIM was not all there
The ponies are going to kill you next, sweaty neckbeard fedora-wearing bitch.

Fuck you.
Personally, I think she had good intent. I see her as trying to take over Equestria as a good and benevolent thing. We’d all benefit from her leadership. Even if she decided to torture us all to death. We could all be happy knowing that a pony we love more than life itself is doing it and that we forgive her.
Ok I could understand everything you were saying up until this point, now you're just baiting.
Well, it’s how I feel, but I’m part crazy myself, so I might be projecting. (Don’t worry, my craziness doesn’t make me wanna kill, just paranoid of potential killers.) That’s part of why I like Cozy Glow too, her perceived cruelty seems more like self-defense to me.
Either Chrysalis gets reformed and get turned into skittlebug thing, or she gets pertrified/imprisoned/banished to the Venus. There never was a third option. The sooner you realize this, the better.
My personal ending would be for her to take back control of her hive, force them to return to their original look, and torture Thorax to death for what he did. It might sound mean, but she’s a VILLAIN. She’s allowed to do it.
She died fucking Discord her whole life and not getting pregnant since he cant create life
Actually, I’m referring to a screencap I saw from the G5 comic where Discord explicitly states, after we see a tragic flashback involving her, that “That was only the beginning of the suffering. After that, it got unfathomably worse for her and everypony else.” She canonically died as a prisoner of war, tortured to death for having wings.
“Canonically” used very generously. As much as Season 9 is canon, Fluttershy’s horrible death is. But nothing after Season 2 is ACTUALLY canon.
Why would Discord allowed that to happen? Even if Equestria would be destroyed by comet he could just place her in his chaos dimension forever
I dunno. Sounds like we’ll probably never find out due to G5 being abandoned. Maybe she insisted on staying in the fight to do what she could or something? Discord may’ve also lost his magic during this period (he has it back in the comic, but it takes place after the movie), but the whole story feels like they didn’t think about anything.
because he's a retarded child with a god complex. kind of like somepony else...
based take for a Cozyfag, you sure know how to manipulate the people around you.
I made that image and he's right.
Cozy is more than a sociopath, she's a psychopath. But yeah their lack of remorse or regret plus their threats to continue was their downfall.

Perhaps one of the changelings will shapeshift into a queen out of destiny like with cutie marks? There are likely other changeling hives in the world as well, the Equestria division could request a newly produced queen from one of them.
>egg-laying queen
Seasons 8-9 are retarded enough to retcon that. (We do see family-like groups and reformed youth.) They did retcon Fluttershy feeding fish to predator species in early seasons, after all.
The ending was terrible for far more reasons than that.
I’d fully support Starlight, Discord, Tirek, Cozy Glow, Gilda, the yaks, Chrysalis and other villainous or amoral characters getting stoned or killed because it would be justified and be consistent.
And Luna.
i say this because i'm horny for chrysalis
Twilight too, she's a psychopathic pedophile.
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This is the true ending, anyone who doesn't support this is EVIL.
Put Discord there and I might even agree.
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Alright, where's your handler?
add discord to that pile of rubble and all sins would be forgiven.
you sound like a Twitter user
Chrysalis should've been depowered and forced to be fuckmeat for stallions.
This + might as well let anyone who keeps bringing that episode up learn this the hard way irl.
Kill yourself.

“People are mean to me, so they deserve to die!!!!!!!!! :’(“

Get a grip, dude.
By the way, thanks to everyone here that’s agreed with me on this! Maybe some day, we’ll see an in-universe apology for this horrible, EVIL ending.

With the G5/G4 crossover coming up in the comics just before G5’s humiliating death, I hope that their way of ending it involves a return of the Evil Three and forgiveness for poor little Cozy Glow.

I understand if the world of the later seasons + G5 is too horrible for anyone to give a shit, but I’m mentally attached to Cozy Glow so hard. I really want to see this get retconned, even if it’s total shit. Just simply cannot be worse than the actual finale, in my opinion. But regardless, it does make me happy that others agree about how horrible and evil this ending was! :)



I think Cozy Glow would make for a great social villain to shit all over Silver Spoon & Diamond Tiara.
She'd be a great leader for the CMC or that 4th annoying fucked up member you stand only because he can get you free shit and get_shit_done just like Ruben.
If the elements did it, fine. But they didn't. It was extrajudicial at the request of the one responsible. The princesses were so out of canon it's sick.
They were evil and got punished. Go fuck yourself, crybaby.
No, they did nothing wrong and got tortured. Sorry that you’re not media literate enough to see that.
nothing wrong is a huge stretch i'm sorry mate
Twilight committed war crimes against them. Retaliation was justified.
>Would people even say this if they weren't so horny for [MLP Character]?
Sounds like some blatant blanket statement that midwits would use to invalidate any argument in favor of any character.
>depower her just to repower her
For what purpose?
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I love the smell of fresh stone in the morning.
Royals don't get stoned, they are magisterially beheaded.
Point proven.


He wasn't wrong, though.

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